Breast augmentation: everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask. What is the danger of breast enlargement What is the danger of breast enlargement

Women's breasts are one of the standards of beauty. Curvaceous forms attract the attention of men and increase self-esteem, so many women decide on mammoplasty without thinking whether breast augmentation is harmful. Doctor Isamutdinova, presenter plastic surgeon Moscow, candidate of medical sciences and an expert in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, talks in detail about the benefits and dangers of plastic surgery.

Is breast augmentation harmful?

Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty - surgical method correction of the mammary glands in order to give them greater volume and symmetrical contours. The operation has a positive effect on the patient's self-esteem and personal life, while it has some contraindications:

  • Oncology;
  • Diabetes;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Incoagulability of blood;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Infection and inflammation
  • Minor age.

Most of the indications for mammoplasty are not medical in nature, but doctors approve of them and consider them safe. These include asymmetric breast placement, decreased tone, ptosis, and loss of shape after pregnancy and lactation.

How do I know if breast augmentation is bad for me?

With any surgical intervention, the patient requires a thorough diagnosis, permission from the attending physician and anesthesiologist. At the first appointment, the doctor consults and examines the patient, after which he prescribes laboratory and instrumental studies:

Based on the results of the examinations, the doctor identifies or excludes contraindications, and also selects the most reliable method of breast augmentation. The type of implants is of great importance - round or drop-shaped, smooth or textured, silicone or saline. Depending on the state of health and the required manipulations, the type of access to the mammary glands for augmentation is selected:

  • Submammary - through the breast fold;
  • Axillary - endoscopic through the armpit;
  • Periareolar - through the nipple or areola.

To make sure that breast augmentation is not harmful to you, sign up for free consultation to the surgeon by phone in Moscow, indicated on the website, or use the feedback form.

It is so arranged by nature that a magnificent bust is rightfully considered a reliable weapon in the struggle for the attention of the stronger sex. What cute tricks beautiful ladies do not go to make the cleavage area even more attractive! From word of mouth, from magazine to magazine, from page to page on the Internet, the same recommendations on how to enlarge breasts wander. Everything is used, from bras with push-ups or bronzing of the decollete area to all kinds of creams and other means for increasing the bust. The only BUT is that many of these methods are not only useless, but can also harm the body. But really effective methods often shrouded in a train of doubts and false information.

To help you choose the most suitable product for breast augmentation, we have compiled a selection of the most popular myths on this topic.

Myth # 1. The best breast augmentation methods are folk!

Reality. There are many incredible ways to "enlarge" the breast at home using simple, "folk" means - a mesh of iodine, rubbing in heated fat, applying mustard plasters, etc. etc.! Yes, their effectiveness is more than doubtful, but there are always representatives of the fair sex who are ready to experiment on themselves. But in vain. Undoubtedly, increased blood flow under the action high temperature temporarily increases the volume of the breast, however, thermal exposure can not only lead to burns, but also stimulate the growth of tumors. Therefore, supporters of iodine and mustard plasters should be regularly examined by oncologists.

Myth number 2. Big "Cabbage" Myth

It is not known for certain where the myth about the miraculous effect of cabbage on breast enlargement came from. Of course, in this delicious and useful product contains folic acid, stimulating the growth and renewal of cells, however, its content is clearly not enough to form a super-bust. However, the "grandmother's" cabbage diet has its advantages - low calorie content, excellent bowel function, intake of vitamins and minerals. So, moderate consumption of cabbage will definitely not hurt you, although the breast from this product will not grow.

Myth number 3. Hormones are good for the bust

Reality. The female sex hormones estrogens actually stimulate breast growth. However, any gross interference with hormonal balance leads to unpredictable consequences. An illustrative side effect of hormonal pills for breast augmentation - fat deposition in such most problematic "female" areas as hips and abdomen. In addition, the uncontrolled use of drugs with sex hormones causes disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, other disruptions in the hormonal system.

Myth number 4. Breasts can be "fed"

Reality. The basis of this myth was the existence of phytoestrogens - plant components that resemble female sex hormones in structure, but are milder in action. They are found in legumes (peas, soybeans, lentils), cereals (wheat, barley, oats), some vegetables (carrots), hop cones, yeast, etc.

However, in order for phytoestrogens to have even the slightest effect on breast size, you will have to eat a lot of such products. On a "breast" diet, you can rather earn obesity, a beer belly or diarrhea (if, on the advice of experienced experts, "grow" the breast with yeast). Of course, each kilogram of additional weight increases the breast by an average of 20 g, and having gained an extra 10 kg, you can add one size! The only question is, how much do you like "overweight" breasts on a blurry figure?

Myth No. 5. "This cream will definitely help me!"

Reality. For those who dream of buying a "fail-safe" cream or oil for breast enlargement, there is great news - their bust will actually look better! True, this will not affect the size of the mammary glands.

Any cosmetic products do not penetrate deeper than the surface layers of the skin. Consequently, nutrients, which they contain, will not enter the glandular tissue of the breast. Yes, they will stimulate the production of elastin and collagen to increase firmness and improve appearance skin. But this will in no way lead to an increase in female breast volume.

Myth number 6. And if you try a vacuum ?!

Reality. Proponents of the use of vacuum massage for breast augmentation without surgery categorically claim that this technique allows you to add at least one size to the bust volume. Indeed, the effect of vacuum increases blood flow to the breast and stimulates the proliferation of glandular tissue. However, to achieve at least some noticeable result, you need to go through many rather unpleasant procedures. In addition, this technique, according to experts, is unsafe for a woman's health, especially if she has cysts, fibromas or other pathology of the mammary glands.

Myth # 7. To enlarge your breasts, you need to exercise!

Reality. Exercises to “increase breast size” are a great way to strengthen your pectoral muscles. The only problem is that they have nothing to do with the volume and shape of the mammary glands! Of course, an athletic figure looks much more attractive than an obese one. However, no matter how much you train, small breasts will not grow, and saggy breasts will not return to tone.

Today the most effective method bust enlargement - plastic surgery to correct the size and shape of the breast. However, "myth-making" did not bypass this sphere either! We offer you to get acquainted with the most common misconceptions about the application of methods plastic surgery for breast enlargement.

Myth number 8. Breast surgery is dangerous

Reality. As with any surgical procedure, complications can occur during breast augmentation with implants. However, contacting a surgeon with a good reputation will reduce the risk to a minimum, and a competent approach to drawing up a contract for the provision of medical services will allow you to compensate for possible costs when medical error or a special trend postoperative period.

Myth number 9. The chest must be OW-E-E-EEN big

Reality. The chest should be “appetizing”. Today, most of the patients of plastic surgeons are asked to make a natural breast that will match the growth and build. Agree, huge breasts in a thin girl look "slightly" inappropriate! A definite plus of contacting good clinic for breast augmentation - professional consultation of a doctor who will select the appropriate implants and the best method of their installation.

Myth # 10. Silicone dentures can burst!

Reality. Those who doubt the strength of sheath endoprostheses usually operate on the facts of many years ago. Modern silicone implants are filled with high-density gels that retain their shape and do not flow out even if the shell is damaged.

But in order to destroy the shell of the prosthesis, you need to try hard! With implants, you can safely dive, fly on an airplane, take a steam bath or sauna. Moreover! According to experts, it is not uncommon for the prosthesis to remain intact even after receiving serious chest injuries during an accident!

Myth number 11. A quality implant does not have to be changed

Reality. Neither an experienced plastic surgeon nor the super-breast prosthesis installed by him can slow down natural age changes mammary glands. Unfortunately, after endoprosthetics, the breasts can also sag over time. This leads to a gradual weakening connective tissue, the appearance of body fat, the effects of breastfeeding. And although the manufacturing companies provide an unlimited warranty for implants, some time after the operation (usually 10 years or a little more), you may need to replace endoprostheses and a breast lift to improve its shape.

Myth No. 12. Breast endoprostheses interfere with breastfeeding

Reality. The presence of an implant does not in any way affect milk production. So your baby will receive adequate nutrition after the surgical augmentation of the mammary glands! The only caveat: lactation can affect the size and shape of the breast so much that it will require repeated endoprosthetics.

Myth No. 13. An implant solves all aesthetic breast problems!

Reality. Although the breast endoprosthesis will create attractive volume if the breast is sagging, without surgical correction its shape is indispensable. Therefore, when specifying how much a breast augmentation operation costs, keep in mind that additional interventions may affect the price. In any case, when determining the volume of work, it is worth listening to the recommendations of the surgeon. You are unlikely to enjoy the "ball-in-toe" effect that can occur with endoprosthetics without a "empty" breast lift!

We hope that a brief overview of the myths about bust augmentation will help you choose the most suitable, reliable and safe method of breast correction.

In an effort to make the bust lush and seductive, we sometimes resort to methods that are much more dangerous than the installation of implants. The saddest thing is that these methods are called natural.

Saying "we", of course, I am cunning: I never wanted to increase my fourth size and I know very well how much inconvenience it causes. Alas, most of my friends refuse to believe it and regularly torment themselves with all kinds of "supernatural" and "absolutely safe" breast augmentation methods. The result, when it exists at all, is sad: for example, a friend of mine, after a vacuum massage of her breasts, received an extensive hematoma.

Alas, no one learns from the mistakes of others. According to the International Society of Surgeons in 2010, about 500,000 women suffered from health problems after using pills and creams, as well as all kinds of mechanical breast augmentation devices.

“They are all useless at best and harmful at worst,” explains Lisa Harrett, a member of the British Association of Mammologists. "There is no official evidence of the successful use of such funds."

If speak about food additives, they all contain analogs of estrogen and progesterone, and this is very dangerous. “Uncontrolled intake of hormones can lead to a variety of disorders, including oncology,” says Hasan Gaybudullin, oncologist surgeon, mammologist. - Manufacturers usually emphasize the “naturalness” of these products - they say, only phytohormones from rare Thai plants. But the use of unknown herbs makes these dietary supplements even more dangerous. There is nothing to say about all kinds of pumps and attachments for breast augmentation - in most cases they cause uncontrolled proliferation of glandular tissue and inflammation. "

You need to know the enemy by sight - this is what you should never use to enlarge your breasts:

1. Gels and creams ... Contains vitamin A, red pepper extract and warming essential oils - for example coffee and cinnamon. It sounds innocent, but in fact it causes a rush of blood to the chest and, as a result, its temporary swelling. There is no question of any permanent effect, but redness and itching are guaranteed.

2. Plasters ... As a rule, a pure extract of hops is applied to the plaster, which your grandmother probably recommended to you for these purposes, as well as the advertised kudzu mirithica (already from a Thai grandmother: this plant comes from the north of Thailand). These are the very phytoestrogens. They cause painful swelling of the breasts - as, say, when taking OK. The effect is far from natural and ends as soon as you stop applying the patches.

3. Tablets, supplements. A cocktail of almost all phytohormones known to mankind: skullcap, black stalk, soy, ginger and many others. If taken in large quantities over a long period of time, the body fat in the breast may increase slightly. But the chest will hurt, and at the end of the reception it will instantly "deflate". Side effects: at best, weight gain, decreased libido and irritability. At worst, adrenal dysfunction and ovarian cancer.

4. Vacuum massage. A completely barbaric act, during which the breast is "pumped up" with an ordinary pump. Thus, the upper glands are stimulated, blood rushes to them, and the bust looks magnificent for about a day. The vacuum is guaranteed to injure the gland, causing adhesions, inflammation and tears.

Scary? Hope so. To date, there are only two proven procedures for non-surgical breast augmentation. These are hyaluronic acid injections and mesotherapy, which, however, give only a short-term effect (about a year) and still require prior consultation with a mammologist. But there are two absolutely safe and durable ways to maintain the beauty of your breasts - and this is more important than size.

Fitness. Let's finally admit this: you can't use fitness to enlarge the breast itself, which has no muscles, but you can pump the pectoral muscle to which the mammary gland is attached. This will give the appearance of a slight increase in bust volume and lift it slightly. If you have small breasts, the effect can be quite noticeable.

Spa treatments for breast firming . Tighten and strengthen the skin of the breast, and can slightly improve its shape.

Have you ever tried these methods? Or have you thought about operating breast augmentation?

Before breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon must not only explain to the patient what risks it carries surgerybut also ensure that her aesthetic expectations are reasonable. The doctor then takes linear measurements to determine the original breast size.

Modern technology of preoperative 3D modeling allows you to more accurately measure the volume of the breast, determine the location of the gland, assess the projection and symmetry of the breast. With the help of laser beams, the breast is divided into several areas, the parameters of which are then used to create a volumetric image, which allows you to simulate the future breast, taking into account the implantation of prostheses of various sizes and configurations.

3D modeling also helps to predict in advance the position that the implants will take after placement. In the course of numerous studies, for example, it has been proven that the volume of the breast, which can be achieved with the help of high-projection implants, is 20-23% lower than indicated in the advertising materials. Considering this data, 3D modeling systems allow you to individually select the shape and size of the breast. In addition, thanks to such images, patients know in advance what their breasts will look like after surgery.

During the operation

To place the implant in the breast and straighten it, the surgeon must make an incision, and in such a place where the future scar will be least noticeable. The size of the incision depends on the type of implant and its location. For example, in the USA, the most popular is the submammary approach, the scar from which is hidden in a fold under the breast.

When placing implants, many surgeons prefer submammary or periareolar approaches. However, in the first case, there is a possibility that the breasts will not be large enough to hide the scar underneath. In addition, according to the results of one of the studies, patients with implants installed through an incision under the breast are more likely to go to a second operation to correct asymmetry, ptosis or replace prostheses. The periareolar insertion method also has its drawbacks, such as the likelihood of a noticeable scar, a higher risk of capsular contracture, and reduced nipple sensitivity. The limitation for the use of this method may be the too small size of the areola, insufficient for the installation of the implant.

Patients often ask surgeons to insert implants through the axillary approach, that is, through the armpit, since in this case the scar is less noticeable. However, despite its attractiveness from the point of view of aesthetics, this method of installation does not always allow the placement of implants with the required accuracy, it threatens an increased risk of capsular contracture and damage to the surrounding tissues.

To minimize incision length and facilitate placement of implants, the Keller funnel ™ sleeve has been developed for non-contact placement of breast prostheses.

Breast implants are usually placed under the pectoral muscle or breast. When placing implants under the muscle, the risk of capsular contracture is reduced, but patients with significant ptosis of the breast are more likely to form the so-called “double bubble” effect, or double fold. In addition, implant displacement can occur due to the natural contraction of the pectoral muscle. All these effects are excluded when placing an implant under the mammary gland. But with a deficiency of the patient's own tissues, the prosthesis placed under the gland is likely to be easily palpated or even visually noticeable. In addition, the stability of the position of the implant with this method of placement leaves much to be desired: it can rotate or fall below the crease under the breast. Placement of the implant under the fascia of the pectoral muscle reduces the risk of deformations, displacement, contouring and the formation of visible waves on the breast surface. But this approach requires a lot of skill from the surgeon.

Also, some surgeons practice a combined method of placing an implant, in which top part the prosthesis is placed under the pectoral muscle, and the lower one - under the gland. The advantages of this approach include a low risk of capsular contracture, non-palpable implant and a more natural breast shape. Some experts believe that the combined approach increases the likelihood of implant deformation and visible retraction of the pectoralis muscle. However, this method of placing breast implants is becoming more and more popular.


  • Seromas and hematomas
    Accumulations of blood and serous fluid are common complications after surgery involving cavity formation. Seromas and hematomas both can lead to swelling and tenderness. Hematomas are formed in 0.9-3% of cases, and their formation does not depend on the patient's age, the type of implant, or the surgical approach used. Seromas in most cases resolve on their own, but sometimes drainage under ultrasound guidance is required.
  • Infections
    The highest risk of infection is associated with breast enlargement through the armpit. This is due to the many manipulations required to install the implant. In addition to the pain and rejection of the implant, the infection even moderate can cause capsular contracture. With regard to the use of systemic antibiotics, the results of various studies and reports on the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy before surgery are very controversial. Therefore, there is still no unanimous opinion regarding the importance of antibiotic therapy for the safety of breast augmentation.

  • Capsular contracture
    This is a contraction of the fibrous membrane around the implant, which leads to a painful, palpable and visible deformation of the breast. Capsular contracture is one of the most common complications after breast augmentation with implants. There are several ways to prevent the formation of capsular contracture, including irrigating the surgical pocket with an antibiotic solution and placing the implant under the pectoral muscle. Various methods are also used to eliminate capsular contracture: removal of the implant, capsulotomy, stretching of the capsule, and reconstructive surgery using acellular dermal matrix. Non-surgical methods to reduce the manifestations of capsular contracture - capsule massage, ultrasound and shock wave therapy - are not effective in all cases.
  • Systemic diseases
    As you know, in the United States in the period from 1992 to 2006 there was a moratorium on the use of silicone breast implants, the reason for which was the suspicion of the latter in an increased risk of developing systemic diseases. In the course of multiple studies, scientists have not been able to establish a relationship between the placement of silicone implants and the occurrence of symptoms of systemic diseases. Experts have identified pro-inflammatory proteins that, when attached to the surface of a silicone implant, stimulate the formation of capsule fibrosis, and can also cause autoimmune diseases in patients with a predisposition to them. However, the exact relationship between such pro-inflammatory proteins and systemic diseases has not yet been established.
  • Loss of nipple sensitivity
    Reduced tenderness or soreness of the nipple and areola is a common consequence of breast augmentation. According to experts, the site of the surgical incision is a key risk factor for the formation of paresthesia of the nipple-areola complex, the likelihood of which increases threefold when the implant is inserted through an incision in the areola. Despite this, this method remains the most popular among patients.
  • Lactation
    Many women who decide to undergo breast augmentation are worried about how the installed implants will affect their ability to breastfeed in the future. Potential surgery to address complications such as infection or capsular contracture carries additional risks of damage to the breast. However, despite the fact that an experienced surgeon is able to minimize all possible complications after breast augmentation, the placement of implants increases the likelihood of hypolactation by 10%. As for security breast milk, then the implants do not affect its quality in any way.

Patient satisfaction

Numerous studies have found that, on average, 99% of patients 1 month after breast augmentation are extremely satisfied with the results. After 6 years, this figure is 95%. The level of satisfaction of the patients includes an assessment of their own attractiveness, psychological state and sexual life.

But despite such high patient satisfaction rates, numerous studies have shown that the number of suicides among women who have undergone breast augmentation is almost three times higher than among women with natural breasts. Risks are especially high in the age group over 40 years immediately after surgery or long after it. Among the probable reasons for this relationship, experts call the presence of significant psychological problems before the operation, unreasonable expectations of its results and psychological difficulties in the event of postoperative complications.

The mammoplasty procedure (breast augmentation surgery) has been and remains one of the most popular in both domestic and world plastic surgery. It is this circumstance that is the reason for the relative safety of the intervention: the experience of such operations has been accumulated enormous, and the implants used in them, unlike those used twenty years ago, are not capable of causing significant harm to the body. However, mammoplasty is complete surgery, and a frivolous attitude towards her is completely inappropriate. A woman taking this step should understand what she risks and what complications she may face.

Features of the operation and contraindications

Today there are two types of implants that can be used for mammoplasty: silicone and saline (saline-filled). However, the second type has recently been rarely used: it was invented as a safe alternative to the first generation silicone implants, which had low strength. The risk of rupture of such a device threatened to get liquid silicone into the body, which could cause serious harm to health. With the invention of implants containing silicone in the form of a thick gel and having a very strong shell, it became possible to abandon saline devices, which had no special advantages, except for the safety of the internal filler.

Modern silicone implants can have a smooth or structured surface, an absolutely round or anatomical shape and a variety of volume options. The choice of a specific device is the prerogative of the operating surgeon. In addition, the doctor must decide where the implants will be located (under the muscles of the chest or between the muscles and the glandular tissue), as well as in which places it is preferable to make incisions for their installation (under the breast, on the lower edge of the nipples or armpits). Each method has its own pros and cons; their choice depends on the specifics of the physique and the state of health of the patient.

The operation takes place under general anesthesia and lasts an average of 1 to 2 hours. Usually, the postoperative hospital stay does not exceed a day. When placing implants under the muscles, a woman may experience pain for 3-7 days; sometimes pain relievers are required. During this period, postoperative bruises usually disappear (sometimes they do not exist at all). The swelling may last longer, but for most women, it also goes away after a month. The dressings are usually removed one week after surgery. Sutures are most often made with absorbable sutures; there is no need to remove them.

Mammoplasty is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Availability acute pathology or exacerbation of a chronic illness;
  • Severe damage to the liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system etc.;
  • Blood clotting pathology;
  • The presence of a malignant neoplasm;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Breast augmentation operations are not performed on girls under the age of 18. After childbirth and (or) the end of the lactation period, at least a year must pass before a woman can seek the help of a plastic surgeon.

The likelihood of complications during the procedure itself is reduced to the possibility allergic reaction on anesthetic drugs or materials used by the surgeon. Therefore, a woman with a tendency to allergies should be very careful when deciding whether to undergo mammoplasty. The doctor needs to be warned about the peculiarities of his condition and consult with him in case of any concerns.

It is believed that the final result of breast augmentation surgery can be seen in 6-12 months. During this time, there is a risk of developing the following complications:

  • Accumulation of a small amount of serous fluid or blood in the cavity where the implant is placed. Most often, the problem is solved quite simply with a small puncture through which the liquid is pumped out;
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the area around the nipples or the entire surface of the breast. It goes away on its own within a few months;
  • The onset of the so-called "capsular contracture", which is manifested by painful hardening of the mammary glands. The problem is solved with surgical intervention... Sometimes (especially if the implant is large, and the patient's breast skin is very thin), the device needs to be removed and replaced with a new one;
  • Implant displacement. If the installed device has a textured surface, this risk is practically nil;
  • Implant rupture. It is rather difficult to damage the shell of a modern breast endoprosthesis. If this does happen, the filler will not be able to leak out and harm the body, since the silicone gel has the consistency of soft jujube and retains the shape of the implant. In any case, it is necessary to correct this situation, and this can only be done with the help of a new operation.

Complications of the inflammatory order after mammoplasty are extremely rare, especially since most doctors prescribe postoperative antibacterial therapy for preventive purposes. If all the parameters are selected correctly, and the doctor conscientiously performed his work, the result of the operation becomes beautiful breasts, no different from natural. Traces of interference are usually invisible. However, miracles should not be expected: mammoplasty does not change the shape of the breast, but only increases its size. But modern implants have an almost lifetime warranty and do not have a negative impact on health.

Women who have undergone mammoplasty often have problems associated with not taking doctor's recommendations seriously. After the operation, without consulting a doctor, you cannot:

  • Refuse to wear compression underwear;
  • Resume water procedures;
  • Start wearing an underwired bra;
  • Make sharp movements with your hands and lift weights;
  • Start exercising regularly.

Correctly placed implants do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer, do not prevent it early diagnosis using the ultrasound procedure, do not affect the possibility of carrying a fetus and breastfeeding a newborn.

To minimize the risks associated with mammoplasty, one must first of all realize the need for such an intervention and find a reliable and competent surgeon. Have you made up your mind and the clinic has been chosen? Then go ahead to the beauty of the body and high self-esteem!

Text: Emma Murga

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