Onion peel for hair strengthening recipe. Onion husks - first aid for hair


ABOUT healing propertiesoh onions so much has been said and written that it makes no sense to repeat myself. However, few people know about the beneficial properties. We throw it in the trash, without even thinking about the fact that it can be used to preserve the beauty and health of our hair.

However, almost every person in Russia knows the recipe for coloring Easter eggs. He came to us from grandmothers. Then why don't we remember that the same grandmothers treated their gorgeous braids with onion peels?

Women with dark hair didn't need artificial hair dyes that burn out curls and disrupt metabolic processes in the skin. At the same time, onion peels helped to eliminate most of the problems associated with hair.

Today it is impossible to find a woman who cares for curls with onion peels. What for? Indeed, in cosmetics stores today there is a huge assortment of products that promise magnificent curls after the very first use. They are affordable and not time consuming to use. They do their job well, but it is imperative to learn about the benefits of onion peels.

The constant use of onion peels for rinsing hair gives it a pleasant golden hue, prevents dandruff, makes it strong and shiny.

Useful properties of onion peels

Amazingly, it is believed that onion peel contains many more useful components than the onion itself, which we eat. It contains the following trace elements and other useful components:

Vitamins groups B, D, A and E;
Metals - Fe, Cu, K, Zn;
Small amount of carotene;
Trace element sulfur;
Salts and biotin.

This is what explains its active use in funds traditional medicine.

For the scalp and hair, onion peels are used as a panacea for the following types of diseases:

All kinds of dermatitis;

Many women have heard about the beneficial properties of onion peels for dyeing and restoring hair. However, most of them are afraid of the unpleasant smell of onions, which remains long after the procedure. But this is far from the case. Properly prepared masks and onion peel infusions do not have an unpleasant odor. Especially people around will not notice it.

For hair care, there are many products that are prepared on the basis of onion peels. You can list the main ones:

Shampoos, etc.

They are easy to prepare and effective as a hair care product.

When choosing a product based on onion peels, be sure to familiarize yourself with the ingredients that make up it. Eliminate or replace those that you know are causing you allergic reactions.

To prepare the product, you can use the husk of any type of onion. The main thing is that the product is fresh and without signs of decay. Blondes can use white onion husks, brunettes can use any. After using any product containing onion peels, be sure to rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.

How to dye your hair with onion peel?

Ladies with dark hair will not be able to dye their hair with onion peels. However, maintaining color is quite possible. For those who decide to use this tool, you should know that the shade of the curls after applying it will become golden.

To prepare the coloring broth, take one glass of onion peels and fill it with the same amount of cold water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about half an hour. Strain and use as. After the first use, you may not notice significant changes. It is recommended to apply this product at least 7-8 times until the desired color is achieved.

To give the hair a more intense and lasting color, glycerin is added to the product. It is used as a mask for all hair types, which moisturizes, nourishes, saturates with color and gives a delightful shine to curls.

A copper shade can be added to the hair using a decoction of onion peels, which is applied to the hair before washing the hair and wrapped with a towel and cellophane for an hour. After the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried naturally.

You can experiment with the components of your choice.

For example, essential oilsadded to the decoction of onion peels act on the hair as follows:

- nutrition, moisturizing and hair restoration;
, or cinnamon, in addition to the benefits for the hair and scalp, can give the curls a pleasant aroma;
, jojoba or avocado - a real storehouse of vitamins for dull and dry hair;
, castor and chamomile -, scalp itching and eliminate problems with combing curls.

There is another proven way to restore lost hair. This is onion gruel (or juice). To do this, grind one onion in a blender or mince one onion. For the first use, onion juice is more suitable. Squeeze the pulp and rub the juice into the scalp. Wrap your head warmly with warm cloth and cellophane. Leave the compress for an hour. Rinse off with plenty of warm water and rinse with herbal infusion. However, it is this remedy that causes bad smell from the hair. But do not worry too much, it disappears after 2-3 days. Therefore, it is better to apply an onion mask once a week on the eve of the weekend. Wash your hair again with your favorite shampoo on Sunday night and the smell will disappear.

April 13, 2014 6:09 pm

Onions are very useful as hair masks, but its smell scares away and not everyone decides to use it for their hair. But, no less useful are onion peels, which have been used for many years to strengthen and dye hair.

Why is onion husks useful for hair

This valuable product has a whole range of useful components:

  • vitamins B, C, E, P, PP;
  • keratin;
  • antioxidants;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • flavonoids.

With the help of a decoction of husks, you can strengthen and heal your hair. In addition, it is often used to dye curls. This product is able to prevent hair loss and give odds to many cosmetics. In this case, the action occurs almost instantly after the first use. If you constantly rinse the curls with a mixture, then you can not only strengthen the roots, but also acquire a beautiful shiny shade. Unlike onions, the husk does not leave an unpleasant odor.

How to use for hair loss and strengthening

The mixture is prepared without any problems, but proportions must be observed for the effect to be satisfactory. It is necessary to use the leaves from dry onions, on which there are no traces of rotting and mold.

Hair loss is a very common problem among many women.

There are many reasons for this:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • frequent use of paints;
  • thermal damage and so on.

To make your hair thick and beautiful, you can experiment endlessly with various cosmetics, but folk recipes nobody canceled. Regular onion waste is great for strengthening curls. They can be combined with oak bark, nettles, birch leaves. To give the curls more volume, masks and decoctions with peels are suitable.

To begin with, you should prepare a mixture, which will be the base component for masks or rinse aid.

Cooking method:

  • take two or three onions and peel them;
  • pour 2 liters of water into a container and bring it to a boil, then throw in the husk and cover with a lid;
  • boil the broth on minimum heat for 50-60 minutes;
  • after the water acquires a golden-red color, remove from the heat and let it brew for 3-4 hours.

After that, the mixture is applied in pure form or with the help of it masks or rinses are created.

Mask recipes and instructions for use

Recipe number 1

A ready-made decoction of the husk is taken - 300 grams, 200 grams, 15 grams of red pepper extract are added to it. After that, the infusion should stand for 3-4 hours in a dark place, then all this is filtered. Wash your hair with shampoo and then you can rub the mask. After half an hour, rinse your head with warm water.

The procedure should be performed 2-3 times a week for a month. Hair will stop falling out and get a beautiful shine.

Recipe number 2

  • 100 grams of broth husk;
  • 2 teaspoons;
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt;
  • 2-3 drops of lavender oil.

All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath. Apply the mask to clean hair and let it stand for 30-40 minutes, then rinse your head with warm water.

The procedures should be performed twice a week for three months... This mask promotes better hair growth.

Decoction recipes and instructions for use

Recipe number 1

You need to take 20 grams of cognac, 200 grams of husk broth and 250 grams of broth. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. Soak for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Perform the procedure after each.

Recipe number 2

Take 400 ml. pour boiling water over them three tablespoons of onion husks and oak bark. Boil all this for half an hour. Then cool the broth to room temperature and strain. Apply the mixture to the scalp and wrap it in a towel. Rinse the strands after 30 minutes.

Recipe number 3

Add three tablespoons of onion husks and birch leaves to 300 milliliters of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes over low heat. After it has cooled, it should be rubbed into the scalp. Soak for 30 minutes and rinse with water.

Recipe number 4

Decoction against baldness. To do this, you need to take a few clove buds and combine with three tablespoons of the husk. Pour the dry ingredients with vodka (250 grams). The tincture should be infused for two weeks in a dark place. This lotion should be rubbed onto the scalp 2 times a week. Soak for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your head with clean water.


If the natural hair color is dark, then there is no point in using onion peels as a paint. It can only serve as a medicine.

  1. To get light curls golden hue, you need to make a decoction. For 250 grams of water, you need to take 60 grams of husk. Boil the mixture for one hour and after it has cooled, apply to the hair. For the curls to acquire a golden hue, the mixture should be applied daily for 7-10 days.
  2. In order for the strands to turn out a little darker, you need to add to the broth. For one hour, a decoction is cooked with 100 grams of husk and 200 milliliters of water. When the broth has cooled, strain it and add 3 teaspoons of glycerin to it. You should rinse your hair with this mixture for three weeks.
  3. To make the hair chestnut color, you should prepare a fairly strong infusion. For this, two liters of water and 500 grams of onion waste are taken. The mixture is cooked for 60-80 minutes over low heat. After complete cooling, strain the broth. Before applying a natural dye, the hair must be washed with shampoo and dried. Then the hair is distributed into strands and each must be wiped with a decoction. Cover the head with a plastic bag and a warm towel. Withstand 2-2.5 hours. Repeat the procedure every other day for two weeks.

How to fix a color

Since onion peel is a natural dye and does not have the ability to fix color for a long time, the procedures must be repeated as often as possible. At the same time, the hair will not only get a beautiful shade, but also become healthier and stronger.

In conclusion, we can say that onion peels are used not only as a hair treatment, but also as a prophylactic agent. All recipes have been tried and tested for centuries, besides, this is an inexpensive product.

Onion peels have long been used as a wonderful folk remedywith many healing properties. On its basis, masks, decoctions, tinctures are made for improving hair. Onion peels are able to eliminate hair problems such as brittleness, loss, dryness. Beautiful shade of curls, thick and strong hair, healthy shine and natural beauty - all this can be achieved with regular short-term use of the product.

The benefits of onion peel for hair Use in home cosmetology Contraindications

The benefits of onion peels for hair

The main secret of the benefits of onion peel is hidden in its composition, it is not for nothing that this product is so often used in pharmacology and cosmetology. Onion husks are rich in phytoncides and flavonoids with antibacterial properties, as well as vitamins C, PP, E groups and minerals.

Onion peels contain a lot organic acids... Quercetin is one of its most beneficial ingredients. For a long time, this herbal element has been used in the manufacture of a number of medicines, from drugs for treating inflammation to medicines for cancer.

So wide range application of quercetin owes its decongestant, antispasmodic, antihistamine and other medicinal properties... Quercetin is also often found in drugs designed to slow skin aging.

Thanks to such a rich composition, onion peels are an excellent fighter against scalp problems (dandruff, dermatitis), a strengthening agent for hair follicles. Hair is saturated with vitamins, acquires a healthy look and beautiful color.

Video: The benefits of onion peels for hair and the whole body.

Application in home cosmetology

Unlike masks based on onion juice and chopped onions, onion peel decoctions do not smell, so you can use the product at any time of the day. Onion peels are used for health purposes: in case of hair loss, brittleness and dryness, in order to strengthen the curls and give them shine. Often, onion peels are used for hair dyeing.

They use the prepared products either as a rinse or in the form of hair masks. There are no restrictions on the amount of use of onion peels for hair, the main thing is not to be too zealous on light hair, if there is no need to give it a darker shade.

Tincture for hair loss.

Applying this remedy two to three times a week for two months, you can forget about such a problem as hair loss, the hair will acquire a pleasant softness and a healthy shiny look. Onion peel tincture is not suitable for light-haired people - there is a high probability that a reddish tint will appear after application.

Onion peel - 500 g
Vodka - 200-250 ml
Carnation - 6 buds

Put cloves on the bottom of a half-liter jar, fill the jar with onion peels, pour vodka to the top. Close the container tightly with the lid. Leave the tincture in a dark place for 10 days. From time to time, the jar with the contents needs to be shaken. After the allotted time for infusion, strain the tincture, pour into a small container, store in the refrigerator.

Before applying, the onion peel hair product is heated to room temperature in a water bath. Then with rotational movements rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. Cover the head with a cellophane bag, stand for 1.5-2 hours. After that, the head and hair are washed as usual.

Onion peel to strengthen hair roots.

The product can be used in two different ways: rubbing in before shampooing and rinsing hair after shampooing.

1. A decoction of onion peel.
Pour a glass of husk with a glass of water, boil for 7-8 minutes, cool to a pleasant body temperature.

For rinsing: rinse hair thoroughly with broth every time after shampooing.

For rubbing in: apply the broth to the hair, rub thoroughly into the scalp and distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair. Withstand no more than 40 minutes, otherwise the staining effect may appear.

2. A decoction of onion husks and birch leaves.
Pour 2 tsp. chopped husk and 2 tsp. birch leaves with one and a half glasses of water. Boil for 8-12 minutes, cool to room temperature, drain.

Rub the broth into the hair roots and scalp every three days until the result is achieved.

Decoction of onion peel against hair loss.

The use of a decoction can be effective only in the initial stages of hair loss.

Water - 1.5 liters.
Chopped husk - 3 tbsp. l.
Chopped oak leaves - 3 tbsp. l.

Preparation and application.
Mix oak leaves and onion skins, pour warm water. Simmer for an hour over moderate heat. Cool the broth, then strain. Rub into the scalp warm for at least two weeks.

Onion husks to accelerate hair growth.

Green nettle - 120 g
Carnation - 8 buds
Onion husks - 40 g
Water - 120 ml
Vodka - 260 ml

Preparation and application.
Chop the cloves in a mortar, mix with chopped nettle and onion husks. Pour in water and vodka, stir. The container with the infusion is hermetically closed and removed for 16 days in a darkened place. Rub in the product two hours before shampooing once a week for two months.

Treatment of oily seborrhea with onion peel.

Usually, 5-6 procedures are enough to get rid of oily seborrhea.

Pour 500 ml of water over two glasses of husk, bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes. Insist for about an hour, then strain. Rub the solution into clean and dry hair. Even without washing off the broth, dry your head, then comb it.

Onion peel for hair coloring.

The product is ideal for adding a light shade to hair and for painting gray hair. On dark hair, the dyeing effect is not so noticeable, but after the procedure, the curls become shiny and acquire a healthy look. On light hair, you can achieve different shades depending on the concentration of the tincture and the duration of the procedure: from pale golden to reddish brown tones.

It is forbidden to dye the hair with onion peels after a perm: the result may be unpredictable.

Onion husks - 1.5 tbsp.
Cold water - 2 tbsp.
Glycerin - 2 tsp

Preparation and application.
Pour the husk with water, bring the mixture to a boil, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Add glycerin to the broth cooled to room temperature. Strain the mixture, apply to hair. Soak from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The longer the staining procedure lasts, the richer the color will be.

Video: Onion peels for strengthening and against hair loss.


The undoubted advantage of using onion peels for hair is the absence of any serious contraindications. However, people prone to allergic reactions, and those who have an individual intolerance to the main component - onions, should use the drug with caution.

HomeCare productsFolk remedies

What women do not go to to have a thick, shiny and chic head of hair. Many resort to expensive salon procedures, spend a lot of time on all this. But you can take care of your curls at home, using folk remedies. They contain only natural ingredients rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances.

There are many simple and inexpensive recipes for strengthening hair, all of which are easy to prepare and consist of foods that can be found in your kitchen.

So, among the means of traditional medicine for restoring and strengthening curls, onion peels are considered the most effective for hair loss. Few people know and use it to strengthen the lock. But it is no less useful and even surpasses the onion itself in the amount of vitamins.

The benefits of the husk are huge, it has a positive effect not only on the strands themselves, but also on the scalp.

Possesses the following properties:

participates in the process of skin cell regeneration; activates hair growth; stops the process of loss; restores damaged follicles; nourishes, moisturizes; eliminates dandruff; makes the roots and follicles stronger; makes curls shiny and strong; gives the strands a beautiful shade; makes them thicker and more voluminous.

Onion peels are an excellent alternative to factory hair care products. Unlike them, it does not contain chemicals that harm the curls and spoil the structure of the follicles.

To strengthen hair, the broth can be used both in pure form and added to various masks, balms, shampoos. You can just rinse your head with it or rub it into the roots. If rubbed into the skin, then keep the composition for 40 minutes under a thick towel, then rinse your head with water. To achieve desired effect, repeat the procedure for two weeks in a row, then rest and again the treatment course.

Recipe number 1

The broth is prepared quite easily, you just need to be patient. For curls of medium length, you will need several large bulbs. They need to be rinsed and dried well. Remove all husks. Put a pot with two liters of water on the stove, bring it to a boil, pour the onion skins into it and cover with a lid on top, the fire should be minimal. Leave on the fire for an hour, until the broth acquires a beautiful golden-red hue. Further, it must be insisted for three hours and filtered.

Recipe number 2

Oak leaves can be added to onion husks in equal proportions. Take a spoonful of the finished raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of water and put on fire for half an hour. Leave to infuse for an hour. Rub the finished composition into the roots every day for two weeks. Good reinforcement the roots are obtained from onion skins and oak leaves.

Recipe number 3

Nettle leaves are no less effective against hair loss. They can also be added to the decoction. Part of the husk is taken, three parts of nettle, 300 ml of water. Mixed, put on fire, for 20 minutes. The composition is rubbed into the roots before washing the hair, it lasts for several hours.

As a rule, other components are added to masks with a decoction so that the composition is more viscous and does not drain from the head.

Recipe number 1

The simplest recipe is with olive oil and onions. The oil is mixed with the broth to a viscous consistency, applied to the roots for 20 minutes. You can add burdock instead of olive oil.

Recipe number 2

Mix three tablespoons of onion peel broth with a spoonful of honey, mayonnaise and olive oil. Apply to roots and scalp, keep for an hour.

Recipe number 3

You can mix two tablespoons of the broth with the same amount of garlic juice, add the yolk, a spoon burdock oil and a spoonful of brandy. The mixture is rubbed into the roots and skin, while the head should be washed and dried. It is necessary to keep the composition for half an hour, rinse with cool water. Rinse your head with water diluted with vinegar or lemon juice, then apply a balm by adding a few drops of rosemary oil, sage or ylang-ylang.

Recipe number 4

Such a composition will help from hair loss. Mix two tablespoons of the broth with a spoonful of warm kefir, add a spoonful of garlic juice and cocoa powder. Finally, drip 5 drops of rosemary oil. Rub into the skin, grease the ends with the rest. Keep for 40 minutes.

Recipe number 5

Or you can prepare a tincture with the addition of cloves. With a clove, the smell of onions on your head will not be felt, on the contrary, your hair will smell a little of a pleasant tart spice.

So, you need to take 5-6 clove buds, put them on the bottom of a glass jar. Fill the jar with husks on top. Pour vodka to the top and close the lid. Leave in the dark for two weeks, then strain. Shake well before each use. Store in refrigerator with lid closed.

The agent is applied before shampooing, the infusion is slightly warmed up. Massage into scalp and scalp to improve blood circulation to the scalp. A hat and a towel are put on top. You need to hold for an hour or two, then wash your hair. Repeat the procedure once a week until the hairs stop falling out.

Such a mask is quite effective, the hair is quickly restored, it becomes thick, shiny and beautiful. However, it is important to know that such a remedy is not suitable for those whose hair is dyed blond, since it has a rich dark brown color. And if the curls are light, they can acquire a reddish tint.

Strengthening hair with onion peels is a proven and effective folk remedy with which you can not only stop the process of hair loss, but also strengthen the roots, restore damaged hair follicles, give hair strength and restore its former shine.

Making yourself masks with onions, you will gain thick, voluminous and chic hair!

"A good housewife does not waste anything" - this principle is followed by the majority modern women... Onion skins are often left in the kitchen after cooking. It has long been noted that it helps with cardiovascular diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, fungal infections, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, menstrual irregularities and pain, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, gastritis and cystitis. For cosmetic purposes, it is used to combat warts and acne, boils, scratches and abscesses. The list is endless. Also, the effectiveness of onion peel has been confirmed in its use for hair.

The benefits of onion peels

Constant stress, impact high temperatures when styling, they give hair brittleness, thinning, the ends split, dandruff and problems with the scalp appear. The modern market offers a lot, but it has long been known that all this is easily replaced with cheaper folk remedies, the effect of which is sometimes better than from store-bought ones. Onion peels are widely used to strengthen and color hair, as well as effective remedy against hair loss and baldness.

This product contains a huge amount of useful microelements, vitamins of groups B, C, P, E, carotene, flavonoids, phytoncides, iron, calcium and potassium salts. All of them have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, making them soft, silky, shiny and durable.

Hair Strengthening Recipes

Strengthening hair and preventing hair loss is carried out in several ways:

Rinsing: an incomplete glass of husk is poured into a glass of water, the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled to the desired temperature and used in rinsing. Rubbing the infusion into the scalp: half a glass of husk is poured with a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, after removing it is wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket and infused overnight. Before use, the ready-made infusion is mixed with cognac or vodka in a 1: 1 ratio, chopped red pepper is added. After several hours, the tincture is filtered and rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. This is done regularly for a month. After the specified period of time, it will become noticeable how the hair has changed.
Hair transformation

Remedies for hair loss and baldness: treatment and prevention

It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day. If this indicator is exceeded, and a large number of hairs constantly remain on the pillow, comb or in the shower, then this is a reason to think about it and start treatment. The first step is to establish the cause of such a loss, but it is difficult to do it yourself, it is better to consult a specialist trichologist or dermatologist.

Supplement traditional treatment hair loss is possible different waysone of which is the use of onion peels. Her active substances penetrate into the scalp, thereby strengthening the hair follicles. The result is the improvement of the hair structure, as well as the prevention of further hair loss. Some recipes are provided below:

For the prevention of hair loss, the infusion is prepared as follows: a glass of onion peel and two glasses of water are taken, the product is boiled for 20 minutes, cooled to an acceptable temperature and rubbed into the scalp, wrapped up and held for 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the mixture is washed off with running water. Prevention of baldness is carried out with the same decoction, but with the addition of oak leaves. It is prepared like this: 2 tablespoons of onion peel and chopped oak leaves are poured into a liter of water, everything is boiled for 1 hour, cooled and applied to the scalp. This procedure is repeated every day for 2 weeks to achieve the desired result. After the completed course, hair loss will stop.

Restorative mask option on video

Hull decoction staining

Hair of all shades can be dyed with onion peel: from light brown to dark brown. In the first version, light golden highlights are obtained, and the infusion gives a chic bronze tint to dark hair. Gray hair is also not a problem, but only with regular use of onion broth.

Attention! Dyeing hair that has been previously permed and treated chemical compositions (including paints), can give an unpredictable option, which is sometimes far from the desired one.

Options for shades that can be obtained by staining:

To obtain a light golden hue, half a cup of husk is mixed with a glass of water and simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. After cooling, add 2 teaspoons of glycerin. The broth is now ready to use. It is rubbed into the roots of the hair and spreads over the entire length. The exposure time for each type of hair is individual and is determined only in practice. A dark chestnut color as a result of painting is obtained with a husk to water ratio of 1: 2, boiling is carried out for 30 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and evenly applied to the entire mass of hair, wrapped up and after 2 hours washed off with running water without shampoo. If you paint the curls with decoction in a 1: 1 ratio, you can get a bright red color. Further actions are the same as for obtaining other shades.

Mixing one and a half glasses of husk with two glasses of water, further boiling for 20 minutes over low heat, cooling and applying according to the same scheme is considered a universal recipe for hair dyeing. The exposure time will vary depending on the desired shade.

Onion peel decoction

Hair coloring in this way is the safest and also useful. But it is worth remembering that onion peels are strong remedy, so the scalp can also be stained. However, it has a lipid layer, so the paint will quickly come off. Because of this effect, many experts advise lubricating the scalp with a greasy cream or vegetable oil, but this is impractical, since the hair roots may not be stained. Light spots may also appear along the entire length of the hair. The same can happen if the original hair color was uneven.

Other uses

The use of onion peels is not limited to decoctions - it can also be masks and rinses... For the preparation of masks, a binder is added to the broth, which gives the finished product the necessary thickness.

The most popular mask is considered to be a decoction of onion peel in combination with olive oil. To begin with, a standard broth is prepared, after it has cooled, olive oil is added until the consistency becomes viscous (calculate the amount depending on the volume of hair). The mask is evenly distributed throughout the mass and partially rubbed into the scalp, the treated hair is wrapped in a towel and left in this state for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is washed off with water using shampoo. This mask makes hair thicker, prevents hair loss and promotes overall health.

The easiest way to strengthen your hair is to use an onion peel-based hair rinse. To prepare it, mix onion peels, dry oak leaves, birch and nettle in equal proportions, boil for about 50 minutes, allow to cool and infuse for 2 hours, and then rinse the hair directly after washing. To enhance the dyeing effect and give your hair a golden hue, you can add a decoction of burdock and chamomile roots to the rinse aid.

Women's slogan: a beautiful woman is a well-groomed woman. And beauty starts from the head. When a woman has beautiful, well-groomed hair and shines with shine, it is a feast for the eyes. But today, many women suffer from hair problems that can occur in early age... Almost every woman is faced with split ends, hair loss, brittle hair and dull appearance. These problems arise mainly from improper diet, bad habits, lack of vitamin in the body, improper lifestyle and exposure to external factors.

At one time, our great-grandmothers solved hair problems with the help of onion peels. Indeed, in those days there was not yet such an abundance of cosmetic products, and they used “improvised materials”. Onions help your hair look healthy.

It turns out that onions are not used as a food product, but the husk is also considered useful. After all, the husk contains more vitamins than the onion itself. It contains mineral salts, biotin, sulfur, potassium, carotene, zinc, iron, copper, vitamins B, D, E, A... Therefore, it is used in traditional medicine.

Onion peels are also used as medicines. skin diseases heads:

  • Eczema;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Dermatitis.

As everyone knows, there is an unpleasant smell in onions and every girl or woman is afraid to use onions at home for fear of "smelling bad". But this is not the case. Ready-made decoctions, masks and infusions are odorless, which would cause discomfort to you and those around you.

For medicinal purposes, infusions, navars, rinses, shampoos, and hair maxi are prepared from the husk. Many recipes are very easy to make at home. And the preparation is simple and effective with regular or occasional use.

Before preparing the recipe, be sure to read the composition, exclude ingredients that cause irritation or allergies.

Any type of husk is suitable for procedures - regular white onion or red onion husk. After each procedure, the head is rinsed with warm water.

Decoctions for the treatment of hair loss

  • # 1. For this infusion, we need cognac, a decoction of husk and burdock root, in proportions 1: 4: 6. Mix all ingredients and apply to scalp. The exposition is 30 minutes.
  • # 2. Mix a tablespoon of the husk broth with the cologne. Massage into skin and leave for 15 minutes.
  • No. 3. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of onion husks and oak bark (300 ml). Boil for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth and strain. Rub into head and cover with a towel for 30 minutes.
  • No. 4. Lotion of peels, cloves and alcohol against hair loss. Mix five clove buds with 2 tbsp. l. husks. Pour 200 grams of vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark dish or in a dark place. Rub your head. The exposition is 15 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is within a month, once every 3-4 days.
  • No. 5. Mix birch husks and leaves in proportions 1: 1. Add 250 ml of boiling water to the dry mixture, cook for 10 minutes over low heat. In the cooled form, rub into the hair roots.

Onion peel rinse for shine

A homemade rinse will help give your hair shine, firmness and root strength.

Add 500 ml in 40 g of chopped husk. water and bring to a boil. Continue to cook for 5 minutes over low heat with the lid on. Then leave the saucepan with the broth aside to infuse for 15 minutes. Strain the warm broth. Pour the broth on the head, rub in with massage movements. The frequency of the procedure is every other day.

Hair growth stimulating masks

  • # 1. Boil the onion husks over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then wrap the container and leave overnight. In the morning, add cognac (as much as the husk) and finely chopped hot red pepper to the filtered broth. After 3 hours of infusion, strain the broth again. Rub into hair roots for a whole month every day.
  • # 2. Will help with poor growth hair mask will help with olive oil. Mix the ingredients: 26 g of husk, 17 g of olive oil and 25 g of kefir, a couple of drops of lavender oil. Mix everything and heat in a water bath to 40-50 degrees. Apply a warm mixture to the head. The exposition is half an hour. Rinse your hair as usual. The regularity of the procedure is several times a week for 2-3 months.

Onion peels for dandruff and shine

Mix in 1: 1 proportions the husk and oak bark. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat. After an hour, cool the broth and strain. Moisten the scalp with the broth and wrap it in plastic or cellophane for several hours. The regularity of the procedure is several times a week. This mask will not only get rid of dandruff, but also add shine to your hair.

To strengthen hair

To strengthen the hair structure, use a mask based on castor oil and onion peels. We need: an egg, castor oil, a decoction with husks and brandy.

Beat the egg with a blender or whisk. Add 4 tsp. onion broth, castor oil and cognac in proportions 1: 2. Apply to the head while massaging the roots. Exposition - an hour.

Hair strengthening lotion

The lotion is applied two hours before shampooing. It is prepared on the basis of husks, nettles and cloves. Mix 30 g of husk, 100 g of fresh chopped nettle and 7 pcs. carnations. Then pour a mixture of herbs with 1/2 cup water and a glass of alcohol. Close the container tightly on top and put in a dark place for two weeks.

Coloring properties of onion peel

Even in the old days, our ancestors made paint from onion peels. Indeed, at that time there was no such abundance of hair dyes. Onion peel is a natural product that does not contain chemicals like all hair dyes. In addition, the broth is useful for hair and paints gray hair very well.

It makes no sense to dye your hair with a dark color, in this case it is better to use the husk as a treatment. By dyeing blonde hair with husks, they acquire a golden hue. To get a golden hue, you need to prepare such a decoction. Take 50 g of husk in a glass of water. Boil the broth for a quarter of an hour. By applying the decoction to your hair every day, you can achieve a permanent hair color.

To obtain a brownish-golden hue, glycerin is added to the broth. Take 1/2 cup of husk and pour 250 ml. water, boil for a quarter of an hour. Leave the broth aside to cool. Then strain it and add 2 tsp. glycerin. Use this broth for three weeks. If you boil this broth a little longer - half an hour, you get a reddish-orange shade of hair. This decoction is ideal for dyeing gray hair.

To obtain a brown hair color, prepare such a decoction. Take a saucepan (or other container) for three liters, cover the third part with husk and pour one and a half liters of boiling water on top. Boil the broth over low heat for 30 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, strain the cooled broth. Before coloring the head, wash thoroughly with shampoo. Spread the dried hair into curls. Grease each curl with broth. Cover the head with plastic and a terry towel. The exposition is two hours.

Using onion peels is not easy as a hair treatment, but also as a prevention. The recipes listed above are proven for centuries and are inexpensive in terms of cost. Apply masks, lotions and rinses based on onion peels and your hair will radiate health!

Onion husks have long been used as an excellent folk remedy with many healing properties. On its basis, masks, decoctions, tinctures are made for improving hair. Onion peels are able to eliminate hair problems such as brittleness, loss, dryness. A beautiful shade of curls, thick and strong hair, healthy shine and natural beauty - all this can be achieved with regular short-term use of the product.

Onion peels contain many organic acids. Quercetin is one of its most beneficial ingredients. For a long time, this herbal element has been used in the manufacture of a number of medicines, from drugs for treating inflammation to medicines for cancer.

Quercetin owes such a wide range of uses to its decongestant, antispasmodic, antihistamine and other medicinal properties. Quercetin is also often found in drugs designed to slow skin aging.

Thanks to such a rich composition, onion peels are an excellent fighter against scalp problems (dandruff, dermatitis), a strengthening agent for hair follicles. Hair is saturated with vitamins, acquires a healthy look and beautiful color.

Video: The benefits of onion peels for hair and the whole body.

Application in home cosmetology

Unlike masks based on onion juice and chopped onions, onion peel decoctions do not smell, so you can use the product at any time of the day. Onion peels are used for health purposes: in case of hair loss, brittleness and dryness, in order to strengthen the curls and give them shine. Often, onion peels are used for hair dyeing.

They use the prepared products either as a rinse or in the form of hair masks. There are no restrictions on the amount of use of onion peels for hair, the main thing is not to be too zealous on light hair, if there is no need to give it a darker shade.

Tincture for hair loss.

Applying this remedy two to three times a week for two months, you can forget about such a problem as hair loss, the hair will acquire a pleasant softness and a healthy shiny look. Onion peel tincture is not suitable for light-haired people - there is a high probability that a reddish tint will appear after application.

Onion peel - 500 g
Vodka - 200-250 ml
Carnation - 6 buds

Put cloves on the bottom of a half-liter jar, fill the jar with onion peels, pour vodka to the top. Close the container tightly with the lid. Leave the tincture in a dark place for 10 days. From time to time, the jar with the contents needs to be shaken. After the allotted time for infusion, strain the tincture, pour into a small container, store in the refrigerator.

Before applying, the onion peel hair product is heated to room temperature in a water bath. Then with rotational movements rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. Cover the head with a cellophane bag, stand for 1.5-2 hours. After that, the head and hair are washed as usual.

Onion peel to strengthen hair roots.

The product can be used in two different ways: rubbing in before shampooing and rinsing hair after shampooing.

1. Decoction of onion peel.
Pour a glass of husk with a glass of water, boil for 7-8 minutes, cool to a pleasant body temperature.

For rinsing: rinse hair thoroughly with broth every time after shampooing.

For rubbing in: apply the broth to the hair, rub thoroughly into the scalp and distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair. Withstand no more than 40 minutes, otherwise the staining effect may appear.

2. A decoction of onion husks and birch leaves.
Pour 2 tsp. chopped husk and 2 tsp. birch leaves with one and a half glasses of water. Boil for 8-12 minutes, cool to room temperature, drain.

Rub the broth into the hair roots and scalp every three days until the result is achieved.

Decoction of onion peel against hair loss.

The use of a decoction can be effective only in the initial stages of hair loss.

Water - 1.5 liters.
Chopped husk - 3 tbsp. l.
Chopped oak leaves - 3 tbsp. l.

Preparation and application.
Mix oak leaves and onion skins, pour warm water. Simmer for an hour over moderate heat. Cool the broth, then strain. Rub into the scalp warm for at least two weeks.

Onion husks to accelerate hair growth.

Green nettle - 120 g
Carnation - 8 buds
Onion husks - 40 g
Water - 120 ml
Vodka - 260 ml

Preparation and application.
Chop the cloves in a mortar, mix with chopped nettle and onion husks. Pour in water and vodka, stir. The container with the infusion is hermetically closed and removed for 16 days in a darkened place. Rub in the product two hours before shampooing once a week for two months.

Treatment of oily seborrhea with onion peel.

Usually, 5-6 procedures are enough to get rid of oily seborrhea.

Pour 500 ml of water over two glasses of husk, bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes. Insist for about an hour, then strain. Rub the solution into clean and dry hair. Even without washing off the broth, dry your head, then comb it.

Onion peel for hair coloring.

The product is ideal for adding a light shade to hair and for painting gray hair. On dark hair, the dyeing effect is not so noticeable, but after the procedure, the curls become shiny and acquire a healthy look. On light hair, you can achieve different shades depending on the concentration of the tincture and the duration of the procedure: from pale golden to reddish brown tones.

It is forbidden to dye the hair with onion peels after a perm: the result may be unpredictable.

Onion husks - 1.5 tbsp.
Cold water - 2 tbsp.
Glycerin - 2 tsp

Preparation and application.
Pour the husk with water, bring the mixture to a boil, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Add glycerin to the broth cooled to room temperature. Strain the mixture, apply to hair. Soak from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The longer the staining procedure lasts, the richer the color will be.

Video: Onion peels for strengthening and against hair loss.


The undoubted advantage of using onion peels for hair is the absence of any serious contraindications. However, people who are prone to allergic reactions and those who have an individual intolerance to the main component - onions, should use the drug with caution.

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