What to do if the kitten has swallowed a foreign object. What to do if the cat ate the strings

A foreign body got in: how to remove it from a cat

The curiosity and active lifestyle of domestic cats often play a cruel joke with them, provoking the ingress of a foreign object into the gastrointestinal tract.

The owner of a fluffy fidget should know not only the symptoms of the disease, but also how to act in such a situation, what danger is a foreign object in the animal's body.

Often, in order to save the life of a pet, a veterinarian has to resort to surgical intervention.

Why does a cat swallow objects?

Experienced breeders and veterinarians know that the most common penetration of foreign bodies occurs through the digestive tract.

Curious cats, playing with various objects that come into their field of vision, often swallow them.

Especially often, veterinarians find during the operation valerian caps, parts of a children's designer, coins, construction waste, and burst balls.

The peak of appeals regarding the ingestion of a foreign object by animals falls, as a rule, on New Year's holidays. Bright tinsel, small Christmas tree decorations, parts of a garland, Christmas tree decorations with their shine and rustle attract the attention of curious cats.

Fluffy couch potatoes are not indifferent to handicrafts (threads, needles, buttons, decorative elements) and fishing tackle (fishing line, hooks, spoons, wobblers, etc.).

The risk group includes small kittens and young animals. Due to natural curiosity, lack of life experience, young animals try all new objects on the tooth and often swallow them.

The animals, left to themselves for a long time, are also in danger. A bored cat tries to entertain itself by playing with foreign objects.

Veterinarians also consider hair balls in the cat's stomach to be a dangerous foreign body.

Is a foreign body so dangerous

A foreign body trapped in the digestive tract can lead to the following health problems:

  • dehydration of the body due to vomiting and refusal of the animal to take water;
  • pathology of cardiac activity up to complete cardiac arrest due to the penetration of a sharp object through the wall of the stomach into the pericardium;
  • violation of the integrity, numerous ruptures and damage to the mucous membrane throughout the gastrointestinal tract during the movement of a foreign body due to peristalsis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach, small and large intestines;
  • necrotic processes due to long-term presence of non-sterile objects in the internal organs;
  • blockage, intussusception, intestinal obstruction;
  • perforation of the walls of internal organs with sharp objects;
  • peritonitis with a high percentage of deaths.

Veterinarians, realizing the danger of pets swallowing an inedible object, strongly recommend that owners carefully look after their pets and have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat clinical signs typical for this situation.

Symptoms in a cat

Ingestion of a foreign object does not always occur in front of the owner. Detection of the loss of a particular thing in the room and the inadequate condition of the cat should cause anxiety in the household and make them take a closer look at the presence of the following symptoms in the pet:

  • When an inedible object gets stuck in the esophagus, there is a strong salivation.
  • When an object is localized in the throat, the cat coughs, wheezes, cyanosis of the tongue and loss of consciousness may be noted.
  • The animal is worried, stretches its neck, makes frequent swallowing movements.
  • Constant vomiting, belching. The duration of vomiting can last from several hours to several days, depending on the severity of the damage to the alimentary canal and the location of the object.
  • A complete lack of appetite, the animal refuses even a favorite treat.
  • Soreness in the abdomen, flatulence, bloating.
  • Lethargic and apathetic state, drowsiness.
  • Stool retention, diarrhea, constipation.
  • Reducing the amount of feces.
  • With chronic obstruction, cachexia develops due to a decrease in appetite.
  • Signs of general intoxication of the body.

Keeping in mind the danger of foreign bodies entering the gastrointestinal tract domestic cat, the owner must immediately take the animal to a specialized clinic.

What to do when a cat has swallowed an object

Veterinarians strongly advise owners who find that a cat has swallowed a foreign body not to take any independent action. Lack of professional skills and knowledge will lead to even more serious consequences for the pet's health.

For example, you should not give vaseline oil, which can cause intussusception of the intestine if a foreign body is in it. Vomiting should never be induced if there is a suspicion that a sharp object, alkali or oil product has been swallowed.

The owner must ensure that the animal does not take food and water before visiting the veterinarian, ensure the cat is completely calm and urgently take it to a specialized clinic.

Diagnostics in the veterinary clinic

After collecting the history and physical examination, the veterinarian proceeds with special research methods in order to visualize the foreign object. The following diagnostics are used in veterinary practice:

  • Plain radiography of organs abdominal cavity... It is carried out in two projections: direct and lateral. For a more detailed study, X-rays are taken in the vertical and horizontal position of the fluffy patient. The method allows you to determine the presence and localization of radiopaque objects (metal needles, paper clips, etc.).

X-ray: a penny in the intestines of a cat

  • To visualize such foreign objects as plastic, threads, a radiopaque substance is used, which is introduced into the animal's body.
  • Ultrasound examination of the alimentary canal and organs of the chest and abdominal cavity. The method allows you to detect intestinal obstruction, determine the state of intestinal peristalsis.
  • With the help of a fiber-optic fiberscope in a specialized institution, the pet will undergo an endoscopic examination of the esophagus and stomach. The method is effective if no more than 3 - 4 hours have passed since the ingestion of a foreign body.

Laboratory methods for the study of blood and urine are auxiliary in nature and are necessary for differential diagnosis intestinal obstruction due infectious disease, intoxication, etc.

Removal by operation

From the intestines

When confirmed by X-ray, ultrasound methods of investigation of intestinal obstruction, the surgeon, as a rule, decides to conduct diagnostic laparoscopy. During the operation, the foreign body is removed, and the intussusception of the intestine is reduced. If necessary (signs of necrosis), part of the intestine is resected.

How to remove with the help of enterotomy foreign object from the intestines of a cat, see this video:

From the stomach

In rare cases, it is possible to remove a foreign object from the stomach using diagnostic gastroscopy. If a foreign body is detected in the stomach of a domestic cat using endoscopic, x-ray, or ultrasound examination the surgeon, as a rule, decides on a gastrotomy.

Removal of threads from the stomach during gastrotomy

Having received prompt access, the stomach is held with ligatures. Foreign body removed using instruments or palpation. After suturing the mucous membrane and muscle layers, the organ is returned to its anatomical location. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

From the esophagus

In the event that the place of localization of a foreign body is the esophagus, in some situations it is possible to extract it using an endoscope. If the size of the object is large, then the surgeon may perform an esophagotomy. The operation is indicated if the x-ray shows a perforation of the walls of the esophagus, or the foreign body is large and with sharp edges.

Often veterinarian resorts to the following manipulation. With the help of an endoscope, he pushes the object into the stomach, after which the animal undergoes a gastrotomy followed by the removal of a foreign body.

Removal of a foreign body (needles and thread) using an endoscope.

After laparotomy, gastrotomy or esophagotomy, the animal is assigned a 24-hour fasting diet.

Subsequently, the operated pet receives liquid food in small portions. Weakened and dehydrated animals must be infusion therapy.

For the prevention of peritonitis, postoperative complications a course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed.

In complicated cases, the pet after the operation is left for 2 - 3 days in a specialized institution, using parenteral nutrition. A control ultrasound examination is mandatory after the operation.

We recommend reading about why a cat has bloody feces. You will learn about the causes of the appearance of blood in the feces, the actions of the owners before contacting veterinary clinic, diagnosis and treatment.
And here is more about how to give an enema to a cat.


Knowing about the serious consequences and threat to life if foreign objects are swallowed, the owner must strictly adhere to the following recommendations of the veterinarian:

  • keep the room in which the fluffy pet lives clean;
  • there should be no small things on the floor and within the reach of the animal;
  • feed must be checked for foreign matter;
  • it is unacceptable to feed the cat with bones;
  • pet toys should be soft and large in size.

Penetration of a foreign body into the digestive canal of a pet is a phenomenon dangerous to health and life.

The animal must be urgently taken to a specialized institution for special diagnostic procedures in order to visualize the swallowed thing.

As a rule, treatment is reduced to the prompt removal of a foreign body by laparoscopy, gastrotomy or esophagotomy, depending on its location.

Source: http://zootvet.ru/inorodnoe-telo-u-koshki/

A foreign body in the stomach of a cat

The ingestion of various objects into the stomach of pets that can clog or injure the digestive tract is a very common problem. What veterinary surgeons do not find during operations!

A foreign body in a cat's stomach is a rather serious phenomenon that threatens the life of a pet and requires surgical intervention.

Causes of Stomach Obstruction in Cats

Why do domestic cats swallow inedible items? Polyphagia - a perversion of appetite, manifested in some pathologies, when animals purposefully eat everything - is quite rare. The reasons for swallowing various things in most cases are quite commonplace, and a cat's stomach obstruction is most often the result of:

  • games in which the cat accidentally swallows an object;
  • eating inedible things that have a pleasant smell, such as a bag containing meat or a sausage package;
  • chewing rustling objects (cats like to chew cellophane, tinsel, etc.);
  • feeding with bones, especially those that have undergone heat treatment;
  • accumulations of wool in the stomach.

Small objects can remain in the lumen of the stomach, completely blocking its work, or pass into the intestines, causing obstruction in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Swallowed threads, ribbons, rain from the Christmas tree - what surgeons call linear bodies are able to stretch over a significant section of the gastrointestinal tract, collecting intestinal loops, injuring the walls of organs, causing perforation and necrosis.

If a part of a swallowed linear body is shown from the anus of a cat, in no case should it be pulled out! Such objects very rarely leave the body on their own; when pulled, they can simply cut the intestines.

Some small objects can gradually accumulate in the stomach if their size does not allow them to pass further into duodenumcausing a gradual increase in symptoms and a deterioration in the cat's well-being.

Sharp things, such as needles and bones in a cat's stomach, can injure the wall, causing cuts and punctures, infecting nearby organs, and migrating into the abdomen.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the stomach of a cat

The owners do not always manage to notice the moment when a foreign body has been swallowed. But there are certain symptoms of obstruction in the stomach of cats that should alert the attentive owner:

  • refusal of feed;
  • vomiting;
  • lack of a chair;
  • depressed state;
  • at running process depletion is possible;
  • sometimes it is possible to feel a solid formation in the stomach.

In some cases, small objects can remain in the stomach for a long time, at first without causing severe discomfort, the symptoms appear only over time. For example, this happens with chicken vertebrae (if the animal is fed chicken necks) or trichobezoars, which are often clogged in the stomach of a cat with long hair.

Examination of a clogged cat stomach

To make a diagnosis, the examination of the animal begins with palpation, because large foreign bodies or their accumulation in the stomach are sometimes palpable. To establish the exact location, a study with the involvement of medical technology is necessary.

Unfortunately, objects that are small or lacking in X-ray contrast can be difficult to identify on a regular image. It is recommended to do an X-ray in frontal and lateral projection with and without contrast, as well as an ultrasound examination to assess the patency of the digestive tract and exclude other diagnoses.

What to do if a cat has a stomach obstruction?

If the symptoms described appear or if the cat was caught red-handed, it is very important to urgently go to a veterinary clinic, preferably well-equipped, where a gastroenterologist sees.

If a small object was swallowed by a cat no more than half an hour ago, then it can be removed using a gastroscope. When the condition of the animal is severe or it is known that something acute has entered the stomach, then an urgent diagnostic laparotomy is performed - opening the abdominal cavity in order to find and remove a foreign body.

In disputable cases, with good health and unclear localization of the object, a series of studies described above is first carried out. If there are a lot of objects, it is very important to know where they are, since such operations are often accompanied by an incision of tissues in several places, which is difficult for the body to tolerate.

How to help at home?

Swallowed inedible objects in most cases cause obstruction of the digestive tract, which is treated only promptly. When it is not possible to consult a veterinarian, the owners can observe the cat for a while - this will help to make at least some predictions.

Once the foreign body has entered the cat's stomach, there is a chance that it will vomit within the next 2 hours. If this did not happen, but the animal feels good, and the size and type of the object allow us to hope that it did not cause blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, you can give 10 ml of vaseline oil 4 times a day and carefully monitor whether it comes out with feces ...

Unfortunately, there are no therapies to treat a blockage or injury to the stomach (for example, if a cat has injured its stomach with fish bones).

Cats cannot understand the danger of all those toys that they grab with their mouths. It is the owners who must protect their pets as much as possible from the possibility of swallowing something extra. You should not give them bones, you should remove small objects, threads from the floor, hide packages, refuse to decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's rain. These simple rules can keep a cat alive.

Source: https://aroundpet.ru/inorodnoe-telo-v-zheludke-u-koshki/

Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract of animals

In veterinary practice, sooner or later, every doctor comes across a patient who has swallowed some inedible (and sometimes edible, but too large) object. There are a variety of foreign bodies in the digestive tract of animals. These can be toys, threads, rags, wood chips, large cartilage, bones, stones, hair / wool, Christmas decorations, etc.

Why do our pets have such a love for inedible items?

Very often, such objects are swallowed during the game.

For example, cats love to play with threads / strings / tinsel, and because of the papillae on the tongue, which have a hook structure, they cannot spit out these objects and swallow them. Another one common reason - greed.

Dogs swallow treats (cartilage, large treats, etc.) without biting through them, which often leads to a violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Where can foreign bodies in the digestive tract be located?

Foreign bodies can be located in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. It:

  • pharynx;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach;
  • small intestine;
  • large intestine.

The location depends on the size, shape and material of the item.

What are the most common symptoms that can be observed to suspect a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract?

Most frequent symptoms with a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • vomiting (often vomiting immediately after taking food, water; often foam, gastric juice);
  • possibly diarrhea, which is replaced by constipation (violation of the act of defecation may indicate a violation of the gastrointestinal tract patency);
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy (associated with the general condition of the pet).

But you also need to remember that this complex of symptoms is typical for many other diseases, so it is important to carry out a set of examinations, the results of which can be used to diagnose "foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract."


  1. Collecting anamnesis.
    Your pets are not always under close supervision, so there is a possibility that while you were not at home, the animal could well play with something and accidentally swallow it.

    It is imperative to remember when the change in condition occurred so that the doctor can assess the duration of the disease and the likely complications.

  2. Inspection.

    Inspection means thermometry, palpation abdominal wallto assess if tenderness is present, examination of the oral cavity and larynx, especially the sublingual region (very important in cats, since linear foreign objects are often caught under the tongue), examination of accessible lymph nodes, visible mucous membranes.

  3. Clinical and biochemical analyzes blood.
    These tests are needed to make sure that these symptoms are not associated with a violation of internal organs, viral diseases, etc.
  4. X-ray of the abdominal cavity in 2 projections.

    This is a mandatory procedure in the presence of vomiting and / or constipation, diarrhea in animals. On the X-ray, the doctor can see foreign objects of radio-opaque (bones, toys with the addition of a radio-opaque substance, wire, etc.)

    ), pneumatization of the intestine (the presence of gaseous contents in a particular section of the intestine), which may indirectly indicate the presence of a foreign object.
    Fig. 1. Cat. Radiopaque foreign body in the stomach. Fig. 2. Dog. Radiopaque foreign bodies in the stomach. Fig. 3. Cat. Foreign body in the large intestine. Fig.

    4. Cat. Foreign bodies in the small and large intestine.If no radiopaque foreign objects were found on the X-ray of the abdominal cavity, but there are indirect signs that indicate this, then an X-ray of the abdominal cavity is taken with a radiopaque substance (barium sulfate is most often used).

    A radiopaque substance is given orally and a series of images is taken after a certain time, during which the contrast passes or does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this method, we can say about the patency of the gastrointestinal tract. 5. Cat. Pictures 8 hours after giving contrast. Large accumulation of contrast in the large intestine.

    Non-radiopaque foreign body. Fig. 6. Cat. Foreign body in the large intestine. Contrast study using barium sulfate.

  5. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
    It is carried out to assess the condition of the abdominal organs, the presence of free fluid. In order to detect a foreign body on an ultrasound scan, special skills are needed, because it is quite difficult, one can judge its presence by indirect signs.

More about veterinary X-ray services

The main consequences of finding a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract of an animal

A foreign body in the digestive tract of an animal can lead to such consequences as:

  • a diverticulum (pocket) in the wall of the esophagus;
  • traumatic gastritis, enteritis;
  • intestinal obstruction (partial or complete);
  • intussusception of the intestine (one part of the intestine enters the other);
  • necrosis of a part of the intestine;
  • bowel perforation (rupture);
  • peritonitis (fluid in the abdomen as a result of intestinal perforation);
  • fatal outcome.

Methods for treating a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract

The choice of treatment depends on the location of the object, its size and material.

There are foreign objects that can come out on their own when prescribing symptomatic therapy if the bodies small size, and intestinal motility is normal.

As one of the methods of treatment, endoscopic extraction of a foreign object from the esophagus and stomach is used. If the object is small or made of soft material, it can be removed using endoscopic equipment.

More about Veterinary Endoscopy Services

Surgical treatment consists of an enterotomy or gastrotomy. This is the removal of a foreign body from the stomach or intestines by cutting their walls, then removing the object and suturing the walls. Sometimes, due to complications, it is necessary to remove part of the intestine due to its necrosis.

More about veterinary general surgery services

Of great importance for us, doctors, in the further recovery of patients, you play, dear owners, because it is you who should notice the change in the condition of the pets in time, contact us and provide postoperative careassociated with the intake of certain drugs, certain feed.

Keep a close eye on your pets. If you know that he has an unhealthy love for all inedible things, try to get them out of reach. If you find one of the above symptoms, immediately contact the clinic.

Health to you and your pets.

Examples of foreign bodies in the digestive tract of animals from our practice

In conclusion, I would like to present you with a selection of objects that my colleagues and I extracted from our patients:

Fig. 7. Cat. A foreign body from the large intestine is a piece of a shower sponge (see Fig. 6). Fig. 8. Foreign body from the cat's stomach - hair ties that the cat ate 3 years ago (see Fig. 1). Fig. nine.

Foreign body from the small and large part of the cat's intestines - tinsel on a wire (see Fig. 4). Fig. 10. Foreign bodies from the small intestine of a cat - threads with helminths. Fig. 11. A foreign body from a dog's stomach is a toy. Fig. 12.

A foreign body from the large intestine of a cat is a piece of insulation (see Fig. 5).

Rogozina Elizaveta Igorevna, veterinarian, surgeon.

Source: http://gilvet.ru/stati/inorodnye-tela-v-zhkt-zhivotnyh/

Bowel Obstruction in Cats

The story is based on non-fictional factsI am writing "hot pursuit", because this is happening right now with my cat

The insidiousness of intestinal obstruction is that it can happen neither anywhere, nor with anyone, nor ever, but with any cat, with any cat and at any time. And your pet is no exception. God grant that this never happens, but it is better to be prepared and in case of trouble, know what to do.

Intestinal obstruction

This is a complete or partial cessation of the movement of contents through the intestines. The most common cause is foreign body blockage. This is followed by blockage as a result of a tumor, volvulus, hernia or intussusception (penetration of one part of the intestine into another), etc.

Mechanical blockage by a foreign body reveals itself suddenly, like snow on your head. As it happened a few days ago with my cat Avatar. Who is the Avatar cat and what is special about him - see here, it will be interesting.

Avatar In the afternoon, vomiting suddenly began. At first, I did not attach any importance to this. Well, vomited once, who doesn't happen to? Again. Already alarmed. And I was completely worried when the cat flatly refused to eat, without even looking in the direction of the bowl. For verification, I offered an impossible delicacy - a piece of chicken. Decisive refusal. Everything is bad!

Vomiting continued at night. And the next morning we were already at the clinic. They immediately took blood for analysis and without further ado they put me on a drip. Why?

Why is obstruction dangerous?

  • The cat's intestines work constantly, pushing the contents from the stomach to the anus. At the same time, the circulation of an important nutrient fluid continuously occurs: the digestive juices produced by the stomach and intestines, in the process of intestinal work, together with the dissolved nutrients through the walls, penetrate back into the intestine.

When a blockage occurs, juices continue to be secreted, but now they, unable to move and be absorbed, accumulate in the stomach and small intestinecausing vomiting. With vomiting, a large amount of fluid and nutrients (especially potassium) is lost, and the body is rapidly dehydrated and weakened.

Drinking water does not help, but only intensifies vomiting. Without treatment, the animal will die within 2-7 days.

Therefore, in case of serious disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with obstruction!), Abundant intravenous infusions are needed to replenish the fluid.

  • In addition, in the place of blockage due to circulatory disorders in the affected area, necrosis can occur - necrosis of the tissues of the intestinal wall, which will develop rapidly, which will also worsen the condition of the animal.
  • And further. It happens that the presence of a foreign body in the intestine leads to its decomposition, oxidation, etc. and the release of toxic substances from it, which contributes to additional intoxication of the body.
  • Obstruction (as well as chronic constipation) provokes the reproduction of putrefactive and other harmful bacteria, which leads to a serious violation of the intestinal microflora.

The closer the blockage is to the stomach, that is, the more part of the intestine is closed, the more severe the disease progresses.

Obstruction symptoms

  1. increasing vomiting
  2. deterioration in appetite to complete refusal to eat
  3. complete absence of stool or slight stool
  4. deterioration in general condition
  5. painful enlarged belly

What to do?At the slightest suspicion of obstruction (especially if you know that the pet had the opportunity to eat something "wrong") - run to the clinic!

What not to do? Not trying to feed or water the cat will only provoke vomiting. Do not give an enema, as this can rupture the bowel. Do not give a laxative that will increase the contraction of the intestinal muscles. Do not use antiemetic drugs that only mask symptoms without providing a therapeutic effect.

About vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is a refined fraction of oil without harmful organic substances and their compounds; it is mixed with fats and oils and has the properties of Vaseline. Without absorbing into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, it envelops the obstacle in the form of feces, softens them and facilitates the pushing process. The indication is constipation. Contraindication - intestinal obstruction.

So we come to a difficult dilemma: constipation or obstruction? With constipation, the accumulation and hardening of stool usually occurs in the middle and lower intestines. And vaseline oil is the first friend here. It can also help with partial obstruction.

With complete obstruction, the oil will aggravate the situation, becoming an additional burden in the digestive tract. In addition, it can slightly "push" a foreign object, damaging the intestinal walls and provoking their necrosis.

So giving your cat petroleum jelly when a blockage occurs is a risk: it can fix the problem, or it can make it worse.

Partial obstruction

With incomplete obstruction, part of the intestinal contents can pass behind the obstacle, but with complete obstruction, not. With a partial blockage, an animal can survive, while a complete blockage is mortal.

Avatar Two years ago, with the same Avatar (oh, poor cat!), We experienced a partial obstruction. Avatar opened the cupboard under the kitchen sink and gutted the trash can.

For more than two weeks (!) The cat was lethargic, ate little by little and only soft food, the stool was, but very meager. X-rays with contrast did not give an accurate result (50x50 - it seems there is an obstacle, but it seems that the contrast agent passes behind it).

Introduced daily droppers. The doctors were inclined towards the operation.

Deciding that there was nothing to lose anyway, I literally pumped the cat with Vaseline oil (I did this before, but not so decisively - there was no result).

And Avatar finally gave out such a pile of sausage skins that it was impossible to imagine how it all fit in a small intestine, lay there for two weeks, and the cat lived with it! But what was my amazement when the next day the same pile came out. Just unbelieveble! Since then, the trash can has been securely locked.

Diagnosis of obstruction

With symptoms of acute obstruction, it is this dangerous disease that is always excluded in the first place.

Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and a doctor's examination. Careful palpation will determine the "sharp abdomen" and painful area. Blood tests are needed to assess the condition of the cat and to identify comorbid conditions. If an obstruction is suspected - an X-ray of the abdominal cavity, for better informational content - with contrast agent.

If all these studies do not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, there remains a diagnostic laparotomy (as they say, "an autopsy will show") - an incision in the abdominal cavity - surgery under general anesthesia, which will reveal the pathology.

Avatar So, while we dripped (2 hours, at least), the test results became ready. Everything is normal with minor deviations that can be attributed to vomiting and hunger strike.

A thorough examination by a doctor, palpation revealed a painful area in the abdomen. In general, the formidable diagnosis of obstruction appears more and more clearly.

We go for an x-ray, having previously pumped up (20 ml) with a contrast agent.

Why do you need a contrast agent In the body of an animal, along with bone tissue, which gives a clear shadow picture on radiography, there is also soft tissuethat creates a less dense shadow.

Therefore, if tissues and organs are approximately the same in density, then their boundaries are difficult to distinguish on an X-ray image. This also applies to the abdominal organs - liver, stomach, intestines, etc.

How do you discern changes in them? For this, substances with a high atomic weight are used, creating a difference in density between the desired organ and the rest of the environment.

Barium sulfate is often used as a contrast agent for examining the digestive tract. It is a chemically pure, harmless, insoluble white powder, odorless and tasteless.

Avatar In the process of feeding the cat with a cocktail of water and barium, everything was smeared - the table, chair, floor, carrier, me, the doctor and, finally, the cat itself. It is good that dried barium is easily cleaned like chalk.

We take a picture. And immediately two things become clear. Firstly, the cat was given barium in vain, because, secondly, even without contrast, it is perfectly visible that the Avatar has ... a metal clip in his stomach that holds the skin at the end of the sausage.

A week before the Avatar, the clinic had a Sphinx Ramses with symptoms of obstruction, from whom the same tip of a sausage was removed as a result of the operation, and the doctors confidently identified its analogue in the picture of my cat. Here's a snapshot.

The barium-filled stomach is clearly visible, followed by a wire curl:

Of course, no one gave him a dangerous "tasty treat" on purpose. Just unwisely left on the table. The avatar himself cannot get anything from the table, but he has four-legged friends who helped him.

What to do? After conferring, we decide with the doctors to give a chance to vaseline oil, given that it can work for my cat. Once again we drip for a long time, drink oil and go home.

At home, the Avatar's condition worsens. He literally howls, vomiting resumes. The belly is so puffy that I understand that liquid paraffin is not an option. After an alarming night in the morning we are at the clinic. We drip again and go to the operation.

Obstruction treatment

Treatment begins immediately, even before a diagnosis is made. This is an infusion therapy (drip) to replenish water loss and nutrients, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics.

In severe cases, when intestinal blockage threatens the life of the animal, an emergency is indicated. surgical intervention... Sometimes this removes the affected part of the intestine.

The postoperative period includes a fasting diet for 12-24 (sometimes more) hours, again intravenous drips, antibiotics. Next - careful feeding with semi-liquid feed. For 14 days, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the seams, which are then removed.

Avatar Avatar now has a "colleague" in the operation - a three-colored kitty Monya, whose X-ray shows ... the same foreign body as his. Ha-ha! They go "under the knife" one after another.

Photographed the trophies after extraction. Here they are. Avatarkin is on the left, Moni is on the right. Apparently sausage brace is a hit among foreign bodies in cats

The operation was successful, the sausage element was removed, there was no necrosis of the intestinal tissue - only two reddish dots from the pressure of the metal (that's what it means to react in time!). The avatar is resting. Left overnight at the hospital. After coming out of anesthesia, he was prescribed an enema (a lot of feces accumulated) and, of course, an IV.

Avatar, unlike other cats that have undergone surgery, does not need a postoperative blanket, since he cannot lick his belly. And a sickly antibiotic can be put into the back muscle - there is no deep sensitivity. At least some pluses in paralysis.

The day after the operation, the cat feels good, is active, turns his head, is interested in everything - cannot be compared with the recent state when he was lethargic and apathetic. In the morning and in the evening - endless droppers. Finally, grabbing an infusion solution and an antibiotic, we go home. Hooray!

At home, the cat behaves as if there was no major operation. We are already diving on our own. How easy it is for doctors, and how difficult it is for a layperson! We deal with sin in half.

Gently begin to feed Royal Canin Recovery pate (1-2 teaspoons every 2-3 hours). The appetite is excellent. The whole family breathed a sigh of relief. We are happy. But in vain!

By the evening of the next day - a complete refusal to eat. In the morning we go to the clinic again. We donate blood, sit down for a dip. Analyzes are normal, treatment - droppers, droppers and more droppers. The antibiotic continues in a continuous course. By the evening the cat begins to eat.

At home now. We continue with droppers, antibiotics, soft food. The avatar feels great, is already chasing cats. True, he is still weak, he rests a lot, but this is normal. The seam is fine, although slightly compacted. It looks like the obstruction story is coming to an end. Pah-pah-pah ...

Do you think she will teach Avatar something, and he will learn some lesson? No matter how it is! If someone drew conclusions, then it is not the victim, but his owners, that is, we.

Prevention of obstruction

Dear cat owners! If you do not want terrible torment for your pet, but for yourself - a big headache in the form of moral suffering, as well as a huge investment of time and money (I'm afraid to even think how much the treatment would cost me, don't work in the clinic! ), then just don't let this dangerous situation arise. Make small, inedible items out of reach of your pet that it could swallow.

Of particular interest to cats are sausage casings, feathers, pieces of paper and foil, pharmaceutical rubber bands, strings and threads.

Threads with a needle are especially dangerous - fraught with damage to the gastrointestinal tract and even "stitching" of the intestine.

And a completely separate conversation - Christmas tree rain. However, New Year - in general, the source of many dangers for our pets - about this here.

Output: Please, be vigilant, and don't even accidentally leave anything "criminal" behind. Don't give a chance to this awful intestinal obstruction!

P.S. Avatar The stool is formed, nutrition is restored, the stitches are removed. All! Exhale deeply ...


Cats are very playful creatures, especially young kittens. Like little fluffy lumps they run tirelessly and invent games for themselves. Sometimes, the owners' inattention to such games can lead to sad consequences. Having swallowed inedible small details of clothing, children's designer, New Year's tinsel, the owners rush to find an answer, and what to do next? All kinds of ropes, strings from small pieces to several tens of centimeters, take the lead among the absorbed things.

If you have such a situation, then you should, first of all, calmly assess whether there really was such a fact. Take your pet to the veterinary clinic and get expert advice. But it often happens that a visit to the doctor is not possible.

If your pet has a piece of rope out of its mouth

He has not yet swallowed it, you can slowly pull it. Do not pull too hard, it can be damaged internal organs... The rope has already entered the stomach, you should be most careful so as not to scratch the mucous membrane of the animal during extraction. If you managed to get a foreign object, it is worthwhile to organize a gentle diet for several days and give the cat a drink with sedatives for the stomach, for example, chamomile decoction, 5 ml 3-4 times a day.

If your pet has swallowed the rope but is stable

In this case, veterinarians prescribe petroleum jelly or glycerin to drink to the pet. 7-10 ml 3 times a day... And watch throughout the day. If the cat is cheerful, eats and his health does not deteriorate, you should wait until the foreign object naturally appears outside. But if the rope is half in the intestines, you cannot pull with effort! It will be correct to carefully cut a piece. The rest will stimulate the animal to have additional bowel movements.

If the cat swallows the rope and it gets worse

As you watch the animal, you begin to notice that its condition is getting worse. He became restless, lies, refuses to eat, vomits, he does not go to the toilet. Needed soon deliver the cat to the veterinary clinic, where he will be examined and a contrast X-ray examination will be performed, which will exclude or confirm a blockage of part of the intestine. The pet will be given a liquid containing barium. It will surround a foreign object inside the animal and make it visible to technology. On the basis of the examination, the doctor will decide on an operation, which is indispensable for the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.

If your veterinary center does not have diagnostic equipment, then the doctor, when diagnosing intestinal obstruction, will perform a diagnostic laparotomy. The animal will be anesthetized and within half an hour, the doctor will examine the internal organs of the pet and remove the blockage in the right place. Two days later, after such an operation, the animal returns to its previous rhythm of life.

What can not be done if the cat vomits after swallowing a foreign object!

  1. Drinking and feeding, with increasing vomiting, should not be. This is due to the fact that the substances in such a state of the body will not be absorbed, and the emetic process will only intensify, which will dehydrate the animal's body more.
  2. Perform an enema. The pressure of water can create additional pressure on the intestinal wall, which threatens to rupture.
  3. Give a laxative. This also threatens the animal with rupture of the tissues of internal organs.
  4. Refrain from antiemetic drugs. They will only remove the symptom and can mask the disease for some time, which will be lost.
  5. Hope it goes away by itself. Do not waste time, the sooner the animal falls into experienced hands, the faster it will heal.

Even after the "accident" your pet continues to encroach on inedible objects. Perhaps he has a disease - picanism. Scientists argue that it occurs against the background of a lack of attention, education and boredom of the animal or a lack of any elements in the diet. A loving owner will always find a way out of this situation by organizing proper nutrition and leisure to his four-legged friend... If you feed your cat with natural food, do not forget about vitamins. Specialized toys will help diversify the leisure time, making your furry pet safe. Extra bones and goodies will satisfy the desire for new knowledge and brush your teeth.

The cat ate the thread, what to do to help the animal. Cats are very curious animals and eating a thread, a rope, New Year's rain is a sweet thing. Cats do not understand all the risks associated with this gastronomic study, and there certainly is a risk. Foreign, not food producttrapped in the cat's esophagus is an extremely unwanted guest in the body of your furry pet.

Foreign objects in the cat's stomach - best to avoid

The most correct thing on the part of the owner will be to prevent a situation in which the cat will eat thread, yarn, rope, and so on. Cats love selflessly to chew threads sticking out of bedspreads and clothes, so you need to remove all such threads. Handicraft items should be kept out of the reach of the animal and do not leave the cat alone with balls and threads.

If the cat ate the thread and failed to prevent it

You were extremely careful, but the shaggy sly man managed to pull off a piece of thread. You need to know that the cat's tongue is designed in such a way that the cat cannot spit anything out, it has to swallow. This is a payback for a rough tongue, the pimples of which are located so that they block the loss of food from the cat's mouth.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to catch a cat doing this, then you need to quickly open its mouth by force and remove the thread with your fingers if it is still on the tongue. Unfortunately, cats are nimble in this matter and try to swallow the string as soon as possible as if it were fresh meat.

The cat swallowed the string and could not be removed

If you are concerned about the health of your cat, for example, the thread was too long or thick or too stiff, then there is a way to make your cat vomit. If a little time has passed and the animal looks normal, try pouring slightly salted water into its mouth at the rate of 2 teaspoons of salt per liter of water. Liter, of course, there is no need to fill, vomiting will begin much faster.

The cat swallowed the thread and more than 2 hours passed

If your kitty walks for more than two hours with a foreign object in the stomach, and at the same time behaves as usual, then we can say that you are lucky - the thread has passed into the intestine and the only way you can help your pet is to give a small laxative so that the threads come out quickly and did not cause much discomfort. Give the cat some petroleum jelly, just a little, and make sure that the cat goes to the toilet.

The thread that your cat has swallowed will gradually come out and sometimes the tail sticks out of the anus. In no case do not pull on it and do not try to extract it by force !! You will damage the intestines of the animal, and then you will not be able to do without treatment. Cut the thread carefully so as not to injure the cat's anus and do not allow the tail to stick out strongly, the cat will be smart enough to start chewing on it.

If the cat swallows the thread and it feels bad

Run to the doctor! If your cat is ill, sluggish, refuses food and water, lies and meows plaintively, you will not be able to help her, only a veterinarian will provide qualified assistance.

In fact, it's not that scary. My cat, while wearing a blanket, ate threads many times and at the same time felt great, sometimes they had to be cut, but this did not affect the health of the animal.

Another thing is when a cat ate wool yarn or New Year's rain, there may be options and a real danger to the cat's health. Therefore, watch out for animals and do not let them make mistakes because of your feline curiosity.

Cats are curious creatures. Like small children, they do not always distinguish between what they can eat and what not, so they can eat not only sausage, but also cellophane, which smells like it. What if the cat ate the bag? Is this situation dangerous for his life or health or not and is it worth contacting a veterinarian? Here's what modern experts write about it.

Should i worry

From time to time, cats may eat sausage skins, Christmas tree decorations, or bags containing meat or fish products. If a piece of plastic is small, then there is nothing wrong with that. It leaves the body for 3-4 days along with the feces, without causing significant harm to the animal. Under natural conditions, cats can eat non-food fibers, which they use to cleanse the stomach, so it is not surprising that they gnaw on rags, bags and inedible things. Veterinarians advise that if cats start eating bags, bring them grass that has not been treated with chemicals, soft chicken bones or special solid pet foods that are best picked up with a veterinarian.

Even if a cat, like a dog, eats a large, inedible object, she will vomit it. It will not penetrate the intestines, it will help the animal to clear the stomach. It is worth observing the behavior of the animal for 3-4 days. If it hasn't changed, there is nothing to worry about. But if after consuming the package you find the following symptoms, you should immediately contact the clinic, even if the cat has eaten small piece cellophane:

  • restless meow, agitation. The cat begins to fuss and disturb the owners, which has not been observed before;
  • constipation, the cat cannot go to the toilet;
  • the belly is enlarged, but the cat does not allow to touch it. In some cases, the animal begins to constantly lick the belly or roll on the floor;
  • persistent vomiting and lack of appetite;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • lethargy, apathy and refusal to eat.

Even if the cat has eaten a small bite, the symptoms described above may indicate an intestinal obstruction or a foreign object in the body that requires urgent medical attention. If you do not take any measures, the animal may die. Therefore, it is dangerous at home to give a cat a laxative or try to induce vomiting. The cat can eat the plastic bag along with its contents. In such a situation, the chances of intestinal obstruction are reduced, but the coarse portions of the food bag can injure the intestines and cause alarming symptoms.

Even an ordinary Christmas tree ribbon can be deadly for a cat who decides to play with it. The material from which it is made can be more dangerous than polyethylene and cause severe intestinal obstruction, but the most dangerous are Christmas tree rains, ribbons for New Year's decorations, foil or rough paper. Therefore, for safety reasons, do not leave the cat unattended where there is a Christmas tree or bags of food or food leftovers. If the cat has eaten the cellophane, do not try to remove it completely, as this can damage the esophagus or a piece of cellophane gets stuck in the throat and can cause suffocation. You should not give a laxative, as it will aggravate the effect, contact your veterinarian.

After examining the cat, he will prescribe an ultrasound and X-ray. These studies will help determine the localization of polyethylene and general state the body of the cat. In some cases, a study with a contrast agent is required. If the animal has a severe case and intestinal tissue necrosis has begun, surgical intervention will be required. In the presence of comorbidities or if the cat is over 7 years old, this can be very risky, so it is worth preparing for any result. If the X-ray does not confirm intestinal obstruction, and the foreign body does not injure the internal organs, the doctor will most likely prescribe a diet. Cellophane will come out along with the feces.

If the bag is stuck in the intestines, a plentiful and dense diet is required. In no case should you try to interfere in this process yourself, especially if the cat has eaten a large piece of a plastic bag. In this situation, it is best to contact your veterinarian. Even if a string is stuck in the cat's intestines, do not remove it, as it can damage the intestines. It can leave the cat's body with feces on its own, or this requires the intervention of a specialist.

Preventive measures

If a kitten or cat appears in your house, then you need to know what to do so that she does not eat fish along with cellophane.

  • Do not throw sausage skins, sausages, bags containing fish or meat into places accessible to the cat. Store your garbage bags out of the reach of your cat. To prevent the cat from eating the peel from the sausage or sausage, throw it in a special bag that will be stored in an inaccessible place. Store used cat food bags there;
  • If there is a Christmas tree in the room, watch your pet. To prevent the kitten from eating rain and tinsel, hang it high from the floor, do not let him play with it;
  • Remove ribbons, threads, especially knitting, so that the cat does not eat them, especially if you noticed the day before that he ate a rag or paper;
  • Do not let your cat eat a bag that smells like valerian, blisters from sedatives that contain this herb. Cats often lick things that have been touched by valerian and can swallow them.

Remember, your pet's health is in your hands. And his well-being, and in some cases his life, will depend on your vigilance and attentiveness.


Cats and cats are very curious creatures. Moreover, everything that interested them, they tend to try "to the teeth." The tongue is covered with hard villi, which are directed in such a way that if something gets into oral cavity animal, then it cannot spit it out and is forced to swallow.

Is it dangerous if the cat has eaten the strings?

Thus, if the tip of a thread or, for example, a Christmas tree "rain" gets into the cat's mouth, it can swallow up to several meters of its length. This can cause a blockage in the intestines and is therefore very dangerous for the animal.

What if you find that the cat has eaten the strings? Provided that the animal feels normal, you can try to help him. If the threads were recently swallowed, you can try to induce vomiting. To do this, salt water is poured into the animal's mouth - at the rate of 2 teaspoons of salt per liter of liquid - water.

In the event that some time has passed since the moment of swallowing the threads, they have probably reached the cat's intestines. In this case, a little petroleum jelly is poured into the cat's mouth through a syringe. It will facilitate the passage of the foreign body through the intestines of the animal. In this case, it is better not to feed the cat for a while. When the threads begin to come out naturally, do not pull on them under any circumstances! It is deadly for the animal because it can injure the cat's insides. You can only cut off the end of the thread sticking out from under the tail.

The cat has eaten the strings and is clearly ill: what to do?

If the cat vomits, he refuses food and water and clearly looks sick, then things are bad. Take the animal to the veterinary clinic urgently. The doctor can remove the foreign body with an endoscope if it is still in the stomach. If the thread reached the intestine and provoked its obstruction, then, apparently, it will be necessary to perform an operation to remove a foreign body from the intestines of the animal. Most cats tolerate such operations well.

Loving owners should be removed from their pictures. These games are dangerous and can end very badly, so they are best prevented.

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