Heparin acri 1000 instructions for use. Heparin-Akrigel - an affordable remedy for varicose veins

Varicose veins are a vascular disease resulting in poor circulation throughout the body. This phenomenon, as a rule, is accompanied by weakness of the venous valves, which, in turn, leads to stagnation of blood in the vessels.

Unfortunately in modern world people stopped leading an active lifestyle, began to take a lot of fatty foods and see a doctor late. All these factors, as well as many others, gradually led to the fact that such a disease as varicose veins "rejuvenated".

Statistics say that 10 years ago only older people (after 50-55) knew about this disease. Now the picture has changed a lot. They already know about varicose veins, on average, from 25-30 years.

What to do to avoid the occurrence of this disease? And how to treat varicose veins, if he has already taken a person by surprise?

To start treatment of varicose veins, a thorough preliminary examination is necessary, as well as full compliance with all the doctor's recommendations. It is believed that it is impossible to completely recover from this disease, however, if everything is done correctly and the situation is not allowed to take its course, cure or long-term remission is still possible.

As a rule, doctors in the treatment of varicose veins show complex treatment, which is aimed at preventing it further development, and for the treatment of an already existing stage. Depending on the patient's condition, the following may be shown: capsules, cream, ointment, compresses, knitted compression garments, moderate physical exercise, nordic walking.

Speaking specifically about drugs, with varicose veins, a sufficient amount is shown. One of these effective drugs is Heparin-Akrigel 1000.

Instructions for use

Drug manufacturer - JSC "Chemical and pharmaceutical plant" AKRIKHIN "Russia

Composition and form of release

Heparin Akrigel 1000 is a heparin-based gel. This means that the composition includes the active substance - sodium heparin, in a dosage of 1000 IU - it is a direct-acting anticoagulant, a component that slows down blood clotting, and also dissolves blood clots that have already appeared.

In addition to heparin, the composition also contains:

  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (suppressing yeast and fungi).
  • Carbomer 940, 980 (stabilizer for gel / cream).
  • Trometamol (prevents the appearance of edema, has a diuretic effect).
  • Ethanol.
  • Lavender oil (capable of anticonvulsant, bactericidal, antiseptic and restorative effects). Thanks to it, microcirculation improves.
  • Nerol oil (capable of providing anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and decongestant effects).
  • Purified water.

Release form - heparin gel / ointment for external use is produced in a tube of 20, 30, 40 or 50 g.

Pharmacotherapeutic action

Heparin-Akrigel, due to its active ingredient, is able to suppress the appearance of blood clots. The cream can also be used for edema and inflammation on early stages disease.

  • When used externally, the cream enhances microcirculation in tissues and activates metabolic processes. In this regard, doctors often recommend this gel for veins from bruises, as it effectively resolves hematomas, improves lymphostasis.
  • If you use this medicinal product according to the scheme for a long time (only on the recommendation of a doctor), you can get rid of varicose veins with already advanced conditions. Such treatment, in some cases, allows you to get rid of the disease without surgery.

How is Heparin-Akrigel used in proctology?

This drug is also effective for hemorrhoids. It is allowed to use it, both in exacerbation and in chronic forms of the disease. During an exacerbation, Heparin-Akrigel reduces the risk of cavernous vein thrombosis, reduces inflammation, relieves swelling and pain.

  1. To receive positive effect doctors show to use the gel according to the scheme. It must be applied in a thin layer to the anal area 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 days. As a rule, treatment is carried out for 2 weeks.
  2. Instructions for use show the use of Heparin-Akrigel in acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis, as it is able to quickly dissolve blood clots and hematomas.
  3. For internal hemorrhoids, the drug can be injected into the anus. To do this, you need to spread it on a cotton swab and insert it into the anus. If this type of therapy does not suit you, you can purchase suppositories with heparin in the composition at the pharmacy.
  4. If the patient has an external form of the disease, the gel is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the external cones with an adhesive plaster.
  5. In the acute phase of hemorrhoids, rubbing the gel is prohibited, since this type of application of the cream can provoke a breakthrough of the vascular wall and severe bleeding.

In addition to the aforementioned properties, due to the heparin in the composition, this drug is often shown to be used after the surgical removal of proctological pathologies.

Indications for use

  • with a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs;
  • when pulling pain occurs;
  • with the appearance of puffiness in the late afternoon;
  • with itchy skin.

These symptoms, as a rule, characterize precisely varicose veins. Therefore, if the gel is used correctly, the positive therapeutic effect is already becoming noticeable after 2 weeks.

In addition, the ointment is used to prevent disease and complications that it causes.:

  • Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins.
  • Post-infusion and post-injection phlebitis.
  • Elephantiness.
  • Superficial mastitis.
  • Bruises, swelling, abrasions.

In some cases, Heparin-Akrigel can be used in cosmetology, both for the face and for the body against stretch marks. For example, it can be used to effectively treat rosacea, bruises under the eyes. Also, due to the property of removing puffiness, the gel eliminates bags under the eyes.


Like any other drug, Heparin-Akrigel has its own contraindications and side effects.

This gel is contraindicated:

  • with impaired blood clotting;
  • with frequent bleeding;
  • with possible intracranial hemorrhage;
  • with aneurysm of the aorta or cerebral vessels;
  • with ischemia of the brain or heart;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with severe diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • with recently transferred operations.

Also, women are prohibited from using the gel during menstruation, during pregnancy in the first trimester and before childbirth. If during pregnancy there is a threat of miscarriage, the drug is also prohibited from using in the second and third trimesters.

Particular attention should be paid to the drug for patients with increased sensitivity to heparin. It cannot be used to treat open wounds, abrasions, and necrotic ulcers.

Elderly patients, with tuberculosis in the active phase, with diabetes mellitus, renal and liver failure the use of the drug is allowed only under the strict supervision of a doctor, as well as under constant laboratory monitoring of blood coagulation. If the clotting indicators are sharply reduced, the drug must be used immediately.

Young children (under 12 years old) are not prescribed the drug.

How to smear gel?

Heparin-Akrigel should be applied to previously clean and dry skin. It is recommended to rub the cream with light in a circular motion until it is completely absorbed. It is allowed to apply the product no more than 3 times per day.

The course of treatment is several days. As soon as there is an improvement, the swelling and inflammation will pass - the use of the drug must be stopped.

If the patient has a trophic ulcer, it is impossible to apply the product over it. In this case, the gel is applied to the surface around the wound.

Side effects

As a rule, the gel is well tolerated and allergies do not occur. In some cases, when applying the cream, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication may burn.

Drug interactions

  1. Patients who use Heparin-Akrigel should know that this gel cannot be used simultaneously with some medicines. For example:
  2. The simultaneous use of this gel with other anticoagulants and NSAIDs can increase the decrease in blood clotting.
  3. Simultaneous use of Heparin-Akrigel with antihistamines, thyroxine, drugs of the tetracycline group, ergot and nicotine alkaloids significantly reduces their effect.

Instructions for the use of the medicinal product

Trombless ®


Heparin-Akrikhin 1000

gel for external use

Heparin-Akrikhin 1000 -1000 ME (0.00833 g with the activity of sodium heparin 120 IU / mg);

ethanol (ethyl alcohol), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipagin, methylparaben), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipazole, propylparaben), diethanolamine (2,2-iminodiethanol), carbomer (carbopol), water (purified water) - up to 1 g.

The gel is colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent, with a specific odor.

Direct-acting anticoagulant for topical use

Direct anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, decongestant and analgesic effect. Reduces platelet aggregation, binds to antithrombin III, preventing the transition of prothrombin to thrombin. Inhibits the activity of thrombin. Reduces the activity of hyaluronidase, increases the fibrinolytic properties of the blood. Trombless

improves microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating the processes of resorption of hematomas and blood clots, ultimately restoring the patency of veins, clinically accompanied by a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

A small amount of heparin is absorbed from the skin surface into the systemic circulation. The maximum concentration of heparin in the blood is observed 8 hours after application. Excretion of heparin mainly occurs through the kidneys, with a half-life of 12 hours.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins; localized infiltrates and swelling of soft tissues; subcutaneous hematomas (including hematomas after phlebectomy), injuries and bruises of joints, tendons, muscle tissue.


Hypersensitivity to drug components; ulcerative necrotic, purulent processes on the skin; traumatic integrity disorder skin; increased tendency to bleeding, thrombocytopenia.

It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus and child.

Outwardly. A column of gel 3-10 cm long with light rubbing movements is applied to the skin over the affected area 1-3 times a day. The gel is applied daily for an average of 3 to 7 days. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Side effects

When long-term use the drug is possible local reactions in the form of skin hyperemia, allergic reactions.


Due to the low systemic absorption, overdose is unlikely.

Joint application of the gel with indirect anticoagulants may cause prolongation of prothrombin time.

The gel is not prescribed topically simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracyclines, antihistamines.

special instructions

The drug should not be used for bleeding, as well as on open wounds, mucous membranes and purulent processes.

Release form

Gel for external use 1000 IU / g. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 g in aluminum tubes or in polyethylene laminate tubes. Each tube along with instructions for medical use the drug is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Vacation conditions

Without recipe.

OJSC "Nizhpharm", Russia

603950, Nizhny Novgorod,

GSP-459, st. Salganskaya, 7

The information on the page was checked by the general practitioner Vasilyeva E.I.

DETAILS: What heparin ointment is used for

Drug manufacturer - JSC "Chemical and pharmaceutical plant" AKRIKHIN "Russia

Heparin Akrigel 1000 is a heparin-based gel. This means that the composition includes the active substance - sodium heparin, in a dosage of 1000 IU - it is a direct-acting anticoagulant, a component that slows down blood clotting, and also dissolves blood clots that have already appeared.

In addition to heparin, the composition also contains:

  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (suppressing yeast and fungi).
  • Carbomer 940, 980 (stabilizer for gel / cream).
  • Trometamol (prevents the appearance of edema, has a diuretic effect).
  • Ethanol.
  • Lavender oil (capable of anticonvulsant, bactericidal, antiseptic and restorative effects). Thanks to it, microcirculation improves.
  • Nerol oil (capable of providing anticonvulsant, antispasmodic and decongestant effects).
  • Purified water.

Release form - heparin gel / ointment for external use is produced in a tube of 20, 30, 40 or 50 g.

Description of the drug

- Direct-acting anticoagulant, belongs to the group of medium-molecular heparins. In blood plasma, it activates antithrombin III, accelerating its anticoagulant effect. Violates the transition of prothrombin to thrombin, inhibits the activity of thrombin and activated factor X, to some extent reduces platelet aggregation.

For unfractionated standard heparin, the ratio of antiplatelet activity (antifactor Xa) to anticoagulant activity (APTT) is 1: 1.

Increases renal blood flow; increases the resistance of the cerebral vessels, reduces the activity of cerebral hyaluronidase, activates lipoprotein lipase and has a hypolipidemic effect. Reduces the activity of surfactant in the lungs, inhibits excessive synthesis of aldosterone in the adrenal cortex, binds adrenaline, modulates the response of the ovaries to hormonal stimuli, increases the activity of parathyroid hormone.

There is evidence that heparin has immunosuppressive activity.

In patients with ischemic heart disease (in combination with ASA), it reduces the risk of acute thrombosis of the coronary arteries, myocardial infarction and sudden death. Reduces the frequency of repeated heart attacks and mortality in patients with myocardial infarction. Effective in high doses for thromboembolism pulmonary artery and venous thrombosis, in small ones - for the prevention of venous thromboembolism, incl. after surgery.

With intravenous administration, blood coagulation slows down almost immediately, with intramuscular injection - after 15-30 minutes, with subcutaneous injection - after 20-60 minutes, after inhalation, the maximum effect is in a day; the duration of the anticoagulant action, respectively, is 4-5, 6, 8 hours and 1-2 weeks, the therapeutic effect - prevention of thrombus formation - lasts much longer. Deficiency of antithrombin III in plasma or at the site of thrombosis can reduce the antithrombotic effect of heparin.

When applied externally, it has a local antithrombotic, antiexudative, moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Blocks the formation of thrombin, inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase, activates the fibrinolytic properties of blood. Heparin penetrating the skin reduces the inflammatory process and has an antithrombotic effect, improves microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating the processes of resorption of hematomas and blood clots and reducing tissue swelling.

Pharmacotherapeutic action

Heparin-Akrigel, due to its active ingredient, is able to suppress the appearance of blood clots. The cream can also be used for edema and inflammation in the early stages of the disease.

  • When used externally, the cream enhances microcirculation in tissues and activates metabolic processes. In this regard, doctors often recommend this gel for veins from bruises, as it effectively resolves hematomas, improves lymphostasis.
  • If you use this drug for a long time (only on the recommendation of a doctor), you can get rid of varicose veins with already advanced conditions. Such treatment, in some cases, allows you to get rid of the disease without surgery.

DETAILS: Ziman analogues are cheaper. Ziman - instructions for use

This drug is also effective for hemorrhoids. It is allowed to use it, both in exacerbation and in chronic forms of the disease. During an exacerbation, Heparin-Akrigel reduces the risk of cavernous vein thrombosis, reduces inflammation, relieves swelling and pain.

  1. To obtain a positive effect, doctors show to use the gel according to the scheme. It must be applied in a thin layer to the anal area 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 days. As a rule, treatment is carried out for 2 weeks.
  2. Instructions for use show the use of Heparin-Akrigel in acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis, as it is able to quickly dissolve blood clots and hematomas.
  3. For internal hemorrhoids, the drug can be injected into the anus. To do this, you need to spread it on a cotton swab and insert it into the anus. If this type of therapy does not suit you, you can purchase suppositories with heparin in the composition at the pharmacy.
  4. If the patient has an external form of the disease, the gel is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the external cones with an adhesive plaster.
  5. In the acute phase of hemorrhoids, rubbing the gel is prohibited, since this type of application of the cream can provoke a breakthrough of the vascular wall and severe bleeding.

In addition to the aforementioned properties, due to the heparin in the composition, this drug is often shown to be used after the surgical removal of proctological pathologies.

List of analogues

Note! The list contains synonyms Heparin-Akrihin 1000, which have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medication prescribed by the doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, as well as well-known companies from Eastern Europe: Krka, Gedeon Richter, Aktavis, Egis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

Release form (by popularity) price, rub.
Gel 1000ME / g 30g (Akrihin KhFK OJSC (Russia) 278
1000 thousand IU / g 30g gel (Tatkhimpharmpreparaty JSC (Russia) 182.60
5000 ED 5ml No. 5 fl Belmed (Belmedpreparaty RUE (Belarus) 460.50
5000 ED 5ml No. 5 fl Elfa (Elfa SPC CJSC (Russia) 545.40
Fl 5000 ED 5ml N5 Belmed (Belmedpreparaty RUE (Belarus) 581.70
5000 U / ml 5ml No. 5 r - d / v n / c (Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC (Russia) 584.40
5000 ED 5ml No. 5 fl Sintez (Sintez OJSC (Russia) 662.90
1 thousand IU / g 30g gel (Akrihin KhFK OJSC (Russia) 274
Bottle 5000 IU / ml, 5 ml, 10 pcs. (Braun Melsungen, Germany) 1257
Vials 5000 U / ml, 5 ml, 5 pcs. (Bryntsalov, Russia) 587
Gel, 50 g (Synthesis ACOMP, Russia) 306
Gel 30g (A. Menarini Manufecching Loggia (Italy) 405
Gel 50g (A. Menarini Manufecching Loggia (Italy) 546.30
Gel 100g (A. Menarini Manufecching Loggia (Italy) 859
Gel 1000E for g 30g (Nizhpharm OJSC (Russia) 261
Gel 1000E for g 50g (Nizhpharm OJSC (Russia) 350.40
Gel 30g (Nizhpharm OJSC (Russia) 317

How to smear gel?

Heparin-Akrigel should be applied to previously clean and dry skin. It is recommended to rub the cream with light circular movements until it is completely absorbed. It is allowed to apply the product no more than 3 times per day.

The course of treatment is several days. As soon as there is an improvement, the swelling and inflammation will pass - the use of the drug must be stopped.

If the patient has a trophic ulcer, it is impossible to apply the product over it. In this case, the gel is applied to the surface around the wound.

DETAILS: Suppositories for hemorrhoids - inexpensive and efficient candles from hemorrhoids with bumps

Side effects

As a rule, the gel is well tolerated and allergies do not occur. In some cases, when applying the cream, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication may burn.

  1. Patients who use Heparin-Akrigel should know that this gel cannot be used simultaneously with some medicines. For example:
  2. The simultaneous use of this gel with other anticoagulants and NSAIDs can increase the decrease in blood clotting.
  3. The simultaneous use of Heparin-Akrigel with antihistamines, thyroxine, drugs of the tetracycline group, ergot and nicotine alkaloids significantly reduces their effect.

Heparin Akrigel is a drug that is part of the conservative therapy of diseases caused by varicose veins veins. The medication belongs to a group, due to which it accelerates the process of blood coagulation. It is intended for external use as it can effectively eliminate edema, local inflammation and improve tissue microcirculation. What are the indications for use? How to use the product correctly to achieve a quick effect?

Components of the drug

Heparin Akrigel 1000 is a helium-based drug. Active substance the product contains sodium heparin at a concentration of 1000 IU. Thanks to the active ingredient, medicinal properties gel, which consist in reducing the activity of thrombin, which promotes adhesion of platelets.

The drug is produced in aluminum tubes containing a transparent gel with a specific odor

In addition to the main substance, the gel contains auxiliary components:

  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microflora).
  • Carbomer (cosmetic powder used to run the consistency).
  • Trometamol (due to the diuretic effect, eliminates the swelling of the intracellular tissue).
  • Ethyl alcohol (has antiseptic properties).
  • Lavender oil (helps to improve tissue microcirculation, and also has bactericidal, antiseptic, antispasmodic properties).
  • Nerol oil (eliminates puffiness, spasm and soreness).
  • Distilled water.

The absorption of the active components of the agent is slow, therefore its regular use does not lead to an overdose.

Pharmacological effects

When used externally, the gel penetrates the skin, where the active substances begin to act after a few hours. Due to the local action of the drug, it directly affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe pathological process, eliminating the symptoms arising from the formation of blood clots in the blood vessel. Heparin activates metabolic processes in tissues, which improves microcirculation of the affected area.

Penetrating through the skin, Heparin enhances the process of thrombus destruction

The drug has the following pharmacological effects:

  • Antithrombotic. Reduces the frequency of vascular thrombosis and promotes resorption of already formed blood clots.
  • Anti-exudative. It removes excess tissue fluid, eliminating puffiness.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Helps to reduce inflammation in the affected area.

Regular use of the drug can reduce the risk of progression of varicose veins, which allows for a long time not to resort to surgical intervention.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the antiaggregate and anticoagulant properties of the active substance. After application to the skin, the combined composition of the medication is gradually absorbed into the bloodstream, where it activates the anticoagulant protein. After activation of this mechanism, the transformation of prothrombin into thrombin is impaired, thrombin activity decreases and the degree of platelet adhesion decreases.

Neroli oil has a tonic and anti-sclerotic effect on blood vessels

Heparin has the ability to inhibit the formation of fibrin in the blood, which inhibits local tissue immunity and serves as the basis for the formation of clots. It also promotes the resorption of formed blood clots by accelerating blood circulation in small vessels, and stimulating metabolic processes in the tissues.

In what cases are used

The drug is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in pathological conditions, accompanied by the formation of a thrombus in the lumen of peripheral and coronary vessels.

The gel can be used for exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease in the exacerbation stage

Experts prescribe a gel for following diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis of superficial vessels;
  • local infiltrates;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • joint and tendon damage;
  • injury connective tissue and joint;
  • trophic ulcer of the leg;
  • post-infectious hematomas;
  • superficial mastitis;
  • lymphadema.

Instructions for use Heparin Akrigel 1000 contains recommendations for correct use liniment intended exclusively for outdoor use.

The product is recommended to be applied to clean and dried skin directly to the affected area

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The amount of gel is calculated in such a way that an equal amount of the product falls on a skin area with a diameter of 3-5 cm.
  • The product is applied in a thin layer, rubbed in with soft circular movements.
  • The drug is taken daily from 1 to 3 times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the regeneration of the skin and the rate of clot resorption. As a rule, the duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician based on diagnostic data. On average, it ranges from several days to 1 week or until the complete elimination of the inflammatory process.

The use of the gel is contraindicated in the presence of open wound surfaces, hemorrhages, purulent processes and impaired blood coagulation.

Features of use for hemorrhoids

The effectiveness of the gel has been proven in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The tool is used in both acute and chronic forms of the pathological process. Regular application of Akrigel 1000 during exacerbation of hemorrhoids serves as a prophylaxis for thrombosis of hemorrhoids, reduces inflammation, painand also eliminates swelling of the soft tissues of the rectal opening. The treatment regimen is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the severity and stage of the pathology.

The gel is used for the treatment of external and internal forms of hemorrhoidal disease

Method of using the drug for external hemorrhoidal formations:

  • Before applying the product, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures in the anus area, while not using aggressive detergents.
  • A small amount of gel is applied to a bandage or cotton pad.
  • The compress is applied to the inflamed area.

When internal form hemorrhoids use the following method of applying liniment:

  • It is necessary to cleanse the rectum, after placing a micro enema, and then carry out hygienic procedures.
  • From a sterile gauze cut, make a rectal swab in the form of an oblong cone.
  • Saturate the tampon with ointment, insert in a circular motion into the rectal canal to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Patients should be careful when introducing a medicated tampon into the anal canal, since there is a risk of injury to the cavernous formations and the development of bleeding. In the acute phase of the disease, rubbing in liniment is prohibited, as this can provoke a rupture of the vascular wall.

The therapeutic course is about two weeks, and the number of applications varies from 2 to 3 times a day.

The ointment must be taken with caution in patients who suffer arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma... Dose adjustment is carried out with tuberculosis in the active phase, liver failure, during the period of radiation therapy.

In the course of therapy, it is recommended to monitor blood clotting indicators

It is necessary to observe precautions in the elderly category of patients, especially in women. During pregnancy, the remedy is prescribed if beneficial features exceed the potential harm, however, in accordance with strict indications.

What can be replaced

Analogs drug, preparations with similar indications to use, pharmacological effect, as well as the mechanism of action. However, the concentration of the active substance may differ slightly, which affects the cost of the product. As a rule, more expensive substitutes contain additional components that enhance the effect of the active substance. It is necessary to replace liniment only after consulting a specialist.

Review of the most popular analogues of the drug:

  • Lyoton 1000. The active substance is sodium heparin, which prevents blood clotting and dissolves the formed blood clots. The drug is used in case of violation venous outflow, thrombophlebitis.
  • Heparin ointment. The active ingredient is heparin, which breaks down clots and prevents the formation of new ones. The content of benzyl nicotinate causes the expansion of the vascular wall, which improves the absorption of heparin.
  • Venolife. The combined composition of the medication contains two active components: sodium heparin and dexpanthenol. There is an improvement in tissue metabolism, restoration of damaged tissue, and increased absorption of heparin.

Hepatothrombin is an effective substitute capable of providing analgesic and antiseptic effects

Heparin Akrigel 1000 is used in diseases caused by thrombosis of blood vessels, and to eliminate accompanying symptoms... Regular use of the gel allows you to achieve remission of varicose veins, as well as prevent its progression. However, the agent must be used as directed by a specialist, with regular monitoring of the blood coagulation system.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative drug.

Pricefrom 225 rub.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative drug.

Application - superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebeurysm.

Analogs - Antistax, Hepatrombin, Troxerutin. You can find out more about analogs, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we will talk about Heparin Akrigel 1000. What kind of remedy, how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of gel

Heparin Akrigel 1000 - used in phlebology to treat vascular pathologies and prevent the development of thrombosis.

This universal medicine is used to treat a large number of vascular diseases, including varicose veins of the legs.

The agent is used only externally, it is produced in the form of a gel.

The tool is created by the Russian manufacturing company JSC "Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant" AKRIKHIN ".

Active ingredient and composition

The main component of the product is 1000 IU

Also in the composition of Heparirn Akrigel are:

  • carbomer 940 or 980;
  • trometamol;
  • rectified ethanol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate; lavender oil;
  • neroli oil;
  • purified water.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmaceutical agent Heparin Akrigel, after application, has an anti-exudative, antithrombotic and slight anti-inflammatory effect.

Pharmacidinamics and pharmacokinetics

This drug belongs to the group of medium molecular weight heparins.

Heparin gel stops the production of thrombin, blocks the activity of hyaluronidase, and normalizes the fibrinolytic properties of the blood.

In addition, the gel improves the quality of microcirculation and normalizes metabolism in tissues, due to which resorption of hematomas and formed blood clots is observed.

Highest level the drug in the blood is observed eight hours after use. The half-life of the drug is 12 hours.

Indications for use

Gel with heparin is used for the following pathological conditions:


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • at the site of application;
  • open wounds resulting from trauma;
  • violation of the blood coagulation system;
  • thrombocytopenia.
Relative contraindications include the period of pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

Method of administration and dosage

The gel should be applied to a previously washed and dry surface of the skin in about 0.5-1 g. Rub in the product with massaging circular movements.

The drug can be used to treat large areas of skin up to 20 cm 2. The duration of the use of the medication is from a couple of days to one month.

The dosage and course of therapy is determined only by a doctor.

In childhood during pregnancy and hepatitis B

Heparin Akrigel 1000 during pregnancy and lactation can be used, but only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

The agent is not used for the treatment of children.

Side effects

With prolonged use of the medication, the following reactions may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • gastrointestinal disorders - vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite;
  • redness of the epidermis at the site of application;
  • alopecia;
  • osteoporosis.

special instructions

The product is not used on open bleeding wounds at the intended site of application.

It is necessary to use this drug after 60 years with caution, while it is important to constantly monitor your own well-being.

The attending specialist must monitor the indicators of the blood coagulation system.


There is no reliable data on the case of an overdose.

Drug interactions

In the instructions for using Heparin Akrigel 1000 it is said that the agent is not recommended for use with other local medicines:

  • tetracycline ointment;
  • antiallergic agents;
It is necessary to buy analogues and substitutes for Heparin Akrigel 1000 taking into account the prescribed recommendations from the doctor. Do not prescribe another remedy yourself.

Prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis, elephantiasis, superficial periphlebitis, lymphangitis, superficial mastitis, localized infiltrates and edema, trauma and bruises (including muscle tissue, tendons, joints), subcutaneous hematoma.

Possible analogs (substitutes)

Active ingredient, group

Dosage form

ointment for external use, gel for external use


Hypersensitivity to the components of Heparin-Akrigel 1000, ulcerative-necrotic processes, traumatic violation of the integrity of the skin.

How to use: dosage and course of treatment

Outwardly: a column of Heparin-Akrigel 1000 3-10 cm long (0.5-1 g) is applied to the affected area (3-5 cm in diameter) 1-3 times a day.

pharmachologic effect

Direct-acting anticoagulant, belongs to the group of medium-molecular heparins. When applied externally, it has a local antithrombotic, antiexudative, moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

Blocks the formation of thrombin, inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase, activates the fibrinolytic properties of blood. Gradually released from the gel and passing through the skin, heparin reduces the inflammatory process and has an antithrombotic effect, improves microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating the processes of resorption of hematomas and blood clots and reducing tissue edema.

Side effects

Hyperemia of the skin, allergic reactions for the components of Heparin-Akrigel 1000.

special instructions

Do not apply ghtgfhfn to open wounds, mucous membranes, or in the presence of purulent processes.


Do not prescribe Heparin-Akrigel 1000 locally at the same time as NSAIDs, tetracyclines, antihistamine drugs.

Questions, answers, reviews on the drug Heparin-Akrigel 1000

The information provided is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals. The most accurate information about the drug is contained in the instructions supplied with the package by the manufacturer. No information posted on this or any other page of our site can serve as a substitute for a personal appeal to a specialist.

Heparin Akrigel is a drug that is part of the conservative treatment of diseases caused by varicose veins. The drug belongs to the group of direct-acting anticoagulants, due to which it accelerates the process of blood coagulation. It is intended for external use as it can effectively eliminate edema, local inflammation and improve tissue microcirculation. What are the indications for use? How to use the product correctly to achieve a quick effect?

Components of the drug

Heparin Akrigel 1000 is a helium-based drug. The active substance in the composition of the product is sodium heparin at a concentration of 1000 IU. Thanks to the active ingredient, the healing properties of the gel are revealed, which consist in a decrease in the activity of thrombin, which promotes adhesion of platelets.

In addition to the main substance, the gel contains auxiliary components:

  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microflora).
  • Carbomer (cosmetic powder used to run the consistency).
  • Trometamol (due to the diuretic effect, eliminates the swelling of the intracellular tissue).
  • Ethyl alcohol (has antiseptic properties).
  • Lavender oil (helps to improve tissue microcirculation, and also has bactericidal, antiseptic, antispasmodic properties).
  • Nerol oil (eliminates puffiness, spasm and soreness).
  • Distilled water.

The absorption of the active components of the agent is slow, therefore its regular use does not lead to an overdose.

Pharmacological effects

When used externally, the gel penetrates the skin, where the active substances begin to act after a few hours. Due to the local action of the drug, it directly affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe pathological process, eliminating the symptoms arising from the formation of blood clots in the blood vessel. Heparin activates metabolic processes in tissues, which improves microcirculation of the affected area.

The drug has the following pharmacological effects:

  • Antithrombotic. Reduces the frequency of vascular thrombosis and promotes resorption of already formed blood clots.
  • Anti-exudative. It removes excess tissue fluid, eliminating puffiness.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Helps to reduce inflammation in the affected area.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the antiaggregate and anticoagulant properties of the active substance. After application to the skin, the combined composition of the medication is gradually absorbed into the bloodstream, where it activates the anticoagulant protein. After activation of this mechanism, the transformation of prothrombin into thrombin is impaired, thrombin activity decreases and the degree of platelet adhesion decreases.

Heparin has the ability to inhibit the formation of fibrin in the blood, which inhibits local tissue immunity and serves as the basis for the formation of clots. It also promotes the resorption of formed blood clots by accelerating blood circulation in small vessels, and stimulating metabolic processes in tissues.

In what cases are used

The drug is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in pathological conditions, accompanied by the formation of a thrombus in the lumen of peripheral and coronary vessels.

Experts prescribe a gel for the following diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis of superficial vessels;
  • local infiltrates;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • joint and tendon damage;
  • contusion of connective tissue and joint;
  • trophic ulcer of the leg;
  • post-infectious hematomas;
  • superficial mastitis;
  • lymphadema.

Instructions for use Heparin Akrigel 1000 contains recommendations for the correct use of liniment intended exclusively for external application.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The amount of gel is calculated in such a way that an equal amount of the product falls on a skin area with a diameter of 3-5 cm.
  • The product is applied in a thin layer, rubbed in with soft circular movements.
  • The drug is taken daily from 1 to 3 times a day.

The use of the gel is contraindicated in the presence of open wound surfaces, hemorrhages, purulent processes and impaired blood coagulation.

Features of use for hemorrhoids

The effectiveness of the gel has been proven in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The tool is used in both acute and chronic forms of the pathological process. Regular application of Akrigel 1000 during exacerbation of hemorrhoids prevents thrombosis of hemorrhoids, reduces inflammation, pain, and also eliminates swelling of the soft tissues of the rectal opening. The treatment regimen is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the severity and stage of the pathology.

Method of using the drug for external hemorrhoidal formations:

  • Before applying the product, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures in the anus area, while not using aggressive detergents.
  • A small amount of gel is applied to a bandage or cotton pad.
  • The compress is applied to the inflamed area.

With the internal form of hemorrhoids, the following method of applying liniment is used:

  • It is necessary to cleanse the rectum, after placing a micro enema, and then carry out hygienic procedures.
  • From a sterile gauze cut, make a rectal swab in the form of an oblong cone.
  • Saturate the tampon with ointment, insert in a circular motion into the rectal canal to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Patients should be careful when introducing a medicated tampon into the anal canal, since there is a risk of injury to the cavernous formations and the development of bleeding. In the acute phase of the disease, rubbing in liniment is prohibited, as this can provoke a rupture of the vascular wall.

The therapeutic course is about two weeks, and the number of applications varies from 2 to 3 times a day.

The ointment must be taken with caution in patients who suffer from arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma. Dose adjustment is carried out with tuberculosis in the active phase, liver failure, during the period of radiation therapy.

It is necessary to observe precautions in the elderly category of patients, especially in women. During pregnancy, the remedy is prescribed if the beneficial properties exceed the possible harm, however, in accordance with strict indications.

What can be replaced

Drug analogues, drugs with similar indications for use, pharmacological effect, as well as the mechanism of action. However, the concentration of the active substance may differ slightly, which affects the cost of the product. As a rule, more expensive substitutes contain additional components that enhance the effect of the active substance. It is necessary to replace liniment only after consulting a specialist.

Review of the most popular analogues of the drug:

  • Lyoton 1000. The active substance is sodium heparin, which prevents blood clotting and dissolves the formed blood clots. The drug is used in violation of venous outflow, thrombophlebitis.
  • Heparin ointment. The active ingredient is heparin, which breaks down clots and prevents the formation of new ones. The content of benzyl nicotinate causes the expansion of the vascular wall, which improves the absorption of heparin.
  • Venolife. The combined composition of the medication contains two active components: sodium heparin and dexpanthenol. There is an improvement in tissue metabolism, restoration of damaged tissue, and increased absorption of heparin.

Heparin Akrigel 1000 is used in diseases caused by blood vessel thrombosis and to eliminate associated symptoms. Regular use of the gel allows you to achieve remission of varicose veins, as well as prevent its progression. However, the agent must be used as directed by a specialist, with regular monitoring of the blood coagulation system.


Evgeniya, 36 years old
Long time I felt heaviness in my legs, there was severe swelling and soreness throughout the day. Therefore, on the recommendation of a friend, I purchased Lyoton Akrigel. The advantage of the gel is its availability and compliance with the declared characteristics. The product was applied twice a day, the effect was noticeable after 7 days of use. The condition of the skin has noticeably improved, swelling and pain have disappeared. A minor drawback is the stickiness of the ointment during application and the feeling of a film.

Nikolay, 40 years old
I was diagnosed with a blood clot in the upper thigh, so it is necessary to constantly use anticoagulant drugs, which prevent the progression of the pathology. As prescribed by the doctor, I used Lyoton gel for some time, but it increased in price, and I had to refuse it. Wife helped pick up more cheap analog, which is not inferior in pharmacological effects to its predecessor. Heparin Akrigel is a domestic drug, but its composition practically does not differ from its foreign counterpart.

Ekaterina, 32 years old
The last pregnancy and childbirth provoked the appearance of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Bloated veins are visible on the skin, and knots have formed in some areas. The condition was accompanied by severe burning sensation, heaviness and pain. At the pharmacy I was advised to buy Heparin Akrigel. At this time, I was satisfied with the medicine, since it helped to reduce the manifestations of pathology, and after application it does not leave greasy spots.

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Heparin-Acrygel 1000, instructions for use of the drug, indications for use, how it helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Other analogues of the drug, reviews of doctors and buyers. All detailed information in our article.

Heparin-Acrygel 1000

With the modern rhythm of life, diseases such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids have become common. Varicose veins are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, not healthy food, excess weight and genetic inheritance.

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Since Heparin has a stimulating effect on blood flow and a strengthening effect on vein tissues, it is used to prevent thrombus formation and to resorb existing lesions.

Application in proctology is based on the same principles, the gel has a good effect on hemorrhoids.

The active ingredient quickly removes hematomas and blood clots.

The drug can be gently inserted into the anal canal if internal hemorrhoids and apply a gauze bandage outwardly. The main convenience is that no trace remains on things.

The country of manufacture

The drug is produced in Russia, Staraya Kupavna, Noginsky district, Moscow region, by a well-known plant in pharmacology, JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN.

Another drug produces mass of small pharmaceutical enterprises in post-Soviet countries. Be careful to read who the manufacturer is on the packaging and find out the information before buying.

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A course of treatment

The course of treatment depends on the degree of the disease, approximately 3-14 days. Many patients say that a 2-week course of treatment helped to forget about the problem of hemorrhoids, but there are also neglected options. In this case, it is better to listen to the doctor's prescription.

With varicose veins, 3-7 days, but can be extended by the attending physician up to 1 month.

Release form

The form of the preparation is a transparent gel, a little yellow color, has its own light smell. The tube is made of thin aluminum, cardboard box, instruction inside.

Composition of the preparation

The drug contains a good and rich composition, the main active ingredient is Heparin sodium.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is considered as a direct anticoagulant. The medication does not allow the creation of blood clots. Increases the stability of cerebral vessels, ceases to be active cerebral hyaluronidase, at the same time becomes an active lipoprotein lipase.

Akrigel has a hypolipidemic effect.

The gel relieves the inflammatory process with varicose veins, retains fluid, activates tissue metabolism, increases the rate of disappearance of blood clots, edema and hematomas on tissues.

Mode of application

Apply the drug to a dry, painful area, about 1 cm of gel per 1 cm of skin, and gently rub it into the skin with light clockwise movements. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day until the desired result is obtained.

With hemorrhoids, the drug must be carefully inserted into the anal passage. Carefully and a small amount, approximately 1-3 cm of gel.

Indications for use

What does Heparin-Acrygel 1000 help with?

Often doctors prescribe as a preventive or remedy with such diseases:

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  • superficial mastitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • post-infusion phlebitis;
  • elephantiasis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • edema;
  • subcutaneous hematoma;
  • upon injury;
  • contusion of tissues and tendons;
  • hemorrhoids.

The gel is often used in the treatment of varicose veins in the early stages or after surgical procedures in advanced conditions of the disease.

In order not to wait until the intervention is simply necessary, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If by the evening you feel tired in your legs, pulling pain, itchy skin and at the same time you observe swelling in yourself.

For hemorrhoids, if you experience itching, pain in the anus during and after stool, when walking or when making sudden movements, see your doctor.

The sooner the disease is detected, the easier it is to cure it without surgery.


The medication has many advantages and an extensive list of indications, it also has a number of contraindications:

  1. Hypersensitivity to one of the components of the gel.
  2. If, after an injury or intervention, the tissue cover is disturbed, and there is open wound, the drug is not applied to the damaged area.
  3. If blood coagulability has decreased, as a result of any disease, it is forbidden to apply the gel.
  4. When a trophic ulcer appears.
  5. If thrombocytopenia, a decrease in platelet count, increased bleeding and problems with stopping bleeding are detected.
  6. In women during menstruation or the threat of relapse.
  7. After any surgical interventionsaccompanied by severe bleeding.

Side effects

During the period of using acrygel, allergic reactions may appear.

You need to try the gel on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, if no reactions are found, feel free to use it in treatment.

It happened that the patient had nausea or simply decreased appetite, indigestion. With such side effects it is recommended to stop treatment immediately and consult your doctor.

The attending physician, who knows what you used this particular drug for, will find out which of the components goes to side effect and pick up one of its analogues.

During pregnancy and lactation

Here you need to weigh the benefits and harms, and if you cannot do without treatment, it is possible to use heparin-containing drugs, but under the strict supervision of doctors.

What help for bruises

Often the gel is used for bruises, it is advised by pharmacists in pharmacies, and it really helps.

If you compare with heparin ointment, you can notice the content of the active substance heparin sodium is 10 times more.

This allows you to activate tissue metabolism and accelerate the skin regeneration process. The gel is quickly absorbed into the skin, has a pleasant aroma, relieves puffiness.

If the drug is at hand and applied immediately, you can avoid bruising altogether, if the bruise is minor.

Shelf life

After the expiration of the specified period, its use is prohibited.

Gel Heparin-Acrygel 1000: instructions for use

Packing photo

Price in Russia: where to buy in Moscow, St. Petersburg

You can buy a 30-gram tube of Heparin-Akrihin 1000 gel:

  1. In Moscow, within 300 rubles.
  2. In St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) up to 250 rubles.
  3. In Novosibirsk, about 200 rubles.
  4. In Yekaterinburg from 210 to 230 rubles.
  5. In the country's pharmacies in other cities, the price of the product is 200 - 300 rubles.
  1. Moscow - 310 rubles. SPB - 280 rubles.
  2. Novosibirsk - 230 rubles.
  3. Yekaterinburg - 240 rubles.
  4. In pharmacies of the country in other cities 220 - 320 rubles.

You can buy the gel by visiting the online store, if not available, you can order it home.

Each pharmacy in the capital, like an online pharmacy in any city in Russia, offers a function like home delivery. Free and cheap delivery within Moscow.

Delivery is convenient, you need to click a couple of times on your tablet, phone or laptop, or call on the phone and get your medication without leaving your home.

For a 50-gram tube in Ukraine they ask for 250 - 300 UAH.

Heparin-Acrygel 1000 or Lyoton 1000: which is better

Now there is a lot of controversy on the Internet that the drugs Heparin-Acrigel 1000 and the drug Lyoton 1000 are the same, just Lyoton takes money from buyers for advertising and a brand. Is this really so? Let's compare them according to several criteria.

They have a lot in common:

  • active substance Heparin Sodium is included in the composition in equal amounts;
  • penetrate into blood vessels and deep-seated tissues;
  • form of preparations - gel;
  • do not leave marks on clothes;
  • the smell is characteristic, mild;
  • used to prevent or treat the same diseases.

But there are also a couple of significant differences:

  1. Lyoton is patented.
  2. Since Lyoton is produced by the huge Italian pharmaceutical association Menarini Group with the strictest adherence to technology, the quality of the drug inspires more confidence among buyers. But the first drug is produced by many different small post-Soviet pharmaceutical plants in several countries. Here it is more difficult to trust the manufacturers.
  3. Akrigel wins in price from Lyoton, because because of the promotion and patent, Lyoton gel is more expensive.

Therefore, many are content with a domestic drug and run the risk of running into a fake.

Contact your doctor with this question, he knows your condition better, and will select the drug that is right for you.

If you decide to save money, check the information and reviews about the manufacturer before purchasing the drug, and you will not lose anything.

Analogues cheaper

Many people use Lyoton 1000 and do not even think about analogs, which are much cheaper. After all, we are used to believing advertising.

In addition to the fact that there is Heparin-Akrikhin 1000, as previously written, there are also such well-known options as Heparin Ointment, Troxerutin and Detralex.

The ointment is considerably cheaper, but not as effective. It contains several times less Heparin Sodium, so it does not give such an effect.

Troxerutin differs from the gel in its active ingredient - troxerutin. Detralex has diosmin, hesperidin, but the substances have similar pharmacological effects.

The form of release of medicines for varicose veins are in the form of tablets (capsules) or ointments (gels).

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The effectiveness of treatment always depends on the correctly selected integrated approach... Tablets tone blood vessels, remove everything inflammatory processesmake blood circulation better. An external preparation will relieve superficial symptoms.

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