What is visceral massage. How to make a visceral massage - technique of performing and contraindications Treatment of diseases with the help of a masked belly

Dear friends, today we will get acquainted with the next method of help themselves at home - visceral chiropractic, ancient Russian abdomen massage. The article prepared my wonderful colleague - Sveonar Vakhnin, competent in this business, with him and his master class in Slavic massage, I met during my trip across Ukraine in April 2013.

Currently, it is proved that almost every disease begins with spasm of blood vessels and blood flow disorders. Displacement of organs, tissue voltage occurs very often, starting with children's age. If these voltages are not eliminated, they accumulate and lead to various diseases. Medicase treatment is often directed to the elimination of symptoms, and not the cause of the disease.

Staroslavl's abdominal massage is aimed at eliminating causes of diseases: bias by organs, stresses in tissues.

Contraindications: acute inflammation and infectious diseases, necrosis of fabric, tumors, thrombosis, bleeding, abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Indications: Most of those currently known diseases.

But you must first explain the understanding of the ailment (illness).

To do this, we turn to the knowledge of the laws (horses) of the World Word. Consider the basic scheme on which it is easiest to make it easier to understand where the disease comes from. According to it, all the existence and carrier is formed from the initial light - the spirit of the Most High, the current form of which is alive. The initial light includes all possible spectra and energy levels, as the white light contains the entire visible spectrum. And from it coming from the center of the World of Alanya, by transformation and seals, all other forms of energies and matter are manifested. Jiva is an individual, self-driving particle of the original light, is the true "I" of a person. It is the Jiva fills the energies of images on different shells of our soul. Converting through images, like through the lampshade, the original light creates our physical shell and the whole the world In all variety. Our diseases and problems are the manifestations of some images of our soul.

My healer's work experience shows that work with one physical body is insufficient. Moreover, working with the images of the soul is much more efficient and faster, gives more persistent results. Therefore, I am deeply respected to different formats of cruise, and without them I can not imagine your practice.

Just let's start with simple, let's start with the physical body.

This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, a part of the abdomen massage, which can be safe to do to itself and close people (observing three rules). More complex manipulations let the specialists make. Making only the first massage circle (described below), you still achieve results, just not so "quickly", for example, when serious illness, instead of two weeks from a specialist, you will heal yourself for 1-2-3 months. Are you rushing somewhere? Diseases we earn the years "hard labor".

Massage Rules:

1. Up to light pain! It is not necessary to endure a strong pain, weaken pressing up to light pain!

2. One click no more than three minutes! It is very important not to cause ischemia (oxygen starvation in tissues). Ischemia manifests itself most often increasing acute pain In the area where you blocked blood supply (not always at hand, but below).

If the pain passed, rearrange the hand, without waiting for three minutes.

If the pain passed in three minutes, still rearrange the hand. After we can get back to this point again to work with it yet.

3. Gently press, gently remove the hand. Mildly does not mean weakly.

Massage order:

1. The first point is looking for this: from the navel to the niza sternum lay 1/3, two fingers to the right (not long, andthe width of the fingers). This is the reflex dot of the gallbladder. Davim on it vertically (description, taking into account that a person is lying on his back, partially beating his legs in the knees). To light pain. Sometimes at hand, as it were, the crumpled rod, it is poured bile from the bubble in the intestine.

The main signs of a full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples and, often, in front of the head, crunch in the knees when squatting, lap and kneeling (more often in the right). As well as disorders of digestion, chronic nasophary disease (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids and varicose knots, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the blade, diseases of the joints. The removal of the gallbladder leads to the stopping of digestion and the collapse of the joints. In this case, you need to make a daily liver massage, which, increasing, takes the function of the gallbladder. Endocrine disorders (dysfunction thyroid gland), Reduced libido, disorder menstrual cycle.

When you press this point, the symptoms disappear, for example, passes headache in temples or frontparts of the head, or no longer "tells" in transport, the joints are again lubricated, and the risk of injury decreasessome (in sports).

2. From the first point they live along line 1/3 at least to the left ribs. Pancreas projection.

Iron itself is quite deep, and with a massage to get it up to it often only through considerable time (week of daily massages) until all overlapping fabrics relax. If the problems in the gland are caused by stretching its ligaments with the stomach and the slophing of the small intestine, then the abdominal massage is the only effective method Treatment.

We press each point vertically.

The characteristic pathology of the pancreas is diabetes (increase or decrease in blood sugar), allergies, skin rashes, tendency to infectious diseases, growth delay in children.

3. Right hypochondrium. Liver area. We start two fingers below the angle of rib arcs. Davim is not vertically along the edges and not under the most edges, but at an angle of 45º, as if deep. We pass twice all the hypochondrium from top to bottom. If nausea appeared when pressing, they click on the first point and keep the pain and symptoms of the overcrowded gallbladder to disappear. Then continue the liver massage.

Symptoms of redundant liver function: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, the jaggility of the skin, dry throat, as well as eye soreness, irritability, insomnia.

Symptoms of lack of liver function: intestinal disorder, pain in a small basin, pale skin color, as well as weakness and fast fatigue, depression, vision reduction and twilight blindness. Women have omission of uterus, urine incontinence, hemorrhoids.

4. Legal hypochondrium. Also put down deep into the angle of 45º, passing every point from top to bottom. Reflex zone of spleen. With disorders in the spleen, nasal and other bleeding (including uterine), hemorrhagic manifestations are possible. Dryness and pallor of lips, changing taste sensations.

All the above massage together forms the "house roof".

5. Next point: from the corner of the right pelvic bone to the navel by 1/3 . The region of the ileocecal valve, the place of the transition of the small intestine in thick. Here is the blind intestine, Appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Valve's enemy is often manifested by a bloating (bacteria penetrate through a non-working valve from a large intestine in a thin, where there should be no), and it is enough to remove the edema with a press and take on two teaspoons of a dill seed, drinking with water, then bloating disappears. In east medicine small intestine It has a strong touch with a heart. When the abdominal swelling, the diaphragm and the heart lying behind it, which leads to various heart disease, heart attacks and sudden death syndrome (fell asleep and did not wake up - the heart stopped, and it turns out, just something did not eat something from the evening).

6. Further on the helix. Big round. Accommodated every point, rising to the right edges; From left ribs go down, on the bottom of the abdomen. We press the fairly hollow, somewhere 30 ° C to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the spool space. And one more turn around the navel, somewhere on 5-6 cm from the navel, press under a sharp angle, about 60º to the horizontal plane, a small cooler. If you mentally hold the vertical axis through the navel, then all pressures will be deep into the direction of this axis. It is important not to dismiss the organ (intestine) in an unnatural direction. Here I want to mention that the gynecology of women begins under the stomach and subtle intestine. The edema in these organs worsen the blood supply to the abodes of the small pelvis, which leads to various problems. The gynecologist treats below, working only with the consequences of insufficient blood supply, without eliminating the cause. Why hiking to the gynecologist become regular, complicating life for the whole body side effects drugs and manipulations, consequences of operations, etc.

7. Pup. It is crushed vertically on it. Through it, we can shoot edema with vessels, improving the blood supply to the organs of the small pelvis, kidneys, lower extremities.

Paragraphs 5.6, and 7 are combined into a "spiral".

This massage must be done every day once overnight, lying in bed when you are no longer in a hurry. Loilde, knees bent and make a massage of the abdomen. Preferably in the Reiki / Live state. For independent work, the plastic floor-liter bottle is perfectly suitable, press the cork will be pressed. . When the belly pain is completely leaving, it is enough to make a massage, as prevention, every two or three weeks, or with some discomfort. For example, you are at the festival today and poison your body with an excess of yourself in pleasure, advise the next day to make a massage so that the consequences of poisoning are faster. Or something did not eat something.

You will do a massage of the abdomen - you will have a result; You will not - then the result will not be offended by anyone. Making a massage to each other well. And support, and exchange, and results faster.

As I have already written above, well-being is the result of the state of our soul. What programs (images) are captured on it, such and our life. The psychological component is very important. As an example, I propose to close your eyes and intentionally cause an obedience and anger. And to be in this state at least a minute. Remember the responses in the body at this point, voltage, pressure, pain. And remember your health problems. Communication is obvious.

Happiness, joy, health and new knowledge to you !!!

Svetar Vakhnin, Vedan Text Correction

Literature: 1. Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov. All books and videos.

2. Victoria Butenko "Greens for Life".

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious!


Currently, there are several medicine different species massage. One of the most popular and in demand among them is a visceral massage, which is the type of manual therapy, involving the impact on the authorities abdominal cavity (for example, the stomach) with the help of a deep pressure method - due to this improves and general state. Only a knowledgeable and qualified specialist should carry out such therapy.

Visceral therapy - what it is

Visceral chiropractic or visceral therapy is a specialized technique, which involves the physiological effect on the deep-lying tissues of the body and internal organs. This type of massage is the method of manual (manual) organ correction. The purpose of the method is to normalize the peristalsis, the functioning of organs and blood circulation.

Visceral manual therapy provides the ability to restore anatomically correct position internal organs patient. The fact is that diseases associated with the structure of the skeleton, inflammatory processes and surgical interventions They lead to various changes in the region of the ligament and displacement of organs inside the abdominal cavity. Indications for treatment consist of:

  • skin diseases;
  • violations of the work of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • gynecological problems (omission of the uterus, impaired menstrual cycle);
  • hernia in the field of navel, groove, white belly line;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver;
  • ENT diseases;
  • prevention sugar diabetes and pancreatitis;
  • heart diseases, vessels, kidneys, bladder, respiratory tract;
  • migraine.

Lisceral abdomen massage

An abdominal therapy with hands in our time finds its second life as one of the species of the Old Slavonic Medical Culture, which was not adopted by official medicine at one time. The gap in these two directions has increased during the victorious procession of antibiotics. However, new ones came to replace the old diseases, as a result of which the need for some old treatments appeared.

Visceral Massage on Ogulov, which was developed by a manual therapist Alexander Ogulov, is an old Slavonic massage, suitable as male and women's Organism. From many manual methods, it differs significantly, because In many other techniques, the impact is carried out on the muscles, joints, nerve finisters of the back and limbs.

Before performing internal massageThe specialist explores the stomach of his client to identify all the existing damage to the ligaments. After the examination, it proceeds directly to the session. This procedure can be used both for therapy and for the diagnosis of the body. Under pressure, the doctor can check the skin-visceral communications and draw conclusions about the incorrect operation of any organ with identifying the nature of the disorder.

Visceral self-leasing belly

The main principle of such a variety of massage is to effect on the abdominal area. Before performing the self-massage of the abdomen on the okulov, it is necessary to take into account chronic diseases, pain, disorders associated with work gOOD SYSTEM, Stool regularity. Only after that you can make a familiarity palpation of the abdomen, i.e. Diagnostics with feelings. Independently carry out this type of massage at home is necessary in a gentle mode:

  • Before the start of the stomach should be soft, without seals and bloats.
  • Starting the massage is necessary for shallow and light pressure on the upper region of the abdominal cavity.
  • After that, you need to massage with light movements and put pressure on the entire cavity.
  • Pressing you need to produce finger tips and the entire palm surface.
  • Then moves should be held in the center of the top of the abdomen with smooth, but deeper palpation.

Massage internal organs

After preparation, the massage of the internal organs of the abdomen, which implies a neat promotion to the navel zone:

  • The massage of the pancreas, which is at a distance of 2 fingers from the navel, is performed by thumbs. Pressing on this area is deep, and the patient should be relaxed at this point.
  • Similar pressure are performed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.
  • Next, the intestine is being worked out, for which movements are performed next to the iliac bone, then - entering her and along the large intestine line.
  • Then the study of the urogenital system and kidneys. In the first case, pressures are made under the region of the pubic bone and bladder, and in the second - the space next to the kidneys is carefully worked out.

It is no secret that the "lump of nerves" on the abdomen with age is often formed in men, and in women. At the same time, a person may not even have excess weight. A big belly on a thin body looks particularly ugly.

Fat sediments on the belly are not only inesticular, but also dangerous: indicates problems in metabolism and can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Promotes the appearance of fat deposits in the abdomen area, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent use of beer, incorrect meal.

Of course, you need to lose weight, at least for the sake of the prevention of infarction. Including with the help of a special massage of the belly for weight loss, which can be learned to perform yourself.

Abdominal massage: testimony and contraindications

The abdominal massage is shown in the weakness of the muscles of the front abdominal wall and disadvantaged hernias in the area.

It is useful to carry out the abdomen massage in specialized clinics and only among professional massages also in the following cases: with chronic gastritis, peptic disease Stomach, Gastroptosis, ulcer duodenal gut, chronic colitis and enteritis, chronic cholesterol and after transferred hepatitis.

However, it must be remembered that it is impossible to make a belly massage during pregnancy and during the first two months after childbirth or after an abortion.

Contraindications to the abdomen massage are also any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during the exacerbation period, the tendency to bleeding the stomach or intestines, the tumors of the internal organs, gallstone and urolithiasis disease, inflammatory diseases Female genital organs, inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs and tuberculosis of digestive organs.

In general, any ailment, an increase in temperature, even because of the banal ARVI, is a contraindication to the massage. In massage room you need to go to good mood and condition to get out of it healthier than before.

Independent abdomen massage for weight loss

Fat from the abdomen will leave faster if with the help of a special massage to increase lymphotok and blood circulation, which contributes to the natural burning of fats. Making a simple belly massage for weight loss can both men and women. The main thing here is not to rearrange, but at the same time comply with the regularity of the procedure: do this massage every day.

The self-massage of the belly for the purpose of weight loss is best done standing, straining the muscles of the abdominal press. Remember: all your movements should be aimed at fat deposits on the stomach, and not on the internal organs for the abdominal wall. Deep pressure should be avoided.

Start with the light stomach strokes with both hands: one top, the other is at the bottom of the abdomen. Cut the massage clockwise. Take fat folds with your fingers and, slightly pulling out, rolling them alternately between your fingers. Then reassuring the belly again. After that, keep the massage of the adipose fabric to the knuckles of the fingers from above. Complete this massage session should be stroking both palms.

At home, you can also perform a plug-in abdominal massage for the purpose of weight loss. By the way, it is also useful for improving the tone and skin elasticity by improving blood flow in it.

Before the plug-in massage it is worth moisturizing the skin with cream or oil for massage. This massage is very simple: go on your back and on the spiral, ranging from the navel, start pinching the skin together with fatty sediments clockwise.

With each turn of the spiral, your plugs must become more and more tangible. Make this massage three times in a row. Repeat the next day. The stomach must lightly redden from the plugs. In conclusion - disperse the stomach with a terry towel with circular motions.

It is useful for a speedy getting rid of belly fat to make an aqueous massage of the abdomen in the shower. Simply direct on the belly a stream of water from the shower and move it clockwise. You can change the pressure and water temperature. This change of the shower modes is only for the benefit of your skin.

Make the above-described abdominal massage every day, and in combination with proper nutrition and exercise The result will not wait long for a long time.

However, if excess weight The essential and volume of fat deposits are very large, it is worth seeking help for doctors. Abdominal massage in this case will not be too effective.

Internal organs is a deep impact on certain internal systems and tissues. Such an impact is also called visceral chiropractic. Masseur through the front abdominal wall It has the ability to provide various types of exposure to organs: presses, vibration, massage and shifting. All this allows the patient to feel the tide of strength and vigor, improve blood circulation, stimulate muscle contraction. In this article, we will deal with such visceral therapy and how it is an impact on internal organs can help a person.

What is the essence of the procedure: for what is carried out and what is useful

The main purpose of visceral massage is normalization functional state All and tissues. First of all, I would like to note that all organs in human organism Mixed to skeletal bones with a special beam. This bundle contains blood supply systems, nerve impulses, feed nutrients and much more.

When the man's posture is modified for the worse, the bunches for fastening the organs can shift or clarify, then shift with them internal organs. Such a displacement is fraught with a violation of blood supply and disadvantage of innervation. As a result, a certain body begins to obtain a smaller amount of oxygen and nutrients, its work is broken. In addition, innervation leads to the fact that the active brain centers can no longer control the work of the body.

Did you know? Proper massage technique reduces the level of blood pressure and heart rate.

In addition to all this, the delay of exchange products with a displaced authority begins. Such a delay in most cases provokes the localized origin of pathogenic microflora. The latter, in turn, can cause the appearance of various inflammatory responses of the body. In addition, when one organ shifts - almost all body (, fabrics, and other organs) suffers.

Visceral abdominal massage will help to normalize the structural condition and localization of all internal organs. The massage therapist with special equipment proves violations in the ligament apparatus and gradually returns them into a natural position. After some time, all organs and tissues will be returned to the normal state, and the patient will undoubtedly feel the tide of strength, and.

A bit of history

From a long time, when practically absent, people tried to heal all sorts of disease with herbal fees and massages. The medieval Persian doctor Avicene is one of the first healers who began practicing healing massages on his patients. He said that it is necessary to treat not individual organs, but the whole organism as a whole.

Visceral massage is known for man from time immemorial, but many centuries ago he was called differently. Massed the internal organs of the abdominal cavity in India, in the Philippines and in other countries. In Russia, such actions were also applied, from here and the second name of visceral therapy was happening - old Slavonic Massage Belly.

Important! Visceral abdominal massage is contraindicated in infectious lesions of the brain.

Over time, talented scientists in the field of biology and medicine have developed all new methods of therapy various diseases. Massages gradually moved to the background and were used only in countries that were lagging behind development in the field of medicine.

Already at the end of the XX century, people understood that purposeful medicia treatment A separate body does not always give acceptable results. Sometimes after such treatment, secondary diseases are manifested or "pop up" side effects. Then experienced physicians and scientists again turned to the miraculous strength of visceral massage.

Studies of such therapy began to be conducted, and many scientists have proven a stunning effect of visceral chiropractors. Today it is widely used in many countries of the world. In Russia, the visceral massage of the abdomen on Ogulov is known, which is the founder of the Russian school of visceral therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Old Slavonic visceral therapy is shown in the following cases:

  • diseases and gallbladder (, stones in the bustling bubble);
  • chronic pathology gastrointestinal tract (, gastritis, enteritis);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • prostatitis, violation of cyst;
  • pathology and urethra;
  • lesion of skin;
  • migraines, pathological disorders;
  • acute and chronic lung diseases (bronchitis,);
  • with overall rehabilitation.
But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the visceral massage of the abdomen has its own contraindications. In some cases, such a procedure can bring more harm than good.
The main contraindications are:
  • inflammatory processes on veins walls;
  • of different character;
  • tuberculosis in open form;
  • infectious diseaseswhich proceed with an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° and more;
  • violations;
  • increased risk of internal bleeding;
  • recent mechanical;
  • gangrene;
  • some;
  • meningitis.
It should be noted that visceral massage can be done even. Such a procedure can accelerate the selection from the genitals, but this is not a hazard signal. On the contrary, in this way the body will be cleaned faster from harmful substances.

How to prepare

Prior to the beginning of the procedure of visceral therapy, doctors are carried out with a palpation of the abdominal cavity and polish the patient for the presence of all kinds of acute and chronic diseases. First of all, it is necessary to accurately establish readings and contraindications. If everything is simple with the testimony, the contraindications can be deeply hidden.

This requires a preliminary diagnosis in the Cabinet of the therapist. Already directly in the Cabinet of Massage, the general human health is estimated, inspected skin Covers and language. If no contraindications were identified, then proceed to the therapeutic massage procedure.

Method of execution

The Old Slavonic abdomen must occur painlessly, and since each person has individual pain threshold, then approaches to each patient are different. Many have the question of how often the visceral abdominal massage. In fact, it depends on the state of human health, testimony and contraindications to the procedure.
Ideally, doctors prescribe about 10 procedures, but some people have enough to visit the Cabinet of Masseur. If 2 or more sessions were assigned, they will be followed as follows: With each subsequent session, the sick zone will be just stronger. Thus, the body can normally adapt to mechanical exposure from the outside.

Did you know?Yulia Caesar did massages daily. In this way, he tried to overcome epilepsy.

At the very beginning of the session, the specialist in the Palpation method reveals painful and spashed zones in the region of the abdominal cavity. Further, in fact, the massage procedure itself begins. Massage the stomach is needed in a certain sequence, since functional disorders are always developed according to a specific scheme.

The specialist begins the massage procedure from the gallbladder area, then gradually begins to influence the liver, pancreas and a colon. The main purpose of such a session is to join the internal organs. It should be noted that the use of each individual organ should occur no more than 3 minutes. The specified time can be increased only during subsequent massage procedures.
One of the main features of visceral therapy is that in the first minutes of the procedure in the abdomen of the patient, a "rice" is observed. It suggests that bile docks Opened, and spasms are eliminated. It is important to understand that pressure on various organs occurs with a clearly defined force. If this rule is neglected, the patient may feel nauseous, dizziness and strong pain in a stomach.

In addition to all this, visceral chiropractic is an excellent method of diagnosing internal organs. A specialist by pressing and palpation can detect localization of pathological changes.

Is it possible to do yourself

Experts note that visceral self-massage is admissible only in cases where a person has all the necessary knowledge: knows the exact location of the internal organs, their projections and possible localizations in physiological disorders, the sequence of exposure and calculation of the press force.

And even in the case of high human erudition, making self-massage is necessary only by gentle technology, where you need to minimize the power of presses. Anyway, it is best to contact a specialist who will hold a session of the Old Slavonic massage according to the right technology.

Important!Visceral massage is an effective procedure in the fight against incontinence and urolithiasis.

Now you know the visceral massage scheme and positive effects From its impact. But it should be understood that it is realistic to restore the normal functionality of the internal organs can only be experienced chiropractor. And all experimental attempts of self-massage at home can bring more harm, rather than use.

For many centuries, massage strengthens our health, strengthens the muscles and raises life tone.

One massage technique helps to cure various diseases, the other retains our body in excellent shape.

Visceral massage is a universal technique that can cure diseases of internal and external organs. Treatment with visceral massage is based on the effects of internal organs with certain pressure and tapping.

The second name of this massage technology "Staroslavly Massage", because practiced from ancient times by our ancestors.
The word "visceral" denotes - internal.

So, first, it is necessary to deal with that, why do you need such a "deep" massage. The fact is that any organ is surrounded by a whole "set" of vessels, capillaries, as well as nerve endings.
And as soon as the weakening of the nerve endings or the spasm of the vessels occurs, the body ceases to obtain a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen. As a result, its performance is reduced, and part of its "functions" goes to other organs, which causes their rapid wear.
In other words, the organs begin to work at the limit of their capabilities.

To prevent (or eliminate) venous and lymphatic stagnation, you must necessarily contact a specialist in visceral therapy. Well, or at least explore the technique of visceral self-massage.

This video presents an overview version of the execution of the self-massage of the abdomen with their hands and undergraduate objects, as well as when using special vibrator mass members. Self-massage of the belly forces beginning and even people are not familiar with massage techniques. With the help of self-massage, it is possible to effectively independently help yourself at discomfort, gravity and pain in the abdomen.

Impact on the body of visceral massage

Thanks to massage manipulations on the stomach there is a number of positive shifts in the body:

  • improves venous outflow blood from the internal organs;
  • the blood circulation is activated, and the metabolism, due to which the tissue is restored;
  • the interaction of internal organs is improved, for example, the movement of the bile is activated, which, accordingly improve digestion;
  • normalizes work nervous system; Eliminate muscle spasms;
  • improves hormonal background;
  • there is a positive effect on the nervous receptors of the internal organs.

Technique visceral massage belly

The visceral massage of the abdomen is a procedure at which according to a certain scheme is pressed on the front wall of the peritoneum, as a result of which the internal organs start working as needed.
Visceral massage of internal organs helps to quickly eliminate lymphatic wags, normalize blood circulation, as well as provide access to oxygen.
As a result of massage, normalization occurs in the human body exchange processes, Functions of each individual organ are being established.

The technique of visceral massage comes down to the fact that all the stomach is first proven and there are spashed and painful areas of the abdomen. During the impact, too unpleasant sensations should not occur - there are certain places to affect which you need with a large share of caution.
Visceral massage is soft, not very painful procedure. First, the region is placed around the navel, alternately, relaxing, then amplifying movements.

Then the circles are expanding. The impact turns out to be precisely calculated by force during the exhalation when the belly is relaxed.
Plushing begins with the zone of the gallbladder, then pressed on the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver and pancreas with the transition to the zone of the ascending branch of the large intestine.
Then go to pressure on the descending branch of the large intestine and the delicate intestine. Following them, the region of reproductive organs, stomach and spleen is being worked out.

Melting one zone should last no more than 3 minutes - in the opposite case, the risk of ischemia of the body appears.
The first time you need to work in a gentle mode, gradually, from session to session, increasing the intensity of the presses.

When conducting the procedure, seal sections are detected - as a rule, one or two. In particularly severe cases, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen is dense: masseuses call it a "stone belly". In the normal state the studied area is soft, and the hand easily enters it without leading to the emergence of unpleasant or pain sensations.

Seal areas indicate the presence of capillaries and stagnation. Pressing on these zones provokes pain or discomfort.
Under the influence of massage movements, the liberation of capillaries from a stagnant material begins by extriving it into the intercellular space, which takes place.

The full course consists of 8-10 massage sessions. Often, after the first two sessions, it is noted that in the stomach begins as if "bouffaging" and "murmur". In fact, this is a faithful sign that the process of exiting bile from the body. You managed to completely remove the spasm of biliary streams, which leads to the appropriate sounds and sensations, and subsequently to the purification of the body.

Council The main principle of this massage consists in exposure to the abdomen. It should be without swirling and seals, soft, so the meal must be 2 hours before the start of the session.
At home, it is recommended to carry out a gentle procedure with a small force of exposure - without the appearance of pain.

Indications for the use of visceral massage

  • Chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, enteritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, even stomach ulcers and 12-rosewood outside exacerbation)
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).
  • Endocrine diseases (the condition of diabetes is improved).
  • Kidney disease I. urinary tract (Pelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, incontinence, kidney omission).
  • The diseases of the genital organs, both in men and women (cysts, prostatitis, violation of the cycle, bending and the omission of the uterus).
  • The hernia is not patched.
  • Cardiovascular diseases B. rehabilitation period, migraine.
  • Skin disease.
  • Cosmetology defects (cellulite, acne).
  • Diseases of the respiratory organs associated with blood circulation and wet outflow (bronchitis, asthma).
  • As a general recovery and prevention of diseases.

Contraindications for visceral massage

The practice of visceral massage of internal organs is an effective technique. This powerful recovery system firmly conquers its place in modern medicine.
Send the technique of visceral self-making and it will help you find health and slender body!

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