Vitamins Vitrum Bears. "Vitrum Kids" - Vitamins for children: instructions for use, composition, prices, reviews

Vitrum Kids and Kids plus are produced in form chewing tablets In the form of funny bearish, their color ranges from gray-pink to pink-red. Sold in a bottle made of polymeric materials, which is placed in a bright packaging of cardboard.

The preparation of Vitrum Kids is offered at 30, 60 and 100 tablets, and Kids plus only 30 pieces.


Here, a set of vitamins and minerals is specially selected to ensure the needs of the body in the most important components, healthy child growth, normal mental Development and strengthening immunity.

Name of substance The content of vitamins in 1 tablet, mg
Vitrum Kids Vitrum Kids Plus
BUT 0,86 0,333
D3. 0,01 0,006
E. 15 6,25
FROM 60 60
IN 1 1,05 1,05
AT 2 1,2 1,2
AT 5 5 4
AT 6 1,05 1,05
AT 9 0,3 0,265
AT 12 0,0045 0,002
Pp. 13,5 13,5
N. 0,02 0,02
Calcium 100 100
Magnesium 40 40
Zinc 10 6,4
Iodine 0,15 0,0625
Iron 15 8
Copper 1 0,48
Manganese 1 1
Selenium 0,025 0,0125
Phosphorus 50
Chromium 0,02

The composition of KIDS and Kids Plus preparations has some differences in the smaller content of some substances in the KIDS plus, because These vitamins are designed for children from 3 years, and KIDS from 4 years. The need for children in some micro and macroelements at the 3rd age below. In addition, the composition Kids plus does not contain phosphorus and chromium.

Indications for use

These lineups of Vitruum are designed to treat and prevent the lack of vitamins and minerals in children during active growth. They will be useful for accelerating recovery, replenishing the lack of beneficial substances when bad appetite, unbalanced and defective nutrition.

Differences in the testimony are that KIDS is designed from 4 to 7 years, and KIDS plus from 3 to 7 years.


Among the contraindications should be noted:

Influence on the body of children

In this, the effects of vitamins and minerals of these drugs on the body coincides. But in Vitrum Kids there are two more important elements:

  1. Chrome participates in glucose metabolism, increasing insulin effect.
  2. Phosphorus is included in the composition of nucleotides, nucleic acids, phosphoproproteins and phospholipids, that is, those enzymes, which are part of the enamel of teeth and bone fabric.

Instructions for use

Tablets are accepted after or while eating, cheerfully chewing. If necessary, you can be powered by a small amount of water. If the child can not delay the vitamint itself, then it can be predetermined and dissolve in a small amount of water.

The drug is prescribed 1 tablet per day.

Possible adverse reactions

Perhaps the manifestation of allergies on the components of the drug. Urine can gain intense yellowBut this is due to the content of vitamin B2 and does not require treatment.

special instructions

Medicinal interaction


When accidental overdose, you need to consult a doctor. Overdose treatment: Inside activated coal and other absorbents, washing the stomach.

Storage and shelf life

Shelf life is 5 years. Store in a dark place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees and air humidity up to 60%.

Vacation from pharmacies

Released without a recipe.

average cost


The line of vitamins Kids and Kids Plus from TM "Vitrum" are remarkably suitable for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and improvement children's body. But before receiving multivitamin complexes It is always important to consult with the pediatrician to avoid unpleasant consequences for the health of the child.

The drug is produced in dense cardboard packscontaining one bottle. Flakes are made of durable high-quality transparent polyethylene, contain inside chewing marmalade. The bottle cover is a large, screwy, bright green, opens through a twist and simultaneous pressure down.

Packing options: 30 and 60 marmalands in one bottle.

Marmalade is made in the form of multi-colored bears with a size of 10-12 mm, dense, chewing, has a slightly rubber consistency. The color of the bears is from bright pink to dark red, it is allowed to have a small amount of dark and light specks. Fruit fragrance. The taste is moderately sweet (it does not cause thirst).


Balanced enriched composition of the "Vitrum Ghammy" bears is determined by the high need of preschool children and school age In the daily arrival of all the necessary organisms of vitamins and trace elements involved in the process of growth, mental and physical development.

The name of the active substance Quantity in 1 tablet
Beta carotine 2.5 mg
Cholecalciferol 0.4 mg
Acetate tocopherol 0.015 mg
Ascorbic acid 0.06 mg
Tiamine 1.05 mg
Riboflavin 1.2 mg
Pyridoxin 1.05 mg
Cyanocobalamin 0.0045 mg
Nicotinamide 13.5 mg
Folic acid 0.3 mg
Pantothenic acid 5 mg
Biotin. 0.02 mg
Calcium 100 mg
Magnesium 40 mg
Phosphorus 50 mg
Iron 15 mg
Copper 1 mg
Zinc 10 mg
Iodine 0.15 mg
Manganese 1 mg
Selenium 0.025 mg
Chromium 0.02 mg



  • Children's age up to 3 years.
  • Sugar diabetes of both types.
  • Signs of hypervitaminosis of vitamins A, D, E, S.
  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
  • Preparation for operational interventions.
  • Reception of drugs containing hormones, vitamins and iron.

What impact is on the body?

"Vitruum Gammy" has a comprehensive pharmachologic effect On the child's body. Vitamins and trace elements in its composition are embedded in organs of organs, participate in the transfer of nerve impulses, contribute to the normalization of digestion and stool, increase the immunity of the baby and its resistance to infectious diseases.

The positive influence of "Vitruum Gammi" is also expressed in improving care, concentration, trainee and endurance of the child.

Reception of the drug contributes:

  • improving the growth rates and a set of body weight;
  • an increase in muscle strength;
  • the full development of bones, tendons and ligaments;
  • strengthening teeth and prevention of caries;
  • improving vision;
  • restoration of duration and quality of sleep;
  • disappearance of symptoms of fatigue, scattered, anxiety, lunatism;
  • enhance stress resistance.

Instructions for use

Children over three years: daily inside one marmalade a day in an hour after eating. Marmalade is carefully chewing, without drinking. The course is 1 month, if necessary, the course is repeated after a monthly interruption.

Possible side effects of these vitamins

When taking the drug, allergic reactions are possible:

  • From the side of the skin: redness, itching, the appearance of blisters and spots.
  • From the mucous membranes and eyes: tearing, runny nose, itching in the eye and nose area.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract: acceleration of intestinal peristals, diarrhea, bloating, nausea.

Special instructions and precautions

Drug interaction with other drugs

Forbidden simultaneous reception "Vitrum Gammy" with insulin preparations, hormones, antibiotics, pre- and probiotics, as well as means containing dyes, vitamins A, E, D, iodine and iron.

Simultaneous reception can cause the appearance side Effects or overdose.

Overdose and methods for its treatment


  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • short-term body temperature increase.
  1. refusal of food;
  2. abundant drink (only water is used);
  3. washing the stomach or formulation of the cleansing enema;
  4. receive adsorbents.

Storage conditions, shelf life and cost

Store in a dry dark place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees, away from children.

Shelf life: 2 years (specified on the package).

Released without a recipe.

The average price depending on the packaging volume:

  • Packaging for 30 tablets - 492 rubles.
  • Packaging for 60 tablets - 649 rubles.


Name Manufacturer Differences Cost
"Immuno plus vitamins" "Pharmaced", USA It has a reduced content of vitamins C, E, selenium and zinc. Enriched with sea buckthorn oil. 525 p.
"Peak Plus" "Novo Place JSC", Slovenia Increased content of trace elements, is shown to children from 5 years, has a banana taste 250 R.
"Doppelgers Kinder" KWAISSER Pharma, Germany It has a high content of retinol, saturated raspberry taste, is shown to children from 4 years 350 R.
"Univit Kids" "Amafarm GmbH", Germany The composition is limited by the family of vitamins, marmalacks in the form of dinosaurs, is shown to children from 5 years 419 p.

Among the many children's multivitamin complexes "Vitrum Gummy" is allocated by a rich balanced composition, a rapidly comprehensive action and an affordable price. Reception of the drug "Vitrum Ghamm" contributes to raising the immune forces of the body, improving memory, attention and sleep quality in children from three years, and also allows effective prophylaxis Seasonal viral infection.

Children's age from three to seven years - an important period in the life of the child. This is the time of visiting kindergarten, pre-school training, active growth of the entire body, the development of the foundations of intelligence, the beginning of the change of dairy teeth to the indigenous.

All these events are an integral part of the active life of the baby. Therefore, it is so important to help him remain healthy during this period, to develop and grow.

A good help in this will be correctly selected vitamin and mineral complexes for children. For example, such as "Vitrum Kids" (Vitrum Kids) from the American manufacturer "Unifarm" (UniPharm). It is specially designed for children aged 3 to 7 years.


The composition of this vitamin and mineral complex was developed taking into account all the needs and needs of the growing organism. Thanks to him, the child is fully developed, in addition, the basis for future health is formed.

As you know, for development bone tissue Calcium is important. At the age of 3 to 7 years, the child is actively growing the bones of the limbs, the dairy teeth are replaced with rooted, and therefore calcium is simply needed.

Healthy gums will ensure the formation of the right bite. For this, the body will be needed ascorbic acid and vitamins of group B who are part of Vitrum Kids.

Increasing the activity of cerebral ties at the age of 3-7 years generates memory, intelligence, creativity, which affects his entire further life. Therefore, it is so important to provide the body with vitamins of the group in Selenium, zinc, iodine.

All these growth and development factors are taken into account by pharmacists developing the composition of complexes from vitamins and minerals for children.

For example, "Vitrum KIDS" contains such rarely encountered elements like chrome and selenium. Chrome contributes to the absorption of glucose in the body, which is important for preventing the development of diabetes and improve the state of children with this diagnosis. Selenium is important as a means of preventing oncological diseases.


In what cases does the child need to receive a vitamin and mineral complex "Vitrum Kids"?


  1. Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. This problem is very relevant at the end of the autumn and early spring.
  2. Recovery after any disease. At this time, the body needs a lot of strength to restore a healthy state.
  3. Incompute nutrition or poor assimilation with the body of nutrients from food. This can manifest themselves lethargy, lack of appetite, lag in mental development.

On all these testimony, the instruction attached to Vitrum Kids. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that a child aged 3-7 years supports active contacts with many other children when visits kindergarten and school. As you know, it is fraught with the danger of catching cold or other infection from peers. Therefore, it is so important to protect the child from possible diseases or help him quickly cope with them. For this, the body of the baby is needed both vitamins and minerals that will strengthen immunity and prevent possible complications Even with illness.


Intolerance of the components of the drug, age under 2 years of age, excess in the body of vitamins A and D.

Recommendations. As the instruction attached to the preparation "Vitrum Kids" warns, this complex should not be taken simultaneously with other similar drugs that contain vitamins D, A, E, and iron so that there is no overdose.


Chewable tablets are produced in the form of bears, which very much like children. Color - pale pink with splashes, taste - moderately sweet, berry.

Tablets are packed in a plastic bank and are packaged at 30, 60 and 100 pieces. The bank itself is placed in a brightly colored box that invariably causes the interest of children. The picture on the box is overflowing, and there is a mini-coloring inside the packaging. The more pills in the package, the more profitable at the "Vitrum Kids" price.

Information about the composition and instructions for use is present both on the box and on a can with pills.

The jar cover opens by pressing on it, which prevents the likelihood of the packaging by the child.

A protective membrane is under the lid, which indicates the quality of the drug.

Mode of application

Take Vitamins "Vitrum Kids" follows one thing a day after meals. Tablet need to be carefully checked.

A single reception of this drug highly simplifies its use and allows economically to spend the packaging even with a minimum amount of tablets. That is, 30 tablets are enough for a whole month of reception. If the family has two children, it is more wise to buy a big packaging.

It is more convenient to teach a child to get vitamins after dinner, as during other meals, food is difficult to control this process (for example, if the child lies at school or kindergarten).

Despite the rich composition of the "Vitrum Kids from 3 years" complex, the probability of overdose by this drug is very unlikely, since all vitamins and minerals are present in sufficient, but not excessive amounts. However, this and similar vitamins should be stored in an inaccessible place. In addition, you need to instruct all adult households about the rules for receiving the drug for children to avoid violations of the instruction.

Marmalad with Vitamins

Vitrum Kids Gummy (Vitrum Kids Gummy) is a vitamin marmalade in the form of bears.

It includes vitamins A, E, C, D 3, groups B, pantothenic acid, biotin, zinc, folic acid, Inosit, iodine. The drug is Bad and is intended for children from three to seven years to strengthen the immunity and supply of the body with vitamins and minerals.

Take one to one chewing marmalade per day for a month.

Vitrum Kids Gummy is packed in a transparent plastic jar and packaged 30 and 60 pieces. The lid has a protective mechanism to prevent the child opening.


Marmalade "Vitrum Kids Gammy" in the form of multi-colored bears with various berry-fruit flavors like children. Taste - sour-sweet, softness - moderate. The teeth marmalade will not stick.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, obesity.


At the complex from Vitamins and Minerals "Vitrum Kids" price is quite high. However, it is very acquitted by the fact that the drug has the optimal composition and there really has a lining and wellness effect on the child's body.

Packing of 30 chewing pills will cost approximately 400-500 rubles, out of 60 tablets - in 600-700 rubles, out of 100 - 800-900 rubles.

Marmalade bears stand at about the same. Their price for 30 pieces will be about 450 rubles, and for 60 pieces - 650 rubles.

When it comes to strengthening the protective forces of the body in children in preschool ageMany parents begin to complain that their Chad refuses to take bitter to taste, unpleasant immunomodulatory drugs. Moreover, they do not bring much benefit to the body in need of preventing the development of various pathological conditionscaused by colds and infections. Then the help of the parents "Vitrum Kids" comes to the rescue, the use of which is expected to children from four to seven years.

Vitrum vitamins for children are produced in several options. The KIDS complex, like other means, is produced by the Pharmaceutical Company "Unifarm, Inc.", whose manufacturing enterprises are located in the United States. In order for children to like the complex, it is released, taking into account their taste preferences. This means that there will definitely not be problems with the adoption of "vitamins".

The form of the issue constituting

The Vitrum Kids tool, the instruction for the use of which it indicates is produced in the form of chewable dragee with a pleasant taste that have a bear shape. His beneficial features due to elements that are its components. Vitamins in it - it is:

Mineral particles in Vitrum Kids from 3 to 7 years - this is:

In addition to vitamin in the list of components of the "Vitrum" components, used for children belonging to age group From 3 years, there are some auxiliary substances like dyes, ready to use. Considering the specified components, you can easily understand what useful properties have a means.

Beneficial features

Instructions for use indicates its useful properties as:

  • prevention of hypo- and avitamin states;
  • normalization of the processes of growth and development of the child;
  • prevention of the delay of speech, intellectual, physiological development;
  • strengthening the protective forces of the growing organism;
  • strengthening memory;
  • strengthening nervous system, psyche of children.

Thanks to the positive points in the effects of the complex on the child, the parents of kids may not worry about their behavior in crisis periods characterized as the "three-year crisis" and the "crisis of a seven-year-old" age.

Indication for appointment

The complex is appointed by experts in certain situations. These include:

  • the need to prevent the development of avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis;
  • maintaining physical forces, an increase in endurance in periods of intensive growing and formation;
  • increase resistance to colds and infectious diseases;
  • rapid restoration of the baby after complex pathological conditions, when recovery after receiving physical injuries;
  • increase the desire to absorb food.

Given the situations that contribute to the appointment of "Vitrum KIDS", the instructions for its use indicates that it is possible to independently use the drug as a prophylactic agent. However, in such cases it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations for its use for children from 3 years specified in the guidance recommendations. The composition of the complex is such that the kids practically do not show side effects at the time of reception of chewing dragees.


Like other vitaminatives, Vitrum Kids, the instructions for the use of which gives detailed recommendations, has certain contraindications to the appointment. It is imperative to remember that this drug is intended for children from 3 years, but not the younger. Other contraindications of reception, funds include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the complex;
  • hypervitaminosis caused by the exceedment of vitamin A, D, E in the children's body;
  • disorders in the functioning of the renal, cardiac, hepatic systems;
  • increased calcium and magnesium content in the urinary disclosures of children;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in active form;
  • ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • malabsorption glucose-galactose type;
  • the possibility of formation of blood clots in the limbs;
  • renal disease.

The presence of at least one of the moments prohibits the use of "Vitrum KIDS", the instruction on the use of which it confirms, children. It is for this reason that it is imperative to consult with a specialist to determine the possibility of using the complex. "Vitrum", designed for children aged 3 years, is accepted by the dosage indicated by the doctor.

Side effects

When using the specified complex, the child cannot determine the condition that will show the emergence of the following problems:

  • allergic reactions in the form of nausea, moving in vomiting, skin itch, rash, urticaria;
  • exceeding normal indicators body temperature;
  • various disassembly disapplications;
  • headaches, feeling of dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increasing irritability, excitability;
  • vision impairment;
  • increasing the amount of sweat secured;
  • an increase in the content of the calcium element in the urinary discharge.

If, after the use of "Vitrum Kids", the instruction on the receipt of which describes in detail contraindications to use, one of the specified side effects is manifested, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist. It may be necessary to complete the abolition of the "Vitrum Kids" means and its replacement to the means with a slightly different composition.

How to use?

Take the "Vitrum Kids", the instructions for receiving the dosage, stands after a consultation has been received by a doctor. In preventive purposes, the complex is accepted by one Dragee daily during food eating. It is important that the kid thoroughly flashes the animal figurine from the jar, then the components that are its main components will be fully in full. In other cases, the dosage of the drug specialist sets independently.

"Kids Gammy"

One of the varieties of vitamin preparations from the Witrum line is the complex "Vitrum Kids Gammy", also characterized by a pleasant taste. It has a huge benefit of a growing body, thanks to the main components. The composition of this drug from the Witrum line, as Kids Gammi, is enriched with the following elements:

  • vitamin particles of groups A, C, E, D3, B;
  • mineral components - magnesium, zinc, iodine and other.

"Vitrum Kids Gammy" is intended for children aged three years, contributes to improving their memory, accelerate growth and development. In addition, the specified means is favorable on immune system Child, as it stimulates its functioning. Instructions for this preparation from the Witrum line, as Kids Gammi, indicates that it is enough to take one chewing marmala dress for a day that the baby felt fine.

The specified drug does not apply to the number medicines. "Vitrum Kids Gammy" - biologically active additive To food that does not cause the kids disgust. The main contraindications to its use include obesity in childhood, impairment of carbohydrate exchange, as well as the individual intolerance to those or other components of the drug. The formula "Vitrum Kids Gammy" sounds in this way: memory, intelligence, growth.


Most often, the counterparts are looking for parents of children early age. So, similar drug In relation to Vitrum KIDS, which has instructions with instructions on its use, is the Vitruum Baby complex. It is produced by the same pharmaceutical company, however, can be used by children from a two-year-old age. Before the start of his reception, it is worth consulting a doctor.


28 reviews


by date

How do you assess the effectiveness of Vitrum Kids Gammy?

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Anonymous user

    Not marmalade

    Not a marmalade consistency for sure. Vitamins rubber literally, barely bounce and even for an adult is not the simplest task. After I tried, I immediately realized that the child would have to cut vitamins for pieces, otherwise there is a risk of losing all the teeth (there was not enough because of this!). Delicious, too, do not name the bears of these, ... Not a marmalade consistency for sure. Vitamins rubber literally, barely bounce and even for an adult is not the simplest task. After I tried, I immediately realized that the child would have to cut vitamins for pieces, otherwise there is a risk of losing all the teeth (there was not enough because of this!). Delicious, too, do not name these bears, so I don't even want to suffer. If it would not be the amount that I had to give for this packaging, I would have long threw out and forgot

    Natalia. The price is too high

    The price is too high for such a tasteful product. This is not even marmalades not call because of the composition, but due to the consistency and taste. Not at all what is sold in the store, and no better. The child has become reluctant, and marmalade loves. But it should be noted that not all marmalade vitamins are such. This is for some reason ... The price is too high for such a tasteful product. This is not even marmalades not call because of the composition, but due to the consistency and taste. Not at all what is sold in the store, and no better. The child has become reluctant, and marmalade loves. But it should be noted that not all marmalade vitamins are such. For some reason, this was not the manufacturer's manufacturer.

    Anonymous user

    The user left his own review anonymously

    Grieved resuttom

    I came to the pharmacy, I actually for other wells, but the child commanded to buy Vitrum. I bought, and now it does not want, I didn't like these vitamins to him. To taste, they really differ very much from ordinary marmalands, and differ by no means for the better. I am saddened, with this price you can ... I came to the pharmacy, I actually for other wells, but the child commanded to buy Vitrum. I bought, and now it does not want, I didn't like these vitamins to him. To taste, they really differ very much from ordinary marmalands, and differ by no means for the better. I am saddened, at such a price you could do much more tastier

    Alya Do not come to the child

    Bears from Witrum my child did not fit. Allergic rash caused, although literally half a year ago we drank similar vitamins from another brand, and everything was fine. With suspicion now I am in the whole, I put something there something that caused such a reaction ...

    Anonymous user

    The user left his own review anonymously

    What with vitamins that in general without - no difference

    What with vitamins from Vitrum, that in general without vitamins - there is no difference. Desert clean water. Thank you for me at least not defective packaging, as much. Vitamins were not spoiled (in any case on the smell), although the truth is that the taste still leaves much to be desired. However, it does not matter, anyway ... What with vitamins from Vitrum, that in general without vitamins - there is no difference. Desert clean water. Thank you for me at least not defective packaging, as much. Vitamins were not spoiled (in any case on the smell), although the truth is that the taste still leaves much to be desired. However, it does not matter, I still will not buy anyway

    Anonymous user

    The user left his own review anonymously


    My opinion in a month of reception frustrates me. Waiting for vitamins for such a high cost at least some minimum results, but in vain. He alarmed the taste from the very beginning, simply not clearly thought over him, but for children it is a very important point - many just will not be able to eat. Although... My opinion in a month of reception frustrates me. Waiting for vitamins for such a high cost at least some minimum results, but in vain. He alarmed the taste from the very beginning, simply not clearly thought over him, but for children it is a very important point - many just will not be able to eat. Although I was lucky that the child was uncomplicated and obedient, he drove every day, because I asked. Yes, that's just bad that there is no sense from it. Only the son was tortured, and we did not get any benefit. I do not advise you to buy this pacifier

    Anonymous user

    The user left his own review anonymously

    Recommend for children in no case

    Recommend for children will not be in any case. I do not know that in general there were people in the head when they did it, but these are disgusting vitamins. Tandy - it's even too gently. The taste is very strange, here it is clearly not even berries and gives fruit. Children did not give and I will not be ... Recommend for children will not be in any case. I do not know that in general there were people in the head when they did it, but these are disgusting vitamins. Tandy - it's even too gently. The taste is very strange, here it is clearly not even berries and gives fruit. Children did not give and I will not give such a way, they are too expensive

    Anonymous user

    The user left his own review anonymously

    If Witrum had benefits ...

    If Vitrum had benefits, it would be possible to endure. But it is not, therefore, the review is negative, and the attitude towards the manufacturer is spoiled forever. I do not recommend buying not under any circumstances (do not be bidding for discounts and TP)

    Maria This is too too

    I was not embarrassed by packing, but I understood at home, what they write about the reviews. The wet marmalade is somehow, and it is most likely due to transparent packaging. Inside the light easily falls, and even if you keep in a dark place, as I do it, it does not save. You won't be ... I was not embarrassed by packing, but I understood at home, what they write about the reviews. The wet marmalade is somehow, and it is most likely due to transparent packaging. Inside the light easily falls, and even if you keep in a dark place, as I do it, it does not save. You won't open the bank under a dense blanket constantly. It's too much .... In general, the child is too expensive to me so that I risked him to give him, so I will probably eat it myself or eaten. In both cases it was an empty waste of money

    Anonymous user

    The user left his own review anonymously

    the smell is that straight eye will be watched

    It seems to be only natural flavors, but the smell is such that they will look like. The child has allergies from one bear, no longer give it. The manufacturer either moved with the number of its natural components, or put something else, what I did not consider it necessary to say. I do not advise

    Slava Cavery So-so vitamins

    So-so vitamins. The taste is not very pleasant, and the child has a better health from the reception. In short, I don't want to torment my daughter in such a marmalade, especially when the result does not bring it. I do not advise, it is possible to take something more effectively

    Elizabeth Allergy, taste of amateur November 27, 2018

    Taste - ok, and then not for everyone

    Good Vitrum Kids is completely small - only, perhaps, taste. Although then I saw the complaints - all the same, it's just an individual thing, but I liked the son of the bears. However, there is no result from reception. I do not see anything attractive in them as a result, Marmalade I can buy a child without Witrum, only for ... Good Vitrum Kids is completely small - only, perhaps, taste. Although then I saw the complaints - all the same, it's just an individual thing, but I liked the son of the bears. However, there is no result from reception. I do not see anything attractive in them as a result, I can buy a child without Witrum without Witrum, only for less money

    Anonymous user and is hardly mine will eat such - the taste is not very (

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