Where to eat better in the Crimea? All about prices in stores and markets, in cafes and restaurants. Healthy food for the whole family: choose useful products and make up a menu for every day healthy food

Fit like a tourist. Use one-piece products for which the stove does not need (and for some, no refrigerator!), For example, fresh or dried fruits, seeds and vegetables that can be stored long, such as carrots, cabbage and pepper. Choose useful options to diversify vegetables, such as yogurt, hummus, salsa and sauces. Other tourist options include energy bars and grangle bars, useful cookies from the store, bread, canned beans and ready-made salads.

  • Eat fresh products every day and replenish your storeroom on your way home from work or university, as part of a daily schedule. Never buy too many products - as a tourist who moves to a new point and cannot take a lot of food with him, be intelligent and buy food only for a few days, not forgetting about freshness of products.
  • It is well suited for those who live in the city or in places where it is easy to replenish the stock of products directly from the garden or at the local supplier.

Become a raw or stick to Paleodius. Growing interest in raw food and paleotic diet shows how far people left healthy products that provided us with food for food. If you have more raw foods or stick to the Paleodius, you reunite with very useful products, and also avoid excess cooks.

  • Please note that if you want to make puree or grind nuts, seeds and fruits, for example, you will need preparation.
  • Be selective and select products that can eat in almost the same condition in which they were grown and only with small changes that you need.
  • Be creative in the preparation of salads. Many of us do not treat vegetables that determine our health. The advantages that additional fiber will give you are low blood pressure, low cholesterol, improved insulin sensitivity, reinforced weight relief (for those who suffer from obesity) and improving the immune function. Nevertheless, you should not have only a typical vegetable salad. Try salad from pizza, Slaw "Caprese" and fruit salad "Ambrosia".

  • Be creative in the preparation of sandwiches. Try as much as possible high-quality types of bread (not white pieces, of which sucked all my life), meat, vegetables, cheeses and seasonings. Try your favorite cold bread, root, heated in a microwave or moistened in olive oil.

    • Explore various methods Cooking sandwiches. Do not be afraid to try sweet fillings, such as chopped fruits or lemon kurgions.
    • Pay attention to these options for sandwiches to inspire new ideas.
  • Use the products and dinners for the microwave. Buy products or ready-made lunches that you can put in a microwave to heat, as well as fresh foods, such as salad or some favorable vegetables. However, make sure that you have read the data on the package - many ready-made lunches contain many saturated or transgins, sugar, salt and artificial additives.

    • For better quality Ready dinners and fresh products, try local delicacies, special baking or gourmet gourmet food stores, where dinners and fresh removal salads are preparing.
  • Make friends with those who love to cook. They can invite you to their home for a joint dinner, especially if you are right say that you do not like to cook, but you can enjoy attempts to other people!

    • Make sure you help all possible. For example, offer to pay for the ingredients or just come with a mountain of useful, fresh ingredients for their storeroom and refrigerator.
    • Invite your friends-culinary dinner at the restaurant from time to time to recover all the times when you enjoyed food at home.
    • Visit more restaurants with friends to explore various tastes and kitchens. You pay less, but eat more if you divide the invoice for pizza, Chinese, Indian food and so on. Try to make it a regular event, for example every two weeks or once a month.
  • Buy food for removal. Many snacks from the restaurant will be enough for two meals. Nevertheless, do not live on eating a removal, since fast food contains a lot more transgins and saturated fats, salts, sugar and artificial additives and dyes. You do not need these unhealthy devoid nutrients Body fillers. Try to eat more useful food, such as vegetable pizza without cheese, Asian stew, dishes with falafel and salads.

    • In some places, the eating for removal means the absence of tips, so you will save money.
  • Now life becomes faster, and people are more busy. Very often there is neither time nor the desire to prepare food at home. It is not surprising that many people began to prefer to eat in a cafe. Others, on the contrary, as in the good old days, recognize only the home kitchen. What advantages and disadvantages have homemade foods, and what - "Stopping"?

    Benefits of food outside the house

    Salvation for those who are cooking on "you" Many people simply do not know how to cook any harder tea. And do not want to learn, notice. Even more people do not like to cook at all. Yes, and is it necessary? If you have enough money, you can at least every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner to eat in any restaurants that the soul wishes.

    Thus, both food in restaurants and cooking at home has its own advantages and its drawbacks. And, as a rule, both are present in life modern man. And how strange the person may seem, a fundamentally ignoring dinner in expensive restaurants, and the same unproduced one who does not understand the values \u200b\u200bof Sunday dinners in a family circle.

    A difficult quest for finding places where you can eat inexpensively in the center of Moscow, will be successfully completed with our recommendations. In this article, we will not only tell about budget establishments, but also recommend that it is best to taste some particularly interesting dishes of Eastern, Asian and Western cuisines: oysters, fondue, steaks, crayfish, lobster, tom and others.

    To eat in the center of Moscow inexpensive - the task is not easy for a tourist. Megapolis is saturated with establishments for publicity of various price categories, but it is not always possible to find a good place with decent cuisine and reasonable prices even to local residents, not to mention visitors.

    A cup of natural coffee in the Moscow Coffee Shop is unlikely to cost 150 rubles cheaper. In the prestigious "coffeeman" on Arbat coffee costs 300 rubles, in the "Bosco Bar" on Red Square - 350 rubles. It will be 1.5-2 times more expensive to eat a sandwich with coffee, than fully dine in some kind of self-service, which is a great set in the capital.

    The main advantage of such institutions is prices. True, it is not necessary to count on super teeshevnis, not in vain the capital, so many years have been in the top ten most expensive cities in the world. Middle account for lunch - 300-350 rubles. In addition, most metropolitan restaurants offer business lunch within 350-450 rubles, in bars and pubs can be found for 250-300 rubles. But the portions are rather modest, so people with a good appetite will have to fork out for a large amount.

    Below we will list the places where it is possible to eat delicious and inexpensively in Moscow, as well as separately tell about the establishment, where there is an opportunity to taste seafood (crabs, oysters, mussels, lobster), crayfish and dishes of other cuisines at reasonable prices: Eastern (kebab, hash , Hincali, etc.), Asian (sushi and rolls, duck in Peking, Tom Yam), European and American (steaks, duck, desserts and fondue).

    (Photo: Eka Shoniya / Flickr.com / CC BY 2.0 License)

    Where to eat in the center of Moscow inexpensively?

    "Dibuget" (obedbufet)

    Diverse, inexpensive and tasty food in Moscow is recommended in the ObedBufet self-catering restaurant chain, which presents dishes of seven kitchens of the world. There is a buffet, grill areas, pizza, sushi, separate pastry and alcohol bar, there is a special zone with dietary dishes: boiled meat, vegetables, porridge, etc. breakfasts from 8 to 12, after 22:00 in the salad bar 50% discounts, you can order without mayonnaise. The dietary dinner will cost 250 rubles., Normal - 500 rubles. Address: ul. New Arbat, 15. Open: Mon-Fri from 8 to 24, Sat-Sun from 10 to 24.

    "Mu Mu"

    The network of establishments in the center of the capital with low prices and the entourage of the village farm. At the entrance there is a black and white burenka, inside - wooden tables, beams and other rustic style elements. Simple and tasty food: cream soup with mushrooms, puree, rice, meat dishes, berry fruits. You can dine from 250 to 500 rubles., From 23 to 23:30 you can take the removal of ready meals per half. Address: ul. Arbat, d. 4. Open from 9 to 23.

    Dining room number 57.

    Cheap meals in the center of Moscow can be in the dining room number 57. Despite such a non-reprendable name, it is located in the very prestigious place of the city - GUM. The spirit of the Soviet catering is everywhere: campaign posters on the walls, in the corner, the automatic machine with a sparkling of bright red was plugged. A small restyling went to the benefit of the institution, and Muscovites, poketed shopping here, are tested in line with foreigners. Prices Low: Soups from 70 rubles, side dishes from 40 rubles, drinks - 35 rubles, coffee - 80 rubles, Cakes from 50 rubles. Middle check - 400-500 rubles. Address: Red Square, 3, Gum, 3rd floor. Open from 10 to 22.

    (Photo: Mock4 / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

    "Tree sticks"

    Traditional Russian dishes - Kholotel, Solyanka, Culebyak, Morse - inexpensive to eat in Moscow, you can in the cafe "Christmas trees". There are also Georgian dishes - kebabs, lula-kebab. Prices are a little higher - soups from 180 rubles, salads from 160 rubles., Hot dishes from 300 rubles. The Russian version of the buffet - a cart - with hot and cold snacks will cost 600 rubles, only with cold - 500 rubles. Address: ul. New Arbat, d. 11, p. 1. Open from 11 to 23.

    Varenichnaya number 1

    The establishment is made in the style of a Soviet apartment with newspapers, lampshades and table lamps. In the menu dishes of Russian and Ukrainian cuisines: borscht, dianki, dumplings, dumplings, cheesecakes, porridge, homemade cuffs. average price Hot - 300 rub., Salad from 170 rubles., Dumplings set - from 390 rubles. Address: ul. Arbat, d. 29, open daily from 10 to 24.

    Culinary Shop of the Karavaev Brothers

    The popular network of confectionery in Moscow, here you can eat tasty and inexpensively. In the menu, traditional Russian cuisine dishes, but the main horse is baking and desserts. Moderate prices - first dishes from 70 rubles, Pies from 45 rubles. After 19:00 there is a 20% discount. Address: Tver Boulevard, 20, structure 4, open from 8 to 23.


    European restaurant chain cuisine. The establishment on Tverskaya is distinguished by the original design - the ceiling is made in the form of a lawn with apples. You can have a tight dinner for 350-500 rubles. Address: Tverskaya ul., D. 18, Corpus 1. Open on weekdays from 7:30 to midnight, on weekends - from 9 am to midnight.

    (Photo: C-Head / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

    Moscow Seafood.

    If you want to taste gentle meat of Kamchatka crab, scallops and shrimp, then it is best to do this in "Krabister" on Arbat, 6/2. Visitors of Sevich from Narki and Sea Scallop and Pasta "Krabonara", recently, in white wine appeared on the menu. Prices Available: The average cost of dishes - 300-400 rubles.

    In Moscow, exquisite lobsters, langustins, oysters, mussels and other seafood can be fed in a small fish restaurant Rico. in a rifle lane, 6/2. Moderate prices - from 300 to 600 rubles. Distinctive feature - In the restaurant you can bring your alcohol, also here periodically pass wine tastings.

    Check out fresh beer with racks in Moscow is better in a democratic Golden Wobble On Pokrovka, 2 (China City). Portion of cancers 100 g will cost 150 rubles, a similar portion in "Glavpivtorge" Lubyanka will cost at least twice as expensive.

    If romantics wants, you can visit the Greek tavern on the water "Greek rode across the river". The restaurant is located on a barge with an excellent view of the river on the Taras Shevchenko Embankment. In the Greek dishes menu, the main emphasis is on seafood, temperate prices.

    (Photo: Florida Sea Grant / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

    Cheap establishments of East and Asian cuisines

    Sushi lovers will surely enjoy it in a small restaurant "Yakuza" (Forest Street, d. 1). Moderate prices, and prepare quickly. In addition to Japanese cuisine, Thai and Korean dishes are prepared here.

    Eat sushi, rolls, volumes and other Asian cuisine in Moscow can be in a restaurant "Tai Tai" (Pokrovka, 4). Portion Soup Tom Yam (400 gr) costs from 397 to 700 rubles, Japanese soup MISO from 217 to 277 rubles, rolls from 117 to 500 rubles. For a portion. Prices B. "Yakorye" (New Arbat, 10) already bite, but it is profitable to take a set for two. Delicious duck in Beijing and sushi can be tried online "MENZA"One of the institutions is located on the new Arbat.

    Real Armenian hash can be enjoyed in the restaurant Gayane'sLocated at: 2nd Smolensk Lane, 1/4. Portion soup costs 450 rubles. In addition, here you can order a kebab, lully kebab, hashlam and other oriental dishes. Delicious chinkly 400 rubles. For 400 grams in the restaurant "Ararat" On the Peace Avenue, d. 119. A huge portion of hasha costs 380 rubles, kebabs from 400 rubles. for 200 gr.

    (Photo: Geraint Rowland Photography / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

    European and American kitchen

    Perhaps the most difficult thing has to meat. The question where the eating steaks in Moscow is solved easily - in the city a huge amount of grill bars and steak houses, but prices are quite high. So, a portion of juicy meat in a steak house "Buffalo" (Lubyansky passage, 15) cost about 2 thousand rubles. In the network of restaurants of Argentine cuisine "El Gaucho" Steak weighing 500 grams worth 2.5 thousand rubles.

    Just more accessible prices in the restaurant Stayxlocated in the building of the theater on Taganka (ul. Upper Radishchevskaya, d. 21). Here, a portion of meat weighing 300 grams offer 1.5 thousand rubles. For comparison, similar portions in "Fused Duck" (Kurkino District) will cost less than 1,000 rubles, it is also possible to try delicious duck dishes - a carpaccio, a roll with prunes, a pate with a cranberry confiture, grilled meat, and all at reasonable prices.

    Sweet tooth can translate the tired spirit over a cup of coffee or tea in "Chocolate". This is a popular coffee shop network that is famous for its chocolate desserts - here the best chocolate fondue from the Netherlands and delicious desserts. Vehicles in the city are a lot, one of them on Tverskaya, d. 17. Works up to 23.

    And if there is a strength and a desire to spend the evening interesting, then you can go to the bar ROCK-N-ROLL On Sretenka, 1. This is a democratic place where you can dine in the afternoon, and in the evening - to relax perfectly. Excellent burrito here are only 420 rubles., Beer - 300 rubles. The establishment is round-the-clock, let it only reach 21 years.

    We also recommend learning our special fellowship for travelers: (15 hostels, hotels and apartments with impeccable reviews of guests and adequate price). Also, search for hotels in the popular Skyscanner Hotels - the choice is huge!

    (Photo: marina.shakleina / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

    First photo: MarcveraArt / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

    Every year the employment of people is only growing. Sometimes working weekdays are so heavy that they simply do not remain for cooking. In such situations, the nutrients save. The following benefits of public catering enterprises are distinguished:

    Element of salvation for workaholics who are not able to prepare even simple dishes. The scope of services is growing and is constantly being improved, so if finance is allowed, it makes sense to take advantage of the publication.

    Saving time. As a rule, catering enterprises provide food cooking within the shortest possible time. In addition, while the cook is busy cooking, you can relax, talk to the interlocutor, discuss the weather, read the magazine or book.

    Comfort. You fell a chance to spend the evening perfectly, and not stand at the slab. Cafes and restaurants offer a pleasant pastime and comfortable conditions. Notice, dishes, after eating, you do not have to wash.

    Ability to try new dishes. Cafes and restaurants are designed to provide a wide range of various national kitchens. Prepare a new dish at home with technology compliance is not always obtained. In addition, unusual ingredients are very often used.

    The advantages of home food are considered:

    Saving finance. Cooking homemade dishes costs at times cheaper than meals in the publication.

    Right food. Currently widespread fast food. Therefore, follow the principles of healthy nutrition is the easiest way to do. After all, if you pay for meals, it will be very difficult psychologically from it. The risk of overeating is reduced at home. The ability to control the freshness and quality of the products used. Cases are not excluded when catering enterprises use low-quality products. Such a neglect of product quality threatens food poisoning. Note that the houses are benign and freshness of products are completely under your control.

    Unusual tradition. How much time do you spend with close people? How often do the events that occurred in the day are discussing? Dinner can be viewed as a special ritual and a pleasant pastime with the family.

    Products of catering enterprises firmly secured their positions. It is worth noting that both home food and food catering has its own positive and negative sides, your adherents and opponents. And as an optimal version is an order to order a house. You do not need to cook yourself food, which saves your time significantly. Nevertheless, you are at home and you have time to communicate with loved ones. So we combine pleasant with useful. Bon Appetit everyone!

    We all sooner or later think about our nutrition: problems with weight, with skin, with health in general make us open your refrigerator and skeptically inspect its contents. We ask questions "What to exclude from the diet?" And "How do I start to eat right?", We are looking for your way to a healthy and beautiful body.

    Meanwhile, healthy and proper nutrition - This is not a strictly exhausting diet, not mockerying the body and not deprivation of his joys, it is just a number of rules, while complying with which you can drastically change yourself, to gain new useful habits, a beautiful figure and significantly extend life.

    Our body is a reflection of what we eat

    It's no secret that obesity has become a huge problem of modern people - we are less moving, we consume a large number of fatty products, calorie sauces, sweets. Everywhere endless temptations, and manufacturers compete, who will offer another super-product, against whom no consumer will stand. The result of this race can be observed on the streets of any metropolis - according to statistics, almost every second resident of developed countries is abundant. Obesity, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of many diseases is directly proportional to the number excess weight. Diabetes, problems with heart, gastroy, with reproductive feature - this is only a small part possible diseasesarising from non-compliance with the power mode.

    Good news is that last years Caring for the state of your body began to go into fashion: more and more appeals to play sports is heard from the state, public organizations, organic and dietary products appear on the shelves of stores, the press applies to the press, how to eat.

    Basics of healthy eating, or how to eat

    When making a healthy eating menu, you should remember several general rules: First, you need to eat frequently and small portions. It is the most convenient to have a small plate, which is placed portion of the sizes with a hassle. No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy power point implies 5-6 meals for the day. It is also good to teach yourself to eat at the same time - it stabilizes the work of the stomach and will contribute to weight loss.

    Second an important rule - I remember about calories. There is no need to scrupulously calculate them throughout the life every time after meals, it's enough to post a week for your meals, and the habit will automatically "pretend" the calorie food will appear by itself. Each calorie rate has its own, you can find it, for example, using a special calculator that is easy to find on the Internet. For example, a woman of 30 years old, weighing 70 kg with an increase in 170 cm and a small physical activity per day it is necessary about 2000 kcal. To lose weight, you need to consume 80% calories from the norm, that is, in our example, about 1600 kcal per day. Additionally, it is no sense to cut the diet - the body will simply slow down the metabolism, and harm from such a diet is more than good.

    The third rule is to keep the balance between "incomes" and "expenses", that is, that energy that is spent by the body for the main exchange, work, sports, and caloric content. Food includes four main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nutritional fibers - all of them are necessary to our organism. The only question is which one of them (fats and carbohydrates are different), in what quantities and proportions to use. Approximate recommended indicators - 60 g of fats, 75 g of proteins, 250 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of fibers. Fourth Rule - Drink Water. Often, we do not want to eat, just our body takes a lack of fluid for hunger and makes us eat what is not really needed. One and a half or more liter clean drinking water help get rid of pseudogol, make more elastic skin, improve general state The organism will speed up the metabolism process.

    And the fifth rule - choose products with the mind. Read the labels, composition and caloric content of products, eliminate Fast Food from the diet, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, dyes. You should know what you eat, and then the way to beauty and health will become fast and enjoyable.

    Healthy food

    We will try to answer the eternal question "What to eat to lose weight?" The main thing in the preparation of the menu for a healthy diet is the observance of the balance between expenses and consumed products.

    So, it is necessary to include in the diet of a healthy nutrition for every day:

    • cereals, in the form of porridge and muesli, rich in slow carbohydrates, which will provide our body with energy;
    • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots) provide the body with food fibers - fiber;
    • legumes - a rich source of vegetable protein, especially necessary those who are rarely or not at all use meat;
    • nuts, especially walnut and almonds, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and are the source of polyunsaturated fatty acids of Omega-6 and Omega-3, trace elements;
    • efficiency products: Natural yogurts (without adding sugar), kefir, degreased cottage cheese provide calcium and improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • sea fish contains protein and essential fatty acids Omega-3;
    • fruits and berries - a storehouse of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
    • non-fat meat - chicken breast, rabbit, beef - protein source.

    Useful products should not have in the composition of preservatives, artificial dyes, palm oil. Sickles better limit - you can pamper yourself from time to time, but you should not get involved.

    If you have a problem of excess weight, then the sugar should be abandoned at all, even if you are sweet tooth and you can not without a cup of sweet coffee in the morning - Sakharoz submits will solve this problem. It is not necessary to be afraid of them, high-quality substitutes on a natural basis harmlessly, practically do not contain calories and pleasant to the taste.

    Under the strict ban!

    We decided with useful products, let's look at the meal list that is incompatible with healthy way Life and proper nutrition:

    • Sweet carbonated drinks. They do not quench thirst, irritate the gastric mucosa, as a rule, contain a monstrous amount of sugar - about 20 g in every glass, artificial dyes and flavors, preservatives.
    • Fryer food. Potatoes fries, chips, crackers and all that is fried in a large amount of oil must be crossed out of the diet. Carcinogens, lack of useful substances and fat - not what a healthy body needs.
    • Burgers, hot dogs. All such dishes contain a mixture of white bread, fatty sauces, incomprehensible meat origin, inciting appetite seasonings and a large amount of salt. What do we get as a result? The real calorie "bomb", which instantly turns into pleats on the body and does not bear any nutritional value.
    • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. First, they completely hide the natural taste of food under spices and additives, forcing me more, secondly, almost all mayonnaise sauces from the store are almost pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other harmful substances.
    • Sausages, sausages and meat semi-finished products. At this point, some explanations are unlikely to be needed - it is enough to read the product label. And this is only official data! Remember that under the points "Pork, Beef" in the composition most often hid the skins, cartilage, fat that you would hardly have become, do not be so skillfully processed and beautifully packed.
    • Energy drinks. Contain the shock dose of caffeine in combination with sugar and increased acidity, plus preservatives, dyes and many other components that should be avoided.
    • Lunches fast cooking. Noodles, puree and similar mixes that are enough to pour boiling water, instead of nutrients contain a large amount of carbohydrates, salts, spices, taste amplifiers and other chemical additives.
    • Flour and sweet. Yes, yes, the sweets beloved by us are one of the most dangerous products. The problem is not only in large calorie: the combination of flour, sweet and fat multiplies harm several times and instantly affects the figure.
    • Packet juices. Vitamins and other useful substances almost completely disappear during the processing process. What use can be from a concentrate of diluted with water and confused by a fair amount of sugar?
    • Alcohol. It is already said about the dangers of it for the body, we only once again note that alcohol contains calories, increases appetite, interferes with the assimilation of beneficial substances, and when minimal doses are non-compliance, the organism slowly destroys, because ethanol is a cell poison.

    The transition to a balanced healthy nutrition will not be in a burden if you comply with simple recommendations.

    First, you should not torment yourself hunger. If you felt discomfort, eat an apple, some nuts, dried fruits or muesli.

    Secondly, drink a lot and choose useful drinks. Well contributes to the slimming of chicory - it suppresses a sense of hunger due to a large amount of fibers in the composition, has a beneficial effect on the body. Also useful green tea, especially with ginger.

    Diverse diet! The more different useful products you consume, the more the body receives various trace elements, vitamins, amino acids.

    If you really want something forbidden - eat it for breakfast. Of course, it is better to abandon the harmful products at all, but first time helps the idea that sometimes you can pampel yourself.

    The less in the food of the unfulfilled components, the better. Want to have healthy foods - It is better to choose a piece of meat instead of sausage, fresh vegetables instead of canned, muesli - instead of buns.

    Make a menu "Healthy nutrition"

    How to start well eat? First of all, you need to know how many calories are required to your body. Suppose it is 2000 kcal daily. In order to reset weight, you need to use 1600 kcal per day, distributing them on 5-6 meals.

    So, make up healthy menu Food for every day:

    Breakfast. It should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, you can include:

    • porridge oatmeal, mueslie or grain bread;
    • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or a piece of cheese.

    The second meal - Easy snack between breakfast and lunch:

    • any fruit whose weight is about 100-200 grams, or some nuts, dried fruits;
    • 100 grams of cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.

    Dinner Must be the most significant meal for the day:

    • 100 grams of buckwheat or brown rice, pasta from the flour of solid varieties. In the dish, you can add carrots, onions, pepper;
    • boiled chicken breast;
    • Salad of fresh vegetables, refilled by yogurt, small amount of soy sauce or linen, olive oil.

    Afternoon person, between lunch and dinner - another light meal:

    • A small fruit or a glass of fresh juice is better from vegetables.

    Dinner - light and tasty:

    • 100-200 grams of low-fat beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, fish or legumes;
    • Salad of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables rich in fiber.

    Finally a couple of hours before sleep:

    • A glass of kefir, chicory or drinking savory yogurt.

    During the day in unlimited quantities, you can use water, green tea and drinks from chicory with natural eccene extracts, ginger or ginseng.

    The volumes of portions are approximately dependent on individual parameters - daily norm Calories, weight loss rapidness and other individual factors. In any case, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

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