Vaccine against measles, vapor and rubella living attenuated (lyophilized), lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration. Brewery Breast Breast Parotitis - Side effects, what vaccine is better, revaccination Cort is steaming the composition

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use. medicinal preparation Priorix. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the opinions of the doctors of specialists to use the priorix vaccination in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Priorix analogues in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for measles prevention epidemic parotitis And rubella in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition and complications after vaccination.

Priorix - Live combined attenuated measles vaccine, epidemic vapotitis and rubella. Attenuated vaccine strains of measles virus (Schwarz), epidemic vapotitis (RIT 4385, Derivative Jeryl Lynn) and rubella (Wistar Ra 27/3) are cultivated separately in the culture of chicken embryo cells (measles and vapor viruses) and human diploid cells (rubella virus).

Clinical researches showed high efficiency priorix vaccine. Antibodies for measles virus were found in 98% of the vaccinated, to the virus of epidemic vapotitis in 96.1% and the rubella virus in 99.3%. A year after vaccination, all seropositive persons remained a protective titer of antibodies to measles virus and virus virus and in 88.4% - to the vapotitis virus.

A certain degree of protection against disease core can be achieved with the introduction of a vaccine to non-immunized persons within 72 hours after their contact with sick cortel.


Attenuated vaccine strain of measles virus (Schwarz) + Attenuated vaccine strain of epidemic vapor virus (RIT4385, derivative Jeryl Lynn) + Attenuated vaccine strain of rubella virus (Wistar Ra 27/3) + excipients.


  • prevention of measles, epidemic vapor and rubella from age 12 months.

Forms of release

Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration (injections in ampoules for injections).

Instructions for use and method of use

The vaccine is injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.5 ml; Allowed intramuscular administration Vaccines. Not allowed intravenous administration Vaccines!

In accordance with the calendar preventive vaccinations Russia priorix is \u200b\u200badministered to children aged 12 months with subsequent revaccination at the age of 6. In addition, priorix can be administered to girls at 13, previously not vaccinated or obtained only 1 vaccinating monovalent or combined vessels against measles, rubella and epidemic parotitis.

Rules of preparation of solution

Immediately before use, the contents of the supplied syringe or the solvent with a solvent with a solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 dose contribute to the bottle with the preparation. The bottle is thoroughly shaken until complete dissolution. The dissolution time of the drug should not exceed 1 min. The dissolved preparation is a transparent liquid from light orange to light red. If the solution looks different or exist, extraneous particles, the vaccine is not used.

To introduce the drug, use a new sterile needle. When using a vaccine in a multi-modular packaging for the preparation of the drug, each time you should use a new syringe and needle.

A dissolved drug in a multi-modular package should be used during the working day (for no more than 8 hours), provided it is stored in the refrigerator (at a temperature of from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius). The drug should be extracted from the bottle with strict compliance with the rules of asepsis.

Under no circumstances, the Priorix vaccine is introduced in / c.

Side effect

  • infections of the upper respiratory tract;
  • medium otitis;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • an increase in the paroles;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • anorexia;
  • unusual crying;
  • nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • febrile cramps;
  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • rash;
  • allergic reactions;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • redness at the injection site;
  • soreness and swelling at the injection site;
  • increased temperature (rectal above 38 degrees Celsius; Mortarwells / mouth cavity: above 37.5 degrees Celsius);
  • meningitis;
  • thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • transverse myelitis;
  • acute primary idiopathic polyneurite (Guillana Barre syndrome);
  • peripheral neuritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • multiform erythema;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • arthralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • kawasaki syndrome;
  • transit painful short-term edema of the testicles;
  • development of covenotic syndrome.

Random intravenous administration can cause severe reactions, even shock. In such cases, appropriate emergency medical care is required.

In general, the profile of unwanted reactions was similar after the introduction of the first dose of vaccine and revaccination. However, soreness at the injection site was observed in 1-10% of cases after the first, vaccination, and after revaccination - more than 10% of cases.


  • primary and secondary immunodeficiency (however, the drug can be used in persons with asymptomatic HIV infection, as well as patients with AIDS);
  • acute diseases and exacerbations chronic diseases (with non-heavy ARVI, acute intestinal diseases allowed vaccination immediately after normalization of temperature);
  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions to the preceding administration of the drug;
  • increased sensitivity to neomycin, any other ingredient vaccine and chicken eggs (however, the presence in the history of contact dermatitis caused by neomycin, and an allergic reaction to non -naphilactic chicken eggs is not contraindicated to vaccination).

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Vaccine Priorix is \u200b\u200bcontraindicated to use during pregnancy.

Perhaps the use of vaccine during the period breastfeeding After evaluating the intended benefits and potential risk.

Vaccination of women of childbearing age is carried out in the absence of pregnancy and only if the woman agrees to protect against conception within 3 months after vaccination.

special instructions

Care must be taken when the vaccine is introduced to persons with allergic diseases and convulsions in a personal and family history. It should be borne in mind that after the introduction of the vaccine due to possible risk Development allergic reactions Immediately type patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for 30 minutes. Vaccination venues should be provided with anti-shock therapy, incl. Epinephrine solution (adrenaline) 1: 1000.

Before the introduction of the vaccine, make sure that the alcohol or other disinfectant agent evaporated from the surface of the skin and the tube tube, because These substances can inactivate the attenuated viruses in the vaccine.

Medicinal interaction

Priorix vaccine can be administered simultaneously (in one day) with DC and ADS vaccines, live and inactivated polio vaccine vaccine, vaccine against Haemophilus Influenzae type B, hepatitis vaccine, under the condition of injection of drugs with different syringes in different parts of the body. Other live viral vaccines are prescribed with an interval of at least 1 month.

Priorix should not be mixed with other vaccines in one syringe.

Priorix can be applied to re-vaccinated in persons previously vaccinated by another combined vaccine against measles, vapor and rubella or appropriate monopreparations.

If it is necessary to perform a tuberculin sample, it must be carried out or simultaneously with vaccination or 6 weeks after it, since the Korea (and possibly a vapor) vaccination process can cause a temporary decrease in skin sensitivity to tuberculin, which will cause a false negative result.

Analogs of the drug Priorix

Analogs of PO pharmacological group (Means for treating and preventing measles, rubella and parotitis):

  • Vaccine parotitically cortical culture fluid dry;
  • Vaccine Parotitis Cultural Living Dry;
  • Measles vaccine, vapor and rubella living attenuated;
  • Vaccine against rubella living attenuated;
  • Vaccine against rubella Cultural lively;
  • Krasnuha culture vaccine vibrant attenuated;
  • Isoprosine;
  • Human immunoglobulin normal;
  • Retinol acetate solution in oil;
  • Retinol acetate solution for injection in oil;
  • Retinola palmitate;
  • Ruvaks;
  • Rudivaks;
  • Ervevaks;
  • Erispal.

In the absence of analogs of drugs active substance, You can follow the links below for the diseases from which the appropriate drug helps and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

Auxiliary substances: Stabilizer - a mixture of 0.08 ml of an aqueous solution of LS-18 * and 0.02 ml of 10% gelatin solution; - no more than 20 μg.

1 dose - ampoules (10) - packs cardboard.

* The composition of the aqueous solution of LS-18: sucrose - 250 mg, lactose - 50 mg, sodium glutaminomaste - 37.5 mg, - 25 mg, L-proline - 25 mg, Henks dry mixture with phenol red - 7.15 mg, water d / injection - up to 1 ml.

pharmachologic effect

It is a lyophilized mixture of liquid semi-finished products of core and vapor vaccines prepared by cultivating the attented strains of measles Core L-16 virus and the epidemic vapotitis of L-3 on the primary culture of quail embryos cells

Stimulates in the serongative grafted production of antibodies to measles and vapor viruses, reaching maximum values \u200b\u200bafter 3-4 weeks. and 6-7 weeks. After vaccination, respectively.


Prevention of measles and epidemic vapotitis, starting from age for 12 months.

In accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, vaccination is carried out twice at the age of 12 months and 6 years old children who have not painful core and epidemic parotitis.


Anaphylactic reactions or severe forms of allergic reactions to aminoglycosides (because the drug may contain), chicken and / or quail eggs; primary immunodeficiency, malignant blood and neoplasm diseases; pronounced reaction (hyperthermia above 40 ° C, hyperemia or edema more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site of the vaccine) or complication on the previous administration of a vapor or korea vaccine; acute diseases or aggravation of chronic diseases; Pregnancy, breastfeeding period.


P / C under the blade or shoulder area (on the border between the lower and middle third shoulder from the outside), once in a single dose.

Side effects

Often: From 5 to 15 days - a short-term insignificant increase in body temperature, catarrhal phenomena from the nasopharynx side (light hyperemia of the oz, rhinitis). With a massive application of the vaccine, an increase in body temperature above 38.5 ° C should not be more than 2% of the grafts. Increased body temperature above 38.5 ° C in the post-excitation period is an indication for the purpose of antipirectrics.

Infrequently: From 5 to 18 days - passing, conjunctivitis, covenotic rash, ongoing 1-3 days.

Seldom:in the first 48 hours after vaccination, local reactions, expressed in skin hyperemia and a poorly pronounced edema at the injection site of vaccines that pass without treatment; From 5 to 42 days - a short-term increasing increase in nearby salivary glands, continued 2-3 days; Anxiety, lethargy, sleep disorder.

Rarely: in the first 24-48 h - allergic reactions arising from persons with changed reactivity; after 6-10 days - convulsive reactions arising after vaccination on the background high temperatures; after 2-4 weeks - benignly occurring serous meningitis, every case of which requires differential diagnosis; The development of encephalitis, each case of which requires differential diagnosis; , abdominal syndrome; painful short-term edema of the testicles.

Medicinal interaction

Vaccination can be carried out simultaneously (in one day) with ADHA and ADS vaccines, living and inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine, vaccine against, rubella, influenza, hemophilic infection, provided that it is introduced into different parts of the body. Other living viral vaccines are injected with an interval of at least 1 month.

If it is necessary to perform a tuberculin sample, it must be carried out or simultaneously with vaccination or 6 weeks after it, since the Korea (and possibly a vapor) vaccination process can cause a temporary decrease in skin sensitivity to tuberculin, which will cause a false negative result.

After the introduction of drugs of man vaccinations, it is not earlier than after 2 months. After the administration of a fault-korea vaccine, immunoglobulin preparations can be administered no earlier than in 2 weeks; If it is necessary to use an immunoglobulin earlier than this period, vaccination against vapor and measles should be repeated.

special instructions

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (Feldsher) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and inspection of the mandatory thermometry.

Vaccination of the fault-core vaccine is not recommended during the rise in the incidence of serous meningitis.

HIV infection is not a contraindication for vaccination.

Given the possibility of developing allergic reactions of an immediate type (anaphylactic shock, swelling of quinque, urticaria) in particularly sensitive persons, for grafted it is necessary to provide medical observation for 30 minutes.

Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

Vaccination is carried out after acute infectious and noncommunicable diseases, after exacerbation of chronic diseases - at the end acute manifestations diseases; with nonsense ARVI, acute intestinal diseases and other states - immediately after normalization of temperature; After immunosuppressive therapy, vaccination is carried out after 3-6 months after the end of treatment.

Persons temporarily liberated from vaccination must be taken under observation and grafted after removing contraindications

The vaccination is recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the name of the drug, the dates of vaccination, dose, manufacturer, the number of the series, the date of manufacture, the expiration date, the reaction to the vaccination.

Pregnancy and lactation

When pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding, vaccination of this vaccine is contraindicated.

Dosage form: & nbsplyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration Structure:

One vaccine dose of vaccine (0.5 ml) contains:

-at least 1000 tissue cytopathogenic doses ( TCD 50.) measles virus;

-at least 5000. TCD 50. Virus parotitis;

-at least 1000. TCD 50. Rush virus;

-sorbitol stabilizer - 5%, gelatin - 2.5%;

-neomycin in sulfate - no more than 10 μg.


Vaccine - homogeneous porous mass of yellowish-white color, hygroscopic.Vaccine meets WHO requirements.

Solvent - Transparent colorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:MIBP Vaccine ATX: & NBSP

J.07.b.d.52. Cory virus in combination with steam and rubella viruses - lively weakened

J.07.b.d. Vaccine for measles prevention


The vaccine is a lyophilized mixture of liquid semi-finished products against measles, vapotitis and rubella, prepared by the method of separate cultivation of attenuated strains of measles virus (Edmonton - Zagreb) and rubella (VistarRA27/3) In the diploid cells of a person, the virus of the vapor (L-Zagreb) - on the fibroblasts of chicken embryos.


Prevention of measles, epidemic parotitis and rubella. In accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, vaccination is carried out twice: to achieve 12 months of age and in 6 years.

One-time immunization of susceptible girls and non-embled women is possible.


-Acute infectious and noncommunicable diseases, aggravation of chronic diseases;

-immunodeficiency states, malignant blood and neoplasm diseases;

-a strong reaction (temperature rise above 40 ° C, hyperemia and / or edema more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site of the vaccine) or complication on the previous introduction of measles vaccines, vapotitis and rubella;

-system allergic reactions to vaccine components (neomycin, chicken eggs, gelatin);


Note: HIV infection is not a contraindication to vaccination.

Method of use and dose:

The vaccine must be dissolved only by the attached solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 dose with a sterile syringe and needles. The dissolution time of the vaccine is not more than 3 minutes.

Dissolved preparation - transparent colorless or light yellow liquid.

The dissolved vaccine in the ten-end packaging is allowed to be stored in a dark place at a temperature of from 2 to 8 ° C not more than 8 hours.

The vaccination dose of the drug (0.5 ml) must be administered deeply subcutaneously into the shoulder area.

ATTENTION! The vaccine should be administered only subcutaneously.

As with the use of all vaccines, due to the possibility of the development of allergic reactions of the immediate type, the graft should be under the supervision of at least 30 minutes. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

Side effects:

In most grafted vaccine process proceeds asymptomatic.

In the place of introduction of the vaccine may appear short-term hyperemia, swelling and seal, accompanied by soreness.

A short-term body temperature increase to 37.9 ° C can be observed in the period from 6 to 18 day after the introduction of the vaccine is no more than 8% of the grafts and may be accompanied by malaise, headache, catarrhal phenomena and nausea; In 1-2% graft for 6-14 days after the vaccination may appear short-term (on average 2 days) non-delicate rash.

In rare cases, there may be a minor increase in the varnish and other salivary glands, lymphadenopathy (an increase in predominantly occipital and rear lymphatic nodes).

Extremely rarely develop reactions from the central nervous system.

Adolescents and adults in rare cases are possible the development of arthralgia and arthritis.


Vaccine can be introduced simultaneously (in one day) with other vaccines National calendar Preventive vaccinations or no earlier than 1 month after the preceding vaccination. At the same time, drugs are introduced by separate syringes in different parts of the body.

After the introduction of human blood products (immunoglobulins, plasma, etc.), measles vaccine, vapotitis and rubella should be applied no earlier than 3 months. After immunizing measles vaccine, vapotitis and rubella blood products should be administered no earlier than in 2 weeks. If it is necessary to apply this period of this period, vaccination should be repeated after 3 months.

Special instructions:


Before vaccination should examine the history of the vaccinated, paying attention to the preceding introduction of vaccines included in the associate preparation, and the associated occurrence adverse Reactions, as well as to inspect.

Women of childbearing age should be warned about the need to take contraception measures for 3 months after vaccination.

Vaccinations are held:

-after acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, after the exacerbation of chronic diseases - no earlier than 1 month after recovery;

P restless forms of ORVI, acute intestinal diseases, etc. - immediately after normalization of temperature;

P the donkey of immunosuppressive therapy is 12 months after the end of treatment.

Release form / Dosage:Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration, 1 dose and 10 doses (complete with solvent). Packaging:

Vaccine- 1 or 10 doses in a dark glass bottle.

50 vaccine bottles of 1 dose or 10 doses together with 5 instances of the instructions for use - in a cardboard box.

Solvent - 0.5 ml (per dose of vaccine) or 5.0 ml (by 10 doses of the vaccine) - in an ampoule of colorless transparent glass.

50 ampoules of solvent with 0.5 ml or with 5.0 ml - in a carton box.

Storage conditions:

The vaccine is stored in light-protected place inaccessible to children at temperatures from 2 to 8 ° C.

Medical Instructions



Corywee Vaccine, Parotitis and Rush Living Attenuated Lyophilized

International non-proprietary title

Dosage form

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration

1 dose in the bottle bucked with solvent 0,5ml in ampoule


One dose (0.5 ml) contains

active substances: Cory virus at least 1000 TCD 50, vary vapotitis at least 5000 TCD 50, Rellave virus at least 1000 TCD 50,

excipients: Partially hydrolyzed gelatin, sorbitol, histidine, L-alanine, tritsin, L-arginine hydrochloride,

lactabumin hydrolyzate.

Solvent - Water for injection 0.5 ml.


Uniform, porous mass of yellowish-white color, hygroscopic. After dissolving, transparent colorless or light yellow liquid.

Solvent: transparent colorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antiviral vaccines. Cory virus in combination with vibrations and rubella viruses - vibrant weakened.

ATH code J07BD52

Pharmacological properties


The vaccine does not require an assessment of pharmacokinetic properties.


Vaccine is combined drugcontaining lively attenuated strains of Corey Edmonston-zagreb virus, Leningrad-Zagreb pairotite virus (L-Z) and rubella virus Wistar Ra 27/3. Cory and rubella viruses are grown on human diploid cells (CDC), the vapor virus is grown on chicken fibroblasts obtained from SPF eggs (free from specific pathogens). The vaccine forms an active immunity against measles viruses, epidemic vapor and rubella virus by inducing the synthesis of IgG measles antibodies, epidemic vapor and rubella, which develops within 15 days after vaccination and is preserved at least 16 years. Serious conversion is observed in 95-100% of graft patients. When conducting a serological study, the result is considered positive in the dilution of at least 1/20 (in RTHA): in this case, the patient is regarded as having specific immunity and vaccination for it is not required. When diluted less than 1/20, the result is considered negative.

Vaccine meets the requirements of the World Health Organization.

Indications for use

Prevention of measles, epidemic vapotitis and rubella

Primary vaccination

Active immunization against measles, parotitis and rubella children aged 12-15 months


Children, first immunized aged 12-15 months, must be immunized re-aged 4-6 years

In cases where the primary vaccination was not effective (protective titer less than 1/20)

Method of application and dose

The vaccine should be divorced only by the attached solvent (sterile water for injection) using a sterile syringe. Dry vaccine is easily dissolved with careful shaking. The vaccine must be used immediately after breeding. One-time dose drug (0.5 ml) is introduced only deep subcutaneously in front-unit top Hips newborn and in the shoulder of older children.

The attached solvent is specially manufactured for this vaccine. The use of only the accompanying solvent is allowed. Do not use solvents for sampling vaccines and measles vaccines, vapotitis and rubella (PDAs) of other manufacturers. The use of non-compliant solvents can lead to a change in vaccine properties and severe reactions in recipients.

Before entering the drug, it is necessary to produce a visual inspection of the solvent and the diluted vaccine to determine the presence of flakes and / or deviations in physical characteristics. In the event of unsatisfactory results of the visual inspection, the solvent or diluted vaccine cannot be used.

Side effects

Frequency definition side Effects: very frequent (≥1 / 10, more than 10%); frequent (≥1 / 100, but<1/10, более 1%, но менее 10%); нечастые (≥1/1,000, но <1/100, более 0,1%, но менее 1%); редкие (≥1/10,000, но <1/1,000, более 0,01%, но менее 0,1%); очень редкие (<1/10,000, менее 0,01%), включая единичные сообщения


Moderate temperature increase by 7-12 days after vaccination with a duration of 1-2 days

Moderate pain in the injection site within 24 hours after vaccination, in most cases it passes independently within 2-3 days

Arthralgia and arthritis in adolescent girls and adult women at the expense of a redest component, which last from several days to 2 weeks


Rash for 7-10 days and disappearing in 2 days

Arthralgia and arthritis in children and men due to the redest component, arising 1-3 weeks after vaccination and saving from 1 day to 2 weeks. These undergoing reactions are characteristic only for non-immunized persons for whom vaccination of this vaccine is of great importance.



Malgia and Paresthesia

Very rarely

Parotitis and orchitis due to the vapor component (0.008%)

Aseptic meningitis for 15-35 days after immunization due to the vapor component, passes without treatment during the week and does not cause complications

Encephalitis at the expense of the core component (1: 1000000)

Thrombocytopenia (less than 1: 30,000)

Anaphylactic shock


Hypersensitivity to vaccine components (on neomycin and egg protein)


Acute infectious diseases

Pregnancy and lactation period


Pronounced anemia and other severe blood diseases, including malignant

Severe disorders of kidney functions

Heart disease in the decompensation stage

Malignant neoplasms

Immunodeficiency costers with damage to cellular immunity

Previous vaccination Application of corticosteroids, immo-nodepresants or radiation therapy

Previous vaccination Application of gammaglobulins or blood transfusion

Anaphylactic or anaphyactoid reactions to the introduction of vaccine in history

Medicinal interactions

Perhaps simultaneous (one day) the purpose of the vaccine with pertussis vaccines, diphtheria, tetanus; diphtheria and tetanus; tetanus anatoxin; polyovaccina (live and inactivated); vaccine against haemophilus influenzae type B; Vaccine against hepatitis virus in without risk of complications or reduced efficiency. At the same time, vaccines are injected into different parts of the body with different syringes.

The CCP vaccine should not be prescribed earlier than 3 months after the administration of immunoglobulins and containing their blood products (solid blood, plasma), since the vaccine can occur. For the same reason, immunoglobulins should not be prescribed within 2 weeks after vaccination. In persons receiving corticosteroids there is an insufficient immune response.

special instructions


1. The vaccine must be entered Deep subcutaneously.Since any vaccine component can cause development anaphylactic reaction, ready to be a solution of adrenaline (1: 1000) for intradermal or intramuscular injection. For the treatment of severe anaphylaxis, the initial dose of adrenaline is 0.1-0.5 mg (0.1-0.5 ml of 1: 1000 injection) and intramuscularly or subcutaneously introduced. One-time dose should not exceed 1 mg (1 ml). For babies and children, the recommended dose of adrenaline is 0.01 mg / kg (0.01 ml / kg of 1: 1000 injection). A single pediatric dose should not exceed 0.5 mg (0.5 ml). This will help effectively eliminate anaphylactic shock / anaphylactic reaction. Adrenaline should be administered at the first suspicion of the beginning of the development of anaphylactic shock.

2. The person who received vaccination must be under the supervision of medical personnel within 30 minutes after the introduction of the vaccine, which is necessary for the timely recognition of the allergic reactions of the immediate type. The vaccination point must contain prednisolone and / or other antihistamines for injections, as well as other means: oxygen respiratory machine, etc.

HIV infection

A living vaccine of the CCP can be administered to children with HIV infection without clinical manifestations.

Pregnancy and lactation period

It is forbidden to enter a vaccine during pregnancy!

Research on the influence of vaccine on lactation was not conducted.

Features of the influence of the medicinal product on the ability to control the vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms

There is no evidence that the PDA vaccine affects the ability to control vehicles and aggregates.


There were no cases of overdose.

Release form and packaging

Vaccine. 1 dose of vaccine in glass brown bottles. 50 bottles with instructions for medical use in state and Russian languages \u200b\u200bin a cardboard box.

Solvent. 0.5 ml in ampoule from colorless transparent glass 1 hydrolytic group. 50 ampoules with the instructions for medical use in state and Russian languages \u200b\u200bin a cardboard box or 10 ampoules to the contour cellular packaging (blister) from the composite material polyamide / aluminum PVC and foil aluminum printed-lacquered; 5 contour cellular packages (blisters) with instructions for medical use in public and Russian in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Vaccine.Store in in dark place at temperatures from

2 ° C to 8 ° C. Do not freeze.

Solvent. Store at temperatures from 5 ° C to 30 ° C.

Do not freeze.

Restored vaccine storage is not subject to.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Storage term

Vaccine - 2 years

Solvent - 5 years

Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Recipe (for medical and preventive institutions)



Owner of the registration certificate


212/2, Hadapsar, Pune 411 028, India

Address of the organization of the host claim from the consumer for the quality of the drug in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Albedo LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050035, Almaty, 10 μR-he,

32, tel. +7 727 303 21 00, +7 727 303 06, fax +7 727 303 21 03,

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Vaccine for the prevention of measles and vapotitis stimulates the formation of antibodies to these viruses, therefore, after vaccination, the patient forms immunity to these diseases.

Composition and form of release

The drug is made in both bottles and in ampoules, where one dose of lyophilized powder is located, a solvent is attached to it. The vaccine contains measles and vapotitis virus, in addition, auxiliary compounds are added in the form of sorbitol and the gelatin stabilizer.

On the tank with the vaccine, the expiration date is indicated, by its expiration, the drug is subject to disposal, it is contraindicated in an overdue state.

pharmachologic effect

Vaccine for the prevention of measles and vapotitis has the ability to stimulate the production of special antibodies to the viruses of both measles and vapotitis, as a result, these infectious diseases do not occur in the patient.

Indications for use

The drug is used for measles and vapotitis prophylaxis. At the same time, primary vaccination is carried out in children aged one-year to six years, which did not hurt by these diseases.

Extra vaccination is carried out by children from one year and adults who have in contact with patients with patients, while it is recommended to carry out no later than 72 hours after direct contact, in the absence of possible contraindications.

Contraindications for use

I will list, under what states the vaccination is contraindicated:

Hypersensitivity to vaccine components;
In the presence of primary immunodeficiency;
In the presence of malignant diseases;
In the presence of a pronounced reaction, in particular with hyperthermia, exceeding forty degrees, with hyperemia and edema in diameter of more than eight centimeters in the immediate place of administration;
During pregnancy;
When complicing on the previous introduction of this vaccine.

In addition, contraindications are considered to be sharp infectious diseases, as well as non-infectious diseases.

Application and dosage

The vaccine should be administered subcutaneously directly under the blade or in the shoulder area, the injection is performed once in a dose of 0.5 milliliters. Vaccination should be carried out by an experienced specialist.

Side effects

On the time from four to eighteen days after vaccination, the following side manifestations may occur: hyperthermia to 39 degrees, cataral phenomena are joined in the form of rhinitis and redness of the region. For a short time, near-dry salivary glands may increase, and a corppy rash and general ailment is noted.

Local reactions are also not excluded, they will be as follows: minor hyperemia of the skin and swelling of soft tissues, while symptoms pass quite quickly, after a day or two without conducting any treatment.

Allergic reactions may rarely occur, usually their appearance falls on the first or second day. Two weeks or a month, the development of serous meningitis occurs in a benign form.

Overdose drug

Currently, vaccine overdose cases are not registered.

special instructions

If a patient has HIV infection, it is impossible to carry vaccination. With light forms of ARVI, with acute intestinal diseases, the introduction of the drug can be carried out immediately after temperature normalization.

Vaccination can be carried out in one day with other calendar vaccines, or no earlier than a month after the preceding vaccination. Persons who are temporarily exempt from vaccination must be necessarily vaccinated after the removal of the existing contraindications.

If a temperature, as well as febrile convulsions, should be prescribed to the patient in the perception period of the patient, it is necessary to appoint antipyretic drugs.

Immediately before using the drug, the vaccine is recommended to be dissolved by a special solvent at the rate of 0.5 milliliters of the solvent on one vaccination dosage, while it should be completely dissolved after three minutes.

It is impossible to use a vaccine that is in a container with impaired integrity, besides this, when it changes its physical properties, when the color and transparency of the drug changes. In addition, it is contraindicated to apply a detergent tool.

Opening of the ampoules, as well as the vaccination technique itself must be carried out under conditions of aseptic rules. Capacities with a vaccine, as well as a solvent in the location of the immediate end, it is recommended to process with alcohol, after which they are neatly rolled, it is impossible to allow ethanol to enter the inwards of the ampoule.

After that, in the syringe, the desired volume of the special solvent is gaining and gently tolerate it into the ampoule with the vaccine. Next, the tool is gaining a new needle and conduct vaccination.

The dissolved vaccine is not subject to any even hourly storage, it should be used to be appointed immediately after cooking. It is necessary to register the vaccination in medical accounting forms, pointing out in the journal the date of vaccination, the patient's reaction to vaccination, as well as the number of the series.


Priorix refers to counterparts.


We talked about how the Vaccine "King - Parotitis" is used, the instructions for use by us are studied, composition, indications, contraindications, the effect of the drug. Vaccination should be carried out in a medical institution, taking into account contraindications to its use. When developing side manifestations, it is recommended to report symptoms to the doctor.

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