Drink to cheer up in the morning. Effective ways to cheered up in the morning

Sometimes there are such situations when you want to sleep insanely, while there are urgent cases that need to be done. For example, when a young mother had a sleepless night - a child whimsoned, and no one canceled her daily routine of her day, especially if the dad at this time at work at this time. In such cases, it is important to know how to cheer up if you want to sleep.

Ways to quickly cheer up if you want to sleep

Under some circumstances, it is important to quickly lead yourself to the tone and working condition, and unfortunately, it does not always succeed and it turns out. Coffee is a strong stimulator, with frequent use causes addiction, and even more provokes drowsiness and reduction of its toning effect. According to many specialists, exactly breathing exercises helps to restore sluggish brain activity and quickly cheer up.

Put a few simple exercises, breathing with one nostrils, and exhausted through the other. A minute later, make an exercise in which you need to dramatically exhale your nose, without changing the rhythm of breathing.

If possible, open the window or exit fresh air. The next stage is the impression of the muscles of the whole body. It is necessary to stretch on tiptoe, get the floor to the floor level.

Exercises for a cerzymuscular corset coordinate the turns of the head to the right and left and tilt up and down.

Next, you will not hurt to look at bright colors: better if it is red, orange or yellow. Fruits, juices, wallpapers, some noticeable color solution in a suit of a colleague or just a desk accessory will help you in the acquisition of tone and energy.

If you are at home and you are bored, then find the locker with spices and spices. Eastern traditions have always been revered by different peoples, and spices in the East, however, as everywhere, are considered a powerful antidepressant.

You can simply inhale the scent of the chosen drug, but it will not be superfluous if you put a carnation bouton, a ginger chunk, cinnamon, saffron or coriander. Even if suddenly it happens that there are no such magic tools in your house, just drink green tea, and for the future, purchase a number of people liked the flavors of the spices.

Fresh air works wonders, and all you need is to overcome your laziness. You can go walk, run up to the store. And even better - go ride a bike. However, this method requires valid activity.

Darkness and twilight in the room are not what they catch up to the longing, and your already surrendered body declines the most maliciously.

Declare the ultimatum of drowsiness and turn on all lamps in the room and the main light. Supplement to this will be some kind of clockwork, modern music.

Many office workers and other structures completely underestimate the temperature background of the premises. Bad if the room is very hot or cold. The air should be moderately warm. The perfect temperature for wakefulness is from 18 to 22 degrees. More often, ventilate your work area or room for work.

It should not be afraid to drink coffee a cup over a cup, even if you feel huge love and worship for this unique drink. In large doses, it is capable of not cheering, but just lower the tone, so just make some deep breaths from a jar with grains or ground powder. The effect will be significant, and the detachment is minimized.

Sometimes to cheered up the body in the power to help a simple cold glass of water or mint candy. This series of simple and accessible recommendations really works.

What can you eat to cheer up

In order to maximize the effect of cheerfulness, it is worth paying attention to your diet throughout the day and revise its calorie content. Fat food strictly exclude, the food must perform the "charging battery" function, and not be the cause of the state of "sluggish flies", so be careful overeating. Better eat small portions, but often.

Start your morning with a light breakfast, about 100-200 grams of oatmeal (buckwheat) porridge with a piece of low-fat meat - usually it is a chicken, or fish (heck, perch, pike perch). Bread at will, but not more than one piece and only of coarse flour.

You can have dinner by making a sandwich with an egg and cheese, but on a garnish - vegetable salad in unlimited quantities. Fruits must be consumed constantly and more, as far as possible during the day, after all, they are the abundant source of vitamins and, accordingly, vital energy.

To quench the hunger between the main feeding of food and not harm in their condition, snack black chocolate, eating about a few slices, or drink a cup of hot drink from the same product.

Note! The main enemies in the struggle for the vigor of the Spirit will be alcohol and nicotine. Therefore, if you want to sleep, and vitally needed to cheer up, as much as possible, exclude smoking and do not eat alcohol.

What drink will help cheer up

The first thing to be done when you got up from bed is to drink 1-2 (it depends on individual capabilities) of a glass of water, it will give an installation of the body, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract for competent awakening.

Most Popular Drink-Energy - Coffee, Of course, it will help, but it should be borne in mind that only natural, custard coffee is useful and only the first cup will be able to raise the effect, and the subsequent consequences provoke caffeine overdose.

Interesting fact! Soluble coffee has reverse action and takes energy and efficiency.

If you are not a coffeeman, then the replacement can be used for no less tonic green tea or mate

Juices sufficiently possess encouraging properties. If you have a drink from black currant, then in addition to the main impact, health can be strengthened. Carrot, grapefruit with sea buckthorn - not only swell the mood, but also will be reduced by the disease.

A huge number of vitamins that will give your spirit resistance, contains in compote from dried fruits.

How to quickly cheer up if you want to sleep - the right answer to this "fear" will give folk recipes:

  1. Herbal collection from Echinacea, calendula, nettle And celery fall asleep in a coffee grinder and grind. The resulting mixture is brewed as ordinary tea, but observe the subsequent insteading process.
  2. Rosehip - Super Vitamin Productwhich will give energy charge if you cook a decoction. Do it in the thermos, bay of berries boiling water, leave them to nasty at least for the night.

In the pursuit of the rapid effect, many go to the store and buy ready-made drinks. Do not do this, they only provide mimolet vigor, and contain a large number chemical substancesnegatively affecting the cardiovascular system.

How can uterine milk

In order to cheer up, drive drowsiness, you can use such a drug like "Royal Milk", which is sold in pharmacies, has a low cost.

"Royal Milk" takes at eating, three times a day. To be vigorous all day, it is enough to put a pinch of the means under the tongue.

You can also take advantage of similar drugs: Ginseng tincture, Eleutherococcus Extract or cedar oil. Take them in doses - no more teaspoon before meals.

Important to remember! All sorts of grain-based substances are, first of all, drugs that have contraindications, so it is better to strictly follow the instructions, otherwise adverse Reactions Not avoid.

Honey lemonade

Honey lemonade - delicious and healthy drinkwho can do to everyone. However, the process of bringing to readiness is long, and is suitable for those who know in advance that his sleepless period will be delayed for a long time.

It is necessary to take 3 lemon and grind, parallel to cleanse the seeds.

Fill 1 l of water and put in a fridge for 1.5 days. After that, add 250 grams of honey to the drink and send it finally in the refrigerator for the safety of the product. Consume a drink of 2 tbsp. Spoons for half an hour before each main welcome.


If you want to sleep, then drive drowsiness will help massageintensifying intensive blood circulation. The correct pressing of certain points on the body will help both cheer up and improve blood flow in vessels.

Awakening massage can be made in the following areas of the body:

  • Points located along the carotid artery.
  • The central point over the upper lip and under the nose, that is, the nasolabiletina.
  • Middle of ears.
  • The base of the skull and the head is, and various head massagers are fitted here.
  • On the left hand is a thumb.
  • Exotic option - to massate (rinse) with a tongue.

After the self-massage done, be sure to make some deep breaths and exhale, thereby logically completing the invigorating "mini-gymnastics".

What can be done to gain vigor

Considering the topic, how to cheer up if you want to sleep, it is worth noting an active pastime that promotes cheerfulness and charge energy.

To begin with just walk outdoer, Oxygen has not prevented anyone else, besides, the sun's rays are well set up the inner clock on the right rhythm. If there is no possibility to go somewhere, then go indoors, go down and climb the stairs, jump on the spot, place your hands up and pull up with a duration of 20 seconds, repeating this at least three times.

I would be ideal to take cold and hot shower But this if you are at home. Also, cycling will become indispensable in fighting with a dream for those who have time and desire.

And for people with a sense of humor provided Staying Alive, as the Americans say, who is to beat the rhythm to the musicAt the same time you can sing in the tact.

As aromatic therapy will help for vigor

The magic world of flavors can like sedative effect And immerse in sleep, so act in the opposite direction - to cheer up if you want to sleep. For this, the flavors of all citrus sodes are perfectly suitable without exception.

Daily Dream Conduct Lavender, Jasmine, Cedar and Tea Tree, Rosemary, Sandal. And "use" the proposed bright aromas is possible in different ways, breathing the smells of flavored candles, drop oil on a handkerchief or pour into it a pinch of dry grass, for example, rosemary.

Recipes contributing to vigor

The following recipes of beverages with mint, vitamin C and caffeine will help to cheer up:

Mint tea and ginger

Ginger root rubbed on a fine grater and pour boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then add a pinch of mint and season with a teaspoon of honey. The drink is very well stimulated by mental activity, contributes to better blood circulation in the body.

With vitamin C.

  1. Nutful tea with birch leaves, It is brewed classically, 1 tsp (with a mountain) collection for a glass of boiling water, after which another 15 minutes to give a drink. Drinking it, our body gets a large volume of vitamin C, promoting the improvement in metabolism and tide of forces.
  2. Citrus Cranberry in Maste Preparing very simple. We take in the same proportions of berries and oranges, let's say each ingredient of 250 gr, grinding on the meat grinder and add sugar as who likes. Such energy can be prepared in advance and there is a breakfast in 2 tbsp. Spoons or refueling her porridge.
  3. Take a glass of water, add a teaspoon of honey and juice of half sour fruit - Tonic from Lemon is ready.
    If there is an allergy to citrus fruit, it is better to abandon the invigorating drinks with vitamin C so as not to provoke health problems.

With caffeine

Caffeine is known for its wicked properties, on its basis you can cook a drink that will help wake up and charges energy for the whole day.

To do this, you will need a coffee recipe with oil: It is necessary, first, brew a cup of high-quality natural coffee (250 ml) and add no more than 40 cm of creamous (this is the main nuance) oil, all the contents to beat the blender and drink in the morning.

Oil can be replaced with synthetic dietary fat (coconut top grade), which is used with the "lightweight" nutrition, as it allows to increase the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates.

To this energy drink it is necessary to get used toTherefore, it is better to start with a smaller oil dose so that the body begins to absorb fats correctly and turn them into useful energy.

Protein cocktail

Cocktail consists of 400 ml of milk, one banana, the handstone of walnuts with the addition of a teaspoon of gear wheat grains and lemon juice.

Banana Smoothie by Fresh smoothie

All components are crushed in a blender. The resulting drink is well quenched hunger and gives strength.

Using these methods regularly, you never feel tired, but, on the contrary, it will be enough for new achievements at the height and forces.

Useful video on the topic

Useful video about how to quickly cheer up if you want to save:

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"There are days when you put your hands. And there is no words nor music or forces ... ". Even with amendment on the image of these lines from the song "Machine of Time", similar sensations occurred from everyone. When literally falling asleep at work, trying to even refresh myself with strong coffee. When you are tired of returning home and buy energy, because there are also other things that need to have time to do. How good is it for? The question is rather. Therefore, in this article we collected recommendations on how to remain energetic throughout the day, using the features of our body and natural means.

So, to cope with drowsiness and charge the body with the energy when necessary, you can use the following tips:

Proper organization of the day and employment

Pour at night. Everything is obvious here, but it is precisely simple truths most often forgotten. The best way Feel vigorous and rested in the morning - normally get enough sleep on the eve. How many hours of sleep you are enough - 6, 7 or 8 - depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But, if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, the shortage of sleep will be felt, and this negatively affects well-being.

Check out. The body continues to be relaxed after sleeping for some time, and to wake up faster, you can make a small charge, then wash cold water Or accept.

Plan your day. This will make it possible to concentrate on performing important tasks and avoid those that simply "steal" yours, destroying energy reserves.

Clear correctly. Do not skip meals and do not overeat. In the latter case, your body will spend energy to cope with the digestion of the eating food and you cannot fully work.

Practice "cat.nAP ยป. "Feline Sleep" - a 15-minute sleep after lunch. The bottom line is that during this time the brain has time to "reboot" and relax. And after working more productively. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but in the fact that the method standing we assure not only numerous Western consultants in personal productivity, but also Russian ().

FROM FRESH AIR. In warmth, the processes in our body slow down, because of what we feel less vigorous and often cannot, if necessary, quickly gain the necessary speeds. Therefore, do not spend the whole lunch break in the dining room or cafe - stroll through the street. You can and while working to the open window and stay near him for a couple of minutes - the oxygen brain definitely does not hurt.

Move more often. Get yourself a habit at the end of each hour to spend a couple of minutes on the warm-up: Stand out of the chair and walk around the office. Also give preference to the stairs, not the elevator.

Watch for posture. Improper location behind the desktop affects the ability to concentrate.

Start the day with solving a difficult task. Use the still incomplete energy reserves for the solution of important tasks in the first place. The brain will get used to the load, and everything else will seem simpler.

Complete the cases started. This will serve as excellent impetus and motivation for further accomplishments.

Food preferences

Eat less, but more often. So, firstly, less energy will be involved in support of digestion processes. Secondly, the body itself will more often receive a feedback.

Refuse sugar and sweets. So-called fast carbohydrates cause an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, because of which a sense of fatigue may occur.

Preferwhole grain Products. Complex carbohydrates The organism is processed longer and, accordingly, longer feed it with energy, allowing you to feel cheerful.

Eat lean meat and fish. They do not increase blood sugar content, which provides an even stream of energy, and moreover, the sense of saturation remains longer.

Use mint. Try to replace the coffee with mint tea, it is well refreshing. In the concentration of attention and improving performance will also be useful and mint gum.

Do not forget about vitamins. To stay vigorous and energetic throughout the day, you need to take care of the admission to the body of the right amount of vitamins. Especially with, D, thiamine, riboflavin, in 12, as well as pantotheno folic acid. Some products suitable for such purposes and their properties are described in this.

Change socks. Frankly, the trick is strange, but working. And if in the middle of the working day, changing socks on fresh - the tide of cheerfulness is guaranteed.

And none of them contains no coffee or energy.

Some of these 27 ways are soon suitable for the weekend, but most can be applied in the workplace.

1. Give sports at noon.

When rolling after feasible fatigue, do exercise. This will help increase productivity and successfully finish affairs.

2. Eat chocolate.

There is caffeine in it, but this is not the only reason why the delicacy gives forces. The flavanoids contained in chocolate increase the activity of the brain and improve the mood.

3. Sing a little. Do not resist Drame.

Studies have shown that the optimal duration of day sleep -10-20 minutes. And you will receive a charge of cheerful for the whole day. At the same time such a short day Son. It will not affect your desire to sleep at night - you sleep easily.

4. Walk. Get out of the building.

Optimally, if there is a park nearby. 20 minutes in the fresh air, and you will feel much fresher. How do you like this way to recharge your energy?

5. Fight in time.

Regular healthy food (including snacks) is capable of improving brain activity. But remember that the lack of sleep makes it even when we are not hungry, so we understand in our feelings when it is still pulling something. In any incomprehensible situation, it is better to drink a glass of water first.

6. Provide yourself with complex carbohydrates.

Do not know how to "fill"? Complex carbohydrates (grains, legumes, vegetables and greens) - an excellent choice. Glucose, which contains in them - food for the brain. Carbohydrates allow you to feel cheerful. It is scientifically proved that those who consume little carbohydrates are prone to mood and forgetfulness.

7. Pey drinks without sugar.

Scientists have proven that drinking a drink with sugar, it is possible to get out of the strength after an hour. From sugar, the effect is about the same as from caffeine! After a tide of cheerfulness - a decrease in the tone!

8. Laugh.

Laughter - the killer of stress. And besides, he burst. (Use this advice as an excuse for visiting YouTube in the next half hour).

9. Open the curtains.

Artificial lighting does not go into any comparison with sunlight. Nature in us laid awake when light on the street, so daylight is what you need!

10. Shoot something.

Instead of pending his nose, eat a candy or shook the chewing. Scientists argue that chewing aggravates attention and raises the mood.

11. Think of harder.

It may seem difficult when the eyelids are poured, but forcing the brain to work faster, we help the body to cheer up! Hardened thinking (for example, fast reading, brainstorming in a group or thinking over the new idea) allows you to feel the tide of energy.

12. Pull out.

Just a few sipping, without leaving the table, will already be enough.

13. Accept the cold shower.

14. Make a few deep breaths.

Deep breathing with the rise of the diaphragm causes the blood faster to run through the veins, which in turn charges you with energy.

15. Cave a plant.

In a stuffy and close office indoor plant Cleans air from volatile organic compounds that can cause exhausting allergies and headaches.

16. Pey more water.

Sometimes, doing in the gym or raking routine cases, we forget to drink water in the required quantities. But even small dehydration can lead to drowsiness, so always keep water at hand.

17. Sing out loud.

Singing requires breathing control. Space song and get a mass of oxygen, which will free up additional energy (not to be confused with adrenaline, which is produced on the scene of the karaoke bar). And also, according to research, who sings, the tone rises more than those who just listens.

18. Light light.

Just being in a brightly lit room, you can feel much cheerful. Unfortunately, this Council is useless for those who are trying not to fall asleep during a boring film.

19. Communicate.

Studies show that those who speak little with others feel unhappy and, as a result, sleep badly. Those who chat during work in the office feel cheerful.

20. Make music louder.

Just hear the motive little. Listening to the music loud and even backing up the foot with rhythm, you will rather find the strength to concentrate.

21. Adjust the temperature.

When in the room is too cold, the body says the brain: "It's time to sleep." Wear a sweater or find a way to raise the temperature to get rid of drowsiness.

22. Sit down to the window.

Fall asleep at meetings or classes? Complete closer to the window. Sunlight, Fresh Air and Even interesting view May overcome scattering.

23. Small lemon.

It is said that inhaling certain smells, you can manage your mood (something like aromatherapy). And the essential oil of lemon, which is exactly definitely proven, have a stimulating effect.

24. Circle itself in red.

He is associated with victory and confidence. Look at the red and purple (or wear the clothes of these colors) to feel cheerful.

25. Sydi smoothly.

If you can curly at the computer, the fatigue will overtake faster. From time to time check, whether you are comfortable sitting, what sensations in the shoulders, neck and back. If you feel discomfort - straighten, straighten your shoulders, look right in front of yourself, slightly drive into the lower back, and you will not only get an energy charge, but you will feel more confident.

26. Come on something interesting.

Plan an interesting lessons at the very sleepy time of the day (as a rule, it is 3 hours a day). It is proved that fatigue is not felt, if you do something interesting.

27. Get up from the table.

Sometimes it seems that it is better not to change the position to not be distracted, but in fact, on the most task you focus only a part of the time, and you just watch the rest of the time in the monitor. To cheer up and come up with a fresh solution, it is often enough to get up because of the table.

In order to, waking up, quickly enter the rut, it is best to get up for half an hour earlier - this precious time is just enough to rake, cheer up in the morning. slowly having breakfast and with good mood and sober consciousness to work for work.

Opening your eyes, reveal the onset of a new day and smile. It is not terrible that at first this smile may be extruded, it will soon be replaced by the most real and sincere smile. This moment is very important, because when the lips are stretched in a smile, the corresponding signal is triggered in the brain that "everything is fine".

And the brain embarks on the active development of serotonin - the hormone responsible for the good mood.

Forget the tips to jump immediately after the alarm ringing - we are not in the army. In order for the body to completely come to herself after sleep, time is necessary, because at night the activities of all our systems are slowed down. If you dramatically change the position from the horizontal to the vertical, then do not be surprised by the appearance of flies before your eyes, dizziness and rapid heartbeat.

Initially, you need to activate the brain circulation. Activation of metabolism, influx of energy and strengthening endorphins ("joy hormones") give smooth sipping movements and head massage.

Do it without getting out of bed. Head massage will not take much time, but will provide good blood supply, witnessing brain cells and cheering.

Massify the depression at the base of the head, theiric arcs, the whole line from his forehead to the top of the top, the mossy of the ears and support Areas.

  • ten times quickly and with effort to squeeze and break fists;

  • 10 times to make rotational movements in the brushes, then in the elbow bends and in the shoulders;

  • 10 times squeeze and dismiss the fingers;

  • 10 times to make rotation by the ankles;

  • twist "bike";

  • 10 times to make legs "scissors".

If you slept with a closed window, quickly swipe it - fresh air will help you be charged optimism since the morning. This will contribute to this and fun music.

Drink a glass of water - not only that this is useful than the body of an empty stomach, it is also healthy. You can drink fresh Juicecontaining a large amount of vitamin C, for example, citrus.

Great thing - Morning gymnastics or a small jog in front of the shower. Of course, not everyone has time for it, but we decided to get up half an hour before, so what is the matter?

Simple exercises of the morning gymnastics are useful for the shape, wonderfully help the body wake up and lead to muscle tone. Slopes, squats, jump a bit in place, stretch your leg muscles. More make a special exercise for the spine - just sit on the floor and press your knees to your chest, pull the wheel on the back forward. That's the whole charge!

Now you can go to the shower, which also has excellent wake-up andistful properties.

The body temperature at night is lower than usual at 0.6 degrees, and when we woke up in the morning, the body will not have time to warm up to their working temperature yet. Cold souls at this time will be a shock to the body that will slightly improve surface blood circulation, will help shake, but will not give that we need to have a charge for a whole day. It will be much more useful in the morning a hot shower within a few minutes. And when the body is warmly warm, then you can apply a contrasting shower. Completing at the same time water procedure Cool water.

The contrasting souls are very brown, improves general state Skin and increases its elasticity. He even fights cellulite.

By the time of our morning awakening (7-9 o'clock in the morning) in the body, the sugar content is the lowest day. The body overnight has already recycled glucose into energy. And if we do not replenish sugar failure, we will feel weakness, irritability and lethargy that we do not need absolutely.

Be sure to have breakfast, and with something sweet. Cocoa, and bananas, and bitter chocolate, and a pair of honey spoons.

Making a sandwich, do not forget about fresh greenery, which will enrich it with vitamin C. This may be a twig of parsley or dill, leaf salad or kinza.

The erroneous opinion is that in the morning you need to drink coffee. It's just a bad habit. Best and longer, burtrite strong black or green tea with sugar, drunk in the morning.

Why one of us easily get up early, and in the morning they rewor most Designed for the day of affairs, and others are included in the work schedule only after lunch?

Each person is exposed to internal biological watches originally laid in the brain. This is the facts established by psychologists and neurophysiological scientists.

It has also been established that people have more involved the right hemisphere of the brain, and the imaginary thinking will lead. Therefore, it is also closely to go to bed and late to get up to people of creative professions - actors, musicians, writers or journalists.

But in people-larks the leading role is played by the left hemisphere. These are people with an analytical warehouse of thinking.

Everyone has their own biological clocks, and nothing can be done about it. But the person-owl can significantly improve its morning state, by performing the "Rules of Awakening" above.

You must not forget about such an important moment as a full sleep, which is unlikely possible if you lie too late, then you need to wake up early. It is necessary to streamline the evening soaring. To do this, slow down exchange processes in the body that can be done with the help of calm music, warm relaxing bath with essential oil Lavender or chamomile. If after such a bath you have not yet wanted to sleep (which is unlikely), drinking a glass of herbal tea from Melissa, to read a little before bedtime. The main thing is to tune in and teach your body to such a schedule. After all, sleeping and having rested during sleep, you will be much easier to force yourself cheer up in the morning .

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Pretty many people worldwide feel weakness in the morning. Our tips will help you love the morning and turn it out of a nightmare in best time day.

In all our troubles, health problems and bad mood, failures, nonwesters at work and low energy is to blame. It will help a lot of ways to increase; For example, you can follow the main laws of the universe. Long-time scientists understood how they needed to behave in order for the space to give us good luck. It applies to the morning rise. If you want to get up before and be vigorous from the first minutes of the new day, imagine it yourself, then everything will turn out.

Energy ascent

To climb in the morning and be vigorous - it is not given to everyone, therefore there is a mass of techniques that are focused on increasing the body's energy. It is very important, because not only physiology is responsible for cheerfulness, but also the right mood.

No matter how long you sleep, but if you are upset or suppressed, it will be more difficult to get up with bed, so our important tips can help even those who are not sensing awakening.

Follow all the advice is completely possible, so act consistently. Do not rush to learn all the techniques and select the ones that you do not need, however, if you read this article, such, most likely, it will simply not be. Next, select what, in your opinion, can get to you the easiest. After that, simply use the theory in practice.

Council First: This recommendation will be a physiological nature. How do you fight drowsiness in the morning? TV, advertising and the Internet teach us that coffee is the best friend of sluggish people. Do not be trustless, because coffee begins to act immediately. In addition, when his action stops, he will take what he gave. It is harmful to the teeth and the body as a whole. An excellent substitute will be an apple. Already a hundred years knows that apples contain a special substance that it is imposed immediately and without side Effects. In addition, it is also necessary to drink more pure natural water to improve metabolism.

Tip Second: Leave the window open, for fresh air is your best friend during sleep. When you wake up, go to the window, open it and make a couple of deep breaths to wake up quickly. Refuse morning jogs, moved them to the evening. Take a shower and wash with ice water.

Council Third: Always when you want to sleep, go to bed. Your body will never deceive with no circumstances. Do not wear yourself in front of bed - let yourself relax. If you do not want to sleep, it does not mean that it is not necessary to go to sleep. Observe at least the minimum day of the day so that the body is accustomed to it, otherwise life will turn into confusion.

Fourth Council: Use meditating to lunch. When you seem to have already woke up and sleeping the problem does not bother you, try closing your eyes and imagine how you become cheerful. How do you dive into cold water, how this cold fills your body and makes you cheer up. Five minutes of such "training" per day and over time you can raise your energy to a new level, which will help you not to fall asleep at work.

Council Fifth: Before bedtime and in the morning, think only about good. If it is difficult for you to configure yourself in the right way to positive, then take advantage of the help of affirmations for every day from Natalia Pravdina. They will become your best friends in becoming have a good mood. They will tell you who you are actually not a victim of circumstances and a tired worker, and the center of the universe, ready for the feats.

Council Sixth:think of pleasant when you wake up. Think about how delicious will your breakfast be, or about what you will do after work. In short, look for any arguments for joy.

Seventh Council: Start the day with what you like. Stand a little early to do your hobby, to see one series of the series or to stay with my second half longer. So I will have the correct motivation.

Council eighth: Listen to music in the morning. It should be either calm and melodic, or your favorite music. This is a great way to make your day positively and more productive from any point of view.

Tip Ninth:do you have sex. Yes, yes, this is a wonderful "alarm clock", which can work wonders. This is rather an addition than the rule.

TIP TENTH: Think of good. Even if your day is filled with problems, stay positive and remember that any events lead you to happiness and to what you deserve.

Success immediately in everything, perhaps, will not succeed, but now you know how to be more vigorous in the morning and during the day. These 10 tips will help you transform your life. Every new day is a chance to win. So do not deny yourself this chance even on Monday, the first working day of the week.

We wish you success in achieving harmony with the world around and yourself. To raise yourself the mood to help you will be helped by our Syneurian rituals who will make happiness even more real. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

22.08.2016 07:30

Women's energy is characterized by extreme instability and sensitivity. This is due to a very fine internal organization of women's ...

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