How to treat umbilical hernia in adults. Umbilical hernia

Consider what the bubble hernia represents, we find out the main symptoms of pathology, let's see what the bubble hernia looks like in the photo and how it is formed, what exists effective treatmentwhether it is possible to cure it without surgery or not, get acquainted with many photos and video about hernia navel.

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Underfloor hernia is a tumor-like protrusion in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring of various sizes: at the beginning it is a small protrusion, and with the time the herniated gate (that is, a navel ring) stretches and protrusion can achieve large sizes.

This type of hernia is more characteristic of women (especially after 40 years), the men prevailing another - inguinal herniaBut the navel also happens.

The hernia is diagnosed in 3 - 5% of the population of the Earth. My mom is 86 years old and already 5 years old has a fading protrusion. In the operation refused - the age is serious. So I share the experience: what to do and how to live with hernias.

There are three main types of hernia (lat. Hernia): Underfloor, groove and hernia of a white belly line.
The most common is hernia navel. It is also called compete.

In normal cases, when the child is born and disappears the need for vessels of the umbilical cord, the umbilical ring closes and overgrown with a connective tissue.

When the narrowing and closing of the umbilical ring does not occur - then the umbilical hernia is developing, which is today our story.

Underfloor hernia in children in most cases itself passes.

Inguinal hernia Itself never passes, it can only increase. Therefore, it must be immediately operated. Urgently.

White belly hernia - What does she represent themselves? We are talking about a bundle in the middle of the abdomen. It is mostly small and looks exclusively as a cosmetic defect. If she does not bother - you can live with it. The operation is 2-3 seams. Adults goes only at local anesthesia. These hernias themselves do not disappear. But they can be operated when it is convenient for you.

Why is the operation desirable? Because the protrusion of the white line of the abdomen will be diverged even more during pregnancy in women and during sports with a rollence of the barbell or Girus - in boys.
These features of three types of hernia formations are in a nutshell.

Look at the photo more of the hernia:

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Pupn hernia is the loss of the abdominal organs under the skin. There are two main reasons for this umbilical fallout:

  1. intra-abdominal pressure
  2. amyotrophy abdominal wallwhich can no longer hold internal organs

The occurrence of hernia is the states associated with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. They differ slightly in men, women and children.

Factors provoking the occurrence of hernia in men:

  • congenital pathology
  • sharp weight lifting without habit, constant weight lifting weight, increased exercise without supporting bandage muscle
  • lack of movement and physical activity - a sedentary lifestyle, low-speed, which leads to the atrophy of the muscles of the abdominal press
  • dystrophy as a result of a disease or sharp weight loss due to muscle mass

Men relate to their health with a certain proportion of skepticism and turn to the doctor already when completely inadvertising. And when protruding the navel is a lost time. Knowing the symptoms, it is necessary to go to the doctor as quickly as possible - then treatment is much easier.

Factors provoking the occurrence of hernia navel among women:

  • pregnancy, especially, second and subsequent
  • heavy childbirth and sweat
  • double or triple during pregnancy
  • permanent diets, especially - long starvation, which depletes the muscular corset

General reasons for adultswhich can occupy herriation:

  • constipation
  • obesity: excess weight Increases intraperous pressure
  • humped urination
  • fresh cough
  • heavy physical work
  • lifting big weights
  • operations on the peritoneum when the incision was done on a white line

Or quite briefly in the photo shows the causes of pathology:

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Causes of hernia in children - The hereditary predisposition of the weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
The minimum defect of the umbilical ring in the form of a protrusion is determined by almost each newborn. It is caused by the fact that while the baby is in the mother's womb, it has a small round hole in the white line of the tummy. Through this hole pass by nuclear cubes, binding fruit with mother: these are blood vessels (nuclear arteries and veins) and urinary duct.

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After the birth of the child and the branch of the umbilical cord, the umbilical ring overgrown and disappears until the week. But there is one feature - The umbilical muscle consists of two parts:

  1. the lower formed by the umbilical artery and the blade with a good muscular shell, which is well reduced and turns into a scarsing fabric
  2. the upper formed by an umbilical vein without a muscular shell, which is reduced bad, increasing and with a weak muscular corset of the abdominal wall forms a bubble hernia

The inexpensive of the umbilical ring and the duplication area also depends on the size of the muscle that surrounds the navel. If the size of the ring is small, then when cutting off the umbilical, the muscles reduce and the protrusion of the newborn kids is observed only when the child is so much. Easy to go.

For big amount Underfloor ring, newborn has constant swelling and hernial protrusion, which increases when crying. The abdominal wall does not grow together and the internal organs are protruded through the hole - the child has a congenital umbilical hernia.

It happens that hernia is the result of the early adoption of a vertical position by the child, he began to get up on legs too early. Children with umbilical hernias under 5 years are capable of self-esteem, and the hole is to spontaneous closure. Therefore, the doctor B. early age Always give advice to wait and observe.

The predisposition to the formation of hernia is inherited. But exist I. external factors risk. Every year, 200 thousand hernias are performed in Russia and each year their number increases.

The only way for adults get rid of hernia forever - This is surgery - according to doctors.

Hernia has no reverse development and she herself cannot pass - it only increases. The longer the hernia exists - the more surrounding tissues stretch, the worse the results of operations. Neither the rightness, nor a special bandage will be solved.

Alone, the umbilical hernia passes only in children under 5 years. Bandages do not save a person from the likelihood of infringement, so they are practically useless.

Let's talk about what psychosomatics in our disease. Increasingly, the cause of the disease is looking for psychosomatics. A competent psychologist at the reception helps to get rid of the psychological reason, which caused a disease and then if the patient coped and realized - the disease passes itself, without medication or operational treatment.

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One of the laws of nature is as follows:

"Or you are aware of what happens to you, or the sick."
Know and realize - these are two different things. You can know, but deny the presence of such psychological reasons. It is very difficult to look at yourself from the side and take seen.

Hernia is displaying deformation of the internal "I". She speaks of the presence of a long internal conflict, and the emphasis itself can be considered as an explosion of those emotions that have accumulated for a long time.

Pupnovinnye Damage is associated with the presence of a conflict in the relationship:

  1. I am
  2. I - Socium

The output of the body for natural boundaries is talking about the problem of relations in the family or at work. Man lives for a long time in chronic stress:

  • he constantly competes with his surroundings
  • heads
  • invades someone else's living space
  • feels depressed and unclaimed, unrealized
  • takes over the excess custody (most often - over the adult son)
  • there is an increased sense of responsibility for other people.
  • the constant feeling of anxiety for itself and its loved ones, especially in the context of the "Anxious Mother - Excessive Guardianship of the Adult Son"
  • permanent internal tension due to the desire to keep the family at any cost (relationship with her husband)

As a result of nervous voltage - the navel was relieved and hernia arose. Man took a lot on himself. It is also characteristic of women who have brightened to their shoulders upbringing and providing all the necessary young children as a result of a divorce or death of the breadwinner.

A stretched abdominal wall symbolizes on a psycho-energy level a sense of loss of security, the growth of the feeling of disbelief in support from the outside, a strong desire to break through in "this difficult life" by himself.

Three main psychosomatic causes of cord hernia

Alone three mains psychological reasons The emergence of cord protaging: excessive egoism, unjustified sacrifice, inability to delegate - self. Consider them.

Excessive egoism or me - Earth PUP

Here is a cracked pride and vanity, excessive egoism, the protrusion of your own ego and its significance ... The desire to always teach - even those who are much more talented and exceeds it with their achievements. It is impossible to absorb such a person to learn - to learn and be a student in life. Excessively categorical.

If this happens with the child, this problem is characteristic of his mother or dad or he has already come to this life, having this problem that can be removed through work with parents.

This is what the doctor Yermolenko answered me to my question about hernia and psychosomatics of her occurrence:

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By the way, her Skype is on the right in Sidbar - the first consultation is free. I recommend as a professional doctor and healer. I don't know the best yet ...

Pupnic hernia as a result of sacrifice

Hernia is the result of sacrifice and excessive responsibility. And the responsibility is not for yourself, but for others. It is manifested as a sacrifice towards other people: children, husband, animal, girlfriend.

There is an excessive concern for other people and completely ignored their own needs - a person lives someone else's life, absolutely buried his desires, the interests for the sake of unjustified service to others. Moreover, others just annoying.

This kind of spiritual theft is to take on all the problems of another (mainly a child) and deprive him of the opportunity to develop. As a result, losers and irresponsible children grow up. And the mother of the navels unleashed from the diligence to please.

Manifestation of self

"I myself!" - Manifestation of self, as the cause of the hernia navel - one of the types of egoism.

It is manifested in the reluctance to accept someone else's help and everything to do everything yourself. There are fear of fear seem weak and lose independence (partially applies to me).

You need to learn how to delegate part of the work and acquire the ability to ask for help and take it, otherwise the navel will not withstand constant voltage. Sooner or later, such a person begins to feel drunk in the corner.

Here is such a psychosomatic portrait of a sick with hernial protrusion.

In addition to the listed - a person does not know how to express himself in creativity, and also suffers from the accumulation. He has a huge feeling of unprotected - such that he subconsciously wants through the navel back to the launo of the mother (the dumping ring expands). Unripe man.

What to do who will help

Working with a psychologist will save you from the possible consequences of the listed psychocompleks and the appearance of PUP.

A possible solution contributing to healing is Afgrade. As an example from Louise Hay:
- I have positive and harmonious thoughts. I have talent and mind. And I can be myself (myself).

But it is better than the Afgra, the joint analysis and the correction of the internal conflict with the psychologist, the study of painful states.

You can try to deal with your life yourself, if there is no possibility to pass the correction from a specialist. Try to answer answers to the following questions:

Who today violates my borders, is infrinning me?
- What are my neurotic hooks involve me in a psycho-emotional pressure situation?
- What life situations make me overly stupid, to pass?
- Are there any symptoms of psychosomatic combustion, and how do I organize my vacation?

The structure of the front abdominal wall and the navel region

In order to understand the reasons for the formation of the hernia of the belly, consider the features of the structure of the abdominal wall. The abdominal wall is covered with three layers of various muscles of the abdominal press, which are collected in bundles and are connected at different angles, providing a different type of movement and protection of human internal organs.

But there is a connection place of the same muscles of the right and left part of the abdominal wall - white linewhich has no muscle corset, but only the connecting tissue collected in the beams - aponeurosis. It stretches from the sternum to the pubis and is a weak place in the abdominal press.

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The second weak place is a navel or a navel ring located on a white line. The navel is a scar on the site of cord slices. Through it there was a connection between the mother and the child.

After childbirth and the branch of the cord, the ring in the infant is modified into the scar and overgrown - normally. But it is not protected - there are no muscles on a white line and under certain conditions a bubble ring can turn into an underfloor hernia.

Pupn hernia in adults: symptoms, photos, diagnosis

Consider the causes, symptoms, photos and diagnostics that are used with such a disease like a hernial navel.

How the bubble hernia appears in adults

Inside the abdominal cavity there is pressure on the muscles of the abdominal wall. It is the muscles that hold the internal organs inside the abdominal cavity. Under the influence of various causes of muscles in adults can atrophy.

Then the restraining barrier for the internal organs of the abdominal cavity disappears - they are literally squeezed out from under a weakened umbilical ring between atrophied muscles and fall under the skin in the navel area, forming hernia.

The dumping ring is the muscle surrounding the navel, and this is the weakest place on the front abdominal wall. Therefore, it is one of those places where sherozhevy protrusion is most often formed.

Through an umbilical ring in adults, not only intestinal loops can be outlined, as most patients consider with such a notch, but also other organs: the gland, bile docks, Appendix, part of the stomach.

The photo shows three stages of the formation of an umbilical hernia. Each stage of external protrusion in the navel area corresponds to a certain internal diagram of the pathological process.

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So schematically, you can show the process of forming a tumor-like protrusion in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring.

What is the code of ICD in the filling

In the database, the code is posted on 03/22/2010 and represents three indicators:

K42.0 Basic hernia with obstruction without gangrene
K42.1 Undermined hernia with gangrene
K42.9 Undermined hernia without obstruction or gangrene

This is how the classification of pathology in the transmod chassifics of diseases looks like (10th revision).

Stock Foto Underfloor hernia - what the navel protrusion looks like, diagnosis

How to visually distinguish the hernia navel? And is it possible to do it yourself - to diagnose the fading protrusion without a doctor? Decide yourself ...

There are three diseases with similar external signs - the presence of tumor-like education in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring:

  1. oncology with metastases in the navel area
  2. lipoma (fat)
  3. umbilical hernia

Are you sure you can distinguish them? Maybe all the same, it is better to undergo a diagnosis from a specialist?

The doctor during the diagnosis will make the collection of anamnesis and will inspect the patient, under what circumstances a protrusion appeared, he will give a palpation - it will make it possible to exclude a lipoma or a gland (it is fixed, while the hernia can be installed, provided that there is no pinch).

In suspected malignant education, you can use the following surveys:
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I propose to see the photo of the umbilical hernia in adults. First presented photos of navel in men:

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: photo, what a bubble look like hernia" width="500" height="375" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
.jpg "alt \u003d" (! lang: photo hernia navel" width="500" height="404" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C242&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
.jpg "alt \u003d" (! lang: photo double hernia" width="500" height="333" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C200&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
Do not ignore the opportunity to check from a specialist that there was formed in the navel - in a similar case, the reinsurance is always justified! Remember about oncology ... This is especially true for men, who are treated in extreme cases to doctors.

Photo of umbilical hernia among women Presented below.

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: photo of the umbilical hernia in women" width="500" height="398" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C239&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! lang: photo hernia in women" width="500" height="277" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C166&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
Look at the photo, how the navel hernia looks like in pregnant women:

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: What does the navel hernia look like in pregnant women" width="500" height="456" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=406&ssl=1 406w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C273&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: hernia navel in pregnant women" width="500" height="450" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp.a.jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp.a.jpg?resize=300%2C270&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
.jpg "alt \u003d" (! lang: pregnant with hernia on belly" width="500" height="259" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C155&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
Now you know how this fading pathology looks like.
Having reviewed the photo of the navel protrusion in adults (men and women), we turn to the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms in men and women

Symptoms of the fading hernia in men are the same as in women - there are no sexes here, they are visible simple eye - Visually. Consider the main ones. But despite the simplicity of the diagnosis - a visit to the doctor must, because the same visual protrusion give metastases in the navel with a stomach cancer.

Signs and symptoms:

  • the protrusion in the navel area is visually visible in a standing position, which may disappear if the patient is lying on the couch (it does not occur during metastases in the navel). Also in the position lying the protrusion can be easy to correct. At the same time, the sound of blades of water bubbles will be heard when fingers
  • changing the color of the skin in the navel area - through the skin that threaded, you can see redness (blood vessels)
    and the intestinal outlet through the navel
  • an unpleasant feeling (maybe weakly pronounced) in the field of emphasis when lifting weights, quiet and cough
  • expansion of the umbilical ring - as a result of the violation of the tone of the muscles - through it easily, you can easily push the tip of the finger, whereas in a normal umbilical ring, such penetration is impossible
  • there is no pain syndrome with disadvantaged hernia, but there are cases of stupid pulling or gravity pain in the abdomen, can give back, lower back, spine. If the pain sharp is - it can talk about complication - infringement of hernia
  • constipation and nausea are observed only with large hernial formations that cannot be installed, the intestines intersect and the promotion of the carts is strongly intensive
  • pinching hernia, which is characterized by a strong sharp pain in the bunch of bunch and continuous vomiting, occurs when squeezed by a bipoded ring of the contents of the protrusion

These are the main symptoms of the speakers. It is not necessary that they will manifest everything and immediately - often there is only a protrusion in the field of Pup.

Listed above symptoms typical for usual, not complicated, hernia.

When complicated, which manifests itself in reducing the umbilical ring of hernia contents, the patient suffers from harsh pain, the functions of the abdomen of the abdomen and chest. Pain applies to groin and back. In case of intestinal obstruction, it is possible to vomiting by the carte masses.

What could be when pinching hernia for a long period (related diseases):

  • intestinal obstruction - the movement of carts in the intestine becomes impossible
  • necrosis of the pinched plot due to the stop of blood supply
  • peritonitis - severe inflammation of the abdomen

All the listed states when pinned are dangerous to life and require urgent surgical treatment, otherwise death comes. The infringement of hernia represents a threat to life - it is necessary to cause an emergency and immediate hospitalization is recommended.

Treatment of Pupno Grooms in Adults: Removal (Operation), Conservative Treatment, Complications

As soon as you have diagnosed: Umbilical hernia - immediately the question of its treatment immediately arises: how to treat than, and is it possible to treatment without surgery at home?

Most experts will say that without surgical interventionthat implies full removal Umbilical hernia in an adult man - men or women - there is always a relapseSo it is a constant threat to health.

Of course, there are cases when surgical removal Scrops are contraindicated because of various ailments of cardio-vascular system, respiratory or early terms pregnancy. There are more contraindicated overall anesthesia under which the operation is carried out.

For contraindications operational treatment You have to use different folk ways, phytotherapy, massage, healing physical culture to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

When an adult patient has an accurate diagnosis - an umbilical hernia, the surgeon chooses the treatment method acceptable for a patient. Once again, we note that the bubble hernia is not amenable to treatment without a woman in no women. Bandage instead of surgery can be applied only in exceptional cases.

The laser, as a method of treatment with a cordhouse, is not used - no laser removal or excision of the navel protrusion, but it is used as a tool - only for the dissection of fabrics, leather.

For each patient, its treatment tactics is chosen. The following factors are taken into account:

  • General condition of the patient and concomitant diseases
  • Probability of the development of complications
  • Relationship opportunity (re-education) hernia
  • Time for full recovery after surgery

Operational right of grozhi - The only way to completely get rid of the problem and reduce the risk of complications. It is planned at full hospitalization of the patient or in day hospital (outpatient surgery). The treatment of hernia in the "hospital of one day" is widespread in Western Europe and the United States. But gradually it comes to the countries of the post-Soviet space.

With "outpatient surgery" The patient is in a hospital for no more than a day after surgery. Then he is discharged and further tricks at home, under medical control at the place of residence. As practice shows, the percentage of postoperative infections is dramatically reduced during home care. Ambulatory treatment Not suitable for patients with large hernias and with related diseases, also requiring operational intervention.

Indications in which the treatment of Umbilical hernia and men and women will not cost without surgery:

  • infringement and stroke (break) hernia
  • spikes intestines
  • risk of gap of grozhi

Selecting the method of anesthesia

Before hospitalization, the patient gives the necessary analyzes ( general analysis blood and urine, blood on the biochemistry, coagulogram, tests for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis). Makes ECG, fluorography and ultrasound.

Directly before the operation, anesthesiologist chooses anesthesia: general, spinal, or local. Most often, hernia is played under spinal or local anesthesia.

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What patients do not suit local anesthesia:

  • Young (children and teenagers)
  • Restless and hyperactive
  • Suffering obesity

Local anesthesia is unacceptable when the intestine is infringed and breaking. There is a nuance: local anesthesia is possible only in psychological readiness for her patient. Not every person will be able to quietly observe how the doctors are "digging" in his stomach.

Spinal anesthesia is carried out by introducing an anesthetic to the spine. Its effect is longer. It gives full muscle relaxation and bilateral loss of sensitivity to pain. But there is one minus - urination delay after surgery.

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With general anesthesia, the postoperative recovery period is significantly extended. And even possible complications. Although it allows you to completely immobilize the patient, but it causes nausea and vomiting. And can also lead to negative consequences from the heart and respiratory tract. It is carried out only on emergency testimony.

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Luggage hernesty. Operation with endoprosthesis

Treatment of Underfloor hernia in adult patients is carried out only with the help of surgical intervention. Currently, non-taught hernesthesis has proven well using mesh endoprostheses.

The advantages of this operation is that it is small-acting, does not break the nutrition of tissues and leads to a rapid restoration of intestinal functions. But most importantly, when using endoprostheses, the likelihood of recurrence of the umbilical hernia is reduced.

Mesh endoprosthesis should be durable, resistant to the inner medium and microorganisms, as well as durable. It should not provoke the development of allergies and tumors. Mesh implants differ in design, elasticity, weight and durability. Modern endoprostheses are coated with antisposhe.

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For hernioplasty B. different time Metal (steel, silver, tantalum), synthetic (nylon, polyester, polyvnyl, acrylic, polypropylene) and adsorbing (polyglamines, polyglycol) Mesh implants were used.

In practice, endoprostheses from polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene and polyester were the most reliable. With mass operations, knitted polypropylene "grids" found the widespread use.

Types of mesh endoprostheses for hernioplasty:

  • Self-sessive - do not cause a patient long discomfort from the presence in the abdomen foreign bodies, less frequently provoke inflammation, reduce the formation of a scar, but do not exclude recurrence (especially with the large size of hernia or with poor fixation of the "Grid")
  • Unproductive - there are synthetic or composite (with a non-disseminated component), when they are installed, the re-appearance of hernia is unlikely, but a long pain syndrome is possible

When applying a "grid" can develop both specific (inflammation, repetitive hernia, fragrant sophisticated syndrome) and non-specific (mesh displacement, wrinkling it, fabric erosion) complications.

Briefly stages of non-tight hernestream can be described as follows:

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang: the right of hernia is performed using the" Grid "" width="500" height="332" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C199&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Usually the operation lasts 45-60 minutes. Seams are usually removed in 7 days. Often it happens after the patient's discharge under outpatient control. If absorbing threads were used, then there is no need to remove the seams.

The processing of seams is reduced to the change of dressings and lubricating the disinfecting means so that the infection does not get: a blue chopstick and staphylococcus, which cause inflammation of the seams after the operation.

I suggest watch video and listen to the doctor about the modern surgical treatment of the disease:

Tensioner hernesty. Operation of tensioning muscles and embeding along with hernia

The tensioning plastic hernia began to be used much earlier than the mesh implants were invented. Such operations are still performed. Three techniques of the umbilical hernia are developed and widely used. In particular, meyo, lexer and sapezhko methods. The choice of the method depends on the location of the hernia, its size, the state of the abdominal wall, etc.

All these techniques combines the following:
the administration of the underfloor hernia is carried out through its own muscles.

Muscular tissue moves (stretched) from adjacent areas and stitches with hernias. The weak abdominal wall and the "gate" of the hernia, as it were, "hidery" with a dense muscle tissue. Muscles have resistance to intra-abdominal pressure and do not give hernice to fuse. Rehabilitation period - 3 months.

Tensioner hernioplasty can be used with small fodder hernias. It is shown to young patients who have a well-developed muscle tissue in the abdomen.

The disadvantages of the tensioning operation include: the high probability of repeated "protrusion" of hernia, severe pain in the "remnation" of tissues, improper scarring of the seam and a longer recovery period.

Cost (price) operations for men and women

In each case of pathology, the cost of the operation on plastic and removing the protrusion in the underfloor area is stipulated when inspection and depends on many factors:

  • severity of the pathological process
  • complications
  • concomitant pathology
  • selection of implant or its absence
  • the cost of prosthetic products, disposable cassettes, crosslinking

In most cases, prosthetic products and implants, suture material are not included in the cost of surgical services.

I give approximate prices of operational intervention in Moscow and Kiev - for the general picture and understanding what it will turn out financially. The price of the operation for men and women is the same, that is, the patient's sexuality is not important.

Surgery cost in Kiev

Clinic Endostep. offers its services according to the following price list:

Laparoscopic plastic of the umbilical hernia (without the cost of the grid) - 6700 hryvnia
Open plastic of the umbilical hernia (without the cost of the grid) - 7800 hryvnia

Omega clinic Evaluates its services to remove hernias:

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: cost (price) operations In the clinic Omega" width="500" height="209" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=690&ssl=1 690w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C126&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Cost of operation in Moscow

Center phlebology and treatment of hernia ( Beauty Clinic Dr.) Estimates the operation in the treatment of hernia (when clicking increases):

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: cost of operation in Moscow" width="500" height="251" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=728&ssl=1 728w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C151&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> !}
Scandinavian health center, prices:

Operational treatment of hernia - 28000 rubles
Operational treatment of recurrent hernia - 33000 rubles
Consultation of the anesthesiologist-resuscitator - 800 rubles
Anesthesia in the operational treatment of hernia - 7350 rubles
Anesthesia in the operational treatment of recurrent hernia - 8850 rubles

Be prepared for the described costs, if you contact a paid clinic. Prices are at the time of writing the article and may change.

Conservative treatment

Surgical operations on hernia are contraindicated in patients with severe concomitant diseases (cirrhosis, cancer), especially for patients over 70 years old.

In this case the risk of operation is higher than the danger of the fastener hernia itself.

Such patients are shown conservative treatment In the form of using a supporting band or therapeutic belt.

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Conservative Treatment - Bandage" width="500" height="334" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C200&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

The bandage prevents the bowel outlet in the hernia. It is applied only with the wrong bubble hernias. Its wearing can be temporary: for a period, it is still impossible to perform hernioplasty. For example, during pregnancy or exacerbation of chronic disease.

Also wearing a bandage are prescribed with huge hernias. It is necessary that the patient is used to increasing the intra-abdominal pressure that will come after the operation.

For a long time wearing a bandage. It is fraught with the formation of adhesions between hernias and internal organs. And it can also disrupt tissue trophics. And in the end will lead to the formation of a non-commissioned umbilical hernia.

What complications may be

Infection and suppuration of the wound is the main reason for the rejection of the implant and recurrence of the underfloor hernia. The purulent process may arise due to inept and careless surgery actions. It can injure pure fabric with hands and tool or do not stop bleeding on time.

Possible complications after hernioplasty:

  • hematomas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound (sometimes bleeding)
  • purulent inflammation wounds
  • education fistula
  • calculation of serous fluid in the postoperative seam area
  • sensitivity impairment (when nerve damage)
  • recurrent of Gryzhi
  • spikes in the abdominal cavity
  • pain in plastic
  • the formation of scar tissue deforming the implant and the area around it
  • erosion of internal organs (due to unsuccessful placement of implant)
  • offset and wrinkling "Grid"
  • return "Grid"
  • pneumonia (it is rare)
  • thrombose

Unsuccessful placement of the "grid" when it comes into contact with subcutaneous fluid, increases the risk of inflammation of the wound. In addition, in the focus of the wound can "touch" infection. And if the surgeon does not dry off the wound surfaces, the complications will not wait long for a long time.

Herneoplasty is considered successful if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Correctly selected implant size
  2. "Grid" correctly introduced (between peritonevo and aponeurosis)
  3. The implant is rigidly fixed with polypropylene threads or titanium clips
  4. Modern and reliable methods for stopping bleeding (coagulation, laser or ultrasound)
  5. All measures of asepsis and antiseptics are observed
  6. An antibiotic (groups of cephalosporins) was introduced before the start of the operation

If all these actions are performed by a competent surgeon, then the patient will quickly go to the amendment. Otherwise, the risk of infection reaches 14%. For the suspension with a long operation or using drainage, as well as elderly persons, after conducting hernioplasty, prescribe a preventive course of antibiotics.

Female outcome is possible with thromboemonmblem pulmonary arteriesprovoked by the operation. He is subject to patients of old age.

Pain after surgery

After conducting hernioplasty in the patient, chronic abdominal pain may begin. The risk of the development of painful syndrome of Central and high degree Severity is about 12%. With age, the likelihood of chronic pain decreases. In women, pain after hernioplasty appear the bowl than in men.

When increasing the risk of chronic pains:

  • if the operation is executed by a tensioning method without "grid"
  • with an open hernioplasty
  • if the pains were observed before surgery
  • when using a non-disseminating "grid"

After the operation, the area of \u200b\u200bthe root of hernia always hurts. But these pains are not long. To eliminate them, patients discharge analgesics and other painful drugs.

To reduce the pain, the doctors advise maintaining the operated area with their hands. Especially when sneezing and cough, when intra-abdominal pressure is sharply rising.

If chronic pain continues for more than three months, then the patient must pass additional treatment. To eliminate the causes of pain, resection of pinched nerves is carried out. But most often surgically Remove implant, clips or suture material.

Restoration after plastic hernia - rehabilitation

As soon as the pain disappears, the patient can gradually return to her old life. But O. complete restoration Ability to speak no earlier than 6 months after the operation. Although these deadlines vary and depend on the method and scope of hernioplasty and the individual characteristics of the body.

For example, restoration after laparoscopy occurs much faster than with an open operation. After a day, the patient begins to walk and take liquid food. And after a couple of days he is discharged home. To active life and work, the patient returns after 1-3 weeks. In addition, an ugly postoperative scar is formed on his stomach.

For the period of recovery, the physical activity of the patient before the operation, its level of culture, the presence of chronic diseases and a clear investigation by medical recommendations is always affected.

Postoperative rehabilitation includes activities:

  1. wearing a bandage for fixing the position of the muscles and the restoration of muscular fabric (1-1.5 months)
  2. strict diet to avoid heating and constipation: main food - soups, cereals, vegetables, fresh fruits (limit coffee and milk, alcoholic beverages, sharp dishes and seasonings, carbohydrate and fatty foods), useful to herbs infusions and champs: rosehip, oak bark, chamomile, sage, yarrow
  3. restriction of physical activity, especially lifting weights (strictly - 1 week)
  4. course drug addicts
  5. definition of scheduled inspections for status monitoring and power adjustment
  6. passage of physiotherapy procedures (massage, healing physical education)

Do breakfast, standing, standing or lying on a soft coating and in a bandage to stretch and warm up the muscles. From the exercises, tilts and turns of the body, squats, raising legs. LFK and gymnastics are the first time under the guidance of a specialist.

The exact fulfillment of the purpose of the doctor will give the opportunity to recover as soon as possible and without complications.

How many rehabilitation lasts, depends on the type of operation. The smaller the injury - the faster there is a complete rehabilitation, with laparoscopy - a month and a half, with henioplasty - 3 months / 1 year (depends on the state of the patient, its physical training and lifestyle).

In the video, the doctor gives specific instructions for recovery after surgery:

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of the underfloor hernia without surgery alone folk remedies It is not possible in men or women or children. The hernia in adults can only be operable. But with the help of folk recipes, you can improve the overall condition and health of the patient.

JPG "ALT \u003d" (! Lang: Treatment of navel folk remedies" width="500" height="375" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Medicinal plants whose decoctions can be used with Pupka hernia:

  • Goupe medicine
  • Vasilek twisted (flowers only)
  • Clover
  • Gooseberry (leaves)
  • Plakuan Grass (or Derbennik Ivolet)

Compresses In the area of \u200b\u200bthe hernia make from wormwood, fern leaves and nettle. To remove the hernia pain applied ice. Also effective grazing of oat colts.

For cooking paint compress Fresh leaves are twisted on a meat grinder with the addition of sour cream. The mixture is superimposed on the patient area and the cabbage sheet is closed on top. The compress is fixed and covered with warm tissue.

Obligration with camphor and pine alcohol, as well as the previous remedy, strengthen the walls of the peritoneum. The resin rolls into a cake, softened in the oven or above the gas and is superimposed on a pre-lubricated camphor oil area of \u200b\u200bhernias all night.

Salads with salt bag of pain. A pair of tablespoons of a large salt wrapped into the cloth, they are tied in the form of a note and dip in water. A sick place is done. And the pain quickly passes.

Compress from bark and oak leaves. Pre-navel area is wiping with vinegar solution (1 tbsp. Spoon of table vinegar per glass cold water). Then half an hour is applied compress from warm oak infusion. The tincture is prepared from leaves, bark and acorns, filled in red wine. Two thirds of the bottle of raw materials are flooded with fire, clog the plug and put on 21 days in a dark place.

Parish from the grass of the hernik. The grass stalks are wary of 5 minutes in boiling water and applied for several hours to the hernia area. Palcets are changing on fresh 4-5 times a day.

These are the main ways of treating the umbilical hernia in adults. Now let's talk about the children's hernial formations of the navel.

Basic hernia in children, infants and newborns, treatment and symptoms

Consider how and why the hernia navel is formed in children and newborns, which you need to know and do how to treat it and whether treatment is needed, symptoms.

Learn the view of the children's pediatrician of Dr. Komarovsky, get the recommendations of the Children's Surgeon of Osipov Anton Mikhailovich when expanding the umbilical ring in newborns. Photo of hernia navel in children and newborn babies see below.

And also remember: Operational methods are used for children only after 5 or 6 years, when you can confidently say that the hernia did not close on its own.

There are, of course, exceptions from the rule: the size of the umbilical ring is large and there is no likelihood of its independent closure - then the operation can assign children aged 3 or 4 years.

Regarding children aged 5-6 years, then the girls perform the operation always - in order to avoid problems during pregnancy in the future, and the boys do in the case there are painfulness or other discomfort.

Jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: Umbilical hernia in children" width="500" height="667" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=225%2C300&ssl=1 225w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Симптомы образования пуповинного выпячивания у детей всегда заметны визуально - никакой !} additional diagnosis Not required here.

Punching in the navel area or its noticeable protrusion of 5-6 cm, especially noticeable when screaming and crying, constipation. Soft education, easy to improve in the lying position. Anxiety to children does not bring, except cases with complications (pinching).

Dr. Komarovsky on children's cord emphas

Children are more likely than adults, have an umbilical hernia. The main questions that are disturbed by parents:

  • Conduct itself or cut?
  • What passes itself and what is not?
  • If you cut, when?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, medical science believes that the hernia of the navel in most children is closed by itself under the age of one and a half years, the maximum is up to three years. If up to 3 years did not close the sump ring - it will not close. Some doctors believe that the maximum term is up to 5 years. For young children, Lekaor is speaking time.

If hernia has not closed to the named age - it means that operational intervention is necessary. Operational treatment is shown after 5 years under general anesthesia.

This option is possible that the hernia has a child, but the protrusion is small, not painful, there is no risk of getting into the hernia of the intestine. There is no risk that it will twist and damage - then there is no need to hurry with the operation.

If there are real pain in the navel area, the hernia is stirred, redness and swelling occurs - then it is necessary to operate immediately regardless of the age of the child. Moreover, all the hernia operations is an alphabet of surgery, which does not require any virtuoso knowledge, does not require deep anesthesia - it requires simply normal hands and high-quality suture.

In simple language - it is necessary to sew two bundles that diverged. But here the keyword is high-quality suture material.

Completely different requirements for suture materials, needles in 2 months, in 1 year and in 6 years. And if the surgeon proposes to wait a month before the year - this means that he does not have the desired suture material for children to a year. Such realities of modern medicine ...
The main task is to provide a surgeon with high-quality suture material, respectively, with the age of the child.

The premature child competes more often than in the docking, as it has not yet completed the formation of the umbilical ring. Basic hernia accompanies rickettic children. This is due to the violation of the muscles turgora and tone tone, weak fascia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical ring.

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It is important to debunk one common myth:

inwester a bunch of a nuclear ring or does not tarnish - it absolutely does not depend on us. It also does not depend on the fact that the child is crying - you do not need to wear it constantly on your hands. Crying baby does not cause hernia.

When should I contact the surgeon and cut the hernia navel? If it is necessary to constantly go, it is big, it causes pain, skin changes on the place of hernia - then the operation is needed to avoid pinching.

About the treatment of hernia in a newborn

The Children's Surgeon of Osipov Anton Mikhailovich, speaking of hernia in newborns, emphasizes the weakness of the fascia, which leads to a delay in the closure of the cord ring during the healing of the umbilical wound and formation in its place of the scar - navel. In this place the navel is protruding.

The process of formation of convexity is displayed in the photo below - from the cut of the umbilical cord before the navel protrusion in newborn babies.

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Bedroom hernia in newborn babies" width="500" height="406" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C244&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

The main reason for hernia education in newborns - anatomical predisposition Or underdevelopment of the umbilical ring.

Factors such as crying, colic, cry, trimming lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. With the normal anatomical development of the umbilical ring, the protrusion is not formed, with weakened fascia of the cord ring - it is possible to repeated navel.

The premature babies or babies with reduced weight are included in the risk group due to the possible underdevelopability of the fascia of the cord ring.

How dangerous is the basic hernia in infants, her treatment

This section is written on the basis of Consultations of the Children's Surgeon Osipova A.M.
Herge-sized jamming of babies is not the most dangerous as a disease, but it is important to take advice from the surgeon and make sure that it is the hernia navel and that there is no complications.

After that, you can wait until the child will grow and the muscles will begin to strengthen it. You can also follow such advice from a specialist:

  1. massage
  2. complex exercise LFK
  3. swimming - to strengthen the muscles of the front abdominal wall
  4. application of special plasters

By 2-3 years there is a self-appearance of 70% of kids. Otherwise, it will be advisable to turn to the surgeon. Operational treatment is shown after 5 years under general anesthesia - if there are no urgent readings to the operation.

Lay the kid with tummy on a solid surface is needed 20 minutes before feeding. In this state, the child actively moves - it strengthens the muscles. He is trying to raise his head, which also leads to strengthening fascia.

This exercise for infants replaces both massage and gymnastics. You can do 2-3 times a day.

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Laying a newborn baby on the belly" width="500" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C180&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Daily massage and gymnastics from 1 month of life held by parents

The essence of the massage is to strengthen the umbilical ring. Why is it recommended to hold parents? Because the child during the massage should feel comfortable - laugh, smile, his muscles should be relaxed.

Only with relaxed muscles massage is really effective. If the muscles are intense, the child is crying - there is no sense from the massage.

The meaning of the massage in stretching relaxed muscles due to the fact that we davit on them. In response to this, the muscle pressure is reduced themselves. It turns out artificial muscle training with a massage, while they are strengthened, the bloodstream improves - and thus the muscles of the entire abdominal wall of the abdomen are strengthened.

Check out the video, how to properly carry out a massage with an extended umbilical ring:

3. LFK, swimming after 1 year of life

First, the help of a specialist in mastering the exercise complex to strengthen the press is necessary.

When swimming, there must be an instructor to teach parents, how to support the baby and how much time is in the water.

4. Plockers and bandage for the treatment of navel protrusion

Special plasters for the prevention and treatment of umbilical hernia in children are different. There are three types of patches - foreign production, domestic and special plasters - just for the treatment of navel protrusion.

Ordinary patrols of domestic production not to use in no case. Foresting plasterings can be fixed by the children's surgeon, that is, a doctor.

It is not always used, since it is possible to irritate the skin from the baby. Foreign plasters cause less allergic reactions, tolerability of their best domestic. Fix their days by 15-20, sometimes - 30, fixing the cross on the cross, forming the skin fold. The fold will correctly fix the surgeon, it is better not to do it.

Special glockers are recommended much more often. They are called Porofix (Porofix). They are hypoallergenic, the instructions recommended use immediately after birth, while all other plasters are allowed to use from year or from six months.

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Special Porofix Plasters (Porofix)" width="500" height="232" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C139&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

It is important that the plaster itself is dugs upon contact with warm water and changes it every day. Due to this, the risk of irritation is minimized. The plaster itself consists of two halves, which are in turns attached to the right and on the left at a distance of 2 cm from the umbilical ring. We blend the hernia and delay, selling the ear of one part of the patch in the window of another part. First, tighten one side, then the other.

What gives such a tightening? It makes it possible to correctly form a skin fold, and parents can do it themselves. Before bathing a child, it can be poisoned by baby oil - then it will come out even easier.

After swimming in place around the navel, it is desirable to apply the cream with a decantenon with the finest layer (Dexpanthenol). It absorbs for 30 minutes - at this time the skin breathes, resting and has the opportunity to be without a plaster. After 30 minutes, a new porophyx is recorded.

In the package of 10 patches, they are enough for the course of treatment of children up to 3 months. For older kids, two packs are recommended for 20 days. The plaster gives a good visible result, but the application of the patch does not exclude the massage, since it is he who strengthens the muscles of the umbilical ring.

Massage is done after the patch recorded. Only the plaster in combination with the massage ensure the achievement of therapeutic effect. If the massage does not do - recurrence is possible.

A few words about bandages. They give low efficiency from application, as it is rarely obtained to wear a bandage at least 22 hours a day. In practice, the child is tightened and the medical effect is not achieved.

Jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: bandage with hernia navel in children" width="500" height="500" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C300&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Questions who ask parents to children's surgeon

1. Is it possible to combine the bandage with pipples and how to combine them? Bandage wear 2-3 weeks after the course of porphyx plochiers with a view to fix the result and avoid relapse.

2. Does the child feel pain from the application of the plasters and the bandage? If this is an ordinary umbilical hernia - uncomplicated, then the child does not have discomfort. It is not even hernia, but simply expanding the umbilical ring.

3. Do I need to turn to the doctor and what? Need to contact K. children's Surgeon. - To understand that it is really for education.

4. Is it possible to glue a coin? No, since there may be allergic and inflammatory processes due to the infection. The coin is all the same as a bandage. It is better to fix the usual plaster from the surgeon, or buy the same Porophyc. If the skin fold is formed correctly - no apparent additional items need: coins, rollers, balls.

These are the methods of cure and prevention of navel protaging in children.

Outcome. Today we revealed a large theme - the umbilical hernia in adults (men and women), in children, found out what the bubble hernia looks like and how it is formed, why it arises, its signs and symptoms. We considered what effective treatment exists if it is possible to cure it without surgery or not, got acquainted with the photo and video about hernia navel.

I have two requests to readers:

1. Press the buttons and share in the social networks. My work - the article may be useful for your friends;
2. Tell your experience to eliminate pathology in the comments - I will be sincerely grateful for the addition to the article or its confirmation.

Healthy to you and beautiful navel!

A man, on the one hand, is a crown of nature, and all the achievements of civilization directly or indirectly indicate that. The head and hands of a person are organs that have created our world. But, having freeing hands for work, and accepting vertical position Body, a man sacrificed many.

For example, the load on the spine has increased, such a disease appeared as osteochondrosis. And the vertical position of the abdominal cavity and the load on the hands contributed to an increase in pressure in it.

The abdominal muscles are not everywhere equally dense: sometimes weaknesses are formed between the beams, in which the peritoneum is filmed, and nearby the nearby contents are rushing: the intestinal loop. We are talking about the hernias of the white lines of the abdomen and about the umbilical hernia. The weak points of the abdominal wall is lower: they form inguinal and femuric hernia.

How dangerous is the emergence of such education, like an umbilical hernia? What does she look like, and how to deal with it?

Basic hernia - what is it?

Underfloor hernia is a pathological formation, in which the peritonean, with adjacent abdominal organs, is fond of the skin under the influence of internal pressure, in the case of weakness of the umbilical ring. Navel latin - UMBO, and the umbilical hernia is so umbilical.

  • A characteristic symptom is to reduce the protrusion, or a complete disappearance (spontaneous refueling) in the position lying on the back.

The frequency of occurrence with this localization is approximately 6-10%. More often, it is observed in the giving birth women, as well as the rural population, due to the greater physical activity.

How is the umbilical hernia?

Any hernia, including the umbilical, consists of three parts: the gate ("weak place"), the bag (which is visible outside), and the content that, penetrating through the gate, is in the bag. In case of umbilical hernia, it can be a large gland, or that worse - loops of the small intestine.

It is from the behavior of the content depends on the forecast. For example, with prolonged protrusion, the occurrence of pain, the deterioration of well-being is possible simply casting the contents of the bag.

Therefore, any attempt to correct such a hernia will lead to the development of peritonitis, which is fraught with fatal outcome. This condition in which the urgent operation is needed is called the infringement of hernia.

Why does hernia arise?

The main producing factor is the congenital or acquired stretching of the umbilical ring, which is constantly increasing with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure: it occurs, for example, when weeping in children, and during spontaneous, especially long genera in women.

The predisposing factors for the development of umbilical, or the umbilical hernia in adults are:

  • with familiar constipation;
  • with abdominal type of obesity;
  • with the weakness of the muscles of the abdominal press;
  • with scar postoperative changes in the aircraft region;
  • with frequent pregnancies;
  • due to severe physical stress, for example, when lifting weights;
  • with chronic obstructive lung diseases: asthma, cough attacks;

It is easy to guess that the factors are only two: this is the weakness of the umbilical ring in combination with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This mechanism is universal for all hernia: a femoral, groove, and a white belly line.

What does the umbilical hernia look like? As a rounded protrusion in the navel area. Unfortunately, appearance Nothing says about the contents of the bag and its condition. Previously, before the appearance of the ultrasound, it was difficult to guess.

For example, listened to the hernia with a phonenadoscope. If there is an intestinal loop in the bag, and its condition did not cause concerns, then the sounds of the peristalsis were heard, and the rumbling. But if the intestine "shut down", then this sign could testify to her necrosis.

The symptoms of the umbilical hernia in adults during its uncomplicated flow are as follows:

  1. There is a protrusion in the umbilical area, first when the pressure is increased, and then more often. With the horizontal position of the hernia often goes on;
  2. In the event of an increase in pressure (lifting weight, cough, sneezing, emptying of the intestines) there are pains that characterize "squeaking" content through the ring. Patients "with experience" during exercise are a special bandage, or even adhere to the navel with fingers to prevent the increasing hernia;
  3. During the progression of the process, nausea can be disturbed, burglaries in the mouth, the increase in the peristalsis, rumbling. This is due to the fact that the promotion of the food lump on the delicate intestine in the zone of the hernial gate, and further difficult.

If an umbilical hernia originated, what to do? First of all, you need to watch it, preventing excessive tension of the muscles of the abdominal press.

We carry a special, well-chosen bandage, can prevent the appearance of hernia, a special plaster for the umbilical hernia can also be used for this purpose.

But, all these measures are similar to the behavior of a person guarding a barrel with powder among burning candles. As the great connoisseur of the human soul and the doctor Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote, "if a rifle hangs on the wall, then it should shoot." This is how it happens with hernia, and not necessarily with the umbilical.

They have a cunning property to be complicated and rejected at the most inopportune point of time: in the forest, on the hunt, away from civilization and sanitary aviation, or from the means of communication.

Therefore, the management of a long existing education is not only useless, but may also be dangerous. Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery is impossible: the state of "cure" will last until the next trip to the toilet.

Yes, there are special types of hernia, for example, the inner hernia of the diaphragm esophageal opening, in which, in most cases, a conservative treatment is shown, which is very successful. But there is a special biomechanics of the emergence of hernia, and, moreover, there are no symptoms of obstruction, and the infringement is extremely rare. Therefore, the only treatment in the type "made and forgot" is the removal of the umbilical hernia.

To which doctor to contact For examination and treatment? It should be a clinic surgeon, which will give a direction to hospitalization and operational treatment.

Operate in any separation of "clean" surgery, which is not only in the city, but also in any Central District Hospital. The operation of the hernia refers to the section of abdominal surgery, or the surgery of the abdominal organs.

About the operation to remove hernia

In fact, the illiterate people say so. No "removal" does not occur because there is nothing to remove, except for excess skin and subcutaneous fiber. Intestinal loops are commissioned in abdominal cavity (provided that they are full of viability), then the main stage of the operation - plastic of the hernial gate is carried out, that is, the strengthening of the umbilical ring, and then eliminates an excess skin bag.

The fact is that the skin has time to stretch over for a long time, and she does not always be able to deal with wrinkles. In any case, a small rutter near the navel is completely invisible after the operation.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to operate the umbilical hernia "on the cold", that is, among full health. Of course, I don't really want to do it, but you need.

How to find out that hernia is damaged and need urgent help?

Complications and signs of infringement of hernia

Urgently to cause ambulance, or it is necessary to go to the nearest surgical hospital if:

  • nausea appeared, vomiting, well-being worsened;
  • the noises of the intestines peristaltics disappeared, there was no chairs and fatal gases, the bloating appeared;
  • the temperature rose, or the pain (not only in the umbilical region, but, in general, in the abdomen, or in groin) increased sharply.

Also a dangerous precursor is the situation when education, which is usually easily and independently went lying on, stopped doing it.

For obvious reasons, it is impossible to try to do this by force, but to call ambulance, and lying to go to the hospital. If you get up, you can fully gain content.

It is known that the bowel loop, which occurs to twist the mesentery with the leading artery, after a few hours it already needs resection, as it dies. This causes intestinal obstruction, which after a few hours is complicated by peritonitis.


Upon timely appeal to the surgeon in the "planned" manner, a person recovers. As a rule, recurrences do not arise, the cosmetic defect does not remain. The operation lasts for a short time, "do not get into the stomach."

Basically, the surgeon performs all the work, engaged in a plastic of the umbilical ring. After discharge from the hospital, you can forget the bandage, and about all restrictions.

Instead of imprisonment

Basic hernia in adults, the symptoms and the treatment of which we looked at, the doctors are considered a "non-serious" operation. But in the event that the patient neglected by planned hernias, and came to the operating table already in a state of collapse and shock, with intestinal obstruction, a hiding vomiting and a distinguished peritonite, then his chances not only for recovery, and the survival rapidly fall.

Therefore, in order not to create a problem - do not listen to those who offer "recovery without surgery." Your health is only in your hands.

Navel. It is an anomalous spherical protrusion through an umbilical ring of organs located in the abdomen. The feature of hernia education is that initial stages It is reduced (and sometimes disappears) at the moment when a person lies. Later, when stretching the umbilical ring, the protrusion is enhanced. "Falls out" not only the gland, but also small intestine. Over time, the hernia is growing with the tissues of the abdominal wall, which is why the protrusion does not shift inside the umbilical ring. In such cases, the need for surgical intervention is brewing.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in adults

On a slight protrusion in the Pup area at the stress of the belly, a person usually does not pay attention. Moreover, it decreases in size or in general disappears with a horizontal position of the body. However, when closed (spike), the walls of the herniated bag with the tissues of the abdominal cavity, when his "self-conforming" no longer happens, the person is experiencing great inconvenience and pain.

Doubt is that the hernia navel is developing, it does not remain if:

  • pulling pain is localized in the Pup region;
  • it is enhanced at the tension of the abdominal muscles, sneezing, cough;
  • the skin around the protrusion changes the color (blushing, then blue);
  • torments buried, nausea (often ends with vomiting);
  • no appetite;
  • there is a general weakness.

When infringement of the internal organs, the hernia becomes hot, darkest. At the same time, the body temperature is often raised, begins to break the loin. The chair will first dilute. Later there is a long constipation, due to the difficulty of passing out the intestinal masses. Often there is blood in them. Blood circulation in the tissues of the peritoneum, which leads to their necrosis and peritonitis.

The reason for the occurrence of umbilical hernia in adults is stretching the umbilical ring. This is due to the weakening of muscle tissue of the abdominal cavity and, as a result, reducing the stability of the surrounding nippers of the muscles to intra-painting pressure.

People fall into the risk group:

  • with bad heredity;
  • with the pathology of the development of peritoness;
  • suffering the operations of the abdominal cavity;
  • leading low-effective lifestyle;
  • gained injury;
  • sharply lost weight or replenished;
  • suffering obesity, constipation, water.

The likelihood of the appearance of umbilical hernia in women is high. This is due to the most part with pregnancy and childbirth. Here in the risk group should include women:

  • pregnant in adulthood;
  • carry two or more children at once;
  • moved complex labor.

Basic absorption is due to their sharp increase in pressure on the walls of the abdominal cavity with the growth of the fetus or strong attempts during childbirth. The development of the disease can be prevented if we have a special bandage.

Underfloor hernia can develop with:

  • strong and long cough;
  • often repeated constipation.
  • In all these cases, intra-abdominal pressure on circular octopus muscles is repeatedly enhanced. Men Undercompaning may be a consequence of the pure voltage in the problems with urination during the exacerbation of prostatitis or the development of prostate adenoma. In humans suffering from cirrhosis, this disease is provoked by an excess of fluid in the abdomen.

    What doctor to contact?

    If you have discovered the symptoms of the umbilical hernia, be sure to contact the medical institution. Primary reception Typically conducts a precursor therapist. He will send you to Ktakim doctors as:

    The surgeon is engaged in eliminating the hernial formations and their complications. Gastroenterologist helps to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, avoid constipation. If necessary, you will be appointed advice of nutritionists, obstetrician-gynecologist, oncologist.

    Doctor at the reception:

    1. examines the belly in different positions of the body (sitting, lying);
    2. provides the hernia navel in the calm and intense state of the peritoneum;
    3. appoints the appropriate instrumental studies (ultrasound, heni and radiography, FGDS of the abdominal organs).

    Based on the results of inspection and instrumental research, the doctor will be able to clearly diagnose the disease, determine the size of the protrusion, to identify complications. The corresponding treatment will be assigned. With a dangerous impairment of the internal organs, you will urgently guide the operation.

    Effective treatment methods

    It is necessary to eliminate the umbilical dumping in adults. Otherwise, heavy complications are not avoided. It will be broken by the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the abutment of peritoness tissues will occur, peritonitis will appear. As the numerous medical practiceIt is possible to actually cure this disease only by surgical intervention. Since the umbilical protrusion in adulthood is steadily.

    At the moment of time, several methods of operational treatment of Umbilical hernia in adults are used:

    • traditional open hernioplasty with the tension of the pitch wall cloth;
    • laparoscopic hernioplasty;
    • installing the mesh implant.

    Herneoplasty is the crosslinking of the umbilical ring, which reduces its lumen and prevent the loss of intestinal loops. In open hernioplasty, the surgeon makes a big incision of the belly skin. With laparoscopy, small cuts are performed, in which the endoscope and the corresponding tools are then introduced. This method is more gentle, which means it is easier to transfer the patient. Installing the mesh implant involves the closure of the umbilical rings with a grid.

    Is it possible to do without surgery?

    A bunch of "light" hernia is treated with conservative. The decision about this is accepted after a thorough study of the results of laboratory and instrumental research. Conservative therapy may include:

    • long wearing a bandage that contributes to the holding of the abdominal muscles;
    • vacuum massage with banks, stimulating the abdominal wall and muscles;
    • therapeutic gymnastics that helps the tie of the umbilical ring, which is good training of oblique muscles and the abdominal press.

    Basic hernia in some adults can significantly be reduced with regularly and methodically performed by the traditional massage of the abdomen. It combines stroking, rubbing, pinching an octopup zone. The purpose of such manipulations is to strengthen the abdominum muscles. Specialist should perform them, otherwise, instead of use, you can harm the body.

    It should be noted that the conservative treatment of the umbilical hernia is shown only when:

    • a small expansion of the umbilical ring;
    • the absence of complications and infringement in the abdominal cavity;
    • considerable period of pregnancy;
    • acute or aggravated chronic diseases;
    • problems with a cardiovascular system.

    They are resorted to it when surgery is not recommended. For example, if a patient diabetes, oncological diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, varicose rectum or esophagus, severe renal failure. The rejection of the operation and the appointment of conservative treatment is practiced in the event of an old age of the patient.

    Modern operations: pros and cons

    Operational treatment of umbilical hernia in adults is carried out in several ways. Each of them has its own characteristics, which means it provides a specific therapeutic effect and is shown in certain cases.

    Tenten hernioplasty is resorted to eliminate a small size of the hernial protrusion (no more than 5 cm). The stretched bubble ring is stitched in the longitudinal and transverse direction, weakened areas of the abdominal wall are strengthened. The operation passes quickly, for the most part without complications. But:

    • Rehabilitation after open tension henoplasty can stretch to one year.
    • From sports at this time will have to abandon, about physical exertion - to forget.
    • Symptoms of umbilical hernia can be repeated. In the case of small hernias, the percentage of recurrence reaches 20, with serious protruding-30-50.
    • The body remains a noticeable scar. In some situations, hernial protrusion is eliminated with the navel, which also leads to a cosmetic defect.

    Under non-taper hernioplasty under the skin above the umbilical ring or under it, a mesh implant is installed. This method is effective, since:

    • The prosthesis is well strengthened by the ring, as a result of which there are rare disease recurrences. (not higher than 1 percent)
    • It is allowed to be applied while eliminating the umbilical protrusion of any size.
    • There are no scars and other defects on the human body.
    • Postoperative recovery passes faster than with tensioner hernioplasty.

    In the treatment of umbilical hernia in adults by laparoscopy, special tools and an endoscope are introduced into small cuts on the skin in the octopupus zone. During the operation, the hernia is first excised, then an inspection of the abdominal wall and the internal organs of the abdomen cavity is carried out, after that the mesh implant is sewn. Since garbage cuts, then healing passes quickly, almost without complications. But:

    • Laparoscopy requires special equipment.
    • The qualifications of the surgeon should be high.
    • With an impressive stretching of the umbilical ring, such an operation is not performed.
    • Laparoscopy is contraindicated to people with heart disease and / or light.

    After any of the above-described operations, the patient must wear a bandage and engage in medical gymnastics, avoiding exercises to strengthen the abdominal press. With painful syndrome, appropriate medicines are prescribed, with complications - antibiotics, immunomodulators. It is extremely important not to provoke the stress of the abdominal muscles, therefore the load on this part of the body is prohibited.

    How to protect yourself from hernia navel: 5 ways

    As numerous medical practice shows, the symptoms of the umbilical hernia in adults are manifested after serious overvoltages of the pure muscles or as a result of a strong internal pressure on the navel area. Therefore, it is important:

    • fight obesity and overweight;
    • training the abdominal press;
    • do not lift big weights;
    • timely treat constipation and gastrointestinal diseases;
    • when pregnant wearing a bandage.

    Remember, the disease is better prevented than to treat. Attentive attitude towards yourself, the fight against provoking disease factors, moderate exercise - all this helps to avoid hernia formations. With the slightest changes in the field of the navel, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor.

    Articles on the topic

    The umbilical hernia implies a characteristic protrusion focused in the field of the navel, at which there is an extending beyond the limits of the front abdominal wall of the internal organs (intestines, large gland). The hernia is the umbilical, the symptoms of which differ in manifestation depending on the belonging to the specific age groupmay appear not only in kids, as it is considered, but also in adults.

    general description

    Underfloor hernia, although it is sufficiently studied, but it does not determine the solutions for it for it concerning the prevention of primary occurrence, and, in fact, the prevention of repetitions (otherwise recurrences). An important feature of hernia is that, with recurrences of their occurrence, the physical activity of the patient is significantly limited, very tangible infringement occur, which, in turn, become the cause of serious moral suffering. In particular, hernia becomes problematic for women within postpartum period and for patients of elderly or senile age.

    As we have already noted initially, the hernia is generally understood, it occurs under the skin of any organ or implies its protrusion to another possible space. Under the umbilical hernia, respectively, the hernia is understood, the protrusion of which focuses within the framework of the layout of the navel.

    The hernia has the following components: the hernia doors in the form of a hole, through which the exit of the internal organs beyond the abdominal cavity is ensured (in this case - a navel ring), as well as the hernery bag, presented in the form of a part of the shell, in which "drop-down" manual organs. In addition, the hernia also has hernia content, which can be represented by any of the abdominal organs. As organs overlooking the limits of the abdominal wall through the ring, a large seal and intestines are determined.

    Considering in general the features of the course of such a disease as an umbilical hernia, allocate congenital The form of its manifestation and shape acquired . As can be understood directly from these definitions, congenital umbilical hernia is manifested immediately after birth, standing out as a spherical protrusion, which has a wide type of base with its subsequent transition to the umbilical cepod. The cry of a child with hernia leads to an increase in it in size. Basic hernia acquired, in turn, determines the predisposition to its occurrence in older children and in adults. In a separate order, this option should also be considered as an embryonic umbilical hernia that we will do somewhat lower.

    Basic hernia in adults can manifest straight hernia or hernia kosovo . Straight hernias are formed due to thinning adjacent directly to the umbilical ring of transverse fascia. This implies the yield of a hernial bag to subcutaneous tissue through the umbilical ring. As for oblique naughty hernia, the protrusion is formed here or above the umbilical ring, or under it, followed by passing through the slot located between the transverse fascia (that is, the umbilical channel) and the white line of the abdomen, after which the exit to the subcutaneous tissue through the umbilical ring .

    As for the features of the manifestation of naughty hernia, it all depends on the value of a particular hernia, the size that the hernia doors correspond, on the degree of severity of the actual adhesion process, and whether the patient's obesity is considered a painful state.

    Basic hernia can be edible or, accordingly, unjustible . In the last version, the battle of the hernial bag and the surrounding tissues occurs, it is ensured by sucks. It also happens that the umbilical hernias, if they are located in small sizes, then any concerns are not delivered to the patients, which is ensured due to the sufficient width of the hernial gate while simultaneously free possibilities for its right.

    At the same time, the hernia of large sizes and unlikely (infrained nuclear bumps) are no longer as independent pathological education, as a factor that prevents the possibility of promoting its contents. In view of this reason, patients additionally experience certain inconveniences associated with the occurrence of constipation from them, they also appear periodic pains, and in some cases - nausea and vomiting.

    As we have already noted, the age belonging determines the differences in the features of the manifestation of the umbilical hernia in children and adults, and these differences are significant, because we will consider both options somewhat later separately, to begin with, we will stop for those reasons that provoke the development of umbilical hernia.

    Causes of umbilical hernia

    The predominantly, naughty hernias are formed in children. In the newborn in the norm after the umbilical rings disappears, an adequate closure of the umbilical ring occurs, the hole is obliged (that is, empty) due to the scar connective tissue. An important role in the question of strengthening the area of \u200b\u200bconcentration of the umbilical hole is given to the abdominal muscles, due to which the additional oscillation of the ring is performed. Until the completion of the processes of obliteration on the side of the umbilical ring, with any type of increasing intra-abdominal pressure, an output can occur in the peritoneous space of the peritoneum, the gland and intestinal loops. This is exactly what the process of forming the umbilical hernia looks like.

    Accordingly, as the main reason for the occurrence of umbilical hernia, it is customary to consider the hereditary caused by weakness, relevant to the peritoneal fascia. That is, if in childhood, one of the parents of the umbilical hernia increases the risk of this education of their child, and this is relevant in this 70% of cases.

    The formation of the umbilical hernia also occurs due to crying the child, prematurity, increased gas formation in the intestine, constipation. In some cases, hernia appears in a child simultaneously with the beginning of his walking, especially often this happens with too early adoption of the vertical position.

    Increased tendency to the formation of umbilical hernia is observed in children with a congenital form of hypothyroidism, with lactase insufficiency, Harler's disease, dysbacteriosis, Down syndrome.

    It should also be noted that in spite of the present representation that the umbilical hernia develops due to the malfunction of the techniques for the treatment of umbilical cord, with the actual position of things it has nothing to do, that is, there is no connection to the processing technique with the occurrence of umbilical hernia.

    With regard to the reasons for the development of umbilical hernia in adults, here as a predisposing factor, first of all, obesity is considered, as well as ascites, abdominal injuries, an adsady type of cough, the presence of scars (after operations), employment is severe physical labor. What is noteworthy, the umbilical hernia in women is formed, as a rule, during the course of pregnancy, which occurs as a result of stretching, which is subject to a navel ring, atrophy, which is subjected to fabrics, an umbilical ring surrounding, as well as due to reduced resistance characteristic of the abdominal wall Regarding the increase in current intra-abdominal pressure.

    In women, navel hernias prevail due to the characteristics of anatomical and physiological order, which, in particular, implies a large width of the white line of the abdomen and the weakening of the region of concentration of the umbilical ring, which occurs during pregnancy and actually during childbirth. In general, in adults, it is often a bubbling hernia in combination with diastasis of straight muscles and with a stomach flaw.

    Embryonic hernia: Features

    The embryonic hernia is also considered as a hernia of umbilical umbilical cord or ommophalcela, which implies such a malformation of development, which arises due to the delays in the formation of the fruit abdominal wall. Frequently often (about 65% of cases) it is advisable to consider this pathology in combination with the pathologies of another type, which also act as a malformance. In particular, accompany the hernia cord may be the underdevelopment of the diaphragm, ectopia bladder and hearts, splitting pubis and sternum.

    As part of the early development period, the abdominal cavity in the embryo physically does not have the possibilities of accommodating the faster of the developing intestine, which is focusing in the field of cord shells outside the abdominal cavity (which is defined as "physiological embryonic hernia"). At the time of the birth of the baby, the process of forming the abdominal wall is completed.

    Meanwhile, in those situations in which the delay in the intestinal rotation occurs, the abdominal cavity becomes underdeveloped or its development accompanies violations associated with the closure of the region of the front abdominal wall, as a result of which certain internal organs are out of its limits, located in the umbilical cord. They are covered by amnion (transparent type of shell), as well as vartonial jelly with the inner shell (this case in the case of a delay in development during a later stage has time to develop in the peritone). From the top of the characteristic hernial protrusion or a little left of this protrusion is an ordinary umbilical rope.

    Based on a specific period of time with a concomitant stop in the development of the abdominal wall, two main varieties of the hernia of cords are distinguished: embryonic hernia (hernia with an inner shell that has not yet formed in the peritoneum, with a concomitant state of the liver, in which there is no glisson capsule while simultaneously involving it with umbilical cord) and hernia fetal (that is, hernia focused within the framework of the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical cord).

    In general, the hernia of umbilical umbilicals are rarely formed, in one case by 5-7 thousand genera. Fetal hernias are more often formed than embryonic hernias. In a practical scale, it becomes important to the separation of the hernia of umbilical umbilicals in accordance with the dimensions, inherent in them, in particular, this hernia is small (r-rs within up to 5 cm), herniated hernia (ranging from 5 to 10 cm), as well as hernia large (p -Rells exceed 10 cm).

    As the content in the hernial protrusion, any insides with the exception of the rectum may act as part of the consideration of embryonic hernia. Especially severe flow options with the underdevelopment of the diaphragm during the cleavage of hernia can lead to even hearts in the hernia. In the case of embryonic hernia, their contents may include both the liver and a certain part of it.

    Cases are easier in their own stream (fetal hernia) are often characterized by attachment to hernia as its contents of the loop of the small intestine. The feature of the shells of hernia is that they have sufficiently thin walls, and therefore in the process of birth can be freely breaking out, which will lead to eventration (to fall out of the abdominal cavity of the internal organs due to the formation of a defect in its wall).

    At the time of the birth of the baby, the outer shell of hernia formation is wet and transparent, however, during the first day its gradual drying occurs with the subsequent gains of fragility. Gradually, the shell is covered with fibrin, after which the infection of the abdominal cavity occurs with the simultaneous development of peritonitis, it, in turn, is completed with a fatal outcome. Based on the data available in several sources, mortality within the framework of the vice under consideration reaches 50-70%.

    The treatment of umbilical hernia is quite difficult, especially if it comes to significant sizes. Fast necrosis, affecting the insavidial shell of hernia, as well as infection of the abdominal cavity - all this is the basis for urgent treatmentproducing which you need immediately after establishing the appropriate diagnosis pathology.

    In the treatment, conservative methods and operational methods are used. The first option is relevant in dubiousness of the viability of a newborn in the background of severe forms of concomitant vices, if there is a CHMT or with a deep degree of prematurity. The main task in this case is reduced to prevent peritonitis. Also, conservative treatment is suitable for very small sizes of hernia. As a contraindication to surgical intervention, only the extremely large dimensions of hernia formation are predominantly considered with the current obvious inconsistency of the abdominal cavity.

    Basic hernia in children: symptoms

    Underfloor hernia in children acts as a defect in the development of the abdominal front wall. This pathology is found in children quite often, and the girls are twice as much more than its development. The predominant appearance of the hernia has to for the first months from the date of birth.

    In the diagnosis of umbilical hernia, as a rule, no difficulties arise. Thus, the adoption by the child of the vertical position, as well as the situation, arising within the framework of the navel region leads to the appearance of characteristic protrusion of oval or rounded form. The protrusion is usually ones, when making a horizontal position at the time of lying on the back.

    At the same time, it is easy to tack up a bubble ring that has expanded and acting as a junk gate. These gates can have a sufficient width for the free outlet of hernia and its right in the abdominal cavity, which will exclude and possibly causing additional concerns to the child, and the possibility of traumatization against the background of this pathology of the internal organs. With a narrow junk gate, the baby is observed, crying. In this case, the process of improving the junk protrusion is complicated. This condition may be regarded as infringement. Meanwhile, the infringement in practice is quite rare, therefore there should be no particular concern on this bill.

    Basic hernia in adults: symptoms

    Based on statistics of the 60s. Basic hernia among the adult category of the population was about 5% of cases on all belly hernias. In the period 1975-1980, the indicators on the umbilical hernias amounted to 11.7% for all the proceeded hernias of the abdomen (external), which determined the third place for them in terms of the prevalence of hernia (for inguinal and postoperative). A relatively similar tendency to increase prevalence can be considered factors defining some explanations for it. So, this is an increase in the life expectancy of life in the population, the increase in the number of obese people, the expansion of medical testimony to conduct surgical treatment for this category of patients.

    In the overwhelming majority, navel hernias occur in women aged 30 years and older. As for the clinic of concomitant hernia manifestations, it is determined on the basis of the size of the hernial formation and the size of its hernial gate, the degree of severity of the current adhesion process, concomitant complications (their presence or, respectively, the absence), obesity (also acting as a concomitant or missing factor) .

    Often, as we have already noted, small sizes of hernia do not bring special concerns to patients, as in particular, we can talk about the availability of their rights, as well as in the absence of a tendency to infringement.

    The greatest degree of severity of clinical manifestations is observed in hernias with significant sizes. This, in combination with a relatively narrow gate, leads to the difficulty of the passage by the intestine of its contents, with the result that the patients appear constipation, pain, in some cases nausea and vomiting. In particular, the specified symptoms are expressed with no hernias to be rendered. Often burden general status When hernia occurs on the background of obesity of patients and abdomen, which, when combined with hernia, causes the occurrence of a number of inconveniences for them.

    Own features during the disease are made and relevant to the patient associated diseases. This includes expressed inconvenience while walking or physical Loads, nausea and belching, flatulence, chronic constipation, rumbling in the stomach, the appearance of grapple-like pains (mainly it is relevant with the inclination of hernia to infringement, as well as for adhesive disease).

    With regard to the marked infringement of the umbilical hernia, it is accompanied by the appearance of a sharp and sudden pain, the appearance of blood and vomiting in the feces, the delay in the rejection processes with defecation. When making the horizontal position of the hernia, it is not refined, the characteristic voltage of the protrusion is also noted.


    The diagnosis of hernia is to use the following methods:

    • examination at the attending surgeon;
    • x-ray diffraction pattern of the region of the 12-risen and stomach;
    • gastroscopy;
    • herniography (Introduction Method contrast substance in the abdominal cavity in combination with x-ray; Through this approach to the diagnosis, the possibility of studying hernia is determined);
    • Ultrasound of the appearance of the appearance.

    According to the ICD 10, damage - the injury of the knee joint is included in the class "dislocation, stretching, overvoltage of the capsular-ligament joint" under the code S83. Two-sided trauma of tensile knaps of the knee joint according to the international classifier of diseases of the ICB10 is included in the group "Disagree, stretching and overvoltage of the capsular-ligament apparatus of joints, exciting several body areas" code T003.

    The bundles of the joints of the Classifier of the ICD 10 are indicated by the M23 code and enter the class "Castle knee damage"

    Symptoms of Knee Cup

    Regardless of the method of obtaining injury, to determine further treatment, it will be necessary to clearly establish the nature of damage. Home Difficulty Treatment is the underestimation of the seriousness of injury.

    The main landmark for the affected and environment is pain. And not just a novel or acute, but sharp and unpleasant for humans. An indirect symptom is called redness speaking around damage.

    Redness is a completely natural reaction of the body to the stimulus. Even with a light touch of a hot object, the skin blushes. The symptom only indicates that the fabrics are experiencing post-traumatic stress and damaged.

    The second symptom will be the tumor, the treatment of which is complicated at home. This is also a completely natural reaction of the body, less common than redness. After the injury of the cup of knee in a person hurts, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bruise instantly swells.

    During impact to the joint, an excess of blood is sent, the influx of which provokes pain. An increase in the size of the knee is required liquid accumulated in the joint. It is difficult to believe, but for 5 minutes after the damage, the person is able to fully lose the ability to walk without help, if the bruised knee swells to incredible sizes, fighting movement.

    The third symptom becomes a limit. Upon receipt of the bruise, many people complain that they are not able to move the hithery area on the body. A similar "score" and characteristic distinguishes the receipt and recognition of injury from others similar to the sensations in the fall.

    If, with long-term development of symptoms, the condition of the leg will not improve, the person will need the help of a qualified worker of a medical institution. We'll have to neutralize constant pain, try to cure injury to the end.

    The reasons

    The knee injury when falling is often observed in children. Often, such damage is found in athletes. Break knee may arise as a result of accidents, but in this case it will not be insulated damage.

    The injury is the cause of knee edema, a sharp disassembly pain, bruises. The injury may be accompanied by serious damage - the breakdown of the knee bundles. Pouring sensations can be so sharp that the loss of consciousness is caused.

    As a rule, to treat injuries of any genesis should be timely in order to avoid all sorts of complications and health problems.

    Medical measures

    What exactly to do when the knee injury first? First aid measures should know every person. After all, it is the behavior of the injury victim in the first seconds can contribute to the development of complications.

    When the knee injury is necessary:

    • You need to attach to the injured cold place. This will reduce pain. If there is bleeding, this technique is able to stop it. In addition, this is the best prophylactic agent. possible consequenceslike hemarthrosis.
    • It is necessary to anesthety affected. If the injury is strong, then the injection will be required. medicinal preparation. If the injury is small and pain not serious, then there will be enough tablets ("ibuprofen", "Nurofen", "Analgin", etc.).
    • It is necessary to immobilize the leg. Thanks to this, the patient will not be able to apply an even stronger damage. For example, in the form of a fracture or a serious dislocation. In this case, either a tight bandage, or a knee pad, which is sold in pharmacies.
    • Until the doctor arrives, the leg should be lifted up. Due to this, the influx of blood will decrease.

    How to treat knee injury correctly only a professional doctor. After all, the therapy program is built strictly individually. It is very important to comply with everything, even the youigable, recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

    Treatment may consist of the following measures:

    • Compresses. They must be cold. They will have to impose even for 3 days after injury. It will help alleviate pain and remove the appeared edema.
    • Bandage overlay. An elastic bandage is suitable for its creation. The foot should be put as convenient as possible without straightening it to the end. You need to binting from a third of the thigh to a third of caviar, top down. It is necessary to trace all the muscles relaxed, and the bandage itself is not too tight.
    • If the pain persists, the treatment may include the appointment of analgesics.
    • In the event that an inflammatory process appeared, treatment implies the reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. Often appointed immediately and local and common drugs (ointment, gels and pills, injections).
    • To resolve hematoma, it is necessary to use ointments that will remove both inflammation and edema, and will also contribute to the discharge of blood. Among them allocate "Lioton" or "heparin ointment".
    • 5-7 days after injury, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. Good effect gives UHF and electrophoresis. This allows you to improve and accelerate the regeneration of the affected fabrics.
    • The knee injury can be cured with folk remedies. Help the leaves of the plantain. They must be thoroughly crushed, mix with swine fat. Finished ointment is recommended to apply to the affected area. The result will be if such a treatment is carried out for several weeks 3-4 times per day.
    • If there is blood in the joint, puncture will be assigned. Through the puncture of an excessive liquid simply delete.
    • LFC is assigned as a rehabilitation treatment. It is impossible to overvolt. Increase the load must be gradually.

    See also: What to do if the elbow joint hurts: several ways to treat

    find a cold subject, attach to the injured area. The procedure will reduce the tumor or slow down its education will help "win" time for independent movement of the patient. It is important to perform exclusively motivated movement. The knee after injury is needed complete peace, otherwise the patient will instantly begin to experience pain.

    Compress can not hold long. This is a well-known rule, regularly broken. Knee needs static. When the compress fell down, a person is obliged to sit down and no longer move, otherwise the pain will become inevitable. Until the first aid measures are taken, a person should not change the position of the leg.

    Before the arrival of the doctors whose presence may be needed, the person tries to take a convenient position, while simultaneously providing the vertical position of the legs. Strong knee injury provokes blood flow, such a move will help reduce it, facilitates the consequences of such an injury.

    When injured, the injured should take an anesthetic to eliminate pain. We highlight two options:

    • the use of drugs in the form of tablets;
    • anesthesia with injection.

    The second option is intended for cases when pain becomes unbearable. Analgin tablet or similar to the properties of the drug is not prohibited, pain shock is dangerous for the heart of the victim, it is necessary to neutralize the phenomenon with the help of drugs. Injection is better to entrust the qualified master, doctor.


    If a traumatic blow was too strong, and the alarming signs do not disappear even in a day, then do not hesitate with the reception of a specialist. He will inspect, eliminate the possibility of fractures, as necessary, prescribe an ultrasound and x-ray.

    • when a fracture or crack, the leg is placed in plaster;
    • menish breaks or tendons can be cured due to the course of rehabilitation procedures;
    • inflammation is removed by ointments and antibiotics.

    When the damaged place is very swollen, it is worth going to the doctor immediately: it may mean that hemorrhage in the hollowness of the joint happened. After such a branch of the knee, it is advisable to apply for help, while the liquid does not impregnate the cartilage tissue, because the medic varies hemarthrosis after 2 hours after impact or fall.

    The traumatologist will have to stop pain, make palpation and check the balloting of the cup (after pressing the patella seems to be immersed in the liquid, and then returns to the original position). If necessary, it makes puncture, after which the patient carries a tight bandage.

    To cure a strong knee injury, doctors also resort to drugs:

    • Diclofenac or orthophenes reduce pain, stop inflammation and remove the swelling. Depending on the characteristics of the situation, they are prescribed in the form of tablets, injections or ointments that are applied to the bruised area.
    • Chondroprotectors affect cartilage tissue, stimulating regeneration. Among them are collagen ultra, because it accelerates the restoration of the surface of the meniscus, improves the mobility and prevents inflammation.
    • The heparin ointment does not stop pain symptoms, but eliminates edema and speeds up the restoration of blood circulation. Its use enhances the walls of the vessels and contributes to the disappearance of the hematoma.

    In order for the injuries of the knee did not led to complications, the doctor resorts to physiotherapy: UHF, electrophoresis, course of massages that improve mobility. Features of the destination depend on the disease of the disease, because many methods are used only during damage to the intra-articular structures.

    Diagnostics of the knee injury is carried out in the hospital traumatologist. After polling and evaluating the condition of the patient, the necessary additional research is carried out.

    When the knee injury is injured bone fractures. For clarification, radiography, ultrasound, MRI, arthroscopy are made. A detailed examination of the joint allows you to determine the presence or absence of possible damage to the connective tissue of the knee joint and fractures.

    See also: Raming the knee joint and foot

    After all diagnostic procedures, treatment is assigned.

    You can diagnose your injury when primary inspectionBut in order to determine the severity of the injury, eliminate the presence of Nakolov and the fracture, assign to the instrumental examination.

    The main type of diagnostics during injury - the roof of the knee

    The main diagnostic methods - the knee x-ray in several projections, MRI, ultrasound, to assess the state of soft tissues of ligaments, meniscus are prescribed arthroscopy.

    Further treatment of the injury knee

    Provision of primary assistance only symbolizes further treatment. The main enemy of the bruise is time. Doctors must quickly assist, otherwise the consequences are wary of injury. First task: determine how to treat knee injury and choose effective ways.

    Treatment implies a number of key procedures:

    • reception required medicinescontributing to the decrease in the edema;
    • minimizing motion during the rehabilitation of the patient;
    • passage of designated puncture.

    If there are no questions about the first two treatment methods in patients, the last item often scares injured. The puncture is really prescribed, exclusively in the necessary cases. Sometimes the liquid accumulated in the joint for certain reasons is slower than required for successful treatment.

    Professionals have to artificially interfere in the course of recovery and independently suck fluid, carrying out treatment of the joint. In fact, the procedure has no contraindications, is considered quite optimal to solve treatment problems. It's not worth afraid of puncture.

    An important point - throughout the treatment, a gouring bandage remains on the injured place, providing the correct blood circulation in the injured region. Such a requirement is difficult to the child.

    Parents are obliged to trace the measure. Do not be surprised if the doctor constantly repeats the patient about "calm" and restraint in movements. The result of the medical process depends on compliance with the specified requirement.

    Separate patients tend to attract the recovery of adoptions, famous for humanity from the folk practice of medicine. For example, a natural anesthetic is considered a tincture prepared from mint.

    Used at home Valerian. Under the bandage, which blast the knee bruise, lay alcohol compress. The "secret" ingredient of the means is the white lily in the composition of the "medicine".


    The rehabilitation of the knee joint is beginning after painful sensations are completely passing. The recovery procedure complex includes:

    • a complex of medical physical education,
    • knee massage,
    • physiotherapy

    The complex of exercises of therapeutic physical education is chosen by a specialist, taking into account the nature of the injury. Before each training session make a warm compress on the knee joint.

    The bruised knee must be developed gradually, starting with light exercises. Gradually, the complex of LFC complicates. Simultaneously with training, physiotherapy procedures combine.

    An integrated approach during the rehabilitation period accelerates the rapid restoration of the knee mobility.

    Rehabilitation takes about a month when complying with all the recommendations of the orthopedic and physiotherapist.

    Will ointments help?

    Traditional medicine has a large number of tools for the treatment of the knee injury. But selected people still doubt the correctness and effectiveness of the use of such a type of medication.

    It is known that warming ointments help the resorption of fluid in the joint. Such drug effectively affects the elimination of redness. When injured, superficial damage often appear. For example, scratch or bruise. Mazi copes well with such damage, speeding up recovery.

    There are complications

    With untimely treatment or excessively strong impact, the knee injury is fraught with the appearance of various sorts of complications.

    • The accumulation of fluid in the jointthat provokes the appearance of strong edema and increase the joint in size. In this case, the mandatory measure is the gypsum bandage, the most limiting the possibility of the movement of the knee. If there is no improvement, the doctor prescribes a puncture that allows you to remove the liquid from the cavity.
    • Dislocation or fracture. Due to the location of the knee, it is the most vulnerable during a fall or impact. In addition, it plays an important role in the normal functioning of the joint, so its damage entails the temporary loss of the most important functions of the limb: motor and reference.
    • Stretching / rupture of knee ligaments. A characteristic symptom of strong damage to the ligaments is the inability to rely on the leg. As a result, all movements become difficult and very painful.
    • Damage to Meniska (inflammation, supervision or gap). Menisk is a cartilaginous plate located in the knee joint. In the knee of them two, with late provision medical care They undergo destructive changes, which can lead to severe consequences, among which disability occupies not the last place.
    • Bursit, that is, swelling, irritation or inflammation of bursa. It is accompanied by such symptoms as swelling, painful sensation and redness in the field of the knee, an increase in body temperature. If the wound is infected, that is, the probability of the development of purulent bursitis, the treatment of which is possible only by surgical intervention.
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