The interval between the fights is 6 7 minutes. Signs during pregnancy What sensations indicate the approach of childbirth

Hello my friends! We are on the agenda again the topic associated with childbirth: Fight during childbirth interval.What will we concretely consider in this topic?

  1. How to understand that these generic bodies began.
  2. How much they last.
  3. How to consider the interval between them.
  4. How can I relieve pain.

Admit to honestly, how many times did you think: "Well, finally began ..." - And after some time, the fight was wounded, the gap between them was not shortened, and did not begin with the gathering ... Personally, this situation to me is familiar to me. Therefore, with each next such training, I simply convinced myself that it was not true, and false contractions and they will soon pass, in order not to hope and not upset themselves in the future.

False contractions: what is it?

False contractions are training, which are characterized by inconstancy, irregular intervals between them and suddenness. What are they needed for? The fact is that such reductions are preparing the uterus and her neck to the upcoming process of childbirth.

They may appear in natural reasons - the preparation of the body to childbirth, and due to the influence of certain factors:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • hot shower;
  • the kid is very large or active;
  • consumption of beverages containing caffeine;
  • emotional overload;
  • touch and stroking the abdomen;
  • overcrossing the intestines and bladder.

If false contractions are caused by some irritating actions, the most important thing in such a situation is to relax more!

Usually such uterine contractions begin to disturb the woman at the very end of pregnancy (37-39 weeks), although they say doctors, they may appear in her middle (after 20 weeks). Their intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. So, some of the fair sex can not be noticed at all, and some such abbreviations can cause explicit discomfort and anxiety feeling. ()

How to understand that this is a training of the body, and the mechanism of the generic process is not launched?

  1. The duration of such cuts is not long, and the time between them is constantly changing.
  2. Often are felt during the rest.
  3. Rather, they bring discomfort than painful sensations.
  4. When distracting attention to something pleasant and interesting, the cuts of the uterus go to no.

But if the cuts of the uterus worried you for a long time, there are clear intervals between them, and the pain gradually increases, then in this case it is advisable to talk about the start generic activity.

Birth pains

How do childbirth begin?

Real generic contractions begin suddenly, at first a woman simply thinks that these are the next training cuts of the uterus, which are not yet very painful and regular. But over time, the pain gradually increases, the interval is reduced, and the duration of such a reduction increases. ()

In the initial stages, they are quite easy to confuse with false. But there is a method that will make it most likely to assume that it's time to gather in the maternity hospital. Remember, a little higher, we talked about the fact that you can get rid of attention from training seizures. So, with true cuts in the uterus, such a "horse" will not help you. On the contrary, while you try to distract yourself, the pain will grow as a snowball and becomes stronger.

For sensations, generic contractions from someone are similar to severe labeling pain in menstruation, and others have in strong stuffing pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist and belly. Also this pain can be described as "belly." The bottom of the belly in the literal sense of this word is brown for a short time, and then relaxes. In such cases, they say: "The fight let go."

In addition, before childbirth, a woman may notice the presence of such precursors as:

  • (bunch of mucus of white or transparent color with blood threads);
  • weight loss;
  • outstanding the abdomen;
  • intestinal cleansing (usually occurs on the eve of labor);
  • the movements of the fetus "calm";
  • there is a sense of constant fatigue.

By the way, strong fatigue, apathy and drowsiness is the first and surest sign of the early start of the long-awaited delivery. So nature obsesses the future mother about the need to relax before the upcoming process.

Therefore, listen more closely, and if you have at least 1-2 signs of the above, it's time to "sit on the suitcases" and be on a check. ()

We consider interval

At the initial stages, the situation with the "belly passage" is repeated every 15-30 minutes. Then the interval decreases, and the length of the contamination itself increases.

If you suspect the beginning of the generic battles, then use the special counter of the bouts. This is an application that allows you to track the start time, end and duration of the fight, as well as calculate the intervals between them. Thanks to this application, you can easily recognize the occurrence of childbirth.

So, as we have already discussed with you in the article, the first period of childbirth is divided into 3 phases: the latent or hidden, active and phase of the decline, in which the natural process of preparing the cervix for childbirth occurs, its shortening, smoothing, thinning and gradual disclosure. And now, let's look at each of these phases separately.

IN latent phase The interval between the fights is on average 15 minutes, while the duration of the fastest itself is 20-30 seconds. The pain gradually increases and brings explicit discomfort. At the inspection, the doctor assesses the opening of the neck to 3.5 cm. How long does this period last? On average, this phase lasts 6-8 hours, the disclosure process is accelerated.

IN active phase A woman stays at about 4 o'clock, while the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes and the duration is already 40-60 seconds. Each fight is given everything with great difficulty, but the pain is still tolerant. In this phase, the cervix takes up to 7cm.

Phase decline It is characterized by a complete disclosure of the cervix (10-12 cm). The fights become unbearable painful, the interval is reduced to 1 minute, and the duration is 1-1.5 minutes. It pleases only one thing, this phase is the shortest and lasts about 30 minutes - 1 hour. ()

How to span the interval?

The first to pay attention to: What sensations are you experiencing?

The uterus is just very strained, and the frequency of these stresses does not have certain numbers? For example, the first belly fossa was 10 minutes ago, the second 20, etc. Then you should not worry and worry, perhaps it is training cutouts.

Another situation: you feel regular belly petrol, with equal intervals. Then the question arises: what pain in nature? If the stress is added to the stress of the belly, as during menstruation, or you feel strong painting pain In the back, which are moving to the abdomen, most likely, you begin childbirth.

In such a situation, the continued action should be to fix the uterine contraction interval in order to understand:

  • are these true contractions;
  • in which of the phases of the first period of childbirth are you now, and how much is about to meet with the long-awaited child.

In addition, the first question that is asked for a woman when admission is: "What are the intervals between fights?".

If you felt the above symptoms of these fights, then use a special attachment on the scout, or take a notepad and handle.

As soon as the stomach is strained - fix time. The fight released - again, write time. Next, we subtract the time difference between the beginning and the end of the reduction. So do with each new fight. The time between the end of the first contractions and the beginning of the next is the interval, and between the beginning and the end of the same fight - this is its duration.

At the interval of 5-7 minutes, it is urgent to go to the hospital, otherwise risks to give birth along the way!

How to facilitate pain in the fights?

If you ask the question: "What do you need to do to alleviate pain?" - Then I will try to help you now. There are several ways to help facilitate the state of the feminine in the fighting process. Of course, they will not help you completely get rid of pain, but, in any case, make it easier for your fate. Now I will try to answer the question: how to facilitate pain at the peak of contractions? To begin with, try to find a comfortable and comfortable posture for you. It must be remembered that the pose is better to choose in a vertical, not horizontal position. Why is it so important? The fact is that under the cervical pressure created, the cervix will be ripening faster and reveal. Therefore, you can take such a position as:

  • squatting, relying about the wall;
  • slowly boost from side to side;
  • rely on the back of the chair, beds and make movements by the type of pendulum;
  • take the knee-elbow pose, put the head on the support (bed, phytball), if you wish to vouch.

If you are more convenient to transfer the pain of lying, you have the right to choose this option. The main thing is, in no case do not sit on a flat surface and do not lie on the back!

Another option to facilitate a painful state is a warm shower.

Here are some more options for facilitating pain:

  • light massage of the face, as well as washing cool water;
  • proper breathing;
  • relaxation with relaxing music and aromatherapy;
  • spin massage, especially lumbar Department.

If you have painful menstruation, and the pain threshold itself is rather low, then you can resort to. By carrying out this procedure, nerve impulses from the bottom of the body cease to enter the brain. As a result, there is more discomfort than pain. According to the feminine who gave birth with the use of epidural anesthesia, the pain with the flow of childbirth did not increase, but remained the same as in the latent phase. True, this method has its negative factors, in the future, many noted painful sensations in the field of the back.


Of course, it helps to speed up and painfall the process is good self-estext. Therefore, if you feel about childbirth as a holiday, as a result of which you will meet with your wonderful and unique baby, then all the pain will seem not so terrible. And if you are terribly afraid of the upcoming birth, and with anxious and fear awaiting this day, then your perception will be distorted, pain will seem stronger than it really is, and fear itself will slow down complex mechanism Pulse transmission in the uterine contractions, thus, braking the disclosure and ripening of the cervix.

Battle - these are rhythmic cuts in the uterus, which are felt as a sense of pressure in abdominal cavitywhich can be felt all over the stomach. A pregnant woman can feel such cuts and a few weeks before the child is born. The table shows the differences between "false" and true fights.


False fights

True fights

Number of times

4-6 times a day, not more than 2 hours in a row

Over 8 times in 2 hours


a few seconds, rarely - to minute

Grow over time


Weakens or does not change

Grow over time


Regular, growing over time

Pauses between fights

very fluctuating and can be from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes

Decrease over time

Time of appearance

After 24 weeks, increasing to childbirth

Start of birth

When changing body position and after massage, warm bath, aromatherapy


Do not change

What happens during battles?

Due to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus during battles and pressure on the cervix of the fruit bubble or the preemptive part of the fetus after the influence of the oily water, the cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened before smoothing. This continues for 4-6 hours and is called a latent phase of childbirth. Initially, the fights are weak and low-escaled, the intervals between them are about half an hour, and sometimes more, the uterus reduction itself lasts 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the intensity and duration of the bouts are growing, and the intervals between the fights are gradually decreasing. In the period between the bumps of the stomach relaxed. Pain during the bouts is due to the disclosure of the cervix, squeezing the nerve endings, the tension of the uterine ligaments. Sometimes the first shocks are felt in the lumbar region, then apply to the stomach, become encumbling.
The drawing sensations may arise in the most uterus, and not in the lower back area. Pain in the fights (in case you cannot relax or find a comfortable position), resembles pain, often accompanying menstruation. The power of pain depends on the individual characteristics of the threshold pain sensitivity, emotional attitude of a woman and her relationship to the appearance of a child. It is important not to be afraid of childbirth and labor pain. After all, the whole process of childbirth takes only a few hours, and the generic pain is quickly forgotten. Often you can hear from those who gave birth to women that the fights passed from them either in painlessly, or the pain was quite tolerable. During battles, the body allocates its own painkillers. In addition, painful sensations help to get rid of relaxation and proper breathing during pregnancy.

What do you need to do during the fights?

You have a little time to take a shower, put on clean underwear, cut the nails and wash off with them varnish. For many women shave the crotch at a very unpleasant moment in the hospital. However, this procedure is necessary, as it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the crotch in childbirth, to prevent its gap, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues during sewing. The senses of awkwardness can be avoided if you perform this simple procedure at home yourself. Just take an absolutely new razor and well treat the skin with an antiseptic solution or antibacterial soap.
The maternity hospital should go when the fights will be regular, and will come every 10-15 minutes. If a clear interval between the fights has not yet been established, but they are accompanied by severe pain, it is also necessary to contact the doctors. If childbirth is repeated, then with the beginning of regular battles, it is better to go to the maternity hospital at once (often repeated childbirth is characterized by rapidness, so it is better not to slow). During battle, you can choose a convenient position of the body: you can lie on the side, walk, stand on all fours or knees. Keep track of battles and intervals between them. Try to like, get up on all fours, ride on the big ball.
During the battles slowly, deeply and rhythmically breathe air through the nose and exhale it through the mouth. If the fights become very strong, the frequent surface breathing will help, in which the breath is also made through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. From the very beginning, the fights are stroking the lower half of the abdomen. You can massage the lower back with fists or the palm opened on both sides of the spine, up and down, to the base of the tailbone. After contractions, there is always a period of time when there is no pain, you can relax and relax. Do not forget to empty regularly bladder - It stimulates the contractions.

What can I do?

During the bouts, you can not sit and lie on the back;
It is impossible to eat;
It is impossible to independently take painkillers: normal generic pain they will not be removed, but they can disguise important symptoms;
It is impossible to stay at home in the following cases:
a) if there are bleeding;
b) if the headache is bothering, violation of the clarity of view, pain in the opposite region and in the uterus;
c) if the chapels of the child became very stormy or, on the contrary, they became badly felt;

In these cases, it is necessary to get to the hospital as quickly as possible, ideally on the ambulance with medical accompaniment.

What to do with your husband?

Usually the first fights The future mother tolerates pretty easily: they last 15-20 seconds and repeated every 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can still chat with my wife about something abstract, create a back have a good mood, joke and dream.
During the fight, help my wife connect imagination. Let it introduce that the fight is a wave, and your wife overcomes this wave.
Breathe together with my wife, especially if it is shot down from the rhythm. To set it up for proper breathing to start copying her breathing, and then gradually change the frequency of your breathing, and already your wife will unconsciously copy your breath.
Remind her about the receptions that paint pain. Can you try to save your spouse from unpleasant sensations by massaging her back circular movements From the waist and below or tapping the fingertips over pain points, stroke the belly from the bottom up and to the sides.
We persuade her to walk around the room, offering your favorite to rely on your hand. Walking speeds up the process of birth by 30%. This is especially important at the initial stage of childbirth.
Before leaving in the maternity hospital, it is necessary to check the availability of documents: passports, exchange cards, insurance policy, contracting contract (if any). If there is an individual agreement for childbirth, with the beginning of the bumps, phon with a doctor who will lead your birth. If you are going to wait for the appearance of a baby in the maternity hospital, you can take a small package with sandwiches with you, while you need to carefully trace so that your wife eaten nothing.

Many future moms, especially pregnant first child think about childbirth. Scares unknownThoughts about painful fights or negative experience of the first birth. In a series of articles on optimal behavior in different periods of birth, we describe in detail all the stages of the delivery process and give clear recommendations for each of them. Knowledge is power!
After reading this information, you will know what to do in different periods of childbirth. You will feel confidence and calm, because childbirth is a wonderful, natural and healthy process!

Harbingers of childbirth and false contractions

When a long nine months of waiting come to an end, future mothers begin to feel the signs of approaching the Great Event. 1-2 weeks before delivery, special symptoms appear - harbing birth.
1. Loves the stomach and it becomes easier to breathe.
The baby is lowered down and frees more mamin easily space.
2. Study urination and chair.
The lowered uterus gives more pressure on the bladder and intestines
3. Pains appear in the lower back and feeling gravity and heat at the bottom of the belly.
Muscles and ligaments are preparing for the upcoming work
4. Departs a mucosa plug resembling a raw egg whites
This may happen a few days before delivery, And maybe in the process.
5. The tone of the uterus changes. Irregular, rare contractions. But do not rush to go to the hospital. Distinguish training (they are also called false) contractions From true quite easy:
With false fights, it's easy to fall asleep;
The uterus does not necessarily become solid;
Training contractions are usually irregular, but can go regularly for 1-5 hours;
False contractions do not enhance and do not participate;
Training bouts can disappear after the adoption of warm bath.
6. begins psycho-emotional restructuring. It proceeds in every way differently: from rapid activity to apathy and drowsiness. Many mothers, for example, decide to urgently cross the wallpaper, while others on the contrary "fall into the hibernation."
It is not at all that you will feel all these symptoms at once, some women notice only 1 or 2. However, childbirth rarely have a complete surprise. Future mom listens to himself and intuitively feels the approach of this wonderful event..

Water moved - what to do?

Sometimes, approximately one of the 10 pregnant women begin with an influence of spindlewater waters. If before that you did not feel absolutely no signs of generic activity, you need to take a special pose on all fours with raised pelvis. It . Take this posture for 20 minutes to prevent the infringement of umbilical cord. During this time, a tight fracture belt forms to the child's head is formed, the rear waters are saved and the generic process processes normally. If the water moved to the beginning of the generic activity, doctors recommend immediately to go to the hospital. Most harvesting waters depart at the end of the first period of childbirth. In 20% - at the beginning of the first period of childbirth. In these cases, the first period of childbirth is better to spend at home.
After the deposition of waters and before the battle, Russian doctors usually recommend that the "dry period" is not more than 6 hours. This time is that the genera began spontaneously. Then you need to go to the hospital.
In some maternity hospitals (for example, "Raduguga", St. Petersburg) "Anhydrous period" is allowed to 18 hours. This question should be discussed with a doctor in advance.

First period of childbirth - the period of disclosure

The beginning of the first period is considered the appearance of true fights. You can understand that the fights are real if:
Fights are repeated regularly, through equal time intervals;
Battle gradually enhanced, become longer and intense, and the gaps between them are shortened;
During the fight, the uterus becomes very dense (it can be felt by putting a hand on the stomach);
You have feelings similar to painful periods - pulls lower abdomen and back.
The period of disclosure lasts about 13 hours in those who give birth for the first time, and in repeatedly - about 7.5. The cervix during this time should reveal by 10 cm. But significant deviations are possible. For example, there are rapid childbirthIn which the child appears in less than 4 hours. This is a great test for mother and child health.
Too long delivery - more than a dayAlso fraught with complications. Old obstetricians said: "The sun should not fall over the head of the feminine twice." Births become too long, if the generic activity is weak or violated coordination of abbreviations of various parts of the uterus.
All people are different and the course of childbirth different women Very varied. It is impossible to derive a clear pattern of conformity between the rhythm of bouts and disclosion of the cervix. Everything is very individual. First-night mothers can very approximately navigate the numbers.
In the first period of birth, many obstetrics allocate 2 phases: early and active.

Early phase of the first period of childbirth

This phase is also called latent or hidden. it the easiest And the longest period (perhaps about 6 hours or more). Sometimes the feminine does not notice him, therefore it believes that she did not have this phase. at first fights are quite weak at intervals of 20-30 minutes. By the end
Phases Duration Fight grows up to 45 seconds, and the intervals are shortened to 5
min. At this stage, the cervix can open 4-5 cm.
What can you do:
a) Start to keep a diary fights. For this you need count duration Fights and intervals between them. You can simply write on the leaflet, and you can install a special program on your phone or tablet. This information will help you determine which phase you are, and therefore when you need to go to the maternity hospital.
An example of a diary in the normal course of childbirth. Early phase of the first birthday period:
Time Scaffold duration
00.00 15 20 0
04.00 30 15 1
11.00 45 7-10 3
13.00 50 5 4

* This graph can be filled if the midwife is observed at home. If you check the disclosure of no one, then enough information about the fights is enough.
b) check is everything ready for childbirth. If necessary, make recent preparations. Take the exchange card, polis and passport.
c) Try to relax, lean lying on my side. You need gather strength. Take a slow walk. Take vertical postures during battles. You can view funny movie, listen to humorous stories, bake pie.
d) Eat often, just a little. Food must be easily digestible (Peshal Diet): Tea, Eggs Skump, Crispy Toasts with Oil or Summarkers, Baby Food, Empty Broth, Baked Fruits, Juices, Honey; Drink every hour in the intervals between the fights.
e) empty the bladder every 2 hours
e) If you want, you can make an enema so that at the last stage of labor does not get into an awkward position.
g) be sure to prepare
Generic ways and customize your body for generic behavior.
What a helper can do:
a) save the forces of his wife, which is likely to feel tide of energy And wants active activities.
b) offer her to take warm bath Or a little snack.
c) Give attention to each other and talk to the baby. Guard calmrozhenian, Provide her rest in her secluded nest.

When to go to the hospital?

Do not stand in a hurry in the maternity hospital. According to statistics, women who come to the maternity hospital too early, there are more interventions in the process of childbirth, more cesarean sections and more difficult labor in general. Very good if in childbirth you are accompanied by midwife or dough, which will help determine the most suitable moment For a trip to the hospital. You can navigate your own feelings: if you feel that you would comfortablein the hospital, then it's time to go.
Traditionally, domestic obstetres recommend a woman to go to the maternity hospital during the repetition of kits every 10 minutes. Until this time, the fever conducts the first period of childbirth in calmhome atmosphere. Recommendations of American specialists (W. Serz) on the optimal time of receipt in the hospital, when the fights are repeated every 4 minutes within an hour, the domestic scientific school of obstetrics considers unnecessary ( possible risk For mother and child health).
If you are accompanied by an experienced midwife or daub, discuss the receipt time in the maternity hospital with your doctor. It is possible that a healthy woman with healthy pregnancy you can stay at homelady. After all, the home environment is very promoted to relaxation, and stress from an early moving to the maternity hospital can negatively affect the process of childbirth.
In the maternity hospital should go:
If the fever feels that in the hospital she will be more reliable;
on the recommendation of the doctor, obstetrician;
If the water has moved;
If there are blood discharge.

What to pay attention in the first period of childbirth?

From the behavior of the mother in the first period of labor depends heine Department Healthspine newborn. According to Osteopath doctors, 90% of injuries of this department occur at the time of inserting the head into the generic pathways of the mother, that is, when the guinea is usually located at home and has not left the hospital yet.
If the child has developed correctly in the mother's womb within 9 months, then during the first birthday he can that's right enough Bend head, i.e. Almost put chin on the front of the neck. So he will be able to insert into the generic paths the smallest size of the head. If the kid has problems with the spine, nervous systemT. he will not be able to bend well. This means that it goes down the large size of the head and can be injured. (More about ...)
However, in this case proper generic behavior Reduces the risk of a child's injury and makes childbirth successful.
Proper behavior in the first period of childbirth:

The use of generic pose


Active phase of the first period of childbirth

Fights at this time become more and more, longer and painful. The intervals between them are 3-5 minutes, and the duration reaches 1 min. Zev uterus at this point opens by 5-8 cm. The transition to the active phase can be noticed by changes in the behavior of the woman in labor: She silents on a half-word, freezes on the spot, as soon as the fight begins.
At this time often naturally breaks the fruit bubble, and water water. If this does not happen, when the cervix disclosure is 8-10 cm in the maternity hospital fruit bubble Open. This makes it possible to prevent a possible premature delay of the placenta and the birth of the fetus in the shells. In the "shirt", children were rarely born alive, so they were called happy.
In modern maternity hospitals, the birthplace, which is in this stage of childbirth, is translated into a separate maternity ward. The duration of this phase is 3-4 hours.
An example of the diary of the active phase of the first period of childbirth:
Time Duration of bout, min Interval between fights, min The diameter of the cutting of the cervix, cm *
14.00 1 5 5
17.00 1 3 8
18.00 1.5 1-2 9

In the active phase, the time to apply the knowledge that you purchased when preparation for childbirth. Do not forget to negotiate in advance with your doctor and hospital staff about your free behavior in childbirth, About the methods that you will use.
What can you do:
a) use.
b) between fights actively move, and if tired - lie on the side corresponding to the position of the child's back.
c) during the fight occupy a generic posture, please sing. This contributes to more rapid and soft disclosure cervix. Vertical postures accelerate childbirth.
d) herself back, stomach, hips and a point of anesthesia on the palm between the bases of the third and fourth finger.
D) Empty the bladder more often.
E) Take warm showerBath.
g) Do not forget to periodically rest between the fights. Take care of power For the second birth period.
h) sometimes in the first period of birth even until full disclosure cervical cervix There are swells. Do not give in to the wish to live. Use Hope methods:
Pose with raised pelvis (generic posture number 3),
Sloping stoneware breathing (2-3 short breaths with long exhalation)

What a helper can do:
a) Help your wife take convenient poses.
b) Breathe together with her, make sure that the breath does not raise, and the face was relaxed.
c) Make the sacrum and lower back. Let his wife tell me that she helps her better.
d) take care of heat soul.
e) Referred to understanding to frequent changes of his wife's mood (at first she may irritably abandon your massage, but at some point you have to rub her lower back for her no longer).
Gradually the fights become long (up to 1.5 minutes) and stronger.
Credit with them is becoming more difficult. The intervals between them are reduced to 1 min. Zev uterus revealed almost completely (8-10 cm). You can feel strong fatigue. It may seem that the bouts will never end. You can annoy conversations, touch. Someone can already feel the first swellingBut it's too early to sleep.
A shiver may appear in the limbs feeling that you no longer stand. This is a sign that soon (perhaps in 0.5-1.5 hours) will come 2 stage of childbirth, much less painful. Hold on! It remains a little.
What can you do:
a) do not risks, just try to do what they learned during pregnancy. Remember your the baby will soon begin to appear.
b) during contractions - generic postures (see and), package sounds.
c) If a desire arises to be stirred, take the generic posture number 3 and use breathing to deter strence (see above).
d) try between fights maximize relax.
What a helper can do:
a) remind my wife that very soon She will see the baby.
b) Be indulgent: now the touch of your hands, which has recently brought reliefmay irritate.
c) Circular massage of the lower back can cause an unpleasant feeling, but a direct pressure on the seats elderspain.
D) Watch the face of the feminine to be relaxed. The tense face interferes with the disclosure of the cervix. Most the best way relax face - kisses.
Sometimes at the end of the first period slow down a bit. Some obsuchins even allocate another phase - phase deceleration of birthat which there is a weakening of the bouts (10-20 minutes). This is the best moment to take a break and gain strength Before the 2nd stage of childbirth.
Explore our video about the right guidance behavior. Practice in advance, discuss all the questions with the assistant and your doctor. Do not forget . And let your birth be light and harmonious!

Future mothers are looking forward to meeting a baby. Many of them begin to listen to their body long before the appearance of harbingers of childbirth. This is due to the fact that the primary to the end cannot imagine which feelings are contacted before childbirth, and how they are felt, so they are often confused with training. In the last trimester, the future guy is needed to know how to recognize the fights when the appearance of pain.

Fights and their functions during childbirth

After 36 weeks, future mothers begin to study the articles about childbirth in detail. At this time, the realization that the birth's time is approaching. The primordars who visited the courses of young parents in children's clinics, have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bsigns of starting activities.

What is the fight during pregnancy? Under this term should be understood to reduce the muscles of the uterus, which contribute to the correct and rapid opening of the neck. As a result, it becomes possible to move the fetus of the generic paths. The feminine feels grapple-shaped spasms not only before the birth of the baby, but also in the last period of generic activities, when the expulsion of the placenta is carried out.

True contractions are involuntary repeating contraction of the muscles of the uterus. The main feature of the fight is to prepare the generic channel to the promotion of the infant. If the fights in childbirth just started, the pain will be barely noticeable. Then she increases and reaches its peak after the waters. Small intervals between strong unbearable fights do not leave the strength of the pregnant. The feminine at this stage often asking doctors to anesthetize them at least for a while. Rest is needed by a future mother in order for her the strength for athletes and expulsion of the fetus.

About how to pass and manifest in pregnant fights, usually inform obstecra. In some cases, they advise you to contact perinatal centers to pass on a special program. At the same time, the future mother will form the right attitude towards childbirth and the awareness of the fact that fights and swelling is a natural process. It is precisely because of this, a serious preparation of the whole organism is carried out towards the unimpeded passage of the baby in the generic channel. Adequate awareness of everything happening at the IKS hour is the key to successful childbirth.

Classification Fights:

  1. true;
  2. false (brackstone-hick fight, or training);
  3. washed.

How to determine the first fights during childbirth and not to confuse them with other species? Previous contractions (or training) differ from the present in that they are irregular and do not contribute to the disclosure of the cervix (more in the article:

Phases and duration of generic battles, intervals between them

During the reception, the obstetricians are told to women in labor, how to determine the beginning of the fights, which symptoms appear, where pain is localized. To conduct their counting, it is not necessary to have a handle with a notebook next to them, a smartphone is enough. There are many free applications that help calculate the duration of bouts, their frequency. Thanks to the automatic calculation, the smartphone will surely tell me if you need to cause a doctor. If the rest between the fights is 15 minutes, then you should not call ambulance.

How much do you need to wait that the scaffolds increase in natural childbirth, their duration increased? If the gaps between the fights are reduced and becomes 7 minutes and less, then the very moment came when the original origin should go to the maternity hospital. If the interval between the fights has decreased to 5 minutes, it is recommended to hurry to avoid the beginning of rapid labor.

The appearance of the first fights indicates a reduction in muscle fibers of the walls of the uterus. It is quite difficult to recognize them. The organism of the feminine begins to actively prepare the body to speed. The initial phase of labor is coming.

The cuts of the uterus become rhythmic. Time begins to decrease. The frequency of spasms is increasing, the feeling of pain increases. At the interval between the fights equal to 5 minutes, discomfort continues to be strengthened not only in the lower back, but also at the bottom of the abdomen (abdominal cavity). At the latent stage, disclosure occurs at a speed of about 0.5 cm per hour.

According to statistics of obstetricians-gynecologists, the period in childbirth between the fights is 10-15 minutes. The faster the duration (for 20 seconds, 30, 40, 1 minute) is increasing, the greater pain is experiencing a woman in labor. Every 3 minutes the sensations will only increase. When breaking in 2 minutes, a positive attitude will help to cope with a future mammy.

In the subsequent phases, the duration of the bouts during childbirth will increase in time, and the interval is to decrease. The frequency of contractions increases. Oposhestors advise calling an ambulance with a guinea when the intervals between the fights will be equal to 5 or 7 minutes. Each new battle period will gradually increase, so doctors recommend performing respiratory gymnastics, to facilitate painfulness.

With the active period, the cervix becomes smoothed, its disclosure will go faster than under the latent period (see also :). Approximate disclosure rate is 1 cm per hour. Next, the generic activity begins to weaken, and the body of the future mother proceeds to the second stage of birth - the expulsion of the fetus.

The total time of the duration of the origin of the primordin is from 9 to 15 hours. These figures are reduced by 2 times for repeated women.

What are the sensations of pregnant during labor fights, are they painless?

The feminines experience different sensations from the first fights. Someone has a low pain threshold, and someone has a high. Accordingly, it is impossible to know in advance before childbirth, what force will be in pain in battles. There is an opinion that in the process of spasm the pain directly depends on the ability of a woman to relax. Muscles in voltage increase pain. To decline it is recommended to attend yoga classes, where they are taught to cope with stress by relaxing the body.

The sensations obtained by the woman during childbirth is impossible to confuse with anything. At first, the primary discomfort is experiencing discomfort in the lumbar department, then the pain covers abdominal wall and inguinal area. If you ask about pain in the already birth of women, they most often compare it with sensations when menstruation occurs. Someone will describe it as a protracted muscle spasm. Someone "covers the wave" in the field of the upper hips and the lower back.

How to facilitate pain in generic battles?

To facilitate pain, there are several dozen methods. However, anesthesia is the most reliable and rapid way. A special analgesic agent is introduced into the organism of the women in labor, which immediately begins to act. Oxygen-gynecologists in their practice are often used antispasmodics that contribute to the relaxation of the body.

When choosing a way to fully remove pain or temporary relief, you should not forget about spiritual practices. Proper breathing can not only calm down, but also relax muscles. You need to know how to breathe it is possible to breathe in the time of bouts, yoga classes will help. Such lessons in the last decade are particularly popular among primordin.

Reduce the pain sensations from regular bouts are capable of a properly selected pose of the feminine and massage of the lumbar spine, which can be performed by a nurse or obstetrician. What pose will be comfortable? Here you should remember the pose of the frog. For this you need to sit down and breed your knees to the sides, relying on the chair. To reduce pain in the first birth, a rack on all fours or lying on a gymnastic ball is helped.

With a prolonged true fight during childbirth, you should correctly inhale and exhale air. It is necessary to breathe deeply and calmly (4 seconds - inhale, 6 - exhale). In case of signs strong pain It is necessary to alternate slow breathing with fast. It helps to stay in consciousness and do not faint when the frequency of battle starts.

If one of the ways helped a woman in childbirth, then she should try to fall asleep. It is necessary to accumulate forces.

What if the water has moved, but no fights, or are they weak?

If water has moved away, and the fights are missing or very weak, then first of all should calm down and call ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, you must trace the activity of the baby, and also remember the color of the waters and the approximate number. The norm is transparent or light water. We will not be able to measure the body temperature - it should not rise above the norm.

After spontaneous fattening of the oily water, it is not necessary to worry about the risk of pupil loss (see also :). It is minimal and found in practice very rarely. When the waters are prohibited, it is forbidden to have sex, attend public toilets, violate the hygiene of the genital organs.

In many foreign countries after the deposition of water, it is allowed to wait for the beginning of the battle up to 72 hours (more in the article :). In Russian maternity hospitals, this time is reduced to 6 hours. If, after this period, the generic contractions continue to be absent or present, but weak, they are stimulated by generic activities. In the absence of a proper effect of the introduced drugs, the cesarean section is carried out.

Differences of real fights from false

All the primordars are trying to understand how the fights begin in pregnant women, how to determine their origin correctly, how not to confuse with pain in the stomach. It is important to record the frequency of the present first bouts and their duration. Pregnant women often come to the maternity hospital with training cuts, issuing them for true. However, an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist after inspection on the gynecological chair can immediately determine, generic activity has begun or not. Information To determine the signs of the start of true bouts during childbirth, see Table.

The time of the first boutsFrom 37 weeksFrom 20 weeks
Presence when changing body positionNotYes
Impact on the disclosure of the cervixYesNot
RegularityYes, you can track the frequency of boutsNo, lasts short
DurationIncreasesDoes not change
Duration of intervalsIncreasesDoes not change
SurabilityReminds the first day of menstruation, hurts the abdomenPainless, there is a small discomfort at the bottom of the belly
The growing speaker and the intensity of spasmsYesNot

Swelling and their features

What is swelling? They appear in the second period of childbirth. Pulls are reflex reductions in a diaphragm, uterine and abdominal muscles. Due to this, the baby is pushed from the mother of the mother. Pulls are involuntary - they arise independently when the body is ready for the birth of a child. Exchange lasts from 10 to 30 minutes.

Describe all the experienced feelings at bills are quite difficult. Many of the primordars compare sweeps with a state during defecation. First, the feeling appears, as if the intestine emptying occurs, and then - almost uncontrolled desire to live.

To facilitate severe pain during long spending in the process natural childbirth Need to perform correctly breathing exercises. The most common is the following: at the beginning of the athale, then you need to spew out. During one swelling, you can do this exercise several times depending on the possibilities of the fever. The gap is small, so you should collect all the strength to complete the process.

So ended last weeks Expectations. Fights begin. There comes the climax of all pregnancy - a few more hours, and you will see your baby. Of course, you will worry and worry about the outcome of childbirth, but if you are well prepared and understand what you have to wait for what is happening at every stage of the fights, it means that the courage will also come back too. Give life to a child! After all, it is such happiness! Prepare yourself, master the techniques and methods of relaxation and breathing control - they will help you keep composure and cope with pain. And do not be afraid if during the battles something will not exactly as you assumed.

How to determine the beginning of bouts

Your anxiety that you miss the attack of kits, absolutely groundless. Although false abbreviations that happen to the last weeks of pregnancy, sometimes you can really accept the beginning of the birth, these contractions you do not confuse with anything.

Signs of fights

Opening, the cervix pushes the mucous tube painted with blood, which clocked it during pregnancy.
What to do It can happen in a couple of days before the start of the battle, so before calling the obstetric or in the maternity hospital, wait when the pain in the abdomen or back will be constant or departed by oily water.

Departure of the oily water
The breakdown bubble break is possible at any per minute. Waters can be moved away, but it will be more likely to be gradually - they are detained by the child's head.
What to do Immediately call the midwife or ambulance. Hospitalization is more reliable, even if there is no contraction, as infection is possible. In the meantime, put a waffle towel so that it absorbs moisture.

Cuts of uterus
First, they make themselves known as stupid pain in the back or in the hips. After a while, abbreviations will begin, similar to the sensation during painful menstruation.
What to do When the abbreviations become regular, fix the intervals between them. If it seems to you that the contractions began, call the midwife. While they are not very frequent (up to 5 minutes) or painful, it makes no sense in the maternity hospital. The first births usually continue for quite a long time, 12-14 hours, and some of this time is better to spend at home. Slowly walk, stopping for a holiday. If the water has not yet been moved, you can take a warm shower or to eat slightly. In the maternity hospital, you can advise you not to come earlier than the fights will be strengthened and start repeated every 5 minutes.

Harbingers fights
Weak cuts in the uterus occur throughout the pregnancy. In the past few weeks, they are rapidly becoming more intense, so sometimes they can be adopted for the beginning of the bouts. Feeling such abbreviations, stand up, go and listen, whether they continue whether pauses are in short. Facifications Fights are usually irregular.

The frequency of fights
Trace the dynamics of abbreviations within an hour: start and end, amplification, frequency growth. When the contractions stabilize, their duration should be at least 40 seconds.

First period

At this stage, the muscles of the uterus are cut to reveal the neck and skip the fetus. At first, the reduction continues on average 10-12 hours. It is possible that at some time a panic will be covered. No matter how well you were prepared, the feeling that something with your body occurs with your body, can scare. Keep calm and try not to interfere with your body, do what it tells. It is now that you actually appreciate the presence of a husband or girlfriend, especially if they know that such a fight is.

Breathing in the first period of childbirth
At the beginning and at the end of the reduction, breathe deeply and even, inhaling the nose and exhausted by the mouth. When the abbreviation reaches its peak, resort to surface breathing, but now inhars and exhalations through the mouth. Do not breathe so long - you can turn your head.

Arrival in the hospital

In the receiving department you will be met by a midwife, which will perform all formalities and preparatory procedures. Husband at this time can be near you. If you give birth to the house, you will prepare for childbirth in the same way.

Questions of midwives
The midwife will check the registration records and your exchange card, and also clarify whether the water moved away and whether the output of the mucosa was observed. In addition, we will ask a number of questions about the fights: when did they start? How often do they occur? What do you feel at the same time? What is the duration of attacks?

When you change clothes, you will be measured blood pressure, temperature and pulse. The doctor will hold an internal examination to establish how the cervix revealed.

Future examination
The midwife takes you a stomach to determine the position of the child, and with the help of a special stethoscope will listen to his heart. It is possible that 20 minutes it will record the fetal heartbeat through the microphone - this entry will help to establish whether the oxygen gets a child when the uterus cuts.

Other treatments
You will be asked to hand over the urine to analyze sugar and protein. If you have not left the water, you can take a shower. You will be sent to the prenatal ward.

Internal examinations
The doctor will, if necessary, to conduct internal examinations, controlling the position of the fetus and the degree of cervical disclosure. Ask him questions - you also need to know about what is happening. Usually, the disclosure of the uterus is uneven, as if. shoes. The survey is carried out in the intervals between the fights, therefore, feeling the approach of the next reduction, you will need to report this to the doctor. Most likely, you will be asked to lie down, having posted with pillows, but if such a situation is inconvenient, you can lie on my side. Try to how much it is possible to relax.

The cervix is \u200b\u200bthe ring of muscles, in the usual condition closed around the uterine zois. The longitudinal muscles that form the walls of the uterus are departed from it. During the contraction, they cut, pulling the neck inside, and then stretching it so much so that the child's head passed into the uret.
1. The cervix under the action of hormones relaxes.
2. Weak cuts smoothly smoothed the cervix.
3. Strong cuts lead to the opening of the cervix.

Provisions for the first period of childbirth
In the first period, try to try different positions of the body, finding the most convenient for each stage. These provisions must be mastered in advance so that at the right time you can quickly accept the appropriate posture. Perhaps you will suddenly seem to be better to lie down. Lower not on the back, but on the side. The head and thigh at the same time should rely on the pillows.

Vertical position
On the initial stage Fights use some kind of support - wall, chair or hospital bed. If you wish, you can kneel.

Sit face to the back of the chair, leaning on the underlined pillow. The head is lowered on his arms, the knees are spread. Another pillow can be put on the seat.

Relying on her husband
In the first stage of childbirth, which you probably take on the legs, while fighting it is convenient to put hands on my shoulders to my husband and rely on. Husband can help you ruffle, massaging your back or stroking shoulders.

Position on the knees
Stand on your knees, spread the legs and relaxing all the muscles, go down top Body on pillows. Keep your back as you can straight. In the intervals between cuts, sit down on the thigh.

Four point support
Stand on your knees, leaning on your hands. It is convenient to do it on the mattress. Move the pelvis back and forth. Do not hubby back. Between the fights, relax, dropping forward and putting your head on your hands.

Body pain in the back
When heading the head of a child rests on to the spine, causing back pain. To relieve it:
during the battles, lean forward, carrying weight in your arms, and make a post-point movement with a pelvis; In the intervals go
in the intervals between the fights, let her husband massage your back.

Massage lowerback
This procedure will facilitate back pain, and will also calm and subjected you. Let the husband massages the base of the spine, pushing the palm on him with circular movements. Use Talc.

How to help yourself

Move more, go in the intervals between the fights - it will help to cope with the pain. During the attacks, choose a convenient position of the body.
Keep how you can directly: the child's head will rest in the cervix, the abbreviations will become stronger and more efficient.
Focus on breathing to calm down and distract your attention from bouts.
Relax in the breaks to save power until the time when they are especially needed.
Sing, even shout to alleviate the pain.
Look at one point or at some item to distract.
React only to this fight, do not think about the following. Imagine every attack as a wave, "Seddle" which you "will bring" a child.
More often urinate - the bladder should not interfere with the promotion of the fetus.

What can help husband

Praise and push my wife every way. Do not lose if it is annoyed - your presence is still important.
Remind the method of relaxation and breathing, which she studied at courses.
Wipe her face, keep her hand, massaging your back, offer to change the pose. What touches and massage likes it, you need to know in advance.
Be a mediator between my wife and medical Personnel. In all hold her side: for example, if she asks the painful.

Transition phase

The most difficult time of childbirth is the end of the first period. Fights become strong and long, and the intervals are reduced to minute. This phase is called transitional. Helloing, you probably will be either suppressed in this stage, or excessively excited and tearful. You may even lose a sense of time and between the fights will fall into sleep. This may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and chills. In the end, you will have a great desire, having gone, push the fruit. But if you do it ahead of time, it is possible to swell the cervix. Therefore, ask the midwife to check whether the cervix revealed completely.

Breathing in the transition phase
If premature cough begin, make two short sighs and one long exhale: "UV, UV, Fu-U-U-y". When the urge to stop will stop, make a slow smooth exhalation.

How to Stop Pulls
If the cervix has not yet revealed, in such a pose, do a double breath and a long exhalation: "UV, UV, Fu-U-U-y" (see right above). You may need anesthesia. Stand on your knees and, leaning forward, lower your head on your hands; Pelvic bottom should hide in the air. It will weaken the urge to spares and make it difficult to push the fetus.

What can help husband

Try to calm my wife, compress, wash the sweat; If she does not want it - do not insist.
Breathe together with her during battles.
Put her socks if the chills begin.
If there are arrogant, immediately call the midwife.

What happens to the neck of the uterus
The cervix, tested at a depth of 7 cm, is already quite stretched around the fetus head.
If the cervix no longer persists, it means that its expansion ended.

Second period As soon as the cervix was revealed and you are ready for attempts, the second period of childbirth begins - the period of expulsion of the fetus. Now to involuntary cuts in the uterus, you add your own effort, helping to push the fruit. Fights became stronger, but they are already less painful. Excirations are hard work, but the midwife will help you find the most convenient position and will lead you, suggesting when you need to sleep. Do not torfer events, try to do everything right. In the first birth, the second period usually lasts more than an hour.

Breathing in the second period of birth
Feeling calling for a lot, breathe deeply and, leaning forward, hold your breath. Between attempts, make deep soothing breaths. Slowly relax when the reduction falls.

Poses for the expulsion of the fetus
When attempts, try to keep straight - then the strength of gravity will work.

This is the perfect position: the lumen of the pelvis is revealed, and the fruit goes under the action of gravity. But if you did not prepare yourself to this pose in advance, you will soon feel fatigue. Resort to a lightweight option: if the husband sits on the edge of the chair, spreading his knees, you can sit between them, leaning my hands on his hips.

On the knees
This position is less tiring, besides, it facilitates sweat. If you are supported on both sides, it will give the body greater stability. You can simply rely on your hands; The back should be straight.

You can give birth on the bed, having sowing a pillow. As soon as there are arrogant, lower the chin down and graze legs with your hands. In the intervals between attempts, rest, leaning back.

How to help yourself
At the time of abbreviation, it is desolation, smoothly.
Try to relax a pelvic bottom so that you feel like it goes.
Relax face muscles.
Do not attempt to control the intestines and the bladder.
Rest between fights, take care of the strength for the dyg.

What can help husband
Try to somehow distract my wife between attempts, continue to calm down and encourage her.
Tell her about what you see, for example, about the appearance of the head, but do not be surprised if it won't pay attention to you.


The peak of childbirth has come. Baby is about to appear. You will be able to touch your baby's head, and soon and take it on your hands. First, probably, you will be covered with a sense of great relief, but surprise and tears of joy will follow and, and, of course, a sense of immense tenderness to the child.

1. The fetus head approaches the vaginal hole, pressing on the pelvic bottom. Makushka will soon appear: with each push, it will be shifted, then perhaps somewhat roll back when weakening cuts. Do not worry, it is completely normal.

2. As soon as the macushkin appears, you will be asked no longer to sleep - if the head goes too fast, the crotch breaks are possible. Relax, slightly move away. In the event of a threat of serious breaks or some violations, the child can make episiotomy. As the head expands the vaginal hole, there is a feeling of burning, but it lasts not long, replacing numbness, which is caused by a strong tensile tissue.

3. When the head appears, the face of the child is drawn down. The midwife checks whether the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck. If this happened, it can be removed when all the caller is released. Then the baby turns the head of the lobby, turning over full release. Obstetrician protects against him eyes, nose, mouth and, if necessary, remove the mucus from the upper respiratory tract.

4. Recent cuts in the uterus, and the child's body is completely released. Usually the child is put in the belly on the belly, because it still holds the umbilical cord. Perhaps at the first moment the baby will seem bluish you. Its caller is covered with original lubricant, traces of blood remained on the skin. If he breathes fine, you can take it on your arms, press to the chest. If breathing is difficult, he will be released airways, if necessary, give an oxygen mask.

Third period of birth
At the end of the second period of childbirth, probably, you will make an intravenous injection of the drug, which enhances cuts from the uterus, then the placenta will move almost instantly. If you wait until it squeezes naturally, you can lose a lot of blood. Spread this moment in advance with your doctor. To remove the placenta, the doctor puts one hand to you on the stomach, and the other is carefully drawn behind the umbilical cord. After that, he must verify that the placenta has moved completely.

Scale apg
Having accepted the child, the midwife evaluates his breathing, heart rate, skin color, muscle tone and reflexes, calculating the score on a 10-point hangar scale. Usually in newborns, this indicator ranges from 7 to 10. After 5 minutes, repeated counting: the initial score is usually growing.

You wake up and, if necessary, stitches. Neonatologist will examine the newborn, the midwife is weighing it and measure it. In order for the baby, a rare disease occurred, associated with insufficient blood coagulation, he can give vitamin K. Utc.Es to cut off immediately after birth.

Question and answer "I'm afraid of injuries during childbirth. Is there such a danger?"
Do not be afraid, there is no such danger - the vaginal walls are elastic, their folds are able to stretch and skip the fruit. "Do I need immediately after giving birth to a child breasts?" You can give the chest, but if the baby does not take - do not insist. In fact, a sucking reflex in newborns is strong, and when they suck, they have a good mood.


Birth rarely pass painlessly, but the pain has a special meaning: after all, each fight is a step towards the birth of a baby. You may need painkillers - it depends on the stroke of kits and your ability to cope with the pain. Perhaps you will be able to overpower it using the method of self-implication, but if the sharpening pain becomes unbearable, ask for an anesthetizing physician.

Epidural anesthesia
This anesthesia removes pain, block the nerves of the bottom of the body. It is effective when the contractions cause back pain. However, epidural anesthesia will be offered not in every hospital. The time of its use should be calculated so that the action of anesthetic ceases to the 2nd period of childbirth, otherwise it is possible to slow down the generic activity and an increase in the risk of episotomy and the imposition of forceps.

How does this happen
Epidural anesthesia requires approx. 20 minutes. You will be asked to curl up to the knees rest in the chin. Anesthetic tool will be introduced by a syringe to the lower back. The needle is not removed, which allows you to introduce an additional dose if necessary. Action anesthetic ceases after 2 hours. He can accompany some difficultness of movements and trembling in their hands. These phenomena go through.

On you The pain will pass, the clarity of consciousness will continue. Some women feel weakness and headache, as well as the severity in the legs, which is sometimes saved for several hours.
On the child No.

Oxygen nitrogen
This gas mixture significantly reduces the pain, without removing it completely, and causes euphoria. Apply at the end of the 1st period of childbirth.

How does this happen
The gas mixture comes through the mask connected by the hose to the machine. The gas action is manifested in half a minute, so at the beginning of the fight it is necessary to make some deep breaths.

On you Gas dults pain, but does not remove it at all. Inhaling, you will feel dizziness or felling.
On the child No.

This medicine is used in the 1st period of childbirth, when the female has been excited and it is difficult for her to relax.

How does this happen
The injection of priedol is injected into the buttock or thigh. The beginning of the action - after 20 minutes, duration - 2-3 hours.

On you Promedol manifests himself at home. For someone, he acts soothingly, relaxes, causing drowsiness, although the consciousness of what is happening is fully preserved. There are complaints about the loss of control over themselves, the state of intoxication. You can apply and shake.
On the child Promedol can cause a child in oppression of breathing and drowsiness. After childbirth, breathing is easy to stimulate, and drowsiness will disappear by itself.

The device of electrostation reduces pain and stimulates the internal mechanism for overcoming pain. It works on weak electric pulses, which affect the area of \u200b\u200bthe back through the skin. A month before the birth, find out if there is such a device in the hospital, and learn to use it.

How does this happen
Four electrodes are imposed on the back in places of focusing the nerves going to the uterus. Electrodes are connected by wires with the manual control panel. With it, you can adjust the current strength.

On you The device reduces pain at the initial stage of labor. If the fights are very painful, the effect of the device is ineffective.
On the child No.

Observation of the Fetal State

Throughout the period of childbirth, doctors constantly fix the frequency of fetal heartbeats. This is done by the usual obstetric stethoscope or using an electronic monitor.

Obstetric Stethoscope
While you are in the maternity ward, the midwife regularly listens through the abdominal wall of the fetal heartbeat.

Electronic monitoring of the fetus
This method requires complex electronic equipment. In some hospitals, such monitoring (control) is used throughout the birth, in others - episodically or in the following cases:
if childbirth is caused artificially
if you made epidural anesthesia
if you have complications that can threaten the fetus
if the fetal has deviations from the norm.
Electronic monitoring is absolutely harmless and painless, but significantly limits the freedom of movements - thereby you cannot control the contractions. If a doctor or midwife offered you constant monitoring, find out whether it is really necessary.

How does this happen
You will be asked to sit down or lie on the couch. The body will be fixed with pillows. Sticky tapes with sensors are secured, which capture the palpitations of the fetus and register the cuts of the uterus. The instrument readings are printed on paper tape. After the movement of the oily water, the child's heartbeat frequency can be measured by submitting an electronic sensor to his head. This monitoring method is most accurate, but not very convenient. Some maternity hospitals use radio-wave monitoring systems with remote control (telemetry monitoring). Their advantage is that you are not tied to bulky equipment and during battles you can move freely.

Special methods of objects
This is a dissection of a vagina entry to prevent the break or in order to reduce the second period of childbirth in the threat of the health of the fetus. To avoid episiotomy:
learn to relax the pelvic bottom muscles.
when exhalation of the fetus, hold the straight.

Epsotomy will need if:
the fetus is a berium preview, a large head, other deviations
you have premature birth
apply forceps or vacuum
you do not control the sweeps
the skin around the entrance to the vagina is not stretched enough.

How does this happen
In the climax of the fight is made increment of the vagina - down and, usually, a little to the side. Sometimes there is no time for an anesthetic injection, however, the pain you will not feel anyway, since the partial numbness of the tissues occurs and due to the fact that they are stretched. Pretty long and painful, it may be imposed by the imposition of seams after episotomy or a break - complex, requiring special care procedure. Therefore, insist to make you a good local anesthesia. Sowing material after a while dissolves itself, it is not necessary to delete it.

An unpleasant sensation and inflammation after episiotomy in the order of things, but the pain may be strong, especially when infected. The incision heals for 10-14 days, but if you and then something will disturb, consult a doctor.

Removing the fetus
Sometimes to help the child appear on the light, forceps or vacuum extraction are used. Using forceps is possible only with the complete opening of the cervix when the head of the fetus entered it. Vacuum extraction is permissible and in case of incomplete disclosure - in case of protracted labor.

Forced extraction is made:
if you or the fetus during childbirth, some deviations were discovered
in the case of a berium prevention or premature birth.

How does this happen

Forceps You will make pain relief - inhalation or intravenous anesthesia. The doctor puts the tongs, hackering their head of the child, and with cautious sipping displays it out. When applying forceps, completely exclude swells. Next, everything happens naturally.
Vacuum extractor This is a small sucker connected to the vacuum pump. Through the vagina, it is added to the fetus head. While you are trown, the fruit is carefully pulled out by the generic canal.

Forceps They can leave dents or bruises on the head of the fetus, but they are not dangerous. A few days later these traces disappear.
Vacuum A cup of suction cup will leave light swelling, and then the bruise on the head of the child. This will also gradually come down.

Stimulation of childbirth
Stimulation means that the fights will have to cause artificially. Sometimes methods are used to speed up the contractions if they are too slow. Approaches of doctors to stimulation are often different; Therefore, try to find out what the practice of artificial causing childbirth where you will give birth.

Fight cause artificially:
if, when delays in childbirth for a period of more than a week, the prize of disorders in the fetus or disorder of the features of the placenta was detected
if you have a high arterial pressure Or some other complications dangerous to the fetus.

How does this happen
Artificially called childbirth is planning pre-and you will be offered to the hospital in advance. Use 3 methods of stimulation bouts:
1. A hormonal drug cerviprost, softening neck of the uterus, is introduced into the cervical cervical channel. Fights can start in about an hour. This method is not always effective at first birth.
2. Opening of an oily bubble. The doctor pierces the hole in by an oil bubble bubble. Most women do not have any pain. Soon the cuts of the uterus begin.
3. Through the dropper, a hormonal drug contributing to a reduction in the uterus is introduced intravenously. Ask the dropper to put on the left hand (or on the right if you are left-hand).

The introduction of a hormonal drug is preferable - you can move freely during bouts. When using a dropper, the fights will be more intense, and the intervals between them are shorter than when ordinary childbirth. In addition, you have to lie.

Breeding pretext
In 4 cases out of 100 babes low part Body. Birth with this position of the fetus is longer and painful, so they should be held in the hospital. Since the head, the largest part of the child's body, the latter will appear at childbirth, it is measured in advance with an ultrasonic scanner to make sure that it will pass through the pelvis. Epsotomy will need; often used cesarean section (In some clinics it is necessary).

Twins must be given birth in the hospital, since forceps often use forceps to extract them. In addition, one of them may have a berium prevention. Probably, you will be offered epidural anesthesia. The first period of childbirth will be one. Second - Washed - Two: One child comes first, behind him - the second. The interval between the birth of twins is 10-30 minutes.


With a cesarean section, the child appears over the open abdominal wall. The need for the operation will be reported in advance, but this measure can be caused by complications during childbirth. If the cesarean section is scheduled, they will apply epidural anesthesia, that is, you will be conscious and can immediately see the baby. If the need for an operation occurs during the bouts, then epidural anesthesia is possible, although sometimes common anesthesia is required. It is difficult to accept the fact that you cannot give birth normally. But these experiences are overcome if you prepare psychologically.

Lobok do you, drip to your hand, and a catheter will be inserted into the bladder. Make an anesthesia. In the case of applying epidural anesthesia between you and the surgeon, it will probably be installed. Typically, a horizontal incision is made, then the surgeon with a suction removes the oily water. The child is sometimes removed using forceps. After reveling the placenta, you can take it on your hands. Operation itself lasts five minutes. Another 20 minutes takes over the seams.

The incision "Bikini" is made horizontally, above the top line of the pubis, and after healing it is almost impaired.

Long to lie, without getting up, you will not allow you after delivery. Walking and movement for you are completely non-hazardous. The first days incision will still be painful, so ask the anesthetic. Strong straight, supporting seam with hands. Day after two Start easy exercises; Even every other day, when they remove the bandage, you can swim. Seams take off on the 5th day. A week later you will feel quite good. The first 6 weeks avoid large loads. After 3-6 months, the Scar pale pale.

How to breastfeed
Put the child on the pillows so that he does not give his weight to the wound.

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