Presentation for preschoolers "Pets. Presentation for preschoolers "Pets Presentation for children will prepare groups Pets

This presentation can be used starting from the second youngest group. With this presentation, children will learn about pets and their young (mom, dad and their child, enshrid domestic animals (as they say).

In the process of the didactic game, children will consolidate knowledge about

Why do they call "native animals" (a person cares for them, feeds, gives them comfort and house)

What animals eat in food (you can reveal this topic and add other pictures)

What benefits bring to a person (they benefit in the protection of the house (dog, help in the farm (horse, food (milk - goat, cow and more.)

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Presentation "Pets and their young"

Today, the use of computer technology (ICT) entered the system of preschool education. It began to use computers in classrooms in kindergartens. We are in our preschool institution use ICT mainly to demonstrate didactic materialThis is very convenient to use in classes and largely facilitates our work. And most importantly kids are very interesting.

But recognizing ICT - new powerful for intellectual Development Children need to remember that its use in educational purposes in preschool institutions requires a thorough organization, both themselves and the entire regime as a whole.

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Presentation on "Pets" for preschoolers with ONR 2 | Your speech therapist online


The presentation includes a number of riddles on this topic with answers in pictures.

Children view animal photos (structure, body parts, distinctive features). You can talk with children, why animals are called domestic, remember the voices of animals, the names of their young.

The occupation includes finger gymnastics on this topic.

In the presentation there is d \\ and according to the lexic and grammatical system of speech. "Name gentle", "one - a lot."

Then in the lesson used literacy learning elements: sound and syllated word analysis, the definition of the position of the sound in the Word.

This presentation can be used not only in classes in speech therapy groups, but also in conventional groups for older.

Presentation on "Pets" for preschoolers with ONR | Your speech therapist online


Explanatory note.

Presentation on the topic "Pets" is based on games and exercises for senior children preschool age with ONR.

Its goal is to expand the knowledge of children about pets, the structure of their body, features of food and place of residence. Exercise in the formation of assignatory adjectives and approval of numerical with nouns.

Develop visual-shaped thinking, visual perception. Attention and coherent speech, fine motor. Rise the careful attitude and love for animals, the desire to take care of them.

This presentation can be used by logbook teachers and educators on the frontal, subgroup and individual node.

You can download the presentation here

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Presentation of classes for an interactive plan for the world around the world (younger group) on the topic: Interactive game for preschoolers "Pets"

Subject: "Pets"

- The purpose of the manual:

Tasks benefits:


Material from

Presentation for the occupation of the world (younger group) on the topic: Interactive game for preschoolers "Pets"

- Subject: "Pets"

- The purpose of the manual: Consider and expanding children about pets: appearance, food features, dwellings

Tasks benefits:

one) . Develop monologic, connected speech; The ability to tell consistently: to answer questions with a detailed proposal. (Speech development)

2). Form and intensify dictionary of pets: cow, horse, sheep, goat, dog, rabbit, cat , ... (speech development, socially communicative)

3). To bring up friendly relationships, the ability to listen to the comrades, plan their work in collective work; Curlance to the autonomy of children (Socio-Communicative Development)

Presentation: Pets

The speech therapist distributes pet masks (you can drawn), children put them on their heads.

"Once Pets began a dispute about who the most necessary for the owner.

The cow said (hereinafter says a child who has an appropriate mask on his head): "I am the most necessary, because I give a delicious milk," and the cat answered her: "No, I need the most necessary, because I catch the mice who eat shopping reserves "

But the dog was not agrees with them: "I am the most necessary, because I guard the master's yard." But here the horse intervened in the argument and said: "And I translate heavy loads for the owner, so I am the most necessary."

For a very long time they argued, but they could not find out who the most needed. "

2. Announcement of the subject of classes.

Guys! Today we will talk about pets, and you have to think who the most necessary for the owner.

3. Introductory conversation.


The very first animal whom a man did his friend was a dog. There was time. Pets began to differ much from their wild relatives and appearance, and by nature.

They are peaceful and focus, they are not afraid of man, used to getting food, help and protection.

Cows, rams, goats, horses and other large pets are cattle. Cattle in the summer grazing in the meadow. There animals eating fresh grass. For the winter they harvest the hay. Cows and goats die every day and get milk.

Milk make sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, oil, cheese. Baranov and sheep cut when they grow wool. From sheep wool makes threads.

From threads knit scarves, socks, sweaters and make woolen fabrics. Cows and rams give meat. Horses help man in work.

They carry loads. All pets benefit.

4. Development of lexico - grammatical categories.

Guys! You know different pets. And which parts of the body of these animals you can call. (Children call parts of the body)

Game "Whose, whose, whose?"

Dog paws. Whose paws? - Doggy. Cow hoofs. Whose hooves? - ... Beard goat. Whose beard? - ... the tail of the horse.

Whose tail? - ... rabbit muzzle. Whose muzzle? - ... cats cats. Whose paws? - … etc.

"Say the opposer" game

Many animals have the same parts of the body, but they may differ in size, painting, and can be opposite to each other. Look at the pictures and answer: the cow has a long tail, and in a pig ... (short) in a pig thick legs, and in a sheep ... (thin) rigid bristles, and the cat has a wool ... (soft) Baran ... (stupid)

The game "form a new word".

The cow has a long tail. Cow, what? - Longly. The bull is sharp horns. Bull, what? - Ostrogged. Pig's short legs.

Pig, what? - Shortyogy. At rabbit long ears. Rabbit, what? - Longhudoes. Horse has a long mane. Horse, what? - Length.

In sheep soft wool. Sheep, what? - soft. Camel has two humps. Camel, what? - dugorby.


That's what a catshka, (go "kitty" step) Round face, (they smite) And on each foot (depict claws) claws - scratches. All toys toys - (jumping in place) Cube and coil. Kitty, as if the ball, (jump over each other in a circle) jumps on the apartment.

Game "Guess what kind of animal?"

You learned a lot about pets, and now try to guess them on the sobs and voice.

Starts, nibbles, barks (who is it?) - Meow, lacques, scratches -


Presentation for children "Pets" - download watch for free

Slide number 20.Slide description:

Riddles Mord Beept, coat striped, often washed, and it does not mean with water. Lies - silent, you will wear it - crashes. Who goes to the owner, she knows.

Bella choirs, red rows.

Slide number 21Slide description:

A beard shakes, leaks lyco, and the noodles do not break. Who has a patch, not squeezed into the cam? On the legs of his empty. He eats and drinks from the bodied.

Pencing itself, eats green, gives white.

Slide number 22.Slide description:

Not a pahacary, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter, but the first worker on the village. Slied the livelock, lean at the door, two medals on the chest. Better in the house do not come.

The dense herbs worked out, the meadows were cried, and I myself am the whole curly, even the horny horror.

No. Slide 23.Slide description:

Interesting facts Cat is the most effective healer than the other four-legged, flying and crawling. Their plus is that the cat is not amenable to the mood of man and is not infected with his diseases.

Almost all cats and some dogs lie down near or on the sore part of the human body. Salus dogs contributes to the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Absadin. Mustache help the cat determine whether it crawl into the hole!

No. Slide 24.Slide description:

According to the book Guinness, the smallest cat is the Himalayan-Persian bluette, whose name is Tinker Tin; When he grew up, his length was only 19 cm. French kings are known to the world not only with their luxury yard.

These great people are famous for their limitless love for hunting dogs. Louis Xiii slept with his dogs. The duke Vedod went even further, a whole sample of dogs slept on his bed.

No. Slide 25.


On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Integrated speech development and teaching children in the second younger group on the topic "Pets and their cubs"

The lesson is carried out in the second youngest group on the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarova. The class of comparison method is applied ...

Integrated speech development and training in the second youngest group on the topic: "Pets and their cubs"

Integrated speech development and Tatar language training in the second youngest group on the topic: "Pets and their cubs" goal: clarify and expand the dictionary of children ...

Integrated Speech Development and Teaching Tatar language in the younger group on the topic "Pets and their young"

Integrated speech development and training in the second younger group on the topic "Pets and their young".

Abstract Classes for Children's Teaching Tatar language for children 4-5 years old "Autumn Wealth" Tasks: Educational: Activate and expand vocabulary child; Teach children with a connected description ...


Presentation for kindergarten "Pets" - Presentations for kindergarten


development corresponds to the program M. A. Vasilyeva. The occupation is integrated, it includes the development of speech and familiarization with the surrounding, they are associated with one story.

Dynamic pauses based on musical and physical education, exercise "cheerful training", breathing exercises, Aromatherapy does not give the child to distract, help move from a difficult task to easier. Children enshrine the knowledge gained and learn to express their impressions and attitudes towards the surrounding in connected statements. The presentation consists of 10 slides, has the necessary illustrations.

In the abstract given detailed navigation on the slides of the presentation.

Target audience: for preschoolers

I hope that my recommendations will not be offended you, but will give food for reflection and refinement of the presentation. 1. Slide 2. Blurry, not clear picture is badly perceived, especially children. It is better to spend some time and choose a clearest picture.

It is possible that the template seems to you successful, in the topic - green, but on slides 2, 3 .. He is superfluous, distracts attention. Therefore, the picture is better to stretch (proportional to the entire slide.

2. Slide 5. The picture must be chosen without a background lettering and better immediately with a saucer (with milk), then the real saucer will not differ so sharply from the hand drawn kitten. 3. Slide 6. The slide is overloaded with unnecessary and distracting elements - a white frame and a pattern of the background.

Frame must be trimmed, and close the background. 4. Slide 8. It will be correct if the entire presentation is framed either only with real photos or drawn pictures. As a rule, pictures in the presentation must be in one way.

5. Slide 9. This is wonderful that you know how to use the means of animation, but on one slide there are several types of kind. Animation should be minimized, because She distracts attention from the main thing. Unfortunately, I did not see methodical recommendations To presentation.

Could not understand how justified you placed pictures of animals on one slide. If the clamping plan is simply familiarized - it is better to place them on different slides, if the comparison is then, of course, on one. Text on slides.

I understand that the children for whom this presentation is created is not able to read. Consequently, the text is designed for the educator as a hint. Then you need to make it less noticeable for children - the font is smaller and placed at the bottom of the slide.

6. Slide 10. You, of course, have final words To complete the classes, so the text from the slide is better to remove (if children do not know how to read), or reduce to one sentence. Sincerely, Natalia.

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Signatures for slides:

Presentation for children of the younger group. Prepared: Yakovleva N.V.

Purpose: to expand the ideas of children about pets, cause an emotional response using an artistic word.

Sergey Mikhalkov Kittens You Listen, Guys, I want to tell you; We were born with kittens - they are exactly five of them. We solved, we wondered: how can we call kittens? Finally, we called them: once, two, three, four, five. Once - the kitten is the most white, two - the kitten is the most brave, three - the kitten is the smartest, and four are the most noisy. Five - look like three and two - the same tail and head, the same spot on the back, as sleeps all day in a basket. We have kittens - once, two, three, four, five! Come to us guys see and calculate.

Interesting cats Nose Fingerprint is unique, like a cat's fingerprint - the most lazy mammals, they sleep for 16 hours on the day of the cat feel the smells 14 times stronger than people, and significantly better dogs

Elena Stewskova Puppy How I want a puppy, but alive, not from plush. So that chubby sides and bowed stood their ears. I would love him so much! He loved me too, I would walk with him on the day rainy and calm. I would feed it from my hands, he listed me with his palm. I spoke with my little sister - she for some reason she needs a cat.

Interesting about dogs husky, Russian mongrel, was the first mammal, hazardous land in a spacecraft in 1957. A small amount of grape or raisins can cause dogs renal failure. Chocolate, Australian walnut, roasted onions or anything with caffeine can also be harmful to dogs. The Egyptians, the Japanese, the Indians considered the dogs of the sacred animals and very honored them.

The tail of the pigtail, the stores - matches, looked down the lip ... All fluffy, golden, with white aster with forehead. Skirt, stick, stuffing stuff - which does not see, everything sucks. He walks behind aunt's ass, the bug teases at the gate. Will comes out in the field - that's right! Long looks in the distance - and suddenly will wink the pork, will boast the back and gallop to mom in the meadow. (Sasha black)

Interesting about horses If you put a bucket with coffee and a bucket in front of a horse, the horse in four cases of five will prefer coffee. Also, horses can recognize themselves in the pictures. Seeing the picture of the fellow, the horse can "greet" with him a quiet rye and sniff. Horses have electoral music tastes. They prefer soothing or cheerful tool music, but worry with loud, such as rock.

Z. Letter on the lawn, near the river, chew a sheep trick. The shepherd caresses them and playing on a swing. In the sky, the sun shines, the breeze circles, flies, the river is shining blue, with a wave side runs. Good water in the river, drink in the shore of the lamb, fish floats floating. Ducks near the river live. Footed lambs and fell asleep near the river. And they tired of their shepherds, until morning the horn was removed.

Interesting about lambs at Baranov and sheep there is an amazing ability to memorize their shepherd. When the herd is customized to the aqua, then many sheep mixes there. However, when shepherd calls his sheep, then they all depart from the water and go further on the pasture. It is very rare to meet such that someone else's ram closed not in his herd. This happens only because of the diseases of the ears or eyes. The main diet of the rams consists of leaves and herbs, but they love to enjoy both mushrooms. Interesting is the fact that when the rams graze on the open, in no way fenced area, they are knocked into a bunch and do not go away from each other, but if they see the hedge, they feel calm themselves and graze, without fear.

A. Buthenin Most of all his little animals for which I look - (real and toys) - I love my cow, and waking up, exactly 5, having tied rope on a horn, I take it to walk with her I go to the waterman I, and give Cut the grass, and the cherish path, go to the house where I live. In the morning I will say: "Great"! For the night it whisper: "For now"! And then my cow will give me a lot of milk

Interesting about cows cows and bulls do not distinguish colors. The taste of milk in the cow is affected by her grass eaten. If milk with a bitter taste, then this means that the cow ate wormwood or any other bitter herb. Cow refers to ruminant animals. In a minute, they can make up to 100 movements of the jaw.

Evgenia Ilyina
Presentation for children 3-5 years old "Pets"

Pet The family is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care, to care for him, he develops moral and volitional and labor qualities. This is not surprising, because every mother and every father want their children to be kind, heartily, responsive. According to the scientist, "there can be no good man who does not like animalswho never showed about them care. "Children living in the city are mostly familiar (have in their families) with such representatives pets like - Cat, dog, parrot. What else are there pets? In what conditions they live, what benefits bring to a person who their cubs do you eat? To solve this problem, I prepared this presentation.

purpose: Stop View children about pets and their cubs.


Learn children find out on external signs pets, them cubs. Check knowledge childrenthan eat what benefits bring animals man.

Develop attention, thinking, speech activity

Bring up a desire to take care of pets.

3-6 Slide: ask questions like your name dad, mom, cubs?

Publications on the topic:

"Pets". Abstract Node for speech development with elements of tri-technology for children 2-3 years "Pets" software content. 1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities: consolidate the material on the topic: "Pets";.

An abstract of classes on the speech development of young children "Pets and their cubs" for children 2-2.5 years Education Area: Speech Development Goal: Acquaintance of children with cubs Pets Tasks: Consider Knowledge of children about homemade.

Marina Aleksandrovna Kapitonova
Interactive game "Pets" (presentation)

Purpose of the game: To acquaint children with pets and their cubs; learn to call and compare them in magnitude; develop memory, attention, speech; enrich the vocabulary; Domestic call animals who live next to the man. He cares about them (Build a dwelling, feeds, cares). BUT animals They bring benefits for this (meat, milk, fat, egg, wool, fluff and help to handle the earth, watch the house.

Dog - first petwho tamed a man. Guard dog Lives in a special house - a cone or booth. They are held on the chains so that they protect the house and did not harm unfamiliar man. Eating dog meat, special dog food, cereal. Dogs in everything help a person. They serve in police and army, there are dogs-conductors for blind people, rescuer dogs. Take care of dogs using the lean. Loud lame warn the owner of the danger.

Cow - very smart and affectionate pet. Loves the care and attention of man. Feed cows with grass, hay. Contain in a special room - a barn. In the evening, the milkmets are milking cows - take milk from the udder. Milk cow milk make products: Cottage cheese, yoghurt, cheese, kefir, etc. Communicate cows using a mix. Pig - pet With an elongated head - digging. Very love to roll up the land in search of edible roots. Contain pigs in a special room - pigsty. Unmavful pigs animalsFood both vegetable and animal food. Pigs give a man meat, lard, skin. Take care of pigs with the help of grunt.

Publications on the topic:

Presentation "Didactic game for children of the middle group" What is too much "(Pets) IN modern life Computers have long become familiar and even an integral part. Gradually, they entered everyday life, and to educational.

Interactive game "Help the gnomes to collect a crop" - Presentation

Interactive game "Masha and Misha collect harvest" - Presentation Purpose: consolidate the names of vegetables and fruits; Develop verbal and logical thinking, ability to classify, compare, summarize, install.

Didactic game is the game method of learning children of preschool age with a delay mental Development, and the form of training,.

Interactive presentation game "On the streets of a native city" An interactive game - a presentation for children of senior preschool age on a hidden education: "On the streets of the native city." Purpose.

Presentation to the pedagogical project "Lapbuk" Pets " In the search for new forms of organizing educational activities, every teacher is now located kindergarten. The result of such a search can.

Presentation "Pets" I bring to your attention a presentation on the topic "Pets". Presentation contains domestic riddles. Riddles are useful for.

The abstract of classes around the world for preschoolers on the topic "Pets". "Visiting Grandma Avdoti."

Purpose: Identification, enrichment and consolidation of children's knowledge about domestic animals.
- to systematize the knowledge of children about domestic animals.
- expand and deepen the knowledge of children about pets.
- educate love of pet.
- Develop attention, thinking.
- Call emotional pleasure from children's activities.
Preparation for the lesson: Selection of illustrations and musical accompaniment.
Travel course:
(Animal voice recording sounds)
Teacher: Children, what are these sounds?
Children: Voices of animals.
Teacher:Guys, listen carefully and tell me how in a word you can call animals whose voices you heard.
Children: Homemade.
Teacher: Why were they so called?
(Children's responses)
Teacher: That's right, these animals live next to a man. We care for them, feed them.
Pedagogue: What animals do you have at home? How do you care for them?
(children's responses)
Teacher: - Guys, today we go on the journey again.
Teacher: What we will go, you will learn, guessing the riddle.
What a miracle is a long house!
Passengers a lot in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds gasoline.

Teacher: Guys on the bus we will go to the village and find out which animals you can see there.
(Song sounds "We are sitting on the bus", children perform movements to music)
Teacher: Here we are in the village.

(Granted grandmother)
Grandma Avdota: Hello guys, glad to see you at your guest.
Pedagogue: Hello, Grandma, let's get acquainted! We guys from the School "Nessenka". What is your name?
Grandma Avdota: My wife is your grandmother Avdota!
Teacher: Grandma, we came to you with the guys not just like that, do you want to know if animals live in the village?
Grandma Avdota: Of course, the guys live, I will gladly show you them.
(Animal images appear on the screen.)
Grandma Avdota: Here is our cat Murka, it is very affectionate.

Guys, what do you know about cats? What is called a young cat?

Children: Kittens.
Grandma Avdota: Children, and who of you knows how the cat eat?

Grandma Avdota: And here is a bug. What is the name of the young dog?
Children: Puppies.
Grandma Avdota: Bug lives in a cone. She is a very devoted dog and a wonderful watchman.

Grandma Avdota: Our dawn lives in the barn. It gives delicious milk, meat, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir. In the summer she likes to eat fresh herb, and in the winter eats the hay.

Grandma Avdota: A horse lives in the stable, we feed her oats and hay, and she helps us to carry heavy loads.

Grandma Avdota:A pig lives in the pigsty. There she lives with their children -pasy. Pigs eat residues of food fruit, berries. From them we get meat, fat, skin.

Grandma Avdota: Rabbits and their kids live in cells - rabbits. Love rabbits grass, bazers, tops. Summer eat hay, branches and carrots. Rabbits give us fur and meat.

Grandma Avdota: Here the goats live in such headers. They give us meat, wool, milk. Goats love to embloat the bark of trees and young leaflets.

Grandma Avdota: Chicken coasnik live chickens and roosters. The chickens carry our testicles, give meat and fluff. And the cockerel is our best "alarm clock", every morning he wakes up us with his caring.
Grandma Avdota: We also have ducks, turkeys and geese, they give us meat and valuable down.

Teacher: Guys grandmother Avdota, told us about their pets. So what benefits do these animals bring?
(Children's responses)
Grandma Avdota: What are you attentive, guys. For a long time, my story about my favorites was tired, probably, let's rest.
Fite poems M.Stepanov "Cat"

Caution, like a cat, to a sofa from the window
On the socks, I will walk, break and curl into the ring.
And now it's time to wake up, straighten, stretch.
I am easy to sprongly with a sofa, I will go back the back.
And now pour like a cat, my back is just a little.
I assume a tongue from a saucer.
I will wash the baby and the tummy like a cat.
And again we turn around the rings, like a cat in a warm stove.
(Teacher offers children to play)
The game "Who screams?"

Cat - "Meow-meow"
Dog - "Gav-Gav"
Cow - "Mu Mu"
Pig - "Hrew-Khrew"
Horse - "Igo"
Chicken - "Ko-Ko"
Duck- "Varya-Kry"
Scene "Animals Spore"
(Children show the scene.)

Somehow cat, pig, dog, cow, goat, chicken.
Cat Promyaukal: "I'm the main, I can't catch my mice in the house!"
The cow was washed: "No, I'm the most important - I give meat, delicious milk from which the sour cream, cottage cheese and other useful dairy products"
The dog flashed: "I'm guarding a house - I am the main!"
The goat shook: "No, no, no, I'm the main thing - I give wool and warm down, from which you can tie things!"
Digger bounced: "In vain, you argue, I am the most important and necessary - I carry eggs!"
Ducklings crushed:"From our feathers you can make a soft feather, then we are the main!"
Guys, who is in dispute rights? Who is more important and more?
Responses of children.
Grandma Avdota: In vain, you have been my favorite dispute, you are all equally important! After all, you bring people great favor, and we care for you!
Animals were delighted. And the dance was set off!
Dance of little ducks.
The game "Who is parents?"
Teacher:Children, people have dad and mom, but what are the animal parents call?
Kittens - (cat and cat).
In chickens - (chicken and rooster).
At calves - (cow and bull).
In piglets - (pig and boar).
Yagnyat - (Sheep and Baran).
In the rabbit - (rabbit and rabbit).
Puppies - (dog and dog).
At the goat - (goat and goat).
Foabet - (horse and horse).
Ducks - (duck and spleen).
Teacher: Predated pets live near the housing of a person, they can not do without his help. They cannot independently extract themselves food, to escape from the enemies, to build a dwelling. A man takes care of them: builds them warm housing (stables, pigsties, chicken coops, etc.); feeds them; Caring for them. And animals, in turn, thank us, give a lot of useful things: milk, eggs, wool, meat, fluff, etc.
Teacher: Thank you, your grandmother Avdota. How much you told us today about domestic animals. We are very glad that you visited you.
Grandma Avdota: I was pleased to see you in my village. All guys are so smart, attentive, friendly. My favorite dawn handed you delicious milk. Come to visit us yet. Bye!
Teacher:Guys, did you like to visit the grandmother of Avdoti in the village?
Teacher: What did you like most?
Teacher: What new have you recognized?
(The teacher offers to view a presentation and guess puzzles about pets.)
Teacher: Children, you wonderfully worked in class. Well done! Thank you!
Have questions?

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