Russian nootropics. Nootropics - tablets for memory and brain work adults and children

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Stresses - a phenomenon present today in the life of most of us. Rutin, endless affairs and care, fatigue and even an ecological situation - all this affects the human psyche is not the most positive way. as you know, far from harmless - they deplete our nervous system, become the cause of various nerve disorders and mental diseases, adversely affect all body systems and worsen physical condition.

Among other things, people who are subject to regular stress are noticeably reduced by cognitive abilities, it becomes worse than memory, depressed arises. That is why, no one decade, scientists seek to find and create new and more effective means capable of preventing and minimizing the destructive impact of stress on human body. And today you can still hear about nootrops that are designed specifically for this.

In this article, we will tell about what nootropics, as they affect the body, in what the benefits and harm are that specialists speak about them, and also give a list of these drugs and their brief descriptions.

What are nootropics?

By definition of the World Health Organization, nootropics are funds that activate and stimulating cognitive processes that improve the ability to teach and memory that increase the stability of the brain to stress and the effects of various injuries, hypoxia and intoxication.

In the international classification of drugs in Nootropov there is no separate class, so they are combined into a special pharmacotherapeutic group along with psychostimulants. By the way, you are probably familiar with such a means as piracetam, and he, by the way, is the very first nootrop in the world. But let's make a little deeper to touch the history of these drugs.

Brief history of nootrops and their classification

Piracetam, more famous today called Nootropyl, for the first time synthesized the Belgian pharmacologist Cornelio Gurjea in 1963. This drug allowed improved performance without causing side Effectspeculiar to psychostimulants. In 1972, Journidge introduced the term "nootropics". He began to designate a group of drugs that, memory and learning ability helped the brain to cope with hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Since then, the creation of nootropics began to gain momentum, and today scientists managed to synthesize over 10 nootropic drugs under the overall name of the racetama (some of them are already registered, and some are at the stage of clinical trials). Among the most famous can be called piracetas, healthy, aniracetam and others.

In total, there are three large class of nootrops that differ in the impact on the body:

  • Preparations - stimulants of metabolic processes in nerve cells
  • Preparations positively affecting vessels
  • Preparations - Stimulants of Training and Memory Processes

Below we present a list and brief characteristics of the most common nootrops, but for now let's talk about the mechanisms of their impact and the effects provided by these means.

Mechanisms of action of nootropov

All exposure to nootropov is based on several processes:

  • The synthesis of phospholipids and proteins in nerve cells is regulated.
  • Plastic processes in the central nervous system are activated through the amplification of RNA and protein synthesis
  • Stabilizes the structure of cell membranes
  • Energy processes in neurons are activated
  • Optimize polysaccharide disposal processes
  • The processes of transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system are activated
  • Depressing the processes of formation of free radicals in cells
  • The need for nerve cells in oxygen under hypoxia is reduced.

The action of nootropov excites a special enzyme (adenylate cyclase) and increases its concentration. This enzyme is needed that the cells have stably produced the most important source of energy required for physiological and biochemical processes - ATP (adenosineryphosphoric acid).

As a result of the activation of all the above-mentioned mechanisms, the human body begins to sense specific effects. Their diversity is large enough, thanks to which nootropics are recommended for use by specialists from different directions.

Effects from the use of nootrops

The use of nootropics has the following effects:

  • Psychostimulating effect
  • Sedative (soothing) effect
  • Anti-epileptic effect (the likelihood of epilepsy attacks) is reduced)
  • Antishenic effect (decreases the feeling of lethargy and weakness)
  • Mnemotropic effect (the memory improves and learning increases)
  • Antio-accountinsonic effect (the likelihood of recurrence of Parkinson's disease is reduced)
  • Nootropic effect (improved thinking, attention, speech and other functions related to the activity of the cerebral cortex)
  • VaseSEGETAL effect (the blood supply to the brain is improved)
  • Adaptogenic effect (the body's ability to confront the harmful environmental impact)
  • The clarity of consciousness and the level of wakefulness increases

It is also worth noting that nootropic drugs affect the neurotiator brain systems, thereby improving even more thinking processes, processes of perception, attention, memory, ability to teach and intellectual functions as a whole. According to specialists, nootropics do not have psychomotor arousal and pharmacological addiction and do not deplete the physical possibilities of the body.

Perhaps you have already thought about whether it is worth using nootropics, and it is quite understandable. And to answer this question, you need to refer to the description of the drugs. In any instructions for the use of drugs, there is a section "Indications for use", and these testimony from most nootropics will coincide.

Indications for the use of nootropics

  • Migraine
  • Inxication
  • Neuroinfection
  • Stuttering
  • Ischemic stroke
  • Brain-brain injuries
  • Urination disorders
  • Hyperkinesia
  • Cortical myoclonia
  • Vascular dementia
  • Elder Dementia
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia
  • Chronic brain vessel failure
  • Netry-like disorders
  • Consequences of brainwater disorders
  • Reduced mental performance
  • Reduced concentration of attention
  • Memory disorders
  • Various types of depressive syndromes

In addition to all nootropics can also be applied for children. They are used in the following cases:

  • Impaired mental function
  • Delay in the development of speech
  • Mental retardation
  • Intellectual inhibition
  • Memory disorders
  • Syndrome deficit attention
  • The consequences of the defeat of the CNS during childbirth
  • Depression
  • Elevated stress effect

Naturally, along with the testimony for use, there is also contraindications.

Contraindications for the use of nootrops

Nootropic drugs It is strictly forbidden to take if a person suffers:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the active substance and other components of nootropic
  • Huttington's Chorea (Degenerative CNS Disease)
  • The exacerbation of hemorrhagic stroke
  • Severe breach of the kidney function

It is forbidden to receive nootropics and women during pregnancy and feeding, because it can seriously disrupt the process of forming the fetus, negatively affect the health of a child who has not yet born and the future mother. However, this is not the only side effect of the use of nootrops. And here it makes sense to briefly say about potential harm These drugs.

Side Effects from Application Nootropov

The side effects listed below are unlikely to manifest everything together, but it is necessary to know about them:

  • Insomnia
  • Weakness
  • Hyperoportability
  • Hypotension (reduction in blood pressure)
  • Dyspepsia (violation of the activity of the stomach)
  • Anxiety and anxiety
  • Pagged attacks of angina
  • Eosinophilia (increasing the number of eosinophils in the blood, which can lead to the defeat of the internal organs)
  • Nephrotoxicity or hepatotoxicity (toxic effects on the body)
  • Hallucinations
  • Violations in the vestibular apparatus
  • Epileptic seizures and cramps
  • Fever
  • Concision confusion
  • Ataxia (full or partial coordination loss)
  • Sensation of the heat
  • Hypermia (overflow blood vessels)
  • Motor disbursement
  • Thrombophlebitis (inflammatory process in venous walls, accompanied by the formation of thrombov)
  • Rash on the body and face
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness

If nootropics take the elderly people and senile ageIn some cases, this can lead to aggravation of coronary failure.

Despite such an abundance of side effects, they arise in rare cases, and it happens for the most part when a person has individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

Summarizing, we note that feedback on nootrops is both positive and negative. Often the effectiveness of such drugs is not confirmed by long-term randomized placebo-controlled studies. Often, fair criticism sounds and in relation to the use of similar drugs is not for its intended purpose, but to improve cognitive functions, although initially they are intended to combat brain violations.

List of popular Nootropov

In the list of the list, we briefly tell about the most popular nootrops, the form of their release and the declared rendering effect. Information is provided solely for informational purposes, therefore, the features of consumption, contraindications and the period of withdrawal from the body should be recognized by the specialist, as well as consulting on the reception.


Other names: "Nootropyl", "Biotropil", "Luceta".

Release form: Tablets for intakes or a solution for injection (intravenous or intramuscular).


  • Improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain
  • Improving the stability of brain tissues to the effects of toxins and hypoxia
  • Improving memory and integrative brain activity
  • Increased learning ability


Other names: "Pramistar".


  • Improved learning ability
  • Improving memory
  • Improving mental activity


Other names: "Vicebrol", "Neurovin", "Cavinton".


  • Improving blood microcirculation in the brain
  • Strengthening of cerebral blood flow


Other names: "NOBUM", "Noofen", "Bifren".

Release form: Capsules, tablets or soluble powder for intake.


  • and concentration
  • Increased physical and mental performance
  • Stimulation of the processes involved in training
  • Elimination of fears and alarming
  • Removing psycho-emotional tension
  • Reducing the manifestations of asthenia


Other names: Hopantic acid.

Forms of release: Tablets for receiving inside.


  • Reducing motor excitability
  • Normalization of behavioral reactions
  • Improvability
  • Activation of mental activity


Other names: "Encefabol".

Release form: Tablets or suspension for intake.


  • Protecting the brain from the effects of harmful substances
  • Stabilization of neuron membranes
  • Reducing the number of free radicals
  • Improving behavioral and cognitive functions


Other names: "Glycide".

Release form: Tablets for resorption under the tongue.


  • Improving metabolism in brain and muscle tissues
  • Soothing effect
  • Improving brain activity


Release form: Solution for injections.


  • Improving nerve cells
  • Stimulation of brain protection mechanisms
  • Restoration of optimal brain
  • Prevention of Alzheimer's disease, strokes


Release form: Tablets for ingestion or solution for injection.


  • Improving brain stability to hypoxia
  • Acceleration of glucose disposal processes
  • Restoration of brain functions after crankbone injuries, hemorrhagic stroke


Other names: "Instenon".

Release form: Tablets for ingestion or solution for injection.


  • Stimulation of metabolic processes in the brain and myocardium
  • Improving brain and coronary
  • Removing muscular spasms


Release form: Tablets for receiving inside.


  • Improving brain activity
  • Removing muscular spasms


Release form: Nasal drops.


  • Stimulating cerebral activity
  • Improving memory and concentration
  • Strengthening intellectual functions
  • Strengthening brain protective mechanisms

In addition to the listed drugs, there are also combined. They contain two and more nootropic components that are either similar to the effects or enhance the effect of each other. This category includes: "Olastropyl", "Tiocetam", "Evriza", "Cinatropyl", "Fesame", "Oaron", "Noa", "Neuro-norms", "Gamalte B6" and others.

As for Novotropov for children, two list can be given here.

There are nootropics with a stimulating effect:

  • "Kogitum"
  • "Picikalon"
  • "PiRazetam"
  • "Gammalon"

There are nootropics with sedative action:

  • "Phenibut"
  • "Cortexin"
  • "Pyititinol"

Naturally, this is not all means, and if you wish, you can find more than a dozen. Many nootropics for children are produced in the form of sweet syrups and suspensions, but there are also ordinary tablets. Some of them are allowed to give children already in the first years of life.

As stated by manufacturers, similar drugs have favorably affect brainwear, motor functions, mental, mental and physical condition, and also help to withdraw from children's body Toxins and harmful substances, serve as a means additionally used for prevention and other deviations.

But remember: it does not matter whether you plan to use nootropic themselves or give them to your child - come to this with the mind.


No medicinal tools cannot be taken thoughtlessly, because even the safest drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. So be careful and maximally responsible, and use nootropics only after consulting with a specialist. These most often perform neurologists, but sometimes they also appeal to psychiatrists. In some cases, the pediatrician, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist or cardiologist can register Nootrop.

And in conclusion, we suggest you to get acquainted with the opinion of the doctor about nootrops. Be healthy and let yours without the use of third-party preparations!

Urban people do not have time to take care of their health. The rapid rhythm of life makes working for wear and relax with a rare opportunity. Vitamins, which are considered to be a panacea, do not actually help adapt to the high requirements of the metropolis.

A person often needs help in confronting stressful factors, accelerating brain activity and preservation of psycho-emotional equilibrium. Preparations from group of nootropov, in this case, become indispensable and help to avoid negative consequences due to nervous voltage.

What is nootropics

Nootropics are a group of drugs that have a positive effect on brain activity and cognitive functions. Thanks to the ability to improve exchange processes In the nervous tissue, these drugs enhance the highest integrative activities, as well as increase mental abilities.

In the human body, special substances are physiologically produced, which are called neurotransmitters. Their role is to ensure the flow of chemical reactions that are necessary for the proper operation of the organs. There are such compounds in the brain. They are involved in the transfer of nerve impulses, and with their deficiency there are a variety of disorders. Medicinal preparations from a group of nootropov in a chemical structure are similar to some neurotransmitters, so they are able to perform the same functions by eliminating their deficiency at pathological conditions.

The nervous system and brain work in a strengthened rhythm if a person is in a state of stress, experiences or in an increased psychological burden. At the same time, a higher need for some occurs. chemicals and activation of the additional capabilities of the body. Help cope with adverse factors and strengthen the protective properties of cells are capable of nootropic drugs.

The mechanism of action is to increase glucose utilization, which leads to increased energy formation and the full functioning of cells. Nootropics affect the biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, which improves the structure of tissues, and also speeds up the regeneration process.

An important pharmacological effect is antioxidant - eliminating free radicals, the drugs of this group stabilize cell membranes and increase the resistance to adverse factors. Full nutrition of the nervous tissue leads to the restoration of the structure and functions of the cells. After applying nootropics, hypoxia conditions are better transferred, blood circulation and metabolic processes are normalized.

The advantage of the drugs of this group is the absence of toxicity and dangerous side effects. Nootropics are used under conditions of existing stress, as well as to prepare for it (for example, during exams or reports), as a protective agent for brain cells.

However, despite the results of treatment and wide use experience, some doctors believe that nootropic drugs are drugs with non-proven effectiveness. Studies of this group of drugs continue, since the possibilities of their application and the need for such medications are quite large.

Indications for use

List of states in which nootropic drugs are effective, the following:

  • Reduced mental or physical performance.
  • Neuroinfection.
  • Impairment of memory or attention.
  • Ischemic stroke.
  • Impact toxic substances.
  • Senile dementia.
  • Violation of cerebral blood circulation.
  • Post-tramal period.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Abstineent syndrome, including alcoholic.

Obtaining treatment results for brain tissue injuries of various origin are explained wide spectrum pharmacological effects of this group of drugs:

  • Improving the metabolic processes of the cortical layer, a positive effect on the judgment of a person, speech, thinking.
  • Getting rid of oppressed state or fatigue.
  • The anti-asthenic effect is manifested by the elimination of lethargy, physical and psychological weakness.
  • The adaptogenic effect is to enhance protective properties and increasing the resistance to adverse factors.
  • Increased learning ability, improve memory.
  • Reducing irritability and emotional excitability.

Instructions for the use of most nootropic drugs permits their non-delerant vacation from pharmacies. During a stressful period or mental exhaustion, everyone can take them on their own on the scheme specified by the manufacturer.


For healthy man Nootropic tools are safe. But people with diseases need to be careful, since the drug group under consideration has contraindications:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Individual intolerance to the medication component.
  • Hereditary degenerative CNS diseases.
  • Renal failure.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Arterial hypotension.

Before starting treatment, instructions should be learned to a specific means that the patient appointed a doctor.

What to buy drug

Considering that most of the drugs of a group of psychostimulants and nootropics are sold without a prescription, there is a need to understand the differences and selection criteria:

  • If the drug is selected without the help of the doctor, the patient must first read the content of the instructions. The solution is made on the active substance, indications, a reception scheme or the specified restrictions.
  • After that, the patient must decide which form of the release of the medication is suitable in a particular situation. For example, children are more convenient to give a means in a liquid form, so many manufacturers offer syrups or nootropic powders. Adult patients are suitable capsules or pills.
  • Based on one acting substance in the pharmacy may offer several trade names. To make a final decision, you need to pay attention to the price, a reception scheme and a manufacturing company.

Despite the non-advocate vacation, it is still not recommended to engage in self-medication. Before starting receiving any medicinal preparation It is better to obtain a doctor's advice or consult with a provision.

Nootropics: list of drugs

Below is a list of drugs from a group of nootrops that have earned positive feedback from patients and trust doctors.

As the main active substance, a synthetic analogue of a natural neuromediator - gamma-amine oil acid is used. The drug affects braking processes in the brain, as well as regulates the metabolism of central nervous system. Acts as an antioxidant and antitoxic agent.

Glycine is capable of improving the mood, increase mental activity, reduce negative vegetiovascular manifestations, protect cells from the toxic effect of alcohol or adverse effects of stress.

The medicine has a high security profile, rarely causes adverse reactions and is allowed to use children from three years. Represents a cheap plus effective toolwhich every patient can buy in a pharmacy without a recipe.


The main component is a derivative of gamma-aminobacing acid, which is produced by the human body. This nootropic agent improves the cognitive features of the brain. For a patient, this is manifested by an increase in the concentration of attention, better memorization and high learning ability.

Positive effects are achieved due to a decrease in pathological excitation in the brain, increased metabolism of nerve cells, microcirculation normalization. The drug is produced in the form of capsules and tablets, used only for the treatment of adults.

Released in several dosages. The main active component is piracetam. pharmachologic effect Like the two previously described medications. Not applied in children. The choice of patients often stops in favor of this drug due to Belgian quality.

The means with the properties of nootrops, however, refers to a group of drugs intended for the treatment of alcohol addiction. Contains two active components - vitamin pyridoxine and threonine. The second of them regulates tissue exchange processes (cells are rapidly restored, and the patient's thrust is reduced to alcohol).

The first active substance (vitamin) also performs important functions: stimulates redox reactions, respiration and energy exchanging cells. The medication is prescribed for the treatment of alcoholism, as well as to relieve the abstinence syndrome. In the second case, the tablet is better to take under the tongue, then the positive effect will occur after 20 minutes.

Produced in the form of capsules. It is a combined zinnarizin-based remedy with piracetam. Separately, they exhibit nootropic properties and improve the microcirculation of the brain, and the effect of each other increases when combined.

Therapeutic effect It begins an hour after the start of reception, however, to achieve a stable result, doctors prescribe a drug course. In addition to impact on nervous cells, combitropyl has a positive effect on the rheological properties of blood. It protects erythrocytes from destruction, reduces viscosity and improves blood flow.

Nootrop based on a synthetic derivative of gamma-amine oil acid. According to the composition differs from other drugs of this group, while shows similar pharmacological effects. In addition to psycho-emotional disorders is also appointed in complex therapy migraine, autism, alcoholism and even urological diseases. Effective in depressions and other states that are accompanied by anxiety. Allowed to use from three years. In most cases, it is moved well and does not cause side effects.

Unique nootrop, which is produced in the form of nasal droplets. It contains a mixture of amino acids necessary for the treatment of brain lesions. Prescribed in the post-traumatic period, with neurosurgical operations, neurotic disorders. It has a good positive effect when used in stress or psycho-emotional overloads. In addition to increasing the adaptation properties of the nervous system, the drug has found an application in ophthalmology (neuritis) and pediatrics (autism). The method of operation of droplets describes in detail the instructions.

The medicine has a positive effect on the nervous system. Indications for use are very broad - from traumatic brain damage to functional disorders and abstinence syndrome. Due to the parenteral form of release, it is often assigned during acute states (intoxication, inflammatory processes, brain circulation disorders).

Last generation nootropics

Application of children

Recently, children's neurologists began to appoint nootropic more often. Doctors of different areas of medicine, especially pediatricians, do not always agree with such decisions and doubt the validity of such recipes.

There are direct readings for which any generation nootropics need to be used in childhood. In practice, it often happens that drugs are discharged for other reasons. For example, the hyperactivity of the baby, the delay in speech or first steps does not always indicate a violation of development. Due to the high security profile of Nootropov, individual doctors still prefer to prescribe these drugs, which does not comply with the instructions and official treatment protocols.

When the medications are really necessary, the choice of the active substance and the specific dosage does the doctor. Preparations that are allowed to use in children have an additional form of release, for example, syrup or powder. Diagnoses in which nootropics are shown for children's age:

  • Encephalopathy.
  • Cerebrals.
  • The effects of neuroinfection.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Speech delay.

Preparations that are allowed for use in pediatrics:

  • Glycine. Contains a substance that is synthesized by the organism naturally, so the drug is very popular. Extremely rarely causes adverse reactions. Despite the data in the instructions, it is appointed by some doctors even to small children with correction daily dose.
  • Pantogam. The pharmaceutical market is known as children's nootrop. Available in the shape of a syrup for kids and tablets for older patients. Effectively eliminates symptoms caused by vegetative disorders.
  • Kogitum. Produced in ampoules. It is a safe and non-toxic agent.
  • Picikalon. Used from three years with asthenic states, mental delay.

The list of drugs is constantly expanding, and pharmaceutical companies successfully work on the creation of new funds that are distinguished by high quality, efficiency and safety.

Conclusion of the doctor

Nootropics have a wide range of applications. Pharmacological properties Representatives of this group are indispensable for traumatic damage to the brain, functional disorders caused by cerebrovascular pathologies. In addition, drugs are prescribed to children with developmental delay, adults during periods of strong psycho-emotional loads and elderly people to improve the work of the nervous system.

Nootropics show good compatibility with drugs of other groups and rarely cause side effects. Adults can safely take them together with multivitamin complexes 1 or 2 times a year to maintain the health of the body.

Disclaimer: Dear friends! The article is exclusively informational. It should be understood that most drugs that will be described are prescription. This article does not encourage to apply something to himself, and even more so, to engage in self-medication. The article is intended to increase your awareness, including when communicating with your doctors. Only doctors can write you treatment, paint the faithful dosage for you, determine the absence of direct and relative contraindications. This is very important, because Self-treatment is unacceptable - it, as a rule, often leads to undesirable consequences. Reading this article, do not forget it!

Often, when commenting by me some articles and comments on medical topics, I was repeatedly asked to tell in more detail about nootrops, I intend to present in this article about what nootropics are and what they eat. It will be convenient for those who are interested in this topic, and also me - now at the request to tell in more detail about nootrops, I will refer to my own article, I hope you too.

I am sure many of you have heard that there is special group drugs and biologically active substances that are called "nootrops".

Given the high popularity of this topic and the presence of a mass of myths, which often accompany articles of this topic on near medical and other resources - this series of articles I would like to consider the extensive class of Nootropov, and in addition, classify them in the following drugs:

  • mechanism of action.
  • security.
  • efficiency.
  • the presence or absence of a long-term effect.
  • toxicity.

This topic is very extensive, so in this article we will consider only the definition of nootropics, their main groups and mechanisms of action. Also, in this article we will consider widespread myths directly related to nootrops and their use.

So, what is nootropics?

Drug or Other biologically active substances that can stimulate mental activity, strengthen the cognitive (cognitive) functions, improve memory and increase the ability to learn. In addition, some nootropics increase the stability of the brain to extreme impacts. For example, such as excessive mental load or "oxygen starvation" of the brain.

Consider frequently occurring myths about nootropic drugs.

Myth 1. Nootropics instantly "accelerate" the brain to unprecedented speeds, allowing you to perform extremely extraordinary tasks and overcome excessive loads (here you can recall a popular film about the invented drug NZT-48).

R. Nootropians will never make out of you "superhuman" (roughly speaking, if you do not know how to solve triple integrals - even having any of the drugs, this knowledge in your head will not appear). However, the learning process will be significantly easier and in the presence of diligence, nootropics will significantly contribute to learning and other brain activity.

Myth2. Nootropics, very harmful, toxic, have long-term consequences, so their application is completely inappropriate.

R. In general, the drugs of this group do not have long-term harmful effects, and a huge part of them, moreover, has a long-term positive potential. The toxicity of most of them is extremely low. (It should be borne in mind that there are exceptions that we will later consider).

Myth 3. Nootrops, even with one-time use, give a strong, expressed effect.

R. Almost all nootropic drugs have extremely low efficiency at one time (and the dosages do not play any role at all), but the course use often gives a pronounced positive effect. (Again, there are exceptions - we will consider them too).

Now briefly consider the main mechanisms of action of nootropic drugs:

  1. General Bolic (Improving the energy state of neurons - strengthening aTF synthesis, antihypoxic and antioxidant effect).
  2. Activation of plastic processes in the central nervous system, including stimulation of neuroplasticity (the formation of new neurons and synaptic links between them).
  3. Strengthening, modulation of synaptic transmission processes in the CNS.
  4. Modulation of the activity of GABS / GLU receptors responsible for the braking "excess" CNS activity.
  5. Other mechanisms of action.

Now the most interesting thing begins - the practical part.

We will look at the somewhat "informable wide range of persons" drugs. It so happened that all the most widely advertised drugs in this review are in fact "deserts". Patients and "suffering" drink them literally to grind, but no positive effect do not notice. Why? Let's proceed.


This drug is used everywhere, due to its wide availability without a doctor's prescription, and low cost.

As a "sedative" means of glycine is absolutely ineffective. It is also ineffective and as nootrop, and in any other pharmacological aspect.

There is a lawsager question - why?

The fact is that glycine is the usual amino acid, which is contained in almost any food protein. Any protein falling into our stomach is cleaved by enzymes to amino acids that are absorbed by the intestine. That is why protein food has energy value.

In addition, glycine is food additive E640, which is used as a flavor and aroma modifier in the food industry.

To understand what's the trick here visual example: The chicken egg protein contains about 12% protein. The protein consists of amino acids, of which pure glycine - an average of 0.45 grams.

So, one chicken egg contains an equivalent of 4.5 glycine tablets (450 mg).

If you eat the scrambled eggs of three eggs, you will accept the equivalent of 13.5 Tablets Glycine. Try to remember whether you have a pronounced nootropic activity after the use of scrambled eggs? The answer is obvious. So, Glycine is completely harmless, and just as ineffective in any dosages.


Historically, this is the very first connection, open in 1972, which marked the beginning of a whole group of drugs - racetamos and their derivatives. But now - let's talk exactly about Piractama itself.

In most countries (with the exception of Russia and some CIS countries) - piracetam is not registered as a drug. The fact is that today there is not a single study (for 42 years since its opening), which would indicate its effectiveness.

This drug is absolutely harmless. Its lethal dose is 7 times lower than that of a cook salt. Its effectiveness as a nootrop - about zero in any dosages.

However, in Russia this drug is produced, and therefore very actively "pushed" by the doctors who "entrusted to" to disclaim into patients.

Since the drug is absolutely harmless, the doctor who discharges him does not risk anything, and in the patient can suddenly work the "placebo effect", and everyone is satisfied. However, real - this drug does not treat anything and does not "improve".


One of the most "ingenious" domestic developments. This drug is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug with antitrusive, anti-asthenic, and nootropic activity.

Now go to the essence of the case.

This drug does not have any international research, proving its effectiveness. Those studies that happened in Russia do not have a design that would correspond to the level of evidence-based medicine (a small sample of patients, no multicenter studies, no independent research customers). Moreover, all conducted studies were funded exclusively at the expense of the manufacturer, which is unacceptable. Because The result will always be "twisted" in the desired side - in the one that asks the one who orders it.

Moreover, the substance of the Faboothizol (Activity of Afobazole) does not apply anywhere except Russia and the CIS countries. They have never been interested in any organization of any country in the world, even to study its potential mechanisms of action.

What is the matter? But the fact is that this drug was originally developed "for a wide sale." those. A substance was taken, which is potentially harmless. After that it was checked for toxicity - which was not found. And he decided to sell, providing a wide advertisement.

Already after the release of it in the production, and the loss of a patent for a trademark "Afobazol", the manufacturer decided to figure out how he works. A radioligand's research was ordered in France (Cerep's company) so that they trial to find, with which the drug actually interacts in the body in general, and, directly, in the central nervous system.

The data obtained were as follows, this drug is excreted after receiving in 40 minutes, and does not interact with anything in the "therapeutic" dosages. Those. This is a substance that in the body is simply "runs by".

And since, it is also excreted in 40 minutes, but only once at 8 o'clock is accepted, then, of course, even theoretically, he cannot work "for its intended" (for this, the substance should be in the blood or in brain tissues throughout His actions).

By the time of writing this article, there is not a single study in the international PubMed database, which not what would be talked about its effectiveness - they are simply not in principle.

The result is another, absolutely useless from a clinical point of view, the drug.

Aminalon (gamc).

This amino acid is the main "brake neurotiator" in the CNS.

The increase in the level of the GABC in the brain is provided by anxiolytic (anti-trial), antihypoxic, mioryexizing (relaxing) and other useful effects in clinical practice. Therefore, you can expect that the reception GABA will give us the "same" effects.

However, everything is not so simple.

The fact is that our brain is protected from a common bloodstream with a special barrier (hematopoid-encephalic). This is all "done" in order for "unnecessary" substances in the blood plasma, did not fall into the brain. Such substances also include gamma-amine-oil acid (gamc). Thus, when admitting GABC (Aminalon) inside, its level in the Century does not change in any way (more precisely, it changes, but not enough, for the occurrence of any noticeable effect) - this was expressed theoretically, and soon confirmed by numerous independent research.

Therefore, this drug for a healthy person (in which the hemato-encephalotic barrier is not disturbed) - will not show completely no properties - neither antitle or nootropic.

There is a natural question - and why then this drug is widely used in people with some diseases of the brain, and with good effectiveness?

The thing is that in some patients, this hemato-encephalitic barrier is disturbed - and GABA in some amounts of blood plasma still penetrates into the central nervous system, and can already "fulfill their duties."

But we are talking about GABA as nootropic for healthy people - and therefore Aminal for "our goals" is completely unsuitable.

The drug is absolutely safe, however, for a healthy person, its action does not occur - from the bloodstream to the brain simply cannot penetrate the active substance.

In order for this substance "you can still penetrate the barrier, its structural molecule is somewhat modified - and it turns out to be quite" workers "drugs - which will be discussed below.

But we are talking right now about GABA.

Conclusion - the reception of GABA is safe, but is meaningless as a nootrop.

Now we turn to the consideration of nootropov preparations that have a certain clinical effect. We will consider several drugs, discuss their clinical efficacy in terms of the nootropic activity of their safety, and some interesting facts.

Fournocetam (phenotropyl).

This drug is the "son" of piracetam, whose molecule was modified in order to obtain a much greater clinical effect. This drug has an extensive scientific base, in addition, this drug is included in the "Stersoid List of the World Anti-Doping Committee (WADA), which already hints to us that its clinical effect is quite serious, and is definitely present. For those who want to study subtleties on their own on english language, this drug is called abroad " Phenylpiratetam".

So what is this drug, what are his clinical effects?

The first, most important and "noticeable" effect is stimulating. This effect is instant - i.e. It is found immediately, already with one-time applications. Should know that this effect Does not apply to true-nootropic, this, let's say, "bonus".

During the course application, this drug has many significant clinical effects. But once this article concerns nootropics, I will only describe the most significant effects for us (I ask you not to beat me with sneakers for the description of these effects not at the academic language. This is done for a greater understanding of the material.

  • a decent stimulating effect.
  • improving short-term memory.
  • improving "memorization" (transferred to long-term memory).
  • improving the safety of accumulated information in long-term memory.
  • improving the "speed of execution" of everyday operations.
  • improving cerebral circulation and energy exchange in the central nervous system.

Now let's talk about security.

Since this drug has a stimulating and anti-apathetic effect, then, accordingly, this drug may cause "psychological addiction". Therefore, it is important to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by your doctor throughout the course of use. The drug is relatively safe, but it is impossible to abuse them.

I would especially like to note the following. For unknown reasons, this drug, although produced by the only company (Valenta), is extremely low quality - from the party to the party there are completely unexpected things - some patients note that opening (roughly speaking) the second purchased pack, the effect ceases to be felt. This is not a single case, to the company, these claims are so voluminous that it can be easily read about this on the Internet, typing in the search bar "Valenta phenotropyl". Have this in mind.

A small theoretical retreat.

As we remember, GABC (and some other amino acids) are extremely active in the central nervous system, but their reception does not lead to any effects due to the fact that the hematophephalic barrier (hereinafter - the GEB) "does not allow" them in the brain .

Scientists thought about how to "hold" a substance through the BC, having changed the amino acid molecule (today we consider the gamma-amine-oil acid (GAMK)). As a result, it turned out two drugs that we will consider below.


This drug was developed in Russia, in 1970, studied for 16 years, and by 1980 was applied to use as a nootropic agent. This drug is a "molecular mix" nicotine acid (not to be confused with nicotine) and Molecules of GABC. It turned out a combination of properties as nicotinic acidand, actually, GABA.

What is its main clinical effects?

  • improving energy exchange in the central nervous system.
  • vasodinating effect (brain vessels, cranial arteries).
  • an increase in the velocity of cerebral blood flow due to the factors given above.
  • some tranquilizing (sedative) effect.

The combination of these properties and leads to a nootropic effect.

It is worth understanding that despite the properties described above, the drug is not a panacea. All these properties are expressed moderately, and the notorious "wow effect" would not be expected.

The drug is inffective with one-time application, its coursework is recommended. It is relatively safe.

Separately, it is worth noting that research on the drug is available, they were published in peer-reviewed medical journals And available in the database PubMed, but to put it mildly, not a lot.


This drug is like piccalon derived by GABC. This drug fluently penetrates the BC, however, due to changes structural formulaThe drug became selective only to one subtype of GABA - receptors in the central nervous system out of three.

To begin with, it is worth noting that this drug has some addictive potential, in addition, it is prescription. Strictly follow the scheme and a reception schedule with a doctor!

This drug has a unique pharmacological effect, but for a start, consider its main clinical effects:

  • tranquilizing (relaxing).
  • anxolytic (antitrusive).
  • reducing muscle stiffness.
  • nootropic (because it is to some extent an antihypoxant).
  • weak stimulating (reduction of apathy and aehergia).
  • effect on the level of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (increase in dopamine in the deptive gap).

Now about what was called the "unique pharmacological effect". As you probably noticed, there is simultaneously relaxing, and stimulating effects in its clinical properties. Yes, it seems strange, but this is not a mistake - this is what is his distinctive feature.

The drug has a pronounced (noticeable) action. The degree of activity is regulated by the selection of the correct dosage. The drug has some negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, because is acid. In addition, the drug has relatively absolute contraindications.

As a nootropic drug, the drug should be taken by a course, in low dosages (the maximum will be around 500-750 mg of daily dosage, divided into three receptions).

The drug has proven efficacy (although it does not have studies that strictly meet all DM criteria).

Companies producing phenibut are somewhat, but do not worry - the quality is quite good, and Sopastimo among all firms that are produced.

The next article format will be somewhat different - in it you will see a summary table according to all drugs sent by you, and their classification according to different criteria. I tried to make the table with the most convenient for perception, compact and informative.

Preparations I basically wrote everything - therefore, do not be surprised if you see something unusual among substances.

I tried to cover the full proposed to me by you, the list of drugs.

For convenience, the table shows the following cuts.

1. The level of evidence (level of dB):

A: It has one (or more) study that fully corresponds to the criteria of DM.

B: It has one (or more) placebo-controlled study.

C: It has one (or more) study, but it / they do not correspond to the generally accepted design.

D: They have information about efficiency, within one or more "Case-Report" (individual cases of successful use).

E: It does not have an evidence base and / or the drug is "empty" by definition (does not contain an active substance) also to the group E refers to drugs that are developed in the Russian Federation have articles exclusively on one group of researchers.

2. Degree of efficiency on nootropic activity:

+++: It has high efficiency.

++: It has moderate efficiency.

+: It has low efficiency, but it is present.

O: Does not have the effectiveness.

-: There is a slight deterioration.

-: Moderate deterioration is observed.

---: There is a significant deterioration.

mD: There is little information, or the drug is studied.

3. Group.

The group is indicated by classification (i.e., to which class belongs to the drug or active ingredient).

This line is specified for reference - for example, if you need to learn the details of the mechanism of action of a drug, use a reduction in this line to search for more details about this group (since groups are very much, I believe that there is no need to describe in detail Each of them is a whole book will work out - and then we will touch these questions anyway).

4. Security.

For the convenience of "reading" of this line - I divided the preparations (conditionally) into four categories, and gave them color notation:

green - the drug is safe when used in adequate dosages, contraindications are relatively small.

yellow - the drug is safe, but the specified dosages should be strictly observed. In this group of contraindications is much more.

Orange - the drug is potent, therefore huge, strict attention should be paid to the prescriptions of the doctor for its use.

Red - the preparation is unsafe. Its use as a nootropic means is extremely recommended.

I hope that this table has made some clarity for all readers who were interested in one or another drug. It has almost all substances that are used as nootropics.

Short, sad, but the required preface.

The uniqueness of the existing order of things is that

  • the overwhelming majority of doctors is much easier to designate it, rather than explain why this child is not necessary;
  • the overwhelming majority of parents are much easier to go to the pharmacy, to buy and rented it with his own child, rather than try to read and understand, re-read and still understand;
  • and for particularly impressionable it is in injections ...

Nootropic refer to the means that stimulate the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.

The pharmacological effects of drugs of this group are to improve memory and learning ability, an increase in the stability of the nervous system cells to adverse external influences (in particular, to a lack of oxygen).

All nootropic drugs (nootropics) are close in their chemical structure to natural biologically active substances - neurotransmitters, vitamins, amino acids. This is explained by the fact that most nonotrops are non-toxic and do not have dangerous side effects.

Maintenance indications for the use of nootropics in childhood :

  • cerebral palsy;
  • mental retardation;
  • speech delay;

The pharmacological effects mentioned by us are detected by the manufacturers of drugs formulated by just below the testimony to use - this is again the recommendation of manufacturers of nootropic drugs.

Nootropic drugs are extremely widely used in pediatrics, but their latitude of their application is limited mainly by the borders of the former Soviet Union.

Despite the tremendous experience, despite the many positive properties detected in experiments, despite the emergency attractiveness of the identified pharmacological effects and latitude of testimony to use, so, despite all this, justify the benefit and efficiency of nootropic drugs by methods of evidence-based medicine to the present, no one succeeded.

It is difficult to believe the doctors, even more difficult to patients and parents of patients, but nor in the USA, nor in Western Europe, nootropic drugs are applied, since they repeat once again, there are no evidence of their effectiveness.

Readers, familiar with the list of nootropic drugs and found well-known in it, you can even say well acquaintances, the names of drugs, probably waiting from the author detailed stories about when and how they need to be taken. And the assurances are that all this are drugs with unprovered efficiency, can cause disagreement and bewilderment: nootropic funds in the daily life of doctors, pharmacies, patients, relatives of patients are too active.

No one has doubts about the fact that the child (even absolutely healthy child!) It appears on the light with the "immature" nervous system, which is very actively improving ("rushing") in the first years of life. This process of "ripening" is accompanied, firstly, by many specific symptoms (physiological reflexes of newborn period, elevated muscle tone, lip shake, chin and limbs, etc., etc.), and secondly, constantly present by concern Parents.

It was in the early years of life that parents detect some "oddities" behavior in children who cannot explain, guided by their own experience. It was in the first years of life that questions and doubts about the normality or abnormality of their own child are constantly worried about all the moms and dads without exception.

Strange, questions and doubts lead parents to doctors.

The main question looks like this:

- Normally or not in our years (insert the right age) is not ... - Next, something that the child does not know how, - sit, stand, turn over, crawl, walk, take, throw, talk, visit the toilet, sleep all night without waking up , obey parents, read, count, sing, draw, etc., etc.

Any answer "normally" actually means that the doctor has no doubt that the child is healthy and that he does not need any treatment.

And here the situation is actually simulated when society is experiencing a tremendous need for medicines that "improve the work of the nervous system." I emphasize once again: this is not the need of a child or a doctor, it is the need for the existing model of human relationships in the parent-child parents system.

The humiliated by the state and a legally defenseless doctor does not have the slightest desire to take responsibility for himself.

The doctor knows exactly that, without appointing medication, it automatically becomes, on the one hand, "inattentive and indifferent specialist", and on the other, the potential culprit of all theoretically possible in the future neurological troubles. "We are 15, we have a headache every day, and we have been a neuropathologist at 6 months, complained to a trembling sponge, and he said that everything is fine ..."

Parents are convinced that there are some magic droplets, thanks to which the child will learn to sit, speak, obey mom and walk on the pot.

Parents, as a rule, do not doubt that neurological problems are generally and a variety of "lag-deviations" easy to cure: the main thing is on time (!!!) to assign the right medicine.

Parents are not able to understand that the metabolism in the child's nervous tissue is so intensively that it is almost impossible to accelerate it.

There are medicines that showed their ability in the experiment to positively affect the nervous system and proven their safety - numerous nootropic agents.

Prescribed medications, and after a while, after appointment, the absolute majority of children really begin to sit, stand, turn over, crawl, walk, take, throw, talk, visit the toilet, sleep all night without waking up, obey parents, read, count, sing, draw, and etc., etc. Begin, of course, not because the medications were appointed, but because the time came, because so conceived by the Great Nature (God, evolution). But agree that "after the medication" does not mean "thanks to the medicine", it is very difficult ...

In this way, nootropic means allow you to solve many problems, because:

  • facilitate the burden of responsibility doctors;
  • calm parents;
  • improve the financial position of their manufacturers and sellers;
  • in most cases, do not harm patients.

It is not surprising that all the problems described absolutely do not worry the real owner of the insurance company. Where a private insurance company pays for treatment, it is a private insurance company, and not a patient and not a corrupt official, so, there (in the world of private capital) nobody wants to pay for relief, calm and "non-harm." Plated there effective treatment, confirmed by the methods of evidence-based medicine. But with this problem ...

Nevertheless, it would be like, to emphasize that the ability of nootropic drugs to positively affect metabolic processes in nervous tissue is not the fiction of greedy pharmacists, it is a really existing fact.

Nootropic tools are really capable of:

  • intensify energy exchange in neurons;
  • strengthen protein synthesis;
  • increase the transfer rate of pulses in the CNS;
  • improve glucose absorption by nervous cells;
  • strengthen cell membranes.

These properties are really detected in experiments. These properties allow scientists to consider nootropic drugs as very (!!!) promising group medicines and continue their intensive study. It is on the basis of these properties that indications are formulated for the use of nootrops.

That is, given the ability of nootropics to intensify, strengthen, increase, improve and strengthen, it is assumed that they will help with a delay in speech development or with mental retardation. And then the saddest - theoretical assumption does not find its practical confirmation when using drugs in real patients.

Not surprising in this regard two facts:

  • manufacturers of nootropic drugs, no one promise to quickly and meaningful: - Everything is emphasized that efficiency, firstly, moderate and, secondly, a long reception is needed to obtain an effect - for several months;
  • an increasing number of pharmacologists proposes to consider nootropic drugs not as drugs, but as biologically active additives, potentially capable of improving the quality of life.

So, you left the Pediatrician or Neuropathologist's office and in your hands you have a list of designated funds, and in this list - nootropic drugs.

You know that nootropic drugs are used, it is not just like that, but according to quite specific indications. And this means that if you are appointed a drug from a group of nootropic drugs, so this is because your child has a specific diagnosis (a list of testimony-diagnoses, see above).

No diagnosis - no readings. I.e the purpose of nootropic drugs has nothing to do with muscle hyperthonus, minimal brain dysfunction, pyramid insufficiency and other fashionable popular domestic diagnoses.

You again know that the effectiveness of nootropov has not been proven, but you also know that in most cases it is safe, but to argue with your doctor and take responsibility for "not treatment" for yourself there is neither forces nor special desire. So we will be treated ... and the main thing here is not harmful. Therefore, with the subsequent consideration of the main nootropic drugs, we will put the safety of the application at the head of the corner.


It is used for more than 40 years, being in fact the height of nootropic drugs.

Produced in a set dosage formsintended for both enteral and for parenteral application- tablets, capsules, granules, syrups, solutions for in / m and in / in administration.

Possible side effects - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, mental arousal, motor dismissal, irritability, impassableness, reduction of the ability to concentrate attention, anxiety, sleep disorders.

Preparations of neuroamine acids

Gamma -aminaslyana acid . Produced in tablets. It is accepted inside before meals. Enhances the effect of sleeping pills and anticonvulsants. Possible nausea, vomiting, insomnia, increasing body temperature, heat, shortness of breath, hypersensitivity reactions.

Gopantenaya acid . Produced in tablets and syrup. During the reception possible allergic reactions (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, rash). Not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Nicotinyl gamma-aminobalic acid . Used for enteral reception (tablets) and parenteral administration (V / m, V / B - solutions). Application may be accompanied by nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, feeling of anxiety, allergic reactions. Contraindicated pregnant and nursing.

Gamma-amino-beta-phenylmacean acid hydrochloride - Known under the trade name phoenibut , Available in tablets. Annoying mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (therefore is contraindicated with peptic disease). At the beginning of treatment, as a rule, it causes pronounced drowsiness. Irritability, excitation, anxiety, dizziness, headache, nausea, allergic reactions are also possible. Not used in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Glycine . Produced in tablets intended for resorption in the oral cavity. It is carried out very well - rare allergic reactions.

Glutamic acid . Forms of release - tablets and granules. Adverse reactions - increased excitability, vomiting, diarrhea. For long use The level of leukocytes and hemoglobin, irritation of the oral mucosa, cracks on the lips are possible. It is contraindicated in feverish states, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastroitelvo, hematopoietic organs. During treatment, it is necessary to make episodically clinical analyzes blood and urine.


Neuropeptides are the protein molecule in the nerve system, which have biological activity. Drugs containing neuropeptides inherent in a certain nootropic effect. Some drugs of this group are widely known and are actively used in countries where the concept of evidence-based medicine has not yet has an adequate implementation. The most famous neuropeptide facilities include cerebricsin , cortexin , aktovegin , salcossuril .

Preparations are introduced mainly in / m. It is moved well, but allergic reactions are possible, sometimes very heavy.


Accepted inside (suspension, pills, dragee). It has an impressive list of possible side effects - sleep disorders, increased excitability, headache, dizziness, fast fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions, stomatitis, joint pain, reaction from the hematopoma system. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, epilepsy, hepatic and renal failure. Not recommended pregnant and nursing. During treatment, laboratory control is needed (clinical analyzes of blood and urine, liver samples).


Considered as a comprehensive action drug. It has not only a nootropic effect, but also the ability to improve blood circulation in the nervous tissue. Nevertheless numerous beneficial features Vinpocetin methods of evidence-based medicine are not yet confirmed.

The drug is produced in tablets and solutions for in / in administration. It is impossible to enter it in / m. Contraindicated pregnant and nursing. When taking inside, it is moved well (rare hypersensitivity reactions), with in / in the introduction it is possible to reduce blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, phlebitis.

Due to the large number of side effects (drowsiness, fast fatigue, headache, trembling limbs, an increase in muscle tone, depression, dry mouth, abdominal pain, increased sweating, allergic reactions, decreased blood pressure) is currently not recommended as Nootropic nor as a vascular means. The use is considered justified in the complex therapy of migraine, dizziness, marine disease.

The list of nootropic drugs does not end. A stimulating effect on the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue is the most nootropic effect - it seems very and very attractive. It is not surprising that there are many (hundreds!) A variety of drugs, in theory possessing nootropic action.

Even a quick listing of these drugs may take more than a dozen pages, nevertheless all that your child can be appointed for "improvement" of the nervous system - these are medications with unproved efficiencyin the 4th phase clinical studies (T. N. postmarketing research). Only you are moms and dads - it is entitled to decide whether your child will be a member of these studies or not.

(This publication is an adapted to the format of the article Fragment of the book E. O. Komarovsky

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