Tubage rules. Tubage technique according to Demyanov: instructions for carrying out, description and effectiveness

Liver cleansing can be carried out not only at the request of a person who has decided to take care of his health, but for medical reasons. This is a medical procedure, the purpose of which is to stimulate the separation of bile and the emptying of the gallbladder. For example, it can be prescribed after hepatitis, when the liver is weakened and cannot yet fully perform its functions. This method is also called "blind probing", in contrast to direct probing, in which the patient has to swallow a rubber tube - a probe. There are several simple methods of how to carry out liver tubage, and on the recommendation of a doctor, this procedure can be performed at home.

The technique of carrying out tubage provides for the observance of certain rules regarding both the procedure itself and the behavior, including food, of the patient before and after it. Consider the most significant points of the procedure for blind probing of the liver and gallbladder.

Preparation for the tubage

3-4 days before the procedure itself, it is necessary to switch to a predominantly plant-based diet. Must be included in the diet

  • apple;
  • beet juice.
drink which is better in the form of heat. In choosing food, you can be guided by dietary table number 5, designed specifically to save the liver. In the morning, before carrying out the tubage, you need to dress warmly, because being warm is an important condition.


Actually, the technique of carrying out tubage with the help of mineral water, choleretic decoctions or magnesium sulphate, etc. practically the same. The required amount of liquid is drunk in the morning strictly on an empty stomach, in a warm form, after which it is imperative to return to bed and warm the liver area well. Do this for 1.5-3 hours. Warming is necessary so that the ducts relax and expand, releasing bile. It's better to lie on law side and do not get out of bed unless absolutely necessary.

After the procedure

After resting for the prescribed time, you can have breakfast, preferring vegetables or whole grain lean cereals. As a rule, tubage should end with loosening of the stool.

A sparing diet should be followed for a few more days. However, if you have problems with the liver, then table number 5 should already be your choice for every day.

Contraindications for tubage

Like any medical procedure, liver tubage has a variety of contraindications. Firstly, this is the presence of gallstones, the shift of which may not cause relief of the condition, but, on the contrary, worsen the situation. Secondly, it is hyperkinetic biliary dyskinesia, that is, a violation of their motility, in which stimulation of bile secretion is simply dangerous. Thirdly, it is a tendency to diarrhea.

Some other conditions that can cause the liver tube to be postponed are relative contraindications, such as colds, period of menstruation in women, exacerbation of cardiovascular and chronic diseases, just bad feeling(for example, in weather-dependent people). It is better to postpone the procedure for another day than to risk the state of your body. In any case, you should carefully listen to the advice of the attending physician and only then proceed to tubage.

Tubage is a procedure for cleaning the gallbladder from an old secret.

The gallbladder is a hollow, sac-like organ that stores bile produced by the liver.

As needed, bile is released into small intestine and participates in the digestion of food. When this process is disturbed, stagnation of bile occurs, it thickens and can later form stones.

With tubage, excess bile is removed using a doudenal probe or the intake of cholagogues according to a special scheme (Tubage according to Demyanenko, or blind probing).

This procedure is widely used in medical institutions, but is also available at home.

There is another option, when gallbladder tubage with mineral water is done by an active method.

To do this, they drink warm mineral water, and then for 10-15 minutes they make simple movements in the abdomen: tilts, twists.

Then you need to drink more water and repeat the exercises.

After the end of the procedure, they continue to eat light food, avoiding fatty, fried, salty, marinades, alcohol. Malnutrition will negate the positive effect of tubage.

What do we get as a result

With proper conduct, after 20 minutes, an active outflow of bile will begin. Multiple dark or greenish stools are possible.

Those who cleanse the gallbladder regularly note a decrease in heaviness in the right hypochondrium, improved digestion, and a decrease in constipation.

Repeat the procedure preferably in a course, once a week for several months.

Carrying out once a month will ensure the prevention of problems with the gallbladder.

If this causes pain, immediately stop doing tubage and consult a doctor.

To reduce the likelihood of pain, you can take antispasmodics (for example, no-shpu) in advance.

Important clarification

In addition to mineral water, magnesium sulfate powder, sorbitol, and xylitol are popular as a choleretic agent for blind probing at home.

By the way! Tubage with mineral water can be done even with the gallbladder removed. This will help prevent stagnation of bile in the liver.

Due to systematic overeating, today, up to 90 percent of adults suffer from digestive disorders. Therefore, it is so important to monitor your health and prevent diseases.

It is always better to prevent than to cure. It should be remembered that an effective way to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is a balanced diet.

What else can you do with a liver and gallbladder tube, see the video lecture.

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There is an opinion that the beauty and well-being of a person directly depend on the state of the liver. Persons suffering from various pathologies of this organ are often irritable and obese. They are often tormented by headaches, high blood pressure, irregular stools, nausea and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms indicate that it's time to start cleaning the body. A liver tube will help with this. This procedure is prescribed not only for the treatment of pathological conditions, but also as a preventive measure.

Not everyone can say with confidence that he understands the intricacies of the cleansing event and understands its purpose. So what is tubazh, what are its features and methods of implementation? Let's try to answer these questions.

Tubage is a mild and effective warming procedure that improves the activity of the bile ducts and increases the contractility of the gallbladder. It is carried out with the help of a duodenal probe and without it (blind tubage or dubazh). The latter method is usually used to cleanse the liver and gallbladder at home.

The big advantage of this, in fact, a medical event, is the lack of need for special equipment and the need for specialized education. All the necessary components for carrying out tubage at home can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy or taken in your own kitchen.

Advice. In order for blind probing to be beneficial and get rid of stagnation of bile, it is necessary to carry out the procedure competently, taking into account all the subtleties and contraindications.

Restrictions on the appointment of tubage

Liver cleansing, like any other medical measure, is not always beneficial and safe. Large stones in the gallbladder, under the influence of heat and choleretic agents, can move and clog the ducts. In this case, the patient usually requires surgical assistance.

  • infectious diseases;
  • cancerous growths;
  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • high blood pressure;
  • various chronic pathologies in the acute phase.

Pregnancy and lactation, although they are not a direct contraindication to liver tubage at home, nevertheless require a mandatory consultation with a specialist. With an inattentive attitude to the restrictions from the procedure, there will be more harm than good.

Advice. Before proceeding with dubazh, you should make sure that there are no stones in the gallbladder, for which you need to visit a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Indications for blind probing

Despite the seeming safety and ease of implementation, you should not do a tubage just like that, without having good reasons for the procedure. It will be better if a doctor recommends liver cleansing as an addition to the main therapy for the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the duodenal mucosa;
  • gallbladder motility disorder (JVP);
  • chronic non-calculous cholecystitis;
  • cholestatic hepatitis (difficulty in the outflow of bile);
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • headaches, irritability and tearfulness;
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • various rashes on skin, dermatitis and dermatoses.

Blind probing will improve the outflow of bile, cleanse the bile ducts and liver, alleviate symptoms, eliminate spasms and discomfort.

Advice. If during the tubage or immediately after it, pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, dizziness and vomiting, and blood appears in the feces, it is recommended to stop cleaning and consult a doctor immediately.

Preparatory stage

The result of tubage at home will be much better if you prepare for the event in advance. 3-4 days before blind probing, it is necessary to remove meat, fatty and fried foods from the diet. You should use exclusively vegetable and dairy dishes, drink more acidic juices and hot liquids. It can be plain water or tea from choleretic herbs.

Advice. Despite the fact that the procedure does not take much time, it is better to plan it for the weekend.

Technique and methods of blind probing

To perform the procedure at home, you can use various choleretic agents. The most popular are the following:

  • sorbitol;
  • magnesium sulfate (magnesia);
  • mineral water;
  • vegetable or olive oil;
  • medicinal herbs.

After 20–25 minutes, you should take the main choleretic agent and lie down on your right side for 2 hours, applying a hot heating pad to the liver area. Heat activates the production and outflow of bile.

If during the procedure a pronounced pain appears in the right hypochondrium, an antispasmodic should be taken: Papaverine hydrochloride, Drotaverine, No-shpu, Spazmalgon or Nikoshpan.

Tubage is often accompanied by nausea and belching. In rare cases, vomiting occurs, so it is advisable to prepare in advance for such surprises: bring a basin and a package of wet wipes. In case of prolonged and persistent vomiting, the procedure should be stopped, an antispasmodic tablet should be taken and a doctor should be consulted.

Liver cleanse with sorbitol

Blind probing with sorbitol is a simple and effective treatment. Medical sugar can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition to it, for tubage you will need mineral water with a strong choleretic effect, for example, Essentuki. The bottle should be opened the night before to let the gases out.

To carry out the procedure, sorbitol is mixed with water until the powder is completely dissolved and drunk. Then a heating pad with hot water is applied to the liver area and they go to bed for 2 hours.

The combined use of these components gives a powerful cleansing effect. Therefore, do not be afraid of abundant urination and defecation.

Tubage with magnesium sulfate

With the help of magnesia, blind probing is carried out according to the Demyanov method. To prepare a choleretic solution, magnesium sulfate powder is mixed with warm boiled or gas-free mineral water.

A liter of the resulting solution should be drunk in small sips for 20 minutes, then lie on your right side with a heating pad in the liver area.

Magnesium sulfate has a pronounced laxative effect and activates the excretion of toxins. Within a few hours after the procedure, pain in the right side, bitter belching and hepatic colic are possible.

Liver cleansing according to Demyanov is carried out in a course consisting of 13-15 sessions, which are done at least once every 7 days.

Dubazh with mineral water

The tubage procedure with mineral water is considered the softest and most gentle of all cleaning options. To carry it out, you need to purchase a bottle of sulfuric alkaline water and leave it open the evening before the blind probing.

Tubage with mineral water can be repeated every 3 days. Such cleaning perfectly restores the acid-base balance and improves metabolism. An indicator of the success of the event should be a greenish feces.

Advice. For a complete cleansing of the bile ducts and liver, a course of 6 procedures is recommended. If after treatment the patient does not feel better or the state of health, on the contrary, has become worse, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

With the current inflammation of the gallbladder, the cleansing technique should be more gentle. It is enough to carry out the treatment procedure once every 7 days. To prevent stagnation of bile, you can do dubage every 3 months.

Tubage with olive oil

Another great liver cleanser is olive oil. The procedure is not very complicated, but quite effective and has its own characteristics. With this method of blind probing, preliminary preparation is very important. The day before the event, it is recommended to start drinking as much hot liquid as possible. It is better if it is tea from choleretic herbs. A warm decoction will open the ducts and facilitate the flow of bile.

Olive oil should be taken 2-3 hours before tubage. To avoid the urge to vomit, it is recommended to drink it with lemon juice or other acidic drink in a 1: 1 ratio. All liquids should be at room temperature. Then you should lie down calmly with a heating pad. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat for at least 3 hours.

Attention. Tubezh with olive oil is prohibited for patients suffering from gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. Fruit and berry drinks will further shift the pH balance and increase the acidity of gastric juice.

Cleansing the liver with herbal infusions

Tubeless tubage can be performed using medicinal plants with choleretic effect. For the preparation of a medicinal decoction, it is recommended to use the following herbs:

  • dandelion flowers;
  • corn silk;
  • immortelle;
  • agrimony;
  • celandine;
  • birch leaf;
  • mint;
  • rosehip root;
  • chicory;
  • nettle.

All these plants have a strong choleretic effect, but they affect different functions of the liver, so it is better to use them in the collection.

Medicinal tea should be prepared in advance. A herbal collection bought at a pharmacy or made independently is brewed in a thermos and left overnight.

In the morning on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of broth and lie down with a heating pad. An hour later, another 200 ml of infusion should be taken. The rest of the tea can be drunk after the procedure.

Such dubazh is mild in nature and contributes to the gradual cleansing of the gallbladder and liver.

Active cleaning

Another type of liver cleansing is active tubage. This more complex and effective procedure requires some physical preparation. Execute it like this:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, they drink a liter of non-carbonated mineral water.
  2. Then, a heating pad is applied to the liver area for 30 minutes and immediately begin to exercise. Charging includes rotation of the pelvis, forward and side bends, squats and lifting the legs bent at the knee.
  3. At the end of the gymnastics, they drink another ½ liter of heated mineral water and repeat the entire set of exercises again.

Bowel emptying after the procedure occurs in all different term and depends on the characteristics of the organism. The result of a successful cleansing should be a plentiful stool.

Complications of tubage

If the procedure is performed for the first time and without prior consultation with a doctor, negative consequences may develop. The cause is diseases not detected in a timely manner, of which the patient may not even be aware.

In some cases, hypoglycemia develops after tubage. The first symptoms of malaise, as a rule, appear within an hour after the cleansing event. The patient complains of drowsiness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and increased sweating. To replenish glucose levels, it is recommended to suck on a piece of sugar or drink a mug of sweet tea.

Somewhat more often, patients experience short-term poisoning of the body caused by disturbed microflora. It notes:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • nausea and chills;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • constipation.

To stop the process of intoxication, it is necessary to take an adsorbent and after 60–90 minutes the patient's condition returns to normal.

Attention. If an ultrasound was not performed before the tubage for the presence of stones in the gallbladder, there is a risk of blockage of the ducts. When symptoms develop acute attack you should immediately stop the procedure and call an ambulance.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to remind once again that liver cleansing should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor. Only the doctor decides how often tubage can be done and what means should be used. Self-medication in this case is dangerous and may end on the operating table.

Attention! This article is not a guide to action. Be sure to consult a therapist or specialist.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

Tubage has another name, namely blind probing. The essence of this procedure is to ensure the outflow of bile, due to this, the gallbladder is released and its ducts are cleared.

Probeless tubages according to Demyanov

At the time of its inception, this procedure was carried out using a probe. Later, Demyanov introduced a new principle for the cleansing of the gallbladder. Namely, without using a probe. This event took place in the 40s of the last century. Since that time, the procedure has been greatly improved. But the method itself is still used today, its modifications are considered effective.

How to prepare for such procedures?

A quarter of an hour before the start of the tubage according to Demyanov, you need to do several exercises.

It is recommended to knead lumbar and the abdominal area. For this, exercises such as tilts, turns, squats and other elements that will help warm up the lumbar are well suited. Physical exercise is necessary for the organs inside a person to move. Thus, the procedure will be easier for the body.

How is the procedure?

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a special decoction of choleretic fees. Plants such as corn stigmas, immortelle, milk thistle and others will be appropriate here. You can buy herbs separately. Or purchase the collection immediately. Any pharmacy will provide several options for preparing a decoction. Next, the prepared drink is drunk. It must be done on an empty stomach. The broth should be warm.
  2. After 30 minutes have passed after taking, you can eat breakfast.
  3. It is recommended to drink it with a cooked decoction or sweet tea in a warm form.
  4. Next, you need to lie on your left side. The liver on the right needs to be warmed up. And stay in this position for a couple of hours.
  5. After this period of time, you can have breakfast a second time.

What kind of breakfast should be consumed during such procedures?

  1. For a drink, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of warm water.
  2. Warm grape or apple juice is also recommended.
  3. You can cook eggnog. For its preparation, yolk, sugar and honey are taken. All ingredients are mixed and heated. It is necessary to use mogul-mogul in a warm form.
  4. Vegetable oil is also recommended to be eaten during the procedure.

Tubage according to Demyanov can cause pain in the liver. This is due to the flow of bile. Also, the consequence of this procedure may be the movement of stones, blockage may occur.

If the tubage is carried out correctly, then bile will be noticeable in the patient's stool. It is also possible for small stones to come out.

Frequency of procedures

How often do you need to do tubazh according to Demyanov and with what frequency? It is recommended to do it in a course, which consists of 10 procedures. The period of the tubage is 2 times a week. This procedure is of medical importance, so it can only be carried out after a doctor's prescription. Typically, Demyanov's tubazh is prescribed to patients who have had hepatitis, or to improve bowel function. In any case, self-medication is not worth it.

Tubage for children. Indications, preparation

It is well known that cleansing of harmful trace elements has a beneficial effect on the human body. A method such as blind probing is a highly effective means of cleansing the human body. Tubage according to Demyanov can be done for children, as well as for adults.

In the case when probing is planned to be carried out without fail for small patients, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since children should do tubage according to Demyanov, taking into account the characteristics of their body.

If the child has pathologies associated with the intestines, then blind probing should not be done.

Purify the body of bile should be after a special diet. The best option would be a weekly vegetarian menu. It is also worth ensuring frequent meals in small portions. Such preparation will help to ensure that blind probing goes better. After the procedure, it is also recommended to follow a diet. This is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the gallbladder.

In order to carry out the probing procedure for a child, it is recommended to use mineral water in a warm state. There is a certain process for preparing liquid for the procedure. First of all, on the eve of the event, you need to open a bottle of mineral water. Then you need to leave it overnight. In the morning, magnesium or sorbitol is added to the water. Magnesia is added in the amount of one large spoon. If sorbitol is used, then it will be enough in the amount of two teaspoons. You should know that olive oil and juices cleanse the body well. From fruit use grape. And if we talk about vegetable juices, then carrot and beetroot will do.

In addition, probing a child can be done through an egg. The recipe for the mixture is simple. It is necessary to mix egg yolks in the amount of two pieces with two tablespoons of sugar and honey. For this mixture, one small spoon of honey will be enough. When probing is carried out with this mixture, it should be prepared immediately before taking it and washed down with plenty of warm water.

Cleansing procedure child's body from bile should be carried out in the morning. The child should go to the toilet, and then use the mixture through which it is planned to make a tubage. Then it is necessary to provide the child with a horizontal position on the left side. The right side needs to be warmed up. To do this, put a heating pad on it. In this position, the child will need to be two hours. This position of the body will provide a natural outflow of bile from the child's body.

If the child's condition requires cleansing his body of bile, then he can be prescribed a procedure such as blind probing. The main thing is to consult a doctor who will give recommendations taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient.

Tubage liver

Tubage of the liver according to Demyanov is considered a mild procedure for cleansing the body. This method is used in combination with other rehabilitation measures.

Tubage according to Demyanov is often prescribed to patients. It can be done in a hospital or at home. To carry out this procedure at home, you need to prepare. If a person has doubts about whether he is doing everything right, then it is better to consult a doctor. Blind tubages according to Demyanov are usually prescribed for such diseases and pathologies as:

  1. Duodenitis.
  2. Cholestatic hepatitis.
  3. Cholecystitis without stone formation.
  4. Disease of the biliary tract, namely dyskinesia.
  5. Constipation.
  6. Establishing the work of the intestine, namely its peristalsis.

There are several ways to carry out such a procedure. The following are commonly used:

  1. Tubage with the addition of magnesia.
  2. Tubage with the addition of sorbitol.
  3. Tubage according to Demyanov with mineral water.

There are cases when a person experiences pain during the procedure. As a rule, on the right side in the hypochondrium region. This is a normal reaction, do not be afraid. In these cases, it is recommended to drink some kind of anti-spasm remedy, such as No-shpu. The pain comes from the fact that the gallbladder contracts.

How does the body react to tubage?

This procedure alleviates the condition of those people who have diseases in the body associated with pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. Most patients talk about positive effect after a course of these procedures. It should be remembered that the tubazh according to Demyanov must be done several times with the same frequency.

Also, after frequent use of alcohol, it can be recommended to cleanse the body.

What are the contraindications?

There are a number of contraindications to the procedure. These include the presence of gallstones. Also, if they are in the liver, probing is strictly prohibited. The presence of such an ailment as a duodenal ulcer is a contraindication to the procedure. The fair sex, when planning sounding, needs to build on their menstrual cycle. Namely, you should not do the procedure a week before and a week after the end of this period.

Subject to all the conditions for such a procedure, it can be recommended as an effective way to cleanse the body. But with uncomfortable sensations, such as acute pain, it is better to stop this procedure and contact a medical institution for examination. Perhaps there are some pathologies in the body that the person did not know about.

After carrying out such procedures, people notice lightness. Their condition is generally improving. Even the skin becomes clearer. Also, people who performed these procedures are no longer worried about stagnation of bile.

The liver is an organ on which the purity of the blood and the state of human health directly depend. The liver is very demanding of itself: without special care and proper attention, its functions are gradually violated. This can lead to the formation of stones in the gallbladder and the development of dystrophic changes in the organ itself.
Therefore, it is necessary to periodically preventive actions aimed at improving the activity of the liver. The most common and affordable of them is tubazh at home.

  • magnesia
  • sorbitol,
  • mineral water,
  • olive oil,
  • infusion of choleretic herbs,
  • sour juices.

In each case, the method of purification is selected strictly individually.


There are certain contraindications to liver tubage:

  1. infection,
  2. acute and chronic pathologies internal organs,
  3. nervous and physical exhaustion,
  4. fever,
  5. diabetes,
  6. pregnancy and lactation,
  7. menstruation in women
  8. calculous cholecystitis.

Before washing at home, you should pass ultrasound procedure liver for gallstones. If there are stones, tubage will not help. Such patients are shown a real cleansing of the liver, carried out in a hospital qualified specialists. If there are no gallstones, then the intestines should be cleaned first.

Methods for carrying out tubage

Tubage with magnesia

This is a variant of the blind tubazh according to Demyanov. To carry it out, dilute a spoonful of magnesia in a glass of water and drink this composition in the morning immediately after waking up, heating it to forty degrees. Then pour hot water into a heating pad, apply it under the right hypochondrium and lie horizontally on the right side. They lie in this position with a heating pad for about an hour and a half until defecation begins. Green stool indicates that the procedure was carried out correctly. Green stools are a sign of bile leaving the body. Repeat tubage with magnesia once a week for three months.
After carrying out the tubage according to Demyanov, unpleasant sensations may appear in the right hypochondrium, hepatic colic, the risk of shifting stones in the gallbladder and blockage of the ducts increases. For removal severe pain you can take no-shpu or papaverine, which will reduce the contractile activity of the gallbladder and relax the ducts.

The result of tubage is a stool with an admixture of bile and small stones.

Tube with sorbitol

Essentuki mineral water, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, has a good choleretic effect. A bottle of water is opened in the evening to remove gases. Sorbitol, like mineral water, is a powerful choleretic agent.

Tubage of the liver with mineral water is carried out in the same way as with sorbitol.

Tubage according to Zalmanov

Applying a heating pad to the liver is a mandatory component of the treatment of chronic diseases, activating portal circulation, increasing the volume of circulating blood. Due to the additional thermal energy, the need for increased nutrition is reduced, the liver and spleen are reduced, the blocked diaphragm is released, breathing is restored and the body is cleansed of toxins through the lungs.
Tubage according to Zalmanov is carried out using bitter salt - sodium sulfate and a hot heating pad. One teaspoon of bitter salt is dissolved in a glass of mineral water and taken once a day for three days.

Tubage with olive oil and lemon juice

The day before the cleansing procedure, it is recommended to drink more warm and even hot liquids to warm up the internal organs and expand blood vessels. This helps to improve blood circulation through the vessels, and bile through the ducts.
It is allowed to take a small amount of plant foods, but no later than three hours before the procedure.
Three hours before the start of the procedure, you must start drinking oil. This should be done gradually to avoid nausea. Two sips of olive or sunflower oil are washed down with lemon, cranberry or other sour juice: acid promotes the production of bile.

The volume of juice and oil drunk should be the same - one hundred or two hundred milliliters each.

Then they lie on their right side, attach a tightly hot heating pad and hold for about two hours. For people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, this method of cleansing is not suitable, since fruit acid will only increase the acidity of the stomach.

Tubage with decoctions of choleretic herbs

Liver tubage is very popular at home with decoctions of choleretic herbs. To do this, immortelle grass and dandelion root are brewed in advance: one tablespoon of each in a glass of water. At about six o'clock in the morning on the departing moon, these decoctions are mixed and drunk. Then for forty minutes lie on the right side on a hot heating pad.
Herbs used to make decoctions:

  • corn silk,
  • celandine,
  • immortelle,
  • dandelion,
  • yarrow,
  • mint,
  • rose hip,
  • plantain,
  • chicory,
  • nettle.

These herbs can be mixed or brewed separately. Combine several herbs in one collection of two tablespoons of each. The resulting decoction is taken in half a glass twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. This contributes to the gradual cleansing of the liver and gallbladder.

Tubage with rose hips

Prepare poison rose hips in the evening. Put in a thermos three tablespoons of crushed rose hips and pour two cups of boiling water. Leave the composition to infuse all night.
In the morning, filter the infusion, add xylitol or sorbitol to it, stir and drink quickly. The infusion remaining in the thermos is drunk after twenty minutes.
You can have breakfast only an hour after the cleansing procedure. At the same time, breakfast should be light and consist mainly of vegetables, herbs and fruits. Repeat tubazh with wild rose should be six times at intervals of two days.

Tubage with chicken eggs

For its implementation, two chicken eggs and a liter of mineral water are taken. The whites are separated from the yolks and the yolks are drunk. Mineral water is opened in advance to remove gases and twenty minutes after the yolks, half the water is drunk in small sips. Then they put a hot heating pad on the liver and drink the second half of the water.

Active tubage

What are the features of this cleansing procedure? How is active tubage made?
Its feature is a stronger cleansing effect.
Active tubage is carried out as follows: immediately after waking up on an empty stomach, they drink four glasses of non-carbonated mineral water quickly in large sips.
Then they go out into the fresh air and perform the following exercises:

  1. Rotation of the hips ten times in each direction,
  2. Tilts to the right, left, forward and backward ten times,
  3. Lifting and pressing in turn the right and left legs to the chest,
  4. Ten squats with arms outstretched forward.

After completing all the exercises, drink two glasses of mineral water again and repeat them again. The time of onset of emptying is different for everyone: for some, the urge occurs immediately, while for others, thirty minutes later. It also depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
The result of a correctly performed procedure is a plentiful and repeated stool.
A prerequisite for any type of cleansing is not to freeze. Therefore, it is necessary to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for the allotted time.
Tubage is carried out eight times within three months.
After the cleansing procedure, a special menu is required, including freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice, which will help remove unwanted substances from the intestines, and a green salad seasoned with lemon or cranberry juice. Only these products should be present in the diet of the first day.
Fried meat, smoked meats, canned food, alcohol, white bread and spicy food are strictly prohibited.

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The human liver is a completely unique organ. Hepatocytes (liver cells) in case of damage are able to regenerate or be replaced by new ones, which is of great importance for maintaining their functions. However, habits and lifestyle: abundant food, frequent medication, addiction to coffee and alcohol, work in harmful conditions, cause significant harm, forcing the cells to work with an increased load. Tubage will help unload and restore damaged hepatocytes, a procedure that, in the absence of contraindications, should become a good habit.

Before planning any wellness procedures at home, you need to consult a doctor. This is a prerequisite for a good and safe result. If you neglect a visit to the clinic, you risk still being at the reception, but already on the operating table of the surgeon.

Understanding terms

The tubage procedure (tubage, sometimes you can find the spelling "dubazh") is a forced cleansing of the bile and hepatic ducts from stagnant bile. The procedure is simple, but requires some preparation and time. Therefore, it is better to plan it for a day off.

If you have had a liver tubage once and already consider yourself healthy, you are greatly mistaken. High-quality cleansing is possible with the next course - 1 procedure in 2 days, in total you need to do 3-10 sessions.

It happens that a doctor at an appointment for another disease recommends that the patient conduct a blind probing at home. Do not ask yourself what it is, blind probing is synonymous with the concept of tubage, this term was used by doctors in Soviet times.

Who can do it and who can't

Contraindications to tubage exist, and there are many of them. We list the diseases and conditions in which it cannot be done:

Relative contraindications can continue the list. They are stress and overwork, weakness and others. How do you figure out if you need cleaning or you can easily do without it? We understand.

Who needs a tubage and why? Doctors recommend it to people who have zero or very low acidity of gastric juice. Stimulation of bile excretion activates activity digestive tract significantly improving patient well-being.

Various near-medical "specialists" extol the procedure to the skies, telling miracles about kilograms of toxins and stones removed from the body. All these are myths, designed for illiteracy. No advertisements and persuasive conversations of homegrown "doctors" without a diploma should not be a reason for action.

Do a liver cleanse only if your doctor has recommended it. And nothing else.

Essence and mechanism

So, if you are diagnosed with a slight bile stasis, a liver tube will fix it. There are many cleaning methods, which are difficult to choose from, it is better if a doctor advises a specific method. He will also tell you how often you can do the procedure in your case.

Let's start with a description of the classical technique according to Demyanov:

  1. After waking up, take 2 tablets of no-shpy or drotaverine.
  2. Then you need to drink a glass of water heated to 40 degrees with magnesia. Ratio - water 200 ml, magnesia - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  3. Lie in bed on your right side, placing a warm heating pad under the liver area. Stay in this position for at least 2 hours.

The fact that the procedure was carried out correctly is evidenced by the subsequent defecation. If the stool has a greenish tint, this is a sign of the presence of bile in the stool.

Important! Bitterness in the mouth at the beginning of the procedure, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, are acceptable. But be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Now let's talk about other types of tubage that are popular.

The choice is yours

We recommend that you opt for those manipulations that are recognized by official medicine, and not rush into the exotic. The principle of purification is the same for all methods - reception cholagogue and heat on the liver area. Sources that advise to carry out an enema before cleansing, starve or drink only juices, we do not consider it appropriate.

When is the best time to clean? Optimally - at 7 o'clock in the morning, that is, immediately after you wake up. This is the time of the greatest activity of the intestines, so the cleansing process will go actively.

The best natural choleretic compounds:

  • Water with sorbitol (sugar substitute)

It will take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sorbitol in a glass of warm water. The algorithm is the same as in the classical version.

  • Mineral water

Sulfate waters (Smirnovskaya, Essentuki) are suitable for liver tubage with mineral water. Before the procedure, the water is opened and placed in a warm place - it is required that gases come out and the liquid warms up to 40 degrees. Mineral water without gases can also be used in combination with magnesia or sorbitol, the effect will be better.

  • egg yolks

Instead of heated water on an empty stomach, drink 2 raw egg yolks.

Now let's talk about alternative methods, the so-called gentle cleansing. There are a great many of them in the literature, the methods of cleaning according to Ilyina, and oil-lemon recipes are especially popular. We understand in order.

Tubage according to Ilyina

It is up to you to use the method or not, its basis is the regular use of oatmeal jelly made from unpeeled grains.

  • As the main ingredients, take 3 full glasses of unpeeled oats, add 75 grams of dry birch buds and 50 grams of lingonberry leaf. Mix and pour 4 liters of cold filtered water. They insist for days.
  • At the same time, a rosehip infusion is prepared, the ratio is: a liter of water - a glass of crushed rosehips. Boil 10 minutes.
  • The next day, the decoction from the first container is put on fire, boiled for a quarter of an hour, then 50 grams of corn stigmas and knotweed are added. Boil again and all together insist 45 minutes - 1 hour.
  • The next step is straining and mixing the prepared infusions. The finished medicine is stored in dark glass bottles in a cold place.
  • It is recommended to take: adults 150 ml 4 times before meals, children a dessert or a teaspoon. Course - 10 days.

We deliberately do not indicate more detailed recommendations for taking the remedy, because we did not find officially confirmed and verified data. However, the authors of the method claim that such a drink cleanses the liver slowly and efficiently, and has almost no contraindications. We have given the method for informational purposes only.

Oil, lemons and results

Another technique is based on a recipe with oil and lemon juice. The recipe is extremely simple - in the morning, daily, on an empty stomach, drink 2 tablespoons of olive oil mixed with the juice of half a lemon.

According to the description of the method, the liver tubage will be gentle and regular. We will not dispute the positive properties of olive oil and lemon juice in particular, but as a result we will allow ourselves to doubt. It is clear that regular intake of oil on an empty stomach will lead you to the fact that the stool will become not only regular, but also watery, and the stones present in it are by no means stones from slag.

The method was invented by a man, undoubtedly a literate one, who understood that the oil, interacting with sour juice and bile, when heated to body temperature, forms dense clots (those that you take for stones removed from the body).

In the structure of the liver, bile ducts, there are no adapted pathways - openings for the removal of large stones. The diameter of the bile duct is from 3 to 5 mm, so speculate about what stones the unfortunate healers are talking about. Trust only licensed doctors, you can't go wrong.

Required preparation

All preparation for the procedure can be divided into the one recommended by doctors and the one described in near-medical sources.

Recommendations from unofficial sources suggest drinking natural juices 3 days before cleansing, and do this instead of eating. It is also advised to do cleansing enemas daily, ostensibly in order to speed up / enhance the effect of tubage.

Again, let us object - daily enemas are not shown to anyone, because they weaken intestinal motility. An organism accustomed to forced emptying of the intestine is unlikely to want to “work” on its own, muscle atrophy will develop. Natural juices are not shown to everyone and not always, especially for freshly squeezed vegetable juices. They strongly irritate the stomach, increase gas formation in the intestines, they must be treated with care. Juice therapy is also a science and is carried out only under strict control and very gradually. So limit yourself to medical advice.


If you need a liver cleanse, do the following:

  • Visit the clinic, take a biochemical blood test, undergo an ultrasound abdominal cavity. Show the results to the doctor, he will advise the best way of cleaning, and at the same time confirm the absence of contraindications.
  • Follow the rules of a healthy diet.
  • Live actively, move more.
  • Refuse animal fats, fried and smoked foods, making such food an attribute only of the festive menu.
  • Do not abuse coffee, alcohol, strong tea, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

We think that following these simple rules you just don't need a tube.

In contact with

magnesia powder, usually dessert, or even a tablespoon (individually), diluted in a glass of hot water and left until the morning. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the prepared saturated solution of magnesium sulfate. After using magnesia, it is necessary to lie in bed for 1.5 hours on the right side with a heating pad on the liver area.

What are the criteria for the effectiveness of tubage?

If there are no visible reactions from the stool, then one tablespoon of magnesium sulfate is not enough. If there is diarrhea, then the dose of magnesia is high. It is necessary that the stool darken to a greenish tint, i.e. obvious admixture of bile. This is evidence that the gallbladder has opened and freed from stagnant bile.

It can be done by using not only a solution of magnesium sulfate as an irritant, but also with the help of saturated solutions of slightly weaker chokinetics (bilious agents), such as sorbitol, xylitol, or an infusion of choleretic herbs.

Mineral waters, which have choleretic and stimulating effects, can also be used for tubage. These waters include Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Smirnovskaya, Jermuk. Mineral water is used at room temperature, without carbon dioxide. To get rid of gas, a bottle of mineral water must be opened in advance so that all the carbon dioxide from it evaporates overnight.

Although with such washing methods biliary tract like duodenal sounding and tubage, gallstones are not removed, but still it is possible to eliminate the stagnation of bile, which is the main cause of their formation. And even with such methods of drainage of the biliary tract, cleansing enemas are not needed, because. cholikinetics are both potent laxatives

In contact with


There is an opinion that the beauty and well-being of a person directly depend on the state of the liver. Persons suffering from various pathologies of this organ are often irritable and obese. They are often tormented by headaches, high blood pressure, irregular stools, nausea and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms indicate that it's time to start cleaning the body. A liver tube will help with this. This procedure is prescribed not only for the treatment of pathological conditions, but also as a preventive measure.

Not everyone can say with confidence that he understands the intricacies of the cleansing event and understands its purpose. So what is tubazh, what are its features and methods of implementation? Let's try to answer these questions.

Tubage is a mild and effective warming procedure that improves the activity of the bile ducts and increases the contractility of the gallbladder. It is carried out with the help of a duodenal probe and without it (blind tubage or dubazh). The latter method is usually used to cleanse the liver and gallbladder at home.

The big advantage of this, in fact, a medical event, is the lack of need for special equipment and the need for specialized education. All the necessary components for carrying out tubage at home can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy or taken in your own kitchen.

Advice. In order for blind probing to be beneficial and get rid of stagnation of bile, it is necessary to carry out the procedure competently, taking into account all the subtleties and contraindications.

Restrictions on the appointment of tubage

Liver cleansing, like any other medical measure, is not always beneficial and safe. Large stones in the gallbladder, under the influence of heat and choleretic agents, can move and clog the ducts. In this case, the patient usually requires surgical assistance.

  • infectious diseases;
  • cancerous growths;
  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • high blood pressure;
  • various chronic pathologies in the acute phase.

Pregnancy and lactation, although they are not a direct contraindication to liver tubage at home, nevertheless require a mandatory consultation with a specialist. With an inattentive attitude to the restrictions from the procedure, there will be more harm than good.

Advice. Before proceeding with dubazh, you should make sure that there are no stones in the gallbladder, for which you need to visit a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Indications for blind probing

Despite the seeming safety and ease of implementation, you should not do a tubage just like that, without having good reasons for the procedure. It will be better if a doctor recommends liver cleansing as an addition to the main therapy for the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the duodenal mucosa;
  • gallbladder motility disorder (JVP);
  • chronic non-calculous cholecystitis;
  • cholestatic hepatitis (difficulty in the outflow of bile);
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • headaches, irritability and tearfulness;
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • various rashes on the skin, dermatitis and dermatosis.

Blind probing will improve the outflow of bile, cleanse the bile ducts and liver, alleviate symptoms, eliminate spasms and discomfort.

Advice. If during the tubage or immediately after it, pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, dizziness and vomiting, and blood appears in the feces, it is recommended to stop cleaning and consult a doctor immediately.

Preparatory stage

The result of tubage at home will be much better if you prepare for the event in advance. 3-4 days before blind probing, it is necessary to remove meat, fatty and fried foods from the diet. You should use exclusively vegetable and dairy dishes, drink more acidic juices and hot liquids. It can be plain water or tea from choleretic herbs.

Advice. Despite the fact that the procedure does not take much time, it is better to plan it for the weekend.

Technique and methods of blind probing

To perform the procedure at home, you can use various choleretic agents. The most popular are the following:

  • sorbitol;
  • magnesium sulfate (magnesia);
  • mineral water;
  • vegetable or olive oil;
  • medicinal herbs.

After 20–25 minutes, you should take the main choleretic agent and lie down on your right side for 2 hours, applying a hot heating pad to the liver area. Heat activates the production and outflow of bile.

If during the procedure a pronounced pain appears in the right hypochondrium, an antispasmodic should be taken: Papaverine hydrochloride, Drotaverine, No-shpu, Spazmalgon or Nikoshpan.

Tubage is often accompanied by nausea and belching. In rare cases, vomiting occurs, so it is advisable to prepare in advance for such surprises: bring a basin and a package of wet wipes. In case of prolonged and persistent vomiting, the procedure should be stopped, an antispasmodic tablet should be taken and a doctor should be consulted.

Liver cleanse with sorbitol

Blind probing with sorbitol is a simple and effective treatment. Medical sugar can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition to it, for tubage you will need mineral water with a strong choleretic effect, for example, Essentuki. The bottle should be opened the night before to let the gases out.

To carry out the procedure, sorbitol is mixed with water until the powder is completely dissolved and drunk. Then a heating pad with hot water is applied to the liver area and they go to bed for 2 hours.

The combined use of these components gives a powerful cleansing effect. Therefore, do not be afraid of abundant urination and defecation.

Tubage with magnesium sulfate

With the help of magnesia, blind probing is carried out according to the Demyanov method. To prepare a choleretic solution, magnesium sulfate powder is mixed with warm boiled or gas-free mineral water.

A liter of the resulting solution should be drunk in small sips for 20 minutes, then lie on your right side with a heating pad in the liver area.

Magnesium sulfate has a pronounced laxative effect and activates the excretion of toxins. Within a few hours after the procedure, pain in the right side, bitter belching and hepatic colic are possible.

Liver cleansing according to Demyanov is carried out in a course consisting of 13-15 sessions, which are done at least once every 7 days.

Dubazh with mineral water

The tubage procedure with mineral water is considered the softest and most gentle of all cleaning options. To carry it out, you need to purchase a bottle of sulfuric alkaline water and leave it open the evening before the blind probing.

Tubage with mineral water can be repeated every 3 days. Such cleaning perfectly restores the acid-base balance and improves metabolism. An indicator of the success of the event should be a greenish feces.

Advice. For a complete cleansing of the bile ducts and liver, a course of 6 procedures is recommended. If after treatment the patient does not feel better or the state of health, on the contrary, has become worse, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

With the current inflammation of the gallbladder, the cleansing technique should be more gentle. It is enough to carry out the treatment procedure once every 7 days. To prevent stagnation of bile, you can do dubage every 3 months.

Tubage with olive oil

Another great liver cleanser is olive oil. The procedure is not very complicated, but quite effective and has its own characteristics. With this method of blind probing, preliminary preparation is very important. The day before the event, it is recommended to start drinking as much hot liquid as possible. It is better if it is tea from choleretic herbs. A warm decoction will open the ducts and facilitate the flow of bile.

Olive oil should be taken 2-3 hours before tubage. To avoid the urge to vomit, it is recommended to drink it with lemon juice or other acidic drink in a 1: 1 ratio. All liquids should be at room temperature. Then you should lie down calmly with a heating pad. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat for at least 3 hours.

Attention. Tubezh with olive oil is prohibited for patients suffering from gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. Fruit and berry drinks will further shift the pH balance and increase the acidity of gastric juice.

Cleansing the liver with herbal infusions

Tubeless tubage can be carried out with the help of medicinal plants with a choleretic effect. For the preparation of a medicinal decoction, it is recommended to use the following herbs:

  • dandelion flowers;
  • corn silk;
  • immortelle;
  • agrimony;
  • celandine;
  • birch leaf;
  • mint;
  • rosehip root;
  • chicory;
  • nettle.

All these plants have a strong choleretic effect, but they affect different functions of the liver, so it is better to use them in the collection.

Medicinal tea should be prepared in advance. A herbal collection bought at a pharmacy or made independently is brewed in a thermos and left overnight.

In the morning on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of broth and lie down with a heating pad. An hour later, another 200 ml of infusion should be taken. The rest of the tea can be drunk after the procedure.

Such dubazh is mild in nature and contributes to the gradual cleansing of the gallbladder and liver.

Active cleaning

Another type of liver cleansing is active tubage. This more complex and effective procedure requires some physical preparation. Execute it like this:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, they drink a liter of non-carbonated mineral water.
  2. Then, a heating pad is applied to the liver area for 30 minutes and immediately begin to exercise. Charging includes rotation of the pelvis, forward and side bends, squats and lifting the legs bent at the knee.
  3. At the end of the gymnastics, they drink another ½ liter of heated mineral water and repeat the entire set of exercises again.

Bowel emptying after the procedure occurs for everyone at a different time and depends on the characteristics of the body. The result of a successful cleansing should be a plentiful stool.

Complications of tubage

If the procedure is performed for the first time and without prior consultation with a doctor, negative consequences may develop. The cause is diseases not detected in a timely manner, of which the patient may not even be aware.

In some cases, hypoglycemia develops after tubage. The first symptoms of malaise, as a rule, appear within an hour after the cleansing event. The patient complains of drowsiness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and increased sweating. To replenish glucose levels, it is recommended to suck on a piece of sugar or drink a mug of sweet tea.

Somewhat more often, patients experience short-term poisoning of the body caused by disturbed microflora. It notes:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • nausea and chills;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • constipation.

To stop the process of intoxication, it is necessary to take an adsorbent and after 60–90 minutes the patient's condition returns to normal.

Attention. If an ultrasound was not performed before the tubage for the presence of stones in the gallbladder, there is a risk of blockage of the ducts. With the development of symptoms of an acute attack, you should immediately stop the procedure and call an ambulance.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to remind once again that liver cleansing should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor. Only the doctor decides how often tubage can be done and what means should be used. Self-medication in this case is dangerous and may end on the operating table.

Attention! This article is not a guide to action. Be sure to consult a therapist or specialist.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

With bile stasis, gallbladder tubage is performed. Often the cause of congestion is a decrease in the motility of the smooth muscles of the gallbladder and bile ducts, and this disrupts the digestive process, and the liver fails. In such a situation, gallbladder tubage will be effective and will bring significant relief.

What it is?

Tubage is a medical procedure that consists in stimulating the secretion of bile in order to empty the organs in which there are congestion. During tubage, the circular muscles of the gallbladder and the common duct relax, blocking the opening of the hollow organs (sphincters), while the smooth muscles of the walls of these organs contract. As a result, bile begins to flow into the duodenum and is involved in the digestive process.

The effect of the procedures

Before talking about how to do gallbladder tubage, let's talk about the consequences of the course of procedures. The patient improves the process of digestion, eliminates such unpleasant manifestations, such as constipation / diarrhea, bloating, intestinal colic, etc. In addition, stagnation of bile in the biliary tract is eliminated, inflammatory processes such as cholangitis, cholecystitis are prevented, and the formation of stones is prevented.

Types of tubage

The tube of the gallbladder can be of two types.

  1. Probe - when stimulation of bile secretion is carried out using a duodenal probe inserted through the mouth (a special rubber tube).
  2. Tubeless - when biliary secretion is stimulated only by means of choleretic agents (you can do such a tube at home).

Indications for the procedure

Tubage is designed to help with the following pathological conditions:

  • inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts: cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholangiocholecystitis, which have a chronic form;
  • chronic diseases of other organs involved in the process of digestion: pancreatitis, duodenitis (inflammation of the pancreas and duodenum);
  • digestive disorders, which consist in increased gas formation, improper digestion of food, diarrhea / constipation, intestinal colic, etc.


Tubage of the gallbladder is prohibited during the period of exacerbation of any acute or chronic disease digestive organs. Also, the procedure is contraindicated for those who have stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Probe tubage is also not carried out in cases of organic pathologies of the esophagus and nasopharynx (in the presence of strictures, tumors, etc.), dilatation of the veins of the esophagus (for example, in the presence of portal cirrhosis of the liver), severe forms of arterial hypertension and cardiac ischemia.

Probe tubage: procedure

This type of tubage is made only in medical institution. The duodenal sounding technique is used, which allows unloading the biliary tract, as well as examining the contents of the duodenum and finding out the location or the most pronounced inflammatory process.

During the procedure, three portions of the liquid contained in the duodenum are released:

  • portion A - a light brown mixture of bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice;
  • portion B is a dark brown, and in some cases green liquid contained in the gallbladder and appears after a choleretic agent (for example, olive oil, twenty-five percent magnesium sulfate, etc.) is introduced into the body through a tube;
  • portion C is a light brown liquid contained in the bile ducts.

When all portions are received, the gallbladder is washed with slightly mineralized non-carbonated water, heated to 35-40 degrees, or with saline in a volume of 250-500 milliliters.

How to do tubage at home

Carrying out the procedure at home involves the ingestion of certain choleretic and diuretic compounds according to the established scheme. Before carrying out the tubage, it is imperative to drink some antispasmodic, since during the procedure, painful sensations, including pain, may appear.

Ration before tubage

Three days before the procedure, you need to switch to plant foods, that is, consume only vegetables and fruits. They can be eaten fresh or cooked. On the day when tubage will be carried out at home, it is necessary to drink a lot of warm or hot liquid.

Breakfast before the procedure should also consist of liquid products, but always those that produce choleretic effect. It can be grape juice, olive oil, honey dissolved in water. The liquid consumed should have a temperature of about forty degrees. You should not forget to take an antispasmodic half an hour before breakfast.

Carrying out the procedure

After breakfast, you should lie down in bed under the covers for an hour and a half. It is advisable to place a heating pad on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium for additional heating. After the specified time, you need to intentionally take a couple of deep breaths. After that, you should feel relief. During the day there will then be frequent stools.

Tubage with mineral water

This procedure allows you to eliminate the stagnation of bile and thereby prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts. Tubazh with mineral water should be done on an empty stomach in the morning. First you should drink 250-500 milliliters of mineral water without gas (for example, Borjomi or Essentuki). Do not forget that the water must be heated to forty degrees. After that, you need to go to bed, turning on your right side, put a heating pad under the hypochondrium on the right side and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Tubage with mineral water must be repeated at least fifteen times with a frequency of 1 procedure per week. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired result.

Tubage with magnesia

Bile secretion can be stimulated by drinking a mixture of mineral water and magnesium sulphate. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to heat up to high temperature 250 milliliters of mineral water without gas and carefully mix one tablespoon of magnesia in it. The resulting liquid should be consumed in the morning, and then go to bed, turning to the right side, and put a heating pad on the liver area. After an hour and a half, the urge to defecate should begin. If the feces have a greenish tint, then you have succeeded in tyubazh at home. If constipation occurs, you need to repeat the procedure on another day, but use more magnesium. And if, on the contrary, diarrhea is observed, this is an indicator that you have gone too far with the dosage.

Tubage with sorbitol solution

This procedure is also quite popular and is carried out everywhere. Tubage with sorbitol should be done in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up. To prepare the solution, you need to heat 150 milliliters of still mineral water to 40-45 degrees and dissolve one tablespoon of sorbitol in it. After drinking the resulting mixture, you should also drink a glass of simple mineral water without gas or an infusion of choleretic herbs. Then, as in the previous procedures, you need to lie in bed under the covers, putting a heating pad on the hypochondrium area on the right side. You need to lie in this position for about an hour and a half, until the urge to go to the toilet begins.

Tubage with egg yolks

This is another popular procedure to cleanse the gallbladder. First, you should consume two raw egg yolks, and after fifteen minutes, drink half a liter of mineral water without gas. After another twenty minutes, you need to drink the same amount of mineral water again. Further, the tubage is carried out in the same way as in the previous descriptions.


Ideally, a total of 16-25 treatments should be done at intervals of two or once a week. The best effect is achieved with a combination of probe tubage, which is carried out once a month, with tubeless, which is done twice a week. If there is chronic cholecystitis or a significant decrease in motor activity smooth muscles biliary tract, gallbladder tubage may be indicated for a long period of time. Some people carry out the procedure for several years to ensure that the gallbladder is constantly unloaded.

Tubage of the gallbladder (or blind probing) is a therapeutic procedure aimed at cleansing the gallbladder and its ducts and accelerating the excretion of bile. The technique of carrying out tubage is not complicated, and therefore it is quite possible to carry it out independently at home.

Tubage based on mineral water is carried out in order to quickly release bile ducts and gallbladder by stimulation, in which the walls of the gallbladder begin to actively contract.

What is tubage for?

If bile is secreted in insufficient quantities, the processing of proteins and fats is disturbed in the body, cholesterol accumulates in the blood, the intestines cease to cope with their work.

In such conditions, with bile stagnation, doctors recommend gallbladder tubage to eliminate problems in the digestive system and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Important! The essence of the tubage procedure is the establishment of an outflow of bile, the purification of the bile and ducts from the stagnation of toxins, salts, toxins and other harmful substances that poison the human body.

Tubage based on mineral water is carried out in order to quickly release bile ducts and gallbladder by stimulation, in which the walls of the gallbladder begin to actively contract.

Indications for the use of tubage:

  • Preventive measures to prevent the formation of gallstones.
  • Digestive disorders associated with a violation of the outflow of bile (for example, chronic constipation).
  • Stagnation of bile, manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  • Elevated blood cholesterol.
  • Hypokinesia of the gallbladder.
  • Severe overeating and abuse of fatty foods and alcohol.

Note! Tubage can be performed at home only with the permission of a doctor who will decide on the appropriateness of the procedure, based on the results of tests and other diagnostic methods.

How to make a tubage

There are a lot of options for carrying out tubage, but bile tubage with mineral water is considered the most popular and effective. After it is carried out, the liver and gallbladder are cleansed in the best possible way and there is practically no pain.

Blind tubage is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Preparatory stage;
  2. Carrying out the procedure;
  3. Fixing stage.

Before doing something like this medical event, you need to be prepared for it. It is better to set aside free days for this so that you do not have to go anywhere and do something.


It is carried out 2-3 days before the cleaning:

  • Heavy and fatty foods should be avoided.
  • You can not eat sweets, drink strong coffee, eat spicy dishes and seasonings.
  • The diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, dairy (sour-milk) cuisine, porridge, natural juices, light soups.

Just before the day of the procedure, you can take an antispasmodic at night.

For tubage, you need to prepare everything you need in advance: a heating pad, 0.5 liters of mineral water (Esentuki, Borjomi, Narzan), choleretic agents.

Tubage can be done at home only with the permission of a doctor

Carrying out the procedure

On the day of the tubage, before the event itself, it is useful to do a few exercise to strain the internal organs a little: do squats or tilts. You should open a bottle of mineral water in advance so that the gases come out.

Important! To enhance the choleretic effect, you can drink a glass of warm water the day before with the addition of a weak choleretic agent (with sorbitol, xylitol, magnesium sulfate).

How is tubage performed:

  1. Mineral water is heated to a temperature of 40 degrees (it should be slightly heated on fire).
  2. Fill a rubber heating pad with hot water and wrap it in a towel so as not to burn the skin.
  3. Drink 5-6 small sips of heated mineral water and lie on your back or on your right side under the covers, applying a heating pad to the liver area. These actions relieve the spasm of the bile sphincter and relax the muscles of the biliary tract, which provokes the outflow of bile.
  4. After 5-10 minutes, you should drink a few more sips of water and lie down again with a heating pad. So, with five-minute intervals, the procedure should be carried out until the mineral water is drunk.
  5. When the water is completely drunk, you should lie down with a heating pad on your side for another twenty minutes.

In general, the entire procedure for the patient takes no more than an hour, but after it it is advisable to observe bed rest for some time, as well as drink plenty of fluids (just boiled water or choleretic decoctions). Therefore, if there is no time for the event, you can use the express method: after a 3-day diet, drink 1 liter of heated mineral water (with pre-released gas) in the morning, after which you should do active physical exercises for 10-15 minutes (squats, twists and turns). Then drink a couple more glasses of mineral water and again do a set of exercises.

Important! The procedure of tubage is necessarily carried out on an empty stomach.

The correctness of the procedure will be indicated by the appearance of frequent stools with bile and the general improvement in the patient's condition: bitterness in the mouth and pain in the right hypochondrium disappear.

Fixing stage

Over the next two days, you must adhere to the same diet as before tubage. Plentiful drink is necessary: ​​teas, juices, herbal decoctions. In the diet include vegetable soups, boiled meat, liquid cereals on the water.

Regardless of the improvement in the patient's condition, one tubage procedure is not enough, even if it is carried out according to all the rules. For a complete cleansing of the gallbladder and the establishment of its work, you need to do about 15 procedures (1 procedure per week) for 3-4 months.

If tubage is carried out solely for the purpose of prevention, it is enough to do cleaning 3-4 times a year.

If there is no time for the event, you can use the express method using mineral water


Although tubage is an absolutely safe procedure for the human body, it is absolutely impossible to do it under the following conditions:

  • Exacerbations of any chronic diseases;
  • menses;
  • Rise in temperature;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Acute cholecystitis.
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • duodenitis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Note! It is categorically impossible to carry out tubage at home in the presence of at least one stone in the gallbladder. This will lead to complete blockage of the bile ducts and exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

As the patients themselves testify, blind tubage of the bile improves the process of food processing, improves the functioning of the bile and liver, and significantly improves the general condition.

Tubage (or blind probing) is an ideal technology for cleansing and regulating the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and especially the liver, biliary tract and pancreas. It can and is essential to carry out in any conditions and diseases of the hepatobiliary system, as well as healthy people without liver pathology. This procedure allows you to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, formed stones, pathological inclusions and other components of the gastrointestinal tract that can cause serious illness in the patient.

There are no contraindications to tubage. There are a number of rules and nuances of its implementation, in the case of a particular condition in a patient. It is recommended to conduct it absolutely everyone 1-2 times a year.

Tubage rules

Before proceeding with the tubage procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the important rules for such body cleansing:

  • The tubage procedure lasts 24 hours and starts early in the morning, immediately after waking up;
  • To obtain the desired effect, tubage should be carried out for 5-10 weeks in a row, 1 time per week;
  • Once the procedure has begun, it is no longer possible to stop;
  • If a particular pathological symptom occurs during tubage, all instructions for their elimination should be strictly observed;
  • In the intervals between tubages (within 6 days between procedures), it is necessary to follow the recommendations of proper restorative nutrition.

Preparatory moments

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to purchase and prepare some components:

  • Magnesium sulfate (magnesium, Karlavar salt), 100 ml (10 ampoules of 10 ml, 25% solution);
  • Mineral water Esentuki No. 17 - 3-4 liters, pre-release gases;
  • Refined vegetable oil (any) - 200 ml;
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (or freshly squeezed juice from one large grapefruit)
  • Chicken fillet - about 1 kg (boil the broth, about 600-1000 ml);
  • Apples (not sour) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Rice (boiled, you can in chicken broth) - 1 cup;
  • Oatmeal porridge boiled in milk (from 2 tablespoons of oatmeal);
  • Sour-milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, koumiss, ayran, etc.) - 200-300 ml.

All products must be fresh, preferably cooked immediately before use.

Also, for tubage, some ambulances may be useful, which it is advisable to keep on hand and use if necessary:

  • Concentrated sugar syrup (dissolve 10 teaspoons of sugar in 200 ml of warm purified water);
  • Smecta - 5-10 sachets;
  • No-shpa or grass Dioscorea Shaggy (Wild Yams);
  • A briquette for making jelly (preferably without sugar and based on grains, but in extreme cases, fruit ones are also suitable).

Tubage technology

The technology of carrying out one tubage procedure consists of three stages:

  • magnesian stage;
  • Hepato-pancreatic stage;
  • Eubiotic (dietary) stage.

magnesian stage

Immediately after waking up, without even getting out of bed, you need to drink 100 ml of magnesia. This is a fairly salty solution, but you can not drink it. You can only rinse your mouth and spit out this water.

After the solution of Karlavary salt has been drunk, you can get up and defecate after sleep. Then take pre-prepared water (Esentuki No. 17 without gas) and a warm heating pad (water, electric). The heating pad should be 45-55°C.

10 minutes after drinking magnesia, the sphincter of Oddi begins to open (the exit of the bile and pancreatic ducts into the lumen of the duodenum 12). At this time, cramping or stabbing pains in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, nausea may occur. If nothing happens within 30 minutes, another 50 ml of magnesia should be drunk for control, but now heated to a temperature of 40-45 ° C. In rare cases, the sphincter of Oddi may open painlessly.

After the opening of the sphincter (maximum after 30 minutes), it is necessary to lie on the right side and place a warm heating pad under the hypochondrium. If you use a water heater, do not forget to change the cooling water. So you need to lie down for 6 or 8 hours. During each hour, you should drink half a liter of mineral water (room temperature or slightly warmed). This is necessary in order to reduce the irritating effect of bile on the intestinal mucosa.

When the bile has gone correctly and in sufficient quantity, active mucus formation begins (as a protective factor of the body). At this time, there is a feeling of complete saturation of the body, a full stomach. It is even possible to cough with sputum and rhinorrhea (active secretion of clear mucus from the nose).

After some time (ideally 15-20 minutes after the opening of the sphincter of Oddi), the first urge to defecate occurs. This stool is not informative in terms of cleaning, already accumulated feces from previous meals come out. The peristaltic wave normally passes through the entire intestine in 15-20 minutes, so the chair should be 3-4 times per hour. For effective cleansing of the body, about 15 such full waves should be skipped (this explains the duration of the first stage).

Each chair, except the first, must be carefully examined for impurities. If possible, take it out and put it in a clean jar. In the future, this may be necessary to analyze the treatment and compare the results between several tubes. Also, for convenience, you can keep a tubage diary and describe all the ongoing processes.

Hepato-pancreatic stage

After 6 or 8 hours (as long as patience is enough), the next stage of tubage begins. It is no longer necessary to lie down and drink Esentuki. After the heating pad has been removed, you should rise and drink 100-200 ml of refined vegetable oil. To improve the taste, you can salt the oil. Drinking in one gulp is not necessary. The required volume can be drunk within 20-30 minutes. If the gag reflex to oil is pronounced, it is recommended to close the nose with fingers or a soft clothespin. This will turn off the taste buds.

This part of the tubage will allow you to remove fat-soluble toxins and "bad" cholesterol, which began to be deposited on the internal organs and blood vessels in the form of plaques.

After the oil is drunk, it is strictly forbidden to drink or eat anything for the next hour. In addition, it is necessary to actively move and shake the entire intestine. Light cleaning of the apartment is perfect (make the bed, sweep, put things in their places, etc. movements).

The second step of this stage, 1 hour after taking the oil, you need to drink half a glass of fresh lemon juice (usually 2-3 medium lemons are enough). In case of strong disgust, it can be replaced with the same amount of grapefruit juice (usually 1 medium grapefruit is needed). These citrus fruits contain a large number of citrates and allow you to dissolve and remove bilirubin associated with the remaining toxins from the body.

You can't eat or drink anything for 1.5-2 hours. In this case, a pancreatic massage should be performed. The most correct option is to twist a thick soft hoop (without spikes) in the direction from left to right, along the direction of the pancreas. In extreme cases, you can perform a manual massage of this area, lightly stroking the left hypochondrium in the direction from top to bottom and from left to right. It is also necessary to continue examining the stool, as in the first stage of the procedure.

Eubiotic (dietary) stage

10-12 hours after the start of the tubage, the active cleaning processes end and the body calms down, saturating it with the substances necessary after the procedure.

First of all, you should drink 200 ml of warm chicken broth. Fat should not be removed from it. You can also add some spices (turmeric, basil, pepper, thyme) and salt. It is necessary to drink this portion in 15-20 minutes, in small sips. In total, you can drink 2-3 more cups of 200 ml each in the evening, with an interval of at least 40-60 minutes.

Also for this evening it is good to eat rice. It can be cooked in the same chicken broth. The portion should not be large - no more than 1 cup of the finished product. At the same time, it should be slightly overcooked, stuck together.

If desired, you can eat 1-3 apples, always without peel and not sour. Also good for the digestive system oatmeal, boiled in milk (1-2 tablespoons of raw cereal and milk to taste). The intervals between meals should be 1-1.5 hours.

Late dinner, just before bedtime, should consist exclusively of dairy products. These are kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, ayran and koumiss. 200 ml of any of them will be enough.

If you continue to have bowel movements, also inspect the stool. It is imperative to examine the last tuba stool, which should be in the morning, after waking up, 24 hours after the start of the procedure.

What can happen on a tube

If the patient has certain disorders in the work of internal organs, tubage can take place not classically, but with its own nuances. These conditions should be taken into account and measures to prevent the development of the disease should be taken.

  • hypoglycemia. This is a decrease in the content of sugar (glucose) in the blood below 3.3 mmol / l. Manifested by sweating, panic, fear, dizziness and drowsiness. It can occur at any stage of the tubage, but more often after 1-3 hours from its onset. To stop this condition, you should immediately eat a piece of sugar (or 1 teaspoon). If the condition improves, then make a concentrated sugar syrup (dissolve 10 tablespoons of sugar in 200 ml of warm water) and drink a glass of this solution every 2 hours until the first 2 stages of the procedure continue.
  • Intestinal toxicosis. It's also quite a serious condition. After taking magnesia, the chair does not come for several hours, a growing headache appears. Characteristic for the first stage of tubage. In this case, it is necessary to dissolve 2 sachets of Smecta in 200 ml of Esentukov and drink. After that, drink 1 sachet dissolved in 100 ml of water every hour. In order to prevent this condition from recurring in subsequent tubages, all week between procedures it is necessary to take 1 sachet of smecta in the mornings, in the evenings - 2 tablespoons of lactulose (Normaze, Dufalac, etc.). Also drink 1 week course of copper preparations (Cooper, Eubliss, etc.) at 4-6 mg per day. These procedures allow you to remove the pathological microflora that produces toxins, remove the toxins themselves and increase the amount of natural microflora in the intestine.
  • Aggravation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. It can occur both at the first stage, after 1-2 hours, and after taking lemon juice. It is manifested by pain in the abdomen, a taste of blood in the mouth. It is also possible to vomit with impurities of scarlet blood or "coffee grounds". As an aid in this case, when an ulcer is detected at the first stage, it is recommended to take a glass of jelly (warm, in small sips, not very thick). If the pain recurs, take it again. At the magnesian stage, the ulcer can worsen if the mucus formation of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired, and at the hepatic-pancreatic stage, under the action of citric acid. In order to help the patient in this condition, the third stage of tubage should be started not with broth, but with milk. It should be slightly warmed up and drink about 1 liter within 2-3 hours. The next week between tubages, it is necessary to increase the consumption of milk and other dairy products (sour cream, cream). Add something dairy to every meal (coffee with milk, soup with sour cream, porridge with milk, sour cream, etc.).
  • Large stone in the bile ducts. Manifested at the first stage of tubage by cramping pains in the right hypochondrium. This is due to the fact that a larger stone is trying to get out through the ducts than the diameter of the channel allows. If such a symptom occurs, No-shpu, Papaverine (80, 120 or 160 mg) or Hairy Dioscorea (Wild Yams) - 2 capsules should be taken. Last drug is a herbal food supplement that is ideal for relieving spasms of the biliary tract. When conducting a second tubage, any of these antispasmodics should be taken in the morning, immediately after taking magnesia. If there is a stone larger than 1.5 cm, Ursohol or Ursofalk should also be taken for 1 year. They will allow the stone to decrease in diameter by 2 times and easily exit through the gastrointestinal tract. The prejudices that a stone during tubage can completely clog the duct or gallbladder are unfounded. If the stone is unable to pass through several cleaning procedures digestive system, it will return to its original place.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. It occurs at the first stage of tubage and is manifested by pulling pains in the sacrum and prolapse of hemorrhagic nodes in the anus. In this case, after each bowel movement, it is necessary to take a cool shower on the perineal area for 5 minutes, apply a cold heating pad to the sacrum area (the entire magnesium stage) and use Anuzol suppositories 2 times a day in the anus for 1 week.
  • Violation of intestinal tone. It begins to appear at the very beginning of the magnesian stage and has two variants: hypomotor and hypermotor. In the first case, it is manifested by pain in the area of ​​​​peristalsis disturbance and the absence of stool. In the second case, on the contrary, the patient almost constantly defecates, not having time to lie on a heating pad. These manifestations almost always disappear on their own after several tubes and high-quality cleanings.

The main pathological impurities in the stool

When examining each stool, various impurities visible to the naked eye come out. Kal should be carefully examined and correctly interpreted everything that comes out. Thus, it is possible to determine which part of the gastrointestinal tract is affected. With regular tubage, the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines can be cleaned to an ideal state, all pathological formations can be completely removed. With repeated courses of tubage, you can not carry out 10 procedures, but be limited to a maximum of 5 sessions (depending on the individual characteristics of the body, on nutrition and other factors).

What comes out with feces can be grouped into 6 groups:

  • Slime. Appears in the feces with a perfectly passing tube. All sections of the gastrointestinal tract produce mucus in response to the passage of bile. It is transparent and viscous. However, it may contain helminths, their segments, eggs or cysts. Often they show physical activity. It is necessary to get several copies and take them to the laboratory, examine the class affiliation and from this select an anthelmintic drug. The mucus may be frothy. This indicates the presence of lamblia. If there are pets at home (cats, dogs, rodents, etc.), there is no need to remove Giardia, every few months there will be re-infections from pets. Giardia is relatively harmless to humans. With regular tyubages, their numbers will be kept to a minimum and there is no need to worry.
  • stones. Stones can pass from the gallbladder, intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts, and from the pancreas. Gallstones are black, green, brown, or yellow. They can look like peas, olives and other round and oblong objects. Their sizes can also be different. On the first tubages, most often small stones come out. Larger ones fall off towards the end of the cleaning course. They can be either soft or hard. They are formed from cholesterol, bilirubin and other substances that are found in bile. Stones from the pancreas white color are often shiny. Most often they look like cuttings or tails from apples, sometimes they look like fragments of matches or even pearls.
  • Lumps. These are papillomas growing on the mucous membrane of any part of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver, bile ducts etc. they are most often white, gray or yellow color. The sizes are varied. Sometimes combined with a small amount of blood.
  • Fragments of the mucous membrane. Quite a rare case. However, it happens when chronic inflammation a section of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder or intestines leads to such changes in the mucosa that it exfoliates from peristaltic movements and exits with feces. It looks like a used condom (greenish in color) or a fragment of a plastic bag. It's easy enough to break. A bare area, without mucosa, regenerates (restores) well without additional funds.
  • Blood clots. Occur in intestinal diverticula (pathological branches, pockets). These diverticula become filled with food over the years, which, when stagnant, causes inflammation and ulceration. Ulcers bleed and the cavity of the diverticulum is clogged with blood clots. These areas practically do not perestalt and do not participate in the process of digestion. During tubage, the diverticula are gradually cleared and these clots are shed in the stool. They look like reddish-black lumps, crumble easily. With regular tubage, diverticula will be cleared and the risk of developing oncology in these areas will be reduced.
  • Sponges. They can be green, brown, reddish and indicate chronic injuries of the liver, biliary tract. Post-traumatic hematomas of internal organs occur quite easily (childhood injuries when falling from a height, fights, etc.). Such hematomas begin to dissolve over the years, forming a spongy structure.

What to do after tubage

After passing the first course of tubage (preferably 10 sessions in 10 weeks), conclusions can be drawn about the state of the body. Usually such cleaning is sufficient and no medication is required. However, in the presence of large stones, if they have not come out on their own, Ursofalk or Ursohol must be taken until the next course of tubage.

All inflammatory processes after such a cleansing disappear, the ducts in the liver and pancreas are cleansed, digestion, metabolism, and organ function are restored.

In the presence of helminths and their fragments, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with anthelmintic drugs.

In order to fully restore the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, it is necessary to completely exclude the use of fast carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, wheat products, white rice, grapes and bananas) for at least 2-3 months, as well as canned food (including home-made food) . Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for 5-6 months (including herbal tinctures of drugs - Valerianka, Barboval, etc.). And also increase the diet of proteins and fats (vegetable and animal). After repeated tubage, errors in the diet are possible, because the body is completely restored and is able to cope with the periodic intake of harmful products on its own.

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