Instant tooth implantation. Instant tooth implantation with instant load

The tourist firm "Ost-West" was organized in 1989, while the first alternative travel agencies in Russia, which offered bus tours and children's rest. Today, according to many, we are indisputable leaders in these directions. In 1990, "Ost-West" One of the first began to offer excursion bus tours in Europe, which attract the opportunity for a relatively low price to see, as a rule, several countries at once for one round. Tours to the Czech Republic, France, Italy and Germany are particularly popular. Tours in Europe is engaged in the "Department of Bus Tourism" of our company, children's rest coordinates a specially created in 1990 "Department of Children's and Youth Tourism".

"Ost-West" received wide fame of joint work with popular TV programs for children and young people: "Marathon-15", "love at first sight", with the newspapers "Pioneer Pravda", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Interlocutor", "Field of Wonders For children, "as well as shows and musicals" toothy nanny "and others.

"Ost-West" is a permanent participant held in Moscow international tourist exhibitions Mitt and "Rest", as well as many regional exhibitions.

Recognition of the company's merit in the development of children's rest and youth tourism was the award of the Grand Prix in the competition of the Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce "Italy Bella'96" for the organization children's camp In the south of Italy, the victory in the competition organized by the Moscow Government and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Moscow entrepreneur - 98 in the nomination "For achieving in the development of children's and youth tourism." In 2000, "Ost-West" became a diploma, and in 2001 the winner of the most prestigious tourist competition "Crystal Globe", established by the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, in the nomination "For contribution to the development of children's and youth tourism." In 2003, the "Ost-West" became the winner of the VII International Annual Award "Leaders of the Tourishdustry" in the nomination "For success in the development of children's tourism." In 2004 and 2005, we twice defeated in the district competitions "Moscow Entrepreneur" in the nomination "Services in the field of tourism." In 2006, "Ost-Vesta" awarded "Star gram" in the nomination "The best travel agency working in child tourism. According to the results of 2008, the company ranked first in the ranking of tour operators in the nomination "Children's Recreation" conducted by the info group "Turpr". In 2012, in the nomination "World of Childhood" for an outstanding contribution to the development of the field of hospitality, the tour operator was awarded Maxima Hotels diploma.

In 2008, "Ost-West" opened a new direction - a ski rest in Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia) and Bulgaria. In 2010, "Ost-West" for the first time acted as a consolidator of the Moscow-Poprad-Moscow charter flight under skiing programs in Poland and Slovakia in the season of winter 2010-11.

In 2012, Ost-West became one of the initiators and an active participant in the first travel-media festival "re-movement". The Ost-West forces organized the "Children's Club" space with the Fun zone. In 2013, the scale of the project was agreed due to the active participation of our company.

"Ost-West" Member of IATA since 2012.

"Ost-West" is a member of the tour components, registration number 1346. Register number of the tour operator: RTO 001223.

The main feature of the instant implantation is that the titanium implant is installed in the well of the remote tooth immediately after the extraction procedure is completed. As a rule, this happens with strong destruction when the pulp and the root of the tooth are amazed, and it is not possible to install the crown. In such a case, the help comes implantation which in the presence of certain readings can be carried out simultaneously with the removal of the tooth.

Under the term "instant implantation" also imply a prosthetics method, in which the temporary crown is instantly recorded after installing the implant. In this case, it is not necessary to wait for several months while the titanium roots will be added, which makes the process of replacement of the teeth much more comfortable for the patient, because even the temporary prosthesis allows you to restore functional and aesthetic indicators.

Mandatory conditions for the operation

To carry out instant implantation of the tooth, you need to match several clinical factors:

  1. Sufficient volume bone tissue: Since the atrophy of bone tissue begins after removing the tooth, in most cases it is not a problem;
  2. Preservation of the intercane partition when we are dealing with multi-corneous teeth;
  3. Lack of serious inflammation of soft tissues (especially in the apical part);
  4. Lack of other absolute contraindications to implantation (HIV, oncological diseases, diabetes, blood disease, tuberculosis, etc.).

Instant implantation in its effectiveness is practically no different from the implantation of classical. Nevertheless, the doctor must have high manual skills and have extensive experience in this direction. Otherwise risks of rejection implant increase.

Types of instant implantation

Despite the well-defined principle of the instant implantation of the teeth, this technique has several varieties . To date, three types of instant implantation are actively used. The choice of one or another protocol is due to a specific clinical case and wishes of the patient.

With the embrying of the gums

After removing the tooth and install the gum implant feed, and all subsequent manipulations occur after healing of soft tissues (on average it takes about two weeks).

With the installation of the gum shaper

In order to change or improve the shape of the gums around the implant, the gum shaper is put on the titan root, which over time gives it the desired appearance. This method is often used in aesthetic restorations in front Department jaw.

With instant load

Simultaneously with the implant set temporary plastic crown or a prosthesis, which allows you to restore the functionality of one, several or all teeth of the jaw.

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Skulian or, as it is also called, the transcular implantation of the teeth is a relatively new method of restoring a smile in conditions of partial or complete absence of elements of the top tooth rows. This is an option that is saved in cases where there are sharp atrophic processes in the thickness of bone tissue. upper jaw, in particular, in the field of chewing teeth. This problem It always arises when a person is too tightened with treatment, and for a long time, a removable prosthetic device or "bridge" has been carrying. From this article, you will find out what the essence of this technique, what are the pros and cons, in what cases such structures are used, as well as the features of Sigom implants, Zigomatik or similar models - the most popular for lusion in skylty bone Skull.

Feature: To restore the segment, 1-2 zilly implants are used, for a complete jaw - at least 2 pcs., Maximum - 4 pcs. In total, the row is made from 4 to 6 or even greater implants, some of which are zicky. Suitable only for the upper jaw. The prosthesis is put immediately.

Treatment: 3-5 days.

The main characteristic of the methodology is that the sculpted implantation involves the use of special replacements of roots - special elongated implants, implanted bones of the skull, which is not subject to atrophy. Such models in length can reach 60 mm - precisely because of this particular feature, they allow you to abandon the bone plastic and sinus-lifting procedure. Apply only with respect to the upper jaw. In the absence of contraindications, the orthopedic system is fixed directly on the day of the procedure or a couple of days after.

Stock Foto Zygoma implants from Nobel Biocare

What is the essence of the method and the features of the installation of elongated implants

Skulent bone (Zygomaticum in Latin - from here, actually, and all the names of such implants) adjoins the frontal and temporal areas. It is characterized by increased density and durability, due to which it remains reliably protected from aggressive atrophic processes. When it is used, within the framework of implantological treatment, it is possible to achieve the highest primary stability indicators even under the condition of acute, and sometimes extreme atrophy of the bone tissue of the upper dentition. This makes it possible to restore the upper chewing teeth as well with osteomyelitis - a purulent necrotic process that develops in bones and bone marrow.

As noted above, the essence of this technique is reduced to the governing in the atrophied areas of elongated implants. Their installation is carried out under a slight inclination, and it is also no coincidence. This option of fixation allows us to bypass the nasal sinuses (often such models are borderable with its shell, but in no case pass through it), eliminate the risk of damage facial nerve, as well as increase the number of points of contact of the implant with bone tissue. In addition most of The designs turns out to be in the thickening of exactly the bone, which significantly improves the quality and strength of the construction of the structure.

From the history of the creation: for the first time, zylovy implants were presented to the world in the late 80s of the last century. True, in those years, such elongated rods were used mainly as part of the rehabilitation treatment of patients with serious problems of the upper jaw, that is, when the bone was very destroyed as a result of injury or on the background of oncology. Later, they began to be used in the framework of the restoration of destroyed teeth and for other patients, as an alternative to expensive and painful lifting sinus - cosnoplastic operation on the upper jaw.

In the process of installing such designs, doctors use angular multi-units abutments that allow you to fix the prosthesis with screws - this makes it possible to align their position in the level of mucous membrane. In other situations, models with a bevelled edge can be used, and then traditional direct abutments are applied, but in this case the specialist leaves the ability to fix the prosthetic proportion.

Immediately it should be noted that such a method of implantation is included in the category of single-stage protocols of treatment. That is, after impact of artificial roots, a denture with an individual metal frame can be recorded. The design is installed directly on the day of the operation or after a few days later - it all depends on the individual indications. This makes it possible literally instant patient's return to full-fledged life - Already a week later, he will be able to speak normally and eat, gradually increasing the intensity of chewing load.

An important feature of the prosthesis is that as in other similar protocols, it acts as a stabilizer. That is, the metal base connects the tops of the implants, due to which the structures are in a stationary state. Such a system visually resembles an ordinary bridge.

Advantages and features of technology

The implantological technology under consideration opens up a lot of opportunities for a quick and high-quality restoration of a smile, and also allows you to achieve, undoubtedly, aesthetic and in this case of durable results. Among the key advantages of this method, experts in the field of dental implantology allocate the following points:

  • the speed of obtaining the result - from the moment of implant implants, a maximum week is taking place, in fact, in one day you can fully restore the functionality and aesthetics of the dentition,
  • refusal of sinus lifting - due to the fact that it is used including the skull, and not only the jaw bone, as well as due to the insignificant inclination of the roots of the roots themselves, it is possible to achieve excellent primary stability indicators, which makes it possible to abandon bone plastics, which significantly increases the duration and the cost of treatment
  • thorough study of all stages of implantation with the help of a specialized software - a 3D modeling technique is used as part of the preparation for operation. Modern software It allows you to fully plan on the basis of the three-dimensional model of the patient's jaws: accurate places for the impact of artificial roots are determined, and individualized individual surgical patterns (stencils), which at the time of the operation are superimposed on the gum and allow you to establish implants exactly in those places where it was planned, without error even per millimeter,

The planning stage, and a computerized, this is an important and mandatory stage - in no case can not be guided only by panoramic, not a surround image. It is fraught with improper installation of implants, damage gaymorovy sinus Or, even worse, injuring the fiberglass area, nervous endings. Skulent implantation - A fairly serious treatment protocol, which should not be carried out by any implantologist. Before treatment, exceptionally experienced maxillofacial surgeons should be allowed, and in no way.

  • the highest aesthetic characteristics of the orthopedic design - the prosthetic device that is fixed after the impact of the analogs of the roots, has a sufficiently hard metal basis in its configuration, which hides an acrylic base imitating gums. Crowns can be made of metal plasticism or core composite (at the first stage) - it allows you to make the design easy to not disrupt the positioning of implants, and at the same time externally natural and fully functional. And when implants completely grow together with the bone, you can choose a more aesthetic variant of prostheses - from completely any materials, if you allow your finance,
  • the minimum number of contraindications - with such an implantological system, it becomes possible to restore teeth, even during critical bone atrophy, on the background of periodontitis, periodontal and osteomyelitis - this area of \u200b\u200bthe bone is not afraid of non-resorption, nor inflammatory processes.

Patient history - real feedbackposted on the site of one of the Moscow dental clinics: "I want to say a big human thanks to the specialists of the clinic N. As far as I understood, in my case, the long implants from Nobel became a real salvation. For more than 10 years I passed with the usual removable prosthesis instead upper teethAnd with my own at all almost left. When I decided to thoroughly enjoy the implantation, it turned out that everything is not so simple. X-ray showed that the bone tissue under the prosthesis was very atrophing, and the implants would simply be impossible to fasten. I started studying this question and was horrified when I learned how it was held bone plastic And how much it costs. Familiar advised your clinic, and only here it was told in detail and explained that now you can do without this operation. So I spent full recovery Upper jaw, without any additional procedures there. And somewhere in 5 days they put a prosthesis with new beautiful teeth - well, isn't it fantasy?! "

Boris Leonidovich S., Moscow, 58 years

  • excellent primary stability indicators - again, by using the bone of the skull, the risk of displacement and loss of artificial dental roots remains at the very minimum level. The stabilization indicator varies from 60 to 100 Newtons, whereas with a classic approach, it is two times lower,
  • protection against periodsplantite (rejection) and a guaranteed durable result - these characteristics are due to the fact that in the zilly part of the skull bone more dense, and it is not terrible inflammation,
  • more opportunities for prosthetics - the osteo-integration process, that is, the fire of the implant body with bone tissue, it takes about half a year - a year, but in the case of instant loading methods, you can fix the temporary (adaptation) prosthetic device at almost immediately. At the end of osteo-integration, the patient will be able to put any aesthetic system, whether it is an option from metal ceramics or zirconium oxide.

So, for example, as a result clinical studies Nobel (Nobel) - the leader in the production of implants and their components - it turned out that the indicator of the observedness of their branded elongated implants Zygoma (Sigoma) reaches 95.2% in the future for 10 years. According to the assurances of practitioners of experts, the manufacturer slightly lowered the figures, since with a qualitative implementation of all manipulations, the real figure reaches 98%. However, this is explained by the fact that such models are used in difficult situations, and here the indicators are really slightly lower than if the patient good quality Bones and excellent health.

In general, the protocols of intraoscience implantation with the possibility of an instant load with a prosthesis are given to patients the opportunity to make a smile as quickly as possible - beautiful and functional. As a result, there is a gradual smoothing of small wrinkles that have become the result of a long lack of teeth. Thus, you can safely talk about the additional effect of rejuvenation.

What brands of elongated implants today are applied

Today, in the market of modern implantological systems, several brands are submitted at once, under which models for impairment in the zilly bone are issued. All of them unites the elongated body, which is designed for fixation in the deep layers of the bone tight fabric. Clear some moments about the features of such models of artificial roots We asked a specialist dental center Smile-at-once - clinics, which one of the first in Russia began to offer the possibility of applying one-stage protocols of treatment. This is a doctor who, in fact, the first in our country began working with this protocol, that is, more than 22 years old. Today he leads not only medical practice, but also teaches Russian specialists, has many scientific works and patents.

The table below shows the main brands of zilly implants with brief explanations over the indications for their use and installation features.

On a note! We immediately want to pay attention to that often the scoop implants are called "Siegoma" or Zygoma. But this is not entirely correct. In fact, this name has become already nominable, because it is nothing but the name (and patented) model from Nobel, which the first presented such zilly implants. Other brands, respectively, have their own names.

Model name and manufacturer Short comment
Zygoma (Zigoma) from Nobel Biocare Nobel Biocare introduced the world the first model called Zygoma (Zigoma). The size of such an implant can reach 5.2 cm, the diameter is 4.2 mm. The manufacturer offers 2 options on the Siegom system: with a straight and awnings platform, as well as threaded over the entire height or only in the top zone. The patented TiUnit coating contributes to accelerated osteo-integration.
Zygomatic ("Zigomatik") from Southern Implants Characterized by high survival rates in many years of perspective. The developer is focused on the production of implants with a beveled edge for fixing under the tilt, which makes it possible to abandon the use of angular abutments, and this is an additional savings, since direct structures are a little cheaper. On the territory of Russia, this brand is not used as 2019, as it has not yet been certified.
Zygomatic (Zigomatik) from Noris Medical Zygomatic (Zigomatik) from the Israeli company Noris Medical is a model with active carvings in the top edge and a smooth surface coating of the rest of the surface - does not allow accumulating bacteria and serves as the prevention of inflammatory processes. The brand is relatively young, so there is no reliable results of clinical studies - it must be considered.
Transcular implants from biomed The models presented by Biomed are used within the framework of basal implantation - single-maintenance structures with a smooth neck and antibacterial layer on the surface.
Zygoline (Zigoline) from Radix (Belarus) Despite the fact that the Belarusian company has existed for more than 20 years, only in last years She began to gain popularity in our country. In assortment - models for both classical implantation and immediate load. Including bile implants. According to experts, product quality - on very high levelAt the same time, prices are very democratic and does not depend on strong currency jumps.

What prostheses can be installed on Zygoma and Zygomatic implants

Despite the fact that simultaneous implantation is a single-stage protocol, prosthetics stages will still be two (if you do not choose a permanent prosthesis immediately, but it will be more expensive). As a rule, immediately after the impact of roots substitutes or during the week, the maximum artificial roots can be loaded with an adaptive orthopedic design with artificial teeth. Lightweight apparatus with a metal framework are used.

Opinion expert

Path Vladimir Anatolyevich
"The presence in the design of a durable beam has a kind of chining effect. The instantaneous load with a prosthesis is not just aesthetic whim, but an important functional necessity, since the metal framework allows you to stabilize implants, fix them in the desired position and eliminate the risk of their displacement. As a result, the patient receives not only a new beautiful smile, but also the ability to fierce food normally and talk. In addition, chewing load stimulates exchange processes In bone tissue, which provides the speedy osteo integration of implants. "

The prosthesis is fixed with screw fixation - small screws are screwed up right inside the abutments through the tops of the crowns. It greatly simplifies the removal of the structure, if necessary, its adjustment is a consequence of bite deformation after installing implants and passing rehabilitation period. The operational period of such an apparatus is about 3-5 years, it all depends on the materials. In particular, the metal plasticism system "works" so much. But if you choose ceramicomposite, then its service life is practically not limited - about 15-20 years. It will be more expensive to cost such a prosthesis, but, in fact, you really get new teeth once and forever.

Complexes in which zoomy implants are used

Extrald models of implants are used within the framework of various single-stage treatment protocols. You can even say that the transcular implantation cannot be attributed to independent methods, because it only serves as an addition to other methods for restoring partially or completely lost teeth. The table below shows the protocols that can provide for the use of similar models.

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