What makes bioenergy. Bioenergy - what it is

ATLANTIC OCEAN ( latin name Mare Atlanticum, Greek? Τλαντ? Σ - indicated the space between the Gibraltar Strait and the Canary Islands, the entire ocean was called Oceanus Occidental IS - the West Ocean), the second largest ocean on Earth (after the Pacific), part of the World Ocean. The current name first appeared in 1507 on the map of Larring Cartographs M. Waldzemueller.

Physico-geographical essay. General. In the north, the border of the Atlantic Ocean with the Northern Ocean Pool is held along the eastern entry of the Hudson Scholiva, then through the devisians of the Strait and along the coast of Greenland Island to Cape Bruster, through the Danish Strait to Cape Radinupur on Iceland Island, on His coast to Cape Herpir (Terebrier), Then to the Faroeian, further to the Shetland islands and 61 ° Northern latitude to the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In the east, the Atlantic Ocean is limited by the banks of Europe and Africa, in the West - the shores of North America and South America. The border of the Atlantic Ocean with the Indian Ocean is carried out along the line passing from the Cape needle to the Meridian of 20 ° East longitude to the coast of Antarctica. The border with the Pacific Ocean is carried out from Cape Horn in Meridian 68 ° 04 'Western longitude or by the shortest distance from South America to the Antarctic Peninsula through the Strait of Drake, from the Island Ost to Cape Sternek. The southern part of the Atlantic Ocean is sometimes called the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean, by conducting the border along the zone of the subnutrctic convergence (approximately 40 ° of southern latitude). Some works are invited to divide the Atlantic Ocean on the North and Southern Atlantic Oceans, but more accepted it as a single ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is the most biologically productive from the oceans. It is located in it the longest underwater oceanic ridge - the mid-Atlantic ridge, the only sea that does not have hard coast, limited to the currents - Sargassovo Sea; Fond Bay with the highest tidal wave; The Black Sea with a unique hydrogen sulfide layer belongs to the atlantic ocean pool.

The Atlantic Ocean extends from north to south by almost 15 thousand km, the smallest width of about 2830 km in the equatorial part, the largest - 6700 km (by 30 ° of the northern latitude parallel). The area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean with seas, bays and straits 91.66 million km 2, without them - 76.97 million km 2. Waters of 329.66 million km 3, without seas, bays and straits - 300.19 million km 3. The average depth of 3597 m, the greatest - 8742 m (Puerto Rico's fruit). The most easily accessible to the development of the Ocean shelf zone (with depths up to 200 m) takes about 5% of its area (or 8.6%, if taken into account the sea, bays and straits), its area is greater than in the Indian and the Pacific and Oceans, and significantly less than in the Arctic Ocean. Areas with depths from 200 m to 3000 m (the mainland zone) occupy 16.3% of the ocean area, or 20.7% taking into account the seas and bays, more than 70% of the ocean bed (the abyssal zone). See map.

Seas. In the Atlantic Ocean pool - numerous seas that share: the inner - Baltic, Azov, black, marble and mediterranean (in the latter, in turn, seas are allocated: Adriatic, Alboran, Balearic, Ionian, Cyprus, Ligurian, Tyrrhen, Aegean) ; Inter-Star - Irish and Inland Western Coast of Scotland; Painted - Labrador, North, Sargassovo, Caribbean, Skolov (Cocration), Weddell, Lazarev, Western Riser-Larsen (see separate articles about the seas). The largest ocean bays: Biscay, Bristol, Guinean, Mexican, Maine, Holy Lawrence.

Islands. Unlike other oceans, in the Atlantic Ocean there are few underwater mountains, wickers and coral reefs, there are no coastal reefs. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean islands is about 1070 thousand km 2. The main groups of the islands are located on the outskirts of the mainland: British (United Kingdom, Ireland, etc.) - the largest in the area, large antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, etc.), Newfoundland, Iceland, Archipelago Fire Earth (Fire Earth, Oste, Navarino ), Maramery, Sicily, Sardinia, Small Antilles, Falkland (Malvinsky), Bahamas, and others. In the open ocean there are small islands: Azores, São Paulo, Ascension, Tristan da Cunya, Buva (on the Mid-Atlantic Range) and Dr.

Shores. The coastline in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean is strongly cut (see also an article by the coast), there are almost all major inland seas and bays, in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean the coast is weakly cut. The shores of Greenland, Iceland and the Coast of Norway are predominantly tectonic-glacial dismemberment of fjord and fihardov. South, in Belgium, they are replaced by sandy shallow shores. The coast of Flanders is mainly artificial origin (coastal dams, Polders, Channels, etc.). The shores of the island of United Kingdom and Islands Ireland Abrasionnobuhtovy, high limestone cliffs alternate with sandy beaches and or orst dryers. On the Cherbourg Peninsula - rocky shores, sandy and gravel beaches. The north coast of the Pyrenean Peninsula is composed by rocky rocks, south, off the coast of Portugal, sandy beaches predominate, often harbing lagoons. Sandy beaches also begged the shores of Western Sahara and Mauritania. South of Cape Green - aligned abrasion-bay shores with mangroves. Western Côte d'Ivoire plot has accumulative

coast with scaling capes. To the southeast, to the extensive Delta of the Niger River, - accumulative coast with a significant number of Kos, Lagun. In southwestern Africa - accumulative, less often abrasion bay shores with extensive sandy beaches. The coast of the south of Africa abrasion-bang-bay type is composed of solid crystal rocks. Coast of Arctic Canada Abrasion, with high cliffs, glacial sediments and limestones. In Eastern Canada and the northern part of the Bay of St. Lawrence, there are intensively blurred cliffs from limestone and sandstones. In the West and south of the Bay of St. Lawrence - wide beaches. On the banks of the Canadian provinces, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland - Outputs of solid crystalline rocks. From about 40 ° Northern latitude to Cape Canaveral in the USA (Florida) - alternation of aligned accumulative and abrasion types of shores folded with loose rocks. The coast of the Mexican Bay Bay, bordered by mangrove in Florida, sandy barriers in Texas and Delta shores in Louisiana. On the Yucatan Peninsula - crafted beach precipitation, west of the peninsula - alluvial-marine plain with coastal shafts. On the coast of the Caribbean Sea alternate abrasive and accumulative areas with mangrove swamps, ranged barriers and sandy beaches. To the south of 10 ° Northern latitude, accumulative shores are common, composed of material, endowed from the mouth of the Amazon River and other rivers. In the northeast of Brazil - the sandy coast with mangroves, interrupted by the estuaries of the rivers. From Cape Kalkanyar up to 30 ° Southern latitude - the high grinding bank of the abrasion type. South (off the coast of Uruguay) - the shore of an abrasion type, folded by clays, lassism and sandy-gravel sediments. In the Patagonia, the coast are represented by high (up to 200 m) cliffs with loose deposits. Antarctica shores are 90% complicated with ice and belong to the ice and thermal-band type.

Relief DNA. At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the following large geomorphological, provinces are distinguished: the underwater outskirts of the mainland (shelf and mainland slope), the ocean bed (deep-water basins, the abissual plains, the zones of the abissual hills, raising, mountains, deep-water chute), the mid-oceanic ridges.

The border of the mainland shallow (shelf) of the Atlantic Ocean passes on average at depths of 100-200 m, its position may vary from 40-70 m (in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Gatteras and the Florida Peninsula) to 300-350 m (m. Weddell). Shelf width from 15-30 km (Northeast Brazil, Pyrenean Peninsula) to several hundred km (North Sea, Mexican Bay, Newfoundland Bank). In high latitudes, the relief of the shelf is complex, wears the marks of the ice effect. Numerous raising (banks) are separated by longitudinal and transverse valleys or gutters. The coast of Antarctica on the shelf is located offshore glaciers. In low latitudes, the surface of the shelf is more aligned, especially in the removal zones by the rivers of the terrigenous material. It cross the transverse valleys, often turning into the canyons of the mainland slope.

The incidence of the mainland ocean slope averages 1-2 ° and varies from 1 ° (areas of Gibraltar, Shetland Islands, part of the coast of Africa, etc.) to 15-20 ° off the coast of France and the Bahamas. The height of the mainland slope varies from 0.9-1.7 km from the Shetland Islands and Ireland to 7-8 km in the Bahamas area and Puerto Rico. For active, the outskirts are characterized by high seismicity. The surface of the slope is dissected by steps, ledge and terraces of tectonic and accumulative origin and longitudinal canyons. At the foot of the mainland slope, gentle hills up to 300 m and shallow underwater valleys are often located.

In the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest mountain system of the mid-Atlantic ridge is located. It extends from the Island of Iceland to the island of Bouvet by 18,000 km. The width of the ridge from several hundred to 1000 km. The ridge crest passes close to the middle line of the ocean, sharing it on the eastern and western part. On both sides of the ridge there are deep-water basins separated by the bottom raising. In the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, the basins are distinguished from north to south: Labradorsky (with depths of 3000-4000 m); Newfoundland (4200-5000 m); North American brand (5000-7000 m), as part of which Assual Plains of COM, Gatteras and Naked; Gwiankaya (4500-5000 m) with the plains of Demrar and Seara; Brazilian brand (5000-5500 m) with an abissal plain penNambuk; Argentinean (5000-6000 m). In the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean there are basins: Western European (up to 5000 m), Iberian (5200-5800 m), Canary (over 6000 m), green cape (up to 6000 m), Sierra Leone (about 5000m), Guinean (over 5000m ), Angolan (up to 6000 m), Kapskaya (over 5000 m) with the same as-plated plains. In the south there is a African Antarctic Bowl with Assual Plain Weddell. The bottoms of the deep-sea boilers at the foot of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge occupies the area of \u200b\u200bthe Abissal Hills. The basins are divided by raising Bermuda, Rio Grandi, Rockall, Sierra Leone, and others, whale ridges, Newfoundland, etc.

Underwater mountains (insulated hills of a conical shape with a height of 1000 m or more) at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean are concentrated mainly in the zone of the mid-Atlantic ridge. In deep-sea part large groups The Underwater Mountains meet the north of the Bermuda, in the Gibraltar sector, from the northeast protrusion of South America, in the Gulf of Gulf and West South Africa.

Puerto Rico deep-water gutter, Cayman (7090 m), Yuzhno-Sandvichev Zhlob (8264 m) are located at island arcs. It is a gone romance (7856 m) is a large spill. The steepness of the slopes of deep-water gutters from 11 ° to 20 °. The bottom of the gutters flat, aligned accumulation processes.

Geological structure. The Atlantic Ocean arose as a result of the collapse of the Late Paleozoic supercontinent of Pangai in Jurassic time. It is characterized by a sharp predominance of passive outskirts. The Atlantic Ocean borders with adjacent continents on transform faults to the south of Newfoundland, along the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea, along the Falkland submarine plateau and Plateau Agullas in the southern part of the ocean. Active outskirts are observed in separate areas (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small antiller arc and arc of the southern sandwich islands), where there is a dive with making (subduction) of the bark of the Atlantic Ocean. Limited by the length of the Gibraltar zone of subduction was revealed in the Cadiz bay.

In the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the bottom (spread) and the formation of the oceanic bark at a speed of up to 2 cm per year occurs. Characterized high seismic and volcanic activity. In the north of the Mid-Atlantic Range, Paleosported Ranges in the sea Labrador and the Biscay bay are bred. In the axial part of the ridge, the rift valley is pronounced, which is absent in the extreme south and at most of the Reykjanes Range. At its limits - volcanic raising, frozen lava lakes, basalt lava flows in the form of pipes (sawbasalt). In the Central Atlantic, the fields of metal-andted hydrotherms were found, many of which at the yield form hydrothermal buildings (composed by sulfides, sulfates and metal oxides); Installed metal slips. At the foot of the slopes of the valley - screaming and collapsing, consisting of blocks and rubble breeds of the oceanic bark (basalt, gabbro, peridotite). The age of the bark within the ridge of oligocene is modern. The mid-Atlantic ridge shares the zones of the Western and Eastern Abissal Plains, where the ocean foundation is blocked by a sedimentary case, the capacity of which increases in the direction of continental footsteps to 10-13 km due to the appearance of more ancient horizons and the receipt of debrid material from sushi. In the same direction, the age of the oceanic cortex increases, reaching the early chalk (north of the Florida of the Central Yura). Assual plains are practically assemic. The median-atlantic ridges crosses numerous transformers leaving for adjacent abissual plains. The thickening of such faults is observed in the one-digitatorial zone (up to 12 per 1700 km). The largest transform faults (Vima, Sao Paulo, Romanez, etc.) are accompanied by deep colors (gutters) at the bottom of the ocean. They open the whole incision of the oceanic bark and partially the upper mantle; Protrusions (cold implements) of serpentinized peridotites, forming ridges, elongated along the stretch strike. Many transform faults are transokanese, or trunk (demarcation). In the Atlantic Ocean there are so-called intraple raising, represented by submarine plateau, asseymic ridges and islands. They have the oceanic crust of high power and have mainly volcanic origin. Many of them were formed as a result of the action of mantle jets (plumes); Some arose at the intersection of a spreading range with large transform faults. The volcanic raising includes: Island Island, Bouvea Island, Madeira Island, Canary Islands, Green Cape, Azores, Parry Raising Sierra and Sierra Leone, Rio Grande and Whale Range, Bermuda Raising, Cameroon Group of Volcanoes, etc. In the Atlantic Ocean Introducts to raise non-tank nature, which belongs to the Rockall underwater plateau, separated from the British islands with the same triple. The plateau is a microcontinent that has been listed on Greenland in Paleocene. Another microcontinent, also separated from Greenland, is the Hebrid array in the north of Scotland. Underwater edge plateau off the coast of Newfoundland (Big Newfoundlandland, Flemish-Cap) and from the coast of Portugal (Iberian) launched from continents as a result of rifting at the end of Yura - the beginning of the chalk.

The Atlantic Ocean is divided into transforcean transform faults to segments having different time Disclosures. From the north to south, Labradorsky-British, Newfoundland-Iberian, Central, Equatorial, South and Penartarctic segments are distinguished. The disclosure of the Atlantic began in the early Yura (about 200 million years ago) from the central segment. In Triassa, the early Yura spread the oceanic bottom was preceded by continental riftogenesis, traces of which are fixed in the form of semi-industrialists (see Graben) filled with debris deposits on the American and North African Ocean's outskirts. At the end of Yura - the beginning of the chalk began to disclose the pointerctic segment. In early chalk, Spreading experienced a southern segment in the South Atlantic and Newfoundland-Iberian segment in North Atlantic. The disclosure of the Labrador-British segment began at the end of the early chalk. At the end of the late chalk, the Labrador Kotlovinal Sea arose here as a result of spreading on the side axis, which continued until the late Eocene. The North and South Atlantic united in the middle of the chalk - Eocene in the formation of the equatorial segment.

Bottom sediments . The power of the thickness of modern bottom sediments ranges from several meters in the ridge area of \u200b\u200bthe mid-Atlantic ridge to 5-10 km in the zones of transverse faults (for example, in the romanesha) and at the foot of the mainland slope. In deep-water basins, their power is from several tens to 1000 m. Over 67% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean bottom (from Iceland in the north to 57-58 ° Southern latitude) is covered with lime deposits formed by the residues of the sinks of planktonic organisms (mainly foraminifera, kokkolitoforide). Their composition changes from large sands (at depths of up to 200 m) to the alley. At depths more than 4500-4700 m, lime iles are replaced by polygenic and silicon planktonogenic precipitation. The first occupy about 28.5% of the bottom of the ocean bottom, the lulls of the bottom of Kotlovin, and are represented by the red deep-sea ocean clay (deep-sea clay sludge). These precipitates contain a significant amount of manganese (0.2-5%) and iron (5-10%) and a very small amount of carbonate material and silicon (up to 10%). Silicon planktonogenic precipitates occupy about 6.7% of the ocean bottom area, diatoms are most common (formed by diatom skeletons). They are common from the coast of Antarctica and on the shelf of southwestern Africa. Radiolar zlyas (formed by the skeletons of radilation) are found mainly in the Angolattan. Along the banks of the ocean, on the shelf and partly on the mainland slopes, terrigenous precipitation of various composition (gravel-pebble, sandy, clay, etc.) are developed. The composition and power of terrigenous precipitation are determined by the derivation of the bottom, the activity of the flow of solid material with land and the mechanism of their transfer. Glacial precipitation endured by icebergs are common along the coast of Antarctica, Greenland Islands, Newfoundland Islands, Labrador Peninsula; Folded with a weakported debris material with the inclusion of boulders, to a greater extent in the south of the Atlantic Ocean. In the equatorial part, precipitation is often found (from large sand to the sludge), formed from the shells of Pteropod. Coral precipitation (coral breccia, pebbles, sands and yers) are localized in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and the northeast coast of Brazil; Their limit depth of finding 3,500 meters. Volkanogenic precipitations are developed near the volcanic islands (Iceland, Azores, Canary, Green Cape, etc.) and are represented by fragments of volcanic rocks, slag, pimples, volcanic ash. Modern chemogenic precipitations are found at the Big Bahamas Bank, in Florido Bahamas, Antillese (chemogenic and chemogenic-biogenic carbonates). In the basins of the North American, Brazilian, green capes there are iron orders; Their composition in the Atlantic Ocean: Manganese (12.0-21.5%), iron (9.1-25.9%), titanium (up to 2.5%), nickel, cobalt and copper (tenth stakes percent). Phosphorite specs appear at depths of 200-400 m in the east coast of the United States and the North-West Coast of Africa. Phosphorites are distributed along the Eastern Coast of the Atlantic Ocean - from the Pyrenean Peninsula to the Cape Needle.

Climate. Because of the high length of the Atlantic Ocean, its water is located in almost all natural climatic zones - from subarctic in the north to Antarctic in the south. From the north and south, the ocean is widely opened with the effects of arctic and antarctic waters and ice. The lowest air temperature is observed in the supremources. Over the coast of Greenland, the temperature can be lowered to -50 ° C, and in the southern part of the sea Wedell was registered -32.3 ° C. In the Equatorial region, air temperature is 24-29 ° C. The pressure field over the ocean is characterized by a sequential change of stable large barical formations. Over the ice domes of Greenland and Antarctica - anticyclones, in moderate latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres (40-60 °) - cyclones, in lower latitudes - anticyclones, separated by the reduced pressure zone from the equator. This baric structure maintains stable winds of the Eastern Direction (Passat) in tropical and equatorial latitudes, in moderate latitudes - strong winds of the Western direction, which received the name "roaring forties" in the navigators. Strong winds are characteristic of the Biscay Bay. In the Equatorial district, the interaction of the Northern and Southern Baric systems leads to frequent tropical cyclones (tropical hurricanes), the greatest activity of which is observed from July to November. Horizontal sizes of tropical cyclones up to several hundred kilometers. Wind speed in them is 30-100 m / s. Moves, as a rule, from the east to west at a speed of 15-20 km / h and reach the greatest strength over the Caribbean Sea and the Mexican Bay. In areas of low pressure in moderate and equatorial latitudes, precipitation often falls out and severe clouds are observed. Thus, over 2,000 mM precipitation falls in the equator, in moderate latitudes - 1000-1500 mm. In areas high pressure (subtropics and tropics) The amount of precipitation decreases to 500-250 mm per year, and in areas adjacent to the deserted banks of Africa and in the South Atlantic maximum - up to 100 mm and less per year. In the areas of the meeting of warm and cold flows, fogs, for example, in the Newfoundland Bank district and in the Bay of La Plata.

Hydrological mode. Rivers and water balance. In the Atlantic Ocean pool, 3,860 km 3 rivers are annually, it is more than in any other ocean (about 45% of the entire flow in the world ocean). The largest rivers (with annual costs of over 200 km): Amazon, Mississippi (flows into the Gulf of Mexico), St. Lawrence River, Congo, Niger, Danube (flows into the Black Sea), Parana, Orinoco, Uruguay, Magdalena (flows into the Caribbean Sea ). However, the balance of fresh water of the Atlantic Ocean is negative: evaporation from its surface (100-125 thousand km 3 / year) significantly exceeds atmospheric precipitation (74-93 thousand km 3 / year), river and underground flow (21 thousand km 3 / year) and Melting ice and icebergs of the Arctic and Antarctic (about 3 thousand km 3 / year). The lack of water balance is replenished with the influx of water, mainly from the Pacific Ocean, through the Strait of Drake with the course of Western winds, comes 3470 thousand km 3 / year, and from the Atlantic Ocean in the Pacific Ocean takes only 210 thousand km 3 / year. From the Arctic Ocean through numerous straits in the Atlantic Ocean, 260 thousand km 3 / year and 225 thousand km 3 / the year of the Atlantic Water flows back to the Northern Arctic Ocean. Water balance With the Indian Ocean, a negative, in the Indian Ocean, with the course of Western winds, 4976 thousand km 3 / year is made, and it comes back with coastal antarctic current, deep and bottom waters only 1692 thousand km 3 / year.

Temperature mode. The average temperature of the ocean in general is 4.04 ° C, and surface waters 15.45 ° C. The distribution of water temperature on the surface is asymmetric relative to the equator. The strong effect of antarctic water leads to the fact that the surface waters of the southern hemisphere are almost 6 ° C colder than the northern, the most warm water of the open part of the ocean (thermal equator) are between 5 and 10 ° of northern latitude, that is, shifted north of the geographic equator. Features of large-scale water circulation leads to the fact that the water temperature on the surface of the Western coast of the ocean is higher than 5 ° C. than the eastern one. The drier water temperature (28-29 ° C) on the surface in the Caribbean and Mexico Gulf in August, the lowest - the shores of Greenland island, the island of Buffhin Earth, Labrador Peninsula and Antarctica, south of 60 °, where even summer the water temperature does not rise above 0 ° C. The water temperature in the main thermocline layer (600-900 m) is about 8-9 ° C, deeper, in the intermediate waters, falls on average to 5.5 ° C (1.5-2 ° C in antarctic intermediate waters). In the deep waters, the water temperature is an average of 2.3 ° C, in the bottom - 1.6 ° C. At the bottom, the water temperature increases somewhat due to the geothermal flow of heat.

Salinity. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean contains about 1.1 · 10 16 tons of salts. The average saline of the whole ocean of 34.6, surface waters of 35.3 ‰. The greatest saline (over 37.5) is observed on the surface in subtropical areas, where the evaporation of water from the surface exceeds it with atmospheric precipitates, the smallest (6-20) in the mouths of large rivers flowing into the ocean. From the subtropics to high latitudes, the saline on the surface decreases to 32-33 under the action of atmospheric precipitation, ice, river and surface runoff. In moderate and tropical areas, the maximum values \u200b\u200bof saline - on the surface, the intermediate minimum of saline is observed at depths of 600-800 m. The water of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean is characterized by the deep maximum saline (more than 34.9), which is formed by highly fatty Mediterranean waters. The deep water of the Atlantic Ocean has a saline of 34.7-35.1 and a temperature of 2-4 ° C, the bottom, occupying the deepest depressions of the ocean, respectively, 34.7-34.8 ‰ and 1.6 ° C.

Density. The density of water depends on temperature and saline, and for the Atlantic Ocean, the temperature is of greater importance in the formation of the field density field. Water with the smallest density are located in the equatorial and tropical zones with high temperatures Water and the strong influence of the flow of such rivers such as Amazon, Niger, Congo, etc. (1021.0-1022,5 kg / m 3). In the southern part of the ocean, the density of surface water increases to 1025.0-1027.7 kg / m 3, in the northern - up to 1027.0-1027.8 kg / m 3. The density of the depth water of the Atlantic Ocean is 1027.8-1027.9 kg / m 3.

Ice regime. In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean annual ice They are formed mainly in the inner seas of moderate latitudes, perennial ice are taken out of the Arctic Ocean. The border of the distribution of ice cover in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean varies significantly, in the winter period, Pacock Loda can reach in different years 50-55 ° Northern latitude. In the summer there is no ice. The border of Antarctic Perennial Ices in the winter is held at a distance of 1600-1800 km from the coast (approximately 55 ° of southern latitude), in the summer (in February - March) Irdis are found only in the coastal strip of Antarctica and in the sea Weddell. The main suppliers of iceberg are iceboards and shelf glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica. The total weight of the icebergs coming from Antarctic glaciers is estimated at 1.6 · 10 12 tons per year, their main source is the shelf glacier of the Filter in the sea Weddell. From the Arctic glaciers in the Atlantic Ocean, Icebergs are received by a total weight of 0.2-0.3 · 10 12 tons per year, mainly from the Jacobshaln Glacier (in the area of \u200b\u200bDisco Island at the West Coast of Greenland). The average life expectancy of Arctic icebergs is about 4 years old, Antarctic is somewhat larger. The border of the distribution of icebergs in the northern part of the ocean is 40 ° north latitude, but in some cases they were observed up to 31 ° north latitude. In the southern part, the border passes in 40 ° of southern latitude, in the central part of the ocean and in 35 ° southern latitude in Western and eastern peripherals.

Flow. The circulation of the water of the Atlantic Ocean is divided into 8 quasistationary oceanic cycles located almost symmetrically relative to the equator. From low to high latitudes in the north and southern hemispheres, tropical anticyclonic, tropical cyclonic, subtropical anti-cyclonic, subepolar cyclonic oceanic cycles are located. Their borders tend to make up the main ocean flows. The Florida Peninsula takes the warm flow of Gulf Stream. Choining the waters of the warm antillest flow and Floridian flow, Golf Stream is sent to the northeast and in high latitudes is divided into several branches; The most significant of them - the Irminger The current that transfers warm water in the Devisians of the Strait, the North Atlantic current, the Norwegian current going to the Norwegian Sea and then to the northeast, along the coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. To meet them from Devisov Strait comes out by the Cold Labrador Current, the water of which is traced from the coast of America to almost 30 ° north latitude. From the Danish Strait goes to the ocean Cold East Greenland Current. In the low latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean from East to the West, warm northern trade-end flows and southern trade-mounted flows, between them, approximately 10 ° north latitude, from the west to the east there is an interpassate counterchange that is actively, mainly in the summer in the northern hemisphere. The Brazilian flow is separated from the southern trade-offs, which passes from the equator and up to 40 ° of southern latitude along the shores of America. The northern branch of the southern trade in flows forms the Gwiangic flow, which is directed from the south to the north-west to the connection with the waters of the Northern Passatures. At the shores of Africa from 20 ° Northern latitude to the equator, the warm Guinean current is held, in the summer, interpassate countercase is connected to it. In the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean crosses the cold Western winds. The course (Antarctic circumpolar flow), which is included in the Atlantic Ocean through the shield of Drake, descends to 40 ° southern latitude and goes into the Indian Ocean south of Africa. From him, the Falkland flow, reaching along the shores of America, almost to the mouth of the Parran River, the Bengelege flow walking along the Africa shores is almost to the equator. The Cold Canary Current takes place from the north to south - from the shores of the Pyrenean Peninsula to the islands of the Green Cape, where it goes to the Northern Passat.

Deep circulation of water. The deep circulation and structure of the water of the Atlantic Ocean are formed as a result of changes in their density when waters getting driving or in the zones of water mixing of various origins, where the density increases as a result of mixing water with different saline and temperature. The subsurface water is formed in subtropical latitudes and occupy a layer of depth of 100-150 m to 400-500 m, with a temperature of from 10 to 22 ° C and a saline of 34.8-36.0. Intermediate waters are formed in subogenous areas and are located at depths from 400-500 m to 1000-1500 m, with a temperature of from 3 to 7 ° C and salting 34.0-34.9. The circulation of subsurface and intermediate waters is in general anticyclonic nature. The deep water is formed in high latitudes of the northern and southern parts of the ocean. Waters formed in the Antarctic region have the greatest density and spread from the south to the north in the bottom layer, their temperature from negative (in high southern latitudes) to 2.5 ° C, saline 34.64-34.89. Waters formed in high northern latitudes are moved from north to south in a layer of 1500 to 3500 m, the temperature of these water from 2.5 to 3 ° C, saline 34.71-34.99 ‰. In the 1970s V.N.Stpanov and, later, V.S. The broker was justified by the scheme of the planetary interconnection transfer of energy and the substance, called the "global conveyor" or "global thermohylic circulation of the World Ocean". According to this theory, the relatively salted North Atlantic Waters reach the coast of Antarctica, mix with supercooled shelf water and, passing through the Indian Ocean, finish their way in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.

Tides and excitement. Flips in the Atlantic Ocean are predominantly semi-sufficient. The height of the tidal wave: 0.2-0.6 m in the open part of the ocean, several centimeters in the Black Sea, 18 meters in Fandy Bay (the northern part of the Maine Bay in North America) is the highest in the world. The height of the wind waves depends on the speed, time of exposure and overclocking the wind, during strong storms can reach 17-18 m. Rarely (once every 15-20 years), waves were observed with a height of 22-26 m.

Flora and fauna. The large length of the Atlantic Ocean, a variety of climatic conditions, a significant influx of freshwater and largeupselling provide a variety of vital conditions. In total, about 200 thousand species of plants and animals live in the ocean (of which fish are about 15,000 species, challenges of about 600 species, whales and lastonous types). Life is very uneven life in the ocean. The three main types of zonality of life distribution in the ocean are distinguished: latitudinal, or climatic, vertical and circuscontinental zonality. The density of life and its species diversity decreases when the open ocean is removed from the shores and from the surface to deep waters. The species diversity decreases from tropical latitudes to high.

Planktonic organisms (phytoplankton and zooplankton) are the basis of the food chain in the ocean, the bulk of them lives in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean, where the light penetrates. The greatest biomass of plankton is in high and moderate latitudes during spring-summer flowering (1-4 g / m 3). During the year, biomass can change 10-100 times. The main types of phytoplankton - diatoms of algae, zooplankton - contourodes and eufaugisides (up to 90%), as well as bristle-shit, hydromeuzu, swords (in the north) and salmps (in the south). In low latitudes, the Plankton biomass varies from 0.001 g / m 3 in the centers of anti-cyclonic circulation to 0.3-0.5 g / m 3 in the Mexican and Guinean bays. Phytoplankton is mainly represented by Cococcolitins and Peridines, the latter can develop in huge quantities in coastal waters, causing a catastrophic phenomenon of "red tide". Low latitude zooplankton is represented by self-grain, hyperidamis, hydraulication, siffephors and other species. There are no pronounced dominant species of zooplankton in low latitudes.

Bentos is represented by large algae (macrophytes), which are mostly growing at the bottom of the shelf zone, to a depth of 100 m and covered about 2% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean bottom. The development of phytobenthos is observed in those places where there are suitable conditions - soils suitable for attachment to the bottom, the absence or moderate speed of the bottom currents, etc. In the high latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean, the main part of the phytobenthos is laminaries and red algae. In the temperate zone of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, along the American and European coasts, - the brown algae (Fukusi and Askofillaum), laminaria, desories and red algae (Fercelary, angelition, etc.). Soft soils are widespread from the zoster. In moderate and cold zones of the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, brown algae predominate. In the tropical zone on littorals due to heavy heating and intensive insolation, vegetation on the ground is practically absent. A special place is occupied by the Ecosystem of the Sargassov Sea, where floating macrophytes (mostly three species of Sargassum algae) form on the surface of the accumulation in the form of a ribbon length from 100 m to several kilometers.

Most of Netone biomass (actively floating animals - fish, cephalopod mollusks and mammals) make up fish. The largest number of species (75%) lives in the shelf area, with depth and when removing from the shores, the number of species decreases. For cold and moderate belts are characteristic: from fish - various types of cods, pikes, sides, herring, cambals, ingestion, sea eel, et al., Seld and polar sharks; From mammals - lastonodi (Greenland seal, Khokhlach, etc.), various types of cetaceans (whales, coushlots, tales, grindes, bottles, etc.).

Between the fauna of moderate and high latitudes of both hemispheres is a great similarity. At least 100 species of animals refers to bipolar, i.e. are characteristic of both moderate and high belts. For the tropical area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean: from fish - various sharks, volatile fish, sailboats, various types of tunts and luminous anchovs; from animals - sea turtles, coushlots, river dolphin investment; The pins of mollusks are numerous - various types of squid, octopus, etc.

The deep-sea fauna (Zoobenthos) of the Atlantic Ocean is represented by sponges, corals, iglozzy, crustaceans, mollusks, various worms.

Story study

There are three stages of the study of the Atlantic Ocean. The first is characterized by the establishment of the ocean boundaries and the discoveries of its individual objects. In 12-5 centuries BC, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks and Romans left the descriptions of marine wanders and the first marine cards. Their swimming reached the Pyrenean Peninsula, England and the mouth of the Elbe. In the 4th century BC, Pitas (Pilli) during a swim in North Atlantic, determined the coordinates of a number of items and described tidal and taming phenomena in the Atlantic Ocean. To the 1th century, our era includes mention of the Canary Islands. In the 9-10th centuries, Normans (Eica Rauda and his son Leif Eirikson) crossed the ocean, visited Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and examined the shores of North America to 40 ° of northern latitude. In the era of great geographic discoveries (mid 15 - mid-17th century), navigaters (mainly Portuguese and Spaniards) are mastering the way to India and China along the shores of Africa. The most outstanding swimming during this period was made by the Portuguese B. Diambose (1487), the Genoese X. Columbus (1492-1504), the Englishman J. Cabot (1497) and the Portuguese of Vasco and Gama (1498), who first tried to measure the depths of the ocean and Speed \u200b\u200bsurfaces.

The first baaptic card (depth map) of the Atlantic Ocean was drawn up in Spain in 1529. In 1520, F. Magellan first passed from the Atlantic Ocean in the Pacific Strait, later called him name. In the 16-17th centuries, the Atlantic coast of North America is intensively investigated (the British of J. Davis, 1576-78, Gudson, 1610, W. Buffin, 1616, and other navigators whose names can be found on the ocean map). In 1591-92, the Falkland Islands are open. The southern shores of the Atlantic Ocean (Mainland Antarctica) were open and first described by the Russian Antarctic Expedition F. F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazarev in 1819-21. This concluded the study of the borders of the ocean.

The second stage is characterized by learning physical properties Ocean water, temperature, saline, currents, etc. In 1749, the G. Ellis was held the first temperature measurements at various depths, repeated by the Englishman J. Cook (1772), Swiss O. Sosyur (1780), Russian I.F. Cruise-seater (1803) and others. In the 19th century, the Atlantic Ocean becomes a landmark for working out new methods of research of depths, new equipment and new approaches to the organization of work. Batometers, deep-water thermometers, thermal muffubers, deep-water trawls and drags are used for the first time. Of the most significant, the Russian expeditions can be noted on the courts "Rurik" and "Enterprise" under the direction of O.E. Koceb (1815-18 and 1823-26); English - on "Erebus" and "Terror" under the leadership of J. Ross (1840-43); American - on the "Seiclabe" and "Arctic" under the leadership of M. F. Mori (1856-57). These complex oceanographic studies of the ocean began with an expedition in the English Corway "Challenger", led by Ch.U. Thomson (1872-76). The following significant expeditions were held on the ships of Gazelle (1874-76), "Vityaz" (1886-89), Valdivia (1898-1899), "Gauss" (1901-03). A great contribution (1885-1922) In the study of the Atlantic Ocean, the Prince of Monaco Albert I, who organized and led forwarding research on the yachts "IRREDDEL", "Princess Alice", "Irendel II", "Princess Alice II" in the northern part of the ocean. In the same years, they were organized in Monaco Oceanographic Museum. Since 1903, work has begun on the "standard" cuts in North Atlantic under the leadership of the International Sea Study Council (ICES) - the first international oceanographic scientific organization that existed to the 1st World War.

The most significant expeditions in the period between world wars were carried out on the courts "Meteor", "Discovery II", "Atlantis". In 1931, the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) was formed, which is currently currently exercised by the organization and coordination of the research of the ocean.

After the 2nd World War, a echo sounder began to study for the bottom of the ocean. This made it possible to get a real picture of the face of the ocean bottom. In the 1950s and 1970s, comprehensive geophysical and geological studies of the Atlantic Ocean were carried out and the features of the relief of its bottom and tectonics, the structure of the sedimentary thickness were established. Many large form of relief of the bottom (underwater ridges, mountains, gutters, fault zones, extensive basins and raising) are made, geomorphological and tectonic cards are compiled.

The third stage of the ocean studies is directed mainly to studying its role in global substance and energy transfer processes, influence on climate formation. Complexity and extensive spectrum research work They demanded wide international cooperation. In coordination and organization of international research, the Scientific Committee on Oceanographic Studies (SCOR), formed in 1957, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission for UNESCO (IOC), and other international organizations, are played. In 1957-58, great works are held within the framework of the first international geophysical year (MGG). Subsequently, major international projects are aimed not only for the study of individual parts of the Atlantic Ocean (for example, the Equalante I-III; 1962-1964; Polygon, 1970; Sicar, 1970-75; Polymode, 1977; Toga, 1985-89), but also on Investigation of it as part of the World Ocean (Geosecs, 1973-74; WOCE, 1990-96, etc.). When implementing these projects, the peculiarities of the circulation of water different scales, the distribution and composition of the suspension, the role of the ocean in the global carbon cycle and many other questions are studied. In the late 1980s, the Soviet deep-water devices "MIR" were investigated by unique ecosystems of geothermal areas of the rift zone of the ocean. If in the early 1980s, there were about 20 international research projects, then by the 21st century - over 100. The largest programs: "International Geospheric Biosphere Program" (since 1986, 77 countries participate), it includes projects "Interaction Susha - Ocean in the coastal area "(Loicz)," global flows of substance in the ocean "(JGOFS)," Dynamics of global ocean ecosystems "(Globes)," The World Climate Research Program "(from 1980, 50 countries participate) and many others. The global observation system of the ocean state (GOOS) is developing.

Economic use

The Atlantic Ocean occupies the most important place in the global economy among other oceans of our planet. The use of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the other seas and oceans, is coming in several main areas: transport and communications, fisheries, mining of mineral resources, energy, recreation.

Transport. For 5 centuries, the Atlantic Ocean occupies a leading role in maritime transportation. With the opening of Suez (1869) and Panamsky (1914) channels, short sea routes have appeared between the Atlantic, Indian and the Pacific Oceans. Atlantic ocean accounts for about 3/5 of the world's turnover of world shipping, at the end of the 20th century it was transported to 3.5 billion tons of cargo per year (according to IOC). About 1/2, the volume of transportation is oil, gas and petroleum products, then follow the general cargo, then iron ore, grain, coal, bauxite and alumina. The main direction of transportation is the North Atlantic, which takes place between 35-40 ° of the northern latitude and 55-60 ° of northern latitude. The main shipping paths are combined by the port cities of Europe, the United States (New York, Philadelphia) and Canada (Montreal). Sea roads of the Norwegian, Northern and Domestic Seas of Europe (Baltic, Mediterranean and Black) are adjacent to this area. Maintain mainly raw materials (coal, ore, cotton, forest, etc.) and general cargo. Other important areas of transportation - Yuzhno-Atlantic: Europe - Central (Panama, etc.) and South America (Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires); East Atlantic: Europe - South Africa (Cape Town); West Atlantic: North America, South America - South Africa. Before the reconstruction of the Suez Canal (1981), most of the oil tankers from the Indian basin about was forced to go around Africa.

Transportation of passengers occupies an important place in the Atlantic Ocean from the 19th century, when mass emigration began from old light to America. The first sailing vessel "Savannah" crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 28 days in 1818. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Blue Ribbon Prize for Passenger Ships, which will cross the ocean faster. This prize was awarded, for example, such famous liners as "Lusitania" (4 days and 11 hours), "Normandy" (4 days and 3 hours), Queen Mary (4 days without 3 minutes). The last time the "Blue Ribbon" was assigned to the American Laineer "United Stats" in 1952 (3 days and 10 hours). At the beginning of the 21st, the duration of the flight of the passenger liner between London and New York is 5-6 days. Maximum passenger transportation across the Atlantic Ocean occurred in 1956-57, when more than 1 million people were transported per year, in 1958 the volume of transportation of passengers by air transport was equalized with maritime transportation, and then an entire majority of passengers prefer air transport (record time of the flight of the supersonic liner "Concord" on the route New York - London - 2 hours 54 minutes). The first non-winning flight through the Atlantic Ocean was made 14-15.6.1919 English pilots J. Alkok and A. W. Brown (Newfoundland Island - Island of Ireland), the first non-winning flight across the Atlantic Ocean alone (from the continent to the continent) 20-21.5.1927 - American pilot Ch. Lindberg (New York - Paris). At the beginning of the 21st century, almost the entire flow of passengers through the Atlantic Ocean is serviced by aviation.

Communication. In 1858, when the radio communications did not exist between the continents, the first telegraph cable was laid through the Atlantic Ocean. By the end of the 19th century, 14 cables of telegraph communications associated Europe with America and 1 with Cuba. In 1956, the first telephone cable was laid between the continents, by the mid-1990s at the bottom of the ocean, over 10 telephone lines operated. In 1988, the first transatlantic line of optical fiber communications was laid, 8 lines operated in 2001.

Fisheries. The Atlantic Ocean is considered the most productive ocean and its biological resources are operated by a person most intensively. In the Atlantic Ocean of fishing and seafood mining make up 40- 45% of the total world catch (area of \u200b\u200babout 25% of the world ocean). Most of the catch (up to 70%) make up herring fish (herring, sardines, etc.), Cod (Cod, Piksha, Merlusa, Merling, Side, Navaga, etc.), Kambala, Haltus, Marine Okun. Mining of mollusks (oysters, mussels, squid, etc.) and crustaceans (lobsters, crabs) about 8%. According to FAO estimates, the annual catch fish products in the Atlantic Ocean is 85-90 million tons, but for most fish farms, fishing atlating has achieved its maximum in the mid-1990s and an increase in it is undesirable. The traditional and most productive fishing area is the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, including the Northern and Baltic Sea (mostly herring, cod, flounder, sprat, mackerel). In the north-western area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean, in Newfoundland banks, a cod, herring, flounder, squid, and others are mined in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean, the sardines, stavavids, mackerel, tuna, etc. in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean, on the breadth of the latitude of Patagono - Falkland shelf, fishing like heat-water species (tuna, marliners, sword-fish, sardines, etc.) and cold weather (Putassu, Merlusa, not flow, Klykachi, etc.). Western and Southwestern Africa for the catch of Sardina, Anchovy and Merluca. In the internactic area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean, commercial importance has plankton crustaceans (krill), marine mammals, from fish - not flow, klyukachi, silver and others. Until the mid-20th century in the high-tech northern and southern ocean areas, active fishery different species Listonovii and cetaceans, but in recent decades, he dramatically decreased due to the depletion of biological resources and thanks to environmental protection measures, including intergovernmental agreements on the restriction of their production.

Mineral resources. Mineral wealth of the ocean bottom is becoming more active. The oil and combustible gas fields have been studied more fully, the first mention of their operation in the Atlantic Ocean basin belongs to 1917, when oil production began on an industrial scale in the eastern part of Lagoon Maracaibo (Venezuela). The largest centers of marine prey: Venezuelan Bay, Laguna Maracaibo (Maracaybsk Oil and Gas Pool), Mexican Bay (Mexican Bay Oil and Gastene Pool), Faria Bay (Orinoksky Oil and Gas Pool), Brazilian Shelf (Sergipi -Alagoas Oil and Gas Pool), Guinean Bay (Guinean Bay Oil and Gas Pool ), North Sea (North Sea oil and gas area) and others. Many coasts are distributed placer deposits of heavy minerals. The largest developments of paint deposits of Ilmenite, Monocyte, Zircon, Rutila are conducted off the coast of Florida. Such deposits are located in the Gulf of Mexico, the Eastern Coast of the United States, as well as Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and the Falkland Islands. The shelf of southwestern Africa is being developed by the development of coastal marine places of diamonds. The coast of New Scotland at the depths of 25-45 meters found gold-bearing placers. In the Atlantic Ocean, one of the world's largest iron ore deposits - Vaban (in the bay of the coast off the coast of Newfoundland), the extraction of iron ore is also conducted off the coast of Finland, Norway and France. In the coastal waters of Great Britain and Canada, coal deposits are developed, mined it in mines located on land, horizontal productions of which go under the bottom of the sea. On the shelf of the Mexican Bay, large sulfur deposits are being developed. In the coastal zone of the ocean, sand for the construction and production of glass, gravel is mined. On the east coast of the US and the West Coast of Africa, phosphoritone sediments are explored, but the development is still unprofitable. The total mass of phosphorites on the continental shelf is estimated at 300 billion tons. At the bottom of the North American and on the board, the Blake found large fields of iron ordarnations, their total reserves in the Atlantic Ocean are estimated at 45 billion tons.

Recreational resources. From the 2nd half of the 20th century great importance For the economies of coastal countries, the use of recreational resources of the ocean. Older and new resorts are developing. Since the 1970s, ocean liners are laid, intended for cruises only, they are distinguished by large dimensions (water displacement of 70 thousand tons or more), elevated level of comfort and relative slowness. The main routes of cruise liners Atlantic Ocean - Mediterranean and Caribbean Sea and Mexican Bay. Since the late 20th - early 21st century, scientific and tourist and extreme cruise routes are developing, mainly in high latitudes of the Northern and South Hemispheres. In addition to the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins, the main resort centers are located on the Canary, Azores, Bermuda, in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Energy. The energy of the sea tides of the Atlantic Ocean is estimated at about 250 million kW. In the Middle Ages in England and France, mills and sawmills were built using a tidal wave. In the mouth of the Rans (France) there is a tidal power station. The use of hydrothermal ocean energy is considered promising (temperature difference in surface and deep waters), the hydrothermal station acts on the coast of Côte d'Ivoire.

Portalities. At the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, most large ports of the world are located: in Western Europe - Rotterdam, Marseille, Antwerp, London, Liverpool, Genoa, Gavr, Hamburg, Augusta, Southampton, Wilhelmshaven, Trieste, Dunkirk, Bremen, Venice, Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Naples, Nantes Saint-Nazer, Copenhagen; in North America - New York, Houston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk-Newport, Montreal, Boston, New Orleans; in South America - Maracaybo, Rio de Janeiro, Santus, Buenos Aires; In Africa - Dakar, Abi-Jan, Cape Town. Russian port cities do not have direct access to the Atlantic Ocean and are located on the shores of the inland seas related to its pool: St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Baltiysk (Baltic Sea), Novorossiysk, Tuapse (Black Sea).

Lit.: Atlantic Ocean. M., 1977; Safyanov G. A. Coastal zone of the ocean in the XX century. M., 1978; Terms. Concepts, reference tables / edited by S. G. Gorshkov. M., 1980; Atlantic Ocean. L., 1984; Biological resources of the Atlantic Ocean / T. Editor D. E. Gershovich. M., 1986; Broeker W. S. The Great Ocean Conveyor // Oceanograpy. 1991. Vol. 4. No. 2; Pushchashovsky Yu. M. Tectonics of Atlantic with elements of nonlinear geodynamics. M., 1994; WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2001: IN 6 VOL. Silver Spring, 2002.

P. N. Makkaveev; A. F. Limonov (geological structure).

Many processes in the body are interrelated. The body is designed so that one energy flows into another, which is necessary for the vital activity of a separate organ. Human bioenergy is one of the types of transformation processes that are controlled personally. Here there are secrets and methods of learning that allow you to treat your body.

Bioenergy can be attributed to phenomena that are not visible to the eye, but they take place for their existence. Some call it by charctatance, inventions, others relate to this phenomenon seriously, since they consider it a safe treatment method. The Internet log site recognizes the presence of such a phenomenon as bioenergy, which is aimed at improving the health and life of a person as a whole.

What is bioenergy?

Bioenergy can be called the transformation of one energy to another. This process exists in nature, for example, in the process of photosynthesis, when solar energy is transformed into exchange, with the result that the plants become green, the fruits are filled useful properties. Bioenergy assumes the presence within the human natural energy, which can be transformed into the one that is necessary for a person.

Bioenergy has many concepts because it is used in different areas Life.

  1. Bioenergy can be called supernatural abilities of a person who knows how to read thoughts around others or look into the future or past.
  2. Bioenergy is called the impact of a person on the organism of another to improve or deteriorate its health.
  3. Bioenergy can be called an inner charge that is felt surrounding during contact with a person.

Biological energy affects how strong the person considers itself strong, confident and powerful. It affects his state of his health, which is why even medicine is interested in this term.

Currently, when the person duties and care becomes more, and the time in the days does not increase, the internal energy is depleted. Lethargy constant fatigue, drowsy condition, periodic diseases, stress, irritability - all this is the result of the fact that there is no energy in man. "Tanks" devastated. It is felt and takes out of equilibrium even more.

Updated "tanks" are completely explained if a person is already in a death condition. But when he is young, healthy and should be energetic, devastation speaks of an imbalance in his lifestyle. Everyone should feel the energy that allows you to live, act, to act. If this is not, then depression, stress and lethargy are permanent satellites of life.

To begin with, we consider why a person is deprived of energy. He loses her when he comes against his nature and desires:

  • A woman does not want to have children.
  • A man does not want sex.
  • Woman does not want to be beautiful.
  • A man does not want to demonstrate his power in front of a woman; etc.

A person comes against his nature, natural reactions that occur in his body and encourage those or other actions. The woman's body is automatically programmed to the birth of children. The man's body produces testosterone to give energy and strength he can show a woman. If a person ignores these processes, he launches the process of depriving itself.

Desire is a second factor that deprives human energy. He wants to get a certain job, but relatives and friends discourage from it. After that, the favorite partner insists that he left his venture and engaged in another business. But the individual has a desire, which gives him inspiration, energy and power, which is needed for action. If he refuses his desire, together with the inspiration, and energy, and the forces that were generated by the desire disappear. If there is no desire, then there is no energy. It is unlikely that a person is experiencing sincere desire to do what they prompted close people. That is why he often walks sluggish and tired: what he is doing is not his desire, which could give him energy and power.

How to gain internal energy and restore forces? First, you need to take your nature: you are a man / woman, and therefore you have specific needs that are inherent in your sex. Why not obey them?

Secondly, start wishing and do something sincere. You have the right to desire and implement your desires. Do not listen to anyone. Other people always proceed primarily from their desires. It is beneficial for them to make you live as it will be convenient for them. And it corresponds to your desires or not, it does not care. Take this idea, realize it, even if we are talking about the closest people. Everyone thinks about his benefit - it is laid by nature. If you dissuade you from something, then the person does it only for his own calmness. He will be fine if you live as he tells you. This is his desire. And what are your desires? Do they take into account? After all, it is your desires and their achievement give the very energy and strength you are deprived.

Under the human bioenergy is understood by the energy processes that occur in the body for the sake of working capacity and the active state of all systems. Depending on the strength of bioenergy, a person feels healthy and young. If the internal forces are reduced, then the person will quickly grow up and ill. Many diseases provoked by a decrease in bioenergy.

There are numerous practices aimed at eliminating stagnation in the ducts and the direction of energy by biocanal.

  • Cleaning chakras.
  • Impact by hand.
  • Muscle relaxation.

Bioenergy specialists consider body and soul in direct relationship. If various diseases occur in the body, then the soulful man loses energy, burdens, mood. And if there is a man's mentally suffering, it leads to the body level.

Bioenergy helps in the cure of most diseases, in particular,. That is why bioenergy can be used to prevent or eliminate certain diseases. The most popular posture for restoring mental equilibrium and bodily health is the "Arch". This is when a person relies on socks and hands of hands about the floor, while begging back back.

The meditation becomes popular when the man of thoughts and muscular relaxation penetrates its subconscious, starting to control it with its biological flows. The development of bioenergy can be at home, but only subject to the clear and correct compliance with all the prescriptions.

The human energy has a lot of power capable of affecting his spiritual or physical condition. From birth, a person is given the potential that he gradually spends. And then the man itself becomes the Creator of its energy flows

Treatment of bioenergy

In the old days, people only with bioenergy and medicinal herbal He treated themselves from different pors. Today, these practitioners are engaged in tribes retributed from the current civilized development, and individual individuals. With the help of the direction of the energy, you can treat various hands. This can be done both by the person and a specialist who first contacts the patient's biofield, identifies the disease, and then directs its energy into the human body. In this case, the patient is filled with energy, and the healer loses it.

Anyone can be treated by himself with the help of the direction of its energy to the patient. It will require training and ability to accumulate, broadcast energy in the desired direction.

Training bioenergy

Each person can learn bioenergy. Modern life Excludes knowledge of knowledge, since they do not correspond to current trends and success. A person must be pragmatic and seek help to doctors to cure. However, bioenergy helps not only in healing from his pigeon, but also to achieve success.

If earlier all useful knowledge were transferred from mouth to mouth, now there are special schools, training bioenergy practices. You can independently explore the literature and learn the right skills. This will require a lot of time, as a person will learn the directions of his thoughts, sensations, feelings.

Secrets of bioenergy

All human life is subordinated by its bioenergy. All people have it, but few use it purposefully. Usually the energy splashes on unnecessary classes, and then the person does not know how to fill it. There are various hands and disorders, because of what a person's life goes under the slope. If you take advantage of the basic secrets of bioenergy, then you can become not just a healthy, but also strong, successful, self-confident personality.

Bioenergy is a free stream of energy throughout the body that a person feels. However, to be free at the body level, you need to be free at the spiritual stage.

If you listen to the conversations of many people, then you can hear such a thought: "I used to be better?". Previously, the state cared for pensioners. Previously, there were certain rules, followed by whom the man understood that he would receive in return. Previously, people were more free, could go to other people's lands and build wooden houses and grow vegetables and fruits. Many modern people seem to seem to be better than now, rather than now. Is it so?

If you look without offended and tears on the modern world, you can understand that mankind today is more free and fully opportunities than it was previously. Women have become equal to men. In humans there are electricity, gas and water. People now choose themselves, for what profession they work. A rich man can be anyone who wants, and not the one who was born in a rich family. In other words, if soberly look at the device that exists now, it can be understood that the current life is much more secured from each person than it was in the past times.

The world now gives a person more freedom and opportunities than he was given in the old days. But since a person lives with slave thinking, he continues to restrict himself in his freedom and opportunities. In fact, at any time were their difficulties. But the longer humanity lives, the more opportunities for each individual appears. Now it is also difficult to live in the world. But today, man is given more freedom and opportunities than it was before.


Bioenergy is energy streams inside a person who are similar to blood system. Through bioenergy, each organ gets the desired charge of energy and strength. If a clamp is present in some thread, the barrier, then some kind of system does not get necessary energyWhat is starting to get sick.

In our world, all processes, actions and items are associated with each other invisible force, which can be successfully managed, the main thing is to know how.

It is this question that is also engaged in bioenergy, training independently this teaching is possible, but it should be remembered that this path is quite a thorny and complicated. In the article, we will try to answer the question where to start and how to make the study of the material quickly, but at the same time effective.

Why should I start learning bioenergy

Before proceeding directly to the study process, it is necessary to understand how bioenergy represents and what is its main postulates.

Humanity since ancient times is trying to know its nature and as much as possible to study human body. This process is extremely laborious, because people are very complex system, to study which the best minds of the world took several centuries. Even in our high-tech time, scientists open all new, accommodated unknown facts as inner structure The bodies and processes occurring in it.

However, many phenomena are simply unexplained from the point of view of material science, even scientists themselves call such processes by this miracle and are lost in guessing about how this could have happened. It is at this moment that a bioenergy, which, with a filigree simplicity, explains everything that is impossible to understand, if we consider a person only through the prism of the physical shell.

Bioenergy studies a person, but does it not on the material level, but at a higher and invisible for the human eye - energy.

The fact is that people are a complex system consisting of two large basic elements - this body is physical and energy. These two structures are inextricably linked with each other and are essentially one of the whole, the difference is only at what angle you look at it. Any even the most minor changes in one of the bodies cause similar transformations in another.

This unusual effect is the basis for the use of bioenergy in healing purposes. Quite often, we cannot determine the nature of the disease, as well as why it appeared from us. In such a situation, the use of the bioenergy method allows pretty quickly and clearly to find a real reason that is hidden at the energy level, as well as to quickly eliminate it.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that this teaching works with human energy companies and aura. Energy flows permeate our entire universe, we literally live among them. These channels carry in themselves great strength and are able to influence our health, life and fate. Exactly the same streams are also in humans. Through them, our inner energy is distributed throughout the body and thanks to this we are alive.

Try to remember the school course of physics, namely the section with the study of electricity. As the electric current is known, passing through the conductor, forms an electromagnetic field around it, which rotates clockwise relative to the direction of movement. What is electricity?

Of course, it is primarily energy. Everything in our world is subject to general physical laws - the principle that retains the balance between the smallest particles within the atom, it also works in relation to stars and planets. That is why energy inside us, which is similar to electric current, creates a power field around the conductor - the human body.

This kind of cocoon is called aura and performs mostly in the role of a peculiar shield that protects us from negative external influences.

Produce this field of certain energy centers that are called the chakra. These funnel holes are used by us to get energy from the world around us and the universe. When their work is somehow disturbed or terminated, it fails in the activities of our bodies or the problems in some separate sphere of our life. Of course, this usually happens at the same time, because there are seven main energy centers, and each of them responds immediately for a number of organs and regions of human life.

As you can see, even a brief description of this teaching has a rather large volume that talking about its full explanation. Modern man Since childhood, he has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow his body is arranged, it is a kind of obligation, since its health depends on these knowledge and the ability to diagnose the disease independently. The study of this topic is the right decision, but at the same time the second, no less important part of the human being - the energy was completely overlooked.

As in the material plane, when we are talking about diseases or any other problems with one of the most important factors when diagnosing them is time. The earlier aless will be discovered, the easier it will cope with it, the damage caused by the launched forms will not be reimbursed.

But how to detect any deviation when you do not even know where to look? It is for this reason that at least the basics of bioenergy should be known and have at least a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe second half of its own body, which is hidden from human eye.

How can you use bioenergy

First of all, bioenergy allows you to heal your body and maintain it in the best form all your life. The activity of each of the seven chakras is associated with the health of a large number of organs. Any even a minor deviation in their work with one hundred percent probability will entail health problems.

If all chakras work in full power, then you will become one of those people talking that diseases bypass them. In addition, some energy centers contribute to the development of extremely useful skills that turn out to be very useful in life.

In man laid much more than it may seem at first glance.

It is in our aura who's key to success, joy and love.

All this can be obtained if you correctly work with your biofield, configuring it in such a way that it does not block positive events, and on the contrary attracted them to yourself. Bioenergy is not a panacea from everything, it is rather a tool that will allow you to build your life in such a way as to harmonize it as much as possible.

The negative impact on us occurs daily. These may be any diseases or a negative, directed in our direction from other people. Quite often, people do not understand why such a large number of all sorts of troubles and trouble occurs with them. The reason for their simple is a weak energy shell.

Bioenergy allows you to avoid all the negative and successfully reflect all negative attacks. From the negative impact, which was directed even by professional strong dark magicians and sorcerers will help to escape a powerful aura. Training can be carried out independently, resorting to the help of specialized literature.

Books on bioenergy

If you decide to join the study path so big topic Alone, it is recommended to choose one of the following books as a conductor. All of them are excellent benefits that will great help you make your first steps, know yourself, expand our ideas about the processes of what is happening in the human body and finally understand what bioenergy is.

Training yourself, books, lack of mentoring - all this is a serious step that is associated with some risks, so you first ask yourself, whether you are ready and have enough strength and desires you have.

Remember the main rule: bioenergy is precisely the sphere in which the amount of material never develops into quality.

Most of the books written on this topic are a small amount of useful information that is very strongly diluted by the author's personal reasoning, which do not carry absolutely no benefit for learning. Therefore, in the future, when you read all the books from this list, try to choose only high-quality literature, which will give truly worthwhile information.

The first thing to pay attention to is the other works of the authors listed in this list. Here are their best books, but in fact they are much larger and many of them are suitable for readers who have already passed the first stage of learning.

Alexander Lowen "Joy"

In this book, the author, first of all, describes the use of bioenergy in order to return long forgotten feelings. This set of principles will allow to gain real human happiness through the harmonization of its energy field.

What is interesting, this effect is achieved thanks to work, first of all, with its physical body. The book contains a large number of exercises, with their detailed description.

L.G. Bays "Biolocation for All"

The basis of this method originates in classical oriental medicine and is associated directly with energy flows inside the human body.

Alexander Lowen "Body Psychology"

Another book of this author, which is also aimed at achieving the harmonious state of the soul and body. With the help of several exercises and a large number of all kinds of examples, Alexander makes it clear that the spiritual part of the person and physical is a single whole, reaching the balance between which it is possible to qualitatively affect their perception of life and its level.

Richard Gerber "Vibration Medicine"

This book is truly unique, since it has absorbed almost everything that is currently known about the human energy body. Her author is a doctor, trying to hold parallels between classical treatment and healing with bioenergy.

It is extremely detailed by the structure of human energy, compares with his physical part. "Vibration Medicine" is quite capable of becoming desktop Book Not only for people learning bioenergy, but also for doctors.

Alexander Lowen "Depression and Body"

At least this book has a rather narrow topic at first glance, but those methods and information that is stored in it are able to help better understand both bioenergy and ways to work with their energy tel.

Alexander talks about what changes our physical and energy body undergoes when we suffer from depression, and also describes several ways that allow you to get rid of this ailment at both levels.

Vadim Ufimtsev "Practical Bioenergy"

This book will allow literally from scratch to study such a concept as bioenergy. Training yourself here is extremely smoothly and intelligible. The author gives a description of a variety of exercises that allow, first of all, harmonize their energy shell, to establish the work of the chakras, align the background of the aura.

In addition, methods that will help heal not only the physical body, but also the soul are described. In general, "practical bioenergy" is a kind of compilation that can be limited to at the first time.

After the detailed study of this material and its full understanding, it is recommended to study the remaining books presented in this list to consolidate the information received and its high-quality expansion.

Its bioenergy or, as it is also called, the energy field (the substance of electromagnetic fields) has all living creatures in the world - stones, trees, people, animals, plants. Therefore, the relationship of man with nature and the world around him occurs as a result of the exchange of energy and information, which moves from one object to another. A person who knows how to exchange energy better than others and lives more concentrated, harmoniously and fully. Here are some tips that will help you determine your biological engineering or other person.

How to determine human bioenergy

  • There are many factors that affect the human bioenergy. It is important all - the day of conception of a person, the year of conception and place. If the child was conceived during an eclipse, then its energy field has some violations, since during the eclipse of the Earth's biofield changes.
  • Solar activity also plays an important role in the fate of man. People who were born during solar activity are characterized by powerful energy, resistant to environmental impacts. Those who were born from 10 to 21 March, possess such energy that attracts adventures to themselves. Therefore, cleaning your biofield, this is the necessary lesson for them. They need to walk barefoot and physical activity. Born in August have good health and powerful bioenergy, unlike people born in another period.
  • The exemplary biofield has an egg-shaped, symmetrical, elongated above the head shape and goes beyond the frame of the physical body 40cm - 1.5 meters. The loss of this form is due to violations in the psychological portrait of a person. You yourself have repeatedly observed changes in the energetics of a person - the guest went to the room, and it seems that he took almost all the place and pushed everyone else present. And the man who all the time promised unnoticed by anyone, has a weak energy. Normal color The biofield is considered white and all light tones.
  • Every person has an intuition, someone is stronger, someone is weaker, but still you feel great to feel how to determine the human energy, and it is for you to understand for you or not. Therefore, you need to listen to your feelings: Do you have weaknesses after talking with one or another person, is there any exacerbation of any disease, do you, are you calm, do not be nervous on trifles? If you have got positive answers to all these questions, then this means that the biofield of this person suits you.

Restoration of bioenergy at home

It will be much more comfortable to live if you prepare in advance to protect against any energy invasion. Damaged bioenergy of a person, at least one family member, an adult or child, deforms both the total biofield of the whole family. Therefore, it is reasonable to engage in prevention.

The overall protection against energy invasions implies the creation of special energy fields (screens, shields), which will pass positive energy and delay the negative, negative, which neighbors can bring, familiar, friends of the son or daughter. The source of negative energy can also be various geopathogenic zones.

To create a protective screen for human bioenergy, the efforts of the whole family will be required. You have to close a protective capsule around your home, and your family biopol will give you the strength to her creation. The technique that you are invited to be taken from Eastern spiritual practices.

Protection of bioenergy of your home

Let the family gather in the central part of the house. When everyone is sitting, relaxing, feel comfort and peace, ask to imagine that the house is surrounded by the waves of Golden Light - it became light, clean and kind. Now stand in the center of the room, with your back to the entrance door. Concentrate and imagine that one effort of the will cover the positive energy with a wall opposite you. Raise your right hand and circle this wall along the contour. Imagine that the bright stream of green light rushes from your fingers. Spend your hand around the perimeter of the wall, the closure of the energy circuit in the direction of the sun movement (right to left). Imagine that the whole wall becomes transparent green, alive, pulsating.

In the same way, work with other walls of the room, you can act with both hands at the same time. Next, lock the energy outline of the ceiling and floor. The latter closes the contour of the wall behind your back. Now turn to her face. And in the end, block all the screens into a single capsule. To combine the energy fields created by you, spend your hand as if out of the circle.

At first, you can create color screens so that you can see, roll or revealed the energy dome.

Perceive the doors and windows not as openings in the wall, but as drawings on the wallpaper. Walls will seem whole, which means there will be no places that can miss negative energy.

If necessary, the screens can be folded and deployed. Clee your hands and imagine that the screen turns from the walls to the center of the room, turning into a tiny roller, and the roll itself disappears between your palms. If you need to deploy the screen, then one cotton is enough. Divide your arms to the sides, and the screen will "unfold".

How to clean the house from bad energy

And what to do if negative energy has already accumulated in the house? The screen does not miss it, and the release of the house from the negative is necessary. It is recommended to remove the screens periodically, and clean the living space from the energy mud. Purity is a guarantee of health, we know since childhood.

If family members are too emotioned, mood or interests change dramatically, then the shielding will not help you. In order to align a family biofield, you need to constantly work with it, destroy the vortex streams that pierce the holes in the protective capsule you created.

Cleaning bioenergy

The following method must be used if the relationship has begun in the family. He will clearly demonstrate to you, as the bioenergy affects the man. To return mutual understanding, sometimes it is enough to say that you still love each other. However, the sooner the solution is the harder to implement it. We are not used to looking for light paths, so let's go around.

The initiators in any endeavors in the family most often are women. You will have to warn your spouse to prepare and not surprised anything.

So, early morning. Stand over the husband, stretch your hands towards his hands, but do not connect them. Let the distance of about 20 cm. Divorced fingers will remain between your hands. Now look at your husband and imagine what is inside you, in the Navel area (there is an energy center that is responsible for sexuality) is uncontaminated by the outward flowing stream of energy. He splashes into your substituted hands, taking the shape of the ball. Send this ball to meet the Underground Cup of the husband, feel like the same ball breaks out of his hands and both fiery balls merge, circling, turning into a common stream of energy that spreads, absorbs you both, reliably protecting you and isolating you from the world. Hug a husband: Now the protective energy dome is closed over your heads, your biofields are configured, synchronized.

Check your sensations: you feel the tide of strength, confidence in the future. Your spouse feels the same.

Restoration of bioenergy and biofol

The best way to normalize family biofield is to work on each chakra for each family member. Time such work occupies a bit, specific knowledge and skills is not required.

Prepare a copper bell, the sound of it should be pleasant for you: not too high, not too low. Stand up behind one of the family members (husband, child, grandparents, grandmother, etc.), lift the bell over his head at a distance of about 10-20 cm. If the child is still very small, it can lie.

Slowly go around a person clockwise, gradually lowering the linking bell until it reaches the level of the lower chakra. Then, continuing bypass, gradually raise the bell until it is above the topic.

If you want to clean and your own biofield, it is better to do it lying. Actions are performed in such a sequence: you first ring the pariet chakra, then the frontal, go down to the throat, cardiac, working with the region of solar plexus, navel and lower chakra, after which they repeat the movement in the opposite direction. Sometimes the result appears immediately: breathing becomes easier, an extraordinary ease occurs in the body, and in hand and legs - easy tingling. All this is the consequence of the fact that blood according to the vessels flows faster, and the cells get more nutrition.

Well, if you will nick the chakras at least from time to time. It will help you withstand any energy attack.

If you need to protect another person, for example, a weaker spouse or your child, then simply imagine how your protective dome expands and chooses the biopol of this person. The light sails and gently pulls his biofield inside, precisely takes it under your defense. Now the human bioenergy will be protected.

Exercises for bioenergy

People with figurative thinking will help such an exercise. "Soak" all troubles in one big tangle. On the way to home mentally unwind him, leaving the threads on the branches of trees, wires. Near the doors, turn back and be sure to say from the bottom of my heart: "Let everything be good!"

After that, look at the sky, and if heavy clouds are crawled on it, you will feel how high and clean it is, as is the original world, not refined by the achievements of civilization. That's all.

Restoration of human energy

How to Clean Energy With Fire

Exercise best before bedtime. Lower the curtains and extinguish the light. Put in the center of the table (at a distance of at least 0.5 ILO edge) a burning wax candle and sit in a soft chair. Take a convenient posture. Fully relax. Do not break off look at the candle flame for 10 minutes. After a while you will feel a pleasant stupor and feeling of lightness in my head and in the whole body.

Repeat this exercise every day during the week. Starting should be started on the night from Sunday for Monday and finish, respectively, next Sunday.

Silicon energy benefits for bioenergy

Stones serve as an excellent absorber of negative human bioenergy. To protect the room and stabilize the positive aura in it, use silicon. Silicon can be bought at the pharmacy. Or collect a whole collection on a pebble beach.

So, you just found a place where there is a negative energy in the room. Put a slice of silicon. You can simply be placed in the corners of the Silne's room so that a square or rectangle is formed. The protective capabilities of these items are such that they will be able to protect the whole room.

Silicon needs to be cleaned from the accumulated dirt once a month. Do it very simple: Put under the flow cold water For two to three hours, after which the day hold on the street so that he would have the energy of the stars and the sun.

Cylindrical springs

Working with human bioenergy requires the use of some objects. For example, cylindrical springs. Springs can absorb negative energy for one and a half or two years without any cleaning, if they are large enough, at least 5-6 cm in diameter.

Music for restoring bioenergy

Music music has an excellent cleansing effect. Well, if you know the mantra. At least one. Mantras not only cleans the house, not only fill it with warmth, good and light - they charge both those who pronounce them bringing harmony and well-being.

But other melodies are superbly suitable, pleasant to your ear, but, of course, not a heavy rock or other people like this "musical" compositions. Destroying and physically, and mentally, and energy.

"Shield Shambhala" for bioenergy

If you are not protected from the negative impact of someone else's energy of your spirituality, the consequences can be very grave and serious both personally for you and for your home. Man bioenergy should always be protected. Words entered the proverb: "Everything I wear with you" in this case is suitable as it is impossible.

In the East, there was a slender protection against energy protection. One of them is the "shield of Shambhala". The legendary Shambal, which Helen Ivanovna Peerich wrote about, is a country of high spirituality, prosperity, virtue and well-being. Shambala personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and achieving high spirituality.

Methods of execution Next: Straighten the brush of your left hand, press the brush thumb. The fingers right hand squeeze into the fist. Put the fist into the back surface of the left hand.

Shambhala Shield is the protection of life, health, prosperity, prosperity.

If trouble happened in your house, meet her face to face. Everyone can be survived, you can cope with any attack.

Each situation teaches something, and a reason for gratitude, if desired is always. Moreover, obstacles are needed, because, overcoming them, a man is growing spiritually.

Bad Energy Protection

If a person to send negative thoughts, negative energy, you can destroy its protection, that is, its biofield, which is protected from human impact on man. His human bioenergy is violated, it becomes a weak and easy victim for the otherworldly forces, which are constantly looking for a person with a weak biopole. A man begins to hurt, his fast fatigue appears, and his strength is constantly leaving. The task of the biofield and human energy is that it is constantly protected from evil creatures and various negative people who are trying to break through and hack this wall. So that it does not arise, you need to protect your energy.

Ways to protect against negative bioenergy

  • One of the lungs and at the same time of reliable ways. If you feel with a person somehow not comfortable, then when talking to cross legs and hands and continue a conversation. Now this person will not be able to pour his negative on himself. Your biofield is closed, and no one can squeeze into it. Energy leakage will not happen.
  • The second method is called "Protective Ring". Connect your fingers large and index on your arms. You have a ring forms, now it will be a ring-protection. The remaining fingers simply fold.
  • Similar method - called "embedding rings." Make two rings from your fingers while connecting them. Repeat three times, such a method will close your biofield from penetrating the negative.
  • Another way is to protect. This is using "Eggs". Feel that golden peas are around your solar plexus. They depart about you on 4 sides. They must come from solar plexus. They should lie in the horizontal plane, the approximate distance is an elongated hand. They seem to form a cross. Now imagine and feel that the cross begins to rotate around you. When he starts to rotate quickly, the hoop begins to form, which will protect you. During his rotation, he resembles an egg. Color should be golden, blue or orange.
  • The restoration of human bioenergy will be effective if you use the "Mirror Wall" method. Imagine that the brick wall is around you. It should have several rows. The outer part of the brick wall is mirror. As soon as negative energy is sent to you, the mirror reflection returns it to that all this negative sent you.

Bioenergythe man carries its connection with the Universe. This is a common energy system based on the law of seminary, when they talk about the colors of rainbow, musical notes, spiritual chakras, constitutional types.

Harmony in combination of vibrations has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organism, disharmony, in turn, on the contrary affects the body of the harmful.

The seven units of the energy concentration of the individual consist of ducts that take streams of different types. Any center or chakra is responsible for a certain layer of life: spiritual and physiological.


Bioenergy mantakes the beginning in seven sources. So-called chakras. The astral and mental body ensure the work of the physiological component, other essential shells support the mental part of the individual auras.

The human being is the most complex receiver, perceiving the frequency of the environment with the help of eyes, nose, ears, fingers, palms, and all skin of the body. Even hair rods work antennas for cosmic waves. All frequencies are deciphered by the nerve cells of the gray matter of the brain and remain in memory, in the form of picturesque pictures, favorite flavors, characteristic melodies, gentle touchs.

World of Bioenergythe individual constantly interacts with the universe through subtle bodies.

At night, anyone interacts with divine light in a dream. The astral body at this moment leaves the physiological part and in the company with Menatal flies to the atmosphere of our planet for energy feeding.

Communication of a person with the world of the Creator is going on constantly and during the day, and at night.

Unlike the highest world, there are coarse, heavy frequencies in low layers of ether, as they are inhabited by dark entities that remain as a result of terrible deaths. They act like a dream, only come with nightmares and change the actions, the mood of people. For this reason, some individuals, brought up in a complete, friendly family, have negative characters, are not able to control their actions and whims.

Our world is the creation of high light. The Lord presents a positive, omnipotent beginning that supports good people. He awards their creative strength and positive will.

People supporting light forces are harbored black and low-lying frequencies. But when an individual lets them in her aura, dark forces get fatal for him.

Bioenergy Individual with high, pure thinking, lit love and good, is always very fueled by the creator. This gives excellent well-being, the strength of the Spirit and the Body.

Life energy, falling into cells for special ways, is absorbed continuously and accumulates in chakras.

Impact on bioenergy

Emotional experiences also interact with vitality.

Delay the influx of emotion forces:

  • fear;
  • longing;
  • envy;
  • anger;
  • guilt;
  • despondency.

Positive thoughts and feelings of joy, pleasure, pleasure influx of energy increase.

Energy congestion are destroyed when a person is working on himself, above the perfection of his soul and physiological body.

It is very pleased that you can choose a way to restore health. Restore spiritual equilibrium, you can change life by carrying out treatment with bioenergy.

Psychics of bioenergyoffer Various sessions:

  • cleaning and disclosure of chakras;
  • correction of aura, removal of negative energies from it;
  • strengthening aura, strengthening its own protection;
  • healing from different diseases;
  • cleaning the surrounding energy;
  • improving relations inside the family and the team;
  • correction of planet energy flows.

The laws necessary in the process of healing and learning are known. They are strictly respected. Bioeneroterapeut, performing sessions, has a strong and strong protective sheath.

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