The earlier cleaned your teeth. The earlier cleaned your teeth than cleaned teeth in the old days

What brushes our ancestors? There is an opinion that they did not follow the teeth at all, but it is not true in the root. Our ancestors tried to keep their "pieces" and "chevalky", as they could. And not because they did not want to eat soups until the end of the life. In those days, there were no dentists: simple peasants (and there were most such a majority) Patients with teeth ticks are local blacksmiths. The townspeople served the brand - their methods were not so scary, but also very dubious - for example, they could dissolve you to the dented stone ... along with the teeth. Therefore, people used various means, just not to resort to "extreme measures." The first dental diseases were described by Hippocratic, and it was he advised to follow the purity of the oral cavity. Its recommended recipe was a cleaning agent from anise powder, dill and mitra, mixed on white wine. Diokle Krista, Athenian doctor and contemporary Aristotle warned: "Every morning the gums should be wiped and the teeth with bare fingers, then rub inside and outside on the teeth of the mint to remove the remaining pieces of food." In India, the teeth cleaned a mixture of salt, honey and ash. Ash received from burning sea algae, charcoal, rosemary or bread. Some sources also mention a mixture of charcoal, gypsum, resin and plant roots. In ancient Russia, people cleaned their teeth with a simple piece of coal, most often Lipov or Berezov. The burned wood of these rocks was considered the most pure and in some way even fragrant. The only thing, coal left a black flare on the teeth, so after him it was necessary to carefully rinse the mouth. In the Middle Ages, dental elixirs appeared in Europe. They were made by Lekari and monks for rich in persons, and the recipe was kept secret. And the French surgeon Gi de Sholiac (1300-1368) spoke for compliance with the oral hygiene and recommended a soft cleaning of the teeth with a mixture of honey, linked salt and a small amount of vinegar. Under Peter the first hand, the handful of gross chalk was poured on a soft rag moistened in the water and her teeth polished. In the UK, the XVIII century appears a dental powder, which was based on a soap chips, crushed chalk and mint. This mixture for cleaning the teeth was the privilege of the highest layers of the population, was applied to enamel with a toothbrush, similar to modern. Only the brush was with a bone handle and a bunch of thick pork bristles at the end. The poor continued to use ash and charcoal applied to the finger. As for the toothbrushes, the first to invented the ancient Egyptians. It was a stick with a sharp end-toothpick on one side and a hard brush on the other. The brush, close to modern, used the ancient Chinese: they were dripping pork bristles to a stick from bamboo. In Muslim countries, Mousvak often used a wand from the Salvador tree, which grows in Africa and the Middle East. The wand was cleaned of the bark, chewed at one end, turning in this way in the similarity of the brush, and on the other end remained flat. The flat end was polished with their teeth, and the brush was used as an ordinary toothbrush. It was believed that chewing Misvak is useful for gums and teeth. And how often do you brush your teeth? Voting below!

1 Ancient toothpaste

Which compositions did not use people as a toothpaste! Each era has its own recipes and their flavors. Most often, the recipes of toothpaste were developed by clergy, because they were the treatment of people.

For example, in Ancient Egypt For the refreshment of breathing, a mixture of pushed salt, pepper, mint and colors was used. Or chewed resin with miro. Or cleaned your teeth, mixing vinegar with crushed pimples.

And how do you like this composition: the ashes burned bullish grooves, the scratched eggshell and pumice in the mixture with the world?

In the first century n. Eh Greeks and Romans as a toothpaste used blood turtles or rubbing the teeth in ashes of burned mice.
Several centuries later, Persians cleaned her teeth with a mixture of powder from deer horns, snails and gypsum shells.

2 What was brushing your teeth in Russia?

For some reason, it is believed that to Peter I, the teeth in Russia did not clean, but simply used special chopsticks that were made of oak. And to clean, they say, they became only when Peter I forced the wild boyars to purify the oral cavity with a crowded chalk.

However, ancient times in Russia for the health of the teeth chewed the remnation - a by-product of vital activity of bees, a resin of fruit trees, as well as a deepentine sulfur, which not only perfectly cleaned his teeth, but also served as a natural antiseptic. In addition, the teeth were cleaned with birch or lipovo coal and bleached the scratched eggshell.

3 How the modern paste arose

In the 19th century, the poor people in America cleaned his teeth with a dental powder. The gross chalk was added to the buror - for foaming and various extracts for respiratory refreshment. Who at least once cleaned my teeth with powder, knows: scatter it easier to lung.

In 1873, the company "Colgate" wanted to solve the problem and began to produce toothpaste in jars. But buyers counted that this is also not very convenient, and it did not go.

And only in 1892, Dentist Washington Sheffield guessed to put a toothpaste into a tube. Such a package immediately made toothpaste popular.
Up to World War II, the toothpastes contained soap, but later it was replaced by other substances. The most serious discovery was the introduction of fluorine compounds that strengthen the enamel of the teeth.

4 on the composition of the toothpaste

The main component of any toothpaste was and remains abrasive. It is he who cleans his teeth from the raid. Calcium carbonate is still added in the cheapest paste, that is, the most common crowded chalk. Mel - rough abrasive and harm enamel. Worse, it can only be an aluminum oxide.

The most modern pastes contain silicon dioxide or sodium bicarbonate - soda, which is considered to be harmless.

Another important component of pasta is an antibacterial substance. Treclosane, metrogil or chlorhexidine, which destroy microorganisms in the oral cavity are usually used. True, the useful microflora dies and useful.
When choosing a paste, pay attention to the calcium content. The fact is that calcium carbonate does not dissolve and does not affect enamel. Better if the paste is calcium gliderophosphate.

5 About fluorine - with respect

Most dental pastes contain fluorine, which, in fact, is a strong poison, but in small quantities, the enamel of the teeth is perfectly mineralized. The daily need of a person in fluorine is 2-3 mg per day. A third of the daily dose man gets with food and two thirds with water. Fluoride is contained in fish, in tea, in apples.
For the first time paste with Fluorod appeared in 1956. How does flutor? Fluorine ions are settled on the surface of the teeth and form a solid connection with calcium - fluoropatite, which is harder tooth tissue. In addition, fluorides do not give bacteria to synthesize with sugars acid that destroys enamel.

Most often in pastes use inexpensive monofluorophosphate and sodium fluoride or tin fluoride. Less often use a substance that is considered the best for enamel - aminofluoride. The presence of fluorine in the dental paste indicates that there is no chalk in it, because Fluoro and chalk are incompatible. Fluoro just falls into the sediment.
In Russia, there are regions with an excess of fluorine in water, there are fluoreforithic regions.
Moscow, Tverskaya, Tambov region, the Urals and Western Siberia are considered to be regions with increased content Fluoride in water. In the Moscow region a lot of fluorine in the water of Zelenograd, in Odintsovsky, in Krasnogorsk, in Kolomensky and in Ramensky districts. It should be remembered that in the artesian water fluorine more than in the river.

From excess fluorine on the enamel of the teeth there are cracks, chalk and pigment spots, teeth yellow. A person has a brain defeat, a decrease in immunity, the premature aging of the body and the destruction of bones occurs.
If you do not know what kind of region you live, dentists advise more often to change the toothpaste, and in the morning and in the evening to use different pastes.

6 The most expensive toothpaste

One tube of the most expensive toothpaste "Theodent" costs 100 dollars. Manufacturers believe that the unique paste makes the innovative substance "Rennou", which is made from cocoa beans and is an alternative fluoride. This substance creates a second layer of durable enamel on the teeth. In this case, the paste is absolutely safe.

7 Unusual toothpastes

Dental pastes are designed for different consumers, including children and crank. For example, in the US there is a pasta with a taste of bacon, the advertisement of which promises that as many as 6 hours from you will smell with bacon. There is a paste for real connoisseurs of alcohol - its main ingredient is Scotch or Bourbon. There is a pasta with champagne taste.

In France, there is a blood-red toothpaste, which includes the laccs, carnations and mint. In Japan, they still produce a paste with charcoal, and it is in great demand in Korea.

The Philippines released a pasta with a taste of chocolate, and in Europe and the United States there is a children's pasta with ice cream taste.

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Answer from Mikhail [Guru]
Humanity began to take care of the oral hygiene very and a long time ago. After examining the remains of the teeth, the age of which is more than 1.8 million years, the archaeologists found that small curved holes on them are nothing but the result of the impact of a primitive brush. True, she represented only a bunch of grass, which ancient people grated their teeth. Over time, the toothpicks became not just the subject of hygiene, but also the indicator of the status of its owner - in Ancient India, China, Japan made them from gold and bronze.
The most ancient pattern of the toothbrush can be called a wooden wand, twisted from one end and pointed from the other. The sharp end was used to remove food fibers, the other was raised by the teeth, while coarse wood fibers were removed from the teeth. Made such "brushes" from special wood species containing essential oils and known for their disinfectant properties. By the way, in some corners of the Earth, such "primitive briquettes" are still used - for example, in Africa, they are separated from the branches of the trees of Salvador, and in some American states the indigenous population uses White Ilma sprigs.
In order to appear more or less similar to a modern toothbrush tool, the century was required. Only in 1498 in China, they came up with a small amount of bristles of Siberian Vepry to attach to the handle from the bamboo. True, this brush was used "dry", i.e., without toothpaste or cleansing powder. The bristles chose the highest and durable - from the Vepry Ridge. Fucked a bristly head is not parallel to the handle, as we are used to, and perpendicular to it is more convenient to clean. Gradually, the Asian "novelty" began to "export" and to other countries of the world, reached the cleaning of teeth and to Russia. Already at Ivan, the Grozny bearded boyars do not, no, yes, and in the end of a stormy feather from the kaftan's pocket "Tooth broom" - a wooden wand with a bundle bundle.
Under Peter I, the brush of the royal decree was ordered to replace with a cloth and a chinful chalk. In the villages, the teeth were still rubbed by birch coal, which perfectly whiten his teeth.
A source:

Answer from Eergey Lazinsky[newcomer]
Powder was special)

Answer from Antirsi5.[active]

Answer from Metal Sayer[guru]
sand or grass .... Most likely the grass what thread

Answer from GDP GDP[active]

Answer from Grigori.[guru]
cloth with salt

Answer from Andrey B.[guru]
In general, soda.

Answer from Nina Piryugina[guru]
Soda cleansing, sulfur pine chewed (resin). They say very well acted on the gums and whiten his teeth.

Answer from Baha.[newcomer]

Answer from Ykvileta[guru]
To the toothpaste was a dental powder my relatives were told me, and the cartoons looked there about the powder spoke to the dental))) and even I don't know))) Maybe everything was for the drum))

Answer from Elena Kukushkina[guru]
Slate, sand, salt, drinking soda. They also told that there is a way to clean the teeth with a fir branch (the needles well on the gum influences)! 🙂

Answer from GOLD.[guru]
In the ancient world, brushed a dental stone in the time of stagnation-tooth powder in a round box, and now a vibration with toothpaste and dental threads.

Answer from Igor Utkin[guru]
sand and clay

Answer from ІIFRA[guru]
Cloth with chalk

Answer from Bhania Makhotkina[guru]
Primitive people cleaned her teeth with a bunch of grass. Ancient Babylonians enjoyed chewing plates, pulp - woody origin.

Answer from Anna Tolokina[guru]

Answer from Artyom Pikalov[newcomer]
previously, the teeth were cleaned ash. They took ash from the baths smeared their fingers and cleaned their teeth. Previously, they did not use toothpaste at all and in this case, people used to have strong teeth. And now some cleans the teeth ashes.

It is difficult to imagine that personal hygiene products as a toothpaste and toothbrush Sometime did not exist at all. After all, every morning, for a few minutes, we are holding a foam, cleaning and refreshing property in a company of this substance. Today I was illuminated, and I decided to explore the expanses of the Internet in order to find out more however, humanity cared for his teeth earlier and how the toothpaste came to the invention.

It turns out that a person is the only creature on the entire planet who needs to be careed for the teeth specifically. WIND TO THAT most of Synthetic products in the diet. Animals cope with the problem of healthy teeth easier - chew and bite the grass and branches of trees, apples, carrots to get rid of food residues between the teeth.

Attokov (5000-3000 BC)

Historians suggest that more primitive people in prehistoric times began to care for the oral cavity. They chewed with a resin of trees and beeswax - primitive, but cleansing. There is no reliable confirmation yet. The first written mentions about the care of the oral cavity researchers are already in ancient Egypt. As the first toothbrush, the MISIVAK (Sivak) tree) was used as the first toothbrush. It turned out a small tassel, which ancient sulfted the remains of food from interdental intervals.

In one of the ancient Egyptian manuscripts, scientists have deciphered ... the recipe for the first toothpaste (or rather, the powder for cleaning the teeth)! This includes ashes of burned internships of the bull, Mirra, crowded pumice and egg shell. For another recipe, the powder consisted of crushed incense, mirrah, sprigs of a mastic tree, an depressed raisin and a powder from a raggy horns. The first dental powders had one essential drawback - an excess of abrasive (cleaning) substances that damaged tooth enamel. So has the need for a new, safer teeth, invention.

In ancient India, with a special care, they cared for the teeth, because the Buddha himself spoke about it. As a cleaning agent used ashes of burned horns and hoofs of cattle. The remains of food and the raids were cleaned with toothpicks and special scrapers for the tongue and the inner surface of the pitch.

The ancient residents of the Mediterranean, the Romans and the Greeks, first engaged in the treatment of teeth, and Hippocrates makes the first description of the diseases of the oral cavity. To remove patients with teeth, a special lead tool was used, and the oral cavity was rinsed with sea water and wine.

Our millennium

Medieval Europe distinguished himself. Then have beautiful, pearl-white healthy teeth It was believed ... a bad tone. The aristocrats deliberately saw healthy teeth almost to the gums and were proud of toothless mouths. Healthy teeth pointed to the low origin of their owners, who, by the way, were cautious for their teeth.

XVII century. Tsar Peter І begins to bother the condition of the teeth of his own boyars. He recommends that they use toothpick, chew charcoal and chalk, wipe the teeth with a damp cloth.

XVIII century. In the UK, a dental powder appears, very similar to those familiar to us from Soviet times. It included soap chips, crushed chalk and mint. This mixture for cleaning the teeth was the privilege of the highest layers of the population, was applied to enamel with a toothbrush, similar to modern. Only the brush was with a bone handle and a bunch of thick pork bristles at the end. The poor continued to use ash and charcoal applied to the finger.

XIX century. Europeans begin to use sugar and worry about freshness of breathing. New teeth care products should not only carefully delete taxes, but also to be flavored to destroy nasty smell from mouth. For this use mint oil. At the same time, a drill (natural detergent with a foam effect) and glycerin is added in the dental powder.

Dental powder became like a pleasant taste, and well clear, but consumers did not cause much delight. All due to bulk consistency and very uncomfortable packaging. At that time, the dental powder was packaged into small paper bags - that's the inconvenience - the asking for it is easy to pick up and scatter all the contents. But there was nowhere to go - there were no other options.

In 1873, the company "COLGATE" comes to help displeased consumers. She released a liquid dental powder option to American markets - mint paste. But buyers were again not pleased - it is not very convenient to get it out of a glass jar.

And only in 1892 some Washington Sheffield (dentist by profession) makes a revolutionary invention. It is he who first creates a folding tube for toothpaste. They say, he borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist named John Rand. He used primitive tin tubes for storing paints.

Since 1896, COLGATE produces a packaged toothpaste in tubes on its own technology, and it is very soon conquering buyers in America and Europe.


In the first half of the twentieth century, the Most of the toothpaste included soap, eucalyptus oil and mint, strawberry, etc. Extracts. The chemical industry is quickly gaining momentum after the Second World War, and the soap in the toothpaste was replaced by Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Ricinoleate.

In the USSR, a dental powder remained the leader among teeth care products, and only in the 50s, a toothpaste appeared in the tubes of domestic production.

In 1956, Procuctor & Gamble produces the world's first toothpaste "CREST", which has a fluorine compounds (these contribute to the strengthening of dental enamel).

By the beginning of the XXI century, the toothpastes began to produce several dozen species, and each with their own characteristics. Some pasta restore enamel, others care for the guys, others have whitening effect ... Each consumer will find a product to taste, good, the choice is quite wide.

For me, it was the discovery that multicolored small strips on the tube are not the marking of the party. Each color denotes the ratio of synthetic compounds and natural vegetable extracts. Black color - 100% chemical compounds, blue - 80% of chemistry to 20% of the natural product, red - 50% by 50%, and green - 100% natural product.

"Who cleans the teeth in the morning, he comes to wisely ..."

From time immemorial, even the ancient people had to resort to various subwoys to remove food residues from teeth. Than just people did not clean the teeth before the appearance of the toothpaste and brush.

Humanity began to take care of the oral hygiene very and a long time ago. Conducting examination of the remains of the teeth, the age of which is more 1.8 million years, Archaeologists found that small curved holes on them are nothing but the result of the impact of a primitive brush. True, she represented only a bunch of grass, which ancient people grated their teeth. Over time, the toothpicks have become not just the subject of hygiene, but also an indicator of the status of its owner - in ancient India, China, Japan made them from gold and bronze.

Also for oral hygiene used ash, ripped into powder stones, pushed glass, wool, soaked with honey, charcoal, gypsum, plant roots, resin, cocoa grains, salt and many other exotic in sight modern man Components.

Mention of the care of teeth and relevant funds is found in written sources Ancient Egypt. According to the testimony of the ancient chroniclers, about five thousand years ago, the Egyptians achieved the pearl whiteness of the teeth using the powder from dry Ladan, Mirra, Kau, the branches of the mastic tree, the ramor's horns and raisins.

Only rubbing the teeth of the oral hygiene is recommended in the ebenis of the oral cavity, which was made by white and shiny, in one of the found manuscripts, a recipe for a certain means was described, which included the following ingredients: the ashes of the interns of the bull, Mirra, the egg shell and PEMA, Sorry, the method of application of this tool remained a mystery.

It was on the territory of Egypt that the first "civilized" toothbrushes appeared, the Egyptian progenitor of the toothbrushes was a wand with a pawing from one end and a pointed tip from the other. The sharp end was used to remove food fibers, the other was raised by the teeth, while coarse wood fibers were removed from the teeth. They made such "bres" from special wood species containing essential oils and known for their disinfectant properties.

They were used without any powders or pastes. Such "dental sticks" of about five thousand years are found in the Egyptian tombs. By the way, in some corners of the Earth, such "primitive briquettes" are still used - for example, in Africa, they are separated from the branches of the trees of Salvador, and in some American states the indigenous population uses White Ilma sprigs.

Observance of the oral hygiene was relevant not only in ancient Egypt, in India and the Chinese Empire as the cleansing compositions were used exhausted after firing of the shell, horns and hooves of animals, gypsum, as well as powdered minerals, wooden sticks were used, split at the ends in the form of brushes, Metal toothpicks and scrapers for language.

The first specifically made toothpick of gold was discovered in Sumer and dated 3000 BC. e. Ancient Assyrian medical text contained a description of the procedure for cleaning the teeth by an index finger wrapped in a cloth. Already in the second millennium BC. e. A dental powder was used, prepared from pumice with the addition of natural acids - wine vinegar or wine-acid.

The merit of further improvement directly to the toothpaste belongs to two great civilizations in the history of mankind - the ancient Greeks and Romans, because the states of the Mediterranean became the cradle of medicine.

Relatively regular practice of oral hygiene is known since Ancient Greece. The student of Aristotle Theofrast (died in 287 BC. E.) indicated that the Greeks were considered to have white teeth and often clean them. In the letters of the Greek philosopher Alzifron, who lived in the second century BC. e., there is a mention of the hygiene - toothpick during the time.

The first toothpaste recipes are 1500 BC. The famous healer Hippocrates (460-377 BC) made the first description of dental diseases and recommended using toothpastes. In the second millennium BC. e. It was already used tooth powder prepared from pembassal with the addition of natural acids into it - wine vinegar or wine-acid.

But still regular care for the oral cavity was not distributed, until Greece has become a province of Rome. Under the Roman influence of the Greeks, they learned to use such materials such as talc, pephel, gypsum, coral and corundum powder, iron rust for cleaning teeth. Diokle Krista, Athenian doctor and contemporary Aristotle warned: "Every morning the gums should be wiped and the teeth with bare fingers, then rub inside and outside on the teeth of the mint to remove the remaining pieces of food."

Antique eskulapses were the first to learn to bind together the dissected teeth and hold artificially with the help of golden wire. In ancient Rome The first lead tool to remove teeth was invented. Special attention was paid to such moments as freshness of breathing, to maintain which was recommended to use the goat milk. But the effectiveness of some of the recommendations for teeth care, such as rubbing the ashes of the burned parts of animals (mice, rabbits, wolves, bulls and goats) in gums, rinse teeth with blood turtles three times a year, carrying necklaces from wolf bone as a talisman from dental Pain, there would be big doubts today.

Hygiene in general and oral hygiene in particular occupied a significant place in the life of the Romans. Her need defended the Roman leakage of Celsius. The recipe for removing and preventing the formation of "black spots on the teeth" is preserved: brush the teeth with a mixture of crushed pink petals, tanning walnut and Mirra, after which the mouth rinse with young wine.

Powders for cleaning teeth with lots of components were widely used. In their composition as the basis of bone, egg shell, oysters shells were burned, thoroughly crushed, sometimes mixed with honey. The astringent components were Mirr, the Selith, who had simultaneously reinforcing the action on gums and teeth. The substance "Nitrum" was mentioned - probably sodium or potassium carbonate. But most of the components were added to powders from superstitious considerations or simply from the manufacturer's imagination.

Guests invited to dinner, were distributed not only spoons and knives, but also richly decorated metal toothpicks, often made of gold, which guests could even take home with them. Use the toothpick was supposed to have dishes. In the ancient Greeks and Romans, the toothpicks were made of wood, bronze, silver, gold, ivory and a goose feather in the form of thin sticks, often mounted along with a ear spoon and a nail.

The era of the early Middle Ages Brought the first certificates of professional purification of the oral cavity: Greek Pavel Eginsky (605-690) offered to remove dentities using bit or other tools. He also wrote about the need to observe the hygiene of the oral cavity, in particular the cleaning of the teeth after meals, emphasizing that different foods, sticking to the teeth, leaves a flare.

In the Arabic world
The concept of hygiene of the oral cavity introduced another Prophet Magomet (born in Mecca in 570 BC. E.), introducing it to Muslim religion. Among other requirements, the Koran involves rinking the oral cavity in front of the prayer three times (that is, 15 times a day). The Arabs cleaned their teeth on the installed ritual using Miswak - sticks from the fragrant tree with a split form of a tassel end and toothpick chital - from the stem of an umbrella plant, and from time to time rubbed their teeth and gums with pink oil, mirro, alum, honey. The twist washed in clean water about 24 hours until the fibers began to separate. The bark was removed, exposing the solid fiber, which was rather flexible and easily cleaned.

Much traditions relating to the oral hygiene are connected with the prophet Magomet. For example, removal of dental deposits in interdental spaces, the finger massage of the gums. Many of the hygiene rules proposed by Magomet exist in our time and are known from the works of Muslim thewoman of the last century Ibn-Abdin: "The teeth should be cleaned with a natural brush if: 1) they become yellow; 2) if the smell of mouth changed; 3) after you got out of bed; 4) before prayer; 5) Before the ablution. "

With religious beliefs of the oral hygiene turned out to be connected and in Hindus. The Sacred Book of Vedas contained a system of Indian medicine, called the "science of life" (materials, in them are made, belong to the first half of the Millennium).

Medical and religious beliefs turned out to be an important reason for the focusing the attention of the Hindus on their teeth. The mouth was viewed as a gate into the body, so it had to be maintained absolutely clean. Brahmins (priests) cleaned their teeth during the surveillance of the sunrise, praying at the same time and calling God to bless their families.

In ancient books, they called for adequate behavior and daily regime, paying special attention to the purity of the mouth and the need to remove dental sediments using a special tool with a flat sharpened diamond end.

Hinduses considered the barbaric use of toothbrushes from bristles of animals. Their toothbrush was made of twigs of a tree, the end of which is divided into fibers. The trees from which such rods were preparing were diverse, it was necessary only that they were sharp to taste and possessed astringent properties.

The daily ritual was not limited to cleaning teeth. After regular cleansings, the tongue scattered specially intended for this tool, and the body was rolled with aromatic oils. Finally, the mouth rinsed with a mixture of herbs and leaves. For more than two thousand years ago, Greek doctors were familiar with the Hindu herbs, eliminated the bad smell of mouth. Even Hippocrates described the cleaning agent from anise powder, dill and mitra, mixed on white wine.

The history of the development of funds for the care of the oral cavity after the fall of the Roman Empire is almost unknown up to 1000 AD., It is this period that the instructions for the care of the cavity of the mouth are dated during the excavations in Persia. These guidelines were warned against the use of too hard dental powders and recommended the use of powder from a deer horn, crumpled sinks of snails and mollusks, as well as burned gypsum. Other Persian recipes included compositions from various dried parts of animals, herbs, honey, minerals, aromatic oil, etc.

In the Middle Ages in Europe Dental elixirs were entered into fashion, which were made by Lekari and Monks, and the recipe was kept secret.

In 1363, the work of Gi de Scholiak (1300-1368) "The beginning of the art of surgical medicine" appeared, which in 1592 was translated into french And the practitioners were widely used, becoming the main work on the surgery of that time. The book paid the attention of dentiatric. The author divided the treatment of teeth into two types: universal and individual. The universal treatment of Gi de Sholiak attributed, in particular, the observance of oral hygiene. Hygiene rules numbered 6 points, one of which suggested a soft teeth cleaning with a mixture of honey, linked salt and a small amount of vinegar.

The biggest success fell to the share of the dental elixir of the fathers of the Benedictine. It was invented in 1373, but at the beginning of the twentieth century it was still sold in pharmacies.

The successor of Sholiak Giovanni to Vigo (1460-1525), the author of the treatise " Full practice In the art of surgery, "recognized that healthy teeth are beneficial to the mental and physical health of the person. To prevent the destruction of the teeth, it prescribed a mixture of pomegranate, wild oily and other rinsing plants, recommended regular removal of the tartar. The Italian doctor Chigovani Archoli (mind in 1484), widely promoted the 10 teeth care rules described by him, including after meals. In the XV century, in England, the brandobrey, those who produced surgery at the same time, was used to remove a different metal tools and solutions based on nitric acid (it is worth noting that the use of nitric acid has stopped for this purpose only in the XVIII century).

First toothbrush like modern, pork bristles, appeared in China June 28, 1497. What exactly did the Chinese invented? Composite brushwhere pork bristle was mounted from bamboo.

The bristle was pulled out of the pork feeds grown in the north of China and north - in Siberia. In the cold climate of the bristle in pigs longer and tougher. Traders brought these brushes to Europe, but the bristle seemed to the Europeans too tough. Those of Europeans who have already cleaned their teeth by this time (and there were few such), preferred softer brushes from horse-wheel hair. At times, however, other materials, such as the hair of a badger, were in fashion.

Gradually, the Asian "novelty" began to "export" and other countries of the world, reached the fashion for cleaning teeth and to Russia.

In Russia, in the XVI century, such "dental bugs", consisting of wooden sticks and pork bristles - already under Ivan Grozny, the bearded boyars do not, no, yes, and took the "Tonglab" pocket at the end of a stormy pocket - a wooden wand with bristles beam. They brought these inventions to Russia from Europe, where snowballs from horse-haired, bristles of badger, etc., were also brought in the course of pork belties.

Toothbrushes were detected during excavations in Novgorod. These are already full brushes with a bristle arrangement like a modern brush, see drawing on the right.

Under Peter I, the brush of the royal decree was ordered to replace with a cloth and a chinful chalk. In the villages, the teeth were still rubbed by birch coal, which perfectly whiten his teeth.

Residents of Japanese islands Buddhist priests acquainted with a toothbrush and a brush for cleaning the language, whose religion requires purification of teeth and language every morning before prayer.

The Japanese "Code of Samurai" prescribed all the warriors to brush his teeth after eating the shrub twigs. During the Tokugawa (EDOM) (1603-1867), the toothbrushes were made from the pruhms of the willow, separating them on thin fibers and specially processed. The brushes had a certain length and flat shape, so that could be used as a scraper for the language.

Toothbrushes for women were less size And softer to keep the black color of their teeth (staining with women's teeth in black corresponded to an ancient tradition). The polishing paste of the mixture of the Earth with salt, flavored with musk, was used on the sword moistened with a pond.

Toothpicks, similar to modern, were manufactured in Japan by hand and sold along with brushes and powders, which appeared on the market already in 1634. Colorful showcases called buyers in special stores where all items for teeth care were sold. By the beginning of the XIX century, the number of such stores has increased dramatically. Only on the street leading to the main temple of Edo, there were more than two hundred.

In Europe, the toothbrush at first became an outcast: It was believed that it was indecent to use this tool (as we remember, the ladies and gentlemen washing, too, did not consider something necessary). However, by the middle of the XVII century, the toothbrush began to conquer the position, which was facilitated by an important event.

The book was called "Small Medical Book about all types of diseases and disgraces of teeth" (Artzney Buchlein Wider Allerlei Krankeyten und Garechen der Tzeen).

She was based on the works of Galen, Avicenna and other Arab authors, consisted of 44 pages and over the next 45 years has undergone more than 15 reprints. In the book, a lot of attention was paid to the oral hygiene. Approximately 15 years later, the surgeon Walter Ruff published the first monograph on dentistry for ordinary people called " Useful advice About how to keep healthy and maintain eyes and eyesight, with further instructions regarding the preservation of freshness of the oral cavity, teeth clean and gums solid. "

The famous 16th century surgeon Ambruz Pare recommended thorough oral hygiene: remove from teeth any residues of food immediately after eating; It is necessary to remove the dental, as it acts on the teeth, like rust on iron; After removing stones from the teeth, the mouth should be ringed with alcohol or a weak solution of nitric acid. For teeth whitening, weak nitric acid solutions were most often used.

In the English sources of the XVI century, various cavity treatment facilities are described, widespread the teeth with fingers and cloth, the use of toothpicks. The toothpicks were imported from France, Spain, Portugal, considered very fashionable and were included in the list of items necessary for the queen. About respect for these subjects, hygiene shows a reverest report that in 1570 the English queen of Elizabeth received six golden toothpicks as a gift.

Professional removal of dental sediments remained the case of the Tsier. Qintio d'Amato in his published in 1632 the book "New and useful methods For all the diligent marks "noted:" It basically it happens because of the vapors rising from the stomach, as a result of which the deposits are formed on the teeth, which can be removed by coarse cloth when you wake up in the morning. Thus, it should be scared and brushing my teeth every morning, because if someone does not know about it or does not consider it important, and the teeth will change the color and cover the thick layer of stone, it will be the cause of their destruction and loss. Therefore, it is necessary that the adjacent barber remove the stones that they were talking about, a special tool intended for this purpose. "

In the XVII century, the Europeans inspired the teeth of salt, which later changed in chalk. There is a well-known surprise of the Microscope of the Dutchman A. Levenguka (1632-1723), which revealed microorganisms in their own teeth, "despite the fact that they regularly cleaned salt."

The first scientifically reasonable statement of material on the oral hygiene belongs Pierre FosharWhich in his famous work "Dentist surgeon, or treatise on teeth" criticized the resulting opinion that the cause of dental diseases are some mysterious "dental worms". He allocated 102 varieties of dental diseases, and also developed a more humane method of dental removal. The doctor was also famous for the fact that he invented insertion teeth, pin teeth, tuning caps with porcelain enamel, began to use primitive bracket systems.

So, Foshar argued that the teeth need to be cleaned necessarily, and daily. True, in his opinion, horse hair, which in Europe used for the manufacture of bristles for dental brushes, was too soft and could not qualitatively clean my teeth, and pork bristles, on the contrary, was greatly injured the enamel of teeth. Alas, to offer some optimal material for the bristles, the doctor could not - his recommendations were limited to the instruction to wipe the teeth and the sex with a natural sea sponge.

The first mention of toothbrushes in European literature refers to 1675 is it believed that the first manufacturer of the toothbrushes was the company Addis (1780) in London. She used natural bristles for these purposes. In 1840, the brushes began to produce in France and Germany.

And then I. toothpasteThe most close to modern, first appeared at the end of the 18th century in the UK. Despite the fact that the powders were made up with doctors and chemists, they often contained excessively abrasive substances that could harm teeth: brick dust, gridden porcelain and clay fragments, and also included soap. The tooth cleaning agent was sold in a ceramic vessel in two forms in the form of powder and paste. People of good prosperity had the opportunity to use a special brush to apply it, and those who were victory did it with the help of fingers. The novelty did not cause big enthusiasm, and soon in one of the journals, the recommendations of specialists appeared not to use these powders, but to brush their teeth every two weeks with the help of a stick immersed in weapon powder.

In the 19th century, most of the tooth cleaning agents remained in the form of a powder sold in special small paper bags. Now his goal consisted not only in removing the plaque, but at the same time giving the breath of freshness, for which various natural additives were mainly used, such as strawberry extract. To make these means more pleasant to taste, glycerin began to add in the dental powders.

In the 50s. Dentist John Harris offered to use for the manufacture of dental powders chalk, in which vegetable extracts or essential oils were added.

In Western Europe and Russia, dental powders are widely used on a chalk basis. The first dental powders were manufactured in pharmacies by special recipes, then their industrial production was established. The basis of these powders was chalk and magnesium carbonate. In the powders were added finely broken leaves or fruits of medicinal plants (cinnamon, sage, violets, etc.). Later, these additives were replaced by various essential oils.

From the second half of the 19th century began work on the creation of tooth pastes. The finest chalk powder was evenly distributed in the jelly-like mass. First, starch was used as a binder, from which aqueous solution Glycerin was preparing a special Kleister. Later starch replaced sodium salt organic acidstabilizing chalk suspension. In 1873 the company Colgate. I presented in the American market a flavored "liquefied" paste powder in a glass jar, but consumers did not immediately perceived the novelty due to the inconvenience of the packaging.

For some time to clean the teeth, the so-called "dental soap" was used, consisting of sound soap, chalk and fragrances ( mint oil), thoroughly mixed together. Dental soap produced in the form of pieces and plates various shapes, packed in paper or cardboard. It was convenient in use, but adversely affected the tissue of the gums.

At the end of the XIX century it became clear that for dental bristles, a revolutionary new material is needed, when the outstanding French microbiologist Louis Paster put forward the hypothesis that the cause of many dental diseases are microbes and viruses. And where are they more comfortable to multiply, as not in a humid medium of natural bristles of the toothbrush? Alternatively, dentists were offered to boil the toothbrush daily, thereby disinfecting them, but from this procedure, the bristles quickly wear out and the brush came into disrepair.

In 1892, the dentist Washington Sheffield invented Toothpaste Tube. In 1894, a tube with a pumping feed was developed, very similar to those we use today. In 1896, Mr. Colgate He began to produce toothpastes in tubes on their own technology, thanks to which the tube, and this paste received universal recognition in America and Europe, as it has not only higher hygienic and security, but also by indisputable household advantages: compactness and portability. With the introduction of packaging in a tube, a toothpaste has become a thing of essentially.

From the end of the XIX century, the world began to move on toothpastes in tubes. In most countries of the world, they entered the everybody in the 30s of the 20th century and gradually began to push out dental powders, because they had indisputable advantages - compactness, portability, plasticity, better taste properties.

Before World War II, most of the toothpaste contained soap, although it was known about his numerous side Effects. With the development of chemical technologies, soaps were gradually replaced by such modern ingredients as sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium ricinolet.

Not only the toothpastes were increasingly popular, but also tools for rinsing. They often contain chlorophyll to impart fresh green. In 1915, extracts from some trees growing in Southeast Asia, such as eucalyptus begin to introduce extracts from some trees. And also used "natural" toothpastes containing mint, strawberries and other vegetable extracts.

The development of technology made it possible to significantly expand the spectrum of the toothpaste. In addition to its main purpose - clean the teeth from the plaque and refresh the breath - they acquire therapeutic and preventive properties due to the inclusion of special additives. The first toothpaste of the extended action appeared in the early 20th century. It contained the medical and prophylactic additive - the enzyme of pepsin, which, according to the manufacturers, contributed to the bleaching of the teeth and the dissolution of the dental plaque. The most important discovery of the 20th century in the field of oral hygiene can be considered to be the introduction of fluorine compounds, which contribute to strengthening enamel.

In 1937, experts from the American Chemical Company Du Pont was The nylon is synthetic material, the appearance of which marked the beginning of a new era in the development of dental brushes. The advantages of the nylon in front of the bristle or horse hair are obvious: it is light, is strong enough, elastic, moisture resistance, has high resistance to the effects of many chemicals.

Nylon bristles sued much faster, so bacteria in it multiplied not so quickly. True, Nylon has greatly scratched the gums and teeth, but after a while du Pont managed to fix it, syntheating the "soft" nylon, which was praised the dentists in vain to their patients.

The end of the 30s of the XX century was marked by another important event in the world of oral hygiene - the first an electric toothbrush. True, attempts to create such a device have been committed for a long time. So, at the end of the XIX century, a certain Dr. Scott (George A. Scott) invented an electric brush and even patented it in the American Patent Bureau. However, unlike modern devices, the brush in the process of using the "Bila" of a person to the current. According to the inventor, electricity could have a beneficial effect on the health of the teeth.

A more humane toothbrush, operating from the electrical network, was created in 1939 in Switzerland, but to put production on the flow and began to establish sales only in 1960, when the American pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb released a toothbrush called Broxodent. It was planned that it would be used by people who have problems with petty motility, or those whose teeth are "decorated" by unknown orthopedic techniques (simply speaking, braces-systems).

In 1956, the company Proctor & Gamble. Presented the first fluorinated toothpaste with the anti-smoke action - Crest with Fluoristat. But the improvement of the prescription paste on this was not stopped. In the 70-80s, fluorinated toothpastes begin to enrich soluble calcium salts that strengthen the tissue of the teeth. And in 1987, the antibacterial component of the triclosan began to be included in the dental paste.

Without small for three quarters of the century, the USSR was delayed in the era of dental powderThe first Soviet pasta in the tube was released only in 1950. Before that, the paste was sold in tin, and later in plastic jars. True, in this package, the toothpaste appeared on the shelves of stores quite rarely, the unconditional sales leader was a dental powder, which was so firmly in the life of the Soviet person, which penetrated into the unusual direct appointment of the region. In the books on the home economy of that time you will find tips on the use of dental powder for washing windows, cleaning the canvas shoes or giving the gloss with metal dishes. The powder moved down after the fashion of the canas. Consumers enthusiastically adopted a novelty - a foam and fragrant toothpaste.

In 1961, General Electrics presented its version of an electric toothbrush intended for use by all people without exception. Unlike old models, this safer toothbrush worked not from the network, but fed from the built-in battery.

Over the next forty years, experimenting with a toothbrush did not try only lazy. Experts argue that in the period from 1963 to 2000, more than 3,000 dental brushes models were patented. What they just did not do: first, the brush was equipped with a built-in timer, then the possibility of replacing the cleaning heads, later the brushes were released, and then return rotating brushes. The bristles of the brush began to cover the gradually erasing pigment, which reminded the owner about the need to replace the brush. Then there were brushes with rounded ends of the bristles, safer for teeth and adhesion.

The development of electrical dental brushes is actively continuing and now. We did not have time to learn how to use them (in Russia these devices appeared 15 years ago), as the toothache was invented electric brush, And a little later, an ultrasonic brush appeared, which breaks the chains of bacteria even 5 mm under the gum. Recently, in Japan, they presented a brush that connects to a computer via a USB port. Where wonder technologies will lead us tomorrow - will show time ...

Well, the production of toothpastes today is also difficult processBehind who are numerous studies of scientists and practical knowledge of dentists. The number of currently existing inherries and objects of oral hygiene is enormous and steadily increases every year.

So - if you regularly care for your teeth, they will shine beauty.

And beautiful teeth is illogical to hide.

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