First aid for myocardial infarction. Algorithm of actions for providing first aid to a person with myocardial infarction at home before the arrival of an ambulance

A heart attack develops acutely and can be fatal. Therefore, it is very important to provide adequate first aid in the presence of characteristic symptoms of pathology. What needs to be done to help with a heart attack before the medical team arrives? How are resuscitation and other urgent manipulations carried out? What are the prognosis after a heart attack? Let's try to give answers to these questions.

Myocardial infarction - acute manifestation a heart condition known as coronary artery disease. It develops against the background of atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary vessels. In this case, there is a complete or partial blockage of the heart arteries.

As a result, blood circulation and nutrition of the heart muscle is impaired. This condition leads to spasm and necrosis (death) of heart cells and their replacement. connective tissue... If the patient is not given urgent help, he may die.

What signs indicate the development of a heart attack? First of all, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • The onset of acute pain in the region of the heart. It has specific characteristics:

    • appears abruptly;
    • has an intense paroxysmal character;
    • gives to the left hand, shoulder blade, neck;
    • lasts from several minutes to several hours;
    • it cannot be removed with Nitroglycerin.
  • Pallor and cyanosis of the skin.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Feeling of suffocation, lack of air.
  • The appearance of signs of heart failure. A heart attack is often accompanied by arrhythmia, tachycardia. At the same time, the heart pounds violently, the patient feels its beating throughout the body.
  • Clouding and loss of consciousness. Also, against the background of an attack, hallucinations, a feeling of panic and fear of death may appear.

With atypical manifestations, other signs may be added. For example, abdominal pain, bouts of nausea and vomiting, coughing, dizziness, and headache.

Most often, a heart attack is observed after the action of provoking factors. A heart attack can occur after physical overload, stress, emotional distress, overheating, or hypothermia. It also develops as a result of alcoholic or toxic (including drug) damage.

First aid

To help the patient and prevent death, you need to know a certain algorithm of actions. If characteristic symptoms occur, an ambulance should be urgently called. In this case, it is important to inform about the presence of signs of a heart attack, ask to send an intensive care team.

What can be done before the doctors arrive? As a rule, first aid for a heart attack comes down to carrying out the following manipulations:

It is important to take such measures within the first minutes after a heart attack. This greatly increases the patient's chances of surviving and avoiding negative consequences.

The most common complications are:

  • Primary. They develop immediately after a heart attack. It can be:

    • cardiogenic shock;
    • swelling of the lungs;
    • fibrillation (cessation of activity) of the ventricles;
    • pericarditis;
    • hypotension (a sharp drop in blood pressure);
    • rupture of the heart muscle. Such conditions lead to the death of the patient. This happens in more than half of the cases, even with the necessary revitalization measures.
  • Secondary. These are complications that lead to irreversible changes in cardiac activity. Among them:

    • thromboembolism;
    • aneurysm;
    • chronic heart failure.

After carrying out the necessary manipulations, you should inform the doctors what exactly you did, as well as what medicines and in what quantity were given to the patient.

Resuscitation manipulations

Many people do not know what to do if there is an emergency and the patient shows signs of cardiac arrest. In this case, you should resuscitation actions:

In some cases, the patient's condition may be aggravated by loss of consciousness. In this case, you should take the following actions:

  • lay the patient, put a roller under his head;
  • remove all unnecessary items from the mouth (for example, dentures);
  • with the urge to vomit, the patient's head should be turned on its side so that he does not choke with vomit;
  • try to bring a person to consciousness (let the ammonia smell, apply a wet towel to his face).

In no case should the patient faint or shake. This can lead to serious injury, which will only make matters worse.

Resuscitation actions are carried out in case of cardiac and respiratory arrest. If they are performed on time and correctly, then the patient's chances of survival are significantly increased.

Specialized emergency measures

In some cases, after the heart has been started, the patient requires specialized emergency care. Among such measures:

  • artificial lung ventilation;
  • the use of artificial blood circulation devices;
  • use of artificial respiration devices;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • intubation.

As a rule, special equipment for specialized procedures is located in medical institutions... Therefore, a patient with a heart attack must be urgently taken to the hospital.


A heart attack is a serious condition that often results in cardiac arrest and death. The prognosis of successful resuscitation and recovery of a person largely depends on the following factors:

If signs of a heart attack appear, you should urgently call a doctor. The sooner resuscitation is carried out, the higher the patient's chances of surviving and avoiding dangerous complications.

A heart attack is an abrupt cessation of oxygen supply to the heart muscle. As a result, heart tissue necrosis occurs. In doing so, it is important to do everything possible to prevent the patient from dying. There is a special algorithm of actions that should be performed before the arrival of doctors. Correct and timely implementation of it can save human life.

Myocardial infarction is a threat that, first of all, hangs over people with coronary heart disease ( ischemic disease hearts). It arises as a result of prolonged oxygen starvation of the heart muscle, caused by an acute deficiency of blood supply. The cause of hemodynamic disturbances in the coronary arteries is a thrombus or cholesterol plaque, which has closed the lumen of the vessel. If the patient at this moment is not provided emergency help, he may die. Especially in the case of the development of extensive damage to the heart. Each person should have the skills of artificial respiration and other knowledge about basic emergency measures for myocardial infarction. After all, the victim of a heart attack can be not only a stranger on the street, but also someone from close people.

First aid for myocardial infarction begins before the arrival of the medical team. The sooner the better. You don't need to be a medical professional to carry out simple emergency resuscitation measures at home. The main thing is not to get confused, to perform all actions confidently and calmly, such behavior will set the patient in the right mood and help eliminate panic. First of all, you need to make sure that the person develops myocardial infarction. The following symptoms may cause suspicion:

  1. The classic manifestation of cardiac tissue necrosis is severe chest pain. She is burning, sharp, pressing, constricting. Unlike angina pectoris, pain does not subside long time (more than 30 minutes, lasts several hours). There is no relief after taking the "Nitroglycerin" tablet.
  2. Instead of pain (or together with it), an asthma-like attack may occur.
  3. Not only the heart can hurt, but also the entire chest area, the left side of the body.
  4. Sudden jump blood pressure... Which then can also fall sharply.
  5. Frequent heartbeats, arrhythmia, the main organ in the chest seems to freeze for a while.
  6. Myocardial infarction clinic may include fever, fever, chills.
  7. Strong fright, horror on his face, a premonition of imminent death.
  8. Sweat pours down and weakness appears throughout the body.
  9. Pale skin, cyanosis in and around the lips.
  10. A person can fall, lose consciousness.
  11. Atypical manifestations: an attack of nausea, vomiting, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, pain in the abdomen, head or in the right half of the body.

There are frequent cases of the development of a silent heart attack. This is the name for the necrosis of a part of the heart muscle, which occurs in an asymptomatic form. The person does not know about the catastrophe, the necessary treatment is not carried out. Such a pathology is revealed by accidental examination. It poses a great danger to the functioning of the myocardium and can provoke sudden cardiac death.

Emergency care for myocardial infarction: an algorithm of actions

Urgent activities for prehospital stage start with calling an ambulance. This also needs to be done correctly. In a telephone conversation, it is necessary to explain that the victim had a heart attack, describe in detail all the symptoms noticed, focus on the fact that an intensive care machine and specialists in the field of cardiology should be sent.

Further actions of a person providing first aid for myocardial infarction at home:

  • To take care of the patient's comfort, this should be a posture that relieves the stress from the heart as much as possible: help to lie down by creating support for the head.
  • Air is needed, fresh, cool and abundant. To do this, open all the windows, free from the constraining elements of clothing.
  • Create an environment of calm and confidence around the victim. Help him relax, pull himself together, don't let him move a lot. Fear, throwing from side to side, further increase the need for blood supply to the myocardium, which at this moment is already significantly hampered.
  • Put a mustard plaster on the chest or legs (calf zone).
  • If the patient has not calmed down, give him any sedative.
  • Measure pressure. With reduced rates, you can not give a person "Nitroglycerin" (dilates blood vessels). In other cases, the pill is placed under the tongue, the dose is repeated up to 3-4 times as needed, taking a break between doses up to 5 minutes. Continue monitoring the pressure while doing this. It is also necessary to cancel the drug when a severe headache appears.
  • It is considered obligatory to take "Aspirin", it increases blood fluidity, prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • The relief of severe pain syndrome is carried out with any anesthetic.

When the victim ceases to show signs of life, falls unconscious, stops breathing, turns blue, wheezes, does not respond to shouts and vigorous shaking, and the heart rate in the chest is not heard, it means that the heart has stopped. You definitely need to try to start it again with emergency resuscitation measures.

Artificial respiration in combination with chest compressions can save lives and can be performed by anyone with these skills. What and how to do:

  1. Check that the victim is lying correctly: the legs are slightly raised, the body is located horizontally on a flat, hard surface.
  2. Raise the patient's head up, you can fix it in this position with a homemade roller made of clothes or any available means.
  3. Fold your arms so that one palm rests on the other. Place them on the chest area (lower middle part, slightly higher than the solar plexus).
  4. Begin pressing vigorously with both palms on outstretched arms. A considerable force must be applied, leaning on the patient's chest with all his weight. It should bend 5 cm under the jolts.
  5. After 15 intense strokes, start artificial respiration. One hand grips the nasal passages, the other holds the chin firmly. Forcefully take two full breaths into the victim's mouth (through a napkin or other thin cloth). In this case, the chest should rise somewhat from filling with air.
  6. Continue manipulations in the same sequence: 15 presses plus two inhalations. In the process between actions, it is imperative to monitor the patient's condition, good indicators will be: the appearance of signs of independent work of the lungs, renewed heartbeat, pink color of the skin, reaction of the pupils to light.

Emergency Medicine and Hospital Treatment Principles

Upon the arrival of the ambulance team, the patient enters the hands of medical professionals. They proceed to the standard algorithm of actions in a similar situation:

  • Docked sharp pain... This is important because otherwise the patient may develop cardiogenic or painful shock. Means used: "Analgin" or a combination of drugs "Morphine", "Omnopon", "Atropine", "Diphenhydramine". A quick effect is achieved by injection.
  • Calm the patient with "Seduxen" or "Relanium".
  • Being filmed eCG readingsto assess the damage.
  • In the next half hour, the patient should be taken to the hospital. If the transportation takes longer, it is necessary to inject the victim intravenously with thrombolytic drugs (Tenecteplase, Alteplaza) during this period.
  • In the car, the paramedic gives the person an oxygen mask to minimize the stress on the heart.
  • The patient is carried into and out of the car exclusively on a stretcher.
  • Upon completion of the transportation of a person to the clinic, he is sent to the intensive care unit. Here, the following measures are taken: Fentanyl is administered with Droperidol, which helps relieve pain and relieve the excitement of the nervous system.
  • The standard of medical measures in the hospital involves nursing care, drawing up and decoding a protocol for round-the-clock ECG monitoring, conducting ultrasound, X-ray (and other diagnostic methods), prescribing and issuing different groups of medicines to the patient according to the developed scheme.

Nitrates dilate blood vessels, reduce myocardial oxygen demand, improve blood supply to the heart: "Nitroglycerin", "Gilustenon", "Nitrocar".

Beta-blockers stabilize the rapid pulse, facilitate the work of the heart: Anaprilin, Propranolol.

ACE blockers bring the pressure back to normal, which also relieves the load on the myocardium: Ramipril, Enalapril.

Anticoagulants reduce the ability of the blood to clot, are the prevention of a new heart attack: "Heparin", "Fraxiparin".

Antiplatelet agents are needed to improve blood flow, they prevent the re-development of necrotic phenomena: "Aspirin".

Drugs for eliminating heart rhythm failures contribute to the stable work of the myocardium, removing excess load from it: "Amiodarone", "Lidocaine", "Ritmilen".

Sedative medications are used to reduce the patient's over-excitability and sleep problems. These include "Temazepam", "Diazepam", "Triazolam".

The doctor prescribes other medications on an individual basis, depending on the existing concomitant diseases and the developed complications. The work of a nurse is as follows: monitor the patient's condition and ensure that he timely fulfills all prescribed recommendations, put IVs, injections, and ensure a comfortable stay of the patient in the hospital ward.

In some cases it is shown surgery in the form of operations using balloon angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting.

It is not difficult to master the technique of chest compressions and mechanical ventilation. Knowledge and skills give confidence in their own abilities, they are especially important for people whose relatives suffer from heart disease. The ambulance doesn't always arrive on time. And when seconds count down, you need to act quickly. The sooner the patient is removed from the state clinical death, the less his brain will suffer. One of possible consequences myocardial infarction is a stroke. First aid in emergencies not only increases the chances of survival, but also reduces the risk of complications.

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the timely detection of the disease. To diagnose myocardial infarction in time, you need to know what it is characteristic symptoms and the first signs.

In men

The onset of myocardial infarction is necessarily accompanied by pain, in which the return of sensations is possible throughout chest... Pain syndrome occurs with increasing force, gradually increasing and pulsating. Rarely, patients may complain of a sharp burning sensation in the region of the heart.

With a heart attack, external changes in the patient can also be observed:

  • Increased sweating;
  • Pallor;
  • Cold extremities;
  • Weakness.

Among women

The female body is designed in such a way that it has its own defense mechanisms that ensure the stable operation of the cardiovascular system. But during menopause, such a function of the body declines, and in some cases it completely disappears.

A heart attack in women does not develop as rapidly as in men. Its approach can be recognized long before the attack itself, if you know what changes in the body may indicate a disease.

Early harbingers include:

  • Chronic fatigue that does not go away even after a good and high-quality rest;
  • The appearance of shortness of breath, indicating problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Increased anxiety, restlessness, irritability;
  • Choking attacks during sleep and snoring;
  • The appearance of edema in the limbs;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet to urinate;
  • Severe headache, fever, migraine;
  • Upset gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dumb it's a dull pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart.

The first signs of the onset of the disease in female representatives are bouts of nausea, in rare cases of vomiting, severe dizziness, which causes slight malaise and weakness.

A little time passes and the woman's fingers on her left hand begin to go numb. Then, in the same place, a pain syndrome appears, which can spread throughout the body. Most often these are the digestive tract, back, neck. There is nothing to indicate a pain in the heart. The symptoms of a female heart attack are deceiving enough to be able to discern them at the initial stage and promptly seek help from a specialist.

Women are by nature more resilient and patient, so they delay calling an ambulance. And this, in turn, is the main cause of high mortality after a heart attack among females.

More unusual symptoms are possible, which are described in the video:

First aid: what to do

Immediately after suspecting something was wrong, they found several symptoms indicating a heart attack, it is necessary to call an ambulance emergency care and take a nitroglycerin tablet. It is important to remember that low blood pressure is a contraindication to taking nitroglycerin.

While the ambulance is traveling, it is necessary to put a 500-milligram tablet of aspirin under the tongue, which will thin the blood during myocardial infarction. Instead of aspirin, you can also use nitroglycerin. Just before using nitroglycerin, you need to measure your blood pressure. It shouldn't be low.

Algorithm of urgent actions by doctors

Immediately after the arrival of the ambulance doctors, they must take the following measures:

What not to do in an acute attack

When providing first aid to a patient with a heart attack, you should make sure that he in no case takes more than two tablets of nitroglycerin at once. This can rapidly lower blood pressure, which will significantly aggravate the situation, and it can also result in death.

The same goes for acetylsalicylic acid and other medications that, in principle, the patient should not use without a medical examination.

With an attack of a heart attack, the patient is prohibited from making sudden movements, taking alcoholic beverages and playing for time with an emergency call.


To prevent the risk of developing myocardial infarction, a person needs to conduct correct healthy image life, strengthen your body with all possible methods and monitor your health.

The main measures for the prevention of the disease:

But each person can reduce the likelihood of developing an attack several times if they lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy every moment. Do not forget that prevention and timely response to characteristic signs heart attacks are on guard for your life. Take care of her!

We suggest watching a useful educational film on the topic:

First aid rules for heart failure

Timely first aid for heart failure can save lives. Resuscitation begins not with the arrival of doctors, but in the first seconds after the onset of an attack. The further prognosis of the disease depends on how competent the actions of others will be. You need to know how to determine the starting signs of an attack, because no one is immune from violations in the work of the heart.

First about the reasons

The following factors can provoke an acute attack of heart failure:

  • cardiac tamponade,
  • heart tissue infections
  • cardiospasm,
  • hypertension (with advanced forms of the disease, an overload of the left ventricle appears),
  • lower lobe pneumonia (right ventricular decompensation develops more often).

In people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies (chronic heart failure - CHF, defects), as well as recently suffered a stroke or heart attack, the cause of an attack may be:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • strong excitement (and not only stress is dangerous, but also positive emotions).

Any of the above can cause a life-threatening condition.

Signs of heart failure

Acute heart failure does not depend on age; even a child may be affected. If a person suddenly grabs onto left side breasts, and lips and fingers acquire a bluish tint, this means a sharp violation of the pumping function of the heart and the inability of the organ to provide full blood flow.

According to the localization of the development of heart failure, there are:

  • left ventricular,
  • right ventricular.

Both types are equally life-threatening, but differ in symptoms and when providing first aid, it is necessary to take into account the type of disorder that has arisen.

Left ventricular

The left ventricle is responsible for the blood supply to organs and tissues: thanks to its contractions, the blood moves through the vessels, nourishing and cleansing the body of toxins. With a pronounced decrease in blood flow, the following disorders occur:

  • blood pressure drops;
  • tachycardia appears (by increasing the frequency of contractions, the organ tries to compensate for insufficient blood flow);
  • there are bubbling rales in the lungs, frothy sputum is released and an attack of shortness of breath begins (pulmonary edema becomes a serious complication).

Right ventricular

The right heart pumps venous blood to the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen and removed carbon dioxide (pulmonary circulation). With insufficient contraction of the right ventricle, the following symptoms appear:

  • difficulty breathing (the patient begins to breathe more often, making quick short breaths);
  • cyanosis (lips, nose and fingertips turn blue);
  • pain in the right side (with severe hypoxia, the liver suffers).

Both disorders are accompanied by chest pain and a sense of fear. If a person is not helped in a timely manner, this condition will end in death.

Principles of emergency care

Conditionally, assistance to a patient with an acute attack of heart failure can be divided into 3 stages:

  • pre-medical,
  • actions of the ambulance brigade,
  • resuscitation measures in the hospital.

Actions before the doctor arrives

First of all, you need to call a medical team. But it is not recommended to simply wait for the arrival of doctors: an ambulance will take several minutes to arrive at the specified address, and the person's condition is getting worse every second. In order not to panic yourself and help the patient, you need to learn the following algorithm of actions in advance:

  1. Provide peace. To do this, the victim must be seated more comfortably (it is impossible to lay him on his back: this can provoke an increase in respiratory failure) and try to calm him down.
  2. Take care of the flow of fresh air: open the window, and if emergency care is provided for heart failure in children, then in good weather it is better to take the child outside. Also, to make breathing easier, you need to unfasten the belt and buttons on your clothes.
  3. Give "Nitroglycerin". Before that, you must measure the pressure. Nitrate-based drugs dilate coronary vessels, improve blood flow to the myocardium, but lower blood pressure (BP). With severe hypotension, if there is no severe heart pain, it is recommended to refrain from using nitrates or to give the medicine under the control of blood pressure. It is allowed to take no more than 3 tablets with an interval of 5-10 minutes. Nitroglycerin is not recommended for children.

The main actions before the arrival of doctors are aimed at monitoring the patient's condition and providing him with a calm environment: the person is already scared, and the panic of others will only aggravate the condition. If an adult is still in control of his emotions, then young children cannot cope with fear and must be distracted as much as possible.

Upon the arrival of the doctors, they are informed of the circumstances of the emergence of a critical condition in the patient and what measures were taken.

Ambulance brigade actions

The arrived doctors have in their arsenal of medicines and equipment necessary for the provision of first aid. After taking an ECG and determining the main symptoms that have arisen in heart failure, the patient is given the following procedures:

  1. To compensate for the lack of oxygen, oxygen therapy is performed. When pulmonary edema appears, oxygen therapy is carried out with the addition of antifoam agents ( ethanol, "Antifomsilan").
  2. At normal blood pressure, nitrates are used to improve coronary blood flow (Isoket, Nitrospray, Nitroglycerin).
  3. To eliminate hypertension and reduce the load on the myocardium, diuretics (Lasix) and ganglion blockers (Pentamin, Benzohexonium) are administered.
  4. If the pressure is low, use "Dopamine", and when hypotension is accompanied by tachycardia, use cardiac glycosides ("Strofantin", "Korglikon").
  5. To eliminate bronchospasm, "Euphyllin" is used.
  6. In order to reduce shortness of breath and improve the depth of breathing, "Droperidol" or morphine hydrochloride can be administered.

In addition to the above medications, others are introduced. The order of administration of drugs depends on the severity clinical symptoms... The main goal of the ambulance team is to stabilize the patient's condition as much as possible and deliver him to intensive care.

The man was taken to the hospital and the doors of the cardiological intensive care unit were closed behind him, where relatives are not allowed to enter. But what do they do there with a loved one? They save lives and restore impaired body functions:

  1. Breath. With severe shortness of breath (40 or more breaths per minute), artificial ventilation of the lungs is indicated, with less acute respiratory failure, oxygen therapy is performed.
  2. Palpitations. To normalize the heart rate and improve myocardial function, glycosides and nitrates are used.
  3. Pressure. The drugs described earlier are used to stabilize blood pressure.
  4. Prevention of thrombosis. Stagnation of blood increases the risk of thrombosis, therefore, for prophylactic purposes, patients are given subcutaneous injections of "Heparin" every 6 hours.
  5. Normalization of blood composition. With a sharp dysfunction of the heart, an accumulation of toxins occurs. To eliminate them, the introduction of colloidal solutions together with forcing diuresis (using diuretics) is shown.

In intensive care, the patient is connected to sensors that record such important indicators as oxygen saturation (blood oxygen saturation), pressure and heart rate. If these indicators deviate significantly from the norm, the equipment emits an alarm signal.

A person is transferred to the department from intensive care only after all vital systems of the body begin to work stably.

Cardiology is studying such a pathological disease as myocardial infarction. It is this science that will help prevent the early development of this disease, help to survive and live after a heart attack.

What is myocardial infarction?
Myocardial infarction refers to acute heart disease. Cause of heart attack by blockage blood vessels, as well as necrosis of some or several areas of the heart muscle. As a result of the manifestation of this disease, an acute violation of the heart is found.

Previously, it was believed that men over the age of fifty are susceptible to myocardial infarction. Currently, there is a rejuvenation of this disease and there are registered cases of patients thirty years of age and younger.

Myocardial infarction is an urgent illness, as the risk of death is very high in the first two hours. If you suspect a heart attack, you need to urgently call an ambulance. From the ambulance, the patient immediately goes to the intensive care unit of the hospital's cardiology. In cases of myocardial infarction, self-medication is tantamount to death.

Symptoms (signs) of myocardial infarction.

A characteristic symptom (sign) of a heart attack is an attack of severe pain in the chest or, as they say, behind the breastbone. The pain is so severe that the patient may call it tearing or burning. The pain can spread up and to the right, and also give to the left arm. If you look closely at a person, you will notice that he has turned significantly pale and covered with sweat. In case of severe pain, the person may even faint.

Typically, myocardial infarction pain comes on suddenly, during sleep or in the morning. At the same time, the pain is wavy in nature, each time getting stronger and stronger. In this case, the pain does not go away even after taking nitroglycerin.

First pre-medical aid for myocardial infarction. What to do?

If there is a suspicion that the patient has a myocardial infarction, then it is necessary:

  • Call an ambulance
  • Provide the patient with peace. To do this, you need to lay him down and raise his head or provide him with a half-sitting position
  • Allow deep breathing, for this you need to carefully remove or unbutton tight clothing
  • Give to the patient medications... Usually it is either validol - 1-2 tab. under the tongue, valocordin - 25-30 drops. It happens that these drugs do not help, then you need to apply nitroglycerin - 1-2 tab. under the tongue.
It is important to know: with a heart attack, urgent qualified medical care is needed. Self-medication may not have a beneficial effect. Delay at acute stage can be fatal. Even with a severe heart attack, with proper diagnosis and timely therapy, it is possible to save the life of the victim.

Life after myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is considered very dangerous disease, besides the possible death of the patient, he is also dangerous by the development of all kinds of complications. The main complications after a heart attack are the so-called concomitant cardiovascular diseases. The main diseases include arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, heart failure and others.

Myocardial infarction puts the border of life before and after it. It is possible to recover from myocardial infarction, but it is more difficult to do it for elderly patients, as well as for those who have other serious illness... After a heart attack, there is a danger of its recurrence, therefore, the patient and his relatives must clearly understand what he can and cannot.

Therefore, people who have had a heart attack need to completely change their lifestyle. And you need to understand that such a change will last for life. The rehabilitation period is especially important, which will last several months. It is necessary to clearly and carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations, avoid active sports, fatty foods, completely exclude alcohol and cigarettes. Also, a person who has suffered a heart attack is waiting for constant visits to a cardiologist, a frequent task of tests and diagnostics of the heart.

Myocardial infarction is a type of ischemic heart disease characterized by irreversible disorders in the heart muscle as a result of impaired blood flow through the coronary arteries.

From timely correct therapy in the first minutes of an attack, the further outcome of the disease will depend, including the possibility of saving a person's life.

First aid to a patient with an attack of myocardial infarction is based on the characteristics of its course and requires from the person who provides it, the most elementary knowledge of pathology. During an attack, some part of the heart muscle dies off and the reason for this is poor blood supply to the heart muscle.

The predisposing factors in this case are physical exercise, hypertensive crisis, stressful situations, overexcitement or intense emotional stress.

Rules for providing first-line care for myocardial infarction

First aid for myocardial infarction should be carried out in a specific sequence. And, of course, the very first step will be to call the ambulance service to call a doctor, preferably a cardiologist. It is important to shorten the time between the onset of a heart attack and the doctor's manipulations, so it is advisable to meet doctors on the street with one of the relatives. Properly provided medical care can save a person's life.

To reduce the stress on the heart, it is better for the patient to take a horizontal position, after having drunk a sedative.

A nitroglycerin tablet will help cope with painful sensations... The medicine is put under the tongue - this way nitroglycerin enters the blood faster. There are arteries in the hyoid region through which active substance almost immediately enters the circulation and reaches its destination. In this regard, pain relief occurs in a short time.

In some cases, only cardiac arrest is indicative of a heart attack. A person loses consciousness, he has no breathing, his pulse is not felt. All resuscitation activities should begin as soon as possible, before the arrival of the ambulance. The so-called precordial beat, carried out in the sternum, can start the work of the heart.

It should be short and strong. Without the onset of the effect, it is necessary to do an indirect heart massage. Its scheme is as follows: 30 chest strokes (the interval is arbitrary and is calculated, somewhere around 100 clicks in 1 minute) and lung ventilation (the so-called artificial respiration from the mouth-to-mouth).

These two stages are carried out in combination with an alternating frequency. In this case, the head of a sick person must necessarily be thrown back a little, and the body lies on a solid plane. Until doctors arrive and signs of life appear, resuscitation should be carried out.

In the event that cardiac asthma develops against the background of a myocardial infarction, the person becomes very restless, does not find a place for himself, taking a forced sitting position and, in order to increase breathing movements, he leans on the bed with his hands. Respiratory rate rises sharply from 16-18 to 40-50 per minute. The expression on the patient's face is suffering and exhausted, skin become pale, lips blue and cold sweat appears.

If not delivered on time help needed, congestion in the lungs begins to progress and cardiac asthma turns into pulmonary edema. Breathing becomes noisy and bubbling, hoarse breathing can be heard from a distance. The patient begins to cough and, at the same time, a liquid sputum of a reddish tint is released. You should try to avoid such a serious complication of a heart attack before an ambulance arrives.

First aid algorithm

The sequence of first aid actions should be as follows:

  1. Call an ambulance. Best of all, if it is a specialized cardiology or intensive care team of doctors.
  2. Ambulance it is recommended to meet with one of the relatives in order to shorten the interval between an attack of myocardial infarction and medical procedures.
  3. The patient should be laid on a hard and flat surface, with the head tilted back slightly.
  4. Open all windows and doors to bring in as much fresh air as possible. If it is very hot, open a window and turn on the air conditioner.
  5. Give the patient a sedative (motherwort or valerian). There should be silence in the room, not to allow the sick person to get nervous.
  6. It is necessary to remove physical activity, sometimes this requires the help of several people.
  7. The patient must put one nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue to stop pain attack.
  8. Nitroglycerin should be given two to three times at intervals of 10 or 15 minutes.
  9. Give the patient a 325 g aspirin tablet to chew.
  10. Try to stop heart pain with analgin or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

If there are some prerequisites for the fact that, nevertheless, the heart has stopped (the person is not breathing, he is not conscious, there is no pulse, there is no blood pressure), the following immediate resuscitation measures should be started:

  • To make the patient a precordial blow, that is, to hit the sternum with a fist, strongly and quickly. This can be very effective in the first few seconds for ventricular fibrillation.
  • If the previous step is ineffective, artificial respiration is performed and the necessary indirect heart massage is performed. These activities continue until the arrival of the ambulance. After every 15 strokes (strokes) in the heart, two inhalations and two exhalations are made and the pulse is checked. If the pulse does not appear, the rescue actions are repeated again.


Timely and correct first aid for myocardial infarction is provided before the arrival of qualified doctors. However, very often people do not have a clue and do not know what should be done to save a person.

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