All "for" and "against" in the question is whether Valerian can give a dog. What is the calm for dogs better? What will happen if the dogs give Valerian

All this causes nervous reactions in an animal: it is taking place, trembled, trying to hide, runs away from a terrible place. Therefore, dogs, especially on the eve of the holidays, are thinking about whether their pets can be given to Valerian in such situations.

This is a natural soothing agent, the least harmful to the human body. Is it acting on animals? In fact, those who gave the dog Valerian noted that on large animals it does not have practically no action.

Even for Middle Size Dogs, it has a minimal effect. At the same time it was noted that the yellow shell in which Valerian tablets are produced can cause a pet allergic reactionwhich manifests itching and rash.

How to give Valerian dogs right?

The course of treatment in which Valerian is used can be assigned to a veterinarian neurotic dog. Such a course is designed to receive medication within two months, which must be repeated twice a year. Large dog (more than 20 kg) give three tablets in one taking, medium (10-20 kg) two tablets and a small dog (up to 10 kg) give one tablet.

Also Valerian with the same doses of the dog can be given a one-time before a nervous trip, when an animal, for example, a trip to the luggage compartment of the aircraft. Or when the dog is afraid of the car. However, in order to assure that the dog needs such a course of treatment, it is necessary that the diagnosis to put a professional for her.

Therefore, if the dog is anxious, first of all it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian. Only he can identify the cause of restless reactions. After all, the causes of the dog's alarm can be both extremely physiological (wounds, abrasions, scratches) and mental.

It is almost impossible to solve this problem on your own, therefore you need a consultation of a specialist who can pick up a dog required drug. If an increased anxiety is the cause of animal anxiety, then the veterinarian will most likely supply special soothing dogs, designed for animals.

In such cases, human medicines practically do not help. In addition, they are quite difficult to dispense due to the fact that dogs are very different sizes and weights.

Physiologists are very accurate to answer this question. Stress in the dog is a voltage state that is caused by external influence.

This is a response of the organism, which usually implies two forms. The first is escape, and the second is an attack.

In nature, the dog's stress is allowed at once, at the time of appearance. She reacts directly to the stimulus, but acts in terms of the situation.

That is, she either runs away, either fights, after which the body receives discharge.

But we are not talking about physiological stress. This is a natural mechanism that helps survive. Another thing is that the dog's stress is properly working in vivo. And in the city it faces the same problems as a person. She can't run away, otherwise he would die, and it does not have the right to fight. And this applies to people and on the surrounding animals.

Causes for concern

There may be several reasons for concern about your pet status:

  1. The dog falls into depression, she does not want anything. Lying in a secluded place, she does not answer any calls, does not eat or drink.
  2. Dusty aggression - throws on everyone, growls, barks, howl.
  3. The manifestation of fear - from everyone hiding, does not give to him to touch.

All these symptoms of your four-legged friend point to what he fell ill, and it is urgent to turn to a professional. The dog feels great. And only its recovery depends on your relationship.

Classification of drugs

Any sedatives are appointed only by a doctor after consulting, inspection and testing (if necessary). Depending on the cause of the nervous disorder, the doctor selects medicines and treatment regimens. The consequences of self-medication can affect the physical health of your pet and exacerbate the current problems with the nervous system.


A group of drugs with pronounced sedatives, as well as anticonvulsant action. Assigned to eliminate acute anxious state, have a rapid, but not long effect.

Not suitable for frequent use, as they can cause addiction. In some cases, it can be assigned to eliminate aggression.

It should be taken with caution and strictly according to the instructions of the doctor.

Nebsenzodiazepine tranquilizers

From this group of sedatives for dogs, only spitown (buxpiron) is used, which does not have a sleeping action and causes other side effects. Effective to eliminate phobias, incontinence and other anxiety.

Designed for long-term treatment, the course usually lasts from 4 to 6 weeks with a gradual increase in dosage. It is often assigned as soft sedative for dogs of small breeds.

TSA (tricyclic antidepressants)

Preparations of this group are prescribed to eliminate attacks of aggression caused by phobias, neurosis or acute panic state. Antidepressants of this group have a cumulative effect that becomes noticeable from about the 20th day of reception.


The behavior of dogs strongly depends on what surrounds them. We will form their reality and responsible for their health. Therefore, each owner must be aware of his responsibility for this creation, which just can not speak. And the rest is not too different from us with you. So stress can be:

  • Short-term.
  • Continuous.
  • Chronic.

For example, the dog is afraid of injections. A campaign to the veterinary doctor will be short-term stress. This can be attributed to a haircut and processing of claws, visiting a noisy and crowded place. The manifestation lies in the fact that the dog does not eat and does not drink, refuses the games. Usually she tries to retire or hide. This state continues from several hours to several days.

Signs of stress

Soothing for dogs at home should be used only in those situations when you know in advance that your favorite will have a stress situation.

Indications for the receipt of such drugs are as follows:

  • bark for no reason;
  • constant feeling of fear;
  • frequent debit;
  • the dog is constantly trying to hide somewhere.

All these situations suggest that it is urgent to start treatment until your favorite fell into depression or did not begin to exercise aggression.

Signs for which you can recognize the stressful state:

  • anxiety;
  • aggression;
  • shuddering for each sound;
  • excessive storm;
  • running behind your own tail or aggressive gnawing limbs;
  • ultipical behavior - binds of household items, furniture;
  • spring, howl, bile, scoop;
  • diarrhea;
  • changing the smell of body and wool;
  • muscle tensions;
  • dandruff appears, fusive wool;
  • frequent licking paws, body;
  • frequent urge to urination.

Among other things, the dog can eat badly or completely abandon feed, often breathing with difficulty, constantly tremble. A faithful sign is the offensive immediately several types of allergic reactions, scattered, seeded, failure to comply with commands.

Imagine the situation. Your pet is the charm itself.

He does not go anyway, it is always better asking for the need, calmly plays with his toys in place and performs the necessary teams. But you should remove from the house, and the behavior of the dog changes dramatically.

She begins to rush around the house, throw, drop flower pots, nibble furniture, cope in the room. All this suggests that the animal is stress.

For him, your care is so injured that the pet can not even sit during your absence. Imagine that it will happen to him if the owner has left for the whole day to work.

There may be other symptoms of stress in the dog. She sluggish eats or abandoning food at all. May lie motionless and refuse to communicate. It happens, animals begin to nibble the base of the tail or paw, eat themselves as if she catches fleas.

Natural means

There are several types of sedatives capable of suppressing the alarm and fear of the dog. Pick up suitable medicine And the dose must be calculated by the veterinarian after an inspection of the animal.

Soothing preparations for dogs include tranquilizers with rapid effects and a strong effect; antidepressants that reduce the alarm and eliminate fear after long and regular use; Benzodiazepines, reinforcing the effect of antidepressants.

As folk remedies Successful herbs are used, which can be bought in both veterinary and in a conventional pharmacy. This option will be the most secure and gentle for your pet, but not always effective.


Helps with neurosis and panic States. Valerian is a spasmolitic, which helps to cope with diarrhea on the basis of stress.

In some cases, an allergic reaction is possible in the form of over-excitation nervous systemWhat is not particularly recommended for large aggressive dogs. At the first signs of such a reaction, the drug immediately cancel.

Valerian reception rate is no more than a week. Dosage - 5-15 drops (depending on the weight of the dog) 3-4 times a day.

Liquid tincture is more effective. It helps well with diarrhea, various spasms, which are a consequence of fright. Sometimes veterinary doctors prescribe valerian medicinal and in the form of tablets. In this case, the reception time of this fund increases to two or three months.

Important! It is unacceptable to use sedatives in combination with antidepressants and sedatives.

Dosage and frequency of use

Dosage for large breeds of dogs is three tablets for one reception. Middle-sized dogs receive two tablets. Small breeds, as a rule, grabs one thing. Repeat therapy should no less often than twice a year.

If the tincture is assumed, the dosage will be 5-15 drops in one reception three times a day. Better if veterinarian himself will calculate the correct dose medicinal preparation, focusing on age, weight and condition health of a pet.

How to park?

The preparation includes vegetable components, but, nevertheless, Valerian needs to give an animal with extreme caution. The tincture has a high alcohol content.

True, having calculated the dosage, you should dial the contents in the syringe without a needle and quickly pour into the mouth of the dog, sticking the syringe as much as possible to the root of the language. Tablets are better to open in the powder and notify the PSA in favorite delicacy. As a rule, they do not have an unpleasant taste, unlike tinctures.

When all mammals receive maternal milk.

It is soothing acting on newborns, helping them calmly fall asleep after feeding, and sometimes during.

This natural facility contains aminopropionic acid (tryptophan), with the help of which a relaxed state occurs in the body. If your dog is an adult, then pour her a full bowl of warm milk, and if a small puppy, then its portion should be no more than 50 ml.

Such drugs are not sold in the pharmacy without recipes, because they can not be treated for their animals on their own. And if the veterinarian needed narcotic productsSo your four-legged friend needs surgical intervention.

The choice of medication depends on which anesthesia will do a specialist - common, or local. Such medicines are very serious, they have a lot of contraindications and many side effects.

But, the main purpose of their purpose is an eclaudine cases for rescue life.

The first thing you must remember is in no case use independently drugs of this type. Most of the sedatives have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before applying or another, be sure to discuss this issue with the veterinarian.

It should be known that restless behavior of a dog, both small and large breeds can cause different factors. For example, you are planning to go to rest with your four-legged friend and worry, as it will take a long flight.

In this case, he can really need soothing. However, if your pet in a relaxed atmosphere behaves strangely, hides and shaking, it is not a fact that the sedative will help him.

It is possible that he begins to develop dangerous disease. Therefore, do not think that by giving a dog soothing, you will return her good well-being.

It can only be used if there is accurate readings.

From the very moment of birth, each mammal creature receives milk. This is a very important product for small animals, because its composition has a special chemical substance Triptophan, which helps puppies faster.

Therefore, milk is one of the first products that can be used as a sedative for dogs. First of all it is recommended to give small puppies that begin to be sad due to separation with mom.

Just give him 50 g of warm milk, and you will see how the puppy will soon fall asleep.

Indications for use

Assign the drug has the right only veterinarian. If we talk about drops, they are sold in the form of dark color bottles, 15 ml each in each.

1 ml accounts for about 100 mg of phenybut and extract of medicinal herbs. Stop stress tablets are for dogs of small and medium breeds.

Determine how much the tablets or droplets are needed enough. It should be processed from the weight of the pet, taking into account that 1 kg is relying 2 drops, twice a day.

Tablets 100 mg need to be given half or a quarter if the dog weighs from 5 to 12 kg. If the weight of the animal exceeds 15-20 kg, then we can safely give it on a whole tablet, if above 20 kg, then one and a half, very large pets (over 30 kg) - one tablet 250 mg, or two 100 mg.

Drops can be mixed with an animal eating or pour them with a pipette to the root of the language. Tablets can also be finely detail and mixed with food.

It is necessary to give the remedy twice a day for 14 days after the appointment by the veterinarian. The dog begins to feel better after the first 2-3 days, the effect of stress becomes lower, the sleep is normalized, the pet explicitly becomes calmer.

Remember that the maximum rate cannot last more than 28 days. If the CSR has to be the exhibition, then stop-stress should be launched 2-3 days before it and 1-2 days after.

You can buy the drug in any veterinary pharmacy, the price is moderate, it does not cause addiction.

Indications for use are quite extensive:

  • As a prophylactic agent from stress.
  • From the indication during transportation.
  • Participation in events (competitions, exhibitions), relocation or decimal change.
  • Uncontrolled sexual activity, dreamed by urine indoors.
  • Aggressiveness, howl, fear, hyperactivity.
  • Sleep impaired and diet.

Soothing means for dogs "Stop-stress" put into the cavity of the mouth closer to the root of the tongue or the cheek of the dog, with your favorite delicacy, 2 times a day according to the instructions.

Droplets are used in dosages: 1 kilograms of weight accounts for 2 drops of solution.


Apply in dosages:

  • weight up to 5 kg - 1/4 tablets (200 mg);
  • from 5 to 10 kg - 1 / 4-1 / 2 tablets (200 mg);
  • from 10 to 20 kg - 1/2-1 tab. (200 mg);
  • from 20 to 30 kg - 1-1 ½ tab. (200 mg) and 1/4-1 / 2 tab. (500 mg);
  • from 30 to 40 kg - 1 ½-2 tab. (200 mg) and 1/2-1 tab. (500 mg);
  • from 40 to 50 - 1 tablet (500 mg);
  • from 50 and above - 1-2 tab. (500 mg).

The course of reception of the sedative for dogs "Stop-stress": correction of reactions to stressful situations - 3 days before and 4 days after the upcoming events.

With sexual hyperactivity - the dose of the same, with the addition of contraceptive, treatment is not more than 4 weeks.

With excessive aggressiveness, vocalization, gravity, hyperactivity - treatment is prolonged for more than 4 weeks.

The general course of treatment with the preparation "Stop-stress" for dogs - 15-20 days.

Herbal soothing tricks


You need to discuss in advance with the veterinarian dose of sedative herbal infusions before you take your pet.

To help your pet faster calm down, you can give him herbs with a gentle effect. If yours four-legged friend It begins to worry before a visit to the vet or his thunderstorm scares it, let him drink 5-20 drops of sedative for dogs.

Accurate dosage It should be calculated, based on the weight of the animal. But it is best that a safe dose picked up a veterinarian.

Therefore, before giving a sedative dog, be sure to consult a specialist.



Dogs are also subject to various fears and phobias, like people. Often they are afraid of other animals, heights, people, cars or sharp sounds. Multi-mental deviations, psychosis, increased excitability, behavioral disorders They are a contraindication to the reception of Valerian.

In the natural medium, psychosis and other deviations in dogs are rare. Problems with the psyche are associated with the terms of the PSA.

Attention! Do not treat the dog yourself. It can cause a lot side phenomena.

With the general championship of the drug, it is still not worth giving a dog if she has:

  • pathology gOOD SYSTEM;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological disease or she passed a course of chemotherapy;
  • during the period of tooling and feeding puppies.

The spectrum of side effects is not very large, and includes vomiting, loss of appetite, the animal can constantly want to sleep or be extremely excited. At first signs, it is necessary to stop giving the drug, and the dog immediately remove to a specialist.

Finally, I want to say that the owner should not save on the health of his animal. If the owner notices that the dog is prone to stress or aggressive behavior, then it is worth a renowned and buy such a means like stop stress. This will avoid unnecessary shocks for animal and trouble for its owner.

The drug cannot be used during pregnancy and feeding, give animals under the age of the year. His reception is not recommended for diabetes and kidney diseases, increased sensitivity to the drug oncological diseases and hypersensitivity to components.

If during the use of the drug you noticed the dog lethargy, drowsiness, nervousness, vomiting or allergic reactions appeared - the reception should be discontinued immediately.

Contraindications for receiving a sedative for dogs "Stop-stress" can be:

  • the intolerance of the components included in the composition;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • orange age less than 1 year;
  • sugar diabetes a history;
  • violation of the functioning of the urogenital system;
  • malignant and benign tumors.

Sometimes the drug can cause vomiting in the intolerance of its components, as well as lethargy or aggressiveness, allergic on the skin. If one or more symptoms are present, it should be used for dogs with caution or suspend it at all.

Exhibitions, moving, thunderstorms, New Year's salutes ... Some dogs such a "shake" of the nervous system are worth it to be worth it, others fall into panic. It is not always possible to protect the animal from stress, but to reduce the intensity of the attack, using sedatives for dogs, in our power. Fortunately, pharmacies offer a decent choice of such drugs today. But every organism is individual. Here it is impossible to definitely declare: "This is soothing for dogs - the best of all!" Perhaps you have to try multiple drugs before you find the most suitable.

Let's consider the four most common types of sedatives, which are based on plant components. As a rule, their action is quite mild, and therefore consciousness remains clear, the state of lethargy is not observed.

Valerian is the most common sedative for dogs, gives sedative effect, allowing you to achieve soothing and relaxation. It is advised by veterinarians with thunderstorms, before visiting the clinic, before traveling and so on. With a properly calculated dosage, several days can be applied. In cases where stress can be foreseen (trips, exhibitions), it is better to start taking Valerians on the eve (for two days). Dosage - from 5 to 15 drops (by weight). Another advantage of Valerian is that it acts as a spasmolitic, which is important in cases where the excitement of the animal is also accompanied by a violation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea). Valerian's aggressive dogs is not suitable.

Dogs who expressed jealousy and aggression that flashering during stress and fear may be an passionwood.

The motherboard is another sedative for dogs. Sometimes in their actions even surpasses Valerian. Indications and dosage are the same.

Baikal skill is considered the most spectacular soothing grass. It is able to fight even with sharp and chronic cases of nervous voltage. Moreover, he facilitates pain. It is shown in strong excitability, accompanied by trembling and hypersensitivity of peripheral nerves. The tincture is preparing for alcohol (70%, 1: 5). Dosage for dogs is somewhat less than for a person. It ranges from 5 to 20 drops (by weight) twice a day.

Successful preparations "Cat Bayun" and "Phyteks" are used in particular demand, which are based on the Valerian and dye listed above. Dosage for each dog is your own depending on weight and character (forces) of concern (read the instructions).

All listed funds are applied only in the actual need (not for prevention and not "just in case"). The effect is noticeable after half an hour after the reception (sometimes later). Accordingly, if you know exactly that stress for your pet will inevit, give one of the listed drugs in advance (per hour) - and the dog takes the excitement much easier.

However, we recall again: the drug that approached one dog may not have actions to another. In addition, some components can lead to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to try something else.

If with the maximum allowable dosage of the effect, do not increase the dose. Discard this tool and try new.

Soothing for dogs are not used after operations with anesthesia. A combination with antidepressants or sedative preparations is unacceptable.

All our readers have heard of Valerian's root or mint cat act on fluffy pets. And not only heard! Therefore, the question of "dognies" is quite natural: is there any grass and drug acting on dogs in the same way? A short answer - exists. Now we will tell you about everything.

So, we meet - anise oil. Prepared from Anisian seeds, spices, which is offered in supermarkets. Many, very many dogs find the smell and taste of anise oil, mmmm, let's say that exciting. However, with an important remark: As there are in the light of the cat, "indifferent" to mint, so there are dogs that do not understand all the subtleties of cooking.

For the connoisseurs of nerds, we note: we are talking about the annual grassy plant of the kind of female family of umbrella (Pimpinella Anisum). There is also a plant called anise star, or Badyan real - it is categorically indifferent to it all without excluding the dog.

Is anise harmful for a dog harmful?

Only in very large, absolutely inappropriate quantities. Drink some oil on your favorite toy to enhance attractiveness or a little to add to feed is not rebeling.

Can I give anise seeds?

Yes, you can. They can be both crushed and produce in their "natural" form using as an additive to a delicacy. Be careful, putting seeds in toys: the dog can easily break them. Moreover, the seeds remain seeds, they can get into airways etc. It is much easier and safer to cook yourself essential oil Anisa - The most present delicacy for our four-legged friends.

Step-by-step instruction

Take anise seeds annually. Grind them with the help of a mortar and pestle - until the aroma and anise maslice are allocated. Do not grind seeds to powder condition. Some authors for lifting the process advise to fry Anis seeds on slow fire (about 10 min.).

Received Substance (including Maslice) Place in a separate clean glass container (container).

Add a bit of smelling oil - olive or almond ( optimal choice). It needs quite a bit - only to make ground seeds and anise oil.

Carefully stir the contents of the container so that you have a homogeneous mass.

Put on the container a hermetic cover. Place the container in a very sunny place (for a period of about 2-4 weeks).

Open the cover, take the gauze (3-4 layer) and resolute the contents of the container. Then reclose the resulting essential anise oil into a separate container and keep in a cool place.

Ready! Offer a delicacy to your shaggy friend. And share the results with us, friends!

Dark clouds are thickened on the horizon and window glass rattles from the goula of a remote thunderstorm. Jack, a creamy Mix of Charpei and Chow is already nervous. He walks through the living room with insane eyes, breathing heavily, his body trembles from the expectation of the first scary roller thunder. When it all begins, he is trying to make a challenge under the magazine and drops once again glued to Vaza last time. Jack's problems are not rare. Millions of dogs are subject to panic attacks due to certain reasons.

And although chronic behavioral problems of dogs can be associated with hidden problems and also problems with mental and physical health problems, most attacks are associated with fear or foreboding some event (visit to the veterinarian, future loneliness, etc.) Sometimes wean the dog is afraid to be afraid And it is difficult to find the cause of phobias, but it is impossible to avoid irritants of the provoking attack.

However, the intensity of attacks can be minimized using natural sedatives for dogs - herbs. Those herbs that promote relaxation and help smooth the nervous shocks.

One of the biggest advantages when using soothing herbs is their gentle soft impact when need effect It is achieved without prejudice to the mental and physical activity of the dog. An animal does not experience the state of lethargy and his consciousness is not disturbed.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that each dog is unique and what is suitable for one may not come to another. In addition, not all soothing herbs are suitable for dogs. For example, the use of valerian can cause an allergic reaction. For such dogs of preferably Melissa, Passiflora or Baikal slave.

If the grass you choose does not have a soothing effect, it makes no sense to increase the dosage, it is better to try another grass. Most often common by-effect With overdose - nausea.

It is also important to remember that soothing herbs should not be used within 24 hours after anesthesia or in combination with sedative or antidepressant drugs. Below is a list of 4 soothing herbs that are most often recommended for dogs.

You will see that each of them has a set of unique qualities and each useful in certain circumstances.

Valerian with nervous anxiety and from panic attacks in dogs

Valerian, no doubt, the most widely used in veterinary grass. Valerian produces a sedative effect, helping to achieve relaxation and calm nerves. It is used in disruption of sleep, nervous anxiety. It is useful to apply during a thunderstorm, visiting to the veterinarian or a hairdresser.

As sedative, Valerian is most effective in small doses several times a day and can be applied for several days. This is especially true when situations are expected able to cause a panic attack by a dog, for example New Year (Fireworks and Salutes). In this case, within 3-4 days before the alleged event, the animal prescribed 5 drops of Valerian tinctures 3-4 times a day.

The Valerian gastrointestinal tract serves as a spasmodic, which makes it useful in situations when the excitement is exacerbated by the stomach disorder (diarrhea).

Keep in mind that some of the Valerian dogs can produce a reverse stimulating effect. If this happens, just stop using it and select other soothing herbs. She is also not suitable for aggressive dogs.

Baikal's Shememan for the treatment of nervous disorders and common nervousness

For centuries, the slam is considered one of the most efficient soothing herbs. It is usually used to treat acute or chronic cases of nervous voltage and anxiety, as well as to relieve pain from nerve injuries or diseases.

It is useful for general nervousness and excitability in dogs and cats, especially if the condition of the animal is characterized as a shiver, trembling or hypersensitivity of peripheral nerves. The grass is also useful for removing the nervous tension associated with painful sensations and injuries.

Very useful for animals restored after some strong stress.

Oats (Avena Sativa) for weakened and exhausted animals

Flowering oats inflorescences Excellent tonic for aging or weakened animals. This grass contains a significant amount of protein (gluten), vitamins and minerals (especially calcium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc), which are necessary to maintain health.

It also contains various alkaloids, sterols and flavonoids, which are when they act together have a stabilizing effect on the nervous system.

For example, when Oats is given in moderate quantities of dogs with chronic nervousness, it has not only soothing effect but also stimulates the restoration of the nervous system. Flowers of oats flowers or tincture is a great choice for exhausted or suffering from depression of dogs.

He is appointed dogs suffering from epilepsy, paralymps, convulsions, tremors. Also, the blooming inflorescences of oats are well suited for the rates of dogs after anesthesia.

Passiflora Incarnata (Passiflora Incarnata) against aggression and jealousy in dogs.

Passionwood is the grass of the first choice for aggressive dogs, the aggression of which is based on fear or caused stressful situation. It is shown when Valerian has no soothing, but on the contrary stimulating action. Passionwood can be called an excellent choice for jealous dogs that do not take other animals.

How to give a dog soothing herbs?

Some herbs can already be bought in the form of tablets, capsules or in the form of tincture or liquid extract in a pet store or human pharmacy. Some products contain melatonin and other substances of unimpressive origin, but which also contribute their soothing "lept". Almost all natural sedatives for dogs are used as the actual necessity. The effect manifests itself within 30-60 minutes after receiving grass. Accordingly, if your pet must be stressed, give him an hour before that suitable natural calming and the dog will transfer everything much easier.

A few words about natural sedatives for dogs sold in our pet stores: these are soothing drops Fitex and Cat Baun. The composition and of the other preparations include various herbs and some animals are well helped. Some no. Each dog is individual and requires an individual approach. The above-mentioned herbs are most often used, each has its own desirable testimony for use and in my opinion, knowing about the action of each easier to choose exactly the one that helps your dog.

For example, we take "phyteks" - made on the basis of natural plant extracts: valerians of the medicinal, mother-in-law, the hop of the ordinary, Baikal skull

The composition includes Valerian and the Baikal skull. If Valerian has an opposite effect on the dog, then the bracket can extinguish it, and as a result, the effect of droplets will be zero. For this reason, someone helps to someone, someone, and someone, very sensitive to Valeriah, can lead to the opposite result

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