What products can be available at what time. Products that need to eat in the right time

The human body works in its inner clock, which experts are called daily biorhythms. Schedule from each of us, but general patterns are also traced. The fact that we are good in the morning, in the evening can deliver problems. The same food eaten in different time, irrespective affects the body! If you want nutrients to be pulled out completely and have not been postponed "about the supply" in various places, remember when it is better to have certain foods!

Sweet yogurt with fruit slices, kefir or ryazhenka - not the best ideas for breakfast. When you are hungry, the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is high, and the lactic acid contained in the milk products lowers it. This prevents the normal absorption of food and can lead to problems with digestion.

Best time: Equal milk products are better to eat after eating when the acid level in the stomach is low. It is especially important to adhere to this rule if you like an "sour milk" with probiotics. So that the useful microflora settled the intestines and strengthened health, she needs favorable conditions.


Potato mashed potatoes for dinner is also harmful as fried potatoes. All because this vegetable has a high glycemic index. Potatoes are quickly absorbed and gives energy, but soon makes you feel hungry. But ahead - a whole night! And if you combine potatoes with fats, it is fraught with an increase in weight.

Best time: Experts advise eating potatoes for breakfast. Due to the fact that it is rich in carbohydrates and contains both soluble and insoluble food fibers, it is easily absorbed and prevents the appearance of constipation. In addition, in potatoes a lot of vitamin B6 and a high concentration of potassium, which is good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

White rice, just like potatoes - a source of fast carbohydrates. If you stick to the diet, or just dream of losing weight, you may have to give up him for dinner. To night I did not have to run to the refrigerator for something delicious, but terribly caloric.

Best time: Rice is well a day for breakfast or lunch. You will receive an energy charge to perform current tasks and can safely go on business. And if you know that in the coming hours there will be no snack, combine rice with protein food - for example, a sliced \u200b\u200bof fish or meat.


Apples and other fruits containing fruit acids should not be replaced by the main meal. Hunger they still do not quit, and the appetite will play no significant. Using an empty stomach fruit, you will increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to discomfort, pain and cutting.

Best time: Apples are perfect food for snacks scheduled between the main meals. They contain pectins that improve work digestive tract And accelerate digestion. And in bulk apples a lot of vitamins!

If you want to eat at night, nutritionists advise paying attention to fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, the banana, due to high calorie and nutritionality, seems like a better dinner. But this is only at first glance! If there are banana on an empty stomach, due to the high concentration of magnesium, it can lead to a stomach disorder.

Best time: An ideal moment for eating bananas - after eating. Studies have shown that this fruit helps to improve digestion and curb appetite. In addition, there is good banana and in the first 20-30 minutes after exercise. Athletes are often resorted to it to close the "carbohydrate window" after sports activities.


Nuts are known for more useful fats, protein, fiber and other nutrients. Together they help to warn heart disease, as well as feel sat longer. But to fell nuts on the night - a bad idea, because it can lead to an increase in weight.

Best time: If you do not want to gain extra kilograms, eat nuts during the day as healthy snacks. At the same time, take into account the total daily calorieness, it is not worth exceeding its norm.

Cherry tomatoes, pink, red and other tomato varieties are better to exclude from the evening menu. They contain pectin and oxalic acid that can cause a stomach disorder, bloating and disrupt your sleep.

Best time: But the eating of tomatoes for breakfast is not only tasty, but also incredibly useful. Thanks to the content of fiber, tomatoes improve digestion and accelerate metabolism.


Meat and products from it are very nutritious, but for the stomach such food is heavy. Experts note that at least 4-6 hours is spent on the full absorption of meat the organism. If you regularly use it in large quantities for dinner, it can turn into an indestructible stomach and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Best time: Meat - perfect food for lunch. It has a lot of iron and protein that help relieve fatigue, improve efficiency and contribute to the restoration of the muscles. One serving of meat will provide the body with the useful substances and launch the processes of restoration and growth of muscle mass.

When it comes to proper nutrition, It is necessary to clearly separate the useful sweets from potentially harmful. So, oil cream cakes, bakelines and jams with jams are difficult to call useful food (except for mood), but the natural marshmallow, shepherd and marmalade is quite another matter! But even they need to use moderately.

Best time: You can afford sweets in the first half of the day as a dessert. Replacing them the main meal - a big mistake that can be fatal for your figure.

Dark chocolate

15-25 grams of dark chocolate per day help reduce cholesterol levels, control arterial pressure, improve blood circulation and increase brain performance. In addition, dark chocolate affects appetite, causing us to feel sat down a little longer. But it is also a rather calorie, so in the evening, when you are already preparing to sleep, they are better not to indulge.

Best time: Dark chocolate varieties seemed to be created for vigorous morning. In addition to the main welcome, they will delight powerful energy and improve the mood. And what else is needed for a productive day?

Pasta as a garnish for dinner - food delicious, but calorie. But if you can afford liberty in a diet, it is not necessary to give up it. After all, such products are useful!

Best time: The fiber, which is contained in the fighter of wheat solid varieties, requires the body for the normal operation of the digestive organs. A low glycemic index typical of solid varieties is optimal for sugar diabetes.


Buckle is often referred to as the favorite lord of women. This complex carbohydrate causes the body to spend a lot of energy on her assimilation, which in a tandem with low calorieness, playing his hand to all losing weight.

Best time: There is a buckwheat when you please, the only exception is the night. By evening, the organization slows down the metabolism, so even useful food at that moment is undesirable.

Expert comment

Waking up sweet in the morning, some people are aware of the reluctance to have breakfast. Although they understand that by going to work, next time Meals can be very tightened.

  • What if you don't want to have breakfast?

After the awakening, drink a glass of water, you can diversify it with such additives as ginger, lemon, honey, mint, cucumber.

Water will help to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for work, and after a while you can start breakfast.

Use slow carbohydrates in the morning. It is most vegetables, legumes and croup, as well as solid fruits. The blood sugar level will change slowly, and you will always be saturated for a long time, which will avoid snacks or not always relevant feeling of hunger at the meeting.

  • Eat sweet to noon

Sweet tooths should choose time for delicacy to 12 days. The fact is that fast carbohydrates, and they include sweets, quickly change the level of blood sugar, instantly give energy, which also goes away for two hours. You can use rapid carbohydrates when you need a quick replenishment of energy.

  • Be careful to the fats at any time of the day.

Fats should be chosen not by time of use, but by their utility. Avoid fast food ready for the use of products, chips, crackers, donuts - whenever they contain fats harmful to the body, which form plaques on the walls of vessels, cholesterol, which leads to health complications. Useful fats are contained in products such as fish, vegetable oil, meat, nuts, avocado, solid cheeses. The listed products fill the omega reserves, which is important for the beauty and fortress of nails, hair, skin, and also normalize cholesterol levels.

  • Distribute protein consumption evenly during the day

The protein is spent on the update of the body's tissues, compensates important amino acids. The fractional use of proteins will help to support the feeling of satiety during the day. The proteins include meat, fish, eggs, low-fat varieties of cheeses, dairy products, legumes. Separately, I would like to say about the athletes who, after training, it is necessary to close the protein-carbohydrate window for 20 minutes. And at this time it is recommended to use dishes from chicken or low-fat varieties of meat, omelet or boiled egg, dairy products.

Cortisol is a key hormone of our cycle of the day, which helps our body wake up and fall asleep. When the necessary rate of cortisol is produced, then the body feels completely awake. In the morning, this hormone is on summit And so the cup of coffee in the morning suppresses it to work out, as the body gets caffeine replacing it. Usually the production of cortisol from 6 to 9 am, and the most peak accounts for 8-9 in the morning. It is a good way to drink coffee after its recession, that is, at 10 o'clock, and better after 14 hours, when fatigue is very felt after early lifting.

  • Bean

It is best to use them during dinner 3-4 hours before sleep. They have a lot of useful fiber and vegetable protein, which are important for the body. But in the morning or at lunch is not the most best view Carbohydrate food due to possible meteorism and bloating.

The main dependence on insulin is that it is generated by the body and is better struggling with sugar in the morning. Also, sugar gives us the charge of energy that is better to spend during the day, and not before bedtime. If you eaten a sweet, most often the desire to move more often, and not to go to bed. It may be one of the reasons for bad and intermittent sleep.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol has the same action on the body as sweet. Additionally, the risk is the risk, and all excessive food, which is more than your basic calorage, most likely will be deported in fat stocks.

  • Freshly squeezed juices

Do not drink an empty stomach. Acids and oils that are in fruits are irritated to the mucous membrane of the stomach, which leads to the release of hydrochloric acid. In the morning the stomach is still empty, the digestion process is started and to ulcers not far.

Good day, my dear readers. Many slimming are associated with a round-the-clock stay in the gym and hunger strike. Yes, physical exercises Careful affect forms. But the most important thing is that you eat and how to cook. Therefore, I decided to tell about what you need to eat to lose weight. The correct diet will help without much difficulty to say goodbye weight, without hurting the body.

I will tell you a secret - with the struggle for a slim figure, a huge number of products are permitted. However, you need to get very serious about choosing food that you will absorb. During weight loss, very good products accelerating metabolism. In detail about what you can enjoy, read in the article "". Here I will tell you briefly about each food group.


This product group is rich in vegetable fibers that are useful for our digestive system and. Thanks to them quickly comes a sense of saturation and it lasts for a long time.

In addition, the consumption of cereals is beneficial to the fact that the body is saturated with valuable elements. These include phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, niacin, iron, selenium, etc. These substances have a beneficial effect on the body. Including, they accelerate metabolism.

  • buckwheat;
  • rice (especially good brown, black and red);
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • barley.

Meat and fish

This is a valuable protein, so necessary to build muscle tissue. The rejection of meat during weight loss leads to the accumulation of adipose tissue and the simultaneous loss of muscular. And also, the organism spends a lot of energy to digest meat. Yes, and after such a meal forgot to forget about the feeling of hunger.

Nutritionists advise to give preference to low-fat meat varieties - beef, rabbit, chicken or turkey. Also add an egg to diet

Some experts in the field of weight loss believe that the best meat is a fish out of cold waters. She is rich not only by squirrels, but also iodine and. These elements are important for the normal functioning of the thyroid, which is responsible for the speed. exchange processes. Choose. For example, Kambala, Tuna, Cod, Mintai, etc. Yes, and seafood should not be neglected. Turn into your diet shrimp and squid.

Regarding the protein, do not worry about the fact that you will run more than 20-30 grams per reception. He learns later. I read the article recently, so there are even more offering to eat. Include any protein in each meal.


This product group is characterized by low calorie. Also, vegetables are rich in fiber, on the digestion of which the body spends a large amount of energy. Vegetable fibers improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolism. In addition, the fiber does not give fat fats with food, fully learned.

  • cabbage (color, white, broccoli);
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • cook
  • turnip;
  • celery (root), etc.


Most fruits have a slight carbohydrate content. Therefore, they do not affect blood glucose levels. And fruits are rich in fiber, about whose benefits I have already said twice 🙂

We can have losing weight:

  • grapefruit,
  • apples
  • avocado,
  • garnet,
  • pear
  • kiwi,
  • peaches
  • pomelo and other fruits.

We all know that fruits are an indispensable source of many vitamins and other beneficial substances. That is why everyone is trying to eat more fruit, and children from the very early age Enclosure fruit puree. But to get a maximum benefit from fruit, they need to eat right. What does it mean? This means that everyone needs to know, in what form and what time it is better to use fruits to use all useful substances from them as well, and brought as possible more benefit organism.

We will tell the basic rules for the use of fruits that will help correctly make up their diet. In addition, we will offer simple advice Eating fruits for all occasions.

What form is better to eat fruit?

Most of us perfectly understand that use fruit better in the form in which nature created them, namely, in the fresh. Support this idea and most nutritionists. Fresh fruits contain a lot of substances that can collapse in the process of heat treatment, Therefore, they are much more useful than, for example, boiled or canned. For example, vitamin C is collapsed not only in the process of cooking, but even from contact with air, so to get it more, the fruit is necessary to eat raw and uncut.

Also not the most useful are fruits that were kept for a long time. It turns out long storage can lead to change chemical composition Meakty. That is why fruits that have been kept in the refrigerators for a long time or were brought from afar, they cannot be compared with the branches just torn in their utility. Of course, in winter it is not particularly chosen, and we buy bridal exotic fruits or local, which were stored in special warehouses. By the way, even in such a situation it is worth buying local fruits, since in ripe fruits of vitamins is much more, and exotic usually break into more than green so that they can sleep on the road.

There is another interesting question - fruit is better to eat whole or chopped? Cut fruit to eat unequivocally more conveniently, besides, you can make interesting fruit salads. But chewing whole fruit is much more useful. As we have already spoken, some vitamins are better preserved in the whole fruit. In addition, chewing helps to clean the teeth from the plaque and even stimulate the intestinal peristalsis and the selection of enzymes. And even intensive chewing helps to remove sulfur from the ears.

Are there situations when fresh fruits are undesirable? Yes, with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they can be harmful. Do not eat fresh fruit and nursing mothers.

When is it better to eat fruit?

Different types of food are digested differently at different times of the day. Many know that products rich in carbohydrates are better to use in the morning, but products are much parenter in the evening. When is it better to eat fruit to get all the most useful from them?

Actually you can eat fruit at any time of the day. Most often they are recommended to use for breakfast or as light snacks throughout the day. Do not eat very sweet fruits for dinnerBut from this rule may be exceptions. This rule More relevant for people with overweight, which are too sweet fruits are not recommended at any time, not only in the evening.

At what time of day, you would neither decide to eat fruit, it is necessary to remember that it is better not to combine them with other products. You can eat some fruit for about half an hour or 40 minutes before the main meal. Then the fruits will have time to leave the stomach before meals and perfectly enhance the appetite. If you decide to use fruit as a dessert, it is better to wait at least half an hour after meals and only then eat fruit.

Mixing fruits with other dishes can lead to a violation of the learning of food and deterioration of its digestion. Mixing with other products, they can cause increased gas formation And, as a result, bloating.

How much do you need fruit?

Most people carefully consider fruit very useful, so trying to eat them as much as possible. But "more" does not always mean "better. In fact, with the use of fruits it is very important to take into account the individual portability of this product by the human body.

What is this tolerant and how to determine it? Most fruits contain a lot of fiber and other components that stimulate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat them more than the body can be transferred painlessly, diarrhea can begin, which will lead not only to the loss of all the beneficial substances obtained from fruit, but also to dehydration, loss of electrolytes and valuable components from other types of food. Therefore it is very important to know how much fruit you can eat without negative consequences for yourself and try this dose to not exceed.

There is another no less unpleasant " by-effect"From the use of this type of food - constipation that may occur, for example, after consuming a grenade. Therefore, choosing fruits for your diet, you need to be careful and take into account all the features of your body. If you choose the right fruit and their number, then they will not bring any harm to sure, but will help you get everything required vitamins And other equally important substances.

How to eat fruit not for season?

As we have already spoken, the most useful are local fruits and in the season of their ripening. If you buy fresh fruits from gardens, you can be confident in their ripeness and that they were not treated with special chemicals To extend the shelf life. But in our climate it is unfortunately impossible. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to buy a bridal exotic fruit or a properly saved local.

What kind of fruit is better to buy in winter to get the maximum utility and minimum harm? In the winter period, high quality and high content of vitamins differ a variety of citrus. The leaders in popularity are tangerines that are brought from relatively nearby locality. They sleep late in the fall, so we do not need substantial processing for transportation and storage, and we have the opportunity to receive this product in almost the "pristine form". You can also buy kiwi, it is rich in vitamins fruits, which are also sleeping in the fall.

But from pineapples, mango, papaya and other exotic fruits better abandon.
Sometimes they can be bought as a delicacy, but remember, the probability of acquiring a unwanted or spoiled product is very high. In addition, such products are often excessive chemical processing For better transportation and storage. Most likely, such a fruit will not have a high content of vitamins, and the taste of it will noticeably differ from the natural one.

Several rules for the use of fruit (video)

It is best to eat fresh food. If it is not possible to purchase a "seasonal fruit" you can choose frozen but not canned. In such situation it is better to buy a fruit in the ripening season and freeze it yourself.. Canned fruits contain too many sugar and other not very useful substances.

It is better to eat fruit in the mornings or before meals. It is not necessary to eat products for a full stomach, as this can lead to problems with digestion. A very good breakfast option is citrus. They give an excellent charge of energy and raise the mood for the whole day. You can eat a little kiwi - in them vitamin from 5 times more than in oranges.

To improve digestion before meal, you can eat apples. Apples cause an increase in the selection of gastric juice and contribute to a more complete digestion of food. It is necessary to eat them or half an hour before meals, or after. It is very important to carefully chew fruit. You can use grapes or raisins as a dessert. You can eat them no earlier than three hours after eating and in no case before bedtime.

Heavy Caloric Fruits, such as bananas, is better to eat in the afternoon, for example, for afternoon, but not before bedtime. During the afternoon, the body is ready for digesting heavy food, until the evening he will cope with bananas. But as a dinner to those who are suitable plums. They are very well affected by the intestinal peristals, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, then two plums as a late dinner will become an excellent option.

Overweight is the Beach of our time. They suffer from both women and men. And all because of the wrong nutrition and hypodynamia. Although some people manage to keep a slim figure and vigor throughout the lifetime, and all because they know how to eat in the morning, day and evening.

  1. Morning menu.
  2. Evening menu.
  3. Some rules.

Morning menu

Breakfast and the second breakfast is almost half of the daily calorie diet. If, in the day, the girl eats 1200 kcal, then about 500 kcal is given to this meal.

Breakfast is the first meal after a long night interruption. In addition, it should provide the body with energy for the first half of the day, fill the reserves of nutrients, water, vitamins. Therefore, snacks with coffee and a bun are, of course, nice, but not useful. For breakfast, there is a scrambled eggs, porridge (best of all oatmeal), bacon, cottage cheese - that is, products that contain many complex carbohydrates and proteins.

Since in the morning most people do not care about the usefulness of their diet, since the brain is still sleeping, here are some delicious breakfast options for lazy people and fast food fans:

. Harvest sandwiches. As a filling is suitable: boiled breasts, pate of red fish or tuna and eggs, vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, salad).

. Energy Cocktail from Natural Yogurt (as an option - kefir, milk), bananas, chocolate, cherries.

. Fried eggs with vegetables or cheese.

. Sweet oatmeal with honey, berries and nuts. And the more additives - the better.

You can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with an energy cereal bars, hematogen, yogurt or fruit.

It is best if it consists of a full-fledged menu: snacks, first, second. Salads, soups and broths, baked meat and fish, all sorts of rolls, cutlets and meatballs with a side dish - all this is an excellent lunch option. The main thing is that it be diverse, quenched the need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins was not too calorie and contained smallerly harmful products.

Dessert is better to eat as a separate meal in a couple of hours. Sandwich with cucumber and tea, some black chocolate or fruit will become an ideal solution.

Evening menu

In the question "How to eat in the morning, afternoon and in the evening?" Many are interested in the last eating, because it is not clear that you can eat that it is impossible to choose calorie and when you land dinner.

The evening table menu should be nutritious enough, but easy. Fat, sweet food, as well as the one that needs a lot of time to digest, it is better to postpone at another time. Easy salad, baked vegetables and meat, simple soup puree perfectly fit the evening diet.

The calorie of dinner should be 30-40% of the total, and you need to sit at the table a few hours before sleep.

Some rules

There are some simple rules about how to eat in the morning, day and evening. Performing these simple recommendations, you will never get better and save the vigor and health for many years.

. Do not eat before bedtime.

. In the first half of the day you need to eat 10-20% more than in the second one.

. Sweet, flour, sharp and salty, if it can not be completely excluded, it is necessary to eat up to 12-14 hours of the day. In the second half of the day, such food contributes to the stress of fluid in the body and obesity.

. Fruits are also better to eat in the morning, there are many fructose in them - and this is sugar, that is, simple carbohydrates.

. 2-3 liters of water per day - compulsory rule.

. Learn to count calories, at least approximately.

. Get out of the table a little hungry, the saturation signal goes into the brain is not immediately, during this time you can eat a lot of extra.

. If you have a choice to eat delicious or useful - take the second. Especially useful too can be done delicious, the main thing is to make it right.

. Be sequential, stick the power mode.

Where is the truth, and where is the fiction, we helped to understand the head of the regional dietary center of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Clinical Institute. M.F. Vladimir Inna Sergeevna Pichugin.

Myth 1. There are special diets for "liquidation" of fat only from the abdomen and honey.

Not true

I. P: - There is no such diet that is capable of correcting certain parts of the body. Solve the problem in the field of hips and abdomen is possible only with the total weight loss. If you want to reduce the amount of waist and hollows in relation to the general proportions of the shape, there will be different cosmetic procedures (SPA, wrapping, manual or hardware massage) and exercise that affect the subcutaneous fat fabric in a specific zone.

Myth 2. Up to 12, you can eat anything, after 18 - it is impossible to eat anything.

Not true

I. P:- Recommendations to limit ourselves in food after 18 hours do not have any scientific justifications. Light dinner is not contraindicated, but at the same time the last meal must occur 3-4 hours before sleep. As for the approval that up to 12, it is possible to eat how much and anything, it also does not look like the truth. If there are simple carbohydrates in large quantities - that is, sweet and flour, for example, - very doubt that you can avoid unpleasant consequences. And there is no difference, what time you eat all this.

Myth 3. Even on a diet, breakfast is needed tightly and regularly.


I. P:- I need to have breakfast! As a rule, most workers have the next full-fledged food intake is possible only in the evening, and in order to preserve normal digestion, weight and, accordingly, health is needed regular nutrition. The intervals between meals should not exceed 5 hours, as food should not just do, but also to be learned, providing me with each cell cage. So, depriving myself breakfast, you will miss a rare opportunity to eat normally. What is for breakfast? Cobble, dairy products, omelet, grain bread are suitable.

Myth 4. Lose weight needs to abandon bread.

Not true

I. P:- Replace bread from the top grade flour on grain bread without flour - and there will be no problems with the figure. After all, dietary fibers of bread contribute to the normalization of metabolism, which means they help reduce weight, purify the body from the products of exchange and toxins, existed excess cholesterol and sugar, improve motor function intestines. In addition, all biologically remained in whole grain bread active substances and Vitamin E.

Myth 5. To lose weight, you need to use sugar substitutes.

Not true

I. P:- There is such a sugar substitute produced from vegetable raw materials - Stevia (Honey Grass). It is highlighted from extract, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia does not increase blood sugar levels, thereby not provoking insulin emission. Then how exactly elevated level Insulin contributes to the weight gain, and fat is postponed mainly on the stomach.

but healthy person Still, there is no need to use products for diabetics (and the sugar substitute is one of them). To reduce the weight, I would recommend rational nutrition with the exception of consumption of simple carbohydrates: chocolate, cream products, cakes, cakes. Also the glazed raw materials, cottage cheese, sdobu (products made of puff and sand dough), halva, creamy ice cream. Those who can not be sweet, you can eat dried fruits, honey, sometimes marshmallows, flip (in reasonable quantities).

Myth 6. With age, all women are fulfilled, nothing can be done about it.

Not true

I. P:- Women at a certain age are really beginning to gain weight: during the period of Clemakus, the production of female hormones is reduced, and this contributes to the formation of fatty deposits. The threat of hypertension, atherosclerosis, is also increasing sugar diabetes, ischemic Disease Hearts and other things.

However, it is possible to treat symptoms (and carry out the prevention) of menopausal syndrome - and the correct lifestyle and balanced nutrition takes this not the last place.

To preserve the form, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fats. Exclude from diet products containing "hidden" fats: sausages, glazed raw materials, cottage cheese, baking, chocolate. The food must be baked in the oven, cook, stew. Consumption of animal products in combination with physical activity allows you to preserve muscle tissue. Enter the fish in the diet (2-3 times a week). Fat Sea fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PNGC), contributing to cholesterol fractions in the blood. Besides, in fishing fat It contains vitamin D, which plays a key role in the calcium exchange, and therefore protects against osteoporosis. The source of protein is seafood: shrimps, squid, mussels that contain PNGC, vitamins of group B, iron, calcium, iodine. Also in Arsenale modern medicine There is I. medicationsSuppose to improve your health and control weight, they can register a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Myth 7. Vitamins must be taken only in winter, in summer enough fresh vegetables and fruits.

Not true

I. P:- According to the statistics of the Institute of Nutrition, the RAMS, vitamin C deficiency occurs in 100% of the population of Russia, the vitamin deficit of the group B - in 70%, the deficit of beta-carotene (predecessor of vitamin A) - in 60%. So the vitamins are needed to everyone, but in order to prepare for vacation and sunbathing baths - especially.

To obtain a sufficient dose of vitamins, modern man You need to eat right and additionally take vitamin complexes. Beta-carotene, group vitamins, especially PP and B12, contribute to strengthening the protective top layer of the skin, they are rich in vegetables and fruits, fish, cottage cheese, buckwheat, almonds, grain bread. The sun rays reduce the content in the skin of vitamin C, so try more often there is currants, citrus, kiwi, Bulgarian pepper, greens, tomatoes, etc.

However, technical progress, unfortunately, entailed an increase in the share of refined and canned foods with a smaller vitamin value. For example, in the manufacture of the flour of higher grades, up to 80-90% of all vitamins is lost, so it is better to consume dark or grain varieties of bread. In general, every adult person is worth using any available vitamin and mineral complex. The main thing is to focus on the daily needs of the body.

Myth 8. Acne appears from sweet.

Not true

I. P:- We are what we eat. The health of our really skin depends largely on the state of the digestive and nature of food consumed. However, it is not necessary to blame in all sweets. Usually people S. problem skinFirst of all, a diet is recommended that gentle gastrointestinal tract. And this is a refusal of smoked, sharp products, fried dishes, meat broths, sausages, pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, carbonated sweet and effervescent drinks. Do not eat canned products and semi-finished products. It is better to eat a sandwich from grain bread with butter than a plate of flakes with sugar and flavors. It is better to drink green tea with honey or dried fruits than to eat a sweet yogurt with a monthly shelf life. It is better to cook sauce for macaroni from tomatoes and greens than pour them with ketchup. It is recommended to you natural food, without preservatives. Prepare yourself.

Myth 9. Pregnant women should have everything that wants.

Not true

I. P:- Food in the first months of pregnancy should be balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories of the diet. Because everything you need to increase the child gets from the blood of the mother. Animal proteins must be consumed: due to meat and fish of non-fat varieties, dairy products, eggs. It is about 100 - 150 g of veal or beef, or 150 g cod, pike perch, sea perch, heck. Cottage cheese is low-fat - 100 g, cheese - 50 g., Acid drink - 200 g. A week is enough to eat no more than 2 - 3 pieces of eggs. The remaining proteins (vegetable) will come through the use of vegetables, fruits, leguminous, croup. For example: buckwheat porridge crumbly - 200 g, vegetables - 100 g, fruit - 300 g

The amount of fats during this period is 80 g. It is enough to use 25-30 g of vegetable unrefined oil per day. If you are prone to completeness, then you need to even reduce the use of fats per day.

But the need for a pregnant woman in carbohydrates increases - up to 400 g per day. Just keep in mind that when obesity and the inclination to it, the amount of carbohydrates must be typed due to the bread of coarse grinding, grain products, not sweets. It is advisable to include a rhylard of roshovnik in the diet, use multivitamins for pregnant women to prescribe a doctor. Milk and dairy products are basic calcium suppliers. Phosphorus is rich in pink salmon natural, mackerel, cod liver, dried mushrooms, green peas. Magnesium is rich in vegetable products, especially sea cabbage, watermelon, bran Wheat, uryuk, oatmeal, beans, millet, peas, buckwheat and pearl cereals, mackerel, squid, eggs. Including these products in the diet (egg - 1 piece, bread from coarse grinding flour - 100 g, oatmeal porridge on milk 50 g of flakes + 150 g of milk, 100 g of watermelon), you will provide a daily need for magnesium for a pregnant woman (450 mg) .

And be sure to make daily walks from 40 minutes to 1 hour. When a leakage of weight is also recommended 1 unloading day per week (meat or fish).

Myth 10. With gastritis, it is absolutely impossible to lose weight.

Not true

I. P:- If you eat correctly, it is possible to successfully monitor your weight with chronic gastritis. Here are some recommendations for those who want to lose weight, but at the same time it is afraid to harm the stomach:

1. Really eat no more than 400-500 meals, try to eat every day at the same time.

2. It is important to eat at least 4 times a day gradually. The last meal is desirable three hours before sleep.

3. Eat slowly, chew each piece of at least 25 seconds. So the stomach receives the treated salivia-shaped food, which it is easy for it. Plus, when you carefully chew food, central nervous system It receives information about the composition of food and gives the team to secretory gastric departments about the development of relevant enzymes in the desired quantity.

By the way, this rule is very helpful and for those who want to lose weight: saturation is felt much faster, respectively, eat less and you don't fully.

4. For the speedy restoration of the stomach functions in your diet, there must be a sufficient amount of protein (meat, bird, fish, eggs, dairy products).

5. From the diet, exclude products that are long delayed in the stomach and stimulate the extraction of hydrochloric acid. These are meat broths, housing meat, sausages, smoked fish, pickles, fried dishes, saturated fats (beef, bars, fat), margarine, rye bread, canned matter, mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetables causing bowelism (white cabbage, legumes, onions), alcohol, natural coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated, sweet and effervescent drinks, chips .

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