Ultrasound diagnostics of female genital organs. Gynecological ultrasound

Currently, in the obstetric region and in gynecology ultrasound remains one of the most commonly used and popular methods for diagnosing female organism. It is usually necessary to assess the state of the organs, as well as ligaments and the incoming space.

From how to prepare for the ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, the accuracy of the survey will be fully dependent. Negregate these actions is not worth it. Many points should be taken into account including the days of the menstruation in which you are planning a visit to the doctor.

Ultrasonic diagnostic method is assigned to strictly defined days. female cycleDepending on what exactly is being examined.

Actions will differ depending on what kind of type of examination will be assigned to the patient. general state The body, as well as those organs that need to be examined:

Traditional ultrasound diagnostics. It is carried out using a special transvaginal sensor (through the vagina), through the abdomen wall or through the rectum (the last method is rarely used).

Follicleometryconducted through the vagina and the ovaries needed to examine alone.
Study during pregnancy that on early stages Can carry out transvaginally, and then only through the wall of the abdomen.

Consider in detail preparations for each type of diagnosis.

To a transabdominal examination

If the study is conducted through abdominal wallThe preparation procedure is as follows:

  • A few days before the designated date, all items that can cause fermentation and gas formation in the intestines are removed from the daily menu. This is any fat food, drinks with gases, sweets, black bread, all kinds of cabbage, acidic fruits and various berries.
  • On the day of the procedure, five hours before the survey, you can only drink ordinary water.

Such preparation for the ultrasound of a small pelvis makes it possible to get the most reliable and high-quality pictures. To carry out the procedure, the woman will not need to be undressed, it is enough just to remove clothes from the belly. A special gel needed to slide the device will be applied to the skin. After receiving all the necessary data, the gel is erased by a towel or a napkin.

Transabdominal ultrasound

With transvaginal access

If the patient is examined using the sensor introduced into the vagina, the preparation will also be extremely simple:

  • For two days, exclude all causing fermentation from food.
  • Four hours before the procedure there is nothing.
  • Do not forget to ultrasound to visit the restroom.

The procedure will be carried out like this: the patient will need to take off the clothes below the belt, lie down and bend the knees. A small sensor protected by a disposable condom will be introduced into the vagina. In the norm of painful sensations, a woman should not appear. If pain appears, you need to immediately report this to the doctor.

Transvaginal ultrasound scheme

In fairly rare cases, the procedure can be carried out through the rectum, in this case the preparation will include new items: in addition to the already described diet, it will be necessary in the evening before the examination is emptying the intestine naturally or with the help of the enema.

The view of the enema (candles or special drugs) is desirable to clarify the doctor. Having come for a survey, the patient will need to undress, lie down, bend legs in the knees and relax. A very small and thin sensor will be introduced into the rectum (a condom is also necessary for it), which does not cause strong unpleasant sensations.

When is the survey?

Changing the mucous membrane during menstrual cycle: The first days of the cycle are successful for the survey, as the mucosa at this moment is thin and allows the doctor to see more.

It should be borne in mind that ultrasonography, like any kind of survey, is carried out at a certain time appointed only by the attending physician. If the study is scheduled, then it will be put on the first half of the cycle of women. The fact is that during this period, the mucous uterus is thinner than usual, and any formation (even small) is viewed much easier.

By the time of the menstruation coming, all temporary formations already disappear, only pathological phenomena remain, which must be revealed to the doctor.

If the patient complains about the painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, unpleasant selection (especially if they are in the form of a pus), the appearance of blood (during periods, when there should be no menstruation), too abundant allocations during menstruation, pain in the vagina, then the doctor will send it to An examination regardless of the cycle, that is, literally on any day. If a woman has a delay, the survey is prescribed from the fifth to the tenth day.

Why are the survey?

As a rule, the following goals:

  • Identify the ailments of domestic female genital organs, and the earlier - the better.
  • Assessment of the anatomical features of the development or structure of the uterus, uterine pipes, cervixes, ligaments.
  • Approximate evaluation of the effectiveness of rendered therapy.
  • The diagnosis in cases where it is impossible to determine the disease in symptoms.
  • Determination of all types of pregnancy (uterine, perky or tubular).
  • Detection inflammatory processes In the uterus and appendages.
  • Diagnosing endometriosis, clusters in the uterine pipes of pathological fluids.
  • In the case of complications after transferring labor or abortion.
  • Detection of tumors in the organs of a small pelvis. If you suspect the presence of malignant formations, the patient will be sent to the biopsy.
  • Detection and study of uterine misa.
  • If a woman has cysts in the ovaries.
  • The presence of incomprehensible fluid in the field of small pelvis.
  • To monitor the condition and stages of the development of the baby, as well as the state of the mother.


During the survey, the specialist studies the data obtained and the norm with the norm accepted into gynecologists. This applies to the shape and size of the uterus, the thickness of its mucous, the size of the ovaries. Tumors both the uterus itself and appendages are revealed and examined, their location, size, benignness, or, on the contrary, malignant nature is found.

The same is also carried out with respect to cysts in the ovaries. This procedure is as informative as possible, safe for the patient and helps the doctor to identify various diseases In the earliest stages and pick up the most appropriate therapy. So that the results were as accurate as possible, we must not forget about the above-described methods of preparing for research.

Gynecological ultrasound - diagnosis conducted to assess the condition of the genital organs, the incomolespace, ligaments supporting the uterus.

This study can be performed in three ways. Each of them, although it gives an idea only pelvic organsIt has preparation and conduct features.

The ultrasound of the female genital organs is performed on certain days of the cycle, depending on which the purpose of the study is. Data decryption is carried out jointly by a sonologist and a gynecologist.

For which in gynecology ultrasound diagnostics

This type of survey sets such goals:

  • reveal the diseases of the internal genitals of a woman at any stage of their development
  • estimate the anatomical features of the development of the uterus, its pipes, cervix, binder,
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment
  • to diagnose the disease of the sexual sphere, especially if the symptoms are so scarce that they do not allow this to do.

What shows ultrasound research in gynecology

  1. pregnancy - uterine, pipe, babies
  2. anomalies for the development of uterus and appendages (twin, saddot, "infantile" uterus, doubling royal pipes and so on)
  3. inflammation of the uterus and appendages (but ultrasound of the patency of uterine pipes - a separate type of research)
  4. endometriosis
  5. hydro, hemo- and pyosalpinx (i.e., cluster in the uterine tube of inflammatory fluid, blood, or pus) without precise differentiation of the type of pathological fluid
  6. complications after childbirth and abortion (for example, if not all parts of the fetus or his shells came out)
  7. diagnosis of tumor tumors. Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages can only be indirectly judged about the degree of their malignancy, while the final diagnosis and histological characteristics are placed on the basis of biopsy
  8. endometrial polyps
  9. myomas of the uterus, her stage, the state of myomatous nodes, the influence of them on the passability of the uterus
  10. ovarian cysts (in this case, the ultrasound of a small pelvis in women helps indirectly determine what kind of cyst - lutein, follicular, endometrioid - takes place in this case)
  11. twisted the legs of the ovarian cysts
  12. pathological fluid in a small basin.

During the eco-gynecological ultrasound, it allows to carry out dynamic observation of the state of ovaries and uterus, and during pregnancy - to control the development of the fetus and the state of maternal and temporary authorities.

Types of women's ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound of gynecology can be divided depending on the state of the woman and the observed organs.

1. Diagnostic study outside pregnancy

Such a study in the absence of pregnancy can be called:

All these terms are equivalent, therefore, asking in the clinic, whether they have ultrasound diagnostics of the diseases of the gynecological sphere, you can use any of them - the doctor will understand you.

What methods are conducted

This type of study can be carried out in three ways:

  1. transvaginal examination is carried out for more accurate diagnosis of sexual diseases. Performed by introducing a special sensor in a woman's vagina
  2. transabdominal research is carried out in virgins or to detect the coarse pathology of organs in a small basin. Is carried out through the wall of the abdomen
  3. transrectal diagnosis of women: performed through the rectum; According to informativeness is not inferior to transvaginal research. It is carried out in rare cases, only virgins.

See also:

Uz-study of the kidneys and bladder in children


This is also the ultrasound diagnosis of female organs. But in this case, with folliculose, there is an inspection of only ovaries for ripening in them follicles. This diagnosis is carried out almost always transvaginally.

3. Diagnosis during pregnancy

This is also to some extent with women's organs, since during the pregnancy period, not only the fruit itself, but also the uterus, and her neck, and uterine pipes, and appendages.

This type of diagnosis can be carried out both transvaginally (in the first trimester of pregnancy) and transabdomomomotional (in two subsequent trimesters).

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for gynecological ultrasound depends on how this study will be carried out.

For example, a transabdominal study is carried out after:

  1. three days before him, you were excluded from food all that causes fermentation in the intestines: oily food, carbonated drinks, fresh sweet berries and fruits, cabbage, black bread
  2. the last time was filed at 18-19: 00 a day before the study, and in the morning I was only drunk (if the study was appointed in the morning). If - for the evening, then you can eat up to 11-12 hours of the day (so that it was 4-5 hours before the ultrasound), but only dietary food
  3. an hour before the study drank near the liter of water without gas.

How to prepare for gynecological ultrasound conducted by transvaginal:

  • needed within 1-2 days to comply with the above diet
  • then not 4 hours before the study
  • before the procedure itself, you need to go to the toilet in a small one.

Preparations for ultrasound diagnosis of the gynecological sphere, which will be transmitted transfectively, is as follows:

  • you also follow the diet (within 1-2 days)
  • then in the evening you put a small cleansing enema (you can put a microclism, a glycerin candle or drink "Picolaks"). The main thing is that the intestine in which the sensor will be entered is empty.

When and why research is conducted

Deadlines when do this species Ultrasound, must stipulate the attending physician.

If this procedure is planned, it is necessary to conduct it in the first half of the cycle. This is due to the fact that at this time the mucous membrane of the uterus is still thin, it is easier to see some kind of formations in it - Polyps, Condylomes, Tumors of small sizes. On what day the cycle is carried out in this case - by 3-5 (no later than seventh) days after the end of the monthly.

In addition, in the second phase of the cycle in the ovary, a small cyst is developing - follicle, which then bursts. As a cyst may look like a yellow body - a structure formed on the site of the burst follicle, from which the eggs came out.

Both such structures disappear by the beginning of menstruation, only pathological cysts remain.

What day do this type of study do in the event of such complaints:

  • pain in the lower half of the abdomen
  • abundant discharge, especially if they are purulent
  • blood isolation outside the menstruation period
  • more abundant menstruation than before
  • pain with sexual intercourse.

In this case, the study can be carried out on any day.

In the case of the delay of menstruation, you can undergo an ultrasound examination for 5-10 days.

How is ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology

It depends on how you decide to take advantage of the diagnostics.

  1. Ultrasound with a transvaginal way so - you undress below the belt completely, go to the couch, bend your legs in the knees. The vagina introduces a thin sensor in a disposable condom. During the study, the doctor moves to them slightly, pressed on the walls of the vagina, but there should be no painful sensations.
  2. A transrectal study is done in a similar way, only a thinner sensor is used for it, which (also in a condom) is introduced into the rectum.
  3. Ultrasound of gynecology abdominal (through the belly): it is not necessary to undress, it is necessary to free the whole belly from the pubis from the pubis to the sternum. A little gel will be signed on the stomach, it will move the sensor in different directions.

How do research data interpret

The decoding of the gynecological ultrasound is that the doctor measures and compares with the norm:

  • the shape of the uterus
  • dimensions of uterus
  • the thickness of the mucous membrane of the uterus (depends on the day of the cycle)
  • sizes of ovarian
  • the presence or absence of uterine tumors and appendages (this is an important aspect of decrypting ultrasound of a small pelvis), their localization, benignness
  • the presence / absence of ovarian cysts, determining their nature (lutein, follicular, endometrioid).

Patient ratio to gynecological research

Reviews about the study positive.

Women write that such a diagnosis helped the doctor to prescribe proper treatment, and they - get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of various serious diseases (Moma, adnexitis, endometriosis).

The Uz-diagnostics passed after the abortion or childbirth during the week helped to avoid unexpected bleeding, as the woman was planned to be removed the remains of a fetal egg from the uterus.

The ultrasound prices in gynecology differ depending on how research should be conducted and for what diseases:

  • investigation of pipes of pipes of the uterus (hysterosalpingoscopy) costs 1500-25000 rubles
  • price of transabdominal studies of women's organs - from 300 to 3800 rubles
  • transvaginal diagnostics - 500-4000 rubles
  • follicleometry - 200-7100 rubles
  • Successful diagnosis and treatment, health and wonderful well-being!.

    27.02.2015 Uzil

Female organism - a unique creation, undergoing many transformations throughout life. Any, even insignificant, violation of its activities can lead to irreversible consequences, such as, for example, infertility deprivingly with nothing comparable to the joy of motherhood.

To avoid such a sad turn of events, it is recommended to undergo a preventive inspection, which includes ultimately ultrasound of women's reproductive organs and gOOD SYSTEM. This will allow on early timing Recognize many pathologies and take appropriate measures.

When does a woman need to pass an ultrasound pelvis?

Ultrasound examination is one of the easiest and informative diagnostics, besides absolutely painless and harmless, therefore it is prescribed primarily when many pathological manifestations occur.

So, the direction on the ultrasound of the internal female organs the doctor writes out if available:

  • pain sensations in the groin area of \u200b\u200bthe pulling, butter
  • false frequent urges for urination accompanied by discomfort;
  • pain during the emptying of the bladder and burning in the urethre (urethra);
  • bloody discharge from genitals different from normal menarche;
  • irregular menstrual cycle with abundant either scarce monthly;
  • hematuria (blood impurities in the urine) and other signs of small pelvis diseases.

In addition to pathological signs, the ultrasound of domestic female bodies are made with planned preparation for pregnancy, establishing or removing the IUD (intrauterine spiral), postoperative control in rehabilitation period. To obtain the maximum detailed picture of the organs has great importancewhat day of the menstrual cycle woman a survey will be held. The most informative will be the procedure to go by 7-10 days of the cycle, since this is the most appropriate time to study the uterus and ovaries to the presence of pathologies, such as erosion, polycystic and others.


From indications, contraindications and age features Face female depends on how the way research will be conducted. The main species that are used for women are transabdominal, transvaginal and transrectal. Despite the general moments, these techniques have some differences that should be considered to patients in preparation for the procedure.

Transabdominal ultrasound

The easiest method used in most cases. Its essence lies in the study of the urinary system in women with the usual movement of the ultrasonic emitter in the lower abdomen. To improve contact with skin and minimize friction, the diagnostics causes a special gel on the emitter and then examines the projections of the internal pelvis organs.

So that the results are as accurate as accurate as possible, all of the above techniques require special preparation consisting of food restrictions and the correct filling of the bladder before the procedure. Food restrictions look like an exception from the ration of products that increase gas formation in the intestines, as gas bubbles may be mistaken for cysts or tumors.

Forbidden products include fatty types of cheeses, meat, fish and broths of them, raw fruits and vegetables, acute, salted, fried food, smoked, spices, dairy and bakery products, sweets.

Alcohol, carbonated drinks and water should be excluded, and a few hours before the procedure, it is impossible to smoke, chew a chewing and sucking the lollipops. Its menu 3-4 days before the study, it is necessary to make up from low-fat species of meat, poultry, fish and first dishes on their basis, boiled vegetables, porridge - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. You can also eat 1 boiled egg per day and drink 1 cup of kefira or milk.

It is allowed to drink frowning tea or coffee throughout preparation for ultrasound. To the transabdominal ultrasound, it is necessary to take care that the bladder is complete - due to this, the intestinal loops and internal organs will be accessible to the study. For sufficient filling of the bubble, you can simply refrain at least 3 hours from urination or in 1-1.5 hours before ultrasound drink at least 1 liter of non-carbonated water.

Transvaginal ultrasound

Or how it is sometimes called intravaginal ultrasound, despite the slightly more complex access, it is also used quite often, as well as the previous technique. When it is carried out, a special gynecological sensor is used, having a diameter of about 3 cm, which does not bring any pain when inspection.

Gynecological sensor due to its size allows you to carry out the procedure painlessly

Vaginal examination, as the two other procedures lasts no more than 10-20 minutes, and only in controversial cases can delay a little. Preparation for gynecological ultrasound through the vagina is more simple than with the previous one - it is necessary to overcome before the study so that the full bladder does not interfere with the movement of the transducer (sensor). The doctor puts on him a condom in hygienic purposes, the patient lays his back on the couch, spreads his knees on the principle of position on the gynecological chair. Internal ultrasound is distinguished by an obstetric examination.

Important! If the patient has allergies to latex, then when prescribing intrafital ultrasound diagnostics It is necessary to say a doctor about it.

Transrectal ultrasound

In gynecology, a transrectal technique also applies, but much less often - mostly from virgins or for some particular indications. To prepare for the ultrasound in this way, it is necessary to clear the intestine from the wheel masses, as the procedure is done by entering a special sensor into it.

The rectal ultrasonic emitter in diameter is even less than the vaginal, so there are no pain and just unpleasant sensations. When conducting gynecological diagnostics, a condom is also used by this technique, and its lubricant allows the doctor to enter the anal hole easily and painlessly. Bladder No need to fill.

Features of pregnancy

Now no pregnancy takes place without ultrasound diagnostics of the state of the reproductive organs of the mother and the development of the fetus. So, in addition to determining the presence of conception, the ultrasound is appointed as scheduled at least three times for the period of tooling - on July 11-13, 22-23 and 31-32. This allows you to keep under control of intrauterine development and growth of the embryo, as well as the possible formation of pathologies in the body of the mother.

  • By 11-13 weeks, gross disorders of the development of the fetus are determined, the thickness of the collar zone is an important indicator of the presence or absence of Down syndrome, anatomical features are estimated.
  • On July 22-23, it is possible to explore the structure of the main organs and fetal systems - cardiovascular, nervous, digestive tract and urinary tract. At this time, you can define the floor of the future kid.
  • As of 31-32 weeks, the ultrasound shows the late anomalies for the development of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and respiratory systems, as well as the rest important organs. In addition, the growth rate and compliance with its normal indicators is studied.

High accuracy of ultrasound devices makes it possible to determine the pregnancy in the early stages

Important! In time the screenings passed during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters plus properly made preparation for them, ensure the most informative picture. This will allow for the founded coarse pathologies to interrupt pregnancy, eliminating the suffering and mother and child.

Deciphering research materials

After the procedure is completed, the diagnostics performs the interpretation of the data obtained. The study protocol indicates the norm and, if there are deviations from it. Ideally, such a conclusion should make an obstetrician-gynecologist or a urologist, that is, a doctor specializing in diseases of the female abodes of a small pelvis. During the decryption, the position, dimensions and structure of the uterus, phallopy pipes, ovaries, bladder are estimated.

The presence or absence in the bubble and kidney of the concrections and the formations in the thick intestine are indicated. The presence of follicles in the ovaries and pathological formations in them is established. Various deviations from normal indicators indicate the development of diseases. For example, the thickening of the walls of the uterus or phallopy pipes can be the development of oncological processes. Diagnosed on ultrasound of a rounded form of education can be cysts or fibromes.

If there is simultaneously a decrease in the uterus and an increase in the sizes of the ovary, most likely we are talking about polycystic. On Mioma ( benign tumor The uterus) or endometriosis indicates the change in echogenicity. But the correct diagnosis can only be exposed to an experienced specialist who can take into account all the subtleties in the pictures or records. As a result, the decoding of the research materials contains the smallest details for each organ, on their basis the conclusion is formed, which is issued to the patient. After that, she can go to his attending physician for further recommendations.

Gynecological ultrasound women are prescribed for:

  • early detection of female genital diseases;
  • diagnosis refinement;
  • estimates of the characteristics of the structure of the uterus and its neck;
  • control of performed therapy.

Men ultrasound genitals allows you to establish some specific alaughs due to the detailed imaging of the scrotum and the prostate gland. The procedure is prescribed at:

  • inflammation of the testicles, their appendages;
  • injuries of genital organs;
  • varicocele;
  • suspicion of oncology;
  • infertility;
  • non-inflammatory violations;
  • necrotic lesions of the scrotum;
  • twisted seed rope, eggs;
  • egg cysts;
  • erectile dysfunction.

Ultrasound examination of the genital organs harmlessly and painless for human organism. Therefore, restrictions on its conduct are relative. They are usually connected with states capable of reduced diagnostic quality. These include:

  • strong inflammation on skin Covers at the point of contact of the body with the sensor;
  • burns on the surveyed area;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • transferred to the urinary bubble operation;
  • transferred surgical interventions on the rectum;
  • the presence of virgin splava;
  • transferred operations on the organs of a small pelvis;
  • excess weight;
  • latex allergies;
  • inflamed intestine;
  • sex infections.

For ultrasound examination, genitalia is not required special training. It depends on how the examination will be carried out.

For transvaginal diagnostics, it is necessary to perform hygienic treatment of the vagina, perineum. Ultrasound of the sexual system to a woman should be done, focusing on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Typically, the procedure is prescribed after the end of the monthly. More information can be clarified by the attending physician.

Preparatory activities in front of transabdominal ultrasound occupy 3 days. The patient needs to adjust its diet, removing the products of gases from it. It is allowed to receive wind turbines. On an empty stomach comes to the diagnostics. The bladder should be filled, therefore, an hour before the procedure, about 1-1.5 liters of non-carbonated water is required. As soon as the desire to visit the toilet will arise, you can begin diagnostics.

There are 3 main methods ultrasonic research Sex system:

  • transabdominal. Universal methodsuitable for studying the state of children, men, women. Inspection is carried out through the front abdominal wall;
  • transvaginal. Prescribe girls and women living intimate life. Special sensor is introduced into the vagina;
  • transrectal. It is used in men and girls who do not live sex life. Inspection is carried out through the rectum;
  • transureteral. The most rare way. Prescribed it infrequently due to pain. The sensor is entered through the urethra.
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