Apple vinegar from cramps in the legs. Apple vinegar and its use

Lemon juice.Lemon juice - the most famous remedy for cramps in the legs. It is mentioned by S. positive In each half of the year, the newspaper "Herald Zozh" is 1-2 times.

To get rid of convulsion, the woman did such procedures: the legs of the soap legs with warm water and rubbed the sole of the lemon juice, wipe the feet after that the feet. After two weeks of everyday proceedings, convulsions were held forever. (Newspaper "Vestnik Zhoz" 2011 №3, p. 30-31).

In a 90-year-old grandmother after 7-10 such procedures, convulsions were held forever (2003 No. 2, p. 18).

Another example of treatment with this method: a woman rubbed the feet of Lemon juice, waited when he dried, put on socks. The icy muscles triturated with mustard oil. It was treated for 1 week, and convulsions were not repeated for six months. (2009 №10, p. 31).

You can just get the feet of the sliced \u200b\u200blemon. (Zozzh 2013 No. 6, p. 40, 2005, №1, p. 32, 2004, №21, p. 36).

If you drive a seasulus leg, the woman rubs the calf muscle with a piece of lemon. If there is no lemon in the house, then it takes in both hands on the guests of salt and squeezing the fists - the cramp immediately comes. Checked multiple times. (Zozhe 2010 №22, p. 38).

The elderly husband and wife were tormented by convulsions in their feet at night. As the husband read a note in the newspaper, where one friend complained to another thing that his leg muscles were driving at night. Then the buddy suggested putting something metal for the night, the keys, for example. The patient decided that laying the keys to bed is not convenient, saws the ring from the metal pipe, processed and began to wear it in the evening on the finger of his legs, the convulsions passed.

Then the man also saw such rings for himself and his wife, began to wear them overnight, forgotten about convulsions. Then he read that he was treated with iron convulsions, was taken back in ancient times. (2011 №5, p. 33).

A man has been sleeping with wrench under the pillow for 2 years. If the right leg drives at night, he takes the key to the right hand, if the left foot is in his left hand, and if both legs are drunk, takes wrench in both hands. Muscles are quickly relaxed, and pain caused by convulsions is passed. (Zozzh 2012 No. 24, p. 31; 2010 No. 6, p. 32).

This article read a woman, first laughed, and then decided to try. She had no wrench keys, she began to take a metal hammer for chopping meat. As soon as the night of the cramp drives his leg, takes a hammer in the hand, the pain immediately stops. (Zozzh 2010 No. 20, p. 22-23).

A woman who often happened seizures of calf muscles, a neighbor advised to wear a hub from a copper wire under the knee. The ends of the wire are combined and wrapped with a leukoplasty, so as not to scratch the skin, the hoop must be kept comfortable - not to squeeze the leg and not move. The neighbor itself has long wears such a hoop under the knee. After the copper hoop was put, there was no cramp for 2 years. (Zozzh 2007 №13, p. 37).

For cramps in hands and legs, the tincture of wormwood helps. To cook it, you need to fill in the jar with crushed flowers and leaves of wormwood, pour toast vodka, insist on 21 days. Most often, convulsions appear in their hands and legs at night, so before bedtime, the muscles that reduce the convulsion, this tincture. So that the treatment was effective, do not be lazy and rub the muscles every night before bed (2011 No. 9, p. 32)

Honey and kefir treatment

Woman for a long time tormented very strong cramps In both legs. Helped to cure their folk remedy that a relative suggested. It is necessary 5 days in a row in the morning on an empty stomach of 1 tbsp. l. Honey and drink a glass of kefir.

After such a course of treatment, convulsions passed and did not appear 2 weeks. After the following courses, they disappeared by 1.5-2 months. Now the groom, without waiting for new attacks, conducts a course of treatment with honey 3-4 times a year. (2006 №4, p. 31)

Muscle cramps - palphell treatment

Recipe number 1. 3-5 tbsp. l. Herbs of a lappache goose to boil the boiling water, wrap in gauze and apply as a fit when convulsion in the muscles.
Recipe number 2.. 4 tbsp. l. Papers boil in 3 glasses of water 20 minutes, insist 5 minutes. Strain. Warm decoction to apply in the form of compresses during muscle cramps. (2011 №19, p. 26)

Salty water

The man at night was tormented by the strongest cramps of the icy muscles. Salted salt water helped. 1 tbsp. l. Salt he dissolved in 1 cup of warm water and rubbed his legs from the feet to the groin, did not wisten - salty water should absorb into the skin. He does this procedure 2 times a week, for two years, sleeps now calmly (2011 No. 20, p. 41)

Helps cure muscle cramps and the reception of salted water inside. For this it is necessary to 1/2 h. L. Dissolve in 100 ml of warm water and drink 1 time. One time will be enough. The woman took advantage of this advice, but rare weak convulsions remained anyway. Then she drank a half-table with salt in a week. For three years now lives without pain. (2005 №7, p. 29, 2002, №23, p. 9).

Woman decided to treat an interdigent mushroom with salt water. He poured 2 liters of warm water in the pelvis, added 4 chants of salt, held her legs in salt water for a few minutes, after which it was not wiping, gave the legs to dry. In the morning, with surprise, I realized that the cramps of the feet, which was not tormented by her every night. In the evening, he spent the same procedure with her husband, who also reduced his feet. At night both slept calmly. Made salty baths for another 3 pm in a row, then began to do this attempt: 1 time per week, 2 times a month. Now they do 4 times a year, the fire cramps never appeared anymore. (Zozhe 2005, №18, p. 24)

Cure seizures in the legs will help Pijma Baths

5 tbsp. l. Pijmas inflorescences Pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos 3 hours. Strain and add to warm foot baths. Taking baths - 20 minutes before bedtime. (2013 №15, p. 29)

A woman's course of these baths from the Pijm helps for many months to cure cramps ICRs. (2013 №13, p. 29)

Night cramp - treatment with menovazin

For several years now, a woman at night cramps uses Menovazin. As soon as the legs begins to cut, rubs the muscles with a solution of menovazin. After a couple of minutes everything passes. (2013 №21, p. 32)

Acelled wraps

If you drive a seasulus leg, you need to moisten a piece of fabric in 6% apple vinegar, squeeze and wrap the leg where spasm usually occurs. Top of a dry tissue bandage. Do such wraps while cramps in the legs will stop. Apple vinegar can be replaced with a conventional table 3%, but apple vinegar is more useful, it contains trace elements, the lack of which and leads to convulsions in the ionic muscles. (2013 №3, p. 33)

If the leg has a convulsion, lose the muscle apple vinegar - Quickly let go. Hold the vinegar next to the bed, so that you can quickly use the night. (2005 №24, p. 24)

Treatment of cottage cheese

Woman every morning has become cottage cheese for the prevention of osteoporosis. After some time, I was surprised to find that the cramps of the legs that were disturbed by her every night were completely passed. Cottage cheese she elaved 100 g per morning. (2013 №10, p. 32).

According to his granddaughter's hint, a woman suffering from cramps has become more cottage cheese: stuffed up pancakes, baked casserole, cottage cheese cookies, ate just with sour cream. From the disease got rid of, the third year lives calmly. (2005 №6, p. 31).

Tincture of garlic

The elderly spouses, both, were cramps in their feet at night. 5 years ago, they decided to treat their tincture of garlic. 25 cloves were fined on the grater, poured 500 ml of vodka, withstood 12 days and strain. Every evening in front of bedtime smeared the legs with this tincture, they made a light massage. The procedure was carried out 30 evenings in a row. During this treatment, the leg sometimes reduced the cramp, but after 7-10 days after the end of the course, the convulsions stopped. Since then, 5 years have passed, and they never returned. (2012 №18, p. 40)

Cold floor and aspen wood

If the leg drives a cramor, then you need to stand with bare feet on a hard cold floor - after a few seconds everything passes. The colder the floor, the faster the muscle relaxes (2010 No. 24, p. 31, 2002, №18, p. 9).

Woman heard a recipe in the transmission. She just strongly reduced his feet, especially at night. She began to stand on the floor as soon as they felt their approach. After that, noticed that the convulsions were much less and weaker. Then she brought a birch chock to the apartment (Osinovaya helps faster) and put her legs on her when sat on the sofa. So she was able to cure cramps completely. (2009 №10, p. 32).

Woman puts in legs aspen lamps and sleeps calmly (2006, No. 4 p. 29, No. 5, p. 6)

The woman just puts the aspen fields under the bed, from time to time they change them on fresh, and convulsions do not reduce the legs for 7 years, and before that she woke up from pain every night (2000 g, №1 p. 13)

Soothing herbs from cramp

If the reasons for the cramps are nervous overvoltage, stress, sedative herbs will help cure them. (2010 №10, p. 30)

Mint.3 tbsp. l. Mint pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Take this infusion inside and make compresses on the calf muscle.

Tincture of grass + carnation.Buy at the pharmacy, the finished tinctures of the hawthorn, the deserter, Valeryans, Peony - 100 g, the tincture of the eucalyptus - 50 g, the tincture of mint - 25 g. All this is to merge into one bank and add a pack (10 g) cloves. Insist 14 days, shaking daily. Take 25 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This folk remedy will not only help cure cramps, but also improves brain circulation, relieve the ears from noise. (2010 №2, p. 25)

Horse chestnut

Tincture horse chestnut - The most famous folk agent for the treatment of convulsion. For her preparation, ripe chestnuts need to be broken with a hammer, pour into a three-liter bank to half and pour apple vinegar to the top with apple vinegar or vodka. Insist for 2 weeks. Before bedtime, soda in this tincture of the foot from the fingers to the groin, eat a piece of sheet and sleep quietly - the muscles cramps will not. It will smell with vinegar, but this smell will eat quickly. (2010 №12, p. 31)

Construction chestnut tincture on ammonia alcohol

Chestnut Clear from the barns, and the brown fruit is finely cut, so that the bottle is in the neck. Fill the dark glass bottle completely and pour the ammonia alcohol. Insist 1 month in a dark place, periodically shaking. Seizures from this fund pass in 2-3 days. Just do not make compress on the muscle. It is necessary to simply lubricate the skin with this tincture and warmly wrapped. Do 1-2 times a day, this folk remedy also helps to treat bronchitis: lubricate chest overnight and wrapped in. For 7 days, even solar bronchitis will be held. (2002 №8, p. 18)

Egg balsam from convulsion

This balsam contains a lot of calcium, this folk remedy will help with many diseases, including during convulsions, will strengthen the nails, the hair will serve as excellent prevention of osteoporosis. Fill the Lithuanian Bank to the top clean quail or homemade chicken eggs. Pour lemon juice. Put in a cool place for 2 weeks. Shell dissolve, eggs will remain like in the film bags. Mix everything, strain, moving the remnants of the shell and film. Add 100 g cognac and 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (2009 №14, p. 17)

Vitamins from convulsion

Cured cramps will help the course of reception of vitamin B9 - folic acid. The first week must be taken 2 tablets per day, and then, when the muscles will reduce. The woman suffered a lot from cramps, but after the course Vitamin almost forgot about them. And if the legs cut, it chews 2 pills of folic acid and after 1-2 minutes everything passes. (2008 №8, p. 33)

People's treatment seizure of Chernelin.

50 g of Chernokorna insist in 500 ml of vodka 12 days. When it starts with a savorogo leg, rub this tincture of the muscle - immediately releases. Therefore, this tincture is better to hold near the bed. (2007 №9, p. 31)

Night cramps - Wormage treatment

For cramps in hands and legs, the tincture of wormwood helps. To cook it, you need to fill in the jar with crushed flowers and leaves of wormwood, pour toast vodka, insist on 21 days. Most often, cramps appear at night, so before bedtime, the muscles that reduce the convulsion, this tincture. So that the treatment was effective, do not be lazy and rub the muscles every night before bed (2011 No. 9, p. 32)

Tincture of Durana

This folk remedy will make it possible to remove cramps quickly, literally in 5 seconds.
3/4 cup of dope seeds pour 500 ml of vodka, insist 30-40 days. In the event of a spasm, simply wipe the rut dipped in this tincture, the sore place. (2006 №5, p. 30-31)

Heparinovaya ointment

With frequent cramps, a woman spreads her legs with pharmaceutical heparin ointment, from the fingers to the knees 2 times a day. Already on the second day, pain decreases. When the tube is over, the course of treatment will end. After this treatment, attacks are no more than a year. (2006 №9, p. 11)

Ointment of convulsion

Prepare ointment: 1 yolk, 1 tsp. Skipidar, 1 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar. Shake everything. Ritch from the ointment of the feet of dryness in the morning and in the evening. (2005 №1, p. 33)

Onion tea from cramps in the leg

A woman has strong cramps at night, every night. Saved her leek husks. In a glass of boiling water put a pinch low husk, gave broken 10 minutes, led. This infusion drank overnight. When I woke up in the morning, I could not believe that I slept calmly, my legs were not disturbed.
Since then, every evening drinks onion tea. It was possible to cure not only convulsions, but also strong headaches passed. (2005 №5, p. 32)

Treatment of convulsion by folk remedies

There are several ways to help get rid of cramps:
1. rub in the muscles of mustard oil
2. Attached to the muscles reduced muscles - a spoon, a knife, scissors - spasm will immediately release.
3. For cramps not repeated 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening, lymon juice in the sole. Course 2 weeks. For a more reliable and long result, the course is repeated in a month.
4. From the wood plugs from bottles to make a necklace, wearing it on the calf muscle or on the wrist. (2005 №8, p. 26)

Cork can simply rub the muscle if the leg is reduced to the cramp. (2005 №18, p. 24, 2007, №2, p. 16)

Treatment raisins

2 tbsp. l. Pure raisins pour 1 cup boiling water in the evening. In the morning, the infusion of drink, raisins eat. Do so every evening - about convulsions forget (2005 №10, p. 28,)

Cramps in hand - water treatment

If the hands drives the cramping, then contrasting baths will help - alternately lower your palms in a saucepan with cold and in a saucepan with hot water. Make it 3-5 times. Course treatment - 2 weeks. (2004 №16, p. 22)

Epileptic convulsions

Young hats of amansarov Nuth dot in 1-2-3 liters of the bank to the top. Close the bank, wrap in the package and bury into the ground for a month or remove into the cellar. Then to strain the mass produced in the bank, it turns out a reddish liquid. Of the three liters of the mumor, 700 g of juice is obtained. At 250 g of this fluid add 750 g of vodka. Drink 1 time per day at 21 o'clock. Start with 1 drops per 1/2 cup of milk. Each day to add 1 drop 1 drop and bring up to 5 drops, and then in reverse order to reach 1 drops. Break 5 days, then a new course, but it's up to 10 drops and return to one.

This tincture treats muscle and vessels, epileptic cramps, bladder spasms and rectum, multiple sclerosis. Based on the agricultural pulp, Agaricus 12 is made by the homeopathic drug, which also treats all these diseases. (2003 №16, p. 16-17)

Treatment of cramps magnets

The woman had many diseases: rheumatism, polyarthritis, arthrosis knee joints. She almost could not walk, the pains were terrible, the veins swelled, the legs were covered with huge cones, the convulsions constantly beat. Doctors could not help her. The woman had already dreamed of death, as about deliverance, could not sleep for almost a month from pain. All these diseases helped her to cure hydrogen peroxide, she took her over 9 months, the condition improved slowly, but steadily. But cramps in the legs remained. She decided to attach a magnet from the furniture lock to the calf muscle, attached it with scotch. Soon, severe pain began and lasted ten minutes. Then she attached a magnet to the other leg, and fell asleep. The night slept calmly, and in the morning I discovered that the edema was sleeping, huge rheumatoid cones almost disappeared. For 2 weeks for 2 weeks, she attaches the magnets on the night to the calf muscles. The results are amazing: no cramps, pains, edema, veins have become much better. (2003 №4, p. 20)

Treatment of convulsion roots of fern.

100 g of fresh fern roots or 50 g dry throw in 5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes and pour off the broth in the bath. Bath with infusion of fern take 10-15 minutes. After 2-3 baths, the condition improves. It is only necessary to remember that the PAORNER is poisonous, and the water from the bath should not get into her mouth and eyes. (2000 №17, p. 17)

Application of apple vinegar.

1. Apple vinegar for hair care.

Apple vinegar can be used as a rinser for your hair after washing with shampoo, it will help strengthen, improve hair growth and giving them gloss. Fill into the used bottle from under the shampoo 0.5 tablespoon of apple vinegar, then add a glass cold water. This solution needs to wash the hair after washing by the usual shampoo. You can use rinse with apple vinegar several times a week.

2. The natural properties of the apple vinegar regulate the pH (acid-alkaline skin balance of the skin) and are able to improve its condition, as well as lighten.

Divide the apple vinegar with water - on the floor of a glass of cold water, 1 one tablespoon of apple vinegar, then with a cotton tampon, lubricate the face with this solution. This tool can be lit face, without the use of branded toner. You can do it at night after washing, and in the morning before applying moisturizing cream.

A drop of apple vinegar can also be left on the skin overnight, in order to get rid of pigment stains or acne scars.

Apple vinegar is also recommended for warts. Moisten a cotton swab in the apple vinegar, then fasten it with a cotton swab on the wart of the plaster overnight. Some swelling may appear on the skin, as it reacts with the solution. Nevertheless, the wart comes. But the treatment must be continued within a few days to make sure that the warts no longer appear again.

3. Apple vinegar for teeth whitening
Apple vinegar is an excellent tooth whitening means. It is a secret consists in high acidity, which allows to get rid of various kinds of spots and dimming caused by use for example products containing various dyes, or as a result of long smoking. Rinse with apple vinegar helps remove stains, whitens teeth, and kills bacteria in the oral cavity and gums. Cleaning the teeth with a rinse with apple vinegar is recommended no more than once a week. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with warm water T. K. The long-term impact of vinegar may be adversely affected by the state of the teeth.

4. Apple vinegar will come forces and improves skin condition.

Add a few apple vinegar to the bath then plunge into it about 10 minutes to eliminate discomfort from the tan and improve general state Skin. The vinegar dries the skin, which contributes to better exfoliation and removal of damage skin cells. It is not possible to use van with apple vinegar to give an invigorating tonic effect and get rid of headaches.

5. Apple vinegar can be used as a natural after shaving lotion.

Fill the bottle with equal parts of apple vinegar and water and shake well before applying to the face.

6. Trituration Apple vinegar on hands and legs gives a relaxing massage effect, is used as a means for tired hands and legs.

7. Exhaustion and fatigue after long and exhausting physical exertion.
Heavy and long-term exercise is a strong stress. They are the causes of the extraction of lactic acid, which accumulates in the body, causing fatigue. Interestingly, the amino acids contained in the apple vinegar act as an antidote. Moreover, apple vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that can alleviate, feeling fatigue. Next time you feel more cheerful if you add to a glass of water and consult 1-2 tablespoons of apple vinegar.

8. Apple vinegar with intestinal disorders.
Drink some vinegar divorced in water. If you are tormented by diarrhea caused by bacterial infection, Apple vinegar will help smooth the symptoms of the disease, due to their properties of antibiotics. Moreover, some experts practitioners folk recipes Approve that apple vinegar contains pectin, which can also help soothe intestinal spasms.

9. Apple vinegar with Ikota.
When Iikote, try diluting a teaspoon of apple vinegar to a glass of cold water.
It is necessary to take a deep breath, delay the breath and make 3-4 throat. Its sour taste will help to eliminate the beginning Icot.

Another way to pour 5-6 drops of droplets of apple vinegar to a piece of refined sugar and then dissolve it. After that, the ICTO usually passes.

10. Prevention of stomach disorder.

If you have to use products in the near future, you may have a stomach disorder, then you will use this folk remedy in advance: dilute 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink 30 minutes before meals.

11. Apple vinegar with nightly cramps.

Apple vinegar during cramps

Drink some vinegar diluted in water. This old folk agent cannot but rejoice fans with apple vinegar treatment. Add 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar and a little honey on a glass of water and drink, this recipe will help relieve the feet cramps at night.

12. Apple vinegar with an allergic cold.

Believe it or not, but studies show that apple vinegar is able to help with an allergic runny, as it has the ability to reduce the edema of the mucous membranes and the sinuses. Apple vinegar can also help prevent the spread of infections through the nasal sinuses and associated symptoms (sore throat and headaches).

13. Apple vinegar in the fight against candidiasis.

This vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that can help save the body from such a common fungal infection, as Candida - yeast-like mushrooms that cause people's thrush. The use of apple vinegar will help normalize the acidity and microflora of the affected medium.

14. Apple vinegar is able to get rid of heartburn.

There are studies that indicate that apple vinegar is capable of reduced the level of acidity in the stomach, thereby saving for example from heartburn. Experts folk Medicine It is said that soon after using a teaspoon of apple vinegar diluted in a glass of water heartburn passes. Please note that apple vinegar will not give relief if you have a stomach ulcer.

15. Apple vinegar with throat pain.
As soon as you felt the first pain in the throat immediately mix ¼ cup of apple vinegar with a glass of warm water and rinse the throat every hour or so. It turns out that most microbes cannot survive in an acidic environment that vinegar creates.

As you can see apple vinegar is very useful productIt is used to treat and prevent multiple ailments!

Apple vinegar has many useful properties, according to the number of which and the scale of use, it is comparable to tea tree oil and other well-known human natural lackers. With it, people are treated with a lot of unreasoning ─ from Ikota to combating cold symptoms, and also facilitate the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart problems, and obesity.

In this article-slideshow (translation from English) are presented little-known but effective beneficial features Apple vinegardeserve to always keep it at hand.

1. Apple vinegar helps from pain in the abdomen

If you have diarrhea and stomach hurts, drink a sip of apple vinegar mixed with water, since with a diarrhea associated with bacterial infection, apple vinegar can help solve the problem due to its antibiotic properties. Moreover, experts on folk treatments argue that Pectin present in the apple vinegar can help reassure intestinal spasms. You will need in a mixture with water to take one or two tablespoons of natural apple vinegar or a glass of pure (without pulp and sugar) apple juice.

2. Apple vinegar treats Icot

Take a teaspoon of apple vinegar and the idol will stop.

3. Apple vinegar prevents stomach disorder

Means from stomach disorder - Apple vinegar

Take an apple vinegar before meal, especially if you know that you are going to pamper yourself with food, which will later make you regret this of your weakness. Try the next folk remedy: in a glass of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar. Drink 30 minutes before lunch.

4. Apple vinegar cleans the nasal congestion

Add one teaspoon of apple vinegar into a glass of water, stir and drink. This tool helps drain the nasal sinus.

5. Apple vinegar soothes the pain in the throat

As soon as you feel the tingling pain in the throat, take advantage of the ability of apple vinegar to destroy pathogenic microorganisms for suppressing and preventing the spread of infection in the throat. It was found that most microbes cannot survive in an acidic environment that apple vinegar creates. Mix ¼ cup of apple vinegar with a glass of warm water and this mixture is made of the throat every hour.

6. Apple vinegar against heavy fatigue

Physical exercises, and sometimes powerful stress, the cause of accumulation in the organism of lactic acid, causing a sense of heavy fatigue. It happens as if poisoning with lactic acid, and the antidote are the amino acids contained in the apple vinegar. Moreover, apple vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that can facilitate this feeling of fatigue. The next time you feel the breakdown, add a tablespoon or two apple vinegar to a glass of cooled water and drink it.

7. Apple vinegar vs night cramp

This old folk remedy is worth trying: add 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar and a little honey on a glass of water and drink to facilitate night cramps. From the moment you come to the kitchen and cook this drink, you will only remember about convulsions. How to whiten your teeth with home?

Weching your mouth with apple vinegar in the morning. Vinegar helps remove stains, whitens teeth, kills bacteria in the mouth and in the gums. Then, after rinse, clean your teeth as usual toothpaste. In addition, once a week you can also brush my teeth with soda using it as toothpasteTo better remove stains and whiten your teeth. As an alternative to toothpaste, you can use a table salt, but if you have too sensitive guys, go to the cleaning salt every other day.

Speaking about the use of apple vinegar in medicinal purposes, the author emphasizes that serious illness is definitely necessary effective methods Medicine. In this case, apple vinegar can only increase the effectiveness of these methods. This article we are talking about human ailments that can be eliminated without resorting to a special potent medical means and drugs. The recommendations of traditional medicine on the prevention and treatment of diseases that can be prevented and overcome by such ancient folk remedylike apple vinegar.

Sustav pain

Especially consistently feel sick in the morning or, say, in the afternoon after a long seating. Each movement for them is painful. However, pain should be forced and try to move.

Treatment. Course is long. Drink 3 times a day on a glass of a conventional apple vinegar solution. With the onset of improvement, you can restrict ourselves to daily receptions of only one glass of this solution plus 1 teaspoon of honey.

In arthritis as a home agent, a positive result gives the daily use of a glass of tomato juice with the addition of 1-2 teaspoons of apple vinegar.

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Pain in the throat

It is about treating the throat with vinegar with weak pains. If pain is strong and heat (Streptococcal Angry, Scarlatina, Diphteria), must treat physician effective means.

Treatment. Take 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar on 1/2 cup of warm water. We must become effective (full of rotation mouth) every hour. After rinsing, type twice the full mouth of the solution, thoroughly rinse and then swallow this solution. This achieves contact with the solution of those places in the throat, which cannot be processed when ringed. The procedure can be repeated at night if you feel pain. The next day, if the pain subsided, you should rinse only after eating.

Hoarse (Qatar throat)

The mucous throat is inflamed, which is expressed in a sip of voice, cough and car throat. The reasons for this - cold, inhalation of smoky, cold, dusty air; Creek, loud conversation or singing, excessive smoking.

Treatment. Recommended in 1/2 cup of water Add 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar and 1-2 teaspoons of honey and drink this composition up to 7 times a day. As a result, the edema of the throat is removed, expectoration and the disease is soothered. During the period of treatment, you must try less and more often to air the apartment. In case of temperature, it is better to comply with bed mode 2-3 days.

Allergic runny nose

It is also called hay fever. The disease is associated with the super sensitivity of the person to the pollen of flowers of various plants. It appears most often in the spring, and sometimes also in the fall. Allergic runny nose proceeds with all signs of conventional runny nose: continuous water discharge from the nose, hoarse, irritated teak eyes, headache and in the worst cases - temperature and night attacks of suffocation.

Treatment. 2 weeks before the onset of the allergic period and before its end, it follows in the morning and in the evening to drink on the glass of the usual solution of apple vinegar plus 1-2 teaspoons of honey. It has an anti-ethnic, anti-allergic effect on the nasopharynx, reduces its irritation.

In the allergic period, allergies should be less located in places of flowering plants.

This is in most cases an attempt to remove the body from the lungs or respiratory tract mucus, dust, nicotine and causative agents of the disease. Therefore, the cough should not be suppressed by medicines, and it is better to apply the means that promote sputum.

Treatment. Effectively against cough powder consumption of licorice powder, mixed with apple vinegar and honey: 2 tablespoons of licorice + 2 tablespoons of vinegar + 2 tablespoons of honey. These components mix thoroughly and in case of cough take 1 teaspoon for a day 6 times.

The effect of this syrup is antispasmodic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory. Inhalation is also effective. Apple vinegar is mixed with water (1: 1). This mixture is heated, bending your head, covered with a towel and breathe in vapors about 5 minutes. After the procedure a little rest. In a number of clinics, natural treatment is treated with apple vinegar couples, even diseases such as smokers cough and chronic bronchitis.


The causes of headaches a lot: overwork, violation of the cervical vertebrae, excitement. Empty stomach can also cause headache Due to the drop in blood sugar levels. In the worst cases, headaches may arise due to kidney disease, bladder, liver; When meningitis and brain tumors. In these cases, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical help.

Menstruation ailment

Meaning strong bleeding, antispasmodic pain.

Treatment. It is necessary to consume more potassium, calcium, magnesium that soothe pain. There are many of these substances in the apple vinegar. Therefore, menstrual bleeding is normalized with regular reception of a glass of a conventional apple vinegar solution 1 time per day. True, it can hold the emergence of menstruation for 2-3 days. For acute pain It is recommended for 5 hours it is hourly drinking 1 cup of a conventional apple vinegar solution.

This is most often women's disease. The cause of its occurrence is to penetrate the Escherichia coli bacteria in the bladder and sedimentia them on the mucous membrane. In an acidic medium, the reproduction of bacteria is suppressed.

Treatment. Drink 3-5 times a day daily on the glass of the usual solution of apple vinegar. The bactericidal action of vinegar stimulates the selection of urine and, thus, washing the bladder. Who often suffers from cystitis, should be prophylactically for a long time Daily drink a glass of a conventional solution of apple vinegar with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Nervous Tick, Spasms

Uncontrollable cramps eye eyelids, the angles of the mouth, the calf muscles and the feet are explained by the disadvantage in the body of magnesium and calcium, as well as a violation of general blood circulation.

Treatment. Drinking 1 cup of an ordinary apple vinegar solution with 1-2 teaspoons of honey 1-3 times a day long period. It has an antispasmodic effect, compensates for the lack of the above substances and activates the blood flow.

Kidney stones and bladder bubble

In about 90% of cases in kidneys or bladder, the type of calcium oxalate type is formed. The reason for this is a violation of metabolism in the body and reduced urine release. As long as the formation of stones has not gone so far away, due to strong pain Only a doctor, therapy with apple vinegar can still be achieved with apple vinegar.

Treatment. Drinking on a glass of an ordinary solution of apple vinegar in front of breakfast and 1-2 times a day Daily until the stones dissolve. Acetic acid dissolves calcium and compensates for a lack of magnesium and vitamin B6, which prevent calcium oxalate formation.

Rheumatic ailments

A number of reasons cause rheumatic ailments: impairment of metabolism, supercooling, infection, circulatory disruption, etc.

Treatment. To drink daily at one glass of the usual solution of apple vinegar with 1 teaspoon of honey in the morning and one more or twice the food time. It must be done at least 3 months. With sharp pains, you can try the treatment with shock doses - drink every hour to a glass of a conventional solution of apple vinegar with 1 teaspoon of honey 7 times a day.

Sleep disturbance

A person aged 7 to 14 years old, it is necessary to sleep 10 hours a day, from 15 to 50 years old - 7-8, from 50 to 70 years old - 5-8 hours a day. The reasons for sleeping a lot: these are mental problems, lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of "enjoyment poisons" - alcohol, coffee, nicotine.

Treatment. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 3 teaspoons of apple vinegar. To facilitate sleeping, take 2 teaspoons of this mixture before bedtime. If you do notice at night, take another 2 teaspoons of this mixture.

It occurs when the gastric juice falls into the esophagus. The juice contains hydrochloric acid, which, aggressively acting on the walls of the esophagus, causes a feeling of burning. Heartburn can be from very fat, cold or hot food, while eating a large number of proteins and indeed when overeating, excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, nicotine. If the heartburn is strong, repeated several times a week and lasts for a long time, - this indicates serious disease stomach. In this case, it is necessary not to turn to the doctor.

Treatment. With small heartburns before eating, it is good to drink 0.5 glasses of water plus 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar. This removes heartburn due to the splitting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by vinegar.

Due to lethargy of the peristaltics. They are accompanied by a lack of appetite, a permanent sense of intestinal overflow, strong sweating, headaches, often depressed by the obligance. With this disease, apple vinegar activates the digestion and removes the accompanying negative symptoms, which are due to the formation of toxins in the stomach and the spread of them in different parts of the human body.

Treatment. One of the oldest home recipes. Two tablespoons of flax seeds are boiled with 2 cups of water 15 minutes. Then the decoction is fixed and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar is added to it. Drove one glass of mixture at 9-10 pm slow and small sips. In the morning you need to drink a glass of a conventional solution of apple vinegar. What else helps from constipation? Consumption of wheat bran with kefir (1-2 tablespoons per cup of kefir); Adding these bran into salads, winegrats, soups; Systematic consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, plums, figs, Hercules and coarse grinding bread. But at the same time, do not forget to drink a daily 1 cup of the usual solution of apple vinegar. A reception of 1-2 teaspoons of honey after meals also applies.

Iron plays an important role in blood clotting. In the apple vinegar of this substance is enough.

Treatment. To speed up the healing of the bleeding wound, 1-3 glasses of the usual solution of apple vinegar should be drunk daily. Healing postoperative Ran. Significantly accelerates, if approximately 4 weeks before the operation begin regularly daily drinking 1 cup of conventional apple vinegar solution. But, of course, it should be discussed with your doctor.

Rash (rash)

Red bubbles in most cases result allergic reaction skin on animal wool, home dust, defined artificial fabrics, insecticides, medicines, floral pollen and individual foods.

Treatment. Daily reception 1-2 glasses of an ordinary apple vinegar solution. Washing 1 time per day of affected places with a solution of apple vinegar (2 tablespoons of apple vinegar + 1 tablespoon of water). It is good to take a shared bath, which add 0.5 liters of apple vinegar.

Hematoma, bruising

After impact or collision in connective tissue Blood accumulates and bruises formed.

Treatment. Cold compressions with apple vinegar are recommended. Linen fabric is lowered into very cold water (better with a piece of ice), into which vinegar is added (1 part of vinegar + 2 parts of water). The fabric is pressed and imposed on the affected place. Top plated dry towel and wrap with warm cloth. As soon as the towel becomes warm, the wrapping resumes. This operation is repeated several times.

If the bruise is small so that it disappears, 2 tablespoons of vinegar are mixed with 1 tablespoon of salt. Then this liquid is impregnated with a cloth, which is applied to the bruise several times a day.

Not too large burns can be treated by himself.

Treatment. A rag, moistened with undiluted apple vinegar, to be applied to burn as soon as possible. It immediately soothes pain and no scars remain in the future.

Fungal on foot

This fungus is difficult, but it is necessary to treat it, as he does not disappear. Particularly affected areas between the fingers of the legs. Therefore, it should be paid to the fact that after washing these sites were absolutely dry.

Treatment. We spend twice a day of foot baths (5-10 minutes) in a solution of apple vinegar (1 l of warm water + 1 teaspoon of vinegar) and 0.5 cups of salt. The softening action of salt on the skin facilitates the penetration of vinegar into it and enhances the damage to the fungus.

In addition, carefully, several times a day, wet the affected by the place moistened in the apple vinegar. Itching is reduced if cotton socks can be mixed with a typical solution of apple vinegar, squeeze and immediately wear. On top to wear thick socks. Socks take off when they dry.

Varicose inflammation of veins

Women most often suffer from this disease. It is usually hereditary.

Treatment. Wash the shin with an undiluted apple vinegar before bedtime and in the morning immediately after waking up, as well as after the bath and soul. Wipe vinegar does not need, he must dry himself. This procedure significantly reduces pain and protects against further development Diseases.

Pour the cold water to the knees into the knees well, pour 1/4 l of apple vinegar and hold the legs in this solution for 2-3 minutes. Then to wear cotton socks on the lavety legs, and they are thick and lie on them to position so that the legs are raised.

It is also effectively wetting the fabric in a pure apple vinegar, slightly squeeze and wrap it with shin. On top to impose a dry terry towel. The position of the legs for 30 minutes should be raised.

In addition, in all cases, drink a long period of an ordinary apple vinegar solution for a glass 1-2 times a day.

How can I easily facilitate varicose pain? To try to put the legs high, wearing special stockings, avoid long seating, the position of "foot leg", long standing. Move regularly, but avoid big physical Loads. Special gymnastics, swimming, cycling are favorable. Smoking and contraceptive pills worsen the condition and can even lead to thrombosis.

Nose bleed

Nose injury can cause bleeding. It is less known that the cause of it can be the drying of the nasal partition, in which the veins in the nose are blamed and bleeding occurs. Sometimes nasal bleeding - a consequence of some common disease. In this case, you need to contact the doctor.

Treatment. Mixed in the apple vinegar paper handkerchief gently enter into the nose until the bleeding is suspended and carefully remove it. Those who frequent nasal bleeding should regularly drink an ordinary solution of apple vinegar.

Common worldwide disease.

Treatment. Inhalation, like when coughing. If it does not help, in 30 minutes, inhalation should be repeated with an increased concentration of acetic acid (2 parts of vinegar + 1 part of the water). Some are inhaled by pairs of pure vinegar.

In addition, it is well imposed on the nose cotton swab, moistened in a solution of apple vinegar (3-4 tablespoons of vinegar + 1/4 l of water) for about 5 minutes.

When chronically scored, the nose additionally need to drink 1-2 times a day by a glass of the usual solution of apple vinegar.

Teeth and gum disease

Bacterial raids on teeth and gums are the cause of most diseases of teeth and gums, such as caries, periodontalosis, etc.

Prevention. For mouth hygiene, it is necessary in the morning and in the evening to rinse it with vinegar (1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 cup of warm water).

After rinse with a solution of apple vinegar, clean the teeth with pasta to save the tooth enamel.

In the previous issues of the magazine, it was described in detail about the original method of slimming on Michele Montignak. This and other progressive slimming methods marked in the book will become more efficient if simultaneously use them every day to use 1-2 times a day 1 cup of conventional apple vinegar solution.

Vinegar and cosmetics

Body skin care

It is known that the human skin reaction should be a weakness (pH 5.5). Otherwise, skin bacteria and other harmful microorganisms can settle on it. Therefore, we must try to wash to apply less alkaline detergents and thoroughly rinse them with warm water.

It would be perfect daily after the soul to massate the body using apple vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar + 1 cup of warm water). It restores the acidity of the skin, the remains of the soap are removed, the blood circulation is improved, the skin is stretched and refreshed.

Face care

The top layer of the skin of the face consists of small scheels, which are under the influence of the sun, wind and cleansing products dry and peel into to expose the underlying layer, which is necessary for normal metabolism.

Very good at least once a week to refresh the face with the use of apple vinegar. Initially, the face is thoroughly detergent with a lot of warm water. Then the small terry towel in warm water is wrapped, slightly water is pressed and imposed on the face about a minute by 3. This opens the pores of the face and enhances the absorption of other substances. Next, they take linen fabric, it is screwed it in a heat solution (0.5 liters of water + 1/4 cup of apple vinegar), slightly pressed and impose on the face. On top covered with a terry towel. After 5 minutes, all this from the face is removed and wash it with warm water. After that, the face wipes well with a wet terry towel, which allows you to remove all the old scales that peelled apple vinegar.

In conclusion, the skin should be refreed to refresh the solution of apple vinegar (the ratio of apple vinegar to water 1: 1) and lubricate with cream.

Fatty skin mask

1/4 Cucumber Clear, sneak into the toss and mix well with one egg yolk, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar. Apply this mass on face and neck for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water, while the skin calms down and is markedly refreshing.

Hair care

A combination of the shab, dipped into a solution of apple vinegar (1-2 teaspoons of vinegar on 1 tablespoon of water) helps against the head. Combine hair until they become wet.

Against dandruffs are heated by pure apple vinegar and applied on the scalp. The plastic package and terry towel are over faltered over. Hold 1 hour, and then the hair is washed with shampoo.

With a strong hair loss, it is necessary to massage the skin of the head every evening with a brush dipped into a solution of apple vinegar (1 part of the water + 1 part of vinegar).

Hair rinsing

When rinsing the hair with a solution of apple vinegar, the residues of the soap, the hair and skin of the head are removed, the hair becomes soft, lush and easily combed.

Instruct 1/3 cup of apple vinegar in 3 cups of warm water and after washing the hair rinse them with this solution. Clean water do not rinse.

There are various hair rinsing.

Apple vinegar with rosemary enhances the dark hair color and gives it a shine, apple vinegar with chamomile brightens the hair, with sage - strengthens the bulbs of the hair.

Hand care

The cracked hands will be again smooth and beautiful if after washing to lubricate them with the cream used by you mixed with apple vinegar 1: 1.

Foot refreshment

From unpleasant odor You can get rid of the feet if you systematically make 5-minute baths. To do this, fill the bath with warm water to the ankle and pour 1 cup of apple vinegar. Legs do not wipe, they must dry themselves.

To soften corn and burned skin on the legs, you must first make a 10-minute bath. 1 l of warm water add 1/2 cup of apple vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Then the burned skin is removed by pembia. This procedure must be carried out every week until the orified skin disappears.

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