Metaphysical causes of diabetes mellitus diseases. Psychology of disease - diabetes (mellitus)

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system, which is accompanied by a constantly high blood sugar level associated with insufficient production or the action of insulin, which leads to disruption of all types of metabolism, vascular damage, nervous system, as well as other organs of the human body.

Let's see how this disease can be treated. To do this, you need to understand the internal causes of its occurrence. Below we will discuss what attitudes, feelings and beliefs lead to this disease. Then it will be clear what needs to be changed, what to work with. And you really need to change, and at a deep level of feelings, thoughts, emotions.

To begin with, let's see what famous doctors say about this, whose reference books of the causes of diseases are very popular:

Psychological causes of Luule Viilma diabetes:

1. Requiring others to thank in return - in detail in the book Pain in your heart p.307-309

2. Destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred. - book Stay or Go p. 80-82

3. Wanting others to make my life good. - book Warmth of Hope pp. 97-100

Psychological Causes of Diabetes Louise Hay:

PROBABLE CAUSE -Longing for the unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep sorrow. Nothing pleasant remained.

NEW APPROACH (attitude to change the old belief) -Every moment is filled with joy. I feel the joy of every day, I enjoy the sweetness of every moment.

So what exactly is diabetes and what causes it?

Currently, there are 2 forms of diabetes - insulin-dependent and not. It should be noted that insulin-dependent diabetes is a prime example of a disease that keeps a person completely dependent on drugs. Having received this disease, most often a person is doomed to the need to constantly check their blood sugar levels and do several insulin injections a day.

1. Such diseases very often appear in people who have excessive idealization of independence... They try very hard to succeed in their studies, in their work - they want to be independent from anyone - not from their parents, not from their husband (wife), not from their superiors at work. Those. this need for them grows from the category of important to the category of super-important, priority. And nature does not allow for a bias in human consciousness. Likewise, through diabetes, life makes a person addicted despite his best efforts to avoid any form of addiction.

2. The second fairly common cause of this disease is a person's desire to make the world "good" (one might say "sweet"), but good from his point of view... Such people are sure that they are always right, that only they know what is good and what is bad. Therefore, they react very irritably and inflamedly to situations where someone disputes their point of view. Figuratively speaking, a person seems to have a need to live in a permanent, kind of "sweet" cocoon, where everyone agrees with him and supports his opinion, as if sweetening his conceit. This is exactly what he says increased content blood sugar in this disease. As you have noticed, nature very wisely sends diseases to man - only that which is directly related to the imbalance in him. Therefore, people with this condition usually want to control everything and everyone.

3. Another reason for this disease is the person's feeling that life has lost its colors, that all good things are already behind, that nothing worthwhile will happen... Thus, he has an inner need to sweeten his life with something. By the way, for those who are used to cheering themselves up with something sweet in case of depression or failure, I advise you to be very careful. Do not make it a habit, otherwise it can trigger the onset of diabetes. Find another way to get out of your depression.

4. Also, people with diabetes often do not know how to internalize love. They have a great thirst for love, they seem to strive for this, talk about this need of theirs, but they do not know how to accept it.

5. Another example of a condition that causes diabetes is the desire to achieve universal happiness all over the world and the sadness of realizing the impossibility of this dream.

6. Also, such people often lack joy and do not really enjoy life... They have a lot of expectations, complaints, grievances - everyone behaves incorrectly, everything goes wrong, no one takes into account their opinion and their plans - that means there is nothing to be happy about. Learn to accept life without reproach and resentment, and people as they are - do not show your displeasure. Accept the world as it is.

7. From the previous point it often follows complete oppression of a person and indifferent humilitythat nothing good will happen. Such people convince themselves to such an extent that they subconsciously begin to believe that it is useless to try to fix something, it is useless to fight, you just have to accept. Thus, they understand the acceptance of the world, simply indifferently repeating "everything is fine." It is because of this desire to suppress all kinds of feelings in themselves that such people cannot accept love, they closed themselves off from real feelings.

8. In patients with diabetes mellitus severely increased anxiety, and chronic... They think all the time that they are in danger, that they need to defend themselves. So the body produces more sugar, because glucose is a good source of energy that a person needs to fight. But the amount of insulin becomes insufficient, so there is a need for additional external injections.

9. Many people with diabetes trying to make the life of all people around it good. They put caring for everyone and everything in the first place, but then they blame themselves every time if the life of others does not go according to their plan.

10.In childhood diabetes can occur if if the child does not feel understanding from the parents, sufficient attention to himself. It turns into sadness. And he gets sick, thereby drawing the attention of his parents to himself.

The difficulty lies in the fact that all of the above explanations can easily be understood by a healthy person, but a diabetic patient himself will almost never accept these explanations. Any attempt to convey some information to him will be perceived as a reproach, as an attempt to accuse him, an attempt to say that he is “bad”.

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Emotional blockage. The pancreas is located in one of the energy centers of the human body - the solar plexus. Any dysfunction of this gland is a sign of emotional problems. The energy center, where the pancreas is located, governs emotions, desires and intellect. A diabetic patient is usually very impressionable and has many desires. As a rule, he wants something not only for himself, but for all his loved ones. He wants everyone to get their piece of the pie. However, he may feel jealous if someone gets more than him.
This is a very devoted person, but his expectations are unrealistic. He tries to take care of everyone who comes into his field of vision, and blames himself if other people's lives are not going the way he intended. A person with diabetes is characterized by intense mental activity, as he constantly thinks about how to implement his plans. But behind all these plans and desires lies a deep sadness, caused by an unsatisfied thirst for tenderness and love.
A child develops diabetes when he does not feel sufficient understanding and attention from his parents. Sadness creates emptiness in his soul, but nature abhors emptiness. In order to attract attention to himself, he falls ill.
Mental blocking. Diabetes tells you it's time to relax and stop trying to control everything. Let everything happen naturally. You no longer have to believe that your mission is to make everyone around you happy. You show purposefulness and perseverance, but it may turn out that the people for whom you are trying, want something else and do not need your blessings. Feel the sweetness of the present instead of thinking about your future desires. Before today you chose to believe that whatever you want is not only for you, but for others as well. Realize that these desires are primarily yours, and acknowledge everything that you have achieved. Think also about the fact that even if in the past you failed to realize some big desire, this does not prevent you from appreciating the smaller desires that are manifested in the present.
A child with diabetes should stop believing that the family is rejecting him and try to take his place on his own.

Bodo Baginsky and Sharmo Shalila in their book "Reiki" - the universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of diabetes problems and diseases:
Behind it hides the desire for love, which they do not admit to themselves, but at the same time it is a pointer to the inability to accept love, to completely let it in. This leads to oxidation, because the one who does not love becomes sour. You lack the sweetness of life, and you strive for love that you yourself cannot give. Therefore, soon the inability to feel will affect the body level, as has long been deposited in the soul.
Leave the past behind and respect joy and delight, love and compassion as the most important foundations of life. Reiki is the optimal help in your situation that you should use. We wish you joy!

Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of diabetes:
There are two varieties diabetes mellitus... In both cases, the blood sugar level is elevated, but in one case, insulin must be injected into the body, since the cells of the gland do not produce it, and in the other, it is enough to use only sugar-reducing agents. Interestingly, the second type of diabetes occurs more often in older people and is associated with atherosclerosis. It is by old age that people accumulate a lot of unpleasant emotions: grief, melancholy, resentment towards life, towards people. Gradually, they develop a subconscious and conscious feeling that nothing pleasant, “sweet” is left in life. Such people feel a strong deficit of joy.
Diabetics cannot eat sweets. Their body literally tells them the following: “You can get sweets from the outside only if you make your life“ sweet ”. Learn to enjoy. Choose in life only the most pleasant for yourself. Make everything in this world bring you joy and pleasure. "
One of my patients had a sugar level of about one. Pills and diet reduced it, but not significantly. After she worked with her subconscious and 'cleared of negative thoughts and experiences, the sugar level dropped to normal and did not rise again.
Diabetes is terrible for its complications: glaucoma, cataracts, sclerosis, vasoconstriction of the extremities, especially the legs. It is from these complications that the patient dies. But if you look at the causes of all this suffering in this book, you will find one regularity: the basis of these diseases is a lack of joy.
- Doctor, but how can I enjoy life if
she's so lousy and heavy. When such outrageous things are happening all around, I often hear this from my patients. And now an elderly retired man sits at the reception and expresses his claims to life, people, government.
- In such cases, - I answer him, - I always tell people that they need to learn to enjoy life. We are taught from childhood to walk, speak, write, read, count. At school we study different laws of mathematics and physics. But the laws of a person's spiritual life are not taught to us. We are not taught how to accept life as it is, without pretensions and resentments. Therefore, we grow up so unprepared for life. That is why we are sick.

According to Sergey S. Konovalov ("Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions"), the possible metaphysical causes of diabetes are: Causes. Longing for the unfulfilled, despair, deep grief. In addition, the reason may be in deep hereditary sadness, in the inability to accept and internalize love. A person unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that at a deep level he feels the strongest need for it. Being in conflict with himself, he is unable to accept love from others.
Method of cure. Finding inner peace of mind, openness to love and the ability to love is the beginning of the way out of the disease.

Vladimir Zhikarantsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life ”indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with diabetes:

A burning desire for what could have been. Great need for control. Deep regret. There is no sweetness, no freshness left in life.
Harmonizing thoughts:
This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience and experience the sweetness and freshness of today.

Louise Hay in her book "Heal Yourself" points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the onset of diabetes:
Negative Attitude Leading to Diabetes:
Longing for the unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep sorrow. Nothing pleasant remained.
Harmonizing thoughts:
This moment is filled with joy. I am beginning to taste the sweetness of today.

Anatoly Nekrasov, in his book "1000 and One Way to Be Oneself", writes about the possible metaphysical causes of diabetes:
Diabetes - This common disease also has spiritual causes. Diabetes is directly related to a person's desires. This disease occurs when a person wants to give pleasure from life to others, when he suppresses desires directed at himself and believes that he has no right to pleasure from life until loved ones have them. That is, this disease shows a sharp deficit in self-love. It is love, not pity! Feeling sorry for yourself is also not loving yourself.

It is believed that the cause of any disease, including diabetes mellitus, is stress, disharmony between the inner world of a person and his environment. There are several factors of a psychosomatic nature that lead to the development of diabetes.

Psychosomatic causes of diabetes

One of the most common causes of diabetes mellitus is constant stress at the household level. According to research results, there are several main psychosomatic causes that provoke the onset of "sugar" disease:

  1. Depression of post-traumatic origin. They arise as a result of a severe emotional shock (death of a loved one, etc.). The body continues to remain in a state of shock, despite the elapsed time, and the endocrine system fails.
  2. Unresolved family problemslasting for years (alcoholism, infidelity). The resulting feeling of panic, expectation of the worst, negatively affects the work of the pancreas.
  3. Excessive anxiety. In a state of panic, the body begins to actively burn sugar, while not producing enough insulin. There is a need for sweet food, which becomes constant. The result is a persistent dependence on sweets, which provokes disruption of insulin production and the development of diabetes.

Mental problems in patients

A direct link has been scientifically proven between the personal characteristics of a person with diabetes, his internal emotions, behavior style and the course of the disease. Endocrine system extremely sensitive to the environment, thoughts, mood.

There are several main mental conditions that provoke the development of diabetes mellitus:

  1. Low self-esteem, in which a person considers himself unworthy of love, attention, sympathy. It is accompanied by a lack of energy and self-destruction of the body.
  2. failure to or inability show your feelings, emotions. At the same time, the need for love, care, recognition by others remains, which causes psychological imbalance and dependence on such a state.
  3. Dissatisfaction with life, work. Accompanied by chronic fatigue, aggression, irritability.
  4. Family problems and interpersonal relationships, provoked by the influence of various psychological factors.
  5. Internal conflict with the outside world associated with overweight... Leads to self-doubt, mood swings and exaggeration of the importance of the events around the person.

Psychosomatics of type 1 diabetes

The cause of the disease lies in emotional dissatisfaction and lack of protection. Typically, the problem is rooted in childhood, when a child prone to anxiety is looking for someone to protect and take care of. Failure to meet the emerging desires and needs provokes the fear of being abandoned. The level of sugar in the blood rises continuously, because due to the constant feeling of anxiety, the tension cannot be relieved by the appropriate activity.

Food brings delight to such people. They do not wait for the feeling of hunger to make themselves felt, so they often overeat. So, an unhealthy lifestyle, a bad psychological and emotional state of a person, especially a child or adolescent, can provoke the onset of "sugar" disease.

The main reason for the development of diabetes, from the point of view of psychosomatics, is the lack of positive emotions. Therefore, people suffering from this disease are prone to constant bad mood and frequent depression. They are distinguished by passivity, dependence on a positive attitude towards them from others. By consuming large amounts of food at one time, such people try to get rid of oppressive anxiety and improve overall well-being. Instability in the family and panic expectation of negative events also provoke the onset of diabetes mellitus.

All the cases described earlier are characterized by the fact that a person received some kind of psychological trauma, and the consequence was his inability to adapt to outside world... This can also lead to the development of diabetes.

Psychosomatics of type 2 diabetes

The psychosomatic factors that lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus include:

  • anxiety;
  • fear.

Anxiety, which does not find a way out, accumulates, provoking hyperinsulinism. A person drowns out negative emotions by excessive consumption of food or alcohol. This process disrupts the functioning of the liver cells responsible for fat metabolism in the body. The energy reserve in the form of glycogen remains unclaimed, and the tissues receive the necessary nutrition from the blood supersaturated with glucose. Unaccustomed to accumulate glycogen, hepatocytes do not take in excess glucose, which is why the blood sugar level rises, despite the large amount of insulin.

When a person experiences a feeling of fear, the body begins to release adrenaline, which helps to mobilize glucose from glycogen. This also provokes an increase in blood sugar levels.

Psychosomatics of diabetes mellitus in children

Stressful situations and psychological trauma cause overexcitation of the nervous system and the release of hormones that block the production of insulin. This provokes an increase in blood sugar and promotes the formation of additional energy. In the case of regular repetition, a sharp increase in the amount of glucose occurs without a corresponding expenditure of energy, disrupting metabolic processes organism, which provokes the onset of diabetes.

A sharp rise in blood glucose in a child is accompanied by energy starvation of cells. Patients have weakness, increased fatigue, thirst, nausea, and increased urination.

If the sugar level drops sharply, the child has a sharp breakdown, hunger, pallor skin... Irritability, anxiety, aggression may appear. To avoid serious complications, it is recommended that you give your child food containing simple carbohydrates (sweet food) either do glucagon injection.

Children who suffer from sugar disease have their own psychological characteristics:

  • they are indecisive;
  • avoid difficulties and responsibility all the time;
  • do not part with a sense of anxiety;
  • do not have a clear sequence of actions.

Treatment and prevention

Diabetes mellitus is practically powerless against active, cheerful and open to the world of people. It has been proven that even those suffering from this disease, who have overcome fear and feel the taste of life, feel much better and recover faster.

However, most of those suffering from diabetes mellitus require the help of a specialist who will teach correct execution psychotherapeutic exercises. The complex of trainings is designed to identify the psychosomatic cause of the development of the disease. At the same time, the patient is shown taking sedatives drugs or antidepressants such as valerian tincture.

Psychotherapy for diabetes

One of effective methods treatment of "sugar" disease is psychotherapy, which contributes to the patient's awareness of his illness. People with diabetes perceive the disease rather hard, as it leaves a certain imprint on the lifestyle and introduces some restrictions.

Rehabilitation of diabetics is quite difficult. Psychotherapists recommend referring to patients by name, considering that it is unacceptable to call such people sick. Experts help people with diabetes to accept their disease, get used to it and understand the causes of sudden mood swings, irritability, and deterioration of health.

At the same time, it is very important to teach the patient to take care of his health, to endure restrictions in the diet as easily as possible, taking as a basis the idea that he needs it. A benevolent attitude and emotional support helps a person to get rid of the depression.

In order to avoid negative emotions and thoughts, psychotherapists recommend looking at photographs that evoke pleasant memories, reading your favorite books, listening to music, and getting enough sleep.

Psychosomatic causes of diabetes and their prevention (video)

In the video presented, the psychologist describes in detail all kinds of psychosomatic causes of diabetes, as well as preventive measures from the point of view of psychology.

The main reason for the development of diabetes is the lack of harmony with the outside world. In order to avoid the disease, you just need to think and change your attitude towards yourself and other people. Then there will be no place for diabetes in the new, rainbow world.

Studies show that people with diabetes, five years before diagnosis, have more high level stressful events and long-term difficulties. In other words, in the five-year period preceding the onset of diabetes, a person especially often encounters various difficulties and changes in life, and is more likely to experience stress.

Five years is, of course, a long time. Most often, patients can recall stressful events immediately preceding the onset of diabetes. Children, for example, may worry about the divorce of their parents or the death of one of them, conflicts in the family, the appearance of a brother or sister, the beginning of school, the transition from primary to middle school. For boys and girls - unhappy love, admission to a university, the army, marriage, pregnancy, leaving the parental family, the beginning professional activity... For mature people - the birth of a child, a conflict between spouses, divorce, housing and financial problems, problems at work, in relationships with children, children leaving the family, etc. For people who are even more mature, it can be retirement, illness or death of one of the spouses, problems in relationships with a spouse, problems in the families of children. Of course, events are unequal in their, so to speak, stressful force. Death loved one for the majority it is a much stronger stressor than, for example, dismissal.

Diabetes mellitus: about psychology

Different people have different levels of resistance to stress: some are able to endure serious stress, others hardly survive the smallest changes in their lives.

As you can see, in order to try to identify the causes of stress, the first step is to find the relationship between stress and its causes. It is also possible that after reading the above list of reasons, you will not find those that caused stress on you personally. But this is not the main thing: it is important to take care of your mental state, your health in time.

Stress is an integral part of every person's life and cannot be avoided. The stimulating, constructive, formative effect of stress in complex processes education and training. But stressful influences should not exceed the adaptive capabilities of a person, since in these cases deterioration of health and diseases - somatic and neurotic - may occur. Why is this happening?

Different people react to the same load in different ways. Some have an active reaction - under stress, the effectiveness of their activity continues to grow up to a certain limit ("lion stress"), while others have a passive reaction, the effectiveness of their activity drops immediately ("rabbit stress").

Personality type and diabetes

In addition to determining the influence of negative (especially suppressed) emotions on the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases, psychosomatic medicine has established a relationship between specific diseases of a person and his personal characteristics (personality type), as well as family education (Malkina-Pykh, 2004).

Actually, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe predisposition of certain personality types to certain diseases has always been present in medical thinking. Even at a time when medicine was based solely on clinical experience, attentive doctors noted the prevalence of certain diseases in individuals with a certain physical or mental makeup.

However, how important this fact was, they were completely unknown. Good doctor prided himself on knowing such relationships, drawing on his extensive experience. He knew that a thin, tall man with a sunken chest was more prone to tuberculosis than a plump, stocky type, and that the latter was more prone to intracerebral hemorrhage. Along with the relationship between disease and body structure, relationships were also found between personality traits and certain diseases.

The literature summarizes data on psychosomatic concepts of the onset of diabetes (Mendelevich, Solovieva, 2002):

1. Conflicts and various non-food needs are met with food. Gluttony and obesity may occur, followed by prolonged hyperglycemia and further depletion of the insular apparatus.

2. As a result of equating food and love, in the absence of love, an emotional experience of a state of hunger arises and thus, regardless of food intake, a hungry metabolism corresponding to a diabetic one.

3. Diabetes is a consequence of chronic anxiety associated with an unconscious childhood fear of being defeated and injured due to aggressive rebellious and sexual urges. People with diabetes often have unusually strong tendencies to receive and accept help.

4. Fear that persists throughout life mobilizes a constant readiness to fight or flight, with corresponding hyperglycemia, without relieving psychophysical stress. Diabetes mellitus is easily formed on the basis of chronic hyperglycemia.

People with diabetes tend to feel insecure and emotionally abandoned. F. Alexander (2002) notes, in addition, a strong desire to take care of oneself and an active search for dependence on others. Patients show a greater sensitivity to rejection of these desires.

An example of an overly pronounced maladjustment to diabetes mellitus is “labile diabetes mellitus”. It is characterized by large fluctuations in blood glucose levels, often with multiple occurrences emergency hospitalization... It is now widely believed that labile diabetes is a behavioral rather than a pathophysiological problem.

It has been found that such patients indulge in potentially dangerous behavior, in part because of neglect of its consequences, but more often because it "pays off" in the sense of satisfying other needs, regardless of whether it is love or blood, favorable opinion or flight from what -or an insoluble conflict.

Acute onset often occurs after emotional stress that disrupts homeostatic equilibrium in people predisposed to this disorder. In particular, significant psychological factors contributing to the development of diabetes are frustration (from the Latin frustratio - deception, frustration, destruction of plans), loneliness and depressed mood. In some cases, they can be a mechanism "triggering" metabolic disorders.

W. Cannon shows that fear and anxiety can cause glycosuria (glycosuria; Greek glykys sweet + uron urine - the presence of sugars in urine in high concentrations) in both a normal cat and a normal person. Thus, it supports the hypothesis that emotional stress can stimulate carbohydrate metabolic disorders even in non-diabetic individuals.

People with diabetes usually try to regulate their condition through diet. However, being depressed, they often break their diet - they eat and drink too much, which leads to an aggravation of the course of the disease.

The most important causative factor in the genesis of clinical diabetes syndrome is obesity, which is present in about 75% of cases. However, obesity itself cannot be considered a cause, since only 5% of obese individuals develop diabetes. Obesity has been reported to lead to an increased need for insulin. If the pancreas is functioning normally, then the increasing need for insulin can be met. In those patients in whom the rate of insulin breakdown exceeds the capabilities of the regulatory mechanism, insulin deficiency and ultimately diabetes develop.

Overeating is usually the result of a disorder emotional development personality. Consequently, in patients who develop diabetes mellitus due to overeating, psychological factors are of primary importance both in the development of obesity and in the occurrence of diabetes mellitus.

Simply put, the reasons lie in the same negative emotions, which are constantly suppressed and "seized" (resentment, fear, anger, etc.). That is why, if a person copes with the causes of excess weight, that is, it normalizes its eating behavior, then the work of the pancreas is also normalized.

In relation to patients with diabetes mellitus, such definitions as "dependent", "in need of mother's affection", "overly passive" are often used. The central psychological characteristic of patients with diabetes mellitus (Luban-Plozza et al., 1994) is a constant feeling of insecurity, which colors the entire life strategy of these patients.

Against the background of a constitutional predisposition to diabetes mellitus, the disease develops under the influence of certain attitudes and behavioral characteristics in the family, since household traditions in nutrition, such as the concepts of "food and drink strengthen the soul," "there is nothing better than a good dinner," etc., determine the meaning that a person later attaches to food.

Psychological factors related to family, interpersonal relationships, level of emotional acceptance and support can play a role in the onset of the disease. In connection with the traditional, within the framework of the psychodynamic direction, the tendency that equates food with love, the lack of love forms a "hungry" metabolism, corresponding to the metabolism of a patient with diabetes. Intense appetite and obesity tendencies lead to stable hyperglycemia. Violation of the role structure, emotional components of interpersonal relationships in parental families worsens the condition of patients.

About the practice of healing

Each desire is given to you along with the forces necessary to fulfill it. However, you may have to work hard for this.

Richard Bach. "Illusions"

So, pain, illness, malaise can be regarded as a message that we are experiencing a conflict of emotions and thoughts that threaten our survival. To begin the healing process, it is necessary to understand whether we really want improvement, because it is not as easy as it seems.

Many of us choose to take a pill instead of paying attention to our irritation, or go for surgery without changing our behavior. Given the possibility of a potential cure with a drug, we may find that we do not really want or even refuse to continue treatment. We should wish for recovery more than our usual environment and way of life during the illness.

But, as we have discussed in detail in the previous chapters, there may be hidden causes for our illness that bring us compensation and prevent a complete cure. Maybe we get extra attention and love when we are sick, or maybe we are so used to our illness that, having lost it, we will feel emptiness. Perhaps illness has become a safe haven for us, something where we can hide our fears. Or so we try to induce guilt in someone for what happened to us, as well as punish ourselves or avoid our own guilt (Shapiro, 2004).

Health and illness are subjective experiences. We ourselves determine the level of our health, mainly by evaluating our feelings. There is no device that can objectively measure health or accurately determine the level of pain.

Based on the book by Irina Germanovna Malkina-Pykh “Diabetes. Free yourself and forget. Forever and ever"

If you have any questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

According to many doctors, often the main reason for the development of many diseases, including diabetes mellitus, is psychological and mental problems, severe stress, nervous disorders, and all kinds of internal experiences of a person. The study of these reasons and the identification of ways to solve the current situation is engaged in psychosomatics.

A disease such as diabetes mellitus usually develops due to psychosomatic disorders in the body, as a result of which they begin to break down internal organs... In particular, the disease affects the brain and spinal cord, lymphatic and circulatory system.

There are many various reasons psychosomatic nature, which are associated with everyday stresses, all kinds of negative factors in the environment, psychosis, personality traits, fears and complexes acquired in childhood.

Psychosomatics and diabetes mellitus

Adherents of psychosomatic principles believe that 30 percent of all cases of diabetes mellitus are associated with the presence of chronic irritations, frequent unreasonable moral and physical fatigue, disruption of the biological rhythm, sleep and appetite disorders.

Often, the patient's negative and depressive reaction to this or that exciting event becomes a trigger that triggers the process of a violation of biological metabolism. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood rises and the normal functioning of the human body is disrupted.

As you know, diabetes mellitus is considered the most serious disease, for which it is important to make every effort to cure. The hormonal system of any person is very sensitive to negative thoughts, emotional instability, unpleasant words and everything that happens around.

Considering that a diabetic has a certain style of behavior, character traits person, while the patient constantly feels internal emotional conflicts, this once again confirms that any negative feeling has a direct impact on a person, causing a serious illness.

Psychosomatics highlights some of the patient's psychosomatic conditions that cause or worsen diabetes mellitus.

  • A diabetic always feels unworthy of the love of loved ones, relatives and loved ones. The patient can suggest to himself that he is not worthy to be shown sympathy and attention. Thus, his inner energy flow begins to suffer and scream without attention and love. Even if such self-hypnosis occurs for no reason, the patient's body is destroyed under the influence of such thoughts.
  • Despite the fact that a diabetic feels the need for love and seeks to love others in return, he does not understand how to give a reciprocal feeling or simply does not want to learn. The presence of such an internal spring leads to constant psychological imbalance, passivity, dependence on the disease.
  • The patient is committed to frequent fatigue, fatigue and irritability, this most often indicates that the person is not satisfied with the job, any important matters, life values \u200b\u200band priorities.
  • Often psychosomatics singles out the presence of psychological factors associated with interpersonal and family problems as the main reason.
  • Diabetes mellitus most often develops in people who are prone to being overweight. At the same time, a person suffers from insecurity and low self-esteem, frequent mood swings, hypersensitivity to everything that happens around. This, in turn, becomes the cause of internal conflict with the environment and with oneself.
  • If a person does not know how to love, show attention, compassion, experience any other important feelings, such a psychological state often leads to severe complications associated with visual functions. A diabetic's vision is sharply reduced, he can go completely blind if he is further blind to the feelings.

The psychosomatic causes of diabetes mellitus are described in many scientific works of famous professors and doctors. This topic was studied most widely at the beginning of last year. The founder of the self-help movement, Louise Hay, calls diabetes a disease that has its roots in childhood. In her opinion, the main reason is the transfer of deep grief over the missed opportunity to change something in her own life.

Also, psychosomatics believes that the development of the disease is often to blame for the desire to constantly monitor and track everything that happens. In her works, Louise Hay points to the constant bottomless sadness in diabetics, the patient can suffer if he does not feel love from others.

According to other researchers in the field of psychosomatics, the development of diabetes mellitus may have other similar reasons.

  1. As a result of suffering severe shocks, when a person is in a state of shock for a long period.
  2. In the presence of chronic unresolved family problems in which the patient finds himself in a dead end, as well as in the case of instability and expectation of some inevitable event. If such causes are eliminated in time and psychological problems are solved, the person's condition will return to normal.
  3. In case of painful waiting and panic attackwhen a diabetic is constantly drawn to eat sweets. This happens because glucose is quickly processed in the body, and insulin does not have time to be synthesized during combustion. As a result, sweet snacks become more frequent, the normal production of the hormone is disrupted and type 2 diabetes mellitus develops.
  4. If a person constantly scolds and punishes himself for an act done. At the same time, guilt is often imaginary, which can greatly complicate the patient's life. If you constantly blame yourself and carry negative thoughts in yourself, this condition kills the body's defenses, which is why diabetes mellitus develops.

The most difficult thing is to get rid of psychosomatic causes for children. A child constantly needs love and attention from adults who are close to him. But often parents do not notice this, they begin to buy off sweets and toys.

If a child tries to attract the attention of an adult with good actions, but the parental response does not appear, he begins to do bad things. This, in turn, entails an excessive accumulation of negativity in the baby's body.

In the absence of attention and benevolent love, metabolic failure occurs in children's body and the disease worsens.

What causes diabetes

Sugar level

As you know, diabetes mellitus is of two types - insulin-dependent and insulin-independent. Psychosomatics considers the first type of disease to be a vivid example of a disease that keeps the patient completely dependent on the reception medicines... Diabetics are doomed to control their blood sugar levels and inject insulin every day.

Diabetes mellitus can be found in people with an excessive idealization of independence. They strive for success in school and at work, trying to gain complete independence from their parents, boss, husband or wife.

That is, such a need is acquiring a super-important and priority character. In this regard, the disease, to balance the concepts, makes a person dependent on insulin, despite the desire to be completely independent in everything.

The second reason lies in the patient's desire to make the world ideal and the way he wants. Diabetics often think that they are right about everything and are sure that only they can correctly prioritize, choosing between good and bad. In this regard, such people show irritation if someone tries to challenge the correct point of view in their opinion.

  • A person diagnosed with diabetes tries to control everything and everyone, prefers to live surrounded by people who will always agree with him and support his opinion. This "sweetens" the diabetic's conceit and leads to.
  • Diabetes mellitus can also develop with a loss of the feeling of life colors, when a person begins to believe with age that the best moments have already passed and nothing more unusual will happen. The increased blood sugar in turn acts as a sweetener for life.
  • Often diabetics are unable to accept the love that is offered to them. They really want to be loved, talk about it, but do not know how to assimilate feelings. Also, the disease can provoke a desire to make everyone happy by all means, and when general happiness does not come and the dream does not come true, a person is sad and very upset.

Such people usually lack joyful feelings, diabetics do not know how to get real pleasure from life. They are full of numerous expectations, have claims and grievances against the people around them who do not agree with their opinion. In order not to give the disease the opportunity to develop, you need to learn to accept everything that happens in life, and all the people around you, without reproach. If you accept the world as it is, the disease will gradually go away.

Because of the complete depression, indifferent humility and the belief that good will not happen, diabetics are so convinced of this that they believe in the futility of struggle. In their opinion, nothing can be fixed in life, so you need to come to terms.

Due to attempts to suppress hidden feelings, such people close their lives from true feelings and are unable to accept love.

Research on psychosomatic causes

Psychosomatics has been investigating the causes of diabetes mellitus for many years. There are many studies and techniques developed by renowned psychologists and professors.

According to Louise Hay, the cause of the onset of the disease lies in grief and sadness due to any missed opportunity and the desire to always keep everything under control. To solve the problem, it is proposed to do everything to make life as full of joy as possible.

You need to enjoy every day you live, in order to rid a person of accumulated and deep-rooted negativity, it takes a deep work of a psychologist who will help change outlook on life.

  1. Psychologist Liz Burbo believes that the main distinctive feature diabetics - impressionability and constant desire for the unattainable. Such desires can be directed both to the patient himself and to his relatives. However, if loved ones get what they want, the diabetic often begins to experience the strongest envy.
  2. People who are sick are very loyal and always take care of others. Due to dissatisfaction in love and tenderness, diabetics try to implement any plan they have in mind. But if something does not come out of the previously conceived, the person begins to experience a strong sense of guilt. To get rid of the problem, you need to relax, stop controlling everyone, and become happy.
  3. Vladimir Zhikarantsev also claims that the cause of diabetes is a strong desire for something. A person is so deeply absorbed in regret for lost opportunities that he does not notice the joyful moments in his life. For healing, the patient must learn to pay attention to everything that is happening around him and rejoice in every moment.

As noted by Liz Burbo, in children, the development of diabetes occurs due to a lack of attention and understanding on the part of parents. To get what he wants, the child begins to get sick and thereby attract special attention to himself. Treatment in this case consists not only in taking medications, but also in the emotional filling of the life of a young patient.

In the video in this article, Louise Hay will talk about the connection between psychosomatics and disease.

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