Practice-oriented learning in the humanities. Practice-oriented approach in teaching as a means of realizing the modern goals of educating children with intellectual disabilities

Scenario of the master class "The use of practice-oriented tasks in the lessons in elementary school"

Master: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Let's get acquainted. My name is Zorya Natalya Robertovna. I will present to your attention a master class on the topic "Using practice-oriented tasks in elementary school lessons."

"Tell me and I'll forget.

Show me and I will remember.

Let me do it myself and I'll learn."


The purpose of the master - class: Create conditions for the formation of the skill of formulating, recognizing and performing practice-oriented tasks.

According to research, 25% of the material heard, 33% of what is seen and heard, 75% of the material remains in the memory of a person if the student is involved in active actions in the learning process.

The global goal of education on present stage is to teach the child to better understand life, to navigate in society, to make him able to find his place in it in accordance with individual abilities, interests and opportunities. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to help the student become a free, creative and responsible person.
Of course, it is faster and easier to show, explain than to allow students to discover knowledge and methods of action themselves, set goals on their own, analyze, compare, evaluate, and most importantly - not be afraid to make mistakes in search of a new path. This is what needs to be taught in school.
A modern occupation is a time when children themselves search, argue, compare, generalize, draw conclusions - in a word, they are actively working for all 40 minutes. If practice-oriented tasks are used systematically and purposefully during training, then interest in the subject will increase, and, as a result, the quality of preparation for the subject will increase.

Benefits of doing these jobs:

  • high motivation,
  • enthusiasm and interest of children,
  • connection of acquired knowledge with real life,
  • identifying leaders
  • self control,
  • better consolidation of knowledge,
  • conscious discipline,
  • competence.


Finding out the expectations and fears of the master class listeners

Reflection of the individual goal of the work

Master: What is the purpose of your participation in our work? Which of the following goals are most important to you? Choose up to three targets .

1. Practically get acquainted with the practice-oriented approach in education.

2. Learn to recognize practice-oriented tasks.

3. Learn to use practice-oriented tasks in working with children.

4. Learn to develop practice-oriented tasks.

5. Get a didactic collection of materials for use.

6. Obtain materials for further methodological work with teachers on this topic.

7. Find like-minded people among colleagues from other schools.

Setting the tasks of the master class

Master: Today at the end of the master class you will be able to:

  • explain what practice-oriented tasks are;
  • distinguish practice-oriented tasks from other types of learning tasks;
  • formulate practice-oriented tasks on a given topic;
  • see the possibilities of applying practice-oriented tasks in their lessons.

Now I have set before you the tasks of our master class. But each of you does this every day and in every lesson. Let's now try to combine the task formulation and the result of education.

Work in groups (tasks are given to each group)

  • To memorize and answer is the accumulation of knowledge;
  • Putting the right letter or punctuation mark is the realization of skills;
  • Find out words with alternating vowels among words - a manifestation of skills;
  • To apply your knowledge and skills in a life situation is competence.

Determine what result of education is manifested by the student in the performance of each of the proposed tasks.

1. Find the capital of France on the map of Europe

competence skill knowledge skill

2. Determine how many times you will have to boil a two-liter kettle to drink tea for your entire class of 25 people. The capacity of the glass is 180 ml.

Competence skill knowledge skill

3. Find all the nouns in the sentence: "The snow covered the whole earth in winter"

Competence skill knowledge skill

4. Name the commutative law of addition.

Competence skill knowledge skill

  • Step one. What it is?

Let's summarize the results of our tasks:

  • Knowledge is information that needs to be obtained and used to get the job done.
  • Skills - the ability to do a certain job in accordance with the knowledge gained.
  • Skills are actions that are performed automatically
  • Competence includes knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as ways to implement them in activities, communication, life.

Compared to other educational outcomes competence is an integrated result, manifested when used in practical activities and life situations, allows you to solve a whole range of problems, is a conscious application of knowledge, skills and abilities in a practical life situation.

The use of practice-oriented tasks is a means of forming the key competencies of the student.

Practice-oriented tasks are based on knowledge and skills, but require the ability to apply the accumulated knowledge in practical activities. The purpose of practice-oriented tasks is to "dip" students into solving a "life" task.

Master: To begin with, let's define the concept of what practice-oriented tasks are (the opinions of those present are heard).

Practice-oriented tasks:

  • are integrated
  • new ZUN are formed and manifested exclusively in activity.
  • allow the formation of key competencies of students.

Exercise 1

Master: I offer you different types assignments in mathematics, the Russian language and the world around. Choose from the proposed tasks those that, in your opinion, are practice-oriented and justify your point of view.

Step two. Formulate according to the model

Task 2

Master: Complete the suggested practice-oriented task. Try to make 1-2 practice-oriented tasks for this topic.

Step three. Try, invent, dare

Task 3

Master: Come up with several practice-oriented tasks in your subject, not forgetting to indicate the topic of the lesson.

Step four. Reflection. Summing up the master class.

Modern parable "You can't teach everything"

A well-known wrestling master had many students. The eldest of them studied long years, and practiced diligently. One day he turned to the master:

“Tell me, is there anything else you haven’t taught me?”

“I taught you everything I knew. You have mastered every fighting technique known to me.

From these words, the young wrestler was filled with pride and announced to everyone and everywhere that now he is the best wrestler in the country and could even defeat his famous teacher. Hundreds of people came to watch this fight.

After an even and calm struggle, the master suddenly laid the student on both shoulder blades with an unexpected technique.

- Strange, - said the defeated, catching his breath, - I learned everything that you knew, but you defeated me with an unknown technique.

- My friend, I really taught you everything I knew, - the master answered, - but this technique was born only now, in the process of struggle. This is improvisation!

“But you didn’t teach me that,” said the apprentice.

This I cannot teach you, this you must learn for yourself.

Master: Dear Colleagues! At the end of our work, I want each of you to find your place on the tree of Knowledge.

  • I feel like I'm on top
  • I feel great, but I want to learn more about this topic
  • I really want to know more
  • I'm almost at the top
  • It was nice to work in pairs (groups)
  • I'm very tired
  • well rested
  • Didn't learn anything useful today.
  • I thought I was on top; but I feel like I'm falling down
  • I don't want to see anyone
  • Now I can help my colleagues

Before proceeding to a direct consideration of the essence of the practice-oriented approach to teaching students, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the concepts of essence, approach and practice-oriented learning. Approach - a set of techniques, methods in influencing someone, something, in studying something, in doing business. Essence - a set of essential properties and qualities of a thing, the substantial core of an independent entity. Finally, practice-oriented learning is a type of learning, the primary purpose of which is to develop students' skills and abilities. practical work that are in demand today in various areas of social and professional practice, as well as the formation of an understanding of where, how and for what the acquired skills are used in practice.

sphere of mass higher education today is undergoing quite significant transformations under the influence of the requirements for its graduates, which are presented by the current social and professional practice. The main motive for such requirements is that a young specialist should be prepared at a university in such a way that he can be included in labor processes without any problems and delays, productively using the qualifications, experience and competencies gained during training.

In such conditions, one of the areas of educational practice begins to acquire special weight - practice-oriented learning, about which there is still no certainty both from the side of the general theoretical base, and from the side of the forms and technologies of training. So far, only a number of statements do not cause controversy - this kind of training should be guided by specific practice, and not by textbooks, should be carried out in close cooperation between educational institutions and industrial organizations.

A significant obstacle to the transition to practice-oriented learning is the lack of commonly used methods for developing appropriate training forms.

The activity approach (with its ideology and technologies) is the basis of practice-oriented learning, that is, this type of learning, the purpose of which is to develop in students the skills that are in demand today in various areas of social and professional practice, and an understanding of where, how and for that the acquired skills are used in practice.

The essence of practice-oriented learning is to build the educational process on the basis of the unity of the emotional-figurative and logical components of the content; acquisition of new knowledge and the formation of practical experience in their use in solving vital tasks and problems; emotional and cognitive saturation of the creative search of students.

Practice-oriented learning in accordance with the idea of ​​humanization of education makes it possible to overcome the alienation of science from man, reveals the links between knowledge and everyday life of people, the problems that arise in front of them in the process of life. Along with a consistent and logical presentation of the foundations of science at all stages of education, each topic taught contains material that reflects its significance, the place of one or another natural pattern in everyday life.

Within the framework of practice-oriented learning, the unconditional priority is (and the main “learning material” is) precisely the activity organized and carried out with the intention of obtaining the intended result. For this, the training itself should be arranged in a non-traditional way. It must be transformed into a specific type of activity, composed of many individual acts of activity, organized into a single whole and directed towards the achievement of a common goal.

practice oriented learning approach



1.1. Comparative characteristics existing student learning technologies 13

1.2. Assessment of the situation of teaching chemistry students in educational institution 26

1.3. Essence and technological characteristics of practice-oriented teaching of students 44

1.4. From the history of the formation of a practice-oriented approach to teaching students 52

1.5. Criteria for assessing the educational effectiveness of practice-oriented learning 65

Conclusions on the first chapter 88


2.1. Practice-oriented approach to the formation of the content of the educational material of lesson 92

2.2. Structuring the lesson in accordance with a practice-oriented approach to learning 121

2.3. Methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of practice-oriented teaching of students 140

2.4. Experimental verification of the educational effectiveness of practice-oriented learning 153

Conclusions on the second chapter 166




Introduction to work

The relevance of research. IN modern conditions it is especially important to organize the learning process in such a way that it educational outcome manifested itself in the development of their own internal motivation for learning, thinking, imagination, creativity, sustainable cognitive interest of students, in the formation of a system of vital, practically in-demand knowledge and skills, environmental culture, which allows students to adapt to life and treat it actively, creatively.

The goals of education in a modern Russian school include not only the assimilation of knowledge, but also the overall development of students. For this, more and more new technologies are being developed: programmed learning, the phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin), developmental learning (V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zamkov, D.B. Elkonin), personality-oriented education (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, E.F. Zeer, V.P. Zinchenko, I.S. Yakimanskaya), as well as a number of innovative areas, such as vitagenic education (A.S. Belkin), humane pragmatism based on anthropic principle (V.D. Semenov), ethical pedagogy (M.N. Dudina), etc.

However, despite the fact that there are creatively working teachers in educational institutions, new directions in the technology of the educational process are sometimes slowly implemented in mass practice. The problem is that the educational material that is used in the learning process is far from the real life practice and life experience of students; practical problems are rarely discussed in the classroom and situations from everyday life are analyzed. Most often this is due to the confusion of the tasks and functions of science and the subject, their unjustified convergence. As a result, the educational process becomes unnecessarily complicated and breaks away from real life leading to a loss of student interest in learning.

For a solid assimilation of knowledge in a particular subject, it is required to form a positive attitude, students' interest in the material being studied. Interesting, familiar and personally significant material is usually perceived by them as less difficult. Therefore, the teacher is faced with the task of organizing the educational process so that it becomes a cognitive, creative process in which the educational activity of students becomes successful and knowledge is in demand. One possible solution to this problem is to develop a practice-oriented approach to teaching students.

The essence of practice-oriented learning is to build the educational process on the basis of the unity of the emotional-figurative and logical components of the content; acquisition of new knowledge and the formation of practical experience in their use in solving vital tasks and problems; emotional and cognitive saturation of the creative search of students.

The relevance of the development of practice-oriented learning lies in the fact that this approach can significantly increase the effectiveness of training. This is facilitated by the system of selection of the content of educational material, which helps students to assess the significance, practical relevance of the acquired knowledge and skills. In the learning process, creative homework is widely used, students get the opportunity to turn to their imagination, to creativity. In a practice-oriented educational process, not only the life experience that students have is applied, but also a new experience is formed on the basis of newly acquired knowledge. This experience becomes the basis for the development of students, the formation of their environmental consciousness.

Practice-oriented learning in accordance with the idea of ​​humanization of education makes it possible to overcome the alienation of science from man, reveals the links between knowledge and everyday life of people, the problems that arise in front of them in the process of life. Along with a consistent and logical presentation of the foundations of science at all stages of education, each topic under study contains material that reflects its significance, the place of one or another natural regularity in everyday life.

The system of practice-oriented education developed by us includes elements of traditional and problem-based learning, on the one hand, and personality-oriented and vital, on the other. At the same time, due to the unification into a single whole, the shortcomings inherent in each system are eliminated, since the shortcomings of one system are balanced by the advantages of the other.

The relevance of the development of practice-oriented teaching of students is due to the following circumstances: within the framework of a practice-oriented approach, the effectiveness of training is significantly increased due to the increase in the personal status of the student and the practice-oriented content of the material being studied; in the process of interaction in the "teacher - student" system, feedback channels constantly operate; the system develops students' interest in creativity, allows them to know the joy of creative activity.

The degree of development of the problem. In the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, various approaches to the organization of the educational process of students are discussed (V.V. Davydov, M.V. Klarin, P.I. Tretyakov, T.N. Shamova, etc.).

The logic of the study was influenced by works on the problems of didactics (I.Ya. Lerner, V. Okon, M.N. Skatkin, etc.), a number of learning theories that explain the essence of the didactic process in different ways and offer various ways its constructions (A.S. Belkin, P.Ya. Galperin, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, L.V. Zankov, E.F. Zeer, V.D. Semenov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.).

A significant contribution to the substantive aspect of the study was made by works devoted to the problem of implementing in the learning process the system of principles of modern didactics, acting in holistic unity and interaction (V.S. Bezrukova, O.S. Grebenyuk, A.A. Kirsanov, I.Ya. Kuramshin, N. N. Tulkibaeva, Yu. S. Tyunnikov and others).

Didactic and methodological approaches to the selection and structuring of the content of educational material are reflected in the works of O.S. Zaitseva, N.E. Kuznetsova, E.E. Minchenkova, ST. Satbaldina, V.V. Sorokina, E.V. Tkachenko, L.A. Tsvetkova and others.

A number of works by I.P. Volkova, T.I. Goncharova, Yu.B. Zotova, E.N. Ilyina, S.N. Lysenkova, M.I. Makhmutova, V.A. Onischuk, A.M. Sohora, V.F. Shatalova and others.

In the publications studied by the author, no developments were found that reveal the essence of practice-oriented learning, which has educational opportunities. The existing system of selection and structuring of the content of education does not allow the majority of students to realize the social and personal need for the knowledge they acquire, does not arouse cognitive interest, does not imply the widespread use in teaching of activities aimed at the intellectual development of students, which affects the effectiveness of the educational process and complicates practical application. students of knowledge to explain the problems that arise in the course of their life. This situation is explained by the contradiction that has arisen between the need for students to master a system of vital, practically in-demand knowledge and skills, develop their creative abilities, form their environmental consciousness and insufficient research into practice-oriented education and its educational opportunities.

The identification of this contradiction allowed us to define the research problem: what are the ways and means of effective implementation of practice-oriented learning?

The relevance of the problem under consideration served as the basis for determining the topic of the dissertation research: "Educational opportunities for practice-oriented teaching of students."

In the study, we introduced a limitation: considering the practice-oriented teaching of students, we limited ourselves to researching the problem using the example of the subject "Chemistry".

The object of the study is the process of teaching students.

The subject of the study is the ways and means of implementing a practice-oriented approach in the process of teaching students.

The purpose of the study is to identify ways and means of implementing practice-oriented learning for students and its educational opportunities.

The dissertation research is based on the following hypothesis. Practice-oriented teaching of students will be effective if: define the functions, develop the rules and content of its implementation in the educational process; identify educational opportunities for learning based on a practice-oriented approach.

In accordance with the goals set and the hypothesis of the study, the following tasks are defined:

To study the state of the problem under study in pedagogical theory and practice.

Define functions, develop rules and content for the implementation of a practice-oriented approach to teaching students.

Develop and test the structure of a practice-oriented training session.

To reveal the educational possibilities of practice-oriented learning.

Experimentally test the degree of effectiveness of practice-oriented teaching of students.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were fundamental work in the field of methodology of psychological and pedagogical sciences (L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, P.F. Kapterev, Ya.A. Komensky, A.N. Leontiev, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky) , theoretical provisions of the individualization of education (B.I. Vershinin, A.A. Kirsanov, I.E. Unt), conceptual works in the field of theory and practice of education and training (A.S. Belkin, V.P. Bespalko, M. V. Klarin, V.S. Lednev, I.Ya. Lerner, V.D. Semenov, N.F. Talyzina), scientific provisions on the essence of didactic principles in teaching (V.S. Bezrukova, O.S. Grebenyuk, L.V. Zankov, A. Komensky, V. N. Maksimova, M. I. Makhmutov, M. N. Skatkin, V. V. Shapkin).

During the study, various theoretical and experimental methods were used. Theoretical research methods included the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem, generalization and systematization of scientific provisions on the research topic, consideration of educational and program documentation, textbooks, educational and methodological materials on teaching at school, analysis of the state of the problem of teaching in the system general secondary education and personal pedagogical experience. Of the experimental methods, questionnaires were used among students and teachers, pedagogical observation of students' activities, experimental training, midterm and final control of knowledge, skills, abilities, the method of expert assessments and a pedagogical experiment.

Main stages of the study

At the first stage, theoretical and exploratory (1994-1995), the main tasks were the study of the literature and the theoretical substantiation of the study; his hypothesis, problem and tasks were formulated. Based on the results of the theoretical and exploratory stage of the study, a practice-oriented approach to teaching students has been developed, which has educational opportunities and allows students to master a system of vital, practically demanded knowledge and skills.

At the second stage, experimental (1995-1998), the practice-oriented teaching of students, which has educational opportunities, was experimentally tested and corrected. At this stage of the study, experimental teaching of chemistry was carried out to students of grades 8-10 of the municipal educational institution No. 173 of Yekaterinburg - mining and geological lyceum, the results of experimental work were analyzed. During the formative experiment, the main provisions of the hypothesis were tested.

At the third stage, the final one (1998-1999), the analysis and generalization of the results of the study were carried out; correction of the conclusions obtained at the first and second stages of the study; introduction of a practice-oriented approach to teaching chemistry into the educational process of the mining and geological lyceum.

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

The essence is defined, the functions are identified, the rules and content of the implementation of a practice-oriented approach to teaching students are developed.

The influence of practice-oriented learning on the selection and structuring of the content of the educational material of the lesson, the choice of methods, means and forms of teaching has been studied.

The structure of a practice-oriented training session has been developed, reflecting both the content and the procedural side of education.

The educational possibilities of practice-oriented teaching of students are revealed and the effectiveness of its implementation is experimentally proven.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in determining the functions and rules for the implementation of practice-oriented learning, which lays the foundations for social and professional mobility based on a balanced relationship between the individual and the environment.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that with the participation of the author, a system for selecting and organizing the content of the educational material of the lesson, the structure of a practice-oriented lesson was developed and implemented in the educational process, the choice of methods, means and forms of training was carried out in accordance with the functions and rules for the implementation of a practice-oriented learning; the content of a practice-oriented learning process was developed and implemented using the example of the discipline "Chemistry": a system for conducting an experiment in the framework of a practice-oriented approach to teaching chemistry, educational and cognitive tasks containing problems encountered in everyday life, diagnostic tasks to determine the level of motivation, learning, consumer culture of students.

The results of the study can be used in the practice of general education institutions.

Approbation of the results of the study was carried out in the educational process of the municipal educational institution No. 173 of Yekaterinburg - Mining and Geological Lyceum. The results of the study were presented and approved at scientific and scientific-practical conferences and seminars: an international seminar on teaching chemistry at the school "Pushchinskaya autumn - 96" (Moscow, 1996);

Russian scientific-practical conference "Improving the academic level of educational institutions based on new educational technologies" (Yekaterinburg, 1997); scientific-practical conference "Quality - in the name of a better life» (Tomsk, 1997); scientific and practical conferences "Innovative technologies in pedagogy and production" (Ekaterinburg, 1997, 1998); international scientific-practical conference "Technology of education as a factor in the development of the creative potential of the individual" (Krasnoyarsk, 1998); post-symposium on chemical education within the framework of the 16th Mendeleev Congress (Moscow, 1998); scientific-practical conference "Professional competence of a teacher and innovative processes in education" (Yekaterinburg, 1999);

All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Education - the basis of sustainable development" (Yekaterinburg, 1999).

The following are submitted for defense:

1. Definition of practice-oriented learning as a didactic approach to teaching students, based on the unity of the emotional-figurative and logical components of the content, the acquisition of new knowledge and the formation of practical experience in their use, emotional and cognitive components in the performance of creative tasks.

A set of educational opportunities for practice-oriented learning: the motivation of learning, cognitive interest, student learning, consumer culture as a form of manifestation of environmental consciousness.

The structure of a practice-oriented lesson as a training session, reflecting the development of the content and procedural aspects of the educational process, including blocks: motivational, synectic, implementation, algorithmic, binary, modeling, continuity - and allowing maximum use of the content and teaching methods for practice-oriented construction of the educational process.

The structure and scope of the dissertation. The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications.

Comparative characteristics of existing student learning technologies

The learning process, as a directed and organized interaction of teachers and students, realizing the goals of education and upbringing, is based on psychological and pedagogical concepts that represent learning technologies. Their characteristics include a description of the goals, principles, content, methods and means of education. In order to understand how the existing theories of learning explain the essence of the didactic process and according to what scheme they propose to build it, we will consider the existing systems and innovative directions in teaching.

The traditional, or explanatory-illustrative system of education is associated with the name of the German scientist I.F. Herbart. The purpose of training is the formation of theoretical knowledge, intellectual representations, concepts, skills. The structure of the educational process is determined by formal steps, in accordance with which it is built regardless of the level and subject of training: presentation, understanding, generalization, application.

This learning technology has its advantages - it streamlines, organizes the learning process, allows you to rationally organize the teacher's activities in teaching from the presentation of the material through its explanation to assimilation and application in educational tasks. At present, the logic of most lessons is built in this way.

However, this system is not without drawbacks: bookishness, isolation from the needs and interests of the child and from life, the authoritarian nature of the teacher's activity, leading to the reproductive activity of the student. This model of education aims to transfer ready-made knowledge, which does not contribute to the development of the child's thinking and does not involve his involvement in mental activity. The lesson is dominated by the activity of the teacher in the form of direct influence between the teacher and the student, the student's personal status is low, and the student's independence is suppressed.

On fig. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the exchange of information between a teacher and a student in a traditional education system.

The diagram clearly shows that in the system of traditional education a direct teacher-student relationship is established, however Feedback The student-teacher is practically absent and appears only sporadically during surveys and during tests. This theory of learning allows using only the logical (left hemisphere) thinking of the student, while the system for transmitting information through the figurative channel: from the right hemisphere of the teacher to the right hemisphere of the student is absent, which is unnatural for two hemisphere human thinking and affects the success of learning the strength of fixing knowledge in the memory of students .

Within the framework of the pedocentric didactic concept, according to which the main role in learning is given to the activity of the child, a system of problem-based learning arises. This learning model goes back to the methods of D. Dewey - learning through doing, and J. Bruner - learning through research.

Assessment of the situation of teaching chemistry students in an educational institution

Chemistry, as a general educational discipline, is one of the subjects of the federal component of the State Standard of Education and is studied at school from the 8th to the 11th grade. Analysis of the content of education and curricula in different years training shows that the number of teaching hours devoted to the study of chemistry is constantly decreasing: in 1945-1946 academic year the subject "Chemistry" was given 40 hours a month, 1968-1969 - 41 hours, and 1998-1999 - only 32 hours with an almost unchanged volume of the content of natural science education.

The chemistry course program for grades 8-11 of the secondary school was developed by the scientific laboratory of chemical education of the Institute of the secondary school of the Russian Academy of Education. A large number of schools work on it.

The course of chemistry includes the basics of inorganic (grades 8-9), organic (grades 10-11) and general chemistry (grade 11). This program is currently implemented through a series of textbooks.

New programs and textbooks in chemistry are also being developed, which use different approaches to the selection and structuring of course content. The emphasis is on the development of the personality of students by means of the subject. Among the programs corresponding linear construction course, a number of programs in chemistry can be distinguished.

Of interest is the "Program of student activities in the study inorganic chemistry for grades 8-9", designed for 3 hours a week. Corresponding textbooks have been published in accordance with this program. These textbooks represent the federal set for educational institutions. At the initial stage of studying the subject, students purposefully, through a chemical experiment, move from the idea of ​​a chemical phenomenon to the idea of ​​a molecule and an atom and try to explain the phenomena of the world around them.

Depending on the interests and inclinations, students study chemistry different levels complexity, while differentiation is possible both in terms of the depth of assimilation of the scientific foundations of chemistry, and in mastering applied chemical knowledge. The structure of chemistry education is based not on a linear, but on a concentric principle of building a chemistry course.

An interesting approach to the study of the course of chemistry is implemented in the program of E.E. Minchenkov, T.V. Smirnova, L.A. Tsvetkova for grades 8-9 of the basic level of education. This program is designed for 136 study hours (2 hours per week in each class). It is implemented in a trial chemistry textbook for 8th grade students. This course can be studied as a stand-alone course or after the integrated Science course for grades 5-7.

On the one hand, it gives the basics of chemical knowledge necessary in everyday life to those schoolchildren who do not choose a profession related to chemistry. On the other hand, this course lays the foundation for the further improvement of chemical education, both in the senior classes of the general education school and in other educational institutions, and also implements the concentric principle of constructing educational material.

The concentric principle of building a chemistry course is implemented in the program and textbooks of the chemistry course for grades 8-9 of the basic level of education. A similar approach is presented in the program of the chemistry course for grades 8-9 by O.S. Gabrielyan and implemented in the textbook of the same author.

Practice-oriented approach to the formation of the content of the educational material of the lesson

A comparison of the organization of the educational process within the framework of the traditional and practice-oriented approaches showed that the goals and principles that guide teachers in their work with students are different.

Within the framework of the traditional approach to the study of chemistry, the goal of the teacher's activity is to transfer certain knowledge, skills, abilities to students in a “ready-made” form and organize the perception of this knowledge. In the process of practice-oriented teaching of chemistry, the teacher's activity is aimed at organizing the search and acquisition of new knowledge, the formation of practical experience in their use in solving vital tasks and problems, and the education of the consumer culture of students. The educational process within the framework of practice-oriented learning is associated with the formation of internal motives for learning, the functioning of knowledge in the thinking of students and their use in practical activities.

TO essential principles traditional teaching of chemistry include: the unity of teaching and education, the logical and scientific conditionality of the content of education, systematic and consistent, visibility, continuity in teaching. Whereas practice-oriented learning is based on the principles of motivational support of the educational process, problematic, visibility, accessibility, strength, connection of learning with practice, consciousness and activity of students in learning. Thus, when organizing the traditional and practice-oriented processes of teaching chemistry, teachers are guided by different goals and principles, which affects the formation of the content of the educational material of the lesson. Therefore, the teacher proceeds to the selection of the content of training only after the goals and principles in working with students are determined. Selecting the content of training in accordance with the goals of the student's development, the teacher creates the practical part of the educational process.

Selected in accordance with the goals and processed according to the principles of pedagogy, the content begins to perform certain functions in the practice-oriented pedagogical process. Some of them are manifested in the framework of any pedagogical process. So, within the framework of the traditional, as well as within the framework of a practice-oriented approach to learning, the content performs the following functions:

the subject of cognitive activity of the teacher and students;

means of practical activity of the teacher and students;

means of managing the development of the teacher and students.

However, within the framework of practice-oriented teaching of chemistry, the content performs a number of additional specific functions:

control tool personal experience and self-education of students and teachers (organization of the search for new knowledge in a practice-oriented pedagogical process using various means and methods of teaching, allows students to master the methodology independent application accumulated knowledge and gain new knowledge in the course of their own activities);

a means of implementing the social function in education, which is necessary for everyone to harmonize relations with the environment and allows students to navigate in non-standard life situations (as a result of the widespread use in education of life, motivational and problematic situations, educational and cognitive tasks that reflect practical sense studying this subject topic, the teacher involves students in the process of active assimilation, and students learn what needs to be done to protect themselves and their loved ones from exposure to hazardous substances and factors in everyday life).

Modern education, in the form in which it exists in a typical Russian school, is the quintessence of memorizing the information relayed by the teacher and coaching on typical tasks of the final exams in the final grades. At the same time, school students do not understand how to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in everyday life, as a result of which the value of such education drops significantly.

What should be good education system? And how important is the practical aspect of learning?

In order to obtain a more objective view on this issue, in the preparation of this design and research work, we conducted a survey. The questionnaire consisted of 4 questions with multiple choice answers. The respondents were employees general education and pupils of schools of 6 subjects Russian Federation.

As a result of the work carried out, the main hypothesis was confirmed: 92.86 percent of the survey participants confirmed the need to increase hours practical exercises. The ratio of theory to practice was 48% to 52%, respectively. It is also worth noting that within the framework of profile education at school, when high school students choose the option of training in a certain direction, many respondents spoke in favor of receiving the basics of primary vocational education. The foregoing determines the relevance of the problem of practice-oriented education of students in schools in the Russian Federation.

An experience close to our "ideal" ideas was applied in the Kingdom of the Netherlands as early as 1848. There, the Law established freedom of education, which meant the creation of schools in accordance with their own views, including pedagogical and didactic ideas. Today high school Holland - these are three types of education, one of which, in addition to basic school subjects, allows you to master a particular profession; the other two allow you to enter higher educational institutions. What unites them is that about 35-45% of the curriculum is lectures, the rest of the time is devoted to practical and research work student.

The introduction of the idea of ​​practice-oriented education in the Russian Federation has been underway since the beginning of 2003, but in the Russian mass school the educational process is still being built in accordance with the trinity of “knowledge - skills - skills”. Moreover, the main attention, as mentioned above, is paid to memorizing the knowledge transferred by the teacher. Therefore, in order to overcome the existing problem, it is necessary today to create a practice-oriented educational environment of an educational institution.

The approach chosen for implementation is, in addition to acquiring

"ZUNov" - the organization of practical activities based on solving real life tasks and problems that will activate knowledge and its search. The whole world around us should become a lesson.

The main work in the development of curricula of academic disciplines within the framework of our approach will fall on subject teachers. Here they will have to decide what methods and forms of work will help to implement the principle of practice-oriented learning within their subject. The following can be common to all: laboratory, research and design work, game practices, excursions, various creative tasks, meetings with interesting people, as well as interdisciplinary project activities; and private: debates, field practices and observations, industrial excursions, social experiments and others.

The teacher must realize that now he is facing the most difficult task, namely

create conditions for the independent development of the student, guiding and helping him, and not

relaying knowledge as before.

Within the framework of the organization of practice-oriented learning, an obstacle will obviously arise, which will consist in the lack of class time; especially in the implementation of specialized education for non-core subject teachers. The world-famous and actively gaining popularity in the Russian Federation model of the “Inverted Lesson” will help to cope with this problem. Homework in this case will be the assimilation of theoretical material. And on training session at school, the topic covered at home will be consolidated, during 20-30% of the total time of the lesson; and implementation of practical and research activities. It should be noted that in order to test knowledge, 1-2 lessons per month should be allocated for direct control (test, test), or alternative methods of knowledge assessment (defense of an abstract, project, research or creative work).

Turning to the issue of initial vocational training within the school, we are considering the option of introducing additional classes that will be aimed at obtaining professional competence ( practical value) in the chosen profile direction. True, obtaining this type of education can be considered relevant and in demand only with the use of dual education. The pilot project, which, unfortunately, was closed in our country even at the level of the average special education.

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