Fortune telling Lenormand - the meaning of the cards, practical developments. Lenormand cards Meaning of Lenormand in all areas

Lenormand, a description of the symbolism, a brief meaning of the cards.

In this article, I will briefly describe what the Lenormand card system is, describe the meaning of the symbolism of each card, from the standpoint of its significance in divination and from the standpoint of understanding these symbols in Western European cultural traditions, as well as ladies short meanings for each card in the form of keywords to it.

Oracle Lenormand, its features and a brief history.

The small oracle Lenormand is named after the famous French fortuneteller Marie Anna-Adelaide Lenormand, who, according to legend, studied with Etheilla, although it is not known for certain whether she personally knew him, it is possible that she studied only from his written works and books. Maria Lenormand adopted a lot from Etteila's predictive system. A feature of her work was that she used simple playing cards, but gave them completely her own meaning, which did not correlate much with the classically accepted interpretations for playing cards, as well as Anna-Adelaide used Blanks (questioning cards) and combined cards with each other. It is not known whether there actually remained any records with the meanings of the cards used by Maria Lenormand, but some of her followers or admirers tried to reconstruct the predictive system of Maria Lenormand by providing simple playing cards with a capacious picture symbol on each.

That is, specifically from Ms. Lenormand, during the reconstruction, the very method of working with playing cards was adopted, but to improve memorization and simplify interpretation, picture symbols were added, which are very easy to understand without even having a description at hand and just as easy to remember. Although, in many modern publications, they write that the reconstruction of Erna Drusbeke in 1987 is considered the most successful, but I want to note that even before it, such decks as popular now as the Blue Owl were created, published since 1920, at present the moment is considered classical, and Lenormand from Piatnik, which have been published since about the 40s of the 20th century.

A deck of 36 playing cards, equipped with drawings and a system for working with it, turned out to be very successful, informative and are used by many fortune tellers today. Although there is a stereotype that Lenormand was created only for everyday issues, in fact this is far from the case, this deck allows us to consider more global, deeper issues than just a series of events. In fact, it all depends on the predictor who works with the deck.

Summing up this chapter, it can be noted that the features of the Lenormand system are that each card has a symbol-picture that is understandable to any European person. If you look at the Lenormand oracle cards without knowing their meanings, you can understand what they roughly mean, the symbols on these cards speak for themselves. But in the layouts, it is not just the symbol and its interpretation that is important, but its meaning, which appears under the influence of other cards. In other words, the meaning of each card depends on which card will be next to it. In addition, it is not customary to use inverted meanings in Lenormand, but it is customary to use blank cards that symbolize the questioner, in many layouts, the interpretation is guided by these cards. In large spreads, the cards are interpreted relative to the blank cards. But the most important characteristic of Lenormand cards is that their simple and understandable symbols allow you to answer any questions and greatly develop intuition for the predictor who works with them.

Symbolism of cards and keywords for prediction.

1. Rider.

The rider is a symbol of a person who brings news or news from afar. It's a messenger, a courier. In the Middle Ages, news and important events were mainly learned through travelers. At the same time, the horse on which the rider rides is a symbol of movement and endurance.

Keywords. News, messages, package, phone call, guest. Movement, sports, trips, movement, speed, quickness. Means of communication, information in all its manifestations. New ideas, new beginnings, new acquaintances, rapid development of events. Journeys are not long and short distances. Transience, haste, excessive talkativeness, indiscipline.

2. Clover.

The card symbol, the four-leaf clover, is quite rare, unlike the three-leaf clover that is found everywhere. Because of this rarity, it is considered a magical plant, there is a belief that if you find a clover with four leaves, then happiness and good luck await a person. Previously, a person who found such a clover could dry it and use it as a talisman that brings good luck.

Keywords. Good luck, joy, hope, small profit, optimism, small happiness, joy, surprise. Simplicity, transience, luck in the game, chances. Gambling, weed smoking. Everything is good, pleasant, but fleeting.

3. Ship.

A ship is a symbol of travel, movement over long distances; in the Middle Ages, water transport was interconnected with trade, because trade routes went through water. And also the ship is a symbol of the discovery of new continents, lands and a symbol of the expansion of horizons. In the past, the dead were often sent on their last journey by water, so the ship can also be a symbol of a spiritual journey.

Keywords. Travel, movement, moving, change, change, desire for change, vacation. Large vehicle. Progress, trade, wealth, inheritance. In spiritual matters, a journey within oneself.

4. House.

The house is a symbol of reliability, support, protection. A home is a place where a person lives, sleeps, eats and feels safe. Home is a meeting place for the whole family, a place for celebrations, a place of family traditions. A house is a symbol of a place where a person is expected and always happy to see.

Keywords. Family, stability, comfort, protection, prosperity, friendship. The team, real estate, support, the influence of the family on human behavior. Unshakable foundations. Household chores, daily chores. Successful completion of cases.

5. Tree.

The tree is a symbol of growth, fertility. A symbol of vitality and resilience. Often in esoteric traditions, a tree is associated with the person himself, his body and spirit at the same time. The tree is a symbol of health and vitality. The roots of the tree symbolize adherence to traditions, rich life experience.

Keywords. Health, vitality, human body, potency. Growth, restraint, inner peace, family traditions. Fertility, abundance, support, protection, strength. Wisdom, patience, stability, resilience, duration, longevity.

6. Clouds.

A cloud is a symbol of bad weather, which comes unexpectedly, but quickly passes. And bad weather is most often associated with troubles, with something dreary, gray and bleak, and rain with tears. But it is difficult to guess how long the bad weather will last, so clouds are associated with impermanence.

Keywords. Anxiety, tears, sadness, gloom, reflection, anxiety, malaise. Bad mood, resentment, regret. Disappointment, fickleness, fears, doubts, melancholy. Lack of clarity, uncertainty, instability, uncertainty, threat, trouble. But the clouds are fickle and the card says that the troubles will soon go away.

7. Snake.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, a symbol of magic and occultism The snake is a symbol of the snake of the tempter, the seducer to sin, but at the same time, the tempted also received wisdom with knowledge, therefore it is not only a symbol of deceit or sin, but also a symbol of wisdom. Also in the symbol that medicine uses, there is also a snake that wraps around the bowl, so the snake is also a symbol of healing and healing. The snake changes its skin every year, so often it is still a symbol of beauty and rejuvenation, but at the same time, resourcefulness, flattery, deceit, cunning. Also, in some traditions, the snake can symbolize sexual energy and instincts. In yoga, the spiritual, which is at the same time creative and sexual, the kundalini energy, located at the base of the spine, is represented as a sleeping snake.

Keywords. Meanness, deceit, betrayal, deceit, betrayal. Temptation, hypocrisy, pretense, intrigue, jealousy. Hidden threat, envy, malice, slander. Witchcraft, magic, wisdom. Sex, sexuality, the enemy.

8. Coffin.

The coffin is a symbol of death, the dead, completion, ending. The coffin is a symbol of loss, a symbol of a receptacle, of what has already been lost or outlived. The coffin can be a symbol of the withering away of something old, for renewal and change.

Keywords. Death, end, completion. Suffering, difficulties, stagnation, pause, difficult situation, protracted in time, serious and prolonged trouble. Prolonged depression, pain, suffering, loss. Keeping secrets, seclusion, isolation, narrow-mindedness.

9. Bouquet.

The bouquet is a symbol of kindness, joy, gifts. Usually a bouquet is presented as a token of attention or a gift for the holiday. A flower is a symbol of the ideal of beauty, feminine beauty and happiness. A beautiful bouquet of flowers is always pleasing to the eye, attracts attention and uplifts the mood. A bouquet can be associated with holidays, with warmth, with fun. The bouquet is a symbol of spring, youth, innocence, youthfulness of the soul, flowers mainly bloom in spring and summer. But at the same time, plucked flowers are also a symbol of transience and fragility, because flowers tend to fade over time.

Keywords. Signs of attention, compliments, admiration, joy, a gift, a truce. Love, flirting, pleasant company. Happiness, luck, pleasure, evanescence, improvement. Creativity, hobby.

10. Spit.

The scythe is a symbol of death, danger, harvest. A scythe is an integral attribute in images symbolizing death: a skeleton with a scythe. The scythe has a sharp iron tip, which is easy to kill, injure, injure, but at the same time, the scythe is actually created not as a murder weapon, but as a tool for harvesting. The scythe is also a clipping symbol.

Keywords. Danger, surprise, suddenness, trouble, injury, accident, failure. Defeat, rupture, cutting off, conflicts, fights, aggression, nervousness, jealousy. Breakage, death, harvest.

11. Broom.

The crown of thorns, whip and broom, depicted on the card, classically symbolize suffering, punishment and purification by this punishment. The broom is a symbol of cleansing, getting rid of everything superfluous. With it, rubbish is removed and the room is cleaned. Often the broom is associated with language and conversation.

Keywords. Disputes, disagreements, conversations, verbiage, gossip. Fuss, hasty action, impulsiveness, emotions, irascibility, imbalance. Tension, nervousness, exhaustion, stress. Punishment, cleansing.

12. Owls.

Owls are a symbol of wisdom, science and reflection. Currently, the owl emblem is used by many scientific publishers, libraries and research organizations. The owl is a symbol of insight and prophecy. The owl is a night bird, therefore it is often associated with dark forces and is considered an attribute of the night. Birds are depicted on many decks, which is a symbol of the free flight of thought, intellect, reason, airiness. At the same time, the birds on the cards often build a nest or look for food, which symbolizes everyday worries.

Keywords. Reflections, thoughts, doubts, distrust, worries, anxiety, excitement, routine, worries. Small annoyances, small problems, two women or a married couple. Conversations, telephone conversations, gossip, slander.

13. Child.

The child is a symbol of naivete, trust, new beginnings. A child is a symbol of someone who is just starting his journey. The child is not yet experienced and therefore often can be trusting and naive. The child symbolizes immaturity. The child actively explores the world, he is interested in everything new, so the child can symbolize curiosity, the desire for something new, interesting. The child is in the process of growth, therefore it is a symbol of growth and change. The child is a symbol of the openness of faith. Also, the child card simply symbolizes children.

Keywords. Child, pregnancy, childbirth. Growth, development. Naivety, purity, innocence, openness, trust, sincerity. Immaturity, inexperience, frivolity, carelessness, infantilism. A new beginning, the beginning of something.

14. Fox.

The fox is a symbol of cunning, deceit, hypocrisy, resourcefulness, cunning. With the image of a fox, almost everyone has associations with the heroine of fairy tales, who very often manages to outwit everyone. The fox is associated with feminine beauty, charm and seductiveness. Although it is the male fox that is most often depicted in Lenormand, since in European languages ​​it is the fox, and not the fox. In Christianity, the fox symbolizes the Devil.

Keywords. Cunning, deceit, resourcefulness, deceit, insincerity, sycophancy. Envy, intrigue, fraud, mistake, betrayal, self-interest. Seduction, flexibility, intelligence.

15. Bear.

The bear is a symbol of power, power, strength, rage. At the same time, the bear is the protector of the forest and symbolizes good nature and protection. The bear can be a symbol of tender maternal feelings, a symbol of unpredictability and instinct. In the Slavic tradition, the bear is considered a symbol of Veles. In Russian folklore, the bear was presented as a gentle, sluggish creature, but able to stand up for itself. In northern European traditions, it is the bear that is the king of animals.

Keywords. Power, patronage, strength, bosses, protection, help, influential person, patron. Power, responsible post, father. Solidity, possessiveness, jealousy. Lover.

16. Stars.

The starry sky is a symbol of fulfillment of desires, creative inspiration. The starry sky is a symbol of emotions and poetic impulses. Stars are the source of light in the night sky and are therefore a symbol of spiritual light. The starry sky is a symbol of fate, prosperity and happiness. In some cultures, it was believed that the stars are the souls of departed people who are watching us from the sky. Astrologers believe that the location of the stars at birth governs the life and destiny of a person.

Keywords. Inspiration, dreams, creativity, hopes, plans, art, romance, happiness. Extrasensory perception, mysticism, esotericism. Popularity, set map. spiritual wealth, harmony, charm, softness, clarity, honesty.

17. Storks.

The stork is a symbol of the birth of a child, fertility, family and change. The stork flies to warmer climes in winter, therefore it symbolizes flights, travels, but always returns to its nest, therefore it also symbolizes the hearth. The stork brings not only children, but also brings happiness. Sometimes the cards depict a heron or a crane, which also symbolizes fertility, changes, flights, happiness.

Keywords. Change, renewal, pregnancy, childbirth, fertility. Flights, travel, moving. Happiness, luck.

18. Dog.

The dog is a symbol of fidelity, friendship, devotion, care, reliability. A dog has long been considered a true friend of a person, it is always there, never betrays and will help in difficult times. A dog is a symbol of true, most devoted friendship. The dog is a symbol of service, help, dedication and protection.

Keywords. Friendship, friend, fidelity, devotion, reliability, constancy, trust, sincerity. Support, help, protection, partnership.

19. Tower.

The tower is a symbol of authority, greatness, confidence, but at the same time solitude and loneliness. The tower is a symbol of power, power, ascent. The tower is a symbol of a fortress that protects and is very difficult to destroy, it is a symbol of inviolability. The tower is a symbol of a strong and stable position. Very often in fairy tales and legends, the tower was used as a place of imprisonment for princesses.

Keywords. Treasury house, state institutions, premises, buildings, office, bank, hotel. Law, authorities, public organizations. Isolation, loneliness, growth, stability, resilience.

20. Garden.

A garden is a symbol of a place where people gather together, a public place where a person, among the same people, feels good and confident. Very often the garden causes associations of a holiday, parties. The garden is a symbol of social life, publicity, attention. The garden can also be a symbol of the Garden of Eden, the first place where God placed people in Christianity. Therefore, sometimes the garden symbolizes the Garden of Eden, as calmness, happiness and peace.

Keywords. Society, society, social life, companies, crowded places, social life. Communication on interests, new social contacts, meetings. Entertainment, recreation, holidays, pleasure, public speaking, popularity.

21. Mountain.

The mountain is a symbol of an obstacle, a barrier, difficulties, difficulties. The mountain is a symbol of an obstacle, to overcome which it is necessary to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. The mountain is a symbol of a difficult, full of dangers, climbing up. But the obstacles of the mountain are quite surmountable, the main thing is to have patience, willpower and be ready to overcome them. The mountain is a symbol of immobility.

Keywords. Difficulties, obstacles, difficulties, obstacles, stagnation, problems, interference. Load, blockage, stagnation, immobility, distance in time. Strength, foreignness, distance, stubbornness.

22. Fork.

The fork is a symbol of choosing one's path, uncertainty, suspense. Very often in fairy tales, the hero stops in front of a fork in several paths, you need to choose on which path the hero is waiting for acceptable conditions, so the fork can be called a symbol of the variability of fate. At the fork, you can stop to rest during a long journey. The fork is also a crossroads, which is often associated in magic with a place where magical energy is concentrated, magical rituals were performed at the crossroads. Jung called the fork a symbol of opposites.

Keywords. Choice, decision, duality, search for alternatives, love triangle, infidelity. Indecision, uncertainty, suspense, road, dispersion of energy.

23. Rats.

Rats are a symbol of plague, decay, punishment. In the middle of the century, rats were carriers of plague, other diseases and dirt. Rats spoil supplies, so they are a symbol of loss. Rats are a symbol of greed, gluttony and fertility. Rats cause disgust, unpleasant emotions, are associated with damage to property and destruction. The rat is a symbol of poverty and deprivation. Rats are a symbol of sabotage, great decline and ruin.

Keywords. Theft, loss, trouble, ruin, destruction, disease, wrecking, unsanitary conditions. Meanness, greed, betrayal, vices, perversions. Poverty, unpleasant company, frustration, fertility, gluttony, impatience. Fraud on a grand scale. Fear, negative emotions.

24. Heart.

The heart is a symbol of love and emotions. The heart, a sign understood by every person in the world, it symbolizes romantic love. The heart symbolizes kindness, sincerity, understanding, sympathy, empathy. The heart symbolizes the very center of a person, the center of spirituality and emotionality. The heart is a symbol of humility, conscience and gentleness. The heart is a symbol of any emotional experience, from joy to sorrow. The heart is the life source of the human body.

Keywords. Feelings, emotions, love, heartfelt affection, tenderness, happiness, joy, romantic relationships. Kindness, compassion, sincerity. Emotional satisfaction, romantic relationships.

25. Ring.

The ring is a symbol of a circle, a circle, a symbol of power. The circle symbolizes eternity and continuity, is a symbol of happiness, harmony, sun, peace. In Lenormand 25, the card is a wedding ring, which symbolizes bonds, in this context marriage bonds, unity, integrity. The ring is a sign of agreement and a symbol of union. The ring is also a symbol of patronage and protection. Often rings are amulets and magical talismans that have supernatural properties.

Keywords. Union, agreement, relationship, marriage, engagement, association, connection, affection. Cyclicity, repetition, duty, duty, responsibility, balance, jewels.

26. Book.

The book is a symbol of mystery, wisdom, science, learning, information, enlightenment. Very often, esoteric and occult knowledge, magic are associated with the book. A closed book symbolizes something that is hidden, that needs to be unraveled, read, but for this the book needs to be opened, to look into it. But, even after reading the book, rereading it again and again, every time you can find something new in it. In books of mystical and occult content, where in order to understand and read the book, special keys are needed to decipher the text. The book is a symbol of literary activity, creativity, writing.

Keywords. Mystery, riddle, suspense, secrets, closeness, double life, restraint. Information, learning, reading, writing, education, reflection, wisdom.

27. Letter.

The letter is a symbol of news and information. The letter is associated with a pleasant surprise, Expectation. The letter is a symbol of important papers and documentation. Letter is a symbol of communication. The letter is often associated with a love letter. More recently, before the advent of the Internet and the telephone, letters were one of the main means of communication with the outside world. A closed envelope symbolizes that the information is sealed, which means it has value and importance for the sender.

Keywords. Documents, important papers, notifications, notices, contract, agreement. News, all kinds of communication. Conversation, correspondence, official decision.

28. Gentleman.

The card of a man is in Lenormand and is a symbol of a male person. Symbolizes the questioner, if it is a man. A man is a symbol of active yang energy, a symbol of strength, assertiveness, movement, and sometimes aggression. A man symbolizes city, dignity, self-control and situations. A man is a symbol of consciousness and logic.

Keywords. Map of the blank of a man in layouts, a specific person, a man. Partner, friend, brother, colleague, beloved man. Active actions, assertiveness, aggression, male prowess, Yang energy, will.

29. Woman.

The card of a woman is in Lenormand and is a symbol of a female person. Symbolizes the questioner, if this is a woman. A woman is a symbol of passive, accepting Yin energy. Symbol of understanding, empathy, sympathy, tenderness, affection, beauty, love. A woman is a symbol of fertility and procreation. If a man, as a symbol, is assertive and active, then a woman is more passive and calm. A woman is a symbol of the subconscious and intuition.

Keywords. Map of the blank of a woman in layouts. Special person. Girlfriend, lover, wife, fiancee, sister, colleague. Passivity, calmness, flexibility, diplomacy, gentleness, sensitivity, intuition, care. Yin energy.

30. Lilies.

Lilies are a symbol of beauty, youth, purity, modesty, purity, happiness, harmony. Lilies are a very ambiguous symbol, on the one hand it is a symbol of innocence, religiosity, but on the other hand, lilies are often associated with sexuality and fertility, because of its phallic pestle and specific aroma. Lilies are an attribute of many Christian saints, so they are considered a symbol of religiosity and purity. Lilies also symbolize prosperity and royalty. In Rus', lilies were also considered a symbol of purity and innocence, they were given to brides. Also in Rus', the lily was a symbol of peace. In many other countries, Lilies are also a flower, symbolizing innocence, modesty, kindness and purity. Lilies are a symbol of greatness, glory and mercy of God.

Keywords. Beauty, purity, modesty, innocence, kindness, grace, mercy, nobility. Coldness, virginity, justice. Welfare, happiness, harmony, glory, high position, patronage, care.

31. Sun.

The sun is a symbol of life, the source of life, light. The understanding of the sun as a symbol is similar for all peoples. The sun is the giver of life, the source of life, on the planet, the symbol of the main deity. The sun is a symbol of supremacy, omniscience, heroism, activity, youth. The sun gives positive energy, warmth, a charge of joy and happiness. The sun symbolizes life force and divine energy. The sun in mythology is a symbol of masculinity, passion. The sun symbolizes royalty. The sun symbolizes the psychic center of a person, symbolizes his self, self.

Keywords. Clarity, happiness, joy, fame, success, prosperity, wealth, prosperity. Warmth, energy, optimism, harmony, activity, vitality and energy, creativity. Esoterics.

32. Moon.

The moon is a symbol of mysticism, intuition, subconscious, emotions. The moon symbolizes the feminine, a symbol of variability and impermanence. The moon is a symbol of spiritual life, a symbol of imagination and fantasies. The moon is a symbol of night, fertility, death and rebirth. The moon dies and resurrects, therefore it symbolizes cyclical processes. The moon only reflects sunlight, not giving its own, therefore it is also considered a passive principle. The moon symbolizes inner knowledge, irrational, sensual. The moon symbolizes secrets and illusions.

Keywords. Subconsciousness, intuition, illusions, presentiment, introspection, self-immersion, magic, esotericism. Psychology, psyche, imagination, emotions, melancholy, sensitivity, experiences. Traditions, memories, pregnancy.

33. Key.

The key is a symbol of a mystery that needs to be unraveled. The key is a symbol of discovery. A key is a symbol of possession of something. The golden key from a fairy tale symbolizes the acquisition of happiness. The key very often symbolizes a tool to achieve a result, for example, the key to the heart, the key to success, etc. The key can be a dual symbol, symbolizing the ability to open or close everything, lock or release, hide or open. The key is a symbol of wisdom and ingenuity.

Keywords. Ideas, discoveries, intelligence, new opportunities, learning, knowledge. Problem solving, a new stage in life. Achieving results, overcoming difficulties and obstacles, activity, activity.

34. Pisces.

Pisces is a symbol of wealth, abundance, fertility, emotionality and spirituality. The symbolism of fish is strongly connected with the symbolism of water, while water is associated with the unconscious, emotional, water also washes and cleanses. Fish, like water, symbolizes the feminine, and, accordingly, fertility, offspring, birth, sexual harmony. In the Lenormand deck, fish are associated with the catch and symbolize finance. It is often said "like a fish in water" when a person has found himself and the area in which he is strong.

Keywords. Money, finance, abundance, wealth, fertility, large family. Emotions, love, spirituality. Alcohol. Pregnancy and birth. Gifts, legacy.

35. Anchor.

The anchor is a symbol of hope, security, sustainability, stability, tranquility, prosperity. Anchor is a symbol of pioneers and navigators. Anchor enables sailors to keep the ship in place, secure, prevent waves and currents from carrying the ship away during a stop. Also, the top of the anchor can be associated with a person, the bottom of the anchor symbolizes the material world and the earth, that is, the anchor can symbolize a person standing firmly on the ground.

Keywords. Stability, security, balance, stability, duration, constancy, fidelity, well-being. Work, hope, place of work, place of residence. Stop, slowness. Solidity, fixity.

36. Cross.

The cross is a symbol of suffering, martyrdom, sacrifice and fate. In Lenormand - the Cross card closes the deck. The cross can be the image of a person, his incarnation, death and rebirth. In many ancient cultures, the cross was a symbol of protection, a symbol of life, immortality. At the same time, the cross is also a symbol of the death of the flesh. The cross personifies the earthly, heavenly and four cardinal points, the four elements. Cross - two crossed lines that symbolize the unity of opposites: earthly and spiritual, male and female, heavenly and earthly, active and passive. In Christianity, the cross is a symbol of redemption and salvation through sacrifice. A symbol of suffering, faith, humility. The cross may be associated with torture.

Keywords. Karma, fate, suffering, sacrifice, difficulties, trials, failures, disasters. A difficult period in life, the need to carry your own cross, burden, burden.

good practice,

successful development,

Sincerely, tarologist Yulia Lysenko.

With the help of the deck of the famous French fortuneteller Maria Lenormand, you can clarify situations related to finances, work, health, etc. But, perhaps, most often people turn to fortunetellers who are concerned about the development of personal relationships, problems that are not uncommon in pairs of two lovers. The meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts will help you independently interpret the layouts for love and relationships.

In this case, it is necessary, relying on the traditional interpretation of the cards, to connect it with a love theme, that is, take into account some specificity of the issue. And, of course, great importance has the intuition of a fortuneteller, which will develop over time, as experience is gained.

The meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts, a small deck

Card number 1 - Horseman (Messenger)

News, news. Especially favorable for single people. A new acquaintance awaits you, which, quite possibly, will develop into a stormy romance. The further the card is removed from the Questioner, the longer it will take to change. If you are now in a quarrel, it is possible that a loved one will return.

Card #2 - Clover

Joy, harmonious relationships, which are based not so much on sex as deep heartfelt affection. Even if before this the relationship of lovers has cooled somewhat or there has been a quarrel, the hope for an improvement in the situation is very high.

Map #3 - Ship

With regard to love contacts, this is a possible separation, dissimilarity of life positions. Perhaps next to you is a mercantile person who is only interested in the material side. He is practically indifferent to the spiritual.

Map #4 - House

The partner is reliable, he has serious, strong feelings for you, however, there is little romance here. Being attached to his home, to his family, in some cases he is not able to make independent decisions - he needs to get advice from his relatives.

Card #5 - Tree

An equal, stable union of two people who value calm, peaceful coexistence most of all. There may not be much passion here, but there are no scandals that could seriously worsen relations.

Map number 6 - Clouds

In divination, both general and love, the meaning of the card cannot be called positive. In relationships, these are disagreements that cannot be resolved peacefully. Hence - quarrels, conflicts, resentment ... However, the relationship is unlikely to end - they will simply become more complex and tense.

Card #7 - Snake

A partner can betray you, deceive you, cheat on you ... In any case, you should not completely trust him. But sometimes the card speaks of gross sensuality, the lust of the person you are guessing at.

Card #8 - Coffin

If you are guessing at a partner, then this person, as they say, is a “thing in itself”. But in general, the card signals that obstacles and difficulties await you, perhaps a conversation that will greatly offend and upset you.

Card number 9 - Bouquet

It symbolizes female energy and readiness for new acquaintances, for new love. Even a married lady can regard the Bouquet as an opportunity for light flirting on the side. For lovers, the card promises tenderness and romance.

Map number 10 - Spit

It can be ambiguously interpreted only if you carefully examine the nearby cards. If, for example, the Heart is nearby, expect quarrels, strife, and even a break with your loved one. Sometimes Kosa also means the possibility of reconciliation, but this requires a lot of effort.

Card #11 - Broom

It seems that your personal life does not suit you, so it's time to clean it up. Perhaps you yourself are to blame: scandal over trifles, sort things out with raised voices ... The card advises you to reconsider your position on some issues and follow your words.

Card #12 - Owls

A strong union is hindered by gossip, rumors, speculation ... Relationships are difficult, difficult, perhaps the partners have ceased to trust each other. But there is no unambiguous interpretation: the card can also mean a meeting in the dark.

Card #13 - Child

The person they are guessing at is kind and naive, like a child. There will be no special changes in relations - everything is stable and quite positive. If something changes, it will be insignificant.

Card number 14 - Fox

Traditionally, she personifies fraud, deceit, cunning and trickery. It is possible that these qualities are inherent in one of the partners. The second one needs to be careful and completely distrustful.

Card #15 - Bear

Located away from the Questioner, she speaks of the possibility of deception, jealousy and envy. Near - the presence of a strong patron. Sometimes the card symbolizes cruelty and violence. Avoid dubious companies, do not talk too much about personal achievements.

Card #16 - Stars

Fate favors you, because you have a strong guardian angel. In personal affairs, everything will be stable and solid, the union is based on the kinship of souls.

Card number 17 - Stork

The value depends on the cards located nearby. Sometimes it is a change of residence. As for personal relationships, the Stork may advise you to start thinking about offspring. In general, the card is positive.

Card #18 - Dog

If there are good cards around, then the Questioner has a reliable, faithful friend. And if the cards are unfavorable, then deception and betrayal are possible. Be careful!

Card #19 - Tower

It is not easy to apply it to love relationships, since the Tower refers mainly to business, work, career. Perhaps love is hindered by the workaholism of one of the partners, or perhaps there is an office romance ahead, or at least flirting.

Map #20 - Garden

She seems to be telling you: it's time to relax and have fun. You and your partner will go to a party, a visit or an entertainment event. Trust and harmony reign in your relationship.

Card #21 - Mountain

The relationship cooled off. Perhaps you are completely alone, while whether you have a partner or not, it does not matter. If the card is close to you, a blow is possible, if it is farther away, troubles can be avoided.

Map #22 - Fork (Road)

There is a choice, and whether it will be successful or not, the neighboring cards will say. It may mean that the relationship is not shaky, not rolly, but there is no certainty. One of the couple needs to be decisive.

Card #23 - Rats

This is almost the same as the Fox or the Snake. Around the couple - gossip, slander, envy, a desire to harm. Perhaps your partner is overly mercantile and in a relationship with you he is only interested in money.

Card #24 - Heart

Of course, this is the best card! Happiness in love, peace in the soul, peace in the house. The relationship is warm and romantic, the conflicts that may have been before will be forgotten.

Card #25 - The Ring

The interpretation depends on the location. To the left of the questioner's card is broken love, divorce, or at least deterioration in relations. On the right - a lasting marriage, love. Sometimes - lovers walk in circles, not daring to take action.

Card #26 - Book

Has karmic origins. If the relationship is not going well, has reached an impasse, or has ceased to give happiness, do not worry! Fate may have put you in this situation on purpose to teach you a lesson. In general, the card also says that soon you will learn some secret.

Card #27 - Letter

It can be both good and bad, but in most cases its content is love. Look at the cards nearby: if it is, say, a Coffin or a Fox, it is unlikely to please you, but a Heart or a Bouquet will inspire optimism.

Card #28 - Man

This is your friend, sexual partner or young man with whom you have just met. You pin hopes on him and dream of a happy love with him.

Card #29 - Woman

The interpretation, if you are guessing at a man, is about the same. You can identify yourself with this lady and, quite likely, you occupy an important place in his life.

Card number 30 - Lily

A man and a woman do not just meet or live together. They are connected not by necessity, but by deep spiritual kinship. They are equal and equally interesting to each other.

Card No. 31 - The Sun

Of course, this is one of the best cards. Mutual love, fiery passion, unquenchable interest in each other. There are no clouds on the love horizon and are not expected.

Card #32 - Moon

Romantic, touchingly tender mutual feelings. But sometimes one partner still dominates the other: he overprotects or commands him, imposing his will. Both are not very good in a relationship: cooling and deceit are possible.

Card #33 - Key

You still cannot boast of a cloudless personal life: problems, omissions, strife ... Almost every conversation ends with mutual claims. However, not everything is so gloomy and hopeless! If you make an effort, you can find a common language, and then the relationship will improve.

Card #34 - Pisces

Among your or your partner's life values, money plays perhaps the most important role. If the card is located near you, achieve material well-being, far away - the enterprise that you may be planning with your "half" will be unsuccessful, and you may lose what you have. .

Card #35 - Anchor

A sign of success and stable, lasting relationships. However, if you would like to formalize the union, the matter is still at a standstill. Perhaps the partner does not share this desire, or perhaps he simply does not dare to part with freedom. Don't pressure him!

Card #36 - Cross

In the layout of Lenormand, this is one of the most unpleasant cards. Relationships, although important for both partners, are unstable and problematic. Something interferes with pleasant communication, as if some fate weighs on you. It can be said differently: each of you has your own cross.

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Name Mademoiselle Marie Lenormand- the legendary soothsayer and fortune teller, the lame French Sibyl - is probably known to everyone today, but her gift and supernatural abilities to see the future will forever remain the greatest mystery to everyone. To date, only one thing is known - Maria Lenormand did not have any special fortune-telling system: she fortune-telled by various objects, colors, smells; used numerology, palmistry, crystal balls for predictions. But most often she turned to the cards, reading them only to her in a known way, relying on all her extraordinary abilities.

For her fortune-telling and prophecies, Maria Lenormand used the most ordinary playing cards, and only she had her own interpretation of them - unique and original, which, unfortunately, after the death of Black Mary, was not preserved for posterity. The followers of the great fortune-teller have repeatedly tried to restore this system of interpretation. The most successful reconstruction of the system of Maria Lenormand was the deck of cards of the Flemish fortune teller Erna Drusbeke, who provided 36 cards of the usual French playing deck with symbolic drawings, the interpretation of which is not difficult.

In addition to the traditional (ace, nine, ten, etc.), these cards also have their own special numbering, which allows the fortuneteller to find his own numerological relationships; they reflect the picture of the world characteristic of the era in which the French Sibyl lived. Oracle Lenormand - the most famous and most common cards for. Using them, it should be remembered: as in working with other fortune-telling symbols, it is the method of interpreting the layout that is of the greatest importance here - the meaning of the cards that fell out in fortune-telling gives the fortuneteller only a hint, indicates the path or one of the paths along which he can move, and the rest of the work must be done by the person himself. Only in this case, the Lenormand Oracle will clear up the mysteries of the past, open the veils of the future in the same way as the cards that once lay on the table of the greatest fortune-teller from Paris would have done.

The meaning and interpretation of the cards of Maria Lenormand in divination and layouts

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Horseman" in divination

1 Rider News, messages. Movement. This card may represent good news. Depending on the distance from the fortuneteller's card, this can be a message from both a familiar person and a stranger from afar. Important notice. It can mean a message, a letter, a phone call, a package, or a visit from a guest. In some cases, it may indicate connections with foreign countries, cultural or business. In the position of the future, the Rider provides a basis for hope - a message on the road. The card can symbolize new beginnings. In the sphere of love, it means the beginning of a new union, a new love, an emotional outburst and a flash of passion. Overcoming internal strife. Advice: Get ready for the road or prepare for a meeting, in any case, take the reins in your hands.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Clover" in divination

2 Clover Happiness. Hope. Expectation. This card brings happiness and good luck. If the Clover card is near the fortuneteller's card, then this means that the problems of today will soon disappear. Your happiness has returned. All your dreams come true, even the most incredible ones. In combination with unfavorable cards - disappointment, collapse of plans, loss. In conclusion, see if Clover refers to the future, past, or present. This card is a call to leave loneliness. Get in touch with people - this is what you need most now. In combination with favorable cards - the realization of hopes, the end of the black streak, profit is possible. Advice: Everything ingenious is simple. Do not complicate your life, the chest just opens. Look for a simple solution.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Ship" card in divination

3 Ship Trips. Wealth. The appearance of the Ship card promises us new perspectives, plans, opportunities for good luck and success in business. May mean a successful trip or journey. Something new will enter your life, the changes will be significant and will noticeably affect your personality. In some cases, this may be an internal journey. The ship can also indicate the acquisition of wealth through trade. Advice: Give in to emotions. Relax and go with the flow, tailwind at your back.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "House" card in divination

4 House Stability. Family. The card may represent one's own home, a warm nest, safety and security. Good result a happy ending to something. A favorable card, which means success in any business and softens the influence of unfavorable cards. You will not be alone in life. On a psychological level, the House can symbolize a strong self-protection mechanism. In combination with the Ship or the Stork - a possible move. Advice: Act in the way you are used to.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Tree" card in divination

5 Wood Health. Vitality, opportunities. Health, vitality, great internal resources and potency. You have the strength and ability to fulfill your desires. This card depicts the tree of life - a symbol of strength, health and the joy of existence. Its firmness and stability symbolizes maturity, the wisdom of life, prudence and the ability to introspect. Advice: Draw on your wealth of experience.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Clouds" card in divination

6 clouds A crisis. Impending trouble. Clouds darken the mood: they symbolize troubles, ailments, generally undesirable events. This card carries the feeling of a premonition of a thunderstorm, when the situation heats up so much that the smallest reason (spark) is enough to start a storm. However, we must remember that the rain washes away all the dirt, all superfluous superficial and unnatural. This is the main meaning of the card. It may very well be that the upcoming events will help you shed unnecessary ballast and start a new stage in your life. Clouds can dissolve as quickly as they appear. This makes them a symbol of mental inconstancy. If the bright side of the clouds is turned towards the card of the questioner, this is a good omen. Misfortune will pass by, and life will go on as usual. If the black clouds are turned to the card of the questioner, the prospects are gloomy and you will find discord in some way. Advice: Stock up on patience. Wait for the right time.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Snake" in divination

7 Snake Deception. Betrayal. The appearance of this card is a serious warning. There is reason to think about what kind of people you are currently surrounded by. The snake is an enemy, an ill-wisher, in relation to which one must be careful. This card certainly symbolizes betrayal and deceit. Be careful in your actions and conversations. Even being surrounded by favorable cards, the Snake warns of danger, albeit distant, but quite real. Advice: Be wise, stay close to the ground, keep your head down.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Coffin" in divination

8 coffin Change. Transformation. Ending. Bad card. Means someone's illness, death or other serious problems. It can symbolize malaise, loss of money. Denotes a turning point in life preceded by symptoms of a crisis. While change is mostly experienced as a burden, new opportunities for personal growth will emerge from it. With the Ring - the end of the relationship; with the Heart - a broken heart; with Pisces - financial problems; with Park, time in the hospital; with the Moon - despondency and depression. Advice: Bury this business or this relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Bouquet" card in divination

9 Bouquet Luck. contentment. Pleasant company. This card depicts a bouquet of bright flowers and symbolizes happiness and contentment. Good luck in all daily affairs. Good card, especially for women. It means love and attention from a partner, perhaps a gift. Love and kindness absorb you and reduce the influence of a combination of neighboring unfavorable cards. You can thank your lucky stars. Advice: Give signs of attention. Make contact.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Scythe" in divination

10 Scythe Warning card. Destruction. Time to make important decisions. This card is the main warning. Only a wise and prudent decision will allow you to successfully confront one of the most serious dangers. A dangerous card, meaning the possibility of an accident, injury, accident. Neighboring cards will give information about the nature of the danger. The scythe is a symbol of the birth of one phenomenon and the death of another. It brings the end of life to the grain, which in turn makes it possible for human life. In spiritual terms, the appearance of this card can mean advice that you need to act decisively and take the bull by the horns. Advice: Don't neglect safety precautions. Be careful.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Broom" in divination

11 Broom Punishment. discord. This card means a possible punishment. The broom warns of conflict and disharmony, especially within the family. It can also separate the wheat from the chaff, i.e. a dispute between good and evil in terms of supreme justice. Discord. This may be a dispute between fathers and children, a family conflict and a lack of understanding in relationships, a quarrel between former like-minded people. Advice: Clean up, get rid of everything superfluous.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Owls" in divination

12 Owls Everyday difficulties. Learning process. Black thoughts, like flies, haunt you all day long: problems remind you of themselves, making it impossible to work calmly. But owls are also a symbol of wisdom: your thoughts are not fruitless, they help you better understand yourself, and thereby look at your problems from a new, more spiritual point of view. This card signifies difficulties or problems of short duration. This card advises you not to give up. It encourages you to get down to business with enthusiasm, to be ready to learn to overcome fears of the new and boldly continue on your way. Neighboring cards give information about what or who will be useful or interfere. Advice: Don't take the situation too close, take a bird's eye view of it.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Child" in divination

13 Child Start. Confidence. A pleasant surprise. The child symbolizes the beginning of the path and the wealth of all opportunities in life. This card promises the realization of existing potential, subject to openness to new ideas. The child has something innocent and heavenly. You will find purity and kindness in yourself if you look at the world without prejudice, like a child. A favorable card, meaning trust, tenderness, harmonious relationships. With Heart - indicates an adorer; with the Ring - a close or new attachment to the child may arise; with Rats - the child grows, and thus can leave the house; with Stork - pregnancy, ambitions and new plans in business matters. Advice: Don't take things too seriously.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Fox" card in divination

14 Fox Warning card. Deception. Insidiousness. Intrigue. The fox is a known liar, so beware. They want to deceive you, perhaps on trifles, even without benefit for themselves, out of a pure desire to amuse their pride. The situations described by this card are dangerous by secrecy and cunning. With the Child - inept flattery; with the Garden - you are mistaken about the disinterestedness of your friends; with the Key - disclosure of deceit; with the Tree - a difficult to diagnose disease, medical error; with the Dog - betrayal from an old friend; with the Letter - forged documents. Advice: Stretch the sweetest smile on your face, season your speech with flattery to hide your true feelings and plans.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Bear" in divination

15 Bear Power. Force. This card signifies strength directed to the service of lofty goals. Usually the Bear card portends good luck. She also encourages you to be more diplomatic with someone who is jealous or a potential rival. Surrounded by unfavorable cards, it can mean pretense caused by suspicion and envy. She warns that others want to deceive you. With a Bouquet - a generous gift; with Pisces - large sponsorship, patronage; with a Scythe or with a Broom - a disservice - it is better to refuse the offered help; with the House - influential parents; with the Tree - good health, which is the basis for longevity; with the Snake - the offered help is not disinterested, a double game. Advice: Enlist the support of an influential person.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Stars" card in divination

16 Stars Achievement. Inspiration. Happy card. As the source of light in the night sky, the stars are the symbol of the Spiritual light that penetrates the darkness. Many of your plans are under a lucky star. You feel inspired and success comes to you. This card portends a repetition of similar events or impressions: along with favorable cards - a series of successes, with unfavorable ones - failures, mistakes, unfortunate coincidences. Away from the questioner's map, it only says that his plan is feasible. With Bouquet - your insight will soon play an important role; with Pisces - the growth of material well-being, more money; with the Book, literary ability; with the Fox - false ideals, delusions; with Sade, a wide circle of friends; with the Ring - a successful contract or a happy marriage. Advice: Make plans and boldly go towards your dream.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Stork" in divination

17 Stork Change. The stork symbolizes change as it is a migratory bird returning every year. The card indicates creative processes and cycles of fertility. It can bring good news, symbolizing important changes in life. With Child - pregnancy; with the Stars - a successful change; with the Ring - a wedding or a welcome guest; with the Tower - a strong family is a reliable rear; with the Garden - the visit of friends; with the Letter - important news that will change plans. Advice: Take care of the children.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Dog" in divination

18 Dog Friendship. Confidence. The proverbial friendship of a dog and a man makes it a symbol of constancy, help and protection, especially for women and children. With Lily - friendly relations within the family clan; with the Stars - serving a high ideal, religiosity; with the Heart - deep, kind and honest friendship; with the Tree - lifelong friendship; with the Horseman - help from afar or after some time; with the Mountain - strong forms of resistance in relationships; with Clouds - the probability of deception; with the Snake - treachery or deceit by those who call themselves friends. Advice: Stay vigilant, keep your nose to the wind.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Tower" card in divination

19 Tower Road in life. Outcome. Lifestyle. The result of some business, long-term work or even a lifetime. Stability, stability of the achieved position. As a place isolated from the world, the Tower symbolizes philosophical thought. As a rule, this card predicts longevity and happiness. In an unfavorable environment, it has the opposite meaning. Illness, lack of strength, lack of stable ground underfoot. Unsuccessful completion. With the Ring - means a possible divorce; with the Coffin - prevention of the disease is necessary; with the Mountain - selfishness; with Clouds - a slight deterioration in health can be expected. Advice: Climb up, but be careful not to get dizzy.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Garden" card in divination

20 Garden Society. This card, as it were, invites to joy and fun. Life is beautiful, ahead of the holiday. A meeting is coming, a new friendship may begin. Close to the fortuneteller's card also means success in art or science, a period of inspiration. Loyal and lasting friendship. Sometimes it can mean rest. Surrounded by unfavorable cards - bad company, a warning to beware of false friends, a lot of fuss. Advice: Take a vacation, a change of scenery or go to nature. Postpone everything.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Mountain" card in divination

21 Mountain Let. Burden. Call. Mountains symbolize an obstacle on the way. It can be people or circumstances that prevent you from achieving what you want. You need to wait or look for a way to get around the mountain, this card says. Those obstacles that fate sends us should be perceived as simulators for self-development. Only by passing through trials and hardships can one ascend to the radiant heights. Look at the problem from another point of view: you will quickly climb up the steep steps to the top, but there is a high risk of falling from a height. Therefore, do not be overconfident. With the Book - difficulties in learning; with the Letter - problems in the preparation of official documents; with the Garden - remoteness from society, a reclusive lifestyle. Advice: Look for reliable protection.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Fork" in divination

22 Fork Choice. The card portends an important decision. It can refer to a fork in the road of life: a crossroads between something new, or the loss of one's own path. The fork card can mean the end of the next stage of life, the threshold of something new, unknown, hence doubt and sadness. The situation of choice: you can go one way, you can go the other, or even the third. If there are unfavorable cards nearby, then you are going to choose not the best option. Don't rush, think things through. With favorable cards - be prudent and nothing bad will happen. With Pisces - You will avoid the danger of taking the wrong path; with the Stars - a call to listen to the inner voice; with the Heart - a love triangle. Advice: Make no mistake with the choice.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Rats" in divination

23 Rats A loss. Corruption. The missing. The appearance of this card in the layout means damage to property or loss. You may also be robbed. Be careful. However, if the Rats lie next to favorable cards, there will be a loss. If next to the bad ones, the loss can be irreparable. This card warns of theft, loss or illness. Something torments you and does not allow you to live in peace. With the Cross - You are threatened by a great loss that may happen again. This is an indication that you have a very important lesson to learn; with Pisces - large monetary losses; with the House - breakdowns in household. Advice: Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Heart" in divination

24 Heart Love. Friendship. Happiness. A very good card, meaning friendship and love, harmonious relationships with a partner, joy and happiness. Perhaps the emergence of new relationships, a new feeling. If the relationship is already established - increased feelings and affection. Opportunity for personal growth. With the Ring - great love, a happy marriage; with the Cross or the Coffin - relationships can easily break; with Kosa - a serious emotional crisis. With a fortuneteller's card - a notice of a welcome guest. If the card is located between a Man and a Woman, this is a sign of harmony and love between two people. Advice: Listen to what your heart tells you.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Ring" card in divination

25 Ring Devotion. Agreement. Marriage. In the position of the past - accomplished, in the position of the future - the future. This card tells us about the relationship in which we assume any obligations. Responsibility and seriousness is required. If you are studying daily or purely business matters, the Ring will mean the conclusion of an agreement based on trust and mutual sympathy. With the Book - a secret affair or alliance; with Lily - high, maybe even platonic love; with the Letter - formalized relationship; with the Tree - a long-term partnership; with the Sun - a very happy marriage; with the Snake - a conspiracy or intrigue; with Fork - personal relationships will affect the decision; with Clouds - be careful when making any commitments. Advice: Keep your word and promises.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Book" card in divination

26 Book Secret. Teaching. It can mean an important discovery, a difficult riddle, one of the mysteries of life that you have to penetrate. Or information that is intentionally hidden from you. The book can symbolize a secret, a mystery that is about to be revealed. The fact that the book is shown closed on the map speaks of unrealized opportunities. The advice of the card is to open the book and use the opportunity. A closed book also symbolizes the fulfillment of hopes. But first you need to think carefully. With Garden - hidden forces affect the course of affairs; with the Ship - an unexpected trip will bring good luck; with the Fox - profanity, incompetence; with Fork - You cannot understand all the nuances of this case without thorough theoretical preparation; with the Cross - an important test of life; with the Horseman - someone will entrust you with their secret; with the Tree - the secret will never be revealed. Advice: Arm yourself with knowledge, ask for advice from an expert.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Letter" card in divination

27 Letter Official documents. News. An official document is a certificate, a summons, a proposal to conclude an agreement or a notice of its termination (depending on neighboring cards). All paper, official business. The closer to the fortuneteller's card, the more important the document. It can also be an informal message (call, letter). Advice: You need more information.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Man" in divination

28 Man The questioning man's card. For a woman - a partner, husband, friend, lover. The card indicates that the person to whom the prediction is made is very responsible in relations with people and takes an active creative position. Sometimes it may indicate that the relationship is held solely thanks to the efforts of the man. In some cases, this card can be interpreted as the appearance of an opponent.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Woman" in divination

29 Woman Card of the asking woman. For a man - a wife, bride, lover, or mother, daughter, depending on the circumstances. The card may indicate the fortuneteller's self-affirmation through obsessive guardianship. Sometimes it is interpreted as the fact that a certain woman begins to interfere in the relationship - a mother or a rival.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Lilies" in divination

30 Lilies Virtue. Chosenness. Lily is a living image of purity, virgin innocence, chosenness. Happy card. It symbolizes a high position. If this card fell out, you can be calm - you are surrounded good people. Joy and harmony awaits you. Once next to the fortuneteller's card, this card can speak of high patronage, powerful support. Happy, virtuous and correct life or deeds. Good perspective. Look carefully at the adjacent cards. Surrounded by bad cards, it can mean disgrace, conflict, failure, uncertainty, grief, and possibly internal troubles. With Fox - deceit in a relationship; with the Coffin - loss of innocence, loss of influence and position; with Fork - in professional affairs, you can count on the help of friends. Advice: Be honest.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "The Sun" in divination

31 Sun Luck. Happiness. Fate. The sun symbolizes the source of independent (individual) action, intentions, the energy of life and is the personification of the higher forces of the universe. Glory, winning, wealth, triumph, joy, sincerity, truth, recognition, insight, recuperation. Success in everything. Glory. Acquisition. Achievement, satisfaction, fulfillment of desires. A period of good luck, good health and optimistic mood. Being surrounded by unfavorable cards, it softens their negative meaning and only says that you have to be patient: luck or help will come, but later. In the meantime, disbelief in one's own strengths, despondency can be felt, but we must remember that this is a temporary state. Advice: Be at the forefront and get creative. Be socially active.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Moon" in divination

32 Moon Honor. Glory. This card has a double meaning. One is the desire to experience pleasure and seek adventure. Another is the need for rest and reflection. Advice to do meditation and search for yourself in sensations. This card encourages you to look into your past in order to understand the reasons for what is happening now. In spiritual terms - the successful transformation of abilities and experience; at the ordinary level - public recognition. The moon is a symbol of tradition, deep roots. If a person adheres to these principles in his affairs, then he is guaranteed the support and recognition of others. In a good environment - reward, recognition, respect for others. In a bad environment - non-recognition of merit, indifference of others, and therefore discomfort, anxiety or depression. With the Cross - a strong influence of karmic connections with a past life; with the Sun or stars - increasing susceptibility and mediumship; with the House - dependence on the past; with Owls - suspiciousness; with Cloud - excessive susceptibility, inadequate assessment of what is happening; with the Fox - an escape from reality. In some cases, it can mean a time period lasting a lunar month. Advice: Don't trust anyone and don't rush.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Key" card in divination

33 Key Luck. New beginnings. Happy card. The key opens the door, hence the meaning: You will find (or have already found) a way out of the labyrinth, solve your problem, and a new stage of life will begin for you, full of new tasks. The solution of this issue will help the progress of all other cases. The key question that unravels everything else. With Heart - if the fortuneteller is a man, then he needs caution. If the fortuneteller is a woman, the card promises heart desires and fulfillment of hopes; with the Book - an important secret must be kept. You don't have to use force or cunning to get what you want. Advice: Use the opportunity that you have.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Lenormand "Pisces" in divination

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Anchor" card in divination

35 Anchor Stability. Safety. An anchor is the only guarantee of safety for a ship in a storm. This makes it a symbol of hope and prosperity. Your dream will come true, says this card, for your relationships with others are built on a solid foundation of loyalty and friendship. You will find safety in the family circle or in communication with a loved one. If this card is next to Home, a change of residence is likely. You will reach your goal. This card will be invariably favorable, regardless of the environment. You should only be alerted by the proximity to the Rat card. The card warns you against excessive perseverance. Stubbornness and mindless following of the rules can ruin everything. Advice: The card suggests anchoring, which means stopping.

The meaning and interpretation of the Lenormand "Cross" card in divination

36 Cross Suffering. Trial. The cross represents a set of responsibilities and a set of values. The cross appears in order to let you know that this lesson of life must be passed, no matter how hard it is. You are facing a test. A difficult card, meaning that everyone has their own cross, their own misfortune or problem. This problem may be over, or it may still be ahead of you. It can mean suffering and deprivation, which we consciously accept for the sake of higher goals. Purification through pain. With Clouds - an important plan is still in limbo; with the Heart - the relationship ends; with Tree - You need to pay more attention to your health. Advice: Carry your cross with dignity or decisively put an end to it.

The Lenormand Tarot deck is perfect for those who are just starting to get acquainted with cards and do not know where to start. There are several reasons for this:

  • The layouts are simple and do not require a large number kart;
  • The drawings are intuitive and suggest interpretations;
  • There is no division into a direct and inverted position;
  • There is no division into senior and minor arcana and traditional tarot card suits, it is perceived as a whole;
  • There are 36 sheets in the deck instead of 78 arcana.

Interpretation of tarot cards Lenormand

Consider what each card is individually by serial number:

Number Arcana Interpretation
1 Rider Sign of travel, business trips.
2 Clover Little luck. For women - success in love affairs.
3 Ship Travel, movement. May mean the distance of partners from each other
4 House Home, family.
5 Tree Serious intentions, strong relationships, gender, family.
6 clouds Difficulties, delays, doubts.
7 Snake Fraud, friend. But the interpretation is not always negative. Can mean a wise woman, usually dark-haired, with psychic powers and intuition.
8 Coffin It symbolizes fatigue, illness, it is necessary to take time to rest.
9 Bouquet A sign of attention from the opposite sex, attractiveness, youth
10 Spit The card sums it up, time to harvest. In combination with fish - making a monetary profit.
11 rods Quarrels, conflicts
12 owls Anxiety, doubt, news. With a ring - a marriage proposal.
13 Child A sign of renewal, sincerity, purity. For a married couple - a child, a son or daughter.
14 Fox A sign of insincerity, cunning.
15 Bear The desire to protect, help, patronize.
16 Stars Plans, dreams, creative inspiration.
17 Stork Love, care, addition to the family, home.
18 Dog Loyalty, devotion to a partner, desire to start a family.
19 Tower Can symbolize something government agency. In the layouts for relationships - stability, sometimes shows that a person has a family.
20 A park Joy, ease of communication, holiday.
21 Mountain Obstacles, after passing which, the fortuneteller will receive success and recognition.
22 Fork Choice sign. For love layouts- treason.
23 Rats Show losses. Trouble, worry. The fortuneteller "gnaws" from the inside.
24 Heart Mutual love
25 Ring Engagement, marriage, partnership agreement.
26 Book Secret, hidden from view. For professional layouts - training and gaining knowledge.
27 Letter Letter, news, message.
28 Monsieur The card shows a man.
29 Lady Significator of a Woman
30 lilies High, noble feelings, aspirations, procreation, sexuality.
31 Sun Clarification of relations, truce, joy.
32 Moon Fear, doubt, illusion.
33 Key Problem solving.
34 Fish Depth of feelings, fulfillment of desires, profit.
35 Anchor Reliability, stability, stop.
36 Cross Difficulties, trials.

Numerology in cards and interpretations

Each of the Lenormand cards is numbered and in addition to the main image on the lasso, there is a card that corresponds to the lasso in the usual deck. The numbering was not introduced by chance. In layouts, it is used as an additional prediction.

For example, the question: How will the relationship between Mary and Alexander develop in the next three months? The layout is done on three cards, which can be drawn randomly, or can be laid out in order.

Let the card 11 fall in the first position, 27 in the second, and 18 in the third. Interpretations:

  • Card 11 depicts a rod, and usually portends a quarrel, a showdown.
  • 27 card - letter.
  • 18 card - dog. A symbol of fidelity, the seriousness of family relationships.

In the near future there will be a showdown, but then the partner will make contact and the couple will reconcile, maintaining the relationship and perhaps they will be able to reach a new level. Let's look at the result: let's calculate the sum of all positions: 11+27+18 = 56. If the sum of the cards is more than 36, then this value must be subtracted: 56-36=20. The card symbolizes the holiday, the ease of spending time together.


Maria Lenormand was called the Black Widow completely unfairly. She knew how to predict not only death. And a series of terrible predictions is justified by the no less terrible time of revolution and wars. The soothsayer saw her death, like many others.

The day before, she predicted that she would be killed by black-gloved hands and did not lock the door. Last years Mary did not accept anyone in her life and blamed herself for the death of a young lover who burned down in her house. She left with dignity and left behind cards, the mystery of which has not yet been solved.

[Total: 1 Average: 1/5]


Meaning. Strong, positive card. In layouts, it is a symbol of reliability, constancy and stability. It can mean strong ties, reliable partners, a happy long marriage, marriage for life.
In business matters, it represents career growth, reliable associates and partners, success in business and finance, good profits, a reliable organization.
It can also show a middle-aged man (husband, father, business partner, boss), with a good financial situation, connections and having a high social status.

Health. strong, good health, convalescence.

Description of a person. A reliable, strong, purposeful person, with a good social status, wealthy, intelligent, as a rule, holding high positions. You can rely on such a person, he is a faithful husband and friend, comrade-in-arms.

Appearance: tall, handsome man. Not of a fragile physique, possibly actively engaged in spores (strength sports), has good muscles (especially when it comes to a man). Dark or brown hair, brown eyes, dark skin.


Meaning. positive card. A card of fulfillment of desires, a card of dreams, good luck, favor of fate and joy. Nearby cards will show what kind of dreams and whether they are destined to come true.

The stars are a map of hope, change, progress, prosperity, inspiration, renewal. Dropping out after a negative card (Clouds, Coffin, Rats) can mean the end of the black bar.

The map can also show a quantitative value - a lot. For example, falling out next to fish can mean a lot of money, a big win, a bonus. Falling out next to children, it can show either a dream of motherhood (paternity) or many children. More than two.

Health. In terms of health, the card is positive - recovery, a speedy improvement in well-being.

Description of a person. Bright, dreamy, sincere, kind person. Lucky, born under a lucky star.

Appearance: fair-haired, fair-skinned, average height.

Meaning. Map of positive changes, news, optimism, joyful events, positive shifts. It can mean moving, moving (Storks Ship Tower - a trip to another city, country, the arrival of someone to your house (Storks Man House - the arrival of a man to you).

Traditionally, storks are symbols of novelty and travel, new acquaintances, an intense social life, the birth of a child.
The changes that the map brings depend on the context and the area affected.

Next to the House, it can be a change of residence, but it can also be an update, a change in the interior, for example, if the House + Storks is accompanied by a Bouquet card.

Changes in any form - places, thoughts, mental; spiritual setting. Personal or professional changes (you need to look at the corresponding cards). If until now burdened with worries, now it's time for positive changes.

The card is double, it can represent the number two.

Health. Recovery, good news.

Description of a person. The card represents a person between 35 and 50 years old, educated, gentle, amiable, dynamic, sociable and likeable, connected by feelings, committed to the family.

Storks are people with a very restless disposition, constantly on the move and very active, at times nervous and hardly calm down, but this is more likely not in a negative sense, because. These people are very mentally balanced. Flexible nature that can quickly adapt to new situations, do not get stuck on dead center. These people are very responsive and willing to help.

Appearance: Slender, muscular, hair rather dark brown. Follow fashion, look after appearance. Thin or sharp facial features, high cheekbones, a beautiful cut of the eyes (not round), still regular facial features.


Meaning. Positive or neutral card. It is a symbol of constancy, stability, friendship, devotion. You are surrounded by close people, loyal (old) friends, reliable associates, good employees, reliable and faithful, trusted companions and business partners.

Can point to a man young man friend, son, brother.

Also, the Dog can be a symbol of the lack of change and any shifts in business (in a negative way). For example,
The Coffin Anchor Dog shows that the dark streak has clearly dragged on and there is a danger that it will become chronic.
Fox Dog Heart shows deceit, tricks in relationships that did not arise yesterday, but have been going on for some time.
Rats Dog Pisces - protracted financial problems.

Health. Depending on the surrounding cards, it can be a symbol of good health -
Tree Dog Bouquet or a protracted, serious illness (chronic, incurable) - Rats Tree Dog.

Description of a person. Reliable, proven person. A friend, a partner, you can rely on him, he will not betray, he will always come to the rescue. Compassionate, sympathetic.

Appearance: average height, normal build or athletic. Shoulder-length light brown or medium blonde hair.


Meaning. In the classical interpretation, a negative or neutral card.
Solitude, withdrawal into oneself, removal from business, parting, coldness in relationships, a wall of misunderstanding.
In layouts, it can denote the state. Establishment, state-owned house, rented housing, another city or country.
Owl Tower (Broom, Cross) - police, authorities, detention;
Tower Cross Garden (Snake) - hospital;
The Cross Tower may also be a church;
Tower Cross Book - secret society, sect;
Tower Anchor - work in the office, state. employee.

The tower card also has positive aspects: a strong union, marriage, relationships for life, my house is my fortress (House Tree Tower), a reliable man, a trusted partner, behind a man like behind a stone wall (Bear Tower, Man Tower House / Tree ).

It can mean a visitor, a foreigner.

Health. Good health.

Description of a person: cold, reserved, not emotional, secretive, all in himself. It can also mean a strong-willed, collected person, a leader or a loner.
Appearance: Tall, slender or thin person, with dark (red) hair.

Meaning. A positive card speaks of contacts, communication with people, the public, walks, entertainment, new meetings, surroundings, hikes, popularity, everything that affects the artistic environment, as well as open spaces, outdoor events. Map of success, public prosperity, recognition, approval of society. Garden means open buildings, restaurants, hotels, cinema, theater, cafes, celebration, party, event, seminars, society, environment, sociability, public speaking, meetings with friends and acquaintances, invitations, presentations, communication, life in sight, external world.

Dropping out next to a Man or Woman card, it can talk about their openness, sociability, or indicate that public opinion plays an important role for a person.

Lily's Garden Book - scientific seminar, advanced training courses, foreign language courses, scientific society.
Garden Anchor Tower - a work team, work, work related to communication, a large number of people.
Garden Bouquet Ring - a pleasant company, a party with friends.
Mountain Sad Book - closed from communication, problems with communication, shyness, loneliness.
Garden of the Rat Fox - gossip, slander, unpleasant gossip in society (in the circle of acquaintances, friends)

Health. It can mean a sanatorium, hospital, recreation center.

Description of a person. Open, sociable, has many friends and acquaintances, likes parties, holidays and parties. It is slightly superficial, light, windy.

Appearance description. There are no exact data.


Meaning. Map of obstacles, trials, difficulties, burdens. As a rule, the Mountain is a symbol of major troubles, difficult to overcome obstacles.

The Mountain card is usually interpreted negatively, although its meaning may depend on the nearby cards that surround it. The mountain can mean stability, stability, constancy, inviolability, steadfastness, size, height, coldness, not emotionality, dryness. It can symbolize a person, permanent, who firmly stands on the ground with both feet.

Falling out between the card Man and Woman can talk about an insurmountable barrier between them, difficulties in communication, impossibility of meetings, misunderstanding.

Mountain Anchor Rat - big problems at work, in a professional environment, in business.
Mount Pisces - difficulties with finances.
Stork Mountain ship - changes are impossible or very far away, also - a hung situation, lack of positive changes, things are slowing down.
Mountain Horseman Letter - no news from anyone or anything, information is not available, no communication, difficulties in communication.
Next to the Fox in the layouts for professional issues, it can indicate obstacles, unemployment, difficulties in finding work.
Next to the Fox and Owls, it may be an indicator that the problem is far-fetched or greatly exaggerated.
The heart of Horus is a stone on the heart, spiritual (heart) experiences.

Health. Severe state of health, no positive changes, severe disease or incurable.

Description of a person. Cold, reserved, emotionally cold or unable (not able) to express their feelings. All in himself, closed, kept aloof, not contact, slow-witted, very rational or boring. It is difficult and reluctant to change something in life.
Appearance. Large, full people, tall, fair-haired (medium blond hair color).


Meaning. A card of choice, decision making, determining the future path (life, professional, etc.), a dual situation (next to the Heart and the Fox, it can mean treason, deceit in a relationship, a love triangle). Falling out between the card Man and Woman may mean that their paths will diverge. Map of instability, doubts, worries - what decision to make. The surrounding cards will show whether you are on the right path, whether you make the right decision.

The fork is a double card, it can show the number two.

Heart Fork Man - the lady has two admirers.
Fork Anchor Ring - the problem of definition in the professional field: a new job, a new direction of activity

Health. There are no data indicating the disease of a particular organ.

Description of a person. Doubting, unsure of himself, notorious, mumbling, often changes his decisions, fickle, unreliable.

Appearance. Tall or medium height, long blond hair, slim or skinny build.

Meaning. In the classical description, the card is negative, meaning: loss, loss, theft, nerves, illness, poverty, problems, emotional distress and torment, conscience, the pangs of love, sadness of all kinds, withdrawal into oneself, depression, loss of courage, hopelessness, a streak of failures.

Rats Heart - love experiences, dissatisfaction with an existing love affair, relationship problems.
Rats Pisces - poverty, reduced income, theft.
Rats House - repairs or breakdowns in the house.
Rats Tree - health problems (see surrounding cards).
Rats Anchor - dismissal, problems at work.
Rats of Gor are very serious, difficult to overcome problems. Circumstances that do not depend on the questioner, a combination of circumstances.
Rats Lady Moon - self-criticism, depression in a lady
Rats Owls Moon - can show both internal torment and insomnia.

Rats can also mean betrayal, deceit, meanness, gossip, greed.

Health .. Show the presence of the disease as such. Nerves, diseases of the stomach, intestines (ulcers, gastritis, poisoning), excessive thinness.

Description of a person. An unpleasant, quarrelsome, uncommunicative, envious person. Greedy, capable of betrayal, petty, materialistic, the financial side of life plays a very important role. It can also show a thrifty, poor person.

Appearance. Average height, heavy build, short to medium length dark hair.


Meaning. Positive and bright card. Joy, love, elation, feelings, positive emotions, a circle of loved ones and relatives, a favorite thing or a thing you like, falling in love, sympathy, friendship, happiness. Surrounded by negative cards: separation, worries, divorce, love triangle, betrayal, loneliness, emotional crisis.

Heart Bouquet Letter - declaration of love, candy-bouquet period, romance, conversations or correspondence about love.
Heart Ring Garden - wedding.
Heart Dog (Anchor, Tree) Man - a long-standing, stable, lasting relationship, a relationship of trust, marriage.
Heart of Kos Coffin - parting with a loved one, worries due to a break.
Heart Kos Tower - separation, divorce.
Heart Tower of Horus - emotional crisis, coldness, closeness, inability to love, loneliness.

Health. Disease of cardio-vascular system deep heartfelt feelings.

Description of a person. Warm-hearted, kind, sensitive and sympathetic. Faithful friend and companion. A person deeply worried about loved ones, hospitable, open, emotional, creative person, poet.
Appearance. Beautiful, attractive people. Blonde or dyed hair color (red, shades of red). Average height, normal build.


Meaning. A map of relationships, both romantic and personal, as well as business and friendly. A map of everything new: new contacts, a new circle of friends, a new job, a new love. Map of contacts, communication, connections, relationships. A marriage card, a union of two or more people. Important obligations, business or official relationships.

In the work area, she inspires to start new negotiations and predicts professional advancement, promotion or very important things. In the financial area provides for an increase in money, gifts, jewelry, jewelry.

The ring can mean closed cycles. A cycle, a cycle, there is no beginning or end, a constant return, to be connected with something. The ring also means what goes in a circle - thoughts, conversations. The ring in a separate meaning means a seven-year cycle, as well as something that is constantly repeated. For example, in love matters, it can mean the resumption of relationships after a breakdown (everything will return to normal).

Coffin Ring Bouquet - the revival of relations, the transition of relations to a new level, a new wave in relations (reconciliation).
Ring Bear Fox - new business cooperation
Ring Anchor - new work
Ring Letter Anchor - the signing of an employment contract, an important work contract.

Health. Depending on the surrounding cards, it can mean: the return of the disease, new information about the disease.

Description of a person. Contact, sociable, business, mobile, open. He loves everything new, is drawn to knowledge and new contacts and acquaintances. Family, faithful spouse (a), prefers a strong relationship.
Appearance. Average height, heavy or normal build, short blond hair.

Meaning. Mystery, teaching, information is hidden or inaccessible. Secret connections, connection on the side; uncertainty, uncertainty. The book may show that at the moment the future is not yet determined, or the cards for some reason refuse to give an answer.

It can also mean discovery, surprise, surprise, or the revelation of a secret. In the realm of feelings means lies, infidelity, intrigue. A man living a double life. Indicates the ability to write, read, study. Also secret knowledge, knowledge, education, advanced training.

The Fox Heart book is a deception in love, treason, a love triangle.
Lily Garden Book - Scientific Society or Seminar, Refresher Courses, General Education Courses ( foreign languages, mathematics, etc.).
Book Tower - university, school, scientific institution.
Book Cross - secret, occult knowledge, esotericism.
The book Moon Lady is a fortune teller, a medium, an appeal to a fortune teller.

Health. May indicate difficulties in diagnosis, difficulty in treatment.

Description of a person. A secretive person, shy, restrained, but at the same time noble, sincere. You need to find an approach to such a person, it is extremely difficult to make friends with him, because. not everyone is ready to let close to him. Reluctantly opens up and shares experiences. As a rule, a person with a good education, with a good intellect, well-read, literate.

Appearance. Average height, average build, pleasant features. Blonde or medium blond hair, shoulder length.


Meaning. Map of news, news. What kind of news, neighboring cards will say. If the letter is surrounded by negative cards, then the news will bring frustration, with positive ones - joy, inspiration, happiness, etc.

Documents, contracts, papers, expenses, bills. It can also mean a letter in the truest sense of the word. But also a letter in the generalized sense of the word - an invitation, information, communication, announcement. It is also a need for communication, a document to be signed, a contract, but more likely written than oral. Nowadays, it can mean email, text messages.

Letter Bouquet Heart - declaration of love.
Pisces Star letter - receiving excess profits, a large bonus or salary.
Letter Ring Anchor - signing an employment contract (getting a job) or in another way - signing a successful work contact.
Cloud's letter is bad news.
Letter from Horus - news delayed or no news.
Letter Rat Tower - paperwork, bureaucracy.

Health. Issuing a prescription, news about recovery (with positive cards) or deterioration in health (with negative cards).

Description of a person. Superficial, frivolous person. It is secretive and uncommunicative.
Appearance. For the most part slender, blue-eyed, not tall.


Meaning. Male quernet, partner, friend, spouse, beloved man, lover, boss. It also denotes a father, brother, colleague, a person who plays an important role in the life of the querent. Head of family, homeowner.

It is the central card in the layout when it comes to a prediction for a man. The interpretation begins with this card and you need to pay attention to what cards surround it (again, if the deal was done for a man).

The Bear man is a strong, strong-willed man with a good social status, well-to-do. May indicate a male business partner, boss, superior.
Cloud man - in the scenario, he can point to his ex-spouse.
The Rat man is a nervous, depressed man, petty, quarrelsome.
The Dog man is a true friend, a reliable partner.

Querenta, partner. For a male querent, it means his wife or girlfriend, the girlfriend of the heart. For married man who is in love with another may mean his beloved. Beloved woman, sincere friend or influential ally. In a negative sense: a selfish, treacherous, arrogant woman. It all depends on its position in the layout.

It is the central card in the layout when it comes to a prediction for a woman. The interpretation begins with this card and you need to pay attention to what cards surround it (five, if the layout was made for a woman).

Lady Snake Kosa is an unpleasant, quarrelsome woman, a gossip, a betrayal by a woman.
Lady Heart Dom - wife, lady of the heart, constant partner.
Lady Book - a mysterious woman or otherwise a stranger.


Meaning. A positive card, a symbol of purity, light, harmony, spirituality, intelligence, education, sexuality. In matters of business and finance, it is a good omen - things will go uphill, profit, success, recognition.
With certain combinations, it can mean complete understanding between partners, a deep connection, spiritual kinship. It can be a symbol of education, erudition, sophistication, sophistication, nobility; a person from society, a good social position.

If Lilies with a Stork and a Child bring children, i.e. new life, then Lilies with a Coffin and a Cross (perhaps also a Garden, Oblique, Clouds) can mean the end of life.
Lilies Fox Heart - deception in love, treason. It can also mean self-deception at the expense of a partner.
Lily Bouquet Garden is a pleasant company, non-binding communication or acquaintance.
Lily Ring Clover - light, open relationship. Relationships based on sexual affection.
Lily Medved - business partner

Health. Diseases of the genitourinary system: kidneys, appendages, sexually transmitted diseases, problems with potency.

Description of a person. Educated, intellectually developed, harmonious person. An optimist, full of enthusiasm, a person with a good position in society, an esthete, looks after his appearance, the origin and social status of an interlocutor or partner is important to him.
Appearance. Blond hair, light and thin skin. Beautiful facial features, pleasant and attractive appearance. Slim build, taller than average.


Meaning. A very positive card, a symbol of warmth and vitality. Joy, happiness, warmth, good luck, positive changes or news, a bright streak, good mood, health.

Card of winnings, wealth, abundance. This is a very optimistic card, and it shows that people on Earth can achieve everything in life. Inner radiance, joy, praise, pride, self-confidence, day, day person, south, heat, heat.

Predicts a relationship full of passion and romance with a new acquaintance. In relation to feelings, he speaks of clarity, serenity and harmony, the end of the crisis; a truce, the beginning of a new relationship that will result in an alliance full of sincerity, loyalty and constancy.

The sun portends an important victory in the game, luck, salary increase, earnings and benefits, valuable gifts. Great happiness, positive energy, strength, harmony, peace, willpower, spirit.
Heart Sun - a happy union of two hearts, luck in love, mutual love
Sun Braid Bouquet - an unexpected pleasant gift, a sharp improvement in business
Sun Letter - pleasant news, news or a long-awaited call
Sun House - a happy family, happiness in the house, in life
Sun Garden - pleasant, cheerful, warm company or society

Health. Indicates recovery, can also indicate a high temperature during illness, fever.

Description of a person. Cheerful, open, generous, kind, caring. The Sun card speaks for itself.

Appearance. Blond or people with red hair, freckles, fair cat. Bright, beautiful, attract attention.

Meaning. Inner world, self-care, meditation, illusions, intuition, femininity and motherhood card. The value of this card largely depends on the neighboring cards. Surrounded by negative cards, it can mean the collapse of hopes, delusions, self-deception, rose-colored glasses. It can also be a symbol of escape from reality, self-deception, depression, insomnia. The moon is also a card of mystics, fortune tellers and esotericists.

Moon Stars Owls - unfulfilled hopes, the collapse of plans
Moon Snake Child - conception of a child, motherhood
Moon Book - secret knowledge, divination
Owl Moon - depression, sad thoughts, soul-searching, insomnia, headaches
Moon Heart Fox - dishonest relationships, a love triangle, or otherwise illusions about an existing relationship

As advice, the Moon can say that it is worth listening to the inner voice, intuition.

Health. Headaches, depression, insomnia.

Description of a person. Thoughtful, immersed in himself and his thoughts, prone to frequent mood swings, prone to frequent depression and pessimism.

Appearance. An unremarkable person, with blond or medium blond hair. Average height, normal build, pale skin, light eyes.

Meaning. In the classical interpretation, the map is positive. It means the outcome, the solution of an issue or a difficult situation, shows that a way out will be found, a decision has been made or will soon be made. Problem solving, healing. Next to positive cards, it can indicate overcoming difficulties, a white streak in life, receiving long-awaited news (paper, a call, money, etc.). With negative cards, it may indicate that problems will drag on, a solution will not be found soon.

The key can open and close locks and doors. For example, such a combination of Key Fox (Book) may indicate that some secret or secret will be revealed, deceit, secret correspondence will be discovered. Key Tower (Mountain) - delaying problems, deadlines for completion of work are postponed, a solution to the problem has not been found.
Key Letter - receipt of a letter or news or in another way - will find, sign an official document, contract
Key Horseman - receiving news
Key Heart Bouquet - resolution of love problems, an approach (key) to the beloved will be found, reconciliation
Key Lady - look for a reason, support from a woman

Health. Cure, found (appointed) treatment. May indicate limb disease, such as fractures.

Description of a person. A person with an analytical mindset that penetrates the depths of things. Self confidence. Kind and smart. Very inventive and resourceful, willingly defends his own opinion, and, unfortunately, rarely renounces his convictions. Sufficiently difficult people who practically do not perceive someone else's point of view.
Appearance. Tall, lean, muscular people. Hair and eye color varies.


Meaning. The card is positive. It is a symbol of wealth, fertility, prosperity in all areas of life: courier, finance, love. In layouts, it can mean finance, profit, cash income. May be a symbol of pregnancy (Pisces Moon Tree Child).

In love, it is an indicator of a deep, spiritual, filled connection, a kinship of souls, especially in combination with positive cards. On the other hand, it can show mercantile interest.

One of the luckiest cards in the deck, because. represents a complete victory in all areas of life, especially in the financial. This includes all kinds of cash receipts, gifts, income, inheritance, winnings or salary increases. parallel means great pleasure and remuneration for work, promotions, increase in clients and contacts, use of connections.

Pisces Lilies heart - a highly spiritual connection, kinship of souls, complete mutual understanding, common interests and views
Pisces Anchor Bouquet - a large cash bonus at work, income generation, increase in salary
Pisces Rat - financial problems, money theft
Pisces Fox - fraud in finances, non-payment or delay in the payment of money, financial fraud

Health. Disease of the genitourinary system. Also recovery, healing.

Description of a person. An open, educated person, spiritually developed, cordial, successful, with good material wealth.
Appearance. Slim, beautiful people. Average height, soft features, long hair.


Meaning. Stability, constancy, immutability and inviolability. Strong ties, reliable partners, long-term relationships, marriage. In layouts, it is a symbol of work, career. With negative cards, it can indicate a lack of change and dynamics, no progress, things are standing still, problems are not being solved.

Anchor House Ring - family relationships, strong alliance, marriage, long-standing alliance
Anchor Ship - trade, business
Anchor Heart Bouquet - a strong, happy love affair
Anchor Ring - a strong, reliable union, marriage
Anchor Tower - office, work
Pisces Rat Anchor - money difficulties drag on
Anchor Owl Moon - a depressed state arose a long time ago, prolonged depression

Health. Depending on the surrounding cards, it can indicate good health. On the other hand, a chronic, long-standing disease, the absence of changes in recovery or cure.
Description of a person. Complex, slow, sluggish person. He reluctantly changes something in his life, has a number of habits (including harmful ones) that he does not fight. It is difficult to adjust for yourself, he does not know how to adapt.

Appearance. Tall, full or overweight people are clearly not fragile. With big features. Dark-haired, with short hair and brown, dark eyes.

Meaning. A heavy card, in layouts it can take on the meaning of karma, fate, fate. Means obstacles, problems, difficult life period, trials. In layouts, it often indicates the completion of some stage (process), breaking ties, changes, a turning point. It can be a symbol of illness, death. With certain combinations, it can indicate the occult sciences, knowledge, magic and magical influences.

Burden, recurring problems, inevitability, predestination, inevitability.
Cross Heart Man - karmic relationship
Cross Coffin - the end of something, completion
Cross Coffin Moon - death
Cross Coffin Heart - parting
Cross Tower Serpent - Hospital
Cross Owl Tower (Broom, Scythe) – Police
Cross Bouquet - the end of the black stripe, a gift of fate

Health. May indicate a medical institution, access to doctors and help. Severe illness, with the evil eye, damage (magical influence).

Description of a person. Looks shy, shy, distracted. Inconspicuous in style of clothing, hiding the look. A sad, despondent man, for whom life is as hard as carrying a cross. A person who always sees only the negative sides even in happy moments of life. Depressive state.
Appearance. Slender, tall, medium length hair, light hair color.


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