Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth: their role, reading to removal, treatment and types of procedures. Do I need to remove wisdom tooth? Why do you need eight teeth

The appearance of wisdom teeth occurs in different ways: some people are breaking without any problems, others with complications, others do not appear completely during life. Not only many features of the body (immunity, age and so on) affect this process (immunity, age and so on), but also the absence of the predecessor in the dairy bite, the special structure of the root system (the tooth can have up to five roots, often at all thorough). In addition, the third molar starts to "show" people in different age categoriesStarting from about 18 years old, and trying to appear "on the light" for a long time. How long is the tooth of wisdom cut forward, why sometimes it can not overcome the gum, and what should I do? About this next.

How many years old begins to grow "eight": growth stages

The descent of wisdom teeth begin to appear when the child changes bite in 6-12 years. By this time, the bone is already fully formed, there are first and second molars, and since there is no dairy predecessor in the G8, it is forced to "break through" on their own, trying to take his place in a row.

Ideally, the third molar appears at the age of 18-25, however, in practice, he can start teething at 28, and at 36, and later. Therefore, there is no accurate answer to questions - how much will it happen, and to how many years you can get the tooth of wisdom. It depends on the features bone tissue, endocrine system, shapes of jaws, hereditary factor and other nuances. The later the process takes place, the more often there are complications.

It's important to know! Approximately 10% of people are at the octuries of the G8. If the wisdom tooth appeared by 25 years, make sure of their presence or absence using X-ray.

How long the third molar is dispersed

Another question that worries many people is how much time the third molar is breaking? Definitely answer it is also impossible. The process can take from 2-6 months to several years. It has influence such factors as food, condition immune system, age characteristics of the body, the location of neighboring teeth in the row and so on. In addition, the teething of the tooth of wisdom can occur as it were to stages: stop for a while, and then continue again.

Causes of hindered teething

Why in some cases, the tooth of wisdom can not cut through the gums or even stay in the bone? The reasons may be the following:

  • the hereditary structure of bone jaw bone,
  • very high completeness of the teeth (even superfluous),
  • insufficient entry into the organism necessary for the growth of the "eight" nutritional elements,
  • infectilation and injuries of dairy bite.

As a result, the existing germ is not able to turn into a full-fledged unit and / or overcome the guming barrier.

Symptoms of rubbering third molar

The height of the tooth of wisdom is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, for example, a person complains of pain and / or burning in this area, notes that he has a tumor tumor, feels ailment. The signs of hindered teething include the following:

  • increases body temperature,
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity,
  • there is a bleeding of the gums at the site of the "eight" appearance,
  • painfulness affect not only the inflamed area and the jaw, but also apply to the head, neck,
  • it becomes difficult to talk, swallow, open your mouth,
  • the submandibular lymph nodes increase.

If any symptom appears, you need to urgently turn to the dentist.

Why in the process of growth "eight" pain arises

The gum hurts, even if the tooth of wisdom has not yet cut through. The main factor causeing severe pain, is the integrity of bone and gum of jaw tissues, which should overcome the third molar, and the presence of numerous nerve endings in them. In addition, at the time of its appearance in the dentition, it may not be free space, which ultimately leads to displacement (and sometimes destruction) located near the units. Also pain can be provoked by the infectious process, for example, by pericoronitis - we will tell about complications a little later.

Pain during rubberity can be different. For example, when the tooth of wisdom overcomes a guming barrier for a long time, with breaks, then pain will be mostly small, stupid, may not be too pronounced. In this case, a person may feel satisfactory.

When attaching infection (pulp, pericoronite and other pathologies), the inflammatory process leads to the appearance strong pain. It can wear a pulsating, twitching, acute character.

Is it necessary to remove the unrealted "eight"

Removal is most often subject to "eight", which did not cut through, but in any way reduces the quality of human life. These may be the following situations:

  • pain for a long time
  • follicular cyst formation,
  • inflammatory processes, especially accompanied by the formation of pus: abscess, osteomyelitis, sinomitis of odontogenic origin and other,
  • distopia and / or Retention: Growth in the wrong direction or improper location in a row

Remove the non-cutting third molar is required and if necessary for orthodontic treatment. Nevertheless, the decision to remove the doctor always accepts.

"The removal of a retinated (not cut) tooth of wisdom is not always carried out. For example, if a patient has no complaints about unpleasant sensations, the unit is located in the jaw in the normal position, it does not represent dangers for neighboring teeth and health as a whole, the dentist may decide to leave the "sleep" molar in place, "- comments expert ,.

How to remove it

The teeth of wisdom that did not cut through are removed as follows:

  1. the oral cavity is processed by antiseptics,
  2. anesthesia is carried out: local or general,
  3. dumpts are made, bone tissue is cleaned,
  4. the retinated tooth is extracted entirely or parts,
  5. bleeding is carried out, the necessary medications,
  6. the seams are superimposed.

What time is it takes to remove - depends on the complexity of the clinical case. The procedure can occupy both 15-20 minutes and 1-3 hours.

"I was lucky, or the doctor fell good, or then the jaw is so, but pulled out the eight in 10 minutes. Asshebiabled by an injection, made a small incision, I didn't even feel anything. Even the seams did not impose ... "

Anastasia L., from the message from the forum

After the operation was performed, the dentist necessarily gives recommendations to further care for the oral cavity, discharges the necessary medicines, assigns the date of the next visit.

Complications for teething

In the process of teething, the tooth of wisdom may occur various complications. Most often are the following pathologies.

1. Pericoronite

Inflammation of the gum mucosa plot covering the crown. This site is called a hood, and it is often inflated due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment is carried out surgically - excision of affected fabrics. The treatment with the course of antibiotics is complemented (but not always, and with highly pronounced inflammation).

2. Dragging to the side of the cheek

Such the "eight" position is fraught with inflammatory processes and ulcerative formations on the mucosa of the cheek. Ultimately, constant traumatization can end the formation of tumors.

3. Purchase of the tooth row

If the places for the emerging molar lacks, located near the units begin to shift. This leads to the formation of the crowned teeth and the need for subsequent orthodontic treatment.

4. The destruction of the second molar

Most often, the "eight" teetes obliquely, resting in the neighboring unit. Such a situation over time leads to abrasion from the "seven" of the enamel layer, the appearance of caries, pulpitis, and subsequently - inflammation of periodontal tissues.

What to do with complications

As soon as the slightest signs of complications appeared (the pain intensified, the cheek elapsed, the temperature rose and so on), it is necessary to urgently ask for help from a specialist. Delay threatens the development of abscesses, phlegmon, sepsis and other negative consequences. It is not necessary to independently make a diagnosis, postpone the visit to the clinic in the hope that "will pass", take anti-inflammatory or antibacterial agents. As a rule, complicated teething ends with operational intervention.

When to contact the dentist

Is there any need to appeal to a dentist if the wisdom is dispersed? In the presence of unpleasant symptoms - of course. But even if they are missing (there is no pain, the gums are a bit echoing, there is a slight redness, self-effect satisfactory), you still need to visit the specialist. A timely visit, a visual inspection, a radiographic study will get rid of complications in the future.

To come to the doctor follows and in the case when there are no signs of teething at all, but the person is already in 30 years. After X-ray, it may be discovered that the tooth is retinated. It is worth leaving it in such a position or delete it - the doctor will decide.

If the "eight" cut out not completely, what to do?

The situation occurs when the tooth of wisdom cut through half a half - only his buggy chewing surface is visible. If the patient has not yet reached the 25th age, then special actions are usually not being undertaken, since it is hoped that the whole crown will appear later.

If the third molar has come half a more adult, there is a possibility of its abnormal location. This requires a radiographic study and adopting an appropriate decision to remove the eighth unit of a number.

Most often, dentists advise to remove the "eights", which appeared not completely. This is due to difficulties in the implementation of hygienic procedures, as a result of which the flight raid accumulates rapidly, microorganisms are actively multiplied, caries and other pathologies are developing.

Is it possible to help your teuba

Is it possible to make the tooth of wisdom faster cut through? Unfortunately no. However, this process can be facilitated by using enough products rich in vitamins and minerals, providing thorough oral hygiene, preventing the development of microbes. Stripping of medicinal plants is allowed, saline - This helps to reduce the swelling of soft tissues, reduce pain, itching, is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

It's important to know! It is impossible to apply heat to the patient (hot towel, heating and so on). The rinsing of the oral cavity with hot solutions is also prohibited. Such actions can provoke an inflammatory process.

During the teething of the tooth of wisdom, the main thing is to keep calm, since the complicated appearance of the third molar is not observed in all people. You need to immediately visit the dentist, to make an x-ray, and then decide on the fate of the Eight. In addition, it will be necessary to put the remaining units of the tooth row: make professional cleaning, get rid of caries, ensure sufficient hygiene, thus prepare a healthy space for the "wise" tooth.

Video on the topic

  • In what cases teeth of wisdom (eight) is better to treat, rather than hurry to delete them;
  • For which generally need wisdom teeth, and what benefits they can serve you in the future;
  • Is it worth treating the eighth tooth if it is very destroyed by caries, and what important nuances should consider;
  • In which situations, the tooth of wisdom should be removed, and as soon as possible;
  • What could be the further fate of the eight in the development of complications of caries, in particular, when pulpitis and periodontitis;
  • And finally, how many on average, the treatment and removal of the tooth of wisdom in the state clinic and in private dentistry can do ...

The teeth of wisdom (eighth) sooner or later rub off from most people, and problems with them arise far from all. Often, the eights come out of the gums normally, without the formation of a guming hood, and then for years it regularly perform their chewing function without any signs of carious lesion.

However, it does not always happen - it is not for nothing that the teeth of wisdom are considered the most problematic. The most common situation is the difficult teething of the tooth of wisdom, then its destruction due to caries, and the rating closes the wrong placement in the jaw, causes cheeks or gums.

Below in the photo shows a semedy tooth of wisdom (that is, the cutting only partially):

In a person suffering from pain, there is a completely reasonable question in such situations: or whether it is necessary, in general, to treat these problem teeth wisdom, or, perhaps, it is better to immediately remove them from the dentist surgeon to no longer suffer?

In which cases, the teeth of wisdom need to be deleted must be deleted, and in what situations it makes sense to treat them, as well as about some problems that may arise - about all this we will continue to talk more ...

It is interesting

Teeth of wisdom still remain a kind of mystery. Today, studies of dentists are continuing, related to the study of the features of eighth teeth: the unusualness of their structure, positions in jaw, teething, treatment, removal, etc.

In the teeth of wisdom, there is no fixed number of channels and roots, they can not "break through" through the gum throughout the life, they can grow uneven and create serious orthodontic problems, leading to bite disruption, can lie horizontally in the bone or even "upside down " But often the tooth of wisdom can be freely and without any obstacles to light, not causing a person no inconvenience and performing a useful (chewable) function.

Why do we generally need wisdom teeth, and when they can come in handy

It is believed that the teeth of wisdom are an example of atavism - they got from the distant ancestors who emitted coarse food, which, if prepared, then without long-term heat treatment. In order to effectively chew effectively, a large chewing surface area was required - large and durable molars, including wisdom teeth.

Compared with dental rows of our ancestors, dental arc modern man It became short on average by 10-12 mm - respectively, the places for the eights became less. Food consumed by human civilization has become softer and responded, and, in fact, the need for wisdom teeth, from the point of view of their functionality, disappeared.

Nevertheless, the teeth of wisdom can be very useful in the life of most people when performing two basic conditions:

  • They have a couple - that is, the upper and lower eighth teeth on one (or both) sides of the jaw are a couple of antagonists;
  • Not strongly destroyed by caries and do not have mobility (for example, due to periodontitis) - that is, they can be used in the future as a support for orthopedic design (single crown, a bridge-like prosthesis, under a removable prosthetic clummer, etc.).

In the first case, everything is more or less clear: why should we remove wisdom tooth, if it functionally meets all the requirements for normal feeding of food. Naturally, in this regard, he does not occupy such leading positions, like 6 and 7 molars, but contributes regularly and fully.

In relation to the tooth of wisdom, as hopes for promising prosthetics in the aighty, we can say the following: when a large amount of teeth are lost on top or lower jaw In certain clinical situations, the eight can become an excellent support for the future prosthesis in a wide understanding of this word.

An example of the use of the preserved tooth of wisdom as a support for a global prosthesis is shown in the following photo:

From the practice of a dentist

Often, the wise tooth becomes the last hope on the bridge prosthesis - then why, it is asked, without a witty need to pull out the tooth of wisdom, which, when losing it important to prosthetics of end teeth (6 and 7), can become a reliable support for the bridge coming from the top five (premolant).

Even in the case of some destruction, the tooth of wisdom can be supported under the crown, and that, in turn, will serve as a supporting element for fixing a partial removable prosthesis (burealed, plate, butterfly and dr.).

So, as you can see, the teeth of wisdom must be protected and in the presence of opportunities to treat, but to delete only as a last resort, when there are appropriate readings. However, in relation to the testimony to remove the eight there are subtleties - let them further and consider them. And let's start, perhaps, from the question of the need to remove wisdom teeth during their carious defeat ...

Is it worth treating the tooth of wisdom if it is amazed by caries, or is it better to remove immediately?

As a rule, independently finding caries on the teeth, patients come to the therapists' dentists who are directly and engaged in treating teeth (that is, conducting therapy).

Let's see how a dentist-therapist decides whether it is possible to treat the eighth tooth with caries, or you should think about it, sending to the surgeon dentist.

Example number 1: There were no problems with the teething of the tooth, and he got into his place exactly, not traumating the oral mucosa, but on its surface (chewing, contact or other) over time there were foci of caries. In this case, the tooth of wisdom is not necessary to remove it, but it is advisable to carry out its treatment, and as soon as possible so that the carious process does not deepen to the pulp chamber (to the "nerve").

However, even if the tooth's pulp is amazed and it's not about caries, but about the pulp - even in this case, the tooth of wisdom does not need to rush to delete, you only need to treat the channels and install the seal. The tooth will be "dead", but it can also stop very long and very long.

Below in the photo shows an example of a significant carious destruction of the tooth of wisdom:

Now consider situations when the tooth of wisdom with caries is not always advisable, and sometimes it is better to remove it.

Example number 2: Significant destruction of the tooth of wisdom with incomplete teething. In other words, only individual bugs of the tooth of wisdom seemed above the gums, and the rest of it is under the gum, but there are already serious carious destruction.

Wait for the tooth of wisdom all turns out to be on the surface for its full treatment, or, moreover, tolerate periodic pains, temperature and swelling with difficulty teething - no sense, this is a vicious practice. Of course, this does not concern the surface caries, or even mean with relative comfort (absence of pericoronite symptoms). However, the monitoring of the situation is important here in order not to miss the destruction of the tooth to such an extent that it will still have to delete, but already against the background of serious complications (periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscess, phlegmon).

Example №3: Incorrect position of the reversed tooth of wisdom in the jaw in the presence of significant carious destruction (including a position that makes the hygiene 7 tooth). When the wisdom tooth has a significant deviation from a normal position in the jaw, it is difficult to provide it with adequate hygiene, as a result of which the caries progresses quite quickly, and a seven can be involved in the process. In addition, there is often a bite in the whole.

Be that as it may, in practice, each situation is individual, and the decision to treat tooth of wisdom or delete, the doctor takes into account the specifics of a particular clinical case.

It is interesting

Even if you signed up for a surgeon dentist to remove the tooth of wisdom, then it is not yet a fact that he will remove it. The fact is that the dentists of surgeons are engaged not only by the removal of teeth, as in the people it is customary to think, but also their salvation, carrying out toes-drying operations (and if they are removed, then only if there are clear indications).

If we are not talking about any indifferent doctor in the breakfast clinic, it is the dentist-surgeon will help you accurately install: whether to remove the tooth of wisdom right now or you can try to save it.

A few words about the treatment of caries of eighth teeth

So, with the damage to the caries, the normally cutting and properly functioning tooth wisdom hurry to remove such a tooth is not necessary, it is enough to carry out its full-fledged treatment.

Almost always, as a methodology for preservation in such cases, they use the classic preparation of the carious cavity with the help of born.

On a note

Modern dental installations provide a rapid frequency at 80-100 thousand revolutions per minute. At such a velocity, the contact of the boron with solid tissues of the tooth in the absence of forced cooling would lead to a strong warming up, so air-water cooling of the tip is used.

Let's consider a number of popular issues related to the treatment of wisdom teeth affected by caries.

Question Patient №1: Is it painful to treat the caries on the tooth of wisdom?

At the stage of surface or even average caries, the tooth of wisdom today can be treated absolutely without pain, and even without the use of anesthesia. The fact is that during the operation of the tip that meets the requirements of the Dentistry of the 21st century, there is practically no vibration (as it happened before) and overheating tooth, which almost always eliminates the formation of pain. However, in hypersensitive people, as well as in the treatment of deep caries, it is preferable to conduct anesthesia.

Question of the patient №2: Last time in the treatment of caries of the lower tooth of wisdom, I was frozen by half a person for 6 hours, is there a milder alternative?

The question is really relevant. Many dentists work according to the old principle: knowing that the classical infiltration "near the lower eighth tooth" will not be very effective, make the conductive (torr or mandibular) anesthesia immediately, which determines the duration of "freezing" to 6-8 hours. That is, the patient does not feel the cheek, her lip, language, etc.

Modern alternative are varieties of infiltration anesthesia - intralyigative (intra-joys) and intraseptal (intragenic). The amount of annesthetic introduced with these technicians is minimally, and with accurate observance of their effect, the effect can be absolutely painlessly cure the caries of the wisdom tooth, and the feelings of "freezing" of half of the person will remain. However, not all doctors perfectly own this technique anesthesia.

The upper teeth of wisdom, in contrast to the lower, are beautifully anesthetized by a classic infiltration method: by summing up the solution to the root, which eliminates the phenomena of the long loss of the sensitivity of the face sections. By the way, remove the upper teeth of wisdom in most cases is also much easier than the lower.

Question of patient №3: Is it possible to cure two toys of wisdom at once?

Doctors of the Old School may begin to scare the fact that the caries of the two lower teeth at the same time treat is dangerous due to the same conductor anesthesia on the "floor of the face", which will cause the loss of the sensitivity of the language, can lead the development of suffocation, etc. Despite the fact that this is a myth, treat two lower teeth is preferable to intraligent or intraseptal anesthesia (or without anesthesia, if possible). Those who are ready to see in the chair for more than 2 hours, it is worth keeping in mind that a professional dentist is able to cure all 4 toys of wisdom for one visit, so the two eights are not the limit.

It is interesting

In the treatment of teeth, patients often make a remark that the doctor is unnecessary tooth reserves - they say, too long and strongly becomes boring. Young doctors such claims really put in a dead end.

The fact is that "thicker" a significant piece of tooth can be very fast, literally in a couple of minutes. But precisely because of the desire to achieve the high quality of purification from carious tissues, the preparation process becomes not so fast. Sometimes it is necessary to spend the painstaking business from 5 to 30 minutes - to minimally affect healthy fabrics and cleaner necrotic as much as possible.

In what cases teeth wisdom preferably still delete

Now consider situations where the dentist has the right to recommend removing the tooth of wisdom even without signs of carious destruction.

Main indications for the removal of teeth of wisdom:

  • A retinated or semedy tooth (that is, when problems occur when the tooth cannot cut through, either cut in part). Naturally, every case is individual. The retinated tooth of wisdom can be long under the gum and not cause anxiety, as well as a semi-repeated tooth can be the result of a more or less normal partial teething of the crown part. If there are no symptoms of difficult teething, then nothing to worry about, but with formidable symptoms (swelling, severe pain, heat, poverty from gums near the tooth) The doctor may decide in favor of removal - and almost always will be right;
  • Distoped tooth of wisdom - that is, when he took the wrong position in the jaw. Not always, such teeth need to be deleted. If the cutting towards the eight injures the mucous cheek or language, then it is necessary to delete it (chronic injury can lead to development malignant tumors). In other cases, options are possible, depending on the situation in the oral cavity as a whole;
  • Significant mechanical destruction of the crown of the tooth of wisdom (for example, a chip, outgoing far below the g.) When the restoration of it with the help of a tab and an artificial crown is not possible;
  • The active stage of serious purulent complications in the form of exacerbation of periodontitis, periostite, osteomyelitis, abscess, phlegmon, etc. (including may be observed after the treatment of channels in the wisdom tooth). With regard to the lower teeth of wisdom, delay in such a situation - death is like, so it is necessary to delete. The lower jaw is massive, the spaces in it are wide, the risks of the care of infection in them are great, up to a deadly outcome. If we talk about the upper eights, then in exceptional cases, you can take care of the exacerbation of periodontitis or starting periostitis, but in this case it is worth considering all possible risks;
  • Impossible conservative treatment For one reason or another. It happens that the dentist, holding the treatment of the tooth of wisdom, may face the fact that it cannot continue this treatment - for example, complications arise (a debris of the tool in the channel in the absence of equipment for its extraction, the perforation of the root, channel overlapping), or a trivial doctor It cannot be found and (or) across the entire length to handle and fold the channels. In some such cases, a more qualified, experienced dentist with the necessary equipment can help, but such experiments always flush into a penny, and not every patient can afford it;
  • Orthodontic treatment. Today, the popularity of the orthodontist doctor's tactics has become popular before the staging of the same bracket systems to remove wisdom teeth, especially those who, being unrealted, rest in the neighboring seven, as if pushing the entire dental row. Studies have shown that this is justified, since the success of bite correction while preserving the preventing teeth of wisdom is dubious. However, it is not always possible to remove eight when installing braces.

Do you need to remove wisdom tooth when impaired 7 tooth hygiene?

It has already been noted that in such cases, the teeth of wisdom are sometimes really removed. However, at the moment, this question is considered controversial: a number of specialists believe that it is worth removing, as in practice, 7 tooth-destroyed walls are often found, adjacent to the wisdom's teeth. Others believe that the seventh tooth can always be cured if he suddenly overshoot, but at the same time eight, even with insufficient hygiene, can serve a person long yearsBefore you know yourself.

Is it necessary to treat complications of caries from promising teeth of wisdom

If you do not treat the tooth in time at the carious destruction stage, then the complications of caries are developing - pulpitis, and then periodontitis. Will there be a promising treatment of wisdom tooth channels in such cases?

Let's start, perhaps, with a pulpita, as one of the most common diagnosis dentitogue.

On a note

Pulpitis is the inflammation of the vascular-nerve beam ("nerve") inside the tooth, when this fabric, despite the inflammatory process, is still poor, but alive.

If it were not about the teeth of wisdom, then any dentist-therapist would say with confidence that there is no need to remove the tooth, sufficiently treat the channels. However, the tooth of wisdom, unlike the rest, has an unpredictable number of channels, its roots are often curved, and access for comfortable and high-quality treatment is most often difficult (especially in the treatment of the upper eights). In the conditions of the usual state clinic, such a tooth is not always able to treat such a tooth, and there may be complications in the future.

At the same time, in dental clinics Business class High-quality endodontic treatment is possible when pulpit almost any, even unusual to the structure of the tooth of wisdom - with the control of processes in the image, using a dental microscope, ultrasonic equipment, apekslocor, and other auxiliary instruments. However, the price of this service will be considerable.

On a note

There is an opinion that there are no "impassable" channels of teeth - but there is a lack of good specialists and the necessary equipment. That is, if the doctor hints at the removal of the eight and says that when the tooth of wisdom does not work out, because it is curved or narrow channels, then here you can only state that there is no appropriate equipment in the clinic, or the doctor is not impaired .

If you have a strong desire tooth of wisdom to save from removal, then it is best to get advice from 2-3 doctors. If 2-3 doctors say you to remove wisdom tooth, and the sooner, the better, then this should be done.

When the inflammatory process in the pulp chamber comes far away, the pulp dies off, and it is already about the diagnosis of "periodontitis". In this case, the doctor considers the feasibility of preserving the tooth in terms of risk to the patient's health - depending on the form and stage of the process, can begin treatment of channels at acute forms and in chronic fibrous periodontitis.

If we are talking about granulomas, cystranslaimers, cysts, most often the wisdom tooth is removed "from the sin of away", although sometimes testing techniques can be selected. Here to decide and take responsibility to the doctor.

The photo below shows a remote tooth with wedged cysts:

On a note

Periodontitis periodontitis - Maine. With sharp forms (especially in the serous stage), as well as in chronic fibrous and granulating periodontitis, the ability to preserve the tooth of wisdom is significantly higher than with a granulomatogenic periodontitis. In general, the words "granuloma", "cystranslaim" and "cyst" should warn you that treatment may not be quite successful, or the doctor will immediately offer to remove the tooth of wisdom, and it will almost always be justified by the decision.

How much can the treatment and removal of teeth of wisdom

Now, when you already imagine, in what cases can be treated, and in what - it is preferable to remove wisdom teeth, let's see how much the appropriate procedures can cost and can someday save.

So, if you carry out treatment in state institution At the place of residence (hospital, clinic), it is almost always possible to save significantly, but to get far from the highest quality service. The removal of the tooth of wisdom is an extreme measure, and in the same hospital can remove almost free of charge under the so-called "cry" (in the language of dental surgeons, this means that anesthesia does not work, and the patient literally screams against pain). At the same time, the risk that the remote roots of the tooth remains not completely remote to the end of the doctor - the doctor is too little time per patient to pay due attention to all important moments.

As for the removal of the tooth of wisdom in private dentistry - it will cost significantly more than in the state clinic. The upper teeth of wisdom in 70-80% of cases fall under the statistics of "light" teeth, and after analyzing the picture, the price question is solved in the redistribution of 2000 rubles for the removal of one eight.

The lower teeth of wisdom, especially retinated and semedy, can be removed at a high price: from 3 thousand rubles to 8-10 thousand per procedure. In some cases, anesthesia and hospital stay laid this price.

The treatment of caries on the teeth of wisdom can be released at a price of 2-3 thousand to 7-8 thousand rubles for one tooth. The price for the treatment of wisdom tooth channels largely depends on the number of these channels: if the channel is one, then for its endodontic treatment is usually taken about 1000 rubles. With an increase in the number of channels (and there may be 4-5), the cost of the endodontic procedures carried out is proportionally growing.

It should be borne in mind that the anesthesia, the use of cofferdam, drugs (drugs) for drug and anti-inflammatory treatment of canals, temporary and constant seals, etc. is considered separately (plus). Eventually full treatment The tooth of wisdom in the pulp can do in 5-20 thousand rubles, and periodontitis treatment is charged even higher.

In conclusion, I would like to note that for many patients, the teeth of wisdom are important as any other tooth, and they are extremely reluctating to them. Meanwhile, there are many and such patients who, in case of problems, are not ready to spend time and money on keeping their teeth of wisdom and money, and at the first opportunity, eights are unfortunately. Be that as it may, the dentist cannot make a decision for you: he can only argue emphasis, having weighed everything and against, but the last word will always be at the patient.

Be healthy!

Useful video: When the tooth of wisdom is preferably removed

An example of removing a semedied tooth of wisdom with preliminary sawing it into parts ...

Tooth wisdom - very complicated in his anatomical structure. It is more infected with caries and curvature. When is it necessary to remove the tooth of wisdom? In the event that it is already impossible to cure. Patients need to know how this operation passes and is it possible to avoid it.

First of all, it should be sorted out why to remove wisdom teeth, and in what situations this operation is inevitable. Before interfering, the dentist is obliged to provide a detailed consultation to the patient, whether to remove the teeth of wisdom or can still be treated.

There are the following testimony to the fundamental measures: Extensive caries, nerve damage, improper position, inflammation, presence of cysts.

Patients are often wondering whether to remove wisdom tooth during pregnancy, if the state requires. Doctors believe that such intervention is undesirable to spend during this period, especially in the first three months.

X-ray diagnostics

Removal of the teeth of the wisdom can be without high quality preliminary diagnosis. The main method of Summer Survey is X-ray, it gives a complete picture of its internal state.

In dental clinics, there are the following types of x-rays:

  • target - allows you to assess the state of the gums;
  • blind - to evaluate the degree of damage to caries;
  • panoramic - gives information about the state of the jaw;
  • digitalmodern method Diagnostics, gives a clear 3D snapshot.

On the X-ray, the doctor can see: The location of the roots, the thickness of the bone, the direction in which the tooth grows, the condition of the channels, the quantitative and high-quality structure of the roots.

In addition, radiography shows the exact place of inflammation. The X-ray data will allow the doctor to diagnose the problem, choose the right methods or tactics of the destruction of the wisdom tooth.

Removal operation

How to remove wisdom tooth? The removal of the tooth of wisdom is as follows:

  • The doctor examines the state of the oral cavity.
  • An X-ray examination is carried out.
  • Information about the patient's individual reaction is collected for drugs, it turns out whether there is an allergy.
  • Analyzed the presence of concomitant diseases that may interfere with the operation.
  • The patient is freezing, an anesthetic drug is injected into the gum.
  • The patient expects until an anesthetic starts to act.
  • Depending on the location of the tooth (lower or upper), size and condition of the jaw, the surgeon selects the tools you need.
  • The doctor produces direct removal procedure.

If the wound after manipulation remains too deep and large, then measures are being taken on its ears.

Simple deletion

During simple removal, the surgeon uses only tongs. This manipulation does not imply any cuts on the gum, the separation of roots or drill from the bone. This is a small-acting operation.

Stepal steps of simple tooth removal of wisdom:

  • drawing up an anamnesis;
  • diagnostics;
  • anesthesia;
  • removal manipulation;
  • removing random residues;
  • washing wounds.

On average, the procedure lasts from 2 to 15 minutes. There are cases when the time of its holding increases to 40 minutes.

Upon completion of the operational intervention, the surgeon dentist obliges the patient to strictly adhere to the recommendations on the further care of the oral cavity, informs about the observance of precautions in the postoperative period.

Difficult deletion

The situation involves the use of bormers and tools cutting soft fabrics. Before the difficult removal of the tooth wisdom, the patient is subjected to freezing. The use of such a method of treatment is used in the following cases:it is necessary to remove the tooth of wisdom on the lower jaw, the extensive destruction of the outer part of the tooth, the presence of pathologies in the root system.

Dye your wisdom teeth in such cases? First, a number of preparatory activities are carried out, then the operating part follows, which includes several stages:

  1. Anesthesia. Time for its exposure is given more than with a simple distance.
  2. Cutting soft tissues and peeling them from bone.
  3. Drinking or driving and removing the tooth from the bone.
  4. Removal of residues from wells.
  5. Processing wound.
  6. If necessary, the absorbing seam is superimposed.

The time of such an operation is from 30 minutes to two hours, upon completion, the patient is notified of further actions. Laought in a woven swab tampon for a long time to keep it is not recommended. If after 5 minutes the bleeding was not stopped, then the existing tampon must be replaced with clean.

The operational removal of the wisdom tooth is not sophisticated for dentists and frightening for patients in the following situations: the presence of a single root, the root is direct, the large coronary part is located above the gum.

Removal tooth wisdom on upper jaw produced by special dental tongs and does not take much time. Dentists note that often the removal of the upper tooth is wislined due to curvature.

Its unnatural position in the process of chewing leads to the injury of the mucous membrane. This is especially dangerous for the elderly. Non-charging wounds can provoke a serious inflammatory process and lead to an oncological disease.

In case acute pain urgent removal of the tooth of wisdom on the upper jaw, if it is seriously destroyed, or if others medical events No longer help. A complete picture of the problem that has arisen may receive during the diagnostic inspection and on the X-ray.

Of course, the procedure for removing upper teeth Wisdom is unpleasant, but there is nothing special in it. Usually, it is carried out using local freezing and does not take much time.

The removal of the tooth of wisdom on the lower jaw refers to a more complex surgical procedure than the removal of the tooth of wisdom on the upper jaw. It is done not only by dental tongs, but also using other tools.

The patient makes local anesthesia before removing the lower teeth of wisdom. After the start of the anesthesia, the surgeon cuts the patient with a soft sheath of gums. Then he starts drilling bone tissue and pulls out the toothless tooth. After completion of all manipulations, the healing agent is placed in the resulting hole, and the deep wound is invented.

The difficulty of removing the lower tooth of wisdom is that he has more roots than a similar top. Moreover, bottom part Jaws denser.

During operation, the doctor conducts the following manipulations:

  • moves soft tissue gums;
  • removes bone tissue;
  • pulls out the tooth, if necessary, divides it into several parts;
  • rinsing an antiseptic wound;
  • stops bleeding, imposes seams if necessary.

To stop the blood in the wreck, a cotton swab with a hemostatic preparation of local action is put.

Painfulness during surgery

Removal of the tooth of wisdom on the upper jaw or a node-unpleasant procedure. However, local, and in some cases general anesthesia help the patient completely get rid of pain. It must be remembered that when anesthesia passes, pain becomes tangible. Its power depends on the complexity of the operation.

Some clinics prefer to use Lidocaine as a anesthetic drug, but most dentists are used for this purpose, sepantist or ultrakin are used for this purpose. The appropriate medication is introduced by injection into the gum. Its action begins in 5 minutes after the injection.

Injecting anesthesia is the easiest way of anesthesia before the operation, but when this method is contraindicated to the patient, the dentists use superficial anesthesia. This includes sprays that irrigate gums for freezing, or special ointments.

Do you need to pull the tooth of wisdom under general anesthesia? In the current dental clinics, local anesthesia is often used before removing the teeth of the wisdom. Sometimes, according to medical reasons, the removal of the tooth of wisdom on the lower jaw or the top is carried out under general anesthesia. Such anesthesia is applied with complex and long-term removal operations.

General anesthesia is an anesthesia of direct action. Nervous system It turns off, and the person is artificially immersed in a deep sleep. An anesthesiologist enters such anesthesia in the inhalation method, putting on a patient a mask. Sometimes a special injection is introduced. Its dose is calculated depending on the age, weight and growth of the patient.

In addition, the dose of anesthesia is selected depending on the duration of the operation. It should not be too small - then the patient will find the completion of the operation, or too large - the patient does not make sense to be under the action of anesthesia if the treatment is already completed. That is why it is so important for a doctor. The accurate calculation of the dose of anesthesia, which is introduced to the patient before the operation.

In what cases is the removal of the tooth of wisdom under general anesthesia? Such anesthesia is given in the following situations:

  • panic fear of the patient before surgery;
  • unbalanced psyche;
  • allergy to local anesthetics;
  • the need for long-term treatment and removal of several teeth.

With such anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain. It is necessary to pull the tooth of wisdom under general anesthesia or you can do local anesthesia, the doctor decides on the patient's anamnesis.

After operation

Recovery period after a tooth removal of wisdom for each individual. Too sensitive patients are recommended for several hours just sleep to restore their strength. Mostly a person after such an intervention can lead the usual life. The resulting small wounder itself will be delayed after a few days.

Immediately after the operation to remove wisdom teeth, it is undesirable or drinking hotels so as not to provoke bleeding. Ringed mouth is also not worth it for some time, as you can wash off the medicine, put as a doctor for healing the wound. When a severe pain appears after the end of the anesthesia, the patient can take analgin or make the ice compress.

The first day after the operation is not desirable to eat solid and fine-grained food, so as not to injure the wound and not clog it. Food must be carefully chewed by the part of the jaw who has not been subjected operational intervention. It is not recommended to apply the heating floor. This can enhance bleeding and inflammatory process.

Possible complications

It is very rare, but a patient may have complications after a wisdom tooth removal operation. Such consequences can be attributed:

  • a short temperature increase: then it is necessary to adopt the antipyretic drug;
  • bound boots;
  • inflammatory process on the gum;
  • long bleeding;
  • swelling that does not fall for several days;
  • difficulty of hygienic procedures in the oral cavity.

If such signs appear, it is necessary to obtain a dentist consultation and take the course of treatment with antibiotics. If unpleasant symptoms do not pass long and the pain is only growing, it is necessary to check the presence of a part of the root or fragments of the tooth in the well.

The normal consequences of the tooth removal of wisdom is considered to be small, which begins to fall from the next day, as well as a temporary decrease in immunity. Regardless of which type of anesthesia used, some time after the operation in the patient. To prevent serious complications, the oral cavity in the next few days should be cleaned only with a soft brush.


Serious contraindications to remove wisdom tooth are the following situations:

  • infectious disease or acto;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart failure;
  • unbalanced psyche;
  • mental diseases.

In addition, the patient himself has the right to refuse the operation, and the doctor cannot impose this type of intervention.


Delete wisdom teeth or not, decide, of course, you. But remember, the problem is easier to prevent than then to solve it. The "eights" need special care, as it is very difficult to cure them, as a result, it will be necessary to remove the teeth of wisdom. In order to prevent the destructive process in them, it is necessary daily 2 times at least 5 minutes.

At the same time, neatly and carefully clean each site in it, follow the state of the gum. After the main cleansing procedure, the mouth must be rolled with an infusion of medicinal herbs. A good prophylactic agent is the decoction of oak bark. It has a disinfecting effect.

Needed regularly, at least 1 time per year, to undergo a prophylactic examination in dental polyclinic. This will help to identify and eliminate the diseases.

Detection of wisdom teeth - video

The procedure for removing the tooth of wisdom - for the dentist, the process is not of the lungs, and painful for patients. The removal of the tooth of wisdom on the upper jaw, as well as the removal of the lower tooth of wisdom is endowed with their peculiarities.

So that the operation has passed successfully, and the healing is quickly, the patient must adhere to all the prescriptions of the doctor, to clearly follow the appointments, observe preventive measures and hygiene. Let your smile be beautiful and radiant!

Teeth of wisdom, which in the field of dentistry are also known as the "eight" or "third molars" - one of the most frequent reasons Visit dentist.

They do not take part in the chewing of food and bring a lot of problems to their owner. Why do you need wisdom teeth and what functions do they perform?

To date, the teeth of wisdom are considered Rudiment - that is, "inheritance", which was given from distant ancestors.

A modern person has no sharp necessity in them, they do not perform vital functions. That is why 13-16% of the entire population of the planet "G8" are simply absent, in many other cases the dentists persistently advise them to remove them.

Tooth of wisdom: how old appears

Many people are interested in why the tooth of wisdom received such a name and how old he appears.

As you know, the first dairy teeth are dispersed in a child under the age of 2 years.

After reaching 7-8 years of age, they begin to fall out gradually, and strong constants grow in their place.

One of the most common complications associated with the teeth of wisdom is considered to be pericoronitis. This inflammatory process affecting the tissues, located directly around the tooth. In the process of its discharge, the so-called "hood" is formed - a small tubercle on a gum, covered with mucous cloth.

In the process of chewing food, it is often injured, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate it, which leads to the emergence purulent inflammation - That is, pericoronitis. In this case, without deleting "third molars" can not do.


A frequent complication in the formation of wisdom teeth is considered, that is, an inflammatory process that affects healthy tissues of gums. In the absence of timely dental assistance, the gingivitis can grow into more serious diseases – , .

Characteristic symptoms inflammatory process It is swelling and redness of the segment of the gums around the tooth of wisdom, the appearance of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Inflammation can be accompanied by strong painful spasms, "rendering" in the temple, ear, neck, throat. When pressing purulent discharge on the gums.

The main danger associated with the teeth of wisdom is that they grow the most recently in the row. Accordingly, there was no dairy tooth in his place, which greatly makes it difficult to break the "eights". They are supported by their "neighbors" only on the one hand.

Problems with teeth wisdom

This gives the "third molars" an excellent opportunity to deviate aside and grow under the tilt. In dentistry, there are cases when the teeth of wisdom dispersed and grew across the jaw. This gives serious discomfort when chewing food or in the conversation process, and can also be significantly ruined the bite and the overall appearance of a person.

In addition, the incorrect anatomical arrangement of wisdom teeth leads to constant injury to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. As a result, it is possible to enter food residues or pathogenic microorganisms in the rink, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process or a serious dental disease. That is why almost all dentists advise not to spend a lot of time for the treatment of "eights", but to remove them.

How to avoid complications

In order to avoid any complications in the teething of wisdom teeth, it is necessary to apply for dental care. If the tooth is poorly treatable, there is inflammation of the gums, the suppuration, the appearance of cysts - it must be immediately removed.

To remove the "eight", which have not yet cut through, the dentist makes a small incision in the "hood". Through it is extracting the tooth. Further oral cavity The patient is treated with a special bactericidal solution, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and, if necessary, antibiotics.

After removing the teeth of wisdom

In most cases and traumatic, which is associated with its location. Therefore, the dentist necessarily uses anesthetic.

In the first day after surgery, the appearance of pain, dense and language numbers. Usually such symptoms disappear independently in a few days. If this did not happen, you need to re-appeal to your dentist.

The third molars are very poorly cleaning. For hygienic procedures, it is necessary to use a separate toothbrush whose bristles has a different length. This will help clean the tooth. In the event of the development of caries or other dental disease, the "eight" is best removed.

Why the wisdom tooth is more often deleted than they treat? Third Molars are rudiments that have long lost their functions. The body is completely accounted for without them. On the other hand, they can become a "spare option", come in handy when the prosthesis is installed.

Do I need to treat "eights"? Yes, it is necessary. After all, it is a full-fledged tooth, which also sick with caries and pulpitis. And the infection in the mouth is the danger of infection of the body. But when it makes no sense or ability to treat, removal is assigned.

Why remove wisdom teeth

Third molars are dispersed much later than their neighbors - in 20-26 years. Problems with them arise at an early stage of growth. The jaw was formed, the teeth took their place, so the "eights" have to literally break through the gums, swelling the neighboring molars.

This creates a number of problems - from painful pain and neuralgia triant nerve to bite anomalies. Therefore, as a rule, wisdom teeth are removed. In the United States and Canada they are eliminated immediately after the teething, and all patients, and this is considered the norm.

"The eights" quickly deteriorate due to the location in a hard-to-reach place, where it is difficult to get a toothbrush, not to mention the floss. On the surface of the enamel quickly accumulates the bacterial collapse and the carious process begins.

It is difficult to treat extreme molars, therefore for a doctor, and for the patient it is easier to remove the culprit of all the troubles.

Removal readings

  1. Atypical height of the G8.
  2. When the eighth tooth grows horizontally or under the tilt, it presses on the cheek or injures the neighboring tooth. This is called dystopia. It is necessary to extract the growing "eight" as soon as possible, otherwise chronic pain will increase.

  3. Too narrow jaw.
  4. If the patient has a narrow jaw, then for the eighth tooth there is no place to be left in the row. Chewing molars are shifted to the central cutters, a crowding occurs in a smile zone. That this does not happen, the "eight" is removed at the stage of teething.

  5. Pericoroid.
  6. This is the inflammation of the gingival hood, hanging over the growing tooth of wisdom. Accompanied by painful pain, swelling mucous, depression, general malaise, and even increase in temperature. The doctor has to disseminate the hood, remove a problem tooth and sew the wound.

  7. Deep caries.
  8. If a most of Enamel damaged by caries, no sense in time consuming and expensive treatment. When there is nothing to save, the destroyed crown is subject to removal. Moreover, the less healthy tissues remained, the more difficult the doctor to remove the remnants.

  9. Inability to conduct treatment.
  10. If the tooth has bent roots or impassable channels, a full treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases. The only way out of the situation is deletion. The decision takes the doctor based on the testimony of the X-ray.


When it is better to keep the tooth

If the third molar grows normally, without damaging the neighboring teeth and without breaking the bite, it is worth keeping it. First, it can come in handy in the future as a support for a prosthesis. Secondly, you do not have to experience a complex, unpleasant and dangerous operation.

Lack of neighboring 7th or 6th tooth

If there is no seventh, at the same time the seventh and sixth tooth, or they are in the deplorable state, the "eight" is used as a mount for a bridge or removable prosthesis.


The antagonist teeth are a pair of molars on the upper and lower jaws. If you remove one "eight", for example, on the lower jaw, the antagonist on the upper row is deprived of the chewing load. It ceases to participate in peak chewing, losing a functional load, and therefore over time is retractable or twisted.


Is it painful to remove wisdom tooth

No, the operation is carried out under local anesthesia, relieving pain. Dental surgeons use potent analgesics - solution of lidocaine, ultrakina or etc. to extract several eights at once. general anesthesia. You will not feel physical discomfort during the treatment "in a dream."

Do I need to remove wisdom tooth, if it does not hurt

The absence of pain does not mean that the tooth is healthy. For example, chronic caries or the formation of cysts proceed almost asymptomatic. Only after visual inspection and X-ray diagnostics, the doctor will conclude.

Why remove wisdom teeth before installing braces

It is the problem of the third molars often the cause of the crowding of cutters and other deformations. Orthodontic correction by braces implies the movement of the teeth in order to align the entire row. Third molars interfere with this process, therefore they are eliminated. This is common practice.

Is it possible to remove the "eight" during pregnancy

No you can not. Operation in 50% of cases ends with complications, which is dangerous to the life and health of the baby. Therapeutic treatment is recommended. It is better to do this in the 2nd trimester when the fruit is reliably protected by the placenta. But in the case of acute pain, consult a doctor.

How much does removal costs

  • Normal removal costs 1000-1500 rubles.
  • The price of removal of a retinated tooth of wisdom or dystoped - 5000-7000 rubles.
  • Local anesthesia and X-ray is another 400-500 rubles.
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