Causes dandruff appeared. How to get rid of dandruff? Why does dandruff appear on the head

In the appearance of dandruff, special yeasts, which form part of the natural microflora of the scalp, play an important role. They feed on a secret sebaceous glands... And we don't even know about the existence of these microorganisms - until the sebaceous glands, for some reason, begin to produce too much sebum, and the fungi actively multiply.

At the same time, skin renewal is accelerated (instead of 25-30 days, the stratum corneum is replaced in just a week or two). Dead cells stick together into flakes, and now an unattractive "snowball" appears on the shoulders.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons.

  • ... It is no coincidence that dandruff first appears in adolescence. Under the influence of hormones, the sebaceous glands begin to work harder, creating favorable conditions for yeast fungi, which trigger the process of dandruff formation.
  • ... If you want to avoid dandruff, be less nervous. Strong and prolonged emotional upheavals weaken the immune system. This means that the fungus multiplies more actively and the "snowfall" increases.
  • Malnutrition, in particular - a lack of vitamins of group B. It is believed that dandruff occurs if you abuse foods that are difficult for the liver: red meat, selected milk, fatty cheeses.
  • Hair care mistakes... Perhaps you are simply using the wrong shampoo. Or apply it incorrectly. Or you don't wash it off well. In this case, it is easiest to deal with dandruff.

It is wise to use a hair mask in the same line as the shampoo. © iStock

How to eliminate dandruff

It is impossible to put up with this problem, it is unlikely to disappear by itself. In addition, dandruff can contribute to hair loss. The fight against it will be quite effective if you enlist the support of good helpers.

Separately, it should be said about food, which should be varied and balanced.

  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids: fish (especially salmon, salmon, halibut), walnuts, linseed oil.
  • To strengthen your immunity you need. They are rich in meats, cashews, pecans, almonds, chickpeas, fortified cereals and yoghurts.
  • Flaw vitamin B6 also undesirable. 35% of its DV comes from a medium-sized banana or baked potato.
  • A vitamin B12 a lot in all types of meat.

Meals should be varied and balanced. © iStock

Major mistakes in scalp care

Do not make at least these three mistakes - then you will not be afraid of dandruff. Checked.

  1. 1

    Do not use anti-dandruff shampoo daily unless directed to do so. These products contain many active substances that can damage the scalp. Maximum program - 2-3 times a week. But in general, it is better to discuss the frequency of shampooing with a trichologist.

  2. 2

    Use shampoo correctly (any). Do not apply it directly to your hair. Pour a little into the palm of your hand, add water, lather, and only then distribute over the head and the entire length of the hair. Do not soak the shampoo on your hair like a balm or mask. Wash off thoroughly with plenty of water.

  3. 3

    Do not get carried away with folk remedies. For example, rinsing with herbs will not help much: except that decoctions of oak bark, sage, burdock and nettle will slightly reduce the greasiness of the skin. It is impossible to wash your hair with laundry soap, as "folk wisdom" advises - it will not save you from dandruff, but it can damage the protective barrier of the skin.

The doctor will be able to accurately diagnose, because sometimes the symptoms of dandruff can be confused with other skin conditions. © iStock

Which doctor should you contact

It is better to approach dandruff treatment in a complex manner. First you need to determine why it appeared - for this it is better to contact a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will accurately diagnose, because sometimes dandruff is a symptom of skin diseases. For example, psoriasis - at the very beginning, only a specialist can distinguish it from seborrheic dermatitis.

Dandruff cosmetics

List of funds


Active ingredients


Strengthening shampoo 2-in-1 against dandruff Fructis, Garnier

zinc pyrithione, green tea extract

Strengthens hair, eliminates dandruff, preventing its appearance for another 6 weeks.

Intensive shampoo-care against dandruff for sensitive scalp Dercos Technique, Vichy

piroctone olamine, salicylic acid, thermal water, bisabolol

Fights dandruff fungus and soothes the scalp.

Anti-dandruff shampoo Scalp Purifying Anti Dandruff Shampoo, Kiehl's

zinc pyrithione, menthol, aloe juice, rosemary leaf oil

Prevents dandruff, refreshes scalp, adds shine to hair.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo with micro-exfoliating effect Kerium DS, La Roche-Posay

salicylic acid, piroctone olamine, sodium laureth sulfate, lipohydroxy acid, niacinamide

Gently cleanses the scalp, visibly reduces itching.

Effective treatment of this disease is possible only with the correct identification of the causes of dandruff. It is very difficult to independently determine the origins of dandruff, therefore trichologists recommend contacting them for detailed advice and identifying real health problems.

Dandruff causes and treatment is possible at home. However, in order to effectively get rid of the problem, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, medications and the use of folk methods of directed action.

Dermatologists and trichologists have identified a variety of causes of dandruff.

Improper hair care

Many neglect this reason and do not attach much importance to the basic rules for hair care.

Hair care mistakes can be as follows:

External influences on the hair of harmful factors

The influence of the external environment can also negatively affect the health of the scalp.

In the warm season - the sun's rays, and in the cold - minimum temperatures and wind, very traumatic factors for skin heads. If a person does not wear hats, then at some point this can lead to dandruff.

The environmental situation is an important factor affecting hair health. Dust, exhaust fumes, chlorinated water are the causes of clogged skin pores on the head and the rapid death of the upper layer of cells.

Disruption of metabolic processes in the body, in the work of internal organs

Internal causes of dandruff:

Fungal diseases of the scalp

The fungus of the scalp has many types. It can cause dandruff and make you feel uncomfortable. At home, it is impossible to identify the type of fungal disease and it is necessary to go through special examination at the doctor's.

Symptoms of scalp fungus include:

  • severe hair loss and deterioration in hair quality;
  • dryness and loss of healthy shine of the strands;
  • strong and noticeable exfoliation of the scalp and the appearance of "islands" of peeling;
  • fragility of hair, starting from the roots.

Having distinguished these symptoms, it is necessary to pass tests and begin a thorough treatment.

Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins and nutrients

Dandruff may not be caused by proper nutrition. If you do not monitor your daily diet, constantly eat flour products, sweets, fatty and very salty foods, it is possible that the scalp will not react in the best way.

Spicy foods also cause the sebaceous glands to become overactive. Lack of useful fiber: fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as various cereals will lead to slagging of the stomach and itchy scalp. Water balance it is also necessary to strictly observe it, it is he who helps to cleanse the body.

According to experts, the most common cause of dandruff is yeast. They are ardent assistants in the formation of the fungus. Yeast is found in bakery products, baked goods, and beer products. It is good to avoid making yeast-based baked goods and breads at home.

Lack of vitamins and nutrients plays a significant role in scalp diseases. Basically, if vitamins of groups A, E and B are absent in the diet, then the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated with plates, the hair loses its elasticity and falls out.

When dandruff appears, it is necessary to revise the diet in favor of healthy natural foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Lack of B vitamins is characterized by a lack of blood and oxygen flow to the hair follicles, loss of natural hair pigment, inhibition of the growth and development of hair follicles, disruption of the conversion of amino acids that prevent dandruff.

The lack of the required amount of vitamins A, E, C in the body is accompanied by a violation of the immune system, deterioration of blood circulation in the scalp, destruction of hair follicles.

Lack of iron, zinc, calcium, selenium, silicon, magnesium threatens hair with the most unpleasant external signs and is an integral reason for the formation of dandruff.

Note! At home, it is not possible to detect the absence of certain vitamins, trace elements and substances. For this, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination and pass all tests.

Hormonal disbalance

Hormonal disruption occurs in the human body when the level of male hormones in the blood changes. This hormone increases the production of sebum, which holds the dead scales on the scalp and also sticks them together. This leads to the detachment of cells in layers.

Factors affecting hormone failure:

  • hormonal disruptions characteristic most often for adolescents and women during menopause. Dandruff in these situations is a passing phenomenon;
  • hormone surges are sometimes caused by hereditary factors. If there is increased greasiness in the family, then it is transmitted with genes;
  • concomitant diseases associated with old age, or with malfunctions on a nervous basis: schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, epileptic seizures, psychosis;
  • side effects of medications. In women, it often happens when taking hormone-based contraceptives;
  • lesion-based diseases vegetative system: nervous, digestive tract, central nervous system;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • metabolic disorders in organism.

Be careful! During hormonal changes, dandruff can cause serious illnesses... Home treatment can make the situation worse.

Stressful and emotional upheavals

Stress is considered one of the main causes of all known diseases in humans. Dandruff is no exception.

What can provoke stressful situations:

  • worries about loved ones;
  • tragic events associated with the loss of relatives;
  • nervous overload at work;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • chronic nervous disorders;
  • lack of essential nutrients in the body;
  • diseases and operations;
  • excessive workaholism.

To get rid of dandruff in this case, you need to remove the source of stress.

If serious emotional upheavals have occurred in life, then as soon as the body regains its previous emotional balance, dandruff will go away by itself.

Hereditary factor

The genetic disorder associated with dandruff is psoriasis. With severe stress, low immunity, constant fatigue the development of this disease can occur.

The risk group most often includes young people under 30 years of age. If a similar disease was noticed in the family or in someone from distant relatives, then it could well be transmitted through several generations.

A dermatologist or a trichologist will help to establish the diagnosis accurately. full examination organism.

The main symptoms of seborrhea

Seborrhea is a skin disease that occurs during the irregular activity of the sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of the appearance of seborrhea:

  • curls become greasy in the evening after washing them in the morning;
  • the scalp is covered with "islands" of sticky scales;
  • curls contain an oily sheen;
  • itching appears in the scalp;
  • the ends break, split, cease to radiate a healthy look;
  • wounds often appear and the combed areas become inflamed.

Effective home treatment for dandruff

Dandruff (Causes and Home Treatments) is an important roadblock to healthy hair.

The first method many people use is a special anti-dandruff shampoo. There is a large selection of such products on the market, and the effect of them is not always positive. Therefore, getting rid of dandruff should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, using all proven methods: chemicals, as well as home masks.

Oily dandruff masks

Oily dandruff is characterized by the accumulation of large yellowish flakes, severe greasiness of the scalp, and adhesion of the strands to each other.

For the treatment of dandruff, special masks are used for the hair and scalp.

Homemade masks are used to treat this type of dandruff:

Mask name Preparation
Mustard2 tbsp. l. powder mustard is diluted with warm water to a paste. 2 tbsp is added to the resulting mass. l. lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed, gently applied to the scalp. It is effective to warm the head with cellophane film and a towel. Keep the mask for no more than 10 minutes. Then rinse your head in the usual way.

Be careful! If the mustard is unpleasant to burn the skin, the mask should be washed off immediately.

Yoghurt4 tbsp. l. natural yoghurt mixed with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tsp. salt. The mixture is spread over the scalp for 20 minutes. and rinses off thoroughly.
Based on radish juiceRadish juice is gently rubbed into the scalp and after 1 hour is washed off with shampoo.

Masks for the treatment of oily dandruff should be used no more than 1 session in 7 days. If any component causes discomfort on the skin, itching, redness, wounds, then this recipe should be excluded.

Dry dandruff masks

Dry dandruff is noted by its presence in large quantities, small in size, accompanied by itching... Hair loses its former appearance, dullness appears, hair loss intensifies, ends break.

After applying the composition of the mask to the scalp and hair, for better absorption of the composition, it is necessary to wrap the head with cling film

Treatment for dandruff at home should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, using all proven methods: chemicals, as well as home masks, determine the reasons in advance.

Mask name Preparation
Olive oil basedThis component helps to eliminate the causes of dry flakes at home.
4 tsp Warm olive oil in a water bath and pour in 2 tsp. lemon juice. Gradually rub into the roots of the strands. Withstand 15 minutes. and wash off with your shampoo.
Kefirnaya100 ml kefir is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil and the pulp of black bread is added. It is applied to the scalp for no more than 15 minutes. Washed off in the usual way.
Honey2 tbsp. l. honey is mixed with 1 yolk and 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil. Heat all the ingredients separately, then mix and distribute over the entire head for 20 minutes. Clean well with shampoo.

Masks for getting rid of dry dandruff are made once every 7 days until a positive result is obtained.... For prevention, such recipes are used once a month.

Folk remedies for dandruff at home

If the identified causes of dandruff do not belong to hormonal disruptions, fungal diseases, disorders of the organs and systems of the body, then you can use traditional methods of treatment at home.

Dandruff vinegar

Vinegar is an alternative treatment for dandruff. Its price is budget, and the range of applications is large.

For dandruff treatment, it is recommended to choose Apple vinegar , since it has the property of normalizing blood circulation and healing the skin.

It is recommended to experiment first and choose a light vinegar-based mask. In this case it is necessary to dilute vinegar with water in an amount of 1: 1... Apply to moisturized scalp and hair. It should be kept for no more than 5 minutes.

If the dandruff is too severe, a different method should be chosen. The recipe remains the same, but the head is wrapped in plastic and a towel. This tool must be kept for 40 minutes, and then rinse the head with the usual method.

Acetic wrap should be done in a course: 2 times a week for about 2 months.

Interesting fact! Vinegar, when used frequently, can dry out the scalp and curls. To balance moisture, it is recommended to use a hair balm after such procedures.

Dandruff soda

Soda has excellent antiseptic properties, helps cleanse the scalp from sebaceous accumulations, and reduces itching.

Best for people with oily dandruff problem.

Simple masks using baking soda:

  1. Soda-oatmeal- pre-crushed oatmeal flakes in the amount of 50 gr. mixed with 30 gr. soda. Next, warm water is added in the proportion necessary to bring the mixture to a mushy state. It is spread on the scalp and left for 7 minutes. After it is washed off with shampoo;
  2. Honey and soda mixture- honey in the amount of 50 gr. warms up to a comfortable temperature, 1.5 tbsp is added to it. l. soda and is distributed over the scalp. After 5 min. wash off in the usual way.

The use of these masks must be observed 2 times a week. The cycle of use is designed for 1 month.

Important to remember! Baking soda is a natural chemical and can cause an allergic reaction.

Anti-dandruff sea salt

Sea salt properties:

  • cleansing the scalp at home from dead scales;
  • restoration of the sebaceous glands;
  • kills the fungus and bacteria that often cause dandruff;
  • promotes the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the scalp;
  • stops hair loss.

The use of sea salt is varied.

Salt peeling is the most effective treatment for dandruff.

Ingredients: 3 tsp. finely ground sea salt add 4 tbsp. l. water. Stir and apply the gruel to the scalp using massage movements. Pre-moisten the scalp with water so as not to injure.

Salt peeling with added essential oils... 3 tbsp is mixed. l. balm, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 4 drops of essential oil. To eliminate dandruff, trichologists advise using essential oils of lavender, tea tree, lemon.

The resulting mask is gently massaged onto the hair roots for 3 minutes, without affecting the length and ends.

Salt formulations should not be kept on the hair for a long time. After a light massage, it must be washed with shampoo.

Salt masks are also part of the dandruff treatment package.

Banana salt mask: Soften 1 banana in a blender and add 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Gently massage into the scalp, wrap with a plastic bag and a towel. After 30 min. clean your head with shampoo.

Note! Salt procedures are contraindicated for use with wounds, scratches, and various damage to the scalp.

Aloe juice for dandruff

Aloe juice is an effective natural antiseptic, used as an ingredient for anti-dandruff masks, and as a standalone remedy.

Natural aloe juice is applied at night with massage movements into the roots of the strands. After waking up, rinse hair in the usual way. The frequency of the procedures depends on the neglect of the disease. To accelerate the effect, the use of aloe can be adjusted up to 3 sessions per week. Aloe juice also helps relieve itchy scalp.

An anti-dandruff mask with aloe juice is made according to the following recipe: 3 tbsp. l. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. tincture of calendula flowers, 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey. All components are thoroughly mixed and spread over the scalp and strands for 2 hours.

For a deep action of the mask, it is advised to wrap the head with a towel with a plastic bag. The hair is then washed in the usual way. After 1 such procedure, itching disappears, dandruff becomes much less, hair looks healthier. A mask is made at least 1 time per week until a positive result is achieved.

Dandruff onion

Onions contain a huge amount of useful minerals, trace elements, vitamins that will help get rid of dandruff and at the same time strengthen weakened hair.

Use the onion by grating it.

Onion gruel is tied in gauze and the resulting lump is rubbed onto the scalp. The procedure is done in 30 minutes. before washing the strands. To cure severe dandruff, repeat this process once a day.

For a dry variety of dandruff, a mask of 1 tbsp is prepared. l. onion pulp, 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and 2 tbsp. l. vodka. Rub the prepared mass into the scalp for 35 minutes. before washing it.

Suitable for oily type of dandruff onion peel in the amount of 50 gr. It should be insisted for 40 minutes. on steep boiling water. This infusion is used after washing the hair for rinsing. Since onions have the property of dyeing, people with light curls should be wary of such a tool.

Interesting fact! When using onion procedures, an unpleasant aroma remains persistent, therefore, after washing your hair with shampoo, it is recommended to rinse your head with a composition of 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 liter. water.

Aspirin tablets for dandruff

Used as a home remedy for dandruff. Aspirin is added to the required amount of shampoo, and is used for one-time shampooing. It is better to take shampoo with a natural composition so that the chemical components do not enter into an unpredictable reaction and do not ruin the curls.

To apply this method, you need to take 1 table. aspirin, grind into powder and add 2 tbsp. l. your shampoo. Then apply the product with massage movements to the roots and distribute to all hair. Rinse under warm water.

An aspirin-based anti-dandruff mask is quite simple to prepare. It is necessary to warm up 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil, crush 3 tab. aspirin, add 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 chicken yolk. The mixture spreads over the scalp and along its entire length.

It is worth keeping such a mask for at least 20 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

If to 5 crushed table. aspirin add 5 drops of lavender ether and 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil, such a mask will relieve itchy scalp. You need to hold the product for at least 15 minutes. and wash off with plenty of shampoo.

Dandruff eggs

The easiest recipe: beat the egg white and mix with the yolk... Wash your hair with shampoo and apply the egg mass from the roots and over the entire surface of the strands. After 30 min. rinse your head with water.

Chicken egg mask recipes:

  1. With kefir- highly effective remedy for dandruff. 4 tbsp is kneaded. l. kefir, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 chicken yolk. Such a mixture for 120 minutes. it is spread on the scalp and along the length of the hair. Insulated with cellophane and a towel, washed with shampoo. Use 2 times every 7 days for the desired effect;
  2. With glycerin- beat 1 egg until foamy, add 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply over scalp and wrap with a film towel. Keep for at least 60 minutes. Washable with warm water and shampoo. Frequency of application: 2 times in 7 days for 1 month;
  3. With chamomile broth- brew 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, beat in the egg white and add 5 drops of vitamin A. Beat the composition well. Gently spread the resulting mass over the head with massage movements and wash with shampoo. You need to practice such masks 2 times every 7 days for 1 month.

Burdock root for dandruff

Burdock is a plant rich in vitamins, minerals and healing substances.

Burdock root is found in many hair products. Its main property is the fight against dandruff, itchy skin, wound healing.

Burdock Root Dandruff Recipes:

  1. Burdock root decoction- it is necessary to grind 3 tbsp. l. root and boil for 30 minutes. with 2 glasses of boiling water. Take inside 1/2 cup of broth for 40 minutes. before meals for 2 months;
  2. Herbs and Burdock Root Blend- 1 tbsp is taken. l. chopped burdock root, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile inflorescences, 1 tbsp. l. turns, 1 tbsp. l. tansy, 1 tbsp. l. corn silk. All ingredients are poured into an enamel pan, 1 liter is poured. boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered through cheesecloth and left to cool. It is used as a hair rinse. You can also drink 0.5 cups in the morning;
  3. Burdock root with vegetable oil- ground burdock root 1 tbsp. l. 3 tbsp is poured. l. vegetable oil... Placed in a glass container for 60 minutes. Then the resulting substance is filtered and heated to a comfortable temperature. Rubbing into the scalp is recommended 2 times every 7 days. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.

Burdock oil for dandruff

Trichologists advise using Burr oil both for the treatment of oily and dry dandruff. It helps well with fungal diseases of the scalp and helps the sebaceous glands work.

A mask for getting rid of dry dandruff with garlic is prepared at the rate of 1 head of garlic and 50 gr. burdock oil. The garlic is crushed to a mushy mass and added to the preheated oil. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the mixture is gently distributed on the scalp.

It should be washed off in the usual way 2 hours after application. It is recommended to repeat this procedure at least 10 times.

Burdock oil also works well in its natural form for the treatment of seborrhea.

For this, 3 tbsp. l. burdock oil must be heated in a water bath, the curls are divided into clear partings and rub the product into the roots over them. Spread the remaining product along the entire length of the curls.

Wrap your head with a plastic cap and a towel. Wait about 60 minutes. and wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

For the effectiveness of treatment, the procedure is performed 2 times a week for about 2 months. For prophylaxis 1 time in 14 days.

Castor oil for dandruff

Castor oil

A mask for getting rid of oily dandruff includes: 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.

The ingredients mix well and spread over the hairline for 30 minutes. The mixture is cleaned with shampoo.

For dry dandruff, use 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, juice from 1 lemon. Spread the mixed components over the scalp for 30 minutes. and rinse with your shampoo.

Such masks are made in a course of 7-8 procedures, 2 times in 7 days.

Tea tree oil for dandruff

Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oils for dandruff removal.

For a medical mask, 2 tbsp is taken. l. olive oil and 5-7 drops of tea tree oil. Rub gradually into scalp and leave for 60 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly with your favorite shampoo.

This recipe will help to remove dandruff and excess oiliness of the scalp. For the base, 500 ml is boiled. water, 5 drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil are added to it. All components mix well and are poured into a spray tube. Apply to hair and scalp.

For oily dandruff, adding tea tree oil to the shampoo helps. Before washing the hair, the required amount of shampoo is cast and 3 drops of tea tree are added.

Note! For people with dry type of dandruff, adding tea tree oil to shampoo is contraindicated due to the strong drying properties of this product.

Laundry soap for dandruff

Dandruff is often caused by fungal infections. Laundry soap does an excellent job of destroying the fungus, removes itching, heals wounds on the scalp. This product should be used with caution, as it contains a large amount of alkali.

At home it is best to use a liquid laundry soap. But if it is not at hand, then you can grate the bar soap on a kitchen grater.

The soap, rubbed into fine shavings, is moistened with water and evenly distributed over the head. A plastic wrap is put on top, and such a mask is left on the head overnight. In the morning, the mixture is washed off with water, the hair is rinsed with herbal decoction. You can do the procedures once a week. Course - 10 sessions.

Grated soap combined with almond oil and baking soda helps a lot. 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. soap shavings, 1 tsp. soda is mixed into a slurry and rubbed into the scalp. After 15 minutes. wash your hair as usual. After that, a moisturizing balm is applied to the strands.

Tar soap for dandruff

Birch tar is an irreplaceable antiseptic that fights against different kinds fungus, suitable for the treatment of profuse dandruff.

To get rid of dandruff, it is recommended to thoroughly moisten your hair with water, lather tar soap in your hands, massage the foam onto the scalp with massage movements.

Hold for 5 minutes. and wash with warm water. Next, use a hair balm. To prevent your hair from absorbing the smell of tar, you need to rinse it with a water solution of apple cider vinegar.

If to 5 crushed table. aspirin add 5 drops of lavender ether and 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil, such a mask will relieve itchy scalp.

If the skin has increased sensitivity a simple test must be carried out before use. Foam from tar soap applied to the wrist and monitored for 1.5 hours. If there is no irritation, redness and itching, then the soap can be applied to the scalp.

Trichologists are allowed to use this method no more than 1 time a week. Otherwise, overdrying the scalp cannot be avoided, therefore, dandruff may appear 2 times more than before using soap.

Nettle decoction for dandruff

Nettle contains many essential amino acids, vitamins, essential oils. Herbal decoctions with nettle have been used for a long time to cure dandruff and seborrhea.

To prepare the broth, you need dry leaves, purchased at a pharmacy, or harvested yourself.

Dry herb is poured in 500 ml. water and languishes in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Then refrigerate for 2 hours. The resulting broth must be diluted in portions with shampoo and wash your hair. It will also help to give your hair a beautiful look and speed up its growth.

It is helpful to use a combination of nettle and coltsfoot to relieve itchy scalp. Herbs are taken in 1: 1 proportions and brewed with 1 liter. boiling water. The infusion is removed to a dark place for 3 hours and then filtered through gauze. After washing, it is necessary to rinse the hair with the infusion made at least 2 times in 7 days.

Calendula for dandruff

Dandruff (causes) and home treatment are closely related to medicinal properties calendula.

Tincture and decoction of calendula are widely used in the elimination of this disease.

The tincture of calendula flowers purchased at the pharmacy is advised to be applied to the scalp using a damp cotton pad
... Then the hair is insulated with a towel for 5-7 minutes. Feeling after application may not be comfortable and the skin may tingle.

This is not a contraindication to use if no calendula allergy has been noticed before. Hair is well washed with water and then with shampoo. The recipe is made once a week. The course reaches 1 month.

A decoction of calendula is prepared as follows:

  • 50 gr. dry calendula and 50 gr. chamomile inflorescences are mixed with 300 gr. nettle leaves;
  • the mixture is ground to a homogeneous consistency into a powder and 500 ml is added. boiling water;
  • the broth simmered over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • then it is necessary to cool and strain the product.

You can use the broth as a rinse for curls, or as a mask for rubbing into the roots.

Popular medicinal and cosmetic products for dandruff from the pharmacy

Dandruff is considered one of the most common problems among people of all ages. You can use expensive specialized products to treat this ailment, but homemade recipes will always come to the rescue and save your budget. The main thing to remember about all the nuances of the application and the result will be positive.

Causes and treatment of dandruff at home. Video:

Dandruff reasons:

Dandruff treatment at home:

Dandruff ( lat. Squamae) - a syndrome characterized by a high rate of scaly exfoliation of skin particles over a relatively long time. Most often occurs on the scalp, covered with abundant hair.

Simply put, dandruff- these are visible, easily exfoliated particles of keratinized cells of the surface layer of the skin. Scales, depending on the type and thickness, are of different shapes: pityriasis, layered, leaf-shaped, rough, with pronounced peeling, firmly adhered to the skin, and also of different colors - whitish, yellowish, grayish-silver.

Dandruff causes

Seborrhea ("seborrhoea", from lat. sebum - lard and Greek. rhéo - flow ) (more general concept dandruff) - a disease caused by a disorder of sebum production, manifested by an increase or decrease in the production of sebaceous secretions, as well as a change in the chemical composition of sebum.

The main cause of dandruff is dysfunction sebaceous gland... It can be caused by improper metabolism, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the pancreas and thyroid glands, or an infectious infection with a fungus, and sometimes from all at the same time. An important factor in the manifestation of dandruff is a hereditary predisposition (features of the structure of the skin and its secretion).

The amount and quality of sebum depends on general condition organism (especially endocrine and nervous systems, digestive tract), gender and age, concomitant diseases, etc. The course of the disease is aggravated by chronic infections, (especially), the consumption of large amounts of sweet and fatty foods, as well as skin pollution. The largest number sebum is formed and secreted during puberty.

V old age its amount is significantly reduced. Sebaceous secretion disorder usually occurs as a result of imbalance between estrogens (female hormones) and androgens ( male hormones) towards the latter, which is more often observed between the ages of 14 and 25 (during puberty). In the same period, we notice more oily skin on the face, back and chest. With seborrhea, the composition of the sebaceous secretion changes mainly due to an increase in free fatty acids in it.

Allocate seborrhea oily (thick and liquid) and dry. The manifestations of seborrhea are most pronounced in the areas of the skin, where the sebaceous glands are located in large numbers: face, hairy part heads, chest, back.

Thick form of oily seborrhea

In this case, the skin is thickened, its elasticity is reduced. The color of the skin is brownish-gray, the orifices of the sebaceous glands are significantly expanded, the hair is thick, coarse, tough. Often, the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland is clogged with rejected skin cells soaked in sebum. If this element is squeezed, then a thick greasy mass is squeezed out. So there is a comedone (black eel) - a horny plug. With this form of seborrhea, cysts of the sebaceous glands (atheroma) are quite common, when opened, a mass similar to cottage cheese is released. In case of inflammation of atheroma, it is opened, pus is released, and then a scar is formed.

Complications of this form of seborrhea are pustular diseases skin caused by and, for example,.

Liquid form of oily seborrhea

With this form of seborrhea, the skin resembles an orange peel: the pores are enlarged, the skin shines, sebum is released in excess from the dilated ducts of the sebaceous glands. The hair on the head shines, looks like oiled, is saturated with sebum already 2-3 days after washing, sticks together in strands. The hair is covered with densely adhered abundant yellowish scales of the skin. Itching of the skin is possible, as well as the development of baldness. Complications in this case are all the same purulent skin diseases, but already pronounced and more severe, such as - multiple boils, - damage to the hair follicles with the formation of pustules in their place, which, when opened, turn into thick honey-colored crusts; after which pigmentation may remain.

Dry seborrhea

In this form of the disease, the appearance of dry skin is created, although sebum is produced, but it differs in viscosity. It is poorly secreted from the sebaceous glands, so the superficial layers of the epidermis look overdried. The skin in this case is very sensitive and easily irritated. Dandruff completely covers the scalp and hair, falls off easily, itching occurs. Sometimes dandruff builds up on top of each other, forming grayish-white or yellowish-gray crusts. Desquamation develops either in the occipital-parietal region, or over the entire surface of the scalp. Hair is dry, thin, brittle, with split ends.

With dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, a microscopic fungus is activated - "Pityrosporum ovale", he is - "Malassezia Furfur", which is present in many people and does not cause illness, but under certain conditions - strenuous physical work, mental stress, decreased immunity, the postpartum period, etc. - it activates, becomes hazardous to health and increases seborrhea.

Mixed seborrhea

This type of seborrhea is characterized by a combination of signs of oily and dry seborrhea, for example, the skin of the face - forehead, nose, chin - is oily, and on the cheeks - dry. In addition, cases of mixed forms of oily seborrhea can be observed: signs of a liquid form of oily seborrhea are expressed on the face, and thick seborrhea on the scalp.

We should also mention this frequent complication seborrhea of ​​the scalp, like seborrheic alopecia (baldness) It appears as a result of incorrect or completely absent treatment in about 25% of people. Most often, this process develops as follows. At first, hair loss is moderate and does not go beyond the normal state, in which an increased secretion of sebum begins (physiological seborrhea). In some patients, physiological seborrhea disappears on its own after 2-5 years and the amount of sebum secreted becomes normal. In other cases, this process does not normalize by itself and later persistent seborrhea forms, which ultimately leads to hair loss. The lifespan of new hair is shortened, it becomes thin, thinner and is gradually replaced by vellus hair. Itching, soreness, discomfort and a feeling of tightening of the scalp appear. In women, hair thinning occurs more often in the frontal region, in contrast to men, whose hair falls out strongly in the frontal-parietal region and thinns at the temples and the back of the head. On the scalp there is a pronounced flaking (dandruff), scales are grayish-yellow, oily, easily separated when scraped, some of them are on the hair. When examining the scalp under a microscope, it can be seen that the root sheath of the hair, the papilla and the bulb are severely and sometimes irreversibly changed, and therefore the renewal of lost hair is almost impossible. In such cases, women often experience menstrual irregularities.

Seborrheic dermatitis

It is characterized not only by increased exfoliation, but also by inflammation of the skin, itching of the skin, especially the areas of skin folds, behind the ears and the neck area are inflamed. Inflammation and peeling can also occur in the eyebrow area. When a person begins to comb these areas, an infection can easily get there. Hair with seborrheic dermatitis is usually dry, thin, brittle, with split ends.

It is better to treat dandruff under the guidance of a specialist trichologist. when treating seborrhea, you must first find out and eliminate the causes of the disease. The specialist finds out the degree of severity and selects drugs for the treatment of your particular case. Since with seborrhea there is a violation of the activity of the sebaceous gland, which is located in the lower layers of the epidermis, the treatment should be aimed at reducing sebum production, that is, to be "intradermal". Shampoo is necessary in order to wash off the sebaceous secretion from the surface of the scalp, therefore, in combination with it, it is necessary to use sebum-regulating masks or lotions that are kept on the head for 20-30 minutes.

If you don't have time to visit a doctor, or you are used to relying on yourself in these matters, then before buying one of the dandruff remedies, carefully read the instructions for it. So...

Medicines and components that should be present in drugs against dandruff (seborrhea):

Ketoconazole (Shampoos "Nizoral", "Dermazole")... Effective against dandruff fungus, but grids can develop resistance to the substance, which explains the decreased efficacy of ketoconazole with prolonged use

Bifonazole (Bifon Lotion). It is similar in action to ketoconazole, but lasts longer in the scalp; resistance or desensitization of the fungus that causes dandruff does not develop to bifonazole.

Salicylic acid (drug "Sulsen"), selenium disulfide, octopyrod. This remedy removes dandruff and prevents the formation of new "flakes", but will not be able to cope with the cause of all ills - skin fungus.

Tar (Friderm shampoo) and. They actively exfoliate and remove cells, so you should definitely use them at the first stage of the fight against dandruff.

Important! The presence of 2-3 components from the list is desirable. The diet should be balanced: limit the consumption of sweet, fatty foods. Food should be rich in fiber, vitamins, fermented milk products. Also, with seborrhea, it is not recommended to dry your head with a hairdryer.

Dandruff treatment with folk remedies

If you have dandruff, but do not rush to buy expensive drugs... Sometimes old, proven ones help to cope with dandruff folk remedies... Medicinal herbs and natural ingredients included in their composition can not only get rid of dandruff, but also strengthen your hair.

- Aspirin helps not only to effectively remove, it can relieve you of dandruff. Crush two aspirin tablets into a powder and add to the shampoo, leave the mixture on your hair for two minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

- Means with cinchona crust. It is necessary to mix thoroughly 2 teaspoons of cinchona peel, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 2-3 drops of rose oil and half a glass of wine alcohol. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the scalp once a day.

- Beat 2-3 eggs in a small amount of water, apply the resulting mixture to your hair for a while, then rinse. This treatment prevents dandruff.

- A decoction of burdock root. 500 grams of burdock roots must be filled with 3 liters cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat for 5-6 hours. The broth must be filtered and cooled. The resulting broth should be moistened with the scalp every day, then rinsed with warm water. Do not use soap or shampoo! Although the broth takes a long time to prepare, it is beyond praise in terms of its effectiveness. A decoction of burdock roots not only helps to get rid of dandruff, but also strengthens the hair, and also regulates the sebaceous glands.

- Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily. This oil is rich in nutrients that are extremely beneficial in treating dandruff.

"Snow" on the head or white bloom, which can be found under the nails if you scratch your head - causes little pleasant emotions. Dandruff is often overlooked, believing that white or yellowish scales are caused by the wrong shampoo, and once you change the brand of detergent, everything will work out. Is it so?

Dandruff: features

Dandruff is a syndrome that causes the scalp to flake off intensively over a long period of time (the sloughing of dead cells is impaired). Dead particles can be white, yellow or grayish in color. Most often, dandruff occurs in young men and women from 14 to 25 years old.

The main factors that cause dandruff are:

  • Daily stress;
  • High-calorie, fatty food, fast food, food that is too spicy or hot (provokes increased production of the sebaceous glands);
  • Hormonal disruptions, menopause;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Heredity;
  • Weakened the immune system after viral diseases.

Additional, but not insignificant factors include the frequent use of curling irons, hair dryers, the choice of low-quality shampoos or mousses (it is important to select funds depending on the type of skin), as well as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or overdose drugs... If dandruff is chronic, then the reason lies in the malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Any digestive problems, for example, a violation of the intestinal microflora or dysbiosis, lead to the formation of scales. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the most common reason, which causes a "snow" attack, but there are other reasons - developing psoriasis, skin fungus, light form seborrhea (malfunctioning of the skin glands), which can turn into seborrheic dermatitis.

Failure of the hormonal background due to a sharp increase in the level of androgen - a hormone in the ovaries, occurs due to the high production of fat. Sebum thickens, keratinized scales stick together and fall off in layers. If you do not pay attention to the problem, you can provoke the development of seborrhea.


Disharmony caused by seborrhea disrupts chemical composition skin secretion and the production of sebum production (increasing or, conversely, reducing the amount of sebaceous secretions) and simultaneously disrupting metabolism. Distinguish between oily seborrhea - when the hair has a greasy, oily appearance, strands often stick together, and the scalp becomes shiny and periodically covered with abscesses, and dry seborrhea - when the hair is brittle, dull and lifeless, the scalp is dry, irritated. Dry dandruff consists of small white particles that can be found not only on the head, but also sprinkle over the eyebrows, eyelashes and even the pubic area. When moving, keratinized cells can sprinkle clothes, falling on the shoulders (traces of dandruff are especially clearly visible on black clothes). The greasy look of dandruff resembles yellowish, purulent pellets glued together. Hair becomes greasy very quickly, even if you washed your hair an hour ago. Symptoms of seborrhea: rash, abscesses on the skin, burning and itching of the skin, hair loss.

If the scalp is affected by a fungus, growths of skin scales are formed, which cause discomfort - itching or burning with every scratching. The main reason why the fungus occurs is insufficient production of the sebaceous glands, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins (in particular vitamin A). Fungal flora can increase up to 70%, instead of the optimal 45%.


The first thing to do is to give up perm, hair dyeing, the use of gel, varnish or foam, as well as cosmetic glitters. Any products containing chemical substances can provoke even more irritation of the skin. Reconsider your lifestyle - perhaps it's time to adjust your diet, give up alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol strongly affects thermoregulation - abuse of drinks and exceeding the dose speeds up the work of the sebaceous glands, which negatively affects the whole body. You can give your hair freshness or slightly change the tone using natural remedies - henna or basma. If dandruff persists, or is observed in too large quantities, it is necessary to consult a specialist - a trichologist. After examination, physiotherapy, cryomassage, darsonvalization, hirudotherapy can be prescribed. Treatment with leeches is very popular and effective, you can learn more about hirudotherapy.

Popular shampoos and ointments

"Nizoral" (contains active substance ketoconazole). Kills fungi, treats seborrheic dermatitis, lichen. After 1 use, burning and itching decreases. Shampooing is carried out three times a week, for a month or two weeks.

"Perkhotal" - more cheap analog... Shampooing - twice a week.

"Bioderma Node DS" - suitable for the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, effectively removes dandruff, fungus. In the composition of ichthyol, salicylic acid, seaweed extract (kelp). Wash your hair for 21 days 4 times a week.

"Sulsen's paste" is inexpensive and effective, in addition to treating seborrhea, psoriasis and dandruff, restores the structure of the hair follicle, preventing its loss. The paste is applied to wet roots (immediately after shampooing), washed off after 10-15 minutes.

Sulfuric ointment. Apply the ointment to the scalp in an even layer and massage in for 4-5 minutes. The product is applied in the morning, afternoon and evening on a clean and dry head. The course of treatment is 10 days.

It is possible to use such funds as "Naftaderm", "Sebazol", "Keto plus", cream "Cortisone" (relieves inflammation), "Dermazole", "Algopix", tar shampoo, zinc ointment(relieves inflammation), "Friederm zinc", spray "Panthenol" (restores damaged tissues, relieves irritation).

Homemade dandruff recipes

Against the fatty type. Mix 2 tablespoons. mustard powder with water until a viscous gruel is formed, add 2 tbsp. lemon juice. The mask is evenly distributed on the skin. It is better to wrap the head with cling film, and cover it with a towel on top. After 8-9 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Make sure that there is no burning sensation, wash off the mixture at the slightest discomfort. It is worth noting that in some cases, it is homemade masks that can cause dandruff.

Pour finely chopped burdock (1 pc.) With olive oil (2 tablespoons), let the mixture brew for 14 days. You need to rub in the product 2 times every 7 days, wash off after 60 minutes.

Grate a medium head of onions, transfer the odorous gruel to a gauze cloth, rub the scalp. Penetrating into the pores, onion juice will not only cure dandruff, but also accelerate hair growth. After 25-30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo, rinse your hair with chamomile infusion.

Every person who has had a chance to deal with it wants to understand why dandruff appears and how to deal with it. Dandruff is annoying and annoying for many people. Nobody likes to see "snowball" on their shoulders and white "scales" in their hair. This problem occurs as a result of increased flaking of scales on the scalp. The normal position is the renewal of the skin once a month and this happens in most cases unnoticed.

The main causes and symptoms

It is worth figuring out why dandruff appears. The common cause of its occurrence is considered fungal infection... This diagnosis is confirmed by almost all doctors who are faced with such a problem. Many patients do not recognize it and consider the "snow" on the shoulders only an aesthetic defect. But the disease has deeper roots and it is necessary to understand well why dandruff forms on the head and how to get rid of it.

Signs of dandruff on the head- this is the appearance of white, yellow or gray scales that are clearly visible on hair and clothing. The causes of the disease can be shocks, emotional stress, improperly selected shampoo, nutritional errors, hormonal disorders, heredity, and improper metabolism. Why dandruff appears, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. It is noticed that on the head of men it occurs more often than in women, and in children it practically does not happen. Explaining why dandruff appears on the head in men, doctors name the same reasons as in women.

Improper hair care

Thinking about why dandruff on the head appeared, a person should pay attention to how he cares for his hair. If the shampoo is not completely washed out of the hair from time to time, dandruff will not keep you waiting. Therefore, women with long curls should thoroughly rinse their hair with clean water after shampooing.

The disease often worries women who like to use hairspray and mousse for styling their hair.

If a girl washes her hair often, the skin loses moisture, and dry scales begin to form intensively on its surface. The use of shampoos with dyes and parabens can aggravate the problem. Dandruff lesions can be localized both over the entire head, and in some of its areas (on the temples, crown, back of the head or lateral parts).

Varieties of the disease

Dandruff can be dry and oily. The first option is characterized by a feeling of tightness of the scalp and increased formation of scales that crumble onto the shoulders. With oily dandruff, the hair becomes greasy, if you scratch your head, you feel the oily skin, and an oily substance remains under the nails.

The type of dandruff can be determined using an ordinary napkin: when your hair is dirty, apply a clean cloth to your scalp. If you see a greasy mark on it, then you are dealing with oily dandruff.

Troubleshooting methods

Having dealt with the causes of the disease, you can start treating it. ethnoscience offers various natural remedies to be applied to the skin. TO effective methods the fight against the disease include infusions of nettle, chamomile and string, as well as masks made from kefir and eggs. necessary because it can deliver severe discomfort man.

As well as folk methods there are drug treatments. If the disease is caused by an infection, the doctor will prescribe antifungal drugs, in case of dermatitis, will offer various antihistamines. Often, in the fight against the problem, doctors use special shampoos, sprays, creams and ointments. These funds, depending on their composition, help:

  • renewed by the skin;
  • fight the fungus;
  • heal inflamed areas;
  • reduce itching.

In addition, there are physiotherapeutic methods, when various kinds of effects are made on the affected areas, as a result of which there is an improvement in well-being.

Modern beauty salons offer many procedures to improve the scalp: cryomassage, mesotherapy, hirudotherapy.

Preventive measures

Prevention will help prevent dandruff formation. Shampoos, balms and other hair care products must be selected according to the type of hair. You should use a personal comb, use less help chemicals for styling (varnishes, mousses, foams), dry the curls with cold air, wash them not too often and in warm water. Massage your scalp daily to help blood circulate. Be sure to adjust your drinking regime and proper nutrition, since the condition of your hair and the body as a whole depends on this.

It is important to get enough vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. It is worth reviewing your diet and excluding junk food:

  • fast food;
  • roast;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • alcohol.

You should drink from one and a half liters of water or more per day (depending on your weight) in order to establish metabolism. Experiences, as you know, have a very negative effect on human health, including on the condition of the skin, therefore, stressful moments must be avoided.

Regular hair and scalp care procedures will allow you to forget about the white "snow" on your shoulders, and timely treatment will help to improve your hair and restore it to a well-groomed and radiant look.

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