The dependence of oncological diseases from smoking Mother CD. Oncology and smoking: the relationship and consequences

Often you have to hear from smoking people that damage tobacocco is exaggerated. And this opinion is often supported by the arguments: "My grandfather smoked all his life and lived ninety years. And his non-smoking brother is only 60 "... What can I argue?

This is the arguments of a person who resembles an ostrich: hides their head in the sand and believes that it is not visible. In essence, it is Bravada. In fact, no one knows how much this grandfather lived, if he did not smoke: perhaps, a hundred years or even more.

The second question is what exactly smoked our older generation? Natural tobacco leaf. And modern cigarettes and cigarettes are tobacco dust moistened with water, compressed and wrapped in paper, plus adhesive, resin, etc., which is used in the production of cigarettes. That is, there are a lot of components, about 13, highlighting a large amount, about 4,000 harmful, 40 carcinogenic, 12 co-carcinogenic substances and radioactive polonium. Filters cease to function as soon as two third cigarettes have been buried. And smoke directly goes to the respiratory tract.

And if you consider that the temperature of burning tobacco is about 10,000 s, and the temperature of the tension is 3000 s, it turns out that the smoker is a real "domain oven". It burns everything that is possible, including the shimmer epithelium of the bronchi. It ceases to work and reject harmful substances that fall into the lungs when breathing. As a result, they settled on the walls of the bronchi, initially cause inflammation (bronchitis), and then cancer is formed.

Smoking is a detrimental dependence that destroys and poison life in the literal and figurative sense. This harmful habit often becomes the cause of diseases from smoking, which in the absence of nicotine addiction, hardly threatened. What kind of diseases of the smokers are we talking about, and how exactly is the formation of a disease?

How smoking affects the body

If you determine the smoking process and its consequences on the body, then the easiest way to describe it as intoxication. Defrost products from smoking cigarettes, which are allocated together with smoke and then absorbed through respiratory organs, are alien. After entering the organs and systems, the body tries to derive harmful substances, but with each cigarette, the smoker again and again fills itself with poisons and toxins. The work of the immune system, cleansing and other systems is threatened. It is not surprising that in the body the processes of oppression and degradation begin to occur, which is the root cause of diagnoses that will subsequently be delivered. A person from smoking can refuse almost any system or body, and good health is only a matter of time.

Diseases of the respiratory tract - the diseases of the lungs and their symptoms in the smokers

In the ranking of possible diagnoses associated with this harmful habit, the place on the top of the top is perennially holding diseases of the respiratory organs. It is not surprising, because it is they who take over the main blow and therefore suffer in the first place.

Lungs' cancer

This pathology is considered final outcome. Unfortunately, not all cigarette lovers refer to the recommendations of doctors seriously, even when a specialist indicates the likelihood of the development of lung cancer. It seems that this is a formidable disease from smoking concerns only those whose experience harmful habit Sufficient enough. Do not decease on this.

Easy cancer - a typical diagnosis for lovers to lift, and everyone who addicted to this habit already from the first cigarette must realize that it is now included in the risk group by the development of the oncology of the authority.

Unfortunately, even if a person quit smoking, malignant fabrics will not disappear anywhere, although, undoubtedly, this decision will affect the development of the process.

Sarcoidosis of the lungs in smokers

As in the case of cancer, the sarcoidosis of the lungs occurs irreversible processes of changes in normal tissues of the lungs to pathological. In this case, we are talking about the formation of a granuloma in a huge amount. Dense inflamed nodules oppress immune system and affect the ability of the body to regenerate. In other words, sarcoidosis is not oncology, but this is not the norm for the body. The sarcoidosis of the lungs in smokers is dangerous in that when any other infection is attached, the latter will be very heavy, and even the familiar cold can lead to health violations and complications.

COPD and chronic bronchitis

Under this abbreviation understands chronic obstructive lung disease. This is very dangerous diseasewhich begins with a simple cough and ends with the most severe states when the patient is extremely difficult to breathe and sometimes leads to death.

The process of developing this disease from smoking occurs as follows. In response to inhalation of cigarette smoke and, together with it, the body produces special protective cells separating enzymes. Enzymes are designed to dissolve toxins, but healthy cells are also affected. The scars formed in the region of the bronchi reduce the ability of tissue to stretch, that is, they make bronons less elastic. As a result, the patient can no longer be inhaled with a complete breast, and then it also faces respiratory failure.

The danger of COPD is the gradual increase of symptoms. The patient does not consider it necessary to visit the doctor and does it when natural processes have changed enough. COPL may also be the consequence of other smoking diseases. Most often we are talking about bronchitis, which people with this dependence flows very hard.

Chronic disease, moreover, symptoms are constantly increasing, and the patient's condition deteriorates. It turns out that a person constantly feels shortness of breath and the inability to sigh normally. Hearts often superimposed heart failure.

Is it possible to forget about the COPD if you quit smoking? Perspectives of the patient when making such a step are improved in any case. It is believed that COPL is incurable, but this should not put in despondency. Decision to refuse cigarettes modern treatment Allows you to slow down the development of smokers and improve the patient's condition.


In itself, the addiction to cigarettes does not cause tuberculosis, but this fearful habit contributes to the elimination and distribution of bacteria on the mucosa of the lungs, which begin their destructive effect on the organ. The main danger of tuberculosis in smokers is the lack of typical symptoms. The cough is almost every amateur cigarette, but to determine that it is connected with the tuberculosis, only a specialist can.

The danger here is that the patient does not know about the development of the pathogen in the body and can easily infect its loved ones and in general, with whom direct contact has.

Upper respiratory tract - oncology

Among all patients who faced malignant trends respiratory tract, the greatest part is fans of cigarettes. It is not surprising, because the pathological changes in the tissues are most often influenced by high temperatures. The man breathes smoke, which just a second burned on the end of the cigarette.

Cancer Gortani.

If pathological processes affect the mucous membrane in the region of the larynx, then the likelihood of the development of cancer of this body is large. At first, the patient simply will experience difficulties when swallowing, as if something interferes with him. This symptom fans cigarettes can write off on inflammatory process In the throat due to a cold. Next, unpleasant symptoms will begin to affect ears.

To the positive moments include relative reversibility of the process. If there is a refusal of cigarettes, the precancer cells will stop in development and can return to the usual rhythm of operation.

Cancer oral cavity

In this case, the localization of the disease during smoking - in the mouth. Fortunately, many fans of cigarettes know about the possibility of such a diagnosis, and the symptoms are difficult to miss. Clinical manifestations:

  • Redness on the mucous membrane;
  • White film on lips or fabrics oral cavity;
  • Pain in the oral cavity without reason;
  • Unpleasant sensations on the gums;
  • Seals;
  • Bleeding.

As a rule, the identification of the precancerous state occurs in the office of the dentist, which recommends urgently visit the oncologist or immunologist.

Diseases of other organs

This disastrous habit violates the work and other systems and organs, because the toxins of cigarette smoke are entered into the blood and then spread throughout the body. It mainly concerns the urinary organs.


The impossibility of carrying out sexual life, a weak erection or its absence - smokers face these issues very often, and we are talking about young men. It is known that the potency is closely related to the state. vascular system. The nicotine contained in tobacco reduces the elasticity of the vessels. By the way, he also reduces their permeability, as a result of which pathogens easily penetrate into the urinary organs. There begins to develop an inflammatory process, which is the result of which is impotence.


In this case, we are not so much a violation of the erection as genetic changes occurring in the smokers' body. So, a spermogram of a man with this habit is very different from a person leading healthy image Life.

Moreover, the low quality of sperm not only reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of pregnancy in a partner smokers, but also can cause the development of pathologies from the fetus.

Urinary bubble cancer

Tobacco smoke carcinogenicity is very strong, and the mucous bladder is very sensitive. The cells of the mucosa of this organ often undergo changes if a person has a detrimental habit. Usually, it is preceded by signs of cystitis, which a smoker can skip: itching and burning in the urinary organs, a weak or intermittent jet when urination, frequent urge to the toilet.

Heart failure

This is a violation of myocardial contractual ability. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom of some kind of disease caused by smoking or something else. Why does the smokers have this sign much more often than others? It's all about violation of the elasticity of vessels that cannot be stretched enough and disappear if necessary, that is, to shrink. And of course, a considerable share contributes to the symptoms and the inability to sigh normally, that is, to satisfy the blood oxygen as possible for the normal functioning of the vascular system. As a result, the tissue is less saturated with oxygen and are no longer able to clean themselves from the products of metabolism. The heart muscle begins to work at the limit of its capabilities, which leads to its rapid wear.

Let's sum up

Love for cigarettes negatively affects the whole organism, and not only on the respiratory system, as many think. The list of smoking diseases, with which you can face, impressive, and this should be the reason for changing the lifestyle to healthy. Do not be somewhat smoking to break your life and hurt close. If a person is difficult to tell Nicotine "No", then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Smoking and oncological diseases

Oncological pathology ranks second due to mortality after cardiovascular diseases. The tumor of the lungs among oncology occupies a leading position in the frequency of occurrence, especially in men. Statistics - a stubborn thing. Men smoke more often than women (while, in any case), and cancer lungs in men occur more often, I think that the relationship is quite obvious here: smoking leads to cancer. But first things first.

Smoking is a very common destructive habit. In 90% of cases, smoking causes nicotine addiction Therefore, tobacco is called domestic drugs. From the consequences of smoking every year in the world, up to 5 million people die. After all, smoking leads to cancer. Only weapons of mass lesion can be compared with such. The problem of smoking is global. Only thanks to the participation of all countries in the fight against tobacco, you can wait for some serious results.

Money that smokers spend on cigarettes are stuffing wallets of workers of tobacco companies and support the economy already and so developed states. But the problems with health in smokers in lagging countries is forced to solve local health and only for their own funds.

According to the calculations of the World Health Organization, every third person on Earth is a smoker. In our country, every year the number of smokers only increases. At the moment, approximately 65% \u200b\u200bof men and 15% of women in Russia smoke. There was a lot of smoking teenagers.

The fact that the tobacco smoke carcinogenic (means can cause a tumor), has been proven for a long time. Smoke contains a lot of substances (more than 3500). When smoking, as a rule, they all do not burn. Most of Carcinogens are contained in resins. To them, for example, belong:

  • aromatic amines;

  • nitrosamines;

  • polonium;

  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Pau).
Lungs' cancer

Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer caused by smoking. It develops from the epithelium of the bronchi. Depending on primary localization, it is divided into:

  • central;

  • peripheral;

  • mixed.
To date, smoking is the main reason for the oncology of the lungs. Suspect lung cancer on early stages It is almost impossible, as the disease begins asymptomatic. Therefore, once a year you need to do fluorography. As the pathological process is developing, cough, hemoptal and chest pain can appear.

Several types of lung tumors are isolated:

  • flat stitching;

  • small-cell;

  • large cell;

  • mixed.
The most dangerous of them is a small-cell lung cancer. It quickly grows and metastasizes (it extends beyond the lungs to other organs and tissues). In relation to this species between words, smoking and cancer can be put a sign of equality. Only 1% of patients with small-cell cancer never smoked in life. Basically, smoking leads to cancer.

In general, the forecast of this disease is unfavorable. Mortality is very high, up to 80%. Most often, people cannot live even five years.

Cancer Guba.

The lip cancer is developing from the epithelium cells of the red border of the lips and is defined as a discontinuing seal with ulcers and skin cracks. Of all types of tumors takes 8-9 place. The bottom lip cancer is developing more often than the top. Men are sick more often.

The most likely lip cancer from smoking in the presence of any damage to the mucous membrane of the inner border of the lips. This accelerates the ingress of carcinogenic substances of tobacco smoke into the cells of the mucous membrane. Mutations of cells of this layer can lead to the beginning of their uncontrolled division and development of the tumor.

A favorable forecast for lips cancer directly depends on how adequate treatment will begin. To suspect the smokers in itself this disease will help the appearance of the following complaints:

  • hypercole (increased saliva separation);

  • discomfort or itching during meals;

  • dry and peeling of red lips bright.
It is also impossible not to mention that the lip cancer can develop in a person who never smoked in life. But the number of such patients is negligible. But the lips of the lip from smoking is most likely. After all, smoking leads to cancer.

Cancer trachea

This type of tumor is quite rare compared to lung cancer and lip cancer. It develops from the epithelial cells of the trachea. Smoking leads to cancer and causes, as a rule, a flat-belling view of the trachea cancer. In early stages, asymptically proceeds. But you can pay attention to the following forerunners:

  • dry, irritating cough;

  • no explanation of anemia;

  • frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract;

  • constant subfebrile fever (up to 38.0FROM).
Finding these signs, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Mortality from this disease according to some data is even higher than from lung cancer.

Mammary cancer

To date, reliable evidence of the direct relationship between smoking and the breast tumor is not established. Yes, and the cigarette smoke with these bodies does not directly contact. But statistically, smoking women, this pathology arises for some reason more often. First of all, it is associated with the fact that smoking leads to cancer, including breast cancer.

One of the first signs of this disease is the appearance of seals in the mammary gland. If such signs appear, you need to refer to a mammologist or at least to the surgeon. After 40 years, women need to make mammography once a year for early detection of the breast oncology.

Smoking and cervical cancer

Smoking women, human-type papilloma virus carriers (HPV-16), have a higher risk of cervical cancer than patients with the presence of only one of these two factors.
Smoking patients infected with HPV-16 had 14.4 times greater likelihood of cervical cancer, in comparison with smoking HPV-negative women. In non-smoking patients, a positive HPV-16 was associated with raising risk of cancer by 5.6 times.
Smoking together S. high levels HPV-16 increased the risk of cervical cancer in 27 times in comparison with HPV-negative smoking women. In non-smoking patients, the increase in risk associated with a high level of HPV-16 was only 5.9 times.
A substantial correlation was noted between the duration of smoking and the presence of HPV-16, researchers state.
The results of the study involve synergism between HPV and smoking, significantly increasing the likelihood of the development of cervical cancer at HPV-positive smokers, which places such patients into a risk group in need of careful control.

Smoking and prostate cancer (prostate cancer)

Modern perennial studies and observations of medical scientists prove that men have the age of 40-65 years having a smoking experience of 20-40 years old, chances to get sick prostate cancer twice as much as men who have never been malicious smokers. Smoking men of this age suffering from adenoma prostate chances of getting sick prostaty cancer Most more.

The effect of smoking on the creation favorable conditions In the body of a man for the occurrence of prostate cancer, has several directions:

There are, however, and pleasant facts based on perennial observations of scientists: if a former malicious smoker with a great experience of smoking does not smoke 10 years or more, then the degree of risk to get prostate cancer in such a person is equal to the degree of risk of a never smoking person. So, it is better to quit smoking.

Cancer of the organs of digestive and urinary systems

Cancer of the esophagus, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer and kidney cancer are also not connected directly with smoking. Nevertheless, smoking them occur more often for the same reasons as breast cancer in smoking women. The mucous membranes are able to accumulate toxins contained in cigarettes and falling into it with smoking.

Signs of cancer defeat in digestive and gOOD SYSTEM Depend on the stage and localization of the tumor lesion. Unfortunately initial stage They have the same asymptomatic.

It is important to understand that smoking is a predisposing factor for the emergence of any type of tumor. With high probability, smoking leads to the cancer of those organs with which the cigarette smoke (lungs, trachea, bronchi, the cavity of the mouth) is directly in contact. The mortality of these lesions is high, patients often do not live and 5-7 years. In this regard, it cannot be doubted all the danger of smoking for a person.

How to quit smoking not to recover?

Why when you throw smoking get straightened? This happens for the following reasons:

  • Exacerbation of smell.

  • Replacing the "squeezing" of stress "jealous".

  • Reduced adrenaline production.

  • Normalization of the absorption of glucose.
What ways there are ways to part with a cigarette and do not get fat? First of all, the product reserves should be done and replaced high-calorie food and fruit with high fiber. There are often often in small portions.

Be sure to drink a course of vitamins, especially important for this period - this is the replenishment of a shortage ascorbic acid and groups B.

Do not hold lollipops under your hand or seeds. Abuse of these products can lead to a rapid weight set.

It is necessary to start studying exerciseThis will help get rid of calories and add to the blood of endorphins, but at the same time build a pace gradually, as the combination of stress, which is experiencing the body at first of the lack of nicotine with stress during enhanced sports, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Some people who quit smoking may appear edema. This is due to the influence of nicotine on the accelerated removal of the fluid. This phenomenon may be incorrectly interpreted, and accepted for a weight set. However, after a while, the kidney function is restored, and the edema passes.

Follow the weight should be especially carefully in the first two years after a complete abandonment of smoking. It is believed that after this, the metabolism comes to normal, and the body completely gets rid of Nicotine dependencies .

Overweight, of course, harmful and unavailable. But the pack of cigarettes, spent the day, causes the body of a person a stronger blow. In addition, the pale yellow complexes, blooming on the teeth and nasty smell From the mouth and from the clothes together with a constant shortness of breath and a cough, too, who will like it too. Therefore, it is necessary to collect all the power of the will, and finish with smoking forever!

Smoking is the most significant preventive cause of cancer. Years of research proved that the relationship between smoking and cancer is absolutely obvious. Smoking is the cause of about a quarter of the deaths of cancer and one fifth of all cases of cancer.

Smoking is responsible for more than 100 million deaths in the world during the XX century. WHO experts argue that in the 21st century while maintaining modern view On this problem, the number of deaths can reach one billion.

Most importantly, most of these premature deaths could be prevented by stopping smoking.

What types of cancer is smoking?

Smoking is the cause of 4 out of 5 cases. Lung cancer is a kind of cancer with low indicator survival, one of the most unfavorable types of cancer. He is the most frequent cause death from cancer in the world.

Smoking also increases the risk of at least 13 types of cancer, among which cancer of the larynx, esophagus, oral cavities and pharynx, pancreas, kidneys, liver, stomach, guts, cervical, ovary, nose and his putty sinuses, as well as some species.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking?

Smoking causes a strongest dependence, because tobacco contains nicotine. Cigarettes provide a rapid dose of nicotine - it takes about 20 seconds in order for the nicotine from the absorbed smoke to reach the brain. Nicotine is a drug, the force of deliberance to which is comparable to such "heavy" drugs as heroin and cocaine. This is the main reason that it is very difficult to quit smoking.

How exactly does the tobacco smoke cause cancer?

The most important mechanism for the occurrence of cancer during smoking is DNA damage, including key genes that protect we are from cancer. It is proved that many chemical substancesDetected in cigarette smoke can cause DNA damage - including benzene, polonium-210, benzopyran and nitrosamines.

The effect of these poisonous substances is aggravated with their joint action with other substances contained in cigarette smoke. Thus, chrome allows poisons like a benzopyrin to form more strong links with DNA molecules, thereby increasing the likelihood of serious damage. Such chemical elements as arsenic and nickel interact with the reparation mechanisms (recovery) of the damaged DNA molecule. As a result, the likelihood that the damaged cell will turn into malignant, significantly increases.

How much time do you need to smoke to develop a cancer tumor?

Usually from the start of smoking to the development of cancer, many years or even decades are held. Human body It is able to cope with some DNA damage, but it is very difficult to restore all the molecules damaged by tobacco smoke.

Each cigarette is able to damage the DNA in a large number of cells of the lung, in addition, damage in the same cells over time accumulate. One of the recent studies has proved that every 15 rounded cigarettes can cause a sufficient number of changes in DNA in order for the cell from the usual to become in. That is why it is better to quit smoking sooner or later.

What else does smoking harm?

Smokers are also more difficult to cope with harmful environmental factors than people with healthy light and blood vessels. Each person has special enzymes that can neutralize harmful substances and turn them into non-toxic compounds. But neutralization of chemicals contained in tobacco smoke, such as cadmium, can exhaust the reserves of this "purification".

Other chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acrolein, kill cilia, which clean the air paths from harmful substances.

Smoke cigarettes also affect the immune system, suppressing cells that can recognize and destroy the malignant cell shortly after its appearance.

Passive smoking

Passive smoking is also able to cause cancer - a quarter increases the likelihood of lung cancer
a non-smoking person can also increase the likelihood of and pharynx.

Passive smoking can also increase the risk of other diseases, such as diseases of cardio-vascular system, strokes, problems with breathing.

Passive smoking is especially harmful to children. They increase the risk of occurrence respiratory infections, asthma, bacterial meningitis and sudden death. The most important thing is usually the passive effects of tobacco smoke, children are at home, where one or both parents smoke. Tobacco smoke spreads around the apartment, even if the windows are open. Almost 85% of the tobacco smoke is invisible and particles of smoke settle on surfaces and clothing.

For the same reasons, the driver smoking adversely affects the health of the passengers of the car, especially children. In some countries, it was liable for smoking in the car, if the passenger under 18 years old.

Oncological diseases occupy the first place among the ailments of the body modern man. The increase in cases of diagnosing oncology has become an acute health problem for all countries of the world.

Cancer does not spare any of the organism systems, including respiratory organs.

But is there a real connection between the tobacco and the emergence of cancer in lungs? How does a destructive habit affect the functioning of the respiratory organs?

For several recent years Medicine scientists conduct studies of the influence of the lifestyle of a person on occurrence oncological diseases. According to the results of the observations and experiments, today it is possible to confidently state that smoking habit really provokes the formation of cancer cells. What is the reason? The fact is that in any cigarettes contain malicious carcinogenic substances. Accumulating in the last part of the cigarette, they freely fall into the human body when making cigarette smoke.

Despite the increased popularity recently, electronic type cigarettes also have the simplicity of use. Of course, compared to conventional cigarettes, electronic devices have less influence on the body due to the absence of harmful resins, reduced nicotine content and other harmful substances.

But the most important danger from electronic cigarettes Melt liquids and impurities used in them. Regardless of the brand and manufacturer of products, each of them still includes in its composition. toxic substances, carcinogens and heavy metals.

Cancer provocation smoking, causes and statistics of diseases

In regular smoking, substances gradually destroy the structure of the epithelium in bronchi fall into the body of the smokers. This process provokes substitutions in cylindrical epithelium to flat and multilayer fabric structures. It is these tissue changes that are attributed to the appearance of malignant tumors.

Cancer in the tissues of the lungs resulting from smoking is formed under the influence of tobacco smoke containing such harmful components as resin and nicotine.

The habit of smoking is one of the most common, reasonable and reasons studied for the development of malignant tumors. Smoking is the undisputed cause of the destruction of the tissues of the respiratory system.

In addition to the reproduction of cancer cells in the field of light, tobacocuria is the cause of such diseases as:

  • cancers in the field of lips and the oral cavity as a whole;
  • oncological diseases of the esophagus;
  • cancer, affecting the liver, stomach and pancreas;
  • cancer neoplasms in tracheals, bronchi;
  • cancer is able to hit the kidneys, bladder, cervix and human blood.

The risk of oncological diseases in a smoking person is much higher, which has been proven repeatedly conducted scientific medical research.

The experiments were carried out both on animals and the method of statistical analysis of morbidity in various populations. The results of animal experiments were proved that due to direct contact of the living being and tobacco smoke the likelihood of education cancer tumors, it is indisputable at times.

The main reason for cancer of lungs doctors is called excessive smoking. In the statistics of patients, there is an important fact that cases of the disease among male half of the population are ten times higher than the diagnoses of oncology among women.

Maximum risk of cancer in people directly contact with smoke from tobacco. At the same time, cancer tumors affecting the area of \u200b\u200bthe human mouth are formed 2-3 times more often in avid smokers than people with a lack of such a detrimental habit. Special attention requires cases in which the use of the number of cigarettes reaches one pack per day and more. The danger of cancer in such patients increases 10 times.

The development of cancer tumors directly depends on such factors:

  • frequency of smoking cigarettes during the day;
  • age, at the stage of which the patient began smoking;
  • the quality of the tobacco used;
  • lifestyle man in general.

For example, the probability of getting cancer in those who smoke up to 10-15 cigarettes for one day, above 8 times, than non-smoking people. At that time, the risk of cancer in those who use from 20 to 25 cigarettes per day, compared with non-smoking increases 20 times.

The danger of the death of the disease also depends on the age of the patient, and also experience as a smokers. For example, if a person joined a detrimental habit before the age of eighteen years of age, the likelihood of the disease increases at 13 times compared with statistics among non-smoking people.

The risk of cancer, depending on the age of the patient, looks like this:

  • smoking, started by a person aged 20 to 24, increases the likelihood of cancers;
  • but addiction to smoking started aged 25 and older, increases the chances of getting 3 times.

In accordance with the results of the simplest statistical studies, the habit of smoking may be the cause of oncology in 90% of cases among the male population, from 60% to 80% of women's diagnoses.

It is also noted from 40% to 60% of cases of malignant tumors in cases where tobacocco is accompanied by excessive use alcohol.

Primary signs of cancer

It is worth noting that cancer defeats are not immediately. At the initial stage of development, they are preceded by long-term precancerous changes in the mucous tissues of the bronchi, lungs. Often, tumor formations are developing in the mucous membranes, thereby closing it clearance as the development. Breathing is gradually difficult, the flow of oxygen into the body is broken.

The first signs of the cancer of lungs and cancer affects of the respiratory tract in general is considered:

  • frequent bouts of dry cough;
  • cluster of sputum and mucus during coupling;
  • painful feelings for both day and night in the field of sternum and bronchi.

For further development Diseases, together with the emotion of sputum, blood splashes can be observed. In the case when the development of cancer is characteristic of medium bronchi, the patient's condition can deteriorate sharply due to an additional infection.

In that case, if small bronchi is amazed, then the first symptoms will be:

  • constant pain in the chest;
  • strong cough with pains;
  • minor pain in the field of lungs;
  • fast fatigue, increasing weakness and decrease in performance.

It is important that changes in the tissues at an early stage can be stopped.

This process is quite reversible if the patient does not simply reduce the number of cigarettes used per day, but will completely quit smoking.

The fact that when smoking even five cigarettes daily, the risk of cancer's disease still remains at the same level as when smoking a whole pack, should make smokers think about the real danger of a detrimental habit. In addition, inhalation of tobacco smoke when smoking affects the occurrence of 1/3 of tumors of all diagnosed tumors.

Smoking kills the body of any person, which leads to inevitable diseases or even a fatal outcome due to the developing ailments. On the question of which percentage of smokers is falling in cancer in the tissues of the lungs, a response has long been received: in the case of each second smokers, the fatal exodus was recorded due to the development of diseases provoked by tobacco addiction.

Due to the complete abandonment of smoking, it is possible to lower the risks of cancer. Active propaganda of sports, healthy and active lifestyle is able to encourage the population to refuse to revise their own habits.

In addition to this general rules There are some more recommendations:

If desired, each smoker can use the help of specialists who can not only choose an effective program to eliminate the harmful habit, but also help in the fight against dangerous addiction by special techniques and regular surveys.

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