Tendtions of the long head of the left shoulder biceps. Tendinitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment

On the pathology, the two-headed arm muscles paid attention from ancient times, but its function was unclear, and the methods of treatment were varied. Pathological changes in the tendon double-headed shoulder muscles often accompany other states, such as: impeller, SLAP damage and breaks of tendons of supervoloral and sibwise muscles.

Monteggia described the unstability of the tendon of the two-headed shoulder muscles, but the identification of this state often remained unnoticed or was random. Treatment methods have developed rapidly, an understanding of the mechanism for the development of instability and its consequences.

Tendinitis two-headed muscles shoulder

Tendinitis two-headed muscles shoulder It can be primary and secondary.

Primary tendinit - Inflammation of the tendon in the Mercuorny Barrot. This condition is rare, Habermayer and Walsh believed that it is possible to diagnose it only arthroscopically.

Differential diagnosis It is held with such states as impecking, anomaly bone tissue In the field of furrows or sublifting biceps.

Secondary tendinit - It occurs more often and is well diagnosed.

The first reason for the secondary tendiniteimpetsment. Despite the fact that with subacromyal impecking, the foreheads of the rotational cuff suffer, while also squeezes the led tendon of the long biceps head, which leads to the development of concomitant clinically active pathological changes in it. Up to a third of patients with the pathology of the rotational cuffs have a concomitant biceps tendon lesions.
The second reason for the secondary tendinite - bone anomalies of the proximal departure of the shoulder. Such anomalies appear as a result of incorrect consolidation or incoming fractures of the proximal end of the shoulder bone. Irritation of the tendon of the long biceps head can take place if the fracture line applies to the cross-boronic furrow. The anomalies of the furrow (its narrowing, formation of osteophytes) are more often found in young age.

Tempillation Troop Blood Muscle Shoulder

A sharp gap can occur when falling on a straightened limb or with a sharp braking of the hand when throwing. If the strength is large enough, with a single traumatic effect or on the background of repeated loads, it can lead to a break of the tendons of the long biceps head with concomitant or without it.

Most frequent cause This state is chronic tendinitis double muscle. If the cause of damage is impecking, then the tendon rupture occurs around the range of the rolling cuff interval, and not at the place of its attachment.

Unstability of the two-headed muscles shoulder

The instability of the biceps can manifest themselves with dislocate or sublink. Habermayer and Walsh subdivided dislocation on the embracing and intra-shop.

Empty dislocations - This is the movement of the tendon from the integrabright beard over / Kepened the intact tendon of the subband muscle. Such dislocation rarely occur as a result of the gap of the shoulder-visual bundle and the tendon of the tight muscle.

Coffee dislocations - It is more often accompanied by a partial or complete tendency of the tendon of the subband muscle, which determines the displacement behind its tendon of the biceps.

Symptoms of a biceps tendon Can be difficult distinguishable and often not recognized. Walsh called such a "hidden damage". The most important anatomical components that prevent the biceps tendon submission: medial holder and tendon of the subband muscle. Performing an inner or outer rotation of the shoulder can be seen as the tendon of the biceps "breaks through" back into the plane of the front border of the tendon of the subband muscle. Normally, it should remain a kleon from the plane of the tendon of the subband muscle. The presence of such a phenomenon is a reliable sign of the early instability of the tendon.

Complaints of the patient

A distinctive feature of pathological changes in the tendon of double-headed muscle - pain in front Department Shoulder, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Merciculturous groove.

With tendenity: The pain has chronic, suitable character and intensifies when picked up objects and work above the head, as well as irradiates in the distal direction until the middle of the limb, rarely - in proximal. And the tendinite may have cross-symptoms, appear simultaneously and it is difficult to divide them.

Unstable double muscle - manifests itself a painful click when lifting the hand and / or its rotation. Symptoms are similar to those with tend you, manifest themselves simultaneously.

Trembos Long Biceps Head - Complaints of chronic pain in the front shoulder, which is characteristic of tendinite and / or impedition. Next, usually describe a painful click in the shoulder, after which the symptoms of impedition decreased or disappeared. Then the ekkimosis and the deformation of the muscle may appear ("deformation of the fog").

Clinical inspection

A distinctive feature of pathological changes in the tendon of the two-headed muscle is point pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mercicultural furrow. In the best way, the integrabright furrow can be placed in 3 cm below the acromial process at 10 ° of the internal rotation of the limb. With internal and outdoor rotation, pain can follow the movement of the hand. Such "soreness in motion" is a specific sign of damage to the biceps tendon.

Clinical tests that help to identify the pathology of the tendon double-headed shoulder muscles:

  • Test AIDS (Speed's test) - a patient with a straightened elbow bends his shoulder, overcoming the resistance provided by the researcher. It is considered positive if there is pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Merciculturous furrow.
  • Test Yergason (Yergason Test) - the patient is trying to inspire the forearm, overcoming resistance. It is considered positive if there is pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Merciculturous furrow.
  • Test "Bear Hugging" - The patient places an open palm of the affected limb to the opposite shoulder. The elbow is located ahead of the torso. The researcher tries to tear the patient's hand, while he seeks to keep his palm on the shoulder. It is considered positive with the weakness of the limb and indicates damage upper Department The tendons of the subband muscle and the instability of the long biceps head.
  • Test Napoleon - The patient presses the lord of the affected limb to the front wall of the abdomen, trying to keep the brush straight. It is considered positive if the patient is not able to keep the brush straight. This allows us to talk about damage to the tendon of the subband muscle.
  • Test pressed to the stomach (Belly-Press Test) - Close to the test of Napoleon on execution. The researcher is trying to tear his hand from the abdomen. If it is easy for him - the test is considered positive, which allows you to talk about damage to the tendon of the subband muscle.
  • Test Out (Lift-Off Test) - The patient lays the brush with the back side on the buttocks of the same name. The researcher at the rear raises the brush and asks the patient to hold it in this position. With weakness or inability to tear the hand from the bottom of the back - the test is considered positive, which allows you to talk about damage to the tendon of the subband muscle.
  • Test definition of biceps instability - If the biceps shifts over a small tubercle when transferring hands to the position of internal rotation is heard or felt under the fingers click. This test is performed to confirm the tendon submission
  • Ludington Test (Ludington Test) - The patient is asked to embrace his head behind both hands, bending them. It is applied when damage is not obvious.


The survey must be started with, which should include research in the front-length and axillary projections, as well as in Y projections.

Before the appearance of MRI, arthrography was used, which was useful in assessing the biceps tendon. Lack of a method - possible complications Under the introduction contrast substance.

The effectiveness of the ultrasound when determining the sliding tendon of the long biceps head is 86%. The advantage of the method is the possibility of a dynamic study when the shoulder moves.

Diagnose damage to the tendon of the biceps or his dislocation with MRI is quite easy enough, but it is not easy to identify signs of tendinite.


Start off treatment of tendinitis It follows from conservative events: peace, cold, the use of NSAIDs. As symptoms decrease - exercises for restoring the volume of movements and strength exercises.

Biceps tendon instability - operational treatment.

Damage to the tendon of the long biceps head - operational treatment is required if the course of conservative events is not effective.

There are 2 types of operations in the pathology of the tendon of the long head of the two-headed satellite: tenotose and tenotomy. In the case of tenotomy, the tendon is cut off from the place of attachment to the articular lip without fixing at another point. This procedure is an operation of choice in patients over 50 years old with low physical activity, with full hands (cosmetic defect will be impaired). The loss of finiteness for flexion in the elbow joint will be no more than 10 -15%.

Patients S. high degree Physical activity, young, thin physique, it is necessary to perform the operating of teased - that it is necessary Transfer point of fixation of the long head of the double-headed muscle from the intra-articular position into the embracing. The tendon is cut off from the articular lip and is fixed in the intergrabal zone. Methods of fixation are different, as well as the level of fixation in relation to the Mercicultural Barrot. But the main task is to ensure the complete function of the tendon at the modified point of its fixation.

After the operation, the patient restores the function and notes a significant reduction in the intensity of pain.


In the absence of concomitant pathology, a supporting bandage is assigned for 4-5 weeks. Full passive flexion and extension in the elbow joint without load, as well as cautious movements in the shoulder joint. From the 4th week, the supporting bandage is canceled, exercises are allowed to restore the total volume of movements in the shoulder and elbow joints. On the 4th week, go to the outer rotation to 30 ° in the position on the back and front bending in the same position. On the 8th week, cross-lead and slight extension behind the back below the lower back are allowed is isometric load. From 10 to 12 weeks begin exercises to strengthen the rotational cuff and stabilization of the blade. Sports exercises and phased return to the usual active regime start from 4-6 months.

Tendovaginitis occurs often. The disease represents a sharp fibrinous aseptic tendinite and tendovaginite, which develops with multiple injury to the tendon and its vagina with rapid and frequent muscle contractions.

The disease is observed in working hard physical labor and in individuals who have forced a long time to make quick and monotonous movements.

On the upper limbs, creating tendovaginitis meets with roller, pianists, typist, on lower limbs - At the military after a long march, dancers.

The upper limbs are affected by tendons and tendon vagina on the back area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm m. Adductor Pollicis Longi and Tensoris Pollicis Brevis, which crossed the radial bone, as well as tendons and tendon vagina of the endorsement of the fingers over the bright joint joint and the Metal bones.

The tendon vagina of the long head of the shoulder double muscle is very rarely ill. The lower limbs are affected by the tendons and tendon vagina of the anterior greyebert muscle and the extensor of the fingers, as well as Achillovo tendon.

Tendovaginitis: Symptoms

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected tendon felt acute pain, increasing when driving and pressure. In the course of the tendon, there is a cast swelling, the skin is often slightly red, edema and hot. Most characteristic symptom - Capital accompanying the movement of the tendon. The disease arises quickly and soon, after 10-15 days, passes.

Tendovaginit: Treatment:

Returns easily. The treatment consists in prescribing rest, which is achieved by applying plaster tires, warm baths and other thermal procedures.

Chronic tendinite and tendovaginitis of the long tendon head of the shoulder double muscle. The disease is developing due to a repeated injury, followed by an inflammatory process. The disease is more common on the right hand mainly in women of older.

In light cases, the changes are limited to the inflammatory process, in heavier there is a thickening of the tendon and the stenosis cutting seal of the walls of the tendon vagina, mainly at the velocity site of the shoulder joint bag.

Clinically illness is expressed by pain in the shoulder, exacerbating when driving and reaching a lot of power. Pains are in full hand, as well as in the neck. When feeling the greatest soreness is determined between the bumps of the shoulder bone and in the course of the tendon. Moves in the shoulder joint are painful and limited.

Sometimes there are phenomena of infringement of tendons. Treatment is the appointment of light-thermal procedures. The occasionally shows the operation-echry of the narrowed tendon vagina and the removal of fibrous layers on the tendons or on the walls of the vagina.

Stenzing tendovaginit thumb hands. The total tendon vagina - in which the tendons m. Abductons Pollicis Brevis and M. EXTENSONS POLLICIS LONGI, at the place of passage of the latter through the channel along the edge of the cylinder head of the radial bone thickened and sealed. The disease is caused by repeated traumatic irritation; more often found in women.

Clinically in the region of the distal end of the radial bone there is a spilled painful swelling. The extension and diversion of the thumb is painful.

Treatment consists in peace and thermal procedures. The operational treatment is also applied, which comes down to excision of the thickened part of the tendon vagina.

Spring (clicking) finger. This rare disease is that during the folding of the finger, more often than large, less often, the movement of the finger suddenly stops, and then, after some effort, the obstacle quickly with a small cracking overcomes and movement is brought to the end. Extension is accompanied by the same phenomena. Sometimes to overcome the obstacle, the help of another hand is required.

The cause of the disease is a pinching in a narrow place of a tendon vagina A nodule formed on the tendons of a long finger bent. The wall of the tendon vagina is not changed. The infringement occurs under transverse fibrous fibers that strengthen the vagina of the tendon.

Treatment. Peace, warm and mehanotherapy. To surgical interference in the form of removal of the nodule without disrupting the continuity of the tendon and elimination of the narrowing resorted rarely.

Tendtions long biceps head

Overview of the disease

Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon that initially occurs in a tendon vagina or a tendon bag. In this case, this is an inflammatory process in the part of the tendon that connects top Biceps muscles with shoulder. Most often, the disease appears afterwards too heavy loads, when performing a certain type of work or during sports.

There are also such cases when the tendinitis develops not due to excessive loads, but as a result of muscle wear, injuries. When trendy in the localization of the long biceps head is marked with pain syndrome in the upper front axle of the shoulder belt.

The main causes contributing to the occurrence of the disease

In order to regenerate the tissue layer of the biceps tendon, you need a lot of time. For example, if a person has its professional duties associated with the implementation of the intensive and same exercises with their hands raised above the head level, or this is an athlete (tennis player, a basketball player) - the tendon part is subjected to regular excessive load, and the normal regeneration is simply not carried out on time .

When wearing the tendon begins its fabric degenerative changes, collagen fibers are twisted and very often burst. It becomes obvious to the fact that during this process the tendon loses its strength and is inflamed, which can lead to a rupture.

Quite often, the tendinite of the long biceps head develops subsequently the resulting direct injury. For example, if a person fell on his shoulder, it will lead to the beginning of the disease, and a transverse bunch of shoulders can break.

Thanks to this bundle, education from connective tissue Located in a bicycle excavation, which is located near the top of the shoulder bone. When it breaks, the biceps is not held in its place and calmly slips, afterwards it is irritated and inflicted.

The disease may occur if a rotator cuff breaks, a impeller or shoulder instability will occur. If the cuff breaks up, this will allow the shoulder bone to move indefinitely and affect the connecting formation, which will naturally lead to its weakened state.

The emergence of the disease contributes to the shoulder instability, which occurs when there is an excessive mobility of the head of the shoulder bone inside the socket.

Basic symptoms and clinical picture of the disease

The most important feature of the tendinite of the long biceps head is pain syndrome, which is stupid. Often pain syndrome is localized in the front of the shoulder, but sometimes falls lower, in the area where the double-headed muscle is located.

Pain sensations are enhanced while the limb is moved, especially if it is raised up. When resting the limb, pain subsides. There is also a weakness when turning the forearm and flexion of the elbow joint.

Diagnosing disease

First, the doctor polls and examines the patient. The patient should give accurate answers about the nature of his work, about possible injuries, if it is an athlete, then about the intensity of training.

In view of the doctor, the doctor pays special attention to how the patient performs certain movements, they may be difficult as a result of the weakness of muscles and pain syndrome. Then a number of special tests are carried out, allowing to determine the presence of damage to the rotational cuff or the shoulder instability.

If the x-ray studies are not enough to choose the most appropriate treatment, then the doctor can send a patient to MRI.

This study can give much more information about the damaged tendon of the biceps, makes it possible to see whether the inflammatory process is damaged if Labrum is damaged, there is a rotator cuff breaking.

In order to determine the presence of other problems with the shoulder joint, the doctor prescribes diagnostic arthroscopy.

Treatment of disease

Treatment of this disease can be two species: conservative and surgical.

The conservative method is to fully unload the biceps tendons, that is, the patient should exclude the strongest load on this area and ensure the tendon of peace. To reduce pain and inflammatory process Used NSAIDs. Steroid injections are very careful, because they often weaken the tendon.

In mandatory, the patient should undergo a course of physiotherapy procedures and leaf. Physiotherapeutic treatment contributes to a speedy decrease in the inflammatory process, and the LFC helps to restore muscle mass.

If the patient works in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, where the risk of shoulder instability and the breaking of the rotator cuff is possible, then it will be recommended to change the place of work. This will reduce pain and inflammation, and will give a person the opportunity to live fully.

If a conservative treatment It did not bring any results and the person still suffers from pain, then he was recommended for operational treatment. Also resort to it in the event of a detection of other problems in the shoulder area. Most often, surgical treatment is in acryoplasty. During the operation, which surgeons perform using arthroscopy, the front share of the acromion is removed.

This makes it possible to expand the distance between the acromion and located near the head of the shoulder bone, thus, the pressure on the tendon itself and the nearby tissue decreases.

If the patient has strong degenerative changes in the tendon, then teenage of biceps is carried out. This method is to re-attach the upper share of biceps tendons to a new place. That operational intervention gives good resultBut, unfortunately, he is not durable.

After the operation carried out, rehabilitation lasts somewhere six to eight weeks. A positive outcome will largely depend on the patient himself, that is, from his mood on a good end result. Doctors are not recommended to lie down, shortly after surgery you need to start classes in therapeutic physical education.

The physical physical physician will select the exercise complex and monitors the process of strengthening the arm of the shoulder and forearm. Usually positive dynamics are observed after two or four weeks later.

If the patient will conscientiously fulfill all the recommendations of the attending physician, then full recovery The shoulder and forearm will take three or four months.


In order to avoid the tendinite of the long biceps head, you must stick the following recommendations. First, before training, spend warming and warm-up exercises, try not to make monotonous movements for a long time. Secondly, do not allow physical overloads and avoid injuries. Change the load regularly, the intensity of the loads should increase gradually, and, do not forget, make timely rest.

Video - Tendinitis Long Biceps Head

Any body is worn out over time, because the muscles and joints have their own limit. With frequent large loads, microtravum appear in the tissues, but if you regularly give the body rest, these fabrics will be able to regenerate.

With critical overload, the muscles do not have time to adapt to ultra view, as a result of which the affected place is formed, which subsequently begins to degenerate.

The joints hurt, the feeling of stiffness appears - the tendinite develops.

Most often, this disease occurs in the place of contact of bones and tendons. Also, the tendinite develops a hike of tendon.

By itself, this disease can hit every person - there are no specific restrictions, direct dependence on gender, profession or age.

But in the risk group there are people older than forty years, athletes, as well as those who regularly engage in physical labor.

A frequent load on the same zone is the main reason for the appearance of microcracks.

The inflammatory process arises anywhere where there is a tendon. The most frequently found tendinite of the femoral, knee, elbow joints, the base of the thumb on hand, shoulder.

In children, most often this disease occurs on the knee joint.

Anatomy of shoulder joint

The shoulder joint consists of two bones, more precisely from their parts: the head of the shoulder bone and the articular process of the blades.

The fibrous chamber in the joint consists of bundles that perform an extremely complex and important function: hold shoulder bone In the articular depression, the blades, as well as bundles allow the hand to make a huge amount of various movements in the large range.

Shoulder tendinite - the disease in which they are inflamed soft fabrics and structures surrounding shoulder joint.

They can inflave:

  • Biceps shoulder tendons;
  • Sustav capsule;
  • High muscle.

Also, the defeat may occur in all of the above structures.

This inflammation limits the movement and causes severe pain in the field of shoulder joint.

Typically, the tendinite does not arise "in the same place." It is preceded by pathological degenerative processes.

The main causes of occurrence

The most frequent cause of the occurrence of the tendinite is a long-term superload on the joint, so the risk of attaching muscles to the bone is as much as possible.

It is tendinitis called the disease of builders, athletes and gardeners. According to statistics, 1 person out of 50 older than forty years suffers from the statistics.

Women sick a little more often of men, due to hormonal changes during Clemaks.

Also, the causes of the appearance of the tendinite may be:

  • Regular or single injuries of the shoulder joint;
  • Intensive loads. In the risk group there are athletes: tennis players, basketball players, kernel throws (hammer, spear). The malyars also often suffer from this disease.
  • Infectious inflammation caused by bacteria. Bacterial infections quickly apply to blood system And the most vulnerable places are striking - bone connections. An example of such bacterial infection - Gonorrhea.
  • Rheumatic diseases. Examples of degenerative rheumatic joint frustration - arthritis or gout.
  • Wrong posture.
  • Allergies to drugs.
  • Incorrect development of tendons, their weakening.
  • Acquired or congenital joint dysplasia.
  • Stress, depression. Neuropathy can cause muscle spasm, which will entail a strong ligament load.
  • Special anatomical structure Body. Violation in the joint will give the beginning of degenerative processes.
  • Endocrine and immune diseases.
  • Long wearing gypsum or taper bandage.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Incorrect treatment after surgery or shoulder joint injury.
  • Diseases thyroid gland and diabetes.

Symptoms and signs

The shoulder tendinite arises as a result of inflammation and thickening of the joint capsule, the surrounding fabrics are also involved in this process.

As a result, the volume of movements in the shoulder joint decreases dramatically due to strong pain. The patient has to keep the joint at rest, which is why spikes arise in the capsule, which subsequently do not normally develop a damaged limb.

It is possible to notice the development of the tendinite in everyday life:

  • the patient is not able to get a cup from a wardrobe for dishes, take an object from the shelf attached at a certain height;
  • the pain appears during sleep (which delivers extremely many problems), when putting on sweaters and COFF, in the bathroom when taking a shower.

If these symptoms appeared in a person's life, he urgently needs to consult a doctor.

Pain sensations can be different: from nonset, to sharp and long.

Restriction of motor activity implies a sharp decrease in the amplitude of the joint action. Even passive movements are extremely difficult (during the inspection, the doctor cannot raise the patient's hand in a relaxed state).

The patient does not turn out to raise the limb higher than at right angles, or independently start his hand for his back, biceps and deltoid muscles begin to atrophy.

In this case, the disease passed into the started step, which, sometimes, cannot be cured completely.

Tupaya I. it's a dull pain It may become acute and move to the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow joint.

When trendy pain, as a rule, arises sharply, but as inflammation develops unpleasant sensations can be enhanced:

  • During damaged tendons, increased sensitivity appears.
  • During the movement of the sore limb, a creaking sound can be heard.
  • Above the inflamed tissues there is redness and hyperthermia.
  • Calcium deposition in the joints entails the weakening of the tendon and the articular bag.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms when trendy is an increasing pain closer in the late afternoon - it may be the cause of sleep disorders due to the forced position of the body.

Types of disease

Calcinating (calcification)

Inflammation of tissues begins around calcium deposits.

Perhaps the development of the disease contributes to wear of tendons, donkeys and small provision of oxygen tissues.

For the calcining tendinite, pain is characterized by raising the limb Up the unpleasant sensations are sharply enhanced at night.

There are two types of calcining tendinite:

  • Degenerative calcification.The main cause of degenerative calcification is the process of wear during aging, since the blood supply to the tendons decreases, they weaken. The micrographs of the fibers occur. and reactive calcification.
  • Reactive calcification. The mechanism of occurrence is definitely not installed. Develops in three stages. On the initial stage Calcifications that occur in tendons contribute to the formation of calcinates, calcium crystals are deposited in tendons, within the framework of this period, calcinates are rehabitated by the body. It is at this moment that most likely the appearance of pain. In the next period, the tendon is restored, then the mechanism of calcinate absorption mechanism is launched (which is still not fully found out), and the fabric regenerates. The pain subsequently disappears at all.

Abandon muscle

The reason is damage to the muscle capsule with a beak-acromic bunch, the front edge of the acromion or an acrase-clavical joint, which entails degeneration, inflammation and thinning of the tendon.

The tendinite of the supervision of the muscle can lead to the ankylosis of the joint, if it spreads to the entire capsule and other structures.

With this disease, the painful palpation of the front edge of the acromion and the cross-borne grooves.

Double muscles

This type of disease is also called "tendinite of the long biceps head" - the tendon is inflamed, which fastens the top of the muscle of the biceps and shoulder.

The pain appears in the upper arm of the shoulder. Due to the overvoltage of double-headed muscles, it is not possible to raise heavy items.

Films and tennis players suffer often.

Rotator cuff shoulder

It also occurs due to strong bruises, overvoltage, infection.

The exchange of substances in the tendons of the rotator cuff should be broken, which entails pathological changes (tendinite). Tender increases in volume, thickened strongly (about 2 mm on the side of the lesion).

For ultrasound examination Gypoheochogenic areas of irregular shape are bright.


The shoulder tendinite includes a whole group of diseases: inflammation of the suitable and small round muscles, the tendon of the supervoloral muscle, the sublock muscle.

The shoulder tendinite is characterized by strong pain in the joint area, this place can be swollen a little.

Strong pain appears when lifting weights up.

Post travelery

This disease occurs against the background of insufficient blood supply to the tendon due to increased load.

The most common disease among professional athletes. Characterized by acute pain.

Special attention in post-traumatic trend is important to pay treatment and prevention and in no case do not load the limb until the complete restoration of the tendon comes.


This type of disease appears due to repeated damage to the tendons and muscles.

It is inevitable if, after the disappearance of the first symptoms of acute tendinit, a strong load on tendon is immediately resumed, since it is still very sensitive to stretching and other damage.

Delivers a lot of discomfort, as it is impossible to perform simple physical exercises.

Stages of development of the disease

Tendinitis develops in three main stages:

  • At the initial stage, the patient practically does not feel any specific symptoms of the disease. With sharp movements in the joint there may be a short-term unstaging pain.
  • In the second stage, the patient begins to feel pain after physical Loads. Feelings are more pronounced.
  • In the third stage, prolonged bouts of pain appear, they can continue for 6-8 hours. An unpleasant feeling occurs even at rest.


The basis for the diagnosis is the physical examination, patient complaints, the history of the disease.

During inspection, the doctor:

  • checks the possibility of active and passive (when the doctor himself raises the patient's limb) of the patient's movements;
  • checks muscle sensitivity in problem areas. In order to determine the range of movements, it is necessary to move the limb in all directions. Sick tendinite can make only limited passive and active movements.

In order to eliminate the error in the diagnosis, the doctor may assign:

  • MRI - within the framework of this survey takes pictures of the internal structure of the body;
  • Injecting anesthetic in Bursa (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rotational cuff shoulder). If the pain decreases, it confirms the diagnosis of "tendinit";
  • X-ray;
  • Arthroscopy;
  • CT arthrography ( x-ray study with the introduction of a contrast agent into the joint).

How to treat?

The main task in the treatment of shoulder tendinite is to restore the correct motor activity, remove inflammation from the tendon and reduce the pain.

Depending on the stage of the disease, use different types Recovery.

Medical physical education and exercises

More than 90% of people suffering from a tendinite need enough simple treatment - Classes of physical culture.

It is important not to load the damaged joint, but to develop it, that is, to increase the amplitude of movements.

You can perform the following set of exercises:

  • Exercise number 1. It is necessary to take a sufficiently long towel, cross it through the crossbar (for example, for the shower curtain). Next to take hands for the ends of the towel. Healthy finite pull fabric down. At the same time lifting the sore hand up. After you feel the messenger pain, fix the position for three seconds, then squeeze your hand very slowly.
  • Exercise number 2. A gymnastic stick is needed. Put it on the distance of the elongated hand, and, holding in vertical position, sore limb, describe a big circle stick.
  • Exercise number 3. Put the brush of the sick limb to a healthy shoulder. Raise her up. Healthy hand carefully start raising a bent elbow up. Next, lower the elbow. Every day, maximize the permissible amplitude.
  • Exercise number 4. Lower your hands in front of you, gossip the fingers of the brushes. Lift folded in the limit castle up. Maximum load on a healthy hand - she drags the patient.
  • Exercise number 5. Bend forward in front of the back of the chair or wall. Healthy hand rely on the surface. Sore limb give freely hanging. Next, begin to rock it from side to the side. If you stand at the chair, it is also possible to grow up and back. Gradually increase the amplitude of the pendulum.
  • Exercise number 6. Hands raise right in front of them. Right hand brush put on the left elbow, and the brush of the left hand is on the right. So begin to rock with your hands from side to side.

Video: Complex of exercises for the shoulder joint

Folk remedies

In the treatment of tendinitis, a number of folk remedies are also applied:

  • Sassaparil root and ginger. The combination of these two ingredients is used in the treatment of inflammation of the tendons and joints. For cooking you need to take 1 teaspoon of a mixture of ginger and sassaparial, pre-grind, pour boiling water and drink instead of tea. Apply twice a day.
  • Kurkumin- one more effective tool From the tendinite. He eliminates the main symptom of the disease - pain. Also perfectly copes with inflammation. Kurkumin must be applied in the form of seasoning to food. A day must be used about 0.5 grams.
  • Fruits cherry. Indispensable in the treatment of tendinite. Their juice contains tanning substances. These substances in combination with anthocyans have anti-inflammatory and strengthening effects. 3 tablespoons of fresh berries flood the glass of boiling water. We use 2-3 times a day.
  • Conducting local procedures. It is necessary to make a cold to the injured limb in the first day, heat in the next. The imposition of the fixing bandage on the joint.


Conducting physiotherapy procedures is very effective in treating.

Methods There is a sufficient amount.


  • Laser therapy;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Use of ultraviolet;
  • Shock-wave therapy;
  • Use of ultrasound;
  • Paraffin and mud appliqués;
  • Electrophoresis with lidase.

It is important to combine all physiotherapy events with therapeutic physical culture.


Any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Tendinitis is not an exception to the rules.

To avoid the occurrence of this disease, it follows:

  • regularly play sports, giving muscles timely load.
  • before starting training, it is necessary to make a warm-up, which will allow the body to prepare, and then gradually increase the pace.
  • If pain appears, then the training should immediately stop and give the body a timely needed vacation. With repeated appearance pain sensations It is better not to return to this type of exercise in the future.

For the prophylaxis of tendinitis, it is better not to perform monotonous movements with a load on the shoulder joint.

But if necessary (for example, for the painters or athletes), it is important to give timely and full-fledged leisure muscles. Increase the intensity of exercises is better not more than 10% per week.

Thus, the tendinite is a fairly common inflammatory disease.

It is enough to just cure at the initial stage. YO if you start the disease, then it may further acquire a chronic character.

Of particular importance to the tend you have prevention and proper physical exertion.

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