Ditinon from what tablets helps. Ditinon - the right choice in the treatment of uterine bleeding


Active substance:ethanzila.

In 2 ml of solution (one ampoule) contains 250 mg of ethanzila.

In 1 ml of solution contains 125 mg of ethanzila.

Excipients:sodium metabisulphite (E223), sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.


Colorless, clear solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hemostatic means. Vitamin K and other hemostaticities.

ATX: B02BX01 code.

Pharmacological properties


Ethailate is a synthetic hemostatic and an angioprotective agent acting on initial stage Hemostasis (at the stage of interaction between endothelium and platelets). Due to the improvement of platelet adhesion and the restoration of capillary resistance, it reduces the bleeding time and blood loss.

Ethallate does not have a vasoconstrictor effect, does not affect fibrinolysis and plasma coagulation factors.


The peak level in a plasma equal to 50 μg / ml is observed 10 minutes after B / in the introduction of ethanzilage at a dose of 500 mg. At the introduction of the same dose of etching, the peak level in a plasma equal to 30 μg / ml is observed after 1 hour. Plasma protein binding is about 95%. Ethalitis penetrates through a placental barrier. In the blood of mother and cord blood, similar levels of the drug are observed. Whether the ethalate penetrates breast milk, unknown. Ethallate is weakly metabolized. Ethallate is derived mainly by the kidneys, with 85% - unchanged. The half-life of plasma is 2.1 hours (in / m) and 1.9 hours (in / c). About 70-80% of the dose is derived from the urine during the first 24 hours.

Lee pharmacokinetics of etching in patients with impaired kidney function and (or) liver is unknown.

Indications for use

Prevention of prevention, intra- or postoperative capillary bleeding with all complex operations or operations on well-vascularized tissues: in otorinolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology or plastic and rehabilitation surgery.

Treatment of capillary bleeding of any origin and localization.

Prevention of perivnricular hemorrhages in premature children.


Acute porphyria.

Bronchial asthma, increased sensitivity to sulfites.

Increased sensitivity To any of the components of the drug.


In connection with the risk of falling arterial pressure During parenteral administration in patients with unsustainable arterial pressure or hypotension, care must be taken (see the "Sidey" section).

The drug contains sodium metabisulphite, which can cause allergic reactions, nausea and diarrhea in susceptible patients.

Allergic reactions may be pronounced, up to an anaphylactic shock, and are capable of causeing asthma bouts. The prevalence of such allergic reactions is unknown, but, in all likelihood, it is low. Increased sensitivity to sulfitis in patients bronchial asthma It is observed more often than those who do not suffer from this disease (see the "Contraindications" section). In the case of the development of the reaction of hypersensitivity, the introduction of the drug must be discontinued immediately. In the case of skin reactions or increase temperatures, it is necessary to stop treating and informing the doctor, since such symptoms may be signs of hypersensitivity reactions.

If the drug is prescribed to reduce abundant and (or) long menstrual bleeding, and at the same time the desired effect cannot be achieved, it is necessary to exclude the presence of another pathology that can cause such a state.


The drug is suitable for applications in children in recommended doses.

The drug may be prescribed to prevent periodricular hemorrhages in premature children. For dispensing recommendations, see "Method of Application and Dose" section.

Patients S. renal failure

The safety and effectiveness of treatment with ethanzilate in patients with renal failure has not been studied. Since the ethalate is completely excreted by the kidneys, with renal failure, a dose reduction may be required.

Results of laboratory tests

Used by therapeutic doses Ethallate may affect the results of an enzymatic analysis of creatinine definition in the direction of decline in indicators.

To exclude any possible effect of the drug on laboratory indicators, before the first use of ditinon, initial analyzes are performed (eg, blood), which will be required during treatment.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical data on the use of the drug by pregnant women is limited.

Animal experiments did not reveal any direct or indirect toxicity affecting reproductive feature. As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of the drug during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of data on the ability of the drug to penetrate into breast milk, breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment. If breast-feeding It continues, the use of the drug must be discontinued.

Influenceon theabilityto governvehicles and work with mechanisms

Influence does not.

Method of application and dose

Adults and teenagers

Before surgery:1-2 ampoules in / in or per / m per hour before surgery.

During the operation:1-2 ampoules in / c, repeat as needed.

After operation:1-2 ampoules, repeat every 4-6 hours for the entire time, while the risk of bleeding is preserved.

With urgent situations and depending on the severity of the case:1-2 ampoules in / in or per / m, repeating every 4-6 hours before the risk of bleeding.

Local application:wheood the napkin with the contents of one ampoule and attach to the bleeding area or put into the cavity formed after the removal of the tooth.

If necessary, appliqué can be repeated. Possible combination with intake or parenterally.


Half dose for adults.


10 mg per kg of body weight (0.1 ml \u003d 12.5 mg) in the form of intramuscular injections in the first 2 hours after birth, then every 6 hours for 4 days.

Patients with hepatic or renal failure

In patients with hepatic or renal failure, clinical trials were not conducted. Therefore, care must be taken when appointing such patients with dicinon injections.

The injection solution is incompatible with solutions containing sodium bicarbonate or lactate.

The ditinon solution cannot be mixed with other medicines in one syringe.

If the drug is mixed with saline, it should be used immediately.

Side effect

Side effects observed when applying etchilage are listed below. Very frequent (≥ 1/10), frequent (≥ 1/100,

Violations from the gastrointestinal tract

Frequent: nausea, diarrhea, discomfort in the abdomen.

Rare: bitter taste.

Disturbing from the skin and subcutaneous fabrics

Frequent: rash.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site

Frequent: asthenia.

Very rare: fever.

Violations from nervous system

Frequent: headache.

Vessel violations

Very rare: thromboembolism, arterial hypotension.

Blood violations and lymphatic system

Very rare: agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Violations by skeletal and muscular and connective tissue

Rare: pain in the joints, back pain / lower back.

Violations from immune system

Very rare: hypersensitivity, anaphylactic shock.

Disturbance of metabolism and nutrition

Very rare: acute porphyria.

These reactions are usually reversible after the cessation of treatment.

Highly efficient modern hemostatic preparation - Ditinon tablets. What do they help? The medicine excellently has proven itself in the practice of specialists of various profiles - from surgeons to otolaryngologists and therapists. The use of the drug "Ditinon" The instruction justifies not only for stopping already existing bleeding, but also for prevention.

The main composition and form of release

Manufacturer Medicine "Ditinon", from which helps to stop bleeding, produced in rounded tablets, which are placed in blisters. In cardboard packaging packing 100 pieces. The injection concentrate is produced in ampoules, in a package of 20 or 50 pieces.

In addition to the active component of the ethimzilage, which is part of the drug in a volume of 250 mg for the shape of tablets and 20 mg for an amplule concentrate, there are other auxiliary substances:

  • povidone, starch from corn, as well as magnesium stearate and lemon acid for tableted shape;
  • for injection concentrate - metabisulphite, bicarbonate Na, as well as injectable fluid.

Basic pharmacological action

Basic active substance - Ethanzila. Thanks to its action, the drug "Ditinon", instructions for use reports this, has a pronounced hemostatic effect - the ability to stop capillary bleeding, significantly reduce venous bleeding. Such properties are explained by the activation of the formation of thromboplastin, which is formed at the initial stage of the heel.

Quick reception of the "Ditinon" means allows you to optimally increase the concentration of mucopolysaccharides, which have the ability to protect the protein fibers from excessive trauma. It adjusts the capillary permeability, significantly increases their traumatic resistance, enhances microcirculation.

According to the attached instructions, the Ditinon medicine, from which the coagulation of blood elements slightly increases, does not provoke the narrowings of vascular structures, it also does not contribute to the formation of thromboms in the bloodstream.

The active action of the pharmacological agent is observed after 1.5-2 hours from the oral administration, and 7-12 minutes after intramuscular injection. Interval therapeutic effect It is 4.5-6 hours.

Tablets "Ditinon": from which the medicine helps

Since the drug "Ditinon" is a hemostatic remedy, the main indications of its use will be:

  • stop almost all types of bleeding;
  • prevention of blood loss - post-traumatic, postoperative bleeding;
  • for quick stop secondary options bleeding, for example, against the background of the generated hematuria, thrombocytopathy, hypocoagulopathy;
  • assigned after receiving information about the presence of intracranial bleeding, drug variant bloodstream;
  • with a hemorrhagic vasculite.

Preferred testimony for the use of Ditinon medication will also be repeated microcharging into the retina, diabetic complications - retinopathy, Verlgood pathology. In obstetric and gynecological practice - with abundant menstrual discharge.

The decision on the availability of indications for the reception of one or another form of a hemostatic agent is made by a specialist in each case individually - in direct dependence on the severity of symptoms, age category Patient, the presence of other somatic pathologies.

Possible side effects and contraindications

According to the instructions attached to the medicine, Ditinon preparation is not recommended for receiving:

  • with the mounted blockage of the lumen of the vessel with a thrombotic mass;
  • various versions of thrombosis;
  • acute porphyria - high concentrations in the bloodstream of porphyrins;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the active component of etcilate.

With extreme caution, the medication is included in the treatment during bleeding, which were provoked excessive use Preparations pursuing the goal to lower blood coagulation.

Possible side effects:

  • feeling of discomfort in the post mill;
  • pronounced heartburn;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • pain impulses in different parts of the head;
  • numbness in the fingers of the legs;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • hypotension.

During the period of tooling the baby, women, as a rule, the "Ditinon" means is not recommended for receiving. Indications in this case are carefully weighed by a specialist. If the need for medication has occurred during lactation, it will be necessary to temporarily stop breastfeeding the child.

Ditinon preparation: instructions for use

The methods of administering the pharmacological agent "Ditinon" set - orally, intramuscularly, as well as intravenously. In ophthalmologic practice - retrobulbarno.

In order to prevent possible postoperative bleeding, the medication is introduced per hour before surgery. With a prophylactic target, the means is adopted in the amount of 8 mg / kg patient weight. The reception of 0.5 g will be shown daily in the case of abundant menstrual discharge, pulmonary or intestinal bleeding.

Under the pathologies of the blood system, as well as during the severe flow of hemorrhagic diathesis, diabetic angiopathy The dose of the medication is 0.75 g per day. The duration of therapeutic course is determined only by a specialist, as a rule, does not exceed 12-14 days.

Tablets "Ditinon": instructions for use

Injection form of the drug "Ditinon"

Set the following therapy schemes:

  • hemorrhagic syndrome - three times a day at 6-8 mg / kg, lasting up to 10-14 days, according to individual indications the course is repeated after 7-10 days;
  • diabetic microhangity - intramuscularly 0.25 g three times in 24 hours, the medical course can occupy up to 3 months;
  • to stop capillary bleeding, you can apply a sterile bandage, moistened in the ethalate solution.

With excessively abundant menstrual discharges, a specialist can be recommended a brief course of ditching tablets "- 5 days before they started, and another 5 days after the start: three times a day for 2 tablets. When uterine bleeding, the introduction of the medication is carried out only under the strict observation of the attending physician - 1-2 ampoules every 6-8 hours, until the bleeding stops, or the risk of recurrence will not disappear.

Medicinal interactions

Under the absolute prohibition combination in one syringe, the "Ditinon" and other medicines. For the prevention of the antiagregative effects of Dexts, the specified medication is recommended to introduce at least an hour before their use. Upon expiration of the above temporary interval, the use of etchilage will not give the desired effect.

If you need a course of Ditinon medication in patients with a history of thromboembolism or thrombosis, it is recommended to observe special caution. As in the case of pregnant women.

Analogs of the drug "Ditinon"

  1. "Ethailate".
  2. "Ethalizila-Feren".
  3. "Ethaminzila Esk".
  4. "Ditinon 500".
  5. "Ditinon 250".


Tablets "Ditinon" in Moscow you can buy at a price of 387 rubles. Their cost in Minsk is 18-34 white. rubles. You can buy a medicine in Kiev for 300 hryvnia. The price in Kazakhstan reaches 6500 tenge (ditinon 250mg 2ml (ethanzilate) No. 50 ampoules).

Ditinon is a homeostatic agent, a warning, reducing, as well as stopping bleeding.

Active substance

Ethailate (etamsylate).

Release form and composition

Indications for use

It is used in secondary bleeding arising against the background of thrombocytopathy (qualitative inferiority of platelets), as well as thrombocytopenia (reducing the number of blood platelets); with parenchymal (caused by damage to the lungs, spleen, kidneys and liver) and capillary (caused by damage to the smallest vessels) bleeding; in hematuria (blood content in the urine); hypocoaguations (slow blood clotting) and intracranial hemorrhage.

Shown in nasal bleeding arising against the background of increased blood pressure; diabetic microangiopathy (lesion of capillaries on the background sugar diabetes), hemorrhagic vasculitis (multiple micro-forming and inflammation of the walls of microsudes) and hemorrhagic diathesis (blood system inclination to increased bleeding).

It is used during menstruation to prevent abundant blood loss.


Contraindicated in thrombosis, hypersensitivity to ethanezilant, acute porphyria ( increased level Porphyrins in the blood), as well as thromboembolism, that is, the clogs of the blood vessel thrombus.

With extreme caution, it is prescribed with bleeding arising from an overdose tools that contribute to a decrease in blood coagulation.

Instructions for applying ditinon (method and dosage)


The daily dose of adult tablets is 10-20 mg / kg body weight, divided by 3-4 reception. One-time dose is 250-500 mg 3-4 times / day. In exceptional cases, one-time dose can be increased to 750 mg 3-4 times / day.

  • 750-1000 mg / day prescribe 750-1000 mg / day, starting from 5 days of expected menstruation to 5 days of the next menstrual cycle.
  • IN postoperative period The drug is prescribed in a single dose of 250-500 mg every 6 hours to the disappearance of the risk of bleeding.
  • Children are prescribed in a daily dose of 10-15 mg / kg in 3-4 receptions.


A solution of dicinion for V / M and B / in injections: the daily dose for adults is 10-20 mg / kg, divided by 3-4 V / m or V / in (slow) injections.

  • Adults under operational interventions are prophylactically introduced in / in or per / m 250-500 mg per 1 hour before the operation. During operation, 250-500 mg is introduced, the introduction of this dose can be repeated again. After the operation, 250-500 mg is introduced every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding is disappeared.
  • For children, the daily dose is 10-15 mg / kg body weight, divided by 3-4 administration.

Side effects

The use of Ditinon drug in some cases can cause the following side effects: severity in the epigastric area (top abdominal wall), heartburn, overflow of the blood vessels by blood, headache, dizziness, numbers, allergic reactions, reduction of blood pressure.


No information available.


Analogs in the ATX code: Ethalizila.

Do not make a decision on replacing the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

The use of the drug contributes to an increase in the formation of a large mass of mucopolysaccharides, protecting protein fibers from damage in the walls of capillaries. In addition, the drug allows you to normalize the permeability of capillaries, increase their stability, as well as improve microcirculation.

It does not affect the increase in blood clotting, does not contribute to the formation of thrombus and ensures the narrowing of the vessels. The drug is observed after one or two hours after oral application And after 5-15 minutes after injecting administration. The duration of the therapeutic effect is an average of 4-6 hours.

special instructions

  • Before treatment, it is necessary to exclude other causes of bleeding.
  • It should be borne in mind that 1 ditinone tablet contains 60.5 mg of lactose. Therefore, the drug should not be prescribed to patients with congenital intolerance to glucose, lackp lactase deficiency or with glucose-galactose glucose Mal Absorption syndrome.
  • It is impossible to use a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administrationif he painted.
  • The solution applies only to stationary conditions and in clinics. It is permissible to use only locally.
  • Does not affect the ability to control vehicles.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Applies only if the benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. At the time of use of the drug, breastfeeding is recommended to stop.

In childhood

Appointed by testimony in the dosage adjusted with the age of the patient.

In old age

No information available.

Medicinal interaction

  • Introduction in a dose of 10 mg / kg body weight 1 hour before the administration of dextrans prevents their antiagregative effect. The introduction of ditinon after the administration of dextrans does not have hemostatic action.
  • It is possible to combine with aminocaproic acid and menadion sodium bisulfite.
  • Ditinon solution is pharmaceutically incompatible (in one syringe) with others drugs.
  • Incompatible with sodium solution of bicarbonate for injection and sodium solution of lactate.

Preparation for warning and stopping bleeding. It affects the first stage of the hemostasis mechanism (interaction between endothelium and platelets). The ditinon increases platelet adhesion, normalizes the strength of the capillar stories (reducing their permeability), inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis, which cause platelet disaggregation, vasodilation and increase the permeability of capillaries.
When applied inside the drug is almost completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, reaching peak concentrations in serum 4 hours after reception. About 72% of the adopted dose is excreted in the urine unchanged for 24 hours.
After in / in the introduction of the drug, the hemostatic effect is marked after 5-15 minutes, the maximum therapeutic effect It is achieved for 1 hour. The effectiveness of the drug begins to decline after 4-6 hours. After the introduction at a dose of 500 mg, the maximum level in the blood plasma is achieved after 10 minutes and is 50 μg / ml. Approximately 72% of the dose entered is excreted for 24 hours with urine in an unchanged state. Ethalitis penetrates through a placental barrier and penetrates breast milk.

Indications for the use of Ditinon

Tablets, PR for injection:

  • prevention and treatment of bleeding during and after surgical operations in otolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology, plastic surgery;
  • prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding of various etiology and localization: hematuria, metrragia, primary menorragia in women with intrauterine contraceptives, nasal bleeding, bleeding with gingivitis.

PR for injection:

  • in neonatology (the drug is prescribed as an angioprotector before the normalization of microcirculation).

The use of Ditinon preparation

The daily dose is: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. In severe cases, the dose is 3 tablets 3-4 times a day. With menorrhagia, 3-4 tablets are prescribed per day, starting 5 days before the expected start of menstruation and until the 5th day of the next menstrual cycle.
After operation, 1-2 tablets are used every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding is disappeared.
PR for injection
It is used in / in (slow) or in / m. The optimal dose for adults is 10-20 mg / kg of etching and introduced in 3-4 reception. In most cases, the daily dose is 1-2 ampoules 3-4 times a day.
Before operational intervention Enter in / in or per / m 1-2 ampoules. During the operation, in / in 1-2 ampoules; Introduction In the same dose, you can repeat. After the operation, 1-2 ampoules are introduced every 6 hours before the risk of bleeding is disappeared.
In neoatology, dicinon is introduced in / m or in / in doses of 12.5 mg / kg (0.1 ml \u003d 12, 5 mg). Treatment should be started during the first 2 hours after birth and apply the drug every 6 hours for 4 days to a total dose of 200 mg / kg.
Ditinon can be used local (skin graft, tooth removal) with a sterile marlevary wipe, moistened with a preparation.

Contraindications for the use of drug Ditinon

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, acute porphyria, hemoblastosis in children. Increased blood clotting.

Side Effects of Ditinon

Pills: Rarely - nausea, epigastric pain, dizziness, skin rash.
PR for injection: Headache, dizziness, face hyperemia, transient skin reactions, nausea, pain in epigastria, paresthesia lower extremities. Sometimes - a decrease in systolic pressure after a / in the administration of the drug. These side effects are weakly pronounced.

Special instructions for the use of Ditinon

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude other causes of bleeding.
Caution use the drug in patients with thrombosis and thromboembolism in history. The drug is ineffective with a decrease in the number of platelets.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The safety of the use of the drug is not installed. Ditinon is allowed to accept only if the potential benefits for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. When applying the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped.
Impact on the ability to manage motor vehicles and mechanisms. Does not affect.
Tablets should be taken while eating or after meals.
It is prohibited to use the drug in the event of a change in color R-ra.

The interactions of the drug Ditinon

pR for injection Not compatible with r-rum sodium bicarbonate and with sodium lactate powder. The contents of the ampoule should not be mixed with other preparations in one syringe. If ditinon is mixed with physiological r-rh, it must be used immediately.
Pills: Interactions with other drugs are not installed.

Overdose of the drug ditinon, symptoms and treatment

No data.

Conditions for the storage of drug Ditinon

In a dry-protected place at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

List of pharmacies where you can buy ditinon:

  • St. Petersburg

Manufacturer: Sandoz GmbH (Sandoz GmbH) Germany

PBX code: B02BX01

Farm Group:

Release form: Solid medicinal forms. Pills.

General characteristics. Structure:

1 ampoule with 2 ml of injection solution contains ethnzilage 250 mg; In a box 50 pcs.

1 tablet - 250 mg; In a blister 10 pcs., In a box of 10 blisters.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Ditinon is a tool to prevent and stop. It affects the first stage of the hemostasis mechanism (interaction between endothelium and platelets). Ditinon enhances platelet adhesion, normalizes the stability of the capillaries, thus reducing their permeability, inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis, which cause platelet disaggregation, vasodilation and increased permeability of capillaries. As a result, bleeding time significantly decreases, blood loss is reduced.

Pharmacokinetics. Ethailate is almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, reaching Cmax in the blood plasma 4 hours after reception.
After in / in the administration of the drug, the hemostatic effect is observed after 5-15 minutes, the maximum is achieved for 1 hour. The drug is effective for 4-6 hours, after which the effect gradually disappears. After a / in ditinon administration at a dose of 500 mg, the maximum level in the blood plasma is achieved after 10 minutes and is 50 μg / ml.
About 72% of the introduced dose is derived within the first 24 hours with urine unchanged. Ethalitis penetrates through a placental barrier and penetrates breast milk.

Indications for use:

Ditinon is prescribed for the prevention and control of hemorrhages in surface and internal capillaries of various etiologies, especially if the bleeding is due to the defeat of the endothelium:
.Rofilaxia and treatment of bleeding during and after surgical operations in otolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology and plastic surgery;
.Profilaxia and treatment of different etiology and localization:, metroralia, primary hypermetrian, hypermetrian in women with intrauterine contraceptives, bleeding gums.

Besides togo Rr For injection:
. Nonatology: Prevention of perivnricular bleeding in premature infants.

Method of use and dose:

Apply inside. Tablets take during or after meals.
The daily dose for adults is 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. In severe cases, the dose is 3 tablets 3-4 times a day.
When menorrhagia is prescribed 3-4 tablets per day, starting from the 5th day from the expected start of menstruation until the 5th day of the next menstrual cycle.
After operation, 1-2 tablets are used every 6 hours until the risk of bleeding is disappeared.
The daily dose for children is half a dose for adults.
PR for injection
Apply to / in (slow) or in / m. The optimal dose for adults is 10-20 mg / kg of etching and introduced in 3-4 reception. In most cases, the daily dose is 1-2 ampoules 3-4 times a day. The daily dose for children is half a dose for adults.
Prior to operational intervention, 1-2 ampoules are introduced in / in or per / m. During the operation, in / in 1-2 ampoules; Introduction In the same dose, you can repeat. After the operation, 1-2 ampoules are introduced every 6 hours before the risk of bleeding is disappeared.
In neoatology, dicinon is introduced in / m or in / in doses of 12.5 mg / kg (0.1 ml \u003d 12, 5 mg). Treatment must be started during the first 2 hours after birth. The introduction of the drug is carried out every 6 hours for 4 days to a total dose of 200 mg / kg.
Ditinon can be used local (skin graft, tooth removal) with a sterile marlevary wipe, moistened with a preparation.

Features of application:

Caution is used in patients with thrombosis or thromboembolia in history. The drug is ineffective at.
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude other causes of bleeding.
Each ditinone tablet contains 60.5 mg of lactose, so patients with hereditary intolerance to galactose, lactase deficiency, glucose / galactose malabsorosis syndrome should not be prescribed this drug.
It is forbidden to apply the drug in the event of a change in the color of the injection p-ra.
District of ditinon Incompatible with r-rum sodium bicarbonate and sodium lactate powder.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
The safety of the application of etchilage during pregnancy is not established. Therefore, the drug is prescribed only if the expected benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
During treatment with the drug, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.
Children. The drug is contraindicated in children with hemoblastosis (lymphatic and myeloid leukemia, osteosarcoma).
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driven by vehicles or working with other mechanisms. Does not affect.

Side effects:

From the nervous system: rarely, tides to face, in the lower limbs.
From side of cardio-vascular system: rarely - , .
From the head of the gastrointestinal tract:, pain in the field of epigastria.
From the immune system: rarely - allergic reactions, rash on the skin, is described by an occasion of angioedema edema.
From side endocrine system: Very rarely sharp.
From the side of the musculoskeletal system: rarely - pain in the back.
All side effects are weak and transit.
In children who were treated with ethanzilate to prevent bleeding in acute lymphatic and myeloid leukemia, more often noted by severe leukopenia.

Interaction with other drugs:

Tablets: Interactions with other drugs are not installed.
PR for injections: The contents of the ampoule should not be mixed with other drugs in one syringe. If ditinon is mixed with physiological r-rh, it must be used immediately.


Increased sensitivity to ethanzilant or to any other ingredient of the drug. Acute porphyria, increased blood coagulation. Hemoblastosis (lymphatic and myeloid leukemia, osteosarcoma) in children; PR for injections as well: hypersensitivity to sodium sulphitis; Ba.


No data.

Storage conditions:

In a dry, light-protected place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Leave terms:

On prescription


Tablets 250 mg blister, number 100

Solution d / in. 250 mg AMP. 2 ml, number 50

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