Three body types ectomorph mesomorph endomorph. Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph

Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph.

This material will focus on the structure of the human body and the definition of its characteristics. Find yourself in them.

Who is an ectomorph: a description of the structure of the body of men and women, photo

Human constitution is a genetically programmed complex characteristic features organism, which include:

  • proportions of body parts
  • skeleton features
  • muscle and adipose tissue volume

There are several classifications of the physique of the human body. One of the most popular is the system of Professor William Sheldon, who identified three main body types (somatotypes), which differ as much as possible from each other in their structure:

  • ectomorphic
  • mesomorphic
  • endomorphic

According to Sheldon's theory, throughout a person's life, the size of the body and its appearancebut not the type - it remains unchanged. In addition, according to many psychologists, our appearance directly affects our inner world. And there is a strong relationship between the structure of the human body and its psychological state.

For the ectomorphic (asthenic) type of men and women, the following features of the body structure are characteristic:

  • long limbs with thin fragile bones
  • relatively short body
  • narrow shoulders and hips, almost equal in width
  • elongated wrists, palms, fingers, ankles, feet
  • small muscle mass. In this case, the muscles have an elongated shape, which is very difficult to give volume.
  • high metabolism, as a result excess weight not recruited throughout life, even if a person eats enough
  • an elongated face with a high forehead, a weak jaw and a thin nose
  • usually thin hair
  • narrow chest
  • predominance of sympathetic activity nervous systemwhich can provoke surges in blood pressure
  • low body fat
  • the ability to easily and quickly lose excess weight when needed

With age or with improper nutrition, fat in ectomorphs is deposited in the waist area, and is not evenly distributed over the entire figure. For a set muscle mass it is better for such people to give up cardio training, replacing them with power loads.

Men with this type of build are different:

  • tall (often called "lanky")
  • long legs and arms
  • narrow waist
  • elongated chest
  • small volume of muscles, which, however, with sufficient training, easily become prominent and beautiful
  • difficulty in building muscle

External features of an ectomorph woman:

  • slim and fragile figure
  • graceful elongated neck
  • flexible body
  • due to the lack of roundness, it can look somewhat angular, like a teenager
  • weak endurance
  • lack of muscle strength and fatigue
  • because of the shortened top body, it seems that the legs grow "from the ears"
  • small breasts and buttocks
  • shape type - "rectangle"

Ectomorphs have the following character traits:

  • love of solitude
  • sensitivity that can develop into neurosis
  • restraint
  • stealth
  • non-standard behavior
  • suspiciousness
  • thoughtfulness
  • artistry
  • alcohol resistance

Diseases that people of the ectomorphic type are often susceptible to:

  • gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • hypotension
  • vegetative - vascular dystonia
  • metabolic disorders
  • nervous disorders

Famous representatives of the ectomorphic type of addition:

  • Bruce Lee
  • Brad Pitt
  • Edward Norton
  • Justin Timberlake
  • Kate moss
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Nadia Auerman
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Paris Hilton

Who is a mesomorph: a description of the structure of the body of men and women, photo

Mesomorphic (normosthenic) body type is as close as possible to the average characteristics human body... The lucky ones of this type are distinguished by an athletic build with the following common features:

  • a small amount of subcutaneous fat, which is evenly distributed throughout the body
  • slim athletic and compact body
  • medium width skeleton and bones
  • well-developed shoulders, which are often square in shape
  • proportional body and limbs
  • well-developed muscles
  • elastic belly
  • good endurance
  • balanced work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • normal metabolism, which allows, with proper nutrition, to keep the body fit and slender
  • the ability to quickly lose weight and build muscle through exercise and diet
  • usually a well-defined lower jaw
  • coarse hair

It must be said that, despite the natural athleticism, the mesomorphic type has the ability to quickly build not only muscle, but also excess fat. Therefore, they need to adhere to a healthy diet.

Mesomorph men often achieve success in bodybuilding, as they are real athletes by nature, the typical features of which are:

  • massive cubic head
  • wide protruding chest
  • trapezoidal body with narrow pelvis
  • dominance of the torso over the abdominal region
  • wide shoulder span
  • muscular limbs
  • possession of natural strength
  • rapid muscle building

Women of the mesomorphic type of structure are the happy owners of a proportional slender figure, which is characterized by the following:

  • legs are usually longer than the upper torso
  • shoulders slightly wider than hips
  • average height or above average
  • "Curvature" and body relief
  • body type is usually "hourglass", and in cases of overweight - "apple"

Mesomorphs are people of action who are often endowed with the following qualities:

  • leaning towards leadership
  • courage
  • assertiveness
  • ambition
  • love for active walks and sports
  • adventurism
  • self-confidence
  • endurance to pain

The mesomorphic type most often suffers from diseases:

  • digestive system
  • respiratory organs
  • rheumatism
  • high blood pressure

Popular people of the mesomorphic type:

  • Bruce Williss
  • George Clooney
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Madonna
  • Anna Kournikova
  • Sydney Crawford
  • Tina Turner
  • Helly Berry

Who is an endomorph: a description of the structure of the body of men and women, photo

The endomorphic (hypersthenic) structure endows a person with a rather obese dense body, which is characterized by the following features:

  • spherical body
  • medium or short height
  • round head
  • wide hips and shoulders
  • short limbs
  • large massive skeleton
  • heavy bones and joints
  • weak enough arms and legs
  • developed but flaccid muscles
  • excess subcutaneous fat
  • high levels of testosterone and insulin in the body
  • prevalence of the parasympathetic nervous system
  • low endurance and frequent bouts of fatigue
  • the ability to short-term, but very powerful force movements
  • slow metabolism, as a result of which the consumed calories are almost immediately deposited in excess subcutaneous fat, which is very difficult to get rid of
  • a tendency towards obesity
  • fat tends to be deposited in the abdomen, thighs, sides, shoulders
  • big round belly
  • slow weight loss

To have a good figure, representatives of this type must carefully monitor their diet (limit carbohydrate intake) and be sure to engage in cardio exercises.

Endomorph men are distinguished by the following external characteristics:

  • stocky and strong, with a short neck
  • despite the developed muscles, due to the high content of adipose tissue, they look quite massive
  • have full shoulders, tapering sharply at the limbs
  • have a wide chest

Women of this type look very sensual, attractive and have the following characteristics:

  • the splendor and softness of the contours of their forms
  • large rounded breasts
  • short but strong legs
  • wide full hips
  • usually lack of a waist
  • shoulders, which are usually narrower than the hips
  • type of figure - "pear" or "apple"

Psychological traits of endomorphic people:

  • friendliness and tolerance towards others
  • love of comfort
  • lack of aggressiveness
  • need for love and encouragement
  • slowness
  • relaxation
  • the ability to fall asleep quickly and easily
  • increased appetite

Ailments often found in the endomorphic type:

  • diabetes
  • atherosclerosis
  • stomach diseases associated with high acidity
  • liver disease
  • high blood pressure

Star representatives of endomorph personalities:

  • Danny DeVito
  • Russell Crowe
  • Oprah Winphy
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Beyonce

How to determine who you are - ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph: test

You've probably noticed that on the way to gaining a slim and fit figure, performing the same exercises and adhering to proper nutrition, people achieve completely different results. This is due to the fact that we all belong to different somatic types. Understanding which one you are specific to will help you to properly adjust your daily diet, as well as develop the necessary training system.

In order to determine the body type of a person, there are a number of different techniques. The most popular are the following:

  • according to anthropometric characteristics - the indicators of some physical data of the figure are measured, and then the somatotype of a person is determined using special formulas. This method is considered one of the most accurate. You can take such testing in fitness centers or find a description on the Internet.
  • visual assessment of your appearance and observation of your own body - pay attention to how quickly you lose or gain weight, as well as the width of your bones and the volume of your hips, shoulders. Remember what figure you had in your youth (metabolism slows down with age, and this increases the chances of gaining extra pounds)
  • by the width of the elbow - the width of the elbow joint bent at a right angle is measured and compared with the indicators.
  • along the intercostal angle - put your fingers under the lower border of the ribs so that they repeat the costal line. Then you need to measure the angle that formed between the fingers and copies the intercostal space (an angle of 90 degrees is typical for mesomorphs, acute for ectomorphs, blunt for endomorphs).
  • questioning - it is necessary to make certain measurements and answer the test questions as honestly as possible.

It should be noted that the described types "in their pure form" are rare. In reality, mixed options prevail. Usually, the way of life and diet determines the presence in a person of some external features that belong to other types of addition.

If you have data of two or all three types, then tests can show the percentage of one or another body type in your figure.

Do not be upset if the test results show that you belong to the type of physique you do not want. Think of your somatotype as a starting point for adjusting your lifestyle and eating habits. Every person can change and acquire a slender toned body. The main thing is persistence and a strong desire to achieve positive results.

How to find out, understand who you are - ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph: definition by the wrist

One of the simplest methods of determining your body type without the use of complex calculations and questionnaires is to measure the width of the wrist. It is believed that its girth is a constant value and does not change from a gain or decrease in muscle and adipose tissue.

There are several basic variants of this method.

Method 1. Grasp your wrist below its protruding bone with the thumb and middle finger of your other hand. The somatotype is determined depending on the location of your fingers:

  • cover each other - ectomorphic
  • touch each other - mesomorphic
  • do not reach each other - endomorphic

Method 2: Use a measuring tape to measure your wrist at its narrowest point. Now compare the result with the indicators below:

  • ectomorph - less than 15 cm in a woman and 18 cm in a man
  • mesomorph - 15-17 cm for a woman and 18-20 cm for a man
  • endomorph - more than 17 cm in a woman and 20 cm in a man

Method 3. Enter the parameters of the wrist and your height in the proposed table.

Of course, the above methods are very conditional and do not give accurate results, since they do not take into account the parameters of the lower body. Therefore, for a more accurate determination of body type, it is better to use special tests.

Video: Body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. Human genetics

Do you think why in the section about training this information about body types? Everything is very simple: before starting the training process, it is very important to determine what type of physique yours belongs to, since literally everything depends on this: the frequency of approaches, the need and duration of rest, as well as the diet.

The author of the classification of people depending on the type of physique is William Herbert Sheldon - an American psychologist and, oddly enough, a numismatist. And although the purpose of its creation was to develop a constitutional theory of temperament, athletes, and just sports fans, from all over the world are happy to use it for their own purposes.

What body types do people have?

As it turned out, after conducting many complex studies, including photographic technique and anthropometric measurements, all people by somatotype are divided into three main types:

  • ectomorphic (according to another classification, it can be attributed to asthenic);
  • mesomorphic (normosthenic);
  • endomorphic (hypersthenic).

This classification was not chosen by chance by William Sheldon. The thing is that it is based on the theory of embryonic development, according to which the formation of the human body occurs from three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm).

So, from the ectoderm (outer germ layer), nerve tissue and skin are formed. From the mesoderm (middle germ layer) - the muscular system. And from the endoderm (inner germ layer) - internal organs.

Thus, for ectomorphs characteristic:

  • thin physique,
  • narrow shoulders,
  • relatively short torso,
  • the chest is flat,
  • thin wrists and feet,
  • small body,
  • thin muscles,
  • muscle mass is gained very reluctantly,
  • power indicators are not high,
  • the metabolism is very fast.

Girls are always jealous of such people, because they can eat a lot, but at the same time not gain weight at all. Although in this case, ectomorphs should be warned against premature confidence that this will always be so. Somewhere around the age of 30, the metabolism will begin to slow down and then everything that you could have eaten without harm to your figure may begin to be deposited in the most unexpected places.

Distinctive features mesomophs are:

  • developed muscular system,
  • strong, long body,
  • rectangular body shape,
  • the chest is well developed,
  • great physical strength,
  • broad shoulders,
  • the metabolism is fast.

It is from people with this type of physique that excellent bodybuilders are obtained. It seems that nature itself created them precisely in order to give people the beauty and power of the human body. But it is worth remembering that fat is just as easily built up by mesomorphs as muscle mass.

And finally endomorphs... Distinctive features of this body type are:

  • short but massive arms and legs,
  • large bone
  • wide hips and waist,
  • tendency to excessive fat deposition,
  • power indicators are low,
  • the metabolism is slowed down,
  • the face is round, the neck is short.

It is this type of figure that is more characteristic of Europeans. Of course, few people immediately associate such a description with those athletic guys who have a pumped-up body, but with correct mode training and nutrition they show nice results... Take Jay Cutler, for example.

To determine which type your somatotype belongs to, it is enough to measure the girth of the wrist, since it is by the thickness of the bones that the body type can be determined, and the wrist remains unchanged even with changes in muscle or fat mass.

Data on the ratio of wrist girth and body type are presented in the table.

It should be especially noted that the above types of figures are extremely rare in their pure form. In most cases, there are mixed types: combination of ectomorph with mesomorph or endomorph with mesomorph. By the way, the most striking and famous example of this mixed body type is Arnold Schwarzenegger. With his ectomorphic, very high growth for a bodybuilder, nevertheless, the ability to gain muscle mass, metabolism - all this, to a greater extent, allows him to be attributed to the mesomorphic body type.

How to choose a training and nutrition regimen for people with different body types?

And now, we have decided on the type of constitution, it's time to start training directly.


Since muscle mass in ectomorphs is recruited with great difficulty, and the metabolism is working at a breakneck speed, the muscles begin to experience a glycogen deficiency, which negatively affects the quality of training with an extremely slow set of muscle mass.

To make them more efficient, don't need to go to the gym too often. The breaks between workouts should be 2-3 days. To understand that you can already go to train, listen to the condition of your muscles, since it is very important here not to overtrain them and give the muscles enough rest to recover. But those rare workouts that you will do should be very intense, aimed at working with large groups muscles, accompanied by a small number of repetitions for each exercise and a long rest in between. The duration of workouts, taking into account the warm-up, should not exceed 60 minutes (that is, the main workout should take no more than 45 minutes), and it is better to exclude cardio workouts so as not to waste precious calories.

Nutrition plays a special role in this process..
It should be intense, high in calories. After the end of the workout, there must be a carbohydrate window. In addition, it is recommended to eat before bedtime, since the catabolic processes occurring in the body at night may not allow you to build muscle mass as quickly as you would like. It is best if it is a protein-rich food (low-fat cottage cheese) or a protein shake drunk an hour and a half before bedtime. By the way, the proportion of proteins in the daily calorie intake should be 30%.

In terms of carbohydrate nutrition, preference should be given to slow carbohydrates: pasta from whole grains of wheat, cereals, fruits, herbs, vegetables, barley, cereals. But sweets and sugar should be discarded. Carbohydrates should make up 50% of your daily calories.

Fats should provide 20% of the total caloric intake of the daily diet. Preference should be given to polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish and fish oil, olive and sunflower oil, nuts, seeds.

Probably, it was for ectomorphs that special sports nutrition was invented. They are shown the use of supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, as well as protein shakes and gainers. The frequency of use is 2 times a day. You can, for example, in the morning and before bedtime. Or instead of one of the five recommended meals, if there is no time for it. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.


Those who are really lucky are mesomorphs. Their penchant for pursuits different kinds sport is congenital. And thanks to the presence of a good appetite against the background of a fast metabolism, they manage to gain muscle mass easily and quickly enough. But here it is important not to overdo it, since body fat grows as quickly as muscle mass.

An important point in training should be combination strength training and physical exerciseaimed at increasing muscle tone (should be included in the cardio workout program), which will allow you to form harmonious body proportions. The frequency of training in mesomorphs should be 4-5 times a week, since the final result depends on their frequency and intensity.

In order to gain muscle mass, you need in nutrition adhere to the principle often, but little by little (you need to eat every 2 hours in small portions), and observe optimal ratio consumption of fats (10-20%), proteins (20-30%) and carbohydrates (50-60%). Turkey meat, chicken breast, eggs, fish, milk and cottage cheese can be used as the main sources of protein. Carbohydrates should be slow, their main sources are buckwheat, rice, pasta, as well as fruits that can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

It should be noted that variety in nutrition (and in training too) is the key to success. For mesomorphs, it is permissible to use and sports nutrition... The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. And do not forget about the water - clean, without gas and aromatic additives.


On the one hand, endomorphs find it most difficult to create a dream body. But, on the other hand, their muscle gain is no worse than that of mesomorphs. The main thing here is to reduce the amount of body fat. To this end, it will be effective to conduct cardio or circuit workout to .

Since the legs are naturally strong enough for endomorphs, namely lower body exercises given to them with the greatest ease (deadlift, squat).

For endomorphs, it is extremely important adherence to a correct, balanced diet... It is absolutely unacceptable to consume all kinds of sandwiches, fatty dairy products, inadequate sources of protein and alcohol.

It is especially important to monitor the glycemic index and avoid carbohydrates in the evening and, even more so, at night. Preference should be given to fibrous carbohydrates (fiber), it is better not to lean on starchy carbohydrates. But the presence of protein in the diet, on the contrary, is only welcome. Laura Crivell, a sports nutritionist, selects skinless chicken breast, egg whites and fish from the most suitable protein sources.

It is quite possible to refuse sports supplements to endomorphs.

As mentioned earlier, all these body types are extremely rare in their pure form. It also happens that with a physique similar to an endomorph, a guy is slender, like an ectomorph, or vice versa, an ectomorph suffering from overweight. Therefore, in the matter of training, it is important to determine for yourself the most suitable, comfortable mode, which will bring you real pleasure from both the process and the result.

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Can be divided into three types: mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph. This is one of the simplest and most comprehensive classifications currently in existence. Sheldon makes an attempt not only to find criteria for describing the physical parameters of the body, but also to determine what kind of temperament is behind this or that appearance. At first, this system of constitutional typology extended only to men, but then it began to be applied to women. Do you want to know who you are - mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph? Then take a closer look at yourself and compare with the descriptions below.


They have the slowest metabolism, well-developed internal organs, especially digestive system... They quickly accumulate fat and it is difficult to part with it. People of this type have a round and soft body, short neck and wide waist.

Endomorphs are benevolent and good-natured, slow and careful, moderately emotional and tolerant. They love physical comfort, delicious food and relaxation. Such people have a good sense of humor, are sociable and not prone to irritability.


This type is also called athletic. It is characterized by a proportional physique, medium height, broad shoulders, muscularity. The owners of such a figure tend to gain excess weight, but they can lose it quite quickly. Mesomorphs easily build muscle and accumulate physical strength.

As for the characteristics of temperament, they are energetic, courageous, persistent, inclined to take risks, love competition and physical activity.


They are thin, sinewy and angular. They are characterized by long and thin limbs, usually tall, short torso, flat chest, narrow shoulders, minimal reserves of fat and poorly developed muscles that are difficult to build.

Ectomorphs love loneliness and solitude, internally squeezed, shy, artistic, prone to mental activity. They are believed to have the largest brains and well-developed nervous systems.

Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph - how to determine?

In fact, most people have all three types of traits to varying degrees of manifestation. In its pure form, mesomorphs, endomorphs, ectomorphs are not so common, and this division is very arbitrary. To more accurately find out your somatotype, you need to use the method developed by Sheldon, where each individual is described by three numbers from 1 to 7. In this case, 1 corresponds to the minimum manifestation of signs of a particular type, and 7 - to the maximum. That is, a pure endomorph is 711, a mesomorph is 171, an ectomorph is 117. A person with a harmonious physique has a description of 444. It is clear that combinations of 111 and 777 are impossible.

Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph and bodybuilding

Determination of belonging to one type or another is especially important in bodybuilding for choosing a training methodology. After all, training for an endomorph is completely unsuitable for representatives of the other two types.

Mesomorphs are especially lucky: athletes with such a physique are most likely to achieve outstanding results in bodybuilding. Endomorphs can quickly build muscle mass, but it is difficult for them to shed excess fat and achieve good relief. Ectomorphs, who do not differ in either good strength indicators or muscles that are responsive to loads, will have the hardest part. They will not be able to build large volumes, however, due to the minimum amount of fat, their muscles will always be prominent.

Everyone has one of three types physiques that affect not only overall appearance, but also metabolism, rate of accumulation, or growth. Today we will talk about body types and their characteristics. Find out how positive and negative sides possesses each type.

Three types (+ pros and cons)

We will start, of course, with general description of each type, and also let us mention what types of physique prevail in men.

To begin with, it should be said that these three types are named. There are also other types that can be divided into more or fewer categories.

This is due to the fact that different scientists deduced body types in their own way and characterized them in the most convenient way for themselves.

Let's get back to our topic and talk about ectomorphs. It is quite simple to identify a person with this type of physique, since he stands out either by clothes hanging on him, or by incredibly thin limbs and a lack of muscle mass.
Typically, ectomorphs have a short body, long limbs, narrow hands and feet. At the same time, male ectomorphs in structure can resemble female ones, since the palm is very narrow, and the fingers are long. Body fat is minimal.

Important! Ectomorphs are not immune to possible obesity after menopause.

The ectomorphic body type is also characterized by the fact that it is very long and thin. Quite often, people with this type have narrow shoulders and a small chest volume.

Positive sides of this body type:

  • high metabolism;
  • low percentage of body fat;
  • active ones immediately give a visible result, since the muscles are not covered with a fat layer;
  • you can eat any food without fear of gaining weight;
  • it is fashionable to be thin now;
  • you save on things, because after stopping your weight may not change for years.


  • getting better is incredibly difficult;
  • you can not do heavy physical work;
  • a set of muscle is many times slower than in other body types;
  • there is a danger of anorexia, which is especially important for girls who are planning;
  • age does not match the physique.

We conclude that, although any food in any volume is available to ectomorphs, and they do not need to buy things as they gain weight, however, in terms of training, this type will not allow you to gain super-large mass in order to look like a "rock". This type has a limit in terms of gaining mass, above which it will not be possible to jump.

Did you know? The most famous ectomorph athlete is the three-time “Mr. Olympia "Frank Zane. With a height of 177 cm, its weight never exceeded 90 kg. In this case, the volume of the biceps was 44 cm.

The complete opposite of the ectomorphic type. The endomorphic body type is characterized by the fact that it has an incredibly large store of fat, which does not depend on the regime, or. It also has soft muscles, a rounded face, a short neck, and very wide hips.
This type cannot be called sports. Even if an endomorph spends a huge amount of time, he will never be able to get a figure like that of an ectomorph.

The structure does not allow to completely remove fat from the body in order to achieve an ideal relief, and any food, due to a slow metabolism, leads to deposits of the latter.

Important! Endomorphs always have medium or wide bones.


  • gain muscle mass very quickly;
  • look older than their age in childhood and adolescence;
  • with due effort, unrealistic indicators can be achieved;
  • have good strength indicators.
  • hard;
  • the need to constantly adhere;
  • the fatty layer hides the muscles, so the accumulated mass will be "invisible";
  • junk food and absence lead to uncontrolled obesity.

We conclude that endomorphs cannot afford any food in their daily diet, and their structure, although it presupposes rapid weight gain, does not differ in perfect symmetry.

Having an endomorphic structure, you must always monitor not only for, but also for physical activity, which must necessarily be at any stage of life in order to prevent obesity.

Did you know? Actor and filmmaker Russell Crowe is an endomorph, while having a low weight, good physical shape and sufficient muscle relief.

"Average" type in all understandings of the word. Mesomorph represents that "golden mean", that body type that is well suited for and, at the same time, not inclined to.
Yes, when consuming a huge amount of fat, the mesomorph will gain weight, however, it will not be difficult for him to lose it.

This type is characterized by a wide chest, equally long torso and limbs, a small supply of subcutaneous fat. It is considered ideal for a sporting career as well.


  • symmetrical body;
  • the presence of well-developed muscles;
  • age corresponds to the development of the skeleton and;
  • there are inclinations for sports;
  • no predisposition to obesity.
  • with absence physical activity the mesomorph can "accumulate" a sufficient amount of fat, which will cancel out all the inclinations;
  • craving for fatty foods can lead to.

As a result, we have the ideal that all men of any age strive for. A body that, with adequate loads, can turn into an ideal, combining the correct structure and a pile of muscles. At the same time, to obtain the same result, ectomorphs need to make 2 times more effort.

Important! It's not just hobby that can lead to obesity junk food or lack of exercise, but also hormone problems and various diseases, which greatly disrupt the work of all body systems.

How to determine your body type?

Ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph are very rarely presented in a "pure" form, so further we will talk about how to determine your type, because the described parameters may not always coincide with yours.

The most accurate way is to measure the girth of the wrist. The point is that the ectomorph has very thin bones, so, regardless of age, the hand in the wrist will be quite thin.
Endomorphs, as mentioned above, can only have medium or wide bones, which means that the wrist will always be wide. Mesomorphs, in this case, are determined by the average value.

So, if the girth of your wrist is from 14 to 17.5 cm, then you are an ectomorph. The values \u200b\u200bmay be less than the indicated ones, it does not matter much. Next come mesomorphs with a girth of 17.5 to 20 cm. Everything that is higher than this indicator refers to endomorphs.
It is also worth noting that the ankle girth should be 5–6 cm larger than the wrist week. However, it happens that the indicators do not converge or are on the verge. In this case, you either belong to the intermediate type, which is not news, or you miscalculated.

There are many calculators out there that will accurately calculate your body type.

It is interesting that the ectomorphic body type begins to prevail in cities, which is associated not only with genetics, but also with external conditions, in contrast to rural areas, where there is a greater percentage of mesomorphs and endomorphs.

Did you know? is an ectomorph, which did not prevent him from achieving indescribable heights in sports and cinema. It is worth mentioning that as a child, Arnie was a sickly child, which is why he began to "pull iron".

Exercise and diet

We have characterized the main body types of men and women, explained how to determine your type, now let's move on to the sports topic and discuss training regimes.

Before describing the training system, you need to emphasize the main problems of this type, namely the lack of endurance and low strength qualities.

That is, an ectomorph cannot lift a lot of weight and cannot stretch a workout. It turns out that when drawing up a plan, you need to focus on these indicators.
We will not describe what muscles and how you need to pump, we will only outline the basics. You need to divide the entire training system into 2 parts. With one, you load your upper body without stretching the workout.

During another workout, you load your lower body. Thus, during exercises that engage the lower body, the upper body rests and recovers, and vice versa.

Now for the number of sets and reps. It is ideal to allocate a minimum of time for each exercise, performing 3-4 sets with the number of repetitions not exceeding 5-9 times.
Plan everything so that the maximum workout time does not exceed 50-60 minutes taking into account breaks. The ideal indicator will still be 40 minutes, given that there is a break of 1 minute between sets, and between exercises - no more than 6-8 minutes.

You need to include more strength exercises, while increasing the weight, not the number of repetitions.

Important! You can stay at the same weight level for several months before any progress appears. For ectomorphs, this is a normal start, so don't worry or quit training.

Now let's talk about nutrition.

You need to not only cover the daily energy costs, but also try to increase the daily calorie intake and the percentage of and. It is necessary to cover the accelerated metabolism and at the same time leave some of the energy for training and mass gain.
Half of your diet is complex carbohydrates, which enter the body only with cereals, legumes and potatoes. No amount of sweets or baked goods will cover the deficit.

To make it easier to figure this out, go to your nearest market and spend 15 minutes studying various cereals. You will immediately understand and remember which cereal contains the most carbohydrates and protein.

We mentioned the protein for a reason. This is a building material for muscles, and given that we practically do not have them, we need to consume a lot of protein. Daily rate - 3 g of protein per 1 kg of your weight.

Yes, the figure is rather big, however, using it with a high content of this element, you can easily cover the norm without turning to sports supplements for help.

You need to eat very often in small portions, since our body must constantly have a sufficient amount of calories, which provide us with carbohydrates, and the building material for muscle recovery - protein.

For complete endomorphs, split systems are best suited, which involve 2 days of training without interruption, after which a day of rest is made and again 2 days in a row.
Such a system will not only help you gain muscle mass faster, but, when used with the right system, will get rid of it. Strength exercises should be alternated with endurance exercises. So you will simultaneously remove unnecessary mass and gain muscle at an accelerated pace.

It turns out like this: for 2 days in a row we do endurance exercises (4-6 sets of 12-16 repetitions), after which we take a break and train for strength.

Important! Bottom part body requires more sets and reps to remove excess fat.

In this case, it is very important that in addition to classes in the gym, you go a lot or go to No matter how ridiculous it may sound, such exercises will help you achieve results faster than monotonous exercises with iron.


First, estimate the calorie content of the foods you are consuming. You need to ensure that your daily calorie intake is within the weight you want to achieve. For example, the daily requirement of an adult is about 2 thousand kcal.
At the same time, during heavy physical activity, the need for calories increases, but it should be satisfied not with fatty foods, but complex carbohydrateswhich give a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

You need to eat in small portions, but often, in the same way as ectomorphs. You need to lean more on, excluding flour and. With protein, everything is the same as with the previous type.

The ideal percentage of carbohydrates and fats is 50, 40 and 10%, respectively.

Important! Never use protein that you don't need. You can also sometimes use an energy drink that can help you lose weight.

This type will never have a problem making progress. It is enough to perform standard workouts in order to achieve the fastest result, which will consist not only in gaining mass, but also in an aesthetic effect.
It is best to use 2 types of workouts as well. First type - a lot of repetitions with little weight. This will help you get lean muscles and reduce body fat. Second type - high weight and minimal repetitions. Here we work for strength.

You can also use training programs that are designed according to the following principle: we work on strength for several months, then we work on weight. This will prevent your muscles from getting used to the program and adapting to the weights, and you will be able to move further faster.


In terms of nutrition, mesomorphs are even more fortunate than ectomorphs. You can eat absolutely everything, including flour and sweets. The main thing is to provide the body with proteins and carbohydrates. The first in the diet should be about 30 % , second - up to 50 %.
Calculation of protein per kilogram of weight is carried out according to the same system as for ectomorphs.

Important! Be sure to drink 2.5 liters of clean water a day.

Can I change my type?

Unfortunately not, since body type is genetics and the influence of the environment. You can't naturally change the length of the legs or the color, right? Also with body type.

If you had fat parents and, accordingly, got their genes, then your task is to work on yourself in order to gain mass and be strong enough to protect loved ones.
If you are an ectomorph, then you pride yourself on the fact that you can easily get into an overloaded minibus or pull on jeans from school. Each of the described options has its pros and cons, so you don't need to “swear” at the genes, but take care of yourself in order to reach heights.

Fat people do not understand the problems of lean people, and vice versa. Each of us has enough positive qualitiesthat can be multiplied. Therefore, you should not try to change your type - you should change yours and set goals, the implementation of which will make you forget about physique problems.

This concludes the article. We hope that you really learned useful information, on the basis of which you can change yours for the better. You have learned how to determine the type of physique, and the best training option, etc. Follow the instructions and you will succeed.

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How to determine your body type? (online body type calculation)

Many of us have noticed that most people fall into one of three body types to one degree or another - a thin-boned, thin person, an athletic person of average build, and an obese person with wide bones. These observations have long been systematized and today determining the body type is a very simple task - just use the body type calculator on the FOX-calculator project and it is very easy to find out which body type you can attribute yourself to - ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph. Understanding what type of physique you can attribute yourself to will help in planning your diet and exercise regimen.

What are the different body types?

Body types are undoubtedly dependent on genetics - the biological information that we received from our parents. What and why you need to know about this, we will talk in this article. Recommendations for nutrition and the best training strategy take into account, including this feature of each person.

People are born with one of several somatotypes, as well as with a specific eye color. it mesomorphic, ectomorphic and endomorphic body types... This reality cannot be changed in any way, however, it is undoubtedly possible, and sometimes even necessary, to correct it, with the application of certain efforts! This is done with special nutrition and training:

  • At the same time, the key factor in this is taking into account the somatotype, since training and diet are different for different somatotypes. If thin ectomorphs can consume some foods and supplements and not gain too much, then mesomorphs, and especially endomorphs, should limit themselves;
  • To ensure the best efficiency of training, taking into account the somatotype, there are different systems nutrition and exercise. It is possible to build muscles as quickly as possible and without harming health for each somatotype.

Determine your body type

Bone structure is one of the main characteristics of the somatotype. Ectomorphs have thin bones, while endomorphs have massive ones. The diameter of the wrist is almost unchanged and is almost independent of weight fluctuations:

  • Most often in ectomorphs, it is from fifteen centimeters;
  • for mesomorphs - no more than twenty centimeters;
  • in endomorphs - more than two tens of centimeters.

However, it should be borne in mind that this is only an approximate guideline, since the body type is determined by the structural features of the skeleton and the characteristics of weight gain, and in the priority areas of the body for each somatotype.

How much can you correct your body type?

The somatotype that is characteristic of your body type also determines the characteristics bone structure skeleton, and metabolic features. However, if the metabolism can be influenced by training and a special diet, as well as their absence and "bad" diet, then the structure of the skeleton must be taken for granted. Moreover, the influence of these features becomes stronger after passing the thirty-year milestone. This is especially noticeable in endomorphs, since if in their youth, thanks to their rapid metabolism, they manage to look quite slim, even despite the abuse of fast food, after thirty, with this lifestyle, they definitely gain excess weight, especially in the waist area. However, it is in the diet that the key to creating an athletic figure in this somatotype lies.

How much muscle gain can you expect annually based on body type?
Athlete's age Beginner athletes (up to 2 years of regular training) Advanced athletes (2-3 years of regular training) Experienced athletes (3-6 years of regular training) Very experienced athletes (over 6 years of regular training)
18-25 Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 5 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 6 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 7.2 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 3.6 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 4.5 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 5.4 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of -3.15 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.25 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.7 kg

26-35 Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 4 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 5.4 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 5.85 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 3.15 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 3.6 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 4 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.25 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.7 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 0.9 kg
36-45 Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.7 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 3.15 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 3.6 kg

Ecto - 2.25 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.7 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of -3.15 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 1.35 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of -1.8 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.25 kg

45 and more Ectomorph can expect a gain in muscle mass in the amount of -1.35 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of -1.8 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 2.25 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 0.9 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 1.35 kg

Endomorph can count on muscle gain of -1.8 kg

Ectomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of - 0.45 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 0.9 kg

Endomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in the amount of 0.9 kg

Ectomorph can count on muscle gains of less than 0.45 kg

Mesomorph can count on an increase in muscle mass in size - less than 0.9 kg

Endomorph can count on muscle gains of less than 0.9 kg

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