Have I become infected with HIV (AIDS). The likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted diseases

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Is it possible to “freeze” or extend the course time?
The rate freezing function is not provided at this stage. At the same time, the tasks themselves are made in such a way that they can be (and even extremely useful) completed during vacations and business trips.

If you get completely stuck somewhere, your priorities change, or you feel that you just need more time, at the end of the course there will be the possibility of a paid extension for another +30 days.

It is important to consider that the entire course with a good depth of study of all tasks can be completed in 50% of the allotted time under standard conditions. All the rest of the time is included as a reserve for overcoming resistance to implementation. practical tasks, elaboration of your beliefs, etc.

Are there any “weird” assignments or additional costs involved in the course?

No. No one will ask you to look for a yellow suitcase or dress up as a ballerina. The Money course is not a personal growth training course. In addition, the tasks within the course do not require you to spend any additional expenses beyond what you usually spend on your needs. Moreover, your level of operating expenses will likely decrease by 20-30% without reducing your quality of life.

Is there an individual Feedback?
Individual feedback on assignments and analyzes of personal situations are provided only in the “Champion” package.
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Feedback is not provided as part of the Information package.

Can I take the course together with my husband/wife?
Can. For each of you, you buy a separate account in the course and indicate in the introductory block that you are together. In this case, a hidden block “Family Finances”, inaccessible to other participants, will additionally open for you.

Why are people so excited about the program?
Because their lives are irreversibly changing for the better. Fears, uncertainty, spontaneous irrational spending disappear, a balanced long-term approach to money appears, confidence in yourself, your future and sincere joy from the results obtained. People leave all reviews completely voluntarily, without coercion.

On what scientific and conceptual basis is the course program based?
First of all, the course is based on personal experience and techniques proven over 12 years of practical experience. All of them were modeled on the thinking and decision-making strategies of dozens of dollar millionaires. Some of them agreed to give extensive interviews specifically for the course. Program participants receive a detailed analysis of their models during the process of completing individual scenarios.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV attacks the immune system, destroying white blood cells that help the body fight infection and disease. The test is the only reliable way to determine whether you have HIV. The following are symptoms that may indicate that you have an infection.


Identifying Early Symptoms

    Determine whether you are experiencing strong fatigue for no explainable reason. Fatigue may be a sign large quantity various diseases. This symptom is also observed in HIV-infected people. Fatigue shouldn't be a big concern if it's your only symptom, but it's something to think about in the future.

    • Severe fatigue is not a feeling when you just want to sleep. Do you feel tired all the time, even after getting a good night's sleep? Do you take more naps during the day than usual and avoid strenuous activities because you feel low on energy? This type of fatigue is a cause for concern.
    • If this symptom persists for more than a few weeks or months, you should be tested to rule out HIV.
  1. Pay attention to sores in the mouth and genitals. If mouth ulcers occur along with other previously described symptoms, and if you have not previously had such ulcers, then they may be a sign of the early stages of HIV. Genital sores are also a sign of HIV infection.

    Determining Progressive Symptoms

    1. Don't rule it out dry cough . Dry cough occurs on late stages HIV, sometimes many years after infection. Such a seemingly harmless symptom is easy to miss at first, especially if it occurs during the allergy or flu season or during the cold season. If you have a dry cough and cannot get rid of it with antihistamines or inhaler, this may be a sign of HIV.

      Look for unusual spots (red, brown, pink or purple) on the skin. People in the later stages of HIV often develop a skin rash, especially on the face and torso. The rash may appear in the mouth or nose. This is a sign that HIV is turning into AIDS.

      • Flaky, red skin is a sign of late stage HIV. The spots can be in the form of boils and bumps.
      • A rash on the body is usually not accompanied by a cold or fever. Accordingly, if you alternately experience such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
    2. Pay attention to pneumonia. Pneumonia often affects people with weakened immune systems. People with late-stage HIV are more likely to get pneumonia when exposed to germs that don't usually cause such a serious reaction.

      Get checked for thrush, especially in the mouth. The last stage of HIV usually causes thrush in the mouth - stomatitis. With stomatitis, white or other unusual spots appear on the tongue or mouth. These spots are a sign that the immune system cannot effectively fight the infection.

      Check your nails to see if they have fungus. Yellow or brown nails with cracks and chips - common symptom late stage of HIV. Nails become more susceptible to fungus, which the body is normally able to fight off.

      Determine if you are experiencing rapid weight loss for an unknown reason. In the early stages of HIV, this can be caused by severe diarrhea; in later stages, it can be caused by “atrophy,” a strong reaction of the body to the presence of HIV in the body.

      Pay attention to cases of memory loss, depression or other neurological problems. In the final stages of HIV, cognitive functions of the brain are impaired. Do not leave any neurological problems unattended, be sure to visit a doctor.

Probably the main danger in sexual relations between a man and a woman is the risk of contracting dangerous diseases that can be acquired during sex. Medicine has already studied many infections that can be “caught” during oral, vaginal and anal sex. Diseases, depending on the severity, can even lead to death.

Most sexually transmitted diseases have absolutely no external signs, which means that they can occur in people who appear healthy. In addition, these people may not even know that they have a particular disease. Therefore, they can be carriers of serious diseases for a long time. If we are talking about family people, then they can expose their loved ones - their wife, children, and relatives with whom they live - to the risk of infection.

Unfortunately, in our time the statistics are not reassuring - almost every fourth person may have herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and human papillomavirus infection. You run the risk of becoming infected with them any time you have sex.

You are at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease if:

  • You have sex with unfamiliar partners.
  • You have several sexual partners.
  • You practice frequent unprotected sex with those whose fidelity you are not sure of.
There is less chance of getting infected if you have a regular sex partner and a long and stable relationship with one partner.

What are the most common sexually transmitted diseases?

HIV AIDS) is an extremely dangerous disease, treatment methods for which are still unknown to modern medicine. AIDS leads to weakened immunity and death of the patient after a relatively short period of time after infection (about several years).

Trichomoniasis- an extremely common sexual disease. Every year, up to 100 million new patients infected with this disease appear in the world. Patients experience inflammation of the genital organs, as well as infertility. Trichomoniasis should be treated with antibiotics, which will be prescribed to you by your doctor.

Detailed information about each disease
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Ureaplasmosis
  • Genital herpes
  • Syphilis
Gonorrhea- probably the most “popular” sexually transmitted disease on the planet. After infection, men begin to have problems with urination and prostatitis is possible. In women, the risk of infertility or ectopic pregnancy increases, as problems with fallopian tubes. Eye problems (inflammation), arthritis and meningitis are also possible. Gonorrhea should be treated with antibiotics, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

Herpes- an extremely common, but not dangerous infection for adult patients. It is dangerous only for pregnant women, in whom herpes can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus. Herpes is practically incurable.

Syphilis- extremely dangerous infection, progressing in the body over a long period of time. Infection with syphilis leads to damage to the patient's genital organs. Pregnant women risk losing the fetus or giving birth to a mentally retarded child. Syphilis should be treated with antibiotics, which will be prescribed to you by your doctor.

Human papillomavirus infection- a very common disease, usually found in the body of patients who are actively sex life. Human papillomavirus infection can cause cervical cancer and laryngeal cancer.

Chlamydia Mycoplasmosis Ureaplasmosis- extremely dangerous diseases that can be transmitted sexually. These diseases may go unrecognized for a long time and lead to chronic inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. This course of the disease can lead to infertility, as well as complications during pregnancy. Treatment of these diseases is possible only under the supervision of the attending physician, venereologist, gynecologist or urologist.

Hepatitis B and C- an extremely dangerous disease that is easy to catch. Leads to liver inflammation and increases the patient's risk of liver cancer. This infection is not always treatable.

What is the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease?

It is impossible to determine with high accuracy the risk of contracting a specific disease. In addition to the presence of the infection itself in the patient’s body, the infection process is also influenced by his susceptibility to the disease, as well as some other factors.

For certain infections, the risk has already been determined statistically.

For example, the risk of contracting the human papillomavirus (HPV) during sexual intercourse in an unprotected person with a carrier of the infection will be about 70-75%.

The risk of a guy getting infected from a girl infected with gonorrhea will be around 20% if there is one sexual intercourse, and if there are more than four, then around 80%. But the probability of a woman contracting gonorrhea from a man with gonorrhea will be around 70% in the case of 1 sexual intercourse.

Due to the fact that all sexually transmitted diseases are extremely dangerous to your health, you should assume that you are at risk of becoming infected with them (or have already become infected with them) if you have (had) sexual intercourse without a condom.

For more information about genital herpes, read the article: Genital herpes

What are the reasons for the increased risk of contracting an infection?

During anal and vaginal sex, the risk of contracting a dangerous sexually transmitted disease is especially high if:
  • One or both sexual partners are infected with a disease that causes inflammation of the genital organs and weakens the body against the threat of contracting a new infection.
  • During sexual intercourse, the genital organs are injured: the cervix, vaginal mucosa, and penis. This can be judged by the heavy bleeding after sexual intercourse.
During oral sex that occurs without contraception, there is a high possibility of transmission of infection if:
  • There are sores or cuts in the mouth and oropharynx
  • If ejaculation occurs in the mouth

How likely is it to get a sexually transmitted infection without having sex?

Of course, infection with most of the described sexual diseases is possible even in the absence of sexual intercourse, therefore, if a sexual infection is identified, I advise you not to consider this as conclusive evidence of infidelity.
  • Syphilis and gonorrhea are transmitted only through sexual contact. It seems difficult to become infected with these diseases through household contact.

  • When visiting a public swimming pool, you risk being infected with trichomoniasis.
  • Ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis can enter the fetus’s body during pregnancy from a sick mother.
  • Human papillomavirus infection and herpes can enter the body during household contact.
  • Hepatitis and HIV can enter the body through blood transfusions and surgery.

What methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections exist?

Modern medicine There are several known ways to protect against sexually transmitted infections:

Methods of protection:

The most effective and common method of protection against infection with sexually transmitted diseases during various types of sexual intercourse is the use of condoms.

  • If you are having sex with someone you don't know, always take a condom with you.
  • Wear a condom every time you have sex, don't view it as an unnecessary precaution.
  • If you do not have a condom, it is better not to agree to have sexual intercourse with your partner. Many infected people believe that it was better to refuse unprotected sex than to become infected with a dangerous disease.
Spermicides are drugs that have a limited effect on sexual viruses and cannot be used as a reliable means of protection.

Birth control pills can protect against pregnancy, but do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. For reliable protection, combine them with condoms.

What to do if the condom breaks during sex?

The risk of condom rupture is 3-15 percent for vaginal intercourse, and slightly higher for anal intercourse.

If a condom breaks during sex, then protection against sexual diseases will be zero.

When you notice that the condom has broken, follow these instructions:

  • You should wash your penis with soap and water.
  • Must monitor the condition of the member for a month. If you experience itching, burning or discharge from the penis, consult your doctor.
  • If your partner could be a carrier of the infection, contact your doctor.
Recommendations for women:
  • Should wash external organs with soap and water.
  • If you have spermicide, insert it into your vagina.
  • Monitor the condition of the genitals for a month. If there is redness, itching or burning, consult your doctor.
  • If your partner could be a carrier of the infection, also contact your doctor.
  • Your doctor will order tests to find out if you have been infected. Based on their results, treatment will be prescribed, if necessary.

Vaccine in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

To protect against certain sexually transmitted infections, various vaccinations have been created to protect the body from diseases of this type. However, the vast majority of sexually transmitted diseases are not specifically prevented by vaccination. Therefore, be vigilant and careful in choosing a partner, and try to refrain from casual relationships.

There are vaccinations against hepatitis B and papilloma virus.

The effectiveness of this vaccine is far from 100%, therefore it is not a guarantee of safety during promiscuity.

Refusal of casual sexual relations and reduction of the circle of sexual partners

Refusal of casual sexual relations and a responsible attitude towards sexual intercourse will be the most important measure for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. If you have many sexual partners and frequent sexual intercourse, then you are potentially at high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection with all the disastrous results that result from it. Probably the main danger in sexual relations between a man and a woman is the risk of contracting dangerous diseases that can be acquired in the process of having sex. Medicine has already studied many infections that can be “caught” during oral, vaginal and anal sex. Diseases, depending on the severity, can even lead to death.

Transmitted from person to person through sex. Most often they become infected after unprotected sexual contact with a casual partner. Prostitution makes a big “contribution” to the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Often, men have sexual contact with a woman they don’t know, preferring not to use protection in order to obtain greater pleasure, and then anxiously carefully examine their genitals every day to make sure that they have not contracted some kind of “infection.”

According to medical statistics more than half of the adult population are carriers of one or another sexually transmitted infection, while many do not even suspect about it. The reason for this is that quite often after contracting a sexually transmitted infection there are no symptoms or they are mild. As a rule, in the first three days after infection, it is impossible to identify so-called latent sexually transmitted infections even with the most sensitive diagnostic methods. These sexually transmitted diseases include chlamydia, human papillomavirus and genital herpes. Hidden sexually transmitted infections are dangerous because once they enter the human body, they remain there forever and do not manifest themselves in any way until the immune system begins to give in to them.

In Soviet times the list diseases sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) was not so great. Thanks to scientific and technological progress and the creation of more accurate diagnostic methods, it was revealed that in addition to syphilis and gonorrhea, there are no less dangerous sexually transmitted infections HIV, human papillomavirus and hepatitis that can seriously undermine human health.

As you know, the best way protection against sexually transmitted infections- This is the use of a condom. But what to do if you have casual sex without a condom, and you are not sure of your partner’s reliability? The best decision, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse and there are concerns about a possible sexually transmitted infection, is to immediately come for a consultation with a gynecologist or a venereology clinic. There is no need to wait and hope that everything will work out. The earlier a sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance of a full recovery.

It's no use trying disinfect the genitals after sex, using solutions of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. After all, STD microorganisms enter the body along with semen or vaginal fluid; washing the external genitalia and douching to remove them are ineffective. The fact that a sexually transmitted infection has occurred can be determined by the following: primary signs: burning and itching in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen. Some sexually transmitted infections contribute to the formation of various ulcers, blisters, rashes and spots in the intimate areas. For example, a sign of infection with the human papillomavirus is the appearance of condylomas (growths) on the genitals and mucous membranes, as well as papillomas on the skin.

If in a timely manner do not begin treatment for sexually transmitted infections, they can develop into chronic forms and lead to serious consequences such as prostatitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis and cystitis, which are already accompanied by fever, difficulty urinating and general weakness.

Launched sexually transmitted infections the most common cause of female and male infertility. So, in men, with complications of STDs, even with normal potency, the number of sperm that are sedentary and unable to fertilize an egg sharply increases, and in women, the ovaries do not reproduce fully mature eggs or the weakened uterus cannot hold the fetus. Today it has been proven that if a woman is a carrier of a highly oncogenic human papillomavirus, the risk of developing cervical and ovarian cancer increases sharply.

Doctors recommend, even if you haven’t had casual sex, and you are completely confident in your sexual partner, you must be tested to determine sexually transmitted infections at least once a year. This needs to be done not only by women, but also by men. After all, most sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic, and an accurate diagnosis can only be made after testing.

Every year in our country venereal disease diagnosed in more than 2 million people. Moreover, the number of patients in our country would be much lower if every man consulted a doctor after accidental unprotected sexual intercourse. This could prevent up to 15,000 cases of gonorrhea, up to 4,000 cases of chlamydia and up to 3,000 cases of syphilis every week. The insidiousness of sexually transmitted infections lies in the fact that the patient himself may not even be aware of his illness and infect his regular sexual partner.

Video about miramistin and sexually transmitted infections

How long does it take for HIV to appear is a question that interests many. You need to know about this, at least in order to undergo a diagnosis in time if necessary. In this case, three concepts should be clearly distinguished: infection, manifestation and detection. Each of them has its own deadlines.

How long does it take for HIV to appear after infection?

The question of how many days later you can become infected with HIV after sexual intercourse or another precedent is not entirely correct. After all, in fact, the infection process occurs immediately after the virus cells enter the blood or secretory fluid. It is from this moment that the person is already infected. But a lot of time still passes before the virus is identified.

The fact is that the time of HIV infection is not the beginning of the manifestation of the disease. After virus cells enter the blood, the body begins to react to such an unpleasant neighborhood. The process of active work of leukocytes begins. Blood cells, designed to fight bacteria, viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, are directly involved in the production and formation of antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus. And how long it takes to find out about HIV infection directly depends on this process. The fact is that antibodies are detected in the blood only when their number increases significantly. Until this moment, their detection in the blood is impossible. Thus, during the first days of HIV infection, or rather not even days, but weeks, a person who is already infected does not feel any changes. And those who fear infection after unprotected sexual intercourse or blood transfusion, for example, and take tests for the immunodeficiency virus a few days after infection, waste time and sometimes even waste money. It is impossible to diagnose the disease during this period.

Duration of HIV infection and infection: when does the disease manifest itself?

In addition to how long it takes to become infected with HIV, many people are interested in when this virus begins to manifest itself. It’s worth noting right away that this is individual for each person. After all, the onset of the first manifestations depends on the state of the human immune system. The fact is that it is she who is responsible for the production of antibodies to the virus. Scientists have determined the average duration of infection manifestations. On average, about a month passes from the period when a person can become infected with HIV to the first signs. After four to five weeks from the moment of infection, early symptoms appear. In individual cases, this can happen in three weeks, that is, earlier. And it happens that the development of the virus is delayed up to several months or even six months. It is important to know that before the virus is detected and symptoms begin, a person is dangerous to his sexual partners, since he is already infected.

Is it always possible to become infected with HIV through unprotected sex?

This question also interests many. How quickly HIV is transmitted is still debated among different groups of scientists. Some people believe that one unprotected contact is always enough for infection. In fact, it turns out that this is not the case. After all, there are many recorded cases when one partner in a couple is infected, and the second one found out about it only after a certain period of time and turned out to be healthy. There are also cases where the period of HIV infection was successfully passed by the fetus in the womb of a sick mother, due to which the child was born completely healthy.

Most scientists still believe that the risks are high, but not that high. Naturally, none of them can answer the question of how many days later you can become infected with HIV if you are sexually active with an infected partner. In this case, everything is individual, while for some people one unprotected act of intercourse is enough. It is believed that a host partner with concomitant STDs is at greater risk of infection at first contact. Chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and other infections and pathogenic organisms create an environment on the human mucosa in which the cells of this dangerous disease develop vigorous activity and take root well. Period of AIDS infection in healthy people longer because their immunity is in better condition.

Is it possible to find out when you became infected with HIV: are there ways?

Every infected person would like to know when he became infected with HIV and why it happened. There have been cases when a patient with such a diagnosis suspected his partner, but it turned out that he was completely healthy, and the terrible virus was introduced through a blood transfusion or during a trip to the dentist.

Unfortunately, today doctors can only roughly guess the time of infection. Therefore, we are not talking about how to find out the timing of HIV infection. It is possible to determine whether the cause was unprotected sexual intercourse only if a medical investigation takes place and the partner carrying the virus is identified during the investigation. But to prove that the unpleasant incident occurred in medical institution very problematic. After all, the answer to the question of whether you can immediately become infected with HIV is positive. But discover this fact possible only after a month (on average). Therefore, it is almost impossible to prove the involvement of medical workers. True, in our country and in a number of other countries there have been cases when people won lawsuits against clinics and medical centers. Thanks to this, they were able not only to receive compensation, but also to protect other people from possible infection.

It is worth noting that it is important to know how long it takes for HIV to be transmitted from the moment it enters the body? This will allow you to protect your partner and loved ones before a person with a possible infection is diagnosed. Scientists believe that there is a small risk of infecting a partner already at the moment the virus enters the body. But before the period of manifestations of the disease, they are minimal and grow with every day that passes from the moment of infection.


AIDS is a terrible disease of our time. She reveals various diseases, passing through the human body. Infections strike internal organs, weakening the immune system. An accurate diagnosis can be determined by conducting laboratory tests. Doctors - specialists can tell for sure whether there is HIV and AIDS in the body or not. But the symptoms and external manifestations are easy to determine on your own.

Symptoms of the disease

Changes in the general condition and appearance of the infected person. For others, a sharp change in weight downwards, a sharp manifestation of weakness, and a fever that appears for no reason becomes noticeable.

  • Change in stool quality. Constant diarrhea is a sign of HIV and AIDS.
  • Availability skin diseases. Ulcers, unpleasant spots, purulent blisters are present on the skin. Warts appear on the body, which the patient cannot remove.
  • Skin diseases of the legs. Foot fungus affects the nails, feet and entire lower limbs. Nails change color, break, change shape.
  • Increase colds, pneumonia.
  • Formation of unknown tumors. Lymph nodes enlarge. The tumor appears behind the ears, on the neck, under the chin, in the groin area, under and above the collarbone.
  • HIV and AIDS changes the behavior of an infected person due to its effects on the brain. The patient cannot control his behavior or concentrate. Memory functionality decreases. A person becomes unable to learn a small simple poem by heart.
  • Changes in mood. A person with HIV/AIDS most often has a bad state of mind; he is dissatisfied with himself and everyone around him. All simple requests become a problem of the highest quality.
  • Any symptom can be considered a signal to see a doctor. Early detection of the stage of the disease is an opportunity to be cured. A blood test and a complete analysis will give a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. Doctors will check the number of cells feeding the immune system. They will check and be able to determine what disease has settled in the human body.

    Changing the level of immunity leads to the manifestation of various diseases. A weakened body cannot resist viruses, which in a healthy state can be easily combated even without medical help. medical supplies. The situation is changing. Any disease becomes terrible and dangerous.

    The moment of infection and the moment of detection are sometimes separated by years, but these years do not pass without a trace for the weakened body. An accurate diagnosis can be established using special diagnostics, laboratory tests, research and verification.

    What is required to establish an accurate diagnosis:

  • Detection of the presence of HIV and AIDS antibodies in the body.
  • Determination of the presence of RNA virus.
  • Accurate counting of the number of lymphocytes in the blood, the percentage of their deviation from the norm.
  • HIV detection is very difficult process, it can last for several years. The virus is detected in a person positive for HIV after determining the composition of blood components. You need to look closely at various manifestations of the disease, including feces. Prolonged diarrhea, causeless fever, frequent weakness, sudden weight loss may be symptoms of a terrible disease.

    The human body ceases to resist diseases. The first signs appear on the skin: spots, ulcers, warts. One of the diseases that affects humans is foot fungus.

  • Decreased immunity leads to frequent colds.
  • The emergence of diseases in oral cavity: thrush.
  • The tongue and inner surfaces of the cheeks become covered with white ulcers or plaques.
  • Herpes prolapse on the face;
  • Increased incidence of laryngitis;
  • The gums begin to bleed, this is especially noticeable in the morning;
  • Skin bleeding and decreased clotting become noticeable.
  • Possibilities of disease transmission

    A disease that has no analogues, is complex in its course and treatment, can be acquired in various ways:

  • Sexual intercourse of any type: vaginal, oral, anal.
  • Infection through the blood of an infected person (syringe, needle, transfusion, contact with opened wounds).
  • Genital fluids. They are especially dangerous for babies during pregnancy.
  • Inability to become infected in the following cases:

    • Simple contact;
    • Staying close to the patient, communicating with him.
    • Exchanging hugs or crying together;
    • Through salivation.
    • You need to know for sure: HIV and AIDS do not cause death. They die from other diseases that the virus allows into the body, and it, weakening, ceases to resist.

      Research into the disease and search for treatment options

      Medical sources cannot find drugs to treat and destroy the virus that has entered the human body. All experiments and experiences do not yield results in finding a remedy that can drive out the infection. Currently, there are only drugs that slow down the progression of the immune system. The entire therapy system is aimed at reducing viral cells. Their development can be delayed. Medicine help preserve lymphocytes, which support cell resistance to viruses and infections.

      Doctors continually continue to study the nature of HIV AIDS, hoping to find a solution to the problem; they either come close to it, announce the emergence of miracle cures, including those made at home, or again slide far back, recognizing the victory of painful viruses over the works of medical geniuses. It can be considered that the main step in preventing the disease is warning about acquiring the virus through unknown sexual relations and dirty syringes.

      Stages of infection development

      V.I. Pokrovsky developed a classification of development and divided the course of the disease into stages in 1989.

    1. Incubator development stage. The settlement of the virus in the body, its reaction to external manifestations. The duration of the period is not defined, it is individual in each specific case, is not repeated and is not subject to analysis. One can only guess its duration, it is impossible to determine exactly.
    2. Primary signs of lymphadenopathy. The form of manifestation of symptoms is febrile, acute, asymptomatic.
    3. Latent stage. Time of destruction of lymphocytes by the virus. It can last from 2 years to 20 years. It all depends on the body’s resistance, the level of its internal security, and strength.
    4. Terminal outcome stage. The disease wins, the body stops defending itself, and that’s it secondary infections become incurable.
    5. The stage of active manifestation of side diseases. The stage of clear manifestation of signs of HIV/AIDS.
    • Weight reduction;
    • Deterioration of the nervous system;
    • Height infectious diseases;
    • Skin manifestations of infections and viruses;
    • Damage to mucous membranes and respiratory organs.
    • Manifestations of the disease

      Signs of HIV become noticeable from the second stage of the disease. They are characterized acute form, febrile course, incomprehensible sharp symptoms.

    • joint pain, headaches, throat infections;
    • Pain in the eyes, changes in vision;
    • Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, groin, armpits;
    • Intoxication: gag reflex, diarrhea;
    • Constantly elevated temperature body – 37.5;
    • Weight loss: sharp and independent of food consumption;
    • Ulcerative manifestations on the skin;
    • Heavy sensations in bright light, desire for twilight.
    • You should be careful about your health, and the disease can be avoided or detected in time.

      The only way to find out if you have contracted HIV or an STI is to get tested.

      Many people are very worried when faced with the need to get tested for HIV and STIs, especially if this happens for the first time. These worries may be caused by fear about the results of the analysis or that someone else might find out about it. All these experiences are very natural.

      It will be easier for you to decide to get tested. If you think about the following:

      — obtaining test results will allow you to avoid the torment of ignorance;

      - without proper treatment, sexually transmitted infections, and especially HIV infections. Lead to serious health consequences;

      — early diagnosis and timely treatment allow you to maintain health;

      — testing for HIV and STIs does not take much time and is free in some clinics;

      - this will give you confidence that you will not pass HIV to your loved ones or (if you are going to become a mother) to your child - during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

      Although there are no drugs that completely cure HIV infection yet, the antiretroviral therapy that exists today can reduce the activity of the virus and reduce the damage it causes to the immune system, thus preventing the development and transition of HIV infection to the AIDS stage.

      There are already drugs that allow people living with HIV to live long and healthy lives.

      Using modern therapy HIV infection can be considered a chronic disease.

      Various testing principles have been developed, of which two are most commonly used: detection of antibodies and detection of proteins characteristic of the virus. The result of the analysis is usually called positive (the virus is detected), negative (there is no virus) or doubtful (markers of the virus are present, but not all; the result cannot be considered positive).

      Test systems that determine the immune response:

      An almost standard test for HIV is an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), which determines the presence in the blood of antibodies that the body produces to fight the virus. This test has high reliability (approx. 99%) and selectivity, well-established technology has made this test inexpensive (cost approx. $1). A small amount of blood is taken from a vein for analysis. There are also versions for saliva and urine that allow testing without an injection, but they do not have the same reliability and are not approved in Russia.

      The production of antibodies begins in the body approximately within the first month after the virus enters, then their number gradually increases. After two to two and a half months, a sufficient concentration of antibodies is produced for reliable detection. Therefore, in many countries (including Russia), before testing the patient, they warn that a reliable result is determined 3-6 months after contact with the virus (approx. 99% of people after 3 months, almost 100% after 6 months).

      If the ELISA shows a positive result, it is rechecked using a more accurate immunoblot test. This analysis has a very high sensitivity and reliability (99.9%), but it has a fairly high percentage of false positives. The diagnosis of HIV infection is made only if there are two positive results simultaneously: ELISA and immunoblot.

      The antibody test, Western blot (WB), cannot serve as the “gold standard” for another ELISA antibody test. Just because the “viral” antigens in the immunoblot are different, this does not prove that the immunoblot is more sensitive and more reliable than ELISA. It is also impossible to know the reliability of an antibody test by repeating the test, no matter how many times. Moreover, at the moment there is no evidence that “the proteins of the viral core (p24, p55 and p17) and envelope (gp120, gp160 and gp41) ” or any other proteins used in ELISA or immunoblotting are HIV proteins.

      Test systems that detect viral proteins:

      The most common of this group is a test called PCR (polymerase chain reaction). It is less accurate (approx. 95%) than ELISA, but can be used already 10 days after possible transmission of the virus. It is used in cases where an early preliminary result is desired (before 3 months) or the immune response cannot serve as an indicator: in newborns, in patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy (switching off the immune response). The results of PCR do not make a diagnosis.

      False positive, false negative and questionable results:

      A questionable (or indeterminate) result occurs with the immunoblot test (see section Test systems that determine the immune response). In this case, it is often recommended to retake the test after a few weeks. This result may be explained by the presence of similar proteins of the hepatitis virus or autoimmune reactions of the body that are not related to HIV.

      A false positive result is a situation in which there is no virus, but the test showed a positive result. This is possible for ELISA analysis; subsequent immunoblot testing confirms the absence of the virus.

      A false negative result is a negative test result even though the virus is present. This situation may arise if the analysis is carried out too early, before 3 months have passed (there are not enough antibodies in the blood to trigger). Also, PCR analysis shows a negative result during anti-HIV therapy, when the concentration of viruses in the blood becomes negligible, below the response threshold. In this case, an analysis based on the presence of antibodies will show the correct result.

      An HIV test does not show whether a person has AIDS, it only means that a certain virus is present in the person's body. AIDS is diagnosed when at least two associated diseases are present.

      Social aspects of testing:

      Testing for HIV can have both positive and negative consequences. Therefore, in all democratic countries, the right to choose whether to take the test or not is given to the person himself.

      Testing for HIV is very important from the point of view of maintaining human health. The results may affect life and career planning, attitudes toward one's body, sexual practices, and views on the use of harmful or dangerous substances. At the same time, the result may become known to others, and therefore serve as a reason for discrimination: dismissal from work, divorce from a spouse, loss loved one or friends, refusal to provide medical care or other services. Often, receiving a positive test results in severe stress for the person himself. Therefore, the decision to test should be made consciously, without pressure and on a completely voluntary basis.

      Forced testing of any population groups is futile from the point of view of containing the epidemic and contradicts the observance of human rights. Conducting analysis without a person's consent is illegal in Russia. At the same time, such cases occur in the army, during detention by law enforcement agencies, and in places of deprivation of liberty.

      Currently, the analysis is available in most Russian cities. As a rule, the analysis can be done anonymously and free of charge at the request of the patient. Documents are required if the patient needs a certificate with the result in his name. Blood sampling is done in regional dermatoveneral dispensaries (DVD), city AIDS centers (organized in all cities at the district and regional center level) and numerous commercial laboratories.

      The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens dated July 22, 1993 N 5487-1 establish that any medical intervention requires the informed voluntary consent of the patient. This means, in particular, that blood collection cannot legally be performed by force. An exception is made for patients whose health condition does not allow them to express their will (in this case, the decision is made by a medical council), and for adolescents under 15 years of age (the decision is made by legal representatives).

      There are also 4 situations in which the provision of HIV test results is mandatory (but not forced - everyone can simply refuse to participate):

      1) donation of blood, other biological fluids and organs;

      2) when applying for a job as a medical worker or other specialist in an institution that directly processes or receives materials known to contain HIV;

      3) for foreign citizens - obtaining visas for residence in Russia for a period of more than 3 months;

      4) testing of persons in prison if there are clinical indications (in which case the examination can only be carried out with the consent of the patient).


      How to determine the presence of HIV without testing?

      In order to understand how to determine HIV without an analysis, you should very clearly understand what kind of disease it is, what its nature is, how it manifests itself and what consequences infection with this virus entails.

      What is HIV infection?

      HIV infection is pathological condition human body, in which the human immunodeficiency virus, entering the blood, begins to destroy CD-4 cells with varying intensity. These cells perform a protective function and help the body fight any bacteria, viruses, tumors and various pathogens. Thus, HIV destroys the body’s natural defenses and makes it susceptible to various diseases, since the immune system loses its ability to resist certain lesions.

      HIV belongs to the family of retroviruses, which are also called “slow” viruses. This is all his cunning. The first stage of HIV infection, which sometimes lasts for 5-10 years, is called the stage of asymptomatic carriage. What does this mean? That the effect of the virus on the human immune system is quite slow and until the moment when the patient experiences irreversible changes, the course of the disease is hidden (or latent), without any signs and symptoms. However, during this period, a person, not knowing about the disease, poses a threat to others, but not in the understanding that many people, out of ignorance, put into this concept.

      Although people's awareness of the problems of HIV-AIDS is quite high today, many continue to experience an overwhelming horror of this disease. It is worth noting that with the development of pharmacological science, today there are a number of medicines, capable of slowing down the activity and reproduction of the virus in the patient’s body. It is for this reason that according to international classification, HIV-AIDS is no longer a fatal, incurable disease. This does not mean that HIV-AIDS can be cured, but significantly increasing the patient’s life expectancy has become a task that modern medicine can do.

      How is it possible, and most importantly, how not to become infected with HIV?

      To dispel all doubts, I would like to clarify that HIV infection is not transmitted in everyday life, through sharing household items, through ordinary everyday contact with an infected person, through kissing and shaking hands, etc. Thus, a person with HIV infection or AIDS is not dangerous to society if we consider the issue from this point of view. The greatest danger is posed by patients who do not know about their problem and continue to lead their usual lifestyle: change sexual partners, continue to use injection drugs, etc. It is important to note that today HIV infection has ceased to be a disease of drug addicts and call girls. Nowadays, among the identified carriers of the disease, you can find doctors, teachers, and successful lawyers. This is explained by the fact that the most common way of transmitting HIV is through sexual transmission, and not through injection, as was previously the case.

      So, HIV is transmitted in the following ways:

    • during unprotected sexual intercourse;
    • when drug addicts use unsterile syringes;
    • vertically from mother to fetus during pregnancy;
    • during transfusion of blood products (less often), etc.
    • Only through direct contact with the blood of a virus carrier or genital secretions can one become infected with HIV; ordinary everyday communication cannot lead to infection. With one sexual intercourse with an infected partner, infection may not occur, but constant contact increases the chances many times over. In addition, a greater chance of contracting HIV occurs if a person has damage to the skin or mucous membranes of various origins (erosion, ulceration, trauma, stomatitis or abrasions). Due to the peculiarities anatomical structure women's reproductive system are at much greater risk of infection than men.

      Symptoms of HIV infection

      Many people are concerned about how to find out about HIV without tests. Of course, this pathological condition is characterized by certain symptoms, which are very variable at different stages of the disease. After infection has occurred, after a short period of time (2-3 weeks), the patient may experience symptoms resembling the flu or an allergic immune reaction. This is due to the fact that HIV invades the cells of the body and the body produces specific antibodies, which are the main diagnostic sign of the disease. The patient's body temperature may increase and headache And general weakness, phenomena of general intoxication, skin rashes, etc. occur. These symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases and the patient may not always suspect HIV infection. In addition, such symptoms soon subside even in the absence of any therapy.

      The stage of asymptomatic carriage is precisely why it bears such a name because it proceeds without any severe symptoms. This stage of the clinical course may continue long years, depending on the “basic capabilities” immune system person. In people with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases or other illnesses that weaken the immune system (diabetes, tuberculosis, infectious diseases, etc.), HIV progresses faster than in people with a high immune status. The only pathological change that can make a patient or attending physician think about HIV-AIDS is an increase lymph nodes. As a rule, such an increase is asymmetrical, and in pathological process lymph nodes from different groups are involved.

      The next stage of HIV infection is characterized by the fact that the patient experiences a number of secondary pathologies - these include bacterial and fungal infections, the addition of other infections, and pathological changes in all organs and systems. At this stage, symptoms can be very diverse, but, as a rule, changes concern the general somatic condition of the patient, as well as his skin. The patient experiences decreased appetite, skin rashes or ulcerations that are difficult to treat, and signs and symptoms of various associated pathologies.

      Thus, having discovered such symptoms, the patient may be wary and make certain assumptions, but even doctors cannot confidently recognize HIV in a patient.

      The only way to accurately determine whether a patient has HIV is to undergo special testing and undergo additional tests that will clearly and directly answer the question of whether the patient has HIV-AIDS.

      The sooner such an examination is carried out, the greater the patient’s chances of receiving adequate therapy in a timely manner and saving his life.


      HIV and AIDS: symptoms and stages of development of a terrible disease

      Today, many women and men around the world suffer from HIV and AIDS. HIV is an immunodeficiency virus that results in HIV infection. The last stage is AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Unfortunately, currently the number of HIV-infected men and women is only increasing every day. You can't even imagine how many lives this disease claims every year. This problem is large-scale, so we decided to talk about it, and we hope that after reading the article you will draw the right conclusions for yourself.

      How do you know if you are HIV positive?

      This infection has its own stages of development and symptoms. If at least one of the symptoms occurs, no matter how much a person thinks that he is healthy, we can assume that the infection has overtaken him. Let us list the stages of development of the disease and the symptoms at each of them.

      1. Incubation period. It can last from 20 to 90 days, very rarely up to a year. At this stage, the virus is actively multiplying, but the immune system has not yet responded to it, so the patient is unlikely to notice the symptoms. The incubation period ends or clinical course acute HIV infection, or penetration of HIV antibodies into the blood. The incubation period requires blood serum diagnostics to detect the virus (DNA particles or antigens).

      2. First manifestations of infection. At the second stage, the body’s reactions to the virus already appear in the form of an immune reaction (production of specific antibodies) or a clinic of acute infection. At this stage, both men and women may have no symptoms at all, and serological diagnostics for antibodies to the virus may be the only sign that the infection exists and is rapidly developing. The clinical manifestations of the second stage occur according to the type of acute HIV infection. An acute onset is observed in 60-90% of patients in the first 3 months after infection, often ahead of the formation of the body’s defense against HIV, that is, the production of antibodies. Acute infection, which has only the first pathologies, proceeds quite varied. These include symptoms such as rashes (polymorphic) on the dermis and visible mucous membranes, pharyngitis, polylymphadenitis, diarrhea, linear syndrome, fever. In 9-13% of people, after infection, due to weakened immunity, other diseases develop, for example, pneumonia, herpes, sore throat, fungal infections.

      3. Latency stage. Occurs after infection appears. It is characterized by a constant weakening of the immune system, and therefore an increase in immunodeficiency. At this stage, the death of immune cells occurs. As many of them die, the body compensates for them with intensive production. During this period, symptoms allow HIV to be detected using serological tests. Enlargement of several lymph nodes (not including the inguinal ones) from different groups, completely unrelated to each other, can be a clinical sign of infection. In this case, no other pathological changes are noted. The duration of the latent stage ranges from two to three years to twenty or more. Its average duration is six to seven years.

      4. Secondary diseases. After a certain period of time, infections of bacterial, protozoal, and fungal origin occur, again due to the patient’s weak immunity. There are three periods of the stage depending on secondary diseases:

    • 4A. Weight loss is no more than 10%, there are skin lesions (fungal, viral and bacterial), and performance decreases.
    • 4B. Weight loss exceeds 10% of total body weight, fever, prolonged causeless diarrhea, and possible pulmonary tuberculosis. The relapse and progression of infectious diseases is obvious; evidence of infection is hairy leukoplakia and Kaposi's sarcoma.
    • 4B. Patients note general cachexia (extreme exhaustion of the body); if the primary infection did not acquire generalized forms, then the secondary infection does. After a certain period of time after infection, Pneumocystis pneumonia and candidiasis are noted at this stage. respiratory tract and esophagus, neurological disorders, disseminated (widespread) Kaposi's sarcoma, as well as extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
    • Secondary diseases that have developed in a patient in the terminal (last) stage of HIV infection become irreversible (AIDS), the patient can be treated as much as necessary, but the treatment will be ineffective, and death occurs after a couple of months. HIV can develop in quite a variety of ways; all stages and symptoms do not have to occur - the absence of certain clinical signs in both women and men is quite normal. The duration of the disease ranges from one month to twenty years, and depends on the individual clinical course.

      Characteristics of the pathogen

      This virus belongs to the Lentivirus (slow) genus of the Retroviridae (retroviruses) family. HIV is divided into two types: the first is the causative agent of HIV infection, the main cause of the pandemic and the development of AIDS; the second is not very common, it can only be found in West Africa. HIV is not a persistent virus. Being outside the host’s body, after a certain period of time it quickly dies; it is very sensitive to the effects of temperature (when heated to 80 degrees, it dies in 10 minutes, and reduces its infectious properties already at a temperature of 56 degrees). The virus has a highly variable antigenic structure.

      The carrier and the person suffering from AIDS are the source and reservoir of HIV. The virus can be found in high concentrations in the blood, menstrual fluid and secretions of the vaginal glands of women, and male sperm. It can be released from saliva, milk of nursing women, cerebrospinal fluid and tear secretions, but, unlike the previous ones, these biological fluids do not pose a serious epidemiological danger. The infection can be transmitted through blood transfusion, sexual intercourse and some other ways. No one can say for sure how long it will take before infection, because everything depends on the human body.

      To summarize, we can conclude that HIV infection is a disease caused by an immunodeficiency virus in men or women. The infection is characterized by acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, after which a person after some time develops new diseases and worsens existing ones, and how long he has to live is unknown. As a result, the body’s protective properties are deeply suppressed, and the disease develops into AIDS.

      We hope that after reading this, you understand that HIV and AIDS are terrible diseases, and you can prevent their occurrence. Think about how many women and men die because of promiscuity, and how many more will die if we do nothing. Once this problem occurs, it is too late to fix anything. Fortunately, today there are contraceptives with which you can protect yourself from contracting AIDS.

      How can you get infected with AIDS: 4 options for catching the infection

      How you can get infected with AIDS: 4 options for “catch” the disease + 8 situations when this is impossible + 5 interesting facts+ 7 public people who admitted their diagnosis.

      After a gorgeous night with an equally gorgeous blonde whom you met while dancing Gangnam Style in a nightclub, you, as an adult and “mega-responsible” person, began to think: how can you get AIDS and rushing around the apartment in a panic?

      Or even worse, reading about the symptoms of the disease on the Internet, nervously swallowing your saliva?

      Calmly! Now we will tell you everything!

      How you can become infected with AIDS: recognize the enemy by sight!

      Before you figure out how you can become infected with AIDS, you need to understand what kind of “beast” this is:

      How you can become infected with AIDS: 4 options for going down a “crooked path” and not returning from there

      Option number 1. “Love is a carrot.”

      Most often, people become infected with AIDS through unprotected sex, contacting the sperm or vaginal discharge of a sick person:

      The risk of infection in women is higher than in men due to the characteristics of the immune and hormonal systems.

      And you also ask why young ladies are called the weaker sex?

      Coitus interruptus will not save you from AIDS, if your partner is already sick, then go ahead and sing - go to the pharmacy for “rubber product No. 2”, if you have “Napoleonic” plans for this night!

      no medications for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (for example, Miramistin) can guarantee that you will not become infected after sex with a charming stranger.

      Your best “cure” and real “amulet” against this disease is not a pendant in the form of a three-headed snake or even a pectoral cross bought on Mount Athos itself, but common sense to refrain from casual sex;

      Do not entertain the illusion that you will definitely not get infected if you limit yourself to oral or anal sex.

      The cunning virus can enter the body through microcracks, ulcers and other damage to the mucous membrane and skin in the mouth and other “interesting” places.

      Option number 2. Death by blood.

      You've probably already heard that you can become infected with AIDS through a transfusion of blood or plasma from a sick person, but you shouldn't go to every hospital every tenth time, because:

      All blood donors are required to be tested for AIDS to avoid infecting recipients.

      Don't believe me? Try to show the miracles of altruism yourself - donate blood, make sure the integrity of the doctors at the regional transfusion station!

      “Believe me, we, like no one else, are interested in ensuring that no emergencies occur in our country.

      Therefore, we treat our work with full responsibility,” convinces laboratory assistant Yulia from Moscow.

      For various medical procedures, which we hate as much as you do, either disposable or sterilized instruments are used.

      This is quite enough to avoid contracting AIDS. If you're really paranoid, bring your own disposable syringe or blood-drawing blade and make the nurse laugh;

      Doctors can become infected only if they are completely careless about their duties - they forget what rubber gloves are and unless they sleep, like yogis, on used instruments.

      Agree - “the legend is fresh, but hard to believe,” because doctors also want to live - not to grieve, but to go on a trip around the world in their old age;

      It would not be amiss to remind you that you can become infected with the virus from a sick partner if you have unprotected sex during her menstruation.

      Maybe it’s better to just go make some tea and watch “Fight Club” or “Fast and the Furious” for the 100th time?

    Option number 3. AIDS at the tip of a needle.

    Reusable non-sterile syringes have “treated” more than one drug addict to AIDS.

    You say you haven’t tried anything other than harmless “weed”? And even then during the times of student “unbridled fun”?

    Put a final point on this.

    Option No. 4. AIDS is “inherited.”

    Children most often become infected with AIDS from infected mothers during childbirth or breastfeeding, therefore:

    All “pregnant women” are required to take an AIDS test.

    Indeed, when a woman is really happy that she turned out to be “morally stable and politically savvy” so as not to cheat on her beloved husband;

    an expectant mother with HIV infection undergoes a caesarean section so that the child does not become infected with AIDS while moving through the birth canal;

    if mommy has AIDS, then you will have to forget about breastfeeding in order to reduce the risk of infection.

    Hello “Baby” mixtures, stomach cramps and sleepless nights in addition to your own health problems!

    Because premature and post-term babies are weaker than others, they are more likely to contract AIDS from their mother.

    8 situations when the disease is not scary: how you can become infected with AIDS only in a nightmare

    If you have already figured out how you can become infected with AIDS, it’s time to find out when you are not in danger:

    The disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

    Therefore, you can stay in the same room with a sick person as long as you like. Yes, and don’t cast a murderous glance at the man who “dared” to cough in your direction in the minibus!

    The maximum that threatens you is a banal acute respiratory infection or the flu, but certainly not AIDS.

    You cannot get AIDS from hugs, handshakes, kisses, etc.

    Therefore, you should not shy away from a classmate who is trying to hug you, even if you have heard about her not very bright moral character and her fifth African-American husband.

    You should not be afraid of contracting AIDS by sharing bedding, towels, dishes and other household items with a sick person.

    So you can relax and don’t ask the hotel maid if their sheets are boiled three times in spring water before they go on the bed of a new guest.

    It is impossible to contract AIDS from insect bites.

    Even if a mosquito bit a sick person before attaching itself to you, you are in no danger.

    You can safely pack your backpack and go on a hike to the birch lakes, where in the evenings there are “many, many wild” mosquitoes.

    AIDS is also not transmitted through animal bites.

    If you are bitten in the yard by a dog of a “noble” breed, then you are more likely to catch rabies than AIDS, so run to the doctor for those very painful injections in the stomach!

    You cannot become infected with AIDS if infected blood comes into contact with healthy skin (without open bleeding wounds).

    Did your colleague cut himself with a piece of paper and a drop of blood got on your hand?

    Faint in your health, but not because of the fear of catching AIDS, but because of the desire to beautifully “plan” into his arms (and you were tormented by the question of how to melt this “icy” heart!).

    If saliva or urine (anything can happen in life!) of a person with AIDS gets on the mucous membranes of a healthy person, then there is no risk of infection.

    We understand how unpleasant it is when your boss, while scolding you, spits like an Egyptian camel, but let you be consoled by the thought that this definitely does not threaten you with AIDS, but only frayed nerves and the expense of valerian.

    The AIDS virus dies in water, so you can safely go to the pool or sauna.

    Where is Koshchei’s death hidden or 5 facts for those who are interested in how you can become infected with AIDS?

    The virus dies in the fresh air.

    Is your colleague still against you ventilating the office and “making it cold”?

    The AIDS virus can be destroyed with any disinfectant.

    So, where are grandma’s strategic reserves of bleach? Or will we make do with laundry soap?

    Dangerous microorganisms can persist in a used syringe for several days.

    Viral cells die in dried physiological fluids (blood, semen, vaginal secretions).

    So if you see that your neighbor (a drug addict and rowdy) has a broken nose and dripping blood on the landing, don’t panic and climb home through the ceiling like Spider-Man.

    Only high-quality condoms will protect you from contracting the disease.

    Interesting facts about AIDS!

    What you need to know about the disease to avoid it:

    7 famous people who know exactly how to get AIDS and do not hide their diagnosis

    If you still doubt that you need to know how you can get AIDS, let me give you a list of public people living with HIV infection:

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