A child has a rash on the body vomiting cough. The child was covered with a rash, but no temperature

Choose heading adenoids angina non-heading Moist cough Wet cough in children sinusitis cough cough in children Largitis ENT disease Folk Methods Treating hymorita Folk remedies From cough Folk remedies FROM RENSE RUNN NUMBER NUMBER OF PREVENTIVE RENSE IN ADULT RESTABLE IN CHILDREN'S REVIEW OF PREPARATIONS DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENTS FROM THE CHAIR PRODUCTION FROM SPECIALITE PRODUCTIONS ON COOL PRODUCTION FROM RIGHT SYMPTOMES SYMORITE SIROPS FROM COOL Dry coughing dry cough in children Temperature tonsillitis tracheit

Many infectious diseases occurring, as a rule, in childhoodBut sometimes encountered in adults are accompanied by the simultaneous presence of such symptoms as cough and rash.

Only a doctor can determine the accurate diagnosis of the disease. The fact is that similar symptomatics have different diseases, and treatment, prevention depends on the correctness of the diagnosis possible complications, as well as determining from what diseases in the future, a person will be protected. After all these diseases are produced persistent, almost 100% immunity.

The rash on the body in a child is the symptoms of measles diseases, scarletins, rubella, chickenpox.

When coughing and rash without temperature, you can suspect an allergic reaction to various stimuli, such as: pollen, animal wool, food, dusting, drugs.

All infectious diseases have incubation (hidden) period. At this time, the infection is distributed in the body, but there is no manifestation of the disease. Over time, the first symptoms of the disease begin to manifest itself, often at this time rash and cough is not yet.

Let's try to figure out the symptoms of the above infectious diseases and determine how not to be mistaken with the diagnosis.


One of the highly infectious diseases is to kort. Basically, children at the age of 2-5 years are sick. Sometimes whole measles epidemics occur, especially if the population has not been harvested. The causative agent of the disease The virus characterized by weak resistance in the external environment. Has a property quickly die out human organism. The virus is neutralized with boiling, with disinfectant, irradiation. However, this does not prevent the rapid spread of the disease. Code is transmitted by air-droplet enough. The virus enters the body through the respiratory mucosa.

The incubation period during Corey ranges from eight to fourteen days. At this time, the virus is reproduced in lymphatic nodes, the virus is also detected in almonds and spleen. Explicit symptoms of the disease begin to manifest itself at the time of entering a propagated virus from lymph nodes to blood. During incubation period Immunity decreases dramatically and the body resistance to bacterial infections falls.

The disease begins acutely. The temperature rises to 38-40 C. Dry non-fruit cough begins sharply, a runny nose appears. The child often sneezes. The voice becomes husky. There is such a specific state as shielding.

In addition to catarrhal phenomena:

  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • century edema and redness conjunctivors;
  • hyperemia (blood overflow) oz;
  • the appearance of red spots on the soft and solid sky.

The next day of the disease appears rash. On the cheeks (from the inner mucous side), you can observe small whitish dusts, surrounded by a narrow red border. Rash peak falls on 4-5 days after the start of the disease. The first rashes are visible on the face, then on the neck, behind the ears, the next day - on the torso, on the third day - on the hands and legs in the places of folds. The rash has small sizes, but individual rashes merge into large stains.

Rash starts to decline from the fourth day of the disease. Temperature drops to normal. The rash begins to darken, its pigmentation appears, peeling occurs. Pigmentation passes after 7-10 days.

To treat measles, it is necessary to take full responsibility. The disease is fraught with complications, such as:

  • laryngitis;
  • stenosis of the larynx;
  • tracerobronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • korea encephalitis;
  • hepatitis and others.

Treatment of Corey

Specific drugs for measles treatment does not exist. Vaccination can prevent the disease or significantly soften the symptoms. After the disease, persistent immunity is produced.

Treatment catarrhal symptoms It is carried out depending on their manifestation. Expectorant preparations and flourities are used to combat cough. With inflammation of the mucous respiratory tract, anti-inflammatory drugs. To normalize the temperature, fighting fever, the elimination of pain, including the head, use ibuprofen or paracetamol.

For skin itch Apply daily rinsing of the body and wash with a solution with a synthetic tannin.

To eliminate conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed with a solution with a solution of food soda and strong tea, as well as drops with antibiotics. The oral cavity is applied to the infusion of chamomile and other anti-inflammatory infusions.

During the disease, the use of vitamin A.

Scarlet fever

Scarletina also basically children are sick. The causative agent of the disease is hemolytic Strelkokok Group A.

The hidden period of the disease is short enough (2-3 days), but can last up to 12 days. The disease begins quickly. From the first symptoms before the appearance of a rash passes a short period of time.

The disease is accompanied by both general intoxication of the organism and the appearance of rash and other heavy symptoms.

The symptoms of the body poisoning toxins will be:

  • increased temperature;
  • general weakness and ailments;
  • headache.

Scarlantine necessarily accompanies the angina - acute inflammation Sky almonds. Angina with scarletin is hard. Bol in the throat, allocation, cough accompany the inflammation of the almonds. Zev acquires bright red color.

Scarlatina is accompanied by a rash in the form of small points. If you click on rash, it becomes much clearer. With a stronger pressed, a golden yellow skin shade is visible. The rash is manifested in the first days of the disease. The main places of the appearance of the rash: cheeks, groin, sides of the body, as well as the bends of the limbs, the axillary depressions. Equally, with scarletin, the presence of a pale triangle without rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and lips.

  • The rash begins to disappear after 3-7 days without traces of pigmentation.
  • On 2-4, the language acquires brightly crimson color and becomes grainy. A bright blush on the cheeks is also expressed.

On the final stage Diseases arises active skin peeling in the field of palms and stop, then passes on the body, neck, ear sinks.

Close relative of the scarletin, at which rash can also occur.

Treat of scarletins

Scarletin treatment requires a systemic and serious approach, since the disease can cause substantial complications. In the treatment of scarletin, antibiotics (penicillin and its derivatives) are used for a period of 7-10 days. Vitamins of groups B and C are also prescribed. Additional treatment is carried out separately taken symptoms. With severe intoxication, glucose and hemodez intravenously prescribed. During the disease, it is shown strict compliance with beddown, abundant drinking.

Scarletina's repeated disease occurs very rarely (in 2-4% of cases) and is due to the fact that when they may not have time to produce an antibody toxins to toxins.


Cough and rash - symptoms of rubella, another infectious disease. Red rubber - viral disease, has a sufficiently long incubation period (15-24 days). Children proceeds quite easily, but it is very dangerous for pregnant women, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. After transferred rubella in the fetus there are vices of heart development, eyes, congenital deafness. Girls, who did not break the rubella must necessarily be taken in adolescence.

The beginning of the disease is accompanied by:

  • subfebrile temperature;
  • headache;
  • crossing or coughing;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rinith - symptoms of ordinary cold.

From specific symptoms - there is an increase in the rear and occipital lymph nodes and signs of conjunctivitis. In two days, a spotted rash appears that does not cause itching. The first person suffers, within a few hours the rash covers the whole body. At first, the rash resembles a rash during the crust, and then - with scarletin. The rash has the size of the pin head and is characterized by red and pink spots of 2-3 mm in size. Separate spots can merge and form larger stains. The predominance of the rash is observed on the face, lower back, buttocks, extensitive surfaces of the hands and feet. The rash begins to disappear after 2-4, sometimes 5-7 days. Pigmentation and peeling rash do not occur. Very often the disease has erased forms.

Treatment of the disease itself is not conducted. Related symptoms are treated.


Another disease caused by the windshnaya covert (windmill). The windmill can be bolden by childhood disease. The disease is very infection, but children goes easily, almost never causing complications. However, sometimes a chickenpox occurs in adults who did not pass in childhood, and brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The disease in adults is hard, can cause severe complications.

The windmill is characterized by such symptoms as:

  • the appearance of weakness and lethargy;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • headache;
  • the emergence of specific rash in the form of small red spots.

Spots are quickly filled with liquid and turn into itchy bubbles. Sometimes a cough appears at the windmill. The appearance of cough signals a patient's weakened immunity. In this case, we are talking about windmill pneumonia. In this case, the infection falls deep in airwaysAnd striking the trachea and bronchi. Cough can proceed both in light and heavy forms. Cough passes with attenuation of the general disease. The windmill is sick once. After the disease, immunity appears.

The chickenpox can soften such an anti-virus drug as acyclovir. A chickenpox usually does not cause complications. While there is a rash, it is impossible to damage bubbles in order to avoid infection in the ranks and appearance in the future scars in their place.

To preempt the high incidence in children's preschool institutions and schools are conducting quarantine events. Reducing the incidence rate contributes to the observance of sanitary and hygienic measures, frequent ventilation of the premises, wet cleaning. Sick children are immediately isolated until the disease ceases to be contagious. The problem lies in the fact that at the time of the symptoms of all these diseases, including the appearance of a sick, the sick child has time to infect his environment.

In conclusion, I would like to note that some of the above-described diseases accompanied by coughing and pouring on the body can be corrected by vaccination, others are not. Most of them are sick in childhood and it even for the better, as adults suffer "childhood diseases" hard.

Please note that many diseases not only listed above! 2 estimates, average: 3,00 out of 5)

Cough and runny nose: reasons

The causes of the night attacks of coughing in the baby can be the most different. Much depends on how the generic process was passed, and did not have complications during it. It is also necessary to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the organism, for example, the body, can react a cough for some irritant, which causes an allergic reaction.

  • Impact of irritants causing allergic reactions.
  • Development in the respiratory organs and the nasophage infection.
  • Stacking from the nose in the throat of mucus.
  • Finding into the respiratory organs of foreign particles.
  • Weakening immune system After transferring a cold.
  • Pollen plants.
  • Some products.
  • Dust.
  • Every parent is familiar with the situation when the baby suddenly appears on the body and at the same time the temperature unexpectedly rises. Such symptoms are found with very many diseases and states, some of which are considered sufficiently dangerous for the children's body.

    Let's try to figure out which specifically pathological conditions are characteristic of a particular disease, and how should the parents behave when they suddenly appear at the child rash and temperature.

    Causes can be divided into two large groups - infectious and noncommunicable.


    Temperature, cough, runny nose, rash: How to distinguish from a cold?

    3.8 5 (94 ratings) Estimate the article

    Rubella and wind oil (wind turbine) are classified as children's infections. Indeed, in preschool and younger school age, these diseases are transferred quite easily, but adults become inflated.

    What kind of symptoms should be paid attention to? What does a rash look like with windmill and rubella? What can the treatment and care? Does the rubella and windmill do? Here is the most important thing that you need to know the parents about these viral infections.

    Dry cough and rash, as signs of allergic reaction

  • Nausea.
  • Apathy.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat and area chest.
  • The appearance first the runny nose, then bronchospasm.
  • The output with sharp spastic exhalations of the mucus is not from the airway paths, but from the nasopharynx.
  • Possible appearance of tears, sharpness in the eyes.
  • Feeling of nausea unpleasant manifestations In the chest.
  • Symptoms (cough, runny nose) in this case will be short. With their help, the body is cleared of foreign particles. After restoring the normal state of the mucous membrane, the bronchospasm, the runny nose pass. Such a reaction of the immune system indicates not the beginning of the pathological process, but on the inclusion of protective functions of the body.

    Choose a heading adenoids angina non-heading wet cough wet cough in children sinusitis cough cough in children Larrygit ENT diseases People's methods for the treatment of hymorite folk remedies from cough Folk remedies from a cold Nurse Sprinkle procedures for cough procedures from a cold Symptoms Symorite cough syrup dry cough dry cough in children Temperature tonsillitis tracheit pharyngitis

    • Rubble
      • Rubber in children
      • Folk remedies
      • Rubber in pregnant women
      • Rubber in adults
      • Normal procedures
    • Cough
      • Cough in children
        • Dry cough in children
        • Wet cough in children
      • Dry cough
      • Moist cough
    • Review of drugs
    • Hymorit
      • People's methods for the treatment of hymorite
      • Symptoms of hymorita
      • Gaymorita procedures
    • ENT disease
      • Pharyngitis
      • Tracheitis
      • Angina
      • Laryngitis
      • Tonsillitis
    Many infectious diseases occurring, as a rule, in childhood, but sometimes encountered in adults are accompanied by the simultaneous presence of such symptoms as cough and rash.

    Only a doctor can determine the accurate diagnosis of the disease. The fact is that similar symptoms have different diseases, and from the correctness of the diagnosis depends on the treatment, prevention of possible complications, as well as determining from what diseases in the future, a person will be protected. After all these diseases are produced persistent, almost 100% immunity.

    The rash on the body in a child is the symptoms of measles diseases, scarletins, rubella, chickenpox.

    When coughing and rash without temperature, you can suspect an allergic reaction to various stimuli, such as: pollen, animal wool, food, dusting, drugs.

    All infectious diseases have incubation (hidden) period. At this time, the infection is distributed in the body, but there is no manifestation of the disease. Over time, the first symptoms of the disease begin to manifest itself, often at this time rash and cough is not yet.

    Let's try to figure out the symptoms of the above infectious diseases and determine how not to be mistaken with the diagnosis.


    One of the highly infectious diseases is to kort. Basically, children at the age of 2-5 years are sick. Sometimes whole measles epidemics occur, especially if the population has not been harvested. The causative agent of the disease The virus characterized by weak resistance in the external environment. It has a property to die quickly outside the human body. The virus is neutralized with boiling, with disinfectant, irradiation. However, this does not prevent the rapid spread of the disease. Code is transmitted by air-droplet enough. The virus enters the body through the respiratory mucosa.

    The incubation period during Corey ranges from eight to fourteen days. At this time, the virus is reproduced in lymphatic nodes, the virus is also detected in almonds and spleen. Explicit symptoms of the disease begin to manifest itself at the time of entering a propagated virus from lymph nodes to blood. During the incubation period, immunity is dramatically reduced and the body resistance to bacterial infections falls.

    The disease begins acutely. The temperature rises to 38-40 C. Dry non-fruit cough begins sharply, a runny nose appears. The child often sneezes. The voice becomes husky. There is such a specific state as shielding.

    In addition to catarrhal phenomena:

    • general malaise;
    • weakness;
    • century edema and redness conjunctivors;
    • hyperemia (blood overflow) oz;
    • the appearance of red spots on the soft and solid sky.

    The next day of the disease appears rash. On the cheeks (from the inner mucous side), you can observe small whitish dusts, surrounded by a narrow red border. Rash peak falls on 4-5 days after the start of the disease. The first rashes are visible on the face, then on the neck, behind the ears, the next day - on the torso, on the third day - on the hands and legs in the places of folds. The rash has small sizes, but individual rashes merge into large stains.

    Rash starts to decline from the fourth day of the disease. Temperature drops to normal. The rash begins to darken, its pigmentation appears, peeling occurs. Pigmentation passes after 7-10 days.

    To treat measles, it is necessary to take full responsibility. The disease is fraught with complications, such as:

    • laryngitis;
    • stenosis of the larynx;
    • tracerobronchitis;
    • otitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • korea encephalitis;
    • hepatitis and others.

    Treatment of Corey

    Specific drugs for measles treatment does not exist. Vaccination can prevent the disease or significantly soften the symptoms. After the disease, persistent immunity is produced.

    Treatment of catarrhal symptoms is carried out depending on their manifestation. Expectorant preparations and flourities are used to combat cough. With inflammation of the mucous respiratory tract, anti-inflammatory drugs. To normalize the temperature, fighting fever, the elimination of pain, including the head, use ibuprofen or paracetamol.

    Daily body rinsing and washing with a synthetic tannin with a synthetic tannine are used.

    To eliminate conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed with a solution with a solution of food soda and strong tea, as well as drops with antibiotics. The oral cavity is applied to the infusion of chamomile and other anti-inflammatory infusions.

    During the disease, the use of vitamin A.

    Scarlet fever

    Scarletina also basically children are sick. The causative agent of the disease is hemolytic streptococcus group A.

    The hidden period of the disease is short enough (2-3 days), but can last up to 12 days. The disease begins quickly. From the first symptoms before the appearance of a rash passes a short period of time.

    The disease is accompanied by both general intoxication of the organism and the appearance of rash and other heavy symptoms.

    The symptoms of the body poisoning toxins will be:

    • increased temperature;
    • general weakness and ailments;
    • headache.

    Scarlantine necessarily accompanies the alarg - acute inflammation of the sky almonds. Angina with scarletin is hard. Bol in the throat, allocation, cough accompany the inflammation of the almonds. Zev acquires bright red color.

    Scarlatina is accompanied by a rash in the form of small points. If you click on rash, it becomes much clearer. With a stronger pressed, a golden yellow skin shade is visible. The rash is manifested in the first days of the disease. The main places of the appearance of the rash: cheeks, groin, sides of the body, as well as the bends of the limbs, the axillary depressions. Equally, with scarletin, the presence of a pale triangle without rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and lips.

    • The rash begins to disappear after 3-7 days without traces of pigmentation.
    • On 2-4, the language acquires brightly crimson color and becomes grainy. A bright blush on the cheeks is also expressed.

    At the final stage of the disease, there is an active peeling of the skin in the field of palms and stop, then passes on the torso, neck, oars.

    A close relative of the scarletna is an agnus, at which rash can also occur.

    Treat of scarletins

    Scarletin treatment requires a systemic and serious approach, since the disease can cause substantial complications. In the treatment of scarletin, antibiotics (penicillin and its derivatives) are used for a period of 7-10 days. Vitamins of groups B and C are also prescribed. Additional treatment is carried out separately taken symptoms. With severe intoxication, glucose and hemodez intravenously prescribed. During the disease, it is shown strict compliance with beddown, abundant drinking.

    Scarletina's repeated disease occurs very rarely (in 2-4% of cases) and is due to the fact that when applying antibiotics may not have time to be produced by the organism of the antibody to toxins of scarlet.


    Cough and rash - symptoms of rubella, another infectious disease. Red rubber - viral disease, has a sufficiently long incubation period (15-24 days). Children proceeds quite easily, but it is very dangerous for pregnant women, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. After transferred rubella, the fetus is observed malformations of the heart, eye, congenital deafness. Girls, who did not break the rubella must necessarily be taken in adolescence.

    The beginning of the disease is accompanied by:

    • subfebrile temperature;
    • headache;
    • crossing or coughing;
    • pharyngitis;
    • rinith - symptoms of ordinary cold.

    From specific symptoms - there is an increase in the rear and occipital lymph nodes and signs of conjunctivitis. In two days, a spotted rash appears that does not cause itching. The first person suffers, within a few hours the rash covers the whole body. At first, the rash resembles a rash during the crust, and then - with scarletin. The rash has the size of the pin head and is characterized by red and pink spots of 2-3 mm in size. Separate spots can merge and form larger stains. The predominance of the rash is observed on the face, lower back, buttocks, extensitive surfaces of the hands and feet. The rash begins to disappear after 2-4, sometimes 5-7 days. Pigmentation and peeling rash do not occur. Very often the disease has erased forms.

    Treatment of the disease itself is not conducted. Related symptoms are treated.


    Another disease caused by the windshnaya covert (windmill). The windmill can be bolden by childhood disease. The disease is very infection, but children goes easily, almost never causing complications. However, sometimes a chickenpox occurs in adults who did not pass in childhood, and brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The disease in adults is hard, can cause severe complications.

    The windmill is characterized by such symptoms as:

    • the appearance of weakness and lethargy;
    • increasing body temperature;
    • headache;
    • the emergence of specific rash in the form of small red spots.

    Spots are quickly filled with liquid and turn into itchy bubbles. Sometimes a cough appears at the windmill. The appearance of cough signals a patient's weakened immunity. In this case, we are talking about windmill pneumonia. In this case, the infection falls deep into the respiratory tract, and amazes the trachea and bronchi. Cough can proceed both in light and heavy forms. Cough passes with attenuation of the general disease. The windmill is sick once. After the disease, immunity appears.

    The chickenpox can soften such an anti-virus drug as acyclovir. A chickenpox usually does not cause complications. While there is a rash, it is impossible to damage bubbles in order to avoid infection in the ranks and appearance in the future scars in their place.

    To preempt the high incidence in children's preschool institutions and schools, quarantine events are carried out. Reducing the incidence rate contributes to the observance of sanitary and hygienic measures, frequent ventilation of the premises, wet cleaning. Sick children are immediately isolated until the disease ceases to be contagious. The problem lies in the fact that at the time of the symptoms of all these diseases, including the appearance of a sick, the sick child has time to infect his environment.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that some of the above-described diseases accompanied by coughing and pouring on the body can be corrected by vaccination, others are not. Most of them are sick in childhood and it even for the better, as adults suffer "childhood diseases" hard.

    Please note that the cough is the symptom of many diseases not only listed above! 2 estimates, average: 3,00 out of 5)

    Infectious diseases of childhood often proceed not as in adults. Respiratory pathology becomes the basis for alarm. Parents, noticing the cough and rash from their child, think about the origin of the symptoms and, most likely, will not wait until new ones will appear. Only by contacting the doctor, you can be confident in the qualitative diagnosis of the state.

    Causes and mechanisms

    Any symptom has a connection with its source. But similar signs have various diseasesTherefore, you have to consider the likelihood of several reasons. The rash on the body in a child in combination with the cough and temperature may appear with the following diseases:

    • Measles.
    • Rubella.
    • Scarlet fever.

    But in addition to children's infections, allergic reactions to any substances cannot be excluded ( food products, pollen of plants, animal wool, medicine). But the cough with a rash without temperature may have a completely different origin, being the signs of two non-interconnected states. In any case, careful differential diagnosis will help to establish the cause.


    The clinical picture of the disease is made up of individual symptoms that the doctor reveals during a survey and physical examination. At first, he finds out the child and the child himself that he worries him, how the disease began and what was manifested. The subjective information is then complemented by the results of inspection, palpation (feeling), percussion (skipping) and auscultation (listening). This is how the idea of \u200b\u200bthe pathology is created, allowing to put a preliminary diagnosis.


    Cort is a very infectious infection that is caused by a virus. The pathogen is very easily transmitted from the patient with air-droplet in children's teams and places of mass accumulation of people. After the incubation (hidden) period, the temperature is gradually rising (up to 39 degrees), increasing the phenomena of intoxication (weakness, indisposition, decrease in appetite). At the same time, inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract departments are appear:

    • Rubber with serous discharge.
    • Sore throat.
    • Dry cough.
    • Vooled voice.

    Catarial phenomena covered and conjunctiva - mucosa blushes, the sclera is injected, eyelids swell, the eyes will disappear. The rear wall of the pharynx hyperemic, grainy. On 2 day, red spots (Enanthema) become on the mucous membrane of the soft sky, and on the inside of the cheeks - small whiskers (symptom of Belsky-Filatov). The face becomes edema, lips dry and cracked.

    From 4 days of the disease there are rashes on the body (Exanthema). They are characterized by several distinctive features:

    • Presented bright pink stains and lamps of irregular shape.
    • Located on the unchanged background of the skin.
    • There are phased (face, body, limb).
    • Disappear with pigmentation.

    The catarrhal and intoxication syndrome with the advent of Enanthera reaches maximum severity, but during the Pigmentation period the child becomes satisfactory. Corps can occur atypically, with abortive, erased, asymptomatic and mitigated forms. The latter occurs in children who received immunoglobulins in the incubation period. But it is impossible to exclude the risk of severe infection, which gives complications in the form of laryinghotrachites, pneumonia, meningoencephalite, otites, keratitis, etc.

    Frido-papular rash and kashel in a child - this is a reason to think about Corey. The probability of such an infection is significantly increased by contact with the sick person.


    AT clinical picture The rubella will also be a combination of three syndromes: examine, catarrhal and intoxication. The disease begins with a prudent period, which is characterized as the usual cold, subfebrile body temperature, weakness, fatigue, as well as signs of defeat of the upper departments of the respiratory tract:

    • Rhinitis.
    • Throat and sore throat.
    • Dry cough.

    A characteristic sign of rubella will be an increase and pain of regional lymph nodes (rear and occipital). Then an unlocking red rash in a child appears on this background. It occurs simultaneously throughout the body, located predominantly on the extensive surfaces of the limbs, buttocks, back.

    Acquired rubella, as a rule, flows smoothly, not giving a reason for complications. In early age, in the presence of specific immunity from the mother, the disease does not develop. But if the woman suffered an infection during pregnancy, then the newborn is celebrated congenital rubella with the defeat of various organs (pneumonia, myocarditis, hepatitis) and multiple defects.

    Scarlet fever

    One of the species streptococcal infection Speakers Scarlatina. It begins acutely - with lifting body temperature, intoxication and angina. The baby complains of sore throat when swallowing, sometimes crumpled (phenomena of concomitant pharyngitis). The mucousness of the pharynx during the inspection of the red, the almonds are enlarged and loosened. The language is first covered with a white bloom, but then cleaned from it, acquiring the type of "raspberry" (with increased papillas).

    Against the background of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms, a typical scarlet examine appears: Abundant, red, small, located on a hyperemic background of the skin, mainly by the bent surfaces of the limbs, on the neck, chest, stomach and lower back, concentrating in the places of natural folds. The appearance of the child is quite characteristic, since the rash on the face is thickened in the cheek area, and the zone of the nasolabic triangle remains free (Filatov's symptom). During the recovery period, skin changes are subjected to reverse development with the advent of a plate peeling, especially expressed on the palms and feet.

    Scarlatina is not such a harmless disease, as it seems. It can proceed quite hard and give a number of complications: toxic, septic and allergic. Therefore, it is extremely important to suspect infection in time and start antibacterial therapy.

    Skarlatin rashes have a number of characteristic features that, together with other symptoms, will suggest an infection.

    Allergic reactions

    In addition to infectious diseases, allergic reactions can not be overlooked. Their prevalence every year increases, especially in childhood. Virtually any substance when contact with a sensitized organism can give such a reaction. And the following signs may appear in the clinical plan:

    • Urban and skin itch.
    • Parcel sneezing.
    • Connection of the nose and snot.
    • Tearing and redness of the eyes.
    • Cough and witness voice.
    • Bronchospasm and suffocation.

    Each child reacts to Allergen in its own way: from minor manifestations to strong and dangerous. AT early age only signs of diathesis in the form of redness and peeling on the cheeks appear, but in the future they can grow into atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, bronchial asthma.

    Additional diagnostics

    What a disease has become a source of cough and rash on the body, one can reliably say only according to the results of the additional examination. And although some states are recognized even clinically, laboratory procedures will help confirm the diagnosis:

    1. General analysis of blood and urine.
    2. Nasophack smear (microscopy, bakposev, PCR).
    3. Serological tests (definition of serum antibodies and antigens).

    To eliminate some complications, the chest radiography is needed, ECG, ultrasound kidneys. The child consults with an infectious and allergist. And only after all diagnostic measures will become clear than he is sick. Based on the results obtained, treatment is appointed.

    King in children

    King - acute inflammatory disease, characterized by intoxication, rash on the skin and mucous membranes. The causative agent is a filtering virus. The disease is transmitted from the patient to a healthy air-droplet. Infection occurs through the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Corey susceptibility is very high. There are lightweight, medigative and severe forms of the disease. Mitigated (weakened) Kor is observed in vaccinated children. The entrance gate of infection is the mucous respiratory tract. Then the virus enters blood.

    The incubation period during measles continues from 7 to 17 days, the grafts are lengthened until 21 days. Then the catarrial period follows, accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C, a runny nose appear, cough, conjunctivitis. photophobia. On the mucous jack, close to small indigenous teeth there are many whimsal papules (spots of Belsky-Filatov). By the fifth day of this period, the temperature decreases, and the disease passes during the rash period, which is characterized by greater severity of inflammatory phenomena. The face of the child is thought out, with swelling centuries, the runny nose, cough, tear, is enhanced. The temperature rises to 39-41 ° C again, letters lethargy, drowsiness, refusal of food. On the skin of the face there is a podhid-papular rash. On the second day, rash applies to the body, and on the third - on the limb. The magnitude of individual elements from 2 to 5 mm in diameter. With increasing rash, individual elements of rash merge among themselves, forming large stains with uneven outlines. After 3 days, rash begins to fade in the same order as it started. During the period of recovery, which should be 5-7 days after the appearance of the rash, pigmentation and fine-grained peeling appears on the skin. By the end of the second week of the disease, the appetite is improved, decrease inflammatory processes in the nasopharynk. Pigmentation and peeling on the body disappear.

    Diagnosis - fever, cough, runny nose, spotted rash on the skin. Differential follows with allergic rash, rubella. Scarlay. Treatment of most patients is held at home. It is necessary to produce wet cleaning and ventilated the room. The child should get enough liquid. Food must be full, match the child's age. Symptomatic therapy includes antitussive and antipyretic drugs. Prevention - conduct active immunization korere Vaccine Aged 15-18 months.

    Just about health

    Different diseases - different rashes

    The rash, suddenly discovered on the child's body, always causes great alert and alertness. After all, different rashes on the skin are often the first sign of children's infectious diseases.
    Moreover, for different diseases and rash has completely different species, your characteristic signs. Let's deal with what rash happens at various children's infections.

    Rash at Scarlatin

    With scarletine, the rash is like a touch of sandpaper. The most rashes are in groin, armpits, on the colors of the hands and legs, later the rash passes on the stomach and chest. The rash is accompanied by high temperature, headache and sore throat. At the same time, the language also has a characteristic view: it becomes dark raspberry, and white pacifiers ("strawberry") are clearly visible on it. Lymphatic cervical nodes swell. The face is blushing, only the nose and the lip area (nasolabial triangle) remain pale.

    Rash with windmill

    With windmill (wind inspection), rashes have typical stages of development: a stain-tube-bubble-crust. A stain with a diameter of 2-4 mm for several hours turns into papula (tubulock) and vesicula (bubble). Veinsicles are filled with transparent content, sometimes reach 6 mm in diameter, usually itch and itch. The amount of rashes may be isolated, and can reach hundreds of elements! The rash covers the whole body, face, neck, legs and hands, does not affect the palms and soles; Especially strongly there is a "spotted" the moral part of the head. It holds from 2 to 10 days, the "cleansing" of the skin from the crusts is usually occasionally after 5-10, but the tracks from the windmill hold much longer.

    Core rash

    For measles first (on the second or third day of the disease), small whiteways appear on the mucous jack of the cheeks, surrounded by a narrow red border - the stains of the Belsky-Filatov Soclik, characteristic of measles (in appearance they resemble the semolina). At the same time, the temperature rises, a headache, a runny nose and "barking" cough are observed. On the fourth-fifth day of the disease, rash appears: first on the face, neck, behind the ears, the next day on the torso, then - on the bends of the hands and legs, including fingers. The rash consists of small papules surrounded by stain and prone to merge. The opposite development of the elements of the rash begins on the fourth day of rashes: the temperature is normalized, the rash darkness, booet, pigmeamated, peeling (in the same sequence as the rash). Pigmentation is preserved 1-1.5 weeks.


    When crushing, rash appears as the first sign of the disease. Sometimes it is accompanied by light runny nose, subfebrile temperature, neuropric red throat, as with ordinary ARVI. The rash during the rubella of a pale pink color, rounded or oval shape, a diameter of 2-5 mm, in typical cases - small-scale or roseoleous. Typically, elements of the rash do not merge and do not rise above the skin surface. More often rashes begin with a face, neck, but after a few hours they spread all over the body, thickening on the colors and legs, back and buttocks. On the face of rashes, there is little, and they are not at all on the palms and soles. The rash holds 1-3 days, then pale and disappears, without leaving behind the pigmentation and peeling.

    Meningite rash

    With meningococcal meningitis, in the first day, 80% of children appears on the skin in the form of pink specks ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 cm - the so-called Frido-Papulse rash. She begins to appear on the stomach, buttocks, heels, the heads and in a matter of hours it spreads throughout the body. After 2-3 hours, small hemorrhages appear in the center of the specks. In addition, there are other characteristic features characteristic: strong headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle tension nape, etc. With a light form of meningitis, the rash remains in the form of small point rashes of dark cherry blossoms for another 3-4 days. With a more severe form of meningitis, rashes are represented by large stains and bruises; Such rash passes within 10 days.

    Other rash

    The most "nestric" rash is the so-called "Potnik", which often appears in young children. This rash is located in those areas of the body, where sweating is most actively (in the folds on the neck and armpits, on the breast and the back), it becomes brighter and more noticeable when overheating and quickly disappears when taking proper measures. Plots of the body with the "Potnik" need to be watched more often, lubricate the skin with children's cream, baby butter or children's supper. In the Baby Bath with a bathing can be added infusion of daisy flowers or a series. The usual term of such a rash is small - a day later, it usually disappears completely.
    There are also exist different kinds The rashes associated with insect bites, some skin or viral diseases, such as herpes. Often some rash on the skin arise as allergic reaction On some food, medicines, animal wool, etc. In this case, mom must be analyzed, whether she did not give any new products or medicines to the baby, did not contact whether the child with cats or dogs was contacted, etc. Sometimes rashes are accompanied by itching, nasal congestion, tearing, sneezing. In this case, antihistamines and diet will help the child.

    In any case, a child with a rash is better to show a doctor as soon as possible. After all, many diseases accompanied by rash are contagious and may pose a threat to other children. www.prosto-zdorovie.ru.

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    False croup attacks at night

    Acute infectious diseasecharacterized by increasing the temperature, catarrhals from the upper respiratory tract (cough, runny nose, hoarseness of the voice), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, the oral cavity and the appearance on the skin of a red coaching rash. Correspondence agent - virus. The sputum, mucus and salivation of the patient with a cough, chisa, and conversation, contained in small droplets in the cough, and then penetrates the respiratory tract to the body. healthy child (Air-orproof infection transfer path). Drops of sputum, saliva and mucus containing the virus are easily spreading around the room, can penetrate the air current into neighboring rooms and apartments through slots and ventilation moves. Almost all people are susceptible to measles, the persistent life immunity has a persistent lifelong immunity. Infection occurs even with fleeting contact. More than half cases of diseases K. falls on children under 5 years. Children up to 3 months. K. usually do not get sick, because they are transmitted immunity to the disease from the mother, passing to K. in childhood. Children born from mothers who did not sore cute can get sick to 3 months of age.

    There are four periods of illness. The first period is incubation (hidden) - lasts 6-18 days; During this time, the virus can be in the human body, without causing any manifestations of the disease (see the incubation period. The second period is a long-term (initial, catarrhal), coming after the hidden, - lasts 3-4 days. It is characterized by increasing temperature, catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, cough, eye hoarseness, eye redness, tear). Gradually, these phenomena are enhanced, photophobia appears, the endlessness of the face, cashel And there may be a sandy swelling - false croup. The characteristic feature of K. During this period - the appearance of gentle, small white specks surrounded by a red rim, on the mucous membrane of the cheeks against the lower indigenous teeth (so called. Filatov - Software stains; color. Table. Article 80, 6). They appear 2-3 days before the rash, disappearing on the 1st day of the rash.

    Other characteristic sign K. is the emergence on the mucous membrane of soft and solid sky Stains of red, so called. Enanthema (color. Tab. Art. 80, 7). Quite often, children are irritable, they have a worsening of sleep, appetite, a rapid chair, feces become liquid. Older children may have headache, vomiting, nasal bleeding, abdominal pain. The third period - rashes - begins with a new temperature lift, deterioration of the state, redness of the throat. On the 4-6th day (from the beginning of the disease), a characteristic red large-scale rash appears (color. Tab. Art. 80, 5,8). The rash appears first on the face - behind the ears, on the cheeks and on the forehead, and after a few hours it spreads throughout the face. Being all more intense, the rash covers on the 2nd day of the torso, on the 3rd - limbs. Leather with K. Wet (due to reinforced sweating), a small itch is marked. The period of rash lasts 3-4 days. The fourth period - pigmentation (recovery) - begins on the day of the appearance of supne on the limbs. On the same day, rash on the face begins to darken and turn into brown stains. Spreading down from top to bottom, pigmentation holds 7-10 days. The skin becomes dry, especially on face, palms and soles; There is a seven-party peeling. Temperature gradually decreases, improves general state Child.

    Core Core can be both light and heavy. Light form Corey meets more often in children 4-5 months. - All periods are shortened, the child's condition deteriorates slightly; In children older than 6 months. More often there is a severe form of K. Strong headache, persistent vomiting, nose bleeding ', and in some cases - nonsense, hallucinations (see mental illness). Complications: Inflammation of the lungs, swelling of the larynx, the inflammation of the middle ear (otitis), intestinal disorders.

    When the first signs of the disease, the doctor must immediately cause a doctor, which solves the issue of hospitalization or treatment of a child at home. In the treatment of K. General hygiene measures, diet, care (see Care for the sick, features of the care of a sick child). The patient should be in a well-ventilated room - it is necessary to provide a constant inflow of fresh air and a moderate temperature (17-18 °). In the warm season, the sick child is useful to endure on fresh air or keep the open window. Darkening the room is harmful, with the lights, it is enough to put a patient with the back to the light source. Skin care (wrap, washing), mouth mucous membrane (abundant drink, especially after meals, rinse mouth after meals) and eyes (rinse with cotton swab with boiled water or 2% Rhr born k-you several times a day ). It is necessary frequent and abundant drink.

    Prevention. At the first signs of the child's disease, it is necessary to isolate from other children.

    As soon as the diagnosis of K. Parents must immediately report it to children's institution, the child visits the child. Many parents, believing that the disease K. is almost inevitable, often calmly relate to the possible infection of the child. Meanwhile, K. is especially dangerous for children under 2 years old, as well as for weakened children of other ages. Therefore, highly efficient anticorronic vaccinations, which begin to conduct high-performance anti-inflammatory vaccinations in every possible way to carry out children's early age and weakened, it is extremely important to carry out great importance (see vaccinations of safety).

    In order to prevent the development of the disease in children who are not vaccinated for any reason (contraindications, etc.), there are gamma globulin with patients with patients with patients. With timely introduction of Gamma-Globulin, the disease or does not develop, or proceeds very easily (so called. Mitigated K.)

    Sources: No!

    Skin cover reflects the condition of the body. Any changes must cause suspicion. With the appearance of any redness, rashes, or peeling, you need to visit a specialist. The child has an incomparated organism. Children are most susceptible to the emergence of various ailments. The child has a temperature, cough and rash - symptoms that need treatment. They can occur for various reasons. At the same time, the child may complain about weakness and significant deterioration of well-being. The listed symptoms are pathogenic and always indicate the presence of the disease.

    The immediate treatment of the child is required if a rash appeared against the cough with the temperature

    Allergic bronchitis

    The rash on the body in a child, which is accompanied by a large number of foreign symptoms, provokes an anxiety on parents. Symptoms such as rash, elevated body temperature, casing and runny nose can be alarmed about serious illnesses. Some of them need an urgent call to the doctor. It is impossible to ignore pathogenic symptoms.

    Often listed unwanted symptoms may be present at the bronchitis of an allergic type in the child. The main symptom of such anglement, experts usually include spontaneous spastic exhalations. In a particular patient, the disease may proceed in different ways. Often it is accompanied by a wet cading. Usually the disease occurs as follows:

    • There is interaction with the provoking factor. Little patient starts reflex spasms of the respiratory system. On the initial stages Parents often suggest that the child has a cold. This primary diagnosis is incorrect, and the drugs from the cold in this case are ineffective. The deterioration of the state almost always occurs at night or then when a small patient occupies a horizontal position.

    In addition to other symptoms, allergic bronchitis is accompanied by a runny nose

    • The baby begins to complain about runny nose. A rash appears in a child.
    • Curler appears and the body temperature is increased to 38 degrees.

    Cough and rash - symptoms that appear with a bronchitis of an allergic type indicate that the ailments developed against the background of other diseases. It is in such a situation that the rash, runny nose and cough in the child arise at the same time.

    The bronchitis of an allergic type is sufficiently similar to conventional allergies. In order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of its appearance. Preparations to eliminate individual features will be ineffective. Before accessing a doctor, you can give a small patient first aid. Thanks to some procedures, you can easily facilitate the condition of the baby. It is usually recommended to give preference to steam inhalations.

    For accurate diagnosis and treatment selection, you should show a child to a doctor

    An independent selection of drugs is impossible. The disease is quite difficult to detect and choose the most effective medicinal products. It is better to entrust the little patient by a specialist.



    It happens that the child coughs and at the same time there is rhinitis and rashes on skin Pokrov. Such pathogenic symptoms can signal the presence of measles. This disease is infectious type with high levels susceptibility. In the presence of such a notem, children must be rendered immediate health care. Corey there is a significant increase in body temperature. Its indicators can reach 40 degrees. Usually, small patients appear inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity. There may also be a violation of the function of the organs of vision. As a rule, this is manifested in the form of conjunctivitis. In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

    • rash;
    • weakness;
    • vomiting reflex;
    • tear.

    During measles in children may appear vomiting

    The causative agent of the disease is extremely unstable. It almost instantly dies outside the human body. This happens when interacting with a variety of outsiders. Despite this, the infectious disease is transmitted by air-droplet. This happens when:

    • crossing;
    • sneezing.

    It is possible to get infected only when contacting a sick patient. The child can be contagious, starting from the second day of the incubation period. Usually, Kor is striking children aged two to six years. They are in the main risk group. In adults, the disease occurs extremely rarely. Correct can be transferred to a small patient intrauterine. When rashes and a significant increase in the body temperature at the kid, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor.

    King can be transmitted between children in the process of sneezing

    After carrying out Corey, a person has immunity to such a disease. Repeated infection is almost impossible. It can occur when the human body is substantially weakened.

    Corey symptoms are severely similar to the flu. A small patient may occur:

    • headache (it may not pass for three days);
    • diarrhea;
    • significant decay of forces;
    • runny nose;
    • redness of the eyes;
    • lack of appetite.

    The child with the development of Corey can torment prolonged headaches

    After about 4 days after infection, the child appears rash. Rales can affect all parts of the body. The stains are large enough, they can merge. For this reason, large, non-clear-shaped, defects may occur. The rashes are not accompanied by itchy feelings. However, they always arise along with over increased temperature Body. Rash covers absolutely the whole body. Then rashes begin to gradually disappear.


    Rubella is a disease common among children. This disease can be accompanied by a large number of negative symptoms, among which rashes, runny nose, increased body temperature and casing. With a rubeline, rash is localized on the neck. Only a few days after its occurrence, it spreads throughout the body. It is most striking the bends. Spots have a light pink color. They are small, but can merge into large shapeless areas.

    Rash rash is usually accompanied by an increased body temperature. Its indicators may increase to 39 degrees. However, in some cases it can remain normally. The well-being in a small patient almost does not change. Increase the lymph nodes In some zones. Such a violation is usually preserved at least two weeks.

    The cause of cough with temperature and rash can be rubella

    The disease is usually manifested several weeks after contact with the sick. It is impossible to diagnose yourself. The rash during rubella is very similar to the rashes that appear when:

    • scarlay;
    • allergic reaction;
    • paddy.

    The disease proceeds as a lightweight cold. As noted earlier, rubella is predominantly children's disease. However, lately it is striking and people under 30 years old. The risk group includes pregnant women. The girl can convey the illness of the baby in the intrauterine. This may cause the fetus death or the occurrence of congenital pathologies.

    Rubella can be transmitted from mother to child

    On the early timing Pregnancy Woman with rubella is recommended to give preference to artificial interruption.


    Windshnas - a disease with which everyone is familiar. Usually the windmill occurs in children. Some parents deliberately send their child to infected so that he infected in the younger age. This is due to the fact that such a disease can usually occur only once in life, and is transferred easier in preschool and school age.

    The chickenpox babies are transferred differently. Depending on the individual characteristics, the violation may be accompanied by various symptoms. The main feature is the rashes that are localized at all parts of the body. It can be accompanied by damp and elevated body temperature. Rubber appears extremely rarely. Rash is accompanied by a pronounced itch. The hidden period of the course of the disease can last up to 20 days. The rashes appear as follows:

    • On the early stage The flow of the disease appears several rashes.

    The appearance of rash with temperature and cough is characterized by windmill

    • Small red rashes begin to spread throughout the body. Own external species They resemble small pimples.
    • After a few hours, rashes begin to resemble blisters. They accumulate liquid. In the future, the blisters begin to burst and the crust is formed instead.

    Rash with itching can disturb the small patient for about 5 days. Temperature increases slightly. It can easily be reduced by paracetamol. Child isolate from people who have not previously encountered wind shelter. It is desirable that the kid does not comb the place of defeat. Otherwise, scars may occur.

    Treatment in all cases is different, so with such symptomatics you need to contact the doctor.

    The temperature in children will be speech in video:

    Parents are often bothering the question why cough and rash have a child appear without temperature? According to the majority, such symptoms should be a consequence high temperaturesTherefore, do not consider serious condition.

    The baby's rash may look like vesicles, plaques, specks, pustulas, papulas and is a consequence of bacterial or viral infections. According to the prevalence, the rash infectiousness at the kid at 2m after the rash allergic. She can accompany cough, diarrhea, rhinitis.

    Rashes and cough in children no temperature

    The rash in a child who appears without temperature is a consequence of such ailments:

    Potnis. It appears in the infants due to thick loafing when the contents are with difficulty from the sweat glands. If the baby properly to care for the kid, rash rarely and then quickly disappear;
    Allergies. To the emergence of such a rash, appearing in all parts of the body, leads rejection by the body of certain drugs and products. Under the action of allergen, the rash can increase, and after its neutralization - disappear. Related symptom At the same time - itch.
    In children prone to allergies, rash on the face, the limbs sometimes arise after the bite of insects, the symptoms - blisters, swelling.

    Neurodermit. This ailment affects up to 10% of children around the world. Child at night or when exposed to heat worries itching.
    Rash in a child in the absence of temperature is not necessarily harmless. Parents should know that at the same time the doctor's help may need. It is necessary when:

    • Rash accompanies discomfort in the throat and cough. Noticeably increased body temperature;
    • Rashes look like asterisks;
    • When rash is accompanied by vomiting;
    • For normal temperature there are edema;
    • When breathing is difficult.
    • The rash and together cough in a child may have the causes of various not related.

    Also, parents should know that before the visit to the doctor it is impossible to lubricate with any genetic substances or other manifestations of rash. Otherwise, the diagnosis will be made difficult.

    Cough and rash in children with temperature

    The kids of infectious diseases occur differently than adults. Respiratory pathology, like a temperature rash in combination with a cough, should make parents think about visiting the doctor, and at the same time, about the causes of symptoms.

    There are many similar signs from different diseases, and only a pediatrician can consider several reasons at once.

    The rash in combination with the cough, increased temperature, indicates the possibility of children's infectious diseases.

    When the rashes arose due to infection, parents are able to independently identify the reason for its appearance. But at a temperature of the child, the cough and non-specific nature of rash, it is difficult to do it.

    Adults worried cough with rash

    The rashes at different parts of the body in the adult appear in the most unexpected parts of the body. Explanations of this manifestation of various, independently diagnose they are not worth it, and to some extent it is even dangerous.

    In an adult, the rash may arise from infection or from banal allergies. Most often rash occurs on the heads, lower and upper limbs.

    The rash can be different in sensations - burns, itching, it does not give any manifestations at all.

    When the rash is allergic, it usually accompanies symptoms:

    • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
    • Runny nose;
    • Cough and chihanye.

    The causes of the occurrence of allergic rash can serve:

    • Pharmaceutical preparations;
    • Citrus fruits;
    • Surplus sweet;
    • Pollen plants;
    • Pet wool.

    If the rash in an adult itchs, it may well be a symptom of an infectious disease. This diagnosis is confirmed by general malaise, increased temperature, cough, chills.

    The rash in an adult sometimes arises due to the weakening of immunity occurring in a sharp increase in exercise on the body.

    Other rash and cough appearance

    Rash in children can cause a well-known infectious disease of rubella. In this case, there is a runny nose, discomfort in the throat, cough, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye and pharynx. Under the defeat of the rubella specks, pale pink, petty, at the same time amazed face, belly, chest, limbs. It is accompanied by the appearance of temperatures up to 37.2-37.50s, drowsiness, weakness, headaches.

    Rubber virus is dangerous for pregnant women, there is a risk of fetal infection.

    Meningococcal infection is the most dangerous infectious disease for the baby, the cause of disturbing respiratory functions is caused. There is a risk of meningitis, rinopharygitis - light form of meningococcal infection.

    Many families face manifestations of allergies in kids in the form of a rash. But far from everyone determines the reason for it, and they believe, bad ecology, improper nutrition and not full physical development are to blame.

    Children's allergies can be classified on:

    • Food, when allergens are: eggs, nuts, cow milk, soy;
    • Seasonal, its pathogen are blooming plants;

    Special view of allergies - for flowering. It causes pollen self-polling plants.

    This species generates cough and rash at the same time, striking the gastrointestinal tract, worsens the overall condition of the child.

    Rash in children urticaria causes itching. This is the most common manifestation of allergies, the cause of which is: medicines, clothing from synthetic, food, household chemicals.

    Signs of allergic rash: pink color, small bulge, not uniform distribution by body.

    Allergic erythema can be caused not only by allergens. The disease is characteristic of the fact that regardless of the cause, the consequences (rash) show the same. Symptoms - raised over skin spots, with time merging among themselves and spreading through the body. Rash after 6 days disappear, but leave on the skin marble pattern. From what rash occurs during erythema, it is definitely not established, it is believed that the disease is propagated by air.

    Atopic dermatitis with cough

    Allergic baby skin disease caused toxins and allergens. It is caused by genetic predisposition to immunoglobulin E (re-publishing it) to contact with allergens.

    Cough with hell has a completely different origin and is not connected with the disease.


    The modern generation of parents about Corey do not know anything, unless heard the name. Thanks to the vaccination system, the infections are remembered only in the case of random outbreaks.

    The virus of the disease affects the nasopharynx and the main feature of the disease are rashes on the body.

    It is believed that after the suffering disease, life immunity is purchased.


    Windmill, as in everyday life, is called this disease, it is safely transferred at an early age in 90% of people. It is characterized by a temperature lift, red stains with a bubble, a gradual increase in the number of which is accompanied by a strong itch.

    The windmill excites herpes virus that lives in every organism, and it is believed that it is better to take it in childhood, and then have a lifelong immunity against her.

    Scarlet fever

    Acute infectious disease, characterized by small rash, intoxication, fever and angina. The causative agent is considered streptococcus Group A. Scartin is transmitted by air or household.


    Infectious disease. I am striking the brain, more precisely, its shell, the outdoor part. Meningitis is equally affecting children and adults.

    There are several types of meningitis: meningococcal, purulent, serous, tuberculosis and viral.

    Meningitis can be determined by such symptoms:

    • Chills and at the same time temperatures up to 40 degrees;
    • Headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Full indifference to food;

    And also another bouquet of symptoms: Bekhtereva, Kerning, Burutsinsky, Mendel, Pulatov, Lesaja.

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