What to do with a cat bite? What to do if bitten by a stray or domestic cat What to do if bitten by a wild cat.

When dealing with a fluffy pet, adults and children are often injured in the form of scratches and even bites. Such troubles happen when playing with small kittens, carrying out any manipulations with already adult animals (washing, cutting, trimming claws). Stray cats, as well as domestic aggressive pets attack and bite.

Often, the owner can observe a reaction: a cat bitten - a hand is swollen. Although cats cannot seriously injure a person, a phenomenon such as swelling indicates inflammatory process and should not be overlooked.

Read in this article

What is the danger of bites

Although cats are predators by nature, their claws and teeth are not large enough to pose a serious threat to human life. However, cat bites can cause significant health damage. The danger here is
following reasons and factors:

  • Naturally sharp teeth of a seemingly small animal contribute to serious damage to soft tissues.

Epithelial ruptures lead to painful sensations, decrease in joint mobility if it falls on the articular region. Deep and closed wounds are an excellent environment for the development of inflammation and suppuration.

  • The presence of a huge amount of bacteria and viruses in the mouth of an animal. Even a pet cannot boast of the absence of microorganisms in oral cavity... When bitten, the bacilli penetrate deep into the skin tissue and cause an inflammatory reaction in the form of edema or swelling in the damaged area. If the cat bites badly, the hand is swollen, then this phenomenon indicates infection of deep tissues with microorganisms.
  • Some animals carry the causative agent of benign lymphoreticulosis (cat scratch disease). In this disease, chlamydia, which are pathogenic microorganisms, penetrate human tissue not only through scratches, but also through bites. In the early stages of the disease, the site of injury may be swollen and reddened, and then a generalized infection develops that affects lymphatic system organism.

Cat scratch disease
  • In addition to pathogenic chlamydia, cats are often carriers of the causative agent of pasteurellosis. In this case, an animal bite can lead to septic phenomena against the background of streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.
  • If you are bitten by a stray cat or an animal with access to the street, there is a risk of contracting tetanus. Cat bites are deep, the wound surface heals quickly. This promotes the development of anaerobic conditions for the tetanus pathogen.
  • The danger of being bitten by stray and street animals is due not only to the development of an inflammatory reaction from the soft tissues, but also the risk of contracting rabies. The virus of a fatal disease is transmitted from the saliva of a sick animal, most often through bites.
  • Weak immunity, the presence of concomitant diseases, lack of treatment can lead to sepsis.

Despite the small size of the cat, you should not be dismissive of pet bites, especially if the injury was caused by a stray animal or after being bitten house cat and my hand was swollen.

For more on what cat scratch disease is, see this video:

First aid and treatment

If an owner or family member has been attacked or mistreated by a feline, there are a number of measures to take:

  • First of all, you should thoroughly rinse the bitten area with warm water and antibacterial soap. The main part of pathogenic microorganisms will be washed away precisely with such a simple and affordable way of cleaning the wound surface. Laundry soap containing an increased amount of alkali is also suitable.
  • For antiseptic treatment, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is best suited, which does not cause burns and swelling. Of other antiseptics, you can apply a solution of furacilin, chlorhexidine.
  • A gauze bandage must be applied to the bitten area.
  • In the event that the cat has bitten, the hand is swollen and reddened, you should not self-medicate and let the process take its course. You need to see a doctor. You may need a course of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.

Properly provided first aid for cat bites will help reduce the negative effects of injury. skin, will prevent the development of an inflammatory reaction.

When to see a doctor

Most domestic cat bites do not result in dangerous consequences... However, the owner should know when qualified medical attention is needed:

  • With profuse bleeding, damage to the veins in the wrist. Despite the small size of the teeth, cats can nevertheless damage closely spaced arteries on the arm. If bleeding does not stop when a hemostatic bandage is applied, then you should immediately contact a medical institution.
  • If a domestic cat has bitten, the hand is swollen, what to do in this case? Even if bitten by animals that do not have access to the street, if swelling and redness develops, you should seek medical help... The doctor will rule out infectious diseases, and, if necessary, prescribe a prophylactic tetanus vaccination.
  • In the event that more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination of the victim against tetanus, tetanus prophylaxis is also carried out.
  • The bite fell on the area of ​​the face, joints. Impaired joint mobility, facial expressions should be a reason for urgent medical attention.
  • If the cat has bitten, the hand is swollen - what should the victim do? Deterioration in general well-being, an increase in body temperature a few days after a cat bite should be a reason for immediate medical attention.
  • If there was contact with a stray or street animal, after processing the bitten place, you must immediately contact a medical institution. If rabies is suspected, the animal is isolated and monitored for 10 to 14 days.

If this is not possible, and the disease situation in the region is unfavorable, then a decision may be made to introduce rabies serum. The drug is administered according to a specific scheme. On average, 2 to 6 injections are used. However, you should be aware that anti-rabies serum should be administered no later than 14 days after the bite.

For information on what to do and why animal bites are dangerous, see this video:

What not to do with bites

The consequences of cat bites can be minimized if you understand that you cannot do in case of injury:

  • It is better not to use such a familiar antiseptic as iodine, as it often causes burns and can cause swelling of damaged tissues.
  • You should not use any ointments, even anti-inflammatory ones, without a doctor's recommendation.
  • A tourniquet should not be applied for capillary bleeding.

Animal Handling Precautions

Safe communication with animals and prevention of cat bites are possible
subject to the following rules:

  • A pet should be brought up, suppressing all manifestations of aggression against household members, guests of the house, and other animals.

For this purpose, it is necessary to use a system of punishments and rewards. The elements of training should be free from scratches and bites, even if they are minor.

  • Regular examination by a veterinarian, carrying out the necessary routine vaccinations reduce the risk of infectious diseases in the animal.
  • Most often, small kittens scratch and bite, taking such actions for elements of the game. Toddlers should buy a stuffed animal that will redirect their attention to a safe place. An interesting toy will not interfere with an adult playful pet.
  • Some individuals do not like increased attention from humans. Stroking and petting are not appreciated by all cats. If the pet is worried, you should leave it alone.
  • Do not contact homeless, street animals.

The owner of a domestic cat should be careful about the bite of his pet and not let this phenomenon take its course. With swelling, redness, general reaction the body must seek qualified medical help. A visit to the doctor should be immediate if a person has been bitten by a stray cat. Don't forget about the dangers of tetanus and rabies.

Everyone has heard of rabies, but many people underestimate the danger of the disease. Today we will talk about this fatal disease: why it occurs, how it manifests itself, is there a treatment and what is the vaccine today, or rather the rabies vaccine, which is given to a person after being bitten by a cat or other animal.

Rabies virus as it is

The rabies virus (in Latin Rabies virus) is very insidious and easily passes into the human body from the saliva of affected animals - for this it only needs damaged skin, which is inevitably received by a person from a bite or for some reason earlier.

The virus multiplies in the nervous tissue and migrates along the nerve pathways from the site of infection to the brain at a rate of about 3 mm per hour. Therefore, the most dangerous places for bites are the hands and head, from where the virus can very quickly enter the brain. Having reached the spinal cord and brain, it causes severe inflammation with the death of tissue sections.

Rabies Virus Photo

Can a person get rabies from a cat?

All warm-blooded animals are susceptible to the disease. There is a myth that rabies is characteristic only of foxes and dogs, but no less often it occurs in cats, rodents, hedgehogs, cows, horses, goats (and other farm animals), bats and all animals with which a person is constantly in contact, not only in natural conditions, but even in the metropolis.

Birds can also get sick, for example, data on the disease have been confirmed more than once in chickens, although they are less susceptible to the virus. So any unvaccinated pets can contract rabies, even if they have never been to the forest.

There are even cases of infection of domestic cats that lived exclusively in an apartment and went out for a walk only on the balcony: bats were the culprit.

People are most often infected from pets. Wherein, clinical picture the disease directly depends on where exactly the person was bitten by a rabid cat or dog - if the virus penetrated, say, through a wound on the leg or on the face, it will develop in the human body at different rates.

Symptoms of rabies in humans after a cat bite may appear within 10 days, but they may not make themselves felt for several months, and in rare cases even for several years.

When infected with a virus, the disease can occur in two forms, which in the medical literature are traditionally called violent (everyone has heard about it) and paralytic.

Exuberant form

IN initial stage(it lasts 1-3 days) the person feels general weakness, headache accompanied by fever, sore muscles and throat, dry mouth and loss of appetite, and cough, which is similar to the course of any viral infection.

There is a burning sensation, itching and pain at the site of the bite. The patient feels fear, depression, insomnia, nightmares appear. Often there are hallucinations of a visual and olfactory nature.

The second stage is characterized by increased excitability - something bothers a person all the time, worries, he does not find a place for himself. Attempts to drink are accompanied by a spasm of the muscles of the larynx, and later even one glance at the water (no matter dripping, pouring or in a glass) terrifies a person - hydrophobia appears.

Breathing is noisy, painful, accompanied by convulsions. Perspiration and salivation are marked. Irritability develops into aggression, during the attacks of which a person behaves violently: he begins to rush, scream, destroy everything around, rush at people (both acquaintances and strangers), showing great strength. This takes about 2–3 days.

On the last stage the patient becomes psychologically easier - he calms down, anxiety and hydrophobia go away. The temperature rises above 40 ° C, after which convulsions and paralysis of the whole body occur, and the patient's consciousness fades away. Death occurs as a result of respiratory or cardiac arrest.

Paralytic form

In the paralytic form, the disease develops longer and less pronounced: muscle paralysis gradually sets in, starting from the site of the bite, after which the person falls into a coma and slowly dies.

The forms of the disease and symptoms in cats are slightly different, which you can read about in our article on rabies in cats.

Methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

After the first symptoms appear, a person with rabies has practically no chance of recovery. Favorable outcomes are so rare that they are described in the medical literature as isolated, although about 55 thousand people die from the rabies virus worldwide every year.

Unfortunately, it is the danger of illness that is underestimated by most people. Not everyone knows that rabies is a virus with 100% lethality, that is, if signs of rabies begin to appear in a person from a cat bite, the only possible outcome is death.

What to do with a cat bite?

There is no cure for rabies, there are some experimental techniques, which have not yet yielded confirmed results. The only hope for salvation from the virus has been timely vaccination of animals for many years.

If a cat with suspected rabies has bitten or scratched a person, immediately wash the wound with soap and water for 10-15 minutes, and immediately contact the nearest emergency room or immunization center. This must be done even if the bitten animal, at first glance, seems to be healthy.

Rabies vaccine

In the presence of skin lesions, doctors will immediately begin a course of injections. No, this is not 40 injections in the abdomen with which we were frightened in childhood. On the first day, tetanus serum and rabies vaccine are given. If the doctor deems it necessary, anti-rabies immunoglobulin is added to them, that is, ready-made antibodies to the rabies virus.

After that, the person must come 5 more times for subsequent vaccine injections according to the recommended schedule.

If it is possible to observe the bitten animal, then it is possible to prematurely terminate the course of injections if the cat has remained healthy within the next 10 days. During the entire course, care must be taken to avoid overheating and overwork, and alcohol should not be consumed.

How to protect yourself from illness?

The risk of developing rabies upon contact with a sick animal is very high, and the consequences are irreversible, so it is very important to observe the following rules:

  • always in a timely manner to vaccinate their animals against rabies, even if they are elderly or rarely leave the apartment;
  • do not contact wild and stray animals, especially if their behavior seems strange. Remember that animals with rabies can become affectionate and sociable;
  • explain to your children to inform you about bites from any animals, even if the damage is minor. Remember that half of the people who die of rabies are children;
  • when bitten by an animal, especially if it was unexpected, that is, it was not provoked by a person, you need to take the measures recommended above as soon as possible.

Once again, we repeat: a person with rabies has no chance of recovery. The only way to prevent the onset and development of the disease is the timely vaccination of cats and immediate medical attention in any, even doubtful, situations.

Many people would not consider a cat bite to be potentially dangerous. This is a misconception, since even after a slight bite (if, for example, a kitten has bitten), the case can end seriously (suppuration, allergies and even rabies).

There is even the so-called cat scratch disease (in the ICD-10 it is not), in which there is inflammation lymph nodes by the type of acute infectious cellulitis. Suppuration with such a disease can lead to the need to remove part of the soft tissue or even a limb.

In this article, we will talk in detail about the dangers of a cat bite and what to do after it (first aid). We will also tell you where to go if the first signs of serious complications of the bite appear.

By itself, a cat bite only in rare situations poses a threat to human health (for example, when a large artery is ruptured). Things are quite different with far-reaching consequences, since many infectious pathologies are transmitted through a bite.

A cat bite (both outdoor and domestic) can cause large swelling and suppuration. This disease is called "cat scratch disease", when even with a small wound, quite serious complications develop.

A stray cat easily transmits rabies, which is not treated even if the wound was adequately treated immediately after the bite. Fortunately, a mad cat has specific signs: the presence of profuse salivation, an unusual gait, photophobia and rigidity of the jaw muscles (the cat has a constantly drooping lower jaw).

Also, both indoor and outdoor cats can transmit Clostridial infections to a person... These include:

  • wound botulism;
  • tetanus;
  • gas gangrene (only with a deep bite, when in lower part air does not enter the wound and anaerobic conditions are created).

Despite the fact that in the early stages these diseases are treated (with a probability of 40-70%), they are still very dangerous, since even after a successful cure they leave a person disabled.

Allergies are also common with bites. It is usually caused by the bacterial flora on the teeth of the animal, which, when bitten, enters the human body. Allergies in this case can be of varying intensity: both a banal allergy in the form of urticaria, and a fatal anaphylactic shock (in rare cases).

Special hazard: street cat bite

The danger of being bitten by street cats is that they have a 100% guarantee that they have an accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms on the canines, which, when bitten, enter the human body. But not only this poses a threat to the health of the bitten.

The fact is that street animals are not well-groomed, and the mouth of the average street cat is simply teeming with various kinds of toxins. This includes cadaveric poison (ptomain).

In stray cats, small particles of protein compounds remain on the teeth, which gradually decompose and release amines (microbial decomposition substances). In the external environment, amines are safe, but when they enter an open wound, and, therefore, further into the bloodstream, they pose a threat of sepsis (blood poisoning).

Is it possible to get infected, and what diseases?

Of course, with bites, both stray and domestic cats, there is a very high risk of contracting one or more infectious diseases. But which ones?

Even an objectively healthy and strong person is weak in front of those infectious microorganisms that cats transmit with a bite.

But still, people with the following diseases and habits have a higher chance of contracting an infection when bitten:

  • smokers;
  • in alcoholics;
  • in the presence of circulatory pathologies;
  • in diabetics;
  • in people over 50;
  • in people with HIV or AIDS;
  • in people taking steroid drugs for a long time;
  • in people with a history of organ transplant surgery;
  • in people with an absent spleen;
  • in people undergoing chemotherapy.

Moreover, people with the listed problems are not only more susceptible to infectious invasion. They also develop the disease manifests itself much stronger and longer than in healthy people.

First aid for a cat bite

If you have been bitten by a cat - in all cases, you should expect an infection, and act based on this result.

It can be either a light swollen wound (a local infection and inflammation that goes away on its own), or a serious suppuration. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the wound can only swell and inflammation appears, which, as we have already said, will go away on their own.

But in some cases (in 20-25%) more serious problems develop, often requiring even surgery... It is quite obvious that it is better to prevent them than to treat them later.

Procedure, if you are bitten by a domestic or, even more dangerous, a street cat, this is:

  1. The wound should be cleaned with plain warm water using regular or, much better, antimicrobial soap.
  2. Next, the wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide (it should not be spared and, pushing the edges of the wound apart, poured inward), after which, using a cotton swab, rub the surface of the wound with salicylic alcohol.
  3. A gauze turunda with an antibiotic in the form of an ointment is applied to the wound, which should be firmly pressed with a plaster and not wetted for 24 hours.
  4. If, after 24 hours, the treated area begins to swell, fester (the plaster will be soaked in gray-green mucus) or inflammation intensifies, you should immediately contact the trauma center.

First aid for a bite on the street

In the absence of a first-aid kit at hand, and it is this situation that usually occurs in outdoor conditions, it still remains possible to adequately treat the wound surface and prevent the growth of bacteria. And first aid in such cases is quite simple.

Immediately after the bite, you need to treat the damaged surface of the skin, and if there is no medicine at hand, then it is enough to thoroughly rinse the wound with plain water. If not, then wet wipes will do.

After that, it is necessary to press on the edges of the wound so that at least a few drops of blood come out of it. Usually, a sufficient amount of infectious material is evacuated with one or two drops of blood, although deep wounds require more thorough disinfection with the use of drugs (antibiotics, antiseptics, and so on).

After squeezing out the blood, the wound must be treated again with water or napkins and it is desirable to close it with something. If you don't have a patch on hand, you can leave the wound open, keeping out dirt and dust.

First aid for a cat bite (video)

Which doctor should I go to?

With mild bites, which did not cause any worsening of the situation within 1-2 days, you do not need to go anywhere. The exceptions are those cases when there is a suspicion of being infected with rabies by a cat that has bitten you. In such cases, an urgent vaccination is required.

An urgent need to consult a doctor when there is a swollen wound, fever and other signs of the progression of the infectious process (purulent discharge, nausea, bursting pain in the wound).

It is usually recommended to visit a trauma doctor, but a local therapist and infectious disease doctor are also suitable. With the development of a severe inflammatory or allergic process, you must immediately call ambulance! Self-administration of antibiotics is life-threatening.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Doctor's help with the consequences of a cat bite is needed in cases where they have following visible symptoms:

  1. The presence of abundant purulent masses from the wound.
  2. Fever.
  3. Convulsions in the affected limb.
  4. Indomitable and not relieving vomiting.
  5. Dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  6. Bursting and stabbing pains.
  7. Allergic reactions to the bite (even the most commonplace, such as hives or local edema).
  8. Tremor (trembling) of the affected limb.
  9. Visible inflammation of the saphenous veins around the bite site.
  10. Profuse blood loss.
  11. Suspected of being bitten by a rabid animal.
  12. Deep wound (especially in the absence of tetanus vaccine!).

Why does the cat bite?

Bite at first sight without apparent reason can be both a domestic and an outdoor cat. But, despite the fact that the reasons may be incomprehensible, they always exist.

So, for example, an animal bites when trying to take food from him or even make a hint of it (reach out to the side of food). Moreover, quite often a cat rushes to bite even when a person just passes by her during a meal. Animals perceive this as an attempt to "guess the time" for stealing food.

The animal also bites when a person strokes his children. The reason here is completely prosaic: the cat is trying to protect its offspring.

Cats can also bite when playing, but usually do not hurt. Serious bites when playing games, there are only those cases when games are imposed on them against their will. Children often sin with this, pulling the animal by the paws or throwing toys at it.

In case of rabies, the cat bites, regardless of mood and prerequisites. Due to the defeat of the nervous system, she develops unmotivated aggression, therefore, animals with rabies attack even those people who pass far from them.

Prevention of bites

It would seem that there is no answer to the question of what to do to avoid cat bites in the future. Fortunately, this is not the case. There are a number simple rules to protect yourself from such situations, namely:

  • do not touch street cats (especially those living in sewers and basements);
  • you should not allow excessive petting of domestic cats, as this is very annoying;
  • you need to properly raise your own kitten with his early years, in every possible way weaning him from natural aggressiveness and hostility;
  • your pet should purchase a special toy, which is just intended for biting and tearing;
  • never try (even jokingly) to rip out food from cats, including domestic ones;
  • never disturb cats to sleep or doze.

Animals, especially pets, bring us so much joy and enjoyable moments in life. This is especially true for cats. We love their purring, playing or simply stroking the soft fur with our hand. And it would seem greatest pleasure children experience from communicating with furry friends. However, cats are known for their wayward nature and can sometimes bite or scratch. Even the most peaceful creature can unbalance something and then a bite or claw mark remains on the skin. What if bitten by a cat? Why is a cat bite dangerous? And is it worth sounding the alarm if a child is bitten by a cat? How can you know the signs of rabies and what are the consequences of such a bite? These questions are quite urgent for those who keep furry pets or encounter them in everyday life. Therefore, this article will help answer them.

What you need to know about a cat bite?

Usually people do not expect obvious aggression from the cat. Most of us are afraid of a dog bite, not a cat bite. But if the cat decides that her safety or the life of her offspring is in danger, the animal's behavior can become unpredictable. Therefore, a cat, especially with small kittens, is able to bite. And if she suffers from rabies, such a bite is very dangerous for a person's life.

Even when an animal is not infected with rabies, trauma from its teeth can have serious consequences. No wonder more people turn to doctors with complications after such an injury than after a dog bite. The reason for this is an infection that is brought in during a bite, begins to progress and is capable of infecting the entire human body... Often, doctors have to resort to surgical treatment removing bacteria-infected tissue.

Why does a cat bite have such consequences? The reason lies in some of its features:

  • Cat teeth have this anatomical structure, that because of their sharpness they penetrate deeply, leaving behind wounds. They can easily reach blood vessels bringing the infection into the bloodstream. There is also the possibility that cat teeth will penetrate the tendons or joints if the bite falls on the hand, which is most often the case. In such a location, bacteria multiply especially easily and quickly.
  • Bacteria living in the mouth of furry pets are more dangerous to humans than a dog's microflora. They can carry germs such as Escherichia coli and Streptococcus aureus.
  • Feline teeth leave deep puncture wounds, the surface of which quickly heals up, blocking air access to the site of infection, if any. Germs that multiply without air pose a greater health hazard than those that require air. Therefore, a favorable environment is created for them.
  • The means with which disinfection is carried out are difficult to enter the lesion because of this. Sometimes doctors have to make incisions, that is, open a wound, in order to perform the necessary treatment.

All these difficulties caused by a cat bite can lead to infectious diseases. This is not to mention the bite of an animal infected with rabies. The fatal disease is transmitted through the saliva of an animal, which enters the human body. How to tell a rabid cat from a non-rabid cat? This can be done due to the fact that rabid animals are characterized by the following phenomena:

  • aggressiveness,
  • salivation,
  • fear of light or loud sounds
  • lack of fear of people,
  • eating what is not edible,
  • convulsions and paralysis, in particular of the pharynx.

What can happen after a cat bite?

Due to the fact that a cat bite can cause serious harm to health, there are certain consequences that appear at the site of the bite. Signs of these consequences are not difficult to find out. They consist in the following manifestations:

  • The bite can cause bleeding due to rupture of the skin.
  • A cat's teeth can leave not only a wound, but also a bruise.
  • Inflammation at the site of the bite is possible.
  • Painful sensations arise not only when the cat has bitten, but also as the infection progresses.
  • Redness may occur and heat at the location of the bite.
  • The bite site is capable of swelling.

The above symptoms indicate that inflammation has begun in the body, requiring treatment. However, there is a likelihood of more severe development of consequences when a person may face such diseases:

  • infection from streptococci,
  • infection from staphylococci,
  • carnocytophanal infection,
  • pasteurellosis,
  • tetanus,
  • rabies,
  • felinosis.

Each of these diseases has its own symptoms and needs medical care... Felinosis, for example, does not pose a great danger to a person with strong immunity. But if in the immune system already have problems, such an infection can lead to complications. In this case, it can be in the body for up to a year. Her usual symptoms are weakness, poor appetite, headache, high body temperature, sore throat, skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes in the area of ​​the bite.

Cats with rabies are especially dangerous. After all, they can infect a person. And it can be difficult to recognize the danger right away, since signs of rabies in a person after a cat bite develop after a week or even three weeks. They consist in the following states:

  • difficulty swallowing food
  • unnatural reaction to loud noises,
  • fear of light.

This disease cannot be cured. Therefore, if bitten by a mad cat, then the person almost always dies of paralysis.

What to do with a cat bite?

As soon as the bite has occurred, use first aid. Thanks to the right measures to provide it, the risk of developing infections is much reduced. First, wash your hands and put on medical gloves. The approach to wounds must always be sterile. Then rinse the wound with water using an antibacterial soap. It is desirable that it does not include cosmetics. As a last resort, you can take a household one. This method is good if there is no bleeding.

When bleeding is present, it must be stopped. This is done with a clean cloth. Pressure is applied to the site of the bite until the blood stops flowing. Only then can the wound be cleaned with soap and water.

Further processing consists of the use of detoxifying agents, such as hydrogen peroxide solution or alcohol. Then apply iodine to the wound, after which it is recommended to spread it with an antibacterial ointment. After treating the injured area, we establish a sterile bandage.

Dressings will need to be done every day using antibacterial agents. Watch the wound for a week. If inflammation develops, see your doctor. The need to seek medical help, in addition to complications with the wound, is indicated by the following facts:

  • the bite of a stranger or a stray cat,
  • a bite in the face or neck area
  • large size and depth of the wound,
  • continued bleeding
  • the victim has not had a tetanus shot in the past five years,
  • the appearance of pus at the site of the bite.

These indicators indicate that you need to see a doctor immediately. This is especially important if a child has suffered from a cat bite.

How to avoid a cat bite?

The health problems caused by a cat bite are sometimes too serious and even life threatening. Therefore, it is best to take precautions and protect yourself and loved ones from possible consequences... In order not to provoke the animal to aggression, do not touch it when it is eating. After all, hungry cats are no less dangerous than dogs. Stay away from a mother cat feeding her cubs.

If a showdown occurs between cats or cats and dogs, do not intervene. By doing this, you can incur their wrath. Don't annoy your cat if she's scared. In this case, it can be difficult to predict her reaction. Don't tease your cat.

A cat usually lets out annoyance by hissing, arching its back and grinning. Then you still have a chance to get away. Indeed, the next moment the animal may attack. It is important not only to exercise caution ourselves, but also to teach this to children. Often, kids, playing with a fluffy pet, bring him to aggression. Explain that this should not be done.


A cat bite should be avoided. And not only because it is painful and unpleasant. The bite of this animal can have serious consequences. They are expressed infectious diseases that can develop in the body. What if bitten by a cat? It is necessary to quickly clean the wound. There are times when you need to see a doctor. This should not be neglected, as cat bites are very dangerous. And if a cat has rabies, then its attack on a person entails the most sad consequences. So be careful! Take care of yourself and your children!

Cats have sharp teeth If the animal is pissed off, the cat can seriously bite. The wounds after such bites are not very large, but rather deep. As a rule, the oral cavity of animals contains a huge amount of bacteria and microbes that can become a source of infection. In this article, we'll talk about cat bites - how and why a pet bites, why such injuries are dangerous and what to do if you are bitten by a cat.

Why are cat bites dangerous?

Despite the fact that a cat eventually becomes a pet, it is still an animal that obeys instincts. The cat can bite a stranger as protection. Cats very often bite out of jealousy if the owner brought another animal into the house. A cat can bite if it hurts. Such an unpleasant surprise can be presented and domestic cat, so what can we say about street animals that are not used to humans at all? Street cats are also dangerous because they are not vaccinated against various deadly infections. Why are cat bites dangerous? Let's try to figure it out.

  1. Pastorellosis. This is a disease that is transmitted to humans from animal bites. Today this disease is not widespread, but it still occurs. Animals carrying pastorellosis have a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, which enter the wound, and infection begins. The disease is manifested by intoxication, the wound becomes painful, inflamed, swollen, the patient may have diarrhea, and sometimes the respiratory organs are affected. It is important to understand that bacteria can enter even through the tongue of the animal if the cat licks an open wound.
  2. Streptococcus and staphylococcus. These are common types of infections that can lead to painful swelling in the bite area, fever, skin infection, and even blood poisoning. With such infections, suppuration immediately begins at the site of the bite.
  3. Sporotrichosis. This is a fungal disease that leads to non-healing wounds on the animal's body. Incubation period the disease is very large - up to several weeks. The first symptom of sporotrichosis is open wound from a bite that does not last long.
  4. Cat scratch fever. The disease often develops not after a bite, but after scratches, especially if it was not an adult cat that scratched, but a kitten. In this case, bacterial infection is not very serious, the body can easily cope on its own without the use of medications. If the immune system is weakened, the infection becomes serious, along with the affected skin, you can notice that the patient's lymph nodes are enlarged.
  5. Rabies. Dogs are more likely to get sick from rabies, but cats do suffer from the disease too. Especially on the street - after all, they are without vaccinations. Rabies develops from a few days to 10-12 weeks after the bite. With rabies, symptoms such as headache, high fever, joint aches, sore throat, skin lesions in the bite area, and aggressiveness appear. The condition is very dangerous, it definitely requires medical intervention.
  6. Tetanus. Tetanus infections from animal bites are rare, but they do happen. Tetanus is acute and dangerous infection which amazes nervous system... The first symptoms of tetanus are headache, sweating, twitching and muscle tension in the area of ​​the affected wound. To avoid serious and even fatal consequences, you need to get a tetanus vaccine immediately after the bite.

These are the main, serious and really dangerous diseases that a harmless cat bite can lead to. In addition to them, simple bacteria can enter the wound, which, nevertheless, will bring you a lot of discomfort. To avoid this, you need to provide first aid correctly.

A cat bite is dangerous because the infection that is in the animal's mouth immediately gets to a serious depth of the wound, it is much more difficult to fish out the bacteria from there. Here are some guidelines that will not 100% rid you of infection, but will reduce the chances of infection.

  1. Immediately after the bite, you need to wash the wound under running water, thoroughly soaping it with laundry soap. Natural soap contains a lot salicylic acid which suppresses some bacteria and harmful microorganisms.
  2. If the wound is bleeding, do not stop it. All microbes come out with the blood.
  3. After that, be sure to disinfect the bite with what you have in your first aid kit. It can be iodine, hydrogen peroxide, chlorophyllipt, alcohol, brilliant green, furacilin solution, miramistin, etc. After a while, you can treat the wound with antibacterial solutions or ointment, for example, chloramphenicol or tetracycline.
  4. After treatment, apply a plaster or bandage to the wound, which will protect against additional infection.
  5. Experts note that a cat bite wound becomes inflamed much more often than other injuries. Not only can a cat itself be a carrier bacterial infection, she often becomes infected from street food if she feeds on food waste, birds, rats, etc.

When to see a doctor

The first few hours after the bite, you should very carefully monitor the wound and the patient's condition. It is clear that after a bite, the wound will hurt, however, with strong painful sensations, intense redness, swelling, you should definitely see a doctor. Especially if it is accompanied by an increase in temperature. You should definitely seek medical attention for even a minor bite if it was a street cat. If you notice a foam at the mouth of a cat, if it is actively drooling - this is rabies, you should go to the hospital immediately.

If rabies is suspected, a person is prescribed a course of rabies immunization. It is impossible to protect yourself from rabies in one injection; you need to do several injections at regular intervals. The amount and frequency of vaccine administration is regulated by the doctor. By the way, the animal is also subject to research, if it is not outdoors and has not escaped.

In other cases, when an animal vaccinated against rabies has bitten, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, by mouth, injection or drip, depending on the severity of the infection. In addition, local treatments are required. As a rule, treatment lasts 5-7 days, in difficult cases 10-14 days. Antibiotics cannot be canceled, if you feel better, the bacteria should be completely suppressed. Otherwise, they will not only restore the population, but also develop resistance - that is, they become resistant and insensitive to the drugs of this group.

At risk are people with reduced immunity - children, the elderly, pregnant women, patients with after organ transplantation or chemotherapy, diabetics, people with HIV and various blood pathologies. Such patients should seek immediate medical attention even for minor cat bites. After all, an infectious infection is very dangerous - a person can develop renal failure, sepsis. It is especially dangerous if the cat has bitten its hands - the tendons and bones are in close proximity to the skin, this is fraught with inflammation of the periosteum.

How to avoid cat bites

First of all, it should be remembered that you cannot touch street cats - it is not known what they are infected with. Also, do not touch other people's cats if you come to visit someone until the animal has shown its favor. The cat may be healthy, but it may attack a stranger. Your pet should be vaccinated on time, following the vaccination schedule. Some pets do not like excessive caress - they bite when stroking. They just need to be close to the person. From childhood, accustom the kitten to affection, scold for excessive "bite". When the baby wants to bite, offer him a toy, but do not let his hand bite. This will help you raise a pet that will never hurt you without good reason.

Cats are not only affection, tenderness and pleasant purring. This includes bites, vaccinations, additional worries. Despite this, we love our pussies and are attached to animals with all our hearts.

Video: first aid and treatment for a cat bite

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