Morphological diagnostics, as a factor in improving the effectiveness of cancer treatment. IGH studies - what it is, advanced results Immunohistochemical research

In suspected tumor education, the patient prescribes a number of standard surveys.

The diagnosis of malignant lesion can be exposed only on the basis of an assessment of changes in bioptate - immunohistochemical study (IHD) is considered one of the most reliable methods for detecting tumor cells.

What is an immunohistochemical study?

The essence of immunohistochemical research is a study under a microscope of samples of biological material, that is, tissues obtained by biopsy.

Pre-tissue is treated with certain specific antibodies.

And the cancer cells themselves are the objects of a comprehensive study for several decades.

During these studies, scientists managed to establish that tumor cells produce specific proteins or as they call them - antigens.

These proteins have the ability to bind to antibodies. It was on this that the principle of IGI was built - the patient-pointed fabric for research is processed by a number of standard antibodies and a study under a microscope is carried out.

If antibodies come into interaction with cancer cells, they have a fluorescence property, that is, there is a glow, characterized by different wavelengths. That is, if a similar change in the explored bioptate is detected, then you can already have more likely to set malignant education.

Today, antibodies are developed and actively used to most of the most common neoplasms.

Immunohistochemical study allows:

  • Determine the type of neoplasm and its subspecies.
  • Set as far as the primary cancer organism is common.
  • Determine the source of metastasis if the biopsytte is obtained from the secondary foci of cancer.
  • Assessing how efficient treatment of patients with onco-scabers.
  • Install Stadium malignant neoplasm.
  • Find out the proliferation of tumors, that is, to establish the growth rate of the neoplasms.

IGH is considered a more informative method compared to more familiar histological. But in some cases it is necessary precisely histology, therefore it is desirable to use both analysis.


The IGG method can be used to study almost any tissues in the human body. This type of research is appointed mainly if there is a suspicion of the development of the tumor process.

Immunohistochemical research is used:

  • To determine the type of primary, mostly single, neoplasms.
  • To identify metastases.
  • When it is necessary to determine the forecast of the development and flow of tumors.
  • As a method for studying receptors to a row of hormones.
  • To determine the type of lymphoproliferative states.
  • To detect microorganisms.

There are no contraindications to IGOs. This analysis cannot be carried out only if irresistible difficulties occur in the fence of samples of damaged tissues.

How is the analysis?

IGH is carried out in several stages, the very first is a Dolboaton, that is, fence fabrics for analysis.

The sample is obtained by biopsy, in some cases it is possible to pressing a piece of tissues or their withdrawal when conducting an endoscopic or surgical operation.

How biological material will be obtained, depends on the localization of the neoplasm and from its type. The folding material is placed in formalin and only after that they are sent to the laboratory center.

In the laboratory, the sample of the fabric is subjected to several changes:

  • The material is degreased and poured with paraffin. Thus, histological blocks are obtained, it is possible to store them forever, therefore IGH can repeat if necessary.
  • The next stage microtoming is to obtain the finest sections with a width of up to 1.0 μm from paraffin blocks. Slices are distributed on special glasses.
  • The resulting sections are painted with immunohistochemical preparations, that is, solutions of antibodies at a certain concentration. A small panel can be used to study - it includes 5 types of antibodies. The large panel contains from 6 to dozens of markers. What antibodies will enter into interaction with tumor cells depends on the alleged type of neoplasm.

The results of the IGH are becoming known for 7-15 days.

IGH with breast cancer

To determine certain immunohistochemical markers were derived. In suspected malignant education, be sure to be the number of such receptors as estrogen and progesterone.

The excess of these hormones provokes the growth of malignant education and affects the appearance of metastasis. IGHs for expression of progesterons and estrogen allowing more accurate to establish the stage of the disease and to find out whether hormonal treatment is shown in this case.

The tumors with a high concentration of hormones are mostly not distinguished by increased activity and are successfully treated with anti-humon drugs.

When conducting IGH, it is necessary to determine such an indicator as Ki-67, it indicates the malignancy of the process. If the KI-67 breast cancer rumbles only to 15%, the outcome of the disease is considered to be favorable.

At a level of 30%, they talk about the rapid speed of development of the tumor, the cessation of its growth occurs under the influence of chemotherapy. If the indicator is less than 30%, the treatment of patients is carried out by hormonal means.

The examination of the patients made it possible to establish that if Ki-67 is less than 10%, the survival rate approaches 95%. At the level of this indicator, in 90%, the fatal outcome is observed in almost one hundred percent.

Immunohistochemical research is appointed not only with malignant damage to the breast, this study is informative at:

  • Infertility.
  • Pathological changes in reproductive function.

IGH Endometry

Immunohistochemical study of endometrial tissues is assigned:

  • With infertility.
  • With a frequent of non-obscure pregnancy.
  • Patients with several unsuccessful attempts eco.
  • In the diagnosis of chronic endometrial form.

IGH allows you to establish whether there are cells that prevent conception. This analysis simultaneously determines how the uterine tissue receptors are reacting for hormonal stimulation, if the pathology is detected, this indicates changes in endometrial - endometritis, hyperplasia, desynchronization of the endometrium differentiation process.

It is such violations in two cases of three become the main causes of problems with conception and tooling the fetus.

Fence of endometrial fabrics, depending on the detected pathology, is carried out in different days of the cycle, the biopsy day must appoint a doctor. With the help of IGH, it is possible to establish cancer and infection of HPV of several subspecies.

Decoding results

Exploring the prepared samples by the pathologist, he must have a certificate of special preparation of tests on the IGH method.

In conclusion, the indicators of antibodies, to which the pathness of the material under study is determined.

The morphological structure of the tissue is necessarily indicated, that is, the type of atypical cells and their number.

The identification of certain antigens indicates a type of cancer pathology. But it must be borne in mind that the diagnosis is exhibited only on the totality of these diagnostic procedures. Interpret the results of IGH can oncologist.

Research price

The cost of immunohistochemical research depends on how many antibodies are used when analyzing.

Standard study (from 2 and up to 5 antibodies) in most clinics is within 4-5 thousand rubles. If a dozen antigens are revealed immediately, then the cost can be much higher - from 15 thousand rubles.

Video about how immunohistochemistry helps to diagnose a malignant tumor:

Let's first analyze, what is an immunohistochemical study. Under it implies a microscopic examination of the tissue, which is based on the detection of antibodies on pathological substances.

Separate two research methods:

  • straight (direct antibody reaction directly to the pathological substance);
  • indirect method (Pathological substances are recognized using secondary antibodies).

Marking methods:

  • enzymes - protein molecules, they are RNA molecules. For example: alkaline phosphatase (hydrolase enzyme);
  • fluorescent - the same physical process, for example, fluorescene is an organic compound;
  • electron-dense particles, the gold belongs to such.

Used for:

  • study and studies of secretory processes, including synthetic;
  • recognition of receptor hormones;
  • identifying various types, generic cells by their properties.

What uses immunohistochemistry with breast cancer

In the field of testing of the chest, this study is used as a preliminary diagnosis to establish an accurate diagnosis, including for malignant formations. This study makes it possible to determine the following:

  • Exact formation (benign or malignant) and the appointment of proper treatment.
  • Accurate location (the presence of metastasis in the body and their dislocation).
  • Initial hearth disease.
  • Stage of the disease (for example, cancer degree).
  • Proliferation of cells (recognize the rate of reproduction and development of cancer cells).
  • The answer of cancer cells to medicines, their sensitivity, can also be traced sensitivity to chemotherapy, to radiation therapy.

The study is capable of studying in detail the disease, which makes it possible to fully diagnose the disease and choose the right treatment. It plays an unimportant role in diagnosis, treatment, life expectancy of oncological patients. It can also be said that with this method you can:

Indications for research

Basically, this diagnosis is used to explore (research) of any fabric human organism. The basis for this study is any neoplasm that involves the development of cancer. The study is also conducted to study endometrials:

  • in metastases;
  • when infertility;
  • after unsuccessful eco attempts;
  • for various diseases uterus;
  • with various types of pathologies of the small pelvis;
  • with constant non-penny of the fetus;
  • when endometrial disease.

The study does not have absolute contraindications. An obstacle to IGI can only be an obstacle for any reason for the fence of the material for the study.

How to study

This type of study can be carried out only in specialized laboratories, while the doctor must have a special qualifications, to undergo special training.

The fence passes directly affected skin with a biopsy. Also the material fence can occur during surgical intervention on breast.

Then the material obtained is specially processed and preserved. For this, it is poured by paraffin. In this form, in paraffin, the material can be properly stored for many times.

The next step is microtoming. The material is cut into thin layers using a special machine.

In further sliced \u200b\u200blayers are painted with certain antibodies and all this is studied under the microscope. In some laboratories, painted material is studied on an automatic device.

FIU Endometrium


  • two or three unsuccessful ECO procedures;
  • not the first (constant) unbearabling of the fetus on early timing;
  • infertility.

During the study, such diseases can identify such as:

  • endometritis,
  • hyperplasia
  • incomplete transformation of endometrial,
  • violation of phase development
  • and other diseases.

As practice shows, it is the disease associated with endometrial by 73% cause infertility.

Preparation for research

This study is carried out on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, usually look at 5-7 days inflammatory processes Endometrials, for 20-24 days of the cycle - evaluate secretion, look at the receptor function.

  • do not take hormones a week before analyzing;
  • do not take hemostatic drugs;
  • proper intimate hygiene.

How is the procedure

The procedure occurs on the gynecological chair. A woman is acknowledged by special drugs and introduces a mirror. The sanitation of the genital organs is done. A special device is introduced - a hysteroscope system and fence is carried out. Next, remove the device, conducting the organs of the organs.

Then a woman is under the supervision of a doctor before full recovery, about 1-2 hours.

The results are approximately prepared for 3-5 days. Only a specialist can evaluate the results.

Results igg breast

What determines the analysis:

Her2neu or, in a different way, the human epidermal growth factor receptor. Is responsible for protein products. In case of damage to cancer cells, a random growth is enhanced.

If the result is written 1 (+), then this suggests that there is no excess protein, the consequence is the bad state of the tumor.

With 2 (++), a re-study is usually prescribed.

At 3 (+++) are considered as a positive tumor, which is usually subjected to medical treatment.

ER UPR. this species Hormones contributes to stimulation of growth of pathological tips. If these indicators are enlarged, it says about proper treatmentthat the tumor reacts to hormone therapy. Therefore, if these indicators are lowered, we can talk about the improper selection of drugs. The tumor is developing further.

Ki - 67, according to this indicator, evaluate the stage of tumor and its characteristics. If the result gives hanged figures, this indicates the rapid course of the disease, the presence of metastasis and, unfortunately, is not a good forecast. This result is observed in percent. For example:

  • 11% is a completely good forecast (recovery 93%);
  • 21% - they talk about it as 50% by 50%, it all depends on the human body;
  • all indicators for 30% are evaluated as a heavy stage - highly aggressive;
  • 90% - incurable, leads to death.

Also, this index contributes to the definition of the choice of treatment.

The P53 gene is helps to prevent the growth of pathological tissue. This gene is a disease barrier. To start the disease, a gene mutation is served, for example, heredity or violation of a protein matrix.

VEGF - denotes the protein that carries the function of controlling the life of the tissue under the condition of insufficient blood circulation. High performance of this protein indicates the growth of tumor tissue, as a result of "good" fabric nutrition.

Mostly 4 types of cancer are isolated:

  • Luminal A - at the same time: the female hormones are positive, to HER2-negative, the indicator Ki- 65-13% less.
  • Lumous to - at the same time: the female hormones are positive, the receptors are positive, to HER2-negative, the indicator Ki- 65-15% less.
  • ERB - B2 - At the same time: the reaction of receptors to progesterone (estrogen) is negative, to HER2-positive.
  • Basal-like - negative indicator in all categories.

Definition of expression of proteins PD-1, PDL-1 and PDL-2

It is believed to be responsible for the tumor itself - PD-1, PDL-1 and PDL-2. But they may not be present in all pathological tissues. For accurate definition and destination proper therapy All patients who directly show immunotherapy is a study as the expression of PD-1, PDL-1 and PDL-2 proteins.

This study is carried out using FISH fluorescence hybridization. As a result, the existence of expression of immunotherapy is prescribed by such drugs as: Nivolumab, athesiolizumab, pembroralizumab.

The price of immunohistochemical research

Immunohistochemical study is a very complex analysis that uses a plural number of oncomarkers.

The cost of the study depends on the number of verified factors. The price of the research begins from 4 thousand rubles and up to 20 thousand rubles.

Video: Immunohistochemical Studies

Immunohistochemical Study: Decoding and Features

An important point in the diagnosis of cancer is an immunohistochemical study. Daily in the human body penetrate microorganisms capable of launching the development of the pathological process. Protective forces are opposed to this, forming antibodies. This reaction was based on the creation of an IHG study.

The essence of the method

This method of diagnosing cancer is the most modern and reliable. In the process of developing the tumor process, foreign organisms of proteins are formed - antigens. At the same time the immune system It produces antibodies, the main goal of which is to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The task of immunohistochemical research is the timely detection of cancer cells. For this, the patient's biological material is treated with a plurality of antibodies, after which it is carefully studied under the microscope. If these protein compounds contact tumor cells, their glow will be visualized. The emergence of the effect of fluorescence and indicates the presence of cancer cells in the body.

To date, at the disposal of specialists carrying out IHG research, there are almost all antibodies to various types Tumors, which serves as a key to obtaining reliable results.


Modern diagnostic type allows you to determine:

  • distribution of the tumor process;
  • the growth rate of malignant neoplasms;
  • type of tumor;
  • source of metastases;
  • the level of malignancy.

In addition, with the help of immunohistochemical research, the degree of efficiency of treatment of cancer diseases can be estimated.

Indications and contraindications

With this method, there is the possibility of studying any tissues of the human body. The main reason for the appointment of immunohistochemical research is a suspicion of the presence of malignant education.

In this case, the method is used for:

  • determination of the type of tumor and the region of its localization;
  • detection of metastases;
  • estimates of the activity of the tumor process;
  • identifying pathological microorganisms.

Also, the analysis is effective in problems with conception.

Immunohistochemical study endometrial is shown at:

  • infertility;
  • uterus diseases;
  • the presence of pathologies in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • unbearably pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases endometrial.

In addition, the IHG study is appointed to patients who do not come pregnancy even after several attempts. extracorporeal fertilization. The method allows you to determine whether there are cells in the body that reduce the likelihood of conception.

Contraindications to IGI studies do not exist. The only factor due to which it is impossible to conduct an analysis is an insurmountable complexity in the patient's biomaterial fence.

How to run

First of all, the method of biopsy is obtained by a sample of patient's fabric. Less often, the fence of the material is carried out in the process of endoscopic examination or surgical intervention. The method of obtaining the sample depends on the type of tumor and its localization.

An important nuance is that the fence of the material when primary examination Must be carried out before the start of treatment. Otherwise, the results of the study can be distorted.

After the intake of the biomaterial, it is placed in formalin and sent to the laboratory, where it is subjected to the following processing:

  1. A sample of fabric degreases and poured with paraffin. In this form, the biological material can be stored for a very long time, due to which the IGH study can be re-conducted.
  2. A few thin cuts are collected from the sample and move them to special windows.
  3. The biomaterial is painted with solutions of various antibodies. At this stage, both a small panel can be applied and large. In the first case, reactions are studied after using 5 types of antibodies, in the second to several dozen.
  4. In the process of immunohistochemical studies, the effect of fluorescence appears in the cancer of any organ, which makes it possible to determine the type of malignant cells.

Interpretation of results

As a rule, conclusion is ready after 7-15 days. The term depends on the type of panel used (small or large). Advanced method takes more time.

The study of biomaterial sections is engaged in a pathologist, which has knowledge and skills (confirmed by the official document) necessary for analysis.

When interpreting results, special attention is paid to the Ki-67 indicator. It is he who provides information about the degree of malignancy of the process. For example, if the result of the indicator after the immunohistochemical study during breast cancer is no more than 15%, it is believed that the forecast is more than favorable. A level of 30% indicates the activity of the tumor process, i.e. About the rapid speed of its development. As a rule, it stops after chemotherapy.

According to some statistical data, if Ki-67 is less than 10%, the result of the disease will be favorable (in 95% of cases). The mark of 90% and above means almost 100% lethal outcome.

In addition to the indicator of malignancy, the conclusion indicates:

  • antibodies to which resembling similarity (tropiness);
  • view of cancer cells, their quantitative value.

It is important to understand that the accurate diagnosis is made after receiving and studying information collected through all the diagnostic procedures. Despite the fact that the IGH analysis is considered the most informative method compared to histology, sometimes it is necessary to use both methods. Deciphering immunohistochemical research is engaged exclusively oncologist.


IN modern medicine Special attention is paid to the diagnosis of cancer. Immunohistochemical research is considered the most modern and informative method. With it, it is detected not only for the presence of cancer cells, but also determines their type and speed of development of the malignant process. In addition, based on the results, an assessment of the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment is made.

IGH Breast Study - Decoding

Immunohistochemical Study (IGH) - Method of Study Study Breast Fabric, which uses a special reagent that allows you to get complete characteristic Cells:

  • establish the origin of tumor cells;
  • determine its structure;
  • diagnose primary education according to metastasis;
  • accurately calculate the duration of the disease, the age has swollen;
  • determine the correct treatment method.

Analysis of the IGHs of the breast is prescribed both in suspected oncological process and during its course, in order to diagnose the effectiveness of conductive chemotherapeutic treatment.

What allows you to define igh?

To begin, it is necessary to say that the decoding of the result of the IGH studies of the breast should be engaged exclusively to the doctor. Only he, knowing the whole features of the course of the disease, can interpret the result.

IHGs conducted with breast cancer determines the nature of the tumor. Most often, when IGHs breasts use the definition of receptors:

  • estrogen (ER);
  • progesterone (PR).

It has been established that the tumor containing a large amount of receptor data behaves non-aggressively, low-active. In the treatment of such a form, hormonal therapy is significantly effective. Favorable forecast in 75% of cases.

When deciphering the results of the analysis of the mammary gland, interest unit units are used. In this case, the ratio of the number of cells with expression (susceptibility) to estrogen and progesterone, the total number of tumor cells is determined. In this case, the result is derived in the form of the ratio of the number of nuclei of the painted cells to unpainted, in the aggregate to 100 cells.

In view of the complexity of such calculations of their interpretation, the evaluation of the result is exclusively involved.

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Immunohistochemical study with breast cancer

In suspected of presence in a patient a malignant tumor inside the breast, the doctor is obliged to appoint a comprehensive study of the patient of the body. Some of the types of surveys are standard, and are based on a medical protocol when identifying oncology in chest. Not every neoplasm found in the chest can be immediately diagnosed as malignant. To make such a conclusion, oncologist is obliged to send a woman to an immunohistochemical study during breast cancer.

Only after cancer cells are found in the biological material of the tumor, having pathogenic properties capable of active division and distribution beyond the breast - the neoplasm receives the status of malignant.

How is an immunohistochemical breast study

After the new education in the breast is found, immunohistochemistry is one of the mandatory analyzes. The essence of its implementation is that the doctors spend a small surgery.

On the sore breast, microorozpe is made, which introduces special equipment, selecting a piece of tumor tumor. The patient is under the action of anesthesia. After receiving the biological material of the neoplasm, it is treated with specific antibodies. Malignant tumor produces its aggressive agents that have a protein structure.

They are also endowed with the ability to interact with other biological substances, bind them, and form a single tissue with them. According to the results of the treatment of tumor material with antigens, the fabric is placed under a microscope for a detailed visual study.

Fragment benign tumor After treatment with antibodies does not change its color, and the cell structure of the biopath and antibodies remains unchanged, the active contact does not occur between them. Cells of malignant education behave completely differently, and this is clearly visible through the microscope lens.

[12-027 ] Immunohistochemical study of clinical material (using 1 antibody)

3300 rubles.

To order

The study of tissue cells, which is carried out using special reagents.

Russian synonyms

IGH, immunohistochemistry, immunohistochemical analysis.

Synonyms English

Immunohistochemistry, IHS, Immunohistochemical Analysis.

Research method

Immunohistochemical method.

What kind of biomaterial can be used for research?

Fabric sample / fabric sample in paraffin block.

How to prepare for research?

  • Special preparation is not required.

General research information

Immunohistochemical study of clinical material is carried out in order to identify the desired substances in it. Ready histological preparations are treated with special reagents containing labeled specific antibodies to the detectable substance, which in this situation serves as an antigen. If the desired substance is in the material under study, the antibody binds to its specific sites. As a result, the complex is formed between them and tissue staining occurs.

This method is used in the diagnosis of various pathological conditionsEspecially great his role in the field of oncology. Immunohistochemical (IGH) Study helps not only diagnose a tumor, determine its nosological option, identify the primary tumor focus and detect cancer cells of cells, but also to predict the variants of the course of the disease and the success of treatment. The factors affecting the forecast include receptors for estrogens and to progesterone, Ki-67 (tumor activity marker), HER-2 Neu (epidermal growth factor, determines the sensitivity of the tumor to the traastzumab chemotherapy, VEGF ( vascular factor growth), BCL-2, P53, etc., in contrast to immunohistochemical analysis, it is impossible to determine if the usual histological examination.

Also, this method found the application in the diagnosis of systemic diseases connective tissue and kidney diseases, allows you to identify bacteria and viruses in studied tissues, such as Epstein - Barr virus, papilloma virus, Helicobacter pylori (in patients with chronic gastritis), mycobacteria in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, etc.

On the basis of IHG analysis, the doctor receives a conclusion with positive and negative markers, and it helps to confirm or disprove the hypothesis of other clinical and laboratory research.

Cervical cancer refers to the most common types of cancer in women. Epidemiological and laboratory data confirm the role of human papilloma-virus (HPV, HPV) as a starting agent for the overwhelming majority of precancerous and malignant lesions of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix. At the same time, the HPV DNA can be detected in 95-100% of all cases.

The person's papillomavirus virus is small circular two-stranded viruses of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) belonging to the Papillomaviridae family. More than 130 types of HPV are known. They are classified according to the degree of risk based on their connection with the cervical carcinoma. HPV 16 and 18 are the most common types of high risk. Embeding into epithelial cells, the virus causes in them the defects of genes, thereby contributing to the development of the tumor. With the help of igg, it is easy to detect in cells affected by HPV, the expression of the P16 and P18 proteins, and their positiveness correlates strongly with the positivity of HPV. It helps to distinguish the neucholar dysplasia (as a result of inflammation) and the tumor (caused by the papilloma virus and capable of reborn in cancer), and also allows the differential diagnosis of moderate dysplasia and high degree Severity (CIN II / III) and initial forms of cervical cancer, detection of lesions prone to progression and development of invasive carcinoma. In the dysplasia of moderate and high (in 80-100% of CIN II cases and in almost all cases CIN iii) and invasive cervical cancer, the reinforced expression of the P16 protein is determined, and it increases as the severity of the lesion is increasing.

In women with low-teasel intraepithelial lesions of low severity, focal and diffuse expression testifies to the progression of the disease. The absence or focal expression of P16 in the lesions of a high degree can serve as an additional sign of a favorable pathological process.

An immunohistochemical study is applied and differential diagnosis.

Celiac disease is a systemic disease due to genetic intolerance to gluten or relevant prolamines, which are contained in the seeds of cereals. This pathology is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane. thin gut (the development of atrophic enteropathy), the appearance in the serum of specific antibodies and wide spectrum gluten-dependent clinical manifestations. The disease is twice as often among women than among men, can first manifest itself both in childhood and in adults. Celiac disease can proceed with pronounced or erased clinical picture, as well as without gastroenterological symptoms. Most often occurs a broken version of the course of the disease, therefore the diagnosis of gluten enteropathy (GE) is difficult.
A serological study is carried out at the primary laboratory stage, which is determined by specific biomarkers in the blood. Persons with positive results are shown endoscopy of the small intestine with biopsy and subsequent histological and IGH analysis of the material taken.

It is known that celiac disease is accompanied by an increase in the number of lymphocytes within the epithelial cells of the small intestine. Wherein a distinctive feature It is that most intraepital lymphocytes (IEL) carry a specific T-cell receptor on their surface (CD3 γ and CD3δ-positive cells). The more active the disease proceeds, the more Iel. This feature is used when conducting an immunohistochemical study, which allows determining the prevailing type of lymphocytes. This analysis is especially important when there is a discrepancy between serological data and histological assessment in standard sites.

What is the study?

  • To determine the type and subspecies of the tumor, the degree of its malignancy and the prevalence of the oncological process;
  • for differential diagnosis of proliferative diseases;
  • to determine the etiological factor that caused a change in cells;
  • for the selection of effective therapy;
  • to estimate the proliferative activity of tumor cells;
  • to assess the effectiveness of treatment;
  • to diagnose receptor status in cancer (for example, breast cancer, prostate gland);
  • to determine the primary focus of the tumor;
  • to identify the malignant potential of affected cells;
  • for primary patient selection for dispensary accounting and further examination;

When is the study assigned?

  • With differential diagnosis of dysplasia (high and moderate degree) and initial stage cervical cancer;
  • with breast cancer, stomach, prostate gland to determine sensitivity to various types of therapy;
  • when determining the degree of malignancy and estimate of the forecast of the disease;
  • when evaluating the effectiveness of therapy;
  • when searching for a source of metastases;
  • in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (Gist) using an extended antibody panel, including Dog1;
  • in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors;
  • with the differential diagnosis of celiac disease, accompanied by an unclear histological picture;
  • with the discrepancy of the results of serological research and histological evaluation.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

The range of values \u200b\u200bis individual for each disease depends on the antibodies used.

Decoding research results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis.

A morphological assessment of the drug is carried out (tumors are classified according to WHO), a descriptive response is given with an estimate of antibody expression. Igy should always be used as a supplement to morphological research, the results should not be interpreted insulated.

What can affect the result?

In some diseases there are factors that may affect the result. Thus, in the diagnosis of celiac disease, the purpose of the gluten-free diet to the study can lead to a false negative result.

To put exactly the diagnosis of "Oncology" without conducting special research is almost impossible. Currently, medicine has such possibilities. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of cancer, an immunohistochemical study is carried out. Consider what this analysis represents, in what cases is assigned and what allows you to identify.

Essence of research

Under this study implies the study of the sample of tissues under the microscope. They are prepared using biopsy and pre-treated with specific antibodies.

Oncological diseases have long been in the field of view of doctors and scientists. During numerous studies, it was found that malignant cells in the process of vital activity produce specific proteins that are called antigens. They bind to antibodies, it is on this that an immunohistochemical study is founded when the patient's fabric taken to study, after treatment, is carefully studied with microscopy.

When antibodies interact with cancer cells, the fluorescence phenomenon can be observed. This gives grounds almost 100% to be sure that there is oncology.

Now they are already developed and actively implemented in medical practice Antibodies practically to all neoplasms.

Research opportunities

Immunohistochemical examination with cancer allows:

  • Recognize neoplasm and determine its variety.
  • Find out the prevalence of the primary focus on the body.
  • When taking biological material from secondary foci, you can determine the source of distribution of metastases.
  • The study allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.
  • With the help of the analysis, it can be found out at what stage of development is a cancer tumor.
  • Immunohistochemical research also allows us to find out the growth rate of neoplasms.

This method of research is considered more informative compared to the usual histological. If you use both research methods, you can get a complete picture, so in practice most often doctors do.


To explore using this method, you can almost all the tissues of the human body, but most often such an analysis is prescribed if oncology is suspected.

Research is used:

  1. To determine the primary neoplasms.
  2. To identify metastases.
  3. This analysis helps determine the forecast of the development and flow of pathology.
  4. The analysis serves as one of the methods of studying receptors to a row of hormones.
  5. IGG research allows you to detect microorganisms.
  6. The study method is used to determine the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The advantage of this method of research is also the absence of contraindications. The complexity may occur only if the cancer formation is located in a hard-to-reach place.

Technique of analysis

Immunohistochemical research is carried out in several stages, the first of them is the collection of biological material. It is obtained by biopsy or seizure material during the operation.

A piece of fabric is placed in formalin and sent to the laboratory, where it is subject to change:

  1. The material is degreased by special compositions and poured with paraffin. In this state, it can be stored almost forever, so if necessary, research can be repeated.
  2. At the next stage, the finest cuts are obtained - microtoming. They are placed on special glasses.
  3. Prepared sections are treated with solutions of antibodies of a certain concentration. Use for processing can compositions containing different amounts of antibodies. Which of them will enter into interaction with cancer cells will depend on the type of tumor.

The results of the study will be ready only after one or two weeks.

Immunohistochemical study with breast cancer

Such an analysis is simply indispensable if there is a suspicion for the presence of cancer cells in the chest. Be sure to determine the number of estrogen and progesterone receptors. With their increase, the process of growth of malignant cells is activated.

IGG research allows not only to recognize oncological diseasebut also to determine his stage. With the help of research, doctors find out whether hormonal therapy is shown.

Tumors having a greater concentration of hormones are most often effectively treated with anti-cormonal drugs.

During the analysis, the Ki-67 indicator is defined, it helps to determine the malignancy of the process. If the immunohistochemical study of the breast is shown Ki-67 to 15%, the outcome of the disease is considered to be favorable. If the indicator comes to 30%, then without chemotherapy, it is not necessary, because the tumor grows pretty quickly. The mark of 90% most often indicates the inevitability of fatal outcome.

This analysis is appointed not only if the breast cancer is suspected, but it turns out to be rather informative if:

  • There is infertility.
  • Detected malignant formations of uterus.
  • Pathological changes in the reproductive system are observed.

Immunohistochemical study Endometrial

This analysis is carried out if:

  • Often observed miscarriage.
  • The woman had a few unsuccessful eco attempts.
  • The chronic form of endometritis is diagnosed.

This study helps to find out whether there are cells that prevent conception by naturally.

The IHG study of the endometrial tissues is appointed to women who have already had several unsuccessful attempts to artificial fertilization.

Tissue of endometrial tissues is carried out in different days of the cycle that the doctor appoints.

Interpretation of the results of the analysis

It must be borne in mind that only a certificate has the right to explore the prepared tissue samples, which has a certificate confirming special training for analyzing the IGH method.

The conclusion should be indicated:

  1. The indicators of antibodies to which the tropiness of the tissue under study is determined.
  2. It is indicated by the type of cancer cells and their number.
  3. The identified antigens are indicated that help to identify the type of oncology.

According to the results of the study, it is impossible to put the final diagnosis. The oncologist has the right to do this only after receiving the interpretation of all diagnostic procedures.

Thus, it can be concluded that an effectively immunohistochemical study with breast cancer or other glands and other types of oncology. The analysis gives comprehensive information and allows you to recognize the beginning pathological process at the cellular level.

Immunohistochemical (IGH) Study of the Breast makes it possible to study fabric samples that doctors took during biopsy. An informative and new technique to determine the formation of a malignant tumor if doctors have suspicions. Many women after 45 faced with breast cancer. Thanks to research, doctors can determine the type and nature of the disease.

Cancer cells produce certain proteins that have a connection with antibodies. IGH allows you to explore the interaction between them. During the study, standard antibodies are used. Given certain changes in the interaction of cells, doctors define the structure and shape of a malignant neoplasm.

The tumor for the human body is alien. During the struggle against it, antibodies are produced in the patient's body. Immunohistochemistry helps to detect cancer cells, determines their structure and structure.

For doctors, such a study is important because they are assessed as much as possible. effective treatment Patients. With the help of IGH, you can determine:

  • development of tumors;
  • receptors of steroid hormones;
  • formation of malignant tumor if primary signs The focus is missing;
  • forming a neoplasm without classification;
  • the amount of membrane protein (HER2) in breast cells.

The results of the study are engaged in an oncologist. It is important to determine the amount of hormonal receptors in lactic glands. The more indicators, the tumor is calmer and slower grows. The patient has a high chance to completely get rid of cancer on early stage development.

Hormonal therapy in such situations allows to achieve a positive outcome by 80%.

Conducting research

Immunohistochemistry (IGH) with breast cancer is carried out by the method of a small amount of tissue tissue. Biopsy is carried out in a place where doctors suggest the formation of malignant cells. Before the procedure, the doctor celebrates the marker to her place on a woman's chest.

The study of tumor tumors were taken to study, which were obtained after surgical intervention. Further, the diagnosis is carried out as follows:

  1. The resulting material is sent to the laboratory.
  2. Fabrics are placed in a special container where formalin is located.
  3. They are degreased.
  4. Liquid paraffin is added to obtain blocks and information about the structure, cell structure, tissues.
  5. Cut the layer whose thickness is 1 mm.
  6. Stay on specially prepared glass.
  7. For cutting cut, drugs and antibodies of IGH are used.
  8. Results of research Experts receive in 12 days.

Various markers are used to determine breast cancer. If the results of the study show the presence in the tissues of a large number of hormones (progesterone and estrogen), the tumor progresses. In most cases there are already metastases. The average concentration of hormones indicates that malignant neoplasm develops poorly. The patient has chances of passing effective treatment with medical preparations and achieve a positive result.

The outcome will be favorable after the use of hormonal means, if the Ki-67 marker during breast cancer is within 15-17%. The rapid development of the tumor says the indicator reaching 35%. Doctors in such a situation prescribe patients only chemotherapeutic drugs that will be able to suspend its progression. If the indicators exceed 85%, the patient cannot be helped and avoiding fatal outcome.

What do the results say?

The immunohistochemical method of analysis allows you to identify numerous factors associated with malignant neoplasm. We are talking:

  • about the types and subspecies of the cancer;
  • about the sources of metastasis;
  • on the area of \u200b\u200bthe damage to which cancer cells spread throughout the body of the patient;
  • on the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with oncology.

Studies allow you to obtain information regarding the development stage of the disease. How fast is growing tumor. Modern specialists believe that immunohistochemical analysis is as informative as possible if it compare it with other familiar studies in the formation of breast cancer. Sometimes the doctors need histology. In most cases, both analysis are carried out. So specialists receive more information about carcinoma.

In medicine there are informational factors. They allow you to study the behavior and tumor reaction for treatment.

Prognostic factors

Show the possible behavior of malignant neoplasm at the time of diagnostics. Therapy does not affect the indicators. The specialist receives information on how quickly progresses breast cancer. According to the results, it can determine the optimal treatment method for each patient individually.

Predictive factors

Study allows you to obtain information on how cancer cells will respond to the selected method of therapy.

Prognostic and predictive factors can be systematized separately. But the results of the study will show similar data. With a positive breast cancer, the number of protein Her2 elevated. The data indicate the aggressive flow of malignant processes. In remote organs there are early metastasis.

Negative result indicates a small amount of membrane protein in the tumor. It will not respond to the use of medical preparations during treatment.

Deciphering research

Immunohistochemistry allows you to study the structure of the material taken during biopsy or after operational intervention. The presence of certain antibodies will give the opportunity to determine the type of malignant neoplasm.

Interpretation and decoding of immunohistochemical research is engaged qualified specialist - Oncologist. The doctor must tell in detail the patient, which indicates the information obtained. The results prescribes the Ki-67 indicator. It shows how aggressive tumor.

During research, doctors study the patient hormonal background, which is closely related to the behavior of malignant neoplasms. Doctors determine the area of \u200b\u200bdamage by pathological processes, the rate of formation of metastasis.

Immunohistochemical analysis is such a diagnostic method to determine the stage of breast cancer, the form of the disease, as well as the degree of propagation of it. Based on the received data, the specialist appoints the most appropriate treatment.

With a stable hormonal background and inactive tumor, a woman is recommended to be confusing hormonal medicines. If breast cancer behaves aggressively and is actively developing, the Ki-67 increases. In this situation, doctors prescribe more severe chemical preparations.

IN healthy body Cells are restored independently and are ordered normally. Positive analysis for the presence of membrane protein (HER2) indicates that cancer progresses. A malignant tumor will increase in volume. To suppress its distribution and the growth of experts are prescribed to patients with medication therapy.

The negative results of RMG with a negative indicator Her2 require the use of stronger chemotherapeutic drugs. Treatment picks up an oncologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the flow of pathological processes.

Immunohistochemistry is a serious and complex method of diagnosing breast cancer. Doctors during research apply numerous markers. Only a qualified doctor can correctly decipher the results. In most cases, in confirming the development of cancer, a woman collects a whole medical consultation. The opinion of various specialists allows us to correctly and adequately pick up, also to paint the tactics of the treatment of a malignant tumor.

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