The Son is human, you live among the stalling tribe, which has eyes to see, but does not see, and has ears, gtoba, listen, but do not hear. One eye sees worse than the other: what to do? Eye can not see the mystery

Do not wait until your eyesight disappears!
Urgently consult an ophthalmologist!
The faster you visit the specialist, the higher the chance to save your eyes from blindness!
ATTENTION!!! The first digit of the phone number is automatically entered as +7.

Leave your phone number.
You will call you a clinic administrator.

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Cost consultation ophthalmologist

We present your panic when you wake up in the morning and understand that one eye does not see. No pain, discomfort, eye injury, fall, just the eye ceases to see. Perhaps he is still not blind, but his fate depends on how quickly you will get qualified medical care. Ophthalmologists of the laser microsurgery clinic at Maerchaka tell what to do if she sees one eye.

To begin with, we will deal with the cause of the catastrophe.

Sometimes vision temporarily disappears due to vessel spasm. It is much worse if the artery thrombosis occurred.

Home Prerequisite for this situation - cleaning arrhythmialeft without treatment. Usually, with such a diagnosis, anticoagulants are prescribed, which dilute blood. If a person does not accept prescribed drugs, thrombus are formed, which ultimately break into the bloodstream. "Loved" vessel for thromboms - eye artery. When the thrombus overlaps the artery of the eye, the eyesight disappears sharply. Bleeding stops, the retina remains without food. The mesh shell is very sensitive to the deficiency of oxygen. The resulting thrombus will affect eye parts. If the resulting thrombus is small, one segment of the eye flies. The area remaining without food ceases to function and immediately dies. If you notice that some kind of section of the image "falls", urgently contact an ophthalmologist.

The danger of this state in the absence of symptoms, discomfort - everything happens instantly. It is necessary to act as quickly.

If the vision disappears in part, patients still hope that it will return itself. Or simply do not pay attention, writing off a sharp drop in vision for fatigue. As a result, the change becomes irreversible, and the vision is no longer possible to restore without transplanting the retina. Therefore, the first thing to do, if one eye does not see - urgently contact the specialized clinic. No less important are your actions on the way to the hospital.

First aid if blind is one eye

To "squeeze" a thrombus from the eye, you need to expand the vessel. To do this, close the sick eye, rhythmically pressed on it and let go. Another option to expand the vessels is to breathe in the package. Carbon dioxide entering blood, pushes a thrombus.

In the clinic you will have emergency. To restore blood flow in the central artery, vesseloring preparations are used, removed an excess eye fluid.

Patients who suffered the acute obstruction of the retinal vessels should constantly observe the ophthalmologist and the therapist. They should not work hard exercise, for a long time to be in the inclined position. It is worth taking care of the nervous system: more rest, try not to worry because of trifles. After all, stress also provokes vessels and exacerbates cardiovascular diseases.

To warn vascular pathology - in your power, in ours - to prevent complications and keep your eyesight.

The Son is human, you live among the stalling tribe, which has eyes to see, but does not see, and has ears, gtoba, listen, but do not hear.

Transterapeutic philosophy.

The Son is human, you live among the stalling tribe, which has eyes to see, but does not see, and has ears, gtoba, listen, but do not hear. Ezekiel, 12.2.

Instead of obsession, God, he received peace of conscience, instead of pleasure - pleasure, instead of a murderous heat - a pleasant body temperature. Herman Hesse. "Steppe Wolf."

If the shaman of the Vaharama tribe, the nation of Mittelserams, visits the spiritual power, he must thank for this Alahagala, God-Creator, because when he descends from the middle threshold of the house, his shadow falls on Shaman ... (Roeder, 1948.71) .

I entitled the last chapter of the "Shadow of the Total Following". The first shadow is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe shift in the world, the world of schizophrenic and shamans that are not distinguished from each other. I consider the world of shadows in this chapter as a truly real world, in my model the world is raised from the head. The second shadow is a fool, an idea of \u200b\u200bShaman as a holy fool, living in the paradoxical plane of being, in an inverted world. It is both "antimatter", and the "black hole", which exist as the world of shadows, and as a phenomenon that causes our visible real world. The third shadow is the energies of life, an invisible moving basis, finely structured spiritual substances, the source material, primary matter ("Prima Materia"). So, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shadow as a metaphor that reverends the oldest origins of being is the central image of my work. This chapter discusses the level of workout, the study of the concept of "shadow" and the opportunity to be able to be heard the "healer who is in each of us" is being discussed. Recall the children's story about Peter Pan, who tried to catch his shadow - such is the story of the healer.

The shadow behind the whole thing detects our true nature. After all, indeed, the shadow is the body itself, life itself, visible. We only confused on the core and the shell in places to make our lives less burdened, deprived of dual interpretations.

Clearance comes NE visible worldIt is given by the invisible world of shadow. "This world has a finely structured part of our body, our energy body, visible manifestation of which is physical." The country of shadows is homeland shaman, here he "operates", makes "injections", gives "medicines". We know little about this country, the "saint quantum sphere." The fact that the shamans, their metaphors and paintings tell us about it, all this is already missing the leapsmall and polished.

I would like to dwell on the efforts of a person who are aimed at achieving pleasure not in the Freudian sense, but to gain complete freedom, on enlightenment, for the desire to be absorbed by the "shining world". The destruction of the status quo, the normal state of consciousness seems to me the true transcendental impulse, the impulse of any evolution of the culture of any level and any mental orientation. Game, dance, chanting, joy, love - all this manifestations of search for ecstasy. Ecstasy destroys such a sense of time when everything is divided into fragments; He "cancels" such a time. In the ecstasy state disappears and installing the boundaries space. Ecstasis, trance, enlightenment, shamanic travels in the other world cancel the time. Time is our greatest enemy, the most dangerous of all illusions. But again: what is the game, meeting in a circle of friends, art? Each form of concentration is from the birth of an attempt to catch a mig, a momentary state, the moment of being. The moment does not have time, an attempt to extend it to the limits of eternity is trans; Extended further this condition, come to enlightenment when human being fades at all. Then the person turns into a "spiritual volcano", the bubble car constantly, close to the eruption. Cumble and there is our world: hidden forms of transcendental in the visible part - worldly and ordinary, in reality, holy and sacred. But how to understand the "sacred" - here I leave an opportunity for interpretation ...

Science or art, game or love is all manifestations of one single original need, we would be able to go further in this direction. Take the simplest feeling, the desire for comfort - and here the embryo search for concentration, aspiration inside itself, to life based on the inner rest is visible. However, it's all very difficult to express ...

The word itself will not be able to give us anything, but it contains a formula that needs to follow the lightning. Take such a concept as "passionism." This is the task set before yourself. This is a search for a breakthrough under cover of passionism by science, art, family life. The very first form of passionateness, we want it or not, becomes exemption from our own "I", the ability to dissolve in everything. There are only alone shackles: the consciousness of its own "I". Freedom search "Split" on all life manifestations, he is hidden under the invisible cap, they will be squeezed into the strait shirt. He turns around that movie school theatrical representation, then a mad ride on a motorcycle, then rinsed in the sky, in a word, in any form of a drinking condition. Even if we do not want to agree with this, the fact remains a fact - the dope does not know the ambivalence, dualism of good and evil. Domeman elects his own vital principle, free from any assessment, he is neutral in relation to the concepts of good and evil. There is only the only continuum: growing self-concentration. The brighter the light from the "Jupiters of Consciousness", the stronger the thrust to Durman, to the decay of his own "I", the more significant the evolutionary advancement of a person, the developing his perception, the perception of the freed-time boundaries. This is due to a sense of time. As soon as freedom arises from the flow of time, there is a feeling of cosmic freedom, which is the goal of human being, every single will and any individual development, whether it is consciously or unconsciously. This is the basis for the emergence of new psychology - it is recognition that the psyche is a hologram out of time, each individual gust is a reflection of all being, and every action, every thought, every feeling is an expression of universal experienced experience. If we subjected the human society to analyze from the point of view of this principle, then we will probably come to true transcendental anthropology and sociology. But the great in small remains of us hidden; As before, small seems to be worldly, everyday, which is the false conclusion of traditionalists - in fact there is nothing worldly, but all the manifestations of the saint, the Great.

Since the Enlightenment, the developing science has been condemned by all who lies with the origins, calling it primitive, and all the past - archaic. Today we discover that "primitive" is the primary, source, forever incredit, archaicly only the future. Past and the future are in closed circleassociated with one chain. Psychotherapy of shamans is the therapy of the person as a whole, the energy of the body. The fact that the shamans express in color paintings are manifestations of their existence in nature, then many physicists and researchers are expressed in the form of tables and curves. But those and others mean not quite the same thing, since we are still at the very beginning of the study of the richest structure of the Shaman's worldview, his travels through countless unknown worlds. There are many universities of spiritual and physical nature, and we are only one of them. The killing of shamans belongs to other spaces, other times, other energy dimensions; If we want to follow these pictures, we will be able to break through to these other spaces. However, the farther we follow the shaman, the sooner it is removed, it takes positions on the other side of the horizon of our understanding, envelops us perfectly, suppressing the narrowed thinking within our "I", our thirst for knowledge. Probably someone from readers may think that I already told something about kidnost - mistaken, it's only the very beginning, only the preface to join the kingdom area, which remains here hidden, deprived of the true name, which, as far I know, no one still has yet done and which no one has yet described. This is the history of the beginning of the world, the creation of a person, the development of the basic law of human being, the emergence of illness and death in the form, in which myths tell about it. Here we "attack the next" of true shamanic knowledge. The ancient shamans worked at the beginning of the time, when there were still true demiurges that were in contact with all living beings, things and deities. Pretty strange, but today, when the culture of shamans, mediums and herself the healing force completely accounted for decay, we decide to lay a new beginning. Modern shamans, physicists grab the stars, for other universes, they will communicate with the "gods". This is a universal, planetary process, in which our destroyed and deceased culture and science again begin to act. Ancient shaman stood at the beginning of human development. And he will stand at his end, at least in the attitude of physics. With the help of technical means, with the help of paraphysics and quantum mechanics, we comprehend the paralogical, paradoxical processes of all living things, we face here with old shamanic symbols and wise people, they fall into the light in a new case, within the framework of the cultural intelligence.

Why today archaic again arises from the fog, covering the start of history? Because after a long journey along the confusing path, we again found the road to the house. We are approaching the goal and to the departure item, we return to our native sources. Sails raised, the turbines operate, leading to the movement of the power of the spirit, not mechanical engines. Now everything will be possible ...

I would like to demonstrate only a few modern physical sketches for the development of the universe in order to oppose their picture of the world of shamans and show how our science is becoming close to the ideas of shamans. When and where they will finally meet and unite two views of the views is still unclear, but it is quite clear that this will happen.

The Nobel Prize winner Bryan Josephsen conveyed in 1975 on the possibility of the existence of parallel, not in contact with us, which, from his point of view, we do not perceive, as they are "filtered" by the normal consciousness; However, thanks to certain techniques, they can become visible. The picture of the world possessing six dimensions is developing theoretics of Borhard High. It is based on the theory of relativity and on quantum mechanics. The structures of higher measurements that can penetrate our world are called "synthropods" or shadows of multidimensional structures. The French naturalist and philosopher Teyar de Charrad holds the opinion that on the other side of the material department there is a "mental cosmos", which is outside of our sensory perception, a certain unable to measure the union, within which for more advanced in development, rather than our galactic crops can be found The path to the highest, not limited time and spatial dimensions. On the opening of the path to neutral with respect to the concept of time to superfluid, says John Archibald Wieler from Princeton University, as well as the so-called space "worms", which are 20 orders of size than the elements of atoms. All space, according to him, permeated with holes that bind us with a superpaste existing with us side by side. According to the Wilera model, our world, our mental department is lying on the wheel rim, on its curved surface. The hole in it is superfluous. This idea was taken into account already in Einstein and Rosensky, the so-called, Enstein-Rosen bridges, where we are talking about the space of the tunnels, for which you can overcome the distance without taking into account the time.

Astrophysicik John Gribbin will host our universum to the surface of an inflounted balloon, which, as he believes stretches, than explains the fact that the galaxy is removed from his center at a speed close to the speed of light. The reflection of the outer shell of the cylinder, on which we are located, exists from its inner side by the University, a certain antimir, which differs from our opposite of charge and a back directed arrow of the time. Nikolai Kozyrev, one of the most prominent Soviet Astrophysicians, also recognized the existence of worlds, mirroring us reflecting, which preserved, however, completely category of causalism. In addition, Kozyrev wanted to show his experiments, which time has a certain quality not only subjective, but also an objective nature. He argues about the density of time, its intensity and energy qualities. And if this is true, then this quasimaterial time has an impact also on material structures. Thus, mental structures exist not only in time, but also with the participation of time. Things thus affect each other through time. Thanks to each material interaction, time is stretched or compressed again that Kozyrev is trying to prove with its experiments. He comes to the conclusion that time is stretched due to internal reasons, and accelerates due to external influences. Information exchange between systems occurs with the participation of time, namely the time standing on the zero mark. In his opinion, knowing this, such manifestations of psyche as telepathy can be explained. Charles Meza, Americans cue physicist theoretics, which suggests that time is the cause of all energies.

In a word, "One day, when science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will advance more than the previous decades of their existence," according to Nikolai Tesla, one of the greatest geniuses among physicists. Probably here and should meet physics and shamans. And such a diverse paradigm of the Western spirit, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe evolution of a person completely dissolves in the philosophy of the future. Friedrich Nietzsche considered a man as a bridge as connecting the link, and not as the final instance, and Dogen, the great Master Zen Medieval Japan, expressed it even more unequivocally: "You climbed to the top of the Stater Pole - and now you go further." Where do we move on, if we, in Nietzsche, will pass on the bridge-man or when the pillar, according to Dahan, the first step to enlightenment already end? According to Nietzsche, - in the superhuman, according to Dohanna, in the air, in the intangible.

I argue: Evolution is a historic paradigm. The idea of \u200b\u200bevolution, as the concept of three-dimensional measurement, is deprived of meaning as soon as we leave the area of \u200b\u200bvisual. Evolutionary thinking proceeds from one time, from a single true existing, permeating the entire time university. This naive thought was twisted at one time Lewis Carrolol, when he gave his Alice the opportunity to survive all the great paradoxes of time,

"But in our country," Alisa said, apparently, with difficulty translating his breath, "fall, as a rule, in some other place, when a long time is running as fast as we do it." "A strange variety of the country," the queen noticed. "We have, on the contrary, you need to run out of all your might if you want to stay in the same place." And if you want somewhere else, you should run half faster "(1963, 44).

Holter Calute - Shamans, Healers, Disclaimers.transsertheatevical ,.

Naturally, the risk of occurrence increases with age various diseases. Eyes - no exception: age cataract, retinal dystrophy ... Only a regular examination of an ophthalmologist allows early stages reveal serious diseases Eye and prevent possible loss of vision.

In some cases, for example, with an acute attack of glaucoma, the account is not on the days, but for hours: the earlier treatment has begun, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some signs eye disease It will help you in a timely manner for help from a specialist.

Sharp impairment on one eye

If you are over 60 years old, and especially if you have myopia, arterial hypertension, diabetes, systemic diseases, there is a risk that the loss of vision is caused by vascular disorders - occlusion of the central artery of the retina or thrombosis of the central veins of the retina.

In such cases, the time account is on the clock, and only on time the specialized assistance provided will help restore vision, otherwise the irreversible blindness of the affected eye comes.

Feeling before the eyes of a black curtain that overshadows part of the field of view

The feeling before the eyes of a black or translucent curtain from the periphery. Such a symptom is often observed when retinal detachment. The state requires immediate hospitalization. The earlier treatment started, the greater the likelihood of vision recovery.

Sharp pain in the eye, redness, boldness, can be nausea, vomiting

It may be signs acute attack Clotted glaucoma. Intraocular pressure sharply increases, which can damage spectator nerve. The immediate reduction in intraocular pressure is shown - up to operational treatment. Do not wait until the pain passes. Urgently consult a doctor.

Gradual or sharp contraction of the field of view

A gradual or sharp narrowing of the field of view, resulting in the end to the ability to see only what is located right in front of you - the so-called "tubular" vision. Perhaps you have glaucoma, one of the main signs of which is the narrowing of the field of view as a result of the defeat of the optic nerve.

Without the appropriate conservative or operational treatment, vision will deteriorate. The terminal stage of glaucoma is a complete loss of vision. Possible strong painnot stopped even after surgery and requiring, ultimately, eye removal.

Gradual deterioration of the central vision, blur, image distortion (straight lines seem wavy, curved)

These may be symptoms of macular degeneration - dystrophic disease of the central field of retina - Makula, which plays the most important role in vision. The incidence increases sharply with age.

Without supporting treatment, vision gradually worsens, the points do not help. Currently, there are various treatment options that are used depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Also, a sudden reduction of vision may be due to a macular tip of the retina, i.e. Running the retina in the central zone. It is necessary to immediately turn to an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis, since the retinal rupture in the macular region, with not begun on time, leads to an irreversible loss of vision.

Fog before your eyes, decreased brightness and contrast

These symptoms may be caused by the developing cataract - clouding. Vision worsens gradually, declining as a result until the opportunity to distinguish only light. In most cases, urgent medical care It is not required at a certain stage a planned operational treatment is carried out - the removal of cataracts with an implantation of an artificial lens.

Nevertheless, periodic observation of an ophthalmologist is recommended, since in some cases the cataract may be accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure, which requires urgent surgical treatment. In addition, as cataract develops, the lens is becoming increasingly solid and increases in size, which may complicate the operation to remove it, so attending a specialist needed regularly to determine optimal time For surgical treatment.

Dark spots, floating clouds, fog or feeling of pellets before your eyes

If you have diabetes mellitus, it may be signs of diabetic retinopathy - the lesion of the retina caused by diabetes. As diabetes or its decompensation progressing, the risk of complications from the eye increases sharply.

It is necessary to regularly visit the ophthalmologist for inspecting the eye day, as changes in the vessels and the retina itself, hemorrhage in the retina and vitreous body Can be the cause of irreversible loss of vision.

Ophthalmologist will assign you the therapy necessary for the eye, which can be concluded not only in the reception of certain medicines, often required laser treatmentOther treatment methods can also be used. On time spent laser coagulation The retina is the only way to preserve vision in diabetes mellitus.

The feeling of burning, sand in the eyes, feeling of the foreign body, tearing or, on the contrary, dryness

Such complaints occur during dry eye syndrome, the frequency and the degree of which increase with age. Usually it comes first of all about discomfort and worsening the quality of life, rather than any danger to the eyes.

However, the severe degree of dry eye syndrome can cause some serious pathological conditions. Your ophthalmologist will tell you more about dry eyes syndrome, will hold the necessary examination, it will recommend that it is better to use the moisturizing drops.

Two image

Two times with one or two eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons, both from the eye and other organs: intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases nervous system, Endocrine pathology. If you suddenly appeared in the eyes, immediately contact the therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

Floating cloues before eyes

Usually floating spots, threads, "spiders" before your eyes are explained by the destruction of the vitreous body. This is a non-hazardous state associated with age-related changes Structures of the vitreous body - transparent gel content that fills eyeball. With age, the vitreous body becomes less dense, diluted, and not so tightly arrives at the retina as before, its fibers stick together with each other, lose transparency by discarding the shadow on the retina and perceived as defects in our field of view.

Such floating cloues are well visible on a white background: snow, sheet of paper. To the destruction of the vitreous body can provide: arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes, head injuries, eye and nose injury, etc.

However, an unexpected spot before the eyes, the "curtain" may be caused by a serious pathology requiring emergency treatment - For example, hemorrhages in the retina or the vitreous body. If the symptoms arose sharply, in one day, contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

If you have any previously absent symptoms from vision, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. If the vision has deteriorated sharply in a few hours or days, bothers the pain, do not lose time. Even if it is not possible to consult your ophthalmologist, you can contact the office of urgent eye assistance, which is in every city in multidisciplinary hospitals or eye hospitals.

In the extreme case, in many optics, experienced ophthalmologists are taking, which will conduct a minimal survey and will give recommendations for further actions.

You can torture any character with sufficient determination for this and having:

Any entourage to count the time. As well as at least two tools for torture from the list:

  1. Knife, or awl, or razor - what can chop or cut
  2. Not too big hammer
  3. Pincers
  4. File

Or stationary torture (for example, pub).

How is torture?

  1. The sacrifice is tied to the chair ("in life" should be able to bother) or another reliably fixing object.
  2. If the victim is severe, it needs to be cured before torture.
  3. The executioner prepares toolkit, the minimum set is described above. And demonstrates his victim, clearly explaining what kind of process will begin now.
  4. The executioner sets the victim a riddle. Curses time and starts three-minute torture.
  5. During these three minutes, the sacrifice has the opportunity to shook out under torture and answer the riddle. Executionerit is obliged to adopt a logically correct answer to the riddle, even if he does not coincide with his version. If the answer is correct, the torture stops. If the answer is incorrect - torture continues until three minutes will expire.
  6. If during this time there was no correct answer to the riddle, the executioner asks the question for which the victim is obliged to answer as truthfully, accurately and in detail. It is not necessary to join when the answer - the victim had the opportunity to apply intelligence to solve the riddles.
  7. After trying torture, the victim is seriously injured and needs medical care (it does not matter whether the mystery is guessed or not), to torture it further (before treatment) it is impossible.
  8. The executioner cannot use each riddle more than once with the same victim.
  9. Remember that the executioner and the victim should find the process. Palach - torture itself, and the victim is his reaction to her, pain, suffering, displeasure from the process and the executioner, etc.

What kind of riddles can be made, and which no?

1. It is impossible to make stupid riddles:

Mystery: What is the difference between a truck with bowling balls and a truck with Darky Surkov?Answer: Bowling balls do not unload forks.

Mystery: What did the elephant do when Napoleon came?Answer: Wailed herbs.

2. And you can makesmart, revealed by logic of riddles:

Mystery: You can not see, you can not feel, you can not hear, you can not hurt. Lives behind the stars and under the mountains. Occurs life and kills laughter. What is it?Answer: Dark.

Mystery: Who has an eye, but does not see?Answer: (Pay attention to the number of correct answers, each of which is obliged to consider an executor) needle, storm, potatoes.

Rules are kindly provided with GOOD Company and personally N. L. Altman, for which we express them our sincere thanks and respect.

Secrets of the brain. Why do we in all believe Shermer Michael

Have eyes and not see

Have eyes and not see

Undoubtedly, one of the most effective cognitive bias, forming our beliefs, is expressed by the saying, resembling biblical: "As no other blind is the one who has eyes, but does not see." Psychologists call this phenomenon blind of inattention, or the tendency to miss something obvious and general, paying attention to something private and concrete. In the already classic experiment dedicated to this bias, the participants looked at a minute video, in which two teams on three players each - one team in white shirts, the other in black - moved along a small room, throwing two basketball balls. Participants had to calculate the number of passes made by a white team. Suddenly, after thirty-five seconds, a gorilla appeared in the room, went straight through the crowd, kneading himself in the chest, and, nine seconds, went away.

How can you not notice a person in a monkey costume? In this remarkable experiment of psychologists, Daniel Simons and Christopher Chebris 50% of participants did not see the gorilla, although they were asked if they did not notice anything unusual. Over the years, I have been showing a record with a gorilla during my public lectures, and then I ask to raise the hands of those who did not notice Gorilla. Of the more than one hundred thousand people, with whom I showed this post over the years, less than half have noticed Gorilla during the first viewing. (For the second time I showed a fragment without counting, and everyone saw a monkey). I was able to even reduce the results, saying the audience that the representatives of the same sex calculate the passes more precisely than the representatives of the other, but what exactly did not mention that the results would not distort. As a result, people focused on counting and even more viewers, the earlier, they missed the gorilla.

Relatively recently I participated in the shooting of a special transfer dedicated to the challenge for Dateline NBC, along with the leading Chris Hansen. In this transmission, we reconstructed a number of classical experiments in the field of psychology, demonstrating many types of cognitive bias, including the blindness of the inattention. Only, instead of Gorilla, Chris Hansen himself passed through the middle of the room, in which people were invited to the studio, thinking that they were involved in samples for a realistic show on NBC. We agreed to participate in the experiment of this New York basketball team, but when I saw how small the size of the room and how close viewers would be to the place that Chris must pass, I doubted that the effect would work. And I ordered the basketball players to depict the Harlem Globetrotters team with deliberate dribbling, transmissions and a very lively and noisy style of the game. In addition, the audience in the studio I divided into two groups: one had to calculate the number of passes made by players in white shirts, the other - half the number of passes made by players in black shirts. Finally, I asked the viewers to consider passes out loud. The effect turned out to be almost complete. Only a couple of people noticed something unusual, and no one in the audience did not understand that this Chris Hansen passed through the stage, stopped, turned on the spot and came out. The audience were shocked when I explained to them what happened, and called Chris to welcome those present.

Fig. 12. Would you notice a gorilla?

Blindness of inattention - the tendency to miss anything obvious and general, paying attention to something private and concrete. In the already classic experiment dedicated to this bias, the participants looked at a minute video, in which two teams on three players each - one team in white shirts, the other in black - moved along a small room, throwing two basketball balls. Participants had to calculate the number of passes made by a white team. Suddenly, after thirty-five seconds, a gorilla appeared in the room, went straight through the crowd, kneading himself in the chest, and, nine seconds, went away. In this remarkable experiment of psychologists, Daniel Simons and Christopher Chebris 50% of participants did not see the gorilla, although they were asked if they did not notice anything unusual. The picture is kindly granted by Daniel Simons and Christopher Chebria, "Gorillas among us: Sustainable blindness of inattention at dynamic events", Perception 28, 1999, 1059-1074, as well as Internet page of Laboratory Daniel Simons

Such experiments indicate how self-dressing in their perception, as well as the fundamental misunderstanding of the principles of the brain. We believe that our eyes, like camcorders, and our brain, as tape recorders, are filled with perception objects. In this flawed model, the memory is simply rewinding the film and its reproduction in the theater of our mind. But in fact, everything happens otherwise. The system of perception and the brain, analyzing its data, is under the deep influence of already existing beliefs. As a result, much of what happens before our eyes may be invisible for the brain focused on something else. To monitor the participants of the experiment, watching the record, the tracking sensors were used, so it is known that those of participants who did not notice the gorilla looked straight on it.

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To see an invisible journalist N. Lisenavenko shared with me an amazing story. The case was happening in Donetsk with one of the residents - 37-year-old Julia Fedorovna Sparrow. March 3, 1978 she received the strongest shock of electric current with a voltage of 380 W. Ambulance

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"To see" a teenager about the need of a child to be seen throughout the entire period of growing and growth speaks a lot. And you can hardly overestimate the value of this need. To see a teenager is not at all what to see the baby. This is required

From the book a conscious dream by the author Laberg Stephen

Learning to see dreams seems obvious fact that we can think. Similarly, we relate to the ability to see dreams. However, U. different people The degree of development of these two abilities is much different. Therefore, I believe that the above quote is valid not only for

From the book Master of the Acute Slava [What is the answer to the subproof, hitting, an uncomfortable question] by the author Kanashkin Artem

The ability to "see" every critical comment, a subproof and an inconvenient question is some kind of cause, the goal, the motives that are tuned in the thoughts of the speaker. When choosing a response, first of all, it is worth paying attention to what drives the attackers to speak

From the book. Education of independence in children. Mom, can I myself?! Author Vologda Olga Pavlovna

Hell to see the human essence is obvious only in communication. L. Feyerbach Ability to talk with her child of course very important, but sometimes it's enough just to carefully look at him, watch his behavior to understand what happens to him.

From the book Pregnancy: only good news Author Maksimova Natalia Vladimirovna

From the book change thoughts - life will change. 12 ordinary principles by Casey Karen.

To see that under the nose, you already probably heard or read something like: you want to be happy - be it! But what does this mean? Most of us perfectly "lives" by the future: like children, we are planning a day for a car, like teenagers - we plan

From the book, moral animal The author Wright Robert.

From the book all the best methods of raising children in one book: Russian, Japanese, French, Jewish, Montessori and others Author Collective authors

From the book the key to the subconscious. Three Magic Words - Secret Secrets by Anderson Yuell.

Do not see evil broadcasting of thoughts into a great creative unified consciousness in combination with faith creates physical reality. It doesn't matter whether these thoughts are evil or good, if there is faith, they will be brought. This is the law. Thought and faith are creating reality! Believe in success, and you will succeed.

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