Wax moth, larvae, treatment and application. Tincture of wax moths - reviews and medicinal properties The drug of waxing larvae


Everyone knows that beekeeping is a unique storehouse biologically active substances. Starting from honey and ending with the products of life bees. It is widely known about the use of folk medicine of such bee products like wax, Perga, Propolis, submor. The bee branch of the economy is so diverse that even for pests of beekeeping there are ways to use for the treatment of various kinds of pathologies.

Tincture of wax moth larvae. Bee pest or powerful medicine?

Wax mole (fire) - a small night butterfly, settles exclusively in the bee hijah. The product for powering its larvae - wax, delayed by bees for building honeycombs. The vital activity of an adult individual for products in the hive is not hazardous. All the attention of the beekens is directed to the larvae of the fire. It is believed that the larvae have a product in their enzyme composition, with which the wax is digested. This determines the testimony for use. alcohol tincture The larvae of the fire for the treatment of various pathology. Not only the larvae, but also the products of their livelihoods, possess biological activity. The excrement of the fires also have a high content of active digestion products.

To make sure that the high value of the excrement, the activity of the tincture of the larvae themselves was carried out with the effectiveness of tincture from the excrement (digestive and livelihoods). The method of obtaining tincture in both cases was the same. A 20% alcohol solution was preparing for 10 days. The study by the method according to the Fall method showed that the level of activity of the alcohol exhaust excrement of fires exceeds a similar alcohol product at 10 x degrees. Thus, it is absolutely advisable to use in folk medicine Not only the larvae of fires as a healing raw material, but a much more valuable product of its livelihoods (excrement).

Video: Wax moth tincture

Application directions

Rich enzyme composition, the presence of a high content of biologically active products, a narrow spectrum of contraindications, the relative availability of raw materials, its environmental friendliness makes the method of treating many diseases using bee pests (larvae wax moth) Very attractive.

It is the above-mentioned diversity due to the testimony for the use of bioproducts:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases. It is believed that infusion of wax moth is effective in eliminating the consequences of myocardial infarction (active healing of scars), improving nutrition, nervous conductivity of the heart muscle, antibacterial effect with rheumatic lesions.
  2. Top pathology respiratory tract. Bronchites, alveolitis, pneumonia, tucheitis of viral and bacterial etiology. Activation of local immunity pulmonary fabric, general immunomodulatory action.
  3. Gynecology. Spike uterine pipes, good feedback During therapy inflammatory processes Female genital organs (ooforitis, colpit, vaginitis).
  4. Phthisiatry. Especially widely used in the treatment of lung tuberculosis.
  5. Hematology. Activation of blood formation, anemia treatment.
  6. Geriatrics. Prevention of senile dementia, sclerosis, positive feedback in the prevention of premature aging processes.
  7. Pediatrics. Activation of the immune system, an increase in the body's resistance to infections.
  8. Sports medicine. Preparation of athletes for competitions, recovery after heavy workouts, strengthening and improving metabolism.

Good reviews about the high activity of the composition regarding the prevention of atherosclerosis and vessel thrombosis. The method of applying exemplary products fires for the treatment of thrombophlebitis inside, externally in the form of applications.

Video: How and why apply a fire

Chemical composition

The presence of a wide range of amino acids explains in the composition of a wide spectrum therapeutic effect in the treatment of trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, varicose expansion veins.

The amino acid composition of the alcohol extract of larvae lightness:

The extract contains a large variety of trace elements. The presence of substances such as manganese, selenium, molybdenum, zinc provides support for the vital activity of organs and body systems at the biochemical level. These chemical substances plus a variety of amino acid spectrum operate at the level of mediators (activators) of the processes of the nervous conductivity of tissues.

The amino acids listed above are not synthesized in the human body, they can only come from outside, are considered indispensable. In the alcohol extract of waxing larvae and excrement, the optimally balanced composition of trace elements and amino acids located in a bioavailable form. Such a combination provides the ability to apply a product to improve the condition of patients with diabetes (hypoglycemic effect). The method, the reception scheme is selected individually. Depends on the degree of disease, blood sugar levels, the presence of diabetes associated diseases.

Effects of application

Excellent reviews after the course of therapy are obtained from patients with problems arterial pressure. Interestingly, adjust the digits of blood pressure with the help of the drug obtained from the fire, you can in people, both with increased arterial pressure and prone to hypotension. All components of the natural medicine work as natural circulatory processes regulators. Pressure indicators come to optimal levels, which ensures full-fledged vital activity of patients. The activity of the aerobic processes of metabolism of myocardial tissues increases, which is the prevention of post-infarction complications.

The high activity of the drug is detected in relation to the pathogen of tuberculosis (mycobacterium, koch stick). The effect of applying when complex treatment This severe illness of the outstanding ability of products from the larils of fires split the shell proteins of bacteria, activate the process of its decay. Mycobacterium has high resistant to antibacterial agents various chemical groups. The method of treating tuberculosis using waxing products has been widely recognized: chemotherapy products are easier reaching goals, therapy is more successful.

In geriatric practice, use bee products becomes a promising trend. Almost the only contraindication is individual intolerance, allergies. For elderly people especially relevant to get biologically active drugs without side Effects.

The method of treating senile dementia, solutions for cardiovascular problems, relief of anemic states is the reception of the tincture inside. The usual practice involves the following scheme: from 10 to 21 drops, 1-3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Course reception 3 - 5 weeks.

In pediatric practice, it acts as a great way to activate the natural protective forces of the body. Wax mol Application: with frequent walled diseases In children, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, Malokrovia. Doses are taken at the rate of 1 drop per 1 year of life. Dilsert tincture in a small amount of liquid (alcohol preparation), drink before meals, several (1 - 4) once a day.

Natural ways of activation of natural anabolic processes are relevant for sports medicine. The tincture of larvae and excrement of wax moths are not suitable for this purpose. All the above properties work perfectly in healthy body Athletes, which gives extensive prospects to use the product in this direction.

Video: Firewax-wax mole

Method for making alcohol extracts of waxing larvae and instructions for use

7 grams of young larvae are placed in dark glass dishes, pour 70% concentration with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Leave without access direct sunlight 7 days.

Take a product inside 13-21 drops, pre-divide water up to 3 times a day. For children, it is necessary to calculate a disposable dose by age (the number of years is equal to the number of drops).

Bee wax moth is night butterflies whose caterpillars feed on waxed, Perga, subormal, residues of bee larva cocoons. On bempbed - dried fruits, grapes, apples, sugar or dried insects. What treats bee mole and how to use it - learn in this article.

Other names:, Klochen, Moth, Goshin, Galelia Melonella.

More rare their relatives are the southern barn fire, mill flax and dried fruit flame.

Bee wax moth - what is this insect?

Adult butterflies are divided into 2 species - big and small. Large - 2 cm long, wing span - 3-3.5 cm. Small - 1x2 cm.

The color of the adult insect depends on what the larvae was fed. If empty cells, butterflies are obtained by silver-gray, and if the brown cells are then brown or dark-dark gray. White-yellow caterpilts themselves.

Why are wax mole called firewood? Yes, everything is simple - the infusion of it is reddish, besides, on alcohol - real fiery water. But these are all folk names. The official name of bee moth is Melonella's Gallery.

This is how Melonella's Gallery looks like, she is wax (bee) mole. Big and small. But they are not in the tincture, but their larvae.

Butterflies never eat - the mouth is underdeveloped. Live on what they ate caterpillars. Day of Hair Melonella hides in dark places, nights flies in the hives to lay eggs (7-12 butterflies for one hive every hive). The wax pray female sits down among the bees-guard, freezes for 1-5 minutes, and then jrokets in the hive on top Cells (higher than the bees usually sit). A good place for fire, it is the walls of cells with fresh pollen or not to the end of sealed cells with honey. At worst, the narrow (0.2 mm) slots in the housing of the hive or within the case are suitable. For 2 minutes, the wax moth postpones the batch of eggs - 54 pieces in a large and 14 - in Malaya, then another hour sits on them, after which it can postpone the following batch. Beehive wax mole leaves an hour before dawn, but such visits can be repeated to 4 nights in a row.

Females live 7-26 days and during this time a large can postpone 2,000 eggs, small - up to 400).

The cycle of the development of wax moths from the egg to the butterfly - 45-60 days in the warm season:

  • After 5-10 days from eggs, very mobile octopuses are hatched and eight-headed caterpillars with a length of 1 mm. In the first 3 hours of life, they eat honey and pollen, then go to the wax and residues of bee cocoons, sometimes - Perma. Through the holes of the hole and tighten them by a web - it is protecting them from the bees. Favorite honeycombs - those that are darling and away from light.
  • A month after hatching of the caterpillar pound.
  • After 10-18 days it turns out a butterfly. For the year, 3 generations of wax moth are replaced.

This rubbish lives everywhere, except for regions with a very harsh climate or highly (1.5-2 km above sea level). The ideal temperature for life is +30 about C. At +20, the reproduction slows down, at 10 o - stops. Wintering only pupars and bees moth larvae. At -10 O and +40, wax mole dies at any stage of development, therefore it is necessary to store in cold for the prevention of honeycomb.

The benefits and harm of wax moth

Harm is obvious:

  • The larvae eat honeycomb (in the hive, and in warehouses). One little larva for life (per month) eats 1.2 g of honeycomb (400 cells!).
  • Eats honey, pollen, perm.
  • Kills - 11 larvae bees can spoil for life. The larva breaks over the cells with a breakdown, damages the wings and legs. Such a breakdown is not even sealed - either seal only the edges, and in the middle they leave a big hole. If the eaten larva was already sealed, the bees open it and also tighten the "neck" cell so that in this area the uterus did not postpone the eggs.
  • Firefight - Carrier of rotches (infectious diseases).

But about the benefit of wax moths should be told separately. Actually, this is the main purpose of this article. Useful properties do not have butterflies themselves, but only the larvae of wax moths. Yes, and those are strictly defined quality and size. To at least somehow minimize damage from the larvae of wax moths, the beekens learned to make a healing tincture. Therapeutic properties of such a tincture above, if the larvae of wax moths were ate dark alone (there were experiments on rats and frogs!). In the dark sushi, less wax (50% instead of 70%), but more useful bees - uterine milk, coverings and shells of larvae, etc.), which means higher biological value. In the processing of these substances with larvae of fire, they become biologically active.

As part of larvae:

Lipase and serine protease, that is, the split protein protease enzyme with a series of serine. The serine was first found in the folod, and the wax mole also produces silk threads. Lipase and protease - digestive enzymes, respectively, and act mainly on the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and gall-bubble. They help the body absorb more useful substances. Lipasa breaks fats, protaz - proteins.

Chitosanwhich displays fats and breaks out cholesterol plaques.

Useful trace elements: Iron (very much), potassium, magnesium (for muscles), manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, phosphorus, chrome, zinc, cobalt.

Doubtful ceraza enzyme. He was trying to study in the 1800-1900s (Russians, Poles, Americans, Arabs), but they did not fully developed for unknown reasons. Until now, it is not officially listed in any list of enzymes. But there are two patents:

  • American patent for the extraction of cerase from wax moth. Richard Liste argues that cerase is peroxidase, that is, an iron-containing enzyme, accelerating the oxidation of water and oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide in our body produce immunity cells - leukocytes and granulicates. It participates in the exchange of substances, removes extra sugar, toxins and free radicals as well as struggling with alien substances - viruses, fungi, infections.
  • Russian patent for obtaining a biologically active product from the larvae of bee moth.

Do not confuse Ceraz with:

  • Cucumber. CeraSee (Momordika Hararange) - Jamaican Bitter Vegetable like a skinny cucumber, he is the bitter Chinese pumpkin.
  • Cherry. Cerasa - from Italian - Cherry (English - Cherry, Lat. - Cerasum).

Treatment of wax mol

The beeshi moth tincture was used in folk medicine since the 1600s. The discoverer is unknown, but folk recipes Preparations of tincture are used on full, and even modified with modern beekeepers to increase therapeutic properties. For example, the Ukrainian beekeeper V.Gromova discovered that the concentration of active substances is much more not in the body of the larvae of the fire, but in their excrement. Computer diagnosis of alcohol extracts of larvae and excrement according to the Fall method (electrical resistance) revealed a tenfold concentration of biologically active ingredients in a solution with excrement, which was much rich in color.

Extensive clinical studies It was not carried out, the formal medicine tincture of wax moth is not considered as a medicine from anything.

Informal medicine put and still puts different experiments. So homeopath S.A. Mukhin discovered that the tincture of the larvae is absorbed by the scars on the heart after a heart attack, and his colleague on Patent N.A. Spiridonov found out that infusion of larvae, fed to dark cells, protects the heart and improves metabolism.

Candidate of Biological Sciences V.F. Baccanunes in his dissertation published the conclusions that a serine protease (digestive enzyme larvae larvae) is absorbing plaques and thrombus in vessels, heart cells and pulmonary fabric. In experiments on rabbits, a decrease in blood pressure by 17% was observed.

Found a tincture of wax moths and in diets. After all, if a person has a lack of lipase, the fats are converted to the bemps and waist. Restore the lipase with the help of tinctures of wax moths - and obesity, as well as diseases from excess fatty foods - strokes, cholesterol plaques and blood clocks - will go away.

The use of wax moth tinctures in cancer

Efficiency of means for the treatment of cancer mediocre. A tincture of larvae little is treated in this case. It is only:

  • destroys free radicals;
  • improves metabolism:
  • strengthens immunity, making it easier for him to destroy bacteria and viruses (deprives them of a protective shell).

Take a tincture of wax moth larvae for prevention and to recover after chemotherapy.

Application of tincture of larvae during heart disease

V.F. The bowls in the thesis published the conclusion that the treatment of wax moths stimulates the contractile activity of the heart by 55%, and at the sservia is 20%, since it contains acidic peptides from the natural feed of larvae - dark wax sushi. Also the tincture of firefall bee protects the heart in the overdose of cardiac glycosides. Heart safety properties were tested on frogs - they increase the stability of the heart muscle to the toxic effect of stanfantine.

For the prevention of diseases of the heart, you can take 30 drops 2 times a day for a month.

Application of wax moth tincture with tuberculosis

In some hospitals, with the consent of patients, infusions on the larvae of fires are used as additional means For diseases of the lungs, including tuberculosis. Nobel laureate Ilya Mesnikov experimentally confirmed that the waxing of the larvae flippering the protective wax layer of the koche stick (the pathogen of tuberculosis). However, only young larvae are capable of this, old do not master the bacteria of tuberculosis. Homeopath S.A. Muhin discovered that the infusion of bee moth fills the lightweight cloth eaten with tuberculosis.

For the treatment of tuberculosis, the drug is accepted 2 times a day, at the rate of: 40 drops in the morning (with severe form, a dose increases to 45 drops, but it is necessary to increase it gradually) and 40 drops in the evening in combination with the tincture of regoles 20% in half an hour before meals.

Application of wax moths in diabetes

Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and this is part of the gastrointestinal tract, which is very well treating our throat. The extract of bee moth can be cured:

  • The diabetes of the first type is insulted insulin production by the pancreas. Infusion of moth treats the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the pancreas.
  • The second type diabetes is a violation of insulin receptor functions due to obesity. Lipasa from infusion splits fats, and other substances restore the metabolism and remove excess sugar.

Application of tincture in gynecology

The effect of wax moth tincture is based on the property of the digestive enzyme - serine protease - splitting the shell of viruses and bacteria (he even takes plastic!). Malicious microorganisms are deprived of protection, and immune cells are easily destroyed by themselves.

Application of bee moth tincture during pregnancy

Before pregnancy, you can drink tincture to raise the tone smooth muscles The uterus so that there is no breakdowns and the birth was easier. In the body of wax moths, a lot of iron - tincture of the larils of firewood bees can be preventing anemia.

During pregnancy, doctors are advised not to experiment with any folk medicineOtherwise you can harm the fetus.

Application of tincture in sports

In Nii of Sports (Moscow) The drug from the larvae of wax moth was tested on cyclists. They have grown the mass and strength of the muscles, the anti-stress activity of the body increased. We hope that in the near future this useful tincture will not be taken.

Adaptogenicity (endurance to physical exertion) was also checked on male rats. They gave one group of extract of larvae of fire, another group - just 40% ethanol. Checked every 5 days during the month - set sailing with a 20-gram cargo. Extract of bee moth confirmed efficiency.

In the rats of the males, the enhanced metabolism and energy was also tested - again successfully.

How to take a tincture of bee wax pray for adults and children

Separate attention should be paid to how to take the wax mole correctly, because it is still a medicine (albeit folk), and the medicine must be taken in accordance with the regime. For one or two receptions you will not notice and do not get any improvements. Take the tincture should be a course.


  • start 1 teaspoon once a day;
  • then - 2 ppm in a day;
  • maximum - 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day.

It is better not to dilute and not mix with meals.

Children - Several drops, dilute with water or eat something nice. Similarly, during pregnancy and breastfeeding - a few drops, large doses and alcohol can damage the fruit.

1 drop for 1 year of the child's life. Applies 2 times a day for a month.

The duration of the full course depends on whether you want to cure or take a tincture for prophylaxis. When treating the dose of the drug and the duration of reception will be higher. The minimum reception time of the tincture is at least 3 months. As for the dose of the drug, it depends on the weight of the patient. An approximate table for calculation can be found in the application instructions.

The maximum effect of receiving the tincture is achieved if it is not immediately swallowed, but to put under the tongue.

Forms of release

Firefight bees tincture can be ordered online:

  • balm of Dr. Mukhina "Vita" - tincture of plant raw materials with extract of larvae;
  • balm of Dr. Rachkov "Vitamidin" containing honey with larvae extract,
  • complex drug "Gallein".

Known and other forms:

  • Dried excrement of wax moth;
  • Tincture of excrement;
  • Suppositories with extract of larvae and propolis for gynecological problems.

And, of course, use in homeopathy - each homeopath has its own.

Contraindications for the use of bee moth

The last thing you need to know about the bee moth tincture - contraindications:

  • alcoholism;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components (especially if it is a mixture with herbs).

Do not interfere with alcohol solutions with medicines. Do not replace drugs with larval drugs! Start taking small portions and carefully follow the body's condition!

The topic of today's article is a tincture of wax moth: use in folk medicine, the recipes of tincture moths wax.

The basic value of waxing is in the property to produce Cerera - A special enzyme contributing to wax processing.

Mentioning the medical properties of the Moth are still in the records of the ancient Greek, the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian healers who used the extract for the treatment of consumers, infertility and sexual dysfunctions of a woman.

The beneficial properties were known in Japan, China and Kenya, dishes with waxing larvae were sold at the time in restaurants.

Official recognition was obtained only in the 19th century After numerous studies, Ilya Zangovnikov outlined scientific confirmation of therapeutic properties of an insect extract.

Tincture of wax moth: testimony and contraindications

Extract has excellent antibacterial and antioxidant propertiesIn general, based on the substance of the drug enforce the effect on the bodyas a result of its application immunity strengthens, physical and mental abilities are activated. patient.

The substance includes a large number of amino acids that useful when intoxicating the body and radiation.

Wax is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, among which:

  • diseases of respiratory tract, under the influence of the substance, the drainage properties of the bronchi are improved;
  • epidemia influenza;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • problems with cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction - as a result of the smoothing of scars, there is an acceleration of the resumption of the functioning of cardiomyocytes;
  • prevention ischemic Disease ;
  • pathologies related to violation of exchange processes;
  • diabetes - the substance contributes to the stabilization of blood sugar;
  • sexual diseases - high efficiency is noted in the treatment prostaty Adenoma.

Substance also has psychotropic propertiesIts use contributes to improved mood and memory.

Preparations based on wax moth extract are recommended for the treatment of children, they help reduce the temperature and normalization of blood characteristics, help to deal with cough.

Larky-based tincture it is used in gynecology, as well as in the treatment of skin diseases, liver diseases, pancreas And many other diseases. Tincture inhibits aging processesHerontologists recommend it to be taken to improve the condition of the skin, the remedy is considered excellent prevention of senile diseases.

Contraindications committed to a minimum, direct contraindications to drugs created on the basis of extract are considered stomach and esophagus ulcers. From treatment it is recommended to refuse during pregnancyIn the later dates, the use of a solution to eliminate toxicosis is allowed. Contraindications can also be attributed hepatitis, allergies.

In sports

Extract of wax moth has a positive impact on the musclesAs a result of the interaction of components, the recovery period is reduced after heavy loads.

The elements included in the substance have an impact on endurance, contribute to the acceleration of muscle growth, its use activates the generation of hemoglobin and the calcium absorption rate. The preparations created on its basis are indispensable in the restoration of athletes after injury or operational intervention.

According to the results of the study, the Medical Preparation is an excellent alternative to healthy anabolicsnegatively affecting the central nervous system. It can be used not only for muscle buildings, but also to remove the body from the state in which it comes from steroids.


Tuberculosis is considered one of the common causes of the death of the adult population compared to the rest. infectious diseases. The reason for the relevance of this disease is considered to adapt tuberculosis sticks to antibiotics.

Extract enzymes of wax moths are able to split a wax membrane of koche sticksAfter which antibiotic therapy shows higher efficiency.

In addition, the substance has a stimulating effect, extract contributes to the growth and development of healthy cells..

Extract of wax pray helps with different forms of tuberculosis, which also occurs in the intestines, kidneys, joints, lungs. The drug prevents the spread of infection to other tissues, increases the efficiency of antibiotic therapy.


The remedy for cancer has not yet been found, but the use of wax extract can make it much easier to facilitate disease. Its application contributes to the elimination of pain syndrome, as well as reducing side phenomena From taking antibiotics.

Components included in the substance have a strong anti-inflammatory and antitumor impact. Reception of the drug with lung cancer is accompanied by the restoration of lung cells, in the body are enhanced exchange processesThe rate of dissemination of malignant education is reduced.

In the intestinal cancer decreases with pain syndrome, immunity is strengthened, overall health improves.


Regardless of the concentration of iodine in the body of wax moth extract recommended for use in problems with thyroid glandIt should be taken simultaneously with the bee subormal.

Pharmacy tincture

The pharmacies sell a large number of tinctures created on the basis of wax moth extract, the main difference is to concentrate (10, 20, 25%).

In its manufacture, a method of cold extraction of larvae wax moles on ethanol, the resulting solution is insteaded in a darkened place at 20 degrees.

Such medications Characterized by a long storageduring which the composition does not change. average price In pharmacies of the tincture of wax moth varies within 450-900 rubles.

Tincture of wax moth: instructions for use

Treatment requires compliance with certain rules, the drug is recommended for half an hour before or in an hour after eating.. This method ensures better absorption of the substance. Dosage depends on weight, for every 10 kg of weight it is necessary to take 3 drops of medicine.

How to take a tincture? If the body is not familiar with the drug, treatment is conducted according to a specific scheme:

  • the first day - in the morning of 1/4 dose;
  • second day - 1/2 dose;
  • third day - 3/4 doses.

If there are no uncomfortable sensations, intolerance, can be moved to the reception of a full-fledged dose. A few days later the drug can be taken twice a day.

The average duration of therapy is three monthsSince the basic substances accumulate in the body first, and only after that their potential is used.

Some manufacturers do not give instructions for use, which is not very good, since the dosage also depends on the concentration of the solution. When buying on this fact, you should pay special attention.

Tincture of bee moth, how to cook with your own hands?

Officially, the tincture of wax pray pharmaceutical companies is not produced, as it is believed that it has a placebo effect.

The manufacture of tinctures are engaged exclusively beekeys or beekeeping companies, they can also buy a tool directly.

You can cook the tincture yourself for this you will need caterpillars of large sizes of the penultimate age. The latter factor does not play a big role, only adults are not suitable for these purposes, ready to puzzle individuals.

When using large larvae, their number respectively is reduced. Recipe:

  1. Selected larvae pour alcohol / vodka in proportions 1:10 or 1: 4In the first case, there will be a 10 percent concentration, in the second - 25 percent.
  2. Hermetically closed container with solution. put on a darkened cool room for 12 days, every day, shaking.
  3. Daily dosage is 1/2 C.L. in 45 min. Before eating in the morning and in the evening.
  4. The course suggests gradual increase to 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  5. In the absence of effect between courses it is recommended to take a break for 2 weeks.

Other form of release

Substance can enter the capsulesUsed to treat many diseases during such therapy, it is not recommended to eat alcohol and products with preservatives. Standard dosage is 1 capsule daily during meals 2 times a day.

Tincture it can also be used externally for the treatment of wounds, furunculkza, herpes, legs.

For outdoor use, it is necessary to mix 2 tsp. Extract with 33 percent Dimexide solution.

In the event of symptoms of irritation, the compress should be removed immediately, the drug was washed. The substance can also use for outdoor use, masi make an extract.

The effectiveness of the extract of wax moth is widely known, it is mainly engaged in its production. The tool helps in the treatment of a large number of diseases, among which oncology, tuberculosis, diabetes, infertility, varicose veins and many others.

The tincture can be bought at the pharmacy or prepare independently, it has practically no contraindications and side effects. Extract of wax moths is used for external use, the substance is also included in the capsules that are prescribed in the treatment various diseasesMazi also prepare from it.

So, we talked about therapeutic properties of wax moth: tincture, appointment, treatment. Answered questions: What is wax moth and how is it useful? How to cook with your own hands? How to take it right?

Useful materials

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Well known to beekeepers. At least by the fact that it delivers a lot of trouble by bee families and is the worst enemy of bees. At the same time, this is the unique and most interesting creation of nature, which many scientists are interested in.

The secret of her unusualness lies not even in the very butterfly of fire, but in her larvae, medical properties which are known for a long time. The organism of the larvae of wax pray is able to produce active biochemical elements - Specific enzymes, thanks to which it can eat beeswax. The voracious caterpillar is less than a month, eats up to 600 wax cells in honeycombs.

Few living organisms are able to absorb such an inert substance as beeswax, which does not affect the gastric acid, nor any chemical converters and solvents.

The larvae of the firefall bees, settling in the bee house (most often the butterfly for masonry eggs chooses evidence with a weak bee family), with a large appetite absorb in hundreds of perma, honey, royal milk, chitin bee, flower pollen, waxing. After 30 days of the larvae, having appaped bee utility, turn into a pupa, from which moths are subsequently obtained (they already live at the expense of the reserves accumulated by larvae, it does not feed anything).

After noting this feature, the beekeepers began to use moth larvae for the preparation of healing tinctures at a certain stage of their development. They are collected when they are concentrated to the maximum degree in their body beneficial features As they use biologically active beekeeping products, which are then moving to drugs made on the basis of moth larvae. For this purpose, many beekeepers are specifically bred and grow larvae to obtain this drug.

All the healing qualities of bee firefight is a consequence of feeding by its larvae of good bee products, due to which a unique biological reserve is formed in their organism. Especially in the composition of the pray larvae, enzymes are distinguished, which contribute to the digestion of wax. The presence provides most utility flames. And this property is used in medicine, first of all, for the treatment of tuberculosis, cancer and other diseases.

See also: Tincture larvae of wax moth: testimony and contraindications

Many pathogenic bacteria have a solid protective sheath. Once in the human body, they are not always destructed under the influence of medical drugs. The enzyme of larvae, splitting beeswax, also successfully copes with bacteria in the human body, destroying their walls and making them accessible to the effective effects of drugs and cells of the immune system.

It is not just the destruction of "bad" microorganisms, but also the mobilization of all protective forces that increase the stress resistance and resistance to diseases. At the same time, important amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine) contained in the composition of moth larvae contribute to rejuvenation and recovery, participating in cell construction processes.

As part of the larvae and prepared drugs, the presence of hormone-like substances resembling the structure of serotonin, which heal the body, positively affecting the nervous system, are derived from depression and increase the mood.

Treatment with waxing larvae

Not all diseases are well treated in traditional ways. Heavy illness, many of us begin to look alternative methods Treatment. And sometimes folk healing means Find a good help medical treatment. Such drugs also include tincture of wax moths, a nondescript night butterfly, which helps with many illnesses.

What diseases can I win (or at least make it easier), applying wax mol?

Use the extract of larvae moths can be:

  • to normalize blood pressure;
  • to purify vessels;
  • for the prevention of heart attacks, ischemia, atherosclerosis, strokes, angina (especially useful, extract of moth larvae for the rapid recovery of cord muscle cells);
  • for resorption of scar tissues (after tuberculosis on the lungs, on the heart muscle after a heart attack, after a stroke to strengthen the vessels in the brain);
  • for better resistance to disease and infections in periods of epidemics and colds;
  • to prevent the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • to reduce varicose nodes on veins;
  • to rejuvenate the body and improve the work of the immune system;
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis (the use of extract of firewood bees effectively in a combination with medical preparations and gives good results: destroys the koch wand, helps the rapid healing of yasers in the lungs, prevents the formation of new diseases of the disease);
  • for the treatment of other diseases of the respiratory organs: pleuritic, bronchitis, pneumonia of different shapes (the antibacterial properties of the drug improve the drainage capabilities of the respiratory tract);
  • for better metabolism (contained in the tincture, biologically active components stabilize cholesterol levels and sugar amounts, do not allow internal organs excess fat);
  • for the treatment of cancer;
  • when problems with the genital organs (especially with the prostate adenoma);
  • for the preparation of cosmetic creams.

See also: Wax Moth Larky Extract: Application, Contraindications

A large number of amino acids in the extract helps with the intricaciation of the body. Containing organic substances (nucleotides, peptides), interacting with amino acids (valine, histidine), have improving effect on muscular weight, contributing to its rapid increase, reduce the time to restore athletes after training and heavy physical Loads, affect the absorption of calcium and regeneration of bone tissues. Being natural anabolics, they can be used, without fear to harm health.

How to cook a tincture of wax moth larvae?

For the preparation of the extract, first of all, you need to get the larvae of wax moths. Well-developed individuals will be suitable, which have not yet switched to the step of the pounding. At the apiary, beekeepers there are no problems with the selection of biomaterial. More difficult for those who do not have access to bee families.

On 5 grams of larvae, 50 grams of 70% of medical alcohol will be required. The mixture is insteaded for 7-10 days. You can use it not more than 20 drops per day, diluing with water. For better effect daily rate You can take no one more than once, but twice a day.

From the larvae of the fire, in addition to tinctures, you can prepare ointments that are used to treat wounds and burns to eliminate scars. For this, 50 grams of fully formed larvae need to be pouring such a number of alcohol so that the liquid completely closes the tracks. Insist 5-7 days (you can slightly longer).

At the finished tincture, add calendula oil and hormour (200 grams) and propolis with bees wax (each 50 grams) and mix. The mixture is dismissed in a water bath of two hours, by placing the vessel with a closed cap into the water. The resulting drug is cooled, wipe through the sieve and shifting into clean jars.

In addition to the freest of homemade wax pray, you can purchase ready-made extracts and other drugs in pharmacies prepared for medical standards with different degrees of concentration. In addition to alcohol tinctures, it can be a homogenate of wax moth larvae. In this drug, no living larvae is used, but pre-dried and crushed young individuals.

Wax moth are well known to many beekeepers to lovers as a famous pest of bee hives. The insect is a small light yellow caterpillar to 20 mm long, which is conducted by a sedentary lifestyle and is very voracious.

The butterfly itself does not harm, and the appearance of waxing larvae becomes a problem for many owners of the hives. They eat wax, perma, honey, as well as sometimes larvae bees.

Including pests can bare bee honeycomb cells, blocking access to the breakage, which is why future bees die. It is from these pest larvae a therapeutic tincture or a healing extract, with which many are being treated with many famous diseases, including sugar diabetes.

The main product of the larvae is not pure wax, but the material obtained after processing bees. It includes a huge number of useful trace elements and vitamins, which is important for diabetics.

Thus, the wax moth, as numerous reviews show, is a unique biological drug that allows you to quickly and effectively improve the human body. Treatment with this means brings great benefits for the patient.

Composition of wax moth

Wax moth tincture is made of larvae, which have not yet been transformed into the pupa. Due to these insects feed on the products of beekeeping, their body has a unique enzyme, allowing to split and absorb wax that it is not capable of making any other organism.

Medicine from larvae is prepared by insisting on alcohol solution 40 percent. The resulting tincture has a brown brownish shade and a gentle honey-protein smell. In order not to form a precipitate, before conducting, treatment, tincture must be thoroughly shaken. In some cases, it allows the use of such a tincture.

Therapeutic tincture includes:

  • valin;
  • glycine;
  • leucine;
  • serine;
  • alanine;
  • lysine;
  • asparaginic, gamma-amine-oil and glutamic acid.

A similar composition makes the medicine very useful productwhich are treated with many diseases.

Treatment of wax moth extract

Tincture made of wax moth larvae first is intended to cure tuberculosis. According to scientific specialists, in insects there is a cerership enzyme that breaks fats and allows the larvae to eat wax.

It is this enzyme that the lipid shells of Koch sticks are able to split lipid shells and thereby kill the pathogen of tuberculosis.

Despite the fact that from a scientific point of view, it has not been proven to how much tincture of wax moth larvae is effective in treatment, today it is actively conducting treatment not only to tuberculosis, but also other diseases that are not associated with bacterial infection.

A tincture of waxing larvae is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Treatment of cancers;
  • Treatment of varicose veins;
  • Treatment of prostatitis;
  • Treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Curing infertility and impotence;
  • It helps to reduce blood sugar, including diabetes.

Therapeutic remedy based on larvae of wax moths is rich in various useful substances, enzymes, vitamins and macroelements that are necessary for a person for full-fledged life.

Features of therapeutic tincture

Despite the fact that the extract based on waxing larvae has numerous positive feedback, science does not prove the effectiveness of this drug, so its use should be careful and moderate.

Therapeutic extract of wax moth has the following features, thanks to which the healing tincture is popular with many patients:

  1. The drug strengthens the body as a whole;
  2. Improves immunity;
  3. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system;
  4. Relieves fatigue, improves sleep and improves performance;
  5. Favorably affects the increase in endurance and strength;
  6. Helps to cope with infectious activity;
  7. Reduces blood sugar;
  8. Remove blood vessels from oversupply cholesterol;
  9. Improves metabolism;
  10. Accelerates the dissolution of scars;
  11. Improves blood circulation, accelerating tissue regeneration.

That is, it is possible to use the tincture with elevated cholesterol. Naturally, not as the only means of therapy, but to combine it with pills from cholesterol, for example, can be an excellent solution.

Extract from waxing larvae prevents early aging, improves the condition of the body when age-related changesIt avoids the development of many diseases.

With the help of this drug, the colitis, gastritis, peptic diseases of the stomach, pancreatitis, cholecystitis are carried out. Also, tincture is effective in the treatment of anemia and other blood diseases.

The tincture of larvae is applied in female or male infertility. This drug can help if the patient has a weak sexual activity or period of the climax.

Especially the extract from wax moth can be useful for people who are required to treat heart disease - with arrhythmias, cardioneurosis, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, hypertension.

The main feature therapeutic drug It is that the tincture allows you to bring a weakened organism to normal when vitamins deficiency. Treatment with extract is carried out at bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

In Surgery, the tincture of larvae of wax moth performs effective tool For restoration B. postoperative periodThe treatment of cysts, osteoporosis. Including extract is permitted for the treatment of children.

  • Therapeutic drug is compatible with almost all medicines;
  • It is not toxic and highly effective medicine;
  • When it is used, there is no risk of unwanted reactions;
  • The drug is stored for more than three years, so long retains its valuable properties.

Unwanted side effects when using tincture has not been detected.

Method of treatment with medicinal extract

Treatment of any diseases, including diabetes and pancreatitis with extract, is carried out daily. For this 50 drops of the drug add to a small amount drinking water And drink twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to check whether this extract is suitable for wax pray larvae for the body. As you know, honey is a fairly allegorized drug, so it is important to be cautious when taking this medication. You need to start treatment with a minimum dose of five drops of the drug.

After the body is accustomed and allergic reactions will not be observed, the dosage can be gradually increased. The course of receiving the drug is three months. A month later, treatment with the help of a tincture of wax moth larvae can be repeated. It is possible to store a drug no longer than two years from the date of manufacture.

For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, you need to take three drops of medicine twice a day at the rate of 10 kilograms of weight. For the treatment of the disease, the number of medication techniques should be increased to three times a day.

After myocardial infarction, the extract can be taken twenty days later as medicinal therapy. Dosage can be increased to four drops at the rate of 10 kilograms of body weight.

If there is a severe form of a particular disease, the dosage is recommended to increase to five drops for every 10 kilograms of weight.

Who is allowed to take the drug?

Extract from waxing larvae can be used to treat both adults and children. Pediatricians recommend treatment of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases if the reception of antibiotics does not allow proper results.

If you begin treatment, in children after some time the temperature decreases, cough subsides, the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes and erythrocytes normalizes. The immune system At the same time comes to normal. The extract normalizes the nervous system and favorably affects the overall development of the child. Including tincture is effective in the treatment of tuberculosis diseases in children.

Treatment of children is carried out according to the instructions at the rate of 1.5 drops of medication for each year of the child. The duration of treatment is 21 days. After a monthly break, the treatment can be renewed again. Children over 14 can apply extract in the same dose as adult patients.

During pregnancy, treatment with tincture of wax moth can be carried out only after agreeing with the attending physician, since this drug may be allergenic for the future mother and fetus. It is advisable to use larvae extract, as it is less concentrated and softer medical agent. It is often used to get rid of toxicosis.

Also, as numerous positive feedback show, the extract helps perfectly with various pathologies during pregnancy. Thanks to this drug, many women managed to give birth to healthy kids.

Contraindications when using the drug

Extract or tincture of violent moths is contraindicated to those people who have individual intolerance to any beekeeping products. Some patients can be observed allergic reaction on honey or wax. In addition, it is worth using carefully.

For this reason, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and check the body's reaction to the medicinal product. When any suspicious reactions appear, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

How to make yourself prepare a wax moth tincture

As like larvae of wax moths are biological material, when heated, they can lose all useful properties. For this reason, therapeutic tincture is usually made. After the mole turns into a doll, it loses many useful properties, so the extract makes exclusively from young larvae.

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