Allokin alpha 2. Allokin alpha



1 ampoule of the drug Allokin-Alpha contains:
Alloferon - 1 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Allokin-Alpha is an antiviral drug that is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis C and B, the first and second types of herpes virus, as well as human papillomavirus (in particular against oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus). Allokin-Alpha contains alloferon, an oligopeptide that induces the synthesis of endogenous interferons and activates the natural killer systems. Alloferon promotes the recognition and lysis of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes.
The effectiveness of the drug Allokin-Alpha in the treatment of diseases caused by human papillomavirus, influenza virus (including type B and type A), hepatitis C and B viruses, and herpes simplex virus of the second and first types has been proven.
Alloferon is low-toxic, does not cause the development of allergic reactions, and also does not have teratogenic, mutagenic and embryotoxic effects and carcinogenic effects. In the course of research, Allokin-Alpha did not reveal a negative effect on the reproductive system of animals and humans.

When administered subcutaneously, alloferon quickly enters the systemic circulation and interacts with cells. Alloferon metabolites have a structure similar to plasma proteins, so their detection in blood plasma is difficult.
Within 2 hours after the administration of the drug Allokin-Alpha, patients have an increase in interferon concentrations, which persisted for 6-8 hours (while the interferon level exceeded the usual background level by 2-2.5 times).
The increased activity of natural killer cells persisted for 7 days after a single injection of alloferon.

Indications for use

Allokin-Alpha is used to treat patients suffering from chronic human papillomavirus infection, which is associated with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus. Alloferon can be used as monotherapy for papilloma viral infection in the absence of clinical and subclinical lesions of the cervix and anogenital region, if such lesions are present, alloferon is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs.

Allokin-Alpha is prescribed in complex therapy chronic recurrent herpes of the second and first types (in this case, therapy should be started as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear).
Alloferon in combination with other drugs is used in the treatment of patients with acute hepatitis B medium severity (therapy with Allokin-Alpha should be started no later than the seventh day after the onset of jaundice).

Mode of application

The drug Allokin-Alpha is intended for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration... To prepare the solution, the contents of the ampoule should be dissolved in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. It is not recommended to use other preparations as a solvent. It is forbidden to mix Allokin-Alpha with one syringe with others parenteral drugs... Allokin-Alpha solution should be used immediately after preparation. The duration of therapy and the regimen for using alloferon is determined by the doctor.
For infections caused by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus, as a rule, administration of 1 mg of alloferon is prescribed every 48 hours.

The total recommended course dose of Allokin-Alpha is 6 injections.
In case of recurrent herpes infection, as a rule, during an exacerbation, administration of 1 mg of alloferon is prescribed every 48 hours.
The total recommended course dose of Allokin-Alpha is 3 injections.
Patients with moderate acute hepatitis B, as a rule, after verification of the diagnosis, are prescribed the introduction of 1 mg of alloferon three times a week.
The total recommended course dose of Allokin-Alpha is 9 injections.
Depending on the patient's condition and the effectiveness of the therapy, after a while, the doctor may prescribe a second course of Allokin-Alpha.

Side effects

Allokin-Alpha is generally well tolerated by patients. During drug trials, isolated cases of weakness and dizziness were reported.
In addition, new elements of the rash may appear in patients with herpes infection.


Allokin-Alpha is not prescribed for patients with individual intolerance to alloferon.
Allokin-Alfa is not used for the treatment of patients suffering from severe autoimmune diseases.
In pediatric practice, the use of alloferon is not recommended.
If patients develop dizziness during the period of therapy with alloferon, activities that require increased concentration of attention should be excluded.


It is forbidden to use the drug Allokin-Alpha during pregnancy.
During the period breastfeeding it is not advisable to use alloferon. If it is impossible to avoid the appointment of the drug Allokin-Alpha during lactation, the issue of interrupting breastfeeding should be resolved.

Drug interactions

The combined use of the drug Allokin-Alpha with acyclovir is allowed in the treatment of patients suffering from a chronic recurrent form of genital herpes (due to the different mechanisms of action, alloferon and acyclovir mutually potentiate each other's antiviral action).
Allowed the simultaneous use of alloferon with funds basic therapy hepatitis B.


There is no data on an overdose of Allokin-Alpha.

Release form

Lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous use Allokin-Alpha 1 mg in ampoules, in a cardboard box of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 ampoules, placed in a cell package made of polymeric materials. Attention!
Description of the drug " Allokin-Alpha"on this page is a simplified and expanded version of official instructions by application. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the annotation approved by the manufacturer.
The information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the doses and methods of its use.

Which is used to treat two common unpleasant diseases: herpes and papillomavirus. The causative agents of these viral diseases constantly live in the human body, making themselves felt only when the immune system is weakened. This is where the manifestation of these insidious diseases begins. Special ointments, of course, help to remove them, but the virus still remains in the body and sooner or later will manifest itself again. Allokin-Alpha will help to free a person forever from pathogens. Russian analogues, form of release, indications and contraindications for use will be discussed in detail in this article.

pharmachologic effect

When taking the drug "Allokin-Alpha" (instructions for use, price, analogs are presented below), all links of immunity are effectively strengthened, and, as you know, there are two of them: humoral and cellular.

This agent increases the activity of T-lymphocytes, which suppress and destroy the virus when interacting with the drug. These cells are the most important link between innate and acquired immunity.

According to medical reviews, the drug "Allokin-Alpha", whose Russian analogues differ only in cost, produces endogenous interferon, which gives the body strength to actively fight the disease.

Taking an antiviral agent helps regulate the conduction of excitation through cells and nerves smooth muscle, normalization of the transmission of neuromuscular impulses, disturbed as a result of blockade of K-channels. In addition, thanks to the drug "Allokin-Alpha", the effect on smooth muscles of substances such as histamine, oxytocin, serotonin and acetylcholine increases.

The use of an antiviral agent does not have a toxic effect on human body, also nonspecific activation is not observed immune system after an illness.

The main results of the pharmacological action of the drug include:

  • Disappearance of signs of viral infection.
  • Reducing the likelihood of complications.
  • Reducing the period of exacerbation.
  • Exclusion of re-manifestation of the disease.

Release form

The drug "Allokin-Alpha" is available in powder form white or a porous, odorless mass. Used for cooking Produced in three forms:

  • Vials with 1 mg of the substance, packed in plastic contoured trays of three pieces.
  • Ampoules in the amount of 10 pieces, placed in one contour cell.
  • Ampoules with 1 mg of the drug, complete with an ampoule scarifier, packaged in 5 pieces.

Indications for use

The drug "Allokin-Alpha" has a wide range of effects on the links of the human immune system. As a rule, the remedy is used for:

Allokin-Alpha: how to breed?

In order to properly prepare a solution for injection, the contents of the ampoule must be dissolved in saline in a 1: 1 ratio. To avoid side effects, it is not recommended to be diluted in any other preparations. It is forbidden to mix Allokin-Alpha powder with parenteral agents in one medical syringe. The diluted solution should be used immediately, without leaving until the next injection.

Method of administration and dosage

According to the instructions, the drug "Allokin-Alpha" is administered subcutaneously. The duration of treatment consists of 6 injections of 1 mg of antiviral agent every other day. Such therapy is intended for the treatment of infection caused by oncogenic papillomaviruses.

For the treatment of recurrent herpes, it will be enough to administer three injections with the same dose and delivered every other day.

As for the moderate form of group B hepatitis, the course of treatment in such cases is increased to 9 injections of 1 mg each. You can start therapy only after the diagnosis has been confirmed.


Russian medical scientists managed to invent a medication with a minimum number of contraindications, since Allokin-Alpha (instructions for use, the price of which is discussed in this material) is not recommended for use only in the presence of autoimmune pathologies, individual intolerance to components, during pregnancy and during the lactation period ... It should be noted that the drug is not intended for the treatment of children.

Allokin-Alpha is antiviral agent new generation, which is a selective stimulator of the activity of natural immunity factors. Refers to a group of drugs that "inhibit the shutdown of cytokines."

Composition, release form and analogues

The active ingredient of Allokin-Alpha is alloferon (cytokine-like peptide), which is obtained by chemical synthesis methods. It is patented in many countries, including Russia, the USA, Japan and some European countries.

Currently, the drug is available in the form of a white lyophilized powder for solution preparation. One ampoule of Allokin-Alpha contains 1 mg of alloferon. Ampoules are packed in cardboard boxes of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 pieces in special cell forms made of polymeric materials.

There are no exact analogues of the drug (with the same active ingredient), but there are drugs with a similar pharmacological action or effect (antiviral immunomodulatory). However active substance such drugs are different, which means that the purpose and side effects are also different. For example, Lavomax, Amiksin, Hyporamine and some other drugs are often mistakenly referred to as Allokin-Alpha analogues.

Pharmacological action of Allokin-Alpha

Alloferon contained in Allokin-Alfa induces the synthesis of endogenous interferons and activates the natural killer system. It promotes recognition and subsequent lysis of foreign cells by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

Alloferon has low toxicity, very rarely causes allergic reactions, does not possess mutagenic, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects, is not carcinogenic. Clinical researches and reviews of Allokin-Alpha indicate that the drug does not affect the reproductive system of humans and animals.

Alloferon very quickly enters the bloodstream, where it interacts with cells. The products of its metabolism are similar in structure to blood plasma proteins, so their identification is difficult.

2 hours after the use of alloferon in patients, the concentration of interferons noticeably increases (by 2-2.5 times) and remains at this level for 6-8 hours. After a single administration of Allokin-Alpha for 6-7 days, increased activity of natural killer cells remains.

Indications for the use of Allokin-Alpha

According to the instructions, Allokin-Alpha is effective against the following diseases:

  • Herpetic infection;
  • Human papillomavirus infection;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B and C;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Labial herpes;
  • Erosion (dysplasia) of the cervix;
  • SARS and influenza;
  • Condylomas, flat and plantar warts, papillomas;
  • Mixed urogenital infections.

It is advisable to use the drug in the case of a sharp decrease in the patient's immunity and an outbreak of a viral infection against this background. Allokin-Alpha stops the development of infection, as it is a highly effective immunomodulator.


The drug is not prescribed to persons with individual intolerance to alloferon.

According to the instructions, Allokin-Alpha cannot be used to treat patients suffering from autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, diffuse toxic goiter).

Since dizziness is possible during drug treatment, activities that require increased concentration of attention should be avoided.

Method of using Allokin-Alpha

To prepare a solution for injection, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in one milliliter of isotonic NaCl (sodium chloride) solution. It is not recommended to use other preparations as a solvent. It is forbidden to mix alloferon and other drugs for parenteral administration in one syringe. The prepared solution should be used immediately after preparation. The regimen for Allokin-Alpha and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

As a rule, for infections caused by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus, 1 mg of alloferon is prescribed every two days. The recommended course dose of Allokin-Alpha is 6 injections.

During the recurrence of herpes infection, 1 mg of alloferon is also prescribed every 48 hours. The total course dose is 3 injections.

In acute hepatitis B of moderate severity, the doctor, after diagnosis, recommends the administration of 1 mg of the drug three times a week. In this case, the course dose of Allokin-Alpha is 9 subcutaneous injections.

After some time, the attending physician may prescribe a second course. It depends on the patient's condition and the overall effectiveness of the previous therapy.

Side effects

The drug Allokin-Alpha, according to reviews, is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, its use can lead to some side effects, namely: dizziness, muscle weakness and the appearance of new elements of the herpetic rash.

The listed symptoms are usually associated with violations of the instructions for Allokin-Alfa (exceeding the dose of the drug, ignoring the indicated contraindications, incorrect combination of drugs) or with non-compliance with the order of injections (for example, no breaks), body hygiene and incorrect manipulation of the injection.

Allokin-Alpha drug interactions

Allowed the simultaneous use of acyclovir and the drug Allokin-Alpha in the treatment of patients who suffer from a chronic (with exacerbation) form of genital herpes. This is due to the fact that the mechanisms of action of alloferon and acyclovir are different and, when used together, these drugs enhance the antiviral effect of each other.

The simultaneous use of Allokin-Alpha and medicinesrelated to basic therapy viral hepatitis B.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C. It is necessary to restrict children's access to the storage area.

A wonderful antiviral and immunomodulatory drug that can heal a person from various diseases, - means "Allokin-Alpha". Ampoules with this medication are expensive, but the effect is worth the funds. Today we will find out under what diagnoses doctors can prescribe a medicine, how to properly give injections with it, as well as patient reviews about it.

Release form

The drug "Allokin-Alpha" is a white powder, odorless, placed in ampoules of 1 mg. In a cardboard package, they can be 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10. A solution for subcutaneous administration is further prepared from this agent.

In what cases is it assigned?

The drug "Allokin-Alpha", reviews of which can be read below, doctors prescribe to patients with the following problems:

  • Human papillomavirus, herpes infection, genital herpes.
  • Chronic hepatitis C and B of viral origin.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • The presence of warts, genital warts, papillomas.
  • Mixed urogenital infections.
  • Influenza and ARVI.

Based on the diagnoses in which the drug "Allokin-Alpha" is used, it is easy to conclude that the drug is prescribed with a sharp decrease in immunity and an outbreak of a viral infection against this background.

How to use?

First, the powder should be diluted, for this you need to dissolve it in 1 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution. Then close the lid and shake well the resulting Allokin-Alpha solution. The drug is injected subcutaneously, and no other way.

With papillomavirus, herpes infections, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes the introduction of 1 mg of the drug every 48 hours. In general, the standard course of treatment in these cases is 6 injections.

Patients with hepatitis C and B are prescribed 1 mg of the drug 3 times a week. In this case, the course of therapy is often 9 injections. In the future, the specialist may prescribe repeated introductionsif the result is not very good.

  • Important! It is not recommended to use agents other than sodium chloride as a solvent. The prepared mixture should be used immediately, there is no need to prepare the medicine in advance. The duration of therapy and the regimen of use is determined only by the doctor, therefore any attempts at self-medication are unacceptable in relation to the drug "Allokin-Alpha" How to inject the remedy correctly, only knows medical staff, so you should trust the hospital staff. However, we will describe the general sequence of actions.

Correct manipulation by a health worker

To be sure that the nurse is doing everything right, the patient himself must know theoretically how to inject. To do this, you need to follow these points:

  1. To treat hands: wash them thoroughly with laundry soap, wipe dry with a clean towel.
  2. Help the patient get into the desired comfortable position.
  3. Put on sterile gloves, treat them with a cotton ball with 70% alcohol.
  4. Treat the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin where the injection will be made with a cotton swab.
  5. Fold the skin at the injection site.
  6. Insert the syringe at a 45 degree angle. The needle should be inserted shallowly - about 15 mm, this will come out 2/3 of its entire length.
  7. The cannula of the needle should be secured with the index finger.
  8. Slowly inject the medicine.
  9. Remove the needle while holding it by the cannula.
  10. Cotton wool soaked in alcohol should be used to cover the injection site.

This is the whole algorithm of actions. The place to inject is determined by the nurse, who, in fact, carries out the manipulation. Usually, subcutaneous injections are made in the subscapular region of the back, the lateral surface of the abdomen, in the thigh, and the outer surface of the shoulder.


The medication must not be used in the following situations:

  • During pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.
  • Children under 18 years old.
  • With hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • If there are autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, diffuse toxic goiter.

special instructions

  • The drug "Allokin-Alpha" and alcohol are two incompatible concepts. Therefore, during treatment with this medication, you should stop taking any hard drinks.
  • During treatment, care must be taken when operating a machine or doing any dangerous species activities that require increased concentration of attention. Indeed, some patients may experience dizziness during therapy with this remedy.

Unwanted effects

Medication "Allokin-Alpha", the price of which depends on various factors, is usually well tolerated. In rare cases, the drug can cause side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • aggravation of the situation - the appearance of new foci of herpetic rash.

The listed signs may appear in such cases:

  1. With the wrong treatment regimen.
  2. In case of improper combination of drugs with Allokin-Alpha solution.
  3. If a person does not observe body hygiene.
  4. If the order of drug administration was violated, that is, there were no breaks between injections.
  5. If incorrect manipulation has been performed.

How and where to store?

The medication must be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. Therefore, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator. The medicine must be stored for no more than 2 years from the date of its release. It is forbidden to save the made solution, only in the form of a powder, undiluted.

Means "Allokin-Alpha": price

Several factors affect the cost of this medication: the number of ampoules in the package, the location of the pharmacy (center or sleeping areas), the promotion of the institution itself, where various drugs are sold. So, on average, for 3 ampoules of this powder, you need to pay 3.5 thousand rubles.

The drug is released only upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor, certified by his signature and seal.


Allokin-Alpha medication is a domestic product manufactured by several companies in Russia. Among them are the State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations located in St. Petersburg, Brand-Pharm LLC, FGU RKNPK of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development - EPMBP. It is simply impossible to find this medicine in other countries, because even in terms of its structure, the drug is unique. Therefore, it can be purchased only in the Russian Federation.

Positive patient feedback

The drug "Allokin-Alpha" receives reviews for the most part positive. So, people who were treated with this medication are satisfied with the result. After all, the remedy has its own therapeutic action for a short period of time.

Patients who have been diagnosed with herpes write that unpleasant rashes after using the medication disappear on the third day. This is an excellent effect, because unlike other means, injections with the drug "Allokin-Alpha" are fast-acting.

For some women, gynecologists prescribed this remedy after cauterization of the erosion. The patients say that thanks to the medicine, everything healed quickly and without consequences.

Another advantage of the product is that it has an immunomodulatory effect. Therefore, the risk of new herpetic formations comes to naught.

Also, this drug will turn out to be a real panacea for women who have found papillomavirus types 16 and 18. But these are dangerous ailments that most often cause cancerous tumors... But the medication to which this article is devoted is able to eliminate the activity of the virus, put it into a "sleeping" state, and the woman will not need to worry that she may be susceptible to cancer.

Negative patient responses

Unfortunately, the drug "Allokin-Alpha" has not only flattering reviews, but also disapproving ones. The negative responses are expressed as follows:

  1. Price. People are unhappy with the high cost of the medicine. Indeed, for a package of 3 ampoules, on average, you have to pay about 3.5 thousand rubles. But they may not be enough. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe 6 or even 9 injections. Then the treatment will cost a decent amount. But you need to do something in order to get rid of the problem. Therefore, there is no need to choose here. And it is better to pay once, but so that later the illness does not bother you anymore.
  2. Storage and transportation conditions. Many people note that the drug is inconvenient in terms of storage and transportation. They say that you only need to store it in the refrigerator and transport it, by the way, too. After all, if you neglect these conditions, then the medicine in the end can simply deteriorate.
  3. Not sold in every pharmacy. This is another drawback of the drug. After all, people sometimes in search of the drug "Allokin-Alpha" dangle around all the pharmacies in order to find it. And in the end they order it. Since the product is expensive and requires special conditions for transportation and storage, pharmacists rarely bring it. Most often they order it for patients by phone.

Now you know a lot about the "Allokin-Alpha" tool: reviews about it, indications, contraindications, possible side effects. We found out that although the medicine is expensive, it is worth the money. Therefore, if the doctor prescribes injections with the drug "Allokin-Alpha", then you shouldn't even think about buying it or not. If you want to quickly cure herpes rash, hepatitis, then you need to use the prescriptions of a specialist and carry out the appropriate treatment with this effective medication.

Does Alokin Alpha help (White Church releases him). It is very important for me to hear your recommendations, to whom and how did he help?

Allokin-alpha was prescribed to me from HPC. I heard about the effectiveness of Allokin, but when the doctor prescribed it to me and assured me that the drug was of high quality and time-tested, there was no doubt that 6 injections were enough to get rid of HPP. The results of PCR control after 3 months are negative. I highly recommend it!


The drug is worthwhile. Helped me. When HPV was discovered, the doctor advised that these injections be punctured. Six months later, I went to be tested for HPV again. There is no result. I hope the effect will be long lasting. If I find out again, I will inject again. Helped me :)

The first allokin pierced the Russian when there was access to drugs in general. Then our white church. The difference is significant, even then, as usual, the drug was painful from the Russian one. Our drug was injected, it is not clear what, as if some kind of sterile water without any sensation. In Egypt, for counterfeiting drugs, the death penalty, we are doing ... The first allokin pierced the Russian when there was access to drugs in general. Then our white church. The difference is significant, even then, as usual, the drug was painful from the Russian one. Our drug was injected, it is not clear what, as if some kind of sterile water without any sensation. In Egypt, the death penalty for counterfeiting drugs, we do whatever they want.

I tried a lot of HPV remedies. I found 16/18 types. Everyone praises everything, but the result is actually zero. Only money was transferred to drugs. They recommended Allokin, said 6 injections, but warned that a second course of treatment is possible. After 6 injections, I did not even go to the PCR control. Immediately pierced 6 injections ... I tried a lot of HPV remedies. I found 16/18 types. Everyone praises everything, but the result is actually zero. Only money was transferred to drugs. They recommended Allokin, said 6 injections, but warned that a second course of treatment is possible. After 6 injections, I did not even go to the PCR control. Immediately pierced 6 injections every other day, and then a break and 3 more injections a month later. After another 4 months, I passed it for PCR. NO I have more HPV! Very happy with Allokin !!!

I bought 6 injections for the treatment of genital warts, very much hoped for this expensive prepaprat gave 1 injection before the operation to remove the warts and the rest after, I thought it would help but did not help, the warts climbed further until they began to be treated with other drugs and did 2 more operations I bought 6 injections for the treatment of genital warts, I really hoped for this expensive prepaprat gave 1 injection before the operation to remove warts and the rest after, I thought it would help but did not help,
warts climbed further until they began to be treated with other drugs and made 2 more operations to remove

Treated many times for genital herpes, tried everything possible drugs ointments and tablets. Tired of frequent and debilitating relapses, at least once every two months !!! I understand that there will be no complete cure for herpes, but at least achieve a long-term remission. Stumbled upon info about Allokin and decided to try it. I asked in ... He was treated many times for genital herpes, tried all possible preparations of ointment and tablets. Tired of frequent and debilitating relapses, at least once every two months !!! I understand that there will be no complete cure for herpes, but at least achieve a long-term remission. Stumbled upon info about Allokin and decided to try it. I asked in pharmacies, but we don't have Allokin in Baku. I ordered two packs from Moscow at once. I pierced 3 injections, I don’t remember about herpes for 6 months! I think, for prevention, pierce again.

He helped me a lot with HPV16. Suppressed the diagnosis, got scared. The doctor said that there was no need to be nervous, but to be treated. Allokin was prescribed. Injections are easy to do, only 6 pcs. I passed the tests in 3 months and really helped!

Allokin helped, I didn't even have to remove papillomas. Signed up for deletion, and they themselves began to fall off.

The drug is wonderful. There were several types before treatment, high viral load. After 4 months I was checked - nothing was found. Satisfied.

Allokin-alpha is an excellent drug. I had to order it from Russia, since it is not yet in Baku !. She underwent a course of treatment with her husband, after 4 months HPV types 16 and 18 were not detected. The treatment was not cheap, but the results are worth the money. I recommend to all! Allokin-alpha is an excellent drug. I had to order it from Russia, since it is not yet in Baku !. She underwent a course of treatment with her husband, after 4 months HPV types 16 and 18 were not detected. The treatment was not cheap, but the results are worth the money. I recommend to all!

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