Fitz Hugh Kurtis. Rising chlamydial infection in women

The period of pregnancy carries not only many expectations, but also a lot of danger. The main risk is the emergence of new diseases or the aggravation of chronic, not uncommon - chlamydia during pregnancy. Pathology is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations and anxiety. The disease is dangerous for the future mother, and for a unborn child.

Chlamydia are considered infectious pathogens And they are not able to live outside the body of their "host": microorganisms are obtained by the vital energy from the cells of the human body. The most comfortable environment of residence is the genitals, but the infection may also be present in the lower intestinal department, although such situations are extremely rare.

For pregnant women not only what they live in the genitals, but also in oily waters, can be on the mucous membranes of the fetus.

It is possible to infected with chlamydia from a person suffering from the same disease. The incidence of domestic contacts is only 5%. The disease takes absolutely asymptomatic.

Possible ways of infection with chlamydia:

  • vaginal sex;
  • anal or oral sex;
  • child chlamydia - may appear in the process of passing the sex tract of an infected mother.

Consider more, whether it is possible to get pregnant with chlamydia or to infect them, being in position.

"Compatibility" Pregnancy with chlamydia

This disease is not an obstacle to conceive the baby. To give birth healthy childIt is better to pre-pass all the surveys, to detect and cure the disease in time.

Note! Do not notice that the chlamydia appeared, very simply due to the weak or practically missing symptoms.

Most often, chlamydia and pregnancy are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • selection, similar to purulent, differing from ordinary;
  • unpleasant odor of the vagina;
  • the feeling of unsalted pain at thenime of the abdomen or on the genitals - both internal and outdoor;
  • itching, burning.

Very rarely, but may increase body temperature and arise total weakness. At the same time, all the symptoms may be evidence of the presence of other diseases. gOOD SYSTEM.

Finding at least one sign, you should immediately contact the doctor.

Danger of disease for pregnant women

Chlamydia is a cunning disease that is not manifested for a long time, but in the end it may cause the development of other pathologies.

If the treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy was not carried out in a timely manner, the disease can provoke:

  • salpintingit or endometritis - chlamydia, penetrating the body, cause strongest inflammation, especially if they fall into the uterus, appendages or uterine pipes;
  • reiter's disease is characterized by multiple and scary symptoms: from urethritis to arthritis;
  • the narrowing of the urethra channel due to the fact that chlamydia damage the mucous membrane of the urethra.

The main danger of infection in pregnant women, especially if pathology appears at the first stages - the threat of miscarriage. Chlamydia cause placental insufficiency, the baby lacks oxygen. If the lack of oxygen is small, there will be damage to the internal organs, if hypoxia is pronounced - miscarriage.

If the baby was born, the best thing to be observed from the symptoms is a light muscle tone. If the consequences of the mother's disease caused great harm, then the child will have serious problems with the nervous system.

Hypoxia is not the only thing that provoke chlamydia: the fruit can not gain weight because of the supply violation nutrient substances. As a result, the baby is born with a small mass of the body, it is pronounced by avitaminosis and iron deficiency.

If a chlamydial infection Penetrated into the mother's body in late pregnancy, the baby can be born with damaged internal organs, liver, kidneys, pancreas.

Chlamydia in a woman during pregnancy can lead to the following consequences:

  • anemia;
  • strongest toxicosis;
  • multi-way;
  • fetal fetal;
  • prematurity of childbirth;
  • inflammation on the shell of the uterus and the accumulatory shell.

The kid can be born and s, but indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • encephalopathy accompanied by convulsions;
  • fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome.

At the same time, chlamydia during pregnancy is not a sentence, the disease is treatable.

Diagnostic events

It is impossible to say that earlier, even hundreds of years ago, chlamydia and pregnancy did not coexist together. There were problems with the development of the fetus, the kids were born dead or sick, it happened that he fell into fruit. But then it was quite difficult to diagnose the presence of chlamydia in the body, therefore, and treat the disease.

Today there are several studies aimed at identifying chlamydia. Consider them in more detail.

Coloring on Romanovsky Gymze

The smear of the vaginal or urethra is made. The resulting biological material is dried and painted with a special composition, which allows you to see chlamydia. To date, such a study is very rarely used due to its low informativeness.

Culture analysis or sowing

The study gives good and accurate results, but to get them, it will take a lot of time. This diagnosis is also quite expensive.

Linked immunosorbent assay

One of the most common ways of research is inexpensive, but not strongly informative, since it does not answer to the question whether chlamydia is capable of life.

Diagnosis of PCR.

The most informative and used diagnostic method. Accuracy almost 99%. Results of analyzes can be obtained quickly.

Transcriptional amplification

This version of the research implies the tactics for determining the RNA of the microorganism. Despite the accuracy of the results (99%), the technique was not widely used.

In addition to the methods described above, not only the fence of crops are widely used, but also blood tests that allow you to identify the presence of chlamydia in the blood during pregnancy with high degree probability.

It is often used by an enzyme immunoassay analysis (ELISA), which allows you to identify the IgG, IgA, IgM antibodies. The technique allows you to determine not only the disease itself, but also the stage of its development.

An important meaning in diagnostic activities has a correctly collected history, and additional research methods allow you to confirm or disprove the diagnosed diagnosis.

Medical Medical Events

Confirmation of the diagnosis - reason for urgent treatmentEspecially if the chlamydia is diagnosed during pregnancy. The presence of a fetus in the body of a woman significantly complicates the treatment process, but without antibiotics it will not work.

Treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women requires special attention. Mainly use antibacterial agents from the group of macrolides. Treatment should be carried out by both partners. Within two weeks after the end of treatment, it is not recommended to lead sex life. Consider drugs that are most often used in therapy.


The effect of the drug is similar to antibiotics of the penicillin group. It acts not only in chlamydia, but also at staphylococcus, syphilis.

Used when inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis in severe form, rozhist inflammationMastitis. Durable use of the drug is not recommended, as it may cause jaundice.


Well copes S. infectious diseasesdiseases nervous system, allergic diattes.

The medicine can reduce the effectiveness of some drugs. It is rarely appointed - when the use of the drug is justified even during pregnancy.


It has an extensive spectrum of action, but best affects gram-negative bacteria. When taking inside, it is quite effective, well absorbed into tissues and organs. It is used not only for chlamydia, but also in the presence of diseases of the respiratory tract, osteomyelitis, gonor.

As a rule, it is well tolerated, but sometimes there is a development of a person's edema, a general oppressed state, thrombocytopenia. In the treatment of this drug, it is impossible to be exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Candles Viferon

Another option, how to treat pathology during pregnancy, - suppositories. Used in the presence of infectious and viral diseases, with hepatitis and sharp respiratory diseases. Well tolerated and combined with other drugs. The effect of overdose has not been detected.

Candles can only be used since 14 weeks of pregnancy. Very rarely appear allergic reactions in the form of rashes on skin Pokrovwhich disappear 72 hours after the drug has been discontinued.

A pregnant woman should remember that not to treat chlamydia is not right, because now it is responsible not only for their health, but also for the health of the baby. It is very important that throughout the period of treatment, the state of the body was monitored.

In addition, the treatment of chlamydia during pregnancy is not always a reception antibacterial agents. It all depends on how long the disease lasts where it is localized. This information can be obtained only by conducting laboratory studies and consultations from specialists.

Talking about the chlamydia of the genital organs in a woman, or about urogenital chlamydia, we began with clarification, what kind of chlamydia diseases are called first. This is urethritis, cystitis, and vaginitis, cervicitis, erosion, etc. We also found out that if these diseases are not treated on the most early stages, chlamydia is starting their way further, hitting the uterus, uterine pipes, ovaries. In some cases, chlamydia is even able to "get" to internal organs - joints, lungs, liver, pharynx and cause their inflammation. All these "travels" of chlamydia in medicine received one common name "Rising infection" - an infection that moves from the bottom, from the genital and urinary organs deeper, further according to the body.

The term "rising chlamydial infection" refers to the defeats of the mucous membrane of the uterus, pipes, ovaries, incoming ligaments, peritoneum, liver: inflammatory diseases of the organs of the small pelvis and peritoneum develop due to the spread of chlamydia from the lower feet of the genital tract. As a result, salpingitis, endometritis, salpingooforites, metroendometritis, pelvioperitonites, perigepatitis, endosalpingitis, pelvioperitonites, pelvic peritonitis, etc.

As already mentioned, the main way of infection with chlamydia - sexual. Therefore, unfortunately, the damage to chlamydia is not limited to the urogenital tract. The expansion of the chlamydia of our body does not stop.

Ways of spreading ascending chlamydial infection in the body are diverse. For some somewhat encouraging data, the upward spread of chlamydia can be implemented only under the condition of weak immune system organism. The main thesis of medicine is justified again: "Prevention is better (and cheaper!) Treatment." W. healthy people With good immunity, the risk of infection of other organs and systems through the upward spread of chlamydial infection is significantly reduced.

The following paths of distribution of chlamydia in the body are distinguished:

1. Canalicular, that is, through the cervical canal, the uterine cavity, the uterine pipes to all organs abdominal cavity;

2. lymphogenic - through lymphatic system with Lymph currents - for all organs, where chlamydia will find a medium for their habitat (special cylindrical epithelium);

3. Hematogenous - with chlamydide blood currents are transferred to a throat, light, articular bags, causing pharyngitis, angina, pneumonia, arthritis, Reiter's disease, etc.;

4. In the ascending distribution of chlamydia, spermatozoa takes part. This path of spreading chlamydia is very dangerous - with spermatozoa infection gets immediately in the uterus, in such an important and such a vulnerable body of the female sexual system. Therefore, with random sex contacts or with contacts with an unfamiliar partner, as a means of contraception, a condom is recommended. Even if from unwanted pregnancy you use Kok or Navy, the condom will protect you from sex infections, including chlamydia.

5. Any intrauterine interventions are also promoted by the ascending spread of chlamydial infection - with therapeutic or diagnostic purposes (these abortions, operations, diagnostic scraps, etc.);

Chlamydia trachomatis

6. The spread of chlamydia "Up" contributes to the IUD (intrauterine spiral) - chlamydia on it, as on the elevator, penetrate immediately into the uterus.

Those forms of urinary chlamydia, which develop as a result of the ascending distribution of chlamydial infection from the urethra and cervix on the pelvis organs, are considered the most dangerous to the health of the woman.

As an output: in any form of urogenital chlamydia, a woman is possible to develop complicated chlamydia as a result of the spread of chlamydia to the organs of the small pelvis and the development of inflammation in them.

The distribution of chlamydial infection throughout the body from the lower departments also contributes to various manipulations: abortions, any operational interventions At the uterus and her appendages, on the organs of the urogenital system, including operations on the bodies of the non-television system.

Below is only part of chlamydias that develop when promoting chlamydia "Up":

Chlamydial Salpingitis - Inflammation uterine pipes;

Endometrite - inflammation of endometrial;

SalpingOforitis - simultaneous inflammation of ovaries and uterine pipes;

Pelvioperitonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum;

Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome;

Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder;

Appendicitis - inflammation of the process of rectum;

Purritont - inflammation of the pleura;

Urethral syndrome - frequent and painful urination;

Safety process

Chlamydial Salpingitis, Salpingitis Chlamydialis - Inflammation of uterine pipes. This is the most frequent manifestation of ascending infection in women and the most serious complications caused by chlamydial infection. Research results convincingly show that from 20 to 40% of patients coming for help from a gynecologist in connection with acute inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis, have as the cause of inflammation of chlamydial infection!

First of all, chlamydia is striking the mucous membrane (epithelium) of the pipes and cause an inflammatory process, spreading from the cervix in the endometry. Patients bother the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which is enhanced by physical Loads, in constipation, with gynecological examination and (or) during menstruation. Temperature of the body can rise to 38-39 ° C. The blood test shows leukocytosis, an increase in ESO.

The most dangerous complication of chlamydial salpingitis is infertility as a result of the adhesive process and the obstruction of the uterine pipes. The frequency of infertility is directly dependent on the duration of inflammation.

Chlamydia endometritis, Endometritis chlamydialis - Inflammation of endometrial. Chlamydial infection can be spread over the ascending, hitting endometrium and eggs. Together with Salpingitis, chlamydial endometrite is always diagnosed, but it also develops in the absence of signs of Salpingitis. Endometrite chlamydial nature proceeds almost equally with endometritis caused by other reasons. Therefore, in order to accurately establish the causes of inflammation, there will be an extensive diagnosis: only finding out which infection caused inflammation you can begin treatment. After all, it does not exist universal method Treatment for absolutely all infections. In addition, this is not professionally and ineffective - shoot from guns on sparrows.

Special distinctive signs Specifically chlamydial endometritis does not exist. It is also accompanied by common malaise, subfebrile temperature (temperature in the area of \u200b\u200b37 ° C, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back, the failure of menstruation periods. Possible mucous-purulent releases from the cervical channel, vaginal bleeding.

The chronic flow of endometritis is accompanied by salpingitis - bilateral damage to the uterine pipes.

Chlamydial endometrite can go to the hidden shape, especially after not the target antibacterial treatment. Thus, the endometrium becomes an intermediate step to spread chlamydia from the neck of the vagina in the fallopian tubes.

Chlamydial endometrite proceeds very sluggish. But has more than serious consequences. On the diagnostic laparoscopy, extremely seriously serious lesions of the uterine pipes are clearly observed, unparalleled with the lethargy of Salpingitis symptoms, which subsequently lead infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Chlamydia SalpingoForit, Salpingoophoritis chlamydialis - a combination of inflammation of ovaries and uterine pipes. Again, the disease caused by chlamydia does not have specific symptoms. The acute period is often characterized by a common inconsisiency, a subfebrile temperature (37 - 37.5 ° C), strong pains at the bottom of the abdomen, which are enhanced by gynecological examination, calls to or frequent urination. Chronic SalpingoForit is many pain At the bottom of the abdomen, pain in the vagina, various violations are observed. menstrual function.

With chlamydial nature sallingOforification, not only external ovary damage occurs, its battle with the surrounding tissues and organs, but also internally damage to the ovary as a result of the distribution of the inflammatory process. There is no doubt that the whole process of forming egg (evogenesis) is broken. Thus, chlamydial salpingo-phorite is very often - another reason for infertility.

Especially I would like to note that in certain situations in patients with such chlamydias as cervicitis, urethritis, endometrite, salpingoophoritis is possible to develop more terrible, even dangerous to life inflammatory diseases of the organs of a small pelvis and abdominal cavity: pelvioperitonitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, perigepatitis, pleurrites, proctitis and etc.

Chlamydial Pelvioperitonitis, Pelvioperitonitis Chlamydialis - Inflammation of a small pelvic peritoneum. This disease is characterized by a gradual, but faithful increasing tendency to the adhesive process. In the overwhelming majority of cases, chlamydial pelvioperitonite is a complication of chlamydial salpingitis and chlamydial salpingooforita.

IN acute stage Pelvioperitonitis in a series of complaints similar to salpintingitis is sharply added complaints about a sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen. In patients there is an increase in temperature to 38-40 ° C, leukocytosis, an increase in ESO, constipation, meteorism, stressful belly. When moving the disease in chronic stagingThe patient has a body temperature in 37-37.5 ° C. Leukocytes and ESP are increasingly elevated. The severity of the state of patients with pelvioperitonite of chlamydial nature is significantly higher in comparison with the pelvioperitonite caused by another infection.

In addition to the urinary peritoneum, women with ascending chlamydial infection in inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs can be amazed and other sections can be affected. It has been established that very often acute chlamydine peritonitis is combined with acute fibrous perigepatitis (inflammation of the peritoneum and fibrous capsule covering the liver): As a result of the spread of chlamydia in lymphotokams, one of the complications of chlamydial infection develop - the so-called abdominal (simply anticipation of the area "Waist "And the upper part of the abdomen) Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis). This means that chlamydia has already spread the peritoneal cavity in the liver area.

Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome manifests itself in increasing body temperature, the patient experiences pain in the field of liver and the organs of the small pelvis. In patients with pipe infertility manifestation of scanty syndrome. The main complaints are aimed at infertility (primary or secondary), pain at the bottom of the abdomen, their strengthening before menstruation. Also, women note impassableness, insomnia, headache.

In young women, Fitz-Hugh Kurtis syndrome is diagnosed with signs of cholecystitis (which does not mean at all - with cholecystitis) - they are fardled, pains in the right hypochondrium are noted.

The consequences of Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome are very deplorable: an extensive adhesion process, which subsequently causes constant pain at the top of the abdomen, often, as already mentioned, taken for signs of acute cholecystitis.

Chlamydial cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, is rich in symptoms, especially in the early stages of development. Inflammation is often limited to the mucous membrane of the gallbladder. In this case, only pain in internal organs, it is clearly not localized, with the distribution of the abdomen, to the left and right hypochondrium. The pain appears in non-compliance with diet, stress, emotional shakes, while shaking ride. It is often observed nausea, vomiting, a small temperature - 37-37.5 ° C.

Chlamydial appendicitis (inflammation draw-shaped process blind intestine). It is a complication of diseases caused by chlamydia - cervicitis, endometritis, adhesitis and develops as a result of involvement in the inflammatory process of Appendix. Start of chlamydial appendicitis - acute pain In the abdomen, especially in the navel area. Patients experience severe pain in the lying position on the left side. Accompanying the development of appendicitis can nausea, vomiting, a small temperature in the region of 37 ° C.

Chlamydial pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura - serous shellcovering the lungs and walls of the chest cavity). In the overwhelming majority, chlamydial pleurisy is a complication of another, main, chlamydial disease. It is manifested as actually pleurisy with all the variety of symptoms.

Acute urethral syndrome. The urethral syndrome is frequent, painful urination in the absence of bacteriuria (discharge of bacteria in the urine). About 30-40% of women with manifestations characteristic of urinary tract infection suffer from urethral syndrome. This diagnosis is placed mainly in cases where, when cystitis or uretrite, for any reason, the bacteria in urine analysis are not detected.

It is believed that in 25-50% of cases, the cause of acute urethral syndrome can be chlamydia trachomatis. The manifestations of chlamydial infection does not have special specific features, the patients complain about various violations of the act of urination: such as the increase in urination, the strengthening of night urges to urination, soreness, burning, itching, fringe when urination or enuresis. Pyuria is also observed (selection with the urine of pm) in the absence of bacteriuria (the number of microorganisms in the analysis of less than 100 thousand / ml).

The development of acute urethral syndrome is most characteristic of women taking oral hormonal contraceptives with Navy, or with symptoms of infection in a sexual partner. In this case, often the symptoms of infection to which the painfulness of the palpation appendages may be added, there are up to 14 days.

For patients with acute cystitis or bacteriuria phenomena Symptoms of urethral syndrome and all symptoms of infection urinary tract last up to 4 days.

All persons who have this syndrome are distinctive featureantibacterial therapy For its treatment is ineffective, only 40% urethral syndrome is the first sign of a developing infection process. With urethral syndrome, a confirmation of the exact diagnosis of a specialist is always required. To confirm the chlamydial nature of the infection, a positive culture of chlamydia or a positive IF test of the material taken from the endometrium cervical and / or urethra is required.

Safety process. Studies on the analysis of the adhesive process in the field of small pelvis have shown that the adhesion process in patients suffering from chlamydia are less pronounced. 1 and 2 degree of its severity prevails, while patients with inflammatory process, caused by another reason, more often (in 28% of cases) there is a pronounced adhesion process 3 and 4 degrees. However, this does not talk about the safety of chlamydia: it is often that they are the cause of the most serious complications and adhesions leading to chronic pains and infertility.

If you are watching any of the described symptoms, if you do not observe the symptoms, but your inner sensations have changed - contact the gynecologist. To establish the cause of malaise or dispel all the concerns will not require any of you a lot of strength or time. And the timely started treatment will prevent the development of such complications, will retain the health of you, your favorite, your loved ones, future and real children.

According to the site: WWW: HLAMIDIOZ.POLICLINICA.RU

Usually he may be accompanied various diseaseswhich are complicated in the development of inflammatory processes.

Among the side diseases may be cirrhosis or liver abscess.

There is another name - Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome.

At first, the disease was a complication of gonorrhea. In most patients, chlamydia is isolated or antibodies to it can be detected.

Often, chlamydia can be found in damaged parts of the liver.

Many young women have sexual life, perigepatitis can be suspected if there are symptoms that are similar to cholecystitis.

  • misinterpretation of sexual lifestyle in women;
  • chlamydial salpingitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • violation of liver functions.

Symptoms perigepatitis

  • the occurrence of pain in the top of the abdomen;
  • during palpation can be strong pain;
  • diseases and inflammation of the uterus;
  • pain in the left side of the hypochondrium;
  • symptoms of cholecystitis.

Methods and methods of treatment of perigepatitis

With the help of laparoscopy in the early stages of Salpingitis, you can define inflammation. In patients with perigepatitis, much higher than the titer of chlamydia in case of chlamydial salpingitis. As a result, it became clear that perigepatitis develops with repeated chlamydia.

Diagnose the disease is quite difficult. The diagnosis should be carried out by the exclusion method to ensure the guarantees of the accuracy of determining the symptoms. The definition of perigepatitis should occur with the exception of pneumonia, peptic disease, pleurite, cholecystitis and others.

After determining the patient perigepatitis should determine the method of treatment. It can pass with operational intervention if conservative treatment Does not get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

The patient is attributed to a number of antibiotics for the treatment of the disease.

Prevention perigepatitis

For perigepatitis prophylaxis, the correct image of sexual life should be maintained and protect the genitals from infection.

Prevention and treatment of perigepatitis are carried out in the best sanatoriums of the South of Russia. On our site you can choose a suitable sanatorium, familiarizing yourself with treatment programs.

Synonyms of Fitz Hugh Syndrome. S. Stajano. S. Fitz -Hugh-Curtis. Subcosteal syndrome (Stajano). Gonococcal Peritonit upper departments belly. The syndrome of the right upper abdominal quadrant. Gonococcal perightpatitis. Perigepatic peritonitis associated with the lesions of the appendages of the uterus.

Determining Fitz Hugh Syndrome. Characteristic complication of female gonorrhea. Honor perigepatitis.

Symptomatology of Fitz Hugh syndrome:
1. Pain in the right upper belly quadrant.
2. At the same time manifestations of a hymeal infection in the organs of a small pelvis.
3., chills, weight loss, nausea, vomiting.
4. Usually suffer young women.

Etiology and pathogenesis of Fitz-Hugh syndrome. Apparently, there is a lymphogenic spread of a relaxed hyorace infection from a small pelvic to the retroperitoneal in the right upper area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen. With laparoscopy, perimepatitis is detected. Gonococci can be detected mainly by the method of crops.

Differential diagnosis. Acute cholecystitis. Renal disease. Atypical appendicitis.

Presented CT liver and painting obtained at laparoscopy in a girl of 22 years old with Fitz Hugh syndrome

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