Working program for the deaf version of the standard p. Analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education in an educational organization for deaf children

federal state


3.1.3. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program based on the Federal State Educational Standard for deaf children according to the first version of the Standard (A)

In order to preserve the unified educational space of the country, the requirements for the conditions for receiving education by deaf students are an integral description of the set of conditions necessary for the implementation of relevant educational programs, and are structured according to the areas of resource support. At the same time, this system of requirements should include specific components in accordance with those common to all children with handicapped health and special educational needs of deaf students.

When teaching deaf children according to this version of the standard, a special approach is provided for when completing a class of general educational institution for a child with a hearing impairment. The total class size should not exceed 25 children, of which 1-2 children are hearing impaired, the rest of the students are normal hearing healthy peers.

Staffing- a description of the necessary qualifications of teaching staff (in the field of general and correctional pedagogy), as well as personnel providing medical and psychological support for a child with disabilities in the school education system.

1. Teacher - defectologist (deaf teacher) - a specialist in the field of correctional pedagogy (deaf pedagogy), who has a higher specialized defectological education or a higher defectological education in other specialties (speech therapy, oligophrenic pedagogy, etc.) subject to advanced training (retraining) in the amount of at least 520 hours.

Correctional assistance can be provided by a defectologist both in a general education school and in a special (correctional) school for children with hearing impairment, as well as in another institution of the education/health care system, where there are specialists in the profile necessary for the child (hearing rehabilitation centers, cochlear implantation centers , deaf and speech therapy rooms, etc.).

The teacher-defectologist (deaf teacher), on the basis of an exemplary program of correctional work, draws up and implements an individual program corrective work with a deaf student. This specialist will:

systematic special psychological and pedagogical in the formation of full-fledged life competence;

· advising teachers of a general education organization on issues of interaction and communication with a deaf student, the features of his education;

· advising parents (or persons replacing them) on family education of a deaf child.

Qualification requirements for a teacher-defectologist (deaf teacher) involved in teaching a deaf child include:

Knowledge of legislative and regulatory documentation in the field of education for deaf students,

Knowledge of the requirements for the structure, results and conditions for the implementation of the educational program, laid down in the first version A of the Federal State Educational Standard for deaf students,

Knowledge of the requirements for the structure, results and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of the introduced FGOS IEO,

Ownership modern technologies and methods of corrective work with a deaf child (with implants and / or hearing aids) who studies together with healthy peers,

Possession of the necessary set of competencies in the field of consulting and supporting teachers of a general education school and a family raising a child with a hearing impairment.

2. Teacher (teacher) of primary school - a specialist in the field of primary general education, having a higher pedagogical specialized education, possessing a qualification that meets the requirements of the introduced FGOS IEO. This specialist implements the education of a deaf child in a team of healthy peers in the main educational program introduced by the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU. A mandatory requirement is the passage of professional retraining (advanced training) of this specialist in the field of inclusive education, confirmed by a certificate of the established form.

The continuity of the professional development of a primary school teacher in whose class a deaf child is studying should be ensured by the development of additional professional educational programs in the field of inclusive education in the amount of at least 72 hours at least every five years.

3. Educational psychologist - a specialist in the field of psychological support for students who has a higher specialized education and has completed additional training (advanced training) in the field of special psychology and psychological assistance to children with disabilities in an inclusive education for at least 144 hours.

The continuity of the professional development of a teacher-psychologist should be ensured by the development of additional professional educational programs in the field of special psychological assistance to children with disabilities in the context of inclusive education in the amount of at least 72 hours at least every five years.

4. medical worker - a full-time medical worker of an educational organization in which a deaf child is studying, who has improved his qualification in the field of medical support for students with disabilities in the amount of at least 144 hours.

All employees of an educational organization in which a child (children) with a hearing impairment study at least every five years are sent to advanced training courses for additional professional educational programs in the amount of at least 72 hours. Further training should be carried out in the field of evidence-based and experimentally proven developments in the field of teaching deaf children.

Financial and economic support– parameters of relevant standards and mechanisms for their implementation. The developed standard proceeds from the parameters of the existing funding for the school education of deaf children and does not imply going beyond the already established boundaries.

In accordance with the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard for students with disabilities, for deaf students, “per capita” funding should be provided, the amount of which is maintained regardless of the chosen level of education, version of the standard, and the degree of integration of the child into the general educational environment. The amount of financial and economic support for the process of inclusive education of a deaf child should not be less than the “cost” of his education in a special educational institution (organization).

In the inclusive education of a deaf child, additional financial and economic support for the implementation of the directions of the program of correctional work as an integrative result of the interaction of all specialists (teacher-defectologist, primary school teacher, psychologist, medical worker)

In connection with the individual characteristics of the health of a deaf student, financial and economic conditions are created for the full implementation of the necessary health-saving, preventive measures, as well as current medical and physiotherapy treatment, exercise therapy and other activities.

LogisticsGeneral characteristics public infrastructure and special education, including the parameters of the educational information environment.

The material and technical support of the process of teaching a deaf child according to the first version A of the standard necessarily includes the organization of: an educational space, a temporary mode of study, a workplace for a deaf student, technically comfortable access to the educational environment (assisting tools and technologies).

Organization of educational space.

An educational organization should have separate specially equipped rooms for conducting classes with a teacher-defectologist and a psychologist that meet the objectives of the program of correctional work and the objectives of psychological assistance to a deaf child. The office (class for classes) of the teacher-defectologist is supplied with the necessary furniture, appliances, inventory, consumables, didactic aids in an amount not less than that provided for a similar office in a special educational institution for children with hearing impairment.

The special organization of the educational space is understood as the creation of comfortable conditions for auditory-visual and auditory perception oral speech to a deaf child. Among them: the location of the student in the room, the thoughtfulness of the illumination of the speaker’s face and the background behind him, the use of modern electro-acoustic, including sound-amplifying equipment, as well as equipment that allows you to better see what is happening at a distance (projection on a large screen), regulation of the noise level in the premises and other. Mandatory consideration of these conditions requires special organization educational space when holding any kind of events in all educational and extracurricular premises (including corridors, halls, halls, etc.), as well as during extracurricular and field events.

Organization of a temporary training regime.

In the morning, students with hearing impairment visit training sessions provided by the main educational program. In the afternoon (outside of school hours), it is planned to organize special classes with a teacher-defectologist and a psychologist, as well as additional necessary measures aimed at improving the child's health and fulfilling his special educational needs.

Organization of the workplace for a deaf child.

The desk of a student with a hearing impairment should occupy such a position in the classroom that the child sitting behind it can see the face of the teacher and most of his peers. The workplace of the child should be well lit. The child's desk should be provided with a special design, a tablet board used in situations of presentation of unfamiliar words, terms, the need for additional individual assistance from the class teacher.

If a deaf child has other individual health characteristics workplace additional is completed in accordance with them.

Part of the curriculum , formed by the participants in educational relations, ensures the implementation of special (specific) educational needs characteristic of deaf students, as well as the individual needs of each student. IN 1 grade according to the sleigh this part is absent from the packaging and hygienic requirements. The time allotted for this part, within the maximum allowable weekly load of students, can be used:

To increase the teaching hours allocated for the study of individual subjects of the compulsory part;

For introduction training courses, ensuring the satisfaction of the special educational needs of deaf students, the development of auditory perception and pronunciation training and additional correction cognitive processes;

On the introduction of training courses that provide various interests of students, including ethno-cultural (for example: the history and culture of the native land, etc.).

The number of hours allotted for deaf students to master the curriculum, which consists of a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in the educational process, in the aggregate does not exceed the value of the maximum allowable weekly educational load trainees according to sled packaging and hygienic requirements.

The part formed by the participants of the educational process includes extracurricular activities. . The organization of classes in the areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process in an educational institution. Special educational organizations give students the opportunity to choose a wide range activities aimed at their development.

Under extracurricular activities in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for Deaf Students With mild form mental retardation one should understand educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program.

The plan of extracurricular activities is an organizational mechanism for the implementation of the adapted basic educational program of primary general education.

Extracurricular activities organized in the areas of personality development (correctional developmental, general intellectual, sports and recreational, spiritual and moral, social, general cultural) in such forms as individual and group classes, excursions, programs additional education: clubs, sections, olympiads, competitions, project activities.

Correction and development direction is a mandatory part of extracurricular activities that support the process of mastering the content of the AOOP IEO option 1.3.

The content of this area is represented by correctional and developmental classes, classes for the development of auditory perception and teaching pronunciation (frontal and individual sessions) and musical-rhythmic studies. In these classes, the development of residual auditory function and the formation of pronunciation take place, which ensures the success of teaching students in the educational areas of AOEP IEO.

In addition, the choice of courses for individual and group classes can be carried out by an educational organization independently, based on the psychophysical characteristics of deaf students with SJS based on the recommendations of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission and individual program rehabilitation.

The implementation of special tasks for the development of auditory perception, correction and compensation of mental and speech development disorders of students is carried out in all lessons and in combination with individual remedial classes.

Correctional courses are necessary condition overcoming violations in the psychophysical and speech development of students in this category, complement and expand the ability of students to successfully master the knowledge, skills and abilities of the program material.

The plan of extracurricular activities of a general educational organization determines the composition and structure of areas, forms of organization, the amount of extracurricular activities for students, taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of a general educational organization.

The organization of extracurricular activities assumes that all participants in the educational process take part in this work: teachers, defectologists, educators, psychologists, social educators, medical workers.

The time allotted for extracurricular activities is not taken into account when determining the maximum allowable weekly load of students, but is taken into account when determining the amount of funding allocated for the implementation of an adapted basic educational program. The distribution of hours provided for extracurricular activities is carried out as follows: the weekly load is 10 hours, of which 7 hours are allocated for conducting correctional and developmental classes.

The general educational organization independently develops and approves a plan for extracurricular activities, determining the forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of educational and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education. The schedule of lessons is compiled separately for lessons and extracurricular activities. The duration of extracurricular activities is 35-45 minutes. For students of grade 1, the duration of extracurricular activities should not exceed 35 minutes in the first half of the year.

The alternation of educational and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the adapted basic educational program of primary general education is determined by the educational institution.

On the recommendation of the ICPC and the IPR for deaf students with mild mental retardation individual curricula can be implemented, within the framework of which individual learning programs(content of disciplines, courses, fashion lei, forms of education).

Schedule of the educational process. An educational institution (organization) carries out educational activities according to adapted basic educational programs for deaf students (option 1.3).

The curriculum of a general educational institution (organization) ensures the fulfillment of the hygienic requirements for the mode of the educational process established by SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in general educational institutions" and provides for a 6-year period (grades 1-6) of development adapted basic general education program of primary general education for deaf students according to option 1.3. The choice of the duration of study (6 years) remains with the educational organization, based on the region's capabilities in preparing deaf children for schooling.

In accordance with the Charter, an educational institution (organization) has the right to independently determine the duration of the school week (5-day or 6-day school week).

The duration of the academic year - for students in grade 1 - 33 weeks, for grades 2-6 - at least 34 weeks.

In grade 1, students are given additional holidays in the third quarter. The duration of holidays for students in grades 2-4 (5) is at least 30 calendar days during the academic year, in summer - at least 8 weeks.

With the maximum allowable load during the school day, the number of lessons should not exceed: in grade 1 - 4 lessons per day, one day per week - 5 lessons, in grades 2-5 - no more than 5 lessons per day.

It is possible to use the "stepped" mode of learning in the first grades. Based on the letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year elementary school"of September 25, 2000 No. 2021 / 11-13 and "Recommendations on the organization of training for first-graders in the adaptation period" of April 20, 2001. No. 408 / 13-13: “... in September, October, 3 lessons are held daily for 35 minutes each. The rest of the time is filled with targeted walks, excursions, physical education classes, educational games. In order to fulfill the task of removing the static stress of students, it is proposed to use not only the classroom, but also other forms of organizing the educational process in the fourth lessons. In November - December - 4 lessons of 35 minutes each; in January - May, 4 lessons of 40 minutes each + 5 minutes of physical culture break in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN of 12/29/2010

Education of 1st grade students is carried out without scoring knowledge.

In grades 2-6, the duration of the lessons is 40 minutes (in accordance with the Charter of the educational institution (organization)). Forms of organization of the educational process can alternate between educational and extracurricular activities within the schedule.

The schedule in an educational institution (organization) for deaf students is built taking into account the schedule of mental performance during the school day and school week in compliance with the mode of ranking subjects by points. During the school day, both difficult and easier subjects for students to perceive are taught, which can reduce the fatigue of students and prevent their overload (in accordance with the Charter of the educational institution (organization)).

The implementation of the variable part of the curriculum ensures the individual character of the development of students.

The curriculum maintains the continuity of the studied subjects at each level, taking into account the specifics aimed at overcoming speech underdevelopment and related features mental development students.

The curriculum additionally provides for classes in the correctional and developmental area. The maximum load does not include hours of classes included in the correctional and developmental area (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 06, 2002 No. 03-51-127in./13-03).

The schedule of lessons is compiled separately for compulsory, remedial and extracurricular activities. Between the beginning of the above classes and the last lesson, it is recommended to arrange a break of at least 45 minutes.

The load of students is regulated by increasing the duration of training, corrective orientation of the educational process, which allows to form the necessary skills and abilities of educational activities of deaf students studying according to option 1.3 of the adapted basic educational program of the CEO.

Teaching according to the adapted basic educational program of primary general education for deaf schoolchildren with mild mental retardation is carried out in a special small class for children with similar hearing health and similar educational needs. The capacity of the special class cannot exceed 5 deaf children.

Features of the curriculum for deaf students with mild mental retardation(option 1.3) are:

inclusion of an increase in the educational area "Philology" of special subjects "Subject-practical education", "Development of speech", ensuring the achievement of the level of primary general education, practical formation grammatical structure speech in deaf children, the development of verbal speech (in written and oral form); the study of these subjects allows you to create a basis for the development of students' speech activity for further mastering the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge and activities to obtain, transform and apply new knowledge. The number of hours allocated for the study of the subjects "Russian language", "Literary reading" can be adjusted within the subject area "Philology" taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of deaf students;

the subject "Social and everyday orientation" (SBO) is aimed at the practical preparation of deaf students for independent life, the formation in each student of the necessary stock of knowledge, skills, abilities that will allow him to confidently start an independent life after graduation, successfully adapt to it and integrate into society.

The correctional area is represented by mandatory individual and frontal classes for the development of auditory perception and teaching pronunciation, frontal musical-rhythmic and additional correctional classes "Correction of cognitive processes" that help overcome violations in the development of students, develop auditory perception and oral speech, achieve subject, social and communicative competencies provided for by primary general education (option 1.3). Hours of the correctional-developing area are mandatory and are held throughout the school day.

Sample Curriculum for Primary General Education
for deaf students




Number of hours
in Week










(Language and speech practice)

Russian language and

literary reading







Subject - practical training








and computer science








Social science

and natural science

Acquaintance with the outside world






World around








Basics religious cultures and secular ethics

















material technology








Computer techologies







Physical Culture

Physical culture (adaptive)















Part, formed by the participants of the educational process







Maximum allowable weekly load(for a 5-day school week)








Extracurricular activities(including correctional and developmental work)








Correctional and developmental work

Formation of speech hearing and pronunciation side of oral speech (individual lessons) *







Music and rhythm classes








Development of perception of non-speech sounds and speech technique







Social and household orientation





Additional remedial classes "Development of cognitive processes" (individual lessons) *








The results of the development of the correctional-developing area of ​​the AOOP IEO should reflect:

Correction course "Formation of speech hearing and pronunciation side of oral speech":

Auditory perception (with the help of individual hearing aids) familiar speech material colloquial and educational-business character. Distinguishing, identifying and recognizing by ear familiar and necessary in communication in the classroom and outside of school hours of speech material (phrases, words, phrases);

aural perception of small texts of a dialogic and monologue nature, reflecting typical communication situations in educational and extracurricular activities, aural recognition of the main speech material (individual sentences, words, phrases) from these texts presented at random;

answers to questions on the text and tasks. With difficulty in the perception of speech information, the expression in oral statements of misunderstanding;

implementation of the skills of probabilistic prediction of a speech message during its auditory-visual or auditory perception, taking into account the communicative situation, relying on the perceived elements of speech, speech and non-speech context.

The pronunciation of speech material is quite intelligible, natural and emotional, using natural non-verbal means of communication in speech communication and realizing the formed skills to speak in a voice of normal height, strength and timbre, at a normal pace, to reproduce the sound and rhythmic-intonation structures of speech. Compliance with orthoepic norms in familiar words. Application of familiar orthoepic rules when reading new words. Reproduction of new words based on the teacher's sample of speech, graphic designation of orthoepy norms. Implementation of the formed skills of self-control of the pronunciation side of speech. Implementation of speech behavior skills (in compliance with the elementary rules of speech etiquette);

desire and ability to engage in verbal communication with children and adults.

Correctional course "Musical and rhythmic classes":

Introduction to aesthetic activities related to the art of music. Emotional perception of music (performed by the teacher, in audio and video recordings);

elementary ideas about expressiveness and figurativeness in music, musical genres (march, dance, song), instrumental and vocal music, its performance (choir, soloist, symphony orchestra, orchestra of folk instruments, ensemble, individual musical instruments, singing voices);

definition in verbal form (with the help of a teacher and independently) the nature of the music, genre (march, dance, song), available funds musical expression. Knowledge of the titles of the works being listened to, the names of the composers, the musical instruments. Emotional, expressive, correct and rhythmic performance to the music of simple compositions of folk, modern and ballroom dances, mastering the elements of musical and plastic improvisation. Emotional, expressive recitation of songs to music in an ensemble to the accompaniment and control of the teacher when transmitting in a fairly intelligible speech (when realizing pronunciation capabilities) the tempo-rhythmic structure of the melody, the nature of sound science, dynamic shades. Emotional, expressive and rhythmic performance on elementary musical instruments in an accompaniment ensemble to a piece of music or a song performed by a teacher. Manifestation of creative abilities in musical and rhythmic activity. Auditory and auditory perception of speech material worked out in the classroom. Consolidation of pronunciation skills with the widespread use of phonetic rhythm and music. Possession of thematic and terminological vocabulary associated with musical and rhythmic activity, including its perception and quite intelligible and natural reproduction in the implementation of pronunciation capabilities. IN various types extracurricular artistic activities, including joint with hearing peers, the implementation of formed skills.

Correctional course "Development of auditory perception and speech technique":

Distinguishing and identifying by ear the sounds of musical instruments (toys);

determining by ear the number of sounds, the duration of their sound (short, long), the nature of sound science (continuous or non-continuous), tempo (normal fast, slow), loudness (normal, loud, quiet), rhythms, pitch. Perception of auditory-visual and auditory familiar and necessary in communication in the classroom and after school hours of speech material (phrases, words, phrases);

perception and reproduction of dialogic and monologue texts, reflecting typical situations of communication in educational and extracurricular activities of students. The pronunciation of the spent speech material in a voice of normal height, strength and timbre, at a normal pace, quite distinctly and naturally, emotionally, realizing the formed skills of reproducing the sound and rhythmic-intonational structure of speech, using natural non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, posture, plasticity, etc.). P.);

implementation of self-control of the pronunciation side of speech, knowledge of orthoepic rules, their observance in speech, the implementation of formed speech skills in independent speech, compliance with the elementary rules of speech etiquette. Hearing perception and verbal definition of non-speech sounds of the surrounding world:

socially significant domestic and city noises;

noise associated with natural phenomena, noise associated with manifestations of physiological and emotional state person;

distinguishing and identifying conversation and singing, male and female voices (using the sounds of musical instruments, toys). Application of the acquired experience in the perception of non-speech sounds of the world and the skills of oral communication in educational and various types of extracurricular activities, including joint activities with hearing children and adults.

Correctional course "Social orientation":

Possession of information about oneself, one's family, the immediate social environment. The formation of civic identity, the development of patriotic feelings. Mastering elementary moral and ethical ideas, their implementation in various activities. Development of independence in solving problems related to life support, including self-service, servicing loved ones, mastering the necessary elementary skills of conducting household, the basics of hygiene and healthy lifestyle life, behavior in extreme situations, knowledge and application of elementary and necessary safety rules. Awareness own capabilities and disability due to hearing loss. Accumulation of elementary experience social behavior necessary for the implementation of life tasks, including communication among people with normal and impaired hearing. Mastering the elementary norms of speech etiquette. Implementation of interaction with children and adults on the basis of tolerance, mutual respect. The presence of elementary ideas about professions, including the professions of parents, possession of the basics of elementary economic and legal knowledge necessary for the life of students, the ability to apply them in life. Mastery of speech behavior. Possession of information about people with hearing impairments, their culture, means of communication, life achievements, implementation of formed ideas in the process of communication with deaf and hard of hearing children and adults.

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