How to process a postoperative suture correctly. How to process stitches after surgery

Discharge from the hospital after surgery requires complete removal of stitches.

In addition, being at home, the patient must properly care for the stitches, using special ointments, creams for early wound healing.

In order to prevent negative consequences, it is worth following the recommendations of the observing doctor, if necessary, visit medical facilities for dressing.

Gradually, you can move on to self-treatment of wounds in aseptic conditions.

To join the edges laceration after the operation, modern surgeons use the most common method - suture. At the moment there are two types of them - removable and submerged.

The non-removable version is applied using a special material, which subsequently disappears by resorption.

Removable options require removal, which occurs after a certain time.

Consider on what day the postoperative suture is removed:

  1. A removable seam is made using natural or synthetic threads, as well as metal parts.

    If the threads are applied correctly, the patient will not have a question: why the seam hurts.

    The threads should be applied in such a way that the tissues heal correctly without squeezing.

  2. How are stitches removed? The doctor takes the end of the thread with his hand and pulls it up slightly.

    Meanwhile, the threads are shown, which are cut with sterile scissors, and their remains are removed with tweezers.

    Let's answer the question: is it painful to remove the threads? Most likely, the patient will not feel pain if the doctor does it carefully.

  3. Withdrawal times usually vary, but the average time set for the overlay period is 6 to 9 days. This indicator may vary depending on the complexity of the operation.
  4. To answer the question of how many days the material will be removed, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: part of the body, the nature of the wound, the characteristics of the sick person's body.

It is worth noting that the stitches on the neck and face are removed on days 4-6, on the feet and legs are removed for 10-12 days.

This difference is due to different blood circulation in different parts of the body.

How to process at home

Usually, when discharging a patient after surgery, the doctor issues prescriptions for further wound care.

Before processing the seams, consider effective methods for home use:

  1. Potassium permanganate solution - potassium permanganate. This tool can be purchased at the pharmacy, it must be diluted in a sufficient amount of warm water and lubricated with a sutured wound using cotton pads.
  2. Iodine - use this remedy in moderation to avoid excessive dryness of the epidermis. It is allowed to make a mesh on the wound every 2 days.
  3. It is recommended to treat stitches at home with brilliant green - the drug is in every pharmacy.
  4. It is allowed to smear the wound with medical alcohol.
  5. Use hydrogen peroxide or fucorcin for better healing. The latter can be inconvenient due to the bright shade.

Most popular in medical practice acquired anti-inflammatory and healing gels and creams. How to use them correctly can be found in the next section.

Important! Seams on the abdomen or back can be treated with tea tree oil, larkspur tincture, cream with the addition of calendula.

Before self-treatment of the wound, you must thoroughly wash your hands, disinfect all the instruments used, and observe the dosage.

Cream and ointment for wound healing

After discharge from the hospital, as well as after the removal of surgical stitches, it is recommended to use special ointments and creams aimed at wound healing.

Note! Ointment for suture healing should contain not only medicinal compounds, but herbal ingredients.

Many people ask the question: seroma - what is it? Seroma is the accumulation of serous fluid under the skin after plastic surgery.

Consider a selection of remedies for wound healing:

What to do if the seam is open or festering

To prevent suppuration of the sewn-up area, doctors may install drainage. It is used for 3-4 days.

Doctors install a special tube, the hole of which goes out, and an antiseptic is poured through it.

Consider what to do if the seam has come apart, as well as if it festers:

  1. The cause of the discrepancy or suppuration can be wound infection, circulatory problems, trauma to the affected area.
  2. If the seam does not heal, use reinforced formulations: Aekol, products with aloe, sea buckthorn oil.
  3. If the wound is oozing, use anti-purulent agents - synthomycin ointment, ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment.
  4. When a seam itches, it means it is healing. If the wound has spread, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

After the operation, a fistula may also appear at the site of the wound. It is a neoplasm with pus inside.

Do not joke with postoperative sutures - human health depends on the speed of their healing.

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When stabilized general condition and hospital discharge, you can handle the stitches yourself. How to treat stitches yourself after surgery at home?

The first stage of treatment is the removal of the dressing. If this is difficult, then abundantly wet it with hydrogen peroxide, then remove and assess the condition of the wound - is there any blood, swelling.

The main stage at which it is required to carefully follow the rules of asepsis and antiseptics is processing.

Use a sterile bandage to properly process the skin in the direction from the wound, at a distance of at least 2.5 cm and only then apply a bandage from a sterile bandage.

You can use a plaster to secure it, it will prevent slipping and will securely hold the bandage. Disinfecting seams at home should be every day, at the same time.

Important! Rinse the seams only with the solutions prescribed by the doctor: hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin solution.

What is seroma?

If the seam hurts and a lump appears, then these are the first symptoms of seroma.

Seroma is a complication after surgery, manifests as a lump or swelling in the suture area.

It develops due to the fact that during the operation a large volume of tissue is dissected and fluid is released around it - lymph.

With insufficient administration of analgesics and anti-edema drugs into the body, the liquid stagnates in the wound channel and it hurts the patient to touch the tissues.

And this suggests that it is time to urgently contact the attending physician or the operating surgeon.

Seroma of the postoperative suture is treated with the help of drainage or vacuum aspiration, and timely diagnosis and the correct method of treatment will exclude suppuration and other complications.

Healing and removal of stitches, on what day?

It is almost impossible to make an accurate prognosis and clearly formulate the healing time of postoperative sutures. After how many days the stitches can be removed depends on many factors.

Average, it takes 8-9 days for an uncomplicated postoperative wound to heal. After that, the removal of threads is shown if artificial material was used when sewing.

In different parts of the body, soft tissue regeneration occurs at different rates.

  1. With a cesarean section, the sutures can be removed for 10 days.
  2. With amputation - on day 12.
  3. For operations on the abdomen and organs abdominal cavity - for 7-8 days.
  4. For operations on organs chest - in 14-16 days.
  5. For face surgery - after 7 days.

If the incision site itches, then this indicates normal healing by primary tension of the wound.

Normally, after the healing of the wound edges, the threads are easy to remove, but if you ignore the timing of removal, inflammation and reddening of the scar will begin.

It is advisable to wet the seam after healingwhen the edges of the wound form into a scar. But until the stitches are removed, after water treatments wipe the scar dry.

Often, when trying to remove the stitches on their own, part of the thread remains in the wound. On examination, it is easy to see the place where the thread sticks out and goes into the soft tissue.

The consequences of such self-medication are a fistula at the seam, through which infection occurs. Pathogenic organisms freely enter the body cavity, a significant thickening of the scar is noticeable, and an unpleasant odor appears from the wound.

What to do if the seam is open?

The stitches after surgery are quite rare, this is largely due to a severe current disease, but there are other reasons:

  1. If the reason for the operation there were purulent diseases - purulent cholecystitis, peritonitis.
  2. Incorrect guidance postoperative period - early physical exercise, injury to the postoperative suture.
  3. Sutures too tight.
  4. Low muscle tone excess weight, tumors.

If in the place of the split seam you can see internal organs, subcutaneous adipose tissue, then immediate hospitalization is indicated.

If the edges of the wound have parted partially, and when pressed, serous fluid or pus oozes from it, then you can turn to the surgeon who performed the operation for help.

Important! If the edge of the wound has come apart, you should never disinfect the injury yourself!

When alcohol, iodine solution or brilliant green enters the wound cavity, tissue necrosis develops, which complicates the treatment and can lead to sepsis.

Further treatment tactics will be based on data from the results of blood tests, bacteriological culture of the contents of the wound, and diagnostics using ultrasound or CT will provide information about the state of internal organs.

Home remedies

In the postoperative period, when the patient's condition is completely stabilized and there are no complications, further care and treatment is carried out at home.

Besides aseptic care is useful for a short period of time to keep the wound uncovered.

If the place sewn up after the operation gets wet, then the treatment is better done twice a day, noting the condition of the scar.

If there is suppuration under the suture, then under the supervision of the surgeon, a wound blockade with 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution with antibiotics is indicated, and drugs that absorb pus are additionally prescribed.

If an allergy appears to any of the components of the ointment, the treatment is carried out with cleansers for sensitive skin.

Frequently prescribed postoperative agent - SilqueClenz gel. A month after healing, a resorption cream is prescribed: Mederma, Kontraktubex.

Folk remedies that promote healing and smooth scars can be used after a doctor's approval.

A simple ointment to heal scars faster: 5 gr. cream with calendula, 1 drop each of orange and rosemary oil.

The ointment gently dissolves the scar, and the oils in the composition are responsible for the gradual lightening of the scar. After six months, the place where the old scar has formed will almost equal the skin color.

If you adhere to the scheme for applying the ointment, years later, only a minor cosmetic defect will remain on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bsuture removal.

Suture drainage

Drainage is installed in the postoperative wound in order to accelerate healing by removing blood clots, lymph, and pus from it.

Procedure shown with a high risk of wound suppuration, such as preventive measure, or for treatment, if the scar is hard and red, festering.

Usually, wound drainage is indicated for a period not exceeding 3-4 days. This term is enough to cleanse the wound and heal by secondary intention.

Drains are:

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Any surgery, even the most harmless, entails traumatic damage to nearby tissues. The most important thing is to prevent the development of infection and speed up the regeneration process. The general resistance of the body and the skin itself in one way or another affect the full healing of the wound. In this article, we will talk about how stitches heal after surgery, and also look at the main factors that affect stitch healing.

How does a suture heal after surgery?

The healing of postoperative stitches consists of three main processes:

  1. Education connective tissue (collagen) fibroblasts. Fibroblast is a cell found in the middle layer of the skin. Thanks to collagen, the recovery processes are accelerated and the elimination of the tissue defect is ensured.
  2. The formation of epithelium at the site of wound damage. This creates a barrier to the passage of microorganisms.
  3. Tissue tightening is the process of reducing wound surfaces and closing the wound.

Factors Affecting Suture Healing

According to medical standards, stitches usually take seven to twelve days to heal. But big role the age of the person, his diseases and the place where the stitches are imposed also play. The process of removing stitches and healing wounds can take a long time if a person, for example, has diabetes. The healing of various medical stitches is influenced by many factors, namely:

  • Age. Young people recover much faster from surgery than older people.
  • The weight. In people who are overweight or underweight, the healing of wounds and stitches is slowed down.
  • Diet. During the recovery period, the body needs "building" material: vitamins, minerals. They are necessary during the rehabilitation period.
  • Dehydration of the body. It leads to malfunctioning of the kidneys and heart, which, in turn, increases the time of the recovery process.
  • Immunity. A malfunction of the immune system can lead to suppuration and slow healing of stitches. In case of accumulation of pus on the wound, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
  • Chronic diseases... Diabetes, all diseases associated with the disorder endocrine system, tumors, vascular diseases can cause complications after surgery.
  • Job circulatory system... Normal work blood vessels speeds up the recovery process.
  • Oxygen. Limiting oxygen access to the wound by applying a bandage will slow down the healing process. Oxygen access, like the rest nutrients, is simply necessary for quick healing.
  • The use of steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs during the first days after the surgery, slows down the recovery processes.

All these factors significantly affect the healing of postoperative sutures. In addition, for the stitches to begin to heal faster, they need proper care.

How to properly care for seams

At first (1-5 days), a nurse or doctor takes care of the sutures: changes the dressing and processes the suture. Then, if there are no complications, the surgeon can remove the dressing, having previously treated it with hydrogen peroxide.

At home, it is necessary to process the seams daily. No special skills are required for this. Remember that applying a dressing will increase the healing time of sutures because the wound gets wet under the dressing. Before removing it, you should consult your doctor.

There are a huge number of different remedies and drugs that accelerate wound recovery. Iodine and potassium permanganate are the main ones. They have been proving their effectiveness for many years.

Quite good healing properties have ointment "Contractubex". It reduces wound healing time and prevents scarring. The ointment is rubbed into the skin until it dries completely.

In addition to means for external use, there are also internal ones that need to be consumed during the postoperative period: vitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs, enzymes.

Folk remedies for suture healing

  • Tea tree oil. Treat the seam twice a day.
  • Cream with calendula extract. Lubricate the wound twice a day.
  • Blackberry syrup with echinacea. Take one teaspoon three times daily before meals. Drink for two weeks.

How quickly the suture heals after surgery is entirely up to you. But with the help of the listed recommendations, you can speed up this process. I wish you good health and a speedy recovery!

One of the important aspects of the postoperative period is proper suture care. It will not be a revelation to anyone that it is always easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Stitches entail the likelihood of scars and scars, and if you start to use something from the rich arsenal of ointments, gels or creams in a timely manner, you can avoid cosmetic defects. Our article will demonstrate the rating the best ointments for suture healing after surgery and will help you choose the most optimal option required drug in 2020

Before you start using a remedy for healing, you should consult with a dermatocosmetologist. He will indicate what kind of ointment you need to purchase, because some are of preventive value, while others can be used when scar formation has just begun. Or, you can talk to your healthcare professional.

Reasons affecting the rate of healing

Each person's postoperative sutures heal individually. There are a number of reasons that affect this:

  • Age. Over the years, the process slows down more and more, the sutures heal the fastest in young patients.
  • The weight. Excess weight will become an obstacle to early healing, and all because blood circulation is impaired.
  • Diet. Lack of fluid in the body and poor nutrition slow down the healing process.
  • Immunity. If there are any violations in the immune systemthen the healing process may be delayed.
  • Scar type. Normotrophic and atrophic scars heal better than hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Rating of the best ointments for healing stitches after surgery in 2020


When considering which company is better to buy an ointment, pay attention to the Nizhpharm brand and their well-known wound-healing agent Levomekol. The drug has antimicrobial and bactericidal effect, helps to accelerate cell regeneration. The functionality of the tool is such that it is an antibiotic and a reparant. Due to its effective healing properties, the ointment has the commendable status of "favorite surgeon's assistant". Levomekol has the ability to penetrate deeply into cells, creating a curative, therapeutic effect. In this case, the cell membranes are not damaged and retain their functional activity.

The tool is classified as a substance of little danger to humans. The ointment is used for both treatment and prophylactic purposes. The main indication for the drug is the treatment of purulent wounds, the drug is also used for burns of 2 and 3 degrees, with the occurrence of trophic ulcers and for the treatment of boils. For prevention, the agent is applied to a bandage or cotton wool and applied to the sutures, as a result of which healing is accelerated and infection is prevented. The ointment is used externally, it is applied once or twice a day, the treatment process lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Cost: about 150 rubles.



  • Accelerates cell renewal;
  • An effective remedy for deep wounds prone to suppuration;
  • Suitable for healing postoperative stitches;
  • Itching and irritation of the dermis are eliminated;
  • Budgetary.


  • Over time, bacteria develop resistance to active substance drug;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

An excellent hypoallergenic gel is Mederma, which helps smooth out scars. Its amazing functionality includes improving circulation, antibacterial effects and accelerating skin cell renewal. The product is not hormonal and can be purchased without a prescription. It is produced in tubes, in the form of a transparent gel, has a vegetable aroma.

Many buyers praise Mederma for smoothing scars and scars and returning skin to the original state. Mederma is prescribed for postoperative scars, traces of tattoo removal, the consequences of skin peels and for combating stretch marks of various origins. But you need to remember that it helps only with fresh scars, but cannot cope with old ones. The product is applied externally, rub in until completely absorbed, treatment of problem areas of the skin is needed about 4 times.

You can buy it for about 700 rubles.


  • Anti-inflammatory ointment;
  • Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;
  • Helps with acne scars;
  • Hypoallergenic.


  • Expensive;
  • There are complaints that it rolls into lumps.


The Swiss drug Solcoseryl is very popular among the Russian population, and all thanks to its effectiveness and versatility. Why not use the remedy, even as a rejuvenating elixir, but we are worried about its use for healing postoperative stitches. The functionality of Solcoseryl is such that it helps to increase collagen production and perfectly activates the process of tissue metabolism. The drug is produced in different formats: gel, ointment, dental adhesive paste and solution.

This medical product belongs to a group of products that stimulate tissue regeneration. Allowed to be applied to a wet joint. A thin and even layer is gently applied to the washed and disinfected wound. The course of use is a month. For a fresh wound, it is advisable to use a gel, if the wound has already healed with a crust, then you need to purchase an ointment. Numerous surveys regarding the drug have revealed that thanks to Solcoseryl, scars and scars have been avoided.

Cost: about 330 rubles and more.



  • Affordable price;
  • Smoothes scars;
  • Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;
  • Accelerates cell renewal;
  • Suitable for the healing of postoperative sutures.


  • The product is prohibited for sale in other countries, as there has been little research.

Ichthyol ointment

For antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions, ichthyol ointment is used. The drug has a dark brown color and a specific aroma, is available in dark cans, the volume can be 80, 800 and 1800 grams. The ointment is popular with consumers, and all thanks to a wide range therapeutic effects... The product improves skin microcirculation, dries tissue, accelerates wound healing and prevents decay. Thanks to the use of ichthyol ointment, tissue regeneration is accelerated and an accelerated restoration of its functions and structure occurs.

When applied to the skin, the drug has the ability to be absorbed locally into the local bloodstream, avoiding systemic circulation. There are many indications for use, including burns, boils, eczema, dermatitis, and wounds. The drug is used externally, it is applied 2-3 times a day to the damaged tissue in a thin layer. Do not rub in, cover with a sterile napkin on top. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Cost: from 100 rubles and more.

Ichthyol ointment


  • Budgetary;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial;
  • Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;
  • Suitable after surgery;
  • Has a bactericidal effect;
  • Relieves redness;
  • Resolves hematomas.


  • Specific smell;
  • Coloring the skin brown.

Heparin ointment

If you need an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication, then pay attention to heparin ointment. It has anticoagulant properties and prevents blood clots. Most often, this ointment is needed after hemorrhoid surgery to eliminate stitches. The functionality of heparin is such that it indirectly improves the quality of microcirculation, and due to this, hematomas and blood clots are much better absorbed. Goes to a significant reduction in tissue edema. Also, the ointment contains a substance benzocaine, aimed at blocking nerve impulses, that is, a good anesthetic effect occurs.

Pain impulses do not arise at the endings of the sensory nerves. External use, the agent is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area. The course of treatment is usually a week. There are contraindications, which include childhood up to 2 years, ulcerative necrotic processes, hypersensitivity and damage to tissue integrity. If there are purulent processes, then do not apply to open wounds.

The cost of the drug: from 62 rubles and more.

Heparin ointment


  • Budgetary;
  • Perfectly resolves hematomas;
  • Reduces tissue swelling;
  • Prevents blood clots;
  • Anti-inflammatory.


  • May cause burning and redness of the skin;
  • Can provoke allergic reactions.


Kontraktubex received a lot of positive responses. This combination drug possesses anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, keratolytic and fibrinolytic properties. It is prescribed in the presence of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and is also used as a prophylaxis for the formation of pathological scars. They can remove fresh stretch marks. Apply 2-3 times a day, rubbing into the damaged skin with gentle movements.

If the scars are fresh, the approximate course of treatment will be one month. You will have to deal with old scars, it will be necessary to apply a bandage with a remedy for 3-6 months before going to bed. There are special instructions, for example, to make the medication more effective, it is applied to steamed skin. If you are going to care for fresh scars, then try to avoid extreme cold, harsh massage, and ultraviolet radiation. The instruction gives the go-ahead for the use of the drug in children.

Cost: from 550 rubles and more.



  • Accelerates the process of cell regeneration;
  • Smoothes scars;
  • Suitable for removing fresh scars;
  • Can remove facial scars;
  • Used for prevention.


  • The price may seem high;
  • Poorly effective with old scars.


Bepanten is known, probably, to every second inhabitant of our country. The drug remarkably accelerates tissue regeneration, healing is faster and more effective. Its main characteristics include anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, as well as the normalization of cell metabolism. Indications for use include the treatment of dry tissue and prevention in case of violation of the integral cover, healing for minor injuries, care for the delicate skin of babies, use as a care agent during breastfeeding... The application is quite simple, the product is applied externally, the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is smeared 1 or 2 times a day, and rubbed a little. Unfortunately, side effects have a place to be, and they include allergic reactions.

The cost varies from 400 rubles to 1100 rubles.



  • Suitable for any age category;
  • Relieves irritation;
  • Accelerates cell renewal;
  • Healing for minor injuries;
  • Normalizes cell metabolism;
  • Helps with dry skin;
  • Aimed at maintaining healthy skin.


  • The drug is often overpriced;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

Vishnevsky ointment

Any rating of high-quality ointments for healing stitches includes the famous Vishnevsky ointment. She has wide range actions useful for the body, it includes anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunomodulating and antiseptic effects. In addition, due to the local irritating effect on the tissue, microcirculation of blood circulation is improved. Indications for use are quite an impressive list, but if a person suffers from impaired renal function, then the ointment cannot be used. It should be smeared on the seam itself or applied to a sterile bandage three times a day, after which the bandage is fixed. In case of an overdose, allergic reactions may occur. Apply the drug until the wound is completely healed.

The cost starts at 48 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment


  • Multifunctional ointment;
  • Budgetary;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Until the scar is completely eliminated;
  • Activates the metabolic process;
  • Improves blood circulation.


  • Specific smell;
  • Will not cope with old scars.

Methyluracil ointment

Another useful ointment for treating stitches after surgery is methyluracil ointment. It is characterized by regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anabolic properties. In addition, the provision of repair processes, the presence of photoprotective qualities, and the fact that active substance is an immunomodulator. The medication is used to accelerate the regeneration processes with long-healing wound or burn surfaces.

It is also often prescribed after fractures for use in the recovery period. The tool can be used for both adults and children. The list of indications for use includes the treatment of wounds and burns, photodermatosis, bedsores, furunculosis and other skin problems. There are contraindications, these include leukemia, open wounds, and an individual response to a particular component. It is applied up to 4 times a day, first the ointment is squeezed out onto a sterile bandage, after which it is applied to the damaged area.

You can purchase from 125 rubles and above.

Methyluracil ointment


  • Budgetary;
  • Suitable for treating various skin problems;
  • Can be used for kids;
  • Used to speed up regeneration;
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Has a bactericidal effect.


  • There are complaints about a greasy consistency.


Before choosing an ointment, you should consult a doctor. When starting to use the product, do not forget to treat the skin surface with an antiseptic preparation before applying, this will significantly reduce the possibility of suppuration or occurrence inflammatory process... If suddenly there is allergic reaction or you will not notice any positive dynamics after a week of use, which means you will need to consult a doctor about changing the drug.

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