Hair is dull and lifeless what to do. Tired of dull hair? We'll tell you what to do! Hair become dull and lifeless what to do

Hair dull and dry: causes.

Why is hair dull?

Our hair is a reflection general condition organism. Often the loss of shine and tone of the hair is a signal of a lack of vitamins. But there are other reasons, finding out which you will again become the owner of lush living curls. So, what causes hair to fade?

· Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins. Deficiency of vitamins A, B, calcium in the body affects the growth and condition of the hair.

· Permanent mechanical damage(blow dry on too high temperature, frequent use of tongs and curling irons, even too sharp teeth combs can lead to separation and disturbances in the structure of the hair).

The so-called fatigue of the hair from frequent dyeing or perm.

Improper care or poor-quality detergents. Sometimes a change of shampoo helps restore shine and a healthy look to your hair in just a week.

Diseases of the scalp, circulatory disorders. The bloodstream carries nutrients throughout the body. If it is disturbed, certain areas begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

If one or more causes are to blame, they must be eliminated. Sometimes, in order to restore beauty to the hair, a course of vitamins is needed. This is especially true for women in postpartum period and those who long time breastfeeding her baby.

Grandma's secrets to help

What to do if dyed hair becomes dull and dry? Sometimes dyeing for the first time does not affect the health and appearance of the hairstyle, but repeated leads to the fact that the hair becomes brittle and lifeless. Simple tools will come to the rescue, on the basis of which you can prepare a good nourishing mask.

· Egg yolk. The secret of great-grandmothers is kept in our refrigerator. Although in their time there were no hair dyes and irons, a long braid also required attention. Apply the egg yolk for a few minutes after shampooing, and then rinse with shampoo. Hair will thank you with its lively shine and color after 1-2 treatments.

In addition to hair breakage and hair loss, there are less discussed, but more unpleasant phenomena, such as dull hair. Lifeless, dull brittle hair regardless of their color and length always spoil the look. The lion's share of purchased cosmetics, which promises to restore color and shine, restore dry strands, helps to cope with the problem, but not for long. In this situation, masks for dull hair come to the rescue, as an auxiliary tool for hair care. They are able to quickly give hair shine and enhance growth.

Causes of dull hair

    1. Loads of psycho-emotional nature. Nervous breakdowns, depression, stress.
    2. Unbalanced nutrition. Proper care It will be more effective if you review your diet and exclude from it all harmful or moderate consumption. Add vegetables with fruits and dried fruits rich in B and H vitamins to your daily diet. What you need to include in the diet: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, dairy products, dried apricots, nuts.
    3. Pregnancy and lactation. Most women suffer from damage to their hair during the period of bearing a child and feeding it. This phenomenon is associated with an insufficient level of hemoglobin and a lack of vitamins. This phenomenon is not dangerous and passes over time, as the body recovers.
    4. High and low temperatures. This includes being outside in the winter without a head unit or in the summer under the open rays of the sun. Hot styling devices also have a detrimental effect on hair, make it brittle, dry and dull: hair dryer, iron, curling iron, thermal curlers. For the safety of your hair, try to moderate their use.
    5. Chemistry. Shiny hair can take on a dull color due to frequent dyeing, perm and constant use of gels, mousses, waxes and other styling cosmetics. Even sparing chemical compositions adversely affect the hair, they change the acidity of the hair, damage the bulbs, which causes them to split and fall out.

What to do if hair becomes dull

    • Hair treatment should be comprehensive. To restore dull hair, it is necessary to provide them with nutrition and hydration.
    • Use masks for dull hair. The best will be those that consist of fatty and moisturizing ingredients: honey, oils, dairy products.
    • Find the right shampoo for dull hair. Its main task is to clean the head well of impurities and give the hair shine.
    • Therapeutic rinses. For this, various decoctions of herbs are made, this procedure gives shine to the hair and strength to the follicles.

Shampoos for dull hair

The cleanser gently cleanses skin covering and hair from pollution. The composition contains brewer's yeast hydrolyzate and olive oil, these components help to revitalize the hairstyle, give strength and shine to weak, hard and dull hair. After using it in combination with a balm, the strands become strong, elastic and very soft.

Gliss Kur Million Gloss for dull and lack of shine hair

Revitalizing formula with radiance elixir creates a laminating effect. Active substances products cover each hair with an invisible film, while deeply restoring it, adding shine and restoring damaged areas at the structural level.

Useful video: SYOSS shampoo review for dull hair with a lamination effect

    1. To strengthen when the hair falls out and does not shine, you can take a number of measures at home to improve their condition.
    2. Replace your usual plastic comb with a natural bristle brush. Upon contact with the hair, such a brush evenly distributes the secreted sebum over the body of the hair, moisturizing it and giving it shine.
    3. If the hair has become dull, stop blow-drying, give preference to drying naturally. Occasionally you can use a hair dryer, but with a supply of cold air. It is unacceptable to use irons, curlers and curling irons during the recovery period.
    4. Help retain more moisture in your hair by reducing the frequency of washing. The more often you wash your hair, the more it dries them and your skin, exacerbating the problem. It is enough to wash the top of the head 2-3 times a week, as they get dirty.
    5. Adjust your diet, start taking vitamin complexes.

Homemade mask recipes for dull hair

Regardless of the cause of the unpleasant dullness of the hairstyle, measures to restore them must begin immediately. Do-it-yourself natural masks will help with this. There are practically no contraindications and harm from them, and the benefits are enormous. Folk recipes do not give an instant result, in order to radically change the painful appearance of the hair for the better, you will have to show patience. Home treatments saturate dull curls with natural beneficial substances that smooth scales over time, nourish the skin and restore natural radiance.

Mask for dull and dry

The recipe with burdock oil moisturizes the strands, restores their natural strength and shine, and eliminates brittleness.


    • 70 gr. apple puree;
    • 4 tbsp. l. puree of aloe leaves.
Manufacturing and application:

Bake the apple in the oven and make a puree out of them, grind the aloe, knead everything with warmed butter. We put the resulting slurry on dry strands, cover with a film on top for an hour. Rinse out as usual.

Mask for dull and brittle

The kefir mask revitalizes, nourishes, moisturizes and adds volume.


    • 70 ml of kefir;
    • 60 ml wheat germ oil.
Manufacturing and application:

We combine a warm fermented milk product with butter, then you need to apply the whole mixture to your hair, cover it with a warm cap and let it stand for an hour. Rinse traditionally.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Mask for dull and split ends

An egg recipe helps to cure dullness, strengthen hair follicles, moisturize and get rid of split ends.


    • egg;
    • 100 ml of yogurt;
    • 1 st. l. castor oil.
Manufacturing and application:

Beat the egg, mix with a warm yogurt-oil mixture, process the hair, paying special attention to the ends. We place the strands under a plastic cap, a turban, after 45 minutes we wash it.

Mask for dull and thin

To restore strength and shine to thin, weak hair, it is important to include components thickening the shaft, gelatin or, for example, henna in the mask.


    • 3 art. l. colorless henna;
    • kefir.
Manufacturing and application:

We dilute the powder with warm kefir into a mushy state, carefully distribute it over the strands, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots. We cover the top of the head with a greenhouse, wash off after 60 minutes with warm water.

Mask for dull and oily

Restores the normal functioning of the external secretion glands, gives radiance and moisture.


    • 40 ml of vodka;
    • 70 ml of linseed oil.
Manufacturing and application:

We combine two liquids at room temperature, carefully moisten each strand and scalp with a sponge. We put on a plastic bag, a scarf for 45 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water and shampoo. To get rid of the smell of alcohol, you can rinse with fragrant water with essential oils.

Mask for dull and lifeless

An oil mask with glycerin returns a lively look to the hair, penetrates deep into the body of the hair, supplying vitamins, moisture and minerals.


    • egg;
    • 20 ml of glycerin;
    • 30 ml of castor oil;
    • 15 ml apple cider vinegar.
Manufacturing and application:

At room temperature, rub the ingredients well with the egg and coat the curls with the solution. We put on a warm cap, after 50 minutes we wash it off.

Mask for dull and weakened

Nourishes, reduces the intensity of hair loss, saturates with strength and shine.


    • yolk;
    • 40 ml of honey;
    • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
    • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
    • 20 ml brandy.
Manufacturing and application:

We rub everything with yolk, grease each strand, treat the scalp. We put on a shower cap and a towel for 40 minutes. Wash as standard.

Glitter Mask

The mask moisturizes the hair, well cleanses the skin from dirt and fat, smoothes the scales, giving shine.


    • yolk;
    • 40 ml of castor oil;
    • 30 ml of aloe gel;
    • 15 ml lemon juice.
Manufacturing and application:

Beat the yolk, mix with warm oil, aloe and juice. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair along the length, combed with a comb, kept under the cap for an hour. Rinse out as usual.

Anti-fallout mask

An effective anti-baldness blend that strengthens hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, restores rich color and shine to them.

Components, 1 tbsp. l.:

    • onion gruel;
    • castor oil;
    • lemon juice;
    • honey;
    • cognac;
    • yolk.
Preparation and application:

We rub the onion on a grater, squeeze out the juice, combine with the rest of the ingredients, wet the scalp well, distribute the remainder along the length. After 40 minutes, we remove the constructed greenhouse and go to wash our hair.

Summer rest at the sea, when you could swim, sunbathe, walk and enjoy life, left bright and lovely memories of yourself with a touch of slight sadness from the impossibility of turning back time. But, if you look closely at your own hair, you can find that the hair does not share the nostalgia for the summer, but, perhaps, they believe that they have got into an unpleasant story. Lifeless strands have a pitiful appearance, and with all their dryness and brittleness they demonstrate the mistreatment of their owner or owner. The case turns out in such a way that the wind, solar heat and ultraviolet, as well as salty sea water, did not like the hair, and it urgently requires rehabilitation measures.

Minimizing your vitamin intake as your seasonal consumption of fruits and vegetables decreases can also make your strands despondent. There comes a time when curls bill and require increased participation. The harmful effects of a hot summer and salt water are leveled in direct proportion to the zeal with which the hostess nourishes and strengthens her hair.

split ends

The supply of moisturizers and nutrients is especially difficult to the ends of the hair, because they are the first to be exposed to the negative effects of the environment, begin to exfoliate and bristle, which may well confuse the owner or owner. Dry curls easily fall into such a mess, but after a hot summer, an unpleasant story can happen with greasy strands.

However, split ends are formed from aggressive influences of any kind, and not just from atmospheric phenomena. The habit of drying hair with a hot hairdryer, styling with a curling iron or straightening irons, and exposure to chemicals when lightening or curling can lead to a sad result. The list of forbidden actions can be expanded with the wish to minimize styling products, as they make the hair heavier, which can lead to hair breaking under its own weight. If it is not possible to refuse thermal styling, then at least you should make it a habit to use thermal protection. It is worth mentioning that a negative effect will still be provided, but in a weakened form.

Shampoo declared for curls with split ends must contain the following substances:

  1. B vitamins;
  2. extracts from almonds, peach, chamomile, plantain, germinated wheat germ, avocado;
  3. lecithins;
  4. ceramides.

When choosing among balms and conditioners, it is worth trying indelible products for the tips, which instantly hide a visual defect, and also have a healing effect. Particularly erratic hair, not distinguished by constancy, can afford to be greasy and dry in different parts one rod, which require care products for combined types of strands.

Masks against split ends are best done on the basis of vegetable or essential oils. The following oils showed the greatest efficiency:

You can strengthen the tips by using herbal infusions. For example, sage or dandelion in the amount of 2 tablespoons is brewed in a half-liter mug and used for rinsing. Curls that are distinguished by strongly fluffy tips highlighted in color, provided that the actions taken have not returned the strands to a well-groomed appearance, must be trimmed, since it will be inappropriate to make further efforts.

Today effective tool The fight against split hair is cutting hair with hot scissors, which seals the ends, preventing them from delamination. Although the procedure is not a panacea that eliminates the need to care for hair.

brittle hair

The loss of hair elasticity leads to hair breakage. If the hair does not fall out by slipping out of the mouth, but breaks, being subjected to a slight load, this does not solve the problem, which worries especially the hostesses of long curls. The dryness of the strands exacerbates the situation. Combing hair in this situation becomes difficult or almost impossible. And if you use force to unravel the strands, then the hair falls out in a frightening amount.

How to get out of this state of affairs on the head? Hair needs to be provided with careful, patient care and adequate nutrition. It is advisable to choose conditioners, balms and shampoos marked “facilitates combing” with a complex of vitamins and minerals that soften and moisturize the strands. It can be advised to use products with plant extracts of coconut, almond, lime blossom, chamomile.

Honey and chamomile mask

At home, a honey mask with chamomile is prepared.


  1. 1 tablespoon of honey;
  2. 30g chamomile flowers;
  3. 100ml water.

Chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water and insisted for one hour. The infusion is filtered and honey is added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to washed and slightly dried hair. After 40 minutes, the composition is washed off. The procedure is carried out once a week.

It is generally not recommended to comb wet hair, and if the hair is brittle, this is especially undesirable. It is better to choose a comb with rare teeth made of natural material, and before combing, disassemble the hair into strands. Under the ban should be bleaching, permanent waving, hair dryer, heat styling.

From professional cosmetics, we can recommend the use of Hydro Mask Wella SP. The product is made with an eye on dry scalp. The composition includes panthenol glucose, glycerin. The mask prevents dry hair and gives the strands elasticity. The composition is applied to clean and dried hair, aged for 5 minutes, and then washed off.

Hair loss

Preventing hair loss is more difficult than solving other hair problems, but it is still worth fighting to maintain the density of hair.

If the hair falls out, then shampoos and balms, as a rule, cannot cope with the problem, and special masks and creams will be needed. It is also worth noting that it is permissible to treat hair on your own, only if a person is sure that hair loss is seasonal in nature, and is not a symptom of a disease of hormone-producing organs or a hereditary pathology.

Aloe mask, honey, castor oil


  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • aloe - 1 teaspoon;
  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon.

The components are thoroughly mixed, the mixture is applied to the head, covered with cling film and a towel, kept for about 40 minutes. The head is washed with foamy shampoo, and then rinsed with chamomile infusion.

It is required to be patient, as the mask is repeated 2 times a week until the result is achieved.

Tibetan balm


  1. 1 gram each of pink, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus oil;
  2. 100g burdock oil as a base;
  3. 1 gram of flower pollen.

The ingredients are mixed and rubbed into the head. Withstand the mixture for half an hour, covering the head with plastic wrap and a towel. Wash your hair with foam shampoo.

The cause of hair loss may lie in irrationally selected nutrition. It is desirable to pay special attention to the diet. Nuts, fish, meat, legumes, sour-milk products will help replenish the deficiency of vitamins of groups B, PP, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium.

To prevent hair loss, tight hairstyles, perms and dyes, and heat styling should be in the prohibited area.

It is advisable to choose care products and dyes from the group of natural substances. If everything necessary and even a little more has been done, and the hair loss continues, then it is necessary to move from folk remedies To drug treatment, which the trichologist will choose after an examination of the causes of the pathology of the hair.

Dull strand color

The first thing that curls lose in the off-season is shine, and for a person who loves his hair and wants to bring the strands to perfection, this state of affairs is of particular concern.

Hair fades, but you can return the lost radiance if you use cosmetics, but it is worth remembering that the effect will be temporary, and you can vouch for constancy only with excellent health of the whole organism.

When choosing a product that gives hair silkiness and satin shine, pay attention to the presence of the following healing components:

You can return the shine to the strand by resorting to self-prepared beneficial remedies.

Lemon lotion is prepared by mixing lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and a liter of water. Rinse the hair with the solution after washing, to return the strands of silkiness and luxurious shine.

Lemon juice can be replaced with nettle juice, which will not affect the effectiveness of the rinse.

Rum and Egg Shampoo

Rum (4 tablespoons) is mixed or beaten with a chicken egg. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements, and then distributed along the length of the strands. Withstand for half an hour, wrapping the head with plastic wrap and insulating with a towel. Rinse with slightly warm water.

Preening hairstyles, of course, cannot be attributed to the main occupations of a person. But some details of hair care undoubtedly need to be known and followed if it is desirable to keep the hair in its original form. And it's not even about what impression the appearance will make on the people around, in many respects the day is determined by the impressionistic impression that appears on us when we look at ourselves in the mirror in the morning. Curls that are taken care of, in most cases behave gratefully and please their owner or mistress, but if the hair falls out, then this indicates a person’s neglect of his hair.

Many women experience lifeless hair, and this is not always associated with natural features organism. In most cases, the problems of brittleness and dullness are the result of malnutrition or excessive love for sunbathing. To restore the faded shine of healthy hair, you should pick up a few beauty recipes for regular care in your piggy bank.

What are the reasons?

Among the reasons that are included in the general list harmful factors, there is heredity and the presence various diseases affecting metabolism. However, this is only a small part of those aspects that worsen the condition of your hair. Of greater importance in this matter is the lifestyle that you adhere to - food preferences, mode of work and rest.

First of all, you should focus on nutrition. This is not only about the optimal mode of eating, but also about the specifics of the products that you regularly include in your diet. The slightest disturbance of metabolism leads, if not to a sharp decrease in the quality of the hair follicle and shaft, then to changes in their structure - for sure! The human body is programmed by nature itself to use specific vitamins and substances at specific times, so when you disrupt the optimal meal schedule, you contribute to metabolic disorders and improper absorption of important nutrients. If, at the same time, the products are predominantly classified as unhealthy and unhealthy, this affects appearance hair, their ability to withstand negative environmental factors, the percentage of hair loss increases due to increased weakness of the root follicle, and so on.

The meager diet, its monotony and predominance towards fast food, saturated with sugar, salt and transgenic fats, makes the hair lifeless especially strongly. At the first stage, they only bring down the metabolism, but, in the absence of attention to the problem, they become the causes of the onset of the disease, which almost directly worsen the appearance of the hair. If at the same time you smoke and do not follow the size of servings of alcoholic cocktails, it will be even more difficult to deal with the trouble that has arisen.

Dryness, brittleness, dullness occur when you abuse the frequent exposure to the scorching sun without a hat. Infrared and ultraviolet rays in excess contribute to the rapid loss of moisture, as a result of which keratin scales begin to exfoliate and the effect of split ends occurs.

In addition, lifeless hair is done by procedures that are quite natural for an attractive woman. This different kinds styling with the help of persistent cosmetics, hot curling irons and irons, the use of perm. Without proper care and prevention of damage to the structure of the hair, a collision with such problems as an untidy appearance, loss of color, dehydration, loss, will be quite logical.

What to do with lifeless hair?

The lifelessness of the hair often becomes the reason that it is impossible to comb and style it well. In addition, they constantly look untidy, and your whole look loses its gloss, because the head looks uncombed. In fairness, it should be noted that many girls masterfully turn this flaw into a virtue and do their hair in a style of slight negligence, however, the problem does not disappear from this. To cope with lifeless hair and give it a chance to recover, you should follow a few rules of care.

1. Choose your “right” shampoo! Of course, this concept is relative, however, it is often modern shampoos that cause hair to lose its natural vitality. First, try just changing the tool to another. Please note that this is not just a different name, but another concern or company that produces shampoos. Pay more attention to ecological shampoos based on decoction of herbs, birch tar, mumiyo, honey and soap root.

2. Don't wash your hair every day! This process strips away the natural oils from the skin and hair, which leads to more sebum and dandruff. This, in turn, makes the hair greasy and breaks their structure, the location of keratin scales.

3. Use natural rinses that can also be used as a refresher every day, especially on days when you do not use shampoo. As such rinses, decoctions of nettle, chamomile, sage, juniper or rosehip are perfect.

4. Refuse for a while from painting and hot styling. If there are no critical changes, then painting with gentle compositions can be left, but at the same time, the use of active restorative masks for dyed hair should be included in the care system, preferably as part of a beauty salon, or with home remedies.

5. If lifeless hair is very difficult to comb, use special compositions of oils for hair care or herbal decoctions with the addition of rose, ylang-ylang, tea tree esters. Spray them on your hair just before combing.

6. Long hair that have lost their vitality, be sure to collect them in a braid before going to bed so that they are not subjected to additional physical impact from friction on the pillow and do not break even more.

7. To help lifeless hair, do not bypass the intake of vitamins to strengthen them and restore their natural shine.

The best recipes for hair restoration

1. Oil mask for deep nutrition, restoration of the ability to maintain moisture, the manifestation of natural shine and color. As a base, use one of the proposed oils: from avocado, grape seed, jojoba, castor, burdock or olive. Add a third of the total amount of another 2-3 oils to the base. Depending on the length of your hair, you will need to add one egg yolk to each tablespoon of the mixture. Apply the composition to the entire length of the hair, retreating from the roots by 10 cm, then collect them and warm with a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour. Regularity of application - 1-2 times a week for treatment. The composition and proportions of oils can be changed regularly.

2. Mask based on kefir and egg yolk perfectly helps to cope with dryness and brittle hair, putting in order the position of keratin scales and preventing the deterioration of the appearance of split ends. For cooking, it is enough to take the required amount of kefir, so that it is enough for the entire length of the hair, and add one egg yolk for every 100 ml. You need to hold the mask without additional coverage of the head for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water using a light herbal shampoo, or a decoction of nettle, chamomile and lime blossom in equal proportions. Hair should be well blotted with a towel and allowed to dry naturally.

3. Antioxidant mask for hair with increased fragility, dull and damaged by frequent sunbathing. In equal proportions, you need to mix pumpkin and carrot juice. For 100 ml of the mixture, add two tablespoons of nourishing oil and one yolk. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply to the hair for an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine site

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How to add shine to hair at home? If you asked yourself this question, then you are faced with the problem of dull hair. This article contains proven tips on how to add shine to dull hair.

Shiny well-groomed hair is the dream of any girl. But not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can boast of them, many have a question: how to add shine to hair? Fortunately, today there are many ways to deal with the problem of dull and lifeless hair, applicable both at home and in professional salons.

Main causes of dull hair

To understand how to give hair shine, you need to understand the causes of their dullness. By nature, they are rarely dull, this problem occurs under the influence of various factors.

  • Improper care (incorrectly selected cosmetics, frequent use of a too hot hair dryer, curling iron, ironing, frequent staining);
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, amino acids. Often this reason follows from the fast rhythm modern life, the inability to eat properly and fully throughout the day. Popular "fast food" snacks often lead to gastrointestinal problems that mirror our appearance, including hair that looks completely lifeless;
  • Poor circulation of the scalp.

How to add shine to hair? What to do if the hair is dull?

In order to always delight everyone with your luxurious hair, you can use several proven methods that will surely help you add shine to dull hair:

1. Nutrition

To forget what dull hair is, you should reconsider your diet. Include more fruits and vegetables, but don't forget poultry and seafood. Also, for hair restoration, it is recommended to use nuts (especially almonds), seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), dairy products.

2. Sunbeams

Give smoothness. Shine occurs when sunlight hits the hair. That is why it is usually more noticeable on straight and dark hair than on curly and light hair. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to regularly use a variety of balms and which will help to even out the hair structure, and at the same time nourish the hair with the necessary nutrients.

3. Proper combing of hair

This habitual daily procedure is the key to beautiful hair, it is only important to do it regularly and choose a good, high-quality comb. It is recommended to use brushes with stiff, short bristles or wooden combs, popular plastic combs are highly electrified during prolonged use. Combing, in essence, is polishing the hair, as well as massaging the scalp, which improves blood circulation. Therefore, this lesson should be given at least 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening. To improve blood circulation, you can also self-massage the head with your fingertips using castor or olive oil. This procedure is recommended to be performed before washing the hair for 5-10 minutes.

4. Use quality care products

It is advisable to choose shampoos and balms with natural ingredients (proteins, vegetable oils, amino acids, plant extracts) that suit your hair type. It is important to choose a shampoo with the required pH level, for dry hair these are values ​​\u200b\u200bup to 5, and for oily hair - 5.5 - 6.

5. Turn to professionals

To get a quick result in the salon, you can do the hair lamination procedure. At the same time, each hair is covered with a special composition, which becomes a kind of protective film and protects them from the harmful effects of the external environment. After the procedure, dull hair will become shiny, smooth and silky. This effect lasts up to 6 weeks. Lamination can also be done at home. give a similar result, but for a shorter period.

6. Masks of their natural henna

The mask of their natural henna (both colored and colorless) also has a laminating effect, but in addition it makes the hair stronger and promotes its intensive growth.

7. Use folk remedies

They will also benefit the hair, and help them regain radiance. Dull hair is well treated with masks based on egg yolk, honey, lemon juice and cosmetic oils.

8. Decoction of sage

To restore shine to dark hair, after washing, they can be rinsed with a decoction of sage. For fair hair, chamomile decoction is ideal for this purpose.


Everyone wants their hair to always look perfect and the question “how to add shine to hair” has never arisen again. To do this, it should be remembered that it is absolutely not necessary to get carried away by special means to add shine to hair. Often, after applying them, the hair, on the contrary, looks more, and sometimes even dirty, and washing your hair daily, as they say on TV, is also not worth it, this destroys their outer protective layer.

Only very greasy hair can tolerate daily washing without pain, while normal hair should be washed 2-3 times a week, dry hair once every 4-5 days.

Love your hair, take the time to care for it, and you will always be irresistible!

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