Compatibility of the male bull with other signs. Ox compatibility in love relationships Ox compatibility with other signs

All male essence in the utmost concentration is concentrated in a man born in the year of the Ox. The Ox man, no matter what year he was born: fiery, metal or water, is a strong, healthy, hardy, faithful and reliable person. He does not hover in the clouds, does not build castles in the air, does not hope for a miracle. Everything he needs, he is able to earn or conquer. A man born in the year of the Ox can boast of an even disposition, prudence and poise, but for the time being.

If you experience the calmness of the Ox for a long time and persistently, this calm and phlegmatic man will demonstrate all the rage. The huge vitality of the Ox man and undisguised masculinity helps him long years remain attractive to the beautiful half of humanity. The female gaze will definitely “catch” on the representative of this sign, because intuitively women choose the strongest and most reliable partners.

Bull man in love

The man of this sign is aimed only at stable and long-term relationships, both in friendship and in sex, so he is very careful in choosing a life partner. Having found such a woman, he is ready to look after her for years and seek reciprocity. Because of his tough and rebellious disposition, he subconsciously chooses domestic and complaisant girls as his life companions. Thus, he provides himself with a comfortable existence in marriage: peaceful family evenings, fidelity and devotion. What does a wife get in a relationship or marriage? First of all, stability, good prosperity, respect and security.

Ox men give all their strength so that his family does not need anything.

A man born this year is a bright adherent of the traditional patriarchal family. His word is law, as long as his wife accepts it and diligently fulfills her role, he will appreciate and love her. If she disappoints her Ox in love or sex, then it will be very difficult to return his location. The ideal companion for him is a good housewife and mother, a gentle and submissive girlfriend, a strong and faithful partner.

Relationships in the family

If we take into account what the Bulls have positive characteristic as the head of the family, it can be concluded that such men become excellent fathers. According to the horoscope of all the representatives, the Ox men are almost the only ones who are responsible and conscious about family and love. Representatives of the sign not only love and care for their descendants, but also provide them with a material base and a good education.

Children are drawn to and understand the soul of the child, taking seriously all the experiences, fears and hopes. Most importantly, Ox men enjoy communicating with children and the very process of education. A good, strong family, smart and successful children - this is the main value for men born in the year of the Ox, so they do not spare time and effort to realize this family idyll.

Ox compatibility with other signs

Suitable signs for the Ox should belong to the elements of Water or Air. Compatibility with other representatives of the elements, according to the horoscope, is not so harmonious. The Ox is compatible in love, sex and friendship with the following signs:

  • Aquarius
  • Twins

So, such a man practically does not have problems with women, even despite the fact that representatives of this sign cannot be called romantics and gallant boyfriends. compliments beautiful words, public declarations of love and other spectacular gestures - this is not about them at all. And it's not that they can't or don't know how to do it. It’s just that the men of this sign are convinced that the public manifestation of their feelings and emotions is a stupid and ungrateful occupation, just showing off in public. But alone with such a man, his chosen one will not experience a shortage of attention, courtship and kind words.

Compatibility of the Ox with other signs according to the eastern horoscope


A family union with a Rat is a uniquely successful combination. Relationships in which partners will not just be sexual partners, cohabitants, but true friends and like-minded people. In this marriage, no one will suffer, will not change himself or sacrifice his interests. Representatives of these signs have every chance to live side by side all their lives and celebrate a golden wedding in a circle of loving descendants.

Bull Bull

Such relationships have a right to exist. A couple of hard workers united by one goal, which is sure to be achieved (especially if it is material). Agriculture, farming is the most successful choice for the implementation of their plans. In this area, their diligence and focus on results will bring good results. It can be assumed that love passions will not rage in this alliance, but the Bulls do not need them. But still, this combination of signs is the most successful and productive in the business sphere.


The imperious and temperamental Tigress is unlikely to be of interest to a conservative representative of the sign. And if he is interested, he will quickly realize that no one will allow him to establish his own rules in this union. Relations with the Tiger are doomed to failure, and not because they are completely different, they simply do not have the same plans for life and goals, they will never look in the same direction.

For a man, his companion will be overly sensual, fickle and hysterical, and for the Tigress, her partner will eventually turn into a gloomy, boring and despotic type. However, despite the unfavorable prognosis for a long-term relationship, a short romance between these signs can give them unforgettable emotions and memories for a lifetime. It will be especially pleasant for a man to remember moments of delight in the arms of a hot Tigress.

Ox-Rabbit (Cat)

The compatibility of these signs cannot be called ideal, but under certain circumstances they can live a fairly happy, peaceful and bright life. For this, the representative of the sign needs to close his eyes to the frivolity of his gentle and charming wife, and she, in turn, must come to terms with his straightforwardness. But the most important thing that a spouse should not do is to criticize or offend his life partner. Women born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) tend to dramatize everything and become depressed for the slightest reason, and the Bulls are not able to understand and comprehend such mental torments. If the partner is just an affectionate, understanding and patient wife, then her partner will be happy.


The psychological types of these signs are opposite, which makes their peaceful coexistence impossible. The Ox and the Dragon can fall in love with each other, even start a family, but they can withstand each other's temper for a couple of years. A temperamental and impulsive Dragon woman will not ignite her purposeful companion, so her need to inspire a man to exploits will not be satisfied. Because of this, she will be constantly irritated and aggressive, which will not suit the representative of this sign at all. Such relationships will not end in an amicable divorce - the partners will blame each other for failure for the rest of their lives.


Great union. A hardworking and stubborn representative of the sign will be happy to surround his sophisticated chosen one with comfort and luxury. For this, she will pay him sincere admiration and gratitude. The Snake woman will always be the pride of her partner, the measure of his own wealth. In addition, wise and pragmatic in financial matters The snake will help your spouse achieve financial well-being.


Such an alliance is completely incompatible. Too different goals, opposite characters and outlooks on life. In marriage, partners will have to constantly give in to each other, seek a compromise, thereby infringing on their own interests. As a result, both partners will feel unhappy and deprived.

Bull-Goat (Sheep)

In this combination, a good marriage is possible only if the Ox comes to terms with the desire of his companion to lead an idle and entertainment-filled social life. If he does not feel sorry for the money. A woman, on the other hand, must control her expenses for travel, clothes and jewelry. It will be difficult for both partners to do this, as well as to save such a marriage.

Bull Monkey

It is better for the bull to stay away from a woman born in the year of the Monkey. Although both partners strive for financial well-being and success, they have completely different ways of achieving it. The unscrupulousness, deceitfulness and resourcefulness of the Monkey will be offensive to an honest and serious spouse. In interpersonal relationships, they will also never have mutual understanding on any point.


Stable, harmonious and gentle union. Each of the partners will be able to show their best in this marriage. best qualities, realize yourself. Spouses will help and complement each other. The Rooster woman will appreciate the reliability and diligence of the Ox, and he will be subdued by her tenderness, care and ability to create comfort in their home. The rooster embodies all the secret desires of a harsh partner, so he easily (and sometimes with condescension) forgives her small mistakes. Together they will remain until old age and will be able to achieve a lot.


Relationships are unstable, as with other strong signs. Often there are quarrels and misunderstandings between partners. Basically, the Ox is annoyed by the desire of the Dog to control him and give instructions, and the woman is offended that the partner does not share her life principles, makes fun of her excessive sociability and friendliness. However, thanks to similar characters and the fact that the spouse is in love, the Dog manages to negotiate and “extinguish” conflicts. True, over the years, the claims of partners to each other are becoming tougher, more offensive and more painful, it becomes more and more difficult for them to put up with them. Perhaps that is why this marriage rarely lasts long.


The compatibility of these representatives of the eastern horoscope is very good. The marriage is promising and happy for both spouses. The Pig woman is focused on the success of her partner, so she will be happy and passionate to help her husband make a career, develop a business, and implement plans. She will not pay attention to temporary difficulties or lack of money, since patience and sacrifice are the main features of her character. She will create for her husband the much-needed cosiness and comfort. For a representative of the sign, such complaisance and humility is the most clear manifestation love and devotion.

People born in the year of the Ox (Ox) differ from the rest in that they have inexhaustible optimism. They very rarely turn their attention to trouble, so it is quite easy for them to cope with difficulties. The compatibility of the Ox and the Ox is very rare. This is justified by the fact that each of the partners has its own perseverance, so they will never make concessions to each other.

Characteristics of the Ox woman

Such women have a masculine character, but at the same time, they have a feminine cunning. This helps her achieve her goal within a short amount of time. At first glance, it may seem that she is defenseless and needs help. That's just a deceptive opinion, because inside she has a core and an unshakable character. Such women value their own freedom very much, and need independence. Therefore, in love and friendship, he can take the reins of government.

Her man will never face such situations as the girl's constant depression, tears, or an unusual style of clothing. The Ox woman will never allow herself weakness, because she is an adherent of the classics. Like any other person, such girls are characterized by weakness and tears. But, they will never show their weakness to others, and accept difficulties with a calm expression on their faces.

Characteristics of the Ox man

As soon as a girl thinks about building a relationship with a male Ox, she must understand several of the main features of his character. Firstly, such guys have internal self-doubt. Secondly, he needs a companion who will constantly support him in difficult situations and guide him on the right path.

They are distinguished from the rest of the signs of the horoscope by the fact that they love to be alone and read philosophical books. Therefore, such men will look for a girl who will normally perceive their love of privacy.

The influence of natural elements on the sign

In order to understand why Bulls are rarely compatible with each other, one should consider the influence of the elements on their character. It will also allow you to look for a partner that would satisfy all your requirements.

  1. Wood Ox, born in 1925 and 1985, is characterized by a desire to lead and gain the respect of others. He always knows how to do the right thing in a given situation.
  2. Metal Ox, born in 1901 and 1961, has charm, a sense of concern for others, and straightforwardness. He always has many friends that he can forget about if he has to work on an interesting case.
  3. Fiery Ox, born in 1937 and 1997, has hard work and assertiveness in his character. He never stops half way, and tries to quickly reach his goal.
  4. The Water Ox, who was born in 1913 and 1973, is characterized by talent, fairness and is very difficult to bribe. Such people often occupy leadership positions.
  5. Earth Ox, born in 1949 and 2009, is characterized by determination and always achieves his goal.

Ox union in love

The compatibility of the Ox with the Ox in love is quite rare. But, there are certain reasons for this, due to the eastern horoscope. The thing is that people born in the same year always have similar character traits. At first, everything will be fine, but after just a few years of relationship, their love will begin to fade. The thing is that they want variety, and something new. After all, each of them will be bored from the monotony. At such moments, love fades into the background.

Ox women know who suits them for a life together, and prefer to start relationships with strong boys. Only hooligans can arouse love in her. It is the male Ox who has a strong and wayward character. Of course, initially it may seem that everything is perfect in this pair. But that's just not the case.

But, the rationality that is present in both partners can become a problem for love and further relationships. Moreover, all this is “seasoned” with stubbornness, willfulness and steadfastness in making a decision. As a result, it will be difficult for them to achieve harmony and understanding in love. Both a man and a woman will fight for leadership in relationships, which will cause the search for love with other symbols of the eastern horoscope. Even sincere love cannot keep their relationship.

Oxen compatibility in marriage

The Ox man and the Ox woman, being married, remain with their own preferences in life. These zodiac signs have their own preferences in a partner. The girl is trying to evoke a feeling of love in the guy, and he wants to find a good mistress who would love him without memory. Despite this, a man will never demand unusual food from his wife, or complete order in the house. He is satisfied with life, even with a mess in the room.

Ox and Ox find it difficult to get along in the same house. Of course, if they can agree among themselves on the distribution of responsibilities, then there is every chance of good life married. If each of them will have a strong character, and will begin to try to gain supremacy in the family, then compatibility in marriage is doomed to failure. If you believe the Chinese horoscope, then these are two strong people who very rarely make concessions to each other.

Ox compatibility in bed

The compatibility of the Ox woman and the Ox man is interesting, they achieve complete harmony in bed. First, it justifies appearance partners. Secondly, each of them is trying to bring something new into the sex life. The compatibility of the Ox and the Ox in bed is so high that it amazes with its result. After all, a guy and a girl will never have sex with other characters if they do not have feelings for them. Therefore, they are especially serious about finding a partner, and as soon as the Ox woman and the Ox man find each other, they are doomed to a happy sex life. It is very difficult for such people to readjust and look for a new partner for sex. It is better for them to step over themselves and their principles than to again expose their body and soul to another person.

Ox man and Ox woman never put sex in the first place. It is more important for them to develop spiritually and spend time together in a classic way. Neither of them can ever refuse to be alone with each other. But, if they have very important things to do, then they will not put them off in order to do intimate things.

If the Ox man begins to be disappointed in the achievements of the girl, then he will immediately tell her about it. His straightforward nature does not allow him to hide his thoughts. At the same time, the girl will take many actions in order not to disappoint her boyfriend. If unpleasant situations begin to occur in sex, then thanks to mutual love these people will quickly be able to deal with them.


The compatibility of the Ox with the Ox, to a greater extent, depends on their own desire. If people sincerely love each other, then it costs them nothing to change their attitude to life, and preferences in a loved one.

If they want to be together, then no shortcomings of a loved one will become an obstacle. But, they must sincerely fight for their relationship, and not try to put themselves first.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Ox man is a carrier of tremendous vital energy. He is a hardworking, hardy plowman who knows how to earn money and always stands firmly on the ground. This is a reliable friend and faithful husband. He will never betray his woman, but he also demands from her full dedication to the family and to him - his beloved.

A man born in the year of the Ox rarely shows his emotions in public and considers this a stupid thing to do. He is a very balanced person and it is difficult to piss him off.

But he is able to accumulate his claims and displeasure. And when it reaches the limit, then everyone will see his explosive and passionate temperament and you can know the real fury of the Bull, who can even raise his hand to a woman in anger. Therefore, if he is disappointed in someone, then it is almost impossible to start a relationship from scratch.

Ox Man - Ox Woman

A pair of Ox man and Ox woman has good compatibility, he will be especially successful in terms of achieving a career. Moreover, a business relationship would suit two bulls much more than a love one. After all, together they create an excellent team ready to fulfill the most difficult living conditions. They can be successful farmers, create their own production. Both spouses are hardworking and can harness themselves and "plow like a bull." They are serious, hardworking, responsible and ready to do anything for the sake of their family. They are both conservative in their views and have a materialistic worldview...>>

Bull Man - Tiger Woman

Bull Man - Cat Woman (Rabbit)

The family union of the Ox man and the Cat (Rabbit) woman cannot be called ideal, but they have every chance of becoming happy. Everything will depend on the individuality of each of the spouses and their willingness to compromise, give in to their values, for the sake of preserving the family. Spouses have difficulty understanding each other's habits and character. As a rule, the Ox man is simply fascinated by his sociable, gentle, feminine and graceful wife, but over time, her indiscipline begins to piss him off. And the romantic Catwoman (Rabbit) can’t get used to the caution and excessive realism of the Bull man, and his slightest criticism can lead the Cat to isolation and even depression...>>

Ox Man - Dragon Woman

The family union of the Ox man and the Dragon woman most often consists of numerous difficulties and spouses rarely live together all their lives. Their temperaments are too different to understand each other. The Bull Man is slow and purposeful, achieves his goals methodically, slowly, following his plan. This is very annoying to the quick-tempered, impulsive and dynamic Dragon woman. She must constantly inspire the Ox-man to exploits and use his energy to realize her plans...>>

Bull Man - Snake Woman

The family union of the Ox man and the Snake woman is stable and reliable, and, as a rule, spouses find family happiness. The Snake Woman loves luxury and comfort, she has ambitious plans and aristocratic manners, and the Ox Man is able to provide all this to her. He is simply fascinated by the good upbringing of his wife, her care and ability to find the right connections and contacts for him in time. In addition, she is very insightful in financial matters, thanks to which, with her help, the Ox man achieves even greater financial well-being. In this union, the spouses complement each other...>>

Ox Man - Horse Woman

According to the eastern horoscope of compatibility between the Ox man and the Horse woman, their family relationships cannot be called ideal. Spouses will have to adapt a lot to each other, make concessions and seek a compromise. Often, partners simply do not understand each other, as they have completely different views on life. Bull Man is a careerist and workaholic. He is drawn to material success, and strives to occupy not the last step in the hierarchical ladder. He is a homebody, likes to live in comfortable conditions, and it is difficult to get him out of his own thoughts, which he endlessly turns in his head...>>

Ox Man - Goat Woman (Sheep)

In a family union, a male Ox and a female Goat (Sheep) may experience frequent conflicts and misunderstanding of each other. In this relationship, different interests collide. The Ox man likes to earn and save money, and the Goat (Sheep) woman likes to acquire luxury goods, spend money on travel and entertainment, and lead a rich social life. Therefore, the “decoration” of a family nest without delicious food and a stable future can create problems for the Ox man. In addition, the sentimentality and sensitivity of the female Goat (Sheep) is difficult to combine with the prudence, perseverance and stinginess of the emotional reactions of the male Bull...>>

Bull Man - Monkey Woman

The family union of a male Ox and a female Monkey will have enough difficulties and contradictions. Both partners are strong personalities, and they firmly know what they want to achieve in life. But, their desires, most often, are directed in different directions. The simplicity, seriousness, business qualities of the Ox man are faced with the complex, cunning, eccentric nature of the Monkey woman. The Bull Man does not understand her unscrupulousness and desire to achieve her goal by any means. Although both spouses love success in society, strive for material well-being, they have completely different ideas about how to spend money...>>

Ox Man - Rooster Woman

The family relationships of the Ox man and the Rooster woman are very stable and harmonious. In this partnership, both spouses can show their diligence, and reveal better qualities. The Ox man, having self-esteem and dedication, can provide a wide field of activity for the administrator and conscientious performer of the Rooster woman, who in turn arouses the admiration of the Ox man for her new ideas and talents. Each of them likes to analyze and use favorable opportunities in their own way, but together they can achieve a lot...>>

Bull Man - Dog Woman

The relationship between the Ox man and the Dog woman is quite complicated. On the one hand, spouses have many similar character traits, and on the other hand, their differences are difficult to adjust and adapt to each other. In addition, the Ox man hates any form of dependence and submission, seeks prestige and money, and the idealism of the Dog woman, her life principles, as well as sociability and sometimes excessive friendliness, are often incomprehensible to the power-hungry Ox man, and can provide him with a reason for critics...>>

Ox Man - Pig Woman (Boar)

The family union of a male Ox and a female Pig (Boar) is quite promising, because in it, each of the spouses reveals and enhances the best qualities of the other. The seriousness, focus on success and good manners of the male Ox allow the female Pig (Boar) to show her devotion, even sacrifice, as well as the ability to endure difficulties and hardships. In addition, the female Pig (Boar) can create a family comfort that the worker male Ox needs, and his protection and guardianship will be necessary for her psychological stability...>>

Even in youth, a person born in the year of the Ox looks much older than his peers, but here it is not so much the external image that plays a role, but prudence and. In all companies, the Ox does not act as a leader who leads others to unknown horizons, but his word always carries great weight, and his authority is never questioned. He does not agree to be second and it is much easier for him to leave quietly at once than to take rides to adapt to someone.

Monkey Compatibility

In combination, where a man is under the sign of the Ox, everything is much simpler. After all, he is a reliable support for his family, who is ready to work the night away. And she, as a woman, is looking for just such qualities in her partner. The main thing is that the woman herself should not be a disharmonious nature, unable to create comfort. The fact is that the Bull really appreciates these qualities in women. In its positive manifestation, such a woman can simultaneously achieve success in her career and in the family. The ability to support will allow her to inspire her man to new achievements and go easier ways. At her expense, he will be able to experience new emotions and sensations that he had not experienced at all before. The main thing for the bull is to understand, accept and love his woman for who she is and not try to remake her.

If the Ox is a woman in a pair, then everything is somewhat more complicated, and the union itself becomes tense. A woman wants stability from a man and a feeling of a strong shoulder, but the Monkey will not be able to give it to her to the extent that she needs. Constant shake-ups and adventures are not something she is ready to go for. Unless as for the purpose of gaining new experience. Despite the fact that they are unlikely to succeed in marriage, the romance can be wonderful.

In general, regardless of the gender of the Zodiacs, this union is very interesting for its dissimilarity of the two. The bull is a calm and reliable person who can move towards his intended goal for a very long time and without haste. The monkey is an eccentric intellectual who likes to live a fun and active life. With the right alignment of forces, this union has great potential, where everyone will complement each other. Therefore, it is quite possible to try, the main thing is to show respect for your partner and not try to change his established views on life, but accept him as he is.

Rooster Compatibility

This is a great combination for marriage and. They are initially aimed not only at the creation of life, but also at its material support. Each of them is distinguished by responsibility and seriousness. They have many common interests and many similar views, which can create a wonderful base for a joint future.

The Ox is a large-scale personality and with great pleasure will be engaged in the implementation of his plans, which are mainly related to his career. He loves to earn money and fully provide for his life, while very rarely limited to one salary, constantly finding new ways to earn money and increase income. By its nature, the Ox is a conservative and acts according to a pre-planned plan, without moving a millimeter from him. He will not feel calm until he has a reliable rear behind him, a well-functioning life and a decent income. The presence of a strong family, a roof over his head gives him a sense of psychological comfort. He is generally more concerned about these issues than others.

The rooster has similar desires and views on how happy and cloudless should be. family life. But his character is not the most balanced, and attacking anxiety interferes with the vision of goals. It is common for him to spray himself a lot and spend a lot of energy on absolutely useless disputes in order to prove his case. He is always critical and wants to put things in order everywhere, which makes him very attentive to various little things and details, which ultimately absorb him completely.

Given their similarity, it is not at all surprising that each of them will understand that they have met a very the right person. They will give each other not only support, but also help to expand the horizons of visibility. This is a wonderful prospect in creating a friendly and financially secure family.

Dog Compatibility

If you choose a strange combination in the Chinese horoscope, then the Bull and the Dog will take one of the leading positions. On the one hand, they have a lot of similarities, but on the other hand, the differences that exist in a minimal amount are very problematic to correct. Therefore, even in small things it is difficult for them to adapt to a partner.

Helpers in building relationships will be a sense of loyalty, responsibility and devotion, with which both partners are endowed. In this pair, most likely the Ox will be the first to be carried away by the Dog, as he will see in her a reliable partner and protector of interests. He has possessive instincts and conservative views on the family, he craves and strives for a stable relationship. For the role of a friend in life, the Dog fits perfectly. But this is only half of what can be said about them.

Initially, the Ox notices only positive qualities in the Dog, but after a while he begins to see how independent the Dog is. Yes, she has a tendency to sacrifice herself and shows a lot of patience, but her inner life is hidden from prying eyes. She can quickly change according to circumstances, is able to compromise, but does not seek to change her opinion. Conceding in the main thing is not about the Dog, she strives to decide everything that can infuriate the Bull. The bull, on the other hand, can significantly put pressure on his partner and show stubbornness, which does not have the best effect on the quality of the relationship. But the dog can see in the Ox the excellent abilities of the organizer and accept his rules of life. They have every chance of being happy, so it's worth trying.

Boar Compatibility

If they are interested in each other in something, then this will definitely be a romantic sphere. Here, love at first sight is quite possible, and the further the matter goes, the more likely it is that everything will develop into a fatal passion. Here the main problem lies in feelings and everything connected with it. The Pig is “to blame” for everything, which is used to living with feelings and its inherent sincerity, and thus can pull out the hidden emotions of the Ox, who himself did not know that he could be so sensitive. Carried away by the Pig, the Ox does not recognize himself, this will confuse him, but in most cases he still gives up.

For a long time they enjoy each other, they are pleased together, because every day is accompanied by the discovery of new qualities in a partner. It is also worth noting that these qualities will be positive. A stormy romance will come to the point that friends and relatives can lose each of these two, because they will not be up to outside world. They are sweet and warm alone with each other.

Of course, as the relationship develops, passions will subside somewhat and some instability will arise. The main role will begin to stick out the characteristics of each. The Ox will be inspired by the spontaneity and honesty of the Pig, and with all this, she will appreciate his strong spirit and reliability. The Ox will make a lot of efforts to put things in order in the life of his partner. The Pig will find in him a reliable support and core, the Ox will give her feelings and emotions that will give new sensations in relationships and allow them to develop them.

Rat Compatibility

At first glance, this combination may seem far from the best and most harmonious, but for some reason practice shows something completely different. Some astrologers believe that in such a pair more benefit falls on the Bull, since the Rat, unlike him, is forced to adapt. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the Rat, with all its love for communication and the desire to please, from a partner, it receives material stability and a reliable rear, as well as a mountain of opportunities for development.

As a rule, the Ox Rat is attracted by her sharpness of mind, practical approach to life, the ability to inspire and the ease with which she goes through life. It is not common for a rat to lose heart and it never divides the world into white and black, on occasion it will simply change its goal and adapt to new conditions. She is constantly in search of prey and the Bull likes all this.

The dynamic nature of the Rat and the organizational habits of the Ox - all this together gives a huge potential for organizing joint activities. The Ox tends to get carried away with very large-scale projects, and the Rat can help implement them and make decisions in everyday tasks. The Ox cements the base, which favors a long and reliable relationship, and it is in the power of the Rat to create a unique charm and give zest to the tandem, bringing diversity and creativity to everyday life.

In the field of sex, it is also good for them to be together. The Ox has the endurance to keep up the momentum that constantly comes from the Rat, he will also pick up and gladly join the experimental game. Each of them will be able to realize the most sexual without shame. In these relations, in all spheres, everyone will find their own creative realization, and here everyone has more freedom than restrictions.

Ox Compatibility

The phenomenon in which these two signs meet is very rare, and, of course, there are reasons for this. Everything is due to the fact that they are very hardy and strong and it is problematic to move them. Until each of them evaluates the prospects, no one will do anything. They see the world realistically and practically. That's even why they are not supposed to be together, but there is no categorical "impossible". There are romances between them and even marriage, which is quite normal. It’s just that in the eastern horoscope there are a lot of signs that need a strong shoulder more than a serious and strong Ox in itself.

Yes, the Ox by nature strives to create a family and a reliable rear, but at the same time he himself has the whole set of qualities that a person needs to achieve success. They are easily excitable and passionate, but at the same time they know how to keep their desires under control. These are two overly rational natures, distinguished by increased practicality. And it is these qualities that can become an obstacle to living together. A huge "portion" of stubbornness and an unshakable unwillingness to give in to a partner - the Bulls are also endowed with this. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that novels only in the most rare cases develop into marital relations. Still, this power needs to be somehow diluted, so the Bulls are not advised to rely on something serious.

Even if everything is in order in sex, the domestic side of the issue will quickly get bored by both. They can find a reason for a dispute even in doing household chores, so it’s better to initially clearly allocate responsibilities so that at least here they don’t clash foreheads. Demandingness and criticism will not leave the Bulls and will not let them relax. To be together, they have to do a lot of work. But organizing a joint business is a much more realistic task. Common interests will help them get along, so you need to take care of this in advance.

Tiger Compatibility

Contrary to the fact that many speak of the current union as not the most successful, the Tiger and the Ox can make a good couple. Yes, they are very different, but this can be an addition to everyone, but also a hindrance. A serious threat to the path to happiness can be that structural horoscope this is a kind of relationship, and the Ox acts as the owner.

The complexity of the union is primarily due to the fact that in any situation the Bull seeks to prevail over the Tiger. On the one hand, this is good and to some extent correct, but the Tiger is unlikely to be satisfied with this situation. The bull is a very strong, hardy and strong-willed person compared to other representatives of the eastern zodiac. He feels his enormous potential, seeks to control his passions, can harmonize himself and adapt to external circumstances. Being next to the Tiger, he will not allow himself anything superfluous, no matter how much he would like it.

He has a feeling that the Tiger is woven from a completely different material, so he will make a lot of effort in order to stay close. The Tiger, in turn, is able to give the Bull balance and even push him into further development. He will rebuild his outlook on life and contribute to the acquisition of new habits by the Ox. The tiger will make efforts to ensure that the partner becomes more flexible and loyal, learns to use different circumstances for good.

The Bull will act as a reliable support for the Tiger, on which you can always lean. He can establish a life that the Tiger needs, since he himself does not seek to follow this. The respect that comes from the Tiger to the Ox will allow the first to learn from the second to show their potential in all its glory. This will instill confidence in the future, teach you to be responsible and to show perseverance even in the most difficult life situations.

Cat Compatibility

Their compatibility leaves no doubt, because from the bottom you get a wonderful couple in which harmonious relations and mutual understanding reign. The cat is by nature very timid and in dire need of a strong shoulder that will provide support and protection. All this and more can be given to him by the powerful Ox. Most of the representatives born under the sign of the Cat in the depths of their souls are Don Juan, but they will leave all their romantic throwing behind after they meet the Ox.

This is a wonderful compatibility of signs, in which strong and stable relationships are formed, which have every chance of creating a strong and prosperous family. The only thing that the Ox may not like is the excessive timidity of the Cat, but it is easy for them to find a compromise, so even on this basis, conflicts are unlikely.

The best option is when a man is under the sign of the Cat. Here the woman tends to act more decisively, which the man will not object to. But he may not like it when a woman tries to pressure and tries to impose her point of view. She will be able to create for him a cozy environment and a life that will give him a sense of security. She is very caring and courteous, which also plays into her hands.

He will become a breadwinner, feeling powerful support from his woman. Therefore, in this union, everything will work out very quickly without much effort from its participants. This is such a long strong and devoted friendship.

In the opposite situation, everything is fine too. A woman will feel a strong male shoulder and will be able to devote herself completely to her family and home, and he will make sure that his family does not need anything.

Dragon Compatibility

At first glance, it may seem that with the difference in the characters of these two, it is difficult to achieve mutual understanding. The bull is used to building complex systems, while the Dragon is not inclined to structure his life and engage in self-organization. For him, diversity is much more important, and friction is already arising in this field.

These are the two most strong sign in the eastern zodiac, they are self-sufficient and everyone clearly sees their goal and the way to achieve it. Personal success can develop in the field of the ability to achieve internal balance. Yes, it will be difficult for them to connect, since they have different system values ​​and priorities, and no one wants to change.

Their love and relationship in terms of sex is a wave of emotions that can pierce through them. For everyone, this romance, even if it does not last long, will make an indelible impression.

The most difficult thing will be for the Dragon, which will be more difficult to accept the rigidity of the Ox, because he is more organized and has a strong character and a considerable margin physical strength. The Dragon has a holiday all his life and, naturally, he needs a more responsible person, the Ox is perfect for this role. Feeling his reliable shoulder, he can be much calmer and this will help him change. The prospects for a favorable outcome, although not great, are still there, so you can still try.

Snake Compatibility

Classically, this is a rather pleasant zodiac combination for love. But it is unnecessary to think that it will be life like a fairy tale; here, too, there are some adjustments. Their relationship is stable, but, alas, not at all breathtaking.

The most favorable outcome awaits the Ox man and the Snake woman. She uses the opportunity that a worthy partner is nearby and devotes herself to her favorite things. Most likely, she will completely devote herself to housekeeping, keep the hearth and raise children. If the betrothed does not have enough strength to earn enough money, which is very unlikely, then she herself will go to work without hesitation. This approach will make the family financially secure and reliable. To maintain the flame of love, the Ox needs at least from time to time to admire and praise his lady, and she must recognize the power of her beloved.

But the combination, on the contrary, is more problematic, since a lot of responsibility falls on the shoulders of a woman. But at the same time, she is unlikely to resist this, she likes to lead and she really does not like to listen to others. Moreover, if necessary, she will pull not only work, but also household. A man will be focused exclusively on personal growth, in order for him to start making good money, he needs powerful motivation. He is a more creative person who seeks to hide from the routine as much as possible and spend less energy on it. If a woman is ready to endure this next to her, then everything can become prosperous.

Horse Compatibility

This combination can be very unexpected for both. Such an alliance will allow each of its participants to better understand themselves, since the most unexpected internal features can surface.

The most favorable union is expected between the Ox man and the Horse woman. He is the creator of the material base for the family, she is the inspirer for her beloved, who will push him to reach new heights. He will be charged with her optimism and cheerfulness. With her, he will feel young and attractive for a long time and this is a big plus. She will give him a sense of satisfaction with life, which will give him even more strength to work.

It is in her power to develop his best qualities. But he will pay for all this in that he will have to close his eyes to many of her actions and traits. For example, the talents of the Horse woman very rarely include culinary skills and the ability to lead a home. Here it is a matter of choice, as they say, not everything in life is as you want.

But there are more difficulties with the Horse man and the Ox woman, as there are many disagreements on the topic of marriage and children. This woman will be pleased to have fun with such a man, but after a while she will realize that he is not one to rely on, for all her seriousness, she is not ready to waste her life on him.

The Ox Woman is distinguished by increased demands, and if she does not get her own, then she becomes very picky and does not compromise. The union is complicated from many sides, so its expediency is a big question.

Goat Compatibility

The combination is very ambiguous and for the most part not the most pleasant for both. Astrologers themselves are not very positive about this combination, as they believe that nothing good will come of such a relationship. It is very difficult for a practical and hoarding Ox to get along with a wasteful Goat, whose expenses often exceed the level of her earnings. It is difficult for her to live according to the difficult rules and schemes that are built by the Ox. The best thing about this couple is sex. It is likely that it is through the bed that some inconsistencies in ordinary life will be resolved. But even with quality sex, troubles will not leave them.

If we consider a couple from the position of the sexes, then the combination of the Ox man and the Goat woman is more harmonious. She needs a strong patron who will provide her on all fronts, including material ones. The bull is just the right one for this role. She, with positive aspects, will take care of him and the house. The Goat can become a good partner for the Ox, who will provide moral support and inspire new business.

And, no matter how sad it may be, everything is very gloomy for the Ox woman and the Goat man. There is much less chance of happiness. She cannot stand the frivolity of a man and his irresponsibility. And he, even if he is the most worthy of all representatives, can do everything in defiance of her, thereby provoking her to anger and discontent.

Of course, as adults, they can agree and share their areas of responsibility, someone somewhere will give in, but this option is unlikely, since emotions can completely absorb common sense. Again, it all depends on the desire of each participant to stay in the relationship and make it strong and productive.

Bull Man caring and responsible for the family. These are hardworking and purposeful people who are reliable in business and at home, striving for peace. This is a practical sign that strives for material well-being and successfully achieves its goals. Patience and consistency in everything makes the Ox man a persistent lover, able to prove to his chosen one that he is the most reliable and wealthy person in every sense. Such men are often successful in military service, they have a pronounced talent of a commander and leader. But in matters of love, they can experience self-doubt. The Bull Man appreciates in a woman originality, external beauty and fidelity. He is jealous himself, but he adores his wife and protects him from all worldly troubles. Needs female care, inclined to allow himself to be loved, but not proactive. He is determined to create a strong, prosperous family, and he himself believes that he should realize himself in a career.

For the Ox man, the most suitable and calm will be an alliance with the female representatives of the signs of the Snake, Ox. If the chosen one is born under the sign of the Rooster, the marriage will definitely be full of passion and adventure. Marriage with a Horse woman is good for individual development and development of each of the partners.

Bull Woman is considered a caring keeper of the hearth. She is able to combine a strong family and motherhood with a brilliant career. The Bull Woman has a talent for management and is very practical. The element of the Earth gives the representative of the Ox sign willpower and a clear vision of options for achieving the desired goals. She does not like noisy gatherings, she prefers to rationally use her time for the benefit of the cause, society and her family. Such a woman will reveal the secrets of her sexuality only to the man she has chosen, remaining for others a treasure behind a closed door.

External impregnability hides depth and rich imagination. It always takes time for a woman of this sign to reveal all her talents to her chosen one. The key to the heart of the Ox woman can be found through friendship. She loves her home, creates an unsurpassed atmosphere of comfort and provides her partner with a reliable rear. Her rational view on things contributes to the material progress of all members of her family. Modesty and selectivity in communication only emphasize the uniqueness of the friendship of the representatives of the Ox sign. Such a woman seeks to experience love herself, rarely exchanged for a marriage of convenience.

For a woman of the Ox sign, marriage with the Rabbit (Cat), Pig (Boar), Goat (Sheep) is most attractive. She will feel confident in marriage with the Rooster, the Snake and with her sign, the Ox. Marriage with a Tiger and a Dog can be difficult.

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