Why should be followed by blood sugar levels. What products are raised sugar

Increased blood sugar performance can talk about many things. It can increase both after a dense lunch or a delicious cake, and because of the disease - diabetes mellitus. How to determine that the sugar level is not normal, the danger of this state and how to reduce blood sugar without receiving medications - we will tell about everything in this article.

Sugar level in blood - what is it?

Main Symptoms of Critical Sugar Sugar

So, general symptoms hyperglycemia are quite simple for understanding. But some of them may appear immediately as soon as the level of sugar rose, and some will show themselves only after a few months, or even years. In addition, their activity will directly depend on the degree of increase in glucose concentration.

So as not to miss the moment when you need to render urgent help man with a glycemic crisis, remember the main clinical signsthat each patient will appear:

  1. Strong thirst.
  2. Stressed appetite.
  3. Nausea, vomiting, constipation.
  4. Pronounced itch body and mucous membranes.
  5. Dry mouth.
  6. "Sand" in the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity.
  7. Pollakiuria - Student Night Urination.
  8. Bloodstock wounds, even small and their slow healing.
  9. Scattered attention.
  10. Lost, fear.
  11. Weight increase.
  12. Field disorders.
  13. Irritability.

Such symptoms that began suddenly should be regarded as life-threatening condition. The patient himself and the people around him should urgently begin to take action.

If this happened to a person suffering diabetesMost likely, with it there will be an insulin preparation. He himself will be able to use it or will explain the surrounding what to do. After that, it's still worth calling a rag medical care. If this is the first identified case, you need to urgently call doctors ..

With frequent hyperglycemic attacks, you should contact a specialist for the correction of therapeutic dose. Constantly shoot down the high sugar is dangerous independently, because the opposite state can develop - hypoglycemia.

Methods of unlimited reduction of glycemia

Reduce high digits of glycemia at home without the use of drugs can not be. Will only call ambulance. To write a recipe for drugs lowering blood sugar, after studying all analyzes and conditions of the body, maybe an endocrinologist. To maintain glycemia in the permissible borders and correction of non-abnormal abnormalities can help:

  1. Reducing the number of food or passing one of the meals.
  2. Regular use of proper drinking water.
  3. Safety drinks with cinnamon.
  4. Active exercise.

The chief assistant man with high glycemia is strict. It is characterized by the fact that each meal must be balanced. Carbohydrates should be calculated, which will fall into the body. Almost fully need to be excluded sweet and flour - these products lead to a sharp jump of glycemia indicators. The following groups of products are welcomed, helping to remove sugar:

  1. Basic diet. Vegetables, cereals (excluding rice), legumes.
  2. Sour fruits and berries, such as plum, gooseberry.
  3. Meat and low fat percentage. Cooked mainly by a couple, stew, boiled.
  4. Greens and vegetables slow down glucose suction. Green products - Main friends in the fight against high level Sahara.
  5. The fragmentation of food intake. It should be eaten 5-6 times a day in small portions.


The fact that cinnamon in its effect is almost an analogue of medicines may like many fans of fragrant seasoning. It has a sugar stabilizing effect, that is, can normalize its level. And also tones the body, returns vital energy. But it is not all.

Here are the main properties of cinnamon:

  • acts directly on sugar, reducing them;
  • stimulates the pancreas;
  • increases metabolism;
  • restores the exchange of proteins;
  • activates the motorcycle gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves work immune systems organism.

But even with such a large number of positive effects, the unwanted actions of this product are observed. Some states and diseases are allocated, which are contraindications to the use of cinnamon. Namely:

Take the season you need an empty stomach in the morning. It is allowed intake and ground, and pods. Putting such a "medicine" follows with a large amount of water. It is allowed to use no more than 4 grams of cinnamon daily. It is better not to do this in the evening, otherwise the possibility of the development of insomnia is enhanced.

Bay leaf

The bay leaf that the hostess is accustomed to use as an aromatic spice to different dishes is and an excellent assistant in the fight against glycemia. It contributes to the stabilization of the pancreas, which produces insulin. There is some compensation for its shortage in the bloodstream.

To combat diabetes, branch of the laurel sheet should be taken:

  • 8-12 Lovers sheets pour fluid boiling water in a thermos. It is broken for 5-6 hours, after which you drink half a cup of half an hour before meals.
  • 8-12 Laurel sheets pour 1.5 glasses of boiling water. A day is broken, to see a small sieve or gauze. Take 2 weeks for ¼ cup for half an hour before meals.

One of the properties of the laurel sheet is the ability to thicken the natural fluids of the body. Based on this, such decoctions have a number of contraindications. This tool cannot be taken:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • for diseases of the tract, for example, with a tendency to constipate;
  • for kidney diseases and bladder;
  • in pathologies of cardio-vascular system;
  • with individual intolerance, allergies.

Table and apple vinegar

A table 9% and apple contain a large number of trace elements that can help the body keep the normal level of sugars, as well as strengthen fabrics and bones. Apple vinegar It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamin V. He brings unnecessary products of life from the body, stabilizes carbohydrate exchange.

Some useful vinegar effects:

  • reduces appetite;
  • interrupts the desire to eat sweet foods;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice - stabilizes acidity.

Apple vinegar you can buy or cook yourself at home on a popular recipe.

  1. Select ripe apples, wash, cut into small blocks, lay out in an enameled pan.
  2. Fruits fall asleep with sugar at the rate of 50 g of sugar per 1 kg of apples.
  3. Pour hot water on 3 fingers above the mixture level, close the pan and remove into a warm place (on the battery). Stir 1-2 times a day.
  4. After 14 days, strain the mixture through gauze or fine sieve. Drain all in glass jars, leaving from above 5-7 cm (the composition will wander).
  5. After 2 weeks, the apple bite will be ready. Liquid can be poured on storage bottles.

Vinegar cannot be taken in its pure form (especially purchased). It is best to use it as a refueling for salads, marinade to meat and fish products. Home vinegar can be breeded with water (2 tbsp. Spoons on a glass of water) and take an hour before sleep. Such treatment is contraindicated in pressing gastrointestinal diseases.

Egg-lemon mixture

The egg is a high-protected product that easily saturates the body and quenches the feeling of hunger. Citrus contain many organic acids. It is these substances that are able to reduce the amount of sugars in the blood plasma.

Thus, the mixing product of the egg and lemon can be another easiest way to control the level of glycemia.

To prepare an egg-lemon mixture, one large chicken egg should be prepared or 4-5 small quail and one lemon. The egg is whipped with a wedge to foam, 50 ml of juice is squeezed out of the lemon and mix. The resulting mass must be taken once a day half an hour before meals.

There is a specific scheme for the use of an egg-lemon mixture to achieve a better result. Take three days before eating in the morning, three days - a break. Such a cycle 3: 3 is repeated month. For achievement best result The course is worth spending 5 times a year.

Ovus decoction

Oats is a real gift not only to people with metabolic diseases, but also all healthy. It contains insulin capable of inactivating part of glucose still in the intestinal lumen, until it goes into the bloodstream. This is extremely beneficial effect on sugar diabetes.

Among other things, Oats has antioxidant and antitoxic actions, which, as it is impossible to protect the body from pathogenic effects.

You can take oats as a porridge, decoction or raw (germinated cereals):

  1. Oat decoction or vegetable milk. For its preparation, a glass of oats is poured with a liter of boiling water in the thermos and leave to the night. Already in the morning you can take a decoction. Use it month 3 times a day before meals. After you can do it only in the morning, but more frequent use is not reborn.
  2. Oatmeal - This is a full-fledged healthy breakfast. She gives strength and helps the body normalize the level of sugars. Of course, sugar, jam, jam and other sweet additives can not be added to the caha. With compensated diabetes, you can cook porridge on milk. But still better if the basis is water. To be tastier, you can add acidic fruits or berries - raspberry, currants, plum.
  3. Gestroinated cereals should be used on an empty stomach, in the morning, every day.

Exercise helping in the fight against high sugars

The most gentle and useful version of the decline in blood glucose level is physical activity. This not only normalizes carbohydrate exchange, sending excess sugars to generate energy, but also strengthens the body and raises the mood. Physical activity is a fairly fast way to reduce glycemia.

For achievement positive effect It will be enough to devote the exercises for 30-40 minutes daily. All exercises should be performed at an average pace or pick up comfortable for yourself. With the feeling of excessive fatigue or dizziness it is worth suspending the occupation.

Optimal set of exercises:

  • turns of the head to the sides and rotation in a circle;
  • circular motions hands forward and backward;
  • body tilts forward-back, right-left;
  • lift to socks;
  • squats with arms stretched forward;
  • sitting on a chair, leaning on the back of the chair, the rise of straight feet parallel to the floor, in turn;
  • sitting on a chair separating legs from the ground, pulling hands in front of them;
  • sitting on a chair Bringing his knees to the chest, in turn;
  • relying on the back of the chair, raise the knee, then MAH foot back;

Such a simple set of exercises normalizes metabolism and compensates for a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, that is, it helps to get rid of "excess" sugar.

Emergency relief of the hyperglycemic state

If elevated blood sugar is found, you need to do something at once. The relief of sharp increases in sugars with diabetes of the first and second type will be slightly different. With the first type, it is often injecting insulin. Insulin is long, short and ultrashort action. What exactly to take a specific patient to reduce sugar, usually prescribes an endocrinologist.

For a sharp decrease in glycemia, insulin ultrashort is usually used. Dosages of all insulins are calculated, repulse from the amount of grained units adopted (conditional units of caloric content and carbohydrate content for diabetic patients).

To treat the second type diabetes, the drug selection is usually metformin. There are drugs of other groups that contribute to the best absorption of glucose, as well as stimulating the work of the pancreas. Here is some of them:

  1. Diabeton. Stimulates pancreatic cells that produce insulin when feeding into the body.
  2. Starlix. Accepted before meals. Increases the digestibility of carbohydrates.
  3. Glucobay. Blocks sucking sugars when passing them by intestines.

Dosage preparations always depend on the content of the diet and its quantity. Therefore, all appointments of drugs in diabetes and borderline states should be carried out strictly individually.

What happens to the body when the sugar fails

Sugar is amazingly acting on our body. It affects almost all the processes of metabolic metabolic metabolism. Therefore, in case of refusal to sugar, interesting changes will occur.

Two days later:

  1. The work of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, the chair is normalized. The bloating disappear, diarrhea or constipation disappear.
  2. The mood is balanced, will be alarm and irritability. Even the fight against everyday stress will suddenly become much easier.
  3. The kids who are accustomed to sweets, two days after the failure, begin to easily agree on the useful fruits, vegetables and cereals. Just two days can separate the child from proper nutrition.

After the week:

  1. The skin color will change, a healthy blush will appear, rash and acne will be. Natural skin elasticity will also begin to recover.
  2. Energy will appear, fatigue and drowsiness will come. The body will begin to build his "mode" of the day, not intimidated in chaotic supplements of sugar from the outside.
  3. Normalizes the process of falling asleep and sleep itself. The production of cortisol will begin to be controlled by the body. There will be good dreams.

After 10 days:

  1. It will clear the blood from excess cholesterol. Vessels and fabrics will begin to recover.
  2. It will start to go away, which appeared because of the sweet.

After a month of abstinence from sugar use, this complex initial process will be your habit for a long time. And you will get nice bonuses:

  1. The skin will be again young and beautiful.
  2. Weight will adjust up to 10 kg.
  3. Braincases will begin active activity. It will be easier to think and concentrate.

List of allowed products with diabetes and products not recommended for use

People with recently detected diabetes are difficult to immediately get used to the new diet. Especially difficult to remember which products are useful, and which can harm. To do this, you can print such a table that will always come to the rescue.

Products without restrictions

Remedy Products

Prohibited products

Cucumbers, tomatoes

Equal milk products with low fat content

Sugar, honey, jam, jams, sweet drinks

Any varieties of cabbage

Low-fat meat, bird (without skin)

Candy, chocolate, ice cream

Zucchini, eggplants

A fish

Baking, Cakes, Cookies


Low fat cheese

Creamy oil, fat

Any varieties of greenery, salad

Sour cream with low fat and cottage cheese

Mayonnaise, fatty sour cream, cream

Onion garlic


High fatty dairy products


Pasta, bread

High fat cheeses

Radish, radish, turnip

Potatoes, corn, legumes

Fat meat, sausage, sausages


Sweet fruits

Pares, canned oil

Pears, apples (not very sweet)

Vegetable oil

Nuts, seeds

Grapefruit, Orange, Kiwi


Peaches, plum

Blueberry, strawberry

Tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water

Blood sugar due to age

Quantitative values \u200b\u200bof sugars for our body change a little over time. For each age period, their indicators are relevant. It is worth knowing that self-diagnostics be more truthful.

2 days - 4.3 weeks

2,8 - 4,4

4.3 weeks - 14 years

3,3 - 5,6

14 - 60 years

4,1 - 5,9

60 - 90 years

4,6 - 6,4

90 and more years

4,2 - 6,7

Control of the content of glucose in the body can improve the life of a person, and in some situations and save it. The most important thing is not to try to cure yourself yourself. Such a difficult thing is best to entrust the professional. And after the selection of therapy, always know how to reduce blood sugar if necessary.

Glucose - energy source. This is an axiom. Its indicators are changing from many factors, such as: nutrition, physical activity, susceptibility to stress, concomitant diseases, etc. Of course, the main body in the process of producing glucose - pancreas. It is an insulin, involved in comprehensive mechanism Transforming glucose into energy. But with him "work" hormones (glucagon and adrenaline), steroids (glucocorticoids).

Imagine the steps of a large path - from sugar to energy:

    glucose enters blood from food, you consumed;

    there, in the blood, the pancreas is thrown by insulin, due to which the permeability of the cell membranes is improved, which absorb glucose;

    the glucose residue is converted into glycogen and special fats (triglycerides), which are the source of energy for the human body.

W. healthy people The normal level of blood sugar ranges from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol / l.

What products and how to increase blood sugar

The source of glucose is primarily carbohydrates, which, in turn, are divided into simple and complex. The latter is more useful, because when using their use, the slow flow of glucose into the blood is occurring. But with simple, everything is simple and fast - from here and a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. Enemies need to know in the face, namely:

    sugar and everything that is based on it;

    honey (up to 70-80% consists of sugar);

    white bread, dough, pastry;

    purified rice (white);

    potatoes, carrots, beets after heat treatment;

In order not to make mistakes in choosing a product, you need to know its glycemic index. This is a speed indicator at which one or another food from your plate is absorbed. He also takes into account the degree of increase in blood sugar when using the product. Here, too, everything is obvious: the higher the Gi, the more enemies - fast carbohydrates.

But note that the glycemic index of the same product may vary. It depends on the method of preparation. So, spaghetti from wheat solid varieties - the basis of the Mediterranean cuisine, one of the most useful in the world, is not for nothing prepare Al Dente (Al Dente). After all, increasing the cooking time to 16, 5 min, gi rises to 65 against 59. Such methods such as frying and baking also increase this important indicator.

Medicreparations and blood sugar levels

Taking various medicines need to be aware that they can also cause an increase in this important indicator. These are medicines S. large content Sugar, is well known about such " side Effects"At the contraceptive, hormonal preparations and diuretics.

How compatible medicines among themselves can know only the doctor, so do not self-medicate - consult with a specialist, especially if you have a tendency to diabetes. And even more so, if such a diagnosis is already supplied.

About other reasons.

The physical exertion must benefit. Of course, the movement is always better than its absence. But everything is good in moderation. So, excessive physical activity with a low-lifting lifestyle can lead to an undesirable surge of blood sugar levels. But the daily walking of the walking step for 35 min contributes to the absorption of glucose, reducing the risk of developing diabetes at 80%. You also need to know what boost blood sugar levels:

    constant stress, as a result of which hormones are produced, which are involved in the process of improving blood sugar;

    infections and viruses that negatively affect different organs and internal processes;

    hormonal changes in women, for example during pregnancy;

    there is not enough good and long sleep (it may lead to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels);

    heat Air, which also makes it difficult to control the level of sugar.

Figures hazardous to health

We remind: the norm of sugar in the blood of a healthy person - 3.5-5.5 mmol / l. With a decrease in less than 2.78 mmol / l or an increase of more than 30 mmol / l, convulsions, loss of consciousness, hypo-or hyperglycemic coma possible. Indicators for diabetes mellitus - above 7.0 mmol / l. Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the sugar level is greater than 6.7 mmol / l. She may indicate:

    possible problems in the endocrine system;

    liver and kidney disease;

    pancreatic diseases;

    heart attack and hemorrhage in the brain.

And remember, light carbohydrates - the straight track is not easy for excess weight, but to obesity, and therefore to diabetes, and problems with the cardiovascular system. Some studies noted the relationship between increased admission to the body of sugar and risk and the rate of development of breast cancer

    Hyperglycemia is dangerous already in the womb - there is a risk that, becoming an adult, a person will suffer not only to obesity, but also diabetes mellitus. American scientists discovered a gene encoding protein that allows women to absorb glucose during pregnancy. This protein decreases - hyperglycemia develops.

    Weight reduction only by 5% reduces the likelihood of sick diabetes by 70%.

    French scientists have established that the least susceptible to a diabetes of a woman with a group of blood; Co II - the likelihood of the development of the disease is 10% higher; Most often, this diagnosis is made by women with the III and IV blood group.

Fraught with a serious deterioration of well-being and a decrease in the quality of life: in time to solve emerging problems, rest, pour out, lead healthy image Life.

Anthropometric map

Watch out for weight without going beyond the normal values \u200b\u200bof the body mass index: from 19 to 25. This will help you. "

Healthy nutrition

To avoid problems with weight and level of glucose in the blood, limit consumption to 6 h. Spoors per day (for women), 9 h. Spoors per day (for men).

Healthy nutrition

Do not eat more than 5 g (1 teaspoon) per day. It will protect you from problems with the water and salt exchange in the body.

Healthy nutrition

To diversify your diet to all necessary trace elementsEat at least 300-400 g per day (fresh and prepared).

Physical activity

For the prevention of hypodynamies, increase your regular physical exertion at least to (150 minutes of physical activity of the average intensity per week), try to move more.

Health map

By filling out a "Health Card", you will get complete information about your health status.

Negative impact

Learn all the risk factors affecting your health in the "Negative Impact" block.


Visit the dentist at least once a year, in time treat your teeth and get rid of the dental stone, not allowing development serious diseases oral cavity.

Excess weight

Watch out the weight, without going beyond the normal values \u200b\u200bof the body mass index: from 19 to 25. To calculate and control BMI, use "".

Health control

To control the health of the urinary system 1 time per year, give the analysis of blood and urine.

Health control

To control health endocrine system Periodically hand over blood analysis on glucose.


Complete a number of useful information tests in the "" section: The data obtained will help you detect problems or adjust your head plan.


Do not exceed 20 ml of ethanol for women and 30 ml of ethanol for men. it the best way Minimize harm from alcohol consumption.


Throw smoking or not start, if you do not smoke, it will reduce the risk of developing obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and a number of other specific "smoker diseases" to a minimum.

Health map

Fill out the questionnaire on system systems, get a personal conclusion for each of the health control and recommendations.

Map of physical condition

Use "" to determine your level of physical development.


Do not allow the development of abdominal obesity that increases the risk of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, etc. Watch out for: men should not exceed 94 cm, in women - 80 cm.

Survey card

Use "" for storing and interpreting results laboratory studies (blood tests, urine, etc.).

Health control

To control the health of the cardiovascular system 1 time per year, pass the examination at the therapist, measure regularly arterial pressure And hand over blood test to cholesterol.


Find the right specialist medical institution, Profile organization of health and sphere in the section "".

Health control

To control the health of the eyes 1 time in 2 years, pass the inspection from an ophthalmologist, after 40 years, annually determine intraocular pressure.

Health control

To control the health of the respiratory system 1 time per year do fluorography and pass the examination at the therapist.

Healthy nutrition

To hold the normal level of cholesterol in the blood, do not eat more than 170 g per day (including red meat and bird).

Healthy nutrition

Eat at least 300 g per week, including fatty varieties (mackerel, trout, salmon). Omega 3 acids are helped in the prevention of atherosclerosis. the first and second type implies strict control of blood glucose levels. The patient needs to constantly monitor his well-minded, on time recognizing the first signs of falling the sugar level, which may threaten the loss of consciousness and even a room!

Hypoglycemia - pathological. Thresholding thresholds 3.5 mmol / liter. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are often developing very slowly, and sometimes suddenly. As a rule, clinical signs of dehydration are dehydration, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, muscular trembling, pallor, strong feeling of hunger and sometimes fainting.

Because of the rapid drop in blood sugar level in organs, functional disorders are developing. The brain suffers the strongest nervous system. In adrenal glands, signals are sent, stimulating them to produce a large amount of adrenaline. As a result, the hepatic glycogen involves, which is split into simple sugar and enters the blood. That is, some time the level of sugar rises, but if a person at that time does not eat something sweet, then sugar will again begin to fall.

Questions readers

October 18, 2013. hello! help me please. Tell me. Seven years Diabetes 1 Type. I can not cope. He is not dried me.! I have already rejected everything. I do not know what you can do .. In the morning, the sugar is always high. They say morning dawn. Loose from 12 15 I get up 20 22 West day fighting. Evenings are normal and in the morning again the same picture. I'm already tired! In the morning 20 Lantus 4 novertopid 2 anktrapid. Lunch 6 Novorad 2 Actrapid to reduce EA dinner 6 8 Novorahid! Almost nothing. very little. I add Lantus then Sindorm Self-please. Yesterday, the lunch went down two hours. I got up for 16. Then it became bad. Already 4 hours after half a half passed. I fell up to 20. He himself did not eat anything. What wants it and does. Signs of gipo no and hyper. CCLI days measure 9 times a day. All fingers hurt already. Places are not 4,000 times a year! I work for some stripes.! Please advise. thank you very much in advance

Ask a Question

Why does hypoglycemia arise?

As a rule, the state of hypoglycemia occurs in people with, which use insulin or sugar-based drugs. Sick diabetes patients should carefully monitor how much insulin they are inserted into the body. It must strictly correspond to the number of bread units eaten. All these rules of diabetics teaches the doctor. Also, the patient needs to strictly follow all the recommendations regarding nutrition.

If the patient with diabetes mellitus will introduce an excessive dose of insulin, this will lead to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. With a significant overdose of insulin, the development of foci neurological disorders, seizures, loss of consciousness and the offensive of the hypoglycemic coma. Very high insulin doses may cause the death of the patient.

How to prevent hypoglycemia

People suffering from diabetes and taking insulin know that they should always have something sweet with them. The level of sugar can fall sharply at any time, and it needs to be normalized, revealing some sweetness.

It is important to recognize the first symptoms of sugar drops. As a rule, it is total weakness, dizziness. Diabetes know about these symptoms, so immediately resort to action, using candy, juice or glucose solution.

People with diabetes must closely monitor, as well as regularly check blood sugar levels. Be sure to conduct self-control before bedtime: blood sugar level should not be below 5.5-5.7 mmol / liter.

Innovative Insulin Project

Scientists and doctors learned to produce insulin almost a century ago, but prices are still quite high - in the United States, for example, the cost of the drug per month can reach $ 400 and more. According to the NPR statement in 2015, only in the United States, more than 29 million people with diabetes can afford this medicine, which threatens them with serious complications and even death.

A group of biohackers from San Francisco created a project called Open Insulin ProjectWith which it is trying to reduce the cost of insulin by developing a protocol for its production in microscale. As it follows from the name, the platform will be an open resource with processes and a template available to everyone who has a desire and finance to try to make this drug on their own. Thus, the developers hope to change the method of selling and using insulin. But is it possible? And how legally it is legal and safe?


To understand how the developers came to this decision, it is important to understand what insulin is, as it is produced and regulated.

This is a hormone, which in healthy people is produced naturally, adjusting blood sugar levels. The organism of people with diabetes produces either an insufficient amount of insulin, or incorrectly reacts to the level of insulin in the blood. Therefore, they need regular injections of the drug to remain healthy.

The first insulin wave for production was taken from pigs and cattle, and then cleaned. Modern insulin, starting in the 1970s, grip bacteria injected by human insulin genes.

Preparations obtained by living organisms are called "Biological drugs» , produce which is historically more difficult and more expensive than drugs obtained by chemical synthesis. Biological preparations are governed by the Control Office and Drug Administration (FDA), as any other drug, but only three manufacturers of insulin are represented in the US market: ELI LILLY AND COMPANY, SANOFI and NOVO NORDISK.

In contrast to many other drugs, the "non-specific" insulin version is only 15 percent cheaper than its competitors (in other cases, this figure reaches 80 percent). This version also belongs to ELI LILLY AND COMPANY. This is partly due to the fact that the introduction of a new medicinal preparation The market in accordance with the FDA rules is expensive, and few companies are ready to do this for such an old drug as insulin. But what happened to the original insulin?

As the new forms of insulin overlook the market, more old insulin based on animal components simply disappeared, instead of becoming an inexpensive alternative. The reason, according to experts, is that companies that control this product are no longer considering its profitable. From the point of view of net profit, it probably makes sense. The cost of an insulin unit in the United States has increased more than four times since the beginning of the century.

Create a drug yourself

Since large companies are not going to produce affordable insulin, people decided to take everything into their own hands. According to Principles software Open source, Open Insulin Project wants to become the "first open protocol for insulin production." That's what is said on the company's website:

We hope that our studies will be the basis for the generic production of this vital drug.

Anthony di Franco, co-founder Open Insulin Project, He said that the technology of manufacturing biological preparations is not so complicated as it seems. Di Franco diagnosed type 1 diabetes when he was 20 years old. Own experience prompted him to start a project to always be able to receive insulin and proper assistance in combating this disease.

Insulin, created by the project, is an insulin Glargin, similar to that which is produced by the Sanofi brand, as well as a slightly cheaper "generic" from ELI Lilly. But for the manufacture of insulin, with the help of the project, a much smaller amount will be required.

It's safe?

The goal of the project, according to Di Franco, is not to produce insulin for themselves, but rather in creating a platform for the production of insulin and other biological preparations at more affordable prices. The result will be the platform for the production of insulin, according to the cost not exceeding the price of a small car. The author believes that the time has come to pick up the brazides of the board from "major players" and transfer them to small groups, pharmacies, clinics and hospitals.

As for security, Di Franco argues that the available insulin can be safer due to the small-scale production nature. If insulin is produced in smaller parties, it will be easier to track its quality.

However, the recent report on "Open Insulin Project" in the magazine "TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY" Demonstrated a more skeptical view of the platform. Their review showed that the quality of the drug is more associated with its transportation and storage than with the manufacturer itself.

Cold chain management (including transport and storage) and sampling of biological preparations can be stronger quality determinants than initial production.

But the main obstacle, according to researchers, will be regulativity.

The only innovative insulin model, which is not subject to regulation, is insulin production for personal use. Currently, there is no structure for regulatory oversight of non-profit products.

Nevertheless, Open Insulin is not alone in his desire to change the situation. At least two other organizations also make efforts to create small-scale biological preparations. Mit's Amino Labs Sells various learning kits, including the "set for beginner manufacturers" worth about $ 2,000, which can be used to "develop bacteria and organisms with a new DNA program." And students from the University of Colorado recently conducted campaign to finance crowdfunding to support students trying to develop small-scale insulin production.

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How to monitor blood sugar levels?

Control of blood sugar levels during the day helps to trace a positive trend towards recovery: whether the exercises are effective and the power is right to keep blood sugar under constant control or need to increase the dose of insulin, which contributes to the protection of the child's development. The doctor will advise to record the fact that a woman is eating in the day in a special diary, as well as record indicators of blood sugar levels performed.
To make blood test at home, it is necessary to pierce the pallet lancet (small, sharp needle), then a drop of blood to put on the test strip, and determine the result. Next, you need to record the result of the test, and then carefully put the lancet and test strips (in the container for storing acute items or into a solid plastic container). At the reception to the doctor should bring all the entries with you, because The doctor will look and appreciate how much the patient monitors blood sugar levels, and can also make any adjustments to the treatment plan.
The doctor will show how to properly use the blood sugar instrument, and also tell me where you can purchase such a device. Sometimes you can lend this device in the hospital, because In many hospitals, such devices are provided to women with gestational diabetes.
The goal of controlling the level of glucose in the blood is to keep the level of sugar at the proper level, approaching the ideal. Ranges include:

If the blood sugar level goes beyond the limits of the norm, then insulin is prescribed.

Do I need to take insulin?

Based on the results of the studies carried out, the attending physician will determine whether to take insulin in the form of injections during pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar levels. If the patient was prescribed insulin, then it will definitely teach how to make insulin injections.
Because Pregnancy develops, the mother's placenta will produce more hormones and large insulin doses will be needed to control blood sugar levels. The attending physician will appoint a dose of insulin, given the individual indicators.
When receiving insulin, a reaction may occur associated with a reduced level of blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, if not consuming in sufficient food, skip meals, do not follow the power mode or engage exercise More than usual.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia are:

  • Concision confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of declaring
  • Headaches
  • Sudden feeling of hunger
  • Potting
  • Weakness

    Hypoglycemia is a serious problem that requires immediate treatment. If the patient suspects that it develops a "reduced blood glucose reaction", then it is necessary to measure the blood sugar level. If the sugar level is less than 60 mg / dc (milligrams per decylitr), then products containing sugar, such as orange or apple juice (1 cup), should be used; 1 cup of low fat milk; 4-6 candies (saccharium-containing); 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey, brown sugar or other. 15 minutes after the adoption of one of the above products, measure the sugar level. If it is still less than 60mg / dts, eat one more of the above products. If more than 45 minutes before next reception Food, eat a piece of bread and any of the products containing protein to prevent the development of another reaction.
    Record all reactions associated with a reduced blood glucose level in a diary, including a date, time and description of the reactions that occurred in the treatment.

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