Famvir instructions for use analogs. What is the difference between Famvir and Acyclovir - the composition and characteristics of drugs

The effectiveness of drug efficiency depends on the correctness of the choice of medicines. Therefore, it is very important to know the features of the action of the applied drugs and their advantages.

It is worth finding out what the similarities and the difference between such medicines, like acyclovir, and what is one better than the other - it will help to decide.


To do right choice, You should familiarize yourself with the features of the drug Famvir. Optimally, if its use is recommended by the doctor, since this tool may cause an allergic reaction or complication.

General information and composition

This drug has an antiviral effect, preventing the reproduction of pathological organisms. This is due to the presence of substances in it with the title.

In addition to this main component, the funds are ingredients as:

Release of medication is carried out in tablets with content active substance 200 and 250 mg. They are packaged in blursters of 3 and 10 pcs.

Indications for use

To achieve results, it is necessary to understand, in what cases this drug may be useful.

The following readings are specified in the instructions for its purpose:

  • (primary and);

In addition to the testimony, you need to know and contraindications, because because of them from the use of Famvira will have to abandon not provok deterioration. That is why it is important to appoint a doctor - it is difficult to assess the risks without his help.

It is prohibited to use this fund under the following circumstances:

  • intolerance of components;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast feeding;
  • childhood.

Drugs of similar action

In the presence of contraindications to the use of Famvira in the patient, the doctor must choose a remedy with a similar effect, but among the contraindications to which the patient has no particular feature.

Among the analogues of this drug are called:

These drugs also have their own characteristics that should be considered. Therefore, find out what can be replaced by Famvir, you need a doctor.


To find out what is better to use - Famvir or - it is necessary to consider the features of both drugs.

Composition, form of release

The medicine has an antiviral effect, preventing the further spread of pathological microorganisms. He also enhances immunity.

The active substance is acyclovir - it is he who plays a major role in the fight against viruses. The tool is produced in several forms: tablets, ointment, cream, lyophilisate.

The active substance is in each variety of drug. In the tablets of its 200 or 400 mg. In addition to it, the auxiliary components are included there - to give the appropriate form.

These include:

  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • lactose;
  • starch;
  • calcium stearinovascular.

In addition to acyclovir, sodium hydroxide is present in the lyophilisate. In ointments, the content of acyclovir is 30 mg per 1 g of composition. Its amount in 1 g of cream - 50 mg. Additional components can act water, alcohol, vaseline, etc.

Indications and contraindications

Using the drug should be carried out in the presence of indications for this.

  • chickenpox;
  • shingles;
  • herpes;
  • recovery after transplantation;

The tool can also be used for therapy, and to prevent these problems.

It is necessary that the use of acyclovir is appointed by a doctor. He will define optimum shape The drug for treatment and will guide the schedule.

The presence of contraindications does therapy with the help of acyclovir dangerous - that is why self-medication is prohibited.

It should not be used this medicine with features such as:

  • increased sensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (not belong to local drug forms);
  • the age of the patient is less than 2 years (it is impossible to take tablets);
  • neurological disorders (caution requires the use of tablets and mortar).

Some of the listed contraindications are not strict - the doctor may assign an acyclovir, despite their presence, if it is necessary. But it should not be done independently - such actions often lead to complications.

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Lack of opportunity to apply acyclovir requires the use of funds with a similar effect.

They are supposed to choose among others to which include:

  1. . Its active substance is a valacticlovir. The medicine is implemented in tablets. It is used to treat and prevent infectious pathologies.
  2. Famil. The tool is intended to eliminate viral diseases. It is based on a substance of the Famciclovir. These are also pills for oral reception, to take that follows the appointment of a doctor.
  3. Arvron. The active component of this drug is Ribavirin. This substance effectively opposes viruses, enhances immunity. Its production is carried out in capsules.

Sometimes it is necessary to select analogs due to contraindications, in other cases the patient does not suit the price, and the medicine is cheaper than the acyclovir.

What is better to choose?

Preparations Famvir and Acyclovir are much in common. They belong to one group and are characterized by a similar effect. They are prescribed with the same diseases. Their effectiveness is also different. These tools can replace each other.

The differences are concluded in the composition - they have different active substance. There is also a difference in the form of release. The acyclovir is found in different forms, which makes it use more convenient.

Due to the presence of ointments and cream with such a name, the drug can be used in cases where the use of Famvira is prohibited - for example, during pregnancy or lactation.

This requires caution, but in general, local medications are permissible at such periods. Tablets use it forbidden - this may affect the development of the fetus and on quality breast milk. Therefore, Acyclovir has an advantage.

Those patients who are not suitable for expensive drugs will also prefer to be treated with acyclovir, since Famvir significantly exceeds it for the price.

Otherwise, the choice depends on the individual properties of the body. The presence of allergies to the Famciclovir requires its replacement by another medicine and vice versa. It is also necessary to take into account, for which substance the body reacts faster. In different patients, the same component can show both high, and low efficiency, and this does not mean that the drug is bad or good. Just someone is suitable, and someone - no.

Therefore, when a viral disease is found, it is recommended to see a doctor who will appoint a suitable drug. If the results when taking the drug, there are no negative symptoms for a long time or appeared, the patient should not be silent. You need to report this, and the doctor will appoint another tool.

Antiviral - nucleosides.

Famvir composition

The active substance is the Famciclovir.


Novartis Pharmalian S.A. (Spain)

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - antiviral (anticherine).

Transforming in the body in Penciclovir, suppresses the reproduction of Herpes Simplex viruses (types 1 and 2), VARICELLA ZOSTER, EPSTEIN - BARR and Cytomegalovirus:

  • in a cage
  • infected with these viruses
  • viral thymidicinase sequentially phosphorylates the penciclovir in mono- and trifhosph,
  • which inhibits the synthesis of viral DNA,
  • consequence
  • virus replication.

Quickly and fully absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Bioavailability - 77%, the time to achieve maximum plasma concentration is 45 minutes.

Half-life - 2 h

Cumulation after repeated reception is not observed.

Famciclovir and Pencicclovir are less than 20% associated with plasma proteins.

Penciclovir trifhosphate is quickly formed in infected cells and is present in them more than 12 hours.

Excreted mainly with urine.

Side effect Famvir

Headache, nausea, allergic reactions.

Indications for use

Lishe, postherpetic neuralgia, recurrent genital herpes.

Contraindications Famvir


Restrictions on use:

  • Pregnancy (apply in case
  • if the expected effect exceeds the potential risk,
  • breastfeeding (should be stopped breastfeeding).

Form release



1 tab. Contains the phambiclovir of 250 mg. Auxiliary substances: Sodium starch glycol - 16.52; hydroxypropylcellulose - 7.73 mg; Lactose anhydrous - 53.69 mg; Magnesium Stearat - 2.48 mg. Oy-S-28924 (OPADRY OY-S-28924): Hypremellos - 4.84 mg; titanium dioxide - 1.98 mg; polyethylene glycol 4000 - 0.72 mg; Polyethylene glycol 6000 - 0.72 mg

Pharmacological effect

Antiviral drug. After receiving inside, the Fambilovir quickly turns into a penciclovir, which has an activity against Herpes Herpes viruses, including VARICELLA ZOSTER virus (Herpes virus) and Herpes Simplex types 1 and 2 (labile and genital herpes virus), as well as Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus . The penciclovir falls into the cell infected by the virus, where, under the action of viral thymidicinase, it turns into monophosphate quickly, which, in turn, with the participation of cell enzymes goes into trifhosphates. Penciclovir Triphosphate is in infected with viruses Cages more than 12 hours, suppressing the replication of viral DNA. The concentration of the trifhosphate penciclovir in uninfected cells does not exceed the minimum determined, therefore, in therapeutic concentrations, the Penciclovir does not affect non-infected cells. Pencyclovir is active in the recently discovered acyclovir the strains of the Herpes Simplex virus strains with a changed DNA polymerase. The frequency of the emergence of resistance to the Famciclovir (Penciclovir) does not exceed 0.3%, in patients with impaired immunity - 0.19%. Resistance was detected at the beginning of treatment and did not develop in the treatment process or after the end of therapy. It has been shown that the Famciclovir significantly reduces the severity and duration of postgerpetic neuralgia in patients with a shelling herpes. It was shown that in patients with impaired immunity due to HIV infection of the Famciclovir at a dose of 500 mg 2 times / day reduces the number of days of the selection of a simple herpes virus (as with clinical manifestations and without them).


The suction of the reception inside the Famciclovir is quickly and almost completely absorbed and turns into an active penciclovir. The bioavailability of penciclovir after oral administration of Famvira is 77%. Cmax Penciclovir after taking inside in doses of 125 mg, 250 mg or 500 mg of phambiclovir is reached on average after 45 minutes and is 0.8 μg / ml, 1.6 μg / ml and 3.3 μg / ml, respectively. Distribution of infarmakokinetic curves "Concentration - Time" coincide with one-time The reception of the Famciclovir and during the division of the daily dose by 2 or 3 receptions. The connection with the plasma proteins of the Penciclovir and its 6-deoxy predecessor is less than 20%. In repeated receptions of the drug of the drug, the cumulation is not marked. The exclusion of plasma in the final phase after receiving one-time and repeated doses is about 2 hours. The phambyclovir is output mainly in the form of penciclovir and its 6-deoxy predecessor, which are excreted with urine unchanged; Famciclovir in the urine is not detected


Infections caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus (Herpes), including ophthalmogerpes and postgerpetic neuralgia; - infections caused by the Herpes Simplex virus (type 1 and 2): primary infection, aggravation of chronic infection, recurring infection (for exacerbation prevention); - infection, caused by VARICELLA Zoster and Herpes Simplex viruses (type 1 and 2) in patients with reduced immunity


Increased sensitivity to Famciclovir or any of the components of the drug; - Increased sensitivity to penciclovir


Patients with impaired kidney function. In patients with impaired kidney function, a decrease in clearance of penciclovir is noted. An adequate correction of the dosing regime is recommended, depending on the KCPRIENging in the children's efficiency and the safety of the application of Famvira, children are not installed. Thus, it is not recommended to apply Famciclovir in children, except when the expected treatment benefits justifies the potential risk associated with the use of the drug. Application in the elderly, patient-based elderly. Under the condition of the saved kidney function, the dosing mode of the Famciclovir does not change

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Since the safety of Famvira in pregnant women and nursing women did not study, its use during pregnancy and during lactation is not recommended, unless the possible benefits of treatment do not exceed the potential risk.

Method of application and dose

The drug is taken inward, regardless of meals, not chewing, drinking water. Infections caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus, in patients with a normal immune-designed dose of 250 mg 3 times / day, or 500 mg 2 times / day, or 750 mg 1 time / SUT, within 7 days (acute phase of the disease). With Ophthalmokerpes, the recommended dose is 500 mg 3 times / day for 7 days. To reduce the duration and frequency of development of postgreerpetic neuralgia, the recommended dose is 250-500 mg 3 times / day for 7 days. Infections caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus in patients with a reduced immuniquet-commitable dose of 500 mg 3 times / day for 10 days. Infections caused by the Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2 virus in patients with normal immunity primary infection, the recommended dose is 250 mg 3 times / day for 5 days. Treatment should be started as early as possible, immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. With recurrences of chronic infection, adults are prescribed 125 mg 2 times / day for 5 days. Treatment should be started already in the extended period or immediately after the symptoms of the disease. Infections caused by the Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2 virus in patients with a reduced immunate-committee dose of 500 mg 2 times / day for 7 days. Treatment should be started as early as possible, immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. It is prescribed 250 mg of 2 times / day as the appearance of therapy of a recurrent herpetic infection. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. Periodic discontinuation of the preparation of the drug once every 12 months is recommended to assess possible changes in the course of the disease. HIV-infected patients have an effective dose of 500 mg 2 times / day. Bolon elderly. Under the condition of the saved kidney function, the dosing mode of the phambyclovir does not change. In patients with impaired kidney function, a decrease in clearance of penciclovir is noted. Patients with renal failureHemodialysis. Since after 4 hours of hemodialysis, the plasma fantasary concentration is reduced by approximately 75%, the drug should be taken immediately after the hemodialysis procedure. The recommended dose is 250 mg (for patients with a shelling herpes) and 125 mg (for patients with genital herpes). The dose correction function is not required.

Side effects

In clinical studies, good tolerability of Famvira is shown, incl. In patients with reduced immunity. The cases of headaches and nausea reported, but these phenomena were weakly or moderately expressed and were noted with the same frequency in patients receiving placebo. The junction of unwanted reactions and the frequency of their occurrence based on data on spontaneous messages, as well as the cases described in the literature For the entire period, during which Famvir is applied in clinical practice. Unwanted phenomena that were reported during clinical studies In patients with reduced immunity, coincided with those that were noted in patients with normal immunity. For evaluation of the frequency of unwanted reactions used the following criteria: Very often (more than 1/10); Often (from more than 1/100, less than 1/10); Sometimes (more than 1/1000, less than 1/100); rarely (more than 1/10000, less than 1/1000); Very rarely (less than 1/10000), including individual messages. The sides of the blood formation system: very rarely - thrombocytopenia. Ospecting the CNS side: headache, confusion of consciousness (mainly in older patients); Very rarely - dizziness, drowsiness (mostly in the elderly patients), hallucinations. digestive system: rarely - nausea; Very rarely - vomiting, jaundice. Dramatologic reactions: very rarely - rash, itching, heavy skin reactions. Allergic reactions: Very rarely - urticaria, heavy skin reactions (including multiform erythema).


The described cases of overdose (10.5 g) of the drug Famvir was not accompanied by clinical manifestations. Treatment: Conducting symptomatic and maintenance therapy. In case of non-compliance with the recommendations for a decrease in the dose of Famciclovir, taking into account the function of the kidneys in patients with kidney diseases, cases of acute renal failure are noted. Penciclovir is derived during hemodialysis. Plasma Penciclovir concentrations are reduced by 75% after hemodialysis for 4 hours.

Interaction with other drugs

The clinically significant pharmacokinetic interaction of the Famciclovir with other drugs was not noted. The impact of the Famciclovir on the cytochrome R450 system is not revealed. Military drugs, blocking channel secretion, can increase the concentration of Penciclovir in plasma. In the course of the clinical studies, Zidovudine and Famciclovir interaction conducted during their joint admission

special instructions

Treatment should be started immediately after the diagnosis is established. It takes care in the treatment of patients with a violation of the kidney function, for which the correction of the dosing mode may be required. The special precautions in elderly patients are not required. Genital herpes - sexually transmitted disease. During relapses, the risk of infection increases. In the presence of clinical manifestations Diseases, even in the case of the beginning of antiviral treatment, patients should avoid sex contacts. In support of supporting treatment antiviral means frequency of distribution viral infection Significantly decreases, but the risk of transmission of infection theoretically exists. Therefore, patients should take appropriate protective measures at sexual contacts. The composition of the tablets of the drug 125 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg is lactase (26.9 mg, 53.7 mg and 107.4 mg, respectively). Famvir should not be used in patients with rare hereditary disorders associated with the intolerance to galactose, severe lactase insufficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption. The first doses of Famvir and the duration of treatment. Famvir was well tolerated in the treatment of infection caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus when it was used at a dose of 750 mg 3 times / day for 7 days; In patients with genital herpes, with the use of the drug at a dose of up to 750 mg 3 times / day for 5 days and at a dose of up to 500 mg 3 times / day for 10 days. It was also shown that the drug was well tolerated when 250 mg 3 times / day taking for 12 months for the treatment of genital herpes. Famvir was well tolerated in patients with reduced immunity in the treatment of an infection caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus when receiving 500 mg 3 times / day for 10 days, as well as infections caused by Herpes Simplex viruses when taking up to 500 mg 2 times / day during 7 days or 500 mg 2 times / day for 8 weeks. Using in pediatricize efficiency and the safety of the application of Famvira has not installed. Thus, it is not recommended to apply the Famciclovir in children, except when the expected treatment benefits justifies the potential risk associated with the use of the drug. The effect on the ability to driving vehicles and the management of the mechanism is expected to influence Famvira on the ability of patients to drive a car and other mechanisms, but patients Which, against the background of the use of the drug, Famvir occurs dizziness, drowsiness, confusion of consciousness or other disorders from the CNS, should refrain from driving vehicle or control mechanisms during the use of the drug

The active substance is the Famciclovir.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - antiviral (anticherine). Transforming in the body in Penciclovir, suppresses the reproduction of Herpes Simplex viruses (types 1 and 2), VARICELLA ZOSTER, EPStein - Barr and cytomegalovirus: in cells infected with these viruses, viral thymidicinase sequentially phosphorylates the penciclovir into mono- and trifhosphate, which inhibits viral DNA synthesis And, consequently, the replication of the virus. The fast and fully absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability - 77%, the time to achieve maximum plasma concentration is 45 minutes. Half-life - 2 hours. Cumulation after repeated reception is not observed. Famciclovir and Pencicclovir are less than 20% associated with plasma proteins. Penciclovir trifhosphate is rapidly formed in infected cells and is present in them more than 12 hours. Excreted mainly with urine.

Indications for use

Lishe, postherpetic neuralgia, recurrent genital herpes.


Prone drugs and others. Medicinal preparations affecting renal secretion increase the concentration of plasma penciclovir.

Side effect

Headache, nausea, allergic reactions.


Hypersensitivity. Program to use: Pregnancy (used if the expected effect exceeds potential risk), breastfeeding (breastfeeding should be stopped).

Famvir - antiviral drug last generation, one of the generics of acyclovir. This is the most effective tool Against herpes, it helps to stop breeding the virus and the manifestation of bubble rash. How does Famvir act, and what treatment regimens are used for this drug?

Famvir - Antichetic

The formulation of Famvir - tablets, which contain a specific antiviral substance - Famciclovir. Its specificity is determined by the electoral action. The Famciclovir penetrates the cells affected by the virus and does not touch healthy cell membranes.

Famvir is effective for the treatment of several types of herpes, as well as for therapy of mutating viruses resistant to acyclovir. Foscicovir rarely creates, so the drug retains efficiency in relapses and re-treatment. Doctors call the process of addictive resistance, it does not exceed 0.3% for Famvira.

Famciclovir is one of the most effective antheherpetics. It is more often used to treat first types Three viruses (oral, sexual and sliding (windmill)). The description of Famvira indicates that the Famciclovir can be used for complex herpes infections ( epstein Barra Virus, Cytomegalovirus), but does not make recommendations for the choice of dosage and timing of the drug. Traditionally, other herpetic viruses are treated with Famvira's analogues (ganciclovir, phoskart).

One of the most painful herpetic infections is a lispy (herpes). It differs from other diseases of severe pain. The slotting rash is successfully treated by Famvir, against the background of its use, the timing and extensity of rashes are reduced.

Also, the shelling herpes is accompanied by complications. After the disappearance of the rash, a person remains pain for one or two months. This complication received the name of postgerpetic neuralgia. Famvir Treatment Allows you to cure a shelling herpetic deprived without long soreness. Along with the disappearance of the rash, pains are leaving.

Famvira action

In the human body, the phambyclovir is processed into a penciclovir, which is an antiviral substance. It penetrates the cells infectly virus and suppresses the reproduction of new viruses. In human blood cells, the phambyclovir is within 12 hours, after which it is excreted together with the urine. Thus, the gap between acceptances medicinal preparation should not exceed 12 hours.

Note: The medicinal substance acts selectively, it is implemented only in the cells infectized by the virus and does not concern uninfected. Due to the ability to distinguish healthy cells from infected Famvir called a specific anti-heer preparation.

The Famciclovir has the greatest bioavailability among the analogues. She is 77% (Unlike Famvira, the absorption indicator for acyclovir is 30% , and for Valcyclovir - up to 55%). The term bioavailability denotes the amount of medicinal substance that falls into the blood from the intestine. High availability indicators reduce the dose of the drug while maintaining the effectiveness of treatment.

The maximum concentration of the phambyclovir in the blood is formed already in 45 minutes after receiving the means (this indicator also better than its analogues - the acyclovir is concentrated in the blood only 4 hours after reception, and the valacyclovir - after 2 hours).

Famvir: Application in treatment

When does the Famvir antiviral drug use? The instruction contains a list of the following types of herpes infections and diseases they cause:

  • Primary infection with viruses of simple herpes - labial and genital (In other words - oral and sex) - bubble rash on face, lips, around the mouth or on the genitals and next to them, possibly with temperature.
  • Treatment of secondary manifestations of infections (sleep virus recurrences) - rashes in the same places, more often no temperature.
  • Chickenpox (Third type of herpes virus) - rashes throughout the body against high temperature.
  • Shingles (Recurney of the windmill infection) - painful rashes are more often in the body zone, less often on the limbs.
  • Postherpetic neuralgia (Complication of a sliding linguing) - preservation of soreness after the disappearance of the rash, bubbles, wounds.
  • Ophthalmokerpes. (Complication of the labial virus - rash on the horny shell).
  • Treatment of listed herpes viruses against the background of immunodeficiency.

The choice of terms of treatment and dosage of the drug adding depends on the localization of the rash of its extensity. Recommendations for the choice of dosage for the treatment of one or another infection are shown in the instructions.

Famvir: Dosage

Famvir tablets produced in three types Dosages: famvir 500 mg, 250 mg and 125 mg. The digit is designated on the package and duplicates on each tablet (on top of the shell, on one side of a flat tablet).

  • Labial (oral) and genital (sex) Types of herpes during primary infection - the daily dose for an adult is 750 mg in three receptions (250 mg). The course of therapy is 5 days. In the treatment of secondary appearances of the rash, there is a sufficiently less dose of the drug. Famvir 125 is used, it is consumed 2 times a day after 12 hours, so that the daily dose of treatment amounted to 500 mg.
  • Herpety third-type infection (chickenpox and listened) - a daily dose of treatment for an adult ranges from 750 to 1000 mg. It can be divided into 2 or 3 receptions (Famvir tablets 250 or 500). Treatment daily, for 7 days. With a strong decrease in immunity, the daily dose increases to 1500 mg, and the course of treatment extend to 10 days.
  • Ophthalmokerpes - in view of the severity of the flow of the dose increased to 1500 mg per day. They are divided into 3 receptions (Tablets Famvir 500). Treatment time - up to 10 days.

The greatest efficiency is the reception of increased doses of the drug in the first or second day of the disease.. Shock dose contains 2 times more activethan normal. For the treatment of labial herpes on the impact scheme, 1500 mg are used in the first and second day (for comparison, the standard scheme uses 750 mg per day. It is two times less). The necessary 1500 mg can be divided into 2 admission of 750 mg (three pills Famvir 250), or 3 500 mg reception (two pills Famvir 250 or 4 pills Famvir 125). Patient reviews that have driven doses for treatment confirm their effectiveness.

It is important to know: treatment with antiviral agents is most effectively at the beginning of the disease. If the duration of the disease is missed, the antiviral effect will be less noticeable. Therefore, the treatment of herpes Famvir must begin with the appearance of the first symptoms - redness, itching, burning, general ailment, weakness.

The drug must be taken between eating foods, without a rallier sheath (the tablet must be switched entirely and washed with water).

Contraindications and side effects

Since the drug is displayed with urine through the kidneys, patients with renal failure are possible complications. Therefore, those who have the organs of allocating unhealthy, in the treatment of herpes, the dose of Famvira decreases.

Treatment by Famvir may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • May appear symptoms of poisoning - Nausea, headache and even vomiting.
  • Possible symptoms of Violations of CNS - Dizziness, drowsiness, sometimes - hallucinations. More often side effects It occur in the elderly.
  • Symptoms allergic reaction - rash, swelling.

The listed side symptoms say that the drug contains toxic substancescapable of calling poisoning. Therefore, it is not recommended to take Famvir in doses of large than 2 g per day.

The manifestation of side symptoms can last as long as you take an antiviral drug. As soon as the treatment of Famvir stopped, any side effects disappear. Therefore, if necessary, curb the swollen virus can be patient side manifestations Before the end of treatment.

And more: the shell of the tablets contains lactose, so the drug cannot be taken with lactose deficiency.

It is important to know: in the treatment of herpes, Famvir is not prescribed to the child. This is due to the definite toxicity of the drug and its ability to cause poisoning. Since there are no systemic studies on the influence of Famciclovir on children's organism, Giving the child these pills can be only at your own risk.

Famvir: Analogs

Analogs of Famvira are preparations with a similar action. They also counteract herpes, but differ in efficiency, price, possible addiction, availability side effects. The main analogues of the drug include medicinal products with valaciclovir and acyclovir. It:

  • Preparations with valaciclovir - Valavir, Valtsik, Valtrax, Valmaks, Waltrovir, Vairova, Valogard, Herpeval.
  • Preparations with acyclovir (Tableted forms) - Acyc, Atzivir, Herpevir, Zovirax, Medovir, Geviran. There are also other forms of the drug: external (cream, ointment) and solutions for injection.

Exist similar drugs with the active substance Penciclovir. It - vectavir and Phenistil Penzivir (not to be confused with phenystil - antallergic drops). However, it is impossible to call them with full counterparts. The fact is that Famvir is a tablet tool. BUT medicinal substances with penciclovir - These are funds local treatment (cream and ointment).

What are the benefits of local treatment:

  • The active ingredient almost does not fall into the blood, it is localized in the zone of applying the skin.
  • The drug component forms a high concentration in the local zone (a concentration is larger than when using inside).

Disadvantage: Outdoor treatment cannot provide general therapy organism. Therefore, ointment or cream is used in the treatment of small localized rashes.

The local impact of phenystil-pencium and vector does not affect the general blood system. The healing substance is mainly in the application zone. Due to the smaller concentration in the blood plasma, ointment and cream less often causes adverse reactions. They are allowed to treat children over 12 years old.

Famvir or Valtarex?

Valtrex - anticherrety drug, which is based on another active ingredient - Valacyclovir. This is also a generic of the first drug against herpes (acyclovir). It suppresses breeding viruses and warns new rashes.

What is the difference between the Valcyclovir from Famvira, what drug to choose? If you are standing before choosing "Famvir or Valtarex?", What is it better to take for rapid treatment? Let's look at what the difference between these two drugs.

Valcyclovir is a substance that is processed in the acyclovir in the body of the human body. This component is a grandfather of antichering treatment. It has an effective opposition during primary contact with the virus. In the future, herpes is able to mutate, and then the acyclovir (and valciclovir) lose efficiency, and the virus becomes immune to drugs of this group. Therefore, you can choose Valtrex for treatment if Herpes manifested itself for the first time in life, and before you never had bubble rashes. With repeated relapses, it is better to take Famvir.

Famvir is better than Valtrex, not only due to the preservation therapeutic effect With repeated treatment. It also features other characteristics favorably:

  • Valtxx bioavailability is less (54% against 77% of Famvira).
  • The time to achieve the maximum concentration in the blood is from 1 to 2 hours (as opposed to Famvira - 45 minutes after the reception of the tablet).

However, Valtarex also has some advantages. For example, Famvir is not recommended to use in the treatment of pregnant or nursing women. And the acyclovir and drugs on its basis can be.

Another important factor: the price of Famvira is significantly higher than valtrels or acyclovir. This reason often determines the choice in favor of inexpensive generic. However, when cheap drugs They lose their effectiveness, have to change them by other means.

Famvir under herpes is an effective treatment and prevention of the disease. If you take the preparation tablet at the first symptoms, then the appearance of the rash can be avoided. Therefore, those who often have herpetic rashes, it is recommended to wear Famvir tablets in a wallet or pill bag (for timely start of treatment).

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