Nootropic drugs list. Modern nootropics as an achievement of medicine

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Drugs such as nootropics are a group of psychotropic drugs that can increase resistance nervous system person. They help to quickly solve the problem of injuries, oxygen starvation, poisoning, severe physical activityas well as insomnia.

How do nootropics enhance brain capabilities?

Medications of this type directly affect various functions of the brain, bring them into activity, and make the mind and memory processes work. These medical preparations able to facilitate the interaction of both hemispheres and the main centers that are located on the cerebral cortex. For achievement desired effect Nootropics perform the following actions:

  • stabilization of cell membranes;
  • increased glucose utilization;
  • elimination of oxidation processes;
  • activation of the formation of proteins and ATP.

What is the harm of using nootropics?

Such drugs do not pose a serious threat to the human body, since they do not affect any important functions. But at the same time, they have a number of contraindications and side effects, which should definitely be studied before using drugs.

Forbidden states when taking nootropics include:

As for the side effects, they are quite rare, since most patients tolerate these medicines very well. In some situations, the following reactions occur:

  • drowsiness all day;
  • allergies
  • a sharp change in blood pressure;
  • dyspeptic pathologies;
  • nervousness.

Top 20 best nootropics. List of drugs by effectiveness

A sufficiently effective and completely safe remedy is able to have a beneficial effect on the brain, improving blood circulation and its activity.

This drug does not dilate blood vessels, makes the neuromuscular connection stronger and utilizes glucose.

Another advantage of the nootropic is its positive impact on the learning process and improving the storage of information.

As for the shortcomings, buyers highlight only one nuance - the effect is not immediately noticed, but only after a couple of weeks from the start of the drug.

2. Phenotropil

Tablets have anti-amnestic properties, improve mood and increase the resistance of the human body to stressful conditions.

They are prescribed by specialists in case of depression, convulsive state, chronic alcoholism, as well as neurotic problems. The drug is famous for the ability to improve vision and facilitate the learning process. In addition, it replenishes the energy reserves in the consumer's body.

In addition to contraindications for use, the nootropic has another drawback - you can buy it only by prescription.

3. Combitropil

The product, sold in the form of capsules, contains cinnarizine and piracetam, which ensures its increased effectiveness.

It has not only nootropic, but also a vasodilating effect.

Among the negative qualities, only caution is noted when taking the drug for a long time, since side effects may appear.

4. Biotredin

The drug, which improves memory, concentration and attention, helps to reduce the craving for alcohol, and also eliminates headaches of any type. It is also important in the exchange of nucleic acids, as it improves it almost instantly.

Patients also like the tool for increasing clarity in consciousness, discovering the latent possibilities of the brain, wakefulness and increasing vitality.

The disadvantages include the incompatibility of the drug with other antipsychotic tablets, as well as an additional contraindication - hypersensitivity to vitamin B.

5. Calcium hopantenate

This remedy has a beneficial effect on the brain thanks to the main active substance, which is hopantenic acid.

Nootropic possesses anticonvulsant and analgesic properties, helps to improve concentration and memory, and also accelerates blood flow in the brain. It does not contain toxic elements and is well tolerated by the body.

The negative side is the increased effect of sedative tablets and a prescription from a doctor when buying.

The excellent corrector of blood circulation in the brain is liked by both doctors and patients for their high efficiency and ability to improve mental activity in a short time.

The downside is the fact that when prescribing the drug intravenously, it must be administered slowly, which not everyone can do on their own.

A medicine with an analgesic, nootropic and tranquilizing effect improves metabolic processes in the tissues, copes with mental disorders and helps reduce anxiety.

Moreover, the tool helps to increase the resistance of the human brain to oxygen starvation and the adverse effects of toxins.

As for the shortcomings of this drug, they all come down only to the main side effects and contraindications.

The tool in the form of drops stimulates the energy processes of the brain and increases its resistance to various stresses and hypoxia.

It is absorbed quite quickly, does not affect the hormonal background and does not harm health. It is also worth noting the neurometabolic effect of the nootropic, which is pronounced even in the case of taking drops in minimal doses.

The downside is irritation of the nasal mucosa, if you use the tool for too long.

9. Acefen

The composition is good because it helps to improve blood supply to the brain, eliminate depression, activate cognitive activity, and also develop the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency and toxic effects. It also has an antihypoxic effect and calms the nervous system.

Speaking about the shortcomings of the drug, it is worth noting not only about the need for a prescription from a doctor when purchasing, but also about the fact that hallucinations begin to appear more often in schizophrenic patients taking this drug and their duration increases.

10. Cogitum

This type of nootropic has gained popularity due to the relief of patients with cerebral palsy, restoration of the nervous system, and the ability to take not only with water, but also with other drinks.

Its negative quality is hyperactivity or excessive tearfulness in children taking the drug, although such phenomena are rarely observed.

11. Glycine

Well-known soothing pills are famous for the fact that they are allowed to be taken by both adults and children.

In addition, they are available without a prescription and have a reasonable price for everyone. It calms nerves, makes cognitive functions work, and activates thought processes and speeds up memorization.

In addition, its components quickly penetrate into the tissues, so it does not take long to wait for a positive effect.

12. Vinpocetine

An excellent nootropic is designed to dilate blood vessels and improve microcirculation, which makes it effective. It provides the brain tissue with the necessary nutrients and oxygen.

Moreover, this remedy lowers arterial pressurebringing it back to normal, and also dilutes the blood.

The drug even has an antioxidant effect.

13. Phenibut

This drug plays a crucial role in stimulating the brain.

It normalizes blood circulation, improves night sleep, eliminates drowsiness in the daytime, has an antioxidant property, and also has a beneficial effect on memory and concentration. In addition, tablets help improve the emotional stability of the central nervous system.

The only drawback of this drug is the fact that without a prescription it will not be possible to purchase it.

A medicine with antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties strengthens the human nervous system and improves memory. It is well tolerated by both adults and children, so this drug is used more often in pediatrics and for the elderly.

This nootropic is quite effective and does not cause particular harm to health if you adhere to contraindications and do not ignore the doctor's recommendations.

Among the shortcomings, experts note the fact that in case of severe disorders of the nervous system, the medication does not have any effect.

15. Cerebrolysin

A high-quality nootropic helps bring the brain into activity, returns the “stop” and makes it possible to accelerate the development of mental activity in children. In addition, it improves speech skills.

The disadvantage is the appearance of seizures as a result of an incorrect injection.

16. Piracetam

This drug is not in vain included in the list of leaders.

It is prescribed specifically for the treatment of memory problems, intellectual disabilities, as well as the psycho-organic syndrome, which entails frequent dizziness.

The main advantage of this tool is the sensitive functioning of the brain after ingestion.

In the case of an increase in the dosage indicated in the instructions, a difference in the physiological state is possible (from excessive excitement to severe drowsiness and vice versa), which is the main disadvantage.

17. Pantogam

Nootropic gently affects the nervous system and is allowed for use by adults and children.

In the first case, tablets are prescribed, in the second - syrup. It helps the body cope with a decrease in mental performance, as well as schizophrenia.

Side effects when taking it are extremely rare.

18. Cortexin

An excellent drug without third-party reactions is famous for its low toxicity and lack of flaws, except for its high cost.

Pills effectively fight against circulatory disorders of the brain, epileptic seizures and reduced learning ability.

This nootropic is usually prescribed to children.

19. Picamilon

A drug with sufficiently powerful antiplatelet, antioxidant and tranquilizing properties helps to increase the efficiency of the brain in a short time.

It perfectly regulates mental abilities and soothes nerves.

20. Pramiracetam

Completes the list of leaders tool included in the racetam category.

It positively affects intelligence, concentration and memory. As for the side effects, they appear very rarely when taking these pills, moreover, they are weakly expressed.

It also has an excellent effect on the cognitive capabilities of the brain, which is a considerable advantage.

Remember, self-medication is dangerous, for advice on the use of any medicines see a doctor.

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Nootropics are drugs to provide supportive effects on the higher mental functions of the brain. Nootropics are believed to be able to stimulate mental activity, activate cognitive functions, improve memory and increase learning ability.

In recent years, the load on the ordinary human psyche has been growing (and not the least role is played by the presence of a particular screen increased from about 12 hours from a smartphone to a TV). Mountains of information, social pressure, many things at the same time, distracted attention and clip consciousness - all these are typical companions modern man. And every year the situation is only getting worse.

It is difficult to swim against the current (and is it necessary?), And therefore, in addition to conscious hygiene of the mental load, you can maintain activity, vigor, and the inclusion of your brain at new speeds of the information society with the help of drugs. It will be about nootropics.

What are nootropics

The term "nootropic" is composed of the Greek words νους - mind and τροπή - tossing, interfering, changing. It was used to describe the effect of piracetam - the first nootropic drug discovered in 1972.

In most countries of the world, piracetam and other nootropics are not registered as medications, since their effectiveness has not been proven in controlled studies. Despite this, in Russia and some other countries, piracetam is widely used in clinical practice for the treatment of many neurological, psychiatric and other diseases.

By the way, in English literature, nootropics are also called the colloquial phrase smart drugs (which can be translated as “drugs for the mind” and as “smart drugs”).

In 1972, the term K. Giurgea was proposed by the scientist nootropics for the designation of drugs that improve intellectual memory, attention, learning and have a characteristic stimulating effect on the induced transcallosal potential, which have additional antihypoxic activity and do not have a negative effect on the body, unlike psychostimulants.

By the way, coffee and tea are also referred to as nootropics.

What types of nootropic drugs are

Now the classification of nootropics by their chemical composition is used.

  • Derivatives of pyrrolidone: piracetam, etiracetam, aniracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, dupracetam, rolziracetam, etc.
  • Derivatives of diaphenylpyrrolidone: phenotropyl.
  • Derivatives of dimethylaminoethanol (precursors of acetylcholine): deanol aceglumate, meclofenoxate.
  • Derivatives of pyridoxine: pyritinol, biotredin.
  • Derivatives and analogues of GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid (aminalon), nicotinoyl-GABA (picamilon), gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride (phenibut), hopantenic acid, calcium gamma-hydroxybutyrate (sodium hydroxybutyrate).
  • Neuropeptides and their analogues: noopept, semax, selank.
  • Amino acids and substances that affect the system of excitatory amino acids: glycine, biotredin.
  • Derivatives of 2-mercantobenzimidazole: ethylthiobenzimidazole hydrobromide (bemityl).
  • Vitamin-like products: idebenone.
  • Polypeptides and organic composites: cortexin, cerebrolysin, cerebramin.
  • Substances of others pharmacological groups with component nootropic action:
    • neuromodulators: phenotropil;
    • correctors of cerebrovascular accidents: nicergoline, vinpocetine, xanthinol nicotinate, vincamine, naftidrofuril, cinnarizine;
    • general tonic agents and adaptogens: acetylamino-succinic acid (known as "succinic acid"), ginseng extract, melatonin, lecithin.
      psychostimulants: sulbutiamine;
    • antihypoxants and antioxidants: oxymethylethylpyridine succinate (mexidol);
      acefen and its derivatives.

Signs of nootropic activity are present in the pharmacodynamics of glutamic acid, memantine, and levocarnitine.

The best nootropics polled by 850 Reddit readers

Nootropics are beginning to spread actively in Russia, but the most popular reviews of this type of drug are still on western sites. The largest spontaneous study of the effectiveness of nootropics by personal assessment is conducted annually by users of the Reddit site. In the ranking of nootropic drugs in 2016, 850 readers of the site took part, who subjectively evaluated the effectiveness of drugs from 0 to 10.

Top 20 Nootropics rated by 850 Reddit users in a 2016 survey:

The editors of the Brainprotips website, which specializes in articles on brain preparations, provide the following set of recommended products / preparations with a nootropic effect:

  • L-theanine
  • Coffee,
  • Cocoa,
  • Curcumin
  • Blueberries
  • Choline (CDP-choline or Alpha GPC)
  • Uridine
  • Creatine
  • Bacopa monierra,
  • Magnesium,
  • Vitamin D
  • DHA / EPA,
  • B vitamins,
  • Modafinil.

Another site gives its list of recommended nootropins, in which it is easy to notice the names repeated above:

  • Aniracetam
  • Oxiracetam
  • Noopept
  • Phenibut
  • Vinpocetine
  • Huperzine-a
  • 5-htp
  • Alpha GPC
  • Choline
  • L-theanine
  • Phenylethylamine (PEA)
  • Lion’s Mane (Yamabushitake)
  • Bacopa
  • Ginko biloba
  • Ashwaghanda
  • Rhodiola
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine

From Zozhnik, we add that the reaction to various nootropics (as well as to many other things in this life) is very individual, experts on different sites recommend choosing what helps you. Also, you should not take many supporting drugs at once, try one thing and carefully monitor yourself.

Sources: Wikipedia, Reddit,

Nootropic drugs are popularly called "smart" pills. After all, such drugs improve the brain. They activate learning, improve memory. The first nootropic synthesized in 1963 was the drug Piracetam. During the study of the drug, scientists have confirmed that the tool improves mental abilities, improves memory, performance. Today, many drugs have been developed with a similar effect. These are the new generation nootropics. We’ll talk about them.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics of a new generation do not cause dependence in humans. In addition, they do not provoke psychomotor agitation. Their reception does not cause exhaustion of physical capabilities.

It is generally well tolerated. But some patients may experience undesirable reactions, which were discussed above. For violations in carbohydrate metabolism, this drug is not used, because it contains sucrose.

The drug "Pantogam"

The medicine is able to activate mental activity, normalize behavioral reactions, and increase working capacity. Actively promotes brain enrichment with oxygen.

This tool is approved for use by children from 1 year. It is used for babies suffering from cognitive disorders. Mainly with speech delay, hyperactivity syndrome.

The average cost of the drug is 358 rubles.

List of the best nootropics

Today there is just a huge list effective drugs. In addition, periodically, new drugs appear on the pharmacological market. After all, developments to create the most effective means are ongoing.

If we talk about the best nootropics, then doctors allocate the following medications:

  • "Piracetam" (and today it belongs to the rank of highly effective drugs).
  • Nootropil.
  • "Phenotropil".
  • "Glycine".
  • Meclofenoxate.
  • "Cerebrolysin."
  • Aminalon.
  • "Bemitil."
  • "Biotredin."
  • "Vinpocetine."

Patient opinions

From the above, it is quite clear how the nootropic is positioned by the instructions for use. Reviews of patients who have tested the medicine on themselves, largely confirm the effective effect on the body.

A special place is occupied by the same old preparation “Piracetam”. It is prescribed for many pathologies, especially it is in demand after head injuries. Patients who adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor notice that unpleasant phenomena, such as migraine, dizziness, are eliminated under the influence of the medicine.

Excellent drugs, especially for diseases of the IRR, are considered drugs "Cinarizine", "Vinpocetine." They eliminate such undesirable symptoms as persistent dizziness, bluish nail plates, chilling limbs and many others. However, in some patients, adverse reactions can also provoke.

Despite this, it is the patients who assure that nootropic drugs able to "just bring to life!" Therefore, love yourself, take care of your health and take the medicines prescribed by your doctor!

Nootropic drugs - what are these medicines? You will receive the answer to the question from the submitted article. In addition, you will learn the history of their occurrence, principles of action, properties, indications and effects of the application.

General information

Nootropic drugs - what is it? Such medicines improve brain function, rejuvenate the body and prolong life. These are neurometabolic stimulants that have an activating effect on learning. In addition, they significantly improve mental activity and memory. The term "nootropic" is composed of two Greek words νους and τροπή, which in translation means "reason" and "change", respectively.


Nootropic drugs do not have their own class in the classification of medical drugs. That is why they were combined with psychostimulants and began to belong to the pharmacotherapeutic group with the following ATX code: N06BX.

History of occurrence

In 1963, the Belgian pharmacologists S. Giurgea and V. Skondia synthesized the first drug from the presented group - Piracetam. Today, such a nootropic drug is known to most patients under the name Nootropil. Like a psychostimulant in the middle of the 20th century, he increased mental and did not have any side effects.

In 1972, one of the creators of this medicine proposed the term "nootropic" to refer to groups of drugs that improve intellectual memory, learning and attention, as well as affect transcallosal potential, have antihypoxic activity and do not negatively affect the body.

In contrast to the well-known psychostimulants, nootropic drugs stimulate which subsequently leads to an increase in their activity, which is quantitative in nature and not qualitative. It should be specially noted that the effect of most of these drugs does not appear after the first dose, but with prolonged treatment.

The latest nootropics

Currently, more than 10 original nootropic drugs of the pyrrolidine series have been synthesized, which are in phase 3 of clinical trials or have already been registered in a number of countries. Among these drugs, one can distinguish “Oxiracetam”, “Nefiracetam”, “Etiracetam”, “Aniracetam”, “Rolziracetam”, “Isacetam”, “Pramiracetam”, “Cebrecetam”, “Dupracetam”, “Detiracetam” and others. The medications presented have the common name is "Racetam".

Among all others, other families of nootropic drugs were synthesized, including GABAergic, cholinergic, glutamatergic and peptidergic systems. It should also be noted that the nootropic active component is present in other medicines, which have a different chemical origin.

Operating principle

Nootropic drugs - what are these medicines, and why are they prescribed? At the heart of therapeutic effect There are several mechanisms of such medicines:

  • activation of plastic processes in the central nervous system due to the strengthening of proteins and RNA synthesis;
  • improving the energy state of neurons, which is manifested in enhancing the synthesis of ATP, as well as antihypoxic and antioxidant effects;
  • improved glucose utilization;
  • strengthening synaptic transmission processes in the central nervous system;
  • membrane stabilizing effect.

Features of drugs

The main mechanisms of such drugs are considered to be their direct effect on bioenergy and metabolic processes in nerve cells, as well as interaction with brain systems (primarily neurotransmitter).

It has long been proven that nootropics are able to activate adenylate cyclase and increase its concentration in the neuron. Besides, elevated level cyclic adenosine monophosphate leads through a change in the flow of intracellular Ca2 + and K + ions to the rapid release of the mediator from the sensory neuron.

It should also be noted that activated adenylate cyclase is able to maintain production stability in aTP cells without oxygen, and in conditions of hypoxia, translate the brain metabolism into a stored mode.

Nootropic drugs for the elderly and children are essential to increase their creative activity and restore delay intellectual development. Manufacturers of such stimulants claim that their medications improve the metabolism of nucleic acids, activate the synthesis of protein, ATP and RNA, penetrate well through the BBB, and also increase the rate of glucose use.

Nootropic Properties

The effect of a number of nootropic drugs is sometimes mediated through the neurotransmitter system of the brain (cholinergic, monoaminergic, glutamatergic).

According to manufacturers, nootropics are capable of exerting other types of effects, including:

  • antioxidant;
  • membrane stabilizing;
  • neuroprotective;
  • antihypoxic.

Other drug options

Nootropic drugs are recommended to be used comprehensively. Indeed, the bioelectric activity and integrative activity of the brain are only improved in such a way that it manifests itself in the form of characteristic changes in electrophysiological patterns (a noticeable increase in the level of wakefulness, as well as a dominant peak, easier passage of information between the cerebral hemispheres, and the increase in the relative and absolute power of the hippocampus and cortex EEG spectrum).

Due to the increase in cortico-subcortical control, the improvement of information exchange in the brain, the positive effect on the reproduction and formation of a memorable trace, we can safely say that such drugs lead to increased learning ability, improved memory, thinking, attention, perception, as well as activation of intellectual functions .

By the way, many manufacturing companies claim that such tools can significantly improve and accelerate cognitive (or However, these statements have not been scientifically confirmed.


According to the manufacturers, nootropic drugs have the following effects on humans:

Are nootropic drugs effective for the prevention of stroke?

What are these medicines, we figured out. But here a new question arises about how effective they are in the treatment and prevention of strokes. It should be noted that this practice is in doubt. This is due to the fact that the use of nootropics in relation to such deviations has not been confirmed

Clinical application

Before explaining why such drugs are used in official medicine, it should be noted that nootropic drugs without prescriptions by doctors are not dispensed in pharmacies. This is because they belong to the same drug group as strong psychostimulants.

The medicines originally presented were used to treat brain disorders in the elderly with organic brain syndrome. Although in the past few years (usually in third world countries) they have become quite widely used in different areas medicine, including surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, neurology, narcology, as well as obstetric and geriatric practices.

Thus, nootropic drugs are used by doctors for:

Indications to children

In developing countries, the agents presented are especially common in pediatrics. Thus, nootropic drugs are prescribed for children with:

  • mental retardation;
  • delayed speech and mental development;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • consequences of perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  • attention deficit disorder.

Other indications for use

The best nootropic drug is that drug that has a pronounced therapeutic effect and does not negatively affect the human body. It should be noted that such funds are sometimes used for:

  • stuttering (Pantogam, Phenibut);
  • correction of antipsychotic syndrome (Hopantenic acid, Pyritinol, Deanol Aceglumat, Pantogam);
  • hyperkinesis ("Hopantenic acid", "Phenibut", "Memantine");
  • urination disorder (Pantogam, Nicotinoyl-GABA);
  • sleep disturbances (Phenibut, Calcium gamma-hydroxybutyrate, Glycine);
  • migraines (Piritinol, Nicotinoyl-GABA, Semax);
  • dizziness ("Ginkgo biloba", "Phenibut", "Piracetam");
  • for the prevention of motion sickness ("GABA", "Phenibut").

By the way, in ophthalmic practice, such drugs are used as part of combination therapy for open-angle glaucoma, vascular diseases of the retina and macula (Nicotinoyl-GABA), as well as senile and diabetic retinopathy (Ginkgo biloba).

Natural Nootropics

In addition to drugs, natural substances with similar properties are often used to obtain a therapeutic effect. Naturally, natural nootropics are not as effective as pharmacological agents, however, within a few weeks after use, patients still begin to notice an improvement in cognitive functions and so on.

Currently, many people, especially those living in megacities, regularly experience mental stress. Poor environmental conditions also have a negative effect on the body of inhabitants of large cities. Stress is far from harmless. Frequent overstrain of the nervous system over time leads to its depletion, resulting in more or less pronounced nervous disorders and even mental illness. Exposure to stress factors greatly increases the likelihood of pathologies. of cardio-vascular system. On the "nervous ground" often develop and.

In a person exposed to regular stresses, the ability to remember decreases and cognitive activity worsens. He becomes more irritable and susceptible. For many decades, specialists have been trying to find means to prevent and minimize the adverse effects of stress on the human body.

Recommended reading:

Nootropics are drugs that improve the ability to remember, stimulate mental activity and make the human brain more resistant to factors such as oxygen starvation, the effects of toxic substances and even trauma.

Note: the first effective nootropic - Piracetam was obtained over half a century ago. It was created by pharmacologists from Belgium. The drug has passed comprehensive clinical trials in 1963.

Work on the creation of new drugs, nootropics are actively ongoing today. Currently, there are a number of very effective agents that increase the functional activity of the brain. They help people cope with psycho-emotional overstrain and stabilize the nervous system.

Nootropic effect is a positive effect on higher functions bark.

Other positive effects of modern nootropic drugs include:

Note: anti-asthenic effect is to reduce sensation general weakness and lethargy, as well as minimizing the manifestations of mental asthenia. The mnemotropic effect implies an improvement in the ability to memorize and learnability in general. Under the vasovegetative action understand the stimulation of blood circulation in the so-called. The brain pool. Nootropic drugs are powerful adaptogens that allow the body to adapt to the effects of various (mostly unfavorable) environmental factors.

Nootropics last generation able to increase clarity of consciousness. Modern drugs this class does not provoke psychomotor agitation. They do not cause drug dependence (addiction) and even with prolonged use, they do not deplete the body's own resources.

Nootropics are able to activate the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein compounds in the central nervous system. They accelerate the energy processes in the processes of cells of the nervous system and improve the transmission of nerve impulses. Preparations at the cellular level significantly reduce the formation of free radicals, i.e., have an antioxidant effect. They optimize the utilization of glucose and other polysaccharide compounds. Nootropic drugs are responsible for the formation of proteins and phospholipids in neurocytes, due to which their membranes are stabilized. Preparations of this group increase the concentration of adenylate cyclase in the cells of the nervous system, due to which the ATP process, the main energy base of cells, is normalized. Adenosine triphosphoric acid under conditions of insufficient oxygen supply stabilizes the metabolism in the brain.

Important: Nootropic drugs increase the level of formation and release of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine.

Classification of nootropic drugs

Nootropics include funds of several clinical and pharmacological groups.

  1. Stimulants of metabolism in nerve cells:
    • GABA derivatives:
  • Phenibut
  • Aminalon;
  • Hopantenic acid.
    • Derivatives of pyrrolidone:
  • Piracetam
  • Phenylpiracetam;
  • Pramiracetam

Note: Pantothenic acid compounds include the widespread Pantogam nootropic, and Pyritinol is produced on the basis of vitamin B6.

  • The means in which dimethylaminoethanol is present include:
  • Centrophenoxin;
  • Acefen.
    • Among the drugs with peptides and amino acids are the following drugs:
  • Actovegin;
  • Glycine;
  • Cerebrolysin.
  1. Nootropics that reduce the negative effects of oxygen deficiency include, in particular, hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate.
  2. Succinic acid, vitamins E and B15, and extract from ginseng root are classified as vitamin-like drugs and nootropic adaptogen agents.
  3. Vasotropic, i.e., positively affecting cerebral blood vessels the drugs are Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine and Instenon.
  4. To improve memory, tools with a different mechanism of action are used:
    • Anticholesterase drugs and cholinomimetics:
  • Choline;
  • Galantamine;
  • Amiridine.
    • Hormonal drugs:
  • endorphins;
  • enkephalins;
  • ACTH;
  • Corticotropin.

Indications for the use of nootropic drugs

Preparations of this clinical and pharmacological group are prescribed for such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • decreased mental and physical activity;
  • impaired mental ability;
  • problems with memory and concentration;
  • neuroinfections (for example, encephalitis or polio);
  • exposure to the brain of toxic substances;
  • consequences of cerebral blood flow disorders;
  • senile dementia;
  • encephalopathy and withdrawal against the background of regular abuse of alcohol;
  • stuttering;
  • consequences of head injury (brain damage);
  • ischemic stroke;
  • enuresis;
  • hyperkinesis.

Note: Nootropic drugs are used in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular pathologies and open-angle glaucoma

Nootropics in pediatrics

Pediatricians can prescribe nootropic drugs for children suffering from the following pathologies:

  • delayed speech development;
  • deviations in the general mental development;
  • mental retardation of varying severity;
  • damage at birth (for example, with hypoxia).

Contraindications to the use of nootropic drugs

Nootropics are not prescribed to patients when diagnosing:

  • hypersensitivity to the active component or intolerance to auxiliary ingredients;
  • a marked decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys (acute or chronic renal failure);
  • hemorrhagic stroke (acute period);
  • gottington's chorea (hereditary degenerative disease of the central nervous system).

Important: Nootropic drugs are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women!

Side effects

The vast majority of patients tolerate therapy with nootropic drugs.

In some cases, the following side effects may develop:

  • unmotivated feeling of anxiety;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • daytime drowsiness;
  • increased irritability;
  • blood pressure instability;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergy.

Note: in patients of advanced and senile age, nootropics in rare cases can provoke an increase in severity clinical manifestations coronary insufficiency.

The drugs that are now most widely used in clinical practice

  1. Piracetam (analogues - Nootropil and Lucetam) It is produced in tablet form for per os administration, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection and intravenous infusion. The tool improves metabolism in the central nervous system and stimulates cerebral circulation. Piracetam negatively affects platelet aggregation, and therefore, with bleeding disorders, it should be used with caution.

  1. Pramiracetam, which is available in tablet form, is characterized by a high degree of affinity for choline. The drug improves cognitive abilities and improves memory. It does not have a calming (sedative) property. The drug is recommended for long-term course of treatment; the effect fully develops after 1-2 months from the start of administration. Use with caution in patients suffering from renal failure!
  2. Cavinton (analogues - Vinpocetine and Neurovin). The drug is produced by pharmaceutical companies both in the form of tablets and in injection solution. It improves blood flow in the cerebral vessels. The tool is widely used in neurology, as well as in ophthalmic practice with complex treatment retinal pathologies. It is also effective in improving hearing acuity. Recommended course treatment for 1-8 months, depending on the nosological form and dynamics. The drug should be discontinued, gradually reducing the dose for 4-5 days. In the acute period of the disease, parenteral administration of the solution is indicated; as the condition improves, the injection form is replaced with tablets.

  1. Phenibut (analogues - Noobut \u200b\u200band Bifren) - it is made in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. The drug allows you to fight memory impairment and oxygen starvation of nerve cells. It increases not only mental, but also physical performance, allows you to reduce nervous tension, get rid of feelings of anxiety and normalize sleep. Phenibut should be prescribed with caution in parallel with sleeping pills and antipsychotics, since the nootropic potentiates their effect. The drug is indicated for decreased intelligence and neurosis-like disorders. It is recommended to travelers as a remedy for motion sickness and motion sickness. Shown exchange rate for 1-1.5 months.

  1. Cerebrolysin - has a positive effect in the treatment of serious organic lesions and neurodegenerative pathologies of the central nervous system, including even Alzheimer's disease. The drug is widely used in complex therapy consequences of head injuries and strokes. The tool is made in the form of an injection solution.

  1. Encephabol - for adults is available in tablets, and for children - in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste and smell. The drug is a powerful neuroprotector and antioxidant. The tool normalizes behavioral functions and improves cognitive abilities.
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