Complications after removing inguinal lymph nodes. Removal of Lymph nodes of Pakhovov

- Planned: Tumor of unclear origin, suspicion of systemic disease lymphatic system, distally located tumor.

- Alternative operations: biopsy of primary tumor or other lymph nodes. Biopsy can be performed under ultrasound or CT guidance.

b) Preparation for the operation. Preoperative study: ultrasound procedure Depending on the suspect of the main disease.

at) Specific risks informed by the patient's consent:
- lymphatic fistula
- Vascular damage
- damage to nerves

d) Anesthesia. Typically, local anesthesia, rarely overall anesthesia (mask or intubation).

e) Patient position. Lying on the back with a slightly reserved and turned outward foot on the side of the operation.

e) Access. The longitudinally or space is lower than the groin fold over the palpable tumor.

g) Stages of the operation:
- Access
- Operations

h) Anatomical features, serious risks, operational techniques:
- Hip Vienna and Artery (Lacuna Vasorum), then a femoral nerve (Lacuna Musculorum) pass under a groin bundle from the medial side to lateral.
- High Ring There is a medial vein.
- Introduction of a local anesthetic can completely hide a fuzzy palpable lymphatic node.
- Careful ligation of all afferent vessels to lymph nodes is crucial to prevent the formation of lymphatic fistula.

Warning: "Iceberg Effect" (with the achievement of deep layers of wound during the dissection of the lymphatic node, which seems to be single, can be found a conglomerate of lymph nodes). Limit the operation of the biopsy.

and) Specific complications. Careful revision of the wound in the case of lymphatic fistula.

to) Postoperative care After removing the inguinal lymph node:
- Medical care: Drainage is removed on the 2nd day after the operation.
- Activation: immediately; Periodic vacation is allowed during the first week after the operation.
- Physiotherapy: Not needed.
- disability period: 3-5 days; longer in cases of significant physical activity.

l) Operational machinery:
- Access
- Operations
- rebirth of afferent vessels

1. Volume of operation. The lymphatic outflow is carried out mainly in the Lacuna Vasorum region; Only a few ways are lancer. Large lymph nodes are usually detected medial. When biopsy performed for histological research, Just removing one lymph node.

With groin lymphodissection, all lymphatic structures must be removed. With the dissection of lymphatic reservoirs lying in the vessels, it is necessary to detect and save the femoral nerve. For the prevention of lymphatic fistula, all lymphatic vessels must be carefully reduced distally. In the operation in the side sections, a femoral nerve and lateral skin thighs should be detected and preserved.

2. Access. Packing access from the medial paravascular, perpendicular or oblique cut into the groin. After dissection of the subcutaneous layer, an anatomical situation becomes obvious.

3. Rebuilding afferent vessels. After detection, the lymphatic node is captured, for example, a cochra clamp, and is consistently mobilized. Power vessels are supplied separately. The operation is completed drainage, subcutaneous seams and skin brackets.

Limfadenectomy is surgical removal One or more groups of lymphatic nodes. Removal of lymph nodes is performed with cancer in diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Most often, education is removed directly near the tumor. In rare cases, removal of all lymph nodes in the tumor area are required. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the state of the health of the patient and the nature of the disease.

Removal of increased lymph nodes are shown in lymphoma and cancer

Lymphatic nodes are part of immune system And therefore play an important role in the protection of the body from viruses and bacteria. They filtered lymphatic fluid and therefore are often the starting point of tumor cells that apply throughout the body.

Lymph nodes are removed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Diagnostic lymphadenectomy is used to determine the cause of the increase in or soreness of lymph nodes. With the lymphoma of sentiments the lymph nodes (closest to cancer tumor) are investigated for malignant cells. Therapeutic lymphadenectomy is used if the nodes already have metastases.

Reference. AT international Classification Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) malignant neoplasms From lymphoid fabric, under which lymphaderectomy is performed, C81-C96 codes are designated.

The most common venues for the removal of lymph nodes:

  • Grid: with breast cancer.
  • Packs: with malignant neoplasms of small pelvis organs.
  • Neck: with tumors in the head and neck.

Indications for lymfadenectomy

With malignant tumors, metastases can develop, which are transferred through lymph or blood flow to other organs. Limph nodes are often affected, in which the lymphatic fluid is derived from the field of the initial tumor. Lymphatic nodes effectively filtered tumor cells. If formations are affected in the head and neck area, they are removed to prevent further tumor propagation.

The main readings under which limp nodes are removed:

  • Large or oral cancer.
  • Thyroid cancer.
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Cancer cavity.
  • Malignant salivary tumors.
  • Rare others malignant tumors Heads, neck, chest or other parts of the body.

Tumor cells can spread along lymphatic vessels. Limfadenectomy is usually carried out as part of cancer therapy to remove actual or potential metastases.

During the retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy, a complete or partial removal of lymph nodes in abdominal cavity. This is done by cutting on abdominal wall And, if possible, laparoscopic methods. The procedure is often necessary in metastases of testicular tumor.

Mediastinal lymphadenectomy with video equipment is a surgical procedure that is used to remove lymph nodes in the mediastum. Basically, this option is used for diagnostic purposes if the bronchogenic carcinoma is suspected. The operation is usually carried out by a thoracic surgeon.

In selective lymfasenectomy, a whole group of lymph nodes is removed surrounding tumor tissue. The procedure is most often carried out with breast cancer and malignant melanoma, but there is no evidence of effectiveness.

Limfadenectomy of a sentigible lymph node - effective method Detection of metastases. It is based on the fact that the tumor metasizes in the first lymph node through lymph. If the sentient node is not amazed, then the surrounding lymph nodes are probably also not amazed by cancer cells. The procedure was designed in such a way as not to remove the lymphatic nodes unnecessary and untouched by cancer. When removing each additional education increases the risk of lymphhedhem.

If a configurant lymphatic node is struck, then all the affected lymphatic tissue is usually removed depending on the degree of propagation of cancer cells. The position of the sentigible lymphatic node can be accurately determined to remove it with lymphoscintigraphy.


With a large number of metastasis in lymph nodes, the operation to remove contraindicated

Common contraindications:

  • Cardiac insufficiency of III or IV degree according to the classification of the New York Heart Association.
  • Decompensated diabetes, severe renal and liver failure.
  • Blood impairment in the brain.
  • Hematological diseases;
  • Multiple;
  • Skin swelling near the operation site.


Lymphadenectomy was a standard procedure in cancer surgery since the beginning of the 20th century. A number of studies, as well as epidemiological data, show that malignant neoplasms from lymphoid tissue, apparently, are not able to initiate metastases. Regular and systematic lymphadenectomy, according to this data, does not affect the survival of patients, regardless of whether metastases arise.


Before removing lymph nodes, a conversation is carried out with a patient and the necessary research is assigned. Blood tests indicate signs of infection or possible cancer. Suspicious lymph nodes can be exactly localized. ultrasonic diagnostic or other studies.

Medicinal preparations that reduce blood clotting must stop adopt a few days before the operation. Dreaming blood preparations can enhance bleeding during surgery. It is also not recommended to take alcohol and smoke cigarettes 3 days before interfering.

The number of lymph nodes can be appreciated before the operation with computer tomography, mediastinoscopy or positron emission tomography. All nerves and vessels in the action zone are processed with maximum caution to avoid postoperative damage. Often, disposable antibiotics are introduced for the prevention of infection. Subsequent antibacterial therapy not required.


To the removal of lymph node, or lymphadenectomy, doctors are rarely resorted due to the high risk of developing complications - tissue edema

Surface lymph nodes on the neck, in the armpit, or groin are usually removed under local anesthesia. Deeply rooted education are often removed under general anesthesia. Removal of surface lymph nodes is carried out through a small incision and takes about half an hour. Remote lymph nodes are investigated using histological methods for the presence of cancer cells or pathogens.

If the lymphatic node is deleted for diagnostic purposes, the results of the study can be used to form a proper diagnosis. The success of cancer deletion depends, among other things, from type, degree and aggressiveness of the tumor. In general, the removal of lymph nodes reduces the risk of cancer spread.


The patient must protect the area from which lymph nodes were removed. During the rehabilitation period, it is forbidden to perform sharp and steep movements in the field of remote lymph nodes. The patient should not wash and shave the wound area.

Patients should consume a lot of fluid, take balanced food and regularly undergo medical examinations. Physical exercises It can be performed only after prior consultation with a medical specialist.

Possible complications

One of the most common complications of lymphadenectomy is the development of lymphedemy. Lymphostasis - accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, which is due to insufficient removal of lymph through the vessels. The probability of lymphidem development increases when removing several lymph nodes.

In some patients (2%), chronic is developing, which is stopped by a manual drainage. With this pathology, the patient is recommended to undergo manual lymphatic laminating and do therapeutic physical education. An important part of the treatment of complications is correct care Behind the skin. Shaving with a blotted blade can accelerate the progression of lymphostasis.

The most severe and dangerous patient postoperative complication It is considered to be a lymphangiosarcoma - malignant endothelioma. The lymphangiosarcoma is extremely rare and arises from the tissues of lymphatic vessels, most often develops in women over 55 years.

Surgeons that remove tumors involuntarily affect parts of organs, healthy lymph nodes and next to the lying fat fabric. The pronounced postoperative swelling of the neck may indicate the hematoma. The inability to recognize the hematoma can lead to postoperative wound infection and poor wound healing. In more rare cases, fistulas, fistulas and abscesses at the site of surgical intervention can occur.

If redness, swelling or pain appears at the operation site, it is recommended to inform the doctor. Perhaps the local or systemic antibiotic therapy will be required.

Patients who conduct bilateral radical lymphadenectomy, are at risk of occurrence of brain edema and subsequent neurological dysfunction. Increased intracranial pressure can cause excessive secretion syndrome antidiuretic hormone and increase the amount of extracellular fluid.

In case of pelvic lymphadenectomy (removal of lymph nodes in the pelvis area), about 10% of patients have lymphostasis, about 6% - thrombosis and about 1% - thromboembolism or complications of lymphedems. Values \u200b\u200bare greatly dependent on the surgeon. With extensive lymphadenectomy, the frequency of re-intervention is more than 50%.

Forecast and clinical efficacy of removal of lymph nodes

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the health status of the patient and the nature of the disease, but in general the forecast is more often positive

Operation to complete the removal of lymph nodes on the neck is not always required - this was shown in the study of 654 patients. Their lymph nodes were amazed by cancer, but they did not have metastasis. Study participants passed lymphatadenectomy or after chemo-treatment (1 group), or only when there was a recurrence of the disease (2). 81.5% of the subjects under the 1st group continued to live in two years compared with 84.9% of the observation group. As for the quality of life, the two groups did not differ from each other.

Italian study proves that the radical removal of inguinal lymph nodes is not always the best choice Therapy. Patients with in groin can well do chemo-therapy.

As the study of John Wayne Institute in Santa Monica with 891 patients who have breast cancer, the removal of additional lymph nodes does not increase the life expectancy. The study found that survival was 90% in both groups, and the frequency of recurrences was the same.

According to later european recommendations, Limfadenectomy is considered standard for the treatment of patients with stomach cancer. AT last years Improving the quality of lymphatadenectomy was recorded in clinical and randomized double-blind studies.

The forecast depends mainly on how tumor has already spread in the body. On II and IIIA stage, the radical removal of lymph nodes leads to a significant improvement in patient survival. The incidence and mortality rate does not increase with the appropriate surgeon experience.

In patients with tumors in the rectum full removal Lymph nodes, as well as surrounding healthy adipose tissue reduces recurrence risk from 30 to 5%.

Limph nodes enlarged in plowing - a signal to the fact that changes occurred in the body. In most cases, pathology is beneficially treated after establishing the cause of such changes. However, there are situations where the removal of lymph nodes in the groin is required.

Limfadenectomy is an operational intervention, as a result of which inguinal lymph nodes are removed.

Lymph nodes - something like a kind of barrier, filter, blocking the path of bacteria, viruses and neoplasms of malignant etiology. In the case when metastases (daughter cells) appear as a result of the development of cancerous tumor, the likelihood of which they will spread through the body not only with blood, but also with a current lymphatic fluid. As a result, the cells are settled in lymph nodes.

Limfadenectomy is necessary in order to stop the distribution of metastases or remove those parts where they are already available. The removal of lymph nodes in the groin may be a consequence of the following reasons:

  • oncology of the recycling department and anal hole;
  • uterine cancer (cervical, body), ovaries;
  • development of osteosarcoma or melanoma of the lower extremities.

The malignant Lymph nodes tumor is an absolute indicator for lemfadenectomy. If a operation will pass Successful, cancer can be controlled and translate into the step of the resist.

Removal procedure

Operation, which includes removal, passes as follows:

  1. An anesthesia is injected with a patient, after which the skin is cut at the location of the lymph node.
  2. The surgeon is approaching the tissues located deeper. Having found a lymph node, the doctor produces its neat excision from nearby tissues.
  3. In the completion of the operation, the wound is sewn. The seams are superimposed special, silk.

Quite often, specialists are carried out by a set of measures aimed at minimizing a possible recurrence. During operational action, not just a big subcutaneous Vien, Containing the inhabited femoral lymph nodes, but also separated surface and deep lymphatic ducts, the lymphosovoids are intersect, and the leg is drained to just below the lesion zone.

Possible complications

It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich consequences of the removal of inguinal lymph nodes may occur. Most often it is:

  • high probability of developing weakness, decay of forces;
  • at lower limbs can be felt tingling, sometimes numb;
  • the postoperative region may appear lymphedema, or the so-called lymphatic edema. Similar consequences for women and men are characteristic;
  • inflammatory processes on veins walls (phlebitis). In the zone of the location of such vessels, the patient feels pain, the veins are swollen, and the leather over them is bright red. If you ignore such manifestations and not treated in a timely manner, then the pathology will end with the formation of thrombas, which are especially dangerous to the high risk of death in the event that they break away.
  • penetration of infection in an operating wound. In this case, patients complain about strong pain And burning in the seam area. The skin blushes, on the touch is hot. There is a sharp deterioration in the state of the patient with an increase in temperature, the appearance of weakness and headaches.

Such complications after removal in men and women can develop to the same extent.

Important! Complications after operational intervention It will be possible to avoid if the lemfasedomy procedure is a highly qualified surgeon with considerable experience in performing such operating procedures.

Postoperative period

After the lymphadenectomy, which assumes the removal of lymph nodes, the patient takes the restoration time. He should be under the supervision of the doctor constantly. In order not to face edema after the operation, the patient's legs need to be suspended or one leg should be located in the position of light bend in tazobed Susta For 3-5 days.

For healing will be required for 2-3 months.

Rehabilitation should include the following activities:

  • reduced physical Loads on that limb where surgical intervention was carried out;
  • avoid long seating or standing;
  • before performing any exercises, feed the leg to the elastic bandage;
  • do not take long hot baths;
  • do not be long under the right sunny rays;
  • protect the zone of operational intervention and legs from various injuries.

Conducting lymphadenectomy in some cases is necessary measure. The removal of inguinal lymph nodes during cancer is not easy. Following all instructions and recommendations of the attending physician will help to reduce the risk of developing complications to a minimum.

Lymph nodes among the first react to the emergence of infection in the human body, performing the function of cleansing lymphs from infection, harmful substances and foreign cells.

When the pathogenic microorganisms penetrate, for example, into the bone marrow, liver, spleen and other organs, they fall into the lymph node where lymphocytes are produced. Lymphocytes destroy alien bodies, which then through an excretory system are derived from the body.

But if in lymph nodes excessive number of foreign antigens, foci of inflammation are formed in lymph nodes. As a result, the lymph nodes are compacted and swell that you can see immediately when inspecting the human body. Also, when pressed on the lymph node, pain often feels. Increased volume of lymphatic tissues are a confirmation of the presence of a disease in the body.

Where are the lymph nodes in the groin zone in women

Each group of human bodies associated with unified system (digestive, nervous, excretory and reproductive) is controlled by a certain group of lymph nodes.

So, where are the lymph nodes in the groin zone in women? They are in the folds of groin, in close proximity to the authorities gOOD SYSTEM.

The lymphatic system of this zone is directly responsible for the protection of the organs of the urogenital system.. Increased in size, painful lymphatic nodes in the groin zone, are the first to warn about the upcoming disease, which is called lymphadenitis.

Frequent causes of the increase in lymph nodes in the folds of the groin may be a violation of the reproductive functions of women, venereal diseases, as well as skin and furunculosis diseases.

In this image you can see the location of lymph nodes throughout the body of a woman. Packing lymphadenitis is a disease that is inflammation of lymph nodes in the groin area of \u200b\u200bthe body. In the event of the slightest suspicion of its appearance, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What points to the appearance of inguinal lymphodenitis

  • Unpleasant feelings On the inner surface of the thigh. Paints can be given in the stomach. They are distinguished by high intensity.
  • Increased lymph node Due to his inflammation. Often it can be revealed using palpation.
  • General intoxication. This is lethargy, migraine, body temperature, weakening immunity and health.
  • Changing the skin color in the groove zone. In case of suppuration skin covering Can gain red or burgundy shades.

The main causes of inflammation of lymph nodes in the groin zone in women

Doctors identify such basic causes of inflammation of lymph nodes in the groin zone:

  • Inflammatory process at bladder bubble. Sometimes the described disease is provoked by urethritis.
  • Diseases, sexually transmitted. For example, syphilis or gonorrhea. These diseases often serve as the cause of lesion of lymphatic nodes.
  • Diseases of the sexual system, incl. associated with outdoor genital organs (often - colpit or balanopostitis).
  • Skin inflammation Paho region, allergic reactions.
  • Oncological diseases (malignant tumors of organs located in the groin area).
  • Fungal diseases Skin Stop.
  • Consequences of influenza, ac.

If the inflammation of lymph nodes passed into the late stage, other symptoms, speaking the poor condition of the human body as a whole, can be manifested, and often there are other diseases in the body of a woman.

But no hasty conclusions should be made independently, and first of all it is necessary to contact a specialist.

How is lymphadenitis (inflammation of lymph nodes) in groin in women

With inflammation of the lymph nodes located in groin in women, discomfort occurs when walking and any movement.

To learn how to treat lymph nodes in the groin in women, firstly, it is important to consult a doctor for consultation and diagnosis of the disease, and secondly, to pay attention to the lifestyle and try to exclude harmful factors, the reason for which the appearance of inflamed lymph nodes is possible and caused .

First you need to consult with a specialist for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. Diseases that the lymph nodes are inflamed. Often, diagnose the inflammation of the lymph nodes is quite difficult.

At the initial stage, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient, as well as palpation (feeling the groove zone). After which he discharges the direction on general analysis blood. If the blood test does not help accurately diagnose inflammation of lymph nodes, additional procedures (ultrasound, MRI, CT or biopsy) are carried out.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are usually assigned to the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in the groin zone. These include such effective drugs as Nimesil or Naz. These drugs quickly remove inflammation.

If they are ineffective, hormonal anti-inflammatory means are prescribed.

And when it comes to purulent defeat, urgent surgical intervention.

According to many specialists, it is best to treat inflamed lymph nodes in the groin zone in women with a comprehensive approach: from drug making, applying creams and ointments, before applying a special diet and other popular recipes.

But on early stages Inflammation of lymph nodes uses such treatments such as folk remedies, medicines, as well as physiotherapy.

How to treat lymph nodes in groin by folk methods

There are several well-known folk methods for the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in the groin:

  • compresses;
  • baths;
  • the use of herbal infusions.

For compresses, fresh leaves of mint are used, dandelion juice, as well as herbal seals of souls, yarrow and leaves.

Dandelion juice compresses

Dandelions must be assembled immediately before the preparation of the compress, as they quickly fade and lose beneficial features For the treatment of lymph nodes. The leaves and stems of the flower first need to rinse under running water, then put in gauze and squeeze juice.

After the dandelions juice, the fabric from natural fibers impregnate (you can use gauze or cotton) and immediately impose on a sore plot. Such need to keep at least 2 hours and it is advisable to spend 2 times a day for a week.

Compresses from mint leaves

For the preparation of compress from mint leaves, use fresh leaves. The leaves must be skipped through a blender to a cap-like state. Then the resulting mass is gently wrapped in gauze and applied to inflamed lymph nodes Within 2 hours for a week. You can fix this compress.

Herbal Collection of oregano, yarrow and walnut leaves

It is good to use to withdraw the inflammation of lymph nodes in groin in women with a herbal collection from souls, bitter yarrow and walnut leaves (it is better to use forest leaves). Take 2 spoons of grass collection in equal proportions and boil no more than 10 minutes in 400 ml of water.

After this decoction, it is necessary to insist within 1 hour, and then strain. For compresses, they use gauze or cotton wool, which is wetted in a decoction and apply 1 hour to places of inflammation. Herbal compresses must be done within 10 days.

Baths for the treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in groin - best medicine on a natural basis for women.

Baths with chamomile

For the preparation of this procedure, a strong decoction of chamomile flowers (1 st. Composition of grass on a glass of water). In the pelvis with warm water poured by the effects of infusion. Need to take a bath about 10-20 minutes low part Body before partial cooling of water.

Infusions (teas) of herbs

Inflammation of lymph nodes are perfectly suitable inferctures of herbs. AT folk medicine Widely used by the flavory, echinacea, nettle, blueberries, wormwood, mint, labaznik, lime color, soul mate, trunk and dandelion roots.

Infusion of leather

To prepare this infusion it is necessary to take 2 spoons of the bark and leaves of the flashes and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. After strain and take a quarter cup 3 times a day per hour before meals.

Herbal tea

Teas from herbal collection may consist of hazelnia, echinacea, nettle, blueberries, wormwoods, mint, labānik, lime color, souls, hunter, dandelion roots. To brew tea, you can use only one grass from the listed, and you can use them in the complex. On 1 liter of boiling water lay 2 tbsp. Spoons of herbal collection. They insist about an hour and drink during the day.

Use of drugs

If a folk Methods treatment does not cause confidence, then you need to contact medicinal preparations. In order to treat lymph nodes in groin in women, two types of medicines are used - internal and outdoor use:

Punching wounds, in case of their appearance. smeared by ointment "Levomekol"
  • antibiotics: Amoxicillin, amoxiclav, dimexide, cyprolet, azithromycin, digital, bispetol;
  • pillshaving antibacterial and bactericidal properties: siflox, viliprafen, simeterolim, saltine-forte, streptocide, septrine;
  • mazi.: Levomecol, ointment Vishnevsky, ichthiol ointment.

Passage of physiotherapy procedures

Common treatment with the inflammation of lymph nodes in groin in women, especially in the early stages, is also a method of physiotherapy as medicinal electrophoresis.

During electrophoresis in the body of a woman using the external effects of DC, drugs are introduced.

Electrophoresis has an anticipable effect, it is contraindicated in late stages of inflammation of lymph nodes in women, for example, with purulent processes.

Surgical intervention

Please note that in turn, with purulent processes of inflammation of lymph nodes, women require surgical intervention. The drainage of lymph nodes in the groin is produced to eliminate the pus from inflamed foci.

Thus, increased lymph nodes in groin in women may be symptoms serious diseases And therefore requires attention and treatment when the first signs of inflammation appear.

Useful videos on inflammation of lymph nodes in groin

Women who are removed migratic lymph nodes Or this area has been subjected to radiotherapy should take care of the hand from the operated side all life.

Do not lift and do not wear gravity. If possible, do not do anything that makes it hard to strain your hand.

With increasing load, the muscles require more oxygen. This leads to the fact that the inflow of blood is increasing in the hand already already overloaded and venous blood and lymph, while the outflow is difficult.

It is recommended to limit the load on the arm from the operation to 1 kg, during the first year to 2 kg during the next 4 years and up to 3-4 kg throughout life. The load on a healthy hand should also be limited.

If you are carrying a bag, you should hang it on the shoulder from a healthy side. However, those women who have a tendency to pain the shoulder at all should not wear bags on the shoulder, because it takes place slightly, which inevitably causes the voltage of both shoulders and increases the pain. Similarly, muscle tension develops from the neck to the fingers, if you hold your hand bent for a long time. If possible, sow your hand over the sinus or put in my pocket and relax your arm and shoulder muscles.

Avoid any work related to a long-term inclined position with omitted hands. Such restrictions are needed to prevent Lymphs in the lymphatic vessels of the hand. So, it should not be washed, slightly leaning over the bathroom, wash the floors. You can wash in a sink or putting a pelvis at such a height so that it is not necessary to go low. Paul can wipe the mop.

If you intend to work your hand, tap it with an elastic bandage. After work, be sure to spend gymnastics, exhaust your hand, give her elevated position for 10-15 minutes.

Avoid direct heating of your hand, such as hot tubs, long ironing, or wash hot water, long-lasting sunbathing. These precautions are needed, because as a result of direct heating, blood and lymphatic vessels are expanding. For the same reason, the sauna and steam room are contraindicated, and the washing in the bathroom is recommended to replace the shower.

Protect your hand from the side where treatment was carried out, from cuts, burns, grazing cracks, scratches of animals and barns, insect bites. This is important for the prevention of grinding inflammation. If microbes penetrate or the rush in the hand in the hand, then inflammation may easily occur, because the limf current in the lymphatic vessels is difficult. Therefore, the place of deployment of microbes will not receive a sufficient number of lymphocytes that can overcome the infection. Keep in mind that erysipelas leads to the appearance and to an increase in swelling. If one day you had a grinding inflammation, consult a doctor about the conduct of seasonal antibacterial therapy.

When working on cottage plot, washing, washing dishes, especially when using strong detergents are recommended to use protective gloves. When sewing, use the thimble.

Use a repellent to avoid bites and sturdity. Clean your hands, lubricate them with cream to avoid cracks and burrs. Avoid burns during cooking and be careful using the oven. Avoid sun burns. In the summer we carry clothes with long sleeves to protect against sunlight.

Cutting, scratching the hand, and also after the bite of insects, it is necessary to process and smear the wound a tincture of the greencraft or iodine. The same precautions should be followed when you make a manicure.

If the hand blushed, the pain appeared, the temperature rose and the swelling increased, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

You should not make injections to the hand from the operation, take blood tests from it, as well as measure pressure on it. You can not put your hand with shirt, avoid elastic (tight) cuffs on blouses and night shirts. Rings, bracelets and clocks should not crash into the skin. Watch the premises in your clothes are not too narrow. Brackets of bra do not have to cut shoulder.

Try to teach yourself to sleep on your back or on a healthy side, so that your weight during sleep does not squeeze the vessels of the hand from the operation. You can accommodate the pillow for the "patient" to be on an elevation. This normalizes the circulation of lymph and its outflow.

In case pain sensations Sterling nature in the field of surgery, hand, the adapter area, should consult a doctor. This may be a symptom of bracelexitis - inflammation shoulder plexuswhich may arise as a consequence operational treatment and radiotherapy. This is a rather rare complication, but it should be aware of the measures in a timely manner. Contact better in a specialized department.

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