Who lives up to 90 years. Your mother gave birth to you when was young

Recently, it is often necessary to meet interest in the topic of an abnormally low life expectancy of Russian men (the link is a good schedule for countries). According to the difference between the male and female life expectancy, Russia is an absolute leader (women live 72, men 59, difference \u003d 13 years). Two other "leader" - Belarus (75 - 63 \u003d 12) and Ukraine (74 - 63 \u003d 11). (Source - http://www.prb.org/pdf05/05worlddatasheet_eng.pdf). For comparison, in Colombia, where drug traps are reigning, the permanent partisan war goes, men live for 10 years longer than in Russia, and the difference with women is only 6 years old. I had the idea that the reason for this phenomenon would be easier to understand if you go from the opposite: to find out why men live for a long time, and what they need for this (and what does not get in modern Russia).

This is just that inappropriate case when I can turn to the practical experience, because there are many families among relatives and acquaintances, which are distinguished by long-life not only women, but also men. I had the opportunity from a close distance to explore the peculiarities of the people who safely translated the 90-year-old mark (or chosen to it), while maintaining a common mind, hard memory, an active lifestyle or, at least, the ability to live autonomously and take care of themselves (without feet and servants).

So, studying these people, I seem to be able to open the very "secret of longevity." Interestingly, men and women are not the same. At the same time, the female secret of longevity is extremely simple and fit literally in one phrase (I will give it at the end). But when male is set out, it is necessary to start from afar.

First of all, you need to compile a hypothesis about particularly benign genes or initially strong health. Oddly enough, most of the long-livers known to me were different in the youth of quite mediocre health, and therefore they were fighting war, hunger, all sorts of stress of that era. This is confirmed by examples of "from literature." So, the philosopher Kant, the resional suffered by a rare incurable disease, lived up to 80 years, which at that time was rare even for healthy. Now, the Healthy Writer of Onega, who in the youth was a number of serious ailments, it looks 60, and many 30-year-old inhabitants of offices would envy his energy and physical fitness.

Of other reasons, longevity often mention regular sports, moderate physical Load or outdoor activities. In most cases, I have been present, but not in all. 90 years can live a lazy accountant. The same Cant was limited to daily crashes with a cane, no more than an hour. I got the impression that I was not important for myself "Active Leisure", but the pleasure received from him. If picking in the country is your hobby, then keep it up. And if the "active vacation" is obtained only "through force", then it will not bring any benefit. It is necessary to find the type of physical exertion that attracts you by itself, and not "though". Otherwise, it will rather reduce your life than extended. People who "break themselves through the knee", do not become long-livers.

"Healthy nutrition", vegetarianism, all sorts of diets as the cause of longevity I will notice immediately. Most long-livers known to me take care of the diet only at all for old age. And according to youth, as a rule, worried if not hunger, then scarcely monotonous nutrition (bread, cereals, potatoes), not burdened with vitamins. The main principle of the long-liver is not to bother on food. What is, then there is. At the same time, the thick long-livers did not meet. It was not necessary to meet long-livers who had to be artificially struggling in the youth.

Tobacco is unequivocally recommended, he takes at least 20 years of life. I have an example of two brothers in front of my eyes: younger smoked and did not reach even 70 (stroke), the elder did not smoke and picks up to 90, while personally jumps 6 acres, spinning on the horizontal bar, behaves and is perceived by others 60. At the same time, the long-lived brother most Life sat in the office, in a major city, and the younger - spent on nature, in the fresh air, engaged in moderate physical labor.

Infrequent (once a week) moderate (without external signs of intoxication) The consumption of alcohol, on the contrary, is allowed. Famous long-livers use me (occasionally, on the occasion) brandy, vodka, wine, good moonshine - but not beer. I have not seen a single "beer" long-liver. A favorite daily drink of all without exception is tea. Oddly enough, more often black, not green, and without any of the sizes. Among the long-livers, women are encountered coffee. Men "Coffee pots", as a rule, are chipped in 50-60 years.

Specially about the vegetarian diet: all long-livers-men known for me are not only flying daily for both cheeks meat, fish and bird, but also from good swine slats do not refuse. In general, after such an example, as Hitler, everything should already be clear that vegetarianism and longevity - two things are incomplete.

I think that enough already tired by the reader by nonsense, I turn to the main (fanfare).

So, the overall quality of all-known men's long-livers (and applicants for longevity known to me) belongs to a greater extent to the device of the inner world and the condition of the soul than to some kind of recipes of the physiological plan. To all long-livers, a certain form of autism is also characterized by a certain "own Mirka", "own kindergarten", which absorbs 80% of their attention and vital energy. It is clear, it is not about clinical autism, since this "kindergarten" may include social activities, the need for contacts with a multitude of people, etc. "Sadik" is not so much insulation from the world, "escape", some "monasticism", how much perception of the world in a certain chosen context, when filtering throughout the rest. So, for example, it is impossible to say that surfist "hides from problems" - it can be embarrassed, and the shark can bite. But it creates these problems himself, according to his own will, this is an element of the game.

So, for the long-liver, the world concentrates around a certain "internal circle" controlled by it, which by and large only matters. All problems and trouble in the world, an external circle (even if it is the problems of your own family), they are perceived by them as if "through the wool layer", muted, do not hurt too deeply. Problems inside the "Circle" are perceived rather as an element of a gaming situation than something fatal. The identity of the long-liver is built around a certain "hobby", which occupies it and distracts from the "worldly problems", but which, somewhere in the depths of the soul and is realized as a hobby - something important is not in itself, but at all, because it can bring him joy.

As an illustration, an example of Archimedes comes to mind. Archimedes had every chance of becoming a long-liver: an old man was quietly died on his construction, while the enemy army broke into the city. As you know, he died only because he did not have enough healthy pofigism regarding his hobby himself: he could not stand and pounced on a soldier who ran across the drawings. At the present long-liver, the contemplation of the chopped and extended "kindergarten", of course, causes chagrin, but the thought is immediately coming: "So maybe take advantage of the case and plan it somehow differently, more interesting?"

I think the reader is ready for the next step. It is clear that for longevity, the casualties of a man on the "Garden" is not important for long-life, and then the state of the soul, which he thus cultivates. Unfortunately, for this state of mind in Russian there is no appropriate word. Some hint of this condition gives phrase

Active harmonious complacency

This condition is created by the fact that the man is looked at his "kindergarten", and in this kindergarten he is all right, he is the owner, personality, center of the universe (sometimes even a hero), he is good. It applies to the rest of the rest, with indifference or contempt. This state is akin to the one that ordinary person gets after a bottle of beer. Apparently, it is important that it is not passive, but in active, and came from the side, and from the inside to "live" in it.

Pushkin has a suitable phrase: "Always satisfied with itself, with his lunch and wife." Only you need to remove the usual negative shade of the word "complacency". It's "complacency in good sense the words". "Smugly" without egoism, swelling, etc. It can be combined with altruism, sincere care about others, experience for the destiny of the country, etc. etc.

In my deep conviction, this is not the condition to which long-livers come on the slope of the years, and the state that, in fact, makes a man with a long-liver in spite of everything. In this state, he must be in yet in his youth. It does not just prolong life, but also slows the aging. All long-livers known to me are also more slower than those who are in spiritual and physical plane younger by 15-30% compared with their calendar age.

I do not want to chew this concept for incomprehensible - I leave myself the opportunity to "cut the loot" on the course of lectures. But it will become clearer if I list the factors that most often bring a man from this state and, accordingly, shorten his life.

№1. Negative atmosphere in the family, in the nearest environment. Mainly - bitch and greedy wife. By the way, the word "bitch" has a clear medical interpretation: "Unbalanced egocentric authoritarian personality with hysterical features, predisposition to impulsive attacks and a hostile attitude to her husband." This is the most reliable way to bring a man from "harmonious complacency."

№2. Excessive load of life adversity and problems. Such problems that break through any "inner shield". And the point is not only that today's Russia is society, very unfavorable and life-threatening. Still worse. The fact is that for the majority of long-lived men "internal garden" is in the norm associated with a profession or some public activities. It is clear that such a niche can be far from any profession, but only such where a person is felt by the owner, an expert, a specialist, a respected professional. Namely, such social niches today in Russia deficiency. Here, even professors and teachers of universities are forced to be thieves and bribers to survive. To feed the family, most russian men It is necessary to work hard for pennies on the position of the slave, or steal, or participate in meaningless and nervous bablogonka. And there, "harmonious complacency" of the ordinary person is hard to work with difficulty, a special "sharpening" is required. Most can achieve this state only under the action of alcohol and other drugs.

In this sense, writing off the early mortality of men on alcohol, "experts" and women carry out a substitution: Alcohol in modern Russia for most men is not the cause of death, and the only way to achieve a mental state, which is compatible with life. Most of those who, after work, used to relax with the Bivashik Billet, in the absence of this lotion from stress and self-seeding will die earlier than from the consequences of beer alcoholism. The same method is "solved", as a rule, problem number 1.

No. 3. Disadvantages of personal character, if the person is in itself an invalid, evil, aggressive, envious, "offended". No need to explain that burning envy as basic emotion is not the most the best way Extend your life. Envious and petty-angular people are eager along with smokers. Harmonious complacency wins negative emotions by the fact that the man "in his garden" becomes self-sufficient and generous, "exceeding envy."

Note that problems number 1, №2 and №3 are often interrelated. On the one hand, the inability to get a decent income from his beloved business inevitably leads to problems in the family. In a situation of economic well-being, the reasons for quarrels and mutual disorders are somewhat less. On the other hand, relevant for modern Russia, problems number 1 and №2 little contribute to the upbringing of a balanced harmonious personality. Men are already growing with problems, "decide" which can only alcohol. which corrupts young people and breaks them the ridge. I do not have statistics, but judging by the acquaintances, it seems that people who have passed the urgent service even in relatively prosperous conditions (remained alive and healthy), hardly live to 70.

Let us ask me: why did the leader in the difference between the male and female life expectancy of life, are Russia and similar to the post-Soviet country, where the standard of living is not the lowest? Why in disadvantaged and poor Columbia men live for 10 years longer than in Russia? It turns out that the current life for Russian men is worse than the power of drug traps and the partisan war in the jungle. Initu already Medvedev invited Colombian drug-partisans to learn how to live.

It seems to me that this phenomenon has two main historical reasons.

The first reason is the Bolsheviks and Stalin. The people who wanted to "cultivate their kindergarten" systematically exterminated and oppressed, with the exception of the most recent decades of Soviet power. For the perfect human type, the poor barebrak was taken without an inner rod, which autoly rumbles on someone else's field (and in the literal, and in a figurative sense), and then delayed with alcohol. And women also began to mutate and adapt to this type of men. Women's "bitching" is exactly what is needed to manage this "working cattle" for its own good. And to bring up the younger men became in the same vein.

The second reason is the 90th and 00s, the sharp degradation of the European (in fact) society to the African type system, and in terms of social relations, and in terms of the economy. Men focused on the European type of self-realization, can not find here. The vertical of violence and theft destroyed or brought to the god most of the niche of a specialist and a professional acceptable to the European man. Combine "Internal Sadik" with social success has become very difficult.

Nevertheless, the recipe for longevity for men exists, even in Russia.

1) Need to understand whether there is something in this life for you that it is possible to bring you into a state of "harmonious complacency" without resorting to alcohol ("internal garden").

2) If there is, you need to focus on this, and all that interferes, knock out a kick from your life. And then create a new social environment, which is compatible with your "inland garden."

May ask: "What about relatives and relatives"? You hope for your family and loved ones, I need alive, not a corpse. Let them try to understand, or then they will have to search for other relatives and loved ones. A long-lived man can make a family and 60, if it is impatient. Up to 90 will still have time to put children on their feet, and the grandchilds will see.

As promised, finally a separate secret of longevity for women. A woman for longevity needs to feel the necessary to someone, and periodically receive confirmation from these people that they love her for it and appreciate. It can be a cat, husband, children, grandchildren, school students, patients, houseplants etc. Everything else, any problems, concerns, suffering, life tests and adversity do not affect women's longevity. It is like grass: the more often mowing, the better the lawn will be.

The famous American cardiologist Clyde Jansey said that each person has a 90 percent chance to turn into a long-lived and will be able to celebrate his ninetieth or hundredth birthday. To do this, he only needs to adhere to seven simple principles.
According to the doctor, each particular person is able to achieve an optimal state of health by performing the following actions.
First. To live an active lifestyle. The lack of physical exertion takes almost four years from a person's life. People who are physically inactive are twice as often at risk of developing heart and stroke diseases.
Second. Know and monitor cholesterol levels. His high level In the blood can lead to the accumulation of fatty sediments in the arteries and increases the risk of developing heart and stroke diseases.
Third. Follow a healthy diet. Proper nutrition It is one of the most important items that will improve health. Follow this rule and indeed easy. According to Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research Department arterial hypertension The federal center of the heart, blood and endocrinology them. V.A. Almazow Alexandra Conradi, to maintain good well-being, a person is especially important to consume a large amount of fiber, cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits.
Fourth. Know, control blood pressure. High blood pressure is often called a "quiet killer." As a result, a person can reduce the risk of stroke by 40%, and the risk of a cardiac attack is 25%.
Fifth. Maintain a healthy weight. Overweight is the main risk of the development of heart disease and stroke. Obesity can reduce life expectancy for almost four years.
Sixth. Know about threats conjugate with diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, ischemic Disease Hearts and stroke, especially if the blood sugar level is poorly controlled.
Seventh. Do not smoke. Tens of thousands of people are prematurely die every year due to tobacco use, and thousands of non-smoking is waiting for the same fate due to passive smoking. As soon as a person throws smoking, the risk of developing heart disease and stroke begins to decrease. After 15 years, the threat will be no higher than that of non-smoking.
Clyde Yansi is confident that the transformation of people in centenary long-livers will help the economy to preserve billions of dollars as a result of reducing costs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The people themselves will save their own funds, because they will not spend them on paid medicine, if they use free tips.
Nevertheless, as Alexander Conrad warns, although following these advice extends life, but, unfortunately, it cannot change the human genetics, which determines the duration of our existence by 50%.
"There are genetically predisposed people to cardiovascular diseases and unforeseen. If the parents of a person died under the age of 50, then, even observing all these recommendations, he does not live up to 100 years. But with good genetics, the tips will help keep heart health. As for bad ecology, such factors such as the current pollution of water, air, no more than 10-15% affect longevity, - the expert notes. "So from my point of view, compliance with these rules will actually increase the life of a person at least 20 years."

    Get on yoga.It is proved that the exercises on the system of yoga contribute to a decrease in blood pressure, normalize heart activities, develop flexibility and saved from stress.

    Throw smoking.One of two smokers dies because of this harmful habit. Do I need to add something?

    Avoid stressful situations. A little stress will not hurt, but if it turns into a long exhausting state, it is harmful not only for the psyche, but also for the body as a whole. Recent studies have shown that stress increases blood pressure and causes many problems associated with digestion leads to premature aging of the immune system.

    Do not abuse wine.Wine lovers live longer because wine contains antioxidants to help reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and protect against disease of cardio-vascular systemBut the abuse of alcohol raises the risk of larynx cancer and may entail the destruction of the liver and kidneys.

    Use dental thread or toothpick. Doctors have established a clear relationship between gum disease, cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Recent studies have shown that people with gum disease are 3 times more likely to suffer atherosclerosis, narrowing blood vesselswhich causes heart attack or stroke.

    Watch the weight.With each excess kilogram you lose a few months of your life. Obesity becomes the cause of the death of 30,000 people annually, however, some scientists argue that this is happening only when obesity goes paired with smoking.

    Get your pet. Australian scientists explored more than 11,000 people and found out that homemade pet owners are much healthier than those who do not hold animals in the house. Caring, caressing and heat that you give your wards - these are emotions that have a beneficial effect on our condition: they contribute to the decrease in blood pressure, prevent the development of stress and reduce the recovery period even after severe diseases.

    Refuse fried food. In the process of frying meat with high temperatures Harmful substances are distinguished that increase the risk of developing cancer (stomach, intestines, pancreas and chest).

    Read the garden and garden more often.Studies have shown that even a walk through a beautiful flowering garden reduces the level of stress. Digging in beds burns calories and helps to be in a tone and sound mind.

    Do not divide.It is proved that a happy marriage prolongs life, and the divorce shortens it.

    More sex.This good physical exercise also helps the development of endorphins, and recent studies have shown that both growth hormones that stimulate the immune system.

    We regularly attend the dentist.Dentists can recognize the first signs of cancer oral cavity. Between the visits, check your mouth for non-healing wounds, white or red pimples on the lip, in the mouth or throat, think about whether you are experiencing pain or difficulties in swallowing and chewing.

    Guess CrosswordsExplore foreign language Or do something else that develops brains, because the exercises for the head are as important as the body exercises.

    Do not stop there.The more successful you achieve your goals, the more chances you have to keep health. As showed many years of research, winners and laureates of major international competitions and festivals live longer than their colleagues who have never received such awards. But even modest achievements have favorably affect health.

    Learn to adapt and be patient.People who live up to 100 years have never surrendered. Often they started their lives again, experienced grave losses, but continued to live.

    Eat Mediterranean food.Greek and American studies have shown that following the Mediterranean diet reduces the likelihood of premature death by 25%.

    More optimism. Danish researchers have proven that optimists have a risk of developing severe diseases below 55% than pessimists.

    Learn to meditate. It will help reduce blood pressure and ease muscular pain, Improve blood circulation, blood flow to the brain and reduce the level of stress hormones.

    Strengthen the abdominal muscles. The study of Canadian scientists has shown that among people with weak muscles of the abdominal press mortality above.

    Purge. Having determined a full sleep, you accelerate the aging process, as well as increase the risk of developing age-related chronic diseases.

    Eat chocolate.Just make sure that there is a high percentage of cocoa content. It contains polyphenol - a strong antioxidant that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Avoid sunbathing.It has been established that the risk of skin cancer raises by 20% every 10 days of your stay in the open sun until the 55 years of age is reached.

Measure blood pressure.Hypertension - SAMIA frequent cause death that could be prevented. It includes half of all cardiovascular diseases - infarction, stroke, heart stop. 120,000 people could avoid a heart attack or stroke, and 62,000 could be saved if their blood pressure was under closer control.

Burn with depression. Depression is striking one of five people. And serious depression can be a real killer. Her symptoms: frequent tears, fatigue, feeling of guilt and helplessness, lack of motivation, excitement, low self-esteem, problems with sleep, loss of desire, mental pain and suffering, food intake - more or less than usual, loss of interest in life.

Fake diabetes. You can be one of the millions of people suffering from type 2 diabetes and do not know about it. Diabetes will help reveal the usual blood test. Symptoms: Unattricible thirst, frequent toilet visits, weight loss, fatigue.

Consult the oculist, learn whether you have glaucoma. Glaucoma is striking one of 50 years older than 40 years. The disease can develop asymptomatic until it reaches a serious stage when the vision is sharply weakened. For early diagnosis Glaucoma is successfully treated.

Watch out for the skin. Tell your doctor about the appearance of new skin formations, permanent ulcers, rays that do not heal during a month, new moles or increasing moles, changing color, with fuzzy contour, which are inflamed or ocked, or they have a red edge, bleeding, covered with a crust.

Regularly examine the breast.You know perfectly well what your chest looks in good condition, and rest assured that you will feel any seals and changes. If such is found, immediately refer to the mammologist, go through the necessary research. Mammography recognizes the smallest education that you are not able to feel when feeling.

Regularly (not less than once a year), pass the survey at the gynecologistand hand over the strokes for analysis. On time, the diagnosis prevents up to 5,000 deaths from cervical cancer.

Do not forget about the massage. Regular massage can improve blood circulation, speeds up the recovery process after the disease, increases muscle tone and improve well-being in general.

    Do not spend.Some researchers assure that too long sleep can lead to depression and deterioration of mental activity.

    Walk in the parks.The study of pensioners revealed that the walks in green areas increase the life expectancy.

    Eat miso soup. In Japan, it is eaten for breakfast and before bedtime. Japanese studies have discovered that regular consumption of this soup reduces the risk of incidence of cancer, cardiovascular system and liver.

    Catch out the city.Research has proven that urban residents have a lifetime of 6 years less.

    Drink coffee (but in moderation). A cup of coffee per day helps protect against liver cancer. If you drink more than one cup, the risk of the disease is not reduced.

    Keep working. People working in retirement age, healthier and cheerful of those who really retired.

    Eat gaspacho.American studies found out that 2 Gaspacho per day for two weeks fill the lack of vitamin C, as well as contribute to the fight against stress, and therefore help to resist diseases.

    Laugh more often.Laughter improves blood circulation as efficiently as many physical exercises, reduces the level of stress hormones, as well as contributes to the production of endorphins raising the mood.

    Check blood cholesterol. If he is high, and you can not reduce it with diet and exercise, your attending doctor can register statins to lower it.

    Pay attention to the snoring.Apnea in a dream - characterized by strong snore - Great health danger. It can lead to insomnia, high arterial pressure and heartbeat.

    Take care of the bones. Osteoporosis? According to statistics, it strikes each third woman over 50 years old. To strengthen your bones, eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, do not abuse alcohol, throw smoking and make exercises that, besides help you stay in good physical form.

    Drink more water.Above the body needs it even stronger than in food. 8 large liquid glasses per day will help your body get rid of toxins.

    Live an active social life.Scientists argue that it is even more important than exercise. People who support strong connections with friends, more stable the immune system, mental activity and in general, they live longer than less sociable people.

    Become a volunteer.American studies have shown that people who voluntarily helped others and participated in various social actions, there was an improvement in their own as physical well-being and mental activity.

    Rejoice that you are a woman. Women live longer men, and 90% of people who have reached 100 years of age are women!

"Silver Economy", "Silver Business", "Silver Tourism" - there are no such terms in Russia yet. But soon will appear. In any case, they were already actively used on the second Eurasian women's forum held in St. Petersburg, where one of the discussions was active longevity.

There is no other

It turns out that something like that begins with us. The first deputy chairman of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba said that they have a "silver change" in children's health camps - children have already left, but still warm, and the camps give to the elderly.

"The one who lives is interesting for a long time," explained the policy of the Ulyanovsk region of the Uba. - People need to be needed, they need to give the opportunity to show themselves. "

In the Ulyanovsk region, 34 longevity center was created, where the elderly provide specialized medical services, and provide leisure.

"And we go from the desires of people," the official explained. - We collect their applications and see what we can do. Someone wants to learn Spanish? Excellent, we have a person who can teach. Whatever - sports, festivals, contests. We spend the Tursette for Silver Age. There is even a "club business old".

"Of course, when at a government meeting, I say that for the elderly it is necessary to do something and that very much, I see how everyone is looking - everything is so full of work. But then I say: my dear, let's try to be done for yourself! " - uncovered the secret of Catherine Uba.

Professor of the Chita State Medical Education (CHGMA) Boris Kuznik, who will fulfill 92 years in September, is a very busy person. It is difficult to catch in place, and even more difficult to meet him: he reads lectures, takes standings and exams from students, writes monographs and articles for scientific journals, participates in conferences and symposia. And Boris Kuznik developed a program that can make the life of Russians much longer than 78 years.

"Beware of gray people ..."

After a strong handshake, Boris Kuznik asks to wait a little and goes into the corridor - heard how he asks a cleaning woman about her health, and then something negotiates with his students - future doctors. For 63 years of work in the Chita Medical Education, Kuznik prepared over 30 doctors and 130 candidates of science.

In the Cabinet of the Tuznik, next to medical directories and monographs - the books of Evtushenko, Shishkova, Dostoevsky. The table lies and his new book "Hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases and syndromes in children and adolescents", written in collaboration with three scientists. Nearby - opened packages with other new works - the memoir story "Beware of the Gray People ...", which the professor devoted to his friend, Child Poet Georgia Graubin.

The Honored Worker of Science Boris Kuznikn in Chita know even those who are far from medicine. He is not only a doctor, he is the author of many journalistic and artistic books, the creator and director of the Bicec Student Theater. The professor wrote a few plays, among which - "Pogy Dog, running the edge of the sea" on the basis of the story of Chingiza Aitmatov and "Girls loved foreigners" based on the works of Vladimir Vysotsky. These plays put on the stage of the Trans-Baikal Dramaater.

"I have a rule - not to do a few things at the same time, - Sharnik shares, returning to the desktop. - If I am writing a scientific book, then only it. If I am preparing for lecture, I think only about it."

The plans of the professors are some major projects. This and participation in writing a two-volume guide on children's hemostasiology, to create which he was suggested by the leading Russian pediatrician, Academician RAS Alexander Rumyantsev, and writing another play on the songs of Vysotsky, and besides the new memories book.

"If a person has a variety of interests, a hobby, if he is actively intellectual, then it will live longer. People who have not lost interest in old age, longer live. The worst thing when a person who comes to retire does not know What to do. But then usually - two or three years and everything, "the professor is sure.

"Will force - will be the mind"

Since 30 years old, Boris Ilyich has been engaged in physical education, and for the fourth year it can be found in the Chita "Academy of Health" in the study of therapeutic physical education: Kinesitherapy - therapeutic physical education oriented treatment with the help of movements of its own body and aquainesterepia - the same healing physical education, only in water .

"Sport is very important, because during exercise there is a special hormone irisine, which contributes to an increase in life expectancy. The fact is that there are plots in chromosomes, they are called telomers, and what they are longer, the more Cell divisions are possible. The longer you live, the less the telomers remain, the less cell division can be, and when the cells are divided for the last time, natural death occurs. So, under the influence of Irizin, the length of the telomer is increasing, "explains the kuznik.

People who are moderately engaged in sports, according to a scientist, live approximately five years longer than those who do not do at all. "At the same time, Irizin significantly improves the intellectual activity of a person, so the phrase" the power is - the mind does not need "incorrect, rather so -" will be power - will be the mind. " But professional sports is harmful - I'm absolutely sure. The heart expands, the body transfers huge loads, "he adds.

In incomplete 92 years, Professor CGMA travels more other young people. True, regrets that not so much as before. "Twice a year I fly to Israel, where my daughter lives, and with scientists from there we are conducting joint research. I have two scientific contracts with Israel, now is supposed to be the third. And in October, I will fly to the International Congress in St. Petersburg, in which I was offered to read two lectures, "a tireless professor is divided by plans.

"All drugs tried on themselves"

A few years ago, Boris Kuznik took up a new task - to develop a life expectancy program. "St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology has developed drugs that significantly improve the quality of life of the elderly and significantly extend its term. They are aimed at improving immunity, heart work, blood flow through vessels and central activities nervous system. The effect of these drugs is proved not only on mice, rats or monkeys, but also in humans, "says the kuznik.

Kuznik told that the experiment began in the USSR. Participants' age - from 71 to 91 years. For several years, they were introduced twice a year developed drugs, and as a result, mortality in this group decreased four times: if 80% of patients died in the control group during the experiment, then in an experienced - only 20%.

"We decided to add kinesitepeutic procedures to drugs, that is, to give moderate physical exertion. Our studies show that it significantly reduces blood pressure, improves the work of the heart and brain activity," explains the forge.

The cost of the developed program is calculated and about 50-60 thousand rubles per person per year. It includes three months of kinesitherapy classes - twice a year for a year and a half, the use of groups developed in St. Petersburg drugs, and the main, diagnosis and subsequent observation. "The program involves a thorough examination of the patient to identify pathologies and strictly individual therapy, which depends on blood pressure, the work of the heart and joints," said the kuznik.

"All these drugs I tried on myself and my nearest relatives, so I can vouch," says Professor. His wife and companion Eleonore Samuel will soon be 89 years old. She also leads an active life and several years ago, together with her husband, published a book for children "Delhi, Zhorochka and Zhorik".

But on the project, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe kuznik has not yet advanced. "Our program was not for the means for people of the retirement age, and we often do not tend to have rich people," the scientist regrets, whose life itself is an excellent program of active longevity.

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