Aqua Maris Norm Spray Nasal 100 ml. Instructions for the use of drops Aquamaris

Solution - 100 ml

  • active substance: Natural sea water - 31.82 ml;
  • auxiliary substances: Water purified - up to 100 ml.

Does not contain chemical additives and preservatives.

Description of the dosage form

Transparent colorless liquid odorless with saltwater taste.


Isotonic sea water helps to maintain the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, contributes to the discharge of the mucus and normalization of its production in the hemissembly cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

After applying the product Aqua Maris, therapeutic efficiency increases medicinesapplied to the mucous membrane of the nose and reduces the duration of respiratory diseases. The product for washing and irrigating the cavity of the Aqua Maris nose is reduced by the risk of infection in the sinuses of the nose and the ear cavity (sinusitis, front, Otitis). Reduces the risk of local complications and speeds up the healing processes after surgical interventions (removal of adenoids, polyps, septoplasty, etc.) on the nasal cavity. Removes irritation of the mucosa of the nose in people, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract which are constantly exposed to harmful effects (smokers, motor transport drivers, people living and operating in air-conditioned air and / or central heating, working in hot and dusty shops, as well as in regions with harsh climatic conditions).

pharmachologic effect

Purifying nasal cavity.

Action on the body

Isotonic sea water contributes to maintaining the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, the smelting of the mucus and the normalization of its production in watershed cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Properties of components

After using isotonic sea water contained in the product of Aqua Maris, the therapeutic efficacy of drugs applied to the mucous membrane of the nose, and the duration of respiratory disease is reduced.

Isotonic sea water contained in the product for washing and irrigating the cavity of the Nose of Aqua Maris, reduces the risk of spreading infection into the sinuses of the nose and the ear cavity (sinusitis, front, otitis). Reduces the risk of local complications and speeds up the healing processes after surgical interventions (including the removal of adenoids, polyps, septoplasty) on the nasal cavity. Removes irritation of the nasal mucosa in individuals, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract of which is constantly exposed to harmful effects (smokers, drivers of vehicles, people living and operating in air-conditioned air-conditioned rooms and / or central heating, working in hot and dusty shops, as well as in Regions with harsh climatic conditions).


For children from 3 months to 2 years:

  1. Nasal washing in a child early age It is held in the "Lying" position.
  2. Turn the head of the baby side.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

For children over 2 years old:

  1. To tilt the head
  2. Insert the tip of the cylinder into the nasal stroke located on top. For a few seconds, rinse the nasal cavity.
  3. Conduct a procedure with another nasal move.

For children from 6 years and adults:

  1. Take a comfortable position in front of the sink and lean forward. To tilt the head
  2. Insert the tip of the cylinder into the nasal stroke located on top. For a few seconds, rinse the nasal cavity.
  3. Unimportant. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  4. Conduct a procedure with another nasal move.

Indications for the use of Aqua Maris Norm

Nose cavity:

  • to prepare the mucous membrane to the use of drugs;

Complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the cavity of the nasal, incomplete sinuses and nasopharynges:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • sharp i. chronic sinusitis;
  • acute and chronic adenoiditis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Comprehensive treatment of ARVI and influenza.

Prevention of ARVI and influenza during the epidemic period.

Nose cavity:

  • after surgery;
  • cleansing from bacteria, viruses, dust, pollen, smoke;
  • preparation of mucosa for the use of drugs;
  • long therapy with topical corticosteroids.

Aqua Maris Norm Application for pregnancy and children

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications to use.

Aqua Maris Norm Side

When applied in accordance with the instructions, side effects are not detected.

Dosage Aqua Maris Norm


For medicinal purposes, it is washing every nasal stroke 4-6 times a day, daily.

For the purpose of prevention - 2-4 times a day.

With a hygienic goal - 1-2 times a day (if necessary, more often).

The duration of the use of the product Aqua Maris is not limited.


Consultation is needed if the product is applied after the operation.

Store at room temperature out of the reach of children.
The container is under pressure: to protect against sunlight and not expose
the effects of temperature above 50 ° C. Do not calculate and do not burn even after

Shelf life from the date of manufacture

Product description

with saltwater taste.

pharmachologic effect

Isotonic sea water helps to maintain the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, contributes to the discharge of the mucus and normalization of its production in the hemissembly cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. After applying the Aqua, Maris product, the therapeutic efficacy of drugs applied to the nasal mucous membrane increases, and the duration of respiratory diseases is reduced. The product for washing and irrigating the cavity of the Aqua Maris nose is reduced by the risk of infection in the sinuses of the nose and the ear cavity (sinusitis, front, Otitis). Reduces the risk of local complications and accelerates the healing processes after surgical interventions (removal of adenoids, polyps, septoplasty, etc.) on the nasal cavity. Removes irritation of the nasal mucosa in individuals, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract of which is constantly exposed to harmful effects (smokers, drivers of vehicles, people living and operating in air-conditioned air-conditioned rooms and / or central heating, working in hot and dusty shops, as well as in Regions with harsh climatic conditions).


The data on pharmacokinetics of the drug is not provided.

Indications for use

Complex treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the cavity of the nasal, incomplete sinuses and nasopharynges:

Acute and chronic rhinitis;

Acute and chronic sinusitis;

Acute and chronic adenoiditis;

Allergic rhinitis;

Atrophic rhinitis.

Comprehensive treatment of ARVI and influenza.

Prevention of ARVI and influenza during the epidemic period.

Nose cavity:

After surgery;

Cleansing from bacteria, viruses, dust, pollen, smoke;

Preparation of mucosa for the use of drugs;

Long therapy with topical corticosteroids.

Application during pregnancy and during lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications to use.

With caution (precautions)

Consultation is needed if the product is applied after the operation.


Increased sensitivity To the components of the drug.

Method of application and dose

For medicinal purposes, it is carried out to wash each nasal stroke 4-6 times a day, daily;
With the aim of prevention - 2-4 times a day;
With a hygienic goal - 1-2 times a day (if necessary, more often).
The duration of the use of the product Aqua Maris is not limited.


To date, the cases of overdose of the drug Aqua Maris did not report.

Side effect

When applied in accordance with the instructions, side effects are not detected.


natural sea water 31.82 ml
auxiliary substances: Water purified - up to 100 ml

Interaction with other drugs

Medicinal interaction The drug Aqua Maris is not marked.

Form release

Isotonic seawater solution. Transparent colorless liquid odor
with saltwater taste.
Composition per 100 ml:
Active substance:
Natural sea water - 31.82 ml;
Water purified - up to 100 ml.
Does not contain chemical additives and preservatives.
"Aqua Maris Norm" - 50 ml cylinders, 100 ml and 150 ml for children over 2 years old and
The drug is located in a metal cylinder under pressure.
The product is packaged in a cardboard pack with nested instructions for use.

Aquamaris is the so-called trademark, under which a series of drugs is produced. Their main purpose is to carry out hygienic procedures of the nose, throat and earcons. The pharmacological agents presented within the framework of this series make it possible to treat inflammatory processes that have arisen in children, as well as cope with an allergic condition.

Separate drugs in this series can be struggling with the state of nasal congestion. Some are used to wash the nose with flowing method. Depending on the What appointment is and in which area is used, the application instruction may have certain differences.

Aquamaris: instructions for use

For adults

Aquamaris in the form of a spray is used in the treatment of a number of diseases, as well as to eliminate the symptoms arising during the exacerbation of allergies. The tool applies 4-6 times a day. According to general rulewhen in an adult man The nasal congestion appeared, then the first thing to be done is to remove the edema of the mucous membrane using the tool having a vasoconductive effect. Only after that you can proceed to washing the nose. This rule applies to Aquamaris preparations intended for the throat and ears.

Aquamaris spray as a prophylactic agent, depending on the type and necessity:

  • spray for the nose and throat apply once or twice a day;
  • the drug in the form of a spray for the treatment of inflammations arising in the eases is used twice a week or less.

The instruction that is attached to each aquamaris preparation does not limit the duration of therapy. Exception is Only Spray Aquamaris Strong. Although the funds of this series contain in their composition natural components, however, on an ongoing basis, if there is no need to use them.

For kids

A separate drug designed for Kids Aquamaris Baby, the manufacturer produces for children. The main difference between children's variations of the drug from adult funds is a small amount of drug, as well as availability of a small nozzlewhich facilitates the introduction of medicine into a children's nose. The medicine for children is prescribed to small patients, starting from 3 months. Adult version of the drug Aqua Maris Baby does not have any differences in composition.

The manufacturer makes a recommendation to apply a standard spray focused on adults, in the treatment of children, starting from the two-year age. The instructions indicate that these funds can be used to treat inflammation in children in the same dosages as in adults.

Types of Aquamaris and their composition

The main component of the majority of the Aquamaris series is sea water. In these drugs, it is not present in pure, but in a diluted form. As an additional component Distilled water is represented in the preparations of this series. In these drugs, one part of sea water accounts for two parts of the usual, which is sterilized and does not contain any impurities.

For the reason that the manufacturer of the drug under the trademark of Aquamaris is located in Croatia, which is located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, marine water from the Adriatic pool is taken to prepare all means. It is worth sayingthat it is not the cleanest on earth with a reservoir. In the instructions for using the Aqua Aqua Maris series, it is indicated that water is filtered in laboratories. This procedure allows you to clean it from unnecessary impurities, while maintaining all important trace elements.

Sea water contains a large set of trace elements:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine and others.

In all means of the Aquamaris line, trace elements are present, which were listed above. In the application instructions, the manufacturer indicates that the presence of trace elements, as well as sterile water and provides maximum therapeutic effect When applying these drugs.

Aquamaris Norm

The medicine is concluded in a metal spray, which has a plastic tip, and also provided with an outlet button. Together with the sea in it contains and ordinary water In the ratio of 32:68. There are no supplements in Aquamaris in the form of a spray.

Aqua Maris standards for instillation in the nose is produced in three varieties. In pharmacies you can find this tool in cylinders with a capacity of 50, 100 and 150 ml. A small amount of small amounts are cheaper. They are them recommended by the manufacturer For use at home. The drug in small cartridges with a capacity of 50 ml is positioned as a road product. It can be easily placed in a bag where it takes a little space.

Aqua Maris Bebi

In its composition, Children's Aqua Maris is not much different from adults of the drug. The main difference consists only in the package. The tool is contained in a small bottle with a capacity of 50 ml. Caller it has a small tipwhich was specifically designed for nose for kids from 3 months. The manufacturer of the medication in the instructions for use to this drug indicates that rinse the nasal moves by this tool children can be, starting from the two-year age.

Aqua Maris for children

Aqua Maris drops are released in 10 ml bottles, the price of which in pharmacies is quite democratic. The medicine in this form is suitable for eliminating inflammatory processes in the nose in children from birth. Through an instill It provides more delicate administration of seawater solution. This ensures the loyal attitude of small patients to this procedure. The ratio of marine and ordinary water in drops is 30%: 70%.

Aqua Maris Plus

Aqua spray Maris Plus is produced in glass bottles of 30 ml, equipped with a plastic tip. The release of the drug occurs due to the internal pressure, and through a single press on the tip.

From the classic version of Spray Aquamaris Plus has differences:

  • in the medicine, the ratio of marine and ordinary water is 25%: 75%;
  • in addition to these components, there is a substance as decantenol in the amount of 1.33.

In the application instructions, the manufacturer pays attention to the fact that use of this fund for complex therapy Provides:

  • increased local immunity mucosa;
  • formation of a stable response to the penetration of bacteria.

Indications for use

If there is a cold in the form of abundant selection, experts are recommended to carry out treatment with nasal sprays of Aqua Maris, which is one of the most affordable At the price of drugs. They are also effective means For the treatment of nasal congestion, which was triggered by the following reasons:

  • rhinitis, developing in acute or chronic form;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • chronic shape sinusitis and exacerbation in the phase;
  • adenoiditis of acute and chronic form;
  • diseases of viral etiology leaking with the occurrence of a runny nose - influenza and ARVI;
  • after medical manipulations conducted on the nasopharynk.

The drug is shown for use as a means of hygiene in the treatment of the following throat diseases:

In the season when the risk of infection respiratory infections elevated, recommended as preventive measure Use the drug. It is also recommended Use this medication for the purpose of moisturizing the throat:

  • smokers;
  • people who reduce the secretory function of the mucous membrane;
  • employees whose activities are associated with harmful production increased temperature ambient air;
  • Aqua Maris for the ears is appointed as a hearing aid hygiene, as well as prescribed in order to prevent the appearance of sulfur traffic jams in the ears.


In the spray of Aqua Maris, the price of which in pharmacies may differ, there are standard contraindications. If there is a sensitivity to the constituent of this solution, to marine salts or trace elements, essential oilsIn this case, it is impossible to use this drug to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Side effects

Side Effects in most people who use Aqua Maris to treat diseases, sea \u200b\u200bwater With a salt concentration of 0.9%, it does not cause. If a solution of 2-3.5% is used for treatment, the tool can provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations, as well as cause dryness in the nose after spraying the drug.

Allergic reaction to components included in the medication is rarely detected.

Washing the nose and other LOR-organs of Aqua Maris

In the instructions for nasal sprays, Aqua Maris indicates the following procedure when washing the nose:

When it is necessary to wash the nose to breast children to the aqua maris to the agent, then it is necessary to act the same wayHowever, the child is placed on the back, while turning the head so that his face looks away.

Using to eliminate unpleasant symptoms Aqua Maris in the form of sprayWith which the nose irrigation occurs due to the power of pressing, it is enough to make several injections into each nostril.

In order to properly irrigate the throat in the treatment of diseases, it is necessary to act according to the instructions:

  • the spraying tube must be deployed to be in a horizontal orientation;
  • then you should open the mouth and delay your breath;
  • tube introduced B. purph cavity and heads on the rear wall of the pharynx;
  • for one procedure, it is necessary to work up to 4 clicks.

In order to properly rinse the aids with the aqua Maris tool, you must follow the following instructions:

  • head must be tilted aside;
  • the balloon is brought to the ear, which should look down;
  • a tip is introduced into the auditory pass, with particular efforts to perform this manipulation do not need to be applied;
  • for 1 second, you must press the release button;
  • it is necessary to dry the hearing pass to the napkin or cloth;
  • this manipulation further needs to be repeated with the opposite ear.


Aqua Maris is a means that doctors often prescribe people who collided with inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. In addition, it assigned to eliminate Nasya or runny nose, which arose with the development of virus nature diseases. These drugs are affordable and fairly effective because they contain natural components.

The main components in Aqua Maris are marine water, which has passed the cleaning procedure. It is absolutely safe, while in its composition a large number of trace elements. Optimal concentration sea \u200b\u200bwater in preparations provides high therapeutic effect. Note that the drugs Aqua Maris are produced in the form of nasal sprays, as well as drops. The last variant of the medication is often used to treat children, since the procedure is painless for the baby.

The drug "Aquamaris Norm", the instruction on the use of which will be shown below, is designed for irrigating the nasal cavity or its washing in the diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as for the prevention of colds and viral diseases in the epidemic period.

Forms of release of drugs under the brand "Aquamaris"

In the Aquamaris series, the instructions for the use of which are shown below, consist of several drugs:

  • "Aquamaris Norm" is intended for children from 2 years and adults.
  • Aquamaris Strong - to quickly facilitate the status of the nasal congestion and the restoration of normal respiration, is intended for adults and children from 1 year.
  • Aquamaris Plus is recommended for the treatment of a runny nose and restoring the normal state of the nasophack mucosa after the damage that occurred after a long inflammatory process or the use of vasoconstrictor or hormonal medicines In the drops, with a "dry" grinding softening crusts. Contains decantenol.
  • Aquamaris Baby is prescribed to the kids from 3 months to speed up recovery after a cold.

There are also a number of other means.

In the line of the Aquamaris trading firm (Jadran, Croatia), there is also a special watering can also be present to facilitate the flossing process.

Components "Aquamaris Norm"

The medicine looks like a colorless liquid with a slight stray taste. There is no pronounced smell. The drug contains in 100 ml the following components:

  • Sea water (31.82 ml) - used water from the source in the area of \u200b\u200bthe biosphere reserve in Croatia "North Velebit", containing 7-14% more trace elements and useful minerals (compared to other water bodies with sea water). This place is considered the cleanest on the Adriatic.
  • As an auxiliary substance - water purified (100 ml). When the sea dilution, it is controlled to the "isotonic" form, that is, with a sodium chloride concentration to 0.9% (the numbers correspond to the level of water in the blood plasma).

As indicated in the instructions for Aquamaris Norms, there are no chemical additives and preservatives in the preparation.

Action and effect of application "Aquamaris"

Isotonic natural water taken from the sea helps to normalize the physiological condition of tissues and mucous membranes located in the nose. It contributes to the discharge of the accumulated mucus and stimulates the normal level of its production, which occurs in glass-shaped cells located in the mucous walls of the nasal cavity.

The use of seawater for irrigation or washing the nose helps to significantly reduce the spread of infection in the nasal sinuses and the cavity of the ear inflammatory diseases (Schimorite, Otitis, Frontit and others). The use of "Aquamaris norms" (spray) according to the instructions in the treatment of a cold makes it possible to increase the therapeutic efficacy of others medical agents. It helps reduce the duration of the respiratory disease and avoid complications.

Also, the "Aquamaris" fluid is assigned to the irrigation of the upper respiratory tract in order to accelerate the healing of tissues after surgical operation to remove adenoids, polyps and after septoplasty. This drug is recommended for permanent use to people who work in harmful production (drivers of vehicles, workers in dusty or hot shops), live in regions with severe climatic conditions, as well as for smokers.

Indications for use

Aquamaris Spray and Nose Drops are prescribed by a doctor:

  • For atrophic therapy and allergic rhinitis, as well as their prevention.
  • Patients with adults and children to increase moisture and purification of mucosa nasal sinuses with inflammation of nasopharynx tissues.
  • IN complex treatment And in order to prevent sharp respiratory viral infections (ORVI) or flu.
  • Patients suffering from the overhang of the nasal mucosa, as well as those at work is constantly in the air conditioned room. The drug contributes to maintaining the physiological parameters of the nasopharynx mucosa.
  • For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the cavity of the nose and throat (sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillites, adenoidits).
  • Elderly people in order to prevent atrophic changes in the mucous membranes that occur with age.

The drug is also used in a complex with other medicines:

  • IN postoperative period Regarding the removal of adenoids or other operating interventions in the nasopharynk zone.
  • In the preparation of mucous membranes for the subsequent use of drugs.
  • To purify the nasal cavity from dust, viruses and bacteria, pollen or smoke.
  • With long-term therapy with corticosteroidal drugs that cause the mucous tissue overhanging in the nasal cavity.

"Aqua Maris": instructions for use, price

Recommendations for the correct use of the drug are specified in the attached instruction. They depend on the form of output. Therefore, when buying a drug, you should carefully read the instructions. Only after that you can proceed to the use of the means.

The price of "Aqua Maris Norm Spray" (150 ml) is 360-450 rubles. The drug is also available in the cylinders of a smaller capacity (50 and 100 ml). The drug is recommended for applying adult patients and children 4-6 times a day by injection. In this case, the sprayed jet should be directed to the rear wall of the nasopharynx. Before starting, the sprayer should be installed in a horizontal position and test the press on the lid 2-3 times.

In the instructions for the use of Aquamaris Norms, the price is not specified. In pharmacies of Russia for 50 ml, it is necessary to pay 280-300 rubles. Procedure procedure:

  • The spray tip must be inserted into the upper nasal passage when the head is tilted in the opposite direction.
  • Make a washing, then just look good.
  • The procedure should be repeated if necessary.
  • Next, make a similar washing of another nasal stroke.

According to the instructions for the nasal spray "Aqua Maris Norm" for adult patients and children from 6 years, the following is recommended:

  • Become over the sink, bending ahead and taking a comfortable position.
  • Tilt your head one way.
  • The tip of the can insert into the nasal passage located on top.
  • Washing to do a few seconds, further well sustain.
  • Repeat as needed.
  • Make the same thing with another nostril.

"Aqua Maris Ecotoin"

Especially for people having allergies to smells, pollen, animal wool, household chemistry And other types of allergens are produced by the nasal spray "Aqua Maris Ecotoin", containing the same substance (2 g), sea salt (0.9 g) and purified water.

Ecotoin is one of the components produced by halofor microorganisms in nature, which are capable of surviving in any, even the most adverse environmental conditions. The substance has increased hydrophilicity. With it, a special hydrocomplex is formed, settling on the mucous tissues of the nose. It protects a person and prevents direct contact with the allergic components in the air. Allergens on the mucosa are removed when washing the nasopharynx. This drug is recommended to use adults and children from 2 years. for a long time Throughout hazardous periods of flowering allergenic plants.

Ointment "Aqua Maris"

This tool is intended for removing irritation around the nose or lips, which usually occurs with a frequent wiping of the nose. The main components:

  • Dr. Panthenol - a substance that promotes regeneration skin cover. When penetrating the epidermis cells, it forms pantothenic acid, it allows to normalize metabolism in cells, increase the strength of collagen fibers, which helps healing.
  • Vitamins E and A - are necessary for moisturizing and increasing the elasticity of the epidermis, contribute to mitigating and healing.

Instructions for use of ointment prescribes it to apply by applying to the skin several times a day. It can also be used with an allergic skin reaction. It is first recommended to wash with warm water. The desired section of the epidermis and fuse with a paper or tissue napkin.

Application in children

For kids of different ages, the following preparations of the "Aquamaris" brand are applied:

  • "Baby Spray" dosed. Produced in a metal cylinder 50 ml, equipped with a special anatomical nozzle. It is assigned to children from 3 months to accelerate recovery after ARVI.
  • Drops "Aquamaris" - designed for regular instillation to children from the first day of life (1-2 cap. 2-4 times a day). The tool helps soften their crusts, contributes to the resolution of thick mucus and its removal, moisturizes the mucous membrane and restores its normal operation.
  • Spray "Aquamaris Norm" - instructions for use recommends it for regular use in children from 2 years of age.

Newborn should be buried drops by pressing the bottle with minimal effort. This is due to the risk of infection in the middle ear.

Instructions for the use of "Aquamaris Norm" and "Aquamaris Baby"

  • The procedure should be carried out to a child in a lying position by turning its head to one side.
  • Insert the tip of the bottle in the nasal passage located on top.
  • 2-3 seconds. Do washing the nasal cavity.
  • To plant a baby and help to visor (for kids older than 1 year).
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • Similar procedure to do for another nasal passage.

Instructions for the use of "Aquamaris Norm Spray" recommends using the drug in children as follows:

  • For the treatment of kids 2-7 years old, you need to do 2 clicks in each nostril. The procedure is repeated during the day 4 times.
  • For children and teenagers, 7-16 years old are permissible to carry out the procedure 4-6 times a day for 2 injuries.
  • In order to prevent children 2-7 years old, 1 clicking 2-3 times a day.
  • Children are 7-16 years old - spend the procedure 3-4 times a day at one injection alternately in each nasal stroke.

"Aquamaris Strong"

The drug is intended for the preparation of a solution for washing the nasopharynx and reduce its loss in it. It is based on the sea water of the Adriatic, produced in the form of sachets or saline with a dispenser. For the preparation of the solution, the contents of the bag should be poured into a special dispenser, then add boiled water and mix well.

IN last years Aquamaris Strong is also produced in the form of a spray. When it is used, it is recommended to make 1-2 injection into each nostril 3-4 times a day for 14 days. It is permitted for use in children from 1 year. Price - about 240 rubles.

Analogs of the drug

In the pharmacy you can buy and cheaper medicationscontaining sea salt. Consider the analogues of "Aquamaris Spray", instructions for the use of which, composition and cost are shown below:

  • "MORENAZAL" (PR-in Russia) - nasal spray or drops for children up to 1 year, contains a sterile solution, including a natural seaside salt, as well as minerals and trace elements. Price - from 200 rubles.
  • "Maerimer" (PR-in France) - produced in the form of aerosol and nasal droplets, packed in disposable bottles of 5 ml. Price - from 85 rubles.
  • "Fluimarine" (Germany) is an aerosol for a nose consisting of seawater (29%). It is used in the treatment of colds, has an anti-ethnic and softening effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Allowed to use in adults and children. Released in the form of a plastic bottle of 15 ml with a sprayer.
  • "Physiomer" (France) - nasal hypertensive spray, intended for the treatment of ARVI and infectious diseases Nose, ears and throat in adults and children from 2 years. A 135 ml of liquid is produced in a cylinder. Price - about 420 rubles.

We prepare the remedy for yourself

For washing the nose in children and adults can be made saline Alone at home. The easiest recipe for washing the nasopharynx consists of 250 ml of distilled or boiled water, into which 1 tsp. L. Salt.

A more complex recipe:

  • 1 l clean or boiled water.
  • 1 ampoule magnesium sulfate.
  • 2 chloride calcium ampoules.
  • 1 tsp. iodized salt (with a slide).


In accordance with the instructions for use, Aquamaris norms are allowed to use in women who carry a child or nursing. This is due to the fact that the sea salt has only local exposure and cannot penetrate into breast milk Or harvest the fetus.

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is the individual intolerance to sea salt. Nic side effects After using Aquamaris norms, it was not revealed, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews.

The drug is not able to provide a systematic action on human body. It can be used in a complex with other medicines used for treatment cold illness and inflammation in the field of nasopharynx.

Opinions of users

In his reviews about the preparation of Aquamaris Norm, people celebrate a lot of advantages, including those:

  • Does not dry the nasal mucosa.
  • Well helps as a prophylactic agent.
  • There are no chemical components.
  • There are practically no contraindications.
  • Suitable for infants.

Disadvantages that say users:

  • Too high price for a small marine water bottle.
  • Not copes with a runny nose.
  • May not work the dispenser.
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