Why does a child of 8 months have red cheeks? Why does a newborn have red cheeks


When we present healthy baby, the first thing that arises in our minds is plump pink cheeks on a smiling child's face. Often, the cause of the blush is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.Red spots on the cheeks of a child may be a sign of internal malfunctions in a small body or a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Causes of red cheeks in a child

Factors affecting redness can be conditionally divided into non-health and pathological factors. They do not pose a threat, do not need treatment and go away after eliminating the causes that provoked this condition. These include blush caused by:

  • prolonged physical activity;
  • teething;
  • irritation of the skin of the face with mechanical irritants;
  • overheating;
  • exposure to wind, dry air or cold.

Hyperemia can be a sign of a number of pathological conditions. Among them:

Delayed bowel movements can cause red cheeks in a baby.This is due to the absorption of toxins by the intestinal walls, which are released during the decay of food debris. Most often, these problems occur in babies who are bottle-fed, but babies who are breastfeeding can also suffer from problems with stool. If constipation occurs regularly, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician in order to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Facial flushing can be a symptom arterial hypertension... Hypertension is rare in children. It develops with acute renal failure and pathologies of the adrenal glands, heart disease, abnormalities of the brain, endocrine disorders. In the case of arterial hypertension, children experience increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, and muscle weakness. If these symptoms are found, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for an examination followed by treatment of the disease.

One of the most common causes of facial flushing is allergies.It happens:

  • Alimentary (food);
  • respiratory (by inhalation of particles of pollen, animal hair, dust);
  • contact (when exposed to an allergen on the skin);
  • medicinal.

Alimentary allergy is an intolerance to certain types of foods. An allergen (a substance that provokes the development of a pathological reaction) is the components of food from the diet of a baby or a nursing mother. This role is played by products such as eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, milk. An allergic reaction can be provoked by a product from the diet of a nursing mother or included in complementary foods.

In children over the age of six months, when milk is introduced into complementary foods, casein (protein from cow or goat's milk) is often intolerant. Casein, as an antigenic protein, causes the body to produce antibodies, thereby triggering a reaction. If milk dyes the cheeks red, it is recommended to replace it with age-adapted milk formulas.

Respiratory allergies manifest as rhinitis (nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes) or allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation), but may be accompanied by redness of the cheeks and chin. Allergen can be perfume, flowers, household chemicals, dust. To treat a respiratory allergy, it is necessary to eliminate the source as soon as possible (this may be), and also seek help from an allergist.

Contact allergy occurs after contact with the skin of chlorine contained in running water, washing powders not intended for children's underwear, contact with low-quality children's toys. To prevent allergic reactions, it is recommended to boil water for bathing the baby, use special detergents for washing children's clothes, and do not give the child toys with a specific chemical smell.

The cause of drug allergies can be antibiotics, drops from the common cold, antiviral drugs, cough syrups. Children prone to any type of allergy should be given drugs with caution and strictly as prescribed by a doctor. If the child has red cheeks after using the new drug, the medication should be canceled.

If there is redness not only on the cheeks, but also on other parts of the body, and they appear often, it can be assumed that the baby has atopic dermatitis. This is a chronic allergic skin disease that occurs due to exposure to the body of several types of irritants, for example, alimentary allergies from the inside and contact allergies from the outside.

Red cheeks in children can be the first sign of an infectious disease and are a criterion for their differential diagnosis... Hyperemia is typical for such diseases:

  • meningococcal infection
  • pneumonia (pneumonia)
  • scarlet fever (an infectious disease caused by streptococcus),
  • bacterial sepsis (seeding the body with pathogenic microbes),
  • rubella,
  • measles,
  • infectious erythema (an infectious viral disease manifested by a small papular rash),
  • Roseola infantile (an infectious disease caused by the human herpes virus).

Almost all infectious and viral diseases occur with an increase in temperature.If reddened cheeks and fever are found, an urgent need to apply for medical help... A timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed therapy can alleviate the symptoms of the disease, speed up the healing process and minimize complications as much as possible.

In a baby

Red cheeks in a baby are one of the signs of overfeeding.Often formula-fed babies suffer from this. Overfeeding happens because these babies do not make an effort to suck the milk. The breastfeeding baby works hard and gets tired by the end of the meal. Children who are bottle-fed make less effort, and saturation occurs only 10-15 minutes after eating, and the baby almost always eats more than the norm.

Red cheeks in a bottle-fed baby become because a little more enzymes are produced in a small organism, they are enough to completely digest a certain amount of food. Excess food is retained in the intestines, and the toxins released during its decay are absorbed and enter the bloodstream. In order to avoid overfeeding, you should strictly follow the recommendations for the amount of food for the child.

It is not uncommon for a child's cheeks to turn red when teeth are erupting. This is due to increased blood circulation in the tissues around the tooth. Hyperemia does not cause the child any special discomfort and disappears after the eruption of a tooth. Another reason for the reddening of the cheeks during teething may be a slight rise in temperature characteristic of this period.

Red spots on a child's cheeks can cause overheating. It occurs due to excessive wrapping of the baby or non-observance of the temperature regime. Ventilation, a humidifier and regular cleaning will help to normalize the indoor climate. Red rough cheeks in babies are due to saliva, food debris, contact with mechanical irritants (bristles, a pillowcase made of hard fabric, etc.). To prevent hyperemia, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene of the baby and exclude contact with rough surfaces.

The child's cheeks turn red in the evening

Red cheeks in a child in the evening can be a symptom of an incipient infectious disease. If your body temperature is above normal, see a doctor immediately. In addition to infectious diseases, hyperemia can be caused by:

  • Failure to comply with the temperature and relative humidity in the room.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Teething.

Red cheeks and chin

If the temperature is within normal limits, and the cheeks and chin turn red, the baby has an allergy. Consultation with a pediatrician, allergist, analysis of the child's diet, and in case breastfeeding and mothers, will allow you to correctly identify the allergen. If eliminating the irritant is not enough, the doctor will prescribe systemic antihistamine (antiallergic) therapy.

One cheek turned red

Hyperemia of one cheek in a child may be due to various reasons... Among them:

  • Pneumonia. In addition to redness of one cheek, there is an increase in temperature, cough, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, increased sweating.
  • A bite of an insect.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Reaction to external mechanical stimulus.
  • Teething.

After the walk

Increased physical activity is the cause of reddening of the cheeks in children.Physical activity improves blood circulation, promotes the appearance of a blush. In winter, redness of the skin may be associated with a temperature drop when returning from frost to a warm room. To prevent frostbite and chapping in winter, before going for a walk, open areas of the body should be generously lubricated with a protective cream. In the summer for warning sunburn it is recommended to use creams with UV protection.

Cheeks are burning, there is no temperature

Often, reddening of the cheeks in a child without a fever is associated with factors that do not pose a threat to health. Once these irritants have been removed, the skin will return to its natural color. If the hyperemia does not go away within a few hours, it means that the body is signaling about internal problems. Body temperature monitoring, monitoring general condition, the identification of additional symptoms will make it possible to establish the cause of hyperemia in time and start treating the incipient disease.

What to do if a child has red cheeks

Red cheeks in a child are a signal for parents. Hyperemia, not passing long time or constantly repetitive serves as a reason to seek the advice of a pediatrician. The specialist will conduct a thorough examination of the little patient, establish the cause and prescribe treatment. Depending on the cause of the symptom and the established diagnosis, therapy is prescribed.

Upon confirmation of an infectious disease, the child is prescribed appropriate treatment at home or in a hospital. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, antibiotics or antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and restorative therapy are prescribed. The duration and intensity of treatment depends on the disease and the severity of the symptoms.

For the treatment of helminthic invasions, a complex of anthelmintic therapy is prescribed, which includes chemical or herbal preparations, antihistamines (antiallergic) agents and a special hygiene regimen. With proper adherence to the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor, the prognosis is favorable, and if the rules of personal hygiene are observed, recurrence of infection can be avoided.

Treatment for atopic dermatitis is aimed at adjusting the diet, excluding external irritants and relieving symptoms. If the redness on the child's cheek is caused by atopic dermatitis, the doctor will prescribe a diet. In addition to the product that causes an allergic reaction, spicy and fatty foods, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits should be excluded from the diet, and salt intake should be limited.

In accordance with the age of the child, therapy with systemic antihistamines (Loratadin, Suprastin) is prescribed. To relieve the symptoms of intoxication, the use of enterosorbents is shown - agents that cleanse the intestines from allergens (Polysorb, Atoxil). Treatment of irritated areas with corticosteroid ointments (Hydrocortisone, Elokom) will help to remove the external manifestations of allergy, and to prevent secondary infection - with ointments containing antibiotics (Levomekol, Levosin).


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Rosy cheeks are a sign of good health and good blood circulation. So they thought in the days of our grandmothers' youth. And therefore, at that time, cute red-cheeked kids looked at people from numerous posters and signboards.

But modern pediatrics has stepped forward and proved that red cheeks in children are not always the norm. If a child came from the cold or ran, jumped, he became hot and he had a healthy blush - this is one thing. But if this blush appeared from scratch without objective reason for a "healthy children's blush" and does not look very healthy, then we can talk about diathesis.

What to do if a child has red cheeks?

Unfortunately, not all mothers know what diathesis is and what diathesis looks like in children, and when they see that the child has red cheeks, they immediately begin to panic and look for cures for this ailment. In order to prevent mistakes in case the child's cheeks turn red, it is necessary to first understand what kind of attack it is.

We want to say right away that diathesis is not a disease. Translated from the Greek "diathesis" means an inclination or predisposition to something. Therefore, diathesis is not a disease, but an indicator of a child's predisposition to certain diseases. Therefore, there is no answer to the question of how to cure redness with diathesis in a child. Diathesis cannot be cured! It can be used to diagnose and cure the disease to which it points.

Causes of reddening of the cheeks in a child

There are three main reasons, or types of diathesis:

  • Neuro-arthritic.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic.
  • Exudative-catarrhal (allergic).

The latter type is most often found in nature, namely allergic diathesis ... We will talk about him. Usually such a diathesis occurs in children under one year old and you can recognize it by the following symptoms.

Diathesis symptoms

  • Redness on the cheeks. Diathesis on the face of a child manifests itself in the form of the formation of red spots, which then begin to peel off and itch.
  • Rash on the body. In addition to the cheeks, redness can appear on different parts of the body: on the bends of the limbs, buttocks, abdomen, etc.
  • Itching. The formed plaques cause a lot of inconvenience to the child. They itch all the time. The kid begins to itch and be capricious.
  • Dry skin and cracks.
  • Ulcers.

We figured out what a child's diathesis looks like. Now let's talk about the reasons why allergic diathesis can occur.

Causes of diathesis

  • Improper nutrition. Eating allergenic foods by a child or nursing mother can cause redness of the cheeks in the baby.
  • Skin contact with an allergen. It can be powder for washing clothes, cream, shampoo, soap, etc.
  • Ingress of an allergen into airways... It can also be a reaction to household chemicals, mom's perfumes and much more.

Prevention of diathesis in childhood

Based on the above reasons, a number of measures can be taken to prevent the occurrence of diathesis in children under one year of age and older.

So, the prevention of diathesis in childhood is to comply with the following rules as far as possible:

Eat right

  • Introducing new foods into the child's diet is very careful, i.e. gradually and in accordance with age.
  • A nursing mother should follow a diet, this is especially important in the first months of a child's life. New products are also being introduced gradually.
  • If one of the parents has or has had an allergy to a certain food, then there is a high probability that the child has inherited it. Therefore, highly allergenic foods are introduced at an older age.

The right choice of household chemicals

  • Powder for washing baby clothes should be exactly baby, i.e. hypoallergenic.
  • Buy soap, shampoo, bubble bath, cream for children too, do not experiment with manufacturers. It is better to choose one reputable company and use its products.
  • Eliminate additional allergens as much as possible. Mom should refrain from using perfumes, hair sprays, etc. Never spray them near the child.

Summarize. If you notice symptoms of diathesis in a child on the face or other parts of the body, do not ask yourself how to cure the child. The disease called "Diathesis" does not exist and does not need treatment. But the appearance of redness on the face and body of a child indicates that he has another latent disease. And doctors should treat diseases! When a child has diathesis, you need, firstly, to determine the reasons why the child has red cheeks or rashes on the body and take preventive measures, and, secondly, contact a pediatrician.

Hello dear mothers and fathers! Your child's cheeks are flushed, naturally the first question is why? Well, what could we have done wrong again? There seems to be no reason to call a doctor, at the same time I don't want to go to the clinic again. How to be?

The first step is to analyze what is in last days before the reddening of the cheeks, the child has changed in his nutrition and care. And in order to make it a little easier for you to understand the cause of such a phenomenon as reddening of the cheeks in a baby, we suggest that you figure it out together.

Why does the child have red cheeks?

The most harmless reason is reddened cheeks after a walk in winter. After a while, this redness should go away, and you shouldn't worry too much, just before the next walk, lubricate the baby's cheeks with a special baby cream.

Another, most common, cause of redness on the cheeks of a child can be. Here it is important to find out the reason for such a reaction in time, and to prevent the development atopic dermatitis The child has.

In general, a child may have red cheeks for the following reasons:

  • food allergy (diathesis);
  • weathered or frost;
  • for medicines;
  • the child is elementary hot.

If you are breastfeeding, remember what you ate in the last 24 hours and try to eliminate new foods from your diet. Some foods can cause intolerance in a child.

Usually, of such prohibited products, one can name: citrus fruits, all vegetables and fruits of red color, cow's milk, eggs, honey, nuts, chocolate.

You should also pay attention to baby cosmetics, powder for washing baby clothes and other household items with which the child comes into contact.

With artificial feeding, it is possible that the reason is in. If complementary feeding has already begun, then such a reaction to the introduced product is not excluded, or for the first time they simply gave too much.

In general, children under 3 years old can react to food products precisely by the appearance of redness on their cheeks, and most often the reason lies in baby food, so be careful. And be that as it may, the final cause should be clarified only with the doctor.

What to do if a child has redness on the cheeks?

If a child has a red cheek, or even both cheeks, prepare for the fact that the cause will have to be looked for by exclusion. Without eliminating the cause that caused such a reaction of the body, the reddening of the cheeks of the child will not go away by themselves.

Be sure to monitor your diet, in no case do not exclude all vegetables and fruits. After all, a baby needs vitamins and good nutrition for normal development and restoration of metabolism.

Ask your pediatrician about medicines from allergic reactions, urticaria and other manifestations of diathesis. For example, now there are special drops or gels, the name of which is best checked with a doctor.

It is very important for a speedy recovery proper care behind the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Good effect with redness, baths are provided with the addition of decoctions from medicinal plants: chamomile, string, dandelion.

However, before performing such procedures, it is also important to tell your doctor what you are going to do and if such procedures are possible in your case. In addition, keep your child's hands clean, because often the child's red cheeks also itch, and infection in the wounds will only exacerbate the problem.

Good luck in identifying the cause of redness in your child's cheeks as soon as possible and treating this problem. Be very careful when introducing new foods for your baby and do not overfeed your baby. After all, even the safest foods can lead to diathesis in large quantities.


The problem, when there are red bright cheeks on the face, in adults and children can be associated with manifestations of allergies on the skin, but this is not the only reason that is diagnosed medical practice... Inflammation and rashes are often uncomfortable and can be a symptom of an illness. The reason for this phenomenon must be found out and measures must be taken. A bright blush on the cheeks is not always a sign of health.

What are red cheeks

A light blush has always been considered a sign of health or a feature of modest people. From a physiological point of view, the cause of red cheeks is the congestion of blood in this part of the face. The skin contains a large number of capillaries that provide thermoregulation processes. What is the reason for the increase in body temperature, flushing of the face and redness is not always immediately clear. The reasons need to be looked for in order to adjust the treatment.


There are many main reasons why cheeks are red. It:

  • hesitation emotional state (a person does not control these reactions, their manifestation is associated with the work of an autonomous nervous system, her sympathetic division);
  • hormonal changes in the body (adolescence, menopause);
  • reception drugs (especially hormonal);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • in rare cases - liver or stomach diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hypersensitivity and skin diseases.

Hot flushes, which appear externally in the form of red cheeks, cause the walls of the capillaries to stretch and become thinner. As a result, blood stagnates in small blood vessels, the production of harmful substances. Frequent redness of the cheeks leads to serious consequences - the emergence of rosacea. It is easy to identify it at home, but you need to see a doctor for treatment.

The child has

The pink cheeks of the baby delight the parents and are perceived as an indicator of health, the pallor of the skin of young children worries more. If suddenly the child's cheeks turn red or this phenomenon is often observed, it may be associated with malaise or the presence of a disease. Do not immediately worry if the child's skin turns red due to certain factors:

  • after playing in the cold, walking in the cool season (the blush lasts about half an hour after returning to the room);
  • the child's psychological reaction (anger, shyness) - the redness will disappear when the child calms down;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • in babies 1-2 years old, redness is observed after eating (especially for those who can eat on their own, the remnants of some dishes cause irritation on the baby's delicate skin).

There are reasons that should definitely alert attentive parents:

In an adult

Indicators serious illnesses, an allergic manifestation becomes redness on the cheeks in an adult. This reaction manifests itself from several hours to several weeks. There are many reasons for redness: some are associated with genetic disorders, others are simple reactions to environmental influences. In some cases, the doctor recommends that the patient undergo blood and urine tests.

The red skin on the cheeks is due to one of the reasons:

  • blood flow during physical exercise;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hormonal changes;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sensitive skin's reaction to sun and wind;
  • infectious diseases.

Why do the cheeks of a teenager turn red

Adolescence from a physiological point of view - difficult period... At this time, growth processes are actively launched, the sex glands begin to work, the hormonal background changes dramatically. The teenager's body still needs to get used to the new substances that have appeared in his blood. Redness of the face in adolescents may be associated with this. When the level of hormones stabilizes, the phenomenon disappears.

In addition, dysfunction is observed in the adolescent's body. of cardio-vascular system... The heart grows faster than blood vessels, so he has to work under increased load. In this regard, in adolescence, there are differences blood pressurewhich can cause red skin on the cheeks. When the processes of the final formation of the cardiovascular system are over, such reactions stop.

Allergy on the cheeks

There are many reasons for the appearance of allergic skin reactions with manifestation on the face in children and adults, these include:

  • toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • unformed immune system;
  • pet hair and skin reactions / immune system on her;
  • cosmetics of dubious quality;
  • contact with household chemical cleaners and detergents;
  • carcinogens in food.

Allergic manifestations are not the only reactions of the body, the disease manifests itself in redness and rash in other areas internal organs, inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes oral cavity, nose, eyes, magnification lymph nodes, the appearance of signs of eczema, dermatitis. Definitely, you should not perceive red spots on the face as a harmless reaction or an aesthetic defect.

Red cheeks as a symptom of the disease

The most common cause of red spots on the face is allergies, but there are a number of diseases that cause this manifestation to be a symptom. For example, vitamin deficiency. If redness on the cheeks is observed in the spring, against the background of drowsiness, chronic fatiguecarried over infectious diseases, this is due to the lack of vitamins. Hormonal imbalance is the cause of unhealthy blush.

When skin diseases red spots appear only in certain areas, for example, on the cheeks:

  • fungal diseases and other infections cause redness, itching, peeling skin;
  • rosacea refers to chronic diseases skin, spots and rashes occur during an exacerbation and make you suffer;
  • dermatitis.

How to get rid of

The redness on the cheeks cannot be ignored. If the blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, any exposure from the environment causes the permanent appearance of red areas, this manifestation does not require treatment. For outdoor use, a protective compound must be applied. If this is a manifestation of certain types of allergies, the doctor should prescribe antihistamines, which should be drunk with therapeutic / prophylactic courses.

If the redness is associated with other diseases, for example, cardiovascular, appropriate therapeutic measures are prescribed that are aimed at eliminating the root cause. This applies to hormonal disruptions, the treatment of dermatitis. Treatment activities must be prescribed by a dermatologist. When carrying out therapy, it is necessary:

  1. stick to a diet;
  2. exclude certain foods;
  3. refuse cosmetic creams;
  4. forget about prolonged exposure to the sun;
  5. do not abuse alcohol.

Folk remedies

To treat redness of the skin on the cheeks, to eliminate other defects, wash well with a decoction of chamomile, wipe the skin with an ice cube, apply a care product in the morning and in the evening. IN folk medicine a lot of recipes for tinctures, drinks, anyone can make them. They should help the body to properly eliminate redness on the skin. Advice:

  1. They effectively solve the problem of lotions from birch infusion.
  2. It is good to use masks of their sour cream, honey and olive oil.
  3. It is advisable to apply to the skin of the face before going to bed vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, others).

Video: red spots on the cheeks

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment... Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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A blush on a baby's cheeks is traditionally considered an indicator of good health. However, in some cases, it can be a sign of any pathology in the body. Therefore, it is very important to correctly assess the causes of its occurrence and contact a pediatrician in a timely manner. For example, if a baby's cheeks and chin turn red in the evening, and the rest of the time there is no blush, it is advisable to undergo an examination.

Why does a child have an unnatural blush in the evening?

The most common reasons why a baby may have a red cheek in the evening are:

  • the body's response to the environment. Failure to comply with temperature requirements, as well as ignoring the recommendations of the pediatrician to maintain normal humidity levels can lead to unnatural redness of the cheeks, ears or chin. This is the simplest problem that can really be dealt with by creating an optimal indoor climate;
  • diathesis, which is the first and sufficient easy stage atopic dermatitis. This disease affects the nervous and digestive systems of the baby, and also negatively affects skin... Most often it is detected in those infants who have suffered intoxication, too often took antibiotics. In addition, the causes of the disease include hereditary factors;
  • early transition of the child to milk formulas, as well as improper complementary foods. A lot has been written on this topic by the famous doctor Komarovsky, so you can always refer to his advice;
  • teething, accompanied not only by redness of the cheeks, but also by other symptoms - disorder digestive system, refusal of food and others. In this case, you cannot do anything until the teeth appear;
  • non-observance by the mother of the proper diet. Products such as cow's milk, chocolate, citrus fruits can cause quite strong allergic reactions in an infant.

In addition, unnatural redness of the cheeks can be observed with high temperatureaccompanying diseases such as influenza, SARS or inflammatory processes in the body.

But in this case, an increase in body temperature is usually detected much earlier than a blush.

How to get rid of unnatural blush on your baby's cheeks

To do this, it is best to contact a pediatrician who will conduct all the necessary examinations and give recommendations that are relevant when a particular problem occurs. In addition, you can prevent cheek redness by following the guidelines below.

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